İngilizce Ramazan DEMİR TEOGS Soru Bankası


İngilizce Ramazan DEMİR TEOGS Soru Bankası
Upturn in English – Test 1
6- Helen : Tell me Furkan,are you going to do
anything on Sunday?
Choose the correct answers
Furkan : …………………………………………………..
1-My close friend, Emre isn’t a hardworking
student but he never worries about his exams.
Because he is a little bit………………..…
Helen : Shall we study together on that day ?
Furkan : Why not ? It’s a great idea.
A) Harworking
B) Generous
C) Laid back
D) supportive
Helen’in Furkan’a sormuş olduğu soru
düşünüldüğünde aşağıdakilerden hangisi Furkan’ın
verebileceği cevaplardan birisi olamaz ?
A) No,not at all.
B) Nothing special.
C) That sounds awesome.
D) No, I am not.
2-Tabloya bakarak hangisini söyleyebiliriz?
ray film
Join a
7- Görseli en iyi anlatan cümle hangisidir ?
A)They like going to shopping mall
B) They like eating out together
C) They like going for a walk
D) They like watching movies
3- Eric : What kind of movie do you like watching ?
Aslı : ……………………………………………………
Eric : You mean you love crying and always wait
happy ending at the end of the film.
Aslı: Absolutely,yes.
A) Thriller are my favourite.
C) Nothing special.
B) Romances.
D) No,not at all.
4- Buse : You’re turning 14 tomorrow,Mert.
Would you like to have a party ?
Mert : ……………………………………………………
Girl : I think,Nevra
Mother : Why do you think so ?
Girl : ……………………………………………………….
A) She always lies to me.
B) I never count on her.
C) I always argue with her.
D) I get on well with her.
Tahir: Thank you,my friend.
Arda : Are you tired ?I will prepare smth for you
ıf you want ?
A) That would be great.
B) I am sorry,but I can’t
C) I’d love to but I have to go now.
D) That sounds bad.
Tahir : How nice are you. I’m hungry. Thank you.
A) Feel at home. Enjoy yourself.
B) Maybe later.
C) Let’s organise a nature walking.
D) No matter
5- Selin : Hello
Ceren: Hi Selin, ……………………………
Selin : Hi Ceren,How are you ?
Ceren : Fine,thanks.
Diyalog aşağıdakilerden hangisi ile tamamlanırsa
daha düzgün olur ?
Mehmet Akif Ortaokulu
8-Mother : Who is your best friend in the school ?
9- Arda : Heyy my buddy,welcome to my home.
Buse :So, let’s organise it.
A) Say Selin, are you busy tomorrow evening ?
B) Do you have any plan for this evening,Ceren ?
C) What type of music do you like listening ?
D) It’s Ceren calling.
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A) Metin is going to watch blue ray film.
B) Merve is going to visit relativies.
C) Sıla is going to eat out
D) Emir is going to watch blue ray film.
10- I love my best friend,Susan because we have
something in common. For example ;……………..
A) I like sci-fi movies but she dosen’t.
B) We sometimes turn into a stranger
C) We like going shopping together.
D) She likes listening to music on her own.
Upturn in English
16- Teacher : I have big suprise for you,my
students. I’d like to organise a picnic for the
afternoon. Who wants to come and join us ?
True friend qualities
I – Count on him / her
II – Always argue with him / her
Selçuk : I am not feeling well,today my teacher.
III –Have smth in common
IV – Never count on him / her
Gökhan : That would be great,sir
Doğru arkadaş niteliklerine bakıldığında hangisi ya da
hangileri dışarıda kalır ?
A) I
B) I - III
C) I - II
Zehra : Maybe later,sir.My favourite programme
is on the air.
D) II - IV
Nisa : All right. I want to come,my teacher.
12-Betty : What are you doing at the weekend?
Which students refuse the teacher’s invitation ?
Amanda : Nothing special. Why ?
Betty : Come to us and talk about our new
A) Selçuk and Gökhan
B) Zehra and Nisa
C) Gökhan and Nisa
D) Selçuk and Zehra
Amanda: Ok. You want to …………………………
17- A:Would you like to watch a movie at home?
A) visit relativies
B) just sit and chit chat
B: Yes,I’d love to .What type of movie do you like ?
C) Join a bicycle race
D) have a barbecue
A: ………………………………………………..
Ahmet : …………………My cousin is going to come
and we are going to the a late show together.
Braid : No matter !. See you at the school.
A) Don’t worry.
B) Why not ?
C) I ‘d love to but I can’t
D) All right. Where and when ?
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13- Braid : Are you busy this Saturday evening,
Ahmet? We are organizing a volleyball tournament.
Would you like to join us ?
B: Thrillers are my favorite.
A: Ok. No matter . Let’s look at my archieves.
A) Take care.
B) Not really
C) What do you have in your mind? D)So,see at home.
18.19.ve20. sorular e-mail’a bakılarak cevaplandırılacak.
Hi, Yaren
I would love to throw a tea party. It’s on Sunday 11
October. Please, bring your unique glass. It starts at 5
p.m and lasts two hours. It is at my house. You know the
address. I hope you can come.
14- Azra: I am organising a slumber party,Abby.
Would you like to come ?
Abby : …………………………..What a nice idea.
A) Sure
B) Unfortunately I can’t.
C) Maybe later
D) I am afraid, I can’t
18- Öykü is ……………………………………..
A) organising a birthday party.
B) inviting one of her close friend to the party.
C) bringing her unique glass
D) writing her address at the end of the e-mail.
15- Son : Daddy,what happens ıf my friends tell lies
to me ?
Daddy : You can’t share your secret with him.
Son : According to you, should I end my
Daddy : Of course .
19- The Tea-party is going to finish……………….
A) at 5 p.m
B) at 2.p.m
C) at 7 p.m
D) at 11 a.m
Son : ………………. Thanks dad for your advice.
aşağıdakilerden hangisi getirilemez ?
A) Not,really
B) Got it.
A) I hope all is well.
B) Love
C) Take care.
D) No,not at all.
C) Cheers !
D) See you soon.
Dörtyol - HATAY
Prepared by Ramazan Demir

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