Tempt Me Again (Harlequin Blaze #524)


Tempt Me Again (Harlequin Blaze #524)
Tempt Me Again (Harlequin Blaze #524)
by Wendy Etherington
This was a very sweet and tender story about second chances. So why did I give it such an average rating?
One word: the heroine (okay, two words)
"I tutored him in math and then threw myself at him at the end of high-school, but he rejected me and broke my
heart, even though I never told him how I felt. Now he’s back in town, a war hero, running for sheriff, and I finally
grew out of my glasses and braces and I’m quite a knockout even though I don’t know it, but there’s no chance
he’d be interested in me. So I’ll seduce him at a masked party, get him out of my system, and be on my merry way,
because there’s no chance that he’d be interested in more, and I now know I want more, because he’s rather
addicting. But so am I apparently, because he says he wants more, and the sex is incredible, and I have all these
strange feelings inside me, but there’s no chance he has the same feelings for me, because I know he’s supposed
to be with someone else, some bombshell blonde with big boobs. And though I’m a blonde and he claims he
loves my boobs just fine, I know I shouldn’t read too much into it, because he isn’t in this "relationship" for the
long haul, and eventually he’ll tire of me and break my heart, so I should push him away first to avoid getting hurt,
even though it seems I’m hurting him by pushing away. He claims to love me, but I know he doesn’t, because he
can’t love me, because he’s perfect, and he should be with someone else, because I say so, because he’s my
fantasy, and he doesn’t really love me, because I say so, and because I know him and his true feelings better than
he does…So I decide to run away to London for a few weeks to give him time to come to his senses, but I don’t
want him to come to his senses, because I like him too much, even though I know I should hate him, because he’s
accusing my brother of steeling the silver, so he couldn’t really love me, if he doesn’t believe me that my brother is
really innocent, so there you have it, I better push him away before he hurts me, but first I’ll have one more night
in his arms, and when he tells me he loves me, I’ll say I’m in it just for the sex, because he really should be with
someone else…"
in his arms, and when he tells me he loves me, I’ll say I’m in it just for the sex, because he really should be with
someone else…"
That’s the gist of it all.
Change the heroine and you have a cute, sweet, sexy, sometimes funny Harlequin Blaze story, topped by a
secondary plot about a silver thief in the middle of the close-knit island community. Engaging and nicely paced.
Pity it had such a lousy heroine, though.|Pek Harlequin bağımlısı olduğum söylenemez ama arada sırda okumaktan
hoşlanıyorum. Özellikle Blaze tam benlik oluyor. Bu sefer güzel bir seçim yapamamışım yalnız. Beni rahatsız eden
bir çok nokta vardı, hikayeye kendimi kaptıramadığım...
Öncelikle Tyler bizim erkek karakterimiz eski marine, kahraman yani kısacası mükemmel ama polislikte biraz yazvaş
olduğunu düşünüyorum. Yani Şerifliğe aday ama pek etkili değil. Ayrıca Olgunda değil. Küçükken mükemmelmiş
bir hata yapmış ve hayatının mahvolduğunu, bir ezik olduğunu düşünüyor. Orta yaş krizi desem, e adam genç
Başka hoş karşılamadığım şey kadın karakterimiz Andrea'nın bu adama aşık olduğunu bile bile kitabın en sonuna
kadar bunu diretmesi beni bunalttı.Adam aşkınıda itiraf etti, resmen koca adaya ilanı aşk etti genede kızımızı
Kitabın konusuda şöyle Bizim ufak adamızda bir grup değerli ve bir tane pek değersiz gümüş obje çalınır. Tabii bu
suçu çözmek büyüleyici bir gülüşün arkasına saklanan, yeni şerif olmaya adaylığını koyan Tyler'a düşmektedir.
Sorun şu ki Andrea ile olan ilişkisine gölge düşürecek bir olay vardır. Finn... Andrea'nın araba çalmaktan hapise
giren kardeşi, tüm deliller onu göstermektedir.
Kitapta sevdiğim nokta Andrea'nın kitabın başında Tyler'ı baştan çıkarma çabalarıydı.