
Yüksek Lisans Çalışması
Acar, J., 1971. Bazı Sebze Konservelerinin Bozulma Nedenleri İle Bozulmuş Bu
Konservelerden İzole Edilen Bakterilerin Karakteristikleri Üzerinde
Araştırmalar, İhtisas Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Ankara.
Doktora Çalışması
Acar, J., 1975, Zum Problem der Nitritbildung bei Tiefgefriergemüseprodukten unter
besonderer Berücksichtigung der Temperatur und der nitritbidender
Mikroorganismen, Doktora Tezi, Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen,
Doçentlik Çalışması
Acar, J., 1981, Bamya Konservelerinin Sterilizasyon Süresi Üzerine Bazı Önemli
Faktörlerin Etkilerine İlişkin Çalışmalar. Doçentlik Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi
Ziraat Fakültesi, Adana.
1.Acar. J., E. Ahrens 1978, Zum Problem des Nitrat- und Nitritgehaltes bei Gemüse,
insbesondere Spinat. I. Einfluss der Stickstoffdüngung und der Verarbitung zu
Gefrierspinat, Chem. Mikrobiol. Techn. der Lebensmittel, 5/6, 170-174.
2.Acar. J., E. Ahrens 1978, Zum Problem des Nitrat- und Nitritgehaltes bei Gemüse,
insbesondere Spinat. II. Einfluss einer Langzeitlagerung in der
Ladentiefkühltruhe, Chem. Mikrobiol. Tech. der Lebensmittel, 5/6, 175-178.
3.Acar. J., E. Ahrens 1978, Zum Problem des Nitrat- und Nitritgehaltes bei Gemüse,
insbesondere Spinat. III. Keimzahlen und Nitritbildung in Abhaengigkeit von
der Temperatur, Chem. Mikrobiol. Tech. der Lebensmittel, 5/6, 179-182.
4.Acar, J., H. Klaushofer, 1984, Vorkommen und Nachweis von Patulin in
handelsüblichem Tomatenmark. Ernährung, 8/6, 323-326.
5.Acar, J., B. T. Arsan, 1989, Einfluß der Herstellungstechologie und des
Ascorbinsäurezusatzes auf die Stabilität von Patulin in Fruchtsäften, (1989),
Getränke 8/43, 717-719 .
6.Aytaç, S. A. , J. Acar, 1994, Einfluß von L-Ascorbinsäure und
Schwefeldioxidzusatz auf die Stabilität von Patulin in Apfelsäften und
Pufferlösungen (The Effect of L-Ascordic Asid and Sulfur Dioxide on the
Stability of Patulin in Apple Juice and Buffer Solutions, Ernaehrung/Nutrition
Vol , 18/1.
7. Demir, N., J. Acar, 1995, Untersuchungen über die Fruchtsaftqualität in der
Türkei, Flüssiges Obst 3, 76-77.
8.Mutlu, M., V. Gökmen, J. Acar, 1995, Comparasion of Dynamic Behavior of C18
HPLC Columns by Stimulus-Response Analysis , Part I: Determination of
Peclet Numbers, Journal of Liquid Chromatography, 18 (9),1747-1955.
9.Acar, J., V. Gökmen (1995), Zur Bestimmung von Patulin in Apfelsaeften, Eine
schnelle HPLC-Methode, Flüssiges Obst, 62, 8, 368-370.
10.Uygun U., and Acar J., 1995, Effect of pH, Metallic Ions and Storage
Temperature on Colour and Pigment Content of Cornelian Cherry Nectar,
11.Gökmen,V. and J.Acar, 1996, A Simple HPLC-Method for the Determination of
total Vitamin C in Fruit and Drinks, Fruit Processing 6(5), 198-201.
12.Özdemir -Alper,N. und J.Acar, 1996, Einfuss einer Enzymbehandlung von
Milchsauren Karottensaeften auf die chemischen unn senserorischen
Eigenschaften, Fluss.Obst , 9, 521-523.
13.Gökmen,V, and Acar, J., 1996, A Study on the Possibilty of Using HPLC for
Determination of 2,4-D Tomatoes. Journal of Liquid Chrom.and Rel.
14.Mutlu,M. V. Gökmen. J.Acar , 1996, Dynamic Behaviour of C18 HPLC Colums
By Stimulus-Response Analysis, Part İİ. Determination of dispertion
coefficients via Peclet Numbers, J.Lio. Chrom.Rel.Technol.,19(19),3193-3199.
15.Acar,J., Demir,N.,1997, Rosehip-Teas-An Investigation On Some Chemical
Properties and Vitamin -C Content, Fruit Processing,11, 445-447.
16.Acar,J. (1998) Aktueller Stand der Karottensaftherstellung, Flussiges Obst, 4/98,
17.Gökmen, V.,Acar,J. (1998) Indidence of Patulin in Apple Juice Concentrates
Produced in Turkey, J.Chrom. A. ,815, 99-102.
18.Gökmen,V. Acar, J., (1998) Liquid Chromatographic Determination of bnaphtoxyacetic Acid in tomatoes, J.Chrom.A.798, 167-171.
19.Gökmen, V. and J. Acar, (1998) An investigation on the relationship between
patulin and fumaric acid in apple juice concentrates, Lebens.-Wiss. U. Technol.
31, 480-483.
20.Acar, J., V.Gökmen, E.Elden Taydaş, (1998) The effects of processing technogy
on the patulin content of juice during commercial apple juice concentrate
production Z.Lebensm.Unters Forsch A , 207,328-331.
5hydroxymethylfurfural and patulin in apple juice by reversed-phase liquid
chromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 847,69-74.
22.Acar, J., V.Gökmen. E.Elden Taydaş, (1999), An investigation into the formation
of fumaric acid in apple juice concentrates, Eur. Food Res. Technol, 209, 308312.
23.Gökmen V. and J.Acar, (1999) A multi-residue method for the determination of
synthetic auxins including 2,4-D, 4-CPA, BNOA in Tomatoes, American
Laboratory News Edition, May 1999, Vol.31, 11, 4-7.
24.Gökmen V. J.Acar, and N. Alper (1999) Change of patulin in apple juice
concentrates through processing season, Fruit Processing, 6, 194-196.
25.Acar, J., (1999) The production of cloudy apple nectar using total liquefaction
enzymes, Fruit Processing, 8, 314-317.
26.Mutlu M., K. Sarıoğlu, N. Demir, M.T. Ercan, J. Acar, (1999) The use of
commercial pectinase in fruit juice industry. Part 1: viscosimetric determination
of enzyme activity, J. of Food Engineering, 41, 147-150.
27.Gökmen V., J. Acar,(2000) Investigations on the Synthetic Auxin Residues of
Greenhouse Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) grown in Turkey, J. Food
28.Gökmen V.,N.Kahraman, J. Acar,(2000) Enzymatically validated liquid
Chromatographic method for the determination of ascorbic and dehydroascorbic
acids in fruit and vegetables, J.Chrom.A,881,309-316
29.Gökmen V., J. Acar,(2000 ) Long-term survey of patulin in apple juice
concentrates produced in Turkey,Food Ad. and Con.,17-11, 933-936.
30. K.Sarıoğlu, N. Demir, J. Acar, Mutlu M.,, (2001) The use of commercial
pectinase in fruit juice industry. Part 2 : determination of the kinetic behaviour
of immobilized commercial pectinase, J. of Food Engineering,47-4, 271-274.
31 .N. Demir, J. Acar, K.Sarıoğlu, Mutlu M.,, (2001) The use of commercial
pectinase in fruit juice industry. Part 3 :immobilized pectinase for mash
treatment, J. of Food Engineering, 47-4,275-280
32.Gökmen, V.,Artık,N., J.Acar, Kahraman,N.,Poyrazoğlu,E., (2001) Effects of
various clarification treatmens on patulin phenolic compound and orcanic acid
composition of apple juice, Eur Food Res Technol 213:194-199.
33.Gökmen,V., J.Acar,(2001) Characterization of surface auxin resudies in greehause
tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum), Journal of Food Quality, 24, 351-358
34.Acar,J., K.S.Bahceci, ( 2001) Microbiological Safety of Fresh-Squeezed Juice,
Fruit Processig, 10;410-413
35.Gökmen.V.,S.Bahçeci, J.Acar (2002) Characterization of crude lipoxygenase
extract from green pea using amodified spectrophotometric method, Eur Food
Res Technol ,215:42-45.
36.Gökmen.V.,S.Bahçeci, J.Acar (2002) Liquid Chromatographic Method for the
Determination of Chlorophylls, Carotenoids, and their derivates in fresh and
processed vegetables,
J.Lio.Chrom. and Rel.Technol., 25(8), 1201-1203
37.Bahceci,K:S, V:Gökmen, A.Serpen, J.Acar (2003) The effects of different
technologies on Alicyclobacillus acidoteresstris during apple juice production,
Eur Food Res Technol ,217:249-252.
38.Gökmen, V., J.Acar ,N. Kahraman, ( 2003) Influence of Conventional
Clarlfication on the Phenolic Composition of Apple Juice, J.Food Quality 26:3, 257266.
39.Gökmen, V., J.Acar, E.E.Taydaş. (2003) Presence and Formation of Lactic Acid
in Apple Juices, Fruit Processing ,April, 114-117.
40.Demir,N.,J. Acar, K.S.Bahçeci (2004) Effects of Storage on Quality of Carrot
Juices Produced with Lactofermentation and acidification, Eur Food Res
Technol, 218:465-468.
41.Alper,N., J.Acar (2004) Removel of phenolic compounds in pomgranate juices
using UF and Laccase-UF combination, Nahrung /Food,
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42.Gökmen V. and J.Acar (2004) Fumaric acid in Apple Juice – A potential
indicator of microbial spoilage of apples used as raw material, Food and
Contaminants ,21:7,626-631
43. Bahçeci,S.K.,A.Serpen, V.Gökmen, J.Acar (2005) Study of lipoxygenase and
peroxidase as indicator enzymes in green beans : change of enzyme activity,
ascorbic acid and chlorophylls during frozen storage. J.of Food Eng. 66,187-192
44. Alper,N., J.Acar, K.S.Bahçeci (2005) Effects of Various Ultrafiltration Treatment
on Some Quality Parameters of Pomagranate Juice, Fruit Processing, JanuaryFebruary,33-37.
45.Salıcı,E.V.Gökmen, J.Acar (2005) Evaluation of Total Antioxidant Activities of
Freshly Sequezzed and Commercial Orange Beverages as Influenced by Their
Ascorbic Acid and Total Phenolics Constituents . Fruit Processing , May-June,
46.Gökmen.V. J.Acar, K.Sarıoğlu (2005) Liquid Chromatographic Method for the
determination of Patulin in Apple Juice Using Solid-Phase Extraction, Analytica
Chimica Acta, Vol.543,1-2, 64-69.
47. Bahçeci,K.S., V.Gökmen, Jale Acar (2005) Formation of Guaiacol From Vanillin
by Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in Apple Juice: A Model Study, Eur Food Res
Technol. 220:196-199.
48. Gökmen, V., K.S. Bahçeci, A.Serpen, J.Acar (2005) Study of Lipoxygenase and
Peroxidase as Indicator Enzymes in Peas: Change of enzyme activity, ascorbic acid
and chlorophylls during frozen storage. LWT,Food Science and Technology,
Vol.38/8, 903-908.
49. Gökmen.V. H.Z. Şenyuva, J.Acar and K. Sarıoğlu (2005) Determination of
acrylamide in potato chips and crips by high-performance liquid
chromatography. J.of.Chrom.A.193-199.
50. Onsekizoğlu,P. V.Gökmen, J.Acar ( 2005 ) Degradation of beta-carotene with
the effects of light and sulfur dioxide may be responsible for the formation of
white spot in dried apricocts, Eur Food Res Technol 221:357-360
51.Bahçeci,K.S., V.Gökmen ,J.Acar (2005) Occurrence of Alicyclobacillus
acidoterrestris on Apples and in Apple Juice Concentrates and Effects of Process
Technology on A. acdoterrestris Spores in Apple Juice, Fruit Processing , 5, Sept.Oct.328-331.
52. Alper,N., S. Bahçeci, J.Acar (2005) Influence of processing and pasteurisation on
color value and total phenolic composition of pomegranate juice, J.of Food
Processing and Preservation, 29, 357-368
53. Demir,N., J.Acar, K.S.Bahceci ( 2006 ) The Effects of Different Initial
Lactobacillus plantarum Concentration on Some Properties of Fermented Carrot
Juice, J.Food Processing and Protection ,30,352-363.
54.Gökmen.V.,B.Akbudak,A.Serpen, J,Acar, Z.M.Turan, A.Eris, (2007) Effects of
Controlled Atmosphere Storage and Low-Dose Irradiation on Patato Tuber
Components Affecting Acrylamide Formation Upon Frying, Eur Food Res
Technol, (DOI:10.1007/s 00217-006-03557-2),224-681-687.
55. SERPEN, A., V. Gökmen , K.S. Bahçeci, Jale Acar,(2007), Reversible
degradation kinetics of vitamin C in peas during frozen storage, European Food
Research and Technology (DOI: 10.1007/s00217-006-0369-y), 224:749-753.
56. Bahçeci.K.S and J.Acar (2007)Determination of Guaiacol produced by
Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in Apple Juice by Using HPLC and
Spectrphotometric Methods, and Mathematical Modeling of Guaiacol
Production, Eur Food Res Technol., (DOI:10.1007/s00217-006-0495-6),
57. Gökmen,V., Ö.Çetinkaya Açar, H.Köksel ,J.Acar (2007) Effects of Dough
Formula and Baking Conditions on Acrylamid and Hydroximethlfurfural
(DOI:10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.01.008), 104(3),1136-1142.
58. Demir,N., K.S.Bahceci, J.Acar (2007 )The effect of processing method on the
characteristics of carrot juice, J.Food Quality ,30, 813-822.
59. Bahçeci.K.S and J.Acar (2007) Modeling the Combined Effects of pH,
Temperature and Ascorbic Acid Concentration on the Heat Resistance of
Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestis, J. Food Microbiology ,120,266-273.
60.Onsekizoglu, P., K.S.Bahceci, J.Acar, (2010) The use of factorial design for modeling membrane
distillation J.Membran Science, 349,225-230.
61. Onsekizoglu, P., K.S.Bahceci, J.Acar, (2010) Clarification and the concentration of apple using
membrane processes: A comperative quality assessment. J.Membran Science, Vol 352.Issues 1-2, 15
April 2010.160-165.
63. Onsekizoglu, P., Alper, N. and Acar, J. Effects of various clarification treatments
on phenolic compounds and organic acid compositions of pomegranate
(Punica granatum L.) juice, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, in
1.Acar. J., 1977, Küf Toksinlerinin Besin Maddelerinde ve Yemlerde Oluşumu ve
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2.Acar. J., 1977, Sucuk Yapımında Kullanılan Starter Kültürler, Gıda , 1, 225-229.
3.Acar. J., 1978, Meyve Konserveleri ve Sularında Bozulmalara Neden Olan Küf
Mantarları, Gıda, 1, 23-26 (Übersetzung E. Ahrens).
4.Acar. J., 1978, Nitrit Zehirlenmeleri, Çağdaş Tarım Tekniği Dergisi, 4, 5-7.
5.Acar, J., 1981, Bitkisel Besinlerin Dondurularak Saklanması. Gıda, 6/3, 19-21.
6.Acar, J., 1982, Kutu Konservelerinde Mikrobiyolojik Kalite Kontrolu. Gıda, 7/3,
7.Acar, J., 1983, Bamya Konserveleri Dolgu Suyunda Viskozite ve Bunu Etkileyen
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8.Temiz, A., J. Acar, 1984, Bitkisel Gıdalardaki Doğal Toksik Bileşikler. Gıda, 9/1,
9.Acar, J., 1985, Yemlerde Bazı Küf Toksinlerinin (Mikotoksinlerin) Oluşumu ve
Önemi. Yem Sanayii Dergisi, 47, 3-5.
10.Aşkİn, O., J. Acar, 1986, Campylobacter jejuni 'nin Özellikleri, Gıdalarla
Taşınması ve İzolasyon Yöntemleri. Gıda 11/4, 187-193.
11.Aytaç, S. A., J. Acar, 1986, Radyasyon ve Difenilli Ambalaj Kağıtlarının Soğukta
Depolanan Limonlardaki Küfler Üzerine Etkisi. H. Ü. Araştırma Fonu Proje No:
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12.Özbigin, S., J. Acar, 1988. Gıdaların İyonize Radyasyonla Muhafazasında
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13.Acar, J., B. T. Arsan, 1988, Meyve Sularında Patulin Oluşumu Üzerinde
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14.Ercan, B., J. Acar, O. Aşkın, 1989, Mikrodalgalar, Gıda Endüstrisinde Kulanım
Alanları ve Mikroorganizmaların Üzerine Etkileri. Gıda 14/3, 141-148 .
15.Acar, J., B. T. Arsan, 1989, Meyve Sularında Patulin Stabilitesi Üzerinde
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16.Kaytanlı, F. E., J. Acar, 1991, Düşük Dozda Elektron Demeti Bombardımanının
Penicillium expansum ve Aspergillus clavatus 'un Bazı Özellikleri İle Patulin
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17.Aytaç, S. A., J. Acar, 1992, Elma Suyu Üretim ve Depolanması Sırasında Kükürt
dioksit ve L-Askorbik asidin Patulin Stabilitesine Etkisi. Kükem Dergisi, 15/1,
18.Uygun, Ü., J. Acar, 1992, Kızılcık Nektarlarında Renk Değişimleri Üzerine Işık,
Depolama Sıcaklığı ve Süresinin Etkileri. Gıda, 17/4, 235-238.
20.Gökmen, V., J. Acar, 1992, Laktoferment Yöntemi ile Havuç Suyu Üretimi, Gıda,
17/6, 395-398.
21.Aytaç, S. A., J. Acar, 1993, Radyasyon ve Difenilli Ambalaj Kağıtlarının
Penicillium italicum ile Aşılanan Limonlar Üzerine Etkisi. Gıda, 18/1, 51-54.
22.Şahbaz, F., J. Acar, 1993, Dioksin ve Dioksinin Gİdalara Bulaşma Olasılıkları ,
Gıda Dergisi. 18/4, 243-245.
23.Şahbaz, F., J. Acar, 1993, Çevremizde Dioksin Kaynakları. Kimya Mühendisliği
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24.Gökmen, V., J. Acar, 1994, Domateslerde Yüksek Performans Likit
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Tayini ,Gıda Dergisi, 19/3, 201-209.
25.Acar, J., V. Gökmen, 1994, Domateste Gaz Kromatografik Yöntemle 2, 4
Diklorofenoksiasetik asit (2, 4-D) Tayini Üzerinde Araştİrmalar, Gıda Dergisi,
19/5, 333-337.
26.Acar, J., V. Gökmen 1994, CO2 Ekstraksiyonu ile Gıdaların Sterilizasyonu, Ege
Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri B, 12, 1-2, 75-80.
27.Gökmen, V., J. Acar, 1995, HPLC ile Gıdalardaki Toplam Vitamin C miktarının
Saptanması, Gıda Sanayii Dergisi, 39, 19-20.
28.Gökmen, V., J. Acar, 1995, Yüksek Basınç Teknolojisinin Gıda Endüstrisinde
Uygulamaları, Gıda Dergisi, 20, 167-172.
29.Gökmen,V. ve Acar,J.,1995 Elma sularında yüksek performans
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30 .Demir, N., J. Acar, 1995 , Ankara'da Tüketime Sunulan Bazı Meyve Sularının
Mineral Madde İçerikleri Üzerinde Bir Araştırma, Gıda Dergisi , 20(5), 305311.
31.Erdinç, B., J. Acar, 1996, Gıda Muhafazasında Modifiye Atmosfer Paketleme,
Gıda Dergisi , 21(1), 17-21.
32.Uygun, Ü. ve J.Acar., 1996, Gıdaların Muhafazasında Antimikrobiyal enzimlerin
Kullanımı, Gıda Teknolojisi Dergisi 1/7. 41-45.
33.Özdemir, N., J. Acar, 1996, Laktoferment yöntemi ile Havuç Suyu Üretiminde
Pektolitik Enzim Kullanımı, Gıda Dergisi, 21/4,231-237.
34.Acar.J.,V.Gökmen, 1996, Gıda Muhafazasında Yüksek Basınç Teknolojileri.Gıda
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35.Acar, J., N.Alper, O.Eştürk,( 1998) Total sıvılaştırma enzimi kullanılarak bulanık
elma nektarı üretimi, Gıda Teknolojisi, 3/11, 74-78.
36.Acar, J., A. Temiz., (2000) Alicyclobacillus Türleri ve Meyve Suları Açısından
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37.Bahçeci,K.S., J.Acar, (2002) Vurgulu ışık ve gıda endüstrisinde kullanılma
olanakları, Gıda Teknolojisi, 6/2,67-72.
38.Bahçeci,K.S. ve J.Acar (2003) Gıda Endüstrisinde enzim ve mikrobiyal
inaktivasyon amacıyla ultrason kullanımı, Dünya Gıda,Ekim,76-80.
39.Onsekizoğlu, P ve J.Acar (2003) İzotiyosiyanatlar ve İnsan Beslenmesindeki
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Kitaplar ve Kitap Bölümleri
1.Cemeroğlu, B., J. Acar, 1986. Meyve ve Sebze İşleme Teknolojisi. Gıda
Teknolojisi Derneği, Yayın No. 6, 508 Sayfa, Sanem Matbaası, Ankara.
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6.Acar, J. (1998), Fenolik Bileşikler ve Doğal Renk Maddeler, Bölüm.8, Gıda
Kimyası, Editör: İlbilge Saldamlı, Hacettepe Univ. Yayınları,Ankara
7.Acar,J. ve U.Uygun (1998) Doğal Toksik Maddeler ve Kontaminantlar, Bölüm 7,
Gıda Kimyası, Editör: İlbilge Saldamlı, Hacettepe Univ. Yayınları,Ankara
8.Acar, J. (1998) Mikroorganizmaların Öldürülmesi, Bölüm 3.9.Gıda
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9.Acar, J, (1998) Meyve-Sebze ve Meyve-Sebze Ürünlerinde Mikrobiyolojik
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10.J. Acar, V.Gökmen, (2000) Meyve ve Sebze Teknolojisi( Meyve ve Sebze Suyu
Üretim Teknolojisi), Cilt I, H.Ü.Müh.Fak.Yayınları, Ders Notları. No.48
11.J.Acar, V.Gökmen (2005) Meyve ve Sebze İşleme Teknolojisi, Cilt 1, Meyve ve
Sebze Suları Üretimi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, No.., 605 sayfa, Hacettepe
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12.J.Acar, V.Gökmen, Ferhunde Us (2006) Meyve ve Sebze İşleme Teknolojisi,
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4.Pasin, G, J. Acar, 1985, Kilin Gıda Endüstrisinde Kullanım Alanları. II. Ulusal Kil
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5.Acar, J. ve B. T. Arsan, 1988, Meyve Sularında Patulin Stabilitesi Üzerinde C
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9.Acar, J., 1993, Patulin in Fruchtsaeften, Hugarojuice'93, 21st International Fruit
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10.Acar, J., V. Gökmen, 1994, Schnelle Methode zur Bestimmung von Patulin in
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11.Acar, J., 1994, Mykotoxinbelastung von Lebensmittel in der Türkei, Festvortrag
in eigener Sache Prof. Dr. E. Ahrens, Inst. für Mikrobiologie der Justus-LiebigUniversität Gießen, 20.Mai.1994,Giessen-Deutscland.
12.Gökmen, V., J. Acar, 1995, Rapid Reversed Phase Liquid Chromatographic
Determination of Patİulin in Apple Juices, HPLC`95: 19th International
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13.Gökmen, V., J. Acar, 1995, Determination of total Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid in
Foods Using HPLC, Euro Food Chem VII, September 18-20, 1995, Vienna,
14.Acar,J.,V. Gökmen, 1995, Gas-chromatographische Bestimmung von
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Universitaetpartnerschaften im Agrarbereich, 12- 17 September 1995, Ankara.
15.Gökmen, V., J. Acar, 1995, Domateste Kalıntı 2,4-Diklorofenoksiasetik asit (2,4D) Tayini, II. Gıda Mühendisliği Ulusal Sempozyumu, 1993-1994
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16.Özdemir, N., J. Acar, 1995, Laktoferment Yöntemi Uygulanan Havuç Sularında
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17. J. Acar, Özdemir, N., 1996, Herstellung von Milchsauren Karottensaften mit
Enzymatischer Verflüssigung (Production of Fermented Carrot Juices with
Enzymatic liquefaction), IFU-Kongress, 20-24.Mai.1996, Interlaken, Schweiz.
18.Demir, N., J. Acar, 1996, Kuşburnu Ürünlerinin Bazı Mineral Madde ve C
Vitamini İçeriklerinin Saptanması, Kuşburnu Sempozyumu, 5-6 Eylül 1996,
19. Gökmen, V. and J.Acar. 1997,Relationship between the morphological
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tomatoesDuutsch-Türkische Agrarforschung, 5.Symposium vom 29.Sep4.Okt.1997, Antalya, Türkei.
20.Alper,N. and J. Acar, 1999, Analysis of Phenolic Compounds of Pomagranate
Juice Using Hich Performance Liquid Chromatography, 23rd. Int. sym.on High
Performance Liquid Phase Seperations and Related Tech. HPLC,99, May 30June 4, 1999,Spain.
21.Gökmen, V., N. Kahraman, J. Acar, 1999, Improvements in the analyses of total
vitamin C (ascorbic and dehdyroascorbic acid) in fruits and vegetables, EURO
FOOD CHEM X ,September 18-20, 1999, Budapest,Hungary
22.Alper, N., I.H. Boyacı, J. Acar, M.Mutlu, 1999, A new method for determination
of D-Glucose in fruits and vegetables, 13th Forum For Applied Biotechnology
(FAB), September 22-23, 1999, Gent, Belgium..
23.Demir, N., J. Acar, 1999, Use of immobilized commercial pectinase for carrot
juice production: determination of the activity and reusebility, 13th Forum For
Applied Biotechnology (FAB), September 22-23, 1999, Gent, Beigium..
24.Demir, N., Z. Borneman, J. Acar, H. Nijhuis, 1999, Using home-made PES/PVP
membranes for selectively removing phenolic substances from the model
system, EURO FOOD CHEM X ,September 18-20, 1999, Budapest,Hungary.
25.Alper,N, J.Acar, 2000, Influence of Processing and Pasteurisation on Phenolic
Compounds of Pomegranate Juice, +th Int.Con.on Agro and Food Physics, May 1620,Istanbul-Turkey.
26.Gökmen,V.,S.Bahceci, A.Serpen, J.Acar (2002) Determination of lipoxygenase
activity of some vegetables using a modified spectrometric method, 3.rd Aegean
Anal.Chem.Days,29Sept.-3 Oc.2002,Lesvos, Greece
27.Bahceci,K.S.,V,Gökmen, A.Serpen., J.Acar (2002) Dondurularak muhafaza edilen
bazı sebzelerin haşlama kriterlerinin belirlenmesi, Böl.I :Bezelye, yeşil fasulye ve
havuc peroksidaz ve lipoksigenaz enzimlerinin termal inaktivasyon kosullarının
belrlenmesi , Böl.II: Depolama boyunca bezelye yeşil fasulye ve havucların askokbik
asit ve pigment içeriklerinde meydana gelen degişimler,IV Sebze Tarımı Semp. 17-20
Eylül 2002, Bursa.
28. K.S.Bahçeci, V.Gökmen, A.Serpen, J.Acar (2003) Meyve Suyu Endüstrisinde
Yeni Bir Problem: Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. 1.Ulusal Gıda ve Beslenme
Sempozyumu, 29 Eylül-1.Ekim 2003, Istanbul.
29.V.Gökmen,H. Şenyuva, J. Acar, K. Sarıoğlu (2004) Determination of Acrylamide
in Patato Chips by High-Performans Liquid Chromatography: Improved Retention by
Hydrophilic Interaction, 25.International Symposium on Chromatography, 4-8
October,2004, Paris, France.(ISC04)
30. V.Gökmen, J.Acar, K.Sarıoğlu (2004) Liquid Chromatographic Method for the
Determination of Patulin in Apple Juice Using Solid-Phase Extraction,
25.International Symposium on Chromatography, 4-8 October,2004, Paris,
Controlled Atmosphere storage and Low-Dose Irradiation on Patoto Tuber
Components Affecting Acrylamid Formation Upon Frying, Euro Food Chem XIII,
September 21-23, 2005, Hamburg,Germany.
32.Bahçeçi,K.S. Gökmen,V. Acar,J.(2005) Investigations on the formation of
guaiacol by Alicyclobacillus in model apple juice system. Euro Food Chem XIII,
September 21-23, 2005, Hamburg,Germany.
33.Bahçeci, K.S.,Zencir,Y. Acar, J. (2006) Colorimetric Determination of Guaiacol
Produced by Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in Orange Juice. IUFost 17-21
Semtember 2006 ,Nantes, France.
33.ONSEKIZOGLU, P., Bahceci, S., Acar, J. “The Evaluation of Full Factorial
Design for the Concentration of Apple Juice by Osmotic Membrane Distillation
Process” Second SAFE Consortium International Congree on Food Safety, Girona,
Spain, 27-29 Nisan 2009 (poster )
34. ONSEKIZOĞLU, P., Gökmen, V., Acar, J. “Kuru Kayısılarda Akçil Sorunu:
Oluşum şekli ve Mekanizmasına Kinetik bir Yaklaşım”, II. Geleneksel Gıdalar
Sempozyumu, Van, 27-29 Mayıs 2009 (poster )
35.ONSEKIZOGLU, P., Gokmen, V., Acar, J. “In Depth Mechanistic Study on the
Formation of White Spots in Dried Apricots”, EuroFoodChem XV, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 5-8 Temmuz 2009 (Oral presentation)

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