Retrospective Document 2 - METU Ceng Demo Day 2016


Retrospective Document 2 - METU Ceng Demo Day 2016
Sprint Evaluation
What is the progress of your project in this sprint? What goals are achieved? What problems are overcome?
If you are updating your plans what are your justifications?
In this sprint, we moved our project from local server to Apache server with Digital Ocean. Our project is
working on with a static IP address. We had some difficulties while installing Apache server with local host,
but we eliminated them by using Digital Ocean. Our goals were implementing profile page and main feed
page both for Android and Web application. Implementations of those pages were partially successful. We
created the pages with basic interfaces, however we have some problems with updating feed dynamically
from database.
In addition, we created a survey to get real data from people and , published it on Cow. We will use these
data for our recommendation system.
Team evaluation
How well your is team working together? How many meetings did you hold? Are you planning any changes
in your cooperation strategy? Which work is completed by which member (in a Gannt chart)?
The more our project improves, the more we communicate with each other. Still we are meeting
regularly after each meeting with our project leader in order to talk about work sharing and what we
have to do in that week. We also met a day before meeting with our project leader to talk about what
we've done in that week. In this sprint, we had 4 meetings with our project leader and around 10
meetings with each other. We also met with our supervisor this week and arranged regular weekly
meeting time. Because of some difficulties we shared some of our tasks or changed our workload
with each other. We are not planning to change our cooperation style.
Assigned Member
Installation Apache server and Digital Ocean
Implementation of profile page for Android
Recommendation system with Python
Communication between profile web page and
Integration of common service for android and
Implementation of profile page interface for
web with Bootstrap
Creating database tables
Implementation of feed page interface for web
with Bootstrap
Implementation of feed page for Android
Başak Kalfa
Mustafa Nacar
Esma Göksal
Zeynep Şengil
Zeynep Şengil, Mustafa
Başak Kalfa, Esma Göksal
Zeynep Şengil
Esma Göksal
Mustafa Nacar
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Integration of HTML and Django
Implementation of post functionality and
updating database dynamically for Android
Updating feed page dynamically from database
for web
Başak Kalfa
Mustafa Nacar
Zeynep Şengil
Implementation of communication between
database and HTML
Implementation of post functionality for web
Esma Göksal
Başak Kalfa
Backlog Updates
What are your backlog updates?
In this sprint, we planned to finish main functions of feed and profile pages. We are able to get data from
database and show them in feed, also we are able to send a post and send the information to database.
However, it is not working entirely appropriate, there are bugs that we need to fix. We will fix them in next
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