Hello from the English Department!


Hello from the English Department!
Istek Kemal Atatürk Kindergarten
5 years English Language Newsletter
13 January 2012
Hello from the English Department!
Our teachers are very proud of how well all the students did on portfolio
Well done everyone!
This week in our Oxford Reading Tree course we read the book “Fun at the Beach”. We
enjoyed talking about summer and things we do in the summer holidays at the beach.
We did a really fun beach “Listen and Colour” activity.
Our new words were swimming suit, sunglasses, sun cream, beach chair, beach ball, spade,
bucket and sandcastle.
We sang the song Mr. Sun
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on me.
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Hiding behind a tree.
These little children are asking you. To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh Mr. Sun. Sun. Mr. golden sun. Please shine down on me.
sun lotion
beach chair
beach ball
bucket and spade
Sand castle
Bu hafta Oxford Reading dersinde “Fun at the Beach” adlı kitabı okuduk.Yaz tatili hakkında
konuştuk. “Dinle ve Boya” etkinliği yaparken çok eğlendik.
Yeni kelimelerimiz: Suit, sunglasses, sun cream, beach chair, beach ball, spade, bucket and
sandcastle -mayo, güneş gözlüğü, güneş losyonu, şezlong, plaj topu, kürek, kova ve kumdan
“Mr Sun “ şarkısını öğrendık.
We spent the week finishing up our Cheeky Monkey 2 books and reviewing all the material we
covered throughout this year.
We have also started reviewing our
shapes and patterns and have had a
lot of fun using them in conversation.
Our song was about the star shape :
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Cheeky Monkey 2 kitabını bitirdik. Bu yıl boyunca kullandığımız tüm materyallari, konuları
gözden geçirdik. Ayrıca şekiller ve desenler konularını tekrar ettik. Yıldız şekli ile ilgili olan
şarkımızı söyledik.
Porfolyodaki performanslarınızla gurur duyuyoruz.
Hepinizi tebrik ederiz.

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ÖZEL CANKU ANAOKULU KASIM AYI İNGİLİZCE BÜLTENİ Point to the red pencil (kırmızı kalemi göster) This is a blue table (bu mavi bir masadır.) Color the fish orange ,( balığı turuncu renge boya) Show me pink ( bana pembe rengi göster)


Hello from the English Department!

Hello from the English Department! Istek Kemal Atatürk Kindergarten 5 years English Language Newsletter 13 January 2012
