f~,Z. •F - bureau SLA


f~,Z. •F - bureau SLA
058 TASARIM 223
Nooderparkbar is a project in which
rcsidents and even architects join the
nianufacturing and inipicinentation
processes active1y~ 1)esigned 1w the
corporation of Bureau SLA and
Overtreders Noodcrparkbai~ serves
as an enjoyable space 1w meeting
people with its coffee excuse at
TASARIM 223 059
All the materials needed for the design
are met by those two companies and volunteers.
These voluntary works are done via internet and
personal announcements. The materials are also
carried to the construction site by a voluntary group.
The materialsof the cafeteria are provided from a
temporary-built hospital. The design formed by the
materials on the façade, is designed to provide the
angular transmission of the Light. The wooden ma
terial used on the façade is burned by the old Japan
technique “shou sugi ban’. At the end a café that
shows itself with the elegant design and in which
people have a good time, is constructed.
The architects and the designers not only designed
this cafe but aLso they pioneered for the financing
supports for the project. They played an important
role to carry out the project at a bad time of a finan
cial crisis in the private building sector.
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Tasarim için gerekli olan tüm malze
meler, projesi gerçekle~tirefl tasarim ekibi ve
gönüllü çali~malar sonucu kar~ilandi. Bu gönü[lü
çal4malar, internet üzerinden ve ki~isel duyuru
lardan gerçekle~tirildi. Malzemeler ayni zaman
da, yaplm alanina gönüllü bir grup tarafindan
Geçici olarak yapilan bir hastaneden temin edilen
malzemelerin cephede olu~turdu~u tasarim, iii
~in içeriye açi[i giri~ini sa~layacak ~ekilde tasar
landi. Cephede kullanilan ah~ap malzeme, “shou
sugi ban” denilen eski Japon tekni~iyle yakildi.
Sonuçta parkin ortasinda kendini ~ik tasarimiyla
gösteren, nsanlarin keyifle vakit geçirdikleri bir
kafe in~a edildi.
Mimarlar ve tasarimcilar sadece bu kafeYi taSa~
lamakla kalmadi, ayni zamanda projeyi yapmak
için finansman desteklerin sa~lanmaslfla da ÖflCU
oldular. Özellikte yapi sektöründe ekonomik kr’~
zin ya~andi~i ~u son günlerde projenin gerÇe~
le~tirilmesinde de aktif rot oynadilar.
~! ii
MImarj~r Archjtects: Bureau SLA & Overtreders
Lokasyon Location: Amsterdam, HoLlanda The
Netherlands Proje Ekibi Project Team: Peter van
Assche, Rejnder Bakker, Hester van Dijk, Mathijs
Cremers, Jorrit Vijn, Sara Postkart, Ronna Gard
fler, Jiri Masek, Ninja Zurheide, Monique Philippo,
giflilLOLer ve Marktp1a~ts’in yakLa~ik 80 çaLi~ani
Votoflteers and about80 employees of Marktplaats
Yapi MühendIstI~j StructuraL.Engineering: Pen
Sera, Amsterdam MüteahhltLer Buitders: Burèau
SLA, Overtreders w & JorritVijn Finansman Fi
flafloing: Ymere (konut kurumu. housing corpora
bon), e-Bay (99 ba~i~ 99donations) Proje Atani
Proj~ Area: ~I~) m2 Proje Tarihi Project Vear:
2012 Foto~rafLar Photographâ: Jeroen Musch &
Shinji Ot~ij
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OpIfl tilt.
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