eavesdrops - Nocookie.net


eavesdrops - Nocookie.net
Lolipop Man: A person who helps the children to cross the road, especially
primary school students.
Tata: Good bye.
Morning: Good morning (İngilizler sadece böyle diyordu)
Top up (one's mobile phone): to load credit for one's sim card.
Cheers: Thank you, good bye.
A second on the lips, a lifetime on the hips: Everything you eat will turn as
weight for you (Yediğin her şey sana kilo olarak dönecektir.)
I am so hungry that I could eat a horse/my right arm: I am very hungry.
Quayside: An area by the river where boats can stop.(Nehir kenarında
kayıkların yanaşıp kalabildiği alan)
To lose your marbles: to lose your mind(aklını kaçırmak)
To sleep like log/baby: sleep well
To sleep soundly: sleep well
I have a frog in my throat: I have a problem with my throat(coughing
Dummy: somebody who is stupid
Patrol: There are policemen controlling/checking that area.(O civarda devriye
gezen polis ekibi var)
Help yourself: You can eat or drink whatever you want and as much as you
want. (Buyurunuz, çekinmeyiniz. Ne istiyorsanız ve ne kadar arzu ediyorsanız
The world is your oyster: You can do what you want(like after graduation
from university)
He was offered a golden parachute: Red edemeyeceği bir teklif sunuldu.
He was given a golden handshake: Red edemeyeceği bir teklif sunuldu.
İngilizce Öğretmeni
Excuse my fingers: I am sorry for using my fingers but they are clean. (Bir
şeyleri elle alıp yediğinizde söyleniyor)
Natura calls: I need to go to the toilet. (Samimi ortamlarda)
Hosepipe ban: You are not allowed to water your garden because of lack of
You have made my day: You made me happy.
Never say never/die: Everything is possible.
You are a clever spark/dick: You too clever. (Sivri zekalısın)
A pinch and a punch for its the first of the moth: This is done when it is
the first day of a month.(Her ayın 1'nde İngilizler, özellikle çocuklar birbirlerini
çimdikleyip böyle diyorlar.)
My eyes are bigger than my tummy: I have eaten too much.
A watched pot/kettle doesn't boil: If you wait for something to happen, it
looks like it takes a lon time.
Smart: well-dressed, clever
April Fools' Day: 1 Nisan şakası ( Şaka yapan birisine aklımızda oluğunu
söylemek için "Happy April Fools' Day" diyoruz.)
Are you pulling my leg?: Are you joking?
Are you taking the mickey?: Are you joking?
Keep your fingers crossed!/Touch the wood!: A positive wish(İngilizlerin
batıl inançları çoktur. Mesela: Evin içinde şemsiye açmak uğursuzlukmuş. Kara
kedi de şans getiriyormuş.)
Enjoy your meal!/Bon appetite!: Afiyet olsun
Power cut: no electricity
Not on your nelly: You have no chance (elinde değil)
Off licence: Alcoholic drinks are sold here
Full of beans: Full of energy
teetotal: A person who doesn't drink alcohol
İngilizce Öğretmeni
non-smoker: a person who doesn't smoke
I caught the bus by the skin of my teeth: I just caught the bus(Otobüse
zar zor yetiştim.)
A quack: A slang word used for doctors who doesn't have respect. (argo bir
To kip/to nap: To have a short sleep
To have a lie in: To have a long sleep
To hit the sack: To go to bed/sleep
Don't afraid of a dog, afraid of children: Köpeklerden değil, çocuklardan
Football strip: futball fanatik kıyafeti
Free cash: a cash point(para çekme yeri. ATM)
Don't put all your eyes in one basket!: Varını yoğunu riske atma!,
Sermayeyi kediye yükleme
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush: En kötü karar kararsızlıktan
iyidir, Eldeki serçe damdaki güvercinden iyidir, Bugünün tavuğu yarının
kazından iyidir.
Those who live greenhouses shouldn't throw stones: Don't do things that
you don't want others to do for you.(Sana yapılmasını istemediğin bir şeyi
başkasına yapma)
I have given it a wide berth: I will not go to or join
Too many cooks spoil the broth:Nerede çokluk orada.......... /Horozu çok
olan köyde sabah geç olur.
Many hands make light work: Birlikten kuvvet doğar. Bir elin nesi var, iki
elin sesi var.
That piece has your name on it: Eat it, you can not leave it.(Yemeğin
kalanını bitir, sünnetle)
Money doesn't grow on trees: Be careful about spending money. Money is
not easy to earn. (Para sokaktan toplanmıyor)
İngilizce Öğretmeni
Another one bites the dust: Someone leaves, dies or something has gone.
(Küfür ve argo ifade)
Jolly good: Very good
Pat down: to search(body search)
Like a lamb to the slaughter: Somebody is helpless.(Çaresiz kişilere denir)
Brass monkeys: Very cold weather
My teeth are chattering: Dişlerim gıcırdıyor
Bog of: Buy one and get one free.(Bir alana bir bedava)
Bog off!: Get away! (argo)
Seedless grapes: çekirdeksiz üzüm
Hen/stag party: İngiliz erkeklerin bekarlığa veda partisi
Hobson's choice: not having the choice you want. Not your choice.
Warehouse: stock(depo)
Ladbrokes: Gambling for horses
JMO Free: Katkısız yiyecek
An army marches on its stomach: Bir erkeğin kalbine giden yol midesinden
Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite: Sleep lovely, sleep peacefully
Sunny spells: sometimes sunny and sometimes cloudy(parçalı bulutlu)
To have a barney/row: An argument
A bevvy: alcoholic drink
Beverage: a drink
Wear your heart on your sleeve: To be very open or to fall in love easily(şıp
See you later, alligator!: Görüşürüz(daha çok çocuklar kullanıyor)
İngilizce Öğretmeni