
Latvijas Republikas valdibas
AzerbaidZ,iinasRepublikas valdlbas
par sadarblbujaunatnes un sporta jomd
Latvijas Republikas valdrba un Azerbaid1dnasRepublikas valdrba, turpmak teksta Puses,
veloties stiprinat saiknes un attTstTttradicionali draudzrgasattiecrbas starp abu valstu
apzinoties, ka cieSas attiecrbas un sadarbrbajaunatnes un sporta joma stiprinas
savstarpejosapratnistarpLatvijas Republikasun AzerbaidZdnas
ir vienoju5aspar turpmako:
Puses veicina attiecTbu attrst-rbustarp to valstTs eso5ajdm jaunatnes un sporta
Pusessekmeotras Pusessporta organizacljudahbu sporta pasdkumos.
Puses veicina savstarpejo attiecTbuun sadarbTbasattrstrbu ar zemak norAdltaiiem
- nodroSinotatbilsto5usapstaklustiesai sadarbrbai,savstarp€jdmattiecrbdmun apmaiqai
starp instit[cijam, organizacijam un fiziskajdm personam, kuru darblba ir saistTtaar
jaunatnesun sportapolitiku;
- sniedzot palTdzrbudivpusejo jaunatnes un sporta pasakumu organizesanaLatvijas
RepubIikas teritorij a un Azerbai dZilnasRepublikas teritorij a.
Pusesveicina un atvieglo sadarbrbustarp petnieclbasorganizacijdm un centriem, tostarp
veic savstarpejuinformdcijasapmailrusaska$aar hguma noteikumiem.
PusessekmejaunieSu un bernu brTvalaika organizOsanu,
kd an skolenu un studentu
grupu apmai4uvasarasbrrvdiends.
Puses veicina sadarbrbu tadas jomas ka augstu sasniegumu sports, sports visiem,
jaunatnessportsun sports cilvekiem ar invaliditati un sporta bazes.
Puses apmainas ar iellgumiem, lai piedalrtos festivalos, konferences, simpozijos,
izstadesun citos hdzrgospasdkumos.
Lai nodro5inatuatbilsto5uinformaciju par sporta attrstrbusavdsvalstls, Pusesveicina
pieredzesapmai4ustarpsportaspecialistiem,treneriemun citiem ekspertiem.
Lai sekmetu delegaciju, komandu, treneru un ekspertu apmai4u, Puses veicina tie5u
sadarbibustarp sporta un jaunatnesorganizacijam.
Lai tstenotu5o hgumu, ik gadu Pusesrzstradaizpildprogrammu.
I l.pants
Pusesveicina informacijas apmai4upar sporta un jaunatnespolitiku, programmamun
Domstarprbas,kas radu5asPuSustarpa par 5r Lrguma interpretScijuun piemEro5anu,
tiek atrisinataskonsultaciju un parrunu ce!a.
Sis Lrgums var tikt papildinats un groz-rts,Pusdm savstarpeji vienojoties. Saai
papildindjumi un grozr.jumi tiek noformeti atsevi5\u protokolu veidd, kas veido 5r
Lrguma neat$emamu sastavdafuun stajas spekd saska4a ar 5r Lrguma l4.panta
Llgums ir noslegtsuz piecu (5) gadu periodu un stajasspekadiena, kad sa4emtsPuSu
pEdEjaisrakstiskais pazi4ojums pa diplomatiskajiem kandliem, kas apstiprina,ka ir
izpild-rtasto iek5EjasprocedDras,kas nepiecie5amas,
lai SisLrgums statosspeka.
Ja neviena no PusOmvismaz se5us(6) mdneSuspirms iepriek5 min€ta laika perioda
beig6m ar diplomatisko kandlu starpniecrburakstiski nepazi4o otrai Pusei par tas velmi
izbeigt Si Llguma darbrbu, L-rgums tiek automatiski pagarinats uz piecu (5) gadu
ParakstTts Baku 2009. gada 10. augusE divos origindleksemplaros latvie5u,
azerbaid1anuun anglu valodd, visi teksti ir vienhdz autentiski. Lrguma atS[<irrgas
interpretacijasgadr.iumanoteico5aisir tekstsanglu valoda.
AzerbaidZinas Republikas
I l""U*us
Latviya RespublikasrHiikumati ve
Azarbaycan RespublikasrHiikumati arasrnda
gencler va idman sahasindaamekdaghqhaqqrnda
Bundan son.ra<Terefler> adlandrnlacaqLatviya RespublikasrHcikumeti ve Azerbaycan
har iki ddvletin xalqlan arasrndaalaqelerin mdhkemlandirilmasiva enonavi dostluq
mi.inasibatlerinininkigaf etdirilmesi arzusunurehbartutaraq,
genclar siyaseti ve idman sahalarinde slx alaqalerin ve emekdaqh[rn Latviya
Respublikasrnrnve Azerbaycan Respublikasrnrngenc nasilleri arasrnda qargrhqh
kcimekedeceyineemin olaraq,
a;alrdakrlar bareder azil.r$ageldilar:
Madde I
Tarefler drjvletlerinde fealiyyet gdstaren gencler ve idman tegkilatlarr arasrnda
alaqelerininkigaf etdirilmasinetohfe verecskler.
Madda 2
Tarefler idman teqkilatlarrrun idman tadbirlerinde iptirakrna kdmek edecekler.
Madde 3
Tarefler elaqelerin va amakdagh[rn inkigaf etdirilmesini aqa[rdakr vasitalerle tegviq
gencler ve idman siyaseti sahelerindafealiyyet gostaren orqanlar, tegkilatlar ve
hamginin fiziki gaxslar arasrndabirbaqa amakdaghprn,elaqelerin qurulmasl ve
mtibadilelerinheyatakegirilmesitigiin alveriqli geraityaradrlmasr;
Latviya Respublikasrva AzerbaycanRespublikasrerazisindaikiterefli gencler va
idman tedbirlsrininkecirilmesinakomek eosterilmesi.
Madde 4
Terefler, bu Sazigin miiddealannda nazardetutulmuq qargrhqh melurnat mtibadilosi de
daxil olmaqla,tedqiqattegkilatlan va merkezleriarasmdaemekdaghlrtegviq edecekve
buna geraity aradacaqlar.
Madde 5
Toreflar yay tetili zamanrganclerin, uqaqlarrnasudevaxtlanrun tegkiline ve maktebli ve
telaba qruplanrun miibadilesina geraity ar adacaqlar.
Madde 6
Teraflar ytiksak seviyyeli idman, kiitlevi idman, ganclar idmant, fiziki imkanlart
mehdud olan insanlar iigtn idman ve idman qur[ularr sahelerindeemekdaghlr tegviq
Madde 7
Terefler festival, konfrans, simpozium, seminar, miisabiqe, sargi ve diger miivafiq
gdrtiglardeigtirak etmek tigtin qargrhqhdevetlerg<inderacekler.
Madde 8
Terefler oz <ilkelerindaki idmarun inkigafi haqqrndamtivafiq melumatlarla diger Terefi
temin etmek meqsedi ile idman mtitexessisleri,megqgilerve diger ekspertlararasrnda
tecrtbe miibadilesiniteqviq edecekler.
Madde 9
Terafler niimayande heyetlarinin, komandalar, maqqgi va ekspertlerin mtibadilasini
tagviq etmek meqsadi ila idman ve genclar tegkilatlarr arasrndabirbaga amekda;h[r
Madde 10
Bu Sazigin heyata kegirilmesi meqsedila illik icra proqraml haztrlanacaqdtr.
Terefleridman ve genclersiyasetisahelerinedair siyaset,proqramva todbirlar haqqrnda
informasiyami.ibadilesinitegviq edacekler.
Madde 12
Terafler bu Sazigin mtiddealarrnrntefsiri va ya tetbiqi zamanrmiibahiseleryarandr[r
yolu ile hell edecekler.
teqdirda,onlan danrgrqlarve meslahetleqmeler
Madde 13
Teraflerin qargrhqhrazthpr ila bu Saziqealaveler va deyiqiklikler edile biler. Bele
elaveler ve dayigiklikler bu Sazigin ayrtlmaz hissesi olaraq ayrrca protokollar
formasrndaresmilegdirilecekve bu Saziqin 14-cii maddesindenezardetutulan qaydada
qiiwaye minecekdir.
Madde 14
Bu Sazig beg il mtiddatindo ballanrr ve Tareflarin onun qiivveye minmesi iigtin zeruri
olan ddvletdaxili prosedurlannyerine yetirilmesi baradediplomatik kanallar vasitesile
bir-birine gcindardiklerisonuncuyazir bildiriqin ahndrfr tarixdenqiiweye minir.
Tereflardanbiri bu mtiddatin bagagatmaslnaan azr ah (6) ay qalmrg onun qi.iwesini
lelv etmek niyyati baradedigar Tarefe diplomatik kanallar vasitesi ile bildirmazsebu
Saziginqi.ivvesindvbetibeq illik mtiddetlereuzadtltr.
Bu Sazig Bakr gaherinde10 avqust 2009-cu il tarixinde iki esl niisxede,her biri latr;,
Azerbaycanva ingilis dillarinde imzalanmrgdr va btitiin metnler berabarautentikdir. Bu
sazigin tefsiri zamanrfikir aynh[r yarandrlr teqdirde ingilis dilindeki metndan istifade
Latviya Respublikasr
Azarbaycan Respublikasr
the Government of the Republic of Latvia
Republic of Azerbaijan
the Government of
on Co-operation in the Fields of Youth and Sport
The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of
Azerbaijan,hereinafter referred to as the Parties,
Being guided by a desire to strengthenties and develop traditionally friendly relations
betweenthe peopleof two states,
Being confident that close relations and co-operationin the fields of youth and sport
will deepenmutual understandingbetweenyoung generationsof the Republic of Latvia
and the Republicof Azerbaijan
Have agreedon the following:
Article I
The Parties shall contribute into developmentof relations between youth and sport
organizationsworking in their states.
Article 2
The Partiesshall renderassistancein participationof sport organizationsat sportevents.
Article 3
The Parties shall promote development of relations and co-operation by below
By providing appropriate conditions for direct co-operation, relations and
exchange between bodies, organizationsand also individuals working with
youth and sport policies.
By providing assistancein holding bilateral youth and sport events in the
territory of the Republic of Latvia and in the territory of the Republic of
Article 4
The Parties shall encourage and facilitate co-operation among research organizations
and centres, including mutual exchange of information under provisions of the
Article 5
The Parties shall facilitate organization of leisure for youth and children and exchange
of schoolchildrenand studentgroupsduring the summervocation.
Article 6
The Parties shall promote co-operationin the fields of high-level sport, sport for all,
youth sport,and sport for personswith disabilitiesand the sport facilities.
Article 7
The Parties shall exchange invitations to participate in festivals, conferences,
symposiums,seminars,contests,exhibitions,and other similar meetings.
Article 8
The Partiesshall promoteexchangeof experiencebetweensport specialists,trainersand
other expertsin order to provide adequateinformation about sport developmentof their
Article 9
The Partiesshall encouragedirect co-operationbetweensport and youth organizations
in order to promotethe exchangeof delegations,teams,trainers,and experts.
with a view to the implementation.t;:i:::ment
shall be drawn up.
the annual executiveprosramme
Article 11
The Parties shall encouragethe exchangeof information on policies, programs,and
activities in the field of sport and youth policy.
Any disputes between the Parties
,.rr"*retation or implementation of
this Agreementshall be settledthrough
consultationsand negotiations.
Any additions and amendmentsmay ,i#:,ti-rnr,
Agreement with mutual consentof
the Parties. Such additions and amendmentsshall be made in a form of separate
Protocols being an integral part of this Agreement and shall enter into force in
accordancewith the provisions of Article 14 of this Agreement.
Article 14
This Agreementis concludedfor a period of five (5) yearsand shall enter into force on
the date of receipt by the Parties of the last written notification through diplomatic
channelsconfirming the completion of their respectiveinternal proceduresrequiredfor
the entry into force of this Agreement.
If neither Party notifies other in writing through diplomatic channels, at least six (6)
months prior to expiration of the abovementionedperiod of time, about its desire to
terminatethis Agreement,the Agreementis automaticallyextendedfor periods of five
(5) years.
Done in Baku on 10 August, 2009, in two original copies in Latvian, Azerbaijani, and
English languages,all texts being authentic.In case of divergenceof interpretationof
the presentAgreement the English text shall prevail.
On behalf of
of the Republ
On behalfof the Government
ic of Azerbalj

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