Serbian Migration, Settlement, and Ethnicity


Serbian Migration, Settlement, and Ethnicity
Serbian Migration, Settlement, and Ethnicity:
A Bibliography (Part II)*
Marinel Mandreš
Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada)
This comprehensive bibliography includes books, chapters within books,
journal articles, conference proceedings, and unpublished scholarly research
relating to various aspects of Serbian migration (e.g., types and waves of migrations), settlement (e.g., colonies), and ethnicity (e.g., identity, assimilation,
and institutions) throughout the world. Items of an anecdotal nature, such as
memoirs, biographies, travel accounts, and magazine articles, are included
only if they provide significant knowledge about the Serbian Diaspora.
Articles published in newspapers and church almanacs are generally excluded
from the list of bibliographic entries. Publications dealing with Yugoslavs,
South Slavs, and other ethnic or regional groups from Yugoslavia are included only if they provide whole or partial factual and/or statistical information about Serbs.
Entries are arranged in alphabetical order and grouped according to continents and countries within them. They are in various European languages and
cover a time span ranging from 1848 to 1999. Sections containing only a few
entries are indicative of the limited research undertaken in certain countries.
Full bibliographic details are provided whenever possible. Sources with
incomplete information are included because of their research contribution. A
product of ten years of extensive investigation, this bibliography brings
together significant contributions and extends the scope of existing resources
by providing expanded coverage in terms of academic discipline, geographic
focus, and temporal perspective.
* Part I of this bibliography appeared in volume 15, number 1 of Serbian Studies (Spring
Serbian Studies: Journal of the North American Society for Serbian Studies 15(2): 371–405, 2001.
Eterovich, Adam S. A Guide and Bibliography to Research on Yugoslavs in
the United States and Canada. San Francisco: R and E Research
Associates, 1975.
Gakovich, Robert P. and Milan M. Radoviç. Serbs in the United States and
Canada: A Comprehensive Bibliography. St. Paul: University of
Minnesota, Immigration History Research Center, 1976.
. Serbs in the United States and Canada: A Comprehensive
Bibliography, 2nd ed. St. Paul: University of Minnesota, Immigration
History Research Center, 1992.
Greãiç, Vladimir. “Metodolo‰ki pristup izuãavanja srpskog iseljeni‰tva u
SAD i Kanadi.” Me∂unarodni problemi 3–4 (1984): 347–56.
HadÏi Antiç, Dragan. “Serbs from the USA and Canada Aid Refugees: It’s
Important to Help Our People.” The International Weekly, 14–20
September 1991, 4.
Jonãiç, Koãa. “Izuãanvanje srpskog iseljeni‰tva u SAD i Kanadi i njegovih
veza sa starim zaviãajem.” Me∂unarodni problemi 34 (3–4): 357–64
. “Organizovanje i delovanje naprednog radniãkog pokreta u
iseljeni‰tvu naroda Jugoslavije: SAD i Kanada.” Me∂unarodni problemi
34 (3–4): 465–72 (1982).
“Jugoslovenska potporna dru‰tva u SAD i Kanadi.” Iseljeniãki svet (3)
Leontiç, Ljubo. Jedinstvena organizacija u Sjevernoj i JuÏnoj Americi.
Buenos Aires: n.p., 1916.
Markoviç, Mirko. Jugoslovenski napredni pokret u Sjedinjenim Ameriãkim
DrÏavama i Kanadi, 1935–1945. Toronto: Jugoslav Publishers, 1983.
. O razvoju naprednog pokreta kod Amerikanca i Kana∂ana
jugoslovenskog porekla: Jugoslovenski napredni pokret u SAD i Kanadi.
Toronto: Jugoslav Publishers, 1983.
Sava, Bishop of ·umadija. Istorija Srpske pravoslavne crkve u Americi i
Kanadi. Kragujevac: Kaleniç, 1994.
Slany, Krystyna. “Immigrants from the European Socialist Countries in the
USA and Canada: Sociodemographic Aspects.” Migracijske teme 6 (2):
223–53 (August 1990).
Spasoviç, Stanimir. Istorija Srpske crkve u Americi i Kanadi od 1941 do
1991. Toronto: Istoãnik, 1997.
Vasiç, Gabriel. “The Yugoslav Contributions to North American
Civilization.” Ph.D. diss., University of Montréal, 1958.
“The Balkan Hatred Flares in Alberta.” Western Report 7 (30): 38–39 (24
August 1992).
Bulat, Pero. “Rad Srba u Kanadi.” Srbi u Kanadi: Njihovo doseljavanje,
dru‰tveni i ekonomski Ïivot. Windsor: Avala, 1952.
Diklich, Diana. “The First Casualty: Toronto Serbs and Croats Each Get War
News from Their Own Ethnic Media; But They Aren’t Really Getting
Home Truths.” Ryerson Review of Journalism Online (http://www., 1996.
Dorotiç, Danilo. “Osvrt na jugoslavenske iseljenike profesore na kanadskim
universitetima i njihov stav prema Jugoslaviji.” In Iseljeni‰tvo naroda i
narodnosti Jugoslavije i njegove uzajamne veze s domovinom, ed. Ivan
âizmiç et al. Zagreb: Zavod za migracije i narodnosti, 1978.
Dvadeset godina: Kratki pregled historije narodnog pokreta jugoslovenskih
iseljenika u Kanadi. Toronto: McLaren Micropublishing, 1974.
Eterovich, Adam S. Canada Yugoslavs. San Carlos: Ragusan Press, 1981.
Genorio, Rade. “Prostorni vidovi na‰eg iseljenistva u Kanadi: Poseban osvrt
na iseljeni‰tvo iz SR Srbije.” Me∂unarodni problemi 34 (3–4): 437–42
Gibbon, John M. Canadian Mosaic: The Making of a Northern Nation.
Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1938.
Golder, Zlata. “Odgoj i obrazovanje dece iseljenika: Etnicitet i integracije—
kanadska perspektiva.” In Iseljeni‰tvo naroda i narodnosti Jugoslavije i
njegove uzajamne veze s domovinom, ed. Ivan âizmiç et al. Zagreb:
Zavod za migracije i narodnosti, 1978.
Grubiç, M. “Kanadski Srbi.” Vidovdan, 1937.
Hersak, Emil. “Doseljavanje jugoslovenskih gra∂ana u Kanadu u 1978.”
Migracije 8 (11) (1979): 257–58.
Juriãiç, Îelimir and D. Pitt. “Social Adjustments of Yugoslavs in Victoria.”
Canadian Slavonic Papers 11 (1969): 212–20.
Jurisich, Dragoslav. “The Case System in Serbo-Croatian.” Ph.D. diss.,
Simon Fraser University, 1975.
Kahar, Andres. “Strength in Diversity.” Faces of London: Looking at the
Census Figures. (, 1999.
Kasher, Robert J. Ethnic Toronto: A Complete Guide to the Many Faces and
Cultures of Toronto. Lincolnwood, IL: Passport Books, 1997.
Kerewsky-Halpern, Barbara. Aspects of Traditional Oral Expression among
Selected South Slav Groups in Ontario. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Folk
Culture Studies, Museum of Man, National Museum of Canada, 1974.
Kirschbaum, J.M. et al., eds. Twenty Years of the Ethnic Press Association of
Ontario. Toronto: Ethnic Press Association of Ontario, 1971.
KonjhodÏiç, Alija S. Spomenica “Bratstva” 1954–1974. Toronto: Basilian
Press, 1974.
Kosiƒski, Leszek A. Yugoslavs in Canada. Edmonton: University of
Edmonton, Division of East European Studies, 1980.
La Rocque, Mark E. “The Political Adaptation of Recent Immigrants from the
Former Yugoslavia.” Master’s thesis, University of Regina, 1998.
Lefebure, Michael and Yuri Oryschuck, eds. Les communités culturelles au
Québec de l’Europe Centrale et de l’Europe du Sud. Vol. 1. Montréal:
Editions Fides, 1984.
Lukiç-Krstanoviç, Miroslava. “Srbi u Kanadi: Problem etniãkog identiteta.”
In Seobe Srba nekad i sad, ed. Vladimir Greãiç, 187–94. Belgrade:
Institut za me∂unarodnu politiku i privredu and Matica Srba i iseljenika
Srbije, 1990.
. Srbi u Kanadi: Îivot i simbol identiteta. Belgrade: Etnografski
muzej, Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, 1992.
Mladenoviç, Marko. Srbija u Kanadi. Belgrade: Sfairos, 1995.
Male‰eviç, Branko D. Sportska aktivnost vindsorskih Srba, 1929–1980.
Windsor: Avala, 1980.
Mandre‰, Marinel. “Yugoslavs in Canada.” B.E.S. Honors Thesis, University
of Waterloo, 1991.
. “Immigrant Settlement, Integration and Assimilation: The
Development and Application of a Theoretical Framework to Understand
the Relationship between Immigration and Planning. A Case Study of
Canadian Serbs.” Master’s thesis, University of Waterloo, 1993.
Markovic, Olga V. Doseljavanje Srba u Kanadu i njihova aktivnost. Windsor:
Avala, 1965.
. Serbs in Canada: Their Settlements and Activities. Windsor: Avala,
McLaren, Duncan. Ontario Ethnocultural Newspapers, 1835–1972. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1973.
Memedoviç, Branko, Velimir To‰koviç and Milorad Gaçe‰a, eds. Pola veka
na srpskoj njivi. Windsor: Srpska narodna odbrana u Kanadi, 1987.
Mladenoviç, M. Encyclopedia Canadiana. Toronto: Grolier of Canada, 1972.
S.v. “People of Serbian Origin.”
Momirov-Nedeljkoviç, Julianna D. “Between Two Worlds: The Effects of the
Immigration Experience on the Self-Identity of Serbian Women.” B. A.
Thesis, Brock University, 1991.
Mraãeviç, Petar. “Malo o Srbima u Kanadi.” Vidovdan, 1945.
“Nekoliko reãi o kanadskim Srbima.” Vidovdan, 1946.
Ontario. Ministry of Culture and Recreation. Broadcasting Guide to
Programs for Ethnocultural Communities in Ontario. Toronto: 1981.
Ontario. Ministry of Culture and Recreation. Multiculturalism and Citizenship
Division. Ontario Ethnocultural Profiles: Serbs. Toronto: 1984.
Orãiç, Smilja. Report on the Yugoslavs in Metropolitan Toronto. Toronto:
Ontario Citizenship Branch, 1970.
Perkowski, Jan L. “Gusle and Ganga among the Hercegovinians of Toronto.”
Master’s thesis, Stanford University, 1978.
. Gusle and Ganga among the Hercegovinians of Toronto. Ann
Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1978.
. Survey of the Serbian and Croatian Folklore Complex in Toronto.
Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies, National Museum of
Man, 1979.
. “Interview with a Serbian Moslem.” New Zealand Slavonic Journal
(1986): 93–120.
Petroit, William. Inter-ethnicity: A Study of Neighbourhoods, 1900–1940.
Toronto: Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1985.
Petroviç, Edit and Sandra Somers. “Integration Paths Compared: Kurdish and
Yugoslav Immigrants in Calgary.” Paper presented at the 15th Biennial
Conference of the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association, Toronto, 25–26
May 2000.
Radenoviç-Petroviç, Stojanka. “Srbi u Kanadi: Stari i novi imigranti.”
Politika, 10 May 1994, 25.
Radojeviç, Radoje. “Negovanje etnokulturnog identiteta kod kanadskih Srba.”
In Seobe Srba nekad i sad, ed. Vladimir Greãiç, 173–86. Belgrade:
Institut za me∂unarodnu politiku i privredu and Matica Srba i iseljenika
Srbije, 1990.
Rakiç, Lazar. “Iseljavanje iz Vojvodina krajem XIX i poãetkom XX veka.”
Zbornik za istoriju 23 (1981): 149–60.
Rakiç, Radomir D. “Migracije i nacionalno konstitusanje Srba.” In Seobe
Srba nekad i Sad, ed. Vladimir Greãiç, 37–49. Belgrade: Institut za
me∂unarodnu politiku i privredu and Matica Srba i iseljenika Srbije,
·koriç, Sofija. “Canadian Artists of Serbian Origin: A Survey.” Serbian
Studies 3 (1–2): 53–64 (fall–spring 1984–85).
. “Srbi u Kanadi.” Ministarstvo za odnose sa Srbima izvan Srbije
(, 1997.
·koriç, Sofija and George V. Tomashevich, eds. Serbs in Ontario: A Sociocultural Description. Toronto: Serbian Heritage Academy of Canada,
. “Serbian School.” Polyphony 11 (1989): 153.
Stefanoviç, ≠or∂e. “Serbian-Canadian Ethnic Mobilization and Protest. ”
Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Ethnic
Studies Association, Toronto, 25–26 May 2000.
Surduãki, Milan. “English Loanwords in the Serbo-Croatian Immigrant
Press.” Canadian Journal of Linguistics 12 (1) (1966): 52–63.
. “Morphological Adaptation of English Loanwords in SerboCroatian: A Study of the Speech of Ten Informants in Toronto.” Master’s
thesis, University of Toronto, 1962.
. “Morfolo‰ka adaptacija engleskih pozajmljenica u srpskohrvatskom
jeziku Srba i Hrvata iseljenika u Kanadi.” Ph.D. diss., University of Novi
Sad, 1970.
Tomiç, Vladislav. “The Serbian Press in Canada, 1916–82.” Polyphony 4 (1):
87–91 (spring–summer 1982).
. “Theater among the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.” Polyphony 5 (2):
75–77 (fall–winter 1982).
. “Serbs: Balkan Warriors in an Urban Setting.” Polyphony 6 (1): 95–
97 (spring–summer 1984).
. “The Council of Canadian South Slavs—Its Tasks and
Accomplishments, 1944–48.” Polyphony 9 (1): 67–69 (fall–winter 1987).
Tomoviç, Victor A. “Serbian Brothers Help, Inc.” Polyphony 2 (1): 41–42
(winter 1979).
Tomoviç, Vladislav A. “Broj i dru‰tveni poloÏaj na‰ih iseljenika u Kanadi.”
In Iseljeni‰tvo naroda i narodnosti Jugoslavije i njegove uzajamne veze s
domovinom, ed. Ivan âizmiç et al. Zagreb: Zavod za migracije i
narodnosti, 1978.
. “Canadian Immigration Policy and Changes in the Pattern of the
Employment of Immigrants, 1950–1980.” Revija za sociologiju 11 (3–4)
(July–December 1981): 143–51.
. “Srbi u Kanadi: Uvod za njihovo upoznavanje.” Me∂unarodni
problemi 34 (3–4): 421–36 (1982).
. “Srbi u Kanadi.” Me∂unarodni problemi 34 (1983): 386–433.
. “Kana∂ani prijatelji Srbije i Jugoslavije i njihova pomoç, 1944–
1948.” In Seobe Srba nekad i sad, ed. Vladimir Greãiç, 155–72. Belgrade:
Institut za me∂unarodnu politiku i privredu and Matica Srba i iseljenika
Srbije, 1990.
Vijeçe JuÏnih Slovena. Iseljenici Kanade za svoj narod. Toronto: n.p., 1945.
Vlahovich, Gordana and Steve Moutsatsos. “Serbians in Sudbury.” Polyphony
5 (1): 118–22 (spring–summer 1983).
Wallhouse, Freda. “The Influence of Minority Ethnic Groups on the Cultural
Geography of Vancouver.” Master’s thesis, University of British
Columbia, 1961.
United States
Adamiã, Louis. “The Yugoslav Speech in America.” American Mercury 12
(November 1927): 319–21.
. Laughing in the Jungle. New York: Harper, 1932.
. The Native’s Return: An American Immigrant Visits Yugoslavia and
Discovers His Old Country. New York: Harper, 1934.
. My Native Land. New York: Harper, 1943.
. “Amerikanci iz Jugoslavije.” Vidovdan (Pittsburgh), 1945.
Albijaniç, Aleksandar. “San Pedro Revisited: Language Maintenance in the
San Pedro Yugoslav Community.” In The Slavic Languages in Emigre
Communities, ed. Roland Sussex, 11–21. Edmonton: Linguistic Research
Incorporated, 1982.
Albin, Alexander. “A Yugoslav Community in San Pedro, California.”
General Linguistics 16 (2–3) (1967): 78–94.
Albin, Alexander and Ronelle Alexander. The Speech of Yugoslav Immigrants
in San Pedro, California. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1972.
American Jugoslav Association of Minnesota. 25th Annual State Convention
and Minnesota Territorial Centennial Celebration, September 10–11,
1949. Gilbert, MN: American Jugoslav Association of Minnesota, 1949.
Babics, Walter V. “Assimilation of Yugoslavs in Franklin County, Ohio.”
Ph.D. diss., Ohio State University, 1964.
. Assimilation of Yugoslavs in Franklin County, Ohio. Palo Alto, CA:
Ragusan Press, 1964.
Badovinac, Robert J. Southern Slav Contributions to the United States of
America and the World. San Carlos, CA: Ragusan Press, n.d.
Balch, Emily Greene. Our Slavic Fellow Citizens. New York: Charities
Publication Committee, 1910.
“Balkan Way: Bombing of Embassies and Consulates.” Newsweek, 13
February 1967, 39–40.
Baton, S. “Amerikanizacija i na‰i iseljenici.” Nova Evropa 7 (17): 514–20
(June 1923).
Bauerman, P. “Ameriãki ratni dobrovoljci u Jugoslaviji.” Nova Evropa 5
Begovich, Michael. “Serbianism: How It Motivated the Serbian Pioneers of
the California Mother Lode.” East European Quarterly 23 (June 1989):
Bennett, Linda A. “Patterns of Ethnic Identity Among Serbs, Croats and
Slovenes in Washington, D.C.” Ph.D. diss., American University, 1976.
. Personal Choice in Ethnic Identity Maintenance: Serbs, Croats, and
Slovenes in Washington, D.C. Palo Alto: Ragusan Press, 1978.
. “Washington and Its Serbian Émigrés: A Distinctive Blend.”
Anthropological Quarterly 54 (2) (April 1981): 87–88.
Bercovici, Konrad. On New Shore. New York: Century Company, 1925.
Bjankini, Jurica. “Yugoslavs in the United States: Their Contributions to
American Culture and Civilization.” In First All-Slavic Singing Festival,
ed. A.W. Vanek and J.E.S. Vojan, 96–99. Chicago: National Printing and
Publishing Company, 1934.
Blaisdell, Lowell L. “The Jugoslavs in America, 1880–1918.” Master’s thesis,
University of Rochester, 1944.
Bodnar, John E. “The Formation of Ethnic Consciousness: Slavic Immigrants
in Steelton.” In Ethnic Experience in Pennsylvania, ed. John E. Bodnar,
309–30. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 1973.
Bonner, Thomas, Jr. “Yugoslavs on the Gulf Coast: At Sea and Ashore.”
Mississippi Folklore Register (fall 1984): 35–44.
Bowerman, Paul. “Ameriãki ratni dobrovoljci u Jugoslaviji.” Nova Evropa 24
(5): 272–73 (26 November 1931).
BreÏnik, Pavel V. “Na‰i Amerikanci i na‰a iseljeniãka politika.” Nova Evropa
9 (1926).
Brkich, Lazar. “Serbian Fraternal, Social, and Cultural Organizations in
America.” In Studies in Ethnicity: The East European Experience in
America, ed. Charles A. Ward, 103–40. New York: Columbia University
Press, 1980.
Brkich, Lazar and Petar Pakonja. “The Serbs in America: The Persistence and
Change of Traditional Values.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of
the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies,
Washington, D.C., 14–17 October 1987.
Bulajiç, M. Iz istorije iseljeni‰tva-Pouke za dana‰njicu: Jugosloveni u
Sjedinjenim Ameriãkem DrÏavama, ed. Ivan âizmiç et al. Zagreb: Zavod
za migracije i narodnosti, 1978.
Carlson, Martin E. “A Study of the Eastern Orthodox Churches in Gary,
Indiana.” Master’s thesis, University of Chicago, 1942.
Chamovitz, Marcia. “The Persistence of Ethnic Identity in Two Nationality
Groups in a Steel Mill Community.” Seminar paper, University of
Pittsburgh, 1976.
âizmiç, Ivan. Jugoslavenski iseljeniãki pokret u SAD i stvaranje
jugoslavenske drÏave, 1918. Zagreb: Institut za hrvatsku povijest, 1974.
. “Dobrovoljaãki pokret jugoslavenskih iseljenika u SAD u prvom
svjetskom ratu.” Historijski zbornik 1970, n.p.
. “IstraÏivanje politiãkog djelovanja Jugoslovena u SAD u vrijeme
drugog svjetskog rata.” Me∂unarodni problemi 34 (3–4): 457–64 (1982).
. “Yugoslav Immigrants in the U.S. Labor Movement, 1880–1920.”
In American Labour and Immigration History, ed. Dirk Hoerder, 177–90.
Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983.
. “Jugoslavenski socijalisti u Sjedinjenim Ameriãkim DrÏavama u
prvom razdoblju svoga djelovanju: 1894–1910.” Migracijske teme 4 (1–
2) (1988): 79–87.
Claghorn, Kate H. “Slavs, Magyars and Some Others in the New
Immigration.” Charities 8 (December 1904): 199–205.
âolakoviç, Branko M. “Yugoslav Migrations to America.” Ph.D. diss.,
University of Minnesota, 1970.
. Yugoslav Migrations to America. San Francisco: R and E Research
Associates, 1973.
. “A Hypothetical Model of the European Emigration to the United
States with Special Attention on Yugoslavia.” Geographical Survey 2
(1973): 135–54.
. Geographic Distribution of South Slavs in the United States, 1910–
1970. Duluth: n.p., 1977.
. “South Slavic American Experience.” In American Ethnic Profiles:
Background Papers, 48–60. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota,
Immigration History Research Center, 1978.
. Causes of Yugoslav Immigration to America and Quantitative
Analysis of the Immigrants for Sampling Procedure. Minneapolis:
University of Minnesota, Immigration History Research Center, 1979.
. Serbian Emigration to the United States: Causes and Impact on the
Old Country. Mankato, MN: n.p., 1982.
. Serbian Settlements in the United States. Mankato: Mankato State
University, 1984.
. “The Serbs.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington, D.C.,
14–17 October 1987.
. “Croats and Serbs in Minnesota’s Iron Range.” In Entrepreneurs
and Immigrants: Life on the Industrial Frontier of Northeastern
Minnesota, 85–92. Duluth: Iron Range Research Centre, 1991.
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. “Pioneers from Boka Kotorska and Vicinity, 1850–1880 in the
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. “Pioneer Jugoslav American Citizens, 1850–1880.” JugoslavAmerican Herald, 28 February 1962.
. “Pioneer Jugoslavs in Los Angeles from 1841 to 1900.” JugoslavAmerican Herald, 28 March 1962.
. “Jugoslav Pioneers in Sacramento, 1849–1865.” Jugoslav-American
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. “Jugoslav Pioneers of the Barbary Coast of San Francisco, 1850–
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. “Pioneer Jugoslav Gold Miners, 1849–1870.” Jugoslav-American
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. “Nevada Pioneers, 1860–1880.” Jugoslav-American Herald, 26
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. “Slavonic Illyrians of San Francisco.” Jugoslav-American Herald,
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. “Pioneer Jugoslavs in California.” Jugoslav-American Herald, 27
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. Yugoslav Survey of the West and South, 1850–1880. San Francisco:
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. San Francisco Jugoslavs: Census, Voting, Business, 1870. San
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. Jugoslavs in Los Angeles, 1733–1900. San Francisco: Balkan and
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. Yugoslav Immigrant Bibliography. San Francisco: Yugoslav
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. “Pioneer Jugoslavs of California.” Jugoslav-American Herald, 02
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. Jugoslav California Marriages, 1849–1880. San Francisco: R and E
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. Jugoslav Cemetery Records of San Francisco, 1849–1930. San
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. Jugoslav–Austria–Bohemia Census of Population for California:
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Associates, 1966.
. Jugoslavs in Los Angeles, 1733–1900. San Francisco: R and E
Research Associates, 1966.
. Mobile, Alabama Census of 1850, 1860 and 1870. San Francisco: R
and E Research Associates, 1966.
. Jugoslavs in San Francisco, 1870–1875. San Francisco: R and E
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. Mississippi and Louisiana Census Material. San Francisco: R and E
Research Associates, 1967.
. Texas Census Material. San Francisco: R and E Research
Associates, 1967.
. Washington Census of 1860–1870. San Francisco: R and E Research
Associates, 1967.
. Jugoslav Census of Population for California, 1850, 1852, 1860,
1870, 1880. San Francisco: R and E Research Associates, 1968.
. Jugoslavs in the Wild West, 1840–1880. San Francisco: R and E
Research Associates, 1968.
. Yugoslav California Marriages: 1880 to 1948. San Francisco: R and
E Research Associates, 1968.
. Yugoslav Migrations to the U.S. Salt Lake City: Mormon Church,
. Jugoslavs in the Wild West, 1840–1900. San Francisco: Yugoslav
Immigrant History Series, 1969.
. “Yugoslav-American Immigrant History.” Jugoslav-American
Herald, December 1970.
. Croatians from Dalmatia and Montenegrin Serbs in the West and
South, 1880–1900. San Francisco: R and E Research Associates, 1971.
. Yugoslav Survey of California, Nevada, Arizona and the South. Palo
Alto: R and E Research Associates, 1971.
. Yugoslavs in Nevada, 1858–1900. Palo Alto: Ragusan Press, 1972.
. Yugoslavs in Nevada, 1859–1900: Croatians, Dalmatians,
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Associates, 1973.
. Dalmatian and Montenegrin Communities in the West and South,
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