MANÇO Altay, PhD in Social Psychology ACADEMIC


MANÇO Altay, PhD in Social Psychology ACADEMIC
MANÇO Altay, PhD in Social Psychology
Since 2003: Member of the pan-Canadian research network on immigration in semi-urban zones, Sherbrooke University
Since 2003: Member of Türkiye Göç Arastirmalari Agi (Turkish research network on migrations), Istanbul Bilgi
Since 2000: External referee for research grant proposals, Catholic University of Leuven
Since 1999: Member of the ‘Intercultural and Educational’ network of the International Centre of Pedagogical Studies
(CIEP), Paris
Since 1998: Tenure track professor of the Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherches en Psychologie de l'Adolescent (GERPA)
of the Psychology Institute of the René Descartes-Paris V University (Sorbonne); Prof. Pierre G. Coslin
Since 1997: Associate member of the Centrum voor Islam in Europa (CIE), University of Gand; Prof. H. de Ley 1996:
Member of the internal committee of the University of Liege; responsible for training the teachers of L'Ecole des Sousofficiers d'Elite de la Gendarmerie Royale (Brussels) with a view to carrying out a public awareness programme
Since 1995: Member of the Groupe de Recherches en Anthropologie Appliquée, University of Liege (GRAAL); Prof.
P.-P. Gossiaux
Since 1992: Permanent correspondent for the Système Bibliographique et Documentaire relatif à l'Immigration at
SYBIDI/Catholic University of Leuven; Prof. F. Dassetto
Since 1992: Member of the ‘Alphabétisation fonctionnelle dans les pays industrialisés’ network of UNESCO's
International Institute of Pedagogy (Hamburg); Prof. P. Belanger
1991-1992: Member of the FNRS's ‘Pauvreté’ contact group (Anvers); Prof. H. Deleeck 1990-1991: Participation in the
network on the fight against functional illiteracy of the Commission of the European Communities (Rome-BeauvaisToulouse-Athens-Liege); Prof. Fijalkow and Prof. Thirion
Since 2006: Reader/judge for the Canadian Journal of Counselling, Quebec
Since 2005: Editor-in-chief for Diversités et Citoyennetés (newsletter of the IRFAM), Liege
Since 2004: Member of the Migration Letters editing committee, European Business School of London
Since 2004: Reader/judge for the International Journal of Psychology, Mexico
Since 2002: Reader/judge for The Haworth Press Inc.; academic editor in Binghamton, NY, USA
Since 2002: Reader/judge of the Degerler Egitimi Dergisi journal (Journal of Moral Education), University of Marmara,
Since 2002: Founder and director of the “Compétences Interculturelles” collection. Paris, Turin, Budapest, IRFAM,
Liege, Brussels, Namur: L’Harmattan Editions
Since 2001: Correspondent of francophone Europe for the international journal Collectif interculturel, Sainte-Foy,
Since 2001: Reader/judge and European correspondent for the Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (Journal of the Institute
of Social Sciences), Mugla University, Turkey
Since 2000: Reader/judge of the online bulletin of the Centre d'Etude de l'Islam en Europe, University of Gand.
Crutzen, D. & Manço, A. (eds) (2003) ‘Compétences linguistiques et sociocognitives des enfants de migrants. Turcs et
Marocains en Belgique’, in Compétences interculturelles (collection). Paris, Budapest, Turin: L’Harmattan, 126
[Linguistic and Sociocognitive Skills of Migrant Children: Turkish and Moroccans in Belgium]
Depireux, J. & Manço, A. (eds) (2008) ‘Formation d’adultes et interculturalité. Innovations en pays francophones’, in
Compétences interculturelles (collection). Paris: L’Harmattan, 158 [Adult Training and Interculturality: Innovations in
Francophone Countries]
Feld, S. & Manço, A. (2000) ‘L’intégration des jeunes d’origine étrangère dans une société en mutation. L’insertion
scolaire, socioculturelle et professionnelle en Belgique francophone’, in Logiques sociales (collection). Paris, Montréal:
L’Harmattan, 218 [The Integration of Young Foreigners into a Changing Society: Educational, Sociocultural and
Professional Integration into Francophone Belgium]
Gatugu, J., Amoranitis, S. & Manço, A. (eds) (2004) ‘La vie associative des migrants : quelles (re)connaissances ?
Réponses européennes et canadiennes’, in Compétences interculturelles (collection). Paris, Budapest, Turin:
L’Harmattan, 280 [Migrant Community Outreach: Knowledge and Acceptance. European and Canadian Examples]
Gatugu, J., Manço, A. & Amoranitis, S. (2001) ‘Valorisation et transfert des compétences : l’intégration des migrants au
service du co-développement. La population africaine de Wallonie’, in Logiques sociales (collection). Paris, Turin,
Budapest: L’Harmattan, 165 [Development and Transfer of Skills: The Integration of Migrants into a Co-development
service. The African Population of Wallonia]
Haddad, K., Eckmann, M. & Manço, A. (eds) (2009) ‘Antagonismes communautaires et dialogues interculturels’, in
Compétences interculturelles (collection). Paris: L’Harmattan, 252. [Community Antagonisms and Intercultural
Manço, A. (2000) ‘Sociographie de la population turque et d’origine turque : 40 ans de présence en Belgique (19602000)’ (Translated into Turkish and Dutch), in Dynamiques, problèmes, perspectives. Brussels: Centre des Relations
Européennes, Ed. Européennes, 230 [Sociography of the Turkish-origin Population: 40 years in Belgium (1960-2000)]
Manço, A. (2002) ‘Compétences interculturelles des jeunes issus de l’immigration. Perspectives théoriques et
pratiques’, in Compétences interculturelles (collection). Paris, Budapest, Turin: L’Harmattan, 182 [Intercultural Skills
of Young Immigrants: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives]
Manço, A. (ed) (2004) ‘Turquie : vers de nouveaux horizons migratoires ?’, in Compétences interculturelles
(collection). Paris, Budapest, Turin: L’Harmattan, 308 [Turkey: Towards New Migratory Horizons ?]
Manço, A. (2006) ‘Processus identitaires et intégration. Approche psychosociale des jeunes issus de l’immigration’, in
Compétences interculturelles (collection). Paris, Budapest, Turin: L’Harmattan, 188 [Identity-building Process and
Integration: Psychosocial Approach of Young Immigrants]
Manço, A. (ed) (2006) ‘Turcs en Europe. L’heure de l’élargissement’, in Compétences interculturelles (collection).
Paris, Budapest, Turin: L’Harmattan, 129 [Turks in Europe: Enlargement Time]
Manço, A. (ed) (2008) ‘Valorisation des compétences et co-développement. Africain(e)s qualifié(e) en immigration’, in
Compétences interculturelles (collection). Paris: L’Harmattan, 236 [Developing Skills and Co-development: African
Immigrant Experiences]
Manço, A. & Amoranitis, S. (eds) (2002) Diversité, jeunesse et développement social. L’insertion des jeunes d’origine
étrangère à l’aube du XXIè s. Brussels: Communauté Wallonie-Bruxelles, 79 [Diversity, Youth and Social
Development: The Integration of Foreign Youth at the Beginning of the 21st Century]
Manço, A. & Amoranitis, S. (eds) (2005) ‘Reconnaissance de l’islam dans les communes d’Europe’, in Compétences
interculturelles (collection – Italian and English translations). Paris, Budapest, Turin: L’Harmattan, 200 [Recognising
Islam in the European Municipalities]
Parthoens, C. & Manço, A. (2005) ‘De Zola à Atatürk : un « village musulman » en Wallonie. Cheratte-Visé’, in
Compétences interculturelles (collection). Paris, Budapest, Turin: L’Harmattan, 174 [From Zola to Ataturk: CheratteVisé – a ‘Muslim village’ in Wallonia]
Poinsot, M., Ahi-Gründler, Y., Coslin, P. & Manço, A. (eds) (2002) Les violences exercées sur les jeunes filles dans les
familles d’origine étrangère et de culture musulmane : le développement des capacités de négociation interculturelle et
de la prévention (Allemagne, Belgique et France) (Translated into German). Paris: Agence pourle Développement des
Relations Interculturelles (ADRI), 110 [Violence against Young Foreign and Muslim Girls: The Development of
Intercultural Negotiation Abilities and Prevention (Germany, Belgium and France)]
Sarlet, M. & Manço, A. (eds) (2008) ‘Tourismes et diversités: facteurs de développement?’, in Compétences
interculturelles (collection). Paris: L’Harmattan, 146 [Tourisms and Diversity: Do they Constitute Development
Vatz Laaroussi, M. & Manço, A. (eds) (2003) ‘Jeunesses, citoyennetés, violences. Réfugiés albanais en Belgiqueet au
Québec’, in Compétences interculturelles (collection). Paris, Budapest, Turin: L’Harmattan, 312 [Youth, Citizenship
and Violence: Albanian Refugees in Belgium and Quebec]

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