
Burada "Akit Taratlar' olarak annacak Turkiye Cumhuriyef HUkOmeti ite
Moldova Cumhuriyeti HOkOmeti, hayvan hastalrkfanna kars: gerekli korurnayt
itemin etmek lcin veterinerfik alarnnda karf?lllkll iiibirligini yayqinlastrrmak ve
geli9tirmek Karan alarak Jki Olke arasmdaki iH§kileri daha da gelj~tirmek
ternennisiyle 8§agldaki hususlarda mutabrk kalmli'lardlr:
Madde 1
Akit Taratlar, patoJenik ta§IYlcl olabllecek canh hayvan, hayvansal
OrOnler, hayvan maddeleri ve yernlenn naklinin bir sonucu olarak ylkabilecek ve
bula§ICf hastalrklara
Ofke topraklanm korumak icin,
aralanndaki i§birligini geti§tirmek vasrtastylaonleyici tedbirler alacaklardsr.
Madde 2
Akit Taraflar, canh hayvanlar, hayvan OrOn ve rnaddeleri, hayvan yemleri,
veterinerlikte kuHamlan biyolojik maddelerin ithalat, ihracat ve transitleri ile ilgili
veteriner saghk sartlan i<;in ortaklasa olarak kar~lllkh anlasrna haztrlamak ve
onaylamak He gerekli veterinersertifikast dOzenleme yetkiferini, yetkili veteriner
servislerine devredeceklerdir.
Madde 3
Yetkili veterinerlik birirnleri, bulasic: hayvan hastalrklanmeradtke etmek
ve gereklf tedbirleri almak it;:in OIkelerinin topraklannda cikan bulasrc: hayvan
birbirierine ayhk bultenler vasrtasiyta temin
edeceklerdir. Yetkili veterinetlik birirnleri Uluslararas: Salgm Hastaliklar Ofisi
(OIE)'nin A Ustesinde belirtilen hastahklann Cflkmasrdurumunda birbirlerini
derhal haberdar edeceklerdlr.
Yetkili veterinerlik birimleri, canh hayvantanm bulasrci hastahklardan
korumak icm aldrklan onleyici kontrol tedbirteri Be ilg11i bilgi degi§iminde
Madde 4
hususlar vasrtasryla
geli§tireceklerd if:
a) Mesleki egitlmde bUgi ve tecrObe degi~imi,
b) Uzrnanlasmrs enstituler ve rnerkezi veterinerHk birimleri arasmda
c) Kar§llrklt bHgi, uzman ve arasnrmaci degi§imi,
d) Bllirnsel yaymlar ile uyqularnah veterinerlikle ilgili diger yaymlann
degi 9imi,
e) Veterinerhk faaliyetlerinin organizasyonu ve bu konudaki mevzuat ve
talimatlarta ilgili bilgi degi 9imi.
Madde 5
bilgi degi~imi nedeniyle ortaya crkacak masraftar,
mevcut Anlasrna qen,;evesinde lmzalanml~ mukavelelere gore her bir ayn
19in bu Anlasrna hukOrnlerinin uygulamasmdan sorumlu
arasmda karartastmlacakur.
Mevcut Antasma hwkOmlerinin uyguianmasl He Hgili yetkili merciler,
TOrkiye Cumhuriyeti adma Tanm ve Koyi 91eri Bakanllgl He Moldova Cumhuriyeti
Tarim ve G Ida Endustrisl Bakanhgl olacaktir.
Mevcut Anlasma,
anlasrnalardan kaynaklanan yukOmlOlUklerini etkilemez.
diger uluslararasi
Anla~maya,Akit Taraflann
Anlasrnarun aynlmaz bir parcas: olarak uygun bir tarzda hazutanmrs ayn bir
ProtokoI vasitasryla uyarlarnalar ve ilaveler yapuabilir. Yukanda bahsedilen
Protokol, 9. Maddenin~artlanna gore yOri..irlUge girecektir.
Madde 9
prosedOr/erin Aklt Taraflar tarafmdan yerine getirifdiginin diplomatik kanallarla
yazth olarak bildirildigi son bildirim tarihinden itibaren yOrOrlUge girecektir.
Mevcut Anlasma bes yllhk bir donernicin hazrrlanrrustrr. BuAnlasmarun
gegerliligi, Akit taraflardan birinin Amasmarun sona erdirilmesi karannda
oldugunu, mevcut Anlasrnanm biti§ tarihinden en az altl ay once, dipfomatik
kanallarla yazrh olarak diger Akit Tarafa bildirmedigi surece, sonraki gelecek
beser yllilk donemleri9in otomattkotarak uzatuacaknr.
Ankara'da, 4 Haziran 2003 tanhinde. iki orijinal nusha olarak, her 09
metin de e§it olarak geyerli olrnak uzere Ttrrkce, Moldova ve IngiHzce dillerinde
Mevcut Anlasrnanrn yorumlanmasr veya uygulanmasmda anlasmazhk
crkmasi durumunda referans olarakingilizce metin kullarulacaktrr.
Turkiye Cumhuriyeti
Moldova Cumhuriyeti
Hukiimeti Adina
on cooperation in the Veterinary Medicine
between the Government of the Republic of Turkey
and the Government of the Republic of Moldova
The Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the
Republic of Moldova a hereinafter referred to as the ContraCting Parties. taking
the decision to expand and develop mutual cooperation in veterinary field,in
order to assure necessary protection against animal diseases and guided by
desire to further develop the relations between the two countries.'
have agreed upon the following:
Article 1
The Contracting Parties shall take preventive measures by improving
collaboration for the protection of their national territories against the
and spread
of epizootic diseases
a consequence
transportation of live animals, animal products as well as materials and animal
feed stuffs, which might bepathoqeruc vectors.
Article 2
The Contracting Parties, shall devolve upon to authorized veterinary
services to prepare jointly and approve the mutual agreement for veterinary
health conditions on the import, export and transit of live animals, animal
products and materams, feed stuff and biological used in veterinary medicine,
issue necessary veterinary certificate.
Article 3
In order to eradicate infectious animal diseases and take necessary
actions, the competent veterinary authorities.shall supply each other information
on the infectious animal diseases occurred on the territories of their countries by
monthly bulletins. If those diseases which are specified
list A of the
International Office of Epizooties (OlE), the competent veterinary authorities
shall inform immediately each other.
The competent veterinary authorities shall exchange information on
preventive action and control measures to protect livestock from infectious
Article 4
The Contracting Parties shall promote the collaboration in the area of
applied veterinary research and veterinary activity by:
a) exchange of experience and knowledge in professional training;
b) collaboration between specialised institutes and central veterinary
c) exchange information and visits of specialists and research workers;
d) exchange of scienfific.journaisand other publications of applied
veterinary medicine
e) exchange of informationon the organization of the veterinary activity
and on legislation
and instructions in this area.
Article 5
Financial cots arising from delegation visits and exchange information
shall be determined in each separate case according to the contracts signed,
within the present Agreement, between the authorities responsible for the
implementation of it's provislons.
Article 6
implementing authorities
of the
provisions of the
Agreement shall he the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on behalf of the
Republic of Turkey and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry on behalf
of the Republic of Moldova.
Article 7
The present Agreement does not affect the obligations of the Contracting
Parties, resurting from other international treaties in which the Contracting
Parties are involved.
Article 8
By mutual consent of the Contracting Parties. modifications and additions
could be made to the present Agreement, concluded in a proper mode in a
separate Protocol, which wifl be integral part of the Agreement. The above
mentoined Protocol will enter into force according to the stipulations of the
article 9.
The present Agreement will enter into force from the date of the last
notiflcationin writing through diplomaticchannels, about the fulfillment by the
Contracting Parties of internal procedures necessary for its entering into force.
The present Agreement isconoluded for a period of five years. Its action
will be prolonged automatically for the next consecutive periods of five years, if
neither' Contracting Party will notify in writing the other Contracting Party,
through diplomatic channnefs, at least six month prior to the- expiration of the
present Agreement, about the intention to denounce it
Article 10
Done in Ankara on
4 June 2003, in Turkish, Moldavian and English
languages, all three texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of
interpretation the English text shall prevail.
In case of any divergences in interpretation or application of the provision
of the present Agreement, the Englishtext will be used for reference.
For The Government of
For the Government of
the Republic ofTurkey
the RepUblic of Moldova
prlvlndcolaborarea in domeniul medicfnti vetermare
llttfe Guvernul Repubficii Tureiasi
Cuvemul Republlcft Moldeva
Guvernul Republicii Turcia si GuvernuI Republicii Moldova denumite in
continuare Parti Contractante, Iuand decizia de a.extinde si dezvolta cooperarea
reciproca In domeniul veterinar, In scopul de a asigura protectia necesara
impotriva bolilor la dorind sa dezvolte in vii tor relatiile intre cele
doua state;
au convenit asupra celor ce urmeaza:
Artieelul I
Partile Contractante vor luarnasuri preventive prin dezvoltarea colaborarii
pentru protectia teritoriiler sale nationale impotriva introducerii $1 raspandirii
bolilor epizootice in consecinta transportului de animale vii, produselor
animaliere precum si a rnaterialelor si nutreturilor pentru animale, care pot fi
vectori patogeni.
Partite Contractante vor convent cu serviciile veterinare autorizate asupra
pregatirii si aprobarii unui acord comun privind conditiile veterinare pentru
import, export si tranzit de animale vii, materiale si produse anirnaliere, nutreturi
si produse biologice folosite In medieina veterinara, eliberarea certificatelor
veterinare necesare.
Artieolul 3
In scopul eradicarii bolilor mfectioase la animate si intreprinderii
actiunilor necesare, autoritatile veterinare competente vor furniza reciproc
informatia privind bolile infectioase la animate survenite pc teritoriultarilor sale
prin buletinc lunare. Daca aceIe boli sunt specificate in lista A a Oficiului
International Epizootic, autoritatile veterinare cornpetente se VOl' informa
reciproc imediat.
Autoritatile vetcrinare competcntevor face schirnb de informatie privind
actiunile preventive si masurile de control pentru protcctia anirnalelor de boli
Partile Contractante vor promova colaborarea In dorneniul cercetarilor
veterinare aplicate si activitatilor veterinare.prin:
a) Schimb de experienta si cunostinte in prcgatirea profesionala;
b) Colaborare intre instirutiile specializate si unitatile veterinare centrale;
c) Schimb de informatie ~i vizite a specialistilor si colaboratorilor stiintifici;
d) Schimb de jumaler;;tiintifice si alte publicatii stiintifice din medic ina
veterinara aplicata;
e) .. Schimb de informatie privind organizarea activitatilorveterinare, legislatia si
instructiunilor din acest domeniu.
Articolul S
Cheltuielile financiare rezultate in urma vizitelor si schimbului de
informatii 'lor fi determinate in fiecare caz conform contractelor incheiate, in
limitele prezentului Acord) intre autoritatile responsabile pentru implementarea
prevederilor acestuia.
Autoritatile ce vor implementa prevederile prezentului Acord vor fi
Ministerul Agriculturii si Afacerilor Rurale din partea Republicii Turcia ~i
Ministerul Agriculturii si Industriei Alimentare din partea RepubliciiMoldova .
Prezentul Acord nu aduce atingere obligatiilor Partilor Contractante, cc
decurg din alte tratatc interrrationale ale oaror participante sint arnbele Parti
Articolul S
Laintelegerea reciproca a Partilor Contractante In prezentul Acord pot fi
introduse rnodificari si completari perfectatein modul cuvenit intr-un Protoco-l
separat, care va fi parte integranta a Acordului. Protocolul mentionat va intra 'in
vigoare potrivit prevedcrilorarticolului 9.
Prezentul Acord va intra In vigoare de Ia data ultimei in$tiintari in scris
prin canale diplornatice, despre indeplinirea de catre Partile Contractate a
procedurilor interne necesare intrarii lui in vigoare.
PrezentuI Acord se mcheie pentru un termen de einei ani. Actiunea lui se
va prelungi in mod automat pentru urmatoarele termene consecutive de cinci ani,
daca nici una din Partile Contraetante nu va instiinta in scris cealalta Parte
Contractanta, prin canale diplomatice, eu eel putin sase Iuni pina la expirarea
actiunii prezentului Acord, despre intentia sa de a-l denunta,
Incheiat la
In doua
--- - - - - la --~~---------'
exernplare originale in Iimbile turca, moldoveneasca siengleza, toate trei texte
fiind egal autentice.
In eazulaparitiei. unor divergente in interpretarea sau aplicarea
prevederilor prezentului Acord, textul in limbaengleza va fi de referinta,
Pentru Cuvernul
Republicii Turcia
Pentru Guvernul
Republicii Moldova

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