CV`yi İndir


CV`yi İndir
Özlem Bekar, PhD
Doktora, Klinik Psikoloji, The New School for Social Research, New York, ABD (2009-2014)
Yüksek Lisans, Psikoloji, The New School for Social Research, New York, ABD (2008-2009)
Yüksek Lisans, Psikoloji, State University of New York, University at Albany, New York, ABD (2005-2007)
Lisans, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye (2000-2005)
Klinik Psikoloji Departmanı, The New School for Social Research
The Center for Attachment Research (CAR)
Ziyaretçi Akademisyen, 2014 – 2015
The Center for Attachment Research, The New School & Relationships for Growth and Learning Program (RfGL)
Araştırmacı, 2010 – 2013, New York, NY
The New School Student Counseling Services
Veri Analiz Uzmanı, 2009 – 2011, New York, NY
The New School for Social Research, Department of Psychology, Dr. Jin's Lab
Araştırma Asistanı, 2008 – 2010, New York, NY
Türkiye'de Erken Çocukluk Gelişim Ekolojileri Çalışması (TEÇGE)
Araştırma Asistanı, 2007 –2008, Koç Üniversitesi, İstanbul, Türkiye
Rodriguez Social/Personality Psychology Lab & Healthy Families NY Home Visitation Program, SUNY Albany
Araştırma Asistanı, 2005 –2007, Albany, NY
Klinik Altyapı:
 Psikodinamik Psikoterapi,
 Davranışçı-Bilişsel Psikoterapi,
 Diyalektik Davranışçı Psikoterapi (grup ve bireysel),
 Aile Terapisi,
 Oyun Terapisi (çocuklarla),
 Grup Terapisi.
 Nöropsikolojik ve psikolojik ölçümler (çocuk ve erişkin)
 Şu anda Çocuk-Ebeveyn Psikoterapisi (Child-Parent Psychotherapy, CPP) eğitimini tamamlamaktadır (Lieberman
& Van Horn, 2005).
The Child Development Center (JBFCS), 2014 - 2015, New York, NY
Psikolog Doktor
The New School Psikolojik Danışmanlık Servisi, Psikolojik Ölçüm ve Değerlendirme Programı (NSPAS)
Kurucu Klinik Koordinator 2009 – 2013, New York, NY
Doktora Öncesi Stajı (Amerikan Psikoloji Birliği Onaylı)
Lenox Hill Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, 2013 – 2014, New York, NY
Stajyer Psikolog
Doktora Öncesi Yarı Zamanlı Stajlar
Lenox Hill Hospital, Outpatient Center for Mental Health (OCMH)
Klinik Psikoloji Stajyeri, 2012 – 2013, New York, NY
Beth Israel Psychiatric Outpatient Services for Children and Families (BI-POSC)
Klinik Psikoloji Stajyeri 2011 – 2012, New York, NY
South Beach Psychiatric Center, Heights Hill Outpatient Clinic
Klinik Psikoloji Stajyeri, 2010 – 2011, Brooklyn, NY
Brief Psychotherapy Research Program at Beth Israel Medical Center
Klinik Psikoloji Stajyeri, 2009 – 2012, New York, NY
Beth Israel Medical Center General/Adolescent Inpatient Unit
Klinik Psikoloji Stajyeri, 2009 – 2010, New York, NY
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – 4th Ed. (WAIS-IV), Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - 4th Ed. (WISC-IV),
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-4th Ed. (WPPSI-IV), Wide Range Achievement Test - 4th Ed (WRATIV), Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement – 3rd Ed. (WJ-III), Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–3rd Edition
(WIAT–III), Wechsler Memory Scale – 4th Ed. (WMS-IV), Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning – 2nd Ed.
(WRAML-II), Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCFT), Repeatable Battery
for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS), Beery–Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor
Integration (VMI), Conners Continuous Performance Test –II (CPT-II), Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (DKEFS),
NEPSY-II, Nelson Denny Reading Test, Bender Gestalt Visual Motor Test, Wechsler Test of Adult Reading (WTAR),
Dementia Rating Scale (DRS), Independent Living Scales (ILS), Boston Naming Test (BNT), Rorschach (Exner and R-PAS
systems),Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), Children's Apperception Test (CAT), House-Tree-Person, Personality
Assessment Inventory (PAI), Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R), Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory – 2nd Ed. (MMPI-II), Sentence Completion Task, Autism Rating Scales, Adult Attachment Interview (AAI),
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders (SCID), ve çocuk ve erişkinler için kullanılan çeşitli ölçekler.
Bilgi Üniversitesi
Ziyaretçi Öğretim Üyesi, 2011 (Yaz dönemi)
Ders: Sosyal Bilimler için Araştırma Metodları (Lisans seviyesi)
The New School for Social Research, Klinik Psikoloji Bölümü
Asistan, 2009 – 2010, ve Bahar dönemi 2013, New York, NY
Araştırma Metodları (Lisansüstü),
Psikopatoloji-1 (Lisansüstü),
Çocukların ve Ergenlerin Psikolojik Değerlendirme ve Ölçümü (Doktora)
University Learning Center at The New School
İstatistik eğitmeni, 2008 – 2009, New York, NY
State University of New York, University at Albany
Asistan, 2005 – 2007, Albany, NY
Sosyal Psikoloji ( Lisans seviyesi)
Gelişim Psikolojisi (Lisans seviyesi)
Sosyal Psikoloji (Doktora)
YAYINLAR ve Tamamlanmış Çalışmalar
Doktora Tezi: Mental State Talk in Mothers' and Preschool Children's Narratives: Relation to Children's SocialEmotional Functioning and Maternal Stress.
Bekar, O., Steele, H., & Steele, M. (2014). Coding Manual for Mental State Talk in Narratives. Unpublished
manuscript, Department of Clinical Psychology, The New School, New York, United States.
Bekar, O., Fried, E., Guadalupe, Z., Logan, M., Shahmoon-Shanok, R., Steele, H., & Steele, M. (2012). Peers helping
peers in the face of trauma and developmental challenge. Zero to Three, 33, 38-47.
Shahmoon-Shanok, R., Bekar, O., Fried, E. & Steele, M (2012). Gems hidden in plain sight: Peer play psychotherapy
nourishes relationships and growth across developmental domains among young children. In J. E. Bettmann & D. D.
Friedman (Eds), Attachment-based clinical work with children and adolescents (pp. 165-192). New York, NY: Springer
Lisansüstü Tezi: A Diathesis-Stress Model of Early Adolescents’ Depression and Anxiety: Perceived Control,
Uncontrollable Negative Life Events and Attachment Security.
International Attachment Conference, Poster, 2015, New York, NY.
Bekar, O., Steele, H., & Steele, M. Links between Children's and Mothers' Mental State Talk: Towards Validation of
the Coding Manual for Mental State Talk in Narratives.
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Poster, 2015, Philadelphia, PA.
Bekar, O. Steele, M., Shahmoon-Shanok, R., & Steele, H. Maternal Stress, Mentalization and Preschool Children's
Social-Emotional Functioning.
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Poster, 2015, Philadelphia, PA.
Bekar, O. Steele, H., Shahmoon-Shanok, R., & Steele, M. Preschool Children's Mental State Understanding and
Social-Emotional Outcomes.
American Psychiatric Association (APA), Poster, 2014, New York, NY.
Bekar, O., Shahmoon-Shanok, R, Steele M., & Steele, H. Mental state talk in mothers' and preschool children's
narratives: Relation to children's social-emotional functioning and maternal stress.
Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Poster, 2013, Seattle, WA.
Bekar, O., Shahmoon-Shanok, R., Steele M., Lalonde, C.,& Steele, H. Mental state talk in stories and socialbehavioral outcomes in a high risk preschool sample.
New York Zero-to-Three's 16th Annual Spring Conference, Workshop, 2012, New York, NY.
Bekar, O., Fried, E., & Shahmoon-Shanok, R. Gems hidden in plain sight: Peer play psychotherapy nourishes
relationships and growth across developmental domains.
Association for Psychological Science (APS), Poster, 2007, Washington DC.
Bekar, O., Walden, N., & Rodriguez, M. A diathesis-stress model of childhood depression: Perceived control and
uncontrollable negative life events.
International Attachment Conference (IAC), Pre-conference Workshop, 2015, New York, NY
Eğitim Semineri: Coding System for Mental State Talk in Narratives (CS-MST)
The New School, Department of Clinical Psychology, 2015, New York, NY
Eğitim Semineri: Coding System for Mental State Talk in Narratives (CS-MST)
JBFCS Early Childhood Consultation/ Learning Resource Network, 2015, New York, NY
Okulöncesi eğitim direktörleri eğitim toplantısı: Attachment Theory in School Settings: How Can We Use it to
Improve Children's and Families' Functioning? (Okullarda Bağlanma Teorisi: Çocukların ve Ailelerin Gelişiminde
Bağlanma Teorisinin Yeri ve Önemi )
Therapeutic Nursery, JBFCS, 2015, New York, NY
Otizmli çocuklarla çalışan eğitimciler ve terapistler için eğitim toplantısı : Attachment in Classroom Settings
(Okullarda Bağlanma Teorisi)
Child Development Center, JBFCS , 2014, New York, NY
Terapistlere yönelik 3-günlük seminer: Attachment Theory & Relationship-Based Intervention for Families with
Young Children (Çocuklar ve Aileler için Bağlanma Teorisi Bazlı Psikoterapi Yöntemleri)
Lenox Hill Hospital, Outpatient Mental Health Services, Kasım 2012 - Şubat 2014 (yilda 3 kez), New York, NY
Life's New Journey Program- Part on "Bonding with the Baby": İlk kez bebek bekleyen çiftlere, ebeveyn ve çocuk
arasındaki bağın gelişimi ile ilgili seminerler verdi.
JBFCS Headquarters, 2013, New York, NY
Terapistlere yönelik 3 günlük seminer: Attachment Theory & Relationship-Based Intervention for Families with
Young Children (Çocuklar ve Aileler için Bağlanma Teorisi Bazlı Psikoterapi Yöntemleri)
New School Statue Foundation Fellowship in Clinical Psychology (2009 - 2014)
New School University, Üniversite Bursu (2008 - 2014)
SUNY Albany Tam Burs (2005-2007)
SUNY Albany (Tam Burs)

Benzer belgeler


istanbul O F F I C E I N T U R K E Y - Is it b e co m in g in c re a sin gly a t t ra c t ive fo r inve sto r s? R E S I D E N T I A L I N T U R K E Y - Wh e re a re t h e n e x t h o t sp o t s? C O M M E ...



AKADEMİK ÖZGEÇMİŞ Bilge YAĞMURLU Ofis Adresi: Koç Prof.  Dr.  Mustafa  N.  Parlar  Eğitim  ve  Araştırma  Vakfı   Orta  Doğu  Teknik  Üniversitesi  (ODTÜ),  Türkiye  
