RAKAMLAR NE DİYOR? What the Figures Say 2011


RAKAMLAR NE DİYOR? What the Figures Say 2011
What the Figures Say
What the Figures Say
Turkish Statistical Institute
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Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu
Turkish Statistical Institute
Yücetepe Mah. Necatibey Cad. No: 114 06100 Çankaya-ANKARA / TÜRKİYE
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Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu Matbaası, Ankara
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Tel: 0312 410 01 64 * Fax: 0312 418 50 82
Eylül 2011
September 2011
MTB: 2011-7-10 Adet-Copies
ISBN 978-975-19-5210-3
Nüfus ve Göç
Hayati !statistikler
E"itim ve Kültür
K!sa Dönemli !# !statistikleri
Ula#t!rma ve Haberle#me
D!# Ticaret
Fiyat ve Endeksler
Ulusal Hesaplar
Gelir ve Ya#am Ko#ullar!
Tüketim Harcamalar! ve Mutlak Yoksulluk
!#gücü Maliyeti
Bilim, Teknoloji ve Bilgi Toplumu
Ya#am Memnuniyeti
Tüketici Güven Endeksi
Population and Migration
Vital Statistics
Education and Culture
Labour Force
Short Term Business Statistics
Transportation and Communication
Foreign Trade
Price and Indexes
National Accounts
Income and Living Conditions
Consumption Expenditures and Absolute Poverty
Labour Cost
Science, Technology and Information Society
Life Satisfaction
Consumer Tendencies
CO2 emisyonlar!nda art!#
2009 ylnda toplam seragaz emisyonu, CO2 e!de"eri
olarak 369.6 milyon ton olarak tahmin edilmi!tir. 2009 yl
emisyonlarnda CO2 e!de"eri olarak en büyük pay %75 ile
enerji kaynakl emisyonlar alrken, ikinci sray %9 ile atk ve
endüstriyel i!lemler almaktadr. Tarmsal faaliyetler ise %7
paya sahiptir.
Kamu sektörü çevresel harcamalar!
Kamu sektörü 2009 yl toplam çevresel harcamalar,
6.48 milyar TL cari ve 3.23 milyar TL yatrm harcamas olmak
üzere 9.71 milyar TL olarak gerçekle!mi!tir. Kamu sektörü
çevresel yatrm harcamalarnn GSYH içindeki pay 2009
ylnda ‰3.4’tür.
Su ve at!ksu istatistikleri
Belediye su ve atksu istatistikleri 2008 yl sonuçlarna göre;
içmesuyu !ebekesi ile hizmet edilen belediye nüfusunun
Türkiye nüfusu içindeki pay %82, kanalizasyon !ebekesi ile
hizmet verilen belediye nüfusunun Türkiye nüfusu içindeki pay
%73’dür. #çmesuyu artma tesisleri ve atksu artma tesisleri ile
hizmet edilen belediye nüfusunun Türkiye nüfusu içindeki oran
ise srasyla %41 ve %46 olarak hesaplanm!tr. Belediyelerde
içmesuyu !ebekesi için çekilen ki!i ba! günlük su miktar
215 litre/ki!i-gün olurken kanalizasyon !ebekesinden bo!altlan
atksu miktar 173 litre/ki!i-gün olarak gerçekle!mi!tir.
At!k istatistikleri
2008 ylnda belediye atklarnn %46’s bertaraf ve geri kazanm
tesislerine götürülmü!tür. Toplanan atklarn %54’ü vah!i
depolama yöntemleri ile bertaraf edilmi!tir. Türkiye nüfusunun
%39’una atk bertaraf ve geri kazanm hizmeti verilmi!tir. Ki!i
ba! ortalama belediye atk miktar ise 1.15 kg/gün’dür.
TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Increase in the CO2 emissions
The overall greenhouse gas emissions as CO2 equivalent is
estimated as 369.6 million tonnes in 2009. In overall 2009
emissions as CO2 equivalent, the energy sector has the largest
portion with 75% and the waste and industrial processes
have the second portion with 9%. The share of agricultural
activities is 7%.
Environmental expenditure of public sector
Of the 9.71 billion TL of total environmental expenditure of
public sector, 6.48 billion TL was current expenditure and
3.23 billion TL was investment expenditure in 2009. The share
of total environmental investment expenditure of public sector
in GDP was 3.4‰ in 2009.
Water and wastewater statistics
According to the results of municipal water and wastewater
statistics in 2008, population served by drinking water networks
has a share of 82% and population served by sewerage
systems has a share of 73% in Turkey population. Rate of
population served by drinking water treatment plants and rate
of population served by wastewater treatment plants in Turkey
population was 41% and 46% respectively. In municipalities,
amount of water abstracted for drinking water network was
215 liters/capita-day and amount of wastewater discharged
by sewerage network was 173 liters/capita-day.
Waste statistics
In 2008, 46% of municipal waste was brought to waste
disposal and recovery plants, 54% of collected waste was
disposed of by wild dumping methods. Waste disposal and
recovery services were provided to 39% of Turkey population.
Average amount of municipal waste per capita is 1.15 kg/day.
Giri#imlerin çevresel harcamalar!, 2009
Environmental expenditure of enterprises, 2009
Giri#imlerin toplam çevresel harcamalar! - Total environmental expenditure of enterprises 1 498 427 806
D!# ortam havas!n! ve iklimi koruma - Protection of ambient air and climate 192 176 891
At!ksu yönetimi - Wastewater management
392 587 709
At!k yönetimi - Waste management
763 799 552
Toprak ve yeralt! suyunu koruma - Protection of soil and groundwater
20 360 414
Gürültü ve vibrasyonun azalt!lmas! - Noise and vibration abatement
10 117 473
Radyasyona kar#! koruma - Protection against radiation
6 648 965
Biyolojik çe#itlili"in ve peyzaj!n korunmas! - Protection of biodiversity and landscape
38 381 755
Ara#t!rma ve geli#tirme - Research and development
11 675 205
Enerji - Energy
2 108 632
Harcamalar! bölünemeyen faaliyetler - Activities leading to indivisible expenditure 60 571 210
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011
Nüfus ve Göç
31 Aral!k 2010 tarihi itibariyle Türkiye nüfusu 73 722 988 ki#i
Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi (ADNKS) 2010 sonuçlarna
göre; nüfusumuzun 37 043 182’sini erkek, 36 679 806’sn ise
kadnlar olu!turmaktadr. Türkiye’de kilometrekareye 96 ki!i
dü!mektedir. #stanbul 2 551 ki!i ile nüfus yo"unlu"unun en
fazla oldu"u ilimizdir. Nüfus yo"unlu"unun en az oldu"u ilimiz ise
10 ki!i ile Tunceli’dir.
Nüfusumuzun %76.3’ü il ve ilçe merkezlerinde ya#amakta
#l ve ilçe merkezlerinde ikamet eden nüfus 56 222 356, belde
ve köylerde ikamet eden nüfus ise 17 500 632 ki!idir. En
fazla nüfusa sahip olan #stanbul ilinde 13 255 685 ki!i ikamet
etmektedir. En az nüfusa sahip olan Bayburt ilinde ikamet eden
ki!i says 74 412’dir.
Türkiye nüfusunun yar!s! 29.2 ya#!ndan küçük
Ülkemizde ortanca ya! 29.2’dir. Ortanca ya! erkeklerde 28.7
iken, kadnlarda 29.8’dir. #l ve ilçe merkezlerinde ikamet edenlerin
ortanca ya! 29.1, belde ve köylerde ise 29.8’dir.
Nüfusumuzun %67’si 15 ile 64 ya# aras!nda
15-64 ya! grubunda bulunan çal!ma ça"ndaki nüfus, toplam
nüfusun %67’sini olu!turmaktadr. Ülkemiz nüfusunun %26’s 0-14
ya! grubunda, %7’si ise 65 ve daha yukar ya! grubundadr. Toplam
ya! ba"mllk oran %48.9, genç ba"mllk oran %38.1 ve ya!l
ba"mllk oran %10.8’dir.
2009-2010 döneminde 2 360 079 ki#i göç etti
Bu dönemde net göç hzna göre en fazla göç alan ilimiz Tekirda"
(‰15), en fazla göç veren ilimiz Çankr (‰-35.2)’dr.
TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Population and Migration
The population of Turkey is 73 722 988 on December 31, 2010
According to the Address Based Population Registration System
(ABPRS) 2010 results; the male population is 37 043 182 and
the female population is 36 679 806. The number of persons
per square kilometer in Turkey is 96. #stanbul has the highest
population density with 2 551 persons. On the other hand,
Tunceli has the smallest population density with 10 persons.
76.3% of the population lives in province and district centers
Population living in the province and district centers is
56 222 356 and population living in the town and villages is
17 500 632. The number of population living in #stanbul which
is the highest populated province is 13 255 685. The number
of population living in Bayburt which is the lowest populated
province is 74 412.
The half of population is below age 29.2 in Turkey
The median age of the population in Turkey is 29.2. While the
median age is 28.7 for males, it is 29.8 for females. The median
age for population living in province and district centers is 29.1
that of the town and villages is 29.8.
Proportion of the population at ages between 15 and 64 is 67%
Persons at 15-64 age group which are the working ages
constitute 67% of the total population. Proportion of population
of Turkey for age group 0-14 is 26% and it is 7% for age
group 65 and over. While total age dependency ratio is 48.9%,
youth dependency and elderly dependency ratios are 38.1%
and 10.8%, respectively.
In 2009-2010 period, 2 360 079 persons have migrated
According to the net migration rate, province with the highest inmigration is Tekirda" (15‰), respectively and province that have
the highest out-migration is Çankr (-35.2‰), respectively.
Adrese Dayal! Nüfus Kay!t Sistemi - Address Based Population Registration System
Nüfus - Population
Toplam - Total
72 561 312 73 722 988
Erkek - Males
36 462 470 37 043 182
Kad!n - Females
36 098 842 36 679 806
!l ve ilçe merkezleri - Province and district centers 54 807 219 56 222 356
Belde ve köyler - Town and villages
17 754 093 17 500 632
!l ve ilçe merkezleri nüfus oran! - Proportion of
province and district centers population (%)
Toplam - Total
Erkek - Males
Kad!n - Females
!l ve ilçe merkezleri - Province and district centers
Belde ve köyler - Town and villages
Belde ve köyler nüfus oran!
Proportion of town and villages population (%)
Ortanca ya# - Median age
Ya# ba"!ml!l!k oran! - Age dependency ratio (%)
Toplam ya# ba"!ml!l!k oran!
Total age dependency ratio
Genç ba"!ml!l!k oran! - Youth dependency ratio
Ya#l! ba"!ml!l!k oran! - Elderly dependency ratio
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011
Hayati !statistikler
Do"um istatistikleri
2009 ylnda 1 241 617 do"um olay gerçekle!mi!tir. Do"umlarn
%51’i erkek, %49’u kzdr. Kaba do"um hz ‰17.3, toplam
do"urganlk hz ise 2.06 çocuktur.
Evlenme istatistikleri
2010 ylnda 582 715 çift evlenmi!tir. Kaba evlenme hz
‰7.98’dir. Ortalama ilk evlenme ya! erkekler için 26.5,
kadnlar için 23.2’dir.
Bo#anma istatistikleri
2010 ylnda 118 568 çift bo!anm!tr. Kaba bo!anma hz
Bo!anmalarn %39.9’u evlili"in ilk 5 yl içinde, %24’ü ise 16 yl
ve daha fazla süre evli olan çiftlerde gerçekle!mi!tir.
Ölüm istatistikleri
2009 ylnda 367 971 ölüm olay gerçekle!mi!tir. Ölenlerin
%55’i erkek, %45’i kadndr. Di"er yandan, 2009 ylnda 17 354
bebek ölümü gerçekle!mi!tir. Ölen bebeklerin %54’ü erkek,
%46’s kzdr.
!ntihar istatistikleri
2010 ylnda 2 933 intihar olay gerçekle!mi!tir. Kaba intihar
hz ‰oo4.02’dir.
TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Vital Statistics
Birth statistics
The number of births is 1 241 617 in 2009. 51% of births are
males and 49% of births are females. While crude birth rate is
17.3‰, the total fertility rate is 2.06 children.
Marriage statistics
582 715 couples get married in 2010. Crude marriage rate is
7.98‰. Mean age at rst marriage is 26.5 for males, 23.2
for females.
Divorce statistics
118 568 couples get divorced in 2010. Crude divorce rate
is 1.62‰.
39.9% of divorces occur in the rst ve years of marriage
and 24% of divorces occur in the couples who have been
married for 16 years and over.
Death statistics
The number of deaths is 367 971 in 2009. 55% of deaths are
males and 45% of deaths are females. On the other hand,
the number of infant deaths is 17 354 in 2009. 54% of infant
deaths are males and 46% of infant deaths are females.
Suicide statistics
The number of suicides is 2 933 in 2010. Crude suicide rate
is 4.02‰oo.
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011
Sa"l!k kurumlar!
2009 yl verilerine göre; Türkiye’de 834’ü Sa"lk Bakanl",
59’u üniversite, 450’si özel, 46’s di"er(1) olmak üzere 1 389
hastane bulunmaktadr. Kadrolu yatak says Sa"lk Bakanl"
hastanelerinde 122 354, üniversite hastanelerinde 30 112, özel
hastanelerde 25 178, di"er(1) hastanelerde 17 905 olmak üzere
toplam 195 549’dur.
2010 yl verilerine göre ise; Türkiye’de 843’ü Sa"lk Bakanl",
62’si üniversite, 489’u özel, 45’i di"er(1) olmak üzere 1 439 hastane
bulunmaktadr. Kadrolu yatak says Sa"lk Bakanl" hastanelerinde
119 891, üniversite hastanelerinde 35 001, özel hastanelerde 28 063,
di"er(1) hastanelerde 16 995 olmak üzere toplam 199 950’dir.
Di"er; di"er kamu kurulu!lar ve yerel idarelere ait
hastaneleri kapsamaktadr.
Sa"l!k personeli
2009 ylnda 118 641 olan hekim saysnn 60 655’i uzman hekim,
35 911’i pratisyen hekim, 20 075’i asistan hekimdir. Di! hekimi
says ise 20 589’dur. Sa"lk memuru says 92 061, hem!ire says
105 176’dr.
2010 ylnda 123 447 olan hekim saysnn 63 563’ü uzman
hekim, 38 818’i pratisyen hekim, 21 066’s asistan hekimdir.
Di! hekimi says ise 21 432’dir. Sa"lk memuru says 94 443,
hem!ire says 114 772’dir.
Türkiye Sa"l!k Ara#t!rmas!, 2008
Erkeklerin %5.7’si, kadnlarn %10.4’ü gözlük ya da kontakt lens
kullansn ya da kullanmasn gazete yazsn okurken, 4 metre
uzaktan bir ki!inin yüzünü görmeye çal!rken veya tand" bir
ki!iyi 20 metre uzaktan seçmeye çal!rken çok zorland"n veya
hiç göremedi"ini beyan etmi!tir. Bu oran kentte erkekler için
%4.3, kadnlar için %8.6 iken krda erkekler için %9.2, kadnlar
için %14.3’tür.
TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Health institutions
According to 2009 data, there are 834 Ministry of Health, 59
university, 450 private, 46 other(1) hospitals, in total 1 389 hospitals
in Turkey. The number of legally maximum acceptable beds in total
is 195 549, 122 354 of them are in Ministry of Health, 30 112 of them
are in university, 25 178 of them are in private, 17 905 of them are
in other(1) hospitals.
According to 2010 data, there are 843 Ministry of Health, 62
university, 489 private, 45 other(1) hospitals, in total 1 439 hospitals
in Turkey. The number of legally maximum acceptable beds in total
is 199 950, 119 891 of them are in Ministry of Health, 35 001 of them
are in university, 28 063 of them are in private, 16 995 of them are
in other(1) hospitals.
Other refers to the hospitals owned by other public
establishments and local administrations.
Health personnel
In 2009, total number of physicians is 118 641, which are 60 655
specialists, 35 911 practitioners and 20 075 medical residents. The
number of dentists is 20 589. Sanitary personnel number is 92 061.
The number of nurses is 105 176.
In 2010, total number of physicians is 123 447, which are 63 563
specialists, 38 818 practitioners and 21 066 medical residents. The
number of dentists is 21 432. Sanitary personnel number is 94 443.
The number of nurses is 114 772.
Turkish Health Survey, 2008
5.7% of the men and 10.4% of the women declared their status
as “a lot of difculty” or “cannot see” when reading newspaper,
trying to see the face of someone 4 meters away or trying to
recognize the face of someone that he/she know 20 meters away
that wear glasses or contact lenses or not wear. This percentage
is 4.3% for men and 8.6% for women in urban and 9.2% for men
and 14.3% for women in rural areas.
Gözlük veya kontakt lens kullananlar!n cinsiyete göre da"!l!m!, 2008
Percentage of individuals wearing glasses or contact lenses by sex, 2008
[15 $ ya# - age]
Kullan!m #ekli - Type of using
Sürekli kullanan - Wearing consistently
Sadece okurken kullanan - Wearing only for reading 10.3
TV/Bilgisayar ba#!nda kullanan
Wearing for watching TV or using PC
Kullanmayan - Not wearing
Hiç göremeyen - Blind or cannot see
Ölüm nedenlerinin cinsiyete göre da"!l!m!, 2009
Distribution of causes of death by gender, 2009
Toplam - Total
Dola#!m sistemi hastal!klar!
Diseases of the circulatory system
Habis urlar - Malignant neoplasms
Solunum sistemi hastal!klar!
Diseases of the respiratory system
Endokrin (iç salg! bezi), beslenme ve
metabolizmayla ilgili hastal!klar
Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases 6.4
D!#sal yaralanma nedenleri ve zehirlenmeler
External causes of injury and poisoning
Di"er - Other
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011
E"itim ve Kültür
E"itim sistemi
2010/’11 e"itim-ö"retim ylnda toplam ö"renci says 20.1
milyondur. Bunlardan 1.1 milyonu okul öncesine, 11 milyonu
ilkö"retime, 2.7 milyonu genel liseye, 2.1 milyonu mesleki
ve teknik liseye, 3.6 milyonu da yüksekö"retime devam
etmektedir. Kz ö"rencilerin ilkö"retimdeki oran %48.8,
ortaö"retimdeki oran da %45.5’dir.
#lkö"retim, ortaö"retim ve yüksekö"retimde brüt okulla!ma
oranlar 2010/’11 e"itim ve ö"retim yl için srasyla %107.58,
%93.34, %58.45; net okulla!ma oranlar ise ilkö"retimde
%94.41, ortaö"retimde %69.33 ve yüksekö"retimde %33.06
olarak gerçekle!mi!tir. #lkö"retim, ortaö"retim ve yüksekö"retimde
cinsiyet oranlar 2010/’11 e"itim ve ö"retim yl için srasyla
%100.42, %88.14 ve %86.24’tür.
Yaygn e"itim veren kurum says 2008/’09 ö"retim ylnda
21 603’tür. Bunlarn içinde en büyük art! %142 ile özel
e"itimde olmu!tur. Bunu %13 ile Kur’an kurslar ve %8.3 ile
Olgunla!ma Enstitüleri ve Yeti!kinler Teknik E"itim Merkezleri
izlemi!tir. 2008/’09 ö"retim ylnda bu kurslara 7.1 milyon
kursiyer katlm!tr.
2009 ylnda ülkemizde 1 149 halk kütüphanesi mevcuttur.
Halk kütüphanelerindeki kitap says 14 093 896 adet olup,
kütüphanelerden yararlananlarn says ise 19 929 836’dr.
2009 ylnda ülkemizde 1 647 sinema salonu mevcuttur. Sinema
salonlarnda gösterilen lmlerin seyirci says ise 31 334 447’dir.
2010 ylnda 6 459 gazete ve dergi yaymlanm!tr. Gazete ve
dergilerin toplam tiraj 2 571 694 304 olup, bunun %94.6’sn
gazeteler olu!turmaktadr.
10 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Education and Culture
Education system
Total number of students is 20.1 million in 2010/’11 educational
year. Out of this number 1.1 million students are in pre-school,
11 million are in primary education, 2.7 million in general high
schools, 2.1 million in vocational and technical high school and
3.6 million students in tertiary education. Rate of the female
students is 48.8% in primary education while it is 45.5% in
secondary education.
Gross schooling ratios for primary, secondary and higher
education are respectively 107.58%, 93.34% and 58.45%
in the educational year 2010/’11 and net schooling ratios for
primary education is 94.41%, secondary education is 69.33%
and higher education is 33.06%. Sex ratios for primary,
secondary and higher education are respectively 100.42%,
88.14% and 86.24% in the educational year 2010/’11.
Number of adult education institutions in 2008/’09 school year
is 21 603. Among them highest increase was 142% in Special
Education, following this increase it was 13% in Koran Courses,
and 8.3% in Maturation Institutions and Adults Technical
Education Center. Number of participants in all courses was
7.1 million in 2008/’09 school year.
There were 1 149 public libraries in Turkey in 2009. The
number of books in public libraries was 14 093 896 and the
number of public library visitors were 19 929 836.
In 2009, there were 1 647 movie theaters and the number of
the audience were 31 334 447.
In 2010, the number of newspapers and magazines published
were 6 459. Total circulation of newspapers and magazines
were 2 571 694 304, its 94.6% percent was newspaper.
Ortaö"retim son s!n!fta okuyan ö"rencilerin ÖSS sonucuna göre
fakülte ve yüksekokula yerle#me oran!
According to Student Selection Examination, the percentage of students entering
faculty and vocational training school from last grade in the secondary education
ÖSS’ye giren ö"renci say!s!
540 635
652 955
Number of student getting selection examination
Fakülte ve yüksekokula yerle#en
365 849
Entering student to faculty and vocational training school 315 531
Önlisans - Vocational training school
118 157
158 283
Lisans - Undergraduate
152 921
166 132
Aç!kö"retim - Open education
44 453
41 434
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 11
En çok turist Almanya’dan
2010 ylnda en çok gelen ilk on milliyete bakld"nda
birinci srada %15.3 ile Almanya, ikinci srada %10.9 ile
Rusya Federasyonu, üçüncü srada ise %9.3 ile #ngiltere
Ülke gruplarnda ise ilk srada %49.6 ile OECD ülkeleri (Avrupa),
ikinci srada %21.2 ile Ba"msz Devletler Toplulu"u, üçüncü
srada ise %8.4 ile di"er Avrupa ülkeleri yer almaktadr.
Gelen ziyaretçiler
Yabanc ziyaretçilerin 2010 ylnda geli! amacna bakld"nda,
%69.1’i gezi, e"lence, sportif ve kültürel amaçl gelirken,
%11.4’ü akraba ve arkada! ziyareti, %6.4’ü ise i! amaçl
(konferans, toplant, görev vb.) amaçl ülkemizi ziyaret
etmi!lerdir. Yurt d!nda ikamet eden vatanda!larmzn
%68.2’si akraba ve arkada! ziyareti amacyla gelirken, gezi,
e"lence, sportif ve kültürel amaçl gelenlerin oran %20.2’dir.
Hanehalk! yurtiçi turizm
Hanehalk Yurtiçi Turizm Anketi sonuçlarna göre 2010 ylnda
yurtiçinde ikamet edenler bir veya daha fazla geceleme kayd
ile toplam 68 milyon 373 bin seyahat yapm!lardr.
Bu seyahatlerde yaplan toplam geceleme says 555 milyon 145 bin
gecedir. Toplam harcama ise 13 milyar 843 milyon 504 bin TL’dir.
2010 ylnda yaplan seyahatlerde ortalama geceleme says
8.1 gece, ki!i ba! ortalama harcama ise 202 TL olarak
12 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Most arriving foreigners from Germany
In 2010, among most arriving foreigners by nationality,
Germany had the highest ratio with 15.3%, Russian Federation
was the second nationality with 10.9% and the third row was
United Kingdom with 9.3%.
Among nationality groups, OECD countries (Europe) had the
highest priority with 49.6%, Commonwealth of Independent
States (CIS) was the second with 21.2% and other European
Countries was the third with 8.4%.
Arriving visitors
According to arriving purpose of the foreign visitors in 2010,
69.1% of visitors arrive for travelling, entertainment, sportive
and cultural reasons, 11.4% for visiting relatives and friends
and 6.4% for business (conferences, meetings, assignments
etc.). According to arriving purpose among citizens residing
in foreign countries, the proportion of visiting relatives and
friends is 68.2% and proportion of travelling, entertainment,
sportive and cultural reasons is 20.2%.
Household domestic tourism
According to the results of Household Domestic Tourism
Survey, in 2010, 68 million 373 thousand trips which are one
or more than one overnight stays were performed by persons
residing in domestic.
In this trips, 555 million 145 thousand overnights,
13 billion 843 million 504 thousand TL expenditure was made
by visitors.
In 2010, for per trip, average of overnights is 8.1 nights.
Average expenses per capita is 202 TL, were calculated.
Turizm geliri ve gideri - Tourism income and expenditure
Turizm geliri - Tourism income (000 $)
21 249 335
20 806 708
Ziyaretçi say!s! - Number of visitors
32 006 149
33 027 943
Ki#i ba#! ortalama harcama
Average expenses per capita ($)
Turizm gideri - Tourism expenses (000 $)
4 145 741
4 825 214
Ziyaretçi say!s! - Number of visitors
5 561 355
6 557 233
Ki#i ba#! ortalama harcama
Average expenses per capita ($)
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 13
2008 ylnda, Cumhuriyet Ba!savclklar tarafndan yürütülen
soru!turma evresi çal!malarnda, mevcut 5 659 680 dosyadan
%50.4’ü karara ba"lanm! olup, açlan kamu davas oran
%37.6 olmu!tur. 2008 ylnda Cumhuriyet Ba!savclklarna
gelen dosyalarn %40.6’snn faili bilinmemektedir.
2008 ylnda ceza mahkemelerine açlan davalarn %50.2’si
Türk Ceza Kanunu’na (TCK) göre açlan davalar, %49.8’i
özel kanunlara göre açlan davalardr. 2008 ylnda sanklarn
%35.2’si i!ledikleri suçtan dolay mahkum edilmi!tir.
Hukuk mahkemelerine 2008 yl içinde toplam 1 620 793
dava açlm!tr. Açlan davalarn ilk on srasn veraset,
bo!anma, tazminat, alacak, !ikayet, vasi tayini, itirazn iptali,
nüfus davalar, kadastro tespitine itiraz ve tapu iptali-tescili
Ceza infaz kurumuna giren hükümlüler
Ceza infaz kurumuna giren hükümlülerin says 2009 ylnda
74 404’tür. 2009 ylnda ceza infaz kurumuna girenlerin
%95.9’unu erkekler, %4.1’ini kadnlar olu!turmaktadr. 2009
ylnda ceza infaz kurumuna giren hükümlüler içinde, 12-17 ya!
grubu hükümlülerin (çocuk hükümlüler) oran %1.8, 18 ve üstü
ya! grubu hükümlülerin (yeti!kin hükümlüler) oran %98.2’dir
(cinsiyeti ve ya! bilinmeyen hükümlüler hesaplamalara dahil
Güvenlik birimine gelen veya getirilen çocuklar
2010 ylnda güvenlik birimine gelen veya getirilen çocuk says
188 044’tür. 2010 ylnda çocuklarn %44.3’ü suç isnad ile
%40.6’s ma"dur, %4.3’ü kayp, %10.8’i di"er nedenlerden
güvenlik birimlerine gelmi!lerdir.
14 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Public prosecutors
50.4% of 5 659 680 cases in the investigation stage has been
judged by the Chief Public Prosecutors in the year 2008 and
the ratio of ling a public case is 37.6%. 40.6% of cases
brought to the Chief Public Prosecutors consists of cases with
unknown offender in the year 2008.
In 2008, 50.2% of cases led at the criminal courts is cases
by the Turkish Criminal Law (TCL), 49.8% of the cases is by
the special laws. In 2008, 35.2% of accused persons has been
sentenced because of their committed crime.
1 620 793 cases have been led at the civil courts in the year
2008. The rst ten cases of led cases consists of succession,
divorce, compensation, action of debt, complaint, appointment
of guardian, cancellation of objection, birth registration actions,
objection to land registration, and nullication of title deed.
Convicts received into prison
The number of convicts received into prison is 74 404 in 2009.
95.9% of convicts received into prison is male, 4.1% is female
in 2009. The ratio of convicts at 12-17 age group in total
convicts received into prison is 1.8%, the ratio of convicts at
the age 18 and over is 98.2% in the year 2009 (convicts whose
sex and age unknown were not included in the calculations).
Juveniles received into security unit
The number of juveniles received into security unit is 188 044
in 2010. 44.3% of juveniles received into security unit because
of offence charged, 40.6% as victim, 4.3% as lost, 10.8% by
the other reasons in 2010.
Mahkemelerin i# durumu - Court’s activities
A. Gelen - Brought B. Karara ba"lanan - Judged C. Gelecek y!la devir - Postponed until next year
Mahkeme türü - Type of court
Ceza - Criminal
Hukuk - Civil
!dari - Administrative
058 701
714 883
343 818
397 875
497 250
900 625
478 339
326 826
151 513
060 639
848 906
211 733
521 418
568 170
953 248
482 251
337 528
144 723
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 15
2010 ylnda Türkiye’de toplam i!gücü 25 milyon 641 bin
ki!idir. Kadn i!gücü 7 milyon 383 bin ki!i, erkek i!gücü ise
18 milyon 257 bin ki!idir. Toplam i!gücünün %71.2’sini erkek
nüfus ve %17.3’ünü 15-24 ya! grubundakiler olu!turmaktadr.
2010 ylnda Türkiye genelinde %48.8 olan i!gücüne katlma
oran, erkeklerde %70.8, kadnlarda ise %27.6 olarak
gerçekle!mi!tir. Kadnlarn i!gücüne katlm oran krsal yerlerde
(%36.3) kentsel yerlere kyasla daha yüksektir (%23.7).
2010 ylnda 22 milyon 594 bin ki!i olan toplam istihdamn
%65’i kentsel yerlerde, %35’i ise krsal yerlerde bulunmaktadr.
Türkiye’de istihdam edilen nüfusun %25.2’si tarm sektöründe
çal!maktadr. Tarmdaki istihdamn %44.2’sini kendi hesabna
veya i!veren olarak çal!anlar, %46.5’i ise ücretsiz aile i!çisi
olu!turmaktadr. Tarm sektöründeki 2 milyon 724 bin kadnn
%76’s ücretsiz aile i!çisi olarak çal!maktadr. Tarm d!
istihdam ise 16 milyon 911 bin ki!idir.
2010 ylnda i!siz says 3 milyon 46 bin ki!i olarak tahmin
edilmi!tir. 2010 ylnda i!sizlik oran kentsel yerlerde %14.2,
krsal yerlerde ise %7.3’dür. #!sizlik oran kadnlarda %13,
erkeklerde ise %11.4’dür. Genç i!sizlik oran toplamda %21.7,
erkeklerde %21, kadnlarda ise %23’dür. Bu dönemdeki
i!sizlerin %68.5’i erkek nüfustur.
#!gücüne dahil olmayanlarn says da 2010 ylnda 26 milyon 901 bin
ki!i olmu!tur. Ev i!leri ile me!gul olanlar %44.3 ile i!gücüne
dahil olmayan nüfus içinde en yüksek paya sahiptir.
16 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Labour Force
Labour force
Labour force is 25 million 641 thousand persons in Turkey in
2010. Female labour force is 7 million 383 thousand persons
and male labour force is 18 million 257 thousand persons. Male
population consists 71.2% of total labour force and 17.3% of
total population is between 15-24 age groups.
Labour force participation rate is 48.8% for overall Turkey, it
is 70.8% for male and 27.6% for female in 2010. Labour force
participation rate for female is higher in rural areas (36.3%)
compared to urban areas (23.7%).
Of total employment amounting to 22 million 594 thousand
persons, 65% are employed in urban areas and 35% is
employed in rural areas in 2010. 25.2% of employed persons
have been working in agriculture. 44.2% of agricultural
employment is comprised of self-employed persons or
employers and 46.5% of it is comprised of unpaid family
workers. 76% of 2 million 724 thousand women have been
working in agriculture as unpaid family worker. Non-agricultural
employment is 16 million 911 thousand persons.
In 2010, the number of unemployed persons is estimated as
3 million 46 thousand persons. Unemployment rate is 14.2% in
urban areas and 7.3% in rural areas in 2010. Unemployment rate
is 13% for female and 11.4% for male. The overall unemployment
rate of youth is 21.7%, 21% for male and 23% for female. 68.5% of
the unemployed persons in this term are the male population.
The number of persons who are not in the labour force is
estimated as 26 million 901 thousands persons in 2010. Persons
who are engaged with household chores have the highest share
in the population not in the labour force with 44.3%.
Kurumsal olmayan nüfusun i#gücü durumu
Labour force status of non-institutional population
Kurumsal olmayan nüfus - Non-institutional population (000) 70 542
15 ve daha yukar! ya#taki nüfus
Population 15 years old and over (000)
51 686
!#gücü - Labour force (000)
24 748
!stihdam - Employed (000)
21 277
Erkek - Males
15 406
Kad!n - Females
5 871
!#siz - Unemployed (000)
3 471
Erkek - Males
2 491
Kad!n - Females
!#gücüne kat!lma oran! - Labour force participation rate (%)
!#sizlik oran! - Unemployment rate (%)
!#gücüne dahil olmayanlar - Not in labour force (000)
26 938
71 343
26 901
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 17
Tar!msal i#letme büyüklü"ü ve i#letme tipi
2001 Genel Tarm Saym Tarmsal #!letmeler (Hanehalk)
Anketi sonucuna göre, Türkiye’de toplam 3 076 649 adet
tarmsal i!letme bulunmaktadr. Bu i!letmelerin, 54 523 adeti
tasarrufunda hiç arazi olmayan i!letmelerdir. Tasarrufunda
arazi bulunan tarmsal i!letmelerin %31.46’s 20-49 dekar arazi
grubunda yo"unla!m!tr. Toplam i!letmenin %67.43’ünde
hem bitkisel üretim hem de hayvan yeti!tiricili"i, %30.21’inde
yalnz bitkisel üretim, %2.36’snda yalnz hayvan yeti!tiricili"i
Bitkisel üretim
Türkiye’de toplam i!lenen tarm alan ve uzun ömürlü bitkilerin
alan 2010 ylnda 24.4 milyon hektardr. 2010 ylnda ekilen
alan 16.3 milyon hektar, nadas alan 4.3 milyon hektar, sebze
bahçeleri alan 0.8 milyon hektar ve uzun ömürlü bitkilerin alan
3.1 milyon hektar olmu!tur. Çayr ve mera arazisi 2010 ylnda
14.6 milyon hektar, orman alan ise 21.4 milyon hektardr.
Önemli ürünlerin üretimine bakld"nda, 2010 ylnda bu"day
19 660 000 ton, arpa 7 240 000 ton, dane msr 4 310 000 ton,
kütlü pamuk 2 150 000 ton, !eker pancar 17 942 112 ton ve
ayçiçe"i 1 320 000 ton olmu!tur.
2010 ylnda Türkiye’de s"r says 11 369 800 ba!, koyun says
23 089 691 ba! olmu!tur.
Su ürünleri
Avlanan deniz balklarnn miktar 2010 ylnda 399 656 ton
olmu!tur. Di"er deniz ürünleri ise 2010 ylnda 46 024 tondur.
2010 ylnda yeti!tiricilik üretimi denizlerde 88 573 ton, iç
sularda yeti!tiricilik üretimi ise 78 568 tondur. #ç su ürünleri
avcl" ise 40 259 tondur.
18 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Agricultural holding size and type
According to the results of 2001 Census of Agriculture Agricultural
Holdings (Household) Survey, there are 3 076 649 agricultural
holdings in total. 54 523 of total agricultural holdings are without
land operated. 31.46% of the holdings with land operated has
been accumulated among 20-49 decare land group. 67.43%
of total agricultural holdings has been engaged in both crop
production and animal husbandry, 30.21% of them has been
engaged in only crop production and 2.36% of them has been
engaged in only animal husbandry.
Crop production
In Turkey, total arable land and land under permanent crops
was 24.4 million hectares in 2010. In 2010, sown area was
16.3 million hectares, fallow land 4.3 million hectares, area
of vegetable gardens 0.8 million hectares and land under
permanent crops was 3.1 million hectares. Land under
permanent meadows and pastures was 14.6 million hectares,
forest area was 21.4 million hectares in 2010.
Hayvansal ürünler - Animal products
Looking at the production of important crops, in 2010, wheat is
19 660 000 tons, barley is 7 240 000 tons, maize (grain) is
4 310 000 tons, cotton (raw) is 2 150 000 tons, sugar beets is
17 942 112 tons and sunower is 1 320 000 tons.
K!rm!z! et - Red meat
In 2010 the number of cattle is 11 369 800 heads and the
number of sheep is 23 089 691 heads.
Süt - Milk
The amount of sea sh caught was 399 656 tons in 2010.
The amount of other sea products caught was 46 024 tons in
2010. Aquaculture production on sea was 88 573 tons in 2010.
Aquaculture production in freshwater was 78 568 tons in 2010.
The catch of freshwater was 40 259 tons.
Beyaz et - Poultry meat(2)
Yumurta - Eggs(3)
Bal - Honey
(Ton - Tons)
412 621
780 718
1 323 624
1 444 059
864 545
740 025
12 542 186
13 543 674
82 003
81 115
(1) 2010 y!l!na kadar Kurban Bayram! kesimlerinin bir k!sm! ile kesimhane
kesimlerini kapsar. 2010 y!l!ndan itibaren tüm kesimleri kapsamaktad!r.
(1) Includes part of the slaughterings at the Feast Sacrice and slaughterings at
slaughterhouses until 2010; all slaughterings starting from 2010.
(2) 2010 y!l!ndan itibaren sadece tavuk etini kapsamaktad!r.
(2) Includes only chicken meat starting from 2010.
(3) 16 000 adet yumurta = 1 ton - 16 000 eggs = 1 ton
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 19
K!sa Dönemli !# !statistikleri
Sanayi üretimi
Sanayi sektöründe üretim, bir önceki yla göre 2010 ylnda
%13.1 artm!tr. 2010 ylnda bir önceki yla göre, sanayinin
alt sektörlerindeki üretim incelendi"inde, madencilik ve
ta!ocakçl" sektöründe %2.1, imalat sanayii sektöründe
%14.4, elektrik, gaz, buhar ve iklimlendirme sektöründe ise
%8.3 orannda art! görülmü!tür.
Sanayi ciro ve sipari#
Sanayi ciro, madencilik ve ta!ocakçl" ile imalat sanayii
sektörlerindeki ciroyu kapsamaktadr. Sanayi sektöründe
ciro, bir önceki yla göre 2010 ylnda %17.7 artm!tr. 2010
ylnda bir önceki yla göre, sanayinin alt sektörlerindeki
ciro incelendi"inde, madencilik ve ta!ocakçl" sektöründe
%26.1, imalat sanayii sektöründe ise %17.4 orannda art!
görülmü!tür. Sanayi sipari!, imalat sanayii sektöründeki sipari!i
kapsamaktadr. Sanayi sektöründe sipari!, bir önceki yla göre
2010 ylnda %19.1 artm!tr.
Sanayi istihdam!nda art!#
2005=100 temel yll, Üç Aylk Sanayi #stihdam Endeksi 2010
ylnda bir önceki yla göre %4.5 art! göstermi!tir.
Sanayide çal!#!lan saatte art!#
2005=100 temel yll, Üç Aylk Sanayide Çal!lan Saat Endeksi
2010 ylnda bir önceki yla göre %4.5 art! göstermi!tir.
Sanayide brüt ücret-maa#ta art!#
2005=100 temel yll, Üç Aylk Sanayide Brüt Ücret-Maa! Endeksi
2010 ylnda bir önceki yla göre %15.8 art! göstermi!tir.
20 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Short Term Business Statistics
Industrial production
The production in the industry sector increased by 13.1% in
2010 over to the previous year. In 2010 when the production in
sub sectors of industry over to the previous year was examined
a increase of 2.1% in mining and quarrying sector, a increase
of 14.4% in manufacturing sector, a increase of 8.3% in
electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply sector was
Industrial turnover, new orders
Industrial turnover comprises the turnover in the mining and
quarrying sector and manufacturing industry sector. The
turnover in the industry sector increased by 17.7% in 2010
over to the previous year. In 2010 when the turnover in sub
sectors of industry over to the previous year was examined
a increase of 26.1% in mining and quarrying sector, a increase
of 17.4% in manufacturing sector was realized. Industrial new
orders comprises the new orders in the manufacturing industry
sector. The new orders in the industry sector increased by
19.1% in 2010 over to the previous year.
Industrial employment increased
Quarterly Industrial Employment Index with 2005 base year
increased by 4.5% over to the previous year in the year 2010.
Hours worked in industry increased
Quarterly Hours Worked Index in Industry with 2005 base year
increased by 4.5% over to the previous year in the year 2010.
Gross wages-salaries in industry increased
Quarterly Gross Wages-Salaries Index in Industry with 2005
base year increased by 15.8% over to the previous year in the
year 2010.
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 21
Enerji tüketiminde yo"unluk sanayide
2009 ylnda 2008 ylna göre brüt elektrik üretimi %1.82
azalarak 194 812.9 GWh olarak gerçekle!mi!tir. Elektrik
tüketimi ise 2009 ylnda 2008 ylna göre %3.12 orannda
azalarak 156 894.1 GWh olmu!tur.
2009 ylnda enerji kaynaklarna göre brüt elektrik enerjisi
üretiminin %49.33‘ü do"algaz, %20.07‘si linyit, %19.45’i su,
jeotermal ve rüzgar, %8.52‘si ta!kömürü, %2.28‘i fuel-oil, %0.18’i
motorin ve %0.18‘i de di"er kaynaklardan sa"lanm!tr.
2009 ylnda elektrik ithalat 812 GWh, elektrik ihracat ise
1 545.8 GWh olarak gerçekle!mi!tir.
2009 ylnda elektrik enerjisinin %44.9’u sanayide, %25’i
konutlarda, %15.9’u ticarethanelerde, %4.5’i resmi dairelerde,
%2.5’i sokak aydnlatmasnda, %2.3’ü tarmsal sulamada ve
%4.9’u da di"er amaçlar için kullanlm!tr.
22 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Large portion of electricity consumption in industry
In 2009, electricity generation had decreased by 1.82%
and reached 194 812.9 GWh, consumption had decreased
by 3.12% and reached 156 894.1 GWh when compared to
The share of energy sources in the gross electrical energy
generation in year 2009 has been observed as follows; natural
gas with 49.33%, lignite with 20.07%, water, geothermel and
wind with 19.45%, hard coal with 8.52%, fuel-oil with 2.28%,
diesel oil with 0.18% and others with 0.18%.
812 GWh electricity was imported in 2009, 1 545.8 GWh
electricity was exported in 2009.
In 2009, 44.9% of electricity consumption was in industry,
25% was in residences, 15.9% was in commerce, 4.5% was
in state ofces, 2.5% was in street lighting, 2.3% irrigation
and 4.9% others.
Elektrik tüketimi ve enerji kaynaklar!na göre elektrik enerjisi üretimi
Electricity consumption and electricity generation by energy resources
Tüketim - Consumption
161 947.5 156 894.1
Brüt üretim - Gross production
198 418.0 194 812.9
Ta#kömürü+ithal kömür+asfaltit
Hard coal+imported coal+asphaltite
15 857.5
16 595.6
Linyit - Lignite
41 858.1
39 089.5
7 208.6
4 439.8
98 685.3
96 094.7
34 278.7
37 889.5
Fuel oil - Fuel oil
Motorin - Diesel oil
Do"al gaz - Natural gas
Di"er - Other(1)
Kaynak: TE!A%, Türkiye Elektrik Üretim-!letim !statistikleri
Source: TETC, Electricity Generation - Transmission Statistics of Turkey
(1) Nafta, LPG, biogaz, endüstriyel at!k vb.
(1) Naphtha, LPG, biogas, industrial waste etc.
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 23
Ula#t!rma ve Haberle#me
Tra"k kazalar!nda art!#
2010 ylnda ülkemiz karayolu a"nda toplam 1 106 201 adet
trak kazas meydana gelmi! ve bu kazalarda 4 045 ki!i
hayatn kaybetmi!, 211 496 ki!i de yaralanm!tr. 2010 ylnda
bir önceki yla göre kazalar %5.0 artarken, ölümlü yaralanmal
kazalarda %5.1, yaral saysnda %5.0, ölü saysnda ise %6.5
azalma olmu!tur.
2010 ylnda bir önceki yla göre ölümlü ve yaralanmal trak
kazasna kar!an ta!t saylarnda %6.4 art! olmu!tur. 2010
ylnda meydana gelen trak kazalarnda 100 000 nüfusa
dü!en ölü says 5.5, yaral says 286.9 olmu!tur.
Tra"kteki araç say!lar!
2010 yl içinde 930 603 adet aracn tra"e kayd yaplm!,
151 700 aracn ise trakten kayd silinmi!tir. 2010 yl itibariyle
tra"e kaytl 15 095 603 ta!tn %50.0’sini otomobil, %2.6’sini
minibüs, %1.4’ünü otobüs, %15.9’unu kamyonet, %4.8’ini
kamyon, %15.8’ini motosiklet, %0.2’sini özel amaçl ta!tlar ve
%9.3’ünü traktör olu!turmaktadr.
Trakteki araç says 2010 ylnda 2009 ylna göre %5.4
art! göstererek 15 095 603 olurken bu art! otomobilde
%6.4, minibüste %0.8, otobüste %3.7, kamyonette %8.8,
motosiklette %3.7, traktörde %2.7, özel amaçl ta!tlarda
%4.1 orannda gerçekle!mi!tir. Kamyonda ise %0.1 azal!
2010 ylnda sabit telefon abone says bir önceki yla göre
%2.0 azalarak 16 201 466, cep telefonu abone says da %1.6
azalarak 61 769 635 olmu!tur. 2010 ylnda internet abone says
ise bir önceki yla göre %27.4 orannda artarak 8 672 376 adet
24 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Transportation and Communication
Increase in traf"c accidents
In year 2010 regarding trafc accidents occurred on the road
network of our country; there had been 1 106 201 trafc
accidents in which 4 045 persons were killed and 211 496
persons were injured. In 2010, number of accidents increased
by a ratio of 5.0%, whereas accidents involving death and
personal injury decreased by a ratio of 5.1%, persons injured
decreased by a ratio of 5.0% and persons killed decreased by
a ratio of 6.5% with respect to the previous year.
In 2010, number of motor vehicles involved in accidents with death
and personal injury increased with a ratio of 6.4% with respect
to the previous year. In 2010, the number of killed persons per
100 000 population is 5.5 and number of injured persons is 286.9.
Number of motor vehicles in traf"c
In 2010, 930 603 motor vehicles were registered to the records
and 151 700 motor vehicles were erased from records. By
year 2010, there are 15 095 603 registered motor vehicles
in trafc and 50.0% of them is car, 2.6% is minibus, 1.4% is
bus, 15.9% is small truck, 4.8% is truck, 15.8% is motorcycle,
0.2% is special purpose vehicles and 9.3% is road tractor.
In 2010, number of motor vehicles increased with a ratio of
5.4% with respect to 2009 and became 15 095 603. This
increase occurred in car with a ratio of 6.4%, minibus 0.8%,
bus 3.7, small truck 8.8, motorcycle 3.7%, tractor 2.7% and
special purpose vehicles 4.1%. There has been a decrease in
the number of trucks by 0.1%.
In 2010, number of xed phone subscribers decreased by
2.0% and became 16 201 466, and number of mobile phone
subscribers decreased by 1.6% and became 61 769 635. In
2010, number of internet subscribers increased by 27.4% with
respect to previous year and became 8 672 376.
Motorlu ta#!t, nüfus, sürücü belgesi ve tra"k kazas!
Number of motor vehicles, population, driving licence and trafc accidents
Kay!tl! motorlu ta#!t - Registered motor vehicles
14 316 700
15 095 603
Kazaya kar!#an motorlu ta#!t
Motor vehicles involved in accidents
146 964
156 346
Nüfus - Population (Bin - Thousand)
72 561
73 723
Sürücü belgesi olan ki#i say!s!
Number of persons with driver licence
20 460 739
21 548 381
Kaza say!s! - Number of accidents
1 017 940
1 073 878
Not. Tra"k polisi sorumluluk bölgesindeki kazalar! kapsar.
Note. This chart includes road trafc accidents in the responsibility area of trafc police.
(1) Ölümlü ve yaralanmal! tra"k kazas!na kar!#an ta#!t say!lar!d!r.
(1) Number of vehicles involved in accidents with death and personal injury.
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 25
D!# Ticaret
D!# ticarette art!#
2010 ylnda Türkiye, 185 544 milyon ABD Dolar ithalat,
113 883 milyon ABD Dolar ihracat gerçekle!tirmi!tir. Bir
önceki yla göre ihracat %11.5, ithalat ise %31.7 artm!tr.
Türkiye’nin d! ticaret aç" 2010 ylnda 71 661 milyon
ABD Dolar’dr. #hracatn GSYH’ya oran, 2010 ylnda %15.5
2010 ylnda Türkiye ihracatnn %46.3’ü AB ülkelerine yaplm!,
AB’yi %20.5 ile Yakn ve Ortado"u ülkeleri takip etmi!tir. 2010
ylnda Türkiye ithalatnn %38.9’u AB ülkelerinden yaplm!,
AB’yi %22.3 ile di"er Asya ülkeleri ve %16.3 ile di"er Avrupa
ülkeleri takip etmi!tir.
2010 ylnda imalat sanayii ürünleri ithalat bir önceki yla göre
%30.9 artarak 145 367 milyon ABD Dolar, ihracat ise %10.5
artarak 105 467 milyon ABD Dolar olmu!tur.
Dokumaya elveri#li madde ihracat! ilk s!rada
Harmonize sisteme göre, 2010 ylnda Türkiye ihracatnn
%19.2’si dokumaya elveri!li maddeler ve mamul e!yadan
(fasl 50-63) olu!maktadr. Bu ürün grubunun ihracat
21 826 milyon ABD Dolar olarak gerçekle!mi!tir. Di"er
taraftan Türkiye, 2010 ylnda 39 810 milyon ABD Dolar
mineral maddeler (fasl 25-27) ithalat yapm!tr.
2010 yl verilerine göre, fasl baznda Türkiye ihracatnda
kara ta!tlar (fasl 87) 13 813 milyon ABD Dolar ile ilk srada,
9 413 milyon ABD Dolar ihracatla makinalar ve cihazlar (fasl 84)
ikinci srada ve 8 740 milyon ABD Dolar ihracatla demir ve çelik
(fasl 72) üçüncü srada yer almaktadr. Türkiye ithalatnda
fasl düzeyinde ilk sray mineral yaktlar ve ya"lar almaktadr.
2010 ylnda, 38 497 milyon ABD Dolar mineral yakt ve ya"
ithalat yaplm!tr.
26 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Foreign Trade
Increase in foreign trade
According to the 2010 data, imports for Turkey was
185 544 million US Dollars and exports was 113 883 million US
Dollars. Exports and imports incresed by 11.5% and 31.7%
in comparison with the previous year. Turkey’s foreign trade
decit was 71 661 million US Dollars in 2010. In 2010, the
ratio of exports over GDP was 15.5%.
According to the 2010 data, 46.3% of Turkey’s exports was
to EU countries and it is followed by the Near and Middle East
countries with 20.5%. By the same token, EU countries were
main partners for imports with 38.9% and followed by the
other Asian countries with 22.3% and the other European
countries with 16.3%.
In 2010, the imports and exports of the commodities of
manufacturing industry increased by 30.9% and 10.5% in
comparison with the previous year were 145 367 and 105 467 million
US Dollars.
Textile and textile articles are in the front rank
According to the Harmonized System, 19.2% of Turkey’s
exports was textile and textile articles (chapter 50-63) with
21 826 million US Dollars in 2010. On the other hand, Turkey
imported mineral fuels, minerals oils and product of their
distillation (chapter 25-27) with 39 810 million US Dollars in
the same year.
According to the 2010 data, exports of the road vehicles
(chapter 87) were at forefront with 13 813 million US Dollars
and followed by machineries and mechanical appliances
(chapter 84) with 9 413, iron and steel (chapter 72) with
8 740 million US Dollars. Mineral fuels and oils were at
forefront in imports with 38 497 million US Dollars.
2010 y!l!nda Türkiye’nin en çok ithalat ve ihracat yapt!"! ülkeler
Main trade partners in 2010
!thalat - Imports
(Bin ABD Dolar! - Thousand US Dollars)
!hracat - Exports
(Bin ABD Dolar! - Thousand US Dollars)
Genel - Turkey’s total 185 544 332
Genel - Turkey’s total
113 883 219
Rusya Fed. - Russia Fed. 21 600 641
Almanya - Germany
11 479 066
Almanya - Germany
17 549 112
!ngiltere - United Kingdom
7 235 861
Çin - China
17 180 806
!talya - Italy
6 505 277
A.B.D. - USA
12 318 745
Fransa - France
6 054 499
!talya - Italy
10 203 695
Irak - Iraq
6 036 362
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 27
Fiyat ve Endeksler
Fiyat endekslerinde de"i#im
TÜFE hesaplamasnda, a"rlklar için kullanlan ba!lca veri
kayna" hanehalk bütçe anketleridir. TÜFE, Türkiye ve 26
istatistiksel bölge için hesaplanmaktadr. 2010 yl TÜFE madde
sepetinde 446 madde kapsanm!tr. ÜFE, il ve bölge ayrmna
gidilmeden tüm Türkiye için hesaplanmaktadr. 2010 yl ÜFE
madde sepeti 779 maddeyi kapsamaktadr. 2010 ylnda, 2003
temel yll TÜFE sonuçlarna göre %6.40, 2003 temel yll ÜFE
sonuçlarna göre %8.87 de"i!im gerçekle!mi!tir.
TÜFE’de y!ll!k bazda en çok art!# alkollü içecekler ve
tütün grubunda
TÜFE’de “Ana Harcama Gruplar” itibariyle, 2010 Aralk aynda
bir önceki yln ayn ayna göre de"i!im oranlar incelendi"inde;
en fazla art! %24.66 ile alkollü içecekler ve tütün grubunda
gerçekle!mi!, lokanta ve otel grubunda %9.76, gda ve alkolsüz
içecekler grubunda %7.02, ula!trma grubunda %6.78, konut
grubunda %5.91, çe!itli mal ve hizmetler grubunda %5.51,
giyim ve ayakkab grubunda %4.74, e"itim grubunda %4.25,
ev e!yas grubunda %3.27, sa"lk grubunda %0.57 art! ve
haberle!me grubunda %-3.22, e"lence ve kültür grubunda
%-2.32 dü!ü! gözlenmi!tir.
ÜFE’de 2010 yl sonu verilerine göre tarm sektörü endeksinde
%14.52, sanayi sektörü endeksinde %7.70 orannda yllk
de"i!im gerçekle!mi!tir. Sanayinin alt sektörlerinden madencilik
ve ta!ocakçl"nda %7.11, imalat sanayiinde %6.62 ve elektrik,
gaz, su sektöründe %18.68 yllk de"i!im gerçekle!mi!tir.
28 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Prices and Indexes
Changes in price indices
Main source of Consumer Price Index (CPI) weights is
household budget surveys. CPI is compiled for whole country
and for 26 statistical regions. 446 items were covered in item
basket of CPI in 2010. Producer price index (PPI) is compiled
for whole country and indices are not calculated separately for
the regions. 779 items were covered in item basket of PPI in
2010. CPI increased by 6.40% and PPI increased by 8.87% in
2010 according to the index results based on 2003 period.
The highest annual increase was in the index for
alcoholic beverages and tobacco
In December 2010, when we examine the rates of change
in main expenditure groups of CPI, by comparing the rate
of change on same month of the previous year, the largest
increase (24.66%) is seen in alcoholic beverages and tobacco
group. 9.76% increase in hotels, cafes and restaurants, 7.02%
increase in food and non-alcoholic beverages, 6.78% increase
in transportation, 5.91% increase in housing, 5.51% increase in
miscellaneous goods and services, 4.74% increase in clothing
and footwear, 4.25% increase in education, 3.27% increase
in furnishing and household equipment, 0.57% increase in
health; -3.22% decrease in communication, -2.32% decrease
in recreation and culture are observed.
Annual changes in PPI were 14.52% in the index of agriculture
and 7.70% in the index of industry according to the index
results of December 2010. There were increases by 7.11% in
the index for mining and stone quarrying, 6.62% in the index
for manufacturing industry and by 18.68% in the index for
electricity, gas and water by sub-sections of industry.
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 29
Ulusal Hesaplar
Ulusal hesaplar
2009 ylnda 1998 yl sabit yatlarla %-4.8 dü!ü! gösteren
GSYH 2010 ylnda %9.0 artm!tr.
Ulusal hesaplar alannda dönemsel tahminler cari ve sabit
yatlarla hesaplanmaktadr. Ülkemizde GSYH serilerinde 1948,
1968, 1987 ve son olarak 1998 baz yl güncellemesi yaplm!tr.
Cari yatlarla gayri sa yurtiçi hasla (GSYH) 2010 ylnda
%15.9 artarak 1 103.7 milyar TL’ye ula!m!tr. 2010 ylnda
cari yatlarla ki!i ba!na GSYH 10 067 ABD Dolar olmu!tur.
2010 ylnda Türkiye’nin cari yatlarla gayri sa yurtiçi hasla
(GSYH) de"eri 734.9 milyar ABD Dolardr.
2010 ylnda, üretim yöntemiyle tahmin edilen cari yatlarla
GSYH’da tarm, avclk ve ormanclk sektörünün pay %8.2,
imalat sanayi sektörünün pay %15.5, toptan ve perakende
sektörünün pay %11.2’dir. Sabit yatlarla GSYH’nn sektörel
paylar ise tarm, avclk ve ormanclkta %9.2, imalat
sanayiinde %24.2, toptan ve perakende ticaret sektöründe
%12.7’dir. Sektörel geli!me hzlar ise sabit yatlarla tarm,
avclk ve ormanclkta %2.4, imalat sanayinde %13.3, toptan
ve perakende ticarette %13.5, ula!trma, depolama ve
haberle!me sektöründe %10.5 olarak gerçekle!mi!tir.
2010 ylnda, harcama yöntemi ile tahmin edilen cari yatlarla
GSYH’nin bile!enleri incelendi"inde, yerle!ik hanehalklarnn
tüketiminin pay %71.3, devletin nihai tüketim harcamalarnn
pay %14.3 ve gayri sa sabit sermaye olu!umunun pay ise
30 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
National Accounts
National accounts
The growth rate of GDP in constant prices (1998) decreased
-4.8% in 2009 and increased 9.0% in 2010.
Quarterly GDP series are available at current and constant
price. Revision studies with the base years of 1948, 1968,
1987 and 1998 have been realized on Turkey’s GNP series.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices reached
1 103.7 billion TL by increasing 15.9% in 2010. GDP per capita
was 10 067 US dollars in 2010. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
at current prices was 734.9 billion US dollars in 2010.
The share of agriculture, hunting and forestry sector was 8.2%,
manufacturing sector 15.5%, wholesale and retail trade sector
11.2% in GDP by production approach at current prices in
2010. The shares of sector in GDP at constant prices were 9.2%
in agriculture, hunting and forestry, 24.2% in manufacturing
and 12.7% in wholesale and retail sector in 2010. The growth
rates at constant prices were 2.4% in agriculture, hunting
and forestry sector, 13.3% in manufacturing sector, 13.5%
in wholesale and retail trade and 10.5% in transport, storage
and communication sector.
The share of nal consumption expenditure of resident households
was 71.3%, government nal consumption expenditure was
14.3% and gross xed capital formation was 18.7% in GDP by
expenditure approach at current prices in 2010.
Ba#l!ca ulusal hesaplar büyüklükleri
Main national accounts gures
1 103.7
Cari "yatlarla GSYH (Milyar TL)
Gross Domestic Product at current prices (Billion TL)
GSYH reel büyüme h!z! (y/y % de"i#im)
Gross Domestic Product growth rates of constant prices (a/a % change)
GSYH z!mni "yat de#atörü (y/y % de"i#im)
Gross Domestic Product implicit deators (a/a % change)
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 31
Gelir ve Ya#am Ko#ullar!
Gelir da"!l!m!
2009 Gelir ve Ya!am Ko!ullar Ara!trmas sonuçlarna göre;
gelir da"lm e!itsizlik ölçütlerinden gini katsays 0.415 olarak
hesaplanm!tr. Katsay, kentsel yerle!im yerleri için 0.405,
krsal yerle!im yerleri için ise 0.380’dir.
E!de"er hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlere göre olu!turulan
yüzde 20’lik gruplarda, en yüksek gelire sahip son gruptakilerin
toplam gelirden ald" pay %47.6 iken, en dü!ük gelire sahip
ilk gruptakilerin toplam gelirden ald" pay %5.6’dr. Buna
göre, son yüzde 20’lik grubun toplam gelirden ald" pay, ilk
yüzde 20’lik gruba göre bir önceki yl oldu"u gibi 8.5 kattr.
Kentsel yerler için P80/P20 göstergesi 7.9, krsal yerler için ise
7.2 kattr.
Türkiye’de hanehalk ba!na dü!en ortalama yllk kullanlabilir
gelir 21 293 YTL iken, ortalama yllk e!de"er hanehalk
kullanlabilir gelir ise 9 396 YTL’dir.
#stanbul Bölgesi 12 795 YTL ile ortalama yllk e!de"er hanehalk
kullanlabilir geliri en yüksek olan bölge durumundadr. En
dü!ük ortalamaya sahip bölge ise 4 655 YTL ile Güneydo"u
Anadolu Bölgesi’dir.
Maa!-ücret gelirleri %42.9’luk oranla toplam gelir içerisinde
en fazla paya sahip gelir türüdür. Bunu %20.4’lük oranla
müte!ebbislik gelirleri izlemektedir. Bunun %73.7’si tarm-d!
müte!ebbis gelirlerinden olu!maktadr.
E!de"er hanehalk kullanlabilir medyan gelirin %50’si dikkate
alnarak belirlenen yoksulluk snrna göre nüfusun %17.1’i,
yoksulluk riski altndadr. Kentsel ve krsal yerler için ayr ayr
hesaplanan yoksulluk snrlarna göre, kentsel yerlerde bu oran
%15.4 iken, krsal yerlerde %16.1’dir.
32 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Income and Living Conditions
Income distribution
By 2009 Income and Living Conditions Survey Results; gini
coefcient, which is one of the income inequality criteria,
is calculated as 0.415. The coefcient is 0.405 for urban
settlements and 0.380 for rural settlements.
Considering the quintiles constituted by the equivalent
household disposable income, the share of the fth quintile
which has the highest income is 47.6% whereas the share
of the rst quintile which has the lowest income is 5.6%.
Therefore, the share of the fth quintile of the total income is
8.5 times more than the rst quintile as it was in 2009. S80/S20
indicator is calculated as 7.9 for urban settlements and 7.2 for
rural settlements.
In Turkey, the average annual disposable income per
household is 21 293 TRY whereas average annual equivalised
household disposable income is 9 396 TRY.
By the regions; Istanbul has the highest average annual
equivalised household disposable income with 12 795 TRY.
South East Anatolia has the lowest average income level with
4 655 TRY.
Wage and salaries has the highest rate with 42.9% of total
income. This is followed by the entrepreneurial incomes
with 20.4%. 73.7% of it is formed by non-agricultural
entrepreneurial income.
E#de"er hanehalk! kullan!labilir gelirlere göre s!ral! yüzde 20’lik gruplar
Quintiles ordered by equivalised household disposable income
Yüzde 20’lik fert gruplar! Türkiye - Turkey
Kent - Urban
K!r - Rural
2008 2009
100.0 100.0
Toplam - Total
!lk yüzde 20
First 20%
!kinci yüzde 20
Second 20%
Üçüncü yüzde 20
Third 20%
Dördüncü yüzde 20
Fourth 20%
Son yüzde 20
Fifth 20%
Gini katsay!s!
Gini coefcient
0.415 0.395
0.405 0.378
Son yüzde 20/!lk yüzde 20
Share ratio (S80/S20)
Not. Gelir referans dönemleri bir önceki takvim y!l!d!r.
Note. Reference period of income information is the previous calendar year.
17.1% of total population is at the poverty risk according to
poverty threshold calculated according to 50% of equivalised
household disposable median income. This rate is 15.4%
for urban areas and 16.1% for rural areas by using poverty
thresholds calculated separately for urban and rural areas.
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 33
Tüketim Harcamalar! ve Mutlak Yoksulluk
Tüketim harcamas!
2010 Hanehalk Bütçe Ara!trmas sonuçlarna göre; 2010 ylnda
gda harcamas pay %21.9, konut ve kira harcamalar pay
%27.1, ula!trma harcamalar pay %15.1, giyim harcamalar
pay %5.1, alkollü içecek, sigara ve tütün harcamalar pay
%4.5, ev e!yas harcamalar pay %6.3, otel, lokanta ve
pastane harcamalar pay ise %5.4’tür.
2010 ylnda Türkiye’de hanehalk ba!na aylk ortalama
tüketim harcamas 1 843 TL olarak tahmin edilirken, bu rakam
kentsel yerlerde 2 023 TL, krsal yerlerde ise ortalama 1 420 TL
Mutlak yoksulluk
2009 Hanehalk Bütçe Anketi sonuçlarndan elde edilen
Yoksulluk Çal!masna göre; Türkiye’de fertlerin %0.48’i
sadece gda harcamalarn içeren açlk snrnn, %18.08’i ise
gda ve gda d! harcamalar içeren yoksulluk snrnn altnda
ya!amaktadr. 2009 ylnda açlk snrnn altnda ya!ayan fert
oran %0.54, yoksul fert oran ise %17.1’dir.
2009 ylnda 4 ki!ilik hanenin aylk açlk snr 287 TL, aylk
yoksulluk snr ise 825 TL’dir.
2009 yl verilerine göre okuryazar olmayan veya bir okul
bitirmeyen fertlerde yoksul olma oran %29.84 iken yüksekokul,
fakülte vb. bitiren fertlerde bu oran %0.71’e dü!mektedir.
Fert says 3-4 olan hanelerde yoksulluk oran %9.65 iken,
fert says 7 ve daha fazla olan hanelerde bu oran %40.05
Krsal yerle!im yerlerinde ya!ayanlarda yoksulluk oran %38.69
iken, kentsel yerlerde ya!ayanlarn yoksulluk oran %8.86’dr.
34 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Consumption Expenditures and Absolute Poverty
Consumption expenditure
According to 2010 Household Budget Survey results; the share of
food&non-alcoholic beverage expenditures is 21.9%, the share
of expenditures on housing and rent is 27.1%, the share of
transportation expenditures is 15.1%, the share of expenditures
on clothing is 5.1%, the share of alcoholic beverages&cigarette
expenditures is 4.5%, the share of furniture is 6.3% and the
share of hotels&restaurants is 5.4% in 2010.
The monthly average consumption expenditure per household
is estimated as 1 843 TL for Turkey, whereas 2 023 TL for
urban areas and 1 420 TL for rural areas in 2010.
Absolute poverty
According to the results of Poverty Study based on 2009
Household Budget Survey; 0.48% of the people live below the
food poverty line, whereas 18.08% live below the complete
poverty line. The ratio of individuals live below the food
poverty line was 0.54% in 2009. The ratio of individuals live
below the complete poverty line was 17.1% in 2009.
In 2009 the monthly food poverty line is 287 TL, whereas the
monthly complete poverty line is 825 TL for 4-person household.
According to 2009 data, while the poverty rate for individuals
illiterated or literated without a diploma is 29.84%, the rate
is only 0.71% for those whose education level is university,
faculty, masters, doctorate. The poverty rate is 9.65% for the
households which comprise 3-4 members, while the poverty
rate is 40.05% for the households whose size are 7 or more.
The ratio of individuals who live in rural areas and live below
the complete poverty line is 38.69%, whereas the ratio of
individuals who live in urban areas and live below the complete
poverty line is 8.86%.
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 35
!#gücü Maliyeti
!#gücü maliyeti
Aylk ortalama i!gücü maliyeti, 2008 referans yl için 1 833 YTL olarak
tahmin edilmi!tir. #!gücü maliyeti; ücret ödemeleri, ücretli çal!ana
yaplan di"er ödemeler (ikramiye, prim gibi her ay yaplmayan
düzensiz ödemeler, ayni yardm ödemeleri ve tasarruf sandklarna
yaplan ödemeler), sosyal güvenlik ödemeleri ve di"er i!gücü
maliyeti ödemeleri olarak dört ana grupta incelendi"inde, i!gücü
maliyeti içinde en büyük pay ücret ödemelerinin olu!turdu"u
görülmektedir. Bu pay 2008 ylnda %75.4 olarak gerçekle!mi!tir.
Ücretli çal!ana yaplan di"er ödemelerin i!gücü maliyeti içindeki
pay 2008 ylnda %6.3 olarak tahmin edilmi!tir. Sosyal güvenlik
ödemelerinin i!gücü maliyeti içindeki oran ise %17.6 olarak
gerçekle!mi!tir. Di"er i!gücü maliyeti ödemelerinin pay %0.6’dr.
Aylk ortalama i!gücü maliyeti, ekonomik faaliyet kolu ayrmnda
incelendi"inde 2008 yl verilerine göre, en yüksek i!gücü maliyeti
4 264 YTL ile “mali arac kurulu!larn faaliyeti” sektöründedir. Bu
sektörü 3 593 YTL ile “elektrik, gaz, buhar ve scak su üretimi ve
da"tm“ sektörü izlemektedir. 2008 ylnda aylk ortalama i!gücü
maliyetinin en dü!ük oldu"u sektör 1 055 YTL ile “in!aat” sektörüdür.
Bu sektörü 1 254 YTL ile “oteller ve lokantalar” sektörü izlemektedir.
!#gücü maliyeti endeksi
Kazanç ve kazanç d! i!gücü maliyeti kalemlerinin tümündeki
saatlik de"i!imi gösteren 2008 temel yll saatlik i!gücü maliyeti
endeksi, 2011 yl II. Döneminde kapsanan tüm sektörlerde, bir
önceki yln ayn dönemine göre %9.6 artm!tr. Sektörel ayrmda
incelendi"inde endeks de"erlerindeki yllk art! oranlarnn; sanayi
sektöründe %8.7, in!aat sektöründe %12.9 ve hizmet sektöründe
%10.3 oldu"u görülmektedir.
Saatlik i!gücü maliyeti endeksinde 2011 yl II. Döneminde bir
önceki yln ayn dönemine göre en yüksek art! %14.6 ile J (bilgi
ve ileti!im) sektöründe gerçekle!mi!tir. Bu dönemde bir önceki
yln ayn dönemine göre saatlik i!gücü maliyeti endeksindeki en
dü!ük art! ise %3.3 ile D (elektrik, gaz, buhar ve iklimlendirme
üretimi ve da"tm) sektöründedir.
36 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Labour Cost
Labour cost
Monthly average labour cost is 1 833 TRY for the reference year
2008. As the components of labour cost is listed as wage payments,
other payments to employees (irregular payments like bonuses and
premiums which are not paid in each month, in kind payments and
payments made to employee’s saving schemes), social security
payments and other labour cost payments, it is observed that the
greatest share within labour cost attributes to wage payments. This
share is estimated as 75.4% in 2008. The share of other payments to
employees is estimated as 6.3% in 2008. The share of social security
payments within labour cost is realized as 17.6% and the proportion
of other labour cost payments is observed as 0.6% in 2008.
As the monthly average labour cost is investigated by economic
activity of the establishment, the highest labour cost is observed
in nancial intermediation economic activity in 2008 with the
gures 4 264 TRY respectively. This sector is followed by
electricity, gas and water supply sector 3 593 TRY in 2008. The
lowest monthly average labour cost pertained to the construction
sector with 1 055 TRY in 2008. This sector is followed by hotels
and restaurants sector with 1 254 TRY in 2008.
Labour cost index
Hourly labour cost index with the base year of 2008 showing the
hourly changes in whole labour cost items rose by 9.6% in the second
quarter of 2011 compared to same quarter of the previous year for
the total of covered economic activities. The breakdown by economic
activity shows that this increase was 8.7% for industry sector, 12.9%
for construction sector and 10.3% for services sector.
The highest increase in hourly labour cost index was in economic
activity J (information and communication) with 14.6% in the
second quarter of 2011 compared to same quarter of the previous
year. The lowest increase in hourly labour cost index was observed
in economic activity D (electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
supply) with 3.3% in this quarter, compared to same quarter of
the previous year.
Saatlik i#gücü maliyeti endeksi - Hourly labour cost index
Ekonomik faaliyet
I.Dönem II.Dönem III.Dönem IV.Dönem
Economic activity (NACE Rev.2) Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
Toplam - Total
Sanayi - Industry
!n#aat - Construction
Hizmet - Services
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 37
Bilim, Teknoloji ve Bilgi Toplumu
Ara#t!rma-Geli#tirme (Ar-Ge) faaliyetleri
Türkiye’de Gayri Sa Yurtiçi Ar-Ge harcamasnn Gayri Sa
Yurtiçi Hasla (GSY#H) içindeki pay 2009 ylnda ‰8.5’tir.
Gayri Sa Yurtiçi Ar-Ge harcamas 2009 ylnda 8 087 milyon
TL olarak hesaplanm!tr. Ar-Ge harcamas sektörlere göre
incelendi"inde; 2009 ylnda Ar-Ge harcamalarnn %47.4’ü
yüksekö"retim, %40.0’ ticari kesim ve %12.6’s kamu kesimi
tarafndan gerçekle!tirilmi!tir. 2009 ylnda Tam Zaman E!de"eri
(TZE) cinsinden toplam 73 521 Ar-Ge personeli çal!m!tr.
Teknolojik yenilik faaliyetleri
2006-2008 yllar sanayi sektöründe 10 ve daha fazla çal!an
olan giri!imlerin %34.2’sinin teknolojik yenilik faaliyeti
yürüttü"ü tespit edilmi!tir. Hizmet sektöründe 10 ve daha
fazla çal!an olan giri!imlerin teknolojik yenilik yapma oran
ise %23.2’dir.
Hanehalk! bili#im teknolojileri kullan!m!
2011 yl Nisan ay içerisinde gerçekle!tirilen Hanehalk Bili!im
Teknolojileri Kullanm Ara!trmas sonuçlarna göre hanelerin
%42.9’u #nternete eri!im imkanna sahiptir. ADSL %34.5 ile tüm
haneler, %80.2 ile #nternet kullanlan haneler arasnda #nternet
eri!im imkan sa"lamaktadr. 16-74 ya! grubundaki hanehalk
bireylerinin bilgisayar ve #nternet kullanm oranlar srasyla
%46.4 ve %45.0’dr. Bilgisayar ve #nternet kullanm orannn en
yüksek oldu"u ya! grubu 16-24’tür.
Giri#imlerde bili#im teknolojileri kullan!m!
2010 yl Ocak aynda giri!imlerde bilgisayar kullanm ve
#nternet eri!imi oranlar srasyla %92.3 ve %90.9 olarak tespit
edilmi!tir. 250 ve daha fazla çal!an olan giri!imlerde #nternet
eri!imi %98.4 iken, 10-49 çal!an olan giri!imlerde bu oran
%89.7’dir. Giri!imlerin interneti kullanma amaçlar ço"unlukla
bankaclk ve nansal hizmetlere yöneliktir.
38 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Science, Technology and Information Society
Research-Development (R&D) activities
In Turkey, share of Gross Domestic Expenditure on Research
and Development (GERD) in GDP was 8.5 per thousand in 2009.
GERD in Turkey was 8 087 million TL in 2009. In 2009, 47.4%
of R&D expenditure was performed by higher education sector,
40.0% by business enterprises comprising state economic
enterprises and private sector and 12.6% by government.
According to the survey results, total number of R&D personnel
(full time equivalent) worked in 2009 was 73 521.
Technological innovation activities
34.2% of total enterprises with at least 10 employees
operating in industry sector engaged in technological
innovation activity in 2006-2008. 23.2% of total enterprises
at least 10 employees operating in services sector engaged in
technological innovation activity.
ICT usage in households
According to the results of Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) Usage Survey on Households and Individuals
carried out in April 2011, 42.9% of households have access to the
Internet at home. ADSL was used to access the Internet 34.5 per
cent of all households and 80.2 per cent of households with Internet
access. According to the results of research 46.4% of individuals
in 16-74 age group use computer, while 45.0% of individuals in
16-74 age group access to the Internet. The highest proportion of
computer and Internet usage was at 16-24 age group.
ICT usage in enterprises
92.3% of enterprises used computer in January, 2010.
90.9% of enterprises had access to the Internet. 98.4% of
enterprises with 250 or more persons employed had Internet
access compared with 89.7% of the smallest sized enterprises
(10-49). The main reasons for using the internet were banking
and nancial services.
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 39
Ya#am Memnuniyeti
Bireylerin mutluluk, umut ve beklentileri
2010 yl Ya!am Memnuniyeti Ara!trmas verilerine göre,
okur-yazar olmayan bireylerin içinde mutlu oldu"unu
belirtenlerin oran %56.5, üniversite/yüksekokul mezunu
bireylerin içinde mutlu olduklarn belirtenlerin oran %67.7’dir.
2010 ylnda kadnlarn %67.9’u, erkeklerin %64’ü kendi
geleceklerinden umutlu olduklarn belirtmi!lerdir. 2011 ylnda
genel olarak hayatnn daha iyi olaca"n ifade eden bireylerin
oran %32.8, daha kötü olaca"n ifade edenlerin oran %9.2’dir.
Genel olarak hayatlarnn ayn olaca"n söyleyenlerin oran
%43.6, bu konuda kri olmayanlarn oran ise %14.4’tür.
Kamu hizmetlerinden memnuniyet
2010 ylnda, ba"l olduklar sosyal güvenlik kurumunun verdi"i
hizmetlerden memnun veya çok memnun olduklarn belirten
bireylerin oran %54.9’dur. Genel olarak sa"lk hizmetlerinden
memnuniyet %73.1’dir. Aile sa"l" merkezleri %73.2 ile
hizmetlerinden en çok memnun olunan sa"lk kurulu!udur.
Genel olarak e"itim hizmetlerinden memnuniyet %57.7’dir.
Bireylerin %77.1’i asayi! hizmetlerinden, %34.6’s adli sistemin
verdi"i hizmetlerden memnun oldu"unu belirtmi!tir.
Aile Yap!s! Ara#t!rmas!, 2006
2006 Aile Yaps Ara!trmas verilerine göre, erkeklerin
%39.6’snn, kadnlarn %80.2’sinin üzerine kaytl gayrimenkul
ya da motorlu ta!t bulunmamaktadr. Evlenmelerin ya! yaps
incelendi"inde kadnlarn ve erkeklerin ço"unun 18-24 ya!
grubunda evlendi"i, 30 ve daha yukar ya!larda evlenenlerin
paynn hzla azald" görülmektedir. Türkiye genelinde,
evlenirken ba!lk paras verilme oran %16.8’dir. Krsal yerlerde
bu oran %23.5, kentsel yerlerde %13’tür. Türkiye genelinde
18 ve üzeri ya!ta evli bireyler içinde akraba evlili"i yapanlarn
oran %20.9’dur. Bu oran Güneydo"u Anadolu Bölgesinde
40 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Life Satisfaction
Happiness, hopes and expectations of individuals
According to 2010 Life Satisfaction Survey, among the
individuals who are illiterate, 56.5% are happy, and among
the university or college graduates, 67.7% are happy. In 2010,
67.9% of the females and 64% of the males expressed that
they are hopeful for their own future. The share of individuals
who expressed that their lives in general would be better in
2011 is 32.8%, the ones who expressed that their lives would
be worse is 9.2%. The share of individuals who expressed that
their lives in general would be same is 43.6% and the ones
who have no idea about this is 14.4%.
Satisfaction from public services
In 2010, the share of individuals who mentioned that they
are satised or very satised with social security services is
54.9%. The share of individuals who are satised with the
health services in general is 73.1%. The share of the individuals
who are satised with the health services given by family
health centers is 73.2%. Satisfaction from education services
is 57.7%. 77.1% of the individuals is satised with public
security services, and 34.6% of the individuals is satised with
the services given by judicial system.
Family Structure Survey, 2006
According to 2006 Family Structure Survey, 39.6% of the
males and 80.2% of the females expressed that they do not
have any landed property or motor vehicles. When marriages
are examined by age groups, the marriages of female and
male population are mostly at 18-24 age groups, this ratio
decreases rapidly at 30 years of age and over population. The
ratio of bride’s price is 16.8% in Turkey. While bride’s price
ratio 23.5% for rural areas, this ratio is 13% for urban areas.
The ratio of marriage with close relatives is 20.9% for 18 years
of age and over population in Turkey. This ratio is 40.4% for
South East Anatolia Region.
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 41
Tüketici Güven Endeksi
Tüketici güveni
Endeks 0 ile 200 aral"nda de"erler almaktadr. Endeksin
100’den büyük olmas tüketici güveninde iyimser durum,
100’den küçük olmas tüketici güveninde kötümser durum,
100 olmas ise tüketici güveninde ne iyimser ne de kötümser
durum oldu"unu göstermektedir.
Tüketici güven endeksi 2011 ylnn Temmuz aynda bir
önceki aya göre %1.64 orannda azalarak 96.42’den 94.83’e
dü!mü!tür. Güven endeksindeki dü!ü!, tüketicilerin gelecek
dönem satn alma gücü, gelecek dönem genel ekonomik
durum, gelecek dönem i! bulma olanaklar ile mevcut dönemin
dayankl tüketim mal satn almak için uygunlu"u durumlarna
ait de"erlendirmelerinin kötüle!mesinden kaynaklanmaktadr.
Tüketici güven endeksinin alt kalemlerine bakld"nda; Temmuz
2011’de bir önceki aya göre; bireylerin alt ay öncesine göre !u
andaki satn alma gücü endeksi %0.09 art!la 90.25’e yükselmi!,
bireylerin gelecek alt aylk dönemdeki satn alma gücüyle ilgili
beklenti endeksi %1.09 dü!ü!le 92.47’ye, bireylerin gelecek üç
aylk dönemde Türkiye’nin genel ekonomik durumuna ili!kin
beklenti endeksi %1.68 dü!ü!le 98.51’e, bireylerin gelecek alt
aylk dönemde Türkiye’de i! bulma olanaklarna ili!kin beklenti
endeksi %2.60 dü!ü!le 95.55’e, mevcut dönemin dayankl
tüketim mal satn almak için uygunlu"u endeksi ise %2.74
dü!ü!le 97.38’e gerilemi!tir.
42 TÜ!K, Rakamlar Ne Diyor? 2011
Consumer Tendencies
Consumer con"dence
The index is evaluated between 0 and 200. It indicates an
optimistic outlook when the index is above 100, but pessimistic
outlook when it is below 100, 100 refers to neither optimistic
nor pessimistic outlook.
The Consumer Condence Index, which was 96.42 in
June 2011, decreased by 1.64% compared to the previous
month and became 94.83 in July 2011. The decrease in the
Consumer Condence Index stemmed from the deterioration
in consumers’ assessments concerning purchasing power in
the next period, general economic situation in the next period,
job opportunities in the next period and buying time condition
of durable goods in the present period.
At the sub-indices of consumer condence; in July 2011,
purchasing power index in the present period (90.25)
increased by 0.09%, purchasing power index over the six
months (92.47), general economic situation index over the
next three months (98.51), job opportunities index (95.55)
and buying time condition of durable goods index in the
present period (97.38) decreased by 1.09%, 1.68%, 2.60%
and 2.74% respectively compared to the previous month.
Tüketici güven endeksi ve alt kalemleri
Consumer condence index and sub-indices
Tüketici Güven Endeksi
Consumer Condence Index
Sat!n alma gücü (mevcut dönem)
Purchasing power (present)
Sat!n alma gücü (gelecek dönem)
Purchasing power (next 6 months)
Genel ekonomik durum (gelecek dönem)
General economic situation (next 3 months)
!# bulma olanaklar! (gelecek dönem)
Job opportunities (next 6 months)
Mevcut dönemin dayan!kl! tüketim
mal! sat!n almak için uygunlu"u
Buying time condition of durable goods (present)
91.29 93.56 93.43 93.46 92.85 96.42 94.83
84.03 85.82 86.65 87.00 87.21 90.17 90.25
89.18 91.09 91.51 90.70 90.61 93.48 92.47
90.87 93.24 92.51 93.33 93.08 100.19 98.51
92.14 92.92 93.07 92.88 93.73 98.10 95.55
100.21 104.74 103.40 103.38 99.63 100.13 97.38
TurkStat, What the Figures Say 2011 43

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