Bibliography - Berghahn Books


Bibliography - Berghahn Books
Primary Sources
Nearly all of the primary sources utilized in this study are located in modern-day Zonguldak, Turkey. Most are stored at Karaelmas University and at the Education Department
of the Turkish Coalmining Ministry. Unfortunately, a number of the registers in the latter
location disappeared after my first visit in 1997. For a complete inventory of all the holdings
in Zonguldak, see Quataert and Özbek (1999), cited in the bibliography.
I used a few documents from scattered classifications in the Ottoman Archives, Istanbul.
I also had access to several documents from the archives of the Credit Lyonnais, Paris, that
were not used in Quataert (1983). These were kindly provided by Marie Guillochon, History Department, Binghamton University, State University of New York. And finally, I utilized the resources of the Center for Asia Minor Studies, Athens, Greece—namely, recorded
interviews of former Greek Orthodox subjects of the Ottoman Empire. I am very grateful
to Margarita Poutouridou, History Department, Binghamton University, State University
of New York, who selected and translated the interviews, conducted in Greek, of former
residents of the coalfield.
The following Web site contains a host of photographs, illustrations, maps, and documents relevant to this volume. Please visit the following site:
Published Primary Sources
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Benzer belgeler


APPENDIX I: COMPLAINT, PETITION, DENOUNCIATION LETTERS The number of letters is quite small and the period under consideration (17 years) is quite short compared to the long history and the extent of the practice. Although, then, it would be quite prec...



MERSİN ÜNİVERSİTESİ SOSYAL BİLİMLER ENSTİTÜSÜ APA STİLİ abused children and adolescents. American Psychologist, 55, 1040-1049. 2.4 Altıdan daha fazla yazarlı makale Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandier, I. N., Tein, J., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L., et al...
