
18 N SAN 2010, PAZAR / 18 APRIL 2010, SUNDAY
10.30 - 12.00
1-Obez Yaşlı ve KOAH' lı Hastada Sternum yileşmesi Aynı mı? Is sternal Healing the same in Obese, elderly and COPD Patients?
Kıvanç Metin (TR)
2-Sternum Kapatmada Yeni Yaklaşım Yüksek Stabilite ve Düşük Risk / A Novel Approach for Sternal Closure: Higher Stability and Lower Risk
Martin Grapow (Basel, ðsviçre)
3-Atan Kalpleri yerli cihazla stabilize edebilir miyiz? / Can we stabilize the beating hearts with homemade devices?
Huseyin Okutan (TR)
4-A new anti platelet drug released by Astra Zeneca. Dr Gunnar Brandrup-Wognsen (Gothenburg/Sweden)
5-Vascular Tissue Engineering : an alternative to autologous bypass grafts?
Beat Walpoth
Lunch Symposium
Yeni kuşak SS: Bize neler sunuyor ?
/New Generation DES: What they offer us ?
Moderatör/Moderator: Ali Oto
Title of Lecture TBD - Alev Arat
Title of Lecture TBD - Erdoïan ðlkay
Title of Lecture TBD - Alfredo Galassi
Bu oturum Medintek Co firmasının koşulsuz eğitim desteğiyle hazırlanmıştır.
This session is supported by unrestricted educational grant from Medintek Co company
Cardiology-Cardiac Surgery Debate Session
Kardiyoloji-Cerrahi Tartışmalı Oturum
Oturum Başkanları/Chairmen:Tuïrul Okay, Mahmut ñahin
Tartışmacılar/Discussants: William Wijns,Hürkan Kuròaklıoïlu,Gökhan Cin ,Kenan ðltimür,
Ramazan Atak/Talib Majval/Vedat Aytekin/ /Sait Alan /Barıò Ökçün, O Akın Serdar,Yılmaz Niòancı,Chaim Lotan,ñule Korkmaz
Sol ana koroner stentleme:2010'da uygulamamı değiştirecek miyim?/Left main stenting: Do I change my practice in 2010?
Kardiyolog görüşü/Cardiologist's view: William Wijns
Cerrah görüşü/Surgeon's view: TBD
Paravalvüler kaçak:2010 da nasıl başedelim?/Paravalvular leak: How to manage in 2010
Kardiyolog görüşü/Cardiologist's view: Hürkan Kuròaklıoïlu
Cerrah görüşü/Surgeon's view: Gökhan ðpek
Çok damar hastalığı,diyabetikler,kötü sol ventrikül:Yeni kanıtları nasıl kullanabilirim?/Multivessel coronary disease , diabetics,bad LV : How can I use the new
evidence (The BARI 2D Trial, 2 year FU data of Syntax)
Kardiyolog görüşü/Cardiologist's view:William Wijns
Cerrah görüşü/Surgeon's view: Ali Kutsal
ASD/VSD/PDA kapatılması 2010 da neredeyiz?/ ASD/VSD closure:Where we are standing in 2010?
Kardiyolog görüşü/Cardiologist's view:Tevfik Karagöz
Cerrah görüşü/Surgeon's view: Kıvanç Metin
Canlı yayın/Live Transmission
18 N SAN 2010, PAZAR / 18 APRIL 2010, SUNDAY
Girişimsel kardiyoloji diyalogları/Dialogues in interventional cardiology
Oturum Başkanları/Chairmen: Mustafa Demirtaò, Vedat Aytekin
Girişimsel kardiyolojide yeni devrim:Biaobsorbable stentler/An new revolution in interventional cardiology:Bioabsorbable stents
William Wijns - 10 dk./min.
Perkütan aortik kapak implantasyonu:Akdeniz ülkeleri açısından bakıô/Percutaneous aortic valve implantation :Mediterranean Perspectives - Chaim Lotan
- 10 dk./min.
KTO'a kompleks yaklaôımlar:Anlamlı mı?/Complex approaches to CTO : Is it meaningful? -Cevat Kırma (TR) - 10 dk./min.
òlaç salınımlı balonlar/Drug -eluting balloons - Barıò Ökçün (TR)
òSS'ler ve osteal lezyonlar: Nasıl ilerleyelim?/DES and osteal lesions :How we made a progress? - Stefan Hoffmann - 10 dk./min.
HOKM için septal ablasyon:Yeni bir yaklaôım/Septal ablation for HOCM:A nowel approach - Kudret Aytemir - 10 dk./min.
Karar vermede FFR: Gereksiz israf mı iyi bir yatırım mı?/FFR in decision making:Is it waste of money or a good investment? - Vedat Aytekin - 10 dk./min.
Bifurkasyon :Sürekli deñiôim/Bifurcation:The everlasting challenge - Erdoïan ðlkay - - 10 dk./min.
Lunch Symposium
Olgularla yeni görüntüleme yöntemleri
New imaging modalities : A case-based approach
Oturum Başkanı/Chairman: Ramazan Atak
MRG:Kardiyak yapı,işlev,vasküler görüntüleme/MRI:Cardiac structure,function ,vascular imaging - Okan Yiïit - 15 dk./min.
CT/CTA: Optimal görüntüleme için daha az radyasyon daha yüksek rezolüsyon/BT/BTA: Less radiation/higher resolution for the optimziation? - Tuncay Hazırolan
- 15 dk./min.
Adventisyal kalsifikasyon : Sürpriz yerleşim ve yeni bir yolak/Adventitial calcifications:Surprise location and a new pathway - Faruk Erzengin - 10 dk./min.
Görüntülemede renal toksisite - MRG,BTA,kompleks koroner girişimler:Nefroloji uzmanından öğütler/Renal toxicity in imaging -MRI, CTA, complex interventions:
Recommendations from nephrologists - Bülent Altun - - 10 dk./min.
Bu oturum Siemens firmasının koşulsuz eğitim desteğiyle hazırlanmıştır.
This session is supported by unrestricted educational grant from Siemens company
Ateroskleroz Derneği ile ortak oturum/Joint session with the Atherosclerosis Society
Oturum Başkanları/Chairmen:Vedat Sansoy/ Sidney Smith
Kardiyovasküler korunma 2010 :Sorulara olgularla yanıtlar/
Cardiovascular prevention 2010:Answers to questions by cases
Critical Issues in the ACC/AHA Secondary Prevention Guidelines" - Sidney Smith
Kardiyovasküler hastalığın erken tanınması:Yeni görüntüleme yöntemleri/ Early diagnosis of cardiovascular disease:New imaging modalities - Barıò ðlerigelen
- 15 dk./min.
Kardiyovasküler hastalıktan ilaçla korunmaya ne zaman başlanmalı?/When the drugs be started for cardiovascular prevention ? - Vedat Sansoy - 15 dk./min.
Yaşam biçimini değiştirme konusunda neler öğrendik? Neler yapabiliriz?/Life style changes :What we have learned ? What can we do? - Yaïız Üresin 15 dk./min.
Panel tartışması/Panel Discussion
Critical Issues in the Secondary Prevention - 30 dk./min.
David Wood, Sidney Smith, Vedat Sansoy, Yaïız Üresin ,Barıò ðlerigelen
18 N SAN 2010, PAZAR / 18 APRIL 2010, SUNDAY
Klinik kardiyolojide yenilikler/What Is New In Clinical Cardiology
Oturum Başkanları/Chairmen: Nizamettin Toprak, Cemal Tuncer
What is new in aspirin resistance - Armen Yuri Gasparyan - 10 dk./min.
Sağlık hizmeti sunum ve finansman modelleri (Gelişmiş ülkeler ve Türkiye)/Health services models for delivery and financing - Yücel Balbay (TR)
Diyastolik kalp yetmezliğinde yeni ne var?/What is new in the diagnosis and management of diastolic heart failure - Mustafa Kılıçkap (TR)
nfektif endokarditte yeni ne var?/What is new in infective endocarditis? - Mustafa Gökçe (TR)
Pulmoner hipertansiyon tedavisinde yeni ne var?/What is new in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension? - Sanem Nalbantgil (TR)
Düşük HDL tedavisinde yeni ne var?/What is new in the management of low HDL? - Meral Kayıkçıoïlu (TR)
AF 'da inme önlenmesinde yeni ne var?/What is new for stroke prevention in AF - Tayfun Açıl (TR)
22th Cardiac Surgery Session
Chairpersons: Fahri Özcan, Hasan Berat Cihan
C22-1 - Treatment Of Heart Failure With Expanded Autologous Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal/Cd133+ Stem/Progenitor Cell Transplantation During
Cabg - M. Madani Civi1
C22-2 - Transcatheter Aortic Valves Inadequately Relieve Stenosis In Small Degenerated Bioprostheses - E. E. Tseng
C22-3 - Novel Transcatheter Aortic Valve Improves Hemodynamics In Bioprosthetic Degeneration - E. Tseng
C22-4 - Are We Ready For Decellularized Porcine Xenografts Into The Systemic Circulation. An Experimental Study - J. Honge
C22-5 - Effects Of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Microcapsules On Angiogenesis In Ischemic Cardiomyopathy And Cardiac Function - M. Madani Civi
C22-6 - The Efficacy Of Adipose Derived Stem Cell In Cardiac Muscle Repair In Nude Rats - M. Abu Abeeleh
C22-7 - Decellularization Efficiency Of Porcine Heart Valves Using Different Detergents - S. Raugele
C22-8 - Myoangiogenesis After Omentopexy And Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells Transplantation In Ischemic Cardiomyopathy, Early And Mid Term
Results - N. Kapadia
C22-9 - Transabdominal Approach For Arrhythmia Surgery In Long-standing Isolated Atrial Fibrillation - G. Bisleri
10:00-10:30 Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
25th Cardiac Surgery Session
Miscellaneous 3
Chairpersons: Berent Diòçigil,Ufuk Yetkin,
C25-1 - Leukocyte Filtration Effect On Neurological Inflammation After On-pump Coronary Surgery - S. Ferrarese
C25-2 - Mid- And Long-term Results Of Cardiac Surgery In The Octagenarians: Clinical Experience With 6,802 Patients - G. Nasso
C25-3 - Medical Audit Of The Cardiac-thoracic Surgery Centers In The Netherlands: An Evaluation - L. Noyez
C25-4 - Cardiac Surgery In Octogenarians: Does Life Start At 80? - T. Katbeh
C25-5 - A Novel Blood Transfusion Index (Ti) For Predicting Transfusion Risk During Cardiac Surgery - S. Farid
C25-6 - Early Results Of Mitral Valve Repair With Mitrofix Annuloplasty Ring - N. Masala
C25-7 - Early Resultes Of Pulmonary Thrombendarterectomy In Patients With Chronic Thrombembolic Pulmonary Hypertension And Pulmonary Vascular
Resistance Above 1000 Ds/Cm-5 - W. W. Dyk
C25-8 - Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery: Experience From Various Operations With Ministernotomy Technique - K. Metin
C25-9 - Surgical Treatment For Left-sided Active Infective Double Valve Endocarditis: 23-Year Single Center Experience - M. Musci
12:20-13:30 ÖĞLE YEMEĞ / LUNCH
18 N SAN 2010, PAZAR / 18 APRIL 2010, SUNDAY
28th Cardiac Surgery Session
Valve 4
Chairpersons: Ottavio Alfieri, Bingür Sönmez
C28-1 - Influence Of Adherence To Clinical Guidelines For Prosthesis Choice In Aortic Valve Replacement - M. Chiavarelli
C28-2 - Paraannular Plasty Of Left Atrium During Mitral Valve Replacement For Isolated Mitral Valve Disease - V. V. Popov
C28-3 - Is It Possible To Avoid Patient-prosthetic Mismatch During Valve Replacement? - P. M. Menu
C28-4 - Mitral Ischemic Incompetence Or Mitral Incompetence With Coronary Disease - I. Moriones
C28-5 - Beating Heart And Conventional Mitral Valve Surgery (Mvs) - S. Babaroglu
C28-6 - Identification Of Low Circulatory Tgf-1 In Patients With Degenerative Heart Valve Disease - S. Attaran
C28-7 - Valsalva-shaped Bio-root: An Alternative Technique For Aortic Root Replacement Using A Stented Bioprosthesis - F. Kargar
C28-8 - Implementation Of A De Novo Program Of Aortic Valve Replacement With New Generation Stentless Prosthesis - B. S. Marinho
C28-9 - Comparison Of Outcomes Of Conventional Versus New Method In Aortic Valve Replacement - M. Ghojazadeh
23th Cardiac Surgery Session
Miscellaneous 1
Chairpersons: Halim Soncul, Mehmet Yeniterzi
C23-1 - Basal Free Triiodothyronine Is A Powerful Predictor Of Low Cardiac Output And Hospital Death In Cabg Patients - A. Cerillo
C23-2 - Surgery For Isolated Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis: Single Centre Experience - G. Asimakopoulos
C23-3 - Repair Of Active Infective Av Valve Endocarditis: 23-Year Single Center Experience - M. Musci
C23-4 - Acute Intra-pericardial Bleeding And Tamponade Secondary To Perforation Of The Aortic Root By Biostar Pfo Closure Device - M. Cikirikcioglu
C23-5 - Do Patients In Congestive Cardiac Failure Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Demonstrate Worse Outcome Compared To Those Recovered From A
Previous Cardiac Failure? - S. Attaran
C23-6 - Do Cell Saver Systems Reduce The Need Of Transfusion In Low Risk Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery? - P. Alvarez
C23-7 - Preoperative Smoking Status Predicts Increased Operative Mortality And Morbidity After Cardiac Surgery In The Elderly - R. Jones
C23-8 - An Audit Of Factors Delaying Extubation Following Coronary Surgery - M. Bashir
C23-9 - Developing A New Scoring System To Assess Quality Of Life After Aortic Valve Replacement In Octogenarians - S. Attaran
C23-10 - Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator (Ecmo) As Salvage Therapy For Pandemic 2009 (H1N1) Influenza Respiratory Failure - M. S. Firstenberg
10:00-10:30 Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
26th Cardiac Surgery Session
Miscellaneous 4
Chairpersons: Mashat Iran TBD, TBD
C26-1 - Cutting Costs In Cardiac Surgery: The Futility Of Routine Histological Analysis Of Resected Aortic Valves - A. Sharkey
C26-2 - Comparison Between Three Differnt Methods Of Extracorporeal Circulation: Vacuum Assited, Closed Circuit And Convetional - A. Tripodi
C26-3 - Euroscore In Coronary Surgery - Eight Years Of Experience - B. Mihajlovic
C26-4 - A Minimized Perfusion Circuit Rocsaferx- No Line On The Horizon - J. Skorpil
C26-5 - The Use Of Cell Salvage In Routine Cardiac Surgery Is Ineffective And Not Cost Effective And Should Be Reserved For Selected Cases - S. Attaran
C26-6 - Femoral Cannulation, Reasonable Alternative In Mics - K. Babazadeh
C26-7 - Cardiopulmonary Bypass In Pregnant Patients - K. Rakhsha
C26-8 - Extend Use Of Median Sternotomy In Patients With Combine Cardiac And Thoracic Pathologies. 3 Years Follow-up - A. Szafranek
C26-9 - Reduced Inflammatory Response With A Novel Cardiopulmonary Bypass Circuit: A Prospective Randomized Evaluation - L. Tononi
C26-10 - Laser Extraction Of Pacing And Implantable Defibrillator Leads: A Single Operator Experience - R. G. Carrillo
12:20-13:30 ÖĞLE YEMEĞ / LUNCH
18 N SAN 2010, PAZAR / 18 APRIL 2010, SUNDAY
23th Cardiac Surgery Session
Miscellaneous 1
Chairpersons: Halim Soncul, Mehmet Yeniterzi
C23-1 - Basal Free Triiodothyronine Is A Powerful Predictor Of Low Cardiac Output And Hospital Death In Cabg Patients - A. Cerillo
C23-2 - Surgery For Isolated Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis: Single Centre Experience - G. Asimakopoulos
C23-3 - Repair Of Active Infective Av Valve Endocarditis: 23-Year Single Center Experience - M. Musci
C23-4 - Acute Intra-pericardial Bleeding And Tamponade Secondary To Perforation Of The Aortic Root By Biostar Pfo Closure Device - M. Cikirikcioglu
C23-5 - Do Patients In Congestive Cardiac Failure Undergoing Cardiac Surgery Demonstrate Worse Outcome Compared To Those Recovered From A
Previous Cardiac Failure? - S. Attaran
C23-6 - Do Cell Saver Systems Reduce The Need Of Transfusion In Low Risk Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery? - P. Alvarez
C23-7 - Preoperative Smoking Status Predicts Increased Operative Mortality And Morbidity After Cardiac Surgery In The Elderly - R. Jones
C23-8 - An Audit Of Factors Delaying Extubation Following Coronary Surgery - M. Bashir
C23-9 - Developing A New Scoring System To Assess Quality Of Life After Aortic Valve Replacement In Octogenarians - S. Attaran
C23-10 - Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenator (Ecmo) As Salvage Therapy For Pandemic 2009 (H1N1) Influenza Respiratory Failure - M. S. Firstenberg
10:00-10:30 Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
26th Cardiac Surgery Session
Miscellaneous 4
Chairpersons: Mashat Iran TBD, TBD
C26-1 - Cutting Costs In Cardiac Surgery: The Futility Of Routine Histological Analysis Of Resected Aortic Valves - A. Sharkey
C26-2 - Comparison Between Three Differnt Methods Of Extracorporeal Circulation: Vacuum Assited, Closed Circuit And Convetional - A. Tripodi
C26-3 - Euroscore In Coronary Surgery - Eight Years Of Experience - B. Mihajlovic
C26-4 - A Minimized Perfusion Circuit Rocsaferx- No Line On The Horizon - J. Skorpil
C26-5 - The Use Of Cell Salvage In Routine Cardiac Surgery Is Ineffective And Not Cost Effective And Should Be Reserved For Selected Cases - S. Attaran
C26-6 - Femoral Cannulation, Reasonable Alternative In Mics - K. Babazadeh
C26-7 - Cardiopulmonary Bypass In Pregnant Patients - K. Rakhsha
C26-8 - Extend Use Of Median Sternotomy In Patients With Combine Cardiac And Thoracic Pathologies. 3 Years Follow-up - A. Szafranek
C26-9 - Reduced Inflammatory Response With A Novel Cardiopulmonary Bypass Circuit: A Prospective Randomized Evaluation - L. Tononi
C26-10 - Laser Extraction Of Pacing And Implantable Defibrillator Leads: A Single Operator Experience - R. G. Carrillo
12:20-13:30 ÖĞLE YEMEĞ / LUNCH
29th Cardiac Surgery Session
Chairpersons: Cem Yorgancıoïlu,
C29-1 - Transient Postoperative Heart Rate Variability Depression After Surgical Ablation Of Atrial Fibrillation Has No Negative Impact On Long-term
Sinus Node Function - G. Suwalski
C29-2 - Twenty Years Experience Of Icd Implantation - L. Bockeria
C29-3 - What Is The Essence Of Maze Procedure? - T. Sueda
C29-4 - Surgical Radiofrequency Maze Iii Ablation For Treatment Of Atrial Fibrillation During Valvular Heart Surgery (5 Year Results In 100 Cases) - R.
C29-5 - Case Report (Cardiac Hydatic Cyste) - A. Takriti
C29-6 - Early Results Of Posterior Mitral Valve Annuloplasty With Two Size Gore-tex Tubes - A. Panza
C29-7 - Retrograde Blood Cardioplegia For Isolated Mitral Valve Replacement - V. V. Popov
C29-8 - Successful Thrombolysis Of Mitral Valve Prosthesis By Streptokinase In Very Early Postpartum Period - A. Guler
18 N SAN 2010, PAZAR / 18 APRIL 2010, SUNDAY
24th Cardiac Surgery Session
Miscellaneous 2
Chairpersons: Sabri Daïsalı, Sadi Kaplan
C24-1 - Different Methods Of Surgical Strategy Of Left Ventricle Aneurysm Correction - Y. A. Schneider
C24-2 - Mid-term Outcome Of Reductive Kay Annuloplasty Of The Tricuspid Valve In Association With Mitral Valve Surgery - P. Nardi
C24-3 - Multiple Electrode Aggregometry (Mea) A New Device For Antiplatelet Therapy Monitoring In High Risk Patients With Eptifibatide Pre-treatment
Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery - M. Wilczynski
C24-4 - Pre And Postoperative Intravenous Iron Treatment To Improve Anaemia In Cardiac Surgery? Random Double Disguised, Triple Blind Study - P.
C24-5 - Salvage Use Of Activated Factor Vii In The Management Of Post Cpb Bleeding -A Comprehensive Case Series Of Ten Patients From A Regional
Centre - A. Barua
C24-6 - The Effects Of Dexmedetomidine Infusion On Renal Functions After Open Heart Surgery: Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study
- O. O. Balkanay
C24-7 - Does The Number Of Wires Used To Close A Sternotomy Have An Impact On Wound Dehiscence? - K. Shaikhrezai
C24-8 - Update In Cardiac Surgery In Patients With Extracardiac Malignancy - I. Bahar
C24-9 - Mitral Valve Repair For Ischemic Or Degenerative Mitral Insufficiency In Patients With Concomitant Coronary Artery Disease: Comparison Of
Late Outcomes And Risk Factors Analysis - P. Nardi
10:00-10:30 Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
27th Cardiac Surgery Session
Valve 3
Chairpersons: Ali Sarıgül, Nejat Sariosmanoglu
C27-1 - Transapical Aortic Valve Implantation: Experience Of Muenster - V. Kosek
C27-2 - Decellularized Porcine Heart Valve During Ross Procedure With Up To Four Years Of Follow Up - P. M. Dohmen
C27-3 - Ten-year Single-center Experience With The St Jude Medical Regent Bileaflet Mechanical Heart Valve - I. Abouliatim
C27-4 - Translocation Of Papillary Muscle Of Anterior Leaflet During Mitral Valve Replacement For Isolated Mitral Valve Disease - V. V. Popov
C27-5 - Strut Chorda Reimplantion: A New Technique To Effectively Restore Mitral Subvalvar Continuity - F. Kargar
C27-6 - Aortic Balloon Valvuloplasty (Abv) As Urgent Treatment Of Symptomatic High-risk Elderly Patients Waiting For Transcatheter Valve Implantation
(Tavi) – Single Center Experience Of 23 Patients - T. Niklewski
C27-7 - Beating Heart Valve Surgery Results Done Via Thoracotomy And Normothermic Perfusion In Patients With Previous Cardiac Operations With
Sternotomy - K. Yay
C27-8 - Patients-prosthesis Mismatch After Mitral Valve Replacement With Small Cavity Of Left Ventricle - V. V. Popov
C27-9 - Propensity Matching Confirms That Transcatheter Valve Implantation (Tavi) Reduces Morbidity And Hospital Stay For High Risk Patients Requiring
Aortic Valve Replacement - P. Sastry
C27-10 - Upper Brachial Artery Cannulation For Repair Of Aortic Coarctation With Distal Arch And Isthmic Hypoplasia Wth Median Sternotomy: What
About Collateral Vessels? - U. Sevuk
12:20-13:30 ÖĞLE YEMEĞ / LUNCH
30th Cardiac Surgery Session
Aorta 2
Chairpersons: Mustafa Güler,Tayfun Aybek
C30-1 - Type A Dissection In Young Patients - L. Niclauss
C30-2 - Reoperations For Ascending Aorta False Aneurysms Using Deep Hypothermia And Circulatory Arrest: A Report Of 7 Cases - B. El Oumeiri
C30-3 - Single Centre Experience Of Aortic Valve Replacement With A Stentless Valve Using Full Root Technique - F. Battaglia
C30-4 - One Stage Repair With A New Integrated Stent-dacron Prosthesis For Type B Aortic Dissection - A. Panos
C30-5 - Intramural Massive Bronchogenic Cyst Mimicking Acute Type A Dissection - O. Senbaklavaci
C30-6 - Surgical Management Of Prosthetic Aortic Root Endocarditis - S. Shanmuganathan
C30-7 - Modern Surgical Techniques For Ascending Aneurysms Treatment: Our Experience - Y. A. Schneider
C30-8 - Complications Of Upper Brachial Artery Cannulation: Safer Than Aspected - U. Sevuk
C30-9 - Urine O2 Pressure(Puo2) Measurement As An Early Renal Function Assesment In Patients Undergoing Open Heart Surgery - V. Yurtman
C30-10 - Peri-ascending Aortic Pseudoaneurysm And Congestive Heart Failure Late After Surgery For Type-a Acute Aortic Dissection - S. Fragoulis
18 N SAN 2010, PAZAR / 18 APRIL 2010, SUNDAY
10th Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Session - Veins
Chairpersons: V. Arakelian (Russia)
N. Saziosmanoglu (Turkey)
V10-1 - Color –Doppler Sonographic (Cds) Analysis Of Lower Limb Venous System In Order To Select Patients For Surgical Treatment Of Varicous Veins
- V. M. Dragan
V10-2 - The Incidence Of Deep Vein Thrombosis During Laparoscopic Procedures Miljko A. Pejic, Radenko Koprivica, Sladjan Obucina, Zorica Bosnjakovic*,
Danijela Popovic* - Surgical Service General Hospital Uzice, Serbia *- Anesthesiology Service, General - M. A. Pejic
V10-3 - Combined Compressive And Medicament Treatment Of Lower Leg Venous Ulcerations - S. J. Milos
V10-4 - Surgical Treatment Of Inferior Vena Cava Tumor Thrombus In Patient With Renal Cell Carcinoma -15 Years Experience - I. R. Marjanovic
V10-5 - Endovenous Radiofrequency Fast Ablation For Saphenous Reflux - B. M. Novakovic
V10-6 - Endovenous Laser Combined With Miniphlebectomy For Treatment Of Venous Varicose Veins: Our First 625 Procedures - U. Arslan
V10-7 - Heparin-induced Thrombocytopenia In Patients With Deep Vein Thrombosis - P. Chechulov
V10-8 - Modified Endovenous Laser Treatment (Evlt) Of Lower Limbs’ Varicose Veins: Our Experiences - C. Baraldi
V10-9 - Combination Technique Of Tumescent Anesthesia During Endovenous Laser Treatment Of Saphenous Vein Insufficiency - M. E. Memetoglu
10:00-10:30 Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
12th Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Session - Miscellaneous
Chairpersons: G. Birò (Hungary), C. Turkay (TR)
V12-1 - Renovascular Hypertension: When And Why Renal Stenting Is Indicated? - R. Gattuso
V12-2 - Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Criteria Of Choise Of The Surgical Approach - G. Marcucci
V12-3 - Screening For Asymptomatic Cardiovascular Disease In Arab Patients With Diabetes - M. Elsharawy
V12-4 - Different Approach In Surgical Treatment Of Aortoduodenal Fistula - V. Popovic
V12-5 - Endovascular And Open Management Of Visceral Artery Pseudo Aneurysms: A Report Of Two Cases - M. Jevtic,
V12-6 - Surgical Menagement Of Infected Ischemic Diabetic Foot - V. Popovic
V12-7 - Assesment Of Deep Venous Trombosis And Pulmonary Embolism Management Single Center Study - O. Unal
12:20-13:30 ÖĞLE YEMEĞ / LUNCH
31th Cardiac Surgery Session
Valve 5
Chairpersons: Selim ðòbir, Kerem Vural
C31-1 - Risk Factors Of Unsuccessful Undersized Ring Annuloplasty For Chronic Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation-medium Term Results With Echocardiographic
Follow-up - D. Puszczewicz
C31-2 - Limited Right Anterior Thoracotomy: A Valid Routine Approach For Mitral Valve Surgery? - U. A. Hamza
C31-3 - Open Mitral Commissurothomy In Surgery Of Isolated Mitral Valve Disease: Problems Solved And Unsolved - V. V. Popov
C31-4 - Aortic Valve Replacement Using A New Full-flow Design Of Mechanical Prosthesis: Concept And Outcomes - L. A. Bockeria
C31-5 - Isolated Mitral Valve Replacement Without Usage Of Donor Blood - V. V. Popov
C31-6 - Mitral Valve Replacement After Previous Closed Mitral Commissurothomy: Problems Solved And Unsolved - V. V. Popov
C31-7 - Emergency Mitral Valve Surgery In Patients With Mitral Valve Diseases Of Different Etiologies - S. Alsalehi
C31-8 - Subcommissural Aortic Valvuloplasty Using A Modified El Khoury Technique - P. Totaro
C31-9 - Thoracoscopic And Robotic Tricuspid Valve Annuloplasty With A Biodegradable Ring - A. Panos
ECMO ve ECLS’ de 2010’ da Neredeyiz? / Where are we in ECMO and ECLS in 2010?
Oturum Başkanları / Chairmen: Ömür Özmen (TR), Frank Merkle (DE)
Açık Kalp Sonrası ECMO: Perfüzyonistin Bilmesi Gerekenler /ECMO as Post Cardiotomy Ventricular Assitance: What the perfusionist should know?
Frank Merkle (DE)
Domuz Gribi sonrası gelişen solunum yetmezliğinde ECMO uygulaması / ECMO in the treatment of respiratory insufficiency in H1N1
Michael Firstenberg
Uzun Dönem Ventriküler Asist Device Uygulamasında Perfüzyonistin Rolü / Perfusionist’ Role During Long Term Ventricular Assistance
ECMO’ da Hangi Oksijeneratör Niçin Ne Kadar Süre ile? / ECMO:Which Oxygenerator? Why? How Long?
Michael Firstenberg
10:00-10:30 Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
18 N SAN 2010, PAZAR / 18 APRIL 2010, SUNDAY
Oturum Başkanları / Chairmen: Nuran Ay Dereli (TR), Serdar Günaydın (TR)
Hastane içi Homeostatik laç ve Maddelerin Üretimi Yararlı mı? / In Hospital Production of Hemostatic Products: Fibrin Glue etc.
Fatih Demirkan
Cell Saver Uygulaması: Perfüzyonistin Rolü / Cell Saver Implementation: Role of Perfusionist
Seralp Güner (TR)
Transfüzyonun Başlattığı Sorunlar/ Transfusion Triggers
Marco Ranucci (IT)
KPB ve Kan Koruma Stratejileri / CPB and Blood Protection Strategies
Serdar Günaydın (TR)
12:20-13:30 ÖĞLE YEMEĞ / LUNCH
Oturum Başkanı / Chairperson: Sabır Alkan (TR) , Ufuk Demirkılıç (TR)
Kan Glukoz Düzeyinin KPB Sırasında Kontrolü/ Blood Glucose Control During Cardiac Operations
Fikret Maltepe (TR)
Minimal nvaziv Kapak Cerrahisinde MECC / MECC in Minimally Invasive Valve Surgery
(To Be Declared)
KPB’ de Hiperlaktasemiyi Nasıl Düzeltebilirim? / How I manage Hyperlactatemia During CPB
Faik Okur (TR)
Pompada Akım Yetersizliği: Oksijensizliğin Sınırı / Pump Flow Adequacy: The Anaerobic Threshold
Marco Ranucci (IT)
15:00-15:30 Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
Günlük Uygulamamızdaki KPB Problemleri: Sorunlar ve Çözümleriyle Olgu Sunumları / CPB Problems in the Daily Practice: Case Presentations with Questions
and Answers
Oturum Baôkanları: Faik Okur (TR), Tamer Sarı (TR)
MECC Uygulamasında Karşılaştığımız Sorunlar ve Çözümleri / FAQ’ s in MECC
Zerin Ural (TR)
KPB’ da Makale Yazarken Sık Karşılaşılan Sorunlar ve Çözümleri / FAQ’s in Writing an Article on CPB
Frank Merkle (DE)
Perfüzyonistin Kabusu: Şişman Kadın ve Zayıf Erkek / The Perfusion Nightmare: Large Sized Ladies and Small Sized Gentlemen
Marco Ranucci (IT)
Title of the Lecture TBD
Linda Salmi (FR)
11th Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Session - Peripheral 3
Chairpersons: Miltiadis Matsagas (Greece)
I. Golbasi (Turkey)
V11-1 - Management Of Vascular Infection In The Groin - V. Popovic
V11-2 - Preoperative Mapping Of The Saphenous Vein: Prognostic Value On Early Postoperative Results Of Autovenous In-situ Infrainguinal Bypass
Procedure - V. Popovic
V11-3 - Prolonged Acute Lower Limb Ischemia - V. Popovic
V11-4 - Free Autotransplantation Of Bigger Omentum In Endarteriitis And Aterosclerosis Of Extremities - O. Nasyranbekov
V11-5 - Predictive Factors For Complications Following Surgical Repair Of Iatrogenic Femoral Pseudoaneurysms - G. Piffaretti
V11-6 - The Posterior Approach In The Repair Of Popliteal Artery Aneurysms: A Two Centers Experience- U. M. Bracale
V11-7 - Efficacy Of Ankle-brachial Pressure Index In Patients With Diabetes Mellitus: Can It Be Adopted As A Screening Tool? - M. Y. Desai
10:00-10:30 Kahve Arası / Coffee Break
18 NòSAN 2010, PAZAR / 18 APRIL 2010, SUNDAY
13th Vascular & Endovascular Surgery Session - Vascular Access
Chairpersons: Irene Morelli (IT), F. Atagenc (TR)
V13-1 - The Incidence And The Risk Associated With Carotid Disease In A Sitting Of High Risk Population Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
- M. S. Koudieh
V13-2 - Arteriovenous Fistulae Made In Pediatric Haemodialysis Patients With Microsurgery - O. Ulular
V13-3 - Critical Upper Limb Ischemia Caused By Dialysis Arterio-venous Fistula - K. Bojakowski
V13-4 - Preoperative Ultrasonographic Examination Of Radial Artery And Cephalic Vein And Risk Of Dialysis Arterio-venous Fistula Dysfunction - K.
V13-5 - Early Failure Of Arteriovenous Fistula For Hemodialysis - J. Pasternak
V13-6 - Treatment Of Iatrogenic Arteriel Pseudoaneurysms By Ultrasound-guided Glue Injection - A. Harman
V13-7 - A Novel Percutaneous Approach In The Treatment Of Complex Iatrogenic Pseudoaneurysms Using Glue - A. Del Corso

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