-SENAT Broj:2073-10-IBU Sarajevo,15.09.2010. godine Na osnovu


-SENAT Broj:2073-10-IBU Sarajevo,15.09.2010. godine Na osnovu
Sarajevo,15.09.2010. godine
Na osnovu čl. 126., a u vezi sa članom 56. stav 3. Zakona o visokom obrazovanju Kantona Sarajevo
("Službene novine Kantona Sarajevo" br. 22/10), člana 32 Statuta International Burch University,
Senat Intrenacionalnog Burč univerziteta na XXV sjednici, održanoj 15.09.2010. godine, usvojio je
o utvrđivanju obaveznih i preporučenih udžebenika i priručnika za sve cikluse studija na
organizacionim jedinicama International Burch University
Utvrđuju se obavezni i preporučeni udžebnici i priručnici za sve cikluse studija na organizacionim
jednicama International Burch University, kako slijedi:
1. Edukacijski fakultet
a) Odsjek za orijentalnu filologiju
1. Professor Name: Ass.prof.dr.Mustafa Çetin
Course code: TDE 107
Course title: Yazılı ve Sözlü Anlatım I
Mandatory textbooks:Zeynep Korkmaz ve diğerleri,(2009). Türk Dili ve Kompozisyon;Ekin
yayınları, İstanbul.
Recommended textbooks: None
2. Professor Name: Ass.prof.dr.Mustafa Çetin
Course code: TDE 301
Course title: Türk Dili IV(Sentaks)
Mandatory textbooks: Ergin M. (2001). Türk Dil Bilgisi;Bayrak yayınları,Ġstanbul.
Recommended textbooks: None
3. Professor Name: Ass.prof.dr.Mustafa Çetin
Course code:TDE 722
Course title: Genel Dilbilim I
Mandatory textbooks:Kıran Z.(2006). Dilbilimine Giriş;Seçkin yayınları, Ankara
Recommended textbooks: None
4. Professor Name: Ass.prof.dr.Mustafa Çetin
Course code:TDE 709
Course title: ÇağdaĢ Türk Lehçeleri I
Mandatory textbooks:Bozkurt F.(2005). Türklerin Dili;Kapı Yayınları,İstanbul.
Recommended textbooks: None
5. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Menderes Coskun
Course code: TDE 307
Course title: Classical Turkish Literature III
Mandatory textbooks:
1.Büyük Türk Klasikleri IV, Ötüken Yayınları.
2.Fuzûlî Hayatı Sanatı Eserleri, Haluk ĠPEKTEN, Akçağ Yayınları.
3.Bâkî Hayatı Sanatı Eserleri, Haluk ĠPEKTEN, Akçağ Yayınları
4.Eski Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi, A.Atilla ġENTÜRK, Dergah Yayınları
Recommended textbooks:
1.Eski Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi, Mine MENGĠ Akçağ Yayınları
2.Osmanlı Türkçesi Sözlüğü, Ġsmail PARLATIR, Yargı Yayınları
6. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Menderes Coskun
Course code: TDE 201
Course title: Ottoman Language III
Mandatory textbooks:
1.Osmanlı Türkçesi Okuma Kitabı, Ġ.Hakkı AKSOYAK, Grafiker Yayınları
2. Osmanlı Türkçesi Klavuzu-2, Hayati DEVELĠ, Kesit Yayınları
Recommended textbooks:
1.Osmanlıca Dersleri, Muharrem ERGĠN, Boğaziçi Yayınları
2.Osmanlı Türkçesi Sözlüğü, Ġsmail PARLATIR, Yargı Yayınları
3.Osmanlıca-Türkçe Sözlük, Ferit DEVELLĠOĞLU
7. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Menderes Coskun
Course code: TDE 604
Course title: Poetry in Classical Turkish Literature
Mandatory textbooks:
1.Fahir ĠZ, Eski Türk Edebiyatında Nazım, Akçağ Yayınları
2.Abdulkadir Erkal, Divan ġiirinin Poetikası, BirleĢik Yayınları
3.M.Nur Doğan, Fuzûlî‟nin Poetikası
Recommended textbooks:
1.Tahir Özgör, Türkçe Divan Dibaceleri, Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları
8. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Menderes CoĢkun
Course code: TDE 207
Course title: Eski Türk Edebiyatına GiriĢ
Mandatory textbooks: ġentürk, Ahmet Atillâ, Ahmet Kartal, Üniversiteler Ġçin Eski Türk
Edebiyatı Tarih, Dergâh Yayınları, Ġstanbul, 2006.
Recommended textbooks: None
9. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Mustafa Arslan
Course code: TDE 101
Course title: Osmanlı Türkçesi I
Mandatory textbooks: Aksoyak, Ġ. Hakkı, Osmanlı Türkçesi Okuma Kitabı, Grafiker Yayınları,
Ankara, 2010.
Recommended textbooks: None
10. Professor Name: Mr.sci. Nurgul Karayazi
Course code: ELC 337
Course title: Farsça
Mandatory textbooks: Yıldırım, Nimet, Farsça Dilbilgisi, Fenomen Yayıncılık, Ġstanbul, 2009.
Recommended textbooks: None
11. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Sezayi CoĢkun
Course code: TDE 209
Course title: Yeni Türk Edebiyatına Giriş
Mandatory textbooks: 1.Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, 19.Asır Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi.
2.Kenan Akyüz, Modern Türk Edebiyatının Ana Çizgileri.
3.Orhan Okay, BatılılaĢma Devri Türk Edebiyatı
4. Ġnci Engünün, Tanzimattan Cumhuriyete,Yeni Türk Edebiyatı.
Recommended textbooks: None
12. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Sezayi CoĢkun
Course code: TDE 208
Course title: Yeni Türk Edebiyatı II
Mandatory textbooks: 1.Orhan Okay, Servet-i Fünûn ġiiri.
2.Kenan Akyüz, Tevfik Fikret.
3.Mehmet Kaplan, Tevfik Fikret
4.Berna Moran, Türk Romanına EleĢtirel Bir BakıĢ.
5.Ömer Faruk Huyugüzel, Halit Ziya UĢaklıgil.
6. Hasan Akay, Cenab ġehabettin
Recommended textbooks: None
13. Professor Name: Mr.sci.Zübeyde Bildirici
Course code: ELC 237
Course title: Dil, Toplum, Kültür
Mandatory textbooks: Dr. Hamdi HASAN, Saraybosna Kütüphanelerindeki Türkçe Yazmalarda
Türküler, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Ankara, 1987.
2.Dr. Hamdi HASAN, Makedonya ve Kosova Türklerince Kullanılan Atasözleri ve Deyimler, Türk
Dil Kurumu, Ankara, 1997.
3.Güven Kaya, Yugoslavya‟daki Türk Halk Edebiyatı, Boğaziçi üniversitesi yayınevi, Ġstanbul-1993
4.Hüseyin Yorulmaz, Osmanlının Batı Yakası Bosna, 3F yayınları, Ġstanbul-2007
5.Mehmet Kaplan, Dil Toplum ve Kültür.
6.Ġbrahim Kafesoğlu, Türk Kültürü.
7.Günay Karaağaç, Dil Toplum Kültür.
Recommended textbooks: None
14. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Mustafa Arslan
Course code: TDE 191
Mandatory textbooks:
Recommended textbooks:
15. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Melih Karakuzu
Course code: ELT 132
Course title: Ġngilizce I
Mandatory textbooks: 1. Schoenberg Irene; Focus On Grammar 2, Pearson Longman, USA.
2. Schoenberg Irene; Focus On Grammar 2 (Workbook), USA.
Recommended textbooks: None
16. Professor Name: Zenaıde Karavdiç
Course code: ECL 137
Course title: BoĢnakça I
Mandatory textbooks:
Recommended textbooks: None
17. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Sezayi Coskun
Course code: TDE 105
Course title: Edebiyat Bilgi ve Teorileri-I
Mandatory textbooks
Macit Muhsin ve Uğur Soldan (2008), Edebiyat Bilgi ve Teorileri El Kitabı, Grafiker Yay., Ankara.
ÇetiĢli, Ġsmali (2007), Batı Edebiyatında Edebi Akımlar, Akçağ Yay., Ankara
Recommended textbooks:
18. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Huseyin Ozcan
Course code: TDE 205
Course title: Halk Edebiyatına GiriĢ-I
Mandatory textbooks:
Artun, Erman (2008), Dini- Tasavvufi Halk Edebiyatı, Kitabevi Yay., Ġstanbul,
Artun, Erman (2010), Dini-Tasavvufi Halk Edebiyatı Metin Tahlileri, Kitabevi Yay. Ġstanbul.
Tatcı, Mustafa (2008), İşitin Ey Yarenler, H yayınları, Ġstanbul.
Recommended textbooks:
Demirci, Mehmet (2008), Yunus'ta Hak ve Halk Sevgisi, H yayınları, Ġstanbul.
Konur, Himmet (2009), İnsana Yolculuk, H yayınları, Ġstanbul.
19. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Huseyin Ozcan
Course code: TDE 303
Course title: Halk Edebiyatı-III
Mandatory textbooks:
Artun, Erman (2009), Anonim Halk Edebiyatı Nesri, Kitabevi Yayınları, Ġstanbul
Kaya, Doğan (2004), Anonim Halk Şiiri, Akçağ Yayınları, Ġstanbul.
Ergin, Muharrem (2008), Dede Korkut Kitabı, Boğaziçi Yay., Ġstanbul
20. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Amel Alić
Course code: EDU 133
Course title: Egitim Bilimine Giris
Exam type: Written
Mandatory textbooks:
Egitim Bilimine Giris (Remzi Kincal)
Egitim Bilimine Giris(Ayla Oktay)
Egitim Bilimine Giris( Muhsin Hesapcioglu)
Recommended textbooks: None
21. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Amel Alić
Course code: EDU 233
Course title: Ögrenme - Ögretme Süreci Yeni Teori ve Yaklasimlar
Mandatory textbooks:
1.Ögrenme - Ögretme Süreci Yeni Teori ve Yaklasimlar Nobel Kitabevi
2.Öğrenme Öğretme Süreci Yazar: Ahmet Saban
Recommended textbooks: None
22. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Amel Alić
Course code: EDU 333
Course title: Ögretim Teknolojileri Ve Materyal Gelistirme
Mandatory textbooks: 1.Ögretim Teknolojileri Ve Materyal Gelistirme Halil Ibrahim Yalin
Nobel Yayin Dagitim
2.Ögretim Teknolojileri Ve Materyal Gelistirme Zeki Kaya
Recommended textbooks: None
23. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Mustafa Arslan
Course code:TDE 103
Course title: Türkiye Türkçesi I
Mandatory textbooks: Ergin M. (2001). Türk Dil Bilgisi;Bayrak yayınları,Ġstanbul.
Recommended textbooks: None
24. Professor Name: Ass. Prof.dr.Mustafa Arslan
Course code: TDE 203
Course title: Türkiye Türkçesi III
Mandatory textbooks: Ergin M. (2001). Türk Dil Bilgisi;Bayrak yayınları,Ġstanbul.
Recommended textbooks: None
25. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Sezayi Coskun
Course code: TDE 739
Course title: Cagdas turk romani
Mandatory textbooks: Ġnci Engünin, Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk Edebiyatı ,Dergah yayınları.
Recommended textbooks: None
26. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Sezayi Coskun
Course code: TDE 611
Course title: Edebi akimlar
Mandatory textbooks: Ġsmail Ç.(2008), Edebi Akımlar, Akçağ Yayınları.
Recommended textbooks: None
27. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Sezayi Coskun
Course code: TDE 645
Course title: Türk edebiyatinda roman
Mandatory textbooks: Gıyasettin A.(2008), Tematik Roman Ġncelemeleri, Akçağ Yayınevi
Recommended textbooks: None
28. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Ramazan Gulandam
Course code: TDE 707
Course title: Edebiyat kuramlari
Mandatory textbooks:
1.Eagleton,T. Edebiyat Kuramı, ĠletiĢim Yayınları.
2.Berna M. Edebiyat Kuramları ve EleĢtiri, ĠletĢim Yayınları.
Recommended textbooks: None
29. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Ramazan Gulandam
Course code: TDE 705
Course title: Poetika
Mandatory textbooks: Okay, O. Poetika Dersleri, Hece yayınları.
Recommended textbooks: None
30. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Mustafa Cetin
Course code: TDE 722
Course title: Genel Dilbilim I
Mandatory textbooks: Kıran Z.(2006). Dilbilimine GiriĢ;Seçkin yayınları, Ankara
Recommended textbooks: None
31. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Mustafa Cetin
Course code: TDE 709
Course title: ÇağdaĢ Türk Lehçeleri I
Mandatory textbooks: Bozkurt F.(2005). Türklerin Dili;Kapı Yayınları,Ġstanbul.
Recommended textbooks: None
32. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Mustafa Arslan
Course code: TDE 730
Course title: Yabanci dil olarak türkçe öğretiminde yöntem ve yaklaĢimlar I
Mandatory textbooks:. Demircan, Ömer(1990). Yabancı Dil Öğretim Yöntemleri, Ġstanbul.
Recommended textbooks: None
33. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Mustafa Arslan
Course code: TDE 747
Course title: Yabanci dil olarak türkçe öğretiminin tarihsel geliĢimi
Mandatory textbooks:. Talat, T.(1997). Tarih Boyunca Türkçenin Yazımı, Ankara: Simurg
Recommended textbooks: None
34. Professor Name: Assoc.prof.dr.Huseyin Ozcan
Course code: TDE 640
Course title: Dini-tasavvufi halk edebiyati metin tahlilleri
Mandatory textbooks:. Mustafa Potçı(2009). Yunus Emre Divanı, H yayınları:Ġstanbul.
Recommended textbooks: None
35. Professor Name: Prof.dr.Huseyin Padem
Course code: TDE 607
Course title: Turk dil ve edebiyatialaninda arastirma yonetem ve teknikleri
Mandatory textbooks:. Scietific research metodhs, 1999.
Recommended textbooks: None
b) Odsjek za anglistiku
1. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Azamat Akbarov
Course code: ELT 213
Course title: Linguistics I
Mandatory textbooks: Adrian Akmajian , Richard A. Demers , Ann K. Farmer , Robert M.
Harnish Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication The MIT Press 2001
Recommended textbooks: William O'Grady , John Archibald , Mark Aronoff , Janie Rees-Miller :
Contemporary Linguistics 5e & Study Guide Bedford/St. Martin's; Fifth Edition 2005
2. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Azamat Akbarov
Course code: ELT 217
Course title: Translation Methods I
Mandatory textbooks: Peter Newmark. Approaches to Translation, London, Prentice Hall
Recommended textbooks: Mona Baker (1992): In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation,
London, Routledge.
3. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Azamat Akbarov
Course code: ELT 612
Course title: An Applied Linguistics (Second Language Acquisition)
Mandatory textbooks: Susan M.Gass, Larry Selinker: Second Language Acquisition, second
edition, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, New Jersey 2001
Recommended textbooks: Chaudron, C. (1988). Second language classrooms. Research on
teaching and learning. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
4. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. John Dayton
Course code: ELT 221
Course title: History of the English Language
Mandatory textbooks: Algeo, J. and Pyles, T. (2004). The Origins and Development of the
English Language, 5e. Boston: Wadsworth
Recommended textbooks: None
5. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. John Dayton
Course code: ELT 323
Course title: Drama Education
Mandatory textbooks: Way, B. (1967). Development Through Drama. New York:
Recommended textbooks: None
6. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Azamat Akbarov
Course code: ELT 319
Course title: Teaching Language Skills I
Mandatory textbooks: Gebhard, J. G. (2006). Teaching English as a Foreign or Second
Language. Ann Arbor: U. of Michigan Press
Recommended textbooks: None
7. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Melih Karakuzu
Course code: ELT 315
Course title: Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners I
Mandatory textbooks: Barone, D. M. And Xu, S. H. (2007). Literacy Instruction for English
Language Learners Pre-K – 2 (Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy)
Recommended textbooks: None
8. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Azamat Akbarov
Course code: ELT 115
Course title: Contextual Grammar Course I
Mandatory textbooks:
1. Marjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner and Miriam Westhemeimer, Focus On Grammar 3: An
Integrated Skills Approach, Third Edition, Pearson, 2006.
2. Marjorie Fuchs, Focus On Grammar 3: An Integrated Skills Approach Workbook, Third
Edition, Pearson, 2006.
Recommended textbooks: None
9. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Azamat Akbarov
Course code: ELT 119
Course title: Listening and Pronounciation I
Mandatory textbooks: Miles Craven , Real Listening and Speaking 3, Cambridge University
Press, 2008
Recommended textbooks: None
10. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Azamat Akbarov
Course code: ELT 121
Course title: Oral Communication Skills I
Mandatory textbooks: Peg Sarosy and Kathy Sherak, Lecture Ready 1, Oxford, 2007
Recommended textbooks: None
11. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Melih Karakuzu
Course code: ELT 121
Course title: Effective Communication Skills
Mandatory textbooks:
1. Stanton Nicky: Mastering Communication, Palgrave Macmillan; 4th Revised edition edition
(11 Nov 2003)
Recommended textbooks:
1. Barker Alan: Improve Your Communication Skills, Kogan Page; 2nd edition (2006)
2. Nielsen John Nielsen. Effective Communication Skills: The Foundations for Change, Xlibris
Corporation (2008)
12. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Melih Karakuzu
Course code: ELT 211
Course title: English Literature I
Mandatory textbooks:
Denis Delaney, Ciaran Ward, Carla Rho Fiorina: Fields of Vision Literature in the English Language,
Longman, 2004
Recommended textbooks:
1.Denise Pivarnik-Nova: Kaplan AP English Literature and Composition, Kaplan Publishing 2008
2. John Peck, Martin Coyle : A Brief History of English Literature, Palgrave publishing 2002
13. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Melih Karakuzu
Course code: ELT 117
Course title: Advanced Reading and Writing I
Mandatory textbooks:
Fellag Linda Robinson. From Reading to Writing Level 3, Pearson ESL, January 2010
Recommended textbooks:
1. Mikulecky Beatrice S, and Jeffries Linda. Reading Power Series, Pearson ESL, March 2007.
2. Thoreau Mary. Write on Track, Pearson Education
14. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Melih Karakuzu
Course code: ELT 219
Course title: Oral Expression and Public Speaking
Mandatory textbooks:
1. Lucas Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking, McGraw-Hill; 10th edition (October 31, 2008)
Recommended textbooks:
1. Templeton Melody, Public Speaking and Presentations Demystified, McGraw-Hill; 1 edition
(December 14, 2009)
2. Beebe Steven A. and Beebe Susan J. Public Speaking: An Audience-Centered Approach,
Allyn & Bacon; 5 edition (March 13, 2002)
15. Professor Name: Zenaida Karavdić
Course code: ELT 125
Course title: Bosanski jezik
Mandatory textbooks: Z. Karavdić, Bosanski jezik kao strani jezik.
Recommended textbooks: A. Mujezinović (2010): Bosansko-Turski / Tursko-Bosanski rječnik.
Tuzla: Bosanska riječ. ISBN: 3-936910-10-3; I. Smajlović (2003): Bosansko-turski rječnik. Sarajevo:
El-Kalem. ISBN-13: 9789958231384; E. Tuna, S. Lisica (2005): Turski rečnik. Beograd: Jasen.
ISBN: 8685337127
16. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.John Dayton
Course code: ELT 621
Course title: Epic Poetry
Mandatory textbooks: Homer, Iliad, Odyssey, Vergil, Aeneid Beowulf, Milton, Paradise Lost
Pope, The Rape of the Lock
Recommended textbooks: None
17. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Azamat Akbarov
Course code: ELT 612
Course title: An applied linguistics (second language acquisition)
Mandatory textbooks:
1. Susan M.Gass, Larry Selinker: Second Language Acquisition, second edition, Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates Publishers, New Jersey 2001
2. Chomsky, N. (1975). Reflections on language. New York: Pantheon.
3. Chaudron, C. (1988). Second language classrooms. Research on teaching and learning. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press.
4.Gass, S. (1997). Input, interaction, and the second language learner. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum
Recommended textbooks: None
18. Professor Name: Prof.dr.Srebren Dizdar
Course code: ELT 605
Course title: History of English poetry
Mandatory textbooks: The Norton Anthology of English Poetry
Recommended textbooks: None
19. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Azamat Akbarov
Course code: ELT 537
Course title: Content Based Instruction in the EFL Classroom
Mandatory textbooks: Independent research materials, classroom handouts
Recommended textbooks: None
20. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Srebren Dizdar
Course code: ELT 516
Course title: Literary Criticism
Mandatory textbooks:
1.Vincent E. Leitch, gen. ed., The Norton Anthology of Theory and Criticism,, , W.W. Norton and Co.
New York and London, 2001.
2. Texts not found in Norton‟s Anthology will be provided from other sources as handouts.
Recommended textbooks: None
2. Ekonomski fakultet
a) Odsjek za menadžment
1. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Ali Coskun
Course code: BUS 103
Course title: Introduction to Business
Mandatory textbooks: Ronald J. Ebert and Ricky W Griffin, ''Business Essentials'', 8th edition,
Prentice Hall
Recommended textbooks: None
2. Professor Name: Ass. Prof.dr. Ugur Ergun
Course code: BUS 307
Course title: Financial Management
Mandatory textbooks: CJ Van Horne and J M Wachowicz, „‟Fundamentals of Financial
Management‟‟, 12th edition, Prentice Hall
Recommended textbooks: None
3. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Ugur Ergun
Course code: BUS 321
Course title: Financial Markets and Institutions
Mandatory textbooks:
Federic S.Mishkin and Stanley, „„Financial Markets and Institutions„„, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall
Recommended textbooks: None
4. Professor Name: Assoc.Prof.dr.Teoman Duman
Course code: BUS 221
Course title: Marketing I
Mandatory textbooks: Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. (2008). Principles of Marketing 12e.
Pearson: London.
Recommended textbooks: None
5. Professor Name: Assoc.Prof.dr.Teoman Duman
Course code: BUS 337
Course title: International Marketing
Mandatory textbooks: Keegan, W. J. and Green, M. C. (2008). Global Marketing 6e. Pearson:
London.Recommended textbooks: None
Recommended textbooks: None
6. Professor Name: Assoc.Prof.dr.Teoman Duman
Course code: BUS 506
Course title: Marketing Management
Mandatory textbooks:
1. Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2006). Marketing Management 12e. Pearson: London.
2. Dibb, S. and Simkin, L. (2008). Marketing Planning: A Workbook for Marketing Managers.
Southwestern: Bath, UK.
3. Kerin, R. A. and Peterson, R. A. (2007). Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments.
Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
Recommended textbooks: None
7. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Serkan Bayraktaroglu
Course code: BUS 131
Course title: Behavioral Sciences
Mandatory textbooks: David G., Myers, ''Exploring Social Psychology'', 4/e, McGraw Hill, 2007,
ISBN: 0-7-112580-9/9-780071125802
Recommended textbooks: None
8. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Serkan Bayraktaroglu
Course code: BUS 211
Course title: Organization Theory I
Mandatory textbooks: Stephen P. Robbinson, ''Organization Theory: structures, Designs, and
Applications'', 3/e, Precentice Hall, 1990., ISBN – 10: 0136424716
Recommended textbooks: None
9. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Serkan Bayraktaroglu
Course code: BUS 319
Course title: Strategic Management
Mandatory textbooks: Strategic Management: Concept and Cases 13th edition Fread David ISBN
– 13:97814082592214/ ISBN 10: 1 – 40825-921-4
Recommended textbooks: None
10. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Huseyin Padem
Course code: BUS 301
Course title: Introduction to Research Methods
Mandatory textbooks: Business Research Methods, second european edition, Mc Graw Hill
Companies ISBN: 978007711745-0
Recommended textbooks: None
11. Professor Name: Assoc.Prof.dr. Muzaffer Aydemir
Course code: ECO 101
Course title: Introduction to Economics
Mandatory textbooks:
1 - Mankiw, N. G.: Essentials of Economics, 4th edition, Thomson South-Western, 2007
2 - Mankiw, N. G.: Principles of Economics, 4th edition, Thomson South-Western, 2007
3 – Samuelson, P. A.; Nordhaus, W. D.: Economics, International Edition (18 th), McGraw-Hill,
4 – Microeconomics, 9th Global edition by Michael Parkin published by Pearson Addison-Wesley.
Recommended textbooks: None
12. Professor Name: Assoc.Prof.dr. Muzaffer Aydemir
Course code: ECO 205
Course title: Microeconomics
Mandatory textbooks: Jeffrey M. Perloff, Microeconomics: Theory & Applications with
Calculus, 5th edition; Pearson Addison Wesley, International Edition, 2009
Recommended textbooks: None
13. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Melih Karakuzu
Course code: BUS 105
Course title: Business English
Mandatory textbooks:
Recommended textbooks: None
14. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Ali Coskun
Course code: BUS 231
Course title: Financial Accounting I
Mandatory textbooks: Accounting, 13/e, by William, Haka, Bettner & Carcello, 2008,
McGraw Hill
Recommended textbooks: None
15. Professor Name: Ass. Prof.dr. Ali Goksu
Course code: Math. For Business and Economics I
Course title: BUS 101
Mandatory textbooks: Applied Mathematics for Business, economics and the social sciences,
Frank S. Budnick, fourth edition, Mc. Grow Hill International Edition
Recommended textbooks: None
16. Professor Name: Ass. Prof.dr. Ali Goksu
Course code: Statistics I
Course title: BUS 201
Mandatory textbooks: Basic Business Statistics; Berenson, Lavine, Krehbiel, tenth edition,
Recommended textbooks: None
17. Professor Name: Ass. Prof.dr. Ali Goksu
Course code: Production Management
Course title: BUS 303
Mandatory textbooks:
Recommended textbooks: None
18. Professor Name: Ass. Prof.dr. Ahmet Turan Ozcerit
Course code: Informational technologies
Course title:
Mandatory textbooks: Valacich J. & Schneider C., Information Systems Today (4th ed), Pearson,
Recommended textbooks: None
19. Professor Name: Zenaida Karavdić
Course code:
Course title: Bosnian language
Mandatory textbooks: Zenaida Karavdić, Bosanski jezik kao strani jezik
Recommended textbooks:
20. Professor Name: Assoc.Prof.dr. Muzaffer Aydemir
Course code:
Course title: Bussines law
Mandatory textbooks: Phd Veljko Trivun and group of authors, Applied Business Law, ISBN:
Recommended textbooks:
21. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr.Ali Goksu
Course code: Matematical Programming
Course title: BUS 657
Mandatory textbooks: Stevenson, J. W., (1996), Production/Operations Management, 5 th
edition, Irwin.
Recommended textbooks: None
22. Professor Name: Ugur Ergun
Course code: Financial Reporting and Analysis
Course title: BUS 501
Mandatory textbooks: Federic S.Mishkin and Stanley, „„Financial Markets and Institutions„„,
6th Edition, Prentice Hall
Recommended textbooks: None
23. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Meliha Handzic
Course code: Management Information Systems
Course title: CEN551
Mandatory textbooks:
Valacich J. & Schneider C., Information Systems Today (4th ed), Pearson, 2010
-Kroenke D., Using MIS (3rd ed), Pearson, 2011
-Laudon K. & Laudon J., Management Information Systems (11th ed), Pearson, 2010
Recommended textbooks: None
24. Professor Name: Prof.dr. Meliha Handzic
Course code: Data Mining
Course title: CEN552
Mandatory textbooks:
Prescribed Textbook:
-Selected readings (see reference list)
Useful Web Links:
-The Data Warehousing Institute www.tdwi.org
-The OLAP Report www.olapreport.com
-Teradata University Network http://www.teradata.com/t/page/137453/index
Recommended textbooks: None
3.Fakultet za inžinjering i informacijske studije
a) Odsjek za informacijske tehnologije
1.Professor Name: Ass.Prof. Ali Goksu
Course code:
Course title: Calculus 1
Mandatory textbooks: James Stewart, Calculus, Sixth Edition
Recommended textbooks:
2.Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dženana Đonko
Course code: CEN 308
Course title: Software Engineering
Mandatory textbooks: Ian Sommerville , Software Engineering (9th Edition), Addison Wesley; 9
edition, 2010
Recommended textbooks:
1. Bernd Bruegge, Allen H. Dutoit, Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML,
Patterns, and Java, Prentice Hall; (3 Edition ), 2009
2. Martin Fowler, UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language
(3rd Edition), 2003
3.Professor Name: Prof. Dr. Rajfa Musemić
Course code:
Course title: General Physics 1
Mandatory textbooks: Halliday, Resnick, Walker: Fundamentals of Physics, John Wiley & Sons,
Inc., 2008
Recommended textbooks: D.C. Giancoli: Physics for scientist and engineers, Prentice Hall, New
Jersey, 2006
4.Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdülhamit SubaĢı
Course code: CEN 283
Course title: Digital Design
Mandatory textbooks: M. Moris Mano and Charles R. Kime, Logic and Computer Design
Fundamentals, Fourth Edition, Pearson, 2008
Recommended textbooks:
Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Akif Kutlu
Course code: CEN 137
Course title: Computer Literature and Skills
Mandatory textbooks: June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja, “New Prespective For Computer
Concepts”, 10th Edition, Thomson Course Technology
Recommended textbooks:
5.Professor Name: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet T. Ozcerit
Course code: ENG 103
Course title: Technical Drawing
Mandatory textbooks: CHING F. D. K., Architecture: Form, Space, and Order, Wiley, 2nd
edition, New York, 1996
Recommended textbooks:
1. HOKE, J. R., Architectural Graphic Standards – Students Edition, John Wiley & Sons,
INC., New York, 1994.
2. FLEMING, J., Dictionary of Architecture, The Penguin Books, England, 1991.
3. PENTAK, L.,D.,S., Design Basics (5th Edition), Wadsworth – Thompson Learning, 2002
4. WONG, WUCIUS, Principles of Two-Dimensional Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.,
New York, 1972.
5. WONG WUCIUS, Principles of Three-Dimensional Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.,
New York, 1977.
6. RASMUSSEN, STEEN E., Experiencing Architecture, 2nd Edition. MIT Press, 1965.
7. GOETSCH, DAVID L., Tecnical Drawing, Cengage Learning, 2005
6. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Akif Kutlu
Course code: CEN 301
Course title: Operating System
Mandatory textbooks: William Stallings, Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles 5th
Edition 2005.
Recommended textbooks:
7. Professor Name: Ass.Prof. Ali Goksu
Course code: BUS 303
Course title: Introduction to Production/Operations Management
Mandatory textbooks: Operations Management with MyOMLab, 6/E Nigel Slack Stuart
Chambers Robert Johnston. ISBN-10: 0273731602. ISBN-13: 9780273731603
Recommended textbooks:
8. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdülhamit SubaĢı
Course code: CEN 364
Course title: Introduction to Network Security
Mandatory textbooks: William Stallings and Lawrie Brown, Computer Security, Principles and
Practice, Prentice Hall, 2008.
Recommended textbooks:
1. Dieter Gollmann, Computer Security, Wiley, 2005.
2. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practices, Fourth
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2005.
9. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmet T. Ozcerit
Course code: CEN 281
Course title: Electronic Circuits and Devices
Mandatory textbooks: Robert L.Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit
Theory, 10th Edition, Pearson
Recommended textbooks: James W. Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel, Electric Circuits, 7th Edition,
10. Professor Name: Senada Kalabušić
Course code: MTH 203
Course title: Discrete Mathematics
Mandatory textbooks: Grimaldi, R. (2004) Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An
Applied Introduction .New York :Addison Wesley Pub.Co.Inc. 5th edition
Recommended textbooks: Kenneth H. Rosen (2003) Discrete Mathematics and its Applications :
Mc Graw Hill. 5th edition
11. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akif Kutlu
Course code: CEN 369
Course title: Object oriented programming
Mandatory textbooks: Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum. Prentice Hall
Recommended textbooks:
12. Professor Name: Prof. Dr. Meliha Handzic
Course code: CEN352
Course title: Introduction to MIS
Mandatory textbooks: Kroenke D., Using MIS (3rd ed), Pearson, 2011
Recommended textbooks:
1. Valacich J. & Schneider C., Information Systems Today (4th ed), Pearson, 2010
2. Laudon K. & Laudon J., Management Information Systems (11th ed), Pearson, 2010
13. Professor Name: Zenaida Karavdić
Course code:
Course title: Bosnian language
Mandatory textbooks: Zenaida Karavdić, Bosanski jezik kao strani jezik
Recommended textbooks:
14. Professor Name: Prof. Dr. Meliha Handzic
Course code: CEN 351
Course title: Database Management Systems
Mandatory textbooks: Modern Database Management 7th Edition – by Hoffer, McFadden, and
Prescott. Published by Addison Wesley
Recommended textbooks: Lab Material posted on the web. Password is required
15. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. Dr. Akif Kutlu
Course code: CEN 517
Course title: Distributed Systems
Mandatory textbooks: Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design, 4th Edition, , Authors: Jean
Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, and George Coulouris, Published by: Addison Wesley, 2005 , ISBN-10:
0321263545, ISBN-13: 978-0321263544
Recommended textbooks:
16. Professor Name: Prof. Dr. Meliha Handzic
Course code: CEN 551
Course title: Management Information Systems
Mandatory textbooks: Valacich J. & Schneider C., Information Systems Today (4th ed),
Pearson, 2010
Recommended textbooks:
1. Kroenke D., Using MIS (3rd ed), Pearson, 2011
2. Laudon K. & Laudon J., Management Information Systems (11th ed), Pearson, 2010
17. Professor Name: Prof. Dr. Meliha Handzic
Course code: CEN 552
Course title: Data Mining (Business Analytics)
Mandatory textbooks: Selected readings
Recommended textbooks:
1. The Data Warehousing Institute www.tdwi.org
2. The OLAP Report www.olapreport.com
3. Teradata University Network http://www.teradata.com/t/page/137453/index
18. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdülhamit SubaĢı
Course code: CEN 665
Course title: Data Communications and Computer Networks
Mandatory textbooks: William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Pearson, 2009
Recommended textbooks:
1. Diane Barrett and Todd King, Computer Networking Illuminated, Jones and Bartlett
Publishers Inc., 2005.
2. Dr. K.V. Prasad, Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks,
Charles River Media, 2003
3. Larry L. Peterson & Bruce S. Davie, Computer Networks A Systems Approach, Third Edition,
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003.
4. Nader F. Mir, Computer and Communication Networks, Prentice Hall, 2006.
5. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 4th Ed, Prentice Hall, 2003.
19. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdülhamit SubaĢı
Course code: CEN 559
Course title: Machine Learning
Mandatory textbooks: Du and Swamy, Neural Networks in a Softcomputing Framework,
Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2006
Recommended textbooks:
1. Sebe, Cohen, Garg and Huang, Machine Learning in Computer Vision, Springer, 2005.
2. Chow and Cho, Neural Networks and Computing, Imperial College Press, 2007.
3. Mitchell T., Machine Learning, McGraw Hill, 1997
20. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Melih Karakuzu
Course code: ELT 101
Course title: Development of reading and writing skills in English 1
Mandatory textbooks: McEntire, Jo (2004). Read Ahead: Reading and Life Skills Development.
White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.
Recommended textbooks: None
21. Professor Name: Ass.Prof.dr. Akif Kutlu
Course code: CEN 101
Course title: Computer Engineering Orientation
Mandatory textbooks: Computer Tools for an Information Age, by H.L. Capron and J.A.
Recommended textbooks: Larry Long and Nancy Long, Computers: Information Technology in
Perspective, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2005
22. Professor Name: Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Turan Özcerit
Course code: CEN 111
Course title: Introduction to Algorithms and Programming
Mandatory textbooks: Deitel, D., 2005: C How to Program. Prentice Hall
Recommended textbooks: Kleinberg J., Tardos E.,2005,: Algorithm Design. Addison Wesley
23. Professor Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Senada Kalabušić
Course code: MTH 201
Course title: Differential Equation
Mandatory textbooks: W. Boyce and R. DiPrima; Elementary Differential Equations and
Boundary Value Problems (Eight Edition) John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Recommended textbooks: E.Akyildiz, Y.Akyildiz, S.Alpay, A.Erkip, A.Yazici, Lectures on
Differential Equations, World Mathematical Year 2000.
Odluka stupa na snagu danom donošenja.
1x internet stranica: www.ibu.edu.ba
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Prof.dr.Hüseyin Padem

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