DERMA COS ILAC MEDIKAL VE KOZMETIK SANAYI VE IC TICARET A.S İLMOR KİMYA VE TEKSTİL SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. LA CLE LETS GO ENJOY PAPATYA PAMUK VE KOZMETİK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ONTEX HYGIENE HALK HIJYENIK URUNLER DETERJAN SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. AYMA POST SHOW REPORT BIORA MOHER KIMYA TOPRAK VE METAL SAN. IC DIŞ. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. 28 BÖLGE HATAY ECZACILAR ODASI ATAÇ DIŞ TİCARET A.Ş. SES KİMYA TEMİZLİK ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş CUBIDO ELEKTRONIK TIC. ONLINE MAĞ. A.Ş. TITIZ PLASTIK YESIL ILGAZ KOZMETIK KIMYA INS. OTM. VE GID. SAN. TIC. LTD. ŞTİ. ESSENCES DU MAROC ÇAĞLAYAN KİMYA VE İNŞAAT SAN. TİC. A.Ş. SERA KOZMETİK SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. SIAN TRADING COMPANY LTD. VIKING KAĞIT SELÜLOZ A.Ş. AYMAN KİMYA SAN. TİC. A.Ş. DERMA COS ILAC MEDIKAL VE KOZMETIK SANAYI VE IC TICARET A.S İLMOR KİMYA VE TEKSTİL SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. LA CLE LETS GO ENJOY PAPATYA PAMUK VE KOZMETİK SAN. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. ONTEX HYGIENE HALK HIJYENIK URUNLER INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC, DETERJAN SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş. AYMA BEAUTY, HAIR, HOME CARETOPRAK VE METAL SAN. MOHER KIMYA BIORA IC DIŞ. TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. HYGIENE HATAY EXHIBITION 28 &BÖLGE ECZACILAR ODASI ATAÇ DIŞ TİCARET A.Ş. SES KİMYA TEMİZLİK ÜRÜNLERİ GIDA SAN. VE TİC. A.Ş 23-26 October 2015 CUBIDO ELEKTRONIK TIC. ONLINE MAĞ. A.Ş. TITIZ PLASTIK www.cbhexpo.com YESIL ILGAZ KOZMETIK KIMYA INS. OTM. VE GID. SAN. TIC. LTD. ŞTİ. CBHEXPO 2015 International CbhExpo was accomplished with the cooperation of Elan Expo, Atilim Fairs and Medcom between 23-26 October in Morocco. CbhExpo was completed with the participation of 64 brands from 8 countries; notably Morocco, United Kingdom, USA and Turkey at Parc des Expositions de l'Office des Changes (CICEC). Most of them have gotten strong oppurtunities to establish new business partnerships and investments in an effective way. CbhExpo hosted 2.800 visitors from 6 countries. The development and implementation of an appropriate infrastructure and urbanization projects enabled new initiatives in the sector of cosmetic, beauty, hair, homecare and hygiene. CbhExpo Exhibition is becoming more powerful, comprehensive and prosperous than in previous years, so far it has become one of the most successful industry events in Morocco. CbhExpo has absolutely succeeded in making meet lots of major brands with professional visitors and representatives of local governments at the same platform.Due to the successfull work of Elan Expo teams during the fair, 230 negotiation B2B (Match-Making) meetings has been conducted.The Exhibiton as a result of big ineterest and huge demand of Morocco business environment for the investments has become a real success, and, as a result now shows a great increase in the quantity of foreign partnerships and cooperations. Connections, contracts and agreements made during the CbhExpo Exhibition have clearly demonstrated to the participants that they are in the right place to make a profitable investment. Cosmetic, Beauty, Hair, Home care & Hygiene Turkey, Morocco, Algeria, Singapore, Kenya, Azerbaijan, United Kingdom, Usa, Parc des Expositions de l'Office des Changes (CICEC) Product Group Exhibitor Countries Fair Ground 64 International Exhibitors 2.800 International Visitors 8.000 sqm Number of Exhibitor Number of Visitor Fair Ground sqm COMMUNICATION HIGHLIGHT VISUAL MEDIA Advertising works had done on sectoral magazines and Algeria newspapers with wide circulation. Press releases were distributed to media institutions throughout Morocco. In Turkey, distribution of press releases and advertising works on sectoral magazines had done. Advertising works were featured on Economiste, Assabah, Al Masae, Le Martin and Aujour Hui the most popular channels of Casablanca and subtitled on the most watched newscasts. MEDIA PARTNERS Our sponsors and promoter media companies supported to CbhExpo's promotions with the helps of tv, magazine, newspapers and online marketing communications methods. WEB ADVERTISEMENTS RADIO ADVERTISEMENTS Banner broad casts on news portals, which the related sectors proffessionals follow closely, sending mails to there lated target population and news operations were made on the hit rated web-sites. 52 radio advertisements were performed on radio channels, radio programmes and news which are mostly listened. • Hit Radio• Chada Fm • Radio Aswat OUTDOOR ADVERTISEMENTS •In Casablanca, Rabat, Marrakesh, Agadir and Fes 10 outdoor advertisements done as bilboards •In the city centers 60 posters done. •In Casablanca and near by cities 12 outdoor advertisements done in most crowded parks, busiest streets, bus stations, bridges and buildings' wall located in busiest roads. •In the city center, hotels famous restaurants and cafes 36 roll-up advertisements. •Advertisement applications done on 7 busses. COMMUNICATION HIGHLIGHT ADVERTISEMENTS •60.000 professional e-mailing •30.000 sms sent. •100.000 invitations are distributed in Casablanca, Rabat and Marrakesh •1000 VIP invitations are delivered to sectoral professionals and Government Authorities. • CbhExpo attracted a great attention by international participants and visitors at the sectoral exhibitions where handed out of brochures. MATCH MAKING Professional B2B meetings were arranged to exhibitors related their sectors by force of Match-Making system which is conducted by us professionally. This system helped the exhibitors to achive beneficial results and find reliable business partners. 230 B2B meetings had done during the exhibition. INVITATION VIP INVITATION EXHIBITION PHOTOS
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