2009-2010 Academic Seminars
2009-2010 Academic Seminars
2009-2010 Academic Seminars June 15 June 9 May 28 May 27 May 24 May 21 May 21 May 13 May 13 May 12 May 11 May 10 May 7 April 30 April 9 March 24 March 24 March 16 March 12 Renee Adams, UQ Business School, University of Queensland (Finance Seminar) Asking Directors about their Dual Roles Chakravarthi Narasimhan,Olin Business scholl,Washington University An Empirical Model of Physician Learning on Treatment Effectiviness ans Side-effects Metin Cakanyildirim, University of Texas at Dallas (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) Static and Dynamic Transshipment Prices Oğuzhan Özbaş, University of Southern California (Finance Seminar) Corporate Diversification and the Cost of Capital Volkan Muslu,The University of Texas, School of Management (Finance Seminar) What do CEOs Realize from Option Pay? Ganesh Iyer / Berkeley Limited Memory, Categorization and Competition S.P. Kothari,MIT (Finance Seminar) Implications for GAAP from an Analysis of Positive Research in Accounting Serden Ozcan, Copenhagen Business School What is it Worth? Strategic Bias in Critical Endorsements of Creative Innovations Erwan Morellec, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, (Finance Seminar) Credit Supply and Corporate Policies Alper Sen, Bilkent University (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) The Joint Replenishment Problem:A New Policy and Insights For The Decentralized Case Ronald Masulis, Vanderbilt University (Finance Seminar) Family Business Groups around the World:Costs and Benefits of Pyramids Yıldıray Yıldırım, Syracuse University,NY (Finance Seminar) Risk Aversion and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns Deborah Anvona,MIT Sloan School The Road to Distributed Leadership Serkan Kilic,Cornell University Stock price evolutions and returns exhibit jumps and stochastic volatility Hüseyin Gülen,Associate Professor Finance,Purdue University (Finance Seminar) Performance for pay? The relationship between CEO incentive compensation and future stock price performance Ahmet Emre Acar,Ingosu Innovation Strategy Aysegul Toptal,Bilkent University (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) Analysis of Time-to-Exit the Market under Declining Economic Value Süleyman Başak, London Business School (Finance Seminar) Strategic Asset Allocation in Money Management Joseph Tanega, University of Westminster (Finance Seminar) Securitization and Money Market Funds:The Unholy Alliance in the Credit Crisi March 10 March 5 February 18 February 12 February 12 February 4 February 2 January 22 January 15 January 11 January 11 January 8 January 5 December 30 December 29 December 28 December 28 December 25 December 25 December 24 Burcu Ozcam Adivar,Izmir University (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) Social Welfare Chain and Operations Research Applications Cem Demiroğlu, Koç University (Finance Seminar) Works of Friction: Originator-Sponsor Affiliation and Losses on Mortgage-Backed Securities Kıvılcım Dogerlioğlu Demir (Finance Seminar) The Effect of Value Network Integration on Evaluations of Modern,Classic and Retro Brands Özgür Demirtaş, Baruch College (Finance Seminar) Corporate Financing Activities and Contrarian Investment Dima Leshchinskii VC Funds: Aging Brings Myopia Ozlem Sandikci The Burden of Newness:How Personalization Becomes a Challenging Task Niyazi Onur Bakir , University of Southern California (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) Game Theoretic Resource Allocation Model for Cargo Container Security Aysun Alp , Maryland Structural Shifts in Credit Rating Standarts Selim Bora, Lei Lei,Endre Boros (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) Operations Scheduling of a Multi-Period Integrated ProductionDistribution Process Lilach Nachum,Baruch College,City University New York The Heterogenity of MNE Competitors and its Competitive Consequences Gulnur Muradoglu, Cass Business School (Finance Seminar) Capital Structures in Europe Gokce Esenduran (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) The Impact of Take-Back Legislation on Remanufacturing Javad Nasiry (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) The Price of Consumer Regret Sabri Oncu A Poisson-Gaussian Approximation to the Likelihood Function of Affline Jump-Diffusions or How frequently do the Black Swans land? Umut Gökçen,Boston College (Finance Seminar) Market Value of Banking Relationships: New Evidence from the Financial Crisis of 2008 Hakan Tarakci (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) On the staffing policy and technology investment in a specialty hospital offering telemedicine Celim Yildizhan,Michigan-Ann Arbor (Finance Seminar) In Search of Distress Risk Anomaly: Corporate Bond Spread as a Proxy for Default Risk Oded Koenigsberg,Columbia University Ownership Coordination in a Channel: Incentives, Returns and Negotiations Ayla Kayhan,LSU,SEC (Finance Seminar) Off the Book Debt and Capital Structure Murat Akpinar Primary Stakeholders in Response to Market Integration in the European Union December 23 December 3 November 18 November 11 November 10 November 9 November 4 October 27 October 23 October 21 October 12 October 9 September 3 Yiğit Atılgan, Baruch College (Finance Seminar) Deviations From Put-Call Parity and Earnings Announcement Returns Koray Simsek, Sabancı University (Finance Seminar) Comparing the Risk-Adjusted Performance of Dynamic Asset Allocation Strategies Esma Nur Cinicioglu (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) Two Essays: On Solving Stochastic PERT Networks and Use of RFID Systems for Real Time Recommendation Evrim Didem Gunes,Koc University (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) Admission Control and Scheduling for Preventive Services Ali Rana Atilgan, Sabancı University (Finance Seminar) Cooperative Moves and their Discourse in Markets Eda Gurel Atay Celebrity Endorsements and Advertising Effectiveness: The Importance of Value Congruence Necati Aras, Bogazici University (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) Bilevel Facility Location Models for the Planning and Protection of Critical Facilities Christophe Boone, University of Antwerp Dissonance and Harmony: A Study of the Recognition of Artists in Modernistic Music in Belgium,1919-1939 Turan Bulmus,Sabancı University (Finance Seminar) Portfolio Selection with Random Risk Preference Willem Smit, IMD Entrainment in effectual action:organization-environment temporal fit under market uncertainty Vijay Ganesh Hariharan, State University of New York at Buffalo Spillover Effects and Extension Success Across Different Types of Brand Development Strategies Michael Lounsbury, University of Alberta Into the void: institution bridging and collective identity emergence in nanotechnology exploration Ahmet Duran, University of Michigan A profitable trading and risk management strategy despite transaction cost 2008-2009 Academic Seminars August 18 July 31 June 10 May 22 May 13 Emre Yoldas, Bentley College Testing and Modeling Threshold Asymmetries in Multivariate Distributions of U.S. Equity Returns Prof. Dr. Sukru Ozen , Baskent Universitesi Yeni Kurumsal Kuramin Dayandigi Politik Sistem Varsayimlari ve Turkiye Acisindan Bir Degerlendirm Ozge Pala, Radboud University Nijmegen Selective exposure to information in the context of escalation of commitment Gerry Tellis , Director of Center for Global Innovation, Neely Chair of American Enterprise, Professor of Marketing USC Marshall School of Business Do Innovations Ever Payoff? New Metric and Findings Mark Ferguson (IE-OPIM Joint Research Seminar) Strategic Decisions Regarding Closed Loop Supply Chains May 11 Turan Bali, Koc University Investigating ICAPM with Dynamic Conditional Correlation April 22 Sonja Radas, Institute of Economics, Zagrep Co-development Ventures: Optimal Time of Entry and Profit-Sharing April 09 Pinar Ozcan, (IESE) Alliance Portfolios and Start-up Performance in Early versus Growth Stage Markets: The Case of Wireless Gaming March 09 Dilip Ghosh, James Madison University "Cross-listed Cross-currency Assets and Arbitrage with Forwards and Options" February 24 Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, Ross School of Business University of Michigan American Exceptionalism: Implications for Bridging in a Globalized World February 13 Ugur Celikyurt , Kenan-Flagler Business School, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill "Do Venture Capitalists Play a Role in Mature Public Firms?" January 21 Serif Aziz Simsir, Cornell University "The Information Content of Deal Initiation in Mergers and Acquisitions January 15 Prof. Dr. Kwok Leung, City University of Hong Kong "Justice issues in international joint ventures in developing countries: The case of China" January 12 Prof. Dr. Kwok Leung, City University of Hong Kong "Knowledge Production and Publishing at the Periphery: Observations on Organizational Sciences" December 15 Isin Guler, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School "Home Country Networks and Foreign Expansion (with M.Guillen) December 04 Dr. Sungchul Chung,Science and Technology Policy Institute "Evolution of the Korean Innovation System" December 03 Hubert Gatignon, INSEAD "Estimating the Effect of Strategic Variables: With Limited Within-CrossSection Variance " November 28 Professor Anna Grandori, Bocconi University "Renewing the Simonian research programme on rationality, organization and contracts: An epistemic approach to economic organization" November 27 Mariann Jelinek - The Mason School of Business at the College of William & Mary "The Valley of Death, the Lab of the Future, and Industry-University Relations November 04 Ceylan Onay, Cass Business School- City University of London "Capital Structure and Debt Maturity in the European Union Companies " October 24 Miguel Rivera-Santos, Babson College "Global Village vs. Small Town: Understanding Networks at the Base of the Pyramid" October 22 Rajesh K. Chandy, University of Minnesota "Behemoths at the Gate: How Incumbents Take On Acquisitive Entrants (And Why Some Do Better Than Others) " October 08 Neslihan Yilmaz, Eli Broad College of Business, Michigan State University "The Effect of Ceo Overconfidence on Turnover Abnormal Returns " October 07 Erik den Hartigh, Delft University of Technology "The Verdoon Law, Firm Strategy and Firm Performance" 2007 - 2008 Academic Seminars August 04 Kerem Cakirer , Indiana University Kelley School of Business "A Fixed Effect Model of Endogenous Integration Decision and Its Competitive Effects" May 23 Mahmut Karayel, Babcock & Brown "A Framework for Performing Operating Income Due Diligence and Its Implications " May 09 Murat Akpinar,Turku School of Economics/Finland "Understanding Primary Stakeholder Responses To Market Integration in The European Union" April 25 Barbara Czarniawska, Goteborg University Seminar Series on Organization and Community Development "Similar or different? Alterity/identity interplay in organizational image construction" April 04 Greta Hsu, University of California at Davis Seminar Series on Organization and Community Development "Standards for quality and the mediating role of critics" February 29 Mustafa Caglayan, Millennium Partners, L.P. New York "Hedge Fund Performance and Manager Skill " February 15 Feyzullah Egriboyun, Deutsche Bank AG, London "Trading Relative Value in Rates " February 05 Koen Pauwels, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth "Counting What Will Count: Does Your Dashboard Predict?" January 18 Tugba Cayirli, Baruch College "Assessment of Patient Classification in Appointment System Design" January 4 Irem Demirkan, The University of Texas at Dallas "Research Collaboration Networks and Innovation Output Sebahattin Demirkan,Northeasthern University "Information Environment Consequences of Contractual Alliances " December 14 Cetin Onder, Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Seminar Series on Organization and Community Development "Rationality in Organizational Founding: Founding and Failure of Trade Unions in Istanbul and Ankara", 1961-1980 [summary] Nowember 23 Gonca Pinar Soysal, Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University "Demand Dynamics in the Seasonal Goods Industry: An Empirical Analysis " Nowember 16 Christian Berggren,Linkoping University "Knowledge Co-Production as a Basis for Reflection and Organizational Action: New approaches to management education for practicing managers in Sweden" Nowember 7 Devin Sezer, Middle East Tehcnical University "Stochastic Analysis Seminar" October 19 Udo Staber, University of Canterbury Seminar Series on Organization and Community Development "Building Cluster Identity: Imitating and Interacting" [summary] September 07 Olga Khessina, Cornell University Seminar Series on Organization and Community Development "Regional Industrial Identity and Spatial Arrangements in the US Biotherapeutics Industry, 1976-2004" [paper] 2006 - 2007 Academic Seminars June 12 Hwee Hoon Tan, Singapore Management University "The Impact of Personality and Transaction Characteristics on the Display of Positive Emotions in Service Encounters " June 08 Can Akkan, Sabancı University "Enterprise 2.0 Technologies for Knowledge and Project Management" May 25 Yildiray Yildirim , Syracuse University "Real Estate and Credit Risk” May 18 Onder Kaymaz, PhD candidate from Boconi University in Milan. "This dissertation investigates the probable impacts of transaction cost economics (TCE) on the behavior of transfer prices.” April 27 Muge Ozman,METU Seminar Series on Organization and Community Development "Fostering domestic research networks: The case of Turkish co authorship patterns in the social sciences" March 30 Prof. Robert E. Cole , Omron Distinguished Professor of Management of Technology Doshisha Business School, Kyoto, Japan Professor Emeritus UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business "Quality as Obstacle to Innovation in Japanese HiTech: Too Much of a Good Thing?" March 9 Giacomo Negro , Bocconi University Seminar Series on Organization and Community Development "No Barrique, No Berlusconi : Authenticity, Identity, and Inertia in Barolo/Barbaresco Wine Production" February 20 Raymond A. Patterson, University of Alberta,School of Business “Design of Robust Multi-Use Wide Area Networks: A Ring Selection Problem ” January 31 Emilio Herbolzheimer , University of the Pacific Eberhardt School of Business, "Globalization, trends and challenges for business?" January 12 Cagri Haksoz , Cass Business School "Strategic Value of Options in Mitigating Supply Chain Risk" January 10 Benjamas Jirasakuldech, University of the Pacific Eberhardt School of Business, "Do Thai Stock Prices Deviate From Fundamental Values?" January 5 Sinan ErzurumluThe University of Texas at Austin, "Managing Durable Products with Contingent Services or Consumable" 2005 - 2006 Academic Seminars Ece Tuncel Fehmi Tanrisever Nagihan Comez Evrim Akdogu Fons Wijnhoven Shyam Sunder Baris Ata Tevhide Altekin Vahap Uysal Steven H. Seggie Isil Erel Tamir Agmon Department of Business Administration University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign The University of Texas at Austin The University of Texas at Dallas Edwin L. Cox School of Business Southern Methodist University University of Twente Yale University Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University Sabancı School of Management, Sabanci University University of Oklahoma Michigan State University Information Sharing in Negotiating Dyads: The Mediating Role of Fear 200612-27 Managing Capacity Flexibility in Make-to-Order 2006Production Environments 12-22 Transshipment Between Two Competing Retailers 200612-20 Gaining a Competitive Edge Through Acquisitions: Evidence from the Telecommunications Industry 200612-15 Critical roles of information services: Concepts, design steps, and research agenda Regulation, Competition and Independence in a Certification Society: Certification of Financial Reports vs. Baseball Cards. Should a service network be integrated or Product-focused? The Option Value of Dynamic Resource Substitution 200611-24 200611-07 Task Failure Driven Rebalancing of Disassembly Lines 200607-09 Financial Structure, Liquidity, and Firm Locations Interorganizational Governance Response Strategies To Active and Passive Ex Post Opportunism: Increased Understanding Via Value-Based Boundary Constraints The Effect of Bank Mergers on Loan Prices: Evidence from the U.S. 200605-26 200605-23 MIT Sloan School of Management Joel & Erik Innovation In Small Countries As A Driver For Stern Professor Business, Economic, And Social Growth of Applied Research in Microeconomics & Finance 200607-14 200605-17 200605-09 Nurhan Gecgil Mehmet Akbulut Mahmut Beyazid Celile Itir Gogus Michael R. Bashshur The Graduate School of Business The College of Management Rishon Lezion Israel Director of University and Society Relations of the London-based EMEA office of CFA Institute University of Southern, California Koc University Texas A&M University University of Illinois EU Financial Market Integration: the EU Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP) and the Lamfalussy Process 200604-24 Market Misvaluation and Merger Activity: What do Managers' Insider Trades Tell Us? 200602-17 Taking the Social Systems Metaphor Seriously: Contextual Forces on Individuals Recipients' and Organization's Allocation Rule Preferences: A Justice Perspective Assessing the Impact Context: One Step Back and Two Steps Forward 200602-10 200601-06 200601-05 2004 - 2005 Academic Seminars A. Basak Boston College Tanyeri Ayse Elmadag University of Alabama,Tuscaloosa Ebru Reis Nagihan Comez Zacharias Sautner Selin Malkoc Koray Simsek Vedat Verter Ozge Turut Georgia State University University of Texas at Dallas University of Ozford, Said Business School University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Edhec Business School, Nice, France McGill University, Montreal, Canada Harvard Business Unpleasant shocks or welcome surprises? An empirical study of merger announcements Customer Perceptions of Service Employee Motivation: An Attribution Theory Perspective Target Manager Incentives and Takeover Wealth Gains: An Empirical Investigation Virtual Pooling with Multiple In-Cycle Transshipments Corporate Governance and the Design of Stock Option Programs 200512-27 200512-23 When Should I Have It? The Effect of Consumption Concreteness on Consumer Impatience Structured Forms of Investment Strategies in Institutional Investors? Portfolios: Benefits of Dynamic Asset Allocation Through Buy-andHold Investment in Derivatives (with Felix Goltz and Lionel Martellini) Designing Closed-Loop Supply Chains: An Analytical Framework When Should a Firm Go Radical? Signaling 200511-25 200512-19 200512-16 200512-12 200510-21 200510-19 2005- School Tamir Agmon Nukhet Harmancioglu The Case of the Graduate School of Business at the College of Management, Rishon Lezion, Israel Michigan State University Burcu Tasoluk Michigan State University Vefa Tarhan Loyola University, Chicago Tulin Erdem University of California Utpal University of Bhattacharya Indiana Can Akkan Sabanci University Hulisi Ogut University of Texas at Dallas Nihat Altuntas Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University Ronan Jouan Lancaster University de Kervenoael Kemal Saatcioglu Koc University Sonja Radas Institute of Economics Zagreb, Croatia Dumlupinar University B. Zafer Erdogan Anne-Laure Fayard INSEAD, France Ayse Fontainebleau, Kocabiyikoglu France Ayse Binay The University of Texas at Austin Baris Yalabik University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign Market Potential Through Innovation Strategy Generating A Competitive Advantage In A Graduate School Of Business 10-10 The Development of Market Efficient Technological Innovation:A "Holistic" Study from Multiple Perspective A Contingency Framework for Global Branding: A Multi-Level Interaction Model Cash Flow Sensitivities with Consantraints 200508-24 Learning About Computers: An Analysis of Information Search and Technology Choice When No Law is Better than a Good Law Active Learning: Why and How Intrusion Detection Policies for IT Security Breaches Designing Quantity Discounts to Moderate Buyer's Ordering Behavior in a Stochastic Environment Space Matters in Retail Regulation: "Real" competition and "Real" choice are both located and temporal Monitoring Efficiency of Institutional Investors onFirms Experiencing Performance Declines and Subsequent Wealth Effects The Effect of In-Store Free Samples on Short-and Long-Term Purchasing Behaviour Attitudes Towards the Advertising of Controversial Products and Executions: A European Comparison The Language Games of Online Forums, Anne-Laure Fayard, Gerardine DeSanctis and Michael Roach A Joint Pricing and Revenue Management Model Investigating The Anti-Consumerism Movement in North America: The Case of Adbusters Customer vs. Firm Selection of Sales Contract Parameters in Remanufacturing 200509-14 200508-23 200508-16 200507-27 200506-09 200506-03 200505-03 200503-28 200503-25 200503-25 200503-03 200503-01 200502-18 200501-12 200501-11 200501-10 Sungu Armagan Vedat Milor The University of Utah Geogia Institute of Technology Ugur Lel Kelley School of Business Indiana University Stanford Graduate School of Business Western Connecticut State University Purdue University Ali Kemal Parlakturk Ozgur Kan Yasin Ozcelik Ahmet Can Inci Lale Kuyucu Binnur Neidik College of Business Florida State University Boston College, Carroll Graduate School of Management Duke University Ozlem Sandikci Kerimcan Ozcan Bilkent University Koen Pauwels Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business Avukat, LL.M., D.E.A Bogazici University Zeynep Aksehirli Berna Tepe Ulf Nilsson Ulku Oktem University of Michigan Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Gideon Kunda Tel Aviv University Is Later Better? Partial Outcome Delays in Dyadic Negotiations The Puzzle of Russian Corporate Governance: Why did Goliath Triumph over David? Currency Hedging and Corporate Governance: A Crosscountry Analysis 200501-07 200501-03 Competitive Customization 200412-22 200412-21 Does Global Diversification Destroy Firm Value? Incentive Compatible Electronic Loyality 200412-24 Co-integrating Currencies and Yield Differentials 200412-20 200412-17 An Analysis Of Collaborations Among Jazz Musicians 200412-12 Determinants of Export Performance in the Global Economy: Evidence from the Turkish Apparel Industry Faith and Fashion: Clothing Practices of Turkish Islamist Women Access Structures Matter: Modeling Consumer Networks, Word-of-Mouth and the Dynamics of Experience Intentions Long term marketing effectiveness across markets and marketing actions 200412-10 Words and Actions: Semantics vs. Structure in Transferring Cooperative Norms in Electronic Communication Legal Aspects of Management Decisions 200411-05 Product costing in interorganizational relationships Environmental Sustainability: Issues and Opportunities for Business, Entrepreneurs and NGOs Around the Clock: The temporal structures of high-tech work 200412-09 200411-10 200411-05 200410-15 200410-10 200410-08 200409-28 2003 - 2004 Academic Seminars Tugrul Atamer Neslihan Aydogan Isin Guler Tevhide Altekin Nihat Kasap Mine Aksu Tacli Yazicioglu Deniz Tuncalp Emine Batislam Ozgecan Kocak Burcin Bozkaya Ozlem Yildirim Behlul Usdiken Cuneyt Yuksel Deniz Aksen Erhan Erkut Umit G. Gurun Erhan Erkut M. Murat Kristal Asli M. Colpan E.M.LYON, France Equis Accreditation University of Maastricht Boston University School of Management Middle East Technical University University of Florida Sabanci University Skill Transfer, Geographical Proximity and Inter-firm Alliance Choice An Empirical examination of aggregate patterns in U.S. venture capital decision making Disassembly Line Balancing with Profit Maximization Per Cycle Objective Sourcing Strategies In Telecommunications The role of size and book-to-market ratio as proxies for fundamentals and as determinants of returns in the ISE Manchester Hedonic and Utilitarian Online Buying Business School Behavior: A Structural Approach Sabanci University Enterprise Resource Planning Technology as a Source of Change and Stability in Organizations Sabanci University Lifetime duration and value of grocery retailer customers Columbia Market Effectiveness Under Uncertainty: The University Effect of Boundedness ESRI/Transportation Solving Real World Problems with Operation Logistics Services Research and GIS Bacconi University Divisionalization According to Customer Segments: Analyzing Strategic Choices of Large Banks Sabanci University The French, the German and the American: Higher Education for Business in Turkey, 1883-2003 Bogazici University Business Law for Managers: Status of Business Law in Globalized Economy Koc University Logistics of the Conversion from the Brickand-Mortar to Click-and-Mortar Business Model University of Teaching Outside the Four Walls of Alberta University: Projects Michigan State Does Fundamental Risk of Arbitrage Explain University the High Volume Return Premium? University of Increasing the Effectiveness of Teaching of Alberta Management Science in a Business School University of North Adaptive Supply Chain Management :A Firm Carolina Perspective Kyoto University The Sources of Long-term Growth and Profitability: An Empirical Study of the Japanese Textile Industry 200408-17 200408-17 200407-28 200407-16 200407-12 200406-25 200406-18 200406-15 200406-11 200406-04 200406-02 200405-14 200405-07 200405-05 200404-09 200404-05 200404-02 200403-29 200402-27 200402-25 Andac Arikan Aydin Alptekinoglu Isaya Usur New York University University of California Gazi University Evrim Didem Gunes Serif Mardin Ahmet Oncu Ahmet Hasim Kose Nuran Acur INSEAD, France Berna Polat David Goldsmen Can Akkan University of Washington School of ISYE, Georgia Tech Koc University Zeynep Ozbiyik Edward Mc Donough Michigan State University Northeastern University Sabanci University Ankara University Aalborg University Evolutionary Dynamics and Sustainability of Regional Clusters: A Simulation Study Mass Customization versus Mass Production: Variety and Price Competition New Meaning of East-West Relations after Globalization Value Creation in Service Delivery: Relating Market Segmentation, Incentives and Operational Performance Developments in the Modernization of Turkey Reading Turkish Macro economy from Balance of Payments Competing Through Manufacturing Strategy Failure Patterns Of New Ventures: A Survival Analysis And Performance Implications Overlapping, Folded, and Regurgitated Variance Estimators for Simulations The Two-Machine Flowshop Total Completion Time Problem: Improved Lower Bounds and a Branch-and-Bound Algorithm Creating New Product Advantage Through Collaboration Colloquium "Managing Knowledge in the Global Innovation Process 200401-30 200401-19 200401-17 200401-12 200401-10 200401-10 200312-23 200312-22 200312-17 200311-21 200309-09 200309-03
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özlem yıldırım öktem
Full-time faculty member Bogazici University, Department of International Trade
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Malaria infection and its socio-economic implications on the reproductive health conditions of women in Nigeria, Femi TINUOLA, Population Health, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kogi State University, ...
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Omega 690 SAE 75W140, -40 °C gibi düşük çevre sıcaklıklarında kullanıma gayet uygundur. Dişlinin soğuk çalışma esnasında düzgün ve sessiz harekete geçmesini sağlar ve soğuk ortamlardaki işlemlerde ...