
Ali Çarkoğlu
Koç University
Spring 2016
TuTh 08:30-09:45
Office Hours: TuTh 10:00-12:00 and by appointment
Part 1. Analytical Perspectives and Explanations
Weeks 1-2 The Ottoman and Kemalist Political Legacies
The Weight of History
The Ottoman Heritage
 İnalcık, H. 1964. “The Nature of Traditional Society: Turkey” in R. E. Ward and D. A.
Rustow (eds.) Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey, Princeton, NJ: Princeton
University Press.
 Lowry, Heath W.. 2012. “Early Ottoman Period”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.) The
Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.5-14.
 Hanioğlu, Şükrü M.. 2012. “Modern Ottoman Period”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.15-25.
 Heper, M.. 2012. “Kemalism/Atatürkism”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.) The
Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.139-148.
 Kasaba, Reşat, 1997. “Kemalist Certainties and Modern Ambiguities”, in Sibel
Bozdoğan and Reşat Kasaba (eds.) Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in
Turkey, University of Washington Pres, Seattle and London, pp.15-36.
Bozarslan, Hamit, 2006. “Kemalism, Westernization, and Anti-liberalism”, in Turkey
Beyond Nationalism: Towards Post-nationalist Identities, Hans-Lukas Kieser (ed.),
London and New York: IB Tauris, pp. 28-36.
Saraçoğlu, Cenk & Demirkol, Özhan, 2015. “Nationalism and Foreign Policy Discourse
in Turkey Under the AKP Rule: Geography, History and National Identity,” British
Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 301-319.
Poulton, Hugh, 1997. “The Top Hat: Secular Kemalist Nationalism” in Hugh Poulton
Top Hat, Grey Wolf and Crescent, Turkish Nationalism and the Turkish Republic, NYU
Pres, pp.87-129.
Landau, Jacob M. 1991. “The Ups and Downs of Irredentism, The Case of Turkey”, in
Naomi Chazan (ed.) Irredentism and International Politics, Boulder CO: Lynne Riener
Publishers. pp.81-96.
Center-Periphery Paradigm
Şerif Mardin, “Center Periphery Relations: A Key to Turkish Politics”, Deadalus,
Winter, pp.169-190.
Week 3 The Modernization Paradigm
 Erman, Tahire. 2012. “Urbanisation and Urbanism”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.293-302.
 Lerner D. 1958 The Passing of the Traditional Society, New York, Free Press. Chapter
 Gülalp, Haldun, 2005. Enlightenment by Fiat: Secularization and Democracy in Turkey.
Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 351-372.
 Düzgün, Eren, 2012. Capitalist Modernity a la Turca: Turkey’s ‘Great Transformation’
Reconsidered, Critical Sociology, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 889–909.
 Kaliber, Alper, 2014, Europeanization in Turkey: In Search of a New Paradigm of
Modernization, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 30-46.
Week 4
Political Culture, Clientelism and Patronage
The Weight of Culture
 Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin. 2012. “Political Culture”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.) The
Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.171-180.
 Esmer, Yılmaz. 1999. Devrim, Evrim, Statüko: Türkiye'de Sosyal, Siyasal ve Ekonomik
Değerler, (İstanbul: TESEV).
 Tessler, Mark and Altinoglu, Ebru, 2004. “Political Culture in Turkey: Connections
Among Attitudes Toward Democracy, the Military and Islam”, Democratization, vol.
11, 1, pp. 21-50.
Clientelism and Patronage
 Sayarı, Sabri, 2011. "Clientelism and patronage in Turkish politics and society", The
Post Modern Abyss and the New Politics of Islam: Assabiyah Revisited Essays in Honor
of Şerif Mardin, Toprak, Binnaz and Birtek, Faruk (eds.), Istanbul: Bilgi University, pp.
 Kemahlıoğlu, Özge, 2012. Agents or Bosses?: Patronage and Intra-Party Politics in
Argentina and Turkey, University of Essex, United Kingdom: European Consortium for
Political Research Press. Chapters 3 (Internal Politics, Organisation and Role of
Patronage within Argentinean and Turkish Parties) and 6 (Public Employment in
Turkey: An Analysis of Patronage at the Sub-national Level).
 Çarkoğlu Ali & Aytaç, Selim Erdem 2015. Who gets targeted for vote-buying?
Evidence from an augmented list experiment in Turkey, European Political Science
Review, vol. 7, no. 4, pp 547 – 566.
 Aytaç, Selim Erdem, 2014. Distributive Politics in a Multiparty System: The
Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Turkey, Comparative Political Studies, vol. 47,
no. 9, pp. 1211-1237.
Part 2. Political Institutions and Processes
Week 5 The Constitutional Framework and Executive-Legislative Relations The
Constitutional Framework
 Özbudun, Ergun. 2012. “Constitutions and Political System”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı
(eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.194-204.
 1982 Anayasası,
English Translation (includes recent
Executive, Parliament and Bureaucracy
 Ward, R.E. and D. A. Rustow (eds.) 1964. Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey,
Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapter 7.
 Sözen, Süleyman, 2013. New Public Administration in Turkey, in Turkey's
Democratization Process, Carmen Rodriguez, Antonio Avalos, Hakan Yilmaz, and Ana
I. Planet (eds.), London and New York: Routledge, pp. 223-240.
 Barchard, David, 2002. “Society and Bureaucracy: The Civil Service”, in B. Beeley
(ed.) Turkish Transformation, New Century-New Challenges, The Eothen Press, pp.
 Ergun Özbudun, Contemporary Turkish Politics: Challenges to Democratic
Consolidation, (Boulder, London: Lynne Reinner, 2000), pp. 49-71 and pp. 105-123.
 Metin Heper, “State, Democracy and Bureaucracy in Turkey, in Metin Heper (ed.), The
State and Public Bureaucracies: A Comparative Perspective (New York: Greenwood
Press, 1987): 131-145.
Week 6:
Çarkoğlu, A. “Turkish Party System in Transition: The Connection Between MacroLevel Party Competition and Agenda Change in Election Manifestoes”, Political
Studies, XLVI, 544-571, 1998
Rustow. D. A. 1966. “ The Development of Political Parties in Turkey”, LaPalombara,
J. and Weiner, M. Political Parties and Political Development, Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
Sayarı, Sabri. 2002. “The Changing Party System”, in Sabri Sayarı and Yılmaz Esmer
(eds.) Politics, Parties and Elections in Turkey. Lynn Rienner, pp.9-32.
Tachau, Frank, 2000. “Turkish Political Parties and Elections: Half a Century of
Multiparty Democracy”, Turkish Studies, vol. 1 No. 1 pp.128-148.
Sayarı, Sabri. 2012. “Political Parties”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.) The Routledge
Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.182-193.
Week 7
Political Parties and the Party System
Social Mobilization, Political Participation and Electoral Trends
Çarkoğlu, Ali. 2012. “Voting Behavior”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.) The
Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.160-170.
İncioğlu, N. 2002. “Local Elections and Electoral Behavior”, Yılmaz Esmer and Sabri
Sayarı (Eds.), Politics, Parties and Elections in Turkey (Boulder, CO: Lynn Rienner ,
2002), p.73-90.
Kalaycıoğlu, E. 1994. “Unconventional Political Participation in Turkey and Europe:
Comparative Perspectives”, Il Politico, anno LIX, no.3, pp.503-523.
Başlevent, C., Kirmanoğlu, H. And Şenatalar, B. 2004. Voter Profiles and
Fragmentation in the Turkish Party System, Party Politics, 10 (3): 307-324.
Çarkoğlu, A. and Avcı, G. 2002. “An Analysis of the Turkish Electorate from a
Geographical Perspective”, in Yılmaz Esmer and Sabri Sayarı (Eds.), Politics, Parties
and Elections in Turkey (Boulder, CO: Lynn Rienner , 2002), p.115-136.
Ergüder, Üstün (1980-81) “Changing Patterns of Electoral Behaviour in Turkey”,
Boğaziçi Universitesi Dergisi (Bogazici University Journal), vols.VIII-IX 45-81.
Esmer, Yılmaz (2001) “At the ballot box: determinants of voting behaviour in Turkey”,
in Y. Esmer and Sabri Sayarı (Eds) The Democratic Challenge: Elections, Parties, and
Voters in Turkey. Lynn Rienner.
Week 8
Interest Groups and the Military
Interest Groups, Civil Society Organisations
 Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin “State and Civil Society in Turkey: Democracy, Development and
Protest” in Amyn B. Sajoo (ed.), Civil Society in the Muslim World: Contemporary
Perspectives, (London, New York: I. B. Tauris, 2002): 247-272.
Keyman, E. Fuat and Icduygu, Ahmet, 2003. “Globalization, Civil Society and
Citizenship in Turkey: Actors, Boundaries and Discourses”, Citizenship Studies, vol.7,
2, pp. 219-234.
Heper, Metin & Yıldırım Senem, 2011. Revisiting civil society in Turkey, Southeast
European and Black Sea Studies, vol. 11, no.1, pp. 1-18.
Öner, Selcen, 2014. Internal factors in the EU’s transformative power over Turkey: the
role of Turkish civil society, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, vol. 14, no. 1,
pp. 23-42.
The military
Karaosmanoğlu, Ali. L. 2012. “Civil-military Relations”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı
(eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.149-159.
Yildiz, Uğur Burç, 2014. Rethinking Civil–Military Relations in Turkey: The Problems
of the Democratic Governance of the Defense and Security Sectors, Turkish Studies,
vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 386-401.
Gürsoy, Yaprak, 2012. The changing role of the military in Turkish politics:
democratization through coup plots?, Democratization, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 735-760.
Aknur, Müge, 2013. Civil-Military Relations during the AK Party Era: Major
Developments and Challenges, Insight Turkey, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 131-150.
Özpek, Burak Bilgehan 2014. Pseudo-Transformation of Civil-Military Relations in
Turkey, ISPI Analysis No. 269, pp. 1-10.
Part 3. Major Issues and Themes in Contemporary Turkish Politics
Week 9.
Democratization, Politics of EU membership process
 Tocci, N. 2012. “Turkey and the European Union”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.237-245.
 Çarkoğlu, Ali & Kentmen, Çiğdem, 2011, Diagnosing Trends and Determinants in
Public Support for Turkey's EU Membership, South European Society and Politics, vol.
16, no. 3, pp. 365-379.
 Öniş, Ziya, 2015. Monopolizing the Center: The AKP and the Uncertain Path of Turkish
Democracy, The International Spectator, Vol. 50, No. 2.
 Usul, Ali Resul, 2014. Is There Any Hope on the Revival of EU–Turkey Relations in
the “New Era”?, Turkish Studies, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 283-302.
 İçduygu, Ahmet & Aksel, Damla B., 2014. Two-to-Tango in Migration Diplomacy:
Negotiating Readmission Agreement between the EU and Turkey, European Journal of
Migration and Law, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 337 – 363.
Week 10. Identity Issues 1: Religiosity and the rising salience of pro-Islamist movements
Ali Çarkoğlu and Nazlı Çağın Bilgili 2012. Alevis in Turkish Politics, in Religious
Minorities in the Middle East: Domination, Self-Empowerment, Accommodation, Anh
Nga Longva and Anne Sofie Roald (eds.), Brill.
Poyraz, Bedriye, 2005. “The Turkish State and Alevis: Changing Parameters of an
Uneasy Relationship”, Middle Eastern Studies, vol.41, 4, pp. 503-516.
Toprak, Binnaz. 2012. “Religion and Politics”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.) The
Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.217-226.
White, Jenny B., 2008. Islam and Politics in Contemporary Turkey, in The Cambridge
History of Turkey, Vol. 4., Reşat Kasaba (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, pp. 357-380.
Week 11.
Identity Issues 2: Ethnicity and politics of Kurdish minority
Mango, Andrew. 2012. “The Kurds”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.) The Routledge
Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.246-256.
Jacoby, Tim & Tabak, Hüsrev (2015) Islam, Nationalism, and Kurdish Ethnopolitics in
Turkey, Peace Review, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 346-353.
Kıbrıs, Arzu, 2014. The Polarization Trap, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, vol. 37, no.
6, pp. 492-522.
Bozarslan, Hamit 2008. Kurds and the Turkish State, in The Cambridge History of
Turkey, Vol. 4., Reşat Kasaba (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 333356.
Somer, Murat & Glupker-Kesebir, Gitta, 2015. Is Islam the Solution? Comparing
Turkish Islamic and Secular Thinking toward Ethnic and Religious Minorities, Journal
of Church and State, pp. 1-27.
Week 12.
Policy-making and Political Economic Interactions
 Bölükbaşı, Tolga H.. 2012. “Political Economy”, in Heper, M. and S. Sayarı (eds.) The
Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey, London: Routledge, pp.341-351.
 Çarkoğlu, A. and M. Eder. 2005. “Development alla Turca: The Southeastern Anatolia
Development Project (GAP)”, in F. Adaman and M. Arsel (eds.) Environmentalism in
Turkey, Between Democracy and Development?, Ashgate, pp.167-184.
 Öniş, Ziya & Kutlay, Mustafa, 2013. Rising Powers in a Changing Global Order: the
political economy of Turkey in the age of BRICS, Third World Quarterly, vol. 34, no.
8, pp. 1409-1426.
 Ercan, Metin, 2011. Foreign Direct Investment and the Unregistered Economy in
Turkey, Turkish Studies, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 475-489.
 Ersoy, Aksel, 2016. Exploring Economic Development Through Headquarters: The
Spatial Distribution of Turkey's Large Industrial Enterprises and Its Implications for
Urban Systems, The Professional Geographer, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 138-148.
 Buğra, Ayşe & Savaşkan, Osman, 2012. Politics and class: The Turkish Business
Environment in the Neoliberal age, New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol. 46, pp 27 – 63.

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