150515 -TR-DE LA CONSULE GENERALE hello tomorrow


150515 -TR-DE LA CONSULE GENERALE hello tomorrow
Palais de France, 15 mai 2015
Dear all, chers tous, Değerli konuklar,
Fransa ve Türkiye arasındaki 500 (beşyüz) yıllık dostluğu temsil eden
bu tarihi mekanda, Fransa Sarayı’nda, yeni misafirler ağırlamak her
daim bir zevk : bu akşam ise, zeki, yaratıcı, girişimci gençleri
ağırlıyoruz. Fransızcada şöyle denir : kendi aralarında ve bizlerle
birlikte bağlantılar kurmak için « birbirine benzeyenleri bir araya
toplamak ».
C’est toujours un plaisir de recevoir des nouveaux invités dans ce lieu
historique, le Palais de France, qui incarne 500 ans d’amitié entre la
France et la Turquie : ce soir, des jeunes, intelligents, créatifs,
entreprenants. On dit en Français « rassembler ceux qui se
ressemblent », pour créer des connections entre eux et avec nous.
And it is even more a pleasure when such an event is linking
businesses and universities, innovation and technologies like Hello
Tomorrow is doing. This type of association of communities of people
and topics is one of the key strategic policies of France through the
“poles de compétitivité” or French clusters, which were set up to
develop exchanges between businessmen and students, researchers
and companies, such communities who are not taking together
naturally. Those organizations are important to create this
environment of bilateral talks and we are happy to hold this
conference today at the French Palace.
Haziran’da Paris’te yapılacak olan bu etkinliğin sunumunu Sayın
Hasan Türk’e bırakacağım- kendisi benden daha iyi bilir. Bu girişimi
Dışişleri Bakanımız Sayın Laurent Fabius’ün de desteklediğinin altını
çizmek istiyorum. Sizlerin Paris’e gitmenizi sağlamak ve konferansta
Paris’te önemli bir türk heyetinin olması için vize de dahil olmak
üzere, kendisi işlemleri kolaylaştırmaya bizleri teşvik etmektedir.
Je vais laisser Hasan Türk presenter cet événement qui va se tenir à
Paris en juin - as he knows it better than me. Je veux souligner
combine notre Ministre des Affaires étrangères, Laurent Fabius
soutient cette initiative. Il nous encourage à faciliter les procédures, y
compris les visas, pour vous permettre d’aller à Paris et d’avoir une
délégation turque importante à Paris à la conférence.
It is important to show in France that Turkey is full of smart &
innovative people like you. Because it is important to remind that our
relationships in business are good and increasing, with almost 500
French companies established in Turkey and 70 Turkish ones in
France, with an goal of 20 billion € trade. Because, on another hand,
our relations in the world of universities are numerous, strong and
prestigious. With Galatasaray of course but many other Turkish
universities represented today, which have developed quite a
number of relationships and exchange programs with French ones, in
French or in English.
I would like to remind that France is a leader in the world for
innovation and research:
- We are ranking number 3 for global innovators worldwide
(according to the number of new patents we register each year);
- France is also number 3 for science Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals;
- Paris Saclay is in the top 8 of MIT technology review of the world
innovation forum;
- France is offering the most generous research tax incentives of
OCDE countries to 17 000 business recipient including 2000 foreign
companies established in France;
- the word ‘entrepreneur’ is originally a French word used by English
speaking countries, entrepreneurship is in our DNA, with 540 000
new companies created each year in France, 71 clusters covering all
industries and sciences, and the second destination in Europe for
private equity (with 215 million $ investments made in start-ups in
France last year).
I won’t add any more figures; I think it is very clear for you that
France is a strategic partner for innovation & technologies and a
strategic place in Europe to set up start-ups.
I will just finish by saying to the French groups which are present here
today with us, that their support is crucial in such events in order to
develop new collaboration for innovation between our two
countries. I thank them for what they are doing for Hello Tomorrow
and I hope they will also support the cooperation service of the
French Embassy in Ankara, for their innovation conference in Istanbul
and Ankara next November 2015. It is important to have such followups to encourage more partnerships in business and research.
I wish you all a very good evening.
Hepinize çok güzel bir akşam diliyorum.