International Beginnings Of Qamerî Months And Hijrî Calendar Unity


International Beginnings Of Qamerî Months And Hijrî Calendar Unity
28-30 MAY 2016
The purpose of our presentation is to explain how to determine the new Hijrî Lunar
Month in line with the commands of our religion and with the light of astronomical
“NASS” (âyât-i karimas and hadîth-i sherîfs)
It was clearly narrated that the first days of lunar months – especially Ramadan
and Dhu’lhijja months- to be determined by sighting the crescent.
a. Ayat-i karimas and Hadîth-i Sherîfs about observation of crescent:
“They are asking you about crescents, say that they are the mîqats
(time signals) for humans and Hajj” (Sura-i Baqara, 189th âyet-i kerîma).
Mustafa Sabri Effendi has shown this âyet-i kerîma as a proof for this issue.
In a hadîth-i-sherîf quoted in Marâqil-falâh, it is declared: “When you see
the Moon, start fasting! When you see her again, stop fasting!”
“Don’t fast unless you see the crescent: don’t perform ’iyd unless you
see it, either. If your horizon is clouded, use your evaluation” (Bukhari,
Muslim, Nesai, Darimi, Muwatta-i Imam-i Malik, Musned-i Ahmed bin
“Fast on the condition of sighting the Moon and make ’iyd on the
condition of consecutive sighting. If the sky is cloudy, complete (the
month of) Sha’bân up to thirty” (Bukhârî, Muslim,Tirmizî, Nesâî, Dârimî,
Musned-i Ahmed bin Hanbel).
It is stated as follows on the two hundred and eighty-ninth page of the first
volume of (Ibni Âbidîn), in the section on how to find the direction of qibla:
“Scholars said that we should not trust calendars in learning the first day of
Ramadân-i-sherîf. For, the fast becomes fard after the new moon is seen in
the sky. Our Prophet ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ stated: ‘Begin to fast
when you see the new moon!’ On the other hand, the appearing of the
new moon depends on calculation, not on seeing it; calculation is valid, and
the new moon appears on the night indicated by calculation. Yet it may be
seen on the following night instead of that night, and it is necessary to begin
the fast on the night it is seen, not on the night it must appear (according to
the calculation). Such is the commandment of Islam.”
b. There is no permission for ijtihad in Nass [i.e. âyat-i karimas and hadîth-i
As is seen, after the clear commandments of ayat-i karîmas and hadîth-i sherifs
there is no permission for ijtihad in this issue as is written in the 14th article of Majalla.
Because this article states: “There is no permission for ijtihad where there is Nass.”
Furthermore, it is written in (Tabyin-ul-haqaiq) by Othman bin Ali Zaylai as
annotation to the work (Kanz) and in (I’ânet-ut-tabilin) of Abu Bakr Shata, that there
is ijmâ’ (unanimity) in certainty of Ramadân that it must be determined by sighting the
crescent or by completing the month of Sha’bân to 30 days.
c. It is certain with communicated and mental proofs that the time of
crescent cannot be calculated.
Islamic Scholars, Islamic Astronomy Experts and Modern Astronomy
Organizations and Experts have all clearly stated in their various works that the
sighting of crescent would never be possible by calculations but only by observation.
 According to this command, the month of Ramadân begins when the waxing
moon (the new crescent) is first sighted. In (Ibni Âbidîn)’s discussion of the
qibla and in the books (Ashî’at-ullama’ât) and (Ni’mat-i islâm), the authors
‘rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ’alaihim ajma’în’ note that starting to fast by referring to a
calendar prepared beforehand or by calculation before seeing the new crescent
is not permissible.
 Again (Ibni Âbidîn) declares, (…Determination of beginning of Ramadân is not
to be based on astronomical calculations, because, the start of Ramadân-i
sherîf happens with sighting of the crescent in the sky. The hadîth-i sherîf
declares, (Begin fasting upon sighting the crescent!). The birth of crescent
can be found by calculation. The time of ijtimâ’ (conjunction) is highly accurate.
However, the crescent can be seen the second evening as well as the evening
following the conjunction. It has been ordered that the beginning of Ramadân
must be based on ru’yet (sighting), not by the birth of moon (conjunction).)
However, the beginning of Ramadân cannot be based on the calendars
(almanacs), because they give the time of conjunction based on calculation,
and not the time of sighting of the crescent.
 It is written in (Fatâwâ-i-Hindiyya) as well that it is not permissible to begin
(fasting in) Ramadân or (to stop fasting in order to celebrate the) ’Iyd by (taking
the) calendar or calculation (as a guide). When the crescent is seen in a city at
the thirtieth night of Sha’bân, it becomes necessary to start fasting all over the
world. The crescent seen during the day belongs to the night to come.
 It is wâjib-i-kifâya to look for the new crescent on the thirtieth of the month of
Sha’bân at the time of sunset and to go to the Qâdî and inform him as soon as
they see the new moon. Taqiy-y-ud-dîn Muhammad ibni Daqîq states that the
new moon can never be sighted before one or two days after the ijtimâ’i
neyyireyn = conjunction.
 It is written in the book (Majmû’a-i Zuhdiyya): “A person who sees the new
moon of the month of Shawwâl cannot break his fast. For, in cloudy weather, it
is necessary for two men or one man and two women to give the testimony of
having seen the new moon of Shawwâl. If the sky is clear, it is necessary for
many people to witness the moons of Ramadân and Shawwâl.”
 It is stated in (Qâdî-Khân): “If the new moon sets after the Shafaq, (night
prayer,) it belongs to the second night (of the new month); if it sets before the
Shafâq, it belongs to the first night.
Elmalili Hamdi Effendi states in his article in the 22 nd volume of (Sebil-urRashad) magazine, “Since the Shari’at has tied up the start of fasting not to
astronomic rules but to observation, it has not considered calculations at this
Again Elmalili Hamdi Effendi states in the same article, “Tiding of the start of
fasting to observation of the crescent and the cause of this observation to the
start of the fasting have been declared free from any doubt. Saying
observation, on the other hand, should be understood as sighting the crescent
of the month since the month itself would not be able to be observed.
The hadith-i sherif, “Don’t fast unless you see the crescent: don’t perform
’Iyd unless you see it, either. If your horizon is clouded, use your
evaluation” is an evidence for showing that the ‘observation’ mentioned in the
âyet means observation of the crescent and that the main reason for the case
is observation without any doubt. According to this âyet-i kerîma and this
hadith-i sherif it is not possible to determine the sighting of the moon with the
calculation of the moon.
Fatin Gokmen Effendi, Chairman of Observatory and committee preacher of
Dar-ul-funun, writes in his article in the 22nd volume of (Sebil-ur-Rashad)
magazine, “Unanimity of men of Shari’at stated that if the seeing of crescent of
Ramadan and crescent of ’Iyd-al-Adha is not possible, the previous month has
to be completed to 30 days. Their evidence for this is the hadith-i sherif which
purports, “Perform fasting when you see the crescent and perform the ’Iyd
when you see it again; if the crescent is unseen because of cloud or
similar things, then use your evaluation.” Majority of men of Shari’a have
interpreted the evaluation to adding the previous month up to 30 days. The
reason leading them to this interpretation is the mentioning of “Perform
fasting for 30 days”, “Complete the month Sha’bân to 30 days”, “Add up
to 30 days” in the places of “use your evaluation” in other hadith-i sherifs
declared for the same matter.
“Although I do not put forward the decisions of the committe of astronomers as
the only evidence for the official (canonical) proof, I consider it as more legal
not to suffice with two witnesses contradicting the decision of the committee of
astronomers.” That is, the two witnesses’ reporting sighting before the
calculated time is not valid. Because, the computation (of the time of
conjunction is accurate), the crescent cannot be sighted before conjunction.
In response to the letter of Religious Affairs Directorate dated 30.04.1963 and
no: 12712 about determining the first day of Hijri Lunar Months, Istanbul
Technical University sent a letter with an attachment prepared by Prof. Hamit
Dilgan of Faculty of Architecture, Advanced Mathematics Department, which
“It is possible that even if all favorable observation conditions cited
below are realized, it may not be possible to see the New Moon
In brief, it is important to differentiate between the possibility of
observation of the crescent, and its being in sightable position.”
It is understood from this that the accurate determination of the first days of
Hijri Lunar Months is possible only by sighting. The computation (in this case)
is estimation. It is not definite.
As a matter of fact, the Presidency of the Religious Affairs of Turkey has
published the statement, “In order to start of a Lunar Month, sighting the
crescent is a must as per the order of Hadrat Prophet” in the website given
(05.2016 21:00)
d. Necessary information communicated by Islamic Scholars and Islamic
Astronomy experts about sighting of the crescent:
At places where Ramadân and the month containing the days of ’Iyd cannot be
determined by testimony of witnesses as prescribed by the Sharî’a, the first
day of the month of Dhu’lhijja and hence the tenth day, that is, the first day of
the ’Iyd of Adha are calculated. The first day of the ’Iyd is the day determined
by this calculation. Or it is the next day. It cannot be the previous day. Because
the New Moon cannot become visible before it appears in the sky.
The Moon not only accompanies the Sun and the stars in their daily east-west
motions, but also moves solo in a west-east direction around the Earth. This
motion is faster than the Sun’s (apparent) annual motion from west to east. The
moon completes one revolution in 27 days plus 8 hours. Therefore, it
completes its daily tour approximately fifty minutes plus 30 seconds after the
stars. The Sun, on the other hand, completes its tour four minutes after (the
stars). Consequently, the moon reaches the meridian later than the Sun did the
previous day and sets 45 minutes after the Sun the first night. There is an
angle of approximately five degrees between the plane of the lunar orbit and
the ecliptic plane. Once each revolution, the Sun, the Earth and the Moon
become aligned with one another, the Sun and the Moon are on the same side
with respect to the Earth. This state of collinearity is called Ijtimâ’i neyyireyn =
Conjunction. In this state the side of the Moon facing the Earth is
unilluminated. We cannot see the Moon. This period of time is
called (Muhâq) (Interlunar Period, Dark Moon, or Dark of the Moon). The
length of the period of muhâq is not constant. It varies from twenty-eight hours
to seventy-two hours. The Ottoman calendars give a maximum of three days
[72 hours]. The time of conjunction is exactly the middle of the period of
muhâq. Scientific calendars provide monthly tables showing the variations in its
length. Since the Earth revolves around the Sun, too, the duration of time
between two conjunctions is 29 days and 13 hours. At the time of conjunction,
the Sun and the Moon pass the meridian at the same time. The Moon can by
no means be seen anywhere before the angle between the Sun and the Moon
as seen from the Earth, which is termed Beynûnet (elongation), reaches eight
degrees [approximately fourteen hours after the moment of conjunction]. When
the angle becomes 18 [eighteen] degrees at the maximum, the Moon comes
out of the state of invisibility and the New Moon (crescent) appears on the
western horizon within the 45 minutes following sunset. However, due to the 57
minutes lunar parallax, when it comes to a position 5 degrees above the
horizon, it can no longer be seen. After the Moon comes out of the state of
invisibility, the new Moon can be observed in places situated on the same
longitude as the location where the sunset is taking place. As for later hours,
or, at night it can be observed after sunset in countries to the west of these
The purpose for these calculations is not to determine the time when the lunar
month begins, but to determine the (beginning of the) month when the New
Moon (crescent) can be seen. Imâm-i-Subkî also said so. We should not
believe people who falsify the Imâm’s statement. The sighting of the Moon can
be on the day given by the calendars (computed) or the next day but it cannot
be a day before (Commentaries of Tahtâwî and Shernblâlî).
It is an act of worship to look for the new moon in the sky. As is seen,
announcing the beginning of Ramadân-i-sherîf beforehand is an indication of
not knowing Islam. Likewise, the first day of the ’Iyd of Qurbân [adha] is
determined by observing the New Moon for the (beginning of the) month of
Dhu’lhijja. The ninth day of the month of Dhu’lhijja, the ’Arafa Day, is the day
found by calculation or calendar, or the following day. The hajj performed by
those who climb the ’Arafât a day earlier is not valid. So none of them can be a
hadji. It is wajib to observe the Ramadân crescent over the apparent horizon
on the west when the sun sets on the 29th day of Sha’bân.
When an ’âdil person, that is, a person who does not commit grave sins,
having Ahl-as-sunna belief, sees the crescent in a cloudy weather, he informs
the judge or the governor. If he [judge or governor] accepts, Ramadân starts at
all places. At places where there is no judge or governor, the Ramadân starts
when a Muslim sights the crescent.
The words of a bid’at holder, a fâsiq are not acceptable. In a clear weather, a
lot of people must report. If the crescent is not observed, the month Sha’bân is
considered thirty days and the next day becomes Ramadân. Ramadân does
not start with calculation or astronomical calculations.
It is stated in (Bahr), (Hindiyya) and (Qâdi-Khân), “If a prisoner in dâr-ul-harb
fasts for one month without knowing the beginning of Ramadân, he might have
started fasting one day earlier, on the second day or on exact day. In the first
case, he will have started one day before Ramadân starts and made ’Iyd on
the last day of Ramadân. In the second case, he will not have fasted on the
first day of Ramadân and he will have fasted on the ’Iyd as his last day of
fasting. In both cases, he will have fasted for twenty-eight days of Ramadân
and he will have to make two days of qadâ after the ’Iyd. On another possibility
as the third case, it is doubtful that all thirty days of his fasting match the real
time of Ramadân. For the fasting on the doubtful days will not be sahih, he has
to make two days of qadâ.” It is understood from this that those who start
fasting not by seeing the crescent but by calendars which are prepared earlier,
must make two days of qadã after the ’Iyd. It is, for instance, said, “How is it
made up fasting two days as qadâ after Ramadân? There is no such thing in
any book.” It is wrong to say this is not written in books. For Ramadân would
start by sighting the crescent in every place at that time. There was no need to
fast two days as qadâ. Today, however, the month of Ramadân is being
started at the time when the New Moon is beforehand calculated to be sighted.
Therefore, the beginning of Ramadân is out of keeping with the ahkâm-iislâmiyya (rules of Islam). This misapplication should be rectified by fasting for
two days with the intention of qadâ after ’Iyd of Ramadân is written in Tahtâwî’s
annotation to (Shernblâlî’s commentary to) (Marâq-il-falâh). If one begins
fasting without sighting the New Moon (crescent) indicating the beginning of
Ramadân and then if the New Moon (crescent) is observed on the twenty-ninth
night, which will mean (that the following day is the beginning of the following
month, Shawwâl, the first day of which is at the same time the first day of) ’Iyd,
qadâ for one day is performed, (that is, one fasts one day again), after the ’Iyd,
if the month of Sha’bân is known to have begun upon the observation of the
New Moon. On the other hand, it is written in (the celebrated
books) (Hindiyya) and (Qâdi-Khân) that, if the month of Sha’bân is not known
to have begun upon the observation of the new moon, one makes qadâ for two
days, (that is, one fasts for two days with the intention of qadâ.)
(Ibni Âbidîn) “rahima-hullahu ta’âlâ declares in his work (Radd-ulmukhtar), “It is wâjib-i kifâya for all wise and bâligh (at the age of puberty) to
look for the crescent, that is, the new moon in the sky in the beginning of the
month of Ramadân. It is also wâjib to inform the qâdi, that is, the judge when
they see [the crescent]. It becomes fard for all Muslims [in all countries] to fast
that day when the qâdi accepts and announces [the beginning of Ramadân]. In
cloudy weather, the word of one ’âdil Muslim is accepted. A lot of people have
to have reported in clear weather. At places without a Qâdî or a Muslim
governor, Ramadân begins when an ’âdil person says he has seen the new
moon and those who hear this, have to start fasting. It is not permissible to
start Ramadân with calendar, with calculation. There is no value of their
calculation to start the Ramadân even if they are ’âdil. The fasting for
Ramadân does not start with the report of them about the rising day of the
Ramadân crescent.
Imâm-i Subki “rahima-hullahu ta’âlâ”, one of Shafi’î scholars, says, “If there is
somebody claiming to have seen the crescent on the night of the thirtieth of
Sha’bân but if it is informed one night after according to the time determined by
calculation, in this case, the calculation is to be believed. For the one
determined by calculation is definite. It is impossible to be seen before it rises.”
[Beginning of Ramadân by seeing the crescent can be one day after the day
found by calculation. But it can’t be one day before.]
Shams-ul-aimmah Halwânî “rahima-hullahu ta’âlâ” declared, “Beginning of the
month of Ramadân becomes by seeing the crescent. It doesn’t become by
rising of the crescent. Since the calculation determines the night when the
crescent rises, the beginning of the month of Ramadân cannot be understood
with calculation. When Ramadân begins at one place upon two ’âdil Muslims’
saying “we have seen the crescent” or with the judge of the qâdi, it becomes
necessary to begin fasting in all parts of the world. The times for hajj,
qurbân [sacrifice] and prayer times are not so. When times for these are
determined according to one place will not necessitate being the same at
other places, as well.” [In other words, these three are local.]
USNO is a deep-rooted organization operating in scientific activities in the USA.
Its main duty is to provide information to the US Maritime Force and Ministry of
Defense about positioning, timing and navigation. USNO has also been operating
the Main Time system which is providing sharp time data for GPS satellite systems
that is operated by the American Air Forces.
The original English text of the explanation of observation of crescent in the
website of USNO has been attached to this letter and the link to the site is below: (2016-05-25 22:52)
The first sentence of the information on the website of USNO regarding the
observation of crescent reads as:
“Although the date and time of each New Moon can be computed exactly, the
visibility of the lunar crescent as a function of the Moon's "age"—the time counted
from New Moon—depends upon many factors and cannot be predicted with
Bukhârî narrates from İbn ’Abbâs the following hadîth-i sharîf. “When
Rasûlullâh honored Madîna, upon finding the Jews fasting, and asking, (What
fasting is this?) and getting the reply (This is a pious day. This is the day on which
the banî İsrâîl was redeemed from the wickedness of the pharoah, their enemy.
Hadrat-i Mûsâ performed fast on this day for thanksgiving), Resûlullah, declared
(We have more right with Mûsâ than you do), and performed fast, and he ordered
his As-hâb also to do so.” Al Bîrûnî reports that the abovementioned day was the
tenth of the Tashrî (Tishrei) month of the Hebrew calendar.
That is to say that, at present time also, the Jews determine on the basis of
ru’yet and observers (witnesses), the beginnings of the months in their special
“Lunar” (designed according with the orbiting of the Moon) calendar. They record,
the (results of) observations, together with the names of the locations, dates, times
and observers, and publish and use them. This calendar is the “Hebrew Calendar”,
which is also callled the Mûsavî and Yahûdî Calendar. Please see the following
link for details.
For example, it has been reported that the crescent of the 2nd Biblical month,
was observed on 2016 May 7, at the locations cited below, by the persons cited,
and May 8th was taken as the beginning day of the month. This coincides with the
month “Sha’bân” of our Hijrî Qamerî calendar as determined by ru’yet. They all
coincide with the ru’yet based beginnings of the Hijrî Qamerî months, because the
advent of every month was determined by ru’yet. The following link displays the
sightability map for every month, which they published prior to observations. (2016-05-26 00:20)
Bali, Indonesia
[Ahmad Adji (6:24pm/UCT+8)]
PoriyaIlit, Israel [Rebecca Biderman (7:47pm/UCT+2)]
Jerusalem, Israel [Devorah Gordon (7:49pm/UCT+2)]
The crescent of the 1st Biblical month (which coincides with the month Rajab)
was sighted on 2016 April 8, from at the locations and by the persons cited below,
and April 9 was taken as the first day of the month in the calendar they use. (2016-05-26 00:23)
Darwin &Perth, Australia
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Gothenburg, Sweden
[ShabbirAhmed (approx. 6:45pm/UCT+9:30)]
[Nimal Road Mosque (approx. 6:19pm/UCT+5:30)]
[MiltonAbili (21:15)]
From time to time, our Hay’at (committee) arranges ru’yet-i hilâl (crescent
sighting) observations. For instance, for the sighting of the crescent of Rajab month of
the year 1437, an observation application was arranged on the evenings of April the
7th and 8th, but, contrary to the Turkish calendars, neither in Turkey nor anywhere on
Earth, no crescent could be sighted on Thursday, April 7. Another observation was
arranged on Friday, April 8, and the crescent was sighted and photographed.
According to the observation, the month of Rajab of the year 1437 started on April 8,
2016. The digital photographs and the video record can be viewed in the link below.
It has been proven by both scientific and Islamic evidences that it is necessary to
determine the first days of the Qamerî Months by sighting of the Moon (Qamer) based
on naked-eye observations.
It is evident by “Nass” that sighting of the Moon is necessary for determining the
first days of Ramadân and ’Iyd months. It is not permissible to do ijtihâd on matters
about which there is Nass.
The fact that the sighting time of the Moon for determining the first days of these
and all the other Qamerî months cannot be computed, is explicitly stated in the
relevant USNO website.
Since the naked-eye Moon sightings are taken as basis for determining the
beginnings of the Qamerî months, it is necessary to act in accordance with the days
determined by observations, and not the days given in calendars based on the
computations of the New Moon crescent.
In brief, the beginnings of the Qamerî months should be determined by
Furthermore, the relevant practice on this matter in Muslim countries, since ‘Asr-i
Sa’âdet, is evidently known based on traditional and scientific documents.
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Although the date and time of each New Moon can be computed exactly, the visibility of the lunar crescent
as a function of the Moon's "age"—the time counted from New Moon—depends upon many factors and
cannot be predicted with certainty. During the first two days after New Moon, the young crescent Moon
appears very low in the western sky after sunset, must be viewed through bright twilight, and sets shortly
after sunset. The sighting of the lunar crescent within one day of New Moon is usually difficult. The crescent
at this time is quite thin, has a low surface brightness, and can easily be lost in the twilight. Generally, the
lunar crescent will become visible to suitably-located, experienced observers with good sky conditions about
one day after New Moon. However, the time that the crescent actually becomes visible varies quite a bit
from one month to another. Naked-eye sightings as early as 15.5 hours after New Moon have been reliably
reported while observers with telescopes have made reliable reports as early as 12.1 hours after New Moon.
Because these observations are exceptional, crescent sightings this early in the lunar month should not be
expected as the norm.
The visibility of the young lunar crescent depends on sky conditions and the location, experience, and
preparation of the observer. Generally, low-latitude and high-altitude observers who know exactly where and
when to look will be favored. For observers at mid-northern latitudes, months near the spring equinox are
also favored, because the ecliptic makes a relatively steep angle to the western horizon during these
months. The steep angle means the Moon's altitude will be greater just after sunset.
Ignoring local conditions for the moment and visualizing the problem from outside the Earth's atmosphere,
the size and brightness of the lunar crescent depend on only one astronomical quantity: the elongation of
the Moon from the Sun, which is the apparent angular distance between their centers. For this reason, the
elongation has also been called the arc of light. If the value of the elongation at any instant is known, the
width of the crescent can be computed.
The elongation as a function of the Moon's age depends on several factors:
1. The Moon's elongation at New Moon. The elongation of the Moon at New Moon is not necessarily 0. The
Moon's center may pass directly in front of the Sun at New Moon (when a solar eclipse will occur) or it may
be as much as five degrees to the north or south of the Sun. That is, the Moon can start the month with an
elongation ranging from zero to five degrees. A minor complicating factor involves the definition of New
Moon in the almanacs. Astronomical New Moon is defined to occur when the Sun and Moon have the same
geocentric ecliptic longitude, which may not occur precisely when the Sun and Moon are closest together in
the sky.
2. The speed of the Moon in its orbit. The Moon's orbit is elliptical, and its speed is greatest when it is near
perigee (closest to the Earth), least near apogee (furthest from the Earth). The change in speed is caused
by conservation of angular momentum; the same principle causes a spinning ice skater to speed up when
she pulls her arms inward. If perigee occurs near New Moon, the Moon will appear to be moving away from
the Sun in the sky at a greater than average rate.
3. The distance of the Moon: Because of its elliptical orbit, the distance of the Moon varies. Even if the Moon
moved with a constant speed, its angular motion as viewed from the Earth would be greater when the Moon
is near perigee. Similarly, a nearby automobile appears to be moving quicker than a more distant one, even
if they are actually moving at the same speed.
4. The observer's location (parallax). If the observer is located in the tropics such that the one-day-old-Moon
is observed just before it sets, its elongation as seen by the observer will be about a degree less than that
seen by a fictitious observer at the center of the Earth, which is the position used for most almanac
calculations. Similarly, if you look at a foreground object with one eye closed and then close that eye and
open the other, the object makes an apparent jump against the background. The change in the observed
elongation is less for observers at middle or high latitudes; however, other geometric factors are less
favorable for these observers.
Factors (2) and (3) are linked by Kepler's second law, which predicts that the angular speed of the Moon as
seen from the Earth will vary by about 22%. The combined effect of the first three factors gives geocentric
elongation of the Moon from the Sun at an age of one day can vary between about 10 and 15 degrees. The
last factor can subtract about a degree for an observer at the equator.
This large range of possible elongations in the one-day-old Moon is critical. At this time the width of the
crescent is increasing with the square of the elongation, and the surface brightness of the crescent is also
rapidly increasing. The apparent area of the crescent also increases inversely with the square of the
distance to the Moon. Some of the earliest reliable sightings of the crescent occur near elongations of
around 10 degrees. Simply specifying the age or elongation of the Moon cannot tell the whole story. But the
elongation is a more reliable parameter to use as a starting point in assessing the lunar crescent visibility at
any given date and time.
The prediction of the first sighting of the early crescent Moon is an interesting problem because it
simultaneously involves a number of highly non-linear effects. Stated in less technical language, many
things are changing very rapidly. Effects to be considered are the geometry of the Sun, Moon, and natural
horizon; the width and surface brightness of the crescent; the absorption of moonlight and the scattering of
sunlight in the Earth's atmosphere; and the physiology of human vision. This problem has a rich literature.
Some modern astronomical references are:
Caldwell, J.A.R. & Laney, C.D. 2001, "First Visibility of the Lunar Crescent",African Skies, No. 5, pp. 15–23
Doggett, L. E. & Schaefer, B. E. 1994, "Lunar Crescent Visibility," Icarus, Vol. 107, pp. 388–403.
Fatoohi, L.J., Stephenson, F.R., & Al-Dargazelli, S.S. 1998, "The Danjon Limit of First Visibility of the Lunar
Crescent," The Observatory, Vol. 118, pp. 65–72
Fatoohi, L.J., Stephenson, F.R., & Al-Dargazelli, S.S. 1999, "The Babylonian First Visibility of the Lunar
Crescent: Data and Criterion," Journal for the History of Astronomy, Vol. 30, pp. 51ndash;72
Ilyas, M. 1994, "Lunar Crescent Visibility Criterion and Islamic Calendar,"Quarterly Journal of the Royal
Astronomical Society, Vol. 35, pp. 425–461
Pepin, M. B. 1996, "In Quest of the Youngest Moon", Sky & Telescope, December 1996, pp. 104–106
Schaefer, B. E. 1988, "Visibility of the Lunar Crescent," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society,
Vol. 29, pp. 511–523
Schaefer, B. E., Ahmad, I. A., & Doggett, L. E. 1993, "Records for Young Moon Sightings," Quarterly Journal
of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 34, pp. 53–56
Her Majesty's Nautical Almanac Office computes and distributes predictions of lunar crescent visibility.
The Astronomical Calendar by Guy Ottewell includes good diagrams of the positions of young and old
Moons during the year (drawn for the eastern U.S.) and an explanation of the factors affecting their visibility.
Related information on these web pages includes:
Phases of the Moon and Percent of the Moon Illuminated (definitions) in FAQ
Dates of Primary Phases of the Moon in Data Services
Fraction of the Moon Illuminated in Data Services
What the Moon Looks Like Today in Data Services
Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day in Data Services
Sun or Moon Rise/Set Table for One Year in Data Services
The Islamic Calendar in FAQ