SCI Kapsamındaki Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
SCI Kapsamındaki Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler
AKADEMİK ÇALIŞMALAR VE YAYINLAR --- MAKALE --- SCI Kapsamındaki Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler Özkara, R., A. Başman, H. Köksel ve S. Çelik, “Effects of Cultivar and Environment on βGlucan Content and Malting Quality of Turkish Barleys,” Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 104, 217-220 (1998). Başman, A. ve H. Köksel, ”Properties and Composition of Turkish Flat Bread (Bazlama), Supplemented with Barley Flour and Wheat Bran,” Cereal Chemistry, 76, 506-511 (1999) Basman, A. ve H. Köksel, “Effects of Barley Flour and Wheat Bran Supplementation on the Properties and Composition of Turkish Flat Bread, Yufka,” European Food Research and Technology, 212, 198-202 (2001) Basman, A., H. Köksel ve P.K.W. Ng, “Effects of Transglutaminase on SDS-PAGE Patterns of Wheat, Soy and Barley Proteins and Their Blends,” Journal of Food Science, 67, 26542658 (2002) Basman A, H. Köksel ve P.K.W. Ng, “Effects of Increasing Levels of Transglutaminase on the Rheological Properties and Bread Quality Characteristics of Two Wheat Flours,” European Food Research and Technology, 215, 419-424 (2002) Basman A, H. Köksel ve P.K.W. Ng, “Utilization of Transglutaminase to Increase the Level of Barley and Soy Flour Incorporation in Wheat Flour Breads,” Journal of Food Science, 68, 2453-2460 (2003) Köksel, H., G-H. Ryu, Ö. Özboy Özbas, A. Basman ve P.K.W. Ng, “Development of a Bulgur-like Product Using Extrusion Cooking”, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 83, 630-636 (2003). Köksel, H., G-H. Ryu, A. Başman, H. Demiralp ve P.K.W. Ng, “Effects of Extrusion Variables on the Properties of Waxy Hulless Barley Extrudates,” Nahrung-Food (Issue 4/2004 is continued as Molecular Nutrition & Food Research), 48, 19-24 (2004). Çelik, S., A. Başman, E. Yalçın ve H. Köksel, “Effects of Irradiation on Protein Electrophoretic Properties, Water Absorption and Cooking Quality of Dry Bean and Chickpea,” Food Science and Technology Research, 10, 410-415 (2004). Çelik, S., E. Yalçın, A. Başman ve H. Köksel, “Effects of Irradiation on Protein Electrophoretic Properties, Water Absorption and Cooking Quality of Lentils,” International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 55, 641-648 (2004). Basman, A., H. Koksel ve A. Atli, “Effects of Increasing Levels of Transglutaminase on Cooking Quality of Bran Supplemented Spaghetti,” European Food Research and Technology, 223, 547-551 (2006). Köksel, H., A. Basman, K. Kahraman ve S. Ozturk, “Effect of Acid Modification and Heat Treatments on Resistant Starch Formation and Functional Properties of Corn Starch,” International Journal of Food Properties, 10, 691-702 (2007). Koksel, H., T. Masatcioglu, K. Kahraman, S. Ozturk ve A. Basman, “Improving Effect of Lyophilization on Functional Properties of Resistant Starch Preparations Formed by Acid Hydrolysis and Heat Treatment,” Journal of Cereal Science, 47, 275–282 (2008). Yalcin, S. ve A. Basman, “Effects of Gelatinization Level, Gum and Transglutaminase on the Quality Characteristics of Rice Noodle,” International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 43, 1637–1644 (2008). Yalcin, S. ve A. Basman, “Quality Characteristics of Corn Noodles Containing Gelatinized Starch, Transglutaminase and Gum,” Journal of Food Quality, 31, 465-479 (2008). Basman, A., S. Ozturk, K. Kahraman ve H. Koksel, ”Emulsion and Pasting Properties of Resistant Starch with Locust Bean Gum and Their Utilization in Low Fat Cookie Formulations,” International Journal of Food Properties, 11, 762-772 (2008). Koksel H., S. Ozturk, K. Kahraman, A. Basman, O. Ozboy Ozbas ve G-H. Ryu, “Evaluation of Molecular Weight Distribution, Pasting and Functional Properties, and Enzyme Resistant Starch Content of Acid-modified Corn Starches,” Food Science and Biotechnology 17, 755-760 (2008). --- BİLDİRİ --- Uluslararası Başman, A. ve H. Köksel, “Dietary Fiber Content of Turkish Flat Bread “Bazlama” Supplemented with Barley Flour and Wheat Bran,” 16 th ICC Conference 1998, Cereal Science-Its Contribution to Health and Well Being, p 84, May 9-12, Vienna-Austria, 1998. Çelik, S., E. Yalçın, H. Köksel ve A. Başman, “Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Salt Soluble Proteins of Lentil,” FAO/IAEA/WHO International Conference on Ensuring the Safety and Quality of Food through Radiation Processing, IAEA-CN-76, Book of Extended Synopses, p. 147-148, October 19-22, Antalya, 1999. Çelik, S., A. Başman, E. Yalçın ve H. Köksel, “Effects of Gamma Irradiation on Bean Proteins,” 4 th International Conference on Agro and Food Physics, Abstract book p. 76, May 16-20, İstanbul, 2000. Koksel, H., G-H. Ryu, O. Ozboy, A. Basman ve P.K.W. Ng, “Development of a BulgurLike Product Using Extrusion Cooking,” 2000 AACC Annual Meeting, p. 240, November 59, Kansas City, USA, 2000. Basman, A., H. Karacan, G-H. Ryu, H. Koksel ve P.K.W. Ng, “Physicochemical Properties of Extruded Waxy Barley,” AACC Annual Meeting, p. 266, November 5-9, Kansas CityUSA, 2000. Çelik, S., A. Basman, E. Yalcin ve H. Köksel, “Effects of Gamma-irradiation on Protein Electrophoretic Properties, Water Absorption and Cooking Quality of Bean and Chickpea,” AACC Annual Meeting, p.145, October 14-18, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2001. Basman, A., H. Köksel ve P.K.W. Ng, “Examining of Polymer Formation of Wheat, Soy and Barley Proteins with Transglutaminase Enzyme,” AACC Annual Meeting, p.163, October 14-18, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2001. Başman, A., H. Köksel ve P.K.W. Ng, “Effects of Transglutaminase Addition Levels on Rheological Properties and Baking Qualities of Two Wheat Flour Samples,” ICC Conference 2002, p. 33, May 26-29, Budapest, Hungary, 2002. (SÖZLÜ BİLDİRİ) Başman, A., H. Köksel ve P.K.W. Ng, “Transglutaminase Catalyzed Crosslinking: A New Approach to Increase Barley and Soy Flour Level in Bread,” 1st International Congress on Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, p. 23, April 27-29, Antalya, 2004 (SÖZLÜ BİLDİRİ) Öztürk, S., K. Ak, A. Başman, Ö. Özbaş Özboy ve H. Köksel, “Resistant Starch Formation from Acid Modified Corn Starch,” 1st International Congress on Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, p. 77, April 27-29, Antalya, 2004. Basman, A., H. Köksel ve P.K.W. Ng, “Utilization of Rapid Visco Analyzer for Assessing the Effect of Different Levels of Transglutaminase on Gluten Quality,” in: The Gluten Proteins, Eds; D. Lafiandra, S. Masci, R. D’Ovidio, p. 345-348, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge-UK, 2004. Basman, A., H. Köksel ve P.K.W. Ng, “Effects of Transglutaminase Enzyme on Proteins, Dough Rheology and Bread Quality Characteristics of Wheat Flour and Blends of Wheatbarley and Wheat-soy flours,” 4th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop, p.6, June 29-July 1, Vienna, Austria, 2005 (SÖZLÜ BİLDİRİ) Basman, A., E. Ibanoglu, S. Ibanoglu ve H. Köksel, “Effect of Dry Heating on Viscosity Values of Various Starch-gum Mixtures,” ICC-Jubilee Conference “Cereals-the Future Challenge”, p. 58, July 3-6, Vienna, Austria, 2005. Basman, A., H. Köksel ve A. Topcu, “Utilization of Transglutaminase in the Production of Gluten-free Cookies for Celiac Patients,” ICC-Jubilee Conference “Cereals-the Future Challenge”, p. 59, July 3-6, Vienna, Austria, 2005. Köksel, H. ve A. Başman, “Effects of Transglutaminase Enzyme on Rice and Amaranth Proteins,” ICC-Jubilee Conference “Cereals-the Future Challenge”, p. 104, July 3-6, Vienna, Austria, 2005. Uzunoglu, N., B. Ozkaya, H. Özkaya, A. Basman ve H. Köksel, “Effects of Wheat Variety, Extraction Rate and Drying Method on the Quality Characteristics of Eriste,” ICC-Jubilee Conference “Cereals-the Future Challenge”, p. 105, July 3-6, Vienna, Austria, 2005. Basman, A., S. Ozturk, K. Ak, O. Ozboy Ozbas ve H. Koksel, “Evaluation of Various Properties of Acid Hydrolysed Corn Starches,” ICC-Jubilee Conference “Cereals-the Future Challenge”, p. 144, July 3-6, Vienna, Austria, 2005. Yalcin, S. ve A. Basman, “Production of Gluten-free Rice Noodles,” ICC-Jubilee Conference “Cereals-the Future Challenge”, p. 179, July 3-6, Vienna, Austria, 2005. Köksel, H., A. Basman, S. Öztürk, K. Ak ve Ö. Özboy Özbas, “Evaluation of Pasting Properties, Molecular Weight Distribution and Enzyme Resistant Starch Content of Corn Starch Hydrolysed at Various Levels,” Euro Food Chem XIII “Macromolecules and Their Degradation Products In Food–Physiological, Analytical and Technological Aspects”, p. 82-85, September 21-23, Hamburg, Germany, 2005. Ak, K., S. Öztürk, A. Basman, Ö. Özboy Özbas ve H. Köksel, “Effects of Autoclaving Cycles on Enzyme Resistant Starch Formation,” Euro Food Chem XIII “Macromolecules and Their Degradation Products In Food–Physiological, Analytical and Technological Aspects”, p.102-105, September 21-23, Hamburg, Germany, 2005. Öztürk, S., I.H. Boyaci, K. Ak, A. Basman ve H. Köksel, “Optimisation of the Processing Conditions Affecting Enzyme Resistant Starch Formation in Acid Modified Corn Starch,” Euro Food Chem XIII “Macromolecules and Their Degradation Products In Food– Physiological, Analytical and Technological Aspects”, p.106-109, September 21-23, 2005, Hamburg, Germany. 2005. Yalcin, S., A. Basman, I.H. Boyaci ve H. Köksel, “Estimation of Damaged Starch in Wheat Flours by Using Rapid Visco Analyser,” Euro Food Chem XIII “Macromolecules and Their Degradation Products In Food–Physiological, Analytical and Technological Aspects”, p.110-112, September 21-23, Hamburg, Germany, 2005. Basman, A., B. Özkaya ve H. Köksel, “Destruction of Phytic Acid in Leavened and Unleavened Turkish Flat Breads,” Euro Food Chem XIII “Macromolecules and Their Degradation Products In Food–Physiological, Analytical and Technological Aspects”, p. 660-663, September 21-23, Hamburg, Germany, 2005. Başman, A., H. Köksel ve A. Atlı, “Utilization of Transglutaminase to Increase the Level of Bran Supplementation into Spaghetti,” 2nd International Congress on Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, p. 24, May 4-6, İstanbul, 2006. (SÖZLÜ BİLDİRİ) Tiftik, B., Y. Yamatma, B. Ekebaş, A. Başman ve H. Köksel, “Utilization of Enzymes to Prevent Staling in Whole Wheat Bread,” 2nd International Congress on Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, p. 53, May 4-6, İstanbul, 2006. Fevzioğlu, M., A. Topçu, A. Başman, “Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) Contents of Some Commercial Dietetic Cereal Products,” 2nd International Congress on Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, p. 67, May 4-6, İstanbul, 2006. Yalçın, S. ve A. Başman, “Gluten-free Corn Noodles,” 2nd International Congress on Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals, p. 111, May 4-6, İstanbul, 2006. Yalçın, S., M. Fevzioğlu ve A. Başman, “Effects of Emulsifiers on Cooking Properties of Gluten-free Corn Noodles,” 5th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop, p.16, July 5-7, Gaziantep, 2006. Fevzioğlu, M., A. Başman, D. Sivri Özay ve H. Köksel, “Effects of Various Additives on Pasting Properties of Rice-wheat Extrudates,” 5th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop, p.17, July 5-7, Gaziantep, 2006. Yalcin, S., H. Köksel, A. Basman ve I.H. Boyaci, “Comparison of the methods used for the estimation of damaged starch in wheat flour samples,” C&E Spring Meeting, Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation: Where Science Meets Industry, p.32, May 2-4, Montpellier, France, 2007. Koksel, H., A. Basman, K. Kahraman ve S. Ozturk, “Functional properties of resistant starch preparations formed by acid hydrolysis and heat treatment,” C&E Spring Meeting, Consumer Driven Cereal Innovation: Where Science Meets Industry, p.37, May 2-4, Montpellier, France, 2007. Yalcin, S. ve A. Basman, “Effects of transglutaminase enzyme on quality characteristics of gluten-free rice noodles and corn noodles,” 6th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop, p.36, April 30-May 2, Montpellier, France, 2007. Köksel, F., G. Şumnu, S. Şahin ve A. Başman, “The effects of different hydrocolloids on quality of gluten free cakes baked in microwave-infrared combination oven,” Bosphorus 2008 ICC International Conference, Proceedings book p.111, April 24-26, İstanbul, 2008. Masatcıoğlu, M.T., K. Kahraman, S. Öztürk, A. Başman ve H. Köksel, “Effects of acid modification, heat treatment and lyophilization on various properties of resistant starch preparations,” Bosphorus 2008 ICC International Conference, Proceedings book p.125, April 24-26, İstanbul, 2008. Fevzioğlu, M. ve A. Başman, “Effects of infrared treatment on pasting properties of rice samples,” Bosphorus 2008 ICC International Conference, Proceedings book p. 172, April 24-26, İstanbul, 2008. Özkaya, B., H. Özkaya, A. Başman, S. Öztürk, H. Köksel, G-H. Ryu ve P.K.W. Ng, “Phytic acid content of durum wheat as affected by extrusion cooking,” Bosphorus 2008 ICC International Conference, Proceedings book p. 222, April 24-26, İstanbul, 2008. Yalçın, S. ve A. Başman, “Cooking properties of infrared treated rice samples,” Bosphorus 2008 ICC International Conference, Proceedings book p. 225, April 24-26, İstanbul, 2008. Savaş, K., S. Yalçın ve A. Başman, “Effects of infrared treatment on quality characteristics of some wheat flours,” Bosphorus 2008 ICC International Conference, Proceedings book p.228, April 24-26, İstanbul, 2008. Gümüş, S., A. Başman, A. Karagöz ve H. Köksel, “Noodle quality of ancient wheat flours,” Bosphorus 2008 ICC International Conference, Proceedings book p.229, April 24-26, İstanbul, 2008. - Ulusal Köksel, H., A. Başman, H. Utku ve F. Özenen, “Dijital Görüntü Analizi,” 2. Un, Bulgur ve Bisküvi Sempozyumu, S/103-115, 28-30 Mayıs 1996, Karaman, 1997. (SÖZLÜ BİLDİRİ) Başman, A., H. Utku ve H. Köksel, “Digital Görüntü Analizinin Hububat Endüstrisindeki Uygulamaları,” Hububat 2002-Hububat Ürünleri Teknolojisi Kongre ve Sergisi, S/265-272, 3-4 Ekim, Gaziantep, 2002. (SÖZLÜ BİLDİRİ) Başman, A., H. Köksel ve P.K.W. Ng, “Transglutaminaz Enziminin Gıda Endüstrisindeki Bazı Uygulamaları,” 3.Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, S/299-309, 2-4 Ekim, Ankara, 2003. Temel, E., A. Başman ve H. Köksel, “Yağ İkame Edicilerin Bisküvi Kalitesi Üzerine Etkileri,” 3.Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, S/479-493, 2-4 Ekim, Ankara, 2003. Baltaşı, E., S. Kara ve A. Başman, “Arpa Ununun Bisküvi Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi,” 3.Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi, S/549-558, 2-4 Ekim, Ankara, 2003. Yalçın, S. ve A. Başman, “Glutensiz Makarna ve Erişte Üretimi,” Türkiye 9. Gıda Kongresi, S/637-640, 24-26 Mayıs, Bolu, 2006. Başman, A., H. Köksel, H., S. Yalçın, “Glutensiz Hububat Ürünleri,” Hububat 2006 Hububat Ürünleri Teknolojisi Kongresi, S/95-99, 7-8 Eylül, Gaziantep, 2006. (SÖZLÜ BİLDİRİ) Tiftik, B., H. Köksel ve A. Başman, “Asit ve Gliserol İlavesinin Unun Farinograf Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi,” Hububat 2006 Hububat Ürünleri Teknolojisi Kongresi, S/166-167, 7-8 Eylül, Gaziantep, 2006. Yalçın, S. ve A. Başman, “Pirinç Eriştelerinin ve Mısır Eriştelerinin RVA Özellikleri,” Hububat 2006 Hububat Ürünleri Teknolojisi Kongresi, S/247-249, 7-8 Eylül, Gaziantep, 2006. Fevzioğlu, M., S. Yalçın, B. Tiftik, K. Kahraman, U. Karsan, A. Başman, H. Köksel, “Bazı Emülgatörlerin Unların Özelliklerine Etkisi,” Hububat 2006 Hububat Ürünleri Teknolojisi Kongresi, S/267-269, 7-8 Eylül, Gaziantep, 2006. Fevzioğlu, M. ve A. Başman, “İnfrared Uygulamasının Buğday Çirişlenme Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi,” Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, s/483-486, 21-23 Mayıs, Erzurum, 2008. Başman, A. ve S. Yalçın, “İnfrared uygulamasının glutensiz mısır eriştesi üretiminde kullanımı,” Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, s/487-488, 21-23 Mayıs, Erzurum, 2008. --- KİTAP --KÖKSEL, H., SİVRİ, D., ÖZBOY, Ö., BAŞMAN, A., KARACAN, H., 2000, Hububat Laboratuvarı El Kitabı, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 47. ---PROJE--Baklagillerde Gama Işınlamanın Biyokimyasal Özellik, Bileşim ve Kalite Üzerine Etkileri, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje No: 98.01.602.001, Araştırmacı, 2000. Türkiye’ deki Çöliyak Hastaları için Glutensiz Bisküvi Üretiminde Transglutaminaz Enziminin Kullanım Olanaklarının Araştırılması, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu Projesi, Proje No: 01/02/602/011, Araştırmacı, 2004. Nişasta Bazlı Yağ İkame Edici Maddelerin Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu, TÜBİTAK Projesi, Proje No: TOGTAG 3027, Araştırmacı, 2005. İnfrared Uygulamasının Pirinç ve Makarna Bileşenleri ve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Birimi Projesi, Proje No: 0 501 602 001, Proje Yöneticisi, 2008. Kızıl Ötesi-Mikrodalga Kombinasyonlu Fırında Pişirilmeye Uygun Glutensiz Kek Formülasyonunun Optimizasyonu, TÜBİTAK Projesi, Proje no: TOVAG 106O702, Araştırmacı, 2009. MoniQA, Quality and Safety Control Strategies for Food, Towards the harmonisation of analytical methods for monitoring quality and safety in the food supply chain, FP6 projesi, 2007-devam ediyor. Kızılötesi Uygulamasının Soya Bileşenleri Üzerine Etkisi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Birimi Projesi, Proje No: 08D11602003, Proje Yöneticisi, Kasım 2008-devam ediyor
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