Samuel Beckett Murphy


Samuel Beckett Murphy
Samuel Beckett
Title: Murphy
Author: Samuel Beckett
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 170
Publisher: Grove Press, 1294732800
ISBN: 0802144454
Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub
Size: 8.7 MB
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Murphy, Samuel Beckett’s first published novel, is set in London and Dublin, during the first
decades of the Irish Republic. The title character loves Celia in a “striking case of love requited”
but must first establish himself in London before his intended bride will make the journey from
Ireland to join him. Beckett comically describes the various schemes that Murphy employs to
stretch his meager resources and the pastimes that he uses to fill the hours of his days.
Eventually Murphy lands a job as a nurse at Magdalen Mental Mercyseat hospital, where he is
drawn into the mad world of the patients which ends in a fateful game of chess. While grounded
in the comedy and absurdity of much of daily life, Beckett’s work is also an early exploration of
themes that recur throughout his entire body of work including sanity and insanity and the very
meaning of life.
Insightful reviews
Yunusemre Yener: Dili ve anlat?m tekni?i itibar? ile zorlay?c? bir kitapt?. Metinde yer yer Yunan,
Roma, ?ncil gibi Bat? edebiyat?n?n klasik referanslar?n?n yan?nda psikolojik, müzikal, edebi vs.
at?flar da var. Bunlar? duraksamadan okuyabilmek, hatta baz?s?n? anlayabilmek için dahi geni?
bir entelektüel birikim veya bir Beckett sözlü?ü (var böyle bir ?ey) gerekiyor. Eh, bende ikisi de
yok. O aç?dan zorlad?. Ancak her ince detaya tak?lmadan “bu adam ne anlatmak istiyor”a
odaklanmak bu kitab? okumak için geçerli bir yöntem olabilir. Ben de öyle yapt?m.
Beckett bir çok isim yan?nda Descartes ile de ilgilenmi?. Murphy’de de bunu yo?un biçimde
görüyoruz. Descartes bilginin kayna?? olarak usu (ak?l) merkez alan (rasyonel) bir bilgi
felsefesini benimsemi?ti. Me?hur “cogito ergo sum” laf?n? yüzeyselce ?öyle özetleyebiliriz:
“Alg?lad???m hiç bir ?eyin gerçekli?inden/do?rulu?undan emin olamam, d?? dünyadan gelen
her türlü bilgiye ?üphe ile yakla??r?m. Emin oldu?um tek ?ey ?üphem/ dü?ünmemdir. Öyleyse
-en az?ndan- var oldu?umu söyleyebilirim. ” Matematiksel kanunlar gibi, bu bilgi de do?rulu?u
kesin, üzerine ba?ka katlar ç?kabilece?imiz bir zemin sa?lar bize. Us yoluyla kavrad???m?z
ba?ka bilgilere bu noktadan ula?abiliriz. Deneyimlerden elde edilen (ampirik) bilgi ise onu
alg?lama ayg?tlar?mla, çevresel ?artlarla s?n?rl?d?r ve/veya yan?lt?c?d?r. Bilginin as?l kayna??
ustur fakat beden de d?? dünya ile sürekli temas halindedir - beden dünyan?n etkisindedir. Bu
ikilik ya da dualite Descartes ve onun izinden gidenler tarf?ndan üstesinden gelinmeye
çal???lan bir sorun olarak var olagelmi?. Beckett daha ilk cümleden bu ikili?i vurgulayarak
ba?l?yor : “Hep ayn? dünyan?n üzerinde ???ld?yordu güne?, ba?ka seçene?i yoktu çünkü”
Güne? her gün hesaplanan yerden do?ar, yükselir ve hesaplanan yerden batar. Deterministiktir.
Bu yüzden gerçek özgürlü?ü burada aramak bo?unad?r. Murphy de, bu güne?in ???nlar?ndan
korunmaya çal???rken ç?k?yor kar??m?za. Roman da us/beden, özne/nesne ikilikleri
paralelinde bir iç roman/ d?? roman gibi ilerliyor. Birinde Murphy’nin usa dönme veya bu ruha
halinden ç?kma çabalar?, di?erinde ise onun pe?indeki “kuklalar?n”, ili?ki yuma?? ve
etraflar?nda geli?en olaylar örgüsü var.
Kitab?n ba??ndaki mevcut durumu bozan etmen Celia’n?n Murphy’yi i? bulmaya zorlamas?
Murphy bu “d?? i?leri” bir y?ld?z falc?s?ndan ald??? bilgiler do?rultusunda yap?yor. Spinozac?
bir yoruma göre yukar?da bahsedilen us/beden ikilisi asl?nda ayn? ?eyin, tanr?n?n farkl?
tezahürleridir. (Murhpy’e göre) Y?ld?z hareketleri de buna dahildir ve ak?l harici yegane
güvenilir bilginin kayna??d?r. Benim akl?ma daha fazla yatan ikinci bir yoruma göre ise Murhpy
burada “Us / beden ikili?inin üstesinden gelinemez, birbiriyle ba?da?t?r?lamaz ve aralar?nda
ili?ki kurulamaz” yakla??m?nda. Bu da, kitapta da daha sonradan ikinci yorumu güçlendirir
?eklide ad? geçen Geulincx ad?nda bir filozofun yakla??m?ym??.
Murphy, ironik bir ?ekilde bu dünyevi bilginin kendisini sürüklemesi ile (Ticklepenny ile tan??ma,
Magdalen enstitüsü) usa dönme motivasyonunu tekrar kazan?yor. Hastalar Murphy’de bir
zamanlar olduklar? ?eyi, Murphy de hastalarda dönü?ece?i ?eyi görüyor. Enstitü’de tan??t???
Endon (yunanca “içinde,kendinde” demekmi? bu da) Murphy’nin tasar?m?n?n tamamlanm??
hali gibi. Tamamen usunda ya?ayan, satrançta kar?? taraf?n hamlesinden ba??ms?z ve
kazanma amac? gütmeden oynayan Endon’da eri?mek istedi?ini görüyor Murphy. Onu taklit
etmeye çal???yor ancak açmaz? bilinçli bir ?ekilde bilinç d???na, akl?n? kullanarak ak?l d???na
ç?kmaya çal??mas? oluyor. Kaza veya intihar, sonunda Murphy’nin ula?t??? yer usu ya da
“üçüncü bölge” yerine hiçlik oluyor.
Ana damar böyle. Bu tema döne döne i?lendi?iniden ?skalamas? zor. Geri kalan? kitap yazar?n
Joyce tilmizli?i dönemine rastlad???ndan m?d?r nedir, kafa yormak gerektirebilir. Çeviri de bu
muammal? dile katk?da bulunuyor bir nebze. Örne?in çevirmen “Figure and ground” gibi,
“parallel thirds” gibi terminolojik denebilecek bir ifadeleri kendince yorumlayarak ve dipnot
dü?meden çevirmi?. Zaten Beckett’in laf oyunlar?yla kar??an kafay? bunlar daha da
kar??t?r?yor. Okunurlu?u azaltan ?eyler.
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Shadn : it was odd,confusing and detailed but some thoughts Murphy had were interesting like
how he saw the patients in the mental hospital as people who escaped the existence in life. It
feels like if i knew more about chess some parts would make more sense, but in the end it's a
novel without a plot.
Graham P: an excellent little novel that explodes majestic. One could name it a parody of
manners, or a scatter-brained farce of affection and desire. it is all that and masses more. My
first foray into Beckett, and that i needs to admit that I wasn't deterred via his obtuse, madcap
and heartbreaking observations in regards to the struggles of day by day life. His prose reads
like a lonely man's consultant to insanity the place epiphanies move like gas, and tedium
develops its owns manic design. whereas he writes at angles (and round corners), there's
plenty of middle in the back of the vigorous prose. many of the characters are wildly off-center,
yet within the end, you actually consider for them. because the major player, Murphy is a
clusterfuck of idleness, contradiction, and callousness -- he mistreats women, believes in all
issues insubstantial - yet his transformation from layabout to caretaker (in an asylum, no less) is
captivating. The helping forged is simply as enjoyable - Cooper, the inebriated - omit Couninan,
the embodiment of the lustful Irish - Celia, the sound and worrying lover of Murhpy Ticklepenny, the failed, depressing poet - leave out Corridge, the miserly landlady with a weird
physique smell ('when physique scent and volubility meet, then there is not any remedy'). those
characters supply lifestyles to a ebook that at its center is set failure - irrespective of how tough
one tries, the tip is absurd, the climax now not ascending yet leveling off in a flatline tremor. The
finishing of the e-book typifies this, which include a hovering merciless shaggy dog story the
place slapstick turns heartbreaking in a single sentence. Beckett throws a lot in a hundred and
seventy pages that it is most unlikely to even supply a synopsis. A excessive watermark of
literature - playful and tragic, profane and manic.Selections from MURPHY:'He had the curious
hunted walk, like that of a destitute diabetic in an odd city.''He considered the 4 caged owls in
Battersea Park whose joys and sorrows didn't start until dusk.''Here he used to be now not free,
yet a mote at nighttime of absolute freedom.''Enter Cooper. Like a mollusc torn from its rock
Wylie got here away.''At the nook he paused to respect the pub, improved to any he had ever
seen. without notice a guy used to be status within the porch, radiant in his shirt-sleeves and an
apron of good baize, keeping quick a bottle of whiskey. His face was once because the face of
an angel, he stretched out his hand upon Cooper.'' the morning not anything remained of the
dream yet a postmonition of calamity, not anything of the candle yet a bit coil of tallow.''...his
good fortune with the sufferers used to be the signpost pointing to them. It intended that they felt
in him what that they had been and he in them what he may be.''...simplicity is as gradual as a
hearse and so long as a final breakfast.'
Kathleen Maher: i am yes I neglected lots of Beckett's references. it isn't precisely a web page
turner yet very humorous and dry. The prose alterations from brief, virtually part exchanges, to
specific description. The motion used to be imprecise yet that is the point, i am beautiful sure. i
discovered it fascinating, yet i've got a weak spot for the portrayals of existence as genuine and
unreal and the road between.Even so, contemplating what occurs in a small international of
characters that each one be aware of one another and all communicate to another attractive
human weakness, i used to be inspired through how those humans survived. No lease money.
Circling the city in case a role seems to be till one does that is ideal for Murphy. not anyone eats
anything. Murphy buys a packet of digestive biscuits at one element yet a puppy eats his
favorite. The conversation is humorous and memorable. it is a e-book i'll go back to: it quick
sends you to tumbledown position that is either comfortable and squalid. It used to be Beckett's
first novel and really, if you happen to like his plays, you are going to love the novel.
Phillip: nice to re-read murphy this winter. it is a damned humorous publication i inform ya!
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