Current status of string teacher education at university music teacher


Current status of string teacher education at university music teacher
Current status of string teacher education at university
music teacher training schools in Turkey
Gokturk D.
Safranbolu Fethi Toker College of Fine Arts and Design, Karabük University, Turkey
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the status of undergraduate string teacher education
curriculum in Turkish universities in both eastern and western regions. To accomplish this task, the relative
strengths and weaknesses of Turkish string teacher education were investigated through an intensive
literature review and a survey. Seventy-one string professors at nineteen university music teacher training
schools in Turkey were sent a questionnaire for the purpose of this investigation. Sixty-one of the professors
(85.92%) responded. The findings indicated that there were significant differences in the application of the
centralized string teacher education curriculum in universities in eastern and western Turkey. According to
the respondents in both regions, the string teacher education curriculum should be restructured and new
courses in string teacher training (such as String Skills/Techniques, String Methods, String Laboratory,
Public School Orchestra Conducting and Public School Orchestra Literature) should be added to the
curriculum. After the study was completed, a new string teacher education curriculum including these
additional courses was developed. Relevant courses from other universities were examined as the basis for
development of the new curriculum. © The Author(s) 2010.
Author Keywords: Music teacher training; String education; String teacher education
Year: 2010
Source title: International Journal of Music Education
Volume: 28
Issue: 2
Page : 176-192
Link: Scorpus Link
Document Type: Review
Source: Scopus
Authors with affiliations:
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