Prof. Dr. Feroz Ahmad


Prof. Dr. Feroz Ahmad
1. Adı Soyadı
İletişim Bilgileri
: Feroz Ahmad
: 02165780000
: [email protected]
2. Doğum Tarihi
: 26.01.1938
3. Unvanı
: Profesör
4. Öğrenim Durumu
: İnönü Mah. Kayışdağı Cad. 26 Ağustos Yerleşimi 34755 Ataşehir - İstanbul
Yüksek Lisans
Delhi Üniversitesi
5. Akademik Unvanlar
6. Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans ve Doktora Tezleri
6.1. Yüksek Lisans Tezleri
6.2. Doktora Tezleri
Murat Arslan, “Süleyman Demirel: A Political Biography”
Suat Eren Özyiğit, “Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın: A Life in Opposition”
7. Yayınlar
7.1. Uluslar arası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
7.2. Uluslar arası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceeding) basılan bildiriler.
7.3. Yazılan Uluslar arası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler.
The Young Turks, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1969.
Reprinted with a new preface: London: Hurst Company, 2010 (paperback); and New York:
Columbia University, 2010 (hardback).
Ittihat ve Terakki, Istanbul 1971 (Turkish translation of The Young Turks). New editions,
Istanbul 1984 and l986, 1994, and 1999.
The Turkish Experiment in Democracy, 1950-1975, The Royal Institute of International
Affairs, London 1977.
with B. Ahmad, An Annotated Chronology of Multi-Party Politics in Turkey, 1945-1971 (in
Turkish), Bilgi Yayinevi, Ankara 1977.
Ittihatciliktan Kemalizme ("From Unionism to Kemalism") Kaynak Yayinevi, Istanbul 1985.
(This is a book of essays on late Ottoman and modern Turkish History published in Turkish).
The Making of Modern Turkey, Routledge, London and New York l993.
Demokrasi Surecinde Türkiye (l945-l980), Hil Yayin : Istanbul, August l994. (Translation of
The Turkish Experiment in Democracy l950-1975 updated to September l980). Third printing
appeared in 2008
Modern Türkiye’nin Olusumu. Sarmal Yayinevi: Istanbul, 1995 (Translation of The Making of
Modern Turkey)
*New revised edition, Kaynak Yayinları : Istanbul, December 1999.
Turkey: The Quest for Identity. One World: Oxford. 2003.
*German translation: Geschichte der Türkei, Magnus Verlag: Essen, 2005.
*Turkish Translation: Bir Kimlik Pesinde Türkiye. Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, first
editions, Aralik 2006.
Second Edition, Nisan 2007, third edition, Kasım 2008, fourth edition, Şubat 2010.
From Empire to Republic: Essays on the Late Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, volumes
1 and 2. Istanbul Bilgi University Press: Istanbul 2008.
The Young Turks and the Nationalities Question, 1908-1918, forthcoming, Utah University
Press, 2013
Work in Progress :
"Jihad: The Struggle for the Ottoman Empire, l914-1918".
With Dr. A. Ahuja (translator), an annotated translation of A.D. Novichev, Ekonomika Turtsii
v period mirovoi (The Economy of Turkey during the World War, Leningrad, l935) with
annotations and introduction by Feroz Ahmad.
7.4. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
"Great Britain's Relations with the Young Turks, 1908-l914" Middle Eastern Studies, ii/4 (July 1966), pp.
Articles In Encyclopedia of Islam, 2nd and 3rd edd., Leiden 1953"Huseyin Hilmi"
"Hukma" (The Ottoman Empire)
"Hurriyet ve Itilaf" (with D.A. Rustow)
"Ibrahim Hakki"
"Ittihadi Muhammedi"
"Ittihad ve Terakki"
"Mehmed Salim al Kazimi"
"Mahmud Shawkat Pasha"
"Mukhtar Pasha, Gazi Ahmad"
“Rida Nur”
“Talat Pasha”
" Yegana, Ali Munif"
"The Young Turk Revolution," Journal of Contemporary History, iii/3 (July 1970), 19-36.
Review Article on Ulrich Trumpener, Germany and the Ottoman Empire, Princeton 1968 in Middle Easter
Studies, vi/1 (January 1970),100-105.
"1908-1914 Yılları Arasinda Büyük Britanya'nın Jön Türkler'le Münasebetleri," Türk Tarih Enstitusu Derg
(Journal of the Historical Institute, Istanbul University) no.2, 1971,153-180.
"The Turkish Guerillas: Symptom of a Deeper Malaise," New Middle East, no.55 (April 1973), 13-16.
"The role of Ali Fuat Cebesoy in the Turkish Revolution, Notes and Communication, International Journa
Middle East Studies, iv/3, (July 1973),365-366.
"The Secularisation of Politics in Turkey, Relevance for "India?" in Zafer Imam (ed.) Muslims in India, Or
Longman, New Delhi 1974, 273-94.
with D.A. Rustow "The Parliament of the Second Constitutional Period, 1908-1918," in Güney-Dğgu Avru
Arastirmaları Dergisi, Istanbul 1976, 245-284.
"Vanguard of a Nascent Bourgeoisie: The Social and Economic Policies of the Young Turks 1908-1918," i
Okyar and Halil Inalcik (eds.), Social and Economic History of Turkey (1071-1920), Ankara 1980, 329-35
"Turkey's Democratic Tradition," in Foreign Policy, (Ankara), vol. VIII, nos. 3-4, Ankara 1981, 35-40
"The Political Economy of Kemalism," in Ali Kazancigil, and Ergun Ozbudun (eds.), Ataturk Founder of
Modern State,London 1981, 145-63; French translation "L'economie politique du kemalisme" in A. Kazan
E. Ozbudun (eds.), Ataturk fondateur de la Turqie moderne, Paris 1984,139-56.
"Military intervention and the Crisis in Turkey", MERIP Reports, no. 93, January 1981, 5-24. Reprinted in
Ramazanoglu (ed.), Turkey in the World Capitalist System, London l985,191-219.
"The Islamic Assertion in Turkey: Pressures and State Response" Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 4, nos.1 & 2
"Unionist Relations with the Greek, Armenian and Jewish Communities of the Ottoman Empire, 1908-191
Benjamin Braude and Bernard Lewis (eds.), Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire, vol.1, New York
"The Agrarian Policy of the Young Turks 1908-1918," in Jean-Louis Bacque-Grammont and Paul Dumont
Economie et Societes dans L'Empire Ottoman, Paris 1983, 275-88.
"Turkiye'de Kemalizm ve Siyasetin Laiklesmesi" (Kemalism and the Secularization of Politics in Turkey) in
proceedings of the 1981 International conference on Ataturk entitled Ataturk'un Dusunce ve Uygulamalarinin
Evrensel Boyutlari, Ankara 1983, 41-49.
"The Turkish Elections of 1983", Merip Reports, no.122, March-April 1984, 3-11.
"Local Elections Set Turkey's Political Configuration", Merip Reports
no. 124, June 1984.
"La politique exterieure turque", Les Temps Modernes, nos. 456-457, Juillet-Aout 1984,156-74.
"1914-1915 Yillarinda Istanbul'da Hint Milliyetci Devrimciler;" (Turkish: Indian Nationalist Revolutionari
Istanbul, 1914-1915), in Yapıt, no. 6, August-September 1984, 5-15.
"The State and Intervention in Turkey" in Turcica revue d'etudes Turques, vol. xvi, 1984, 51-64. Translate
"Turkiye'de Devlet ve Mudahale" in Turkiye Sorunlari - l988 Yilligi, Alan, Istanbul, Feb. l988, l36-l46.
"The Late Ottoman Empire" in Marian Kent (ed.), The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire, L
l984, 5-30.
"The Transition to Democracy in Turkey", Third World Quarterly, vol. 7, no. 2, April 1985, 211-26.
"Leon Trotsky's Writings on the Ottoman State, the 1908 Revolution, and the Balkan Wars 1912-1913" (in
Turkish) in Tarih ve Toplum, no. 17, May 1985, 12-18.
"The Times (London) and the Kemalist Revolution l930-l939" in Turkiye'de Yabanci Dilde Basin, Istanbul
"Turkiye'nin Cumhuriyet Donemi Siyasal Gelismeleri" (Political Developments in Turkey during the Republ
Period) in Cumhuriyet Donemi Turkiye Ansiklopedisi (Turkey Encyclopaedia : the Republican Period), 1991
"Ittihat ve Terakki'nin Dis Politikasi (l908-l918)" (The Foreign Policy of Union and Progress (l908-l918),
Tanzimat'tan Cumhuriyet'e Turkiye Ansiklopedisi (Turkey Encyclopaedia : from the Tanzimat to the Repu
Istanbul, l985-6, 293-303.
"The Kemalist Movement and India", Cahiers du GETC (Groupe d'etudes sur Turquie contemporaine), no.
Automne l987, ll2-26 (special number edited by Iskender Gokalp & Francois Georgeon).
"Islamic Reassertion in Turkey", Third World Quarterly, vol,10, no.2, April l988, 750-69.
"War and Society under the Young Turks, l908-l918", Review (Fernand Braudel Center) vol. xi, no.2, Spri
(Translated as "Jon Turkler doneminde Savas ve Toplum" in Tarih ve Toplum (History and Society, no.64,
"Die Suche nach einer Ideologie in der Kemalistischen Turkei l9l9-l939" (The Search for Ideology in Kem
Turkey, l9l9-l939) in Linda Schatkowski Schilcheer & Claus Scharf (eds.), Der Nahe Osten in der
Zwischenkriegszeit l9l9-l939, Franz Steiner Verlag : Stuttgart, l989, 341-354.
"Ottoman Armed Neutrality and Intervention: August-November l914" in Studies on Ottoman Diplomatic
no. iv, Sinan Kuneralp (ed.) Istanbul : the Isis Press (n.d. l990?), 41-61.
"Politics and Islam in Modern Turkey", Middle Eastern Studies, (London) vol.27/i, January 1991, 3-21.
"La politique etrangere de la Turquie dans les annes 80" in La Turquie au Seuil de l'Europe , Paul Dumont &
Francois Georgeon (eds.) Paris : L'Harmattan, l991, 239-55.
"The Progressive Republican Party, l924-1925" in Political Parties and Democracy in Turkey, Metin Heper a
Jacob Landau (eds.), London & New York : I.B. Tauris, l991, 65-82.
"Arab Nationalism, Radicalism, and the Specter of Neocolonialism" in Monthly Review, vol. 42, February
pp. 30-37.
“A Note on the International Status of Kuwait before November l914” in International Journal of Middle E
Studies, vol. 24/i, Feb. l992, l81-87
“The Politics of Islamic Reassertion (or ‘Fundamentalism’) : the Social and Ideological Dimensions, Distin
Lecture Series, 1991-1992”, May l992, Office of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Massachuse
“Postage Stamps, Politics and Ideology in the Late Ottoman Empire” (in Turkish) in in Tarik Zafer Tunaya
Armagan, Istanbul, l992, 335-342
“War and Society under the Young Turks l908-1918” in Albert Hourani, Philip Khoury, and Mary Wilson
The Modern Middle East : A Reader, I.B. Tauris : London & New York, l993, 125-143. (Reprint of the arti
published in Revue, Spring l988)
Articles :
1) ‘Kemal Ataturk’;
2) ‘Turkey’; and
3) ‘Young Turks’
in The Oxford Companion to the Politics of the World, Joel Krieger, editor-in-chief. Oxford University Pre
York, l993
“The Development of Class Consciousness in Turkey” in Workers and Working Classes in the Middle East :
Struggles, Histories, Historiographies, Zachary Lockman (ed.), SUNY : Albany, l994, pp. 133-163.
“Some Thoughts on the Role of Ethnic and Religious Minorities in the Genesis and Development of the Soci
Movement in Turkey (1876-1923)” in Mete Tuncay and Erik Jan Zurcher (eds.), Socialism and Nationalism
Ottoman Empire l976-l923. British Academic Press in association with The International Institute of Social H
Amsterdam, I.B.Tauris : London/New York, l994, pp. 13-25 and 169-171(Notes).
Articles in The Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World. John Esposito, editor-in-chief. Oxford Universi
New York, l995
1) ‘Anavatan Partisi;
2) ‘Demokrat Parti’;
3) ‘Enver Pasha’
4)‘Ittihad-i Muhammedi Cemiyeti’;
5) ‘Pan-Turanism’;
6) ‘Said Halim Pasha’;
7) ‘Turkey’; and
8) ‘Young Turks’
“Ottoman Perceptions of the Capitulations 1800-1914” in Journal of Islamic Studies, 11/i, January 2000, 1Reprinted in Feroz Ahmad, From Empire to Republic – Essays on the Later ottoman Empire and Modern T
ii, Istanbul 2008, 44
“Ideology and War Aims of the Unionist Government, 1914-1918” in Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Ista
33/50, 2001, 1-13.
With Jacob Landau, ‘Conclusion: Opting Out of the Nation’ in Identity Politics in Central Asia and the Mu
World. Willem van Schendel and Erik Zürcher (eds.), I.B. Tauris: London & New York, 2001, pp. 223-235
“The Special Relationship: the Committee of Union and Progress and the Ottoman-Jewish Political Elite l9
1918” in Jews, Turks, Ottomans, Avigdor Levy (ed.), Syracuse University Press: Syracuse, New York, 200
212-230 & notes, 332-5.
‘ The Historical Background of Turkish Foreign Policy’ in The Future of Turkish Foreign Policy, Lenore G
and Dimitiris Keridis (eds.), The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, 2002, pp.9-33.
‘Profesor Feroz Ahmad ile Ermeni Sorunu Hakkinda Gorüsme’, interview conducted by Emre Kayhan in Fo
Policy, August-September 2005, 76-81.
“Tarih Her On Yılda bir Gözden Geçirmelidir”, interview conducted by Tolga Cora and Yonca Güneş Yüc
RKitap [Remzi Kitabevi] Gazetesi, no. 1, January 2006. 11.
‘Turkey’, article forthcoming in the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World.
‘Atatürk’, chapter in ‘Balkan Strongmen: Dictators and Authoritarian Rulers of Southeast Europe’, Bernd
Fischer (ed.), Hurst and Co. London 2007, 141-164
‘Politics and Political Parties in the Turkish Republic’, chapter in the Cambridge History of Modern Turkey
‘Turkey in the Modern World’, 226-265, Resat Kasaba (ed.), Cambridge University Press, 2008
‘Ikinci Meşruriyet Döneminde Jön Türk-Ermeni Iliskileri’ in Hoşgörü Toplumunda Ermeniler, M.Metin Hü
als (eds.), Erciyes Universites, Kayseri, 2007, vol.ii, 161-187.
(This is the Turkish translation of the conference paper on ‘Young Turk-Armenian Relations during the Sec
Constitutional Period’).
Articles: ‘Constitution’ (30/6/06), ‘Parliaments’ (30/9/07), and ‘Political Parties’ (30/9/07) forthcoming in
Dictionnaite de l’Empire ottoman. Paris.
Article entitled ‘Cumhuriyet Türkiye’sinde Çağdaşma ve Çağdasşlık arasısnda Çatışma’ published in a bookl
published by Istanbul Barosu Yayınları as Cumhuriyet ve Demokrasi, Istanbul 2008, 26-31
‘Kamil Pasha and the British, 1908 —1913’, Prof. Dr. Ergun Ozbudun’a Armagan – Essays in Honor of Erg
Ozbudun. Vol. I, Siyaset Bilimi/Political Science. Serap Yazici, Kemal Gözler, Fuat Keymen, eds. Yetkin B
Ankara 2008, 17—29.
“Young Turk – Armenian Relations during the Second Constitutional Period, 1908-1914”, in Armenians in th
Ottoman Empire, Metin Hulagu. Sakir Batmaz, and Gulbadi Alan (des.), Erciyes University , 2008.
“The Growth and Emancipation of the Bourgeoisie”, in Philologiae et Historiae Turcicae Fundamenta - Tur
the Twentieth Century, Erik-Jan Zürcher (ed.), Klaus Schwarz Verlag, Berlin: 2008,335-358.
“Politics and Political Parties in Republican Turkey” in The Cambridge History of Turkey, vol.4, ‘Turkey in
Modern World, Reşat Kasaba (ed.), Cambridge University Press, 2008, 226-265.
“Military and Politics in Turkey” in Turkey’s Engagement with Modernity – Conflict and Change in the Twe
Century. Celia Kerslake, Kerem Öktem, Philip Robins, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, is association with St Anton
College, Oxford, London, 2010.
“Cumhuriyet Türkiye’sinde Siyaset ve Siyasi Partiler”, Türkiye Tarihi 1839-2010: Modern Dünyada Türkiye
Kasaba (ed.) ve Zuhal Bilgin (Çeviri). Kitapyayinevi: Istanbul, 2011, 229-274.
‘Young Turk Relations with the US, 1908-1918’ chapter in American Turkish Encounters: Politics and Cultu
1830-1989, Nur Bilge Criss, Selçuk Esenbel, Tony Greenwood and Louis Mazzari (eds.) Cambridge Scholar
Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2011, 83-99
7.5. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan bildiri kitabında basılan bildiriler
7.6 Diğer Yayınlar
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10.Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikleri
College of Arts and Sciences "Outstanding Achievement Award" for Scholarship, Research, and
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Benzer belgeler

Prof. Dr. Feroz AHMAD - Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi

Prof. Dr. Feroz AHMAD - Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi With Dr. A Ahuja, an annotated translation of A.D. Novichev, Ekonomika Turtsii v period mirovoi (The Economy of Turkey during the World War, Leningrad, l935) with annotations and introduction by Fe...



