Curriculum Vitae - Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi
Curriculum Vitae - Yeditepe Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi
Curriculum Vitae Murat ÇOKGEZEN Personal: Date of Birth Place of Birth Nationality Marital Status Adress Phone e-mail : : : : : 02.06.1966 Istanbul Turkish Married Marmara Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi MÜ. Göztepe Kampusu 34722 Kadıköy-İstanbul : 0216 541 4021/1526 : [email protected] Education: PhD MSc BSc Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Economic Development and International Economics (1996) Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Economics (1990) Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey, Faculty of Economics, Department of International Relations (1987) Awards: 2007 2007 2001 1998 1996 Istanbul Chambers of Commerce research Grant, project title 'Enterpreneurship in Central Asia: Opportunities, problems and recommendations' The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) research grant, project title ‘Publication performance of economists and economics departments in Turkey (1999-2006) Post Doctoral Research Scholarship of Turkish Academy of Sciences at University of London, School Management Post Doctoral Research Scholarship of German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD) at Ludwig Maximillians Universitat, Munich, Germany Post Doctoral Research Scholarship of Indian Government, Ministry of Education, at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India Professional Experience: 2011- Present 2007- Present 2005-2011 2007-2009 Professor at Marmara University, Department of Economics, Istanbul, Turkey Adjunct teaching staff at Yeditepe University, Faculty of Law, Istanbul, Turkey Associate Professor at Marmara University, Department of Economics, Istanbul, Turkey Columnist at CNBC-e Business, Turkey 2003-2005 Assistant Professor at Marmara University, Department of Economics, Istanbul, Turkey Assistant Professor at Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University, Department of Economics, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Assistant Professor at Marmara University, Department of Economics, Istanbul, Turkey Compulsory Military Service as English Teacher at Multi-programmed NCO Preparatory School, Balikesir, Turkey Research Assistant at Marmara University, Department of Economics, Istanbul, Turkey. 2002-2003 2001-2002 1999-2000 1990-1999 Publications: Thesis: ‘Ownership Structure and Efficiency: The Case of Sugar Plants’ [in Turkish], Unpublished Dissertation, Istanbul, 1996. ‘Industrialisation Movement in Turkey Between 1929-1939’ [in Turkish], Unpublished Master Thesis, Istanbul, 1990. Books: ‘State, entrepreneurship and regional development in Turkey’ [in Turkish] Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Publications, Pub. No: 2010-110, Istanbul, 2012 'An economist is reading newspaper' [in Turkish], Liberte Yayınları, Ankara, 2010 'Enterpreneurship in Central Asia: Opportunities, problems and recommendations', [in Turkish] Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Publications, Istanbul, 2008 (with G. Berna Özcan) ‘Homoekonomikus’ [in Turkish], Liberte Yayınları, Istanbul, 2007 ‘Mathematical Methods in Economics: Solved Problems’, [in Turkish], Der Yayınevi, Istanbul, 2001 (with Mehmet Balcilar) Chapters in Books: ‘Affects of professional associations on competition: An evaluation on liberal professions’, [in Turkish] Türkiye'de Kamu Kurumu Niteliğindeki Meslek Kuruluşları, Sivil Toplum ve Demokrasi içinde, Editörler: A. Yayla ve B. Şahin, USIDER araştırma raporu, 2011 (with Fevzi Toksoy) '1974: Friedrich von Hayek and Gunnar Myrdal' [in Turkish], in Development of economic theory on the track of the Nobel, Ed. T. Büyükakın, Y. Bülbül and N. Çakır, İstanbul Ticaret Odası Publication, 2010, pp. 113-122 (with Erkan Tokucu) 'Turkish Trailblazer: Boosting Rural Areas through Business Investment' GIM Case Study No. B065. New York: United Nations Development Programme, 2010 ‘Calculating normal value as a way of protection: Some evidence from Turkish anti-dumping investigations’, Uses and Misuses of Anti-Dumping Provisions in World Trade: A Cross Country Perspective, Ed. Bibek Debroy and Debhasis Chakraborty, Academic Foundation Press, 2007 (with Cengiz Bahcekapili) Articles: - 'Regulation, deregulation in liberal professions and competion law' [in Turkish] Rekabet Dergisi, 14(3), 2013, pp. 3-38 (with Fevzi Toksoy) - ‘Some determinants of publication performance: A study of Turkish economics academicians’, Journal of Scientometric Research, 2(2), 2013, pp. 85-91 - ‘Attitudes of Turkish students against markets: Does studying economics matter?’, International Journal of Social Economics, forthcoming (with Ahmet Çilingirturk) - ‘Publication performance of economists and economics departments in Turkey (2006-2011): an update and comparison’, Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 13(3), 2013, pp.95-106 - Attitudes of Turkish students towards markets: Are they different from their Western couterparts?, European Journal of Law and Economics, (forthcoming) ‘State owned enterprises, entrepreneurship and local development: A case from Turkey’, European Journal of Economic and Political Studies, 4(2), 2011, pp. 91-107 'Technical Efficiencies of Faculties of Economics in Turkey', Education Economics, 17 (1), 2009 ‘Is there enough rationale for government intervention in education in Turkey’ [in Turkish], Liberal Düşünce, Yıl: 13, Sayı: 49, 2008 - ‘Publication performance of economists and economics departments in Turkey (1999-2003), Bulletin of Economic Research, 58(3), 2006 ‘Trusted markets: the exchanges of Islamic companies’, Comparative Economic Studies, 48(1), 2006 (with G.B. Ozcan) ‘The profile of business in early Republican era’[in Turkish], İşletme ve Finans, 19, March 2004 (with Murat Koraltürk and Hamdi Genç) ‘Corruption in Kyrgyzstan: The facts, causes and consequences’, Central Asian Survey, 23 (1), 2004 ‘The problem of corruption in Kyrgyzstan’, (in Russian), Reforma, 2(18), 2003. ‘Comparative Technical Efficiencies of State and Privately Owned Sugar Plants in Turkey’, Manas Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, No.8, 2003 (with Mehmet Balcilar) 'Limits to Alternative Forms of Capitalization: The case of Anatolian Holding Companies', World Development, 31(12), 2003 (with G. Berna Özcan) ‘New Fragmantations and New Cooperations in the Turkish Bourgeoisie’, Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy,18(4), 2000. ‘Successful Businessmen of the Republic’[in Turkish], Toplumsal Tarih, September 1998, 50 ‘Question of Property in Multi-ownership Companies’[in Turkish], Ekonomik Yaklasim, 9/28,1998. ‘Greatness of the Small’ [in Turkish], Istanbul Sanayi Odasi Dergisi, Kasim 1997, (with Erol Katircioglu). ‘Irregular Economy in Turkey and its Dimensions’[in Turkish], İktisat ve İş Dünyası, 2/ 16, 1993. Conference Proceedings '40 years of Sivas's economy through the eyes of businessmen: 1965-2005', [in Turkish] in Proceedings of 2. Local Economies Congress, Cumhuriyet University, 17-19 June 2010, pp. 462-476 (with Tülin Altun) ‘Coping with uncertainties through personal enterprises: Turkish entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan’, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Business, management and Economics, Organized by Yasar University 13-17 June 2007, Cesme-Izmir, Turkey, 2007
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