English - Ezgi Ulusoy Aranyosi


English - Ezgi Ulusoy Aranyosi
Ezgi Ulusoy Aranyosi
University of Oxford
Ertegun Scholar
DPhil Candidate in Oriental Studies
Ertegun House
37A St. Giles
United Kingdom
St. Antony's College
62 Woodstock Road
United Kingdom
E-mail addresses: [email protected]
[email protected]
Curriculum Vitae (January 2013)
Date and Place of Birth: 16/11/1986, Bremen/Germany
Citizenship: Turkish
DPhil, University of Oxford, 2012-, Oriental Studies
M.A., Bilkent University, 2009-2012, Turkish Literature (thesis title: On the Reflections
of Collective Memory in Turkish Literature)
B.A., Bilkent University, 2005-2009, Philosophy (graduated with a high honor degree and
Ulusoy Aranyosi, CV (January 2013)
with a GPA of 3.80 – the highest cumulative GPA in Philosophy among the
department graduates of the academic year of 2008-2009)
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, 2011-2012 fall semester, Sociology (special student)
Academic Publications
“An Enquiry into Sufi Metaphysics”. British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20.1:
“Halk Hikâyelerinde Tür Sorunu Üzerine” [“On the Problem of Genre in Folk
Narratives”]. Millî Folklor: International and Quarterly Journal of Cultural
Studies 12.92 (Winter 2012): 13-18.
“Edebiyatta Büyülü Gerçekçiliğin 'Büyü'sünün Menşei Üzerine: Sosyal Adaptasyon
Araçları Olarak Masallar” [“On the Origin of 'The Magical' of Magical Realism in
Literature: Fairy Tales as Means of Social Adaptation”]. Millî Folklor:
International and Quarterly Journal of Cultural Studies 12.91 (Autumn 2011):
“Atasözü neydi, ne oldu?” [“What was, and what now is, a 'proverb'?”]. Millî Folklor:
International and Quarterly Journal of Cultural Studies 11.88 (Winter 2010): 515.
Semi-Academic Publications
“Popular Turkish Love Lyrics & Folk Legends ve Soneler Eşliğinde, Çiçek Dürbünü’nden
Ümit Harmanı’na Bakmak” (“In Company with Popular Turkish Love Lyrics &
Folk Legends and Soneler, Looking through Çiçek Dürbünü to see Ümit
Harmanı”). KANAT: Periodical of Bilkent University Center for Turkish Literature,
Fall 2009 / Issue: 31. (book review, in Turkish)
“Felsefenin Dinamiği II/ Schlegel ve Hegel” (“Dynamics of Philosophy II / On Schlegel
and Hegel”). Koridor Culture Art Literature Periodical, Winter 2009 / Issue:11.
(in Turkish)
“Felsefenin Dinamiği I / Schlegel'in 'İroni'si Üzerine” (“Dynamics of Philosophy I / On
Schlegelian 'Irony'”). Koridor Culture Art Literature Periodical, Summer 2009 /
Issue:10. (in Turkish)
“Kendi İçinden Geç(eme)mek: İmparator Jones” (“Tangled up with Himself: The
Emperor Jones”). Koridor Culture Art Literature Periodical, October-NovemberDecember 2007 / Issue:5. (in Turkish)
“Uzak Kıtadan Dipnotlar / Öyküler II (Sherwood Anderson)” (“Footnotes from the
Ulusoy Aranyosi, CV (January 2013)
Distant Continent / Short Stories II (by Sherwood Anderson)”). Koridor Culture
Art Literature Periodical, April-May-June 2007 / Issue:3. (book review, in
“Yurttan Dünyadan Öykü Kitapları / Klasik Suç Öyküleri (Çeviren: Ender Arkun) ve
Bayan Mira’yla Ufak Bir Gezinti (Semra Topal)” (“Stories from the World and
Turkey / Classics of Crime Stories (trans. Ender Arkun) and A Brief Stroll with
Lady Mira (Semra Topal)”). Koridor Culture Art Literature Periodical, JanuaryFebruary-March 2007 / Issue:2. (book reviews, in Turkish)
“Yurttan Dünyadan Öykü Kitapları / İran Edebiyatı Öykü Antolojisi (Çeviren: Haşim
Hüsrevşahi) ve Eski Bahçe-Eski Sevgi (Tezer Özlü)” (“Stories from the World and
Turkey / Anthology of Short Stories from Persian Literature (trans. by Haşim
Hüsrevşahi) and Old Garden-Old Love (by Tezer Özlü)”). Koridor Culture Art
Literature Periodical, November-December 2006 / Issue:1. (book reviews, in
“Özdemir Asaf’ın Şairaneliği Üzerine” (“On the Poetics of Özdemir Asaf”). Koridor
Culture Art Literature Periodical, November-December 2006 / Issue:1. (in
“Yurttan ve Dünyadan Öykü Kitapları / Öykü Sandığı (Johann Peter Hebel) ve Yalnız
Uyuyanlar İçin (Cemil Kavukçu)” (Stories from the World and Turkey / The
Trunk of Short Stories (by Johann Peter Hebel) and Only for the Ones Who Are
Asleep (by Cemil Kavukçu)). Patika Culture Art Literature Periodical, JulyAugust-September 2006 / Issue:54. (book reviews, in Turkish)
“Genç Werther’in Acıları ve Dokuzuncu Hariciye Koğuşu Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir
İnceleme” (“A Comparative Analysis of The Sorrows of Young Werther and The
Ninth Ward”). Patika Culture Art Literature Periodical, April-May-June 2006 /
Issue:53. (in Turkish)
Literary Publications
“Karınca Dua Ederken” (“While the Ant is Praying”). Kül Öykü Literary Periodical,
Summer Special Edition 2007 / Issue:6. (short story, in Turkish)
“Gölge düştü, mavi yandı.” (“The Shadow Settles, the Blue Sears”). Kül Öykü Literary
Periodical, January-February / 2006 Issue:7. (short story, in Turkish)
Talks and Presentations
Ulusoy Aranyosi, CV (January 2013)
“Reconsidering Turkish Literary History”, Middle Eastern Studies Research Colloquium
Oxford/United Kingdom. 28 November, 2012.
“Literary Metaphysics: The Case of Sufism”, Philosophy in Literature conference,
Vaasa/Finland. 25 May, 2010.
“An Enquiry into Sufi Metaphysics”, SOPHA (Société de Philosophie Analytique) triannual conference, Geneva/Switzerland. 4 September, 2009.
Teaching Experience
2009-2010 (fall and spring semesters) and 2010-2011 (fall semester), Teaching assistant
for undergraduate courses Turkish I (TURK 101) and Turkish II (TURK 102)
offered by the Turkish Unit of Bilkent University.
Awards and Scholarships
2012-, The Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Programme in the Humanities
2011-2012, Graduate Studies Scholarship by TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey)
2011-2012, Tuition Waiver for Graduate Studies at the Department of Turkish Literature
by Bilkent University
2009-2010, Graduate Studies Scholarship by Bilkent University
2005-2009, Undergraduate Studies Scholarship by Bilkent University
2008, Foça International "Rastgele" Fishing Festival Short Story Contest (contest theme:
sea), first prize.
2008, Eskişehir Culture and Art Association Short Story Competition (contest theme:
youth), first prize.
2004, Dursun Akçam Short Story Contest, third prize.
Turkish (native)
English (fluent)
Ottoman Turkish (proficient in reading printed materials)
Ulusoy Aranyosi, CV (January 2013)
German (intermediate, in progress)
Persian (intermediate, in progress)
Hungarian (basic)
References will be provided upon request.
Ulusoy Aranyosi, CV (January 2013)

Benzer belgeler


SCHOLASTIC VITA FEYZA NUR TUNCER ADDRESS University, Istanbul, Turkey. 15- Ozbek U., Ugur Iseri S.A., Tuncer F.N., Karacan I., Ozdemir O., Altiokka Uzun G., Calik M., İscan A. Genome-wide SNP analysis in a large consanguineous Turkish fam...


mehmet hüseyin bilgin - Economic Research Forum (ERF)

mehmet hüseyin bilgin - Economic Research Forum (ERF) Anthology, Vol.I, December 2008, pp.26-31, (Article in English).
