Saints and Scholars


Saints and Scholars
Saints and Scholars
by Terry Eagleton
The blending of literature, politics and theory is a wonderful jaunt. Eagleton applies a heavy hand in his fictional
debut to the reader's disservice. The curtain rises and Nikolai Bakhtin is pontificating on Hegel to a pub in Ireland,
one of the lads pauses and offers an aside, this gent is sharp enough to read Mass. All these years later, I smile in
recollection. Placing Wittgenstein, Roger Casement and Leopold Bloom alongside the other Bakhtin would appear
to spoli the broth. The result isn't amazing but it lingers and yields a hefty share of laughs along the way.|a very
intelligent fanfiction indeed.|AZİZLER VE ALİMLER
Kitaptan Alıntılar ve Sentezler:
-Herşeyin gözle GÖRÜNÜR olması dayanılmazdır.
-SOYUT BİLGİ masum değildir, hayatı terörize edebilir- SÖZLER tüfek kadar sahicidir.
-DEVRİM için "BİR ÇIRPIDA" düşüncesi, Tanrı düşüncesi gibi metafiziktir. Aynı şekilde, "BÜTÜNSEL KOPUŞ" fikri de
"SAF SÜREKLİLİK" GİBİ yanılsamadır.
-ÖLÜMün kaçınılmazlığını bildiğimiz halde başkaldırabilmek, olabilecek en son ve en saf özgürlüktür.
-Dehşeti ne denli ayrıntılı çizgilerle resmedersen, umudu da o denli söndürürsün.
-Ne olabileceğimizi öğrenebilmek için ÖZGÜR, bir şeyden kurtulabilmek için ise ona HÜKMEDEBİLMEK gerekir.
-DUYGULANIMLAR, sanıldığı gibi özel mülkiyete benzer şekilde BİREYSEL DEĞİLDİR.|** spoiler alert **
This book was a shelf-holdover from BA's grad school days. I picked it up while dumping books- the first chapter
is about an execution, so I was hooked, and it's short so I just read it all. I highly doubt anyone will be running out
to grab this, so I'll go on to tell you the book is sort of a Marxist Donnie Darko or 'Incident at Owl Creek.'
Impressively written on a sentence-by-sentence basis- the guy is obviously brilliant, but he gets a little carried
away with himself. He goes so far as to throw in a character from 'Ulysses,' for example. I'd wager I'm the only
person who hasn't read 'Ulysses' who has read this book. Next.|The best fanfic I've ever read I guess