

7:14 PM
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Turizm Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf›, turizm e¤itimi ve
kongre turizmi alan›nda yapt›¤› çal›flmalarla Türk turizminin gelifltirilmesinde öncü ve örnek bir sivil toplum kurulufludur.
Vak›f bünyesinde oluflturulan ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu ise ‹stanbul’un bir kongre kenti haline
getirilmesi amac› do¤rultusunda son derece önemli
çal›flmalara imza atm›flt›r.
Bakanl›¤›m›n kurucusu oldu¤u TUGEV’in 23. ve ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu’nun da 10. kurulufl y›ldönümünü kutluyor, baflar›l› hizmetlerinin devam›n› diliyorum.
Through its pioneering efforts in the field of tourism
education and convention tourism, the Tourism
Development & Education Foundation (TUGEV) has
shown itself to be a model example of a civil society
The ‹stanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau (ICVB),
established as a part of the foundation, has achieved
notable successes in its goal of making ‹stanbul a
leading international convention destination.
I congratulate TUGEV, of which our Ministry was the
founder, on its 23rd anniversary and ICVB on its 10th
and wish them many more years of continued success.
Bu vesile ile, TUGEV’e baflkanl›k yapm›fl tüm Kültür
ve Turizm eski Bakanlar›na, Vakf›m›z›n kurucular›na
ve eme¤i geçen herkese teflekkür ediyor, ebediyete
intikal edenleri ise flükran ve rahmetle an›yorum.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the
past Ministers of Culture & Tourism who have served
as Chairmen of TUGEV and to thank all of those whose
efforts have contributed to the success of the foundation as well as to remember those of them who are no
longer among us.
Ertu¤rul GÜNAY
T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakan›
TUGEV Mütevelli Heyet Baflkan›
Ertu¤rul Günay
Minister of Culture & Tourism of Republic of Turkey
President of TUGEV Board of Trustees
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İstanbul Kongre
ve Ziyaretçi
yaşını kutladı
TUGEV - ICVB Baflkan›/ Publisher on behalf of
TUGEV - ICVB President
Murat Yalç›ntafl
ICVB celebrated
10th anniversary
hafızası ve
of Turkish
Her şey
It all
began with
23. yılında
TUGEV in its
23RD year
endüstrisine üst
düzeyde ilgi ve
destek gerek
“A high level of
attention and
support are
needed for the congress industry”
TUGEV - ICVB Baflkan Vekili
Yürütme Kurulu Baflkan›
TUGEV - ICVB Vice President/President
of the Executive Committee
Y›lmaz Tecmen
TUGEV Genel Sekreteri
TUGEV General Secretary
Dr. Özen Dall›
ICVB Yürütme Kurulu Baflkan Vekili
Vice President
of the ICVB Executive Committee
Dr. Cengiz Ersun
ICVB Genel Müdürü
General Manager of ICVB
Handan Boyce
Director of Sales & Marketing of ICVB
Sat›fl ve Pazarlama Direktörü
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu
ICVB Sat›fl Sorumlusu
Sales Executive of ICVB
Nihan Esen
Halaskargazi Caddesi
No: 297 Kat: 5 fiiflli
34371 ‹stanbul, Turkey
Tel: (+90 - 212) 343 0000
Fax: (+90 - 212) 343 0101
E-mail: [email protected]
daha da parlak
“The future
is even
Umar ‹letiflim Hizmetleri
Tel: (+90 - 212) 573 1565
Fax: (+90 - 212) 573 8909
E-mail: [email protected]
10 Yıl
10 Years in
the Industry
Ohan Matbaac›l›k
Tel: (+90 - 212) 886 70 70
Bas›m Yeri ve Tarihi: ‹stanbul, Aral›k 2007
Katk›lar›ndan dolay›
Kongre Dergisi Genel Yay›n Yönetmeni
Say›n Okflan Atasoy’a teflekkür ederiz.
We would like to thank Okflan Atasoy,
the Executive Editor of
Congress magazine for her contributions.
n behalf of
l›k 2007
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Turizm Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf› TUGEV, bu y›l kuruluflunun 23. y›l›n› kutluyor. TUGEV, 1985 y›l›ndan bu
yana ülkemizin turizm alan›ndaki zenginlik ve imkanlar›n› kullanarak, turizm pastas›ndan daha fazla pay
almas› için çal›flmaktad›r. 23 y›l içinde turizm sektördeki en büyük ve etkin sivil toplum kuruluflu haline
gelen TUGEV, 1980’li y›llar›n ortas›nda bafllayan turizm kalk›nma hamlesinin en büyük destekçisi ve itici gücü olmufltur. Kurucular›, mütevelli heyet üyeleri,
fleref üyeleri, hep Türkiye’de turizmin geliflmesine
kendisini adam›fl kiflilerden oluflmaktad›r. Dolay›s›yla TUGEV’i turizm vizyonunu oluflturan, potansiyelini
harekete geçiren bir kurum olarak, Türk turizminin
haf›zas› ve beyni olarak da nitelendirebiliriz. Asl›nda
bizim Mütevelli Heyet Baflkan›m›z›n Kültür ve Turizm
Bakanlar›m›z olmas› da, bir sivil toplum örgütü olarak, ne denli önemli bir kamu görevi gördü¤ümüzün
de somut bir göstergesidir.
Burada büyük bir onurla belirtmeliyim ki, 1997 y›l›nda TUGEV bünyesinde bir iktisadi iflletme olarak kurulan ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu da, 10 y›l
boyunca tan›t›m ve pazarlama faaliyetleriyle çal›flmalar›m›za yeni bir boyut getirmifltir. Özellikle bir turizm
markas› olarak ‹stanbul’un tan›t›m ve pazarlamas›n›
özendirerek, ülkemizde alternatif bir turizm modeli
olarak kongre ve toplant› amaçl› seyahatlerin yerleflmesini sa¤lam›flt›r.
Ben de büyük bir onur ve flerefle 2006 tarihinden bu
yana bu vakf›n baflkanl›¤›n› yürütüyorum. Türk ifl dünyas›n›n en büyük meslek örgütlerinden biri olan
‹TO’nun da baflkan› olarak vurgulamak isterim ki, TUGEV’in Türk turizminin gelifltirilmesi ve kalk›nmas›ndaki öncü rolü ve görevi ilk günkü heyecan ve coflkuyla devam edecektir. Daha nice y›ldönümlerinde, turizmde zirvelere do¤ru emin ad›mlarla t›rmand›¤›m›z
günlerde buluflmak üzere…
‹TO Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan›
TUGEV ve ICVB Baflkan›
This year the Tourism Development & Education
Foundation (TUGEV) celebrates its 23rd anniversary.
Since 1985, drawing on Turkey’s wealth of tourism
resources and potential, TUGEV has worked to help
Turkey attract a larger share of the world tourism market. Over the course of those 23 years, TUGEV has
become one of the tourism industry’s largest and most
effective civil society organizations and played a leading
role in the tourism development movement that was
begun in the mid-1980s. Its founders, steering committee members and honorary members have always been
individuals deeply dedicated to the development of
Turkish tourism. For that reason, we can liken TUGEV to
the collective memory and brainpower that creates the
vision of the tourism sector’s development and then
puts that vision into practice. Moreover, the fact that the
President of the Board of Trustees is the Minister of
Culture & Tourism himself underlines what an important
public service is provided by this particular NGO. It is
with particular pride that I mention the ‹stanbul
Convention & Visitors Bureau, established under the
TUGEV umbrella ten years ago, which over the past
decade has undertaken marketing and promotional
activities that have added a whole new dimension to the
Foundation’s operations. In particular, its work to establish and promote the ‹stanbul brand and to build awareness both domestically and internationally of ‹stanbul’s
potential as a congress and meeting destination offers
Turkey an alternative tourism model. It is a great honor
and privilege to have been the President of this foundation since 2006 and, as the Chairman of the ‹stanbul
Chamber of Commerce, one of Turkey’s largest professional organizations as well, I would like to stress that
TUGEV, in its third decade, will continue to contribute to
the development of Turkish tourism with the same dedication and enthusiasm as when it was first founded. I
look forward to having the opportunity to celebrate many
other anniversaries with you as we move with sure
steps toward the summit of the tourism industry…
Respectfully yours,
Murat Yalç›ntafl
Chairman of the Board, ‹stanbul Chamber of
Commerce (ITO), President of TUGEV and ICVB
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‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu
10’uncu yafl›n› kutlad›
‹stanbul'u dünyan›n say›l› kongre ve toplant›
merkezlerinden biri haline getirmek misyonuyla
kurulan ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu
(‹stanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau - ICVB)
10’uncu y›l›n› çeflitli etkinliklerle kutluyor.
Bu etkinlikler kapsam›nda, ICVB Baflkan› Murat
Yalç›ntafl’›n ev sahipli¤i yapt›¤› 10’uncu Y›l Üyeler
Kokteyli, 19 Haziran 2007 günü ‹stanbul Ticaret
Odas›’nda gerçeklefltirildi.
Akflam saatlerinde gerçeklefltirilen kokteyl program›,
turizm sektörüne ve özellikle kongre turizmine yön
veren çok say›da ismi bir araya getirirken; etkinlikte
kongre turizminde Avrupa liginin üst s›ralar›na
yükselen ‹stanbul’un bu alanda hak etti¤i yeri
almas› yönünde ICVB’nin sürdürdü¤ü çal›flmalar
hakk›nda da kat›l›mc›lara bilgi verildi.
ICVB celebrated 10th anniversary
‹stanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau, established with the
mission of making ‹stanbul a leading international congress
destination, celebrated its tenth anniversary with several
activities. One of these activities included the reception hosted
by ICVB President Murat Yalç›ntafl on June 19, 2007 at the
‹stanbul Chamber of Commerce.
The reception brought together many leaders of the tourism and
particularly the convention tourism sector, who were provided
with information about the strides ‹stanbul has taken towards
becoming a leading European convention destination and
ICVB’s on-going projects to further build on those achievements.
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ICVB’nin kurulmas›na karar veren TUGEV Yönetim Kurulu üyelerine,
ICVB’nin 10. y›l› vesilesi ile teflekkür plaketi takdim edilmifltir.
Plaket alan Yönetim Kurulu üyelerinin listesi flöyle:
Orhan BAfiDO⁄AN
Sinan BAB‹LA
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The members of TUGEV Board
who initiated the foundation of
ICVB ten years ago were
presented appreciation
plaques during the cocktail
reception. The founding
board members were;
Orhan BAfiDO⁄AN
Sinan BAB‹LA
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Mükerrem Taflç›o¤lu:
Her fley
e¤itimle bafllad›
It all began with
Konu¤umuz, Turizm Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf›'n›n Kurucu Müteflebbis Heyet Baflkan›, dönemin Kültür ve
Turizm Bakan› Mükerrem Taflç›o¤lu. Türkiye'nin geliflim süreci içinde yer alan en önemli faaliyetlere imza
atm›fl kifli olarak kendisinden turizm dünyas›n›n kültürel basamaklar›n›, bir kez daha bizimle birlikte ç›kmas›n› rica ettik..."Dünler - Bugünler - Yar›nlar" dedik ve
TUGEV'in kuruluflu ile söyleflimize bafllad›k...
Okflan Atasoy: TUGEV'in, çeyrek yüzy›la yaklaflan
geçmiflinin ard›ndan flöyle bir bakt›¤›m›z zaman, bu
vakf›n kurucular›ndan, geçen seneleri de¤erlendirmelerini istiyoruz. Turizm Bakanl›¤›, bu vakf› niye kurdu?
Siz, dönemin Kültür ve Turizm Bakan› olarak böyle
bir vakf›n Kurucu Müteflebbis Heyet Baflkan›'s›n›z.
TUGEV'in e¤itimde öncü rolü var. Gelifltirme olay› ile
ba¤lant›l› olarak kim bilir neler düfllendi o dönemde.
Medya olarak bizler, o zamanlarda da sizin peflinizden öyle çok koflmufltuk ki, bu haberleri yakalayabilmek için... Nas›l bafllad›n›z turizm çal›flmalar›n›za?
Mükerrem Taflç›o¤lu: Bak›n anlatay›m... Gerçekte biz,
turizmi yaparken de¤il de, flimdi konuflurken daha da
zevk al›yoruz. Bunu hep anlat›r›m. Benim turizmle ilgim, Bakanl›¤›m ile bafllad›. Halbuki insan›n formasyonun icab› ne gerekiyorsa, o kifli bu konuda çal›fl›r. Mesela flimdi turizm dal›nda çok okuyan var. Bende bunlar yoktu. Kültür vard› iflte, Galatasaray Lisesi'nden
tabii.Yaflad›¤›m›z hayattan, ufak da olsa bir nasibimiz
vard›. Beni Turgut Özal Bey Kültür ve Turizm Bakan› yap›nca flafl›rm›flt›m. Zamanla turizmi takip edebilmeyi
ö¤rendim. Nedir, ne de¤ildir? Nas›l yapmak laz›md›r,
onu ö¤rendim. Makro planlar›yla, çok da sevdim. O günün ihtiyac›n› gerektiren çal›flmalar›n yer ald›¤›, bu
memleketin ekonomik kalk›nmas›nda birinci de¤ilse
bile ikinci, üçüncü derecede rol oynayabilecek bir turizm davas›n› omuzlam›fl olman›n, ben daima k›vanc›n› duymuflumdur. . .
Our guest is the Chairman of the Founding Entrepreneurs Committee of the Tourism Development and Education Foundation and former Minister of Culture & Tourism Mükerrem Taflç›o¤lu. As the driving force behind
some of the most important initiatives during Turkey’s
developmental period, we asked him to walk us through the development of Turkey’s tourism culture once
more… Asking about “The Past – The Present – The Future,” we began our interview with TUGEV’s founding.
Okflan Atasoy: In looking back at TUGEV as it approaches its 25th anniversary, we would like to hear an
evaluation of the past years from the founding members. Why did the Ministry establish this foundation?
Mister Minister, as the former Minister of Culture
and Tourism, you are one of the foundation’s Founding Entrepreneur Committee chairmen. TUGEV
plays a leading role in education. We can only imagine today what people must have dreamed of in those formative years. Back then, those of us in the media had to run so hard to keep up with you and get
stories. How did you get involved in tourism?
Mükerrem Taflç›o¤lu: I’ll explain. To be honest, we
get more pleasure out of talking about tourism now
than we got out of doing it then. That’s what I always
tell people. My involvement with tourism started with
my appointment as Minister. Whereas, in reality, people should do what their education has prepared
them for. Today there are lots of people studying tourism. In my day there was no such thing. I had culture of course, from Galatasaray High School. And even
if it wasn’t much we had a certain panache gained
from our life experiences. When Mr. Turgut Özal made
me the Minister of Culture and Tourism I was surprised. In time I learned about the tourism sector. I learned how to do the job. I loved macro planning very
much. To have been involved in meeting the needs of
the day, to have shouldered tourism responsibilities
that even if they were not in the first rank, or even the
second rank, certainly numbered among the third rank
in contributing to the economic development of this
Atasoy: Y›l 1983... O dönemi nas›l de¤erlendiriyorsunuz?
Taflç›o¤lu: Ç›ra¤an'›n temeli at›l›rken, beraber çal›flt›¤›m›z ve sonradan da TUGEV’in Baflkan› olan Y›lmaz
Tecmen de vard›. Ben aç›l›fl konuflmas› yaparken, -rahmetli Turgut Bey de vard›- görüflüyorlarm›fl ve flöyle diyorlarm›fl: “Buras› 80 senedir harabe. Herkes konufltu ama, kimse birfley yapamad›.” diye anlat›yorlarm›fl.
Çünkü ekonomik de¤ildi proje. Benden evvel 4 sene
birisine vermifller oray›. Olmam›fl. Bir saray›n restorasyonu hiç de kolay de¤il. Ayr›ca o alana en az üç otel
yap›l›rd›. Bir flans deneyelim dedim. Bir daha uluslararas› ihaleye ç›karal›m istedim. Tabii fikrimizi Turgut
Bey’e açt›k. Perflembe Pazar›'ndan geliyorum. O bak›mdan ben tüccarca düflünüyorum. Bu hesap kitap
ifli. Bu kadar güzel yerde. Dünyada efli emsali yok.
“Bana izni verin” dedim ve izni ald›m. Bir ilana 6 müracaat geldi. 6's› da yabanc› ve bunlar›n içerisinde,
Beyrut kökenli teklif öne ç›kt›. Sermaye onlardan. Kolay de¤il inflaat. Bir iki defa tehlike geçirdi Ç›ra¤an, sahip de¤ifltirdi. Yerine Japonlar geldi. Ondan sonra
Kempinski'ler geldi. Ben ayr›lm›flt›m, bitiflinde yoktum
yani. Beni ça¤›r›p da, hiç birisi bir fincan kahve ikram
etmedi. Bak›n, Sera Oteli'nde Antalya'da bir köfle yapm›fllar, 'Mükerrem Tafl›o¤lu'nun Turizm Bakanl›¤›'nda
temeli at›lm›flt›r' diye.
Atasoy: Bir öncesini de¤erlendirmeden bugünü anlamak zaten mümkün de¤il... Hangi aflamalardan geçildi, turizmin haritas› nas›l çizildi...
Taflç›o¤lu: Bak›n›z, turizmin kalk›nmas›, Turizm Bakan›'n›n gayretiyle, turizmin önemini anlanm›fl olmas›yla
yetmiyor sadece. Elektrikler muntazaman tarifeli sönüyor o devirde. Yol, kanalizasyon, telefon yok. Düflünebiliyor musunuz? Akla hayale gelmeyecek fleyler. Bütün bunlar topyekün kalk›nma içerisinde.
Atasoy: Y›l?
Taflç›o¤lu: 1983-84'ün bafl›. Buradan gelelim, zaman
içerisinde iflte bu otel ihtiyaçlar› bu flekliyle h›zl›, yavafl
yürüdü ve birden bir furya mevsimi bafllad›. Neden
bafllad›? Bizim de¤il, Evren'in ç›kartt›¤› Turizm Teflvik
Kanunu var. Turizmde as›l at›l›ma sahip olan bu kanundur. Turizm teflvik istiyor. Kimse turizm gibi ne olaca¤› belli olmayan bir ifle befl kurufl yat›rmak istemiyor. Bu arazi tahsisi ile bafll›yor. Sonra öyle ileri gitti ki,
dört-befl y›ld›zl› otellere baz› flartlarda geri dönüflümü
olmayan kredi fleklinde kredi temin edildi. Yüzde 25'e
varan oranlarda, bunun dörtte birini baba o¤la vermez,
ç›kar›p veriyor. Bundan istifade etmek isteyen, hakiki
turizmci, macerac› adam üç-befl kuruflla geldi arazi istedi. Bu durum bir nizama sokuldu, Teflvik Kanunu yürümeye bafllad›.
‹flte o zaman eleman ihtiyac› bafllad›. Turizm öyle bir
sektör ki, farkl›. Turizm sektörü çok insan kullan›r,
ama vas›fl› adam kullanmal›d›r. Aranan, bir kahve fin-
country, has always been a source of pride for me.
Atasoy: Let’s talk about 1983... What are your thoughts on this period?
Taflç›o¤lu: When the foundations of the Ç›ra¤an were
being laid, Y›lmaz Tecmen, with whom I worked and
who was later to be a Chairman of TUGEV, was there.
When I was giving my opening speech the late president, Mr. Turgut Özal was present and said “For 80
years this place has been in ruins. Everybody has something to say about it, but no one has been able to
do anything.” In the first four years, they gave this project to someone else before handing it over to me.
Nothing had happened. Restoring a palace is no easy
task. Besides, you could have built three different hotels in that space. I took a chance. I proposed that we
open an international tender. Of course we told President Özal what we were thinking as well. My background is in the Perflembe Pazar› commercial district,
which means that, in a real sense, I was thinking like
merchant. This was a matter of bookkeeping. In such
a beautiful place. There’s nowhere else like it in the
world. I asked for a chance to see what I could do and
I got permission to go ahead. I got six offers from one
advertisement; all 6 were foreigners. The offer from
Beirut was the most attractive one. They were supplying the capital. It wasn’t an easy construction project
and we had some close calls; in the end it changed
hands. A Japanese firm replaced the firm from Beirut
and in the end Kempinski took over. I wasn’t there at
the end since I had already left office. Nobody even invited me for a cup of coffee. But at the Sera Hotel in
Antalya they made a special corner just for me and
put up a plaque that reads, “Minister of Culture, Mükerrem Taflç›o¤lu, laid the foundation of this hotel.”
Atasoy: No one can really understand how far we have come. What was the process like? How was the
road map to a successful tourism industry drawn?
Taflç›o¤lu: Tourism development doesn’t only happen
as a result of the efforts of the Minister of Tourism or
understanding of its importance. These are not enough. For example, there were regular blackouts at the
time. There were no proper roads, telephones or sewers. Can you imagine that? Unbelievable. This was
the state we were in at the time.
Atasoy: What year was that?
Taflç›o¤lu: It was the beginning of 1983-84. Let’s
start from here; in time, a need for hotels continued
to grow, at times slowly, at times rapidly, and all of a
sudden there was a boom in tourism. Why did it begin? It began due to the Tourism Promotion Law,
which was enacted by Kenan Evren. It is this law that
was responsible the most significant progress in tourism. Tourism requires promotion. No one wants to invest a single penny in a sector like tourism with an un11
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can›n› dökmeden getirebilen insand›r. Kahve servisinden bafll›yor. Resepsiyoncu, kat sorumlusu olacak,
sat›fl iflinden, genel müdürüne kadar çok mükemmeliyet isteyen bir ifl. Peki bunu nereden sa¤layaca¤›z? ‹flte o zaman ben düflündüm tafl›nd›m. O zamanki akl›mla, hem kültür, hem turizm, bakanl›k d›fl› faaliyetlerle
zenginleflebilecek bir saha. D›flar›da bir dünya var,
özel sektörde emekli olmufl, olmam›fl bir çal›flan dünya var. Kültür onlarda, onlar›n elinde, onlarla yükselecek. Bunlar› nas›l sa¤layaca¤›m ben? Bir vak›f kural›m
dedim Türk Kültürü Hizmet Vakf›... O da yafl›yor hala...
Ayn› ihtiyac› turizmde de duydum. Turizm dedi¤in ne
yapacak, Turizm Bankas›'ndaki arkadafllar veya Turizm Genel Müdürlü¤ü'ndeki arkadafllar oteli, müteflebbisi aramak onlar›n ifli de¤il ki... Bu iflin gözetimini, denetimini, yard›m›n› onlar yapacak. Ama di¤er konuda, d›flar›yla, Bakanl›k d›fl› güçlerle iflbirli¤i laz›m. ‹flte o zaman Vehbi Koç'u ve bu iflte tecrübeli olanlar›
ça¤›rd›k. Vakf›n Resmi Senedi'nin haz›rlan›fl›nda, Avukat Halit Ziya Yavuzer çok emek verdi, hat›rl›yorum. Turizm Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf› da bu flekilde kuruldu.
Bu iki vak›f da çok flükür böyle kuruldu.
Kemal Dedeman da iyi eserler b›rakt›. ‹flte bunlarla beraber Vak›f kuruldu¤u zaman, ben de faal Bakan'›m,
Çok daha h›zl› çok daha verimli çal›fl›l›yordu. Sonra gelen bakanlar biraz yavafllatt› iflleri... fiimdi Y›lmaz Tecmen ile Özen Dall›’n›n flahsi gayretleri olmasa, bu biraz zor yürür. Zaten Türkiye’de öyle yar›m as›r yürümüfl
kurulufl da çok azd›r.
Atasoy: O s›rada da, turizmin geliflimine e¤itimli eleman konusunda ciddi hamleleriniz oldu...
Taflç›o¤lu: Evet, bina ihtiyac›ndan, teflebbüs, teflvik
kanunu falandan sonra ifl geldi kaliteli elemana, çünkü ifller onsuz yürümüyordu. Devletin yapabilece¤i fleyler vard› ama bir yerden sonra bizim de akl›m›za gelen bu vak›f oldu. Bafllang›çta da çok h›zl› gitti. Kemer'de OTEM, Okul ve E¤itim Merkezi tahsis edildi. Hakikaten çok güzel
bafllad›. Ama sonra her nedense gevfleme oldu. fiimdi bu ifller, bizde,
e¤er resmi teflekkül de¤ilse, devletin bafl›ndaki adamlar›n gayretine kalm›flt›r. Onlar ne kadar gayret
ederse etsin, imkanlara kalm›flt›r. O
imkanlar, o musluklar kapand›¤› zaman da, bu ifl çok zorlafl›r.
Atasoy: fiimdi ileriye bakt›¤›n›z zaman siz
Özal'›n vizyonuyla birlikte ayn›
vizyonu tafl›yan bir kiflisiniz.
certain future. This process began with land allocation, and then banks began issuing loans to four and five star hotels. In some cases these were loans at extortionate rates, up to 25%. Those, who wanted to take advantage of this, some “real” tourism professionals, some speculators with a few dollars were allocated land, and this situation was somewhat normalized
and the Tourism Promotion Law went into effect.
Then a need for more staff emerged. A large number
of staff is employed in tourism, but they had to be qualified staff. What is needed here is a waiter who can
serve coffee without spilling it, because a good tourism infrastructure begins with serving coffee properly.
Tourism demands perfection from reception staff, to
chambermaids, to sales persons, to general managers. But how could we achieve this? I stopped and
thought, and came to the conclusion that what was
necessary was a body that could undertake these activities outside the scope of the Ministry of Tourism
and Culture. There’s a whole other world outside government, of people retired from the private sector or
even those who haven’t retired yet. These are people
who have culture, who control it and who can improve
it. I suggested we establish a foundation-the Turkish
Cultural Services Foundation, and this foundation still
exists. Promoting hotels or tourism related entrepreneurs is not the duty of our colleagues at the Tourism
Bank or at the General Directorate of Tourism.
They can only supervise, audit or support this activity
therefore we needed to cooperate with the private
sector. We then approached Vehbi Koç and others
who had experience in this business. In another
example, the lawyer, Halit Ziya Yavuzer, spent a great
deal of effort in preparing the Charter of the Foundation. That is how the Tourism Development and Education Foundation (TUGEV) was founded. Kemal Dedeman also made valuable contributions. I was the Minister at the time when the foundation was created,
and the Ministry worked more efficiently at that time.
Subsequent ministers slowed the pace down to some
extent. Today, without the personal efforts of Y›lmaz
Tecmen and Özen Dall›, progress would be even slower. The number of institutions in Turkey that have
survived for over half a century is very limited.
Atasoy: At that time, we made steady progress in the
improvement of tourism with regards to staff training.
Taflç›o¤lu: Yes, after the need for facilities, enterprise,
and promotion laws came the need for qualified staff,
because without them, nothing could be achieved.
There were tasks that could be done by the state, but
after some point we needed this foundation. The pace of development was quite swift in the beginning.
The OTEM School and Training Center was founded in
Kemer, Antalya. Although everything got off to a good
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da bakt›¤›n›zda, TUGEV ve ICVB hakk›ndaki
Taflç›o¤lu: Güzel sordunuz. Ben Bakanl›k'tan ayr›l›rken demifltim ki, 3 milyar dolar› bulamad›m. fiimdi bak›yorum da, kim gelirse gelsin, turizm ald› bafl›n› gidiyor. Teflvik de kalmad›. Allah'›n verdi¤i var. Çok az ülkeye bizimkisi kadar güzellik vermifl Allah. ‹spanya's›,
flusu, busu var ama, bana ayr›ca bir kültür vermifl. Yedi tane büyük medeniyet vermifl, gelmifl geçmifl. Küçüklerini saym›yorum bile. Ama gönül arzu ederdi ki o
Kemer'deki okullar gibi okullar dahil, daha genifl yetkiler verip büyük otellerimizde e¤itim yapabilme imkanlar› sa¤lans›n. Benim rüyalar›mdayd› onlar. Buna ihtiyaç var, hala çok ihtiyaç var.
Atasoy: fiimdi size bir geçifl yapay›m.
Kongre turizmiyle ilgili olarak...
Taflç›o¤lu: Ben 3,5 sene Avrupa Konseyi'nde bulundu¤umda, Türkiye'nin hakk› vard›r orada, nüfusu en fazla olan ülkelerin ilk yedisinin baflkan yard›mc›l›¤› hakk›
vard›r. Bir tanesi de Türkiye'dir, bu de¤iflmez. Türkiye'de de bu iktidar partisindedir. ‹ktidar partisinde de
Grup Baflkan Vekili olarak oraya gitti¤im için onu bana
verdiler. Oturumlar› idare edersiniz, falan. Niye bunu
söylüyorum, orada bir usül var.15 tane komisyon var.
Senede en az 5-6 defa toplan›l›r ve bunu genelde çeflitli Avrupa ülkelerinde yaparlar. Mesela Norveç'te kutuplara yak›n ufak bir flehirde yaparlar. Gezmeyle kar›fl›k. ‹flin içine biraz turizm, gezme, e¤lenme kar›flt›r›rlar. Bunun önemini ben orada anlad›m. En son sene,
ben 19 defa ç›km›flt›m. Türkiye bunlar için son derece
önemli bir ülke. Medeniyet kal›nt›lar› her yerde var, turizme müsait iklim var. Antalya'da, Side'de flurada burada gezerken, hem milattan sonras› hem de öncesi
iç içe. Bunu bir kongrede yapsan, büyük zevk, kongreye kat›lanlar için... Türkiye kongre turizm bak›m›ndan
iyi bir hedef. Zaman içerisinde de kendisini gösterdi
bu. Acenteleriyle, otelleriyle, medyas›yla ve iflte Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu ile gerçekten bu tetiklendi. ‹leriye ümitle bak›yorum.
Atasoy: Turizm dünyas›na böylesine verimli çal›flmalarla katk›lar›n›z› ve an›lar›n›z› bizimle paylaflt›¤›n›z
için, biz de size çok teflekkür ediyoruz...
start, progress somehow later began to slow. Progress depends on the efforts of state authorities but in
the end it comes down to adequate finances. Without
that, nothing is possible.
Atasoy: In terms of your outlook regarding the future, you have the same vision as Özal. With this in
mind, what are your views on TUGEV and ICVB?
Taflç›o¤lu: Good question. When I left the Ministry, I
had the target of bringing in three billion dollars. But
now when I look at the situation, I see that no matter
who is in charge, tourism is able to take care of itself.
We don’t need incentives anymore. All we have is Turkey’s natural and historic wealth. God gave this much
beauty to very few countries. There are counties like
Spain for example, with a wealth of touristic resources. But we, as well, have a rich cultural heritage. We
have the heritage of seven great civilizations; and I am
not even counting the smaller ones. But one wishes
that schools, including those like the ones in Kemer,
had greater authority and were able to provide training
in Turkey’s leading hotels. This was my dream. We are
still very much in need of a project like this.
Atasoy: Let me change the subject to congress
Taflç›o¤lu: For the three and a half years when I was on
the Council of Europe, the seven countries with the largest populations have a right to hold the Vice Presidency; one of these countries is Turkey. Since I went
there as the Group Vice-Chairman for the ruling party,
they gave that position to me. As Vice President, your
duty is to preside over the sessions. The reason why I
mention this is that there are certain procedures. There are 15 committees that meet five to six times a year and these meetings are generally held in various European countries. One, for example, in a small city near the North Pole in Norway. These meetings are mixed
with tourism – you see some sites and go out in that
city. It was there that I understood the importance of
this. In my last year, I participated in these meetings
19 times. Turkey is a very important participant in these meetings. Turkey is climatically suited for tourism,
and we have ruins of different civilizations across the
country. When you visit Antalya, Side, or other places
in Turkey, you come across the remains of civilizations
from before and after the Common Era right next to
each other. If you were to organize a congress in Turkey incorporating that, the participants would really enjoy it…. Turkey is a very good destination for congress
tourism and this has been proven time and time again.
It has been encouraged by tourism agencies, hotels,
media and the ‹stanbul Convention and Visitors Bureau. I am very optimistic about the future.
Atasoy: Thank you very much for sharing your valuable contributions to tourism and your memories
with us.
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Murat Yalç›ntafl:
Türk turizminin
haf›zas› ve beyni:
The mastermind of
Turkish tourism:
Faaliyet alanlar› s›n›r tan›mayan, çal›flma sahalar› ülkeleri aflan kifliler aras›nda önemli bir mevkii iflgal
eden Murat Yalç›ntafl ile "Toplant› Endüstrisi"ni hedef alan bir söylefli yapt›k. Genifl vizyonu sayesinde
kongre turizminin gerçek potansiyelini ve ülkemize
getirdi¤i yararlar› görerek ve bilerek, bu alandaki zirvede yönetici mevkiinde yer alan Murat Yalç›ntafl, sorular›m›z› yan›tlarken, toplant› dünyas›na da ciddi
mesajlar verdi... Ve konuya çok yönlü bakabilen seçkin kiflili¤i ile, bu aç›klamalar›nda, gelece¤e ›fl›k tutan önemli kilometre tafllar›n› da belirlemifl oldu...
Okflan Atasoy: Gerek ‹TO Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan›,
gerekse TUGEV'in Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› olarak,
turizmin gelifltirilmesinde önemli bir yer tutan Turizm Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf›'n›n var oluflundan
bugüne kadar geçirdi¤i süreci nas›l de¤erlendiriyorsunuz?
Murat Yalç›ntafl: Bilindi¤i gibi TUGEV, 1985 y›l›nda
Bakanlar Kurulu karar› ile kuruldu. Ülkemizin turizm
alan›ndaki zenginlik ve imkanlar›n› kullanarak, turizm
pastas›ndan daha fazla pay al›nmas›n› amaçlayan
TUGEV, bir vak›f olarak, bu sektördeki en büyük ve
etkin sivil toplum kuruluflu haline gelmifltir. Kurucular›, mütevelli heyet üyeleri, fleref üyeleri, hep Türkiye'de turizmin geliflmesine kendilerini adam›fl kiflilerden oluflmaktad›r. Dolay›s›yla, TUGEV'i, turizmin vizyonunu oluflturan, potansiyelini harekete geçiren bir
kurum olarak, Türk turizminin, haf›za ve beyni olarak
Asl›nda bizim Mütevelli Heyet Baflkan›m›z›n Kültür ve
Turizm bakanlar›m›z olmas› da, bir sivil toplum örgütü olarak, ne denli önemli bir kamu görevi gördü¤ümüzün somut bir göstergesidir. Ben de büyük bir
onurla, 2006 tarihinden bu yana, bu vakf›n Baflkanl›¤›'n› yürütüyorum. Böylece ‹TO Baflkan›'n›n TUGEV
We had a chance to discuss the “Meetings Industry”
with Murat Yalç›ntafl, someone who has a remarkable scope of activities and whose position puts him
in daily contact with global leaders and decisionmakers. His extensive vision allows him to truly
appreciate the real potential of congress tourism
and to clearly see its benefits for Turkey and, as one
of the most important players in this field; he also
sent important messages to the meetings industry… And, as a person with broad perspective and
vision, he clearly outlined the industry’s future milestones…
Okflan Atasoy: As the Chairman of the Board of the
‹stanbul Chamber of Commerce and TUGEV, what
are your thoughts on the period from the founding
of TUGEV to the present?
Murat Yalç›ntafl: As you know, TUGEV was established through a decision of the Council of Ministers
in 1985. Since then, drawing on Turkey’s wealth of
tourism resources and potential, TUGEV has worked
to help Turkey attract a larger share of the world
tourism market. Over the course of those 23 years,
TUGEV has become one of the tourism industry’s
largest and most effective civil society organizations
and played a leading role in the tourism development movement that was begun in the mid-1980s.
Its founders, steering committee members and honorary members have always been individuals deeply
dedicated to the development of Turkish tourism.
Accordingly, we can say that TUGEV, which created a
vision for tourism, and transformed the sector’s
potential into action and results, is the mastermind
behind the Turkish tourism sector. Moreover, the
fact that the President of our Board of Trustees is
the Minister of Culture & Tourism himself underlines
Baflkanl›¤›'n› da yapmas›yla ticaret dünyas› ile çok
yak›n iliflkide bulunmas› elzem olan turizm sektörü,
gündemde farkl› bir hale geldi.
Atasoy: TUGEV'in genifl vizyonunu ele al›rsak, e¤itim ve tan›t›m faaliyetleri ile turizm potansiyeline
ifllerlik kazand›rmak amac›yla neler yap›ld›? Neler
Yalç›ntafl: fiimdi biliyorsunuz, ülkemizin mevcut turizm potansiyelini harekete geçirmek bizim en büyük
hedefimiz. Bunu yaparken de yeni turizm alanlar›
oluflturarak ülke ekonomimize katk›da bulunmay›
amaçl›yoruz. Bu amac›m›za da sistematik bir yöntem
izleyerek ulaflabilece¤imizin bilinciyle, k›sa ve orta
vadeli politikalar oluflturuyoruz. ‹flte sizin sordu¤unuz
sorunun cevab› bu noktada ortaya ç›k›yor: Biz bu hedefe ulaflmak için, çal›flmalar›m›z›, iki önemli ayak
üzerine odaklam›fl bulunuyoruz. E¤itim ve kongre...
E¤itime niçin e¤ildik? 1980’li y›llar›n ortalar›nda bafllayan ve 1990'lara kadar h›zla geliflen yat›r›m faaliyetleri sonucunda, yeni tesislerin turizme aç›lmas›na
paralel olarak, nitelikli personel bir ihtiyaç haline gelmifltir. Nitelikli elemana sahip olman›n tek yolu da o
personeli yetifltirmektir. Bu amaçla, Antalya - Kemer'de bulunan OTEM E¤itim Merkezi'ni faaliyete
soktuk. Burada ö¤renci ve e¤itici yetifltirdik. Bo¤aziçi, Uluda¤ ve Trakya Üniversiteleri ile ortaklafla sertifika programlar› düzenledik. YÖK ve Milli E¤itim Bakanl›¤›'na turizm e¤itimi konusunda dan›flmanl›k hizmeti verdik. Böylece kurslar ve iflbafl› e¤itim programlar› düzenleyerek, kamuoyu oluflturmak için çeflitli konferans ve etkinlikler yapt›k. Yani, tan›t›m faaliyetlerini de yerine getirmifl olduk.
Kongre turizmine gelince; vakf›n bünyesinde kurulan
bir iktisadi iflletme örgütü ile ‹stanbul'u pazarlama ve
özellikle kongre turizminin gelifltirilmesi amac› ile,
çok yönlü planlama, pazarlama ifllevleri yapt›k. Alternatif bir turizm modeli olarak, dünya ülkelerinde büyük ivme kazanan toplant›, 'incentive' ve kongre
(convention) dal›nda, özellikle ‹stanbul turizmine potansiyel yeni alanlar oluflturmaya gayret ettik. Ekonomik getirisinin ve yarar›n›n daha fazla oldu¤u bilinen
bu sektörde, ‹stanbul'un kongre merkezleri, otelleri,
acentelerine imkanlar sa¤lamak ve Türkiye'nin turizm girdilerini art›rmak, yapt›¤›m›z çal›flmalar›n bafll›calar›d›r. Faaliyet Program›m›zda uluslararas› birlik
ve flirketleri ülkemize çekmek için, fuarlara kat›lmak,
ikili ve çoklu iliflkilerde bulunmak, tan›tma malzemesi üretmek, broflür, video, film, rehber kitaplar› haz›rlayarak, ‹stanbul ve Türkiye için 'vizyon' oluflturmak
gibi etkinliklerimiz vard›r. Vakf›n bünyesinde kurulan
‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu (ICVB) da amaçlar›m›za ulaflmam›z için çok önemli bir enstrüman›m›zd›r. Türkiye böylece uluslararas› nitelikte bir 'destination marketing' örgütüne kavuflmufl oldu.
what an important public service is provided by this
particular NGO. It is a great personal honor, have
headed this foundation since 2006, which has
allowed me through these offices, the
Chairmanships of the ‹stanbul Chamber of
Commerce and of TUGEV to more closely link the
business world and the tourism sector.
Atasoy: In looking at TUGEV’s broad vision, what
has and hasn’t been done to exploit the potential
of tourism through education and marketing activities?
Yalç›ntafl: Realizing Turkey’s existing tourism potential is our biggest goal. By creating new tourism segments and categories we aim to increase income for
the Turkish economy, and we know that the way to
reach this goal is by applying systematic methods.
To this end we are developing short-range and midrange policies. The answer to your question is this:
To reach this goal, we focus our projects in two
important ways – towards education and through the
congress tourism.
Why did we focus on education? We focused on education in the beginning of the 1980’s. Developing
quickly through the 1990’s as a result of investments, many new tourism properties were opened
and more trained, professional staff became necessary. The only way to provide professional personnel
was to train them ourselves. To this end, we established the OTEM training center in Kemer, Antalya to
train both students and instructors. A certification
program was organized in partnership with Uluda¤,
Bo¤aziçi and Trakya universities. We assisted the
Education Minister and YÖK (Higher Education
Board) in the field tourism and organized courses
and on-the-job training programs. At the same time
we held several events and conferences to create
public awareness and support. We also tried to
develop congress tourism and created new ways to
market ‹stanbul as a destination. As an alternative
model for tourism, the focus on congresses has
increased the world over. In particular, we tried to
create potential new areas for tourism in ‹stanbul.
With the increased economic yield from this sector,
we created the resources for ‹stanbul’s congress
centers, hotels and agencies. Increasing Turkey’s
income from tourism is the primary goal of our projects. As part of our action plan, we have created
advertising material such as brochures, videos,
films and guidebooks and attend trade fairs and
establish new contacts in order to attract international organizations’ and companies’ meetings to
‹stanbul. The founding of ICVB was one of the most
important steps in this process and with ICVB,
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Atasoy: Sizin genifl vizyonunuz içinde, TUGEV'in yerini tan›mlar m›s›n›z? Bu aç›dan ‹TO ve TUGEV aras›nda bir köprü kurar m›s›n›z?
Yalç›ntafl: Önce flunu belirtmek isterim: Toplant›lar,
kongreler ve fuarlar (toplant› endüstrisi) bir destinasyona büyük ekonomik de¤erler kazand›r›r. Kongre kat›l›mc›lar›, turistler aras›nda en fazla para harcayan
gruplardand›r. Bu endüstrinin sa¤lad›¤› faydalar›, sadece oteller ve restoranlar de¤il, ayn› zamanda perakendeciler, atraksiyon merkezleri, taksiler, e¤lence
ve a¤›rlama tesisleri ve tüm ba¤lant›l› hizmet sa¤lay›c›lar› da paylafl›rlar.
Yine bu toplant›lar, dünya çap›nda insanlar›n, bilgilerini ve bilimsel, ekonomik ve mesleki geliflmelerini
paylaflmalar›na da yard›mc› olurlar. Toplant›lar, bilgilerini ve görüfllerini paylaflmak, ortak sorunlar› tart›flmak ve mevcut görüfl ayr›l›klar›n› çözümlemek için bir
araya gelinen bir platform yaratarak, dünyam›z›n daha yaflanas› ve daha iyi bir yer haline getirilmesi için
gerekli zemini yarat›rlar. Kongre turizminin benim gözümde as›l önemli taraf›, kongre turizmi için gelen insanlar›n “karar verici konumda” insanlar olmalar›d›r.
Dolay›s›yla,'karar verici konumda' olan insanlara, bir
ürünü, ‹stanbul'u benimsetti¤iniz zaman, bu insanlar›n, kendi dallar›nda bambaflka konularda karar verdikleri zaman da, verecekleri kararlar›n bir taraf›nda
‹stanbul veya Türkiye varsa, bu do¤rudan do¤ruya,
kazanç olarak dönecektir. ‹flte kongre turizminin de
önemi burada.
Toplant› ve kongreler ayn› zamanda bir flehre ilgiyi
çekerler ve ticaret ve yat›r›mlardan turizme kadar, hemen hemen her fleyin tan›t›m›na yard›mc› olabilirler.
‹flte TUGEV ile ‹TO aras›ndaki ortak nokta da burada
ortaya ç›k›yor. Turizmi gelifltirme hedefiyle, ticareti
gelifltirme ve art›rma hedefi, ortak bir noktada bulufluyor. Do¤rusu, gerek TUGEV'in, gerekse bünyesindeki ICVB'nin yapt›¤› da çok önemli bir ticari faaliyettir. ‹stanbul'da ekonomi ve ticaret sektörünün en güçlü ve büyük kuruluflu olan ‹stanbul Ticaret Odas›'n›n bu örgütlere ilgi
göstermesinin nedeni, böylece daha kolayca anlafl›lmaktad›r.
‹TO, ‹stanbul'da ekonomik hayat› do¤rudan ve
dolayl› etkileyebilecek
her konu ve geliflmeye
önem vermektedir.
Atasoy: TUGEV bünyesinde kurulan ICVB'nin
bu alandaki öncü rolünü siz nas›l de¤erlendiriyorsunuz? Toplant› endüstrisine önemli katk›lar› olan
Turkey has its own international “destination promotion” organization.
Atasoy: Could you explain the role of TUGEV
according to your big-picture vision of it? Could you
explain the connection between TUGEV and ITO?
Yalç›ntafl: First I would like to start by saying meetings, conventions and trade fairs will provide a great
deal of revenue. In the tourism sector, congress visitors are the group that brings in the most tourist revenues. The benefits secured by this industry are not
enjoyed only by hotels and restaurants, but also by
everyone from retailers and taxi drivers to entertainment and hospitality facilities and a range of other
related service industries. Moreover, at these meetings, internationally recognized experts share their
knowledge and the latest business or professional
developments. The meetings are for sharing information and points of view, debating mutual problems
and different opinions in order to improve the world
we live in. In my view, one of the most important
things about congress tourism is that the people
who visit are decision-makers. Consequently, it is
the case that when they select ‹stanbul as the destination for their congress, those decision makers
when making decisions on very different issues in
their own professions, if the decision is somehow
related to ‹stanbul or Turkey, benefits for the country will accrue. That’s what makes congress tourism
so different and so important.
At the same time, meetings and conventions create
a draw of attention to a city and can help to promote
everything from business and investment to leisure
This is where TUGEV and ITO have a great deal in
common, because the aim of developing tourism
also results in promoting trade. When you come right
down to it, whether it’s TUGEV itself or its subsidiary
ICVB, what they are actually doing is a very important commercial activity. ITO places importance every activity that directly or indirectly
affects the growth of the economy of ‹stanbul.
Atasoy: What are your thoughts on
ICVB’s role and the impact they have
on the development of global congress
Yalç›ntafl: Founded in May 1997, the
goal of the ICVB is to promote meeting and congress tourism in ‹stanbul on an entirely non-profit
basis. Everywhere around the
world, there are many other
organizations with a
structure similar to
ours. Our organiza-
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Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürolar›’n›n (CVB) yap›s›n›n,
dünyada kongre turizminin geliflimine etkisi hakk›ndaki görüfllerinizi de alabilir miyiz?
Yalç›ntafl: ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu'nun
amac›, tamamen gönüllü bir flekilde ‹stanbul'da toplant› ve kongre turizmini gelifltirmektir. Bu amaçla,
May›s 1997 tarihinde TUGEV bünyesinde kuruldu.
Dünyan›n birçok köflesindeki benzerleri gibi örgüt yap›s› olarak ortak özellikler tafl›r. Ba¤›ms›z ve kar
amac› gütmeyen bir yap›ya sahip olan bu örgüt, kuruluflunu izleyen ilk y›llarda, otel ve acentelerden oluflan üyelerinin ve ana kuruluflu olan TUGEV'in mali
katk›lar› ile etkinliklerini gerçeklefltirdi.
ICVB'nin pazarlama stratejisi genifl anlamda ‹stanbul'un genel turizm potansiyelini ve sahip oldu¤u
özellikleri, ziyaretçilere tan›tmakt›r. Bununla birlikte
az önce söyledi¤im gibi, ‹stanbul'un kongre planc›lar›na ve birlik ve dernek gibi uluslararas› gruplara tan›t›lmas› ve pazarlanmas› da ana görev alan› olmufltur. ICVB, on y›l içinde idari ve teknik yönden geliflmeler göstererek, gerçek bir 'destination marketing'
kuruluflu haline gelmifltir. ICVB, bu süre içinde, ‹stanbul'un tan›t›m› ve pazarlanmas› amac›yla pek çok etkinlikte yer alm›fl ve kat›ld›¤› çeflitli ihtisas fuarlar› ve
toplant›lar d›fl›nda üyelik iliflkilerini de rasyonel bir
yap›ya kavuflturmufltur. Bu çerçevede Kültür ve Turizm Bakanl›¤›'n›n deste¤ini alan ve bakanl›kça görevlendirilen bir kurulufl olarak birçok kongre ve “incentive” fuar› da organize etmifltir. Ayr›ca kamu kesimi ve özel sektörle iflbirli¤i halinde pek çok al›c› toplant›s›nda da yararl› ve üretici çal›flmalar yapm›flt›r.
ICVB'nin, International Convention & Congress Association (ICCA) ve European Cities Marketing (ECM) gibi uluslararas› örgütler nezdindeki faaliyetleri ve lobisi ile kazan›lan pozisyonlar, büromuzun ülke temsilinde ne kadar önemli yeri oldu¤unu göstermektedir.
ICVB ‹stanbul'da oldu¤u gibi, uluslararas› platformda
da kendini kan›tlam›fl, deneyimli, ciddi, etkin bir örgüt imaj› yaratm›flt›r. Bu, ‹stanbul ve Türkiye için bir
baflar› ç›tas› olmufltur.
fiu anda kongre endüstrisinin gelifltirilmesi için örnek bir tan›t›m ve pazarlama modeli oluflturan
ICVB'nin deneyimlerinin Türkiye'nin di¤er destinasyonlar›na aktar›lmas› için bir plan oluflturulmas› üzerinde durulmaktad›r. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanl›¤›'n›n
ICVB'yi bölgesel örgütlenme ile görevlendirmesi, çal›flmalar›m›z›n ne kadar benimsendi¤inin bir göstergesidir. Burada bir noktaya dikkatinizi çekmek istiyorum: Her y›l dünya çap›nda bir milyondan fazla toplant› ve kongre düzenleniyor. Bunun parasal de¤eri,
yaklafl›k 200 milyar dolar. Bu kongrelere, en az 300
kifli kat›l›yor ve bu say›n›n da en az yüzde 40'› yabanc› oluyor. Yabanc›lar gittikleri kentlerde en az›ndan
ortalama 3-5 gün kal›yorlar. ‹flte bu önemli bir gelir
tion is independent, non-aligned and non-profit. In
the beginning, ICVB operated on the basis of support from its members, who were hotels and agencies, as well as financial support from TUGEV.
In the broadest sense, ICVB's marketing strategy is
to present ‹stanbul’s appeal and its potential for
tourism to visitors. As I said a few moments ago, the
marketing of ‹stanbul to congress planners, worldwide groups and associations is our main objective.
In the past ten years, ICVB has made great strides
in the administrative and technical sense and thus
they proved themselves as a real "destination marketing" organization. ICVB has participated in many
international workshops and other forums as part of
its efforts to market and promote ‹stanbul and
attends a range of specialist fairs and has also
rationalized relationships with its members as well
as obtained support from the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism. ICVB has also been charged by the Ministry
of Culture and Tourism with organizing Turkey’s participation at a range of congress and incentive
tourism trade fairs. Moreover, simultaneously representing both the public and the private sectors, ICVB
establishes extremely productive dialogues with
meeting and incentive travel buyers.
ICVB’s activities as a member of international organizations like the International Congress and
Congress Association (ICCA) and European Cities
Marketing (ECM) and its lobbying efforts have
earned it important positions that point to its importance for Turkey’s overall marketing and promotion.
In proving itself on the international platform, ICVB
has developed a reputation as an experienced, serious and active organization; this was a major test
Turkey and ‹stanbul needed to and did pass successfully. ICVB’s experience is a valuable promotion
and marketing model for the development of the congress and incentive tourism industry in Turkey, and
we are currently working on developing a plan to
apply this model in other destinations. The fact that
ICVB has been charged with regional organizing is
proof of the value the Ministry of Culture and
Tourism places on its work. Now I would like to draw
your attention to a particular point: Every year over a
million meetings and conventions are organized
around the world. The total monetary value of this is
approximately US$ 200 billion. On average these
conventions are attended by a minimum of 300 visitors, 40% of whom are foreign visitors, who stay an
average of three to five days in these cities. This is
a significant source of income of which ICVB is
aware. Thanks to their work, Turkey, according to
ICCA 2006 statistics on hosting international meetings and congresses, ranks 29th and according to
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kayna¤›... ICVB, bunun fark›nda... Onun çal›flmalar›
sayesinde bugün Türkiye, uluslararas› toplant› ve
kongrelere evsahipli¤i yapma istatisti¤inde, kongre
ile 29'uncu s›rada. fiehir kategorilerine göre ‹stanbul'daki 55 kongre ile de 17'inci s›rada... 2006 y›l›nda ICCA kriterlerine göre ‹stanbul'daki 55 kongrenin
ülke turizmine 110 bin delege ve flehir ekonomisine
500 milyon dolar gelir sa¤lad›¤› tahmin edilmektedir.
fiimdi hedefimiz, 100 kongre ile 250 bin delegeye ve
1 milyar 250 milyon dolar gelir ç›tas›na ulaflmakt›r.
(Dünya turizminin 2006 y›l› itibariyle 880 milyon kiflilik hacmi ve 735 milyar dolarl›k bir harcama düzeyi
Atasoy: ‹stanbul'da ICVB'nin kongre dünyas›na
sa¤lad›¤› olanaklar›n daha da geniflletilmesi için
sizce neler yap›lmal›?
Yalç›ntafl: Kongre turizminin gelifltirilmesinde destinasyon pazarlama organizasyonlar›n›n gösterdi¤i
somut büyüme çok önemli olmufltur. Örne¤in, flu
anda yüzlerce kongre ve ziyaretçi bürosu tüm dünyada toplant›lar, kongreler, grup turlar› ve ziyaretçileri çekmek için birbirleriyle rekabet halindedir. Ülkemizde de ‹stanbul CVB'ye ek olarak, ‹zmir, Antalya, Ankara, Konya, Bursa, Mersin bürolar›n›n da
aç›lmas›n› hedefliyoruz.
ICVB bir ‹stanbul örgütüdür. Kat›l›mc› say›s› 50 kurulufl olmas›na karfl›n, ilimizin kongre pazar›n›n yüzde
70'ine hizmet veren bir yap›s› vard›r. Önümüzdeki dö18
rankings by city, ‹stanbul, which hosted a total of 55
conventions, ranks 17th. It is estimated that Turkey
earned US$ 500 million from the 110,000 delegates who attended these 55 international congresses.
Our current goal is to host 100 congresses and
250,000 delegates, which we believe will increase
our income to US$ 1.25 billion. (In 2006, the global
tourism industry accounted for 880 million visitors
and spending worth US$ 735 billion.)
Atasoy: What do you think should be done to
expand the opportunities and services ICVB offers
the congress tourism sector?
Yalç›ntafl: One of the most important developments in congress tourism is the growth of “destination marketing” organizations themselves. For
example, today, hundreds of convention and visitors bureaux from around the world compete with
each other to attract meetings, conventions, group
tours and visitors. In Turkey, in addition to ICVB we
plan to open a bureau in Ankara, Izmir, Konya,
Antalya, Bursa and Mersin. ICVB is an ‹stanbulbased organization. Even though we have 50 members, in our region we serve 70% of the congress
and incentive market. In the coming years we think
it would be a good move to widen our member
base. In addition, we are also looking for suitable
partnerships. In this way, ICVB will be active not
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nemde üyeler taban›n› geniflletmenin yararl› olaca¤›n› düflünüyoruz. Ayr›ca “partnership” aray›fllar›m›z da
var. Böylece ICVB'nin sadece turizm sektörü de¤il,
endüstri, finans, sanat ve di¤er kesimlerin de deste¤ini almas›n› amaçl›yoruz. ICVB'nin turizm fuarc›l›¤›
alan›nda faaliyet göstermesini ve bu nedenle örgütlenmesini de istiyoruz.
ICVB kaynaklar›n›n art›r›lmas› ve devaml›l›¤›n›n sa¤lanmas›, çal›flmalar›m›z›n etkinli¤i aç›s›ndan büyük
bir önem arz etmektedir. Önümüzdeki dönemde bu
alanda baz› yasal düzenlemelerin gündeme getirilmesi için çaba gösterece¤iz.
Kongre sektörünün, ekonomik, sosyal ve alt ve üst
yap›s› ile ‹stanbul'da kongre turizmi, bugünkü durumundan çok daha iyi yerlere gelecektir. Bu amaçla,
ICVB kadrosunun genifletilmesini planl›yoruz.
Kongre turizminin çeflitli birimlerinde çal›flacak personelin yetifltirilmesi, e¤itimi ve yeni ifl alanlar› aç›lmas› konusunda ICVB'nin yol gösterici eylemlerine
ihtiyaç oldu¤unu düflünüyoruz.
ICVB'nin orta vadede, ‹stanbul'daki tüm MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention, Exhibition) sektörüne
iliflkin etkinlikleri izlemesi, yönlendirmesi, istatistikleri düzenlemesi konusunda güvenilir ve yetkili tek
örgüt olmas›n› sa¤lamaya çal›flaca¤›z.TUGEV Yönetim Kurulumuzun tüm bu konularda ve ICVB çal›flmalar›n›n güçlendirilmesi, dolay›s›yla ‹stanbul destinasyonu için etkili bir tan›t›m ve pazarlama yapabilmesi
hususundaki heyecan› ve deste¤i sonsuzdur.
Atasoy: Bu ayd›nlat›c› fikirlerinizi ve görüfllerinizi bizimle paylaflt›¤›n›z için çok teflekkür ederiz.
only in the tourism sector; we will also aim to support manufacturing, finance, arts & culture and
other areas. We would also like to see ICVB
become active in organizing tourism trade fairs and
establish the structure necessary to do that.
Our aim is to provide ICVB with greater resources
and to ensure their continuity will have a major
impact on the quality of results generated from our
efforts. In the near future, we will try to initiate
some legal changes regarding this. Thanks to the
quality of the congress sector’s economic, social
and sub- and superstructures, the future should
bring us much larger and more exciting prospects.
This will require the expansion of ICVB’s staff. It is
also our opinion that ICVB’s guidance will be important in opening up new business lines, which will
require new training facilities to educate personnel
to work at various levels in the congress tourism
In the medium-term we plan to make ICVB the most
authoritative and trusted organization in the entire
meeting industry in terms of tracking events, advisory services and statistical record-keeping. Those
of us on the TUGEV Board of Directors are excited
about the prospect of launching an effective, largescale destination marketing initiative for ‹stanbul,
and we are all fully supportive of the strengthening
of ICVB’s operations that will be required to do
Atasoy: Thank you for sharing these illuminating
ideas and views with us.
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Öncü hizmetleriyle ünlü turizmci Y›lmaz Tecmen'den ça¤r›:
Toplant› endüstrisine üst
düzeyde ilgi ve destek gerek
A call from Y›lmaz Tecmen,
a tourism professional renowned for
his pioneering work:
“A high level of
attention and
support are
needed for the
congress industry”
Uzun y›llar Türkiye Otelciler Birli¤i Baflkanl›¤› yapan Y›lmaz Tecmen ile kongre turizminin temeline indik...
Geçmifl y›llarda gezindik ve tekrar günümüze gelerek,
ilerilere do¤ru gelece¤e bakt›k... Önemli bir dönem
baflkanl›¤›n› yapt›¤›, turizm dünyas›n›n en gözde alan›
olan kongre sektörünün candamar› ‹stanbul Kongre ve
Ziyaretçi Bürosu'nun (ICVB) 10'uncu y›l›nda, çeyrek
as›rdan beri turizmde e¤itime odaklanan Turizm Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf›'n›n kurucular›ndan Y›lmaz Tecmen'in öncülü¤ünde süregelen ve turizm tarihine yerleflen yol haritas›n›n ancak bir k›sm›n› bu sayfalara s›¤d›rmaya çal›flt›k...
Okflan Atasoy: Önce TUGEV, ard›ndan ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu... Y›lmaz Tecmen'in öncü
ad›mlar› nerede bafllad›? Bu geliflimlere nas›l gönül
verdiniz, bize anlat›r m›s›n›z?
Y›lmaz Tecmen: Ben turizm gönüllüsü say›yorum kendimi. 16 sene Türkiye Otelciler Birli¤i Baflkanl›¤› yapt›m. O dönemlerimizde de hep yak›nd›¤›m›z meseleler
vard›. Neydi bunlar? fiöyle derdik: 'Rodos 45-50 bin
yatak, biz 38 bin yatak kapasitesindeyiz. Rodos Adas›
kadar bile yatak say›s› tüm Türkiye'de yok' diye bafllad›¤›m›z laflar, her zaman tekrarlad›¤›m›z fleylerdi. Derken rahmetli Turgut Özal geldi¤i zaman, 1983’ten
sonra, Türk turizminde bir patlama oldu. 1984, '85 ve
'86 y›llar›nda... O y›llarda, özellikle Güney Anadolu'da
yap›lan yat›r›mlar neticesinde biz, süratle 200-300 bin
kaliteli yata¤a, turizm belgeli yataklara ç›kt›k. Birdenbire art›fl bafllad›. O dönem Kenan Evren Pafla Cumhur20
We talked in detail about the congress tourism’s past,
present and future with Y›lmaz Tecmen who was for
many years the Chairman of the Touristic Hotels and
Investors Association Turkey. On the occasion of the
10th anniversary of the ‹stanbul Convention & Visitors
Bureau (ICVB), we tried to sum up in these pages a little bit of the route established and followed for the
development of tourism thanks to the pioneering
efforts of Y›lmaz Tecmen. He was also one of the
founders of TUGEV, a foundation that for the past 25
years has focused on tourism education.
Okflan Atasoy: First let’s talk about TUGEV, then the
‹stanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau. Where did
you begin your pioneering efforts? How did you
become so dedicated to this mission?
Y›lmaz Tecmen: I consider myself a volunteer committed to the development of tourism. I was the
Chairman of the Touristic Hotels and Investors
Association Turkey for 16 years. There were issues
that we constantly complained about then. We used
to say things like, ‘Overall, Rhodes has a 45,00050,000 bed capacity whereas we have only 38,000.
baflkan›, merhum Turgut Özal Baflbakan, Mükerrem
Taflç›o¤lu Kültür ve Turizm Bakan› idi. Ard›ndan da Mesut Y›lmaz Turizm Bakan› oldu. Biz de o zaman Otelciler Birli¤i Baflkan› olarak, böyle askeri uçaklarla, özel
uçaklarla sürekli aç›l›fllara gidiyorduk. Hafta geçmiyordu, ay geçmiyordu ki, güneyde veya Kapadokya’da, ya
da baflka yerlerde turizm tesisi aç›lmas›n. Biz de bunlar› açmaya gidiyorduk. Türkiye 200-300 bin yatak kazand› birkaç y›l içerisinde... O s›rada da rahmetli Baflbakan Turgut Özal ve bakanlar›m›z dediler ki: “Türkiye’de bir e¤itim s›k›nt›s› bafllad›.” Artan yatak say›s›
eleman s›k›nt›s›n› gündeme getirdi. Eleman s›k›nt›s›
bafllay›nca ne oldu, bizzat flahit oldu¤um üzere, kalifiye olmayan kifliler beyaz bir ceket giydirip garson diye
ifle bafllat›ld›. Rahmetli Özal, buna, devletin e¤itim imkanlar› ve okullar› yetiflmedi¤i için 'mutlaka özel sektörün el atmas› laz›m' dedi. Özel sektörün el atmas› laz›m deyince de, dönemin Kültür ve Turizm Bakan› Mükerrem Taflç›o¤lu, rahmetli Vehbi Koç, rahmetli Kemal
Dedeman baflta olmak üzere 17 flah›s ve kurulufl bir
araya geldik ve dedik ki 'bir vak›f kural›m, bu vakf›n ilk
amac› da e¤itim olsun'. Vak›f ve derneklerin yasaklanm›fl oldu¤u bir dönemdi. Hiç unutmuyorum, rahmetli
Baflbakan Özal bizim dosyam›z› inceledi, onaylad› ve
ayr›ca vakf›m›za vergi ba¤›fl›kl›¤› verdi. Aç›k ö¤retimin
program›n› dahi, bizim program›m›z olarak uygulamaya
koyduk ve tüm üniversitelerle iliflki kurduk. Akdeniz
Üniversitesi, Trakya, Uluda¤, Eskiflehir Üniversitesi ve
en faal olarak da Bo¤aziçi Üniversitesi ile çal›flmalar›m›z oldu.
Atasoy: Turizm alan›nda ilk e¤itim seferberli¤ini
bafllatm›fl oldunuz...
Tecmen: Evet... Üniversite anfilerinde konuflmalar
yapt›k, konferanslar verdik. 9-10 sene vak›f olarak Bo¤aziçi Üniversitesi’nde pek çok çal›flmay› organize ettik. Orada iki y›ll›k kurslar açt›k. Çünkü üniversiteyi kazanamay›p da turizm alan›na girmek isteyen p›rlanta
gibi talebeler d›flar›da kald›. Bunlardan lisan bilenlere
bir y›ll›k e¤itim verdik. Lisan bilmeyenlere 1 y›l yo¤un
‹ngilizce, 1 y›l da mesleki dersler vermek suretiyle y›lda 80-100 ö¤renciyi, Bo¤aziçi’nde kurdu¤umuz bu
kurslardan mezun etmeye bafllad›k. Bu sertifika kurslar›ndan mezun olan talebeler de kap›fl kap›fl oldu.
Ben iflin içerisinde olarak, oradan bir tek mezunu kendi otelim Kalyon Oteli’ne alamad›m. O kadar ki hepsi
5 y›ld›zl› oteller taraf›ndan kap›fl›ld›lar. Bununla da iftihar ettik.
Atasoy: Turizmde e¤itime baflka
çareler düflündünüz mü?
Tecmen: Düflünmez olur muyuz? Mesut Y›lmaz Turizm
Bakan› iken, 20 y›l kadar önce, Türkiye’deki ilk Uygulamal› Otel Okulu'nu Antalya Kemer’de açt›k. Üzülerek
söyleyeyim, o dönemde, bizim meslektafllar›m›z aras›nda, yeni otel yapanlar dâhil, bu iflten bihaber insan-
The whole of Turkey doesn’t even have the capacity of
Rhodes.’ Later, when the late Turgut Özal came to
office, there was a sudden expansion in tourism after
1983, especially during 1984, ’85 and ’86. In those
years, particularly as a result of investments in the
south of Turkey, we quickly reached a capacity of
200,000 – 300,000 licensed beds. Suddenly, there
was an increase in the number of visitors. At that
time, General Kenan Evren was President, Turgut Özal
was Prime Minister, and Mükerrem Taflç›o¤lu was
Minister of Culture & Tourism. After that, Mesut
Y›lmaz became Minister of Tourism. As the president
of the Touristic Hotels and Investors Association
Turkey, we were constantly going to openings in military aircraft and private airplanes. More and more
tourism facilities were opened in Southern Turkey,
Cappadocia and in other places and we would travel
there to open them. Turgut Özal and our ministers
said, “An education problem had begun in Turkey.”
The increasing number of beds produced a shortage
of staff. When the shortage of staff began, as I personally witnessed, many unqualified people were
employed as waiters and in other positions. At this
juncture, Özal said, ‘since neither the state’s financial
means nor schools are sufficient, the private sector
should become more involved.’ When he said this
should be the responsibility of the private sector, we
brought together 17 individuals and corporations,
including, Mükerrem Taflç›o¤lu, the Minister of Culture
& Tourism at the time, the late Vehbi Koç and the late
Kemal Dedeman and said, ‘Let’s establish a foundation whose first aim is education.’ It was a period
when foundations and organizations were outlawed. I
still remember when late Prime Minister Turgut Özal
looked through our file, approved the plan and also
granted a tax exemption to the foundation. We put our
program into operation everywhere, even at the Open
University and established relations with universities
like Akdeniz, Trakya, Uluda¤, and Eskiflehir University
but we worked most intensively with Bo¤aziçi
Atasoy: So you initiated the first education drive
in tourism?
Tecmen: Yes, we did. We gave lectures at university
lecture rooms and organized conferences. As the foundation, we had organized a number of programs at
Bo¤aziçi University over the course of 9-10 years, and
we started a 2-year certificate program there. The reason for the certificate program was that many successful students, who wanted to study tourism, failed the
university exams. We offered one year of education to
those who could speak a foreign language, and one
year of intensive English and one year of occupational
training to those who did not speak a foreign language.
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lar ço¤unluktayd›. An›lar›mda çok önemli bir olay var.
Kemer’deki Uygulamal› Otel Okulu’nda 250 kiflilik bir
talebe potansiyelimiz vard›. O talebeleri alt› ayl›k h›zland›r›lm›fl kurslarda yetifltirdik. Bölgedeki iflletmecilere “Burada ö¤rencileri e¤itece¤iz ve size fabrikasyon
adam yetifltirece¤iz” dedik. Yurtiçi ve yurtd›fl›ndan hocalar getirdik; mutfak hocas›, resepsiyon hocas›, müdürlük yapacak kimseler gibi insanlar› bulduk, getirdik.
Eksik olmas›n kimisi can-› gönülden geldi, kimisi parayla geldi ve ders vermeye bafllad›lar. Fakat bu yeni
ve acemi otelciler bizim hocalar›m›za ifl teklif ettiler,
gözlerini boyad›lar. Yani suyu böyle bafltan kestiler.
Atasoy: Kongre turizmine
nas›l gönül verdiniz?
Tecmen: fiimdi bütün bunlar devam ediyorken, bundan 10 y›l kadar önce bir han›mefendi bize geldi, Ticaret Odas›, Belediye dahil bir çok kurulufla gitti. “Kongre turizmi için bir büro açmam›z gerekir” dedi. Bunu
yapan Sevil Ören Han›m idi. Kendisini bugün de takdir ediyorum ve ismini an›yorum. Ben de Turizm Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf›'n›n Baflkan› olarak bu ifle sahip
ç›kmal›y›z dedim. Sahip ç›kt›k ancak biz bu ifli bilmiyorduk. Kongre bürosu nedir, nas›l yap›lan›r, dünyada nas›l bir iflleyifl vard› haberimiz yoktu. Kimdir bunu bilen
diye sorduk araflt›rd›k. Araflt›rmalar›m›z bizi Avustralya’ya, birçok ülkede kongre ve ziyaretçi bürolar› kurmufl, bu iflin uzman› bir kifliye, David Hall’a ulaflt›rd›.
David Hall’ü bulduk, konufltuk. “Biz de ‹stanbul’da
kongre bürosu kurmak istiyoruz” dedik. O zaman da
bütçemiz falan yok. Hall, 100 bin dolar gibi bir ücret
talep etti. Ben de Y›lmaz Tecmen olarak, “Tamam, veriyorum” dedim ve Hall ile kontrat› imzalad›m. Hall
bize kongre ve ziyaretçi bürolar› nas›l kurulur, misyonu nedir, nas›l ifller, faaliyet alanlar› nedir gösterdi, profesyonel ekibimizi e¤itti, 9 ayl›k bir süre bizimle birlikte çal›flt›. fiunu söylemeliyim ki
tüm bu teflebbüsler esnas›nda o zamanki otellerin yabanc› genel müdürleri bize çok destek oldular. Çünkü profesyonel insanlar olarak onlar kongre turizminin önemini bizden çok daha önce
ö¤renmifllerdi ve kongre bürosu kavram›ndan haberdar idiler.
Atasoy: Böylece çok önemli bir
aflama kaydetmifl oldunuz... ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi
Bürosu kurulduktan sonraki
faaliyetlerinizdeki aflamalar›
k›saca anlat›r m›s›n›z?
Tecmen: O günden bugüne iki büyük zorlu¤umuz
var. Kongre turizmini Türkiye’de, gerek kamu kurulufllar›na, gerek kamu
niteli¤indeki kurulufllara,
In this way, 80-100 students a year began to graduate
from the programs we started at Bo¤aziçi University.
All of the students who graduated were hired. As one
of the founders of these courses, I couldn’t hire even
a single student from these courses in my own hotel,
the Kalyon Hotel. They were all hired by 5-star hotels,
something in which we took real pride.
Atasoy: What other solutions for education in
tourism did you consider?
Tecmen: We did, of course. While Mesut Y›lmaz was
the Minister of Tourism, we opened the first Hotel
Management Vocational School in Kemer.
Unfortunately, those who weren’t aware of this school
were in the majority among our colleagues, including
new hotel owners. There was a very important incident
that is still fresh in my memory. We had a capacity of
250 students at the school. We put them through a
six-month crash course. We told the hotel operators in
the region that we would train the students and provide them with people ready to work. We brought
teachers from abroad and other parts of Turkey;
teachers for kitchen and reception work. We found
people to manage the school. Many thanks to all of
them. Some were volunteers; others were paid
salaries and began teaching. However, some newlyminted hoteliers offered our teachers jobs and lured
them away. We faced major hurdles from the very
Atasoy: How did you become involved with congress
Tecmen: During this stage, which was around 10 years
ago, a woman came to us and went to many
other organizations including the Chamber of
Commerce and the ‹stanbul Municipality.
She said, “We need to open a bureau for
congress tourism.” Her name was Sevil
Ören. I still appreciate her efforts and cite
her name. I also supported her as the president of the Tourism Development and
Education Foundation. We took on this responsibility, but we didn’t know anything about
this branch of tourism. We didn’t know
what the convention bureau was, how it
was structured, or exactly what function
it had. Then we investigated who was
knowledgeable about this subject. This
research led us to David Hall in
Australia, an expert in this area who
had founded convention and visitors
bureaux in many countries.
So we found Hall and told him that we
wanted to establish a convention
bureau. Hall requested a budget of
US$ 100,000, but at the time there
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hatta baz› meslektafllar›m›za anlatmakta hala güçlük
çekiyoruz. Bu sene 10'uncu kurulufl y›l›m›zda dahi, bu
u¤rafl›m›z devam ediyor.
Atasoy: Halbuki siz, kongreleri ‹stanbul'a kazand›rmak için, ekip halinde büyük bir mücadele veriyorsunuz. Bunu sektördeki herkes biliyor. Ve yurtd›fl›nda
bir tür tan›t›m elçisi görevi yap›yorsunuz. Kültür ve
Turizm Bakanl›¤›'ndan ne kadar destek al›yorsunuz?
Tecmen: ‹nan›n, her fley maddiyata dayal›. Dünyada
gezdi¤imiz, bakt›¤›m›z zaman, durum o kadar farkl› ki,
imkanlar bize göre o kadar fazla ki... Mesela Miami’den örnek vereyim. Miami’de gördü¤üm flu oldu;
Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu’nun iki katl› bir ofisi var,
gayet modern bir binada hizmet veriyor. Ofiste 100’ü
aflk›n kifli ile çal›flan baflkan kendisine ald›¤› maddi
destek hakk›ndaki sorumuzu flöyle yan›tlad›: “Bu sene
bütçemiz k›s›k, 25 milyon dolar alabildik, asl›nda normal olarak bize 30 milyon dolar laz›m.”
Atasoy: Nereden destek al›yorlar?
Hükümet mi, belediye mi?
Tecmen: Belediye olarak kongre vergisi koymufllar.
Kurvaziyer turizminden de katk› pay› al›yorlar. Bilindi¤i
üzere TUGEV kamu yarar›na bir vak›f vasf›ndad›r ve
ICVB kar amac› gütmeyen bir kurulufltur. Biz herhangi
bir kongreyi Türkiye’ye getirip de, 'bunu da otellere satal›m' demeyiz, yani acentecilik yapm›yoruz. Biz, bir
yerde Bakanl›¤›n yapm›fl oldu¤u ifli yap›yoruz. Kongre
turizmine mahsus olmak üzere bu iflin pazarlar›na gidiyoruz. Oradaki di¤er meslektafllar›m›z, kongreleri
Çin’e, Viyana’ya, Roma’ya davet ederken, biz de diyoruz ki '‹stanbul’a gelin. ‹stanbul’da kültür, tarih, oteller, imkanlar var'. E¤er bir kongreyi ‹stanbul’a veya
Türkiye’ye kazand›rm›flsak, bizim iflimiz orada bitiyor.
Baflkas›yla ilgilenmiyoruz. Kim ilgileniyor ondan sonra? Onlarla otelciler, acenteler, havayollar› ilgileniyor.
Atasoy: Bütün bu çabalar ve özellikle de tan›t›m
amaçl› mücadelenizde dünyan›n önde gelen kongre
kentleri ve turizm potansiyeli olan ülkelerle yar›fl›yorsunuz. Bütün bunlar›n maddeten karfl›lanmas› çok
zor olsa gerek?
Tecmen: Tabii ki... Dünyan›n önde gelen kongre turizmi merkezlerinde bu sektöre sürekli kaynak sa¤l›yorlar. Ben de, gerek Ticaret Odas›’n›n önceki Yönetim
Kurulu Baflkan’›ndan, gerekse flimdiki ICVB Baflkan›
olan, ‹stanbul Ticaret Odas› Baflkan› Murat Yalç›ntafl'dan, bu konuda taleplerde bulundum. Son 10 y›ld›r bütçemize kaynak bulmak için sürekli çaba sarf ettik, oraya müracaat et, buraya git, Bakanl›¤a git, Tan›tma Fonu’na git, hakikaten zorland›k. Yeterli kadromuz
yok. Ama belli bir gayretle, arkadafllar›m›zla beraber
bugüne kadar yürüttük. Bir y›l önce, ‹TO Baflkan› Say›n
Yalç›ntafl, ‹TO'ya yeni Baflkan seçildi¤i zaman kendisinden randevu istedim ve dedim ki, 'Sizler, 350 bin
üyesi ile dünyan›n en büyük 5 Ticaret Odas›'ndan biri-
weren’t any financial resources for this undertaking. I
personally said, as Y›lmaz Tecmen, I’ll provide the
funds and signed a contract with Hall. Hall showed us
how to form the bureau, what its mission should be,
what were to be its responsibilities and trained our professional team over a period of nine months. I should
mention here that we were very strongly supported in
this venture by the expatriate hotel managers in ‹stanbul. Being long-time professionals, they had learned
the importance of congress tourism long before us and
understood the concepts behind it.
Atasoy: Consequently, you made very significant
progress. Could you tell us briefly about your activities following the foundation of the ‹stanbul
Convention and Visitors Bureau?
Tecmen: We experienced two main challenges both
then and now: We find it hard to explain congress
tourism to both public bodies and semi-public entities,
even to some of our colleagues. Even today, on our
10th anniversary, we are still continuing this effort.
Atasoy: But you and your team are working hard to
attract congresses to ‹stanbul. Every one in this sector is aware of it. You also act as a kind of tourism
ambassador abroad. To what extent do you receive
support from the Ministry of Culture & Tourism?
Tecmen: Believe me, everything depends on financing. When we look around the world, we can see that
others have much more in terms of resources compared to us. Let me give you an example from Miami.
What I saw in Miami was a Convention and Visitors
Bureau with very modern, two-storey offices. The
Chairman of the Bureau, which employs over 100
staff, answered our question about the financial support they received in this way: “Our budget is tight this
year; we could only secure $25 million. Normally our
requirements are upwards of $30 million.”
Atasoy: Where does that support come from? The
government or the municipality?
Tecmen: Firstly, the municipality imposed a convention tax. They also levy contributions from the cruise
industry. TUGEV is a foundation and a non-profit
organization. When we organize a congress in Turkey,
we don’t try to ‘sell’ it to hotels. That is to say, we do
not act as a travel agent but in a similar capacity to
the Ministry of Culture & Tourism. We go to the marketing events, of course exclusively for congress
tourism. While our colleagues from other countries
are inviting congresses to China, Vienna and Rome,
we tell them to come to ‹stanbul. We tell them to
come and see the culture, history, hotels and facilities
in ‹stanbul. Our involvement ends with bringing a congress in ‹stanbul or in Turkey. So who provides the
services necessary for organizing a congress? The
hotel operators, travel agencies and airlines under23
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siniz. Kongre turizminin önemi anlafl›lamam›flt›r, her
fley dahil tatil turizmi de¤ildir bu. Kongre turizminde
kaliteli misafir var, para, tan›t›ma önemli katk› var.
Kongreye gelen insanlar ülkeye geldi¤i zaman daha
uçaktan iner inmez ilk önce onlar› bekleyen floförün
yüzü gülüyor. Arkas›ndan gümüflçünün, hal›c›n›n, esnaf›n yüzü gülüyor.'
Atasoy: Aynen dedi¤iniz gibi... 40 ayr› sektör giriyor
iflin içine, toplant› endüstrisinden do¤rudan etkilenen 40 sektör...
Tecmen: ‹flte bu 40 sektörün, do¤rudan etkilenen bu
sektörlerin mevcudiyetini anlatt›k biz de... Ticaret Odas›'n›n zaten 100 sektörü var. Bunun 40’› do¤rudan etkileniyor. Di¤erleri de dolayl› olarak etkileniyor. Ben
kongreye 10-20 bin kifli getirmiflsem, içinde hastalanan oluyor, doktor da etkileniyor. Dolay›s›yla ‹stanbul’u kongreler flehri yaparsak, bütün esnaf ve tüccar
bundan fayda sa¤layacakt›r. Yalç›ntafl'a da bunu aktard›m ve dolay›s›yla ona gümüfl de¤il p›rlanta tepsi
içerisinde bir konu getirmifl oldum. Ben kurumun baflkan› olarak Say›n Yalç›ntafl’a dedim ki; 'buran›n baflkan› siz olun, çünkü ‹TO üyelerine de fevkalade yararl›
olacak'. Vakf›n da, dolay›s›yla bünyesindeki ICVB’nin
de Baflkan› olmas›n› önerdim. O da anlay›fl gösterdi
eksik olmas›n, kabul etti. Çok meflgul bir insan, ‹TO’ya
yeni seçilmiflti. Fevkalade dolu. Yine de bu alanda bizimle birlikte oldu.
Atasoy: Yeni aflamalar gerçekleflti mi?
Tecmen: Tabii, önemli proje çal›flmalar›m›z var. Dedi¤im gibi d›fl dünyadan örnekler de var önümüzde. Örne¤in pek çok ülkede oldu¤u gibi, bizde de uygulana-
take these tasks.
Atasoy: In all these efforts and especially in your
own achievements in promoting congress tourism,
you compete with leading congress cities and countries with excellent tourism potential. It must be
very difficult to meet the costs entailed.
Tecmen: Of course it is difficult. The world’s leading
congress tourism cities always enjoy sufficient
resources. So I drew on the good offices of both the
former Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and
the current Chairman of the ‹stanbul Chamber of
Commerce, Murat Yalç›ntafl, who is also the
Chairman of ICVB. For the past ten years, we have
constantly worked to secure funding and have repeatedly approached various bodies like the Ministry of
Culture & Tourism and the Prime Ministerial
Promotion Fund – it’s never been easy. We are perpetually understaffed. Yet, thanks to the unstinting
efforts of our team, we have achieved many notable
successes. When Mr. Yalç›ntafl was elected Chairman
of the ‹stanbul Chamber of Commerce a year ago, I
asked him for a meeting and said to him, “You are
one of the five largest Chambers of Commerce in the
world, with 350,000 members. The significance of
congress tourism has not yet been appreciated; it is
totally different from all-inclusive holiday packages.
Congress tourism involves educated and affluent
guests, significant revenues and contribution towards
promoting the destination. The minute they get off the
plane in our country, the cab driver will be waiting for
them with smiles, because he knows this trip will be
worth his while and ‹stanbul’s while. The same thing
happens in the Grand Bazaar at the silversmith’s, the
carpet dealer’s, at every shop.”
Atasoy: As you said, there are 40 different sectors,
which directly benefit from congress tourism.
Tecmen: Exactly, those 40 sectors. I also told him
about the 40 sectors directly effected by congress
tourism. The Chamber of Commerce already represents 100 different sectors, 40 of which are directly
affected but even the other 60 are affected indirectly.
When I bring 10,000 or 20,000 people for a congress, some of them may get sick. Then even a doctor benefits from congress tourism. When we make
‹stanbul a congress city, all the service providers,
tradesmen and retailers will benefit.
I explained all these things to Mr. Yalç›ntafl and it was
an opportunity offered to him not on the customary silver platter but rather on a jewel-encrusted platter. As
Chairman of the Foundation, I offered Mr. Yalç›ntafl
the position of Chairman of the Foundation because
of the significant benefit it would bring to the members of ‹stanbul Chamber of Commerce. It was an
offer that also brought with it the position of Chairman
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bilir olanaklar var. Biz otelciler olarak haz›r›z. Bugün
yasa ç›ksa biz var›z. Mesela 5 y›ld›zl› oteller, yatak bafl›na 1 dolar verse veya 50 cent verse, di¤erleri diyelim 25 cent verse, ne olur. 100 milyon dolar’a yak›n
Turizm Bakanl›¤›’n›n sadece tan›tma bütçesi var. Bu
bütçenin sadece yüzde 1’ini alsak çok önemli ifllere
imza atar›z. Tan›tma fonundan, üç kez bütçe deste¤i
ald›k ve bu deste¤in yapt›¤›m›z ifllere çok önemli katk›s› oldu. Bu flekilde TUGEV olarak yak›nda 25’inci y›l›m›z› dolduruyoruz. ICVB olarak da 10'uncu y›l›m›z› tamamlad›k. Birinin kurucusu, di¤erinin de önceki dönem Baflkan› ve flimdiki Baflkan Yard›mc›s› olarak hizmetimizi sürdürüyoruz. Turizm gönüllüsü olmak iflte
böyle birfley.
Atasoy: Kongre turizminin dünyadaki getirisinin gücünü ve potansiyelini düflününce, sizin Türkiye için
ve özellikle de ‹stanbul'u kongre kenti yapmak için
y›llard›r sergiledi¤iniz çal›flmalar›n›z daha da büyük
önem kazan›yor. Konunun rakamsal boyutlar›n› da
aç›klar m›s›n›z?
Tecmen: ‹hracat bab›nda 650 milyar dolar› aflk›n bir
dünya turizm potansiyeli var. Bunun üçte biri, 200 milyar küsur dolar› toplant› ve kongre turizminden geliyor.
Biz 2005’te 15 milyar dolar sa¤lam›flsak, 5 milyar dolar da kongre turizminden sa¤lamam›z laz›md›. Biz 5
milyar yerine 400 milyon dolar sa¤lad›k. Yani yüzde 35
yerine yüzde 2 gibi bir rakam sa¤lam›fl›z. Kaz gelecek
yerden tavuk esirgenmez derler, ama deve gelecek
yerden tavuk esirgeniyor.
Önceki Kültür ve Turizm Bakan› Atilla Koç, bizim çal›flmalar›m›z› takdir etmifl ve Türkiye çap›nda örgütlenmemizi öngörmüfltü. ‹mkan verilirse, maddi destek verilirse, tabii ki organize oluruz. Yeter ki hükümet yetkilileri ve di¤er ilgililer kongre turizminin önemine inans›nlar ve bize yar›fl›m›zda destek olsunlar…
Atasoy: Böylesine yo¤un emek harcad›¤›n›z turizm
dünyas›ndaki an›lar›n›za nokta koymak çok zor... Bu
kadar›n› olsun paylaflt›¤›n›z için çok teflekkürler...
of ICVB. Although he is a very busy person who had
just been elected Chairman of the ‹stanbul Chamber
of Commerce, he kindly accepted my offer.
Atasoy: Have you enjoyed any recent successes?
Tecmen: Yes, we have very significant ongoing projects. As I said, we have many models from abroad.
For example, like in many other countries, potential
that can be put into action. Hoteliers like me are
ready. If a law is passed today, we’re ready. For
instance, if five-star hotels pay one dollar or fifty cents
per bed, if the others pay let’s say twenty-five cents
per bed, what difference does that make to them?
The Ministry of Tourism has a budget that approaches $100 million just for marketing. If we had just one
percent of this budget, we could move mountains. On
three occasions, we received financial support from
the Prime Ministerial Promotion Fund, which contributed significantly to our achievements. As TUGEV,
we will soon have ended our 25th year and our 10th
as ICVB. I continue in my duties as founder of one of
these foundations and as the current Vice-Chairman.
This is what it is to be dedicated to tourism.
Atasoy: When we look at the impact of congress
tourism around the world, both in monetary and marketing terms, what you are doing for Turkey and
specifically for ‹stanbul in terms of creating a world
conference destination takes on new importance.
Could you share some important statistics related to
this sector with us?
Tecmen: In export terms, the world tourism’s potential is over $650 billion. One third, that is roughly
$200 billion, comes from meeting and congress
tourism. Turkey’s total tourism revenues in 2005
were $15 billion and on that basis $5 billion should
have come from congress tourism. Instead, we
earned just $400 million, not $5 billion. That means
that instead of 35%, the average percentage that congress tourism accounts for in total tourism revenues,
we made only 2% of our total potential profit. As they
say, ‘Throw out a sprat to catch a mackerel,’ but, in
actuality, nothing was thrown out to catch that mackerel. Atilla Koç, the former Minister of Culture &
Tourism welcomed our achievements and expected
that we would become a nationwide organization. With
the proper opportunities and financial support, we
would happily represent all of Turkey. All we need is
for government authorities and other concerned parties to appreciate the importance of congress tourism
and support us in our efforts.
Atasoy: We can hardly scratch the surface of your
experiences in the tourism industry, where you have
invested so much effort and achieved so many successes… Thank you for sharing this part of your
experience and insight…
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Orhan Bafldo¤an:
daha da parlak
“The future
is even brighter”
Türk turizminin duayenlerinden, turizm sektörüne 50
y›la yak›n süredir hizmet veren, TUGEV’in kurucu üyesi ve kuruluflundan beri Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan Yard›mc›s› Orhan Bafldo¤an ile TUGEV ve ICVB üzerine
konufltuk. Orhan Bafldo¤an’›n an›lar›, turizm alan›nda e¤itimi ve kongre turizmi alanda sa¤lanan geliflimin köfle tafllar›na iflaret ediyor.
We spoke with Orhan Bafldo¤an, one of the leading
names in the tourism industry, a sector which he
has served for nearly 50 years, and a founding
Member and Vice-Chairman of TUGEV, about TUGEV
and ICVB. Orhan Bafldo¤an’s recollections shed light
on the milestones of tourism education and congress tourism.
Siz, TUGEV’in kurucu üyesi ve kuruluflundan bu yana yönetim kurulu üyesisiniz. TUGEV’in neden ve
nas›l kuruldu¤unu, kurulufl döneminde ne gibi sorunlarla karfl›laflt›¤›n›z› anlatabilir misiniz?
1980’li y›llarda, Turgut Özal hükümeti turizmde çok
büyük bir patlama yaratt›. Güney kesimlerimizde,
özellikle Antalya bölgesinde ve ‹stanbul’da çok büyük yat›r›mlar yap›ld›. Turizm potansiyeli çok genifl bir
sahaya yay›ld›. Oteller yap›ld› fakat bu otelleri çal›flt›rmak için her kademeden çal›flana ihtiyaç vard›. Bu
çok vahim bir konuydu çünkü insan gücü her fleyden
önemliydi. ‹nsan› iyi olmayan, insan› e¤itilmemifl
olan oteller muhakkak ki kazanamayacak ancak e¤itimli insanlar›n çal›flt›¤› oteller muhakkak ki kazanacakt›. Bu durum karfl›s›nda, eski otelci arkadafllarla
birlikte Türkiye’de turizm e¤itiminin had safhada ihtiyaç gösterdi¤ini hissettik ve turizm sektörü için bir
e¤itim birli¤i kurmaya karar verdik. Turizm Gelifltirme
ve E¤itim Vakf›’n› iflte bu amaçla kurduk. Çok da baflar›l› oldu. O zamanlar Baflbakan Turgut Özal, Turizm
Bakan› da Mesut Y›lmaz’d›. Bize çok büyük bir destek gösterdiler. Antalya Kemer’de bir uygulama oteli
projesi gelifltirdik. OTEM adl› bu okul için yapt›¤›m›z
anlaflmalar sonucu Almanya’dan bize ekipman, teçhizat, malzeme ve hocalar gönderdiler. ‹fle e¤itimcinin e¤itimi ile bafllad›k. Turizm liselerindeki ö¤retmenleri e¤ittik, onlar› Avrupa’ya götürdük, otelleri
You are a founding member of TUGEV and have been
a board member since TUGEV was founded. Could you
tell us why and how TUGEV was founded and what
problems you encountered in the beginning?
In the 1980s, Turgut Özal’s government stimulated
a remarkable boom in tourism. Major investments
were made in Southern Anatolia, especially in
Antalya province, as well as in ‹stanbul. Tourism
potential was expanded over a very wide region.
Many hotels were built, but to run these hotels, staff
was needed at every level of hotel operations. This
was a key issue because having manpower was the
most crucial element. It was obvious that hotels with
uneducated and unqualified staff could not hope to
succeed. We saw that an urgent need for tourism
education was emerging and together with the hoteliers, decided to establish an education foundation.
And so the Tourism Development and Education
Foundation was born. The foundation achieved considerable success. At the time, Turgut Özal was
Prime Minister of Turkey and Mesut Y›lmaz was the
Minister of Tourism. They provided us with extensive
support. We established the OTEM Vocational
School of Hotel Management in Kemer, Antalya. As
part of the contracts drawn up for this school, we
were sent equipment, materials and teachers from
gezdirdik. Bu e¤itmenler y›llar boyunca yüzlerce ö¤renciyi e¤itti. Çocuklar yabanc› hocalardan lisan a¤›rl›kl› ders gördüler, bilfiil tatbiki mutfaklarda ve tatbiki servislerde çal›flt›lar, tam anlam›yla yetifltiler. Çok
baflar›l› bir sistemdi. Buradan mezun olan ö¤renciler
halen üst düzey yönetici s›fat›yla önemli otellerimizi
Peki ne gibi zorluklarla karfl›laflt›n›z?
Bir örnek, bu konuda aç›klay›c› olacakt›r. OTEM’in
aç›l›fl›, Baflbakan Turgut Özal’›n da kat›l›m›yla gerçeklefltirilecekti. 300 kiflilik bir davet verecektik.
1987 y›l›n›n Kas›m ay›ndayd›k. Antalya’da bu aç›l›fl
davetini verecek otel bulamad›k! Oteller k›fl›n çal›flam›yordu. O zamanlar ben ‹stanbul’da Divan Otel’in
genel müdürüydüm. Bu otel ‹stanbul’dan t›rlarla, so¤uk teçhizatl› arabalarla Antalya’ya gitti ve zor flartlar
alt›nda aç›l›fl› gerçeklefltirdi. Bugün Antalya’da, binlerce yatak, binlerce personel, muazzam hizmet ve
servis var. Bunun temelini TUGEV atm›flt›r.
TUGEV, OTEM’i befl y›l süreyle iflletti. Daha sonra
e¤itimcilerin e¤itimi ve üniversitelerde sertifika
programlar› düzenlendi. Bütün bunlar› dar bütçesiyle baflarmaya çal›flt›. Bu konular hakk›ndaki düflünceleriniz nelerdir?
E¤itim parayla olur ama e¤itimi veren para kazanamaz. Çok cüzi bir para karfl›l›¤›, befl y›l boyunca e¤itim verdik ama finansal gücümüz bunu sürdürmeye
yetmedi. Almam›z gereken deste¤i gerek devlet, gerekse sektör baz›nda alamad›k. Konuyu Turizm Bankas› ile görüflerek okulu onlara devrettik ve yüzde 30
hisseli bir ortak olarak bir süre daha devam ettik. Ard›ndan Turizm Bankas› kapan›nca, konu da kendili¤inden sona erdi.
Her y›l yap›lan TUGEV Mütevelli Heyeti toplant›lar›n› takiben turizm forumlar› düzenlendi. Bu toplant›lar›n büyük bir yank› oluflturdu¤u do¤ru mudur?
TUGEV o zamanlar fevkalade aktif bir çal›flma
içineydi. Bir yandan e¤itime büyük a¤›rl›k verirken di¤er yandan da ikinci aya¤› olan turizmin
geliflmesinde büyük katk› sa¤lamaya çal›flt›.
Bu imkan TUGEV’de vard› çünkü TUGEV bünyesinde sektörün her biriminden baflkanlar› ve
yöneticileri bar›nd›r›yordu. TUGEV, Türk turizminin adeta bir flemsiyesi gibiydi. Dolay›s›yla bakanl›k bünyesinde de çok
büyük alaka ve itibar görmüfltü. TUGEV, bu özelli¤inden istifade ederek çok güzel senelik
forumlar düzenledi. Bu forumlarda Türk turizminin nerden
nereye geldi¤i tart›fl›l›r, bir durum muhakemesi, bir harekat
plan›, bir perspektif belirlenirdi. Tavsiye kararlar› al›n›r,
We first began training instructors. The instructors at
tourism vocational high schools were trained and
taken to Europe to visit hotels. These teachers
trained hundreds of students over the course of
many years. The students were given language lessons by native speakers; they received on-the-job
training working in the kitchen or in service areas. It
was a very successful system. Students who graduated from this school are currently the senior executives of some of the largest hotels in Turkey.
What obstacles did you face?
One example is sufficient to illustrate the kinds of
obstacles we faced. OTEM was inaugurated by Prime
Minister Turgut Özal. We were going to hold a reception for 300 people. It was November 1987, and we
couldn’t find a hotel to host this event because the
hotels were closed during winter. At that time I was
the General Manager of the Divan Hotel, and catering from the Divan Hotel ‹stanbul was trucked to
Antalya in refrigerated trucks. Today, there are thousands of hotels, thousands of staff and beds. And
the foundation of this success was laid by TUGEV.
TUGEV operated OTEM for five years. Then in conjunction with universities teachers were trained
and certificate programs began being offered. All
this was achieved on a very tight budget. What
would you like to share with us regarding these
Education may not be free, but the educators
shouldn’t make money. We provided training with a
very limited amount of money for five years, however our financial resources weren’t sufficient to continue this education. We couldn’t secure financial
support from either the state or the private sector.
We then transferred the management of the school
to the Tourism Bank with a shareholding of 30%.
When the Tourism Bank was later closed, this
naturally became a mute point.
Forums on tourism were organized following
TUGEV’s annual board meetings. Is it true
that these meetings have had a significant
This was an exceptionally active period for
TUGEV. While it focused on education
on one hand, on the other it continued providing considerable
support to the development of
tourism. TUGEV was able to do
both because within the foundation there were active chairmen
and managers from every level.
TUGEV was like an umbrella
organization for the whole of
Turkish tourism. Therefore, it
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raporlar haz›rlan›rd›. Bütün sektör, bu forumlar› yak›ndan takip
1997 y›l›nda tan›tma ve pazarlama çal›flmalar›na bafllayan vak›f
etkinliklerine yeni bir boyut getirdi. TUGEV bünyesindeki ICVB’nin
baflar› flans›n› nas›l de¤erlendiriyorsunuz?
TUGEV’in kuruluflundaki ana fikir,
insan gücünü e¤itmekti. Ancak
Türk turizminin çok daha büyük
hamlelere, çok daha büyük gelirlere ihtiyac› vard› ve bunun için
imkan› da vard›. TUGEV bu konuyu da araflt›rd›, forumlarda tart›flt› ve son derece bakir bir saha
keflfedildi: Kongre turizmi. Dünyada bafllay›p geliflmifl olan bu sisteme Türkiye 40-43 sene sonra
TUGEV marifetiyle girdi. TUGEV kongre turizminin kurucular›ndan, dünyada bu turizm dal›n› ortaya ç›karan büyük üstad›, Avustralyal› David Hall’ü Türkiye’ye getirdi. Hall, bizlere dünya pazar›na nas›l girilece¤inin e¤itimini verdi. Kendisini Türkiye’de benimsedik, birlikte çal›flarak ondan çok fley ö¤rendik
ve TUGEV bu suretle ICVB’yi kurdu. S›f›rdan, hatta
çok gerilerden bafllad›¤›m›z bu alanda 10 sene içinde muazzam bir geliflme gösterildi. ICVB’nin TUGEV’in flemsiyesi alt›ndaki çok büyük baflar›s›n› ibret ve takdirle izliyoruz. Rakamlar 盤 gibi büyüdü.
ICVB’nin bu alandaki en önemli avantajlar›ndan biri,
TUGEV ile olan ifl birli¤iydi. Kar amac› gütmeyen bir
müessese olan TUGEV ve ICVB’nin iliflkisi, bir difllinin çarklar›n›n birbirlerine uymas›n›n en güzel örne¤ini verdi. Bugün ICVB kadrosu, uluslararas› kongre
turizminin yönetim kurumlar›na girdi. Bir Türk insan›n›n dünya kongre turizmi örgütünün yönetim kurulu
üyesi olmas›, Türkiye’yi ve ‹stanbul’u fevkalade
onurland›ran bir hadisedir. Kamu ve özel kurumlar
TUGEV ve ICVB ile olmas› gereken tarzda bir koordinasyona sahip olabildi¤i ölçüde çok daha büyük baflar›lara imza at›laca¤›na inan›yorum çünkü 23 senelik TUGEV, 10 senelik ICVB bu bilgiye, bu kültüre, bu
görüfle sahip ve beynelmilel sahada ad›m ad›m ilerleyen kurumlar halini ald›lar. ICVB fevkalade mütevazi bir bütçeyle çal›flmakta, kuruflu kurufluna hesab›n› yapmakta, d›fl dünyadaki örnekleri olanlarla mukayese etti¤imizde, bu bütçeyle tüm bunlar› nas›l
baflard›klar›n› hayretler içinde izlemekteyiz. Gereken
alaka ve teflvik ile ‹stanbul dünya kongre turizminde
ilk 10’a çok rahat oynayabilecek güce ve potansiyele sahip olacakt›r. ‹kinci 10 y›l›n çok daha önemli baflar›lara sahne olaca¤›na inan›yorum.
was given considerable consideration and respect by the Ministry of
Tourism. With this kind of support,
TUGEV was able to organize very
productive forums annually. In
these forums, the progress of
Turkish tourism was discussed, a
plan of action, and a perspective
was determined, and a general
assessment and subsequent recommendations and reports were
presented. The sector followed
these forums closely.
Having begun its promotion and
marketing campaign in 1997, the
foundation added a new dimension
to its activities. How would you
evaluate ICVB’s success within
The basic idea behind the establishment of TUGEV was to train personnel. However,
Turkish tourism needed to further develop and generate greater revenue, which it had the potential to
do. TUGEV looked into other tourism opportunities
and as a result of discussions held at the forums, a
previously unexplored field was found: congress
tourism. TUGEV entered this arena, which over the
previous 43 years had already been developed on a
global level. TUGEV brought a well-known expert from
Australia: David Hall, who was one of the pioneers of
congress tourism, to Turkey.
Hall showed us how to enter the global market. He
quickly came to love Turkey and was well accepted
in return. We learned a great deal from him and as
a direct result of his advisory services, ICVB was created. In ten years, exceptional progress has been
achieved in an area where before Turkey had not
even been active. One of ICVB’s greatest advantages was its organic relationship with TUGEV.
Today, members ICVB’s team sit on the boards of
top international congress tourism organizations.
The fact that a Turk has become a board member for
such an organization is a source of pride for Turkey
and ‹stanbul. I believe that TUGEV and ICVB can
achieve much greater successes as long as the public and private sector work together. Because of
ICVB’s extraordinarily tight budget compared to
those of its global counterparts, it is remarkable that
this progress has been achieved at all. With the necessary support and financing, ‹stanbul can easily
take its position among the top ten international
congress destinations. I believe that in the next ten
years this foundation will sign its name to many
more significant achievements.
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Murat Dedeman:
Turizm dünyas›nda bir yolculuk
A journey through the world of tourism…
Okflan Atasoy: Müsaade ederseniz önce TUGEV diyelim ve ard›ndan e¤itim sürecinin kesiflti¤i o kavflaklardan geçip ICVB’ye gelelim. Çünkü TUGEV’in
bafllang›c› çok etkileyici... Bir kere e¤itim konusu
var. Orada baban›z var. Neler anlatmak istersiniz?
Murat Dedeman: Dedeman Grubu’nun turizme girifli
oldukça eskilere dayan›yor. ‹lk otelimizi, yani Ankara Dedeman’›, 6 Haziran 1966’da açt›k. Enteresan
bir tarih 6, 6, '66... Otel 1966’da aç›ld› ama babam›n turizme ilgi duymas› ondan çok daha önceki tarihlere dayan›yor. Hayat hikayesini anlatt›¤› kitab›na
When we follow the route tourism has taken in Turkey, we encounter many strategically important milestones that have shaped the industry in Turkey. So
we wanted to revisit these events with Murat Dedeman, the Chairman of Dedeman Holding. We traveled the landscape of Turkish tourism, found TUGEV’s
place on the tourism map, and have arrived in the
tenth year of the ‹stanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau and will talk about its outlook for the future.
Okflan Atasoy: Let's begin with TUGEV and then
we’ll come to ICVB touching on those points where we encounter the education efforts. TUGEV had
a very impressive beginning especially in the field
of tourism education and your father was involved
there. What would you like to tell us about this?
Murat Dedeman: The Dedeman Group’s involvement
in tourism goes back a long way. We opened our first
hotel, the Ankara Dedeman on June 6, 1966. This is
an interesting date: 06.06.66. The hotel was opened in 1966, but my father’s interest in tourism goes back even farther. As he mentioned his memoirs,
when he went to Izmir in 1924, he rented the man29
Turizmin yol haritas›na bakacak olursak, stratejik aç›dan dikkat çeken çok say›da “yol kavfla¤›” ç›kar karfl›m›za... Ve o kavflaklarda önemli kiflilerin, öncülük
yapt›klar› ciddi giriflimleri görürüz... ‹flte o öncü insanlardan biri olan, Dedeman Holding Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› Murat Dedeman ile turizm dünyas›n›n
ana kavflaklar›ndan bir kez daha geçmek istedik...
Önemli giriflimlerin kesiflti¤i alanlara, TUGEV’in turizm haritas›ndaki konumuna, ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu’nun onuncu y›l›na ve beklentilerin gelecek günlerine yol ald›k...
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bakt›¤›m›z zaman ‹zmir’e gitti¤i dönemde, 1924’te
Atatürk’ün efli Latife Han›m’›n Karfl›yaka’daki köflkünü kiral›yor. Kendisi o zamanlar daha 22-23 yafllar›nda... Orada, çay bahçesi yap›yor. Mesire yeri olarak
oray› kullan›yor ve çay bahçesi olarak de¤erlendiriyor. Böylece hizmet sektörüne asl›nda 1924’te girmifl oluyor.
‹kinci hamlesi olan Ankara Dedeman’›n sevdas› ise
1956 y›l›nda madencilik nedeniyle maden sat›fl› için
Amerika’ya gitti¤inde, Waldorf Astoria Otel’de kald›¤›nda bafll›yor. Orada sat›fl yapmak için görüfltü¤ü
madenci flirketi, onu orada a¤›rl›yor. O da o otelin güzelli¤ini, oradaki hizmeti, yiyecek, içecek servisini görünce, “Türkiyemizde niye böyle bir fley yok” diye üzülüyor. Hele Ankara’da, özellikle yok o zaman. Sonunda k›smet, bildi¤imiz Ankara Dedeman'› kuruyor.
Tabii turizm de o zaman pek kolay de¤il. Özellikle yetiflmifl eleman bulmak hiç kolay de¤il. Ben hat›rl›yorum, gençlik dönemim, müdürümüz ‹sviçre’den gelmiflti. Aflç›bafl›m›z Rus’tu. Tabii Türkler ço¤unluktayd› ama onlar› üç dört yabanc› kifli çal›flt›r›rd›. Onlar di¤erlerini e¤itti, gelifltirdi. Türkiye’de gerçekten turizm
e¤itimi öncelikle bu tip iflletmelerin bünyesindeki, bu
ifli bilen insanlar taraf›ndan yürütülmeye baflland›.
Sonra tabii okullara, üniversitelere girdi ve ard›ndan
da bildi¤imiz TUGEV’in öyküsü
Atasoy: Önemli kavflaklar›ndan bir ikincisi, orada
ç›kt› karfl›n›za...
Dedeman: Evet... As›l
önemli olan tabii, kavflak
noktas›, oras›. 1982’de
‹stanbul Dedeman’› açt›k-
sion of Atatürk’s wife, Latife Han›m. He was about
22 or 23 years old then. He opened a tea garden
there and used that tea garden as promenade area.
He actually first entered the service sector in this
way in 1924. His second step toward the opening of
the Ankara Dedeman Hotel came during his stay in
the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, when he went to United
States for a mining sale in 1956. The mining company he visited for the sale put him up at that hotel.
Struck by the beauty of the hotel and its exquisite
service and dining, he said to himself, “Why don’t
we have anything like this in Turkey?” There wasn’t
any place like that then, especially in Ankara. And
then he opened Ankara Dedeman.
Tourism wasn’t very easy back then particularly due
to the lack of qualified staff. I remember that the manager of the hotel was brought from Switzerland and
our head chef was Russian. Turkish staff was in the
majority, but the management was foreign. These
people trained and developed more staff. Tourism
education in Turkey really began with the professionals who worked in these kinds of establishments.
Then this kind of education began to be offered at
schools, universities and eventually, as we have heard, the story of TUGEV began.
Atasoy: You reached another important milestone
Dedeman: Yes... that was a major crossroads. After
we opened ‹stanbul Dedeman in 1982, we moved
our head office to ‹stanbul. The Law for the Promotion of Tourism was enacted in order to stimulate tourism. Since staff education was major problem, the
Minister of Tourism at the time, the leaders of the
tourism industry and businessmen wanted to deal
with this issue and thus TUGEV was created. TUGEV’s first task was to focus on education. Among
its founders were my late father Mehmet Kemal Dedeman, Vehbi Koç, the leading businessmen of the
time and the authorities at the Ministry of Tourism.
TUGEV’s first achievement was the opening of the
school in Kemer.
Atasoy: That was a key moment too, wasn’t it?
Dedeman: Yes, it was. I would like to thank those
who volunteered their knowledge and services to TUGEV, the founders, managers and our elders, especially Mr. Y›lmaz Tecmen and Mr. Orhan Bafldo¤an.
The foundation was instrumental in the development
of tourism through tourism education and capacity
Atasoy: A new era began with the establishment
of ICVB under the TUGEV umbrella. You were involved in this as well. When looking at ICVB,
what can you tell us from your point of view?
Dedeman: ICVB is a non-profit, internationally ori-
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tan sonra bizler de zaten flirket merkezini ve kendi ifllerimizi a¤›rl›kl› olarak ‹stanbul’a tafl›d›k. ‹stanbul’da
o dönemde, turizmi teflvik için 2634 Say›l› Turizm Endüstrisini Teflvik Kanunu da ç›km›flt›. E¤itimsiz personel gerçekten ciddi bir problemdi. Bunu öngören o
zaman›n Turizm Bakan›'m›z olsun, ifl adamlar› olsun,
turizmin ileri gelenleri, bu konuya el atmak istediler
ve TUGEV böylece do¤du. Turizm Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf›’n›n ilk yapt›¤›, tabii ilk e¤itime yönelmek oldu. Bu kurucular aras›nda, ne mutlu ki bize, rahmetli babam Mehmet Kemal Dedeman da vard›. Vehbi
Koç vard›, dönemin birçok önde gelen ifladam› ve Turizm Bakanl›¤› yetkilileri, kurucular olarak buna baflland› ve ilk olarak da e¤itime el at›ld›. E¤itime el at›ld›¤› zaman da Antalya Kemer’deki E¤itim Merkezi kuruldu.
Atasoy: O da bir kavflak, de¤il mi?
Dedeman: Evet o da bir kavflak ama, tabii sonras›nda otel, sadece bir otel olarak günümüze kadar gelmifl oldu. Gerçekten ben bu kuruculara, ondan sonra da, onu yöneten arkadafllar›m›za, büyüklerimize
özellikle Y›lmaz Tecmen Bey’e, Orhan Bafldo¤an
Bey’e, bütün hepsine teflekkür ediyorum. Vak›f e¤itimin yan›nda, turizmin gelifltirilmesi konusunda da
yer ald›. Ad› da bunu söylüyor zaten.
Atasoy: Ard›ndan ICVB'nin bu çat› alt›nda devreye
girmesi ile yeni bir faaliyet bafll›yor... Ve siz de oradas›n›z. ICVB'ye bak›nca, sizin pencereniz neler
Dedeman: ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu, uluslararas› ve herhangi kar amac› gütmeyen bir kurulufl.
Özellikle flehirlere dönük ve o flehirlerin ticaret odalar›n›n, belediyesinin, yerel yönetiminin sahip ç›kt›¤›,
o flehri gelifltirmek için, kongreleri ve di¤er turizm hareketlerini oraya çekebilmek ve flehrin tan›t›m›n› yapabilmek için zaman›nda yurtd›fl›nda oluflturulmufl
bir kurulufl. Ve tabii, ‹stanbul’da ve Türkiye’de bu
yoktu. Bunun ilk örne¤i olarak da TUGEV'in bünyesinde ICVB’nin kurucusu olduk. Gerçekten ‹stanbul, bugün bir kongre merkezi haline geldi. Turist say›s› üçdört y›l öncesinin 2,5-3 milyonundan, bugün 6,5 milyona ç›kt›. ‹stanbul'un 2010 Kültür Baflkenti olmas›yla turist say›s›n›n 10 milyon kifliye ulaflmas›n› bekliyoruz. Bunun büyük bir ço¤unlu¤u da kongre ve di¤er ticari anlaml› ziyaretçilerden olufluyor. Turist tabii ki çok önemli, ama turistin b›rakt›¤›, kifli bafl› gelirle bir kongre ziyaretçisinin b›rakt›¤› kifli bafl› gelir mukayese edilir gibi de¤il. En az üç-dört misli daha fazla para b›rak›yor onlar. Dolay›s›yla, ‹stanbul’da kongre merkezi olduysa ve gelifliyorsa, yeni yeni yerlere
ihtiyaç varsa, bunda da bir mensubu olarak ICVB’nin
çok büyük bir katk›s› oldu¤una inan›yorum. ICVB’de
görev alan, emek harcayan tüm arkadafllar›m›za büyük teflekkür ediyorum.
ented body supported by the local administration,
the municipality and the Chamber of Commerce
(ITO). Convention & Visitors Bureaux are bodies established around the world by cities’ chambers of
commerce, municipal governments and local authorities to promote congress and other tourism in those cities and to market those cities. We didn’t have
anything like this in ‹stanbul or in Turkey. We set up
the first organization of this kind in Turkey when we
established ICVB under the umbrella of TUGEV. ‹stanbul today has truly become a congress destination. The number of tourists has increased from the
2.5 – 3 million visitors of four years ago to 6.5 million today. We estimate that the number of tourist will
reach 10 million as a result of ‹stanbul being named
a European Capital of Culture for 2010. The majority
of this figure will consist of congress participants
and other commercial visitors. Leisure tourists are
without a doubt very important, but the per capita income generated by leisure tourists and by congress
participants are simply not even in the same league. People who come for conventions spend at least
four to five times more than ordinary tourists.
Therefore, as a member, I believe that ICVB played
a key role in the fact that ‹stanbul has developed as
a congress center. I would like to thank the colleagues who work at ICVB and have dedicated themselves
to making it what it is today.
Atasoy: TUGEV is focused on education and development. Can you define the driving mission behind
Dedeman: If we go back to TUGEV’s founding, we’ll
see that at that time there was not a proper convention center in ‹stanbul. When a congress was organized, we had some crucial problems like where that
congress would take place, how many participants it
would have, and the maximum number participants
we could host. As you know, the Lütfi K›rdar Sports
and Exhibition Hall, where basketball matches and
other sporting events were once held, changed the
dynamics of the city. It was converted into a convention center and its name was changed to Lütfi K›rdar
Convention & Exhibition Center. For this, I would like
to thank the ‹stanbul Municipality, the authorities at
the Ministry of Tourism and Mr. Baflaran Ulusoy, the
Chairman of TÜRSAB, the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies, all of whom played key roles in this
Atasoy: How do you see the existence of ICVB and
the process of its development in this field?
Dedeman: ICVB is focused on the city, its name says
it all: ‹stanbul. But many other parts of Turkey also
possess areas of exceptional historical and natural
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Atasoy: TUGEV'de e¤itim ve geliflim ö¤eleri var.
ICVB'ye bak›nca, oradaki inisiyatifi, sizin aç›n›zdan
dikkate al›nmas› gereken itici gücü tan›mlar m›s›n›z?
Dedeman: fiimdi asl›nda tabii geriye gidersek, TUGEV kuruldu¤unda, o tarihlerde, henüz ‹stanbul’da
do¤ru dürüst bir kongre merkezi yoktu. Ciddi bir kongre yap›laca¤› zaman, bu toplant› nerede yap›lacak,
kaç kiflilik bir toplant› olacak, en büyük kaç kifli alabiliriz diye çok ciddi sorunlar vard›. Bildi¤iniz üzere,
eskiden spor ve basketbol maçlar›n›n oynand›¤› Lütfi K›rdar Spor ve Sergi Saray› çok güzel bir projeyle ‹stanbul’a yepyeni bir hayat, yepyeni bir can katt›. Çehresini de¤ifltirdi ve kongre merkezi haline dönüfltürüldü. Bunu, eme¤i geçen Büyükflehir Belediyesi olsun,
Turizm Bakanl›¤› yetkilileri olsun, bilfiil bu eme¤in bugün gerçekleflmesine çok büyük katk›s› olan o zaman da TÜRSAB’›n Baflkan› olan Say›n Baflaran Ulusoy’a burada teflekkür etmek istiyorum.
Atasoy: ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu'nun
varl›¤› ile bu alandaki geliflim sürecini nas›l görüyorsunuz? TUGEV’in çat›s› alt›nda böyle bir iktisadi iflletme olarak ICVB'nin bugününü ve yar›n›n› önümüze koyarsak...
Dedeman: ICVB flehirlere dönük bir konu, ad› üstünde ‹stanbul. ‹stanbul’a dönük. Ama tabii Türkiye’yi
düflündü¤ünüz zaman Türkiye’nin bütün köfleleri inan›lmaz tarihi ve do¤al güzelliklere sahip. Dolay›s›yla
bir tek ‹stanbul’un Türkiye’de turizm merkezi olarak
yeterli olmad›¤› kan›s›nday›m. Asl›nda hem Antalya’n›n, hem Kapadokya’n›n da bölge olarak birer kongre merkezi haline getirilmesi laz›m. ‹stanbul gibi mesela, Antalya’da ve Kapadokya’da birer kongre ve ziyaretçi bürosu kurulmas› laz›m. Onun için belki burada ICVB’nin bu ifli ele al›p, önce ‹stanbul Kongre ve
Ziyaretçi Bürosu gibi, Kapadokya Kongre ve Ziyaretçi
Bürosu'nu kurmal›. Ayn› fley Antalya için de geçerli.
Dolay›s›yla ICVB’ye düflen daha çok görev var, yapaca¤› çok ifl var.
Atasoy: Sizin burada, ileri vizyonlu bir insan oldu¤unuz görünüyor...
Dedeman: Bunlar tabii asl›nda babam›n öngörüleriydi.
Biz Dedeman ‹stanbul’un oldu¤u bu arsay› sat›n ald›¤›m›zda, y›l 1974, K›br›s Bar›fl Harekat›'ndan birkaç
gün evvel. Tesadüf tarih öyle denk gelmiflti. Bugün ‹stanbul’un Kongre Vadisi'ni saymazsak, flimdi ikinci
merkezi. ‹flte bütün ifl merkezleri, ticaret, ana güzergah, her fley bu bölgeye kaym›fl vaziyette. O zamandan
iflte, o öngörüye sahip kifli, tabii babam. Ondan ne kadar kalm›flsa, ne kapabilmiflsek, bize de ne mutlu…
Atasoy: Muhakkak kapm›fls›n›z. Muhakkak kendiniz üzerine ilave etmiflsiniz ki o yol bu flekilde devam etmifl. Bu kolay bir olay de¤il. Yolunuzun hep
aç›k ve uzun olmas›n› diliyoruz... Ve bize vakit ay›rd›¤›n›z için teflekkür ediyoruz.
For ‹stanbul to be the only congress tourism destination in Turkey is simply not sufficient. In fact, both
Antalya and the Cappadocia region should be transformed into congress destinations as well. As in ‹stanbul, convention & visitors bureaux should be established in these regions as well. So I believe that
ICVB should take the lead in opening bureaux both
in the Antalya and Cappadocia regions. There is still
plenty of work for ICVB to do and a great deal left to
be accomplished.
Atasoy: All this goes to show that you are a man of
Dedeman: They were actually my father’s visions.
We bought the land where the ‹stanbul Dedeman
stands today, coincidentally, just a few days prior to
the Cyprus Peace Operation in 1974. The date just
worked out that way. Today that district of the city
has become the second most important congress
center after what is known as the Congress Valley.
The district of the city where we bought that land in
1974 is today the hub of ‹stanbul’s commercial district and all the city’s trade passes through it – essentially, the city moved in that direction. It was my
father who had that foresight and saw the way both
the city and the world were moving. We have built on
his achievements and are continuing his vision.
Atasoy: You obviously achieved a lot yourself and
added on to your father’s accomplishments so that
your businesses have continued to grow. It was obviously not very easy. We hope that the road ahead
is smooth and long. Thank you very much for sharing your time with us.
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‹stanbul tarih, kültür ve turizm potansiyeli alt
ve üstyap›s› ile ülkemizin oldu¤u kadar dünyan›n da önemli metropollerinden birisidir. ‹stanbulumuzun 2010 y›l› Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti
seçilmifl olmas› da bunu kan›tlamaktad›r.
‹stanbul, son y›llarda birçok önemli uluslararas› organizasyona ev sahipli¤i yapmaktad›r. Kat›l›mc› say›lar›
on binlere yaklaflan uluslararas› kongreler, fuar ve toplant›lar›n yan› s›ra F1 yar›fllar›, Dünya Basketbol fiampiyonas› gibi birçok etkinlik flehrimizi seçmektedir.
‹stanbul’un bu baflar›s›nda turizm sektör kurulufllar›
ile kamu kurum ve kurulufllar›n›n iflbirli¤inin çok
önemli rolü vard›r.
Özellikle ‹stanbul’un son y›llarda Avrupa’n›n önemli
kongre ve toplant› flehirleri aras›na girmesi Turizm
Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf› taraf›ndan, kar amac› gütmeyen tarafs›z bir tan›t›m örgütü olarak kurulan
ICVB’nin baflar›s›d›r. ICVB, ‹stanbul ad›na gerçeklefltirdi¤i etkin tan›tma ve pazarlama aktiviteleri ile birçok uluslararas› kongrenin flehrimize kazand›r›lmas›n› sa¤lam›flt›r. Biz de ‹stanbul Valili¤i olarak, flehrimizin ev sahipli¤i yapt›¤› tüm kongreler için koordinasyon toplant›lar› düzenlemekte ve organizatörlerin ve
kat›l›mc›lar›n flehrimizden memnun ayr›lmalar› için
gerekli gayreti göstermekteyiz.
Kongreler flehri ‹stanbul’u yaratmak üzere yola ç›km›fl olan ICVB’nin 10. y›l›n› ve turizm sektöründe e¤itim konusunda öncülük ve liderlik yapm›fl olan TUGEV’in 23. y›l›n› kutluyorum.
Cumhur Güven TAfiBAfiI
‹stanbul Vali Yard›mc›s›
‹stanbul is a major world metropolis
in terms of history, culture, its
tourism potential and infrastructure.
This is confirmed by the fact that
‹stanbul was chosen as the 2010 European Capital
of Culture. ‹stanbul has hosted many significant
international events in recent years. ‹stanbul has
been chosen as the destination for international congresses, fairs and conventions, with participants
numbering in the tens of thousands, and selected to
host numerous sporting events, including Formula 1
and the World Basketball Championships.
The efforts and cooperation between tourism organizations and public bodies played a key role in ‹stanbul’s success. The fact that ‹stanbul has taken a
position among the leading congress and convention
centers of Europe is due to the efforts of the
Tourism Development and Education Foundation
(TUGEV) and ICVB, founded as a non-profit promotional organization. With its effective marketing and
promotional activities, ICVB has attracted many
international congresses to ‹stanbul. As the ‹stanbul
Governorate, we hold coordination meetings for all
the conventions that ‹stanbul hosts and do our best
to ensure that both the organizers and participants
leave ‹stanbul satisfied. I offer my commendations
on the 10th anniversary of ICVB, which set itself the
mission of transforming ‹stanbul into a leading congress city, and the 23rd anniversary of TUGEV, a pioneer and leader in education in the tourism sector.
Cumhur Güven Taflbafl›
Assistant Governor of ‹stanbul
Türkiye’nin turizm stratejisi, turizm sektöründe kamu ve özel sektörün iflbirli¤i,
kat›l›mc› planlama anlay›fl› ve en önemlisi yerel yönetimlerin turizm aç›s›ndan
kent için bir vizyon gelifltirmesi ile oluflturulmal›d›r. Turizm Atölyesi, ‹stanbul Büyükflehir Belediyesi Baflkan›
Say›n Kadir Topbafl’›n direktifiyle kurulmufltur. ‹stanbul Büyükflehir Belediyesi’nde, turizm alan›nda kurulan ilk birimdir. Stratejik planlama aç›s›ndan turizm,
hem ülkemiz hem de ‹stanbul için ilk s›ralarda yer almaktad›r. Sektör temsilcileri, kamu kurumlar›, uzmanlar, sivil toplum örgütleri ile oluflturdu¤umuz “Turizm
Platformu” kenti markalaflt›rma, dünyada rekabetin
zorlaflt›¤› turizm sektöründe ‹stanbul’u üst s›ralara tafl›may› hedeflemektedir. Türkiye’de bu anlamda gerçeklefltirilen baflar›l› bir yerel kalk›nma modeli olma niteli¤ini tafl›maktad›r. Bu hedefleri gerçeklefltirirken TUGEV‘in varl›¤› ve çal›flmalar›, hem bizim için hem de turizm sektörü için de¤er tafl›maktad›r. 23. y›l›nda Turizm Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf›, Turizm sektörünün
geliflimi konusundaki vizyonu ile büyük bir eksi¤i doldurmaktad›r. Özellikle e¤itim konusundaki sistematik çal›flmalar›, sektörde kalite anlam›nda bir yenilik
getirmifltir. TUGEV hedefledi¤imiz dünya kenti ‹stanbul için temel sorunlardan biri olan nitelikli personel
ve turizm e¤itimi konusunda öncülük yapmaktad›r.
Kongre turizmi aç›s›ndan ‹stanbul turizmine potansiyel yeni alanlar yaratma ve var olan alanlar› gelifltirerek ekonomik getiri sa¤lanmas› amac›yla yap›lan çal›flmalar, Turizm Gelifltirme ve E¤itim Vakf›’n›n turizme de¤erli katk›lar›d›r. TUGEV, bünyesinde turizm
sektörünün yan›nda kamu kurumlar›, sivil toplum kurulufllar›, uzmanlar› bir araya getirmifl ve 23 y›ld›r baflar›yla çal›flmalar›na devam etmektedir. TUGEV‘in
dünya ülkelerinde h›zla geliflen bir alan olan kongre
turizmi konusunda gösterdi¤i hassasiyet, bugün gelinen noktada ICVB’nin 10 y›ll›k çal›flmalar› ile görülmektedir. Gerek 23. y›l›n› kutlayan TUGEV’i ve gerekse bünyesindeki iktisadi iflletme olarak yer alan
ICVB’nin 10. kurulufl y›ldönümünü kutluyorum. fiunu
önemle belirtmek isterim ki TUGEV ve ICVB, baflta
sektör duayenleri olmak üzere, kadrolar›n›n ciddi, donan›ml›, duyarl› olmalar›ndan dolay› bu baflar› modelini oluflturmufltur. Bu vesile ile destek ve yard›mlar›m›z ile yan›n›zda oldu¤umuzu belirtmek isterim.
‹BB Baflkan Dan›flman›
‹stanbul Turizm Atölyesi Koordinatörü
Turkey’s tourism strategy should be based
on the cooperation and coordination of the
public and private sectors, a participatory
planning model, and most of all vision
regarding tourism developed by local administrations for their cities. The Tourism Workshop was created on the directive of Mr. Kadir Topbafl, the mayor
of the Greater ‹stanbul Metropolitan Municipality. It
is the first tourism sector body that the Greater
‹stanbul Metropolitan Municipality established. In
terms of strategic planning, numbers among the first
rank for both Turkey and ‹stanbul. The “Tourism
Platform”, which we created in cooperation with sector representatives, public organizations, experts
and non-governmental organizations, aims at building the ‹stanbul brand and carrying ‹stanbul to the
top ranks of the increasingly competitive tourism
sector. TUGEV has made great progress toward this
goal, and its achievements are of value both for us
and the tourism sector. In its 23rd year, TUGEV fills
a large gap in tourism with its vision in regards to the
development of the sector. Its systematic efforts,
especially in education, brought about a revolution in
quality in the sector. TUGEV is addressing one of the
fundamental needs required for our vision of making
‹stanbul a world-class city: qualified personnel and
tourism education. TUGEV’s most valuable contributions are its efforts to create potential new business
areas and expand existing areas of congress
tourism, generating important economic benefits.
TUGEV has brought together not only the tourism
sector but also public bodies, NGOs and experts and
has done this successfully for 23 years recording
many major achievements. I congratulate both
TUGEV, which celebrated its 23rd anniversary, and
its subsidiary ICVB on its 10th anniversary. I would
like to stress that TUGEV and ICVB have created this
successful model thanks to the involvement first
and foremost of leaders from the tourism industry as
well as committed, experienced and culturally aware
staff. I would also like to take this opportunity to
emphasize that the Greater ‹stanbul Metropolitan
Municipality is committed to standing by TUGEV and
ICVB, offering every support and assistance.
Tülin Ersöz
Advisor to the Mayor Greater ‹stanbul Metropolitan
Municipality Tourism Workshop Coordinator
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Türkiye turizminin h›zl› geliflim sürecine girdi¤i
ve sektörde e¤itilmifl personel ihtiyac›n›n
h›zla artt›¤› bir dönemde, 1984 y›l›nda kurulan TUGEV’in, çeflitli faaliyetleri aras›nda özellikle e¤itim önplana ç›kan etkinlik alan› olmufltur.
Daha sonraki y›llarda kongre turizmi alan›ndaki
çal›flmalar da TUGEV’in ifllevleri aras›nda önemli bir
konu olarak yer alm›flt›r. E¤itim, sektörümüzün temel
ihtiyac›n› karfl›layan, kongre turizmi ise ülkemiz turizmi aç›s›ndan kültür, sa¤l›k, özel ilgi gibi turizm türleri
ile birlikte büyük geliflim potansiyeli gösteren öncelikli faaliyet alanlar›d›r.
TUGEV çeflitli faaliyetlerinin yan› s›ra Antalya,
Kemer’de, OTEM E¤itim Merkezi’nde ö¤renci ve
e¤itici yetifltirilmesi, üniversitelerle iflbirli¤i içinde sertifika programlar›, kurslar gerçeklefltirilmesi, YÖK ve
MEB’e dan›flmanl›k gibi alanlardaki hizmetleri ile turizm e¤itimine katk›da bulunmufltur. TUGEV ayr›ca,
dokümantasyon merkezi, bilgi ve veri kaynaklar›,
yay›n çal›flmalar› ile de, gerek akademisyenlere,
gerekse turizm sektörü mensuplar›na de¤erli
hizmetler vermifltir.
TUGEV’in 23’üncü y›l›n› içtenlikle kutluyor; kurucular›n› ve baflar›l› hizmetlerine katk›da bulunan herkesi
flükranla anarak en iyi dileklerimi sunuyorum.
Baflaran ULUSOY
Türkiye Seyahat Acentalar› Birli¤i
Founded in 1984, a time when
Turkish tourism entered a period of
accelerated development bringing
about a greater need for educated
staff, education has always been one of TUGEV’s
major areas of focus. In subsequent years, congress
tourism became another important area of operations for TUGEV. Education is a must and meets one
of the major needs of our sector, and congress
tourism is another area which, like other kinds of
tourism such as cultural, healthcare and special
interest tourism, offers great potential for development.
TUGEV made considerable contributions by training
students and educators at the OTEM Training Center
in Kemer, Antalya, through its certificate programs
and courses in cooperation with universities, consultancy services for the Higher Education Council and
the Ministry of Education in addition to its other
activities. It also provided valuable services to members of the tourism sector and academics with its
documentation center, statistical data and recordkeeping and publications. I offer my heart-felt congratulation to TUGEV on its 23rd anniversary and
give my best wishes to its founders and to all those
who contributed to its success.
Baflaran ULUSOY
Chairman of the Board
The Association of Turkish Travel Agencies
TUGEV’in 23’ncü, ICVB’nin 10’ncu kurulufl y›ldönümünü, flahs›m, Yönetim
Kurulum ve sektörüm ad›na kutlar ve
baflar›lar›n›n devam›n› dilerim. TUGEV;
Türk turizmini ve otelcili¤i gelifltirmek, yaflatmak, e¤itimine a¤›rl›k vermek, güncel hadiseleri takip edip,
hemen Türkiye’ye uyarlamak için kurulmufltur. Gayet
iyi niyetlerle ve sadece otelcilerin deste¤i ile yap›lanan TUGEV, kar amac› gütmeyen, tamamen Türkiye,
kamu ve sektör yarar›na kurulmufl bir vak›ft›r. Kuruluflundan bu yana da, birçok ilke imza atm›flt›r. Örne¤in; Antalya - Kemer’de bulunan OTEM E¤itim Merkezi’nde, bilgiyle donat›lm›fl e¤itimli ö¤renci ve e¤itici
yetifltirmifltir. Daha sonra Bo¤aziçi Üniversitesi’nde
e¤itimlere devam etmifltir. Türkiye’nin ilk turizm kütüphanesini kuran TUGEV, turizm okuyan gençlerin
bu kitaplardan yararlanmas›na imkan sa¤lam›flt›r. Ayn› zamanda TUGEV, Türk turizminde bir ilke daha imza atarak ICVB’yi kurmufl, dünyadaki benzer birliklerle uluslararas› düzeyde temsil hakk›n› da alm›flt›r.
Bugün ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu (ICVB),
kentimizin ve ülkemizin; kamu ve özel sektör katk›lar›yla çal›flan, kongreleri ülkemize kazand›ran “destinasyon marketing” örgütüdür. Asl›nda, TUGEV ülkemiz ve sektörümüz ad›na, çok daha fazla ifller yapabilecek kapasitesedir. Ancak, vak›flar›n veya derneklerin yaflamas› için devaml› akan gelirleri olmal›d›r.
Önümüzdeki günlerde Kültür ve Turizm Bakanl›¤›m›z
baflta olmak üzere kamu ve özel sektörün, TUGEV ve
ICVB’nin çal›flmalar›na daha yo¤un katk› sa¤layacaklar›n› düflünmekteyiz. E¤er gerekli destek ve kaynak
sa¤lan›rsa; TUGEV ve ICVB’nin Türk turizminin parlayan y›ld›z› olaca¤›n› herkes görecektir. ICVB’nin çok
k›s›tl› imkanlarla yapt›¤› çal›flmalar, flehrimize ve ülkemize çok büyük kongreler kazand›rm›flt›r ve kazand›rmaktad›r. E¤er bugün, 2010 Avrupa Kültür Baflkenti olan ‹stanbul’a, 10 milyon turist hedefliyorsak,
bunda TUGEV’in ve ICVB’nin çok büyük katk›s› vard›r.
Mesela, aç›lmas› düflünülen Sütlüce Kongre Merkezi
gibi merkezlerin gelirlerinin çok küçük bir k›sm› dahi,
TUGEV ve ICVB’ye aktar›lsa; daha etkin sat›fl ve pazarlama faaliyetleri ile ülkemize daha fazla uluslararas› kongreler kazand›r›l›rken, di¤er taraftan e¤itime
de önem verilerek, sektöre gençler yetifltirebilirler.
Timur Bay›nd›r
Turistik Otelciler, ‹flletmeciler ve
Yat›r›mc›lar Birli¤i (TUROB) Baflkan›
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On the behalf of my board of directors and the
entire sector, I congratulate TUGEV on its 23rd
and ICVB on its 10th anniversary and offer my
best wishes for their continued success.
TUGEV was founded in order to develop Turkish tourism
and the hotel industry, to perpetuate it, and to focus on
education. TUGEV is a non-profit foundation created to
serve the common good and for the most part solely
through the support of hotel operators. It has broken
much new ground since its founding. For instance, it
trained and educated students and professional educators at the OTEM Education Center in Kemer, Antalya.
The foundation later continued its education project at
Bo¤aziçi University. By establishing the first tourism
library in Turkey, TUGEV made it possible for students of
tourism to benefit from these books. In addition, by
establishing ICVB, TUGEV laid claim to another first in
Turkish tourism and earned the right to represent ‹stanbul on an equal footing with other international destination marketing organizations. Today, ICVB is an organization whose focus is destination marketing, attracting
international congresses to ‹stanbul with public and private sector support. TUGEV has the capacity to achieve
many more and greater things on behalf of Turkey and
the sector. However, foundations and NGOs must be
provided with secure ongoing sources of financing. We
believe that both the public and private sector will provide more support for the achievements of TUGEV and
ICVB. When the necessary support and resources are
provided, everyone will see that TUGEV and ICVB are the
bright stars of Turkish tourism. What ICVB has been
able to achieve with very limited resources brought and
is continuing to bring many major international conventions to ‹stanbul and Turkey. If today we are targeting
bringing 10 million visitors to ‹stanbul, the 2010
European Capital of Culture, TUGEV and ICVB take a
great deal of the credit. However, if only a small percentage of the revenue generated by planned congress centers like the Sütlüce Convention Center were earmarked
for them, TUGEV and ICVB will be able to carry out even
more effective sales and marketing. Consequently,
more conventions will be organized in ‹stanbul while
simultaneously more educated staff will be provided to
the sector through efficient education programs.
Timur Bay›nd›r
Chairman of the Board
TUROB, The Touristic Hotels and Investors
Association Turkey
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2008 DÜNYA
Y›l 2000. Türkiye Hemofili Derne¤i olarak,
Dünya Hemofili Federasyonu taraf›ndan 2004
y›l›nda organize edilecek olan 26. Dünya Hemofili Kongresi’ne ev sahipli¤i yapmak istiyorduk. Derne¤imizin, dernek gönüllülerinin ve karfl›l›ks›z
say›labilecek bir bedelle destek veren Paragon Turizm’in olanaklar›n› ola¤anüstü boyutlarda kulland›k.
Bize göre mükemmel say›labilecek bir projeydi. Maalesef 76 üye ülke delegelerinin kat›ld›¤› genel kurul, 4
aday flehir aras›nda 17 oy vererek bizim yeterli olmad›¤›m›z karar›na vard›. Bu hayal k›r›kl›¤›, 2006 y›l›nda
yap›lacak 27. Dünya Hemofili Kongresi için ev sahibi
olma talebimizi akamete u¤ratm›flt›. Ancak arzumuz
devam ediyordu.
S›rada 2008 y›l›nda yap›lacak olan dünya kongresi vard›. Aday olman›n getirece¤i maddi ve manevi yük bizi
korkutuyordu ve bu yükü yaln›z bafl›m›za bir daha yüklenmek istemiyorduk. Nas›l olduysa, 2003 y›l›n›n sonuna do¤ru devreye ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu - ICVB girdi. Üç güzide han›mefendi (Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Handan Boyce ve Nihan Esen) ve bir beyefendi
(Dr. Özen Dall›) bizi yüreklendirdiler, projemizi sahiplendiler. Adayl›k baflvurusu dolmadan ülkemizin hemofili alan›ndaki ulusal derne¤i olan Türkiye Hemofili Derne¤i olarak adayl›k baflvurusunda bulunduk. Sonras›nda pek çok ifl… Dosyalar, teftifller, destek aray›fllar›,
üyelerin haz›rlanmas›, giderlerini karfl›lamak için giriflimler, ziyaretler ve daha neler neler… Ve sonunda di¤er aday flehirler elendikten sonra ‹talya’n›n Milano
flehri ile yar›flmak için, 23 Ekim 2004’te Bangkok’ta
yap›lan WFH Genel Kurulu’nda görücüye ç›kmak… Günün sonunda 37’ye karfl› 38 oyla 1-5 Haziran 2008 tarihleri aras›nda ‹stanbul’da 28. Dünya Hemofili Kongresi’ne ev sahibi olabilmeyi hak etmek. Tebrikler…
Mutluluk göz yafllar› ve kucaklaflmalar…
ICVB’yi unutmak olas› m›? Tüm imkanlar›n› kullanarak
adayl›¤›m›z› destekledi. Ziyaretlerin kusursuz seyrinde,
teftifllerden tam not almada, genel kurul öncesi görüflmelerde ve genel kurulda sunum yaparken hep yan›m›zdayd›lar. Birikimlerini, tecrübelerini ve dostluklar›n›
bizlerden esirgemediler. ‹yiliklerini gördü¤ümüz herkese çok teflekkür ediyor ve hep hay›rla an›yoruz.
fiimdi tüm heyecan›m›z; yüzümüzün ak›yla kongreyi
gerçeklefltirmek ve ‹stanbulumuzun ve ülkemizin bilimsel kongreler için markalaflmas›na katk›da bulunmak.
Prof. Bülent Zülfikar
Türkiye Hemofili Derne¤i Baflkan›
It is the Year 2000. As the Turkish Hemophilia Association, we wanted to host
the 26th International World Hemophilia
Congress to be organized by the World
Federation of Hemophilia in 2004. We
relied on the efforts of our association’s volunteers and
the virtually free-of-charge support of Paragon Tourism.
For us, it was a project we considered flawless. Unfortunately, the plenary committee consisting of delegates
from 76 countries who selected from among the 4 candidate cities concluded that we were not qualified to
host the congress, giving us only 17 votes. We were disappointed, and this also negatively impacted our bid to
host the 27th World Hemophilia Congress in 2006. But
our desire to host the congress remained undimmed.
The next World Congress was in 2008. We were concerned about both the financial and personal cost of candidacy and did not want to shoulder this burden alone. Towards the end of 2003, the ‹stanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau stepped forward. Three distinguished women: Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Handan Boyce and Nihan
Esen, and one gentleman, Dr. Özen Dall›, gave us encouragement by taking on this project. Before the deadline
for submissions, we as the Turkish Association of Hemophilia, we submitted our bid to be a candidate for the
World Congress. Then came all the hard work. Files, inspections, the hunt for support, preparing our members,
attempts to find financing, trips and much more. And
eventually after all the other cities had been eliminated,
we went to the WFH Plenary Committee in Bangkok on
October 23, 2004 to compete with Milan. At the end of
the day, with 38 votes to 37 votes, we were selected to
host the 28th International Congress of World Hemophilia in ‹stanbul. Congratulations… Tears of happiness
and embraces… Would it be possible to forget ICVB?
They supported our candidacy using all the means at
their disposal. They were always with us… When the visits went off perfectly, we received perfect scores from
the inspectors, during meetings prior to the Plenary
Committee and during presentations to the Plenary
Committee. They spared no effort, putting their knowledge and experience at our service and offering us their friendship and support. We are grateful to those who helped us and remember them with gratitude. Now the focus of all our efforts and excitement is on successfully
hosting the congress and contributing to building ‹stanbul and Turkey into brands for scientific congresses.
Prof. Bülent Zülfikar
Chairman of the Turkish Hemophilia Association
1998 y›l›nda Ulusal Menopoz ve Osteoporoz Derne¤i’ni ‹stanbul’da kurduk.
1993 – 1995 y›llar›nda ulusal 2000 y›l›ndan sonra da international olarak 2
y›lda bir kongre yapt›k. Menopoz’un kad›nlar için sadece s›cak basmas› terleme d›fl›ndaki risklerini, cinsel yaflam›n bozulmas›, ciltte görülen de¤ifliklikler,
kalp krizi riski ve buna ba¤l› ölümler, osteoporoz, alzheimer riskini duyurmaya çal›flt›k. 2003 y›l›nda Avrupa Menopoz Derne¤i’nin 2006 y›l›nda düzenleyece¤i
kongreye aday olmam›z gerekti¤inde yan›m›zda bir
firman›n olmas› gerekiyordu. O da henüz yoktu. ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu’nu arad›m. Elif
Balc› Fisuno¤lu ile randevulaflt›k. Bükrefl’e beraberce gittik. Avrupa kongresinde bundan önce tan›t›m
stand› aç›lm›yordu. ‹lk defa ‹stanbul ve Türkiye stand› açt›k. Eflim Semiramis ve Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu
standtan bir dakika dahi ayr›lmad›lar. ‹ngiltere, ‹talya
ve Hollanda’n›n rakip oldu¤u yar›fl› kazand›k. 2006
y›l›nda da bu güne kadar yap›lm›fl en güzel Avrupa
Menopoz Kongresi’ni ‹stanbul’da organize ettik. Bu
baflar› flahs›ma EMAS Vice President’l›¤›n› da kazand›rd›. ICVB ve Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu’yla ülkemize ve ‹stanbul’a 2010 y›l›nda Roma’da 2017 Dünya Menopoz Kongresi’ni de almaya gidece¤iz.
ICVB’nin ve Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu’nun s›cak yaklafl›m›na teflekkür ederim.
Prof. Dr. Erdo¤an Ertüngealp
Ulusal Menopoz ve Osteoporoz
Derne¤i Baflkan›
Page 39
We founded the Turkish Menopause &
Osteoporosis Association in ‹stanbul in 1998.
We organized national conventions between
1993 and 1995 and international conventions
every two years after 2000. We tried to build awareness
of the fact that for women menopause is not only about
hot flashes and cold sweats but that it also brings with
it a deterioration in sexual life, changes in skin, risk of
heart attack and related death, and increased risk of
osteoporosis and Alzheimer’s. In 2003, when we wanted to host the Congress of the European Association of
Menopause in 2006, we needed another company to
support us. But we had not yet selected such a company. I called the ‹stanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau
and made an appointment from Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu. We
went to Bucharest together. At that time, no one had
ever set up a promotional stand at the European
Congress – ‹stanbul and Turkey were the first to do so.
My wife, Semiramis, and Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu never left
the stand for a moment. We won the event in competition with England, Italy and Holland. In ‹stanbul we
organized the best European Congress of Menopause
ever. This success earned me the position of VicePresident of EMAS. We will go to Rome to win the 2017
World Menopause Congress for ‹stanbul and Turkey
with the backing of ICVB and Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu. Many
thanks to ICVB and Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu for their enthusiasm and support.
7:19 PM
Prof. Dr. Erdo¤an Ertüngealp
Chairman of the Turkish Menopause
& Osteoporosis Association
7:19 PM
Page 40
‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu’yla ile tan›flmam, 2008 Avrupa Perinatoloji Kongresi’nin ‹stanbul-Türkiye’ye kazand›r›lmas› gayretlerim esnas›nda oldu. Ticari amaç içinde
olmayan ve Türk Perinatoloji Derne¤i gibi derneklerin
gayretlerine ola¤anüstü yard›m ve destek iste¤i ve
çabas›nda olmas› beni oldukça etkilemifl ve hatta
sevindirmiflti. Çünkü yurtd›fl› çal›flmalar›mda gözledi¤im ancak Türkiye’de görmeyi özledi¤im bir kurumsal
yap›lanmay› görmek benim için güzel bir olayd›. IVCB
tüm görevlilerinin sevecen, profesyonel ve iyimser
yaklafl›mlar› bunu daha da anlaml› k›lm›flt›. Nitekim
2004 Eylül ay›nda Atina’da yap›lan Avrupa Perinatoloji Kongresi esnas›nda gerçekleflen genel kurulda
derne¤imize destek ve katk›lar› ile bu çabalar›m›z daha anlaml› hale gelmifl ve beraberce 2008 kongresini ‹stanbul’a alman›n onur ve sevincini birlikte yaflam›flt›k. Bu çabalar s›nucu Avrupa Perinatoloji Kongresi 10-13 Eylül 2008’de ‹stanbul’da gerçekleflecektir.
Bu çal›flmalara ek olarak, Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Derne¤i 2. Baflkan› oldu¤um ve FIGO Yönetim Kurulu üyeli¤i dönemimde bafllatt›¤›m ve ülkemizin
aday aday› olarak kabul edildi¤i 2012 Dünya Kad›n
Do¤um Kongresi adayl›k baflvuru döneminde de birlikte çal›flt›k. FIGO izleme komitesini ‹stanbul’da
ICVB evsahipli¤inde a¤›rland›. ‹stanbul, adayl›k statüsünü ICVB çal›flmalar› ile kazand› ve 2006’da Kuala
Lumpur, Malezya’da gerçekleflen genel kurulda 7
aday ülke aras›nda oylama yar›fl›na kat›ld›. Maalesef
son dönem dernek yönetiminin bu olguya yeterli
inanç ve gerekli haz›rl›k ile yaklaflmamas› sonucu
hak edilen sonuca ulafl›lamam›fl olmakla beraber,
bu genel kurulda Türkiye’nin FIGO Yönetim Kurulu’na
girmesi sa¤lanm›fl oldu. Malezya’da ülkemiz ICVB
gayretleri ile de temsil edilmifl ve tan›t›m çal›flmalar›nda bulunulmufl oldu.
Prof. Dr. Cihat fiEN
21. Avrupa Perinatoloji Kongresi Baflkan›
I first became acquainted with the
‹stanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau
during my efforts to bring the 2008
European Perinatology Convention to
‹stanbul. That ICVB was a non-profit organization and
invested unbelievable amounts of effort to support
and assist associations like the Turkish Association
of Perinatology impressed and delighted me. In my
international activities I had encountered such
organizations and had wished that there were such
things in Turkey, so to encounter such a well-established promotion organization was a very pleasant
surprise for me. And the professionalism, positiveness and warmth of ICVB’s staff was an even more
welcome development.In the end, in September
2004 during the meeting of the General Assembly of
the European Perinatology Congress in Athens, we
shared with ICVB the honor of winning the right to
host the 2008 European Congress of Perinatology in
‹stanbul, and achieving this together, with ICVB’s
support and assistance, made this an even more
valuable accomplishment. As a result of these
efforts, the European Congress of Perinatology will
be organized in ‹stanbul from September 10-13,
2008. In addition to these successes, when I was
the Vice-Chairman of the Turkish Gynecology and
Obstetrics Association and a member of the FIGO
Board of Directors I also worked with ICVB during the
candidate application after Turkey was accepted as
a prospective candidate for the 2012 World
Congress of Gynecology. ICVB hosted the FIGO
inspection committee in ‹stanbul. ‹stanbul won right
to be a candidate thanks to ICVB’s efforts and
became one of seven candidate countries submitted
to a vote at the General Assembly in Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia in 2006. Unfortunately, we failed to win
due to the fact that the current management of the
association didn’t give this process the appropriate
attention and preparation it needed. Nonetheless,
not only did Turkey gain representation on the FIGO
Board of Directors, but also Turkey was represented
in Malaysia through the efforts of ICVB, helping to
promote Turkey.
Prof. Dr. Cihat fien
The President of the XXIst European Congress of
Perinatal Medicine
Geçti¤imiz 5 y›l boyunca ICVB’nin Avrupa pazarlama temsilcisi olarak ICVB
ile yak›n iliflki içinde bulunmay› bir imtiyaz olarak görüyorum ve bununla
onur duyuyorum. Bu süreç boyunca, ICVB’nin ‹stanbul’u dünyan›n önde gelen destinasyonlar›ndan biri
haline getirerek dev bir ilerleme sa¤lad›¤›n› gözlemleme flans› buldum. Böyle bir statü kolay elde edilmiyor. ‹fline adanm›fl ve profesyonel kadrosuyla ICVB,
yorulmadan ve istekle çal›flarak bunu elde etti ve sadece toplant› sektörü içinde de¤il, muadilleri aras›nda da çok büyük sayg› uyand›rd›.
14 y›l once bafllayan ICCA’daki (International Congress & Convention Association) CEO’luk sorumlulu¤um boyunca, Türk halk›n›n ülkeleri hakk›nda bu denli olumlu olmalar›na ve bir toplant› destinasyonu olarak potansiyellerine hayranl›kla bakt›m. ICVB son 10
y›ld›r bu olumlu yaklafl›m›n sürmesini sa¤lamakla
kalmad› ve kazand›¤› baflar›y› fazlas›yla hak etti.
ICVB’nin 10. y›l›n›, TUGEV’in 20. y›l›n› kutlar her ikisine de gelecekte bol flans dilerim.
Tom Hulton
International Meeting Venues
Page 41
I have had the privilege and honor of being
closely associated with the ICVB for the past
5 years as their European marketing representative. During this time, I have seen the
ICVB making enormous progress in establishing Istanbul as one of the premier meeting destinations in
the world. This status does not come easily. The
ICVB, with its very dedicated and professional staff,
have worked tirelessly and enthusiastically to achieve it and have now gained considerable respect not
only within the meetings industry but amongst their
industry colleagues.
During my term as CEO of ICCA (International Congress & Convention Association) beginning some 14
years ago, I had always admired the way the Turkish
people were so positive about their country and their potential as a meetings destination. The ICVB has
more than continued to develop this positive attitude over the past ten years and richly deserve all their success. I congratulate the ICVB on their 10th anniversary and the TUGEV on their 20th anniversary
and wish them every good fortune in the future.
best regards,
9:07 PM
Tom Hulton
International Meeting Venues
7:20 PM
Page 42
ICVB’nin on y›ll›k baflar›s›n› kutlar›m.
1997’de kurulufl dan›flman› olarak ICVB’nin
oluflum sürecinde tavsiye rolü üstlenmifl olmak benim için keyif ve bir imtiyazd›r.
‹stanbul’a yapt›¤›m çok say›da ziyaret ve burada geçirdi¤im aylarlarla ilgili çok keyifli an›lar›m oldu. ‹stanbul, inan›lmaz tarihi ve kültürüyle hakk›ndaki tüm övgüleri ve bugün kazanm›fl oldu¤u dünyan›n önde gelen kongre, ekshibisyon ve intensif merkezlerinden
biri olarak tan›nma baflar›s›n› bütünüyle hak eden harika bir destinasyon. ICVB’nin, ‹stanbul’da ifl turizminin geliflmesine çok önemli bir katk›da bulundu¤unu
söylemeye fazlas›yla hakk› vard›r.
Türk insan›n s›cakl›¤› ve dostlu¤u sonsuza dek benimle olacak. Anahtar konumdaki önemli yerel isimlerin kararl›l›¤› ve motivasyonu olmadan bir ülkede
kongre ve ziyaretçi bürosu kurmak, açmak ve onu çal›flt›rmak son derece güçtür. ‹yi ki o günlerde Y›lmaz
Tecmen, Özen Dall›, Edi Siva ve TUGEV örgütü üyeleri gibi böyle insanlar vard›, onlar›n bana deste¤i olmasayd›, ICVB’yi kurmak mümkün olmazd›.
ICVB’yi ve Büro ile iliflkili herkesi bir kez daha kutlar›m. Hepinizin bu baflar›y› gelecek y›llarda da sürdürmeniz dileklerimle…
David Hall
David Hall & Associates
Kurulufl Dan›flman›
Congratulations to ICVB on ten successful years. It was my pleasure and
privilege to have played an advisory
role in the formation of ICVB as the
establishment consultant back in 1997.
I have very fond memories of the several visits and
months spent in Istanbul – a wonderful destination
with such incredible history and culture and fully deserving of all the accolades bestowed upon it, and
the success achieved in now being acknowledged as
one of the worlds leading convention, exhibition and
incentive travel destinations. ICVB can rightly claim
to having made a significant contribution to Istanbul’s growth in business tourism.
The warmth, friendship of the Turkish people will remain with me forever. Without the commitment and
drive of key influential local people it is extremely difficult to establish, launch and operate a convention
and visitors bureau. Fortunately such people were involved in those early days – people like Yilmaz Tecmen, Ozen Dalli, Edi Siva and the TUGEV organisation without whose support to me as the appointed
consultant ICVB would not have happened.
Again well done ICVB and all associated with the bureau. My very best wishes to you all for continuing
success in the future years.
David Hall
David Hall & Associates
Establishment Consultant
Kiflisel takvimimin sayfalar›n› geriye
do¤ru çevirdikçe, ICVB'nin toplant› endüstrisindeki yeri daha da ayd›nlan›yor. Kocaman bir platform gözümün
önüne geliyor... Kongre dünyas›n›n insanlar›yla dopdolu... Ve spotlar, sahne ›fl›klar›, belli bir alana, ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu'na odaklan›yor...
ICVB'nin kurulufl y›llar›n› düflündükçe, hatta daha da
gerilere gittikçe, o dönemdeki beklentileri ve çeflitli
görüfllerin çarp›flmalar›n› çok daha net görebiliyorum. Çünkü, toplant› endüstrisinin ilk ve yegane yay›n› olan Kongre Dergisi için böyle bir kuruluflun en yak›ndan izlenmesi flart olmufltu... O günlerden saklad›¤›m notlar›ma bakt›¤›m zaman, alt› çizilmifl flu sözleri buluyorum ve aynen aktar›yorum: "Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu 'nun görev alan›, stratejik planlama
ve hedefe yönelik pazarlama çal›flmalar›nda, pazardaki al›c› ve müflterileri belirlemek, kongre ve toplant›lar için resmi teklifleri ve davetleri yapmak, sat›fl ve
pazarlama bilgileri vermek, tan›t›m materyallerini haz›rlamaya yard›mc› olmak gibi çok çeflitli etkinlikleri
kapsar..." Söz sahibi Dr. Özen Dall›. TUGEV Genel
Sekreteri olarak, ‹stanbul Lütfi K›rdar Kongre ve Sergi Saray›'nda, ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu'nu
ilk kez medya mensuplar›na ve sektör yetkililerine tan›t›yor, anlat›yor, istatistiklerle dünyadan çeflitli örnekler veriyor, verileri s›ral›yor. Hatta, kongrelerin
yüzde 39'unun pazar/pazartesi bafllad›¤›n› bile anlat›yor. Toplant›lar›n ard›ndan düzenlenen post-kongre
turlar›n turizmdeki önemini vurguluyor. ICVB sahneye
ç›k›yor... Ve nihayet y›l 1997. TUGEV bünyesinde resmen kurulan ICVB'nin yap›sal çal›flmalar› Baflkan Y›lmaz Tecmen'in öncülü¤ünde h›zla bafll›yor. Bizler de,
yurtd›fl›ndan gelen delegelere, ‹stanbul'da önemli
kongrelerin yap›ld›¤›n› aktar›rken,"Uluslararas› sisteme entegre ‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu"nu
da anlatmaya devam ediyoruz. Her geçen y›l,
ICVB'nin yükselen sesini, herkes gibi biz de daha yak›ndan dinliyoruz. ‹stanbul kentinin, toplant›lar›n cazibe alan›na girmesinde ICVB'nin emek-yo¤un çal›flmalar›n› izliyoruz.
fiimdi, önümüzde koskocaman dünya platformu var.
Ve oradaki ›fl›k seli içinde, spotlar, bu kez art›k,
ICVB'nin üzerinde bambaflka parl›yor...
Okflan Atasoy
Kongre Dergisi
Genel Yay›n Yönetmeni
Page 43
As I turn back the pages of my personal day
planner, ICVB’s place in the convention
industry becomes more clearly illuminated. I
start to see a large stage full of people from
the congress tourism industry. Spotlights are trained
on the ‹stanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau. When
I think back over the years when ICVB was founded,
I can see the expectations and hear the different
voices involved much more clearly. It was a must to
follow the activities of an organization like this for
Congress Magazine, the first and only publication for
the congress industry. Looking at my notes, I came
across these words: “The duties of the Convention
& Visitors Bureau comprises a range of activities
including strategic planning and targeted marketing,
identifying potential buyers and clients, preparing
the official tenders and invitations, providing sales
and marketing data and helping to prepare promotional materials.”
The speaker is Dr. Özen Dall›. As the general secretary of TUGEV, he introduces the ‹stanbul
Convention & Visitors Bureau to members of the
media and convention sector representatives for the
first time at Lütfi K›rdar Congress and Exhibition Hall
with statistics and background data.
He even notes that 39% of conventions begin on
Sundays and Mondays. He points out the significance of the post-convention tours. ICVB takes the
stage. The year is 1997. Under the leadership of
Chairman Y›lmaz Tecmen, the establishment of the
legal framework for ICVB progresses swiftly. And as
we continue explaining to foreign delegations that
‹stanbul is the host of major international congresses, we also tell them that ICVB is integrated into the
global congress industry. Every passing year, we,
like everyone else, continue to hear the increasingly
authoritative voice of ICVB. We watch as ICVB works
hard and puts in that extra effort to effectively promote ‹stanbul as a world-class congress destination.
Now ahead of us lies a very large global platform.
And among the rays of light, this time the spotlight
shines on ICVB.
Okflan Atasoy
Executive Editor
Congress Magazine
7:20 PM
7:20 PM
Page 44
TUGEV, Ocak 1985’de turizm
TUGEV is a foundation estabe¤itimine, tan›t›m›na gönül
lished by a group of entreprevermifl ve ülkenin sosyal ve
neurs, farseeing businessekonomik kalk›nmas›n›n temel
men, experts, politicians and
ö¤esinin turizm sektörü oldutourism professionals, who
¤una inanm›fl, ileriyi gören ifl
dedicated themselves to eduadam›, uzman, siyasetçi ve tucation in tourism and promorizmciden oluflan müteflebbis
tion and believed that the
bir gurubun kurdu¤u bir vak›ftourism sector is a fundaDr. Özen DALLI
t›r. Müteflebbis Heyetin Baflmental element in the social
Genel Sekreter/General Secretary
kan› dönemin Kültür ve Turizm
and economic development
Bakan› Say›n Mükerrem Taflç›of Turkey.
o¤lu, Baflkan Vekilleri ise Bakanlar›m›zdan Say›n ‹lThe Chairman of this group of entrepreneurs was Mr.
han Evliyao¤lu ve ifl adam› Say›n Vehbi Koç olmuflMükerrem Taflç›o¤lu, who was the Minister of Cultutur. Vakf›n kuruluflta 18 kurucu üyesi ve sonradan ikre and Tourism at the time and the vice-chairmen wetisab eden 56 mütevellisi olmufltur.
re Minister ‹lhan Evliyao¤lu and business leader Mr.
TUGEV’in kurucular› kurumsal üye olarak Kültür ve
Vehbi Koç. The foundation had 18 founding memTurizm Bakanl›¤›, Turizm Bankas›, Hilton ve Sheraton
bers and 56 trustees who were recruited later. The
otelleridir. Kiflisel olarak ise alfabetik s›ra ile Adnan
founding institutional members of TUGEV were the
Özaktafl, Fikret Evliyagil, Halit Ziya Yavuzer, ‹lhan EvMinistry of Culture & Tourism, Tourism Bank, and
liyao¤lu, M.Kemal Dedeman, M.Zekai Bayer, Nuretthe Hilton and Sheraton Hotels. In alphabetic order,
tin Do¤anbey, Orhan Bafldo¤an, Semahat Arsel, Siother founding members included Adnan Özaktafl,
nan Babila, Tekin Ertan, Ünsal Tülbentçi, Vehbi Koç
Fikret Evliyagil, Halit Ziya Yavuzer, ‹lhan Evliyao¤lu,
ve Y›lmaz Tecmen kurucu üye olmufllard›r.
M. Kemal Dedeman, M. Zekai Bayer, Nurettin Do¤anTUGEV’e kamuya yararl› bir vak›f oldu¤u için kurulufl
bey, Orhan Bafldo¤an, Semahat Arsel, Sinan Babila,
ve geliflmesini teflvik etmek amac›yla vergi ba¤›fl›kl›Tekin Ertan, Ünsal Tülbentçi, Vehbi Koç and Y›lmaz
¤› tan›nm›flt›r.
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TUGEV’in kuruluflunu ve faaliyetlerini özendiren ve
devaml› izleyen Baflbakan Turgut Özal Cumhurbaflkan›m›z olarak da turizme olan tutkusu ile Vakf›m›za ayn› güven ve deste¤ini esirgememifltir.
Çok önemli bir misyonu ve genifl bir vizyonu olan TUGEV’in Türkiye’de kamu kesimine ve sivil topluma
götürdü¤ü önemli hizmetleri olmufltur. Bunlar›n gerçekleflmesinde en büyük destek ve gücü de¤erli mütevellilerden alm›flt›r. Mütevelli Heyet üyeleri her zaman örgütlerine sahip ç›km›fllar ve düzenlenen her
etkinlikte flahsen ve özveri ile görev alm›fllard›r.
TUGEV, turizmin tüm kesimlerinin bulufltu¤u ve birlikte politika oluflturdu¤u bir vak›ft›r. Yönetim Kurulunun kompozisyonu bu çok kesimli ama tek sesli birlikteli¤in somut bir göstergesidir. Kültür ve Turizm
Bakan›n›n Vakf›m›z›n Mütevelli Heyet Baflkan›, ‹TO
Baflkan›n›n ise Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan› olmas› nedeniyle TUGEV toplant›lar› kamu ve özel kesimin görüfl
birli¤i içinde oldu¤u platformlar oluflturmufltur. Bu
nedenle TUGEV Genel Kurullar› ve öncesi düzenlenen dan›flma toplant›lar›nda turizm sektöründeki geliflmeler çok yönlü olarak incelenmifl ve ortak kararlar üretilmifltir. Bu nitelik TUGEV’e özgüdür.
TUGEV’le Eylül 1987’de tan›flt›m. Vak›f ile
uzun birlikteli¤im, yönetimin flahs›ma duydu¤u hoflgörüden kaynaklan›yor san›yorum.
TUGEV ailesi olarak 20 y›lda üzüntülü ve sevinçli pek çok olaya tan›k oldum.
20 Kas›m 2003’te ‹ngiliz Konsoloslu¤u’na
olan bombal› sald›r›da iflyerimizin tahrip olmas›, arkadafllar›m›z›n yaralanmas›, TUGEV
camias›nda derin bir üzüntü yaratm›flt›r.
Vak›f faaliyetlerinin topluma baflar›l› olarak yans›t›lmas› ile sonuçlanan her
olay ise sevinç kayna¤› oldu.
OTEM Otel ve E¤itim Merkezi’nin
1987 y›l›nda aç›l›fl› ve iflletilmesinin TUGEV camias›nda ayr› bir yeri
vard›r. Say›n Baflbakan›m›z Turgut
Özal ve Kültür ve Turizm Bakan›m›z Mesut Y›lmaz, TUGEV’e duyduklar› güvenin sonucu olarak bu
60 odal› ve 100 yat›l› ö¤renci kapasiteli Türkiye’nin ilk otel okulun
iflletmesini ve yönetimi Vakf›m›za
verilmifllerdir. TUGEV bu güven
karfl›l›¤› bir örnek okul yaratarak
2.000 ö¤renciyi en modern e¤itim teknikleri, yabanc› dil ve yurtd›fl› staj olanaklar› ile yetifltirmifl
ve 6 y›l süre ile ülke hizmetine
sunmufltur. TUGEV turizm ve
e¤itim çevrelerinde ad›n› OTEM
ile duyurmufltur.
As an incentive, TUGEV was granted tax exemption
since it is a non-profit organization. Prime Minister
Turgut Özal encouraged the founding of TUGEV and
its activities and regularly followed up on its progress. With his passion for tourism, he never swerved
in his trust and support for our foundation. With its
main mission and wide vision, TUGEV has provided
the public and private sectors in Turkey with many
important services. For organizing these, it received
its greatest support and strength from the administrators of the foundation itself.
TUGEV is a foundation where all the sectors of tourism intersect and come together to create a fully-rounded policy. The composition of the board of members is a concrete indicator of this multi-segmented
but single-voiced cooperation. Since the Minister of
Culture & Tourism is also the Chairman of the Committee of Trustees and the Chairman of TUGEV’s board is also the Chairman of the ‹stanbul Chamber of
Commerce, TUGEV meetings create a platform where the public and private sectors can reach a consensus. Therefore, during the Plenary Session and the
consultancy meetings held beforehand, developments in tourism are given a thorough multi-faceted analysis. This is something unique to TUGEV. I first became acquainted with TUGEV
in September 1987. I believe that my long
cooperation with the foundation is derived
from the positive, can-do approach of the
managerial staff. As a part of the TUGEV family for over 20 years, I have witnessed
many incidents that span the range from heartrending to joyful. One such incident
that evoked deep reactions was the attack on
the British Consulate
on November 20,
2003. Our office was
damaged and our
colleagues were injured which caused
much sadness in
our sector.
Every event that
the general public
welcomed as a
success was a source of pride for the
opening of the
OTEM Hotel Management and Education Center in 1987
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1988 y›l›nda Bulgaristan’dan göç eden soydafllar›m›z›n çocuklar›n› Antalya’da otel-okul’da yetifltirmek için tüm
mütevelli heyet üyelerimiz bu gençlere kucak
açm›fl, burs sa¤lam›fllar ve e¤itim projesine
büyük destek vermifllerdir. Bir sene sonra
bu gençlerimiz nitelikli
otel personeli olarak
ana vatanda görev yapmaya bafllad›lar. Heyetin ‹stanbul’dan Antalya’ya u¤urlanmas› s›ras›nda Taksim’de toplanan Vak›f Yönetim Kurulu ve ailelerle
duygulu anlar yaflad›k.
Bugün ülkemizde, özellikle Antalya’da her düzeyde
çal›flan otel personelinin önemli bir bölümünün TUGEV e¤itimi ald›¤› bilinmektedir.
Üniversitelerimizin turizm fakülte ve okullar›nda görevli profesör, doçent, araflt›rma görevlisi, ö¤retim
üyelerinin TUGEV dökümantasyon merkezi abonesi
oldu¤unu hat›rl›yoruz. Vakf›n büyük bir özveri ile gelifltirdi¤i merkez, hocalar›m›za, ö¤rencilerimize çok
de¤erli hizmetler vermifltir.
TUGEV, Dünya Turizm Örgütü (WTO), Uluslararas› Turizm E¤itimi Birli¤i AMFORT’e üye olarak ‹ngiliz Flyde
College, Sheffield Halam Üniversitesi, Frans›z Angers Üniversitesi ve “Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne”
ile yapt›¤› iflbirli¤i anlaflmalar› ile dünyaya aç›lm›fl,
mesleki e¤itime büyük katk›da bulunmufltur.
Almanya’da “GEHOGA” Otelciler Birli¤i ile yap›lan anlaflma ile ö¤rencilere yurt d›fl› staj sa¤lanmas›, ILO
Uluslararas› ‹flgücü Örgütü ile e¤iticilere verilen “E¤iticilerin E¤itimi” programlar› gene TUGEV’in iz b›rakan etkinlikleri olmufltur.
Ülkemizde Turizm ve Otel Yönetimi sertifika programlar› gene ilk kez TUGEV program› çerçevesinde ele
al›nm›flt›r. Baflta Bo¤aziçi Üniversitesi olmak üzere,
Uluda¤, Trakya Üniversiteleri ile düzenlenen bu programlar, hem üniversitelerimiz, hem de TUGEV için baflar›l› uygulamalar olmufltur.
1997 y›l›nda TUGEV yönetimi, Vak›f bünyesinde bir
iktisadi iflletme olarak “‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi
Bürosu”nu kurmufltur. Böylece Vakf›n geleneksel
e¤itim faaliyetlerine, gelifltirme amac›na uygun olarak tan›tma ve pazarlama faaliyetleri de eklenmifltir.
Bu sene 10. y›l›n› idrak eden bu iflletme, uluslararas› ve ülkesel düzeydeki faaliyetleri ile sektörde ad›n›
duyuran ve ülkemiz turizmine ve ekonomisine de¤erli katk›lar› olan bir kurum olmufltur.
TUGEV Yönetim Kurulunun 1997 y›l›nda Vakf›n bünyesi içinde “‹stanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu” ku46
holds a special place
in the history of the
TUGEV community.
Mr. Turgut Özal, our
Prime Minister and
Mr. Mesut Y›lmaz,
the Minister of Culture & Tourism at the time, organized the
operation and management of the first
vocational hotel school with a 60-room and
100 boarding student capacity under the direction of
This was born out of his trust in TUGEV. With this opportunity, TUGEV created a model school that educated 2,000 students using the most modern methods, offering foreign language training and internships abroad, which served the Turkish tourism industry for six years. TUGEV built its reputation on the
creation of OTEM. In 1988, the members of our
Committee of Trustees provided the children of immigrants from Bulgaria with scholarships to the
OTEM School in Antalya and offered important support to the education project. A year later, these students began to work as trained, qualified hotel staff
in our country. As the group set off for Antalya, there were touching moments between the members of
the Foundation’s Board of Directors and the families
gathered in Taksim Square. It’s well known that
many professionals working at every level of the hotel industry, especially in Antalya, were educated by
It should be remembered that the professors, associate professors, research assistants and lecturers
working at the tourism departments of our universities are subscribers to TUGEV’s documentation center. The foundation built this center with great selfsacrifice and provided an unparalleled service to teachers and students. TUGEV also made significant
contributions to vocational education through its international expansion, establishing cooperation agreements with the World Tourism Organization
(WTO), Flyde College and Sheffield Halam University
of Britain as a member of AMFORT, and the International Union of Tourism Education and Angers University and the Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne both of
Students were provided with internships abroad through an agreement with GEHOGA, the German Union
of Hoteliers, and a program called “Trainer Education” through the ILO (International Labor Organization).
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rulmas› karar› isabetli ve ileriye dönük bir giriflim olmufltur. ICVB’nin kurulufl y›llar›nda, kongre turizminin
dünyadaki trendleri, ülkemize nas›l de¤erler getirece¤i, yönetim sorunlar›, faaliyet program› konular›nda
kamu oyu yaratmak için çeflitli toplant›lar yap›lm›flt›r.
Sonuç olarak TUGEV’in bünyesinde kongre turizminin
örgütlenmesi konusunda gerek kamu, gerekse de
sektör kesiminde bir görüfl birli¤i sa¤lanm›flt›r.
Gerçe¤i söylemek gerekirse konaklama sektörü ve
seyahat ticareti yapan flirketlerin bu kuruma büyük
destek vermesi ve Kültür ve Turizm Bakanl›¤›, Baflbakanl›k Tan›tma Fonu, ‹stanbul Ticaret Odas›, T.O.B.B.
ve baz› önemli flirketlerimizin maddi ve manevi katk›lar›yla ICVB’nin varl›¤› vazgeçilmez bir nitelik kazanm›flt›r.
ICVB on y›l içinde idari ve teknik yönden geliflmeler
göstererek gerçek bir “Destination Marketing” kuruluflu haline gelmifltir. ICVB, bu süre içinde ‹stanbul’un tan›t›m› ve pazarlanmas› amac›yla pek çok etkinlikte bulunmufl ve kat›ld›¤› çeflitli ihtisas fuarlar›
ve toplant›lar d›fl›nda, tan›t›c› malzemeler üretmifl ayr›ca üyelik iliflkilerini rasyonel bir yap›ya kavuflturmufltur.
ICVB’nin ICCA – International Congress & Convention Association ve ECM – European Cities Marketing
gibi uluslararas› örgütler nezdindeki faaliyetleri ve lobisi ile kazan›lan pozisyonlar, Büromuzun ülkemizi
yurt d›fl›nda temsilinde ne kadar önemli bir yeri oldu¤unun kan›t›d›r.
Sonuç olarak ICVB, TUGEV’in 20 y›ll›k faaliyetlerinde
bir ›fl›k ve gelecek olmufltur.
Kemer’deki OTEM’de Kültür ve Turizm Bakan› T›naz Titiz
ve OTEM Müdürü Avni Aker ile çal›fl›rken...
The Minister of Culture & Tourism T›naz Titiz and OTEM
Manager Avni Aker working at OTEM in Kemer, Antalya.
TUGEV created the first certificate programs for Tourism and Hotel Management in Turkey, working in cooperation with universities including Bo¤aziçi, Uluda¤ and Trakya Universities. These programs were a
success not only for TUGEV but for the universities
as well.
In 1997, the management of TUGEV established the
‹stanbul Convention & Visitors Bureau as a subsidiary. Through this bureau, promotional and marketing
activities were added to the foundation’s main educational function. This body, which this year celebrates its 10th anniversary, in its first decade of operations on both an international and a national level,
has made its mark on the sector and also made valuable contributions both to the tourism industry and
to the Turkish economy.
The decision, in 1997, by the TUGEV Board of Directors to establish the ‹stanbul Convention & Visitors
Bureau has proven to be a very sound and forwardlooking one. During the first years of ICVB’s operations, to generate public support, meetings were organized on issues such as global trends in congress
tourism, the value this industry would generate for
Turkey, management issues, and future activities.
As a result of these efforts both the public sector
and the tourism sector agreed unanimously in their
support of organizing congress tourism promotion
under the umbrella of TUGEV. In truth, because it is
supported both morally and financially by a unique
combination of hotel and travel companies and the
contributions of the Ministry of Culture & Tourism,
the Prime Ministerial Promotion Fund, the ‹stanbul
Chamber of Commerce, the Union of Chambers and
Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and key private sector companies, ICVB has essentially become indispensable.
ICVB over the last ten years has built on both its administrative and technical prowess, becoming a truly
effective destination marketing organization. Over
this period, it has participated in numerous promotional and marketing events and, as well as participating in sector-specific fairs and seminars, has also produced a wide range of promotional materials
and rationalized its membership structure.
ICVB’s activities as a member of international organizations like the International Congress and Congress Association (ICCA) and European Cities Marketing (ECM) and its lobbying efforts have earned it important positions of responsibility in those organizations that point to the Bureau’s importance for Turkey’s overall marketing and promotion.
As a result, within TUGEV’s 20-year history, ICVB
stands out as a particular success and a beacon
lighting the future.
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Page 48
OTEM Eğitim Merkezi
ve Uygulama Oteli’nin
Açılış Töreni
Grand Opening of the OTEM
Education Center and
Implementation Hotel
14 Kasım 1987’de Başbakan
Turgut Özal, Kültür ve Turizm
Bakanı Mesut Yılmaz, TUGEV
Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Ertan
Cireli, TUGEV Yönetim Kurulu
ve davetlilerin katılımıyla
Antalya Kemer OTEM Eğitim
Merkezi ve Uygulama
Oteli’nin açılışı yapıldı.
Kurucumuz Sayın
İlhan Evliyaoğlu
TUGEV plaketi
Founding member
İlhan Evliyaoğlu
presenting TUGEV
OTEM opening ceremony on
14 November 1987 attended
by Prime Minister Turgut
Özal, Minister of Culture &
Tourism Mesut Yılmaz,
president of TUGEV board
of directors, board members
and invitees.
7:21 PM
Page 49
Mütevelli Heyet Toplantısı
TUGEV Board of Trustees Meeting
ny on
Mütevelli Heyet Toplantısı’na
kurucu üyemiz Vehbi Koç da katıldı.
Founding member Vehbi Koç attended
TUGEV Board of Trustees meeting.
Kompozisyon Yarışması
TUGEV Composition Contest
Haziran 1998’de, TUGEV Turizm mesleğine girecek
gençler arasında bir kompozisyon yarışması düzenledi.
Birincilik ödülünü Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı ve TUGEV
Başkanı Tınaz Titiz verdi.
Minister of Culture & Tourism and the president of TUGEV
Board of Trustees Tınaz Titiz presented the award to the
winner of TUGEV composition contest organized in June
1998 among young professionals.
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Yiyecek-İçecek Yönetimi Kursu
Food & Beverage management courses
TUGEV - Execumaster Ltd. işbirliği ile
AHMA’nın (Amerikan Otel-Motel Birliği
Eğitim Enstitüsü) otellerde yiyecek
ve içecek yönetimi kursları 4-5 yıldızlı
otellerin yiyecek içecek müdürlerinin
katılımı ile Kasım 1991’de İstanbul
Kalyon Otel’de yapıldı. Toplantıda
Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Vekili Yılmaz
Tecmen hazır bulundu. Konferans
Direktörlüğü’nü Antony Betts, açılışı
ise Dr. Özen Dallı yaptı.
AHMA (American Hotels & Motels
Association)’s food and beverage management courses organized in cooperation with TUGEV and Execumaster Ltd
took place at the Kalyon Hotel in
November 1991. TUGEV Vice President
Yılmaz Tecmen was present at the conference of which Anthony Betts was the
director, and Dr. Özen Dallı made the
opening speech.
Eğitim Workshopları
Educational Workshops
Eğitim workshop’ları İstanbul
Kervansaray Otel’de yapıldı.
Educational workshops held
at the İstanbul Kervansaray Hotel
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Turizme Bakış Toplantısı
Tourism Overview Meeting
İTO ile TUGEV’in ortaklaşa düzenledikleri Turizme Bakış
toplantısı Ocak, 1992’de Swissotel The Bosphorus’da gerçekleşti. Toplantıya, Başbakan Süleyman Demirel, Devlet
Bakanları Tansu Çiller, Cavit Çağlar, Turizm Bakanı Abdülkadir Ateş, Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanı Onur Kumbaracıbaşı, İçişleri Bakanı İsmet Sezgin, Maliye Bakanı Sümer Oral,
Ticaret Bakanı Tahir Köse ile İstanbul Valisi Hayri Kozakçıoğlu, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Nurettin Sözen,
üst düzey brürokratlar, eğitim kuruluşları temsilcileri, sektör ve basın mensupları katıldılar. Saat 10.00’da başlayan
16.00’a kadar devam eden toplantının ardından verilen gala yemeğine, Turizm Bakanı ve TUGEV Mütevelli Heyet
Başkanı Abdülkadir Ateş ve TUGEV Yönetim Kurulu’nun
konuğu olarak yaklaşık 500 seçkin davetli katıldı. Yemekte
vakfın kurucusu Kemal Dedeman ve Duru Turizm sahibi
Selim Duru’ya “turizme hizmet” başarı ödülü verildi.
The Tourism Overview meeting jointly organized by TUGEV
and the İstanbul Chamber of Commerce took place at
Swissotel in January 1992. The meeting was attended by
Prime Minister Süleyman Demirel, state ministers Tansu
Çiller, Cavit Çağlar, Minister of Tourism Abdülkadir Ateş,
Minister of Internal Affairs İsmet Sezgin, Minister of Finance
Sümer Oral, Minister of Trade Tahir Köse as well as the
Governor of İstanbul, the Mayor of the Greater İstanbul
Metropolitan Municipality and senior bureaucrats, representatives of educational institutions, the tourism sector and
the press. The meeting lasted 4 hours and was followed by
a Gala Dinner attended by approximately 500 elite guests.
The founders of TUGEV Kemal Dedeman and Selim Duru
were presented ‘’Service to Tourism’’ recognition awards.
TUGEV Eğitim Kokteyli
TUGEV Education Cocktail
Kokteylden bir kesit. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Abdülkadir Ateş,
Yılmaz Tecmen ve Genel Sekreter Yardımcısı Edi Siva.
Minister of Culture and Tourism Abdülkadir Ateş, Yılmaz Tecmen and
TUGEV Assistant General Secretary Edi Siva during the cocktail reception.
9:22 PM
Page 52
Gastronomi Haftası
Gastronomy Week
Ocak 1992’de Swissotel’de TUGEV işbirliği ile bir
gastronomi haftası düzenlendi. Ünlü aşçı Michel
Troisgros, aşçı adaylarına bir konferans verdi. Eğitim
İşbirliği Toplantısı’nda Swissotel Genel Müdürü Mr.
Speck Yılmaz Tecmen ile görülüyor.
EV in
f TUG Troisgros
ith the cutive Chef eck along w
ous Ex
k orga
er Mr.
y wee g which fam eral Manag ucation’’ m
Gastro 1992 durin issotel Gen ration in Ed
Januar onference. S the ‘’Colla
n du
Turizme Katkı Ödül Töreni
“Contribution to Tourism’’
Award Ceremony
Yılmaz Tecmen TUGEV Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı ve Kültür
ve Turizm Bakanı Müsteşarı Korel Göymen’e turizme katkı
plaketini sunarken.
Heyet Toplantısı
Board of Trustees Meeting
Başkanlık Divanı: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı Abdülkadir Ateş,
Mütevelli Heyet Başkanı Mükerrem Taşçıoğlu ve Halit Ziya
Yavuzer. Mütevelli Heyeti onuruna verilen yemeğe
Sn. Samahat Arsel’de katıldı.
Presidency Council: Minister of Culture and Tourism Abdülkadir
Ateş, President of the Board of Trustees Mükerrem Taşçıoğlu
and Halit Ziya Yavuzer. Samahat Arsel joined the dinner
given for Charter Members.
Yılmaz Tecmen presented a ‘’Contribution to Tourism’’
plaque to Korel Göymen, the Undersecretary of the Ministry
of Culture & Tourism.
7:21 PM
Page 53
Eğitim Workshopları
Educational Workshops
Turizm Eğitiminde Müfredat Programı Geliştirme
ve Uygulama Sorunları toplantılarında Dr. Özen
Dallı konuşma yaparken.
Dr.Özen Dallı giving a speech at the ‘’ Problems in the
Development and the Application of the Tourism
Education Program’’ meeting.
TUGEV Sertifika Töreni Ekim 1995 /
TUGEV Certificate Ceremony, October 1995
Turizm Mimarisi Toplantısı
Tourism Architecture Meeting
22 Nisan 1993’te TUGEV, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi ve Yıldız
Teknik Üniversitesi Turizm Yapıları Araştırma ve
Uygulama Merkezi, Mimarlık Fakültesi ortak olarak 2000
yılına Doğru Turizm Mimarlığı konusunun ele alındığı bir
panel-çalışma grubu toplantısı düzenledi.
TUGEV, Bosphorus University and Yıldız Technical University
Tourism Structures Research and Implementation Center
and Faculty of Architecture jointly organized a panel and a
workshop to discuss the subject of ‘’Tourism
Architecture towards the year 2000’’.
Flyde College
Flyde College
TUGEV ve The Flyde College arasında birlikte turizm
eğitimi ve araştırmalar yapmak amacıyla işbirliği protokolü
imzalandı. 6 Nisan 1995’te İstanbul Kalyon Oteli’nde
yapılan imza törenine TUGEV Yönetim Kurulu’ndan Yılmaz
Tecmen, Orhan Başdoğan ve Ömür Çağlar ile Blackpool ve
The Flyde College Yöneticisi Michael J. Mc Allister ve
Öğretim Üyesi Bob Brotherton katıldılar.
The protocol between TUGEV and Flyde College to cooperate in
tourism education and related researches was signed on April 6,
1995 at the İstanbul Kalyon Hotel. Yılmaz Tecmen, Orhan
Başdoğan and Ömür Çağlar from TUGEV Board of Directors,
Flyde College Director Michael J. Mc Allister and college lecturer
Bob Brotherton attended the signing ceremony.
Türkmenistan Heyeti
Turkmenistan Committee
Yılmaz Tecmen ve Dr. Özen Dallı vakfı
ziyaret eden Türkmenistan Turizm
Bürosu mensupları ile.
Yılmaz Tecmen and Dr. Özen Dallı
visited TUGEV with the delegates of the
Turkmenistan Tourism Office committee.
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ICVB Danışma
ICVB Consultation Meetings
ICVB’nin kuruluş aşamasında danışma toplantıları...
Consultation meetings during the process of founding ICVB
İTO Toplantısı
ITO Meeting
Turizm 96
Kültür ve Turizm
Bakanı Işılay Saygın
ve Yılmaz Tecmen
Minister of Tourism
& Culture Işılay
Saygın and Yılmaz
Tecmen at the
lectern during the
Tourism 96
meetings held at
the Istanbul
Chamber of
Doğuş Üniversitesi Anlaşması
Agreement with the Doğuş University
TUGEV ve Doğuş Üniversitesi işbirliği protokolü Dr. Özen Dallı ve
Orhan Başdoğan ve Sayın Doğu Gözaçan tarafından imzalandı.
The mutual cooperation protocol between TUGEV and Doğuş University
was signed by Dr. Özen Dallı, Orhan Başdoğan
and Doğu Gözaçan.
Mütevelli Heyeti Başkanlık Divanı
Presidency Council of the TUGEV Board of Trustees.
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Onarım Semineri
TUGEV Maintenance
İstanbul Kervansaray Oteli’nde yapılan Bakım Onarım
Semineri’ne Orhan Başdoğan, Dr. Özen Dallı ve
Anger Üniversitesi hocaları katıldılar.
Maintenance seminar held at the İstanbul Kervansaray
Hotel attended by Orhan Başdoğan, Dr. Özen Dallı and
teachers from Anger University.
Eğitim Anlaşması
Education Protocol
İstanbul Marmara Otel’de düzenlenen Trakya
Üniversitesi ve TUGEV arasında “Turizm ve Otelcilik
Sertifika” programı protokolü imza törenine Kültür
ve Turizm Bakanı İbrahim Gürdal, Kültür ve Turizm
Bakanlığı Müsteşarı Fermani Uygun, Trakya Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Osman İnce katıldılar.
The signing ceremony of the Tourism and Hotel
Management protocol between TUGEV and Trakya
University organized at the İstanbul Marmara Hotel
and attended by the Minister of Culture & Tourism,
İbrahim Gürdal, the Ministry’s Undersecretary, Fermani
Uygun and Trakya University Rector, Prof. Osman İnce.
Mütevelli Heyet Toplantısı
Board of Trustees Meeting
Mütevelli Heyet Toplantısı’nın başkanlığını Mükerrem Taşçıoğlu
yaparken, yemekte Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı İbrahim Gürdal,
Barlas Kuntay, Trakya Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Osman İnci,
TUGEV Yönetim Kurulu Üyeleri ve Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı
Müsteşarı Fermani Uygun bulundular.
Board of Trustees meeting chaired by Mükerrem Taşçıoğlu and
a lunch attended by the Minister of Culture & Tourism, İbrahim
Gürdal, Undersecretary Fermani Uygun, Barlas Kuntay, Trakya
University Rector Prof.Dr. Osman İnci and members of the
TUGEV Board of Directors.
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Cenevre Fuarı
Geneva EIBTM
Trade Fair
13-15 Mayıs 1997 tarihinde
İsviçre’nin Cenevre kentinde yapılan
Avrupa İnsentif ve İş Seyahatleri
Toplantısı (EIBTM) fuarına
Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı
Yılmaz Tecmen, Genel Sekreter
Dr. Özen Dallı ve Focus Dergisi’nden
Sevil Ören katıldılar.
TUGEV Vice President Yılmaz Tecmen, General
Secretary Dr. Özen Dallı and Focus Magazine editor
Sevil Ören at EIBTM Geneva 1997.
ICVB Kuruluş Çalışmaları
Studies on the Foundation
20 Mayıs 1997’de İstanbul Kongre ve Sergi Merkezi’nde
düzenlenen toplantıya Uluslararası Konvansiyon ve
Kongre Birliği (ICCA) Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi David Hall
ICCA Board Member David Hall at the meeting held at the
İstanbul Convention & Exhibition Center in 1997.
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Green Globe Ödülü
Green Globe Award
TUGEV ve TEMA vakıflarına uluslararası çevre kuruluşu Green
Globe tarafından Berlin International Congress Center’da birer
ödül verildi. TEMA’yı TUGEV ve ICVB olarak EFCT’ye takdim
ettiği için, TUGEV Genel Sekreteri ve ICVB Yürütme Kurulu
Üyesi Dr. Özen Dallı’ya Green Globe Başkanı Geoffrey H.
Lipman tarafından bir plaket verildi.
TUGEV and TEMA each received a plaque from Green Globe.
For having introduced TEMA to EFCT, TUGEV General Secretary
Dr. Özen Dallı was awarded a plaque by Green Globe President,
Geoffrey H. Lipman.
TUGEV Köşk’te
TUGEV Yönetim Kurulu
Başkanvekili Yılmaz Tecmen
başkanlığındaki ICVB İcra
Kurulu Üyeleri, Haziran
1999’da Cumhurbaşkanı
Süleyman Demirel tarafından
Çankaya Köşkü’nde kabul olundu ve kendisine TUGEV ve ICVB
etkinlikleri hakkında bilgi sunuldu.
ICVB Executive Committee chaired
by TUGEV Vice President Yılmaz
Tecmen received by the President of
the Republic of Turkey, Süleyman
Demirel, at his official residence, the
Çankaya Pavillion.
Kuala-Lumpur Fuarı
Kuala-Lumpur Trade Fair
İstanbul Ticaret Odası’nın ihraç ürünleri fuarında ICVB
bir standla katılarak tanıtma faaliyetlerinde
bulunmuştur. Stantta Genel Sekreter Dr. Özen Dallı,
İstanbul Valisi Erol Çakır birlikte görünüyor.
ICVB promoted İstanbul at the export products fair
organized by the İstanbul Chamber of Commerce.
TUGEV General Secretary Dr. Özen Dallı and İstanbul
Governor Erol Çakır together at the stand.
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Swissotel’de gerçekleştirilen Kongre Turizmi ve Sosyo-Ekonomik
Etkileri toplantısına Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı İbrahim Gürdal,
Uzman David Hall ve ICCA Genel Sekreteri Tom Hulton katıldı.
Minister of Culture & Tourism, İbrahim Gürdal, ICVB advisor, David Hall,
and ICCA CEO, Tom Hulton, participated the meeting ‘’Congress
Tourism and Its Socio-economic Contributions’’ held at the Swissotel.
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Heyet Toplantısı
Board of
Trustees Meeting
Divan Otel’de yapılan Mütevelli
Heyet Toplantısı’nda Başkanlık
Divanı. Bakanlarımız Nevzat Ayaz,
Erkan Mumcu, Mükerrem Taşçıoğlu,
İlhan Evliyaoğlu
Ministers at Presidency Council of the
Board of Trustees meeting held in
Divan Hotel; Nevzat Ayaz, Erkan
Mumcu, Mükerrem Taşcıoğlu and
İlhan Evliyaoğlu
15. Yıl Toplantısı
15th Year Anniversary
Grand Plaza Otel’de düzenlenen 15. Yıl
Toplantısı bakanlarımız Erkan Mumcu,
Mükerrem Taşçıoğlu, İlhan Evliyaoğlu,
Nevzat Ayaz’ın katılımıyla gerçekleştirildi.
Edi Siva yaptığı değerli hizmetleri dolayısıyla
ödülünü Erkan Mumcu’dan aldı.
Toplantı sonrası bir yemek verildi ve
15. yıl pastası ikram edildi.
TUGEV’s 15th year anniversary
meeting held at the Grand Plaza
Hotel was attended by several
present and past Ministers of
Culture & Tourism: Erkan Mumcu,
Mükerrem Taşçıoğlu, İlhan
Evliyaoğlu and Nevzat Ayaz.
Edi Siva received an award
from Erkan Mumcu for his valuable
services to TUGEV.
The 15th anniversary cake was
served to guests at the dinner
following the meeting.
9:09 PM
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İTÜ Panel
Panel at
İstanbul Teknik
Üniversitesi’ndeki panelin
konusu kongre turizmiydi.
The subject of the panel
held at İTÜ was Congress
Genel Kurulu
Board of Trustees
Genel Sekreter Dr. Özen
Dallı TUGEV Genel Kurulu’nda
faaliyetleri sunuyor.
General Secretary Dr. Özen Dallı
briefing the Board on TUGEV’s
Yönetim Kurulu
Board of Directors
Kalyon Otel’de gerçekleştirilen TUGEV
Yönetim Kurulu Toplantısı’na Sinan
Babila, İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye
Başkanı Mimar Dr. Kadir Topbaş,
Yılmaz Tecmen ve Eminönü Belediye
Başkanı Nevzat Er katıldılar.
Greater İstanbul Metropolitan
Municipality Mayor, Kadir Topbaş,
Eminönü Mayor, Nevzat Er, Yılmaz
Tecmen and Board Member Sinan
Babila at the TUGEV Board of Directors
meeting held at the Kalyon Hotel.
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Yönetim Kurulu Toplantısı
Board of Directors Meeting
Yılmaz Tecmen, Murat Yalçıntaş’a TUGEV
ve ICVB Başkanlığı’nı devrederken.
Yılmaz Tecmen handing over the Presidency of
TUGEV and ICVB to Murat Yalçıntaş
Yönetim Kurulu Toplantısı
Board of Directors Meeting
TUGEV Yönetim Kurulu, Murat
Yalçıntaş Başkanlığında toplandı.
TUGEV Board of Directors meeting
chaired by Murat Yalçıntaş.
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Sektörde 10 Y›l
10 Years in the Industry
Kongre ve toplant› sektörü
The meeting industry has
geçti¤imiz on y›l içerisinde sügrown and developed rapidly
ratle büyümüfl ve geliflmifltir.
over the past ten years. In paBu büyüme ve geliflime paralel
rallel with this growth and deolarak, ulusal ve bölgesel ekovelopment, its contributions
nomilere katk›s› artm›flt›r. Topto the regional economies halant› sektörünün ekonomiye
ve also increased. The conkatk›s›ndaki büyük potansiyel,
gress tourism’s potential to
dünya üzerinde bir çok destimake substantial economic
nasyonun bu sektördeki f›rsatcontributions has prompted
lar› de¤erlendirmeye yönelik
destinations around the world
aktif çal›flmalar›na yön vermiflto implement active programs
tir. Özel sektörün yan› s›ra,
designed to exploit the oppordevlet ve yerel yönetimler de
tunities in this sector. In addisektörün geliflmesinde ve ilertion to the private sector, golemesinde önemli roller üstvernments and local authoritilenmeye bafllam›flt›r. Büyüyen
es have begun playing imporekonomi, uluslar aras› ticaret
tant roles in the development
ve küreselleflme, kongre ve
and expansion of the sector.
toplant› sektörünün de büyüA growing economy, internamesini tetiklemekte ve geliflitional trade and globalization
mini sa¤lamaktad›r. Tüm bu
have also helped to trigger
geliflmeler, uluslar aras› pathe growth and development
zarda say›s› gittikçe artan konof the meeting industry ovegre ve toplant› destinasyonlar›rall.
n›n geçmifle k›yasla daha agAll of these developments haresif pazarlama yapmalar›na
ve brought an increasing numHandan BOYCE
ve gittikçe artan bir rekabete
ber of congress and meeting
yol açm›flt›r.
destinations into the market
Kongre turizminin geçti¤imiz
and led to competition that is
son on y›l içerisinde kaydetti¤i geliflmeler ve geldi¤i
significantly more intense than was the case in the
nokta çok önemlidir ve gelecek için de ümit vermektepast, and competition is only growing fiercer.
dir. Bugün Istanbul, uluslar aras› toplant› ve kongre
The development of congress tourism over the past
pazar›ndaki önemli destinasyonlar aras›nda yer almakten years is very impressive and the gains achieved
ta ve birço¤u ile bafla bafl yar›flmaktad›r. ‹stanbul’un
thus far point to a very positive future. Today, ‹stanbul
bugünlere gelmesindeki en önemli faktör, flehrin bir
is an important international congress destination and
bütün olarak ve sektöre odakl› pazarlama ve tan›t›m
competes effectively with destinations around the
faaliyetlerini üstlenen destinasyon pazarlama örgütüworld. The main reason that ‹stanbul has been able to
nün yani Istanbul Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu’nun kureach this level is the establishment of a sector-focurulmufl olmas›d›r.
sed, destination marketing organization that underta‹stanbul’un geçti¤imiz son 5 y›l içerisinde uluslar arakes marketing and promotional activities on behalf of
s› toplant› ve kongre turizminde geldi¤i noktay›, sektöthe city as a whole that is the ‹stanbul Convention &
rümüzdeki canlanmay›, toplant› ve kongre turizminin
Visitors Bureau.
flehre kazand›rd›¤› doluluk, gelirlerdeki art›fl ve benzeThe standing ‹stanbul has achieved in international
ri olumlu geliflmeleri tüm turizm sektörü yak›ndan tameeting and congress tourism in the past five years,
kip ve takdir etmektedir. fiehrimizin uluslar aras› topin terms of the dynamism of the sector, the occu62
7:22 PM
Page 63
lant› düzenleyicileri taraf›ndan bilinirli¤inin ve referans›n›n artmas› neticesinde ‹stanbul 2000 y›l›ndan bu
yana sürekli artan bir ivme ile dünya flehirleri s›ralamas›ndaki yerini yükseltmektedir. ICCA (International
Congress & Convention Association) istatistiklerine
göre, gerçekleflen kongre say›s› baz›nda 2005 y›l›nda
dünya flehirleri s›ralamas›nda 24’üncü olan ‹stanbul,
2006 y›l›nda 17’nci s›raya, tahmini kongre kat›l›mc›
say›s›na göre ise 2005 y›l›nda bulundu¤u 14.s›radan
2006 y›l›nda s›raya yükselmifltir. Bu geliflme kongre ve toplant› sektörüne yönelik tan›t›m ve pazarlama
faaliyetlerini aral›ks›z ve etkin bir flekilde sürdüren
ICVB, tüm sektör ortaklar› ve nihayet flehrimiz ad›na
gurur vericidir.
ICVB, 1997 y›l›nda kar amac› gütmeyen tarafs›z bir flehir tan›t›m ve pazarlama örgütü olarak TUGEV bünyesinde kurulmufltur. Kurulufl amac› “Türkiye ve özellikle ‹stanbul’un kongre, konferans, fuar ve sergileme
olanaklar›n› yurt d›fl›nda ve içinde tan›t›p pazarlamas›na yard›mc› olmak sureti ile kongre ve konferans turizmini özendirmek, kentin ve ülkenin tan›t›m›na katk›da
bulunarak turizmin gelifltirilmesini sa¤lamak” t›r. Bu
amaç do¤rultusunda bugüne kadar birçok tan›t›m ve
pazarlama aktivitelerini gerçeklefltiren ICVB, ‹stanbul’un uluslararas› platformlarda tan›t›m›na ve markalaflmas›na büyük katk›larda bulunmufltur. Nitekim
ICVB, üyesi oldu¤u ICCA (International Convention &
Congress Association), ECM ( European Cities Marketing), DMAI ( Destination Marketing Association International) gibi uluslararas› toplant› sektörünün önde
gelen kurulufllar› nezdinde ‹stanbul’u temsil eden tek
yetkili kurulufltur. Yan› s›ra ICVB yetkilileri bu kurulufllar›n yönetim kurullar›, komisyon ve icra kurullar›nda
yer alarak uluslar aras› iletiflim a¤›nda ülkemiz ve flehrimiz ad›na aktif rol almaktad›rlar.
ICVB, özel sektör kurulufllar›n› üye olarak kabul eder.
Üyeleri aras›nda ‹stanbul’un kongre merkezler, oteller,
sektörün önde gelen acentalar› ve kongre organizatörleri, restoranlar ve benzeri servis sa¤lay›c›lar bulunur.
ICVB’nin ana faaliyetleri; Kültür ve Turizm Bakanl›¤›m›z›n uluslar aras› kongre fuarlar›n› organize etmek, benzeri fuarlara ve destinasyonlar aras› ifl borsalar›na ‹stanbul ad›na kat›lmak, kongre imkanlar›n› araflt›rmak,
yurtd›fl›nda tan›t›m faaliyetleri yürütmek, potansiyel
kongreler için sat›fl ziyaretlerinde bulunmak, al›c›lara
yönelik ‹stanbul’a teftifl ve tan›t›m gezileri organizasyonu yapmak, bas›l› ve görsel tan›t›m malzemeleri üretmek ve uluslar aras› da¤›t›m› gerçeklefltirmek, uluslar
aras› kongre sektörü dernek ve birliklerinin organize
etti¤i genel kurullar ve workshop’lara kat›lmak sureti
ile ‹stanbul ad›na network oluflturmak ve destinasyonun temsilini üstlenmek, kongre adayl›k sürecinde ‹s-
pancy rates generated by congress tourism, increasing revenues and other similar positive developments have been closely followed and praised by everyone in the tourism industry. According to ICCA (International Congress & Convention Association) statistics, in terms of congresses organized, ‹stanbul ranked 24th worldwide in 2005 and 17th in 2006. In
terms of estimated number of participants, it ranked
14th in 2005 and 8th in 2006. These achievements
are a source of pride both for ICVB, which engages in
on-going and intensive promotion and marketing efforts, as well as its partners in the tourism sector and,
most of all, for the city of ‹stanbul itself.
ICVB was founded as a non-aligned, non-profit destination promotion and marketing organization in 1997
under the TUGEV umbrella. The aim of the organization is “to contribute to the development of tourism by
promoting and marketing Turkey and particularly ‹stanbul’s potential for congresses, conferences, trade fairs and exhibitions, thus promoting congress and conference tourism in general and contributing to the promotion of ‹stanbul and Turkey.” ICVB, in service of
this objective, has to date organized, implemented
and participated in a wide range of promotion and
marketing activities, making significant contributions,
on an international level, to awareness and appreciation of the ‹stanbul brand. ICVB is the only organization
authorized to represent ‹stanbul at leading international organizations such as ICCA (International Convention & Congress Association), ECM (European Cities
Marketing), and the DMAI (Destination Marketing Association International). Additionally, ICVB representatives are active on the boards of directors, commissions and executive committees of these organizations,
acting on behalf of Turkey and ‹stanbul.
ICVB accepts private sector organizations as members. Among their members are the leading hotels,
travel agencies and professional congress organizers,
convention centers, restaurants and similar service
ICVB’s main activities include organizing Turkey’s participation in international meeting industry trade fairs
on the behalf of the Ministry of Culture & Tourism, participating in similar fairs and inter-destination business development events and workshops on behalf of
‹stanbul, researching potential congresses, conducting promotional activities abroad, sales calls for potential conventions, organizing inspection and Fam
trips to ‹stanbul for potential buyers, producing and
distributing printed and visual promotional materials,
networking on behalf of ‹stanbul at general assemblies and workshops organized by international confe63
7:22 PM
Page 64
tanbul flehri ad›na ihale dosyas› haz›rlamak ve sunum
yapmak gibi ana bafll›klarla s›ralanabilir.
ICVB’nin, ulusal ve uluslararas› kongre sektörüne destinasyonun bir bütün olarak ve kar amac› gütmeksizin
tan›t›lmas› ve pazarlanmas›, ilgili pazarda pay›n›n art›r›lmas› fleklinde özetlenebilecek misyonu dahilindeki
iflleyifl biçimi, uluslar aras› bürolar›n›n ço¤unluk iflleyifl
norm ve standartlar› ile ayn›d›r.
‹laveten, ICVB yetkilileri, kongre ve toplant› turizmini
özendirmek ve bu konuda kamuoyu oluflturulmas›na
öncü ve yard›mc› olmak, bu turizm dal›nda nitelikli insan kaynaklar›n›n yetifltirilmesi hususunda e¤itim kurumlar›na destek vermek amac› ile üniversitelerin turizm bölümlerinde kongre ve toplant› sektörü üzerine
ders vererek, konferans ve sempozyum benzeri aktivitelere konuflmac› olarak kat›larak sektöre hizmete vermektedir.
Kuruldu¤u günden bu yana ICVB, uluslar aras› pazarda ‹stanbul’u baflar› ile temsil etmifl, flehir ad›na referans bir organizasyon olarak birçok kongre, toplant› ve
etkinli¤i flehre kazand›rm›fl ve üyesi oldu¤u uluslar
aras› kongre sektörü kurulufllar› arac›l›¤› ile ‹stanbul’un sesini dünyaya duyurmufltur. Tüm tan›t›m ve
pazarlama aktivitelerini ‹stanbul’un uluslar aras› toplant› sektöründe markas›n› güçlendirmek, tan›n›rl›¤›n›
ve pazar süreklili¤ini sa¤lamak üzere planlayan ICVB,
hali haz›rda önümüzdeki on y›l ve daha ilerisine uzanan kongre potansiyelleri üzerinde çal›flmalar›na devam etmektedir.
‹stanbul’da geçti¤imiz y›llarda düzenlenen ve önümüzdeki y›llarda düzenlenecek önemli uluslar aras› kongrelerin flehrimize kazand›r›lmas› konusunda ICVB ile
ulusal ve uluslar aras› dernek merkezlerinin iflbirli¤i etkin rol oynam›flt›r. Bu kongrelerden baz›lar›; Dünya Mimarlar Birli¤i Kongresi, Dünya Tafl›mac›l›k Kongresi,
Avrupa Nükleer T›p Kongresi, Uluslar aras› Telekomünikasyon Kongresi, Uluslar aras› Mikro elektronik Sistemler Kongresi, Avrupa medikal Onkoloji Kongresi,
Avrupa Üroloji Kongresi, Avrupa Menopoz & Andropoz
Kongresi, Dünya Hemofili Kongresi, Avrupa Osteoporoz Kongresi, Avrupa Perinatoloji Kongresi, Uluslar aras› Hava Trafik Kontrolörleri Derne¤i Kongresi, Hareket
Bozukluklar› Kongresi, Dünya Seyahat Eden Ö¤renciler
Konferans›, Uluslar aras› Ahflap Koruma Kongresi,
Dünya Muhasebeciler Kongresi, Dünya Odalar Kongresi olarak s›ralanabilir.
Ayr›ca dünya kongre pazar›n›n olimpiyatlar› olarak adland›r›lan, 40,000 kiflilik Uluslaras› Telekomünikasyon
Kongresi, 35,000 kiflilik Dünya Rotary Konvansiyonu,
25,000 kiflilik Dünya Aids Konferans›, 15,000 kiflilik
Uluslararas› Difl Kongresi, Kardiyoloji Kongreleri ve
Dünya Petrol Kongresi, ICVB taraf›ndan flehrimize kazand›r›lmak üzere takip edilmekte ve izlenilmekte olan
rence tourism organizations, preparing tender documents for congress candidacies and making presentations outlining ‹stanbul’s potential as a congress
destination.Additionally, ICVB representatives speak
at conferences and symposiums, teach classes on
congress tourism and destination marketing at the
tourism departments of universities in order to promote meeting industry and to generate public awareness
and support, as well as support educational institutions in furthering the training of qualified personnel for
the industry. Since it was founded, ICVB has effectively represented ‹stanbul in the international market
and successfully brought numerous congresses, conventions and events to ‹stanbul, while simultaneously
raising awareness of ‹stanbul worldwide via the international congress industry organizations of which it is
a member. ICVB designs all of its promotional and
marketing efforts to strengthen ‹stanbul as an international conference brand and to ensure its continuity in
the market; ICVB as of this writing is currently pursuing on-going efforts to develop potential congresses
for ‹stanbul both in the next 10 years and beyond.
ICVB, working in coordination with Turkish and international associations and professional bodies, has played a key role in bringing a range of high-profile congresses to ‹stanbul in recent years and has also won
numerous other major congresses for the city that will
be held in the coming years. Among these congresses
are: the International Union of Architects World Congress, the World Congress of Transportation, the Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, the International Telecommunication Congress,
the International Congress of Micro-Electronic
Systems, the European Medical Oncology Congress,
the European Congress on Urology, the European Congress on Menopause and Andropause, the World Hemophilia Congress, the European Congress on Osteoporosis, the European Congress on Perinatology, the
Congress of the International Federation of Air Traffic
Controllers, the Behavioral Disorders Congress, the
World Youth and Student Travel Conference, the International Congress of Wood Preservation, the World
Congress of the International Federation of Accountants, and the World Chambers Congress. ICVB is also working to bring the mega-congresses that are the
“Olympics” of the congress tourism world to ‹stanbul,
like the 40,000 participant International Telecommunications Congress, the 35,000 World Rotary Convention, the 25,000 participant World AIDS Conference,
the 15,000 International Dental Congress and Cardiology Congresses and the World Petroleum Congress
to ‹stanbul. ICVB actively tracks these conference and
monitors developments, staying in close contact with
their organizers.
7:22 PM
Page 65
ICVB-ICCA Yönetim Kurulu’nda
International Congress and Conventions Association
(ICCA), uluslararas› toplant› ve kongre sektörünün en
önde gelen kurulufllar›n biridir. Dünyan›n 80 ülkesinden 800 ü aflk›n sektör kuruluflu ICCA’n›n üyesidir.
Kongre ve Ziyaretçi Bürolar›, Kongre Organizatörleri,
Kongre Merkezleri ve Otelleri, Havayollar›, yay›n kurulufllar› ve servis sa¤lay›c›lar› gibi sektöre hizmet veren
uzmanlaflm›fl kurulufllar ICCA üyeleri aras›nda yer almaktad›r. 1963 y›l›nda kurulan ICCA, üyeleri aras›nda
iletiflim ve iflbirli¤inin artmas›, sektöre yönelik e¤itim
ve istatistik çal›flmalar›n›n yürütülmesi, toplant› ve
kongre sektörünün küresel olarak geliflmesi, dünya
kongreler takvim ve verilerinin oluflturulmas›na yönelik
birçok faaliyet gerçeklefltirmektedir. ‹stanbul Kongre
ve Ziyaretçi Bürosu-ICVB, dünya kongre sektörünün uzmanlar›ndan oluflan bu küresel birli¤in 10 y›ld›r üyesidir ve aktif olarak faaliyetlerine kat›lmaktad›r.
Bu y›l 28-31 Ekim 2007 tarihlerinde Tayland’da düzenlenen 46. ICCA Kongresi bünyesinde yap›lan Genel
Kurul’da, ICVB Genel Müdürü Handan Boyce ICCA Yönetim Kurulu’na seçilmifltir.
Handan Boyce, bu geliflmeyi “Bu yeni konum itibariyle
uluslararas› kongre sektörünün kalbinde yer alaca¤›z.
fiüphesiz ülkemizin ve flehrimizin sesini daha güçlü
duyuraca¤›z. Tabii bunun sektörümüzün yap›sal ve ifllevsel geliflimine de ciddi katk›lar› olacak. Kongre turizminin önde gelen flehir ve ülkelerinin temsilcileri ile
ortak projeler üretecek ve bu projelerde yer alaca¤›z.
Rekabetin ana unsurlar›n›, sektörün trendlerini daha
yak›ndan tan›ma f›rsat›n› elde edece¤iz. Neticede her
sektörde oldu¤u gibi bizim sektörümüzde de lobicilik
ve ulusal temsil büyük önem arz etmekte. Bu temsil
hakk›n› elde etmifl olmaktan ülkem ve flehrim ad›na
gurur duyuyorum” fleklinde de¤erlendirmifltir.
The International Congress and Conventions
Association (ICCA) is one of the leading organizations of the convention sector. Over 800 sector companies and organizations from 80 countries actively
participate in ICCA. ICCA’s members include
Convention & Visitors Bureaux, Professional
Conference Organizers, Convention Centers and
Hotels, Airlines, Publishing Companies and Industry
Service Providers.
Founded in 1963, ICCA works to increase communication and cooperation among its members, conducts educational programs and undertakes statistical studies, promotes the global development of the
congress industry, maintains the world congress calendar and gathers congress data. ICVB has been a
member of ICCA for 10 years and an active participant in the organization’s activities.
The General Manager of ICVB, Handan Boyce, was
elected to the ICCA Board of Directors at the 46th
ICCA Congress held in Thailand on October 28-31,
On being elected to the board, Handan Boyce had
this to say, “We will play an important role in the
international convention sector. Surely, this will contribute to the structural and functional development
of the industry. We will initiate projects in cooperation with the representatives of the leading cities
and countries. We will closely follow the main elements of competition and the trends of the sector.
Just like in every field, here promotion and national
representation have considerable importance. I am
proud of being granted this honor on behalf of my
country and city.”
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Page 66
ICVB Pazarlama Faaliyetleri
ICVB Marketing Activities
ICVB, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm
Bakanl›¤›’n›n vermifl oldu¤u
görev do¤rultusunda yurtd›fl›
kongre ve toplant› fuarlar›nda
Türkiye stantlar›n›n organizasyonunu ilgili müflavirlik ve
atafleliklerle koordinasyon
içerisinde yürütmektedir.
Söz konusu uluslar aras› toplant› ve kongre sektörü fuarlar›; International Confex Londra, EMIF Brüksel, Seatrade
Miami, IMEX Frankfurt, IT
&ME Chicago, BTC Roma ve
EIBTM Barselona fuarlar›d›r.
Bunlara ilaveten Bakanl›¤›n
kat›lmad›¤› uluslar aras› fuarlarda ‹stanbul’u temsil etmekte ve ‹stanbul stand› açmaktad›r. Bu fuarlar aras›nda
‹stanbul Ticaret Odas› ad›na
kat›l›nan NATAS Singapur
Fuar›, IT&CMA Bangkok, MIBEX Moskova, Bedouk Paris
yer almaktad›r.
ICVB kat›l›mc› olarak; ITB Berlin, ATM Dubai, WTM Londra
gibi önde gelen turizm sektörü fuarlar›nda ‹stanbul ad›na
yer almaktad›r.
Elif Balc› F‹SUNO⁄LU
Sat›fl ve Pazarlama Direktörü
Director of Sales and Marketing of ICVB
ICVB organizes Turkey’s
stands and exhibits at international meeting industry trade fairs in line with the responsibilities assigned to it by
the Turkish Ministry of Culture & Tourism and working in
conjunction with Turkey’s
tourism counselors and attachés abroad. These international meeting and congress industry fairs include
the International Confex London, EMIF Brussels, Seatrade Miami, IMEX Frankfurt, IT
& ME Chicago, BTC Rome
and EIBTM Barcelona fairs.
In addition to these, ICVB
represents ‹stanbul, exhibiting with an ‹stanbul stand at
other international travel fairs. Among these fairs are
NATAS Singapore, IT&CMA
Bangkok, MIBEX Moscow
and Bedouk Paris. ICVB is also a participant at other leading tourism sector fairs
such as ITB Berlin, ATM Dubai, and WTM London.
ICVB flehrimizin tan›t›m› ve pazarlamas›n› yapmak ve
ifl imkan› yaratmak amac› ile birçok uluslar aras›
workshop, ifl borsas›, sat›fl ziyaretleri ve roadshowlara kat›lmakta ve benzeri aktivitelerin flehrimizde yap›lmas›n› özendirmektedir. Bunlar aras›nda ICVB ‹ngiltere ve ‹rlanda temsilcisi IMV firmas›, ICCA, ECM
taraf›ndan organize edilen toplant›lar›n yan› s›ra bakanl›¤›m›z müflavirlik ve ataflelikleri ile ortaklafla kat›l›nan çeflitli toplant› ve etkinlikler yer almaktad›r.
In order to promote and market ‹stanbul and to generate new business opportunities, ICVB participates in
a range of international workshops, business exchanges, sales calls and roadshows and also encourages
organizers to arrange these types of events in ‹stanbul. Among these are meetings organized by IMV,
ICVB’s representative in England and Ireland, ICCA,
ECM and other meetings and events in which the Bureau participates in coordination with the Ministry of
Culture & Tourism Counselors and Attaches.
ICVB üyesi oldu¤u uluslar aras› kongre ve toplant›
sektörünün önde gelen kurulufllar›n›n (ICCA, ECM,
DMAI) etkinliklerine, genel kurullar›, kategori, bölüm
ICVB represents Turkey and ‹stanbul via participation in activities organized by the leading congress
and meeting industry organizations, like ICCA, ECM
7:22 PM
Page 67
ve sektör toplant›lar›na kat›larak uluslar aras› iletiflim a¤›n› geniflletmekte ve ülkemizi, flehrimizi bu
platformlarda temsil etmektedir.
ICVB, çeflitli kanallar› (ICCA Database, internet araflt›rmas›, do¤rudan gelen talepler, uluslar aras› fuar
ve workshoplar, ulusal dernek ve birlikler ile olan iflbirlikleri) kullanarak ‹stanbul’a kazand›r›lmas› uygun
olan kongreleri bulur ve gerekli giriflimlerin ard›ndan
flehrimiz ad›na adayl›k çal›flmalar›n› sürdürür. Kongre
adayl›k çal›flmalar› kapsam›nda, ihale dosyalar›n›n
haz›rlanmas›, tetkik gezilerinin düzenlenerek karar
vericilerin flehrimizde a¤›rlanmas›, lobi faaliyetlerinin
yürütülmesi ve karar›n al›naca¤› kongreye kat›l›narak
stant aç›lmas› ve ‹stanbul’un sunum yap›lmas› çal›flmalar› ICVB taraf›ndan yürütülür ve koordine edilir.
ICVB, ‹stanbul’un uluslar aras› kongre ve toplant›
sektörüne takdimi ve tan›t›m› için birçok bas›l› ve dijital malzeme haz›rlar ve kongre sektörüne yönelik
uluslar aras› magazin ve dergiler ile iletiflime girerek
‹stanbul hakk›nda makale ve özel destinasyon dosyalar›n›n yay›nlanmas› için giriflimlerde bulunur.
ICVB, kongre- toplant› sektörü al›c›- karar vericileri ve
toplant› düzenleyicilerine ‹stanbul’un tan›t›m›n› yapmak
üzere kongre pazar›n›n önde gelen dernek, birlik ve flirket toplant›lar› al›c› ve karar vericilerinden oluflan gruplar› flehrimizde a¤›rlamaktad›r. fiehrimizin kongre turizmi alt ve üst yap› olanaklar›n›n en iyi flekilde tan›t›m›n›
hedefleyen programlarda ICVB üyeleri baflta olmak üzere ülkemiz ve flehrimizin önde gelen kurum ve kurulufllar› taraf›ndan da desteklenmektedir.
and DMAI and works to expand its international network and promote the destination in this fashion.
Using a range of tools and channels, including the
ICCA Database, Internet research, direct enquiries,
international fairs and workshops and cooperation
with Turkish associations, ICVB identifies congresses that are suitable for ‹stanbul and takes the necessary steps to begin candidacy proceedings for
the city. Within the framework of its congress candidacy efforts, ICVB conducts and coordinates a wide
range of activities including the preparation of bid
documents, organization of inspection visits, hosting
decision-makers in ‹stanbul, management and implementation of lobbying efforts, participation at the
relevant congresses with an ‹stanbul stand and ‹stanbul’s presentation to the delegates.
ICVB prepares a range of printed and digital materials designed to promote and market ‹stanbul to the
international congress industry as well as liaising
with media to secure the publication of articles and
special destination files about ‹stanbul in international magazines.
ICVB brings key congress and meeting industry buyers, decision-makers and meeting planners representing leading associations and companies to ‹stanbul. These programs, which are designed to present ‹stanbul’s conference and meeting infrastructure and superstructure in the best possible light, are
supported by leading public bodies and private enterprises in Turkey and ‹stanbul.
9:29 PM
Page 68
10 y›lda ICVB
ICVB in ten years
2002, ‹stanbul Üniversitesi
2000, IT&ME
Chicago Fuar›
Y›lmaz Tecmen’in Senato Toplant›s›na kongre turizmi takdimi.
‹stanbul University 2002
Y›lmaz Tecmen briefing the senate of the university about
congress tourism.
(Soldan-sa¤a) Eyüp Babür,
Bike Küçük,
Y›lmaz Tecmen
2000, IT&ME
Chicago Trade
From left to right: Eyüp Babür,
Bike Küçük,
Y›lmaz Tecmen
2003, ECM Meet Europe
Workshop Paris
Dr. Özen Dall› davetli al›c› ile görüflüyor.
2003, ECM Meet Europe, Paris
Dr. Özen Dall› having discussions with a buyer
Eylül 2003, IT&ME Chicago Fuar›
‹stanbul Ticaret Odas› stand›.
September 2003, IT&ME
Chicago Trade Show
‹stanbul Chamber of Commerce stand.
Bükrefl, May›s 2003
Prof. Dr. Erdo¤an Ertüngealp ile Elif Balc›
Fisuno¤lu ‹stanbul sunumunu yap›yorlar.
Bucharest, May 2003
Prof.Dr Erdo¤an Ertüngealp and Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu
during the ‹stanbul destination presentation
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Page 69
Kas›m 2003,
Travel Extra Fuar›
Aç›fl Konuflmas›, Dr. Özen Dall›.
Kas›m 2003, WTM Londra Fuar›
November 2003,
Travel Extra Fair
Dönemin Turizm Bakan› Erkan Mumcu ve Y›lmaz Tecmen.
Dr.Özen Dall› giving the opening speech.
Minister of Tourism Erkan Mumcu and Y›lmaz Tecmen.
November 2003, WTM London Trade Show
2003 Cenevre,
‹TÜ Konferans›
‹stanbul adayl›k çal›flmalar›-Ulaflt›rma
Bakan› Binali Y›ld›r›m, Y›lmaz Tecmen.
2003 Geneva, ‹stanbul’s
presentation for the
ITU Conference
Minister of Transportation Binali
Y›ld›r›m and Y›lmaz Tecmen.
May›s 2003, EIBTM Cenevre Fuar›
Zürih Müflavirimiz ‹brahim Yazar ve Handan Boyce davetli
al›c›lar ile birlikte destinasyon sunumunun ard›ndan.
May 2003, EIBTM Trade Show Geneva
‹brahim Yazar and Handan Boyce along with hosted buyers.
‹stanbul 2003,
EFCT Summer School
Handan Boyce, Dr. Özen Dall›, Y›lmaz Tecmen,
EFCT Yön. Kur. ile birlikte.
‹stanbul 2003,
EFCT Summer School
Handan Boyce, Y›lmaz Tecmen and Dr. Özen Dall› with
the EFCT Board.
9:30 PM
Page 70
Brüksel Sunum ve Davet
ICVB, Türk Belçika Derne¤i’nce (TBDT) 13-15 Aral›k
2004 tarihleri aras›nda Brüksel’de organize edilen
ekonomik misyon toplant›s›na kat›lm›flt›r. ICVB, program
kapsam›nda bir bas›n toplant›s› ve Palais des Beaux Arts
de Bruxelles’da (BOZAR) bir resepsiyon düzenlemifltir.
‹stanbul Reception in Brussel
ICVB took part in the economic mission event organized
by Turkey- Belgium Commercial Association between
13th and 15th December 2004 in Brussels. Within the
program, ICVB has launched a press conference and
hosted a reception at Palais des Beaux Arts of Brussels.
2004, EIBTM Barcelona
TUGEV-ICVB Baflkan Vekili Y›lmaz Tecmen,
‹spanya Kral› Juan Carlos’u Türkiye stand›nda
2004, EIBTM Barcelona
TUGEV-ICVB President Y›lmaz Tecmen greeting
the King of Spain, Juan Carlos, at the Turkey
Brüksel 2004, Türkiye
Büyükelçili¤i Resepsiyonu
(Soldan sa¤a) Teamcon Yönetim Kurulu Baflkan›
Tomruk Özden, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Beyo¤lu
Belediye Baflkan› Ahmet Misbah Demircan, Y›lmaz
Tecmen ve Handan Boyce.
Brussels 2004,
Turkish Embassy Reception
From left to right: Teamcon Chairman of the
Board Tomruk Özden, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Beyo¤lu
Mayor Ahmet Misbah Demircan, Y›lmaz Tecmen,
Handan Boyce.
Aral›k 2004 Brüksel,
ICVB Bas›n Toplant›s›
Brüksel 2004, ICVB-TBTD
Kokteyli, Palais Beaux Arts
Handan Boyce, Y›lmaz Tecmen, Jan Chovanec ve
Dr. Özen Dall›.
Y›lmaz Tecmen, Jan Chovanec, Büyükflehir Belediye
Baflkan›m›z Mimar Dr. Kadir Topbafl.
December 2004, ICVB
Press Conference, Brussels
Brussels 2004,
‹stanbul reception at the
Palais des Beaux Arts
Handan Boyce, Y›lmaz Tecmen, Jan Chovanec
and Dr. Özen Dall›.
Y›lmaz Tecmen, Jan Chovanec, ‹stanbul Metropolitan
Municipality Mayor Architect Dr. Kadir Topbafl.
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Page 71
Ekim 2004
Bangkok Dünya Hemofili Kongresi’ni kazanan Türkiye heyeti.
October 2004
Bangkok, Turkish Committee winning the World Hemophilia Congress.
Ekim 2004, Dünya
Hemofili Kongresi
Sunumu, Bangkok
Türkiye Hemofili Derne¤i
Baflkan› Prof. Dr. Bülent
Zülfikar, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu.
October 2004,
Prof. Dr. Bülent Zülfikar and
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu presenting
‹stanbul at the World
Hemophilia Congress.
Mart 2004, Miami Seatrade Fuar›
(Soldan sa¤a) Nurdan Üstman, Feza Solaklar, Ressan Suzek, Handan
Boyce, Y›lmaz Tecmen, Aflk›n Yücelsin, Sadettin Bülbül, Elif Balc›
Fisuno¤lu, Güniz At›s.
March 2004, Miami Seatrade Fair
From left to right: Nurdan Üstman, Feza Solaklar, Ressan Suzek,
Handan Boyce, Y›lmaz Tecmen, Aflk›n Yücelsin, Sadettin Bülbül, Elif
Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Güniz At›s.
Haziran 2004
(Soldan sa¤a) Joep Bakx,
Büyükflehir eski Belediye
Baflkan› Ali Müfit Gürtuna,
Y›lmaz Tecmen
June 2004
from left to right: Joep Bakx,
‹stanbul Metropolitan
Municipality Mayor Ali Müfit
Gürtuna, Y›lmaz Tecmen.
Avrupa Perinatal T›p Kongresi, Türkiye
Büyükelçili¤i ‹stanbul Resepsiyonu, Atina 2004
Ev sahibi Türkiye Maslahatgüzar›, Prof. Dr. Cihat fien, Handan Boyce,
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu.
Athens 2004, European Perinatology
Congress ‹stanbul Reception
Hosted by the Turkish Embassy in Athens, Prof. Dr. Cihat fien,
Handan Boyce, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu.
7:23 PM
Page 72
Erzurum Winter
Universiad 2009 adayl›¤›
Erzurum - Palandöken’in 2009 y›l› Üniversiteleraras›
K›fl Oyunlar› - Winter Universiade adayl›k çal›flmalar›
ICVB taraf›ndan yürütülmüfltür.
Erzurum Winter
Universiad 2009 Bidding
ICVB has carried out the candidacy process of
Erzurum- Palandöken for Winter Universiad 2009.
Eylül 2004, Turizm Platformu
September 2004, Tourism
Platform meeting
Kas›m 2004 Erzurum,
Winter Universiad Toplant›s›
Erzurum Valisi Celalettin Güvenç, Y›lmaz Tecmen.
Nisan 2005, IMEX Fuar›
Formula 1 tatil paketi talihlisi Türkiye stand›
yetkilileri ile birlikte.
November 2004 Erzurum,
Erzurum Governor
Celalettin Güvenç and Y›lmaz Tecmen.
April 2005, IMEX Trade Fair
Winner of Formula 1 ‹stanbul package along with
Turkish exhibitors.
Ocak 2005 Innsbruck, Winter
Universiad Erzurum stand›
(Soldan sa¤a) Y›lmaz Tecmen, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu,
Baflbakan Yard›mc›s› Mehmet Ali fiahin, Handan Boyce,
Dr. Cengiz Ersun.
Nisan 2005, IMEX Fuar›
Nihan Esen toplant› düzenleyicileri ile görüflüyor.
April 2005, IMEX Trade Fair
Nihan Esen speaking to a meeting planner.
January 2005 Innsbruck, Winter
Universiad Erzurum stand
From left to right: Y›lmaz Tecmen, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu,
Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Ali fiahin, Handan Boyce,
Dr. Cengiz Ersun.
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Page 73
2005 ‹stanbul, FDI Kongresi
tetkik gezisi
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Nihan Esen ve Lütfi K›rdar Kongre ve
Banket Müdürü Levent Gülsoy FDI ve Türk Difl Hekimleri
Birli¤i yetkilileri ile.
2005 ICCA Workshop, Madrid
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu Davetli al›c›ya ‹stanbul’un kongre
olanaklar› hakk›nda bilgi veriyor.
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu at the ICCA Workshop Madrid, 2005.
2005 Istanbul, FDI Congress
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Nihan Esen and ICEC Congress and
Banquet Manager Levent Gülsoy along with the executives
of FDI and the Turkish Dentists Association.
Temmuz 2005
‹ngiltere Dernek Birlik Temsilcileri Fam trip.
July 2005
Familiarization trip for associations from the UK.
Nisan 2005, IMEX
Türkiye stand› Formula 1 tan›t›m›.
April 2005, IMEX Trade Fair
Formula 1 promotion at the Turkey stand.
2005 ‹stanbul
Temmuz 2005
ISA Kongresi tetkik gezisi, Hilton Oteli.
Torino Kongre Bürosu yetkililerinin ‹stanbul ziyareti.
2005 Istanbul
July 2005
ISA Congress inspection at the Hilton ‹stanbul.
Torino CVB executives’ visit to ‹stanbul.
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Page 74
Eylül 2005, IT&ME Chicago Fuar›
New York Ataflesi Meltem Öner, Baflkonsolos Naci
Koru, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Vali Yard›mc›s› Cumhur
Güven Taflbafl›.
September 2005, IT&ME
Chicago Trade Fair
New York Tourism Attaché Meltem Öner, Consul
General Naci Koru, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Istanbul Vice
Governor Cumhur Güven Taflbafl›.
Eylül 2005
Kültür ve Turizm Bakan› Atilla Koç, Vali Yard›mc›s›
Cumhur Güven Taflbafl›, Y›lmaz Tecmen.
September 2005
Y›lmaz Tecmen with the Minister of Culture & Tourism, Atilla
Koç and the Vice Governor of Istanbul, Cumhur Güven Taflbafl›.
Ekim 2005, Kopenhag
Handan Boyce TÜRSAB Yetkilileri ile birlikte
‹stanbul sunum ziyareti.
October 2005, Copenhagen
Handan Boyce and TURSAB representatives at
a destination presentation.
Kas›m 2005, WTM Fuar›,
Nihan Esen, Prof. Dr. Sarper Karaküçük.
November 2005 WTM London,
Nihan Esen and Prof. Dr. Sarper Karaküçük.
Nisan 2006 IMEX Politicians Forum
Baflkan Murat Yalç›ntafl Forum’a IMEX’in davetlisi olarak ve ‹stanbul ad›na kat›ld›.
April 2006 IMEX Politicians Forum
TUGEV-ICVB President Murat Yalç›ntafl attended the Forum as a guest of IMEX.
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Page 75
fiubat 2006, Kalyon Oteli
Mart 2006, Miami Seatrade Fuar›
Otel Genel Müdürleri Ö¤le Yeme¤i.
Y›lmaz Tecmen, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu.
February 2006, Kalyon Hotel
March 2006, Miami Seatrade
Chain Hotels’ General Managers luncheon.
Y›lmaz Tecmen and Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu.
Nisan 2006, IMEX Fuar›
Nisan 2006, IMEX Fuar›
Soldan sa¤a - ‹TO Meclis Üyesi Ertan Kurflun, Elif
Balc› Fisuno¤lu, ‹TO Genel Sekreteri Dr. Cengiz
Ersun, Frankfurt Turizm Ataflesi ‹brahim Adil,
TUGEV-ICVB Baflkan› Murat Yalç›ntafl, Frankfurt
Baflkonsolosu Bo¤aç Gümüldere, Handan Boyce,
Y›lmaz Tecmen.
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu davetli al›c›lara destinasyon
sunumu yaparken.
April 2006, IMEX
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu making the destination
April 2006, IMEX Trade Show
From left to right: ‹TO Council member Ertan
Kurflun, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, ‹TO Secretary General
Dr. Cengiz Ersun, Frankfurt Tourism Attaché ‹brahim
Adil, TUGEV-ICVB President Murat Yalç›ntafl,
Frankfurt Consul General Bo¤aç Gümüldere,
Handan Boyce, Y›lmaz Tecmen.
7:24 PM
Page 76
May›s 2006, ICVB Üyeler Yeme¤i Swissotel
May 2006, ICVB Members lunch at Swissotel ‹stanbul
(Soldan sa¤a) Timur Bay›nd›r, Yalç›n Manav, Sinan
Babila, Tülin Ersöz, Murat Yalç›ntafl, Cumhur Güven
Taflbafl›, Y›lmaz Tecmen, Murat Dedeman, Dr. Özen Dall›.
From left to right: Timur Bay›nd›r, Yalç›n Manav, Sinan
Babila, Tülin Ersöz, Murat Yalç›ntafl, Cumhur Güven
Taflbafl›, Y›lmaz Tecmen, Murat Dedeman, Dr. Özen Dall›.
Haziran 2006, ICCA
Workshop, ‹stanbul
Handan Boyce hofl geldiniz
2006 ICCA Workshop, ‹stanbul
Workshop kat›l›mc›s› kongre bürolar› ile davetli al›c›lar bir arada.
2006 ICCA Workshop ‹stanbul
Convention bureaux participated to workshop together with hosted buyers.
June 2006, ICCA
Workshop ‹stanbul,
Handan Boyce making the
opening speech.
9:35 PM
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Eylül 2006, NATAS Fuar›
Dr. Cengiz Ersun, Handan Boyce.
Eylül 2006, IT&ME
September 2006, Natas
Holidays Fair Singapore
Chicago Fuar› Türkiye stand› yetkilileri.
Dr. Cengiz Ersun and Handan Boyce at
the ‹stanbul stand.
September 2006, IT&ME
Chicago Turkey stand exhibitors.
Kas›m 2006, EIBTM Fuar›
(Soldan sa¤a) Nasuf Cömert, Tan›tma Genel Müdür
Yard›mc›s› ‹brahim Yazar, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Dr.
Özen Dall›, Esra Eriflkin Tüzün, Kültür ve Turizm
Bakanl›¤› Müsteflar› Mustafa Büyük, Erhan Çakay,
Handan Boyce, Osman Bilgivar, Madrid Müflaviri
‹smail Aksel.
2006, IT&CMA Pataya Fuar›
November 2006, EIBTM
Handan Boyce with immediate past president
of ICCA, Christian Mutschlehner.
From left to right: Nasuf Cömert, Assistant General
Director of Promotion ‹brahim Yazar, Elif Balc›
Fisuno¤lu, Dr. Özen Dall›, Esra Eriflkin Tüzün,
Undersecretary of Culture & Tourism Mustafa
Büyük, Erhan Çakay, Handan Boyce, Osman
Bilgivar, Madrid Tourism Attaché ‹smail Aksel.
Handan Boyce, dönemin ICCA Baflkan›
Christian Mutschlehner ile.
October 2006, IT&CMA
Pattaya trade show
‹stanbul 2006, FIGO Tetkik
(Soldan sa¤a) Albay Fahri Uyanmaz, Lütfi K›rdar
Kongre Koordinatörü An›l Albayrak, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu,
FIGO Yönetim Kurulu Üyeleri Prof. Markku Seppala ve
Prof. Jacques Milliez, Handan Boyce, Nihan Esen.
‹stanbul 2006, FIGO congress
inspection visit
From left to right: Colonel Fahri Uyanmaz, ICEC
Congress Coordinator An›l Albayrak, Elif Balc›
Fisuno¤lu, FIGO Board members Prof. Markku
Seppala and Prof. Jacques Milliez, Handan Boyce,
Nihan Esen.
7:24 PM
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2006 ‹stanbul, FIGO tetkik gezisi
(Soldan sa¤a) Handan Boyce, Prof. Jacques Milliez, Dr. Özen Dall›,
‹stanbul ‹l Kültür Turizm Müdürü Doç. Dr. Ahmet Bilgili, Vali Yard›mc›s›
Cumhur Güven Taflbafl›.
‹stanbul 2006, FIGO congress
inspection visit
From left to the right: Handan Boyce, Prof. Jacques Milliez, Dr. Özen
Dall›, ‹stanbul Culture & Tourism Director Doç. Dr. Ahmet Bilgili, Vice
Governor Cumhur Güven Taflbafl›.
Mart 2007
Barcelo Eresin Otel Genel
Müdürü Enrique Acrich Ecker,
Handan Boyce.
March 2007
Barcelo Eresin Hotel General
Manager Enrique Acrich Ecker
and Handan Boyce.
Mart 2007
ICVB’ye kongre turizmine
katk›lar›ndan dolay›
plaket takdimi, Barcelo
Eresin Hotel.
March 2007
Barcelo Eresin Hotel,
ICVB is presented
a plaque for its
contributions to
Congress tourism.
Mart 2007,
Uluslararas› AIDS
Lojistik Müdürü Anouk Rey, ICVB ve
CNR yetkilileri ile tetkik gezisi
sonras›nda toplant›da.
March 2007,
International AIDS
Logistics Manager Anouk Rey meeting
with ICVB and CNR executives during
an inspection visit to ‹stanbul.
7:24 PM
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Eylül 2007, IT&ME Chicago Fuar›
Baflkonsolos Kenan ‹pek, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Y›lmaz
Tecmen, Mehvefl Koçak, New York Ateflesi Hasan
September 2007, IT&ME Chicago
Consul General Kenan ‹pek, Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu,
Y›lmaz Tecmen, Mehvefl Koçak, New York Tourism
Attaché Hasan Zongür.
Ekim 2007 Pattaya,
ICCA Genel Kurulu
Handan Boyce Vip Turizm Baflkan› Ceylan Pirinçcio¤lu,
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Symcon Baflkan› ‹brahim Keskin.
October 2007, ICCA General
Assembly Pattaya
Handan Boyce, VIP Turizm CEO Ceylan Pirinçcio¤lu, Elif
Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Symcon CEO ‹brahim Keskin.
Ekim 2007, ICCA Genel Kurulu
Akdeniz Bölge Baflkan› Handan Boyce tak›m
oyunlar› sonras›nda Akdeniz Tak›m› ile birlikte.
October 2007, ICCA General
Mediterranean Chapter Chairperson Handan Boyce
with the Mediterranean Chapter team at the
Chapter competitions.
Ekim 2007 Pattaya,
ICCA Genel Kurulu
Handan Boyce.
October 2007 Pattaya,
ICCA General Assembly
Handan Boyce.
Ekim 2007
T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakan› Ertu¤rul Günay’a
ICVB sunumu.
October 2007
ICVB presentation to the Minister of Culture &
Tourism of Turkey, Ertu¤rul Günay.
Kas›m 2007, BTC Roma Fuar›
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu, Roma Kültür ve Turizm Ataflesi
Dr. Betül Duman.
November 2007, BTC Rome
trade fair
Elif Balc› Fisuno¤lu with Rome Culture & Tourism
Attache Dr. Betül Duman.
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TUGEV ve ICVB bugüne dek
gösterdi¤i faaliyetlerle ilgili olarak
pek çok gurur verici mektup ald›.
Bunlardan baz›lar›n› yay›nl›yoruz.
TUGEV and ICVB have, over the years,
received numerous letters of thanks for
their activities and successes. Here we
reproduce a few of those…
8:03 PM
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7:24 PM
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2002/Moskova BE/146908
Ankara, 21 Haziran 2002
Say›n Dr. Özen DALLI
TUGEV Genel Sekreteri
ICVB Yürütme Kurulu Üyesi
Moskova, 17 Ekim 2002
Sayın Özen Dallı
TUGEV Genel Sekreteri
ICVB Yürütme Kurulu Üyesi
Meşrutiyet Cad. 57/4, Beyoğlu 80050, İstanbul
Faks No: (212) 292 54 51
Sayın Dallı,
TUGEV-ICVB taraf›ndan haz›rlanan “Toplant› Düzenleyecileri için
‹stanbul Rehberi” adl› kitab›n iletildi¤i 28 May›s 2002 tarihli yaz›n›z›
TUGEV (Turizm Geliştirme ve Eğitim Vakfı) – ICVB (İstanbul Convention &
Visitors Bureau) tarafından bastırılan (Toplantı Düzenleyicileri için İstanbul Rehberi)nin
son derece titiz ve başarılı çalışmanın ürünü olduğunu düşünüyoruz.
memnuniyetle alm›fl bulunmaktay›m.
‹lginiz için teflekkürlerimi sunar, çal›flmalar›n›zda baflar›lar dilerim.
Bu rehberin Moskova’daki turizm şirketleri ile diğer ilgili kuruluşlara da
iletilmesinin yararlı olacağına inanıyoruz. Bu amaçla, anılan rehberden Büyükelçiliğimize
25 adet daha göndermenizden memnuniyet duyacağız.
I. Murat Burhan
11 Haziran 2002
Sayın Dr. Özen DALLI
TUGEV Genel Sekreteri
ICVB Yürütme Kurulu Üyesi
Faks: (212) 292 54 51
Say›n Y›lmaz TECMEN
TUGEV Yönetim Kurulu Bflk. Yrd.
ICVB Baflkan Yard›mc›s›
Sayın DALLI,
Göndermiş olduğunuz “Toplantı Düzenleyecileri İçin İstanbul Rehberi”ni aldım,
çok teşekkür ederim.
Göndermifl oldu¤unuz “‹stanbul Meeting Planner’s Guide”
isimli rehberi ald›m. Teflekkür eder, bu vesile ile çal›flmalar›n›zda
baflar›lar diler, selam ve sevgilerimi sunar›m.
Hazırlanan bu değerli eserden dolayı sizi ve tüm emeği geçenleri içtenlikle
Turizm endüstrisine fevkalade yararlı olacak bu rehber, aynı zamanda bizim
Olimpik Oyunlar projemize de önemli katkıda bulunacaktır.
Mustafa TAfiAR

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