Doç.Dr. Ali İbrahim SHORBAGİ Öğretim Üyesi


Doç.Dr. Ali İbrahim SHORBAGİ Öğretim Üyesi
Adı Soyadı
: Ali İbrahim Shorbagi
Doğum Tarihi : 30.06.1979
: Uzman doktor (İç hastalıkları ve Gastroenteroloji)
Öğrenim Durumu:
Y. Lisans
Görev Unvanı
İç Hastalıkları
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Görev Yeri
Araştırma Görevlisi
Uzman Tabip
Uzman Tabip
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Hacettepe Üniversitesi
Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi
Tıpta Uzmanlık Tezi:
Akut lenfoblastik lösemi ve kronik myeloid lösemi'de imatinib mesilat ile "hedeflenmiş tedavi"
Yandal Uzmanlık Tezi:
Ülseratif kolitte, hastalık aktivitesinin belirlenmesinde serum interleukin-17 düzeyinin değeri ve
konvansiyonel belirteçler ile karşılaştırılması
A. Üyesi Olunan Mesleki Dernekler ve Görevler:
Gastroenteroloji ve Genel Cerrahi Derneği, Üye
Türk Gastroenteroloji Derneği, Üye
Viral Hepatit Savaşım Derneği, Üye
B. Mezuniyet Sonrası Eğitim:
-C. Bilimsel Dergilerde Görevler Jüri Üyelikleri:
-D. Bilimsel Toplantılarda Görevler:
18. World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists,
2008, Genel sekreterlik
E. Bilimsel Toplantılarda Konuşmalar:
Toplantı adı, yılı : Türk Gastroenteroloji Derneği, Ankara şubesi, Aylık Bilimsel Toplantı, 2008
: Konuşmacı
Konu başlığı
: Gaucher hastalığı: Hacettepe deneyimi ve Cerezyme® tedavisinin etkinliği.
Toplantı adı, yılı : Türk Gastroenteroloji Derneği, Ankara şubesi, Aylık Bilimsel Toplantı, 2009
: Konuşmacı
Konu başlığı
: Kronik intestinal psödoobstruksiyon – Erişkin Gastroenteroloji Deneyimi
Toplantı adı, yılı : Türk Gastroenteroloji Derneği, Ankara şubesi, Aylık Bilimsel Toplantı, 2008
: Konuşmacı
Konu başlığı
: Orak hücreli anemili olguda karaciğer patolojisi – Olgu sunumu
Toplantı adı, yılı : 5. Hacettepe Gastroenteroloji Günleri, 2009
: Konuşmacı
Konu başlığı
: Otoimmün pankreatit
Toplantı adı, yılı : 6. Hacettepe Gastroenteroloji Günleri, 2010
: Konuşmacı
Konu başlığı
: Kapsül endoskopi
F. Kitaplar:
Bölüm yazarlığı
HBV related chronic liver diseases in renal dialysis patients. Comprehensive Textbook of Hepatitis B,
Jaypee brothers Publishing, 2011. ISBN: 978-93-5025-081-5
Çeviri (İnglizce’den Türkçe’ye)
Capsule endoscopy, Elsevier Health Sciences; 1 edition (30 Nov 2007), ISBN 978-1416034025 (4 bölüm
çevirisi; Türkçe ofseti yayın aşamasında)
G. Uluslararası Hakemli Dergilerde Yayınlanan Makaleler:
1. Efe C, Shorbagi A, Ozseker B, Yilmaz H, Sokmensuer C, Balkanci F, Bayraktar Y. Budd-Chiari syndrome
as a rare complication of sarcoidosis. Rheumatol Int. 2011
2. Purnak T, Beyazit Y, Sahin GO, Shorbagi, A, Akova M. A novel fungal pathogen under the spotlight Acremonium spp. associated fungaemia in an immunocompetent host Source: Mycoses, 54 (1): 78-80
JAN 2011
3. Turhan, N, Bilgili H, Captug O, Kurt M, Shorbagi A, Beyazit Y, Kurt OK, Kosar A, Haznedaroglu IC.
Evaluatıon Of A Haemostatıc Agent In Rabbıts. Afrıcan Journal Of Tradıtıonal Complementary And
Alternatıve Medıcınes, 8 (1): 61-65 2011
4. Peynircioglu B, Shorbagi AI, Balli O, Cil B, Balkanci F, Bayraktar Y. Is there an alternative to TIPS?
Ultrasound-guided direct intrahepatic portosystemic shunt placement in Budd-Chiari syndrome.
Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2010 Oct-Dec;16(4):315-8. PubMed PMID: 20871209; PubMed Central PMCID:
5. Bilgili H, Captug O, Kosar A, Kurt M, Kekilli M, Shorbagi A, Kurt OK, Ozdemir O, Goker H,
Haznedaroglu IC. Oral Systemic Administration of Ankaferd Blood Stopper Has No Short-Term
Toxicity in an In Vivo Rabbit Experimental Model Clınıcal And Applıed Thrombosıs-Hemostasıs, 16 (5):
533-536 OCT 2010
6. Shorbagi A, Sivri B. Successful management of a difficult case of radiation proctopathy with Ankaferd
BloodStopper: a novel indication (with ). Gastrointest Endosc. 2010 Sep;72(3):666-7. PubMed PMID:
7. Yalcin-Cakmakli G, Karli Oguz K, Shorbagi A, Funda Bas D, Ergan-Arsava B, Kunt M, Akif Topcuoglu M.
Hyponatremic encephalopathy after excessive water ingestion prior to pelvic ultrasound:
neuroimaging findings. Intern Med.2010;49(16):1807-11. Epub 2010 Aug 13. PubMed PMID:
8. Kurt M, Akdogan M, Onal IK, Kekilli M, Arhan M, Shorbagi A, Aksu S, Kurt OK, Haznedaroglu IC.
Endoscopic topical application of Ankaferd Blood Stopper for neoplastic gastrointestinal bleeding: A
retrospective analysis. Dig Liver Dis. 2010 Mar;42(3):196-9. Epub 2009 Jun 21. PubMed PMID:
9. Shorbagi A, Bayraktar Y. Experience of a single center with congenital hepatic fibrosis: a review of the
literature. World J Gastroenterol. 2010 Feb 14;16(6):683-90. Review. PubMed PMID: 20135715;
PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2817055.
10. Kurt M, Onal IK, Parlak E, Shorbagi A, Kekilli M, Ibis M, Hayran M, Sasmaz N. Do metabolic alterations
serve as biochemical markers in the diagnosis of malignant biliary obstruction? An observational
study. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010 Jan;22(1):58-60. PubMed PMID: 19724230.
11. Kav T, Shorbagi AI, Sivri B, Balaban YH, Arslan S, Batman F, Bayraktar Y. Clinical utility of capsule
endoscopy in small intestinal diseases, experience of single referral center with 125 cases Przeglad
Gastroenterologıczny, 4 (5): 245-250 2009
12. Turhan N, Kurt M, Shorbagi A, Akdogan M, Haznedaroglu IC. Topical Ankaferd Blood Stopper
administration to bleeding gastrointestinal carcinomas decreases tumor vascularization. Am J
Gastroenterol. 2009 Nov;104(11):2874-7. PubMed PMID: 19888263.
13. Purnak T, Beyazit Y, Sahin GO, Shorbagi A, Akova M. A novel fungal pathogen under the spotlight Acremonium spp. associated fungaemia in an immunocompetent host. Mycoses. 2009 Aug 21. [Epub
ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 19702621.
14. Bilgili H, Captug O, Kosar A, Kurt M, Kekilli M, Shorbagi A, Kurt OK, Ozdemir O, Goker H,
Haznedaroglu I. Oral Systemic Administration of Ankaferd Blood Stopper Has No Short-Term Toxicity
in an in Vivo Rabbit Experimental Model. Clin Appl Thromb Hemost. 2009 Jul 14. [Epub ahead of
print] PubMed PMID: 19605378.
15. Bilgili H, Kosar A, Kurt M, Onal IK, Goker H, Captug O, Shorbagi A, Turgut M, Kekilli M, Kurt OK, Kirazli
S, Aksu S, Haznedaroglu IC. Hemostatic efficacy of Ankaferd Blood Stopper in a swine bleeding model.
Med Princ Pract. 2009;18(3):165-9. Epub 2009 Apr 6. PubMed PMID: 19349716.
16. Balaban YH, Simsek H, Yilmaz R, Sarer-Yurekli BP, Shorbagi A, Tatar G. Tumor markers in familial
Mediterranean fever and their correlation with the frequency of attacks. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2008
Jul-Aug;26(4 Suppl 50):S114-6. PubMed PMID: 19026128.
17. Simsek H, Shorbagi A, Balaban Y, Tatar G. What is the optimum dose of adefovir in the treatment of
chronic hepatitis B infection? J Hepatol. 2008 Sep;49(3):464-5. Epub 2008 Jul 3. PubMed PMID:
18. Shorbagi A, Bayraktar Y. Primary sclerosing cholangitis--what is the difference between east and
west? World J Gastroenterol. 2008 Jul 7;14(25):3974-81. Review. PubMed PMID: 18609680; PubMed
Central PMCID: PMC2725335.
19. Bayraktar Y, Harmanci O, Büyükasik Y, Shorbagi AI, Sungur AH, Boylu CA, Gürgey A, Balkanci F.
JAK2V617F mutation in patients with portal vein thrombosis. Dig Dis Sci. 2008 Oct;53(10):2778-83.
Epub 2008 Mar 15. PubMed PMID: 18343999.
20. Buyukasik Y, Akman U, Buyukasik NS, Goker H, Kilicarslan A, Shorbagi AI, Hascelik G, Haznedaroglu IC.
Evidence for higher red blood cell mass in persons with unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia and
Gilbert's syndrome. Am J Med Sci. 2008 Feb;335(2):115-9. PubMed PMID: 18277119.
21. Shorbagi A, Bayraktar Y. Occult hepatitis B is not necessarily an infection. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008
Oct;42(9):1064-5. PubMed PMID: 18431247.
22. Kurt M, Shorbagi A, Aksu S, Haznedaroglu I, Altundag K, Erkin G. Warfarin-induced skin necrosis and
leukocytoclastic vasculitis in a patient with acquired protein C and protein S deficiency. Blood Coagul
Fibrinolysis. 2007 Dec;18(8):805-6. PubMed PMID: 17982324.
23. Saribas Z, Ozcakir O, Temizel IS, Shorbagi AI, Demir H, Usta Y, Simsek H, Akyon Y. Can dupA gene be
accepted as an informative marker of duodenal ulcer? Helıcobacter, 12 (4): 416-416 AUG 2007
24. Kurt M, Shorbagi A, Altundag K, Yilmaz YA, Dizdar O, Gullu I. Mucosa associated lymphoid tissue
lymphoma of the sub-mandibular gland presenting with relapse in the lacrimal gland.Leuk
Lymphoma. 2006 Sep;47(9):1982-4.
25. Ozkaya G, Shorbagi A, Ulger Z, Saglam A, Aybar M, Sardan YC, Uzun O. Invasive group A streptococcal
infection with pancarditis caused by a new emm-type 12 allele of Streptococcus pyogenes. J Infect.
2006 Jul;53(1):e1-4.
26. Onal IK, Shorbagi A, Goker H, Buyukasyk Y, Ozcakar L, Tufan A, Aksu S, Haznedaroglu YC. Cauda
equina syndrome as a rare manifestation of leukemia relapse during postallograft period. J Natl Med
Assoc. 2006 May;98(5):808-10.
27. Cankurtaran M, Kav T, Yavuz B, Shorbagi A, Halil M, Coskun T, Arslan S. Serum vitamin-E levels and its
relation to clinical features in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with elevated ALT levels. Acta
Gastroenterol Belg. 2006 Jan-Mar;69(1):5-11.
28. Halil M, Cankurtaran ES, Ozkayar N, Cankurtaran M, Ulger Z, Yavuz BB, Shorbagi A, Ariogul S. Elderly
patient with delirium after myocardial infarction. J Natl Med Assoc. 2006 Apr;98(4):648-50.
29. Halil M, Ulger Z, Cankurtaran M, Shorbagi A, Yavuz BB, Dede D, Ozkayar N, Ariogul S. Falls and the
elderly: is there any difference in the developing world? A cross-sectional study from Turkey. Arch
Gerontol Geriatr. 2006 Nov-Dec;43(3):351-9.
30. Beyazit Y, Guven GS, Kekilli M, Koklu S, Yolcu OF, Shorbagi A. Acute pericarditis and renal failure
complicating acute hepatitis A infection. South Med J. 2006 Jan;99(1):82-4.
31. Kurt M, Babaoglu MO, Yasar U, Shorbagi A, Guler N. Capecitabine-induced severe
hypertriglyceridemia: report of two cases. Ann Pharmacother. 2006 Feb;40(2):328-31.
32. Kurt M, Shorbagi A, Altundag K, Elkiran T, Gullu I, Kansu E. Possible association between Budd-Chiari
Syndrome and gemtuzumab ozogamicin treatment in a patient with refractory acute myelogenous
leukemia. Am J Hematol. 2005 Nov;80(3):213-5.
33. Dogan S, Beyazit Y, Shorbagi A, Koklu S, Ustunel S, Guler N, Uner A. Gastrointestinal involvement in
POEMS syndrome: a novel clinical manifestation. Postgrad Med J. 2005 Sep;81(959):e12.
34. Halil M, Cankurtaran M, Yavuz BB, Ozkayar N, Ulger Z, Dede DS, Shorbagi A, Buyukasik Y,
Haznedaroglu IC, Arogul S. No alteration in the PFA-100 in vitro bleeding time induced by the Ginkgo
biloba special extract, EGb 761, in elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment. Blood Coagul
Fibrinolysis. 2005 Jul;16(5):349-53.
35. Shorbagi A, Aksoy S, Kilickap S, Guler N. Successful salvage therapy of resistant gestational
trophoblastic disease with ifosfamide and paclitaxel. Gynecol Oncol. 2005 May;97(2):722-3.
36. Onal IK, Sumer H, Tufan A, Shorbagi A. Bone marrow embolism after bone marrow aspiration and
biopsy. Am J Hematol. 2005 Feb;78(2):158.
37. Guven GS, Shorbagi A. Highly active antiretroviral therapy in Turkey: should we follow the
international guideline or is a modified plan warranted? The jury is still out. J Acquir Immune Defic
Syndr. 2004 Dec 15;37(5):1667.
38. İbrahim Koral Önal, Ali Shorbagi, Ömer Dizdar, Yahya Büyükasik, Ömrüm Uzun Oral candidiasis
atypical course in an immunosuppressed patient. Haema 2005; 8(4):715-716
H. Atıflar:
Hemostatic Efficacy of Ankaferd Blood Stopper (R) in a Swine Bleeding Model
1. Alpay A, Evren C, Bektas S, Ugurbas SC, Ugurbas SH, Cinar F. Effects of the folk medicinal plant
extract Ankaferd Blood Stopper (R) on the ocular surface. Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology
2. Alpay A, Ugurbas SC, Evren C, Bektas S, Caliskan S, Ugurbas SH. Use of a novel haemostatic
agent: ankaferd blood stopper in conjunctival incisions. Clinical and Experimental
Ophthalmology 2011;39(8):793-798.
3. Beyazit Y, Kurt M, Kekilli M, Goker H, Haznedaroglu IC. Evaluation of Hemostatic Effects of
Ankaferd as an Alternative Medicine. Alternative Medicine Review 2010;15(4):329-336.
4. Bilgili H, Captug O, Kosar A, Kurt M, Kekilli M, Shorbagi A, et al. Oral Systemic Administration of
Ankaferd Blood Stopper Has No Short-Term Toxicity in an In Vivo Rabbit Experimental Model.
Clinical and Applied Thrombosis-Hemostasis 2010;16(5):533-536.
5. Demiralp DO, Haznedaroglu IC, Akar N. Functional proteomic analysis of Ankaferd (R) Blood
Stopper. Turkish Journal of Hematology 2010;27(2):70-77.
6. Duz E, Aslan L, Alkan I, Bayram I, Kaya A, Ayhan H, et al. The Investigation on the Effect of the
Vegetal Origin Ankaferd Blood Stopper in Experimental Intra-Abdominal Surgery Over Rabbits.
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 2010;9(10):1491-1494.
7. Ercetin S, Haznedaroglu IC, Kurt M, Onal IK, Aktas A, Kurt OK, et al. Safety and Efficacy of
Ankaferd Blood Stopper in Dental Surgery. Uhod-Uluslararasi Hematoloji-Onkoloji Dergisi
8. Guler M, Maralcan G, Kul S, Baskonus I, Yilmaz M. The Efficacy of Ankaferd Blood Stopper for the
Management of Bleeding Following Total Thyroidectomy. Journal of Investigative Surgery
9. Haznedaroglu BZ, Haznedaroglu IC, Walker SL, Bilgili H, Goker H, Kosar A, et al. Ultrastructural
and Morphological Analyses of the In Vitro and In Vivo Hemostatic Effects of Ankaferd Blood
Stopper. Clinical and Applied Thrombosis-Hemostasis 2010;16(4):446-453.
10. Huri E, Haznedaroglu IC, Akgul T, Astarci M, Ustun H, Germiyanoulu C. Biphasic effects of
ankaferd blood stopper on renal tubular apoptosis in the rat partial nephrectomy model
representing distinct levels of hemorrhage. Saudi Medical Journal 2010;31(8):864-868.
11. Iynen I, Sogut O, Kose R. The Efficacy of Ankaferd Blood Stopper in Heparin-Induced Hemostatic
Abnormality in a Rat Epistaxis Model. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 2011;145(5):840844.
12. Kalayci MU, Soylu A, Eroglu HE, Kubilay D, Sancak B, Ugurluoglu C, et al. Effect of ankaferd blood
stopper on hemostasis and histopathological score in experimental liver injury. Bratislava
Medical Journal-Bratislavske Lekarske Listy 2010;111(4):183-188.
13. Kalcioglu MT, Bayindir T, Iraz M, Kaya S, Can S. The Effects of a New Hemostatic Agent on
Hearing in Rats. Journal of International Advanced Otology 2010;6(2):155-159.
14. Kandemir O, Buyukates M, Kandemir NO, Aktunc E, Gul AE, Gul S, et al. Demonstration of the
histopathological and immunohistochemical effects of a novel hemostatic agent, ankaferd blood
stopper, on vascular tissue in a rat aortic bleeding model. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery
15. Karaman A, Torun E, Gursoy S, Yurci A, Ozbakir O. Efficacy of Ankaferd Blood Stopper in
Postpolypectomy Bleeding. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
16. Kelles M, Kalcioglu MT, Samdanci E, Selimoglu E, Iraz M, Miman MC, et al. Ankaferd Blood
Stopper Is More Effective Than Adrenaline Plus Lidocaine and Gelatin Foam in the Treatment of
Epistaxis in Rabbits. Current Therapeutic Research-Clinical and Experimental 2011;72(5):185194.
17. Kurt M, Akdogan M, Onal IK, Kekilli M, Arhan M, Shorbagi A, et al. Endoscopic topical application
of Ankaferd Blood Stopper for neoplastic gastrointestinal bleeding: A retrospective analysis.
Digestive and Liver Disease 2010;42(3):196-199.
18. Kurt M, Onal IK, Akdogan M, Kekilli M, Arhan M, Sayilir A, et al. Ankaferd Blood Stopper for
controlling gastrointestinal bleeding due to distinct benign lesions refractory to conventional
antihemorrhagic measures. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2010;24(6):380-384.
19. Kurtaran H, Ark N, Ugur KS, Sert H, Ozboduroglu AA, Kosar A, et al. Effects of a Topical
Hemostatic Agent on an Epistaxis Model in Rabbits. Current Therapeutic Research-Clinical and
Experimental 2010;71(2):105-110.
20. Ozaslan E, Purnak T, Yildiz A, Haznedaroglu IC. The Effect of a New Hemostatic Agent for Difficult
Cases of Non-variceal Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Ankaferd Blood Stopper. Hepatogastroenterology 2010;57(98):191-194.
21. Saribas Z, Sener B, Haznedaroglu IC, Hascelik G, Kirazli S, Goker H. Antimicrobial activity of
Ankaferd Blood StopperA (R) against nosocomial bacterial pathogens. Central European Journal
of Medicine 2010;5(2):198-202.
22. Shorbagi A, Sivri B. Successful management of a difficult case of radiation proctopathy with
Ankaferd Blood Stopper: a novel indication. Gastrointestinal endoscopy 2010;72(3):666-667.
23. Teker AM, Korkut AY, Gedikli O, Kahya V. Prospective, controlled clinical trial of Ankaferd Blood
Stopper in children undergoing tonsillectomy. International Journal of Pediatric
Otorhinolaryngology 2009;73(12):1742-1745.
24. Teker AM, Korkut AY, Kahya V, Gedikli O. Prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial of
Ankaferd Blood Stopper in patients with acute anterior epistaxis. European Archives of OtoRhino-Laryngology 2010;267(9):1377-1381.
25. Trakyali G, Oztoprak MO. Plant Extract Ankaferd Blood Stopper Effect on Bond Strength. Angle
Orthodontist 2010;80(3):570-574.
26. Turgut M, Tutkun F, Celebi N, Muglali M, Haznedaroglu IC, Goker H. Topical Ankaferd
Bloodstopper in the Management of Critical Bleedings due to Hemorrhagic Diathesis. UhodUluslararasi Hematoloji-Onkoloji Dergisi 2011;21(3):160-165.
27. Turhan N, Bilgili H, Captug O, Kurt M, Shorbagi A, Beyazit Y, et al. EVALUATION OF A
HAEMOSTATIC AGENT IN RABBITS. African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative
Medicines 2011;8(1):61-65.
28. Ulus AT, Turan NN, Ozyalcin S, Aydog G, Ulus F, Goker H, et al. Surgical and histopathological
effects of topical Ankaferd (R) hemostat on major arterial vessel injury related to elevated intraarterial blood pressure. Turkish Journal of Hematology 2011;28(3):206-212.
29. Yasar H, Ozkul H. Haemostatıc effect of ankaferd blood stopper (r) seen durıng adenoıdectomy.
African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines 2011;8(4):444-446.
Endoscopic topical application of Ankaferd Blood Stopper for neoplastic gastrointestinal bleeding: A
retrospective analysis
1. Alpay A, Evren C, Bektas S, Ugurbas SC, Ugurbas SH, Cinar F. Effects of the folk medicinal plant
extract Ankaferd Blood Stopper (R) on the ocular surface. Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology
2. Alpay A, Ugurbas SC, Evren C, Bektas S, Caliskan S, Ugurbas SH. Use of a novel haemostatic
agent: ankaferd blood stopper in conjunctival incisions. Clinical and Experimental
Ophthalmology 2011;39(8):793-798.
3. Beyazit Y, Kekilli M, Kurt M, Sayilir A, Haznedaroglu IC. Ankaferd hemostat for the management
of tumoral GI bleeding. Gastrointestinal endoscopy 2011;73(5):1072-1073.
4. Beyazit Y, Kurt M, Kekilli M, Goker H, Haznedaroglu IC. Evaluation of Hemostatic Effects of
Ankaferd as an Alternative Medicine. Alternative Medicine Review 2010;15(4):329-336.
5. Huri E, Haznedaroglu IC, Akgul T, Astarci M, Ustun H, Germiyanoulu C. Biphasic effects of
ankaferd blood stopper on renal tubular apoptosis in the rat partial nephrectomy model
representing distinct levels of hemorrhage. Saudi Medical Journal 2010;31(8):864-868.
6. Karaman K, Celep B, Bostanci EB, Teke Z, Ulas M, Dincer N, et al. Effects of Ankaferd Blood
Stopper on Pancreatic Fluid: An in vitro study. Anz Journal of Surgery 2010;80(12):946-947.
7. Kelles M, Kalcioglu MT, Samdanci E, Selimoglu E, Iraz M, Miman MC, et al. Ankaferd Blood
Stopper Is More Effective Than Adrenaline Plus Lidocaine and Gelatin Foam in the Treatment of
Epistaxis in Rabbits. Current Therapeutic Research-Clinical and Experimental 2011;72(5):185194.
8. Kilicgun A, Sarikas NG, Korkmaz T, Saydam O, Boran C, Boztas G. Effect of Ankaferd Blood
Stopper on air leakage in the lung and prevention of bleeding: an experimental study. Journal of
Cardiothoracic Surgery 2011;6.
9. Kurt M. Re: Ozaslan E, Re: Kurt M, Onal I, Akdogan, et al. Ankaferd Blood Stopper for controlling
gastrointestinal bleeding due to distinct benign lesions refractory to conventional
antihemorrhagic measures. Can J Gastroenterol 2010;24:380-4. Canadian Journal of
Gastroenterology 2010;24(10):587-587.
10. Kurt M, Onal IK, Akdogan M, Kekilli M, Arhan M, Sayilir A, et al. Ankaferd Blood Stopper for
controlling gastrointestinal bleeding due to distinct benign lesions refractory to conventional
antihemorrhagic measures. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology 2010;24(6):380-384.
11. Okten S, Kurt M, Onal IK, Haznedaroglu IC. Use of Ankaferd Blood Stopper for controlling actively
bleeding fundal varices. Singapore medical journal 2011;52(1):E10-E11.
12. Ozaslan E, Purnak T, Yildiz A, Akar T, Avcioglu U, Haznedaroglu IC. The effect of Ankaferd blood
stopper on severe radiation colitis. Endoscopy 2009;41:E321-E322.
13. Ozaslan E, Purnak T, Yildiz A, Haznedaroglu IC. The Effect of a New Hemostatic Agent for Difficult
Cases of Non-variceal Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Ankaferd Blood Stopper. Hepatogastroenterology 2010;57(98):191-194.
14. Purnak T, Ozaslan E, Beyazit Y, Haznedaroglu IC. Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding in a Patient
With Defective Hemostasis Successfully Treated with Ankaferd Blood Stopper. Phytotherapy
Research 2011;25(2):312-313.
15. Turhan N, Bilgili H, Captug O, Kurt M, Shorbagi A, Beyazit Y, et al. Evaluatıon of a haemostatıc
agent ın rabbıts. African Journal of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines
16. Turhan N, Kurt M, Shorbagi A, Akdogan M, Haznedaroglu IC. Topical Ankaferd Blood Stopper
Administration to Bleeding Gastrointestinal Carcinomas Decreases Tumor Vascularization.
American Journal of Gastroenterology 2009;104(11):2874-2877.
17. Ulus AT, Turan NN, Ozyalcin S, Aydog G, Ulus F, Goker H, et al. Surgical and histopathological
effects of topical Ankaferd (R) hemostat on major arterial vessel injury related to elevated intraarterial blood pressure. Turkish Journal of Hematology 2011;28(3):206-212.
18. Yarali N, Oruc M, Bay A, Dalgic B, Bozkaya IO, Arikoglu T, et al. A new hemostatıc agent-ankaferd
blood stopper: management of gastroıntestınal bleedıng ın an ınfant and other experıences ın
chıldren. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 2010;27(8):592-596.
19. Zulfikar OB, Emiroglu HH, Kebudi R. Nasogastric application of topical Ankaferd Blood Stopper
for bleeding from primary esophageal adenocarcinoma in a child with disseminated
intravascular coagulation. Digestive and Liver Disease 2011;43(3):247-248.
Capecitabine-induced severe hypertriglyceridemia: Report of two cases
1. Backshall A, Sharma R, Clarke SJ, Keun HC. Pharmacometabonomic Profiling as a Predictor of
Toxicity in Patients with Inoperable Colorectal Cancer Treated with Capecitabine. Clinical Cancer
Research 2011;17(9):3019-3028.
2. Bar-Sela G, Haim N. Uncontrolled hypertriglyceridemia induced by capecitabine: case report and
review of the literature. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2009;63(5):779-782.
3. Garg A, Simha V. Update on dyslipidemia. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
4. Garg R, Angus E, Fincher S. Capecitabine-induced severe hypertriglyceridaemia and diabetes: a
case report and review of the literature. Diabetic Medicine 2009;26(12):1308-1309.
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I. Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitabında (Proceedings) Basılan Çalışmalar:
1. Can dupA gene be accepted as an informative marker of duodenal ulcer? 20th International
Workshop on Helicobacter and Related Bacteria in Chronic Digestive Inflammation Istanbul, TURKEY
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Bacteria in Chronic Digestive Inflammation and Gastric Cancer Oporto, PORTUGAL SEP 17-19, 2009
European Helicobacter Study Grp. HELICOBACTER 14 (4), 394, Aug 2009
J. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler:
1. Kurne A, Ozkaya G, Karlioguz K, Shorbagi A, Ustacelebi S, Karabudak R, Unal S. The colorful clinical
spectrum of cerebral toxoplasmosis in five HIV positive cases: what comes out of Pandora's box?
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2. Altinbas A, Cavus S, Koca E, Cetiner D, Shorbagi A, Haznedaroglu IC. Intrathecal Methotrexate and
Acute Neurotoxicity: A Painful Experience Source: Uhod-Uluslararası Hematolojı-Onkolojı Dergısı, 18
(3): 163-165 2008
3. Shorbagi A, Onal IK, Onal ED, Kilickap S, Barista I, Kansu T, Bayraktar Y. Fitting the Pieces of the
POEMS Syndrome Jigsaw Puzzle - Guillain-Barre Syndrome in a Patient with Refractory Ascites: Case
Report. Turkıye Klınıklerı Tıp Bılımlerı Dergısı, 30 (1): 352-355 FEB 2010
K. Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Bildiri Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler:
-L. Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Özet Kitabında (Abstract Book) Basılan Bildiriler:
1. Our experience with congenital hepatic fibrosis - a report from Hacettepe University, Sözlü bildiri,
18. World Congress of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and
Oncologists, 2008
M. Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan ve Özet Kitabında Basılan Bildiriler:
1. Refrakter massif asit etyolojisi nedeniyle araştırılan bir hastada castleman hastalığının eşlik ettiği
nadir bir olgu: poems sendromu (P259), 23. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kasım 2006
2. Budd-Chiari sendromunda ultrason kılavuzluğunda perkütan TIPS (P107), 26. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji
Haftası, Ekim 2009
3. Konjenital hepatik fibrozis: hacettepe erişkin gastroenteroloji bilim dalinin 35 yillik tecrübesi (P108),
26. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Ekim 2009
4. Sistemik amiloidozun neden olduğu nadir bir Budd-Chiari sendrom olgusu (p115), 26. Ulusal
Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Ekim 2009
5. Kapsül endoskopi ile tanısı konulan nadir bir belirsiz kanama nedeni - Radyasyon enteritis (P57) 27.
Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Kasım 2010
6. Massif rektal varis kanamasında başarılı TIPS uygulaması (P256), 27. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası,
Kasım 2010
7. Splenik arter anevrizmasına bağlı "Hemosuccus pancreaticus" vakası (P332), 27. Ulusal
Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Kasım 2010
8. Portal ven kavernöz transformasyonu konjenital hepatik fibrozisin bir komponenti midir? (P190), 8.
Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, Haziran 2011
9. Ulseratif Kolitte, Hastalik Aktivitesinin Belirlenmesinde Serum Interleukin-17 Duzeyinin Degeri ve
Konvansiyonel Belirtecler ile Karsilastirilmasi, 8. Hepato Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Eylül 2011

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