Many, Much, A few Nedir?


Many, Much, A few Nedir?
Many, Much, A few ... Nedir?
Onaylayan admin
Perþembe, 07 Eylül 2006
Ýngilizce'de isimler hakkýnda belirsiz miktar belirteçleri ile ilgili kullaným koþullarý ve kurallarýný aþaðýda bulacaksýnýz. Miktar
belirteçleri net rakamlar belirtmek yerine, dinleyen için az, çok, biraz, bir kaç gibi fikirler vermek için kullanýlýr.
Ýngilice'de miktar belirteçlerinin kullanýmý isimlerin sayýlan ve sayýlmayan isim olmalarýna göre deðiþmektedir.
Many + Sayýlabilen Çoðul Ýsim Much + Sayýlamayan Ýsim
Many students / many people
§ Did you buy many magazines?
§ I don’t know many people in my town.
§ How many classes do you take a semester?
Much money / Much water
§ How much money do you spend a day ?
§ I don’t have much confidence in him.
§ There isn’t much water in the glass.
"Many" birçok cümle türünde kulalnýlýr:
§ Do you have many friends?
§ I don’t have many friends.
§ There are many people in this town. Much daha çok sour ve olumsuz cümlerde kullanýlýr. Olumlu cümlelerde tercih edilmez.
§ Do you drink much tea?
§ I don’t drink much tea.
Diðer Kullanýmlarý
§ Mary spoke to me, but she didn’t say much.
§ Do you go out much ? Not much.
§ I don’t like her much.
A few + Sayýlabilen Çoðul Ýsim A little + Sayýlamayan Ýsim
A few students / a few people
§ Do you have a few minutes?
§ I want to ask a few questions.
§ I bought a few books? A little money / A little water
§ There is a little water in the bottle.
§ There was a little traffic.
A few means some , but not many.
§ I have a few friends.
§ Martin has a few problems.
§ There are a few people in this town. A few means some , but not much.
§ She didn’t eat anything, but she drank a little coffee.
§ A: Can you speak Turkish?
B: A little
A few
Few + Sayýlabilen Çoðul Ýsim A little
Little + Sayýlamayan Ýsim
A few biraz, fakat çok deðil anlamýndadýr A Little biraz, fakat çok deðil anlamýndadýr
§ I have a few friends.
Joomla! ve MJ Turkiye ile Güçlendirilmiþtir
Oluþturan: 13 October, 2016, 11:03
§ Martin has a few problems.
§ There are a few people in this town.
§ I have a few friends.
§ Martin has a few problems.
§ There are a few people in this town.
§ She didn’t eat anything, but she drank a little coffee.
§ A :Can you speak Turkish ?
B: A little
A little money / A little water
§ There is a little water in the bottle.
There was a little traffic
(Very) Few bahsedilen isimden nerdseyse yok kadar eksik olduðunu anlatýr. (Very) Little bahsedilen isimden nerdseyse
yok kadar eksik olduðunu anlatýr.
§ I feel really sorry for him because he has few friends.
§ I admire him because he has few problems.
§ I am lucky because I have few financial difficulties.
§ I can’t afford that car since I have little money.
§ We were able to arrive at the airport on time because there was little traffic.
§ I can’t wait any longer. I have little patient left
Note: Örneklerden de anlaþýlabileceði gibi (very) few & (very) little tek baþlarýna olumlu veya olumsuz anlamlar vermez
.Bulunduklarý duruma gore anlamlarý olumlu veya olumsuz anlamý pekiþtirir. (very) few & (very) little miktarca daha
yoksunluktan bahseder.
+ Sayýlabilen Çoðul Ýsim + Tekil Fiil
§ One student is waiting for Dr. Donald in the teacher’s room.
§ Every student must take a final exam.
§ Each exam was quite difficult.
§ It doesn’t matter. Either date is ok with me.
§ I checked the tubes , but neither one contained gas.
One of
Each of
Every one of
Either of
Neither of + Belirli Çoðul Ýsim + Tekil Fiil
§ One of the students has an excuse for being late.
§ Each of the students has an excuse for being late.
§ Every one of the students has an excuse for being late.
§ I checked both engines. Either of them is working properly.
§ Neither of my parents speaks German.
Özel Not: every one (iki sözcük, bir miktar belirteçi) & everyone (birleþik sözcük, belirsiz þahýs zamiri) olan iki kelime karýþtýtlma
Joomla! ve MJ Turkiye ile Güçlendirilmiþtir
Oluþturan: 13 October, 2016, 11:03

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