Legislative backgroud of Turkey related to wilderness and


Legislative backgroud of Turkey related to wilderness and
Legislative backgraound of
Turkey related to
wilderness and
oppurtunities for the future
European Wilderness Academy Days,
1-4 October 2014, Austria
1-About Turkish Biodiversity and Wildlife
2-Threads on natural resources
3-Legislative Background
4-Case Studies (Implemented projects) in the
Northestern Anatolia
5-Oppurtinities for the Future
The highly varied climate can be harsh (dry or cold), as in central,
east and southeast Anatolia.
Average annual precipitation is 770 mm, and may rise to 2300mm in
Rize and drop to 250 mm in Kırsehir
Being in the temperate climatic belt, Turkey is very rich in habitat
diversity due to the diversity in its geology, geomorphology,
topography, soil structure and climate, which have created a varied
vegetative cover, both spatially (horizontally) and by elevation
(vertically) in terms of species composition and characteristics
Plant Diversity
As a result, Turkey is very rich in plant species. Studies conducted
to date have shown that there are 9.000 species of vascular plants
in Turkey and 2650 of them are endemic species.
Turkey also includes gene centers of some forest trees and wild
relatives of cultivated plants
Turkey contains a great variety of natural habitats, ranging from
Mediterranean, Aegean, and Black Sea beaches to towering coastal
and interior mountains, from deeply valleys to expansive steppes,
from fertile alluvial plains to arid, rocky hillslopes. A myriad of
community types and habitat mosaics occurs, containing a rich
mixture of plant and animal species, many of which are endemic
Biodiversity and Wildlife
Turkey, located to the east of the Mediterranian region, is one of
the two important biodiversity centers in this region. The other
biodiversity center is the Iberian Peninsula in the Western
Mediterranean Region.
Biodiversity and Wildlife
The country has several distinct phytogeographical regions and
natural plant communities, each with its own endemic species
and natural ecosystems. In addition, one of the three major flyways
for millions of migratory birds, which move between the western
Palearctic and Africa each year, passes through Turkey. Since the
country is redominantly semi-arid,
Turkish wetlands are of vital importance for many of these
migrants, and also for many breeding species of water birds
Biodiversity and Wildlife
Turkish biodiversity is of major international importance but is
under threat from a variety of unsustainable land and natural
resource use pressures,.
These include: overgrazing and other unsustainable agricultural
practices; unsustainable use of forests; conversion of wetlands and
other critical natural habitats to agriculture or other land
development; interference with the hydrological regime of wetlands
for agriculture, municipal and industrial use of water; pollution,
hunting and unsustainable harvesting of wild plants and wildlife.
Biodiversity and Wildlife
However, many animal species and their generations are under
threat. There is no certain and continuous knowledge
related to fauna diversity of Turkey as a basic and very
important problem. Here, we merely want to transfer a striking
specimen. For example, the latest individual of the Anatolian
leopard (Panthera pardus tuliana) had been found hunting near the
Ankara district in 1974 (TTKD Foundation) for Turkish Nature
Conservation) 1974). After nearly 20 years, this species was
considered extinct in Anatolia Atakol (2002) reported that this
species reappeared in Termossos National Park in Antalya in 1993.
Threads on natural resources
Over many millennia, civilizations have exploited the natural
resources including plant and animal species of Turkey.
The country shows a rapid human population growth and
associated intensive or unwise utilization of natural resources.
Threads on natural resources
Scientific data indicate that 2000–2500 years ago, 70% of the area
of Turkey was covered by forest. Unfortunately, this number
decreased to 22% today
The changes in Turkey’s nature including forests, wetlands, and
shores have become faster in the last century
Threads on natural resources
(1) agricultural activities (e.g. Ploughing pastures for cultivation,
overgrazing in pastures, burning the stubble, excessive use of
fertilizer and chemicals, extension of high yielding cultivars,
utilization of agricultural lands for different purposes);
(2) damaging the fauna due to legal or illegal hunting;
(3) dehumidification of wetlands;
(4) forestry activities and fires;
Threads on natural resources
(5) habitat fragmentation and habitat loss by industrialization,
urbanization and construction of highways and dams;
(6) introduction of exotic species;
(7) over-exploitation of plants from nature;
(8) pollution of soil, water and atmosphere;
(9) soil erosion and floods;
(10) tourism activities
Historical developments in nature conservation in Turkey
In Turkey, nature conservation issues have been tried to be held on the
agenda since 1970 with activities such as a nature conservation week,
community conferences, specially published brochures, media
campaigns, posters, and exhibits. Also on local scales, nature
conservation issues are tried to be explained to people through school
activities, extension services for farmers, meetings at schools and
community education centers and sermons at mosques. During these
years, it was tried to point out the importance of formation of a legal
basis and organizations to preserve the nature of Turkey and to control
the visual and hidden natural values, flora and plant formations like
forest, maquis, alpine, and steppe, mountains, volcanic areas, glaciers,
valleys, highlands, pastures, seas, rivers, lakes, wetlands, hunting and
recreation areas, birds, other wild animals, fish, and aqua culture
Historical developments in nature conservation in Turkey
Although the articles in the Turkish Constitution do not directly
address the conservation of biological resources including plant
diversity and animal populations, article 63 of the Constitution
approved by Turkey in 1982 states that the government should
protect its historical, cultural and natural values and resources as
well as support and promote conservation efforts. Article 169
provides that any activity or action that might give harm to forests
shall not be allowed. Article 44 aims at prevention of land loss due
to erosion; Article 56 is on the right to living in a healthy and
balanced environment, protection of environmental health and
prevention of environmental pollution
Historical developments in nature conservation in Turkey
In addition to the articles present in the Constitution,
Forestry Law (Codes: 3116, 1937; 4767, 1945; 4914, 1946; 5653, 1950;
6831, 1956 ; 1744, 1973; 2896, 1983; 3302, 1986; 3402, 1987),
The Terrestial Hunting Law (Code No: 3167, 1937),
The Law for Protection of Cultural and Natural Values (Code No:
2863, 1983),
Environmental Law (Code No: 2872, 1983),
Law for Specially Protected Regions (Code No: 88/13019, 1988) and
National Parks Laws (Code No: 2873, 1983) provide the opportunity
for the protection of nature and biological diversity
Development Plans
Environment as a sector was emphasized first in the Third Five
Years’ Development Plan during 1973–1978. Only environmental
pollution was discussed, however, biological sources and biological
diversity were no topics in this plan.
During the fourth period (1978–1983), an undersecretaryship for
the environment was established and laws related to environment
were accepted. Conservation and development of natural sources
found a place for the first time in the Fifth Five Years’ Development
Plan (1983–1988). Management and improvement of sustainable
resources by giving opportunity to economical development and
protecting human health and natural balance were stipulated in the
Sixth Five Years’ Development Plan
Historical developments in nature conservation in Turkey
In the same period, Turkish governmental officials and scientists
have developed a Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan for Turkey
(BSAP). The plan identifies the unique biodiversity resources of the
nation and proposes specific objectives to protect them.
Participation of Turkey in international agreements
(1) Agreement on Establishment of European and Mediterranean
Plant Protection Organization (Paris, 1951);
(2) the Paris Convention for the Protection of Birds;
(3) Agreement on Conservation of the World Cultural and Natural
Inheritances (Paris, 1972);
(4) Convention on Conservation of European Wildlife and Habitats
(Bern, 1979; Turkey became a party in 1984);
(5) the Protocol concerning Mediterranean Specially Protected
Participation of Turkey in international agreements
(6) Biological Diversity Agreement (Rio, 1992; Turkey signed this
through legislation article No. 4177);
(7) Convention on Protection of Internationally Important Wetlands
providing Habitats for Birds (Ramsar, 1975; Turkey signed this in 1994);
(8) The Agreement on International Plant Genetic Resources (signed
between Turkey and the International Plant Genetic Resources
Institute (IPGRI) on 3 January 1994);
(9) Agreement on Trading of Wildlife and Plant Species (Washington,
1973; Turkey signed it in 1996);
(10) Action plan for maintenance and conservation of plant genetic
resources for agriculture and food
The Electricity Market Regulatory Body (EMRB)
In 2001, The Electricity Market Regulatory Body (EMRB) was
established with the Legislation on Electricity Market no: 4628. It
was thus started that any transaction concerning electricity
generation was conducted in line with the market conditions. With
“the Directive on procedures and principles about concluding a
water-utilization rights agreement to conduct generation activities
in electricity market” adapted in 2003 and the “Legislation on
utilization of renewable energy resources to generate electricity”
no: 5346 adapted in 2005, hydroelectric energy production was
completely opened to the private sector.
Threads on Nature Conservation Regulations
Draft for “Nature and Biodiversity
Conservation Law”
There will be any kind of constructions if
“public benefit” in the natural habitat without
determining values of habitats, plants and
Implemented projects in the Northestern Anatolia
UNDP Projects
EU Projects
Development Agency Projects
Ministry Projects
UNDP Projects-Eastern Anatolia Tourism Development Project
Inventory of natural and cultural of Choruh valley
Human Resources Development
Foundational Capacity Development
Promoting the Region
Link to new project oppurtunities
more information:www.choruh.com
UNDP Granted Project: Small Grant Fund Project
Supporting the nature conservation
Women enterprenereship
novation and discovering the region richness
EU Granted Projects:The closet plants to the sky: alpine flowers
Inventory of Erzurum region alpine biodiversity
25 series alpine flowers photo exhibitions
20 days flora tourism education programme
Promoting materials such as booklet and poscards
EU Granted Projects: Understanding EU experiences and using
on succulent plants
Developing relations between TR and UK NGOs
Exhibitions in UK
Link to new projects in the future
Development Agency Projects: Strategic Development and
Tourism Master Plan for the Uzundere
Strategic Plan
Tourism Strategy for the 2023
Sample Rural Hotels Architectural Projects
Action Plan for 14 years untill 2023
Development Agency Projects: Life with Cycling in the Choruh
Link to Eurovelo project
Link to national NGOs and interest groups on cycling
Link to BYPAD project
Cycling tours in Choruh valley
Development Agency Projects: Tortum Waterfall Landscape
Design Project
Architectural and Landscape Designs
Visiting Centre Strategy Plan
Promoting the Tortum waterfall such as booklet
Link to other local projects in the future
Ministry Projects: nternational Youth Festival Project
Motivating young people for organizations
National and international participating
Mobility for the recreational and natural areas
Nature based sport activities
TUBITAK Projects: Kaçkar Mountains Traininng Programmes
Multi-sided approach by many experts
Together with academicians and students with
different levels
Drama” teknii, ilk gün tanıșmaları,katılımcıların dinleme ve konușma
becerilerini geliștirmeleri ve onları ișbirlii içinde çalıșmaya sevketmesi için
kullanılmaktadır. Kiși bașkalarıyla çalıșarak ișbirliinin önemini örenir. Kișisel
yeterlilik ve yetersizliklerin farkına varır Drama derslerinden sonra
örencilerin kendi duygu ve düșüncelerini daha rahat ifade etme imkânı
bulabildikleri görülmektedir.
Eitim-öretimde gözlem; varlık ve olayların kendi tabiî ortamlarında plânlı
ve amaçlı olarak incelenmesi demektir.
Öğrenciler, doğal yaşlı ormanlara götürüldüklerinde, görme, duyma, koklama,
dokunma gibi birçok duyu organı devreye girdiği için daha sağlam ve kalıcı
bilgiler oluşturulabilmekte ve doğayı tanıyabilmekte; doğayı okuyabilmekte ve
doğadaki farklılıkları keşfedebilmektedir.
DAPGenç-DAPFest Projesi
Alytus Litvanya
Burgas, Bulgaristan
Festival Alanı: Uzundere
Çoruh Vadisi:
Uzundere Yıkıklar Bölümü
Foto: Cüneyt Ouztüzün
Çoruh Vadisi: Tortum Gölü ve elalesi
Foto: Cüneyt Ouztüzün
Çoruh Vadisi: jeolojik Formasyonlar
Foto: Cüneyt Ouztüzün
Çoruh Vadisi:
Yıkıklar Kanyonu
Foto: Cüneyt Ouztüzün
Çoruh Vadisi: Engüzek Kapı Kalesi
Foto: Cüneyt Ouztüzün
Çoruh Vadisi:
Haho Manastırı
Foto: Cüneyt Ouztüzün
Çoruh Vadisi:
Öki Manastırı
Foto: Cüneyt Ouztüzün
Çoruh Vadisi:
Tortum Gölü
Foto: Cüneyt Ouztüzün
Tortum elalesi
Foto: Cüneyt Ouztüzün
23 Nisan 2013 Anısına Bisiklet Turu
Festival Filmi Çekimleri
Proje Döngü Yönetimi Eitimi
Proje Döngü Yönetimi Eitimi
Gönüllü Çalıma Kampı
Güney Kore ve Taiwan
Gönüllü Çalıma Kampı Katılımcıları
Köy Okullarında
Festival Kamp Alanı: Engüzek Kapı
Kaya Tırmanıı:Uzundere
Tortum Gölü Su Sporları Etkinlikleri: Göl Kanosu
Ebru Sanatı
Erzurum Bar Ekibi
Karakucak Güreleri Ödül Töreni
Müzik Topluluklarının Performasları
Teknoloji Doada☺
Kamp Atei
Litvanya’da Bölge Tanıtımı
Litvanya’da Erzurum Çiçekleri Sergisi
Litvanya:Kırsal Yaam Müzesi Gezisi
Litvanya: Ortaça Dönemi Meydan
Litvanya:Kaunas Botanik Bahçesi
Litvanya: Japon Bahçesi
Bulgaristan: Milli Park Gezisi
Bulgaristan:Çamur Banyosu
Bulgaristan: Ku Gözlemcilii
Bulgaristan: UNESCO Sitesi
Bulgaristan: Erzurum Çiçekleri Sergisi
Çoruh Vadisinde Bisikletli Yaam Turu ve
Ekoköy Sapaca Bisiklet Turu
Oppurtinities for the Future
and International Funds
  IPA II Programme
  LIFE Programme ?
  WWF Turkey
  Regional Development Agency Grants
  University Scientific Pojects
Thank you for your
European Wilderness Academy Days,
1-4 October 2014, Austria