Summaries of NATO SfP 983038 Kick off Meeting 22


Summaries of NATO SfP 983038 Kick off Meeting 22
Summaries of NATO SfP 983038 Kick off Meeting
22-23 Jan. 2009, Baku
Erdal Safak, Bilge Siyahi, Gulum Tanircan, Eren Uckan
Tamaz Chelidze, Otar Varazanashvili, Nino Tsereteli
Azerbaijan: Arif Akhundov, Gurban Yetirmishli, Etibar Garaveliev, Tahir
Mammadli,Vuqar Faracov,Ayten Akhundova
General remarks:
For seismic hazard analysis, 400 km wide strip of the pipeline route will be
considered (200 km wide from both sides).
The risk assessment will be performed for 1km x 1km cells. Ground
motion parameters and site information will be assigned to the center
point of each cell.
A progress report will be prepared by the April 20, 2009. Action items for
the report are listed below.
Participants will provide a list of Hardware/ Equipment needs, name of
conferences they plan to attend /name of the participans that will visit
KOERI for Hazard analysis and Site Effects training. Formentioned lists will
be e-mailed to Project director as soon as possible.
Next project meeting will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia
Each country will provide the following data for the preparation of progress
report (before April 20, 2009):
1. Geology maps (1:100000 or 1:50000 maps)
2. Topography maps
3. Pipeline coordinates (lat/lon).
4. Available borelog locations (lat/lon), and other geo-technical information.
5. Information on sites susceptible to liquefaction and and landslides.
6. Active Tectonic maps. A table including
Fault Name/ Fault Type/ Fault Length (km)/ Fault Displacement (mm/yr) will be
7. Historical and Instrumental Seismicity Catalog (Ms≥5)
8. Available Seismic Zonation maps
-Intensity/Magnitude types to Ms magnitude conversion will be determined
according to the available regional/global relationships and reported.
-Proper declustring algorithm will be determined from the literature.
Future work:
Milestones 1 ) Seismic Hazard Assessment part:
Inputs necessary for the calculation seismic hazard maps will be compiled and
seismic zonation will be decided.
Milestones 2) Site Effects
Available geotechnical information will be compiled.
Milestones 3) Development of fragility relationships
Structural categorization of pipeline segments will be done.