SASEL Elektromekanik
SASEL Elektromekanik
Sasel Elektromekanik Genel Müdürlük / Headquarters Office ODTÜ Teknokent -Met Alaný (Mikro Elektronik Teknolojileri Merkezi) Eskiþehir Yolu 9. Km. A-1 Blok No:280 06520 Çankaya-ANKARA-TÜRKÝYE Tel: (312) 287 11 00 (pbx) Fax: (312) 286 98 11 e-mail: [email protected] Pano Montaj Fabrikasý / Electrical Panelboard Assembling Factory ODTÜ Teknokent -Met Alaný (Mikro Elektronik Teknolojileri Merkezi) Eskiþehir Yolu 9. Km. E2 Blok No:280 06520 Çankaya-ANKARA-TÜRKÝYE Tel: (312) 287 39 96 Fax: (312) 287 39 95 e-mail: [email protected] iPEKBoru Ýpekboru Satýþ Ofisi / Sales Office ODTÜ Teknokent -Met Alaný (Mikro Elektronik Teknolojileri Merkezi ) Eskiþehir Yolu 9. Km. A-1 Blok No:280 06520 Çankaya-ANKARA-TÜRKÝYE Tel: (312) 220 25 20 (pbx) Fax: (312) 220 25 23 e-mail: [email protected] Fabrika / Factory 1. O. S. Bölgesi, Büyük Timur Cad. No:14 06935 Sincan-ANKARA-TÜRKÝYE Tel: (312) 267 13 80 (pbx) Fax: (312) 267 13 81 e-mail: [email protected] SASEL Elektromekanik Ý ç i n d e ki l e r Hakkýmýzda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Montaj Fabrikasý . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ýpekboru Elektrik Tesisat Borularý . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Elektromekanik Taahhütler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Turizm Tesisleri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sanayi Tesisleri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ýdari ve Ticari Binalar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Saðlýk Tesisleri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Havaalaný Tesisleri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Referans Listesi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Pano C o nte nts About Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Electrical Panel Board Assembling Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ýpekboru Electrical Installation Conduits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Electromechanical Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Tourism Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Industrial Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Administrative and Commercial Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Health Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Airport Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Referance Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 2 3 Hakkýmýzda About Us 1984 1993 1997 1998 2000 2007 Sasel Türkiye’nin en büyük inþaat gruplarýndan Yüksel Holding’in bünyesinde 21 Ocak 1984 yýlýnda elektrik ve elektronik konularýnda proje, mühendislik ve müteahhitlik hizmetlerini yürütmek üzere bir ihtisas þirketi olarak kurulmuþtur. Elektrik grubu, inþaat sektöründe bir ihtisas ve mühendislik grubu olarak alt müteahhitlik hizmetleri yapmaktadýr. Yýllar geçtikçe SASEL elektrik taahhüt, tesisat, montaj, müþavirlik ve mühendislik alanlarýnda kendine iyi bir yer edinmiþtir. 1993 yýlý itibariyle yoðun bir þekilde yurt dýþýna açýlmýþ, çeþitli projeleri üstlenerek baþarýyla yürütmüþ ve bugün de yeni projelerle baþarýsýný devam ettirmektedir. Þirketimiz, 1997 yýlý içinde yeni arayýþlar ve iþ geliþtirme çalýþmalarý içine girmiþtir. Çalýþtýðýmýz firmalara elektromekanik komple hizmet sunabilmek için 1997 yýlý Aðustos ayý itibarý ile bünyemizde mekanik grup oluþturulmuþtur. Ayrýca imalat sektöründe yer almak düþüncesiyle Schneider Electric grubuna baðlý Schneider markasý ve garantisi altýnda Prisma tipi modüler pano imalatýna baþlanýlmýþtýr. Ankara Sincan Organize Sanayi bölgesinde 1200 m2 kapalý alaný olan bir fabrika binasý satýn alýnmýþtýr. Bu fabrika binasý genel müdürlük tesisi ve pano montaj fabrikasý olarak düzenlenmiþtir. SASEL bünyesindeki elektrik, mekanik, proje, taahhüt, muhasebe ve imalat gruplarý 27 Nisan 1998 tarihi itibarý ile faaliyetlerini yeni binalarýnda devam ettirmiþlerdir. Þirketimiz 1999 yýlý içerisinde yine Sincan Organize Sanayi Bölgesi içinde yaklaþýk 3000 m2 kapalý alana sahip bir fabrika daha satýn alarak, bu fabrikada muhtelif ebatlarda spiral ve rigid tiplerde ve yüksek kalitede elektrik tesisat borusu üretmeye baþlamýþtýr. Firmamýz SASEL gerek yurtiçi, gerekse yurtdýþýnda elektromekanik müteahhitliði alanýnda yüklendiði iþlerde proje hazýrlama safhasýndan, iþletme ve bakým safhasýna kadar her türlü hizmeti kapsayacak þekilde çalýþmaktadýr. 2007 Yýlý Eylül ayýndan itibaren ODTÜMET (Mikro Elektronik Teknolojileri Merkezi) alanýna taþýnarak Taahhüt ve Pano Ýmalatý hizmetlerine burada devam etmektedir. Sasel was founded in 21 January 1984 as an expertise company to provide design, engineering and contracting services in electric and electronic fields within the body of Yüksel Holding, which is one of the largest construction groups in Turkey. The electrical group provides subcontracting services as an expertise and contracting group for works under the commitment of Yüksel Holding companies and also provides independent contracting services. 4 SASEL has earned a respectable place in years in electric contracting, installation, consultancy and engineering fields. Beginning in 1993 it has expanded its activities abroad extensively, undertook various project successfully and continues its success with new works. Our company has started to explore new opportunities and developments . In order to provide complete electromechanical services to companies we work with, a mechanical group was formed in August 1997. Also taking part in the manufacturing sector with the idea connected to the Schneider Electric group, under the Schneider brand name and warranty Prisma has been started to produce type modular panel boards. 1200 m² closed area was bought in Ankara Sincan Organized Industrial District. This factory building was arranged to manufacture panels boards and to serve as general directorate facilities. It has been commissioned on 27 April 1998 with electrical, mechanical, design, contracting, accounting and manufacturing groups of SASEL. Electromechanical group and Electrical Panel Board group are working in Metu-Tech since september 2007 . We bought a factory with 3000m² closed area in Sincan Organized Industrial District in 1999 and stating of produce corrugated and rigid high quality electric conduits in various dimensions. Our company SASEL works basis for in country and foreign projects, starting from design phase up to handover and maintenance in electromechanical contracting field. 5 Pano Montaj Fabrikasý Electrical Panel Board Assembling Factory Sasel 1997 yýlýnda Pano Montaj Fabrikasý’ný faliyete geçirmiþtir. Schneider Elektrik Prisma pano ve SM6 -36 OG hücre yetkili bayisidir. Modüler pano 'Prisma Plus' Schneider Elektrik Fransa Fabrikasýnda imal edilmektedir. Tip test sertifikasýna sahip olan Prisma Plus, alüminyum alaþýmlý gövdesi ile paslanmaya karþý korumalý, yanmaz epoksi toz boyalý, IEC-439-1 standartlarýna uygundur. Duvar tipi; 630 A'e kadar, dikili tip; 3200 A'e kadar ihtiyaçlara cevap vermektedir. Modüler tip Prisma Plus Panolar Schneider Elektrik standartlarýna göre Sasel tarafýndan tasarlanmakta ve imalatý yapýlmaktadýr. Ayrýca, Enerji daðýtým sisteminin bir parçasý olan Metal muhafazalý tip SM-6-36 OG hücrelerinin projelendirme ve satýþý da yapýlmaktadýr. SM-6-36 OG hücreleri Tedaþ þartnamelerine uygundur. Ýmalat Grubu, Schneider Elektrik tarafýndan eðitilmiþ deneyimli montörlerden oluþmuþtur. 6 Sasel Electromechanic who is an authorized seller on Schneider Electric Prisma model panels and SM6-36 M.V. switchgears, Prisma which is a trade mark of modular panel, is produced by Schneider Electric in France. With epoxy powder coating painted and aluminium alloyed body which protects against corrosion. Its design is based on IEC-439-1standard and it has type test certificate. The wall type panels are upto 630 A and the free standing types are up to 3200 A. Prisma model panels. designs and assemble according to the Schneider Electric standards by Sasel Electromechanic Design and marketing of Metal Enclosed protectedtype SM6-36 M.V. switchgears which are part of the power distribution system, is also in the interest area of Sasel All technical staff, are trained on Prisma panel assembly by schneider Electric PROJENÝN ADI / NAME OF THE PROJECT ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ANTALYA SU ARITMA TESÝSLERÝ / ANTALYA WATER TREATMENT PLANT ANTALYA / TÜRKÝYE KANADA ELÇÝLÝÐÝ / CANADA CONSULATE ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE ATATÜRK HAVALÝMANI / ATATÜRK AIRPORT ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE MHP GENEL MERKEZÝ / MHP HEADOFFICE ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE COCA COLA FABRÝKASI / COCA COLA FACTORY TASHKENT / UZBEKISTAN DERÝNER BARAJI / DERÝNER DAM ARTVÝN / TÜRKÝYE DALAMAN HAVALÝMANI / DALAMAN AIRPORT BODRUM / TÜRKÝYE GRUNDFOS PANO / GRUNDFOS PANEL ÝSTANBUL / TÜRKÝYE ELÝT PLAZA / ELÝT PLAZA ÝSTANBUL / TÜRKÝYE HYATT OTEL / HYATT HOTEL KIEV / UKRANIA HAYATT OTEL / HAYATT HOTEL BAKU / AZERBAIJAN VICTORY OTEL / VICTORY HOTEL ANTALYA / TÜRKÝYE HEMA DÝÞLÝ FABRÝKASI / HEMA GEAR FACTORY ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE MICHURINSKY AVM / MICHURINSKY SHOPPING CENTER MOSKOW / RUSSIA HÝDROTERAPÝ MERKEZÝ / HYDROTHERAPY CENTER MOSKOW / RUSSIA ABD KABÝL ELÇÝLÝÐÝ / USA KABUL EMBASSIES KABUL / AFGHANISTAN ÝBNÝ-SÝNA HASTANESÝ / ÝBNI-SÝNA HOSPITAL ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE KABÝL HAVAALANI / KABUL AIRPORT KABUL / AFGHANISTAN ÝTALYA KONSOLOSLUÐU / ITALY CONSULATE ÝSTANBUL / TÜRKÝYE RIXOS GRAND ANKARA OTELÝ / RIXOS GRAND HOTEL ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE ITEC PLAZA / ITEC PLAZA TASHKENT / UZBEKISTAN KKB SAÐLIK / KKB HEALTH ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE KAVAKLIDERE ÞARAP FABRÝKASI/ KAVAKLIDERE WINES FACTORY ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE ANKARA TÝCARET ODASI / ANKARA CONGRESS CENTER ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE MESA PLAZA / MESA PLAZA ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE ÜRDÜN GENEL KURMAY BÞK/ AMMAN GENERAL HEADQUARTERS COMPLEX AMMAN / JORDAN METROCITY KOMPLEKSÝ / METROCITY COMPLEX ÝSTANBUL / TÜRKÝYE COCA COLA FABRÝKASI / COCA COLA FACTORY BURSA / TÜRKÝYE NBU BANKA / NBU BANK TASHKENT / UZBEKISTAN COCA COLA FABRÝKASI / COCA COLA FACTORY ELAZIÐ / TÜRKÝYE NOKSEL HENDEK BORU FABRÝKASI / NOKSEL HENDEK PIPE FACTORY ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE COCA COLA FABRÝKASI / COCA COLA FACTORY TEKÝRDAÐ / TÜRKÝYE SKB HASTANE B BLOK / SKB HOSPITAL B BLOCK MOSKOW / RUSSIA COCA COLA FABRÝKASI / COCA COLA FACTORY ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SÖKE SERAMÝK FABRÝKASI / SOKE CERAMICS FACTORY AYDIN / TÜRKÝYE AFD BUILDING A-B-C-D BLOK / ALMAATY FINANCE CENTER A-B-C-D BLOCK ALMATY / KAZAKHISTAN TRT GENEL MÜDÜRLÜÐÜ / TRT HEADOFFICE ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE EL EGAILAT HASTANESÝ / EL EGAILAT HOSPITAL TRABLUS / LÝBYA ÜLKER FABRÝKA / ÜLKER FACTORY ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE ÝÞ YATIRIM / ÝÞ INVESTMENT ÝSTANBUL / TÜRKÝYE YÝÐÝT AKÜ FABRÝKASI / YÝÐÝT AKÜ FACTORY ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE HAVELSAN SIMÜLATÖR BÝNASI / HAVELSAN SIMULATOR BUILDING ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE ZIRHLI BÝRLÝKLER OKULU ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SARBAST PLUS BÝRA FABRÝKASI / SARBAST PLUS BREWERY TASHKENT / UZBEKISTAN MÝGROS AVM / MÝGROS SHOPPING CENTER SOFIA / BULGARIA ABD TÝFLÝS ELÇÝLÝÐÝ / USA TIBILISI EMBASSIES TBILISI / GEORGIA 7 w w w. i p e k b o r u. co m . t r iPEKboru Electrical Installation Conduits iPEKboru Elektrik Tesisat Borularý iPEKboru, Ankara 1. Organize Sanayi Bölgesinde 4.000 m² kapalý, 5.600 m² açýk alandaki modern üretim tesislerinde en yeni teknoloji ile donatýlmýþ 6 üretim hattý ile PVC alev yaymayan spiral, düz; PE halojensiz ve alev yaymayan kangal, HDPE Çift Cidarlý Telekomünikasyon ve Enerji Hatlarý Kablo Muhafaza Borusu üretimi gerçekleþtirilmektedir. PVC Grubumuz; Spiral Boru : Hafif ve aðýr seri Ø 16 - Ø 63 çaplarý arasýnda toz PVC'den üretilmiþ alev yaymama özelliðine sahip kýlavuz telli veya telsiz, Düz Boru: Hafif, orta ve aðýr seri Ø 16 - Ø 32 çaplarý arasýnda toz PVC'den üretilmiþ alev yaymama özelliðine sahip muflu ve mufsuz. PE Grubumuz; Halojensiz Kangal Boru: Hafif ve aðýr seri Ø 16 - Ø 90 çaplarý arasýnda PE'den üretilmiþ halojensiz kýlavuz telli veya telsiz, Düz Boru: Hafif ve aðýr seri olarak Ø 16 Ø 32 çaplarý arasýnda PE'den halojensiz olarak üretilmektedir. PVC ve PE borularýn kullaným yerlerinin 8 belirlenmesi amacýyla renk kodu uygulamasý yapýlmaktadýr. Bu uygulamaya göre; PVC grubunda borunun rengi, PE grubunda ise boru üzerinde yer alan çizginin rengi, borunun hangi sistemde kullanýldýðýný belirler. HDPE Grubumuz; HDPE Çift Cidarlý Telekomünikasyon Hatlarý Kablo Muhafaza Borusu (Türk Telekom için): 450 Newton, Ø 110 çapýnda, siyah renkte orijinal HDPE'den, HDPE Çift Cidarlý Enerji Hatlarý Kablo Muhafaza Borusu (TEDAÞ için): 450 Newton, Ø 110 çapýnda, mavi renkte orijinal HDPE'den üretilmektedir. Fabrikamýzýn yýllýk PVC boru üretim kapasitesi 10.500 ton, alçak ve yüksek yoðunluklu polietilen boru üretim kapasitesi 11.500 ton'dur. Üretimin her aþamasýnda kaliteyi ön plana çýkaran iPEKboru, üretim kalitesini geliþmiþ laboratuvarýnda deney ve kontrollerle saðlamaktadýr. iPEKboru, TS EN 61386, TS EN 50086-2-4 Standartlarýna Uygunluk Belgesine, ISO 9001 : 2000 Kalite Güvence Sistemi Belgesine ve HDPE Çift Cidarlý Telekom Borularýmýz için Türk Telekom A.Þ Yeterlilik Belgesi'ne sahiptir. Fabrikamýzda ulusal ve uluslararasý standartlara uygun üretim yapýlmaktadýr. Ürünlerin kalite ve performanslarý, PVC ve PE grupta; basýnç testleri, darbe testleri, maksimum ve minimum sýcaklýk testleri, yangýna karþý reaksiyon testleri ile yapýlmakta, HDPE grupta; yoðunluk testleri, ESCR testi, karbon siyahý daðýlýmý testi, iç ve dýþ hidrostatik basýnç testleri ile kontrol edilmektedir. Geliþmiþ laboratuvarýmýz ayrýca bölge plastik sanayisine de hizmet verecek büyüklüktedir. iPEKboru; Ankara merkezli pazarlama ve idari bölümleri, Türkiye'nin 7 bölgesindeki bayilik sistemi, 1000'in üzerinde ürün çeþitliliði ve uygun fiyat politikasýyla bütünsel çözümler sunarak sizlere hizmet vermektedir. iPEKboru plans its investments and draws up its plans focusing on full automation so that quality is ensured at all phases of production. iPEKboru manufactures PVC corrugated, rigid, PE halogen free and HDPE double walled corrugated conduits by using six production lines equipped with latest technology at its modern production facilities in Ankara Sincan Organized Industrial Zone, which have a total floor area of 4,000 m2 and an outdoor area of 5,600 m2. PVC Group; Corrugated Conduit: Light and heavy gauges with diameters between Ø 16 - Ø 63 made of powder PVC with or without a pull wire. They have self-extinguishing characteristics. Rigid Conduit: Light, medium, and heavy gauges with diameters between Ø 16- Ø 32 made of powder PVC with or without coupling ended. They have self-extinguishing characteristics. PE Group; Halogen free Rigid Conduit in Coil: Light and heavy gauges with diameters between Ø 16 - Ø 90 made of PE with or without a pull wire. Halogen free Rigid Conduit: Light and heavy gauges with diameters between Ø 16 Ø 32 made of PE with or without a pull wire. In order to show the areas where they are intended to be used, color codes are applied to PVC and PE conduit . According to this system, the original color of the conduit in the PVC group and a line drawn on the conduit in the PE group indicates the places where they should be used. HDPE Group; HDPE Double-Walled Corrugated Conduit for Telecommunication Infrastructure: Black color, 450 Newton with a diameter of Ø 110 made of original HDPE. HDPE Double-Walled Corrugated Conduit for Electricity Distribution Infrastructure : Blue color, 450 Newton with a diameter of Ø 110 made of original HDPE. The company has annual capacity of producing 10.500 tons of PVC conduit and 11.500 tons of PE conduit. Our plant manufactures products in accordance with national and international standards. Pursuing a policy designed to ensure quality by using materials of high quality in the production process, iPEKboru has TS EN 61386, TS EN 50086-2-4 Production Compliance Certificates and ISO 9001:2000 Quality Assurance System Certificate in addition to Telecommunication Infrastructure Qualification Certificate covering HDPE Double-Walled Corrugated Conduit . Laying emphasis on quality at every phase of the production process, iPEKboru checks the quality of its products at its modern laboratories by using latest inspection and test methods. The quality and performance of products are checked by means of pressure tests, shock tests, maximum and minimum temperature tests in the PVC and PE categories; ESCR test, carbon black dispersion test, and internal and external hydrostatic pressure tests for the products in the HDPE categories. Our modern laboratories also has the capability to offer services for the local plastics industry. iPEKboru has marketing and management departments in Ankara and offers integrated solutions and more than 1,000 products variety at competitive prices through its distributors across seven regions of Turkey. 9 Elektromekanik Taahhütlerimiz Havaalaný Tesisleri Navoi ATC Binasý Khanabad/Karshi Askeri Hava Alaný Aydýnlatma Projesi Kabil Uluslararasý Hava Alaný Pist Aydýnlatma Projesi Uchkuduk ATC Binasý Özbekistan 3 Yerel Hava Alaný Modernizasyon Projesi Adana Havaalaný Prefabrik Terminal Binasý Ýnþaatý Nefteyugansk Havaalaný Terminal Binasý Electromechanical Projects Airport Facilities Navoi ATC Building Khanabad/Karshi Military Airport Runway Lighting Project Kabul International Airport Runway Lighting Project Uchkuduk ATC Building Uzbekistan 3 Local Airports Modernisation Project Adana Airport Prefabricated Building Construction Nefteyugansk Airport Terminal Building 78 79 Ha v a a l a ný Te s isleri/ Airport Facilities Navoi ATC Binasý Navoi ATC Building Khanabad/Karshi Askeri Hava Alaný Aydýnlatma Projesi ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION AYSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. NAVOI / UZBEKISTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2005 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2005 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 2.200 m2 ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION KARSHI / UZBEKISTAN N avo i þ e h r i n d e ye n i h av a l a ný p ro j e s i kapsamýnda inþa edilen Navoi ATC Kulesi 36 m yüksekliktedir. 2 Katlý ve 2200 m2 inþaat alanlý iþletme binasýna sahiptir. Elektrik tesisat iþleri kapsamý: Dizel jeneratör A.G Daðýtým sistemi Aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtýmý Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan korunma sistemi Yangýn ihbar sistemi Telefon, TV, güvenlik ve nem alarm sistemleri. 80 SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2004 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA Navoi ATC Building, which is constructed in scope of the new airport project of Navoi is 36 m of height and has 2 floors of operational area totalling 2,200m2. The electric works under main headings are: Diesel jenerator set L.V Distribution systems Lighting and power distribution Earthing and lightning protection system Fire alarm system Telephone, TV, security and humidity alarm systems. 2005 - Özbekistan-Karshi’de Yüksel Ýnþaatýn taahhüdünü üstlendiði bu proje; Fedaral Havacýlýk Organizasyonunun (FAA) þartlarýna uygun olarak güvenlik, emniyet, standartlar, uygulanabilir yerel standartlar ve diðer kriterlere uygun olarak projelendirilip inþa edilmesi iþidir. Hava alaný pist aydýnlatmasý kontrol binasýnýn hertürlü elektrik, HVAC ve ýsýtýcýlarý ile havalaný aydýnlatmasýna iliþkin bütün teknik donanýmlarýn yapýlmasý (Pist kenar aydýnlatma, yaklaþým aydýnlatmasý, Yaklaþým flashing sistemi, PAPI, taksiyolu aydýnlatmasý ve her türlü havaalaný iþaretlemesi), uzaktan kumanda için gereken her türlü anten ve bilgisayar donanýmlarý bulunmakla birlikte bütün sistemlerin testleri, iþletmeye alýnmasý ve personel eðitiminin verilmesi de iþ kapsamý dahilindedir. The subcontracting of electric works of Khanabad air base FAA Standarts and local security rules at Karshi-Uzbekistan for Yüksel Cons. Co. Project is consist of; vault building with all necessary electrical equipment, HVAC Units and heaters, wireless remote control system with all necessary antenna and computers and AFL (Runway edge, approach light (both side, CAT 1), flashing lighting system (Both side), PAPI (Both side) taxiway lights, nonmondotory and mondotory sign’s treshold and end lights, 350 kVA pad transformer, 300 kVA generator. 81 Kabil Uluslararasý Hava Alaný Pist Aydýnlatma Projesi Kabul International Airport Runway Lighting Project YENÝGÜN-MAKTAÞAYDENÝZ J.V. ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION KABUL / AFGHANISTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2004 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2005 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER Dünya Bankasý Kredisi ile Afganistan Ýslami Geçiþ devleti Sivil Havacýlýk ve Turizm Bakanlýðý tarafýn-dan ihale edilen Kabil Uluslararasý Hava Limanýnýn 11/29 Pistinin acil iyileþtirilmesi ve diðer ek iþleri, elektrik ve mekanik tesisat iþleri alt yüklenicisi olarak yapýlmýþtýr. Yapýmýnýn Yenigün-Maktaþ-Aydeniz J.V.’nin üstlendiði projenin elektrik ve mekanik iþleri kapsamýnda, 3500 m. uzunluðun-daki 11/29 no’lu Pist Cat.1 yaklaþým ýþýklarý PAPI, runway ve taksi yolu aydýnlatma sistemi, aydýnlatma kontrol merkezi, pompa istasyonlarý mekanik sistemleri, 2 adet 10/0, 4 kV 300 kVA trafo, 2 adet 250 kVA ve 2 adet 40 kVA jeneratör tesisi bulunmaktadýr. 82 The subcontracting of electromechanical works of rehabilitation of 11/29 runway of international kabul airport for Afghanistan Islamic Goverment by World Bank support credit. Main contractor is YMA J.V. And the project is consist of runway edge and approach lights (CAT 1) for 3500 mt long Runway, taxiway lights, PAPI system, remote control system for AFL control, electromechanic works of 2 ea Pump house, 2 ea 300 kVA 10/0, 4 kV transformer and MV breakers, 2 ea 250 kVA and 2 ea 40 kVA generator sets. 83 Ha v a a l a ný Te s isleri/ Airport Facilities Uchkuduk ATC Binasý Uchkuduk ATC Building Özbekistan 3 Yerel Hava Alaný Modernizasyon Projesi Uzbekistan 3 Local Airports Modernisation Project AYSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. UCHKUDUK / UZBEKISTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2000 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2001 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 2.200 m2 84 AYSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. UZBEKISTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1997 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1998 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA - ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Uchkuduk þehrindeki yeni havalaný projesi kapsamýnda inþa edilen Uchkuduk ATC binasý 36 m yüksekliktedir. 2 Katlý ve 2200 m2 inþaat alanlý iþletme binasýna sahiptir. Elektrik tesisat iþleri kapsamý: A.G Daðýtým sistemi Aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtýmý Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan korunma sistemi Yangýn ihbar sistemi Telefon, TV, güvenlik ve nem alarm sistemleri. Uchkuduk ATC Building, which is constructed in scope of the new airport project of Uchkuduk, is 36 m of height and has 2 floors of operational area totalling 2,200 sgm. The electric works under main headings are: L.V Distribution systems Lighting and power distribution Earthing and lightning protection system Fire alarm system Telephone, TV, security and humidity alarm systems. Bu proje kapsamýnda Özbekistan'ýn Urgenç, Buhara ve Semerkant þehirlerinde bulunan hava alanlarýnýn pistlerinin yenilenmesi ve yeni terminal binalarý, trafo binalarýnýn yapýmý bulunmaktadýr, Dýþ hat terminalleri ve pistlerinin Shimizu-Mitsubishi-Mitsui kapsamýndaki elektrik iþleri ve projeleri tarafýmýzca tamamlanmýþtýr. Elektrik iþlerini ana baþlýklar halinde toplarsak; Alçak gerilim sistemleri Aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtým sistemleri UPS sistemi Yangýn alarm sistemi Telefon sistemi Merkezi Saat sistemi Müzik ve anons sistemi CCTV ve güvenlik sistemleridir. Bu projenin tamamlanmasý ile Özbekistan'ýn önemli 3 þehri uluslararasý hava trafiðine kavuþmuþtur. This project covers the renewal of the runways of airports located in the cities of Urgenç, Bukhara and Semerkant in Uzbekistan and the construction of new terminal buildings and transformer buildings. The electric works and designs of the international lines terminals and runways in the ShimizuMitsubishi-Mitsui scope of work were completed by ourselves. To group the electrical works can be grouped under main topics as: Low voltage systems Lighting and power distribution systems UPS system Fire alarm system Telephone system Central clock system Music and public address system CCTV and security systems. With the completion of this project, three important cities of Uzbekistan have access to international air traffic. 85 Adana Havaalaný Prefabrik Terminal Binasý Ýnþaatý Adana Airport Prefabricated Building Construction YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ADANA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1996 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1996 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 10.000 m2 MENSEL J.V. NEFTEYUGANSK / RUSSIA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1994 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1995 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 6.500 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Mevcut terminal binasýnýn yanýnda dýþhatlar terminal binasý olarak kullanýlmak üzere yapýlan tesisin elektrik iþleri kapsamýnda; Alçak gerilim sistemleri Orta gerilim sistemleri Trafo sistemi Aydýnlatma sistemi Çevre aydýnlatma sistemi Yangýn ihbar sistemleri Müzik ve anons sistemi Uçuþ bilgi sistemleri UPS sistemleri. 86 Nefteyugansk Havaalaný Terminal Binasý Nefteyugansk Airport Terminal Building The electrical works for this facility, constructed for use as an international lines terminal building next to the existing terminal building, include: Low Voltage systems Medium Voltage systems Transformer system Lighting system Area lighting system Fire alarm systems Music and public address system Flight information systems UPS systems. Terminal binasýnýn yapýmýna 1994 yýlýnda baþlanmýþtýr. Teknolojinin sunduðu en modern uçuþ bilgi sistemine, güvenlik amaçlý kapalý devre TV sistemine, uydu TV sistemine, çagrý ve genel anons sistemine, merkezi elektronik saat sistemine ve yangýn alarm sistemine sahiptir. Bu sistemlerde bazýlarýnýn enerjisinin hiç kesilmemesini temin etmek için de binada merkezi bir UPS (kesintisiz güç kaynaðý konulmuþtur. Bina giriþ ve çýkýþ kapýlarýnýn PIR dedektörlerle kumanda edilerek açýlýp kapanmasý o zamana kadar, þehirde ilk defa uygulanan bir sistemdir. The construction of the terminal building was started in 1994. It has a state-of-the-art flight information system, a closed circuit TV system far the purpose of security, a satellite TV system, a paging and public address system, a central electronic clock system and a fire alarm system. A central UPS was installed in the building to ensure a continuous supply of power to sorne of these systems. The building's entry and exit doors opening and closing by control through PIR detectors, it is the only buílding ta possess this system in the city until then. 87 Elektromekanik Taahhütlerimiz İdari ve Ticari Binalar Al-Fateh Üniversitesi Ekonomi ve Hukuk Fakültesi Al-Fateh Üniversitesi Ziraat, Veterinerlik ve Fen Fakültesi Maliseva Sidmoye Alýþveriþ Merkezi ATO (Ankara Ticaret Odasý Fuar ve Konferans Merkezi) Almaata Finans Merkezi (Kazkommertsbank) Ürdün Genel Kurmay Baþkanlýðý Karargah Kompleksi Michurinsky Festival Alýþveriþ Merkezi Kanada Elçiliði MHP Genel Merkez Binasý SPK-IMKB Binasý Metrocity Kompleksi Eurocentrum Ýþ Merkezi Itec Ýþ Merkezi Yüksek Mahkeme Binasý Ramstore Alýþveriþ Merkezi Itec Alýþveriþ Merkezi Özbekistan Merkez Bankasý Genel Müdürlük Binasý Özbekistan Merkez Bankasý Þubeleri Mesa Genel Müdürlük Binasý Keystone Kompleksi Nefteyugansk Kültür Merkezi Ýstanbul Dünya Ticaret Merkezi ve Sergi Tesisleri TRT Kurumu Genel Müdürlük Tesisleri Þekerbank Genel Müdürlük Binasý Electromechanical Projects Administrative and Commercial Facilities Al-Fateh University Law and Economy Faculty Al-Fateh University Agriculture, Veterinary and Science Faculty Maliseva Sidmoye Shopping Mall ATO (Congress Center of Trade Chambers of Ankara ) Almaty Financial District Center (Kazkommertsbank) Jordan Armed Forces, General Headquarters Complex Michurinsky Festival Shopping Center New Canada Embassy MHP Head Guarters Building SPK-IMKB Building Metrocity Complex Eurocentrum Bussiness Center Itec Business Center Supreme Court Ramstore Shopping Center Itec Shopping Center National Bank of Uzbekistan Head Offfice Building Branch Offices of National Bank of Uzbekistan Mesa Headquarters Office Building Keystone Building Complex Nefteyugansk Culture Center Istanbul World Trade Centre and Exhibition Facilities TRT Association Head Office Facilities Þekerbank Head Office Building 44 45 İdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities Al-Fateh Üniversitesi Ekonomi ve Hukuk Fakültesi Al-Fateh University Law and Economy Faculty NUROL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. TRIPOLI / LIBYA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2008 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 43.500 m2 YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. TRIPOLI / LIBYA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2008 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 66.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Ekonomi ve Hukuk Fakültesi binalarý toplam 43.500 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. Mekanik iþler kapsamýnda; Tüm sýhhi tesisat iþleri Isýtma , soðutma ve havalandýrma Tesisatý Fancoil tesisatý Yangýn söndürme sistemleri Bina otomasyon sistemleri. 46 Al-Fateh Üniversitesi Ziraat, Veterinerlik ve Fen Fakültesi Al-Fateh University Agriculture, Veterinary and Science Faculty Economy and Law Faculty buildings have 43.500 m2 closed area. Mechanical works under main headings: All sanitary installation works Heating, cooling and air-conditioning systems Fancoil installation Fire fighting systems Building automation systems. Ziraat Fakültesi, Veterinerlik ve Fen Fakültesi binalarýndan oluþmaktadýr. Fakülte binalarý toplam 66.000 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. Elektrik iþleri kapsamýnda; Bina içi aydýnlatma ve kuvvet tesisatý Data ve telefon sistemi Yangýn ihbar ve alarm sistemi Seslendirme tesisatý CCTV sistemi Güvenlik sistemi Mekanik ekipman-larýn kablolamasý Trafolar Jeneratör-ler Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan korunma tesisatý. Agriculture faculty ,Veterinary and Science Faculty Buildings have 66.000 m2 closed area. To group the electrical works under main headings: Lighting and power distribution IP telephone and data systems Fire alarm system Sound systems. CCTV systems Security systems. Mechanic equipments cabling Tranformers Generators Earthing and lightning protection system. 47 İdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities Maliseva Sidmoye Alýþveriþ Merkezi Maliseva Sidmoye Shopping Mall YenÝgün Ýnþaat A.Þ EKATERINBURG / RUSSIA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2008 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 79.000m2 48 ATO (Ankara Ticaret Odasý Fuar ve Konferans Merkezi) ATO (Congress Center of Trade Chambers of Ankara ) ATO ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2007 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 85.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Maliseva Sidmoye Alýþveriþ Merkezi 79.000 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. 11 katlýdýr. Komplekste çeþitli büyüklükte ofisler, dükkanlar, restoranlar, fast food restoran, sinema salonlarý mevcuttur. Elektrik iþler kapsamýnda; AG daðýtým sistemleri Aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtým sistemleri Yangýn alarm sistemleri Telefon, data, CCTV, SMATV, seslendirme sistemleri Güvenlik sistemleri. Maliseva Sidmoye shopping center has 79.000 m2 closed area. 11 floors. The complex has offices and shops of various sizes, restaurants, fast food restaurant, cinema halls. To group the electrical works under main headings: L.V- Distribution systems Lighting and power distribution Fire alarm system Telephone, data, CCTV, SMATV , Sound systems Security systems. Ankara Ticaret Odasý Fuar ve Konferans Merkezi 85.000 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. Türkiye'nin en büyük Avrupa'nýn 2. büyük kongre binasýdýr. Ýþ kapsamýnda; Bina içi aydýnlatma ve kuvvet tesisatý Data ve telefon sistemi Yangýn ihbar ve alarm sistemi Seslendirme tesisatý CCTV sistemi Güvenlik sistemi Mekanik ekipmanlarýn kablolamasý Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan korunma tesisatý UPS sistemleri. Congress center of trade chambers of Ankara has 85.000 m2 closed area. Türkiye’s largests convention Center and Europe’s second largest. To group the electrical works under main headings: Lighting and power distribution Telephone and data systems Fire alarm system Sound systems CCTV systems Security systems. Mechanic equipments cabling Earthing and lightning protection system UPS systems. 49 İdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities Almaata Finans Merkezi (Kazkommertsbank) Almaty Financial District Center (Kazkommertsbank) YTY KonsorsÝyum ALMATY / KAZAKHSTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2006 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2009 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 160.000 m2 Aysel Ýnþaat A.Þ Amman / Jordan SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2005 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2009 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 112.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Ýþ merkezi 160.000 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. A,B,C,D olmak üzere toplam 4 bloktan oluþmaktadýr. Elektomekanik iþ kapsamýnda; AG-OG daðýtým tesisatý Bina içi aydýnlatma ve kuvvet tesisatý Jeneratör ve UPS tesisatý Cephe aydýnlatmasý Data ve telefon sistemi Yangýn ihbar ve alarm sistemi Seslendirme tesisatý CCTV sistemi Güvenlik sistemi Mekanik ekipmanlarýn kablolamasý Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan korunma tesisatý Kar eritme sistemleri Tüm sýhhi tesisat iþleri Isýtma, soðutma ve havalandýrma Tesisatý Fancoil tesisatý Yangýn söndürme sistemleri 50 Ürdün Genel Kurmay Baþkanlýðý Karargah Kompleksi Jordan Armed Forces, General Headquarters Complex Bina otomasyon sistemleri. Finance center has 160.000 m2 closed area. The complex has A,B,C,D block, To group the electromechanical works under main headings: L.V-M.V. Distribution systems Lighting and power distribution Diesel generator and UPS system Facade ligthing Telephone and data systems Fire alarm system Sound systems. CCTV systems Security systems. Mechanic equipments cabling Earthing and lightning protection system Snow Melting System All sanitary installation works Heating, cooling and air-conditioning systems Fancoil installation Fire fighting systems Building Kompleks, Amman'ýn batýsýnda 400.000 m2 lik bir alanda ve yaklaþýk 112.000 m2 kullaným alanýna sahiptir. Kompleks kapsamýnda, ofis alanlarý, sosyal aktivite alanlarý ve yönetim birimi alanlarý da bulunmaktadýr. Elektrik iþleri kapsamý; Beþ adet trafo merkezi Güçleri 800-1675 kVA arasýnda deðiþen yedi adet dizel jeneratör seti O.G. þalt tesis ve daðýtým sistemi A.G. daðýtým sistemi Yer altý karargahý EMP sistemi UPS sistemleri, bina aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtýmý sistemleri, çevre aydýnlatma Yükseltilmiþ döþeme altý kanal sistemi Topraklama ve yýldýrým korunma sistemleri Yangýn alarm, güvenlik, CCTV, TV, data/telefon, X-ray sistemleri proje koordinasyon, enerji temini, boru ve tava altyapý iþleri Helikopter pist aydýnlatmalarý, araba bariyer güvenlik sistemleri LCD scoreboard ve merkezi saat sistemi. The complex has built in west of Amman on an area of 400.000 m2 and approximately 112.000 m2 of operational area. Within the complex, office areas, social activity areas and management unit areas. Electrical works are as: Five no. transformer substations seven no. diesel jenerator sets capacities varying between 800-1675kVA M.V. switchgear and distribution L.V. distribution systems Under-ground command center EMP system UPS systems Building lighting and power distribution systems Landscape lighting Underfloor cable management systems Earthing and lightning protection systems Project coordination, power supply, cable management systems for fire alarm, security, CCTV, TV, data/ telecommunication, X-ray systems Heliport lighting system Car barrier security systems LCD scoreboard and master clock system. 51 İdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities Michurinsky Festival Alýþveriþ Merkezi Michurinsky Festival Shopping Center Summa A.Þ. MosCOW / RusSIA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2004 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2005 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 62.000 m2 aysel ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2004 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2004 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 5.200 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Michurinsky Alýþveriþ Merkezi 62.000 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. Komplekste çeþitli büyüklükte dükkanlar, restoranlar, fast food restoran, sinema salonlarý mevcuttur. Elektromekanik iþler kapsamý; AG daðýtým sistemi Aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtým sistemleri Yangýn alarm sistemleri Telefon, SMATV, seslendirme sistemleri Çevre aydýnlatmasý Tüm sýhhi tesisat iþleri Isýtma, soðutma ve havalandýrma tesisatý Fancoil tesisatý Yangýn söndürme sistemleri Bina otomasyon sistemleri. 52 Kanada Elçiliði New Canadian Chancery Michurinsky Shopping Center has 62.000 m2 closed area. The complex has shops of various sizes, restaurants, fast food restaurant, cinema halls. The electromechanical works under main headings are: L.V-Distribution systems Lighting and power distribution Fire alarm system Telephone, SMATV, Sound Systems Exterior lighting All sanitary installation works Heating, cooling and air-conditioning systems Fancoil installation Fire fighting systems Building automation systems. Kanada Elçiliði Binasý 5.200 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. Elektrik tesisatý iþleri kapsamý; Jeneratör ve voltaj regülatör sistemi A.G daðýtým sistemi Aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtýmý Merkezi aydýnlatma kontrol Busbar güç daðýtým sistem EMT boru tesisatý Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan koruma tesisatý Data ve telefon sistemi Yangýn ihbar sistemleri CCTV ve kartlý giriþ kontrol sistemi Güvenlik sistemleri TV daðýtým sistemi New Canadian Chancery building has 5.200 m2 closed area. The electric works under main headings are: Diesel generator emergency power supply and voltage regulator L.V distribution systems Lighting and power distribution Lighting control system Busbar power distribution EMT conduit installation Earthing and lightning protection system Telephone and data systems Fire alarm system Card access control system Security systems TV distribution system. 53 İdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities MHP Genel Merkez Binasý MHP Headquarters Building SPK-IMKB Binasý SPK-IMKB Building AYSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2002 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2004 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 27.000 m2 54 oyak ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2002 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2003 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 22.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION MHP Genel Merkez binasý 27.000 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. Binada genel merkez ofisleri, Arge bölümü, 750 kiþilik konferans salonu, toplantý salonlarý, kütüphane, mutfak ve kafeteryalar, kule bloðunun üstünde yemek salonu ve helikopter pisti mevcuttur. Elektrik tesisat iþleri kapsamý; O.G. sistemleri A.G daðýtým sistemi Aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtýmý Aydýnlatma otomasyonu Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan korun-ma sistemi Yangýn ihbar sistemi Naklen yayýn sistemi Telefon, CCTV, SMATV, seslendirme, saat ve güvenlik sistemleridir. MHP headquarters building has 27.000 m2 closed area. The complex consists of an office area, a research development, a conference hall with 750 seating capacity, meeting rooms, a library, cafeterias, a special dinning room and a helicopter landing area on top of the tower block. The electric works under main headings are: M.V. systems L.V Distribution systems Lighting and power distribution Lighting automation Earthing and lightning protection system Fire alarm system Live broadcast system Telephone, CCTV, SMATV , sound, clock and security systems. SPK–IMKB Binasý 22.000 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. Elektromekanik tesisat iþleri kapsamý; AG-OG daðýtým sistemleri Aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtýmý Yangýn ihbar sistemi Telefon, CCTV ve ses sistemleri Tüm sýhhi tesisat iþleri Isýtma, soðutma ve havalandýrma tesisatý Fancoil tesisatý Yangýn söndürme sistemleri Bina otomasyon sistemleri. SPK-IMKB Building has 22.000 m2 closed area. The electromechanical works under main headings are: L.V-M.V. distribution systems Lighting and power distribution Fire alarm system Telephone, CCTV, SMATV and sound Systems All sanitary installation works Heating, cooling and airconditioning systems Fancoil installation Fire fighting systems Building automation systems. 55 İdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities Metrocity Kompleksi Metrocity Complex Eurocentrum Ýþ Merkezi Eurocentrum Bussiness Center YÜKSEL YAPI YATIRIM A.Þ. ÝSTANBUL / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2000 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2003 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 215.000 m2 56 yenýgün ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. WARSAW / POLAND SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2001 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2002 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 38.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Ýstanbul’un finans ve ticaret merkezi olan Zincirlikuyu Maslak Hattý üzerinde bulunan Metrocity Kompleksi toplam 215.000 m2 alana sahiptir. 27’þer katlý 2 Konut kulesi, 24 katlý Ofis kulesi, Alýþveriþ Merkezi ve Sosyal Tesisler bulunmaktadýr. Tüm elektrik tesisat iþleri kapsam dahilindedir. The Metrocity complex, who is constructed on the finance and trade center of Ýstanbul at Zincirlikuyu Maslak line, has 215.000 m2 closed area.This project contains 3 towers (first and second of them 27 residence floors, third one 24 office floors), Shoping Center and social and sport facilities. Ýncluding all of electrical systems. Bu kompleks 38.000 m2 lik kapalý alana kurulmuþ olup, 4 tane yüksek kalitede kiralanabilen ofis binalarýndan oluþmaktadýr. Alpha Binasý Eurocentrum kompleksinin A sýnýfý kiralýk ofisler-den oluþan ilk binasý olarak tamamlanmýþtýr. Proje kapsamýnda, Elektrik tesisatý çalýþmalarý, bir ana orta gerilim odasý ve 2x1600 kVA trafo odasý, alçak gerilim daðýtým odasý ve 630 kVA jeneratör odasý, zayýf akým tesisatý, bina yönetim sistemleri, güvenlik sistemleri, araba park sistemleri, bütün dahili ve harici aydýnlatma sistemleri Yeraltýnda 3 katlý herbiri 9950 m2 olan otopark 21 katta 21.950 m2 kiralýk alan The Alpha Building is the first part of Euro Centrum Complex as an A class office tower with retail outlets. The project will be cover four top-quality office buildings of 38.000 sq m of rentable office space. In scope of the project, all electrical works which, one main MV room and 2 x 1600 kVA transformer room and LV distribution room and 630 kVA generator room, fully low current installation, building management system BMS, security systems, car parking systems, all internal and external lighting. 3 Basement floors for car parking in underground 9950 sq m. Building Alpha 21.950 sq m retail area in 21 floors. 57 İdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities Itec Ýþ Merkezi Itec Business Center Yüksek Mahkeme Binasý Supreme Court AYSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. TASHKENT / UZBEKISTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1998 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2000 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 62.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Itec kompleksi'nin 62.000 m2’lik inþaat alanýyla en büyük binasýdýr. 3 kat bodrum üzerine 16 kat iþ merkezi anahtar teslimi olarak yapýlmýþtýr. Elektrik iþlerini ana baþlýklar altýnda toplarsak; O.G. Sistemi Dizel jeneratör sistemi A.G. daðýtým sistemi Busbar daðýtým sistemi MCC panelleri Aydýnlatma ve priz sistemi Acil aydýnlatma sistemi Telefon sistemi Yangýn alarm sistemi Müzik ve anons sistemi CCTV sistemi SMATV sistemi Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan koruma sistemi. 58 URBAN ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. MOSCOW / RUSSIA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1999 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2000 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 32.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER This is the largest building of the ltec complex with a construction area of 62,000 m2. The business centre with 3 basement floors and 16 floors was made on a turnkey basis including the project design. To group the electrical works under main headings: M.V. System Diesel Generator system L.V. Distribution system Busbar distribution system MCC panels Lighting and socket system Emergency lighting system Telephone system Fire alarm system Music and public address system CCTV system SMATV system Earthing and lightning protection Ofis alanlarý, 8 adet küçük, 2 adet büyük mahkeme odasý, 2 adet yemek salonu, mutfak, arþiv ve teknik hizmet odalarýnýn yaný sýra, kapalý garaj, nükleer sýðýnak ve teknik odalarýn yerleþtiði 3 adet hizmet bloðu ve 16 adet lüx adel odasý, genel kullaným ve hizmet mahallerinden oluþan 1 adet otel bloðun-dan oluþan bir komplekstir. Kapsam dahilinde yürütülen iþlerde Enerji daðýtým Aydýnlatma tesisatý Panel montajlarý Otomasyon sistemleri. Supreme court is complex on 3 offices block which has 2 planiums, 8 small court rooms, 2 dinning halls, kitchen, archive rooms, balast prorf shelters, technical areas, garage, and hotel block with 16 luxery sleeping rooms. The existing contract content is supply and installation of Energy distribution Lighting distribution and fixtures Building automation systems on turn key bases. 59 İdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities Ramstore Alýþveriþ Merkezi Ramstore Shopping Center Itec Alýþveriþ Merkezi Itec Shopping Center AYSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ALMATY / KAZAKHSTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1998 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1999 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 26.000 m2 60 AYSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. TASHKENT / UZBEKISTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1998 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1999 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 8.500 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Kazakistan’ýn Almata þehrinde inþaa edilen Ramstore, 26.000 m2 alana sahip olup, bina içerisinde 54 adet dükkan ve Migros alýþveriþ merkezi vardýr. Bu kompleks projenin Alçak Gerilim, Orta Gerilim ve Zayýf Akým sistemlerinin yapýmý tamamlanmýþ ve teslim edilmiþtir. Elektrik iþlerini ana baþlýklar altýnda toplarsak; O.G. Sistemi Dizel jeneratör sistemi A.G. daðýtým sistemi MCC paneller Aydýnlatma ve priz sistemi Buz paten pisti aydýnlatma sistemi Telefon sistemi Yangýn alarm sistemi Müzik ve anons sistemi Güvenlik sistemi CCTV sistemi SMATV sistemi Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan koruma sistemi. Ramstore built in the city of Almaty in Kazakhstan has an area of 26,000 m2 and the building includes 54 shops and the Migros shopping centre. The Low Voltage, Medium Voltage and Weak Current systems of this complex project were completed and handed over. To group the electrical works under main headings: M.V. System Diesel generator system L.V. distribution system MCC panels Lighting and socket system lce-skating ring lighting system Telephone system Fire alarm system Music and public address system Security system CCTV system SMATV system Earthing and lightning protection system. Yaklaþýk 8.500m2 olan alýþveriþ merkezi de Taþkent'teki ltec Kompleksi içinde bulunmaktadýr. Çeþitli büyüklüklerde dükkanlarý, fast food restoran, idari ofisler, büfe ve depolarý bulunan binanýn tüm elektrik iþleri 1999 yýlý içinde teslim edilmiþtir. Elektrik iþlerini ana baþlýklar altýnda toplarsak; O.G. Sistemi Dizel jeneratör sistemi A.G. daðýtým sistemi Dükkan panolarý MCC panelleri Aydýnlatma ve priz sistemi Acil aydýnlatma sistemi Telefon sistemi Yangýn alarm sistemi Müzik ve anons sistemi CCTV sistemi SMATV sistemi Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan koruma sistemi. The shopping centre with an area of about 8,500 m2 is also located within the ltec Complex in Tashkent. All the electric works of the building which contains shops af various sizes, fast food restaurants, administrative offices, buffets and storehouses were handed over in 1999. To group the electric works under main headings: M.V. System Diesel Generator system L.V. distribution system Shop panels MCC panels Lighting and socket system Emergency lighting system Telephone system Fire alarm system Music and public address system CCTV system SMA Tll system Earthing and lightning protection system. 61 Ýdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities Özbekistan Merkez Bankasý Genel Müdürlük Binasý National Bank of Uzbekistan Head Office Building AYSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. TASHKENT / UZBEKISTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1997 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1998 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 30.000 m2 AYSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. TASHKENT / UZBEKISTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1997 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1998 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 15.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ltec kompleksi içinde bulunan 3 bodrum ve zemin üzerine 22 katýyla 30.000 m2lik bir projedir. Bina 1997 yýlý sonunda teslim edilmiþ, faaliyetine 1998 yýlý baþýnda baþlamýþtýr. Ýþ kapsamý; Orta gerilim sistemleri Trafolar Alçak gerilim sistemleri Busbar sistemleri Tüm aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtýmý UPS sistemi Yangýn alarm Telefon, CCTV, SMATV sistemlerine ek olarak teknolojinin son ürünü, 100 adetden fazla kameralý, 2000 kart kapasiteli, komple güvenlik ve kartlý giriþ sistemine sahiptir. Tüm sistemin projelendirilmesi de tarafýmýzdan yapýlmýþtýr. 62 Özbekistan Merkez Bankasý Þubeleri Branch Offices of National Bank of Uzbekistan This is a 30,000 m2 project with 3 basemens and 22 floors within the Itec complex. The building was handed over at the end of 1997 and went into operation in early 1998. The scope of work includes: Medium voltage systems Transformers Low voltage systems Busbar systems All lighting and power distribution UPS system Fire alarm Telephone, CCTV, SMATV systems as well as a state-af the-art complete security and access control with more than 100 cameras and with a capacity of 2000 cards. The whole system was designed by Sasel. Taþkent þehri içinde 4 adet NBU banka þubesinin bütün proje ve elektrik tesisat iþleri baþarý ile tamamlanmýþ ve iþletmeciye teslim edilmiþtir. Toplam 15.000 m2 olan þubelerin; Orta gerìlim sistemleri Trafolar Alçak gerilim sistemleri Pano ve daðýtým sistemleri Tüm aydýnlatma (dekorasyon alanlarý dahil) UPS sistemi Yangýn alarm Telefon, CCTV, SMATV ve güvenlik sistemleri tamamlanmýþtýr. Tüm sistem-lerin projelendirilmesi ve montajý tarafýmýzdan yapýlmýþ ve idareye teslim edilmiþtir. All the design and electric installation works of four NBU bank branches ìn the city of Tashkent were successfully complete and delivered to the investor. In the branches with a total area of 15,000 m2; Medium voltage systems Transformers Low voltage systems Panel and distribution Systems AII lighting (including decoration areas) UPS system Fire alarm Telephone, CCTV, SMATV and security systems have been installed aII the systems were designed and installed by Sasel and handed over to the administration. 63 Ýdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities Mesa Genel Müdürlük Binasý Mesa Headquarters Office Building Keystone Kompleksi Keystone Building Complex MESA A.Þ. ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1997 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1999 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 25.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Mesa Genel Müdürlük Binasý 25.000 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. Binada genel merkez ofisleri, konferans salonu, toplantý salonlarý, kütüphane ve kafeteryalar mevcuttur. Elektrik tesisat iþleri kapsamý; A.G daðýtým sistemi Aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtýmý Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan korunma sistemi Yangýn ihbar sistemi Telefon, Data, CCTV, SMATV, seslendirme, güvenlik sistemleri 64 TURAN ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. MOSCOW / RUSSIA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1995 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1996 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 16.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER Mesa headquarters office building has 27.000 m2 closed area. The complex consists of an office area, a conference hall, meeting rooms, a library and cafeterias. The electric works under main headings are: L.V distribution systems Lighting and power distribution Earthing and lightning protection system Fire alarm system Telephone, data, CCTV, SMATV, sound and security systems. Banka, konut ve iþ merkezinden oluþan Keystone Kompleksi; Moskova'nýn merkezinde B. Yakimanka Bulvarý üzerinde deðiþik bir mimari stile sahip binalardan oluþmuþtur. Kompleksin yapýmýna 1996 yýlýnda baþlanmýþtýr. Özellikle banka binasýnýn bitimine hýz verilmiþtir. Banka binasýnda data sisteminin yanýnda yangýn alarm, CCTV sistemi, UPS sistemi, modern telefon sistemi ve herþeyden önemlisi özel hýrsýz alarm sistemleri ile donatýlmýþ modern çaða uygun bir banka yapýlmýþtýr. Konut ve iþ merkezi binalarý ise birbirleri ile "L" þeklini oluþturan bir mimariyle bitiþik olup otomatik kontrol edilebilen garaj katýna da sahiptir. Önceden konut olarak yapýlan kýsým daha sonra deðiþtirilerek ofis yapýlmasýna karar verilmiþtir. Bina hýrsýz ve güvenlik açýsýndan korumalý bir sisteme sahip olup ayrýca görüntülü kapý konuþma sistemi ile de desteklenmiþtir. Binada SMATV sistemi ile telefon, yangýn alarm sistemi de ilave edilerek son derece modern ofisler oluþturulmuþtur. The Keystone Complex which consists of banks, housing units and business centres is composed of buildings with a different architectural style on B. Yakimanka Boulevard in Moscow's centre. The construction of the complex was stated in 1996. Priority was given to the completion of the bank building in particular. In the bank building, a bank conforming to the modern age was created, equipped with fire alarm, a CCTV system, an UPS system, a modern telephone system and, above all, special burglar alarm systems as well as a data system. The housing and business centre buildings are adjacentto each other in an architecture forming an "L" shape and have also a garage floor with automatic control. The section initially built for housing was later changed and turned into offices. The building has a security system for against burglars and is also supported with an image-display door intercom system in this regard. In the building, very modern offices have been created with the addition of the SMATV system, telephone and fire alarm systems. 65 Ýdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities Nefteyugansk Kültür Merkezi Nefteyugansk Culture Center Ýstanbul Dünya Ticaret Merkezi ve Sergi Tesisleri Istanbul World Trade Centre and Exhibition Facilities MENSEL JV NEFTEYUGANSK / RUSSIA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1993 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1994 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 17.000 m2 66 IDTM ÝSTANBUL / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1993 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1993 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA - ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Nefteyugansk, Rusya'nýn kuzeyinde bir petrol þehridir. Bu þehrin sahip olduðu en büyük binalardan biri Kültür Merkez Kompleksi'dir. Rus mühendisler tarafýndan projelendirilmiþ olup, tarafýmýzdan bazý deðiþiklikler yapýlarak günün koþullarýna uygun modern bir bina olmasý için uðraþ verilmiþtir. Kültür Merkezi, yaklaþýk 17.000 m2 olup 800 kiþilik bir tiyatro salonuna sahip çok amaçlý bir binadýr. Binada toplantý salonlarý, tiyatro, kostüm ve dekor çeþitlerini barýndýran büyük salonlarý ile tiyatroya hevesli yeni nesil için müzik ve tiyatro dersaneleri mevcuttur. Binanýn yapýmýna 1993 yýlýnda baþlanmýþ olup, kültür merkezi teknolojinin sunduðu en modern telefon, sahne seslendirme ve aydýnlatma sistemi yanýsýra merkezi saat, müzik yayýn, yangýn alarm ve güvenlik sistemi ile merkezi televizyon sisteminden oluþmuþtur. Nefteyugansk is a petroleum city in northern Russia. One of the largest buildings in this city is the Cultural Centre Complex. It was designed by Russian engineers and certain modifications were made to turn it into a modern building suitable for the conditions of the present day. The Cultural Centre, approximately 17,000 m2, is a multipurpose building with a 800-seated theatre. The building contains meeting halls, large halls which house types of theatre, costume and decor, and music and theatre classrooms for the young generation interested in theatre. The building construction started in1993 and consists of stateof-the-art telephone, stage sound and light systems, central clock, music broadcast, fire alarm and security systems and a central television system. 1993 yýlýnda yaplmýna baþlanan, Ýstanbul Dünya Ticaret Merkezi ve Sergi Tesisleri Türkiye'nin en büyük fuar merkezidir. Kapalý açýk alan toplamý 24.000 m2'dir. Elektrik iþlerini ana baþlýklar altýnda toplarsak; A.G ve O.G. þalt tesisleri Transformatör Jeneratör merkezi A.G. daðýtým sistemi Özel aydýnlatma sistemi Dýþ aydýnlatma sistemi Motor kontrol merkezi Telefon santrali ve tesisatý Yangýn alarm sistemi; yüksek tavanlý bina için özel tip yangýn alarm tesisatý yapýlmýþtýr. Ayrýca seslendirme v.b. tesisat iþleri yapýlarak teslim edilmiþtir. The Ýstanbul World Trade Centre and Exhibition Facilities construction started in 1993, is Turkey's largest fairs centre. The total of its covered and open areas is 24,000 m2. To group the electric works under main headings: L.V. and M.V. switchyard facilities Transformer, Generator centre L.V. distribution system Special lighting systemå External lighting system Motor control centre Telephone exchange and equipment Fire alarm system, whit special fire alarm system solution for high ceiling structures. In addition, sound and other installation works were executed and handed over. 67 Ýdari ve Ticari Binalar /Administrative and Commercial Facilities TRT Kurumu Genel Müdürlük Tesisleri TRT Association Head Office Facilities TRT ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1986 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1993 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 159.984 m2 68 Þekerbank Genel Müdürlük Binasý Þekerbank Head Office Building YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1989 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1990 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 14.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Türkiye'nin önemli projelerinden biri olan TRT Ankara Çankaya-Oran semti civarýnda inþaa edilmiþ olup elektrik taahhüt iþlerine 1985 yýlýnda baþlan-mýþtýr. Proje; kapalý, yarý kapalý ve açýk alanlar olmak üzere çok sayýda bina ve bina gruplarý ile birlikte alt yapý ve çevre düzenlemesini de kapsamaktadýr. Yanlýzca 14 katlý genel müdürlük binasý 40.000 m2 lik alana sahip olup diðer binalarý ve çevre düzenlemesi ile birlikte 159.984 m2 gibi çok geniþ bir alanda yapýlandýrýlmýþtýr. Proje büyüklüðü; bünyesinde toplanan tesisler aþaðýdaki gibi üç aþamada gerçekleþtirilmesine neden olmuþtur. 1.Etap Yapýlarý; Genel müdürlük Teknik servisler (ýsý santrali, iþletme binasý, matbaa vb.). Kreþ, mediko sosyal tesisler Ambarlar. 2. Etap Yapýlarý; Arþiv kitaplýk Araþtýrma - imalat Dýþ yayýnlar Eðitim binasý, 3. Etap Yapýlarý; Naklen yayýn araçlarý binasý Radyo stüdyolarý TV stüdyolarý. Tüm bu tesisleri bünyesinde toplayan kompleksin alt yapý iþleri ise ayrý bir kapsamda düþünülmüþ olup, tesisin tüm enerji ihtiyacý, haberleþme, koruma ve güvenlik sístemlerini tek bir merkezden (iþletme binasý) kontrol ederek, tüm binalara daðýtýmýnýn yapýlmasýný kapsamaktadýr. The TRT Ankara Estate, one of Turkey's important projects, is built in Oran, Ankara. Its electric contract works started in 1985. This large project encompasses covered, semi-covered and open areas, including a large number of buildings and groups of buildings as well as infrastructure and landscaping. The 14-storey head office building alone has an area of 40,000 m2 and is situated on a wide area of 159,984 m2 including the other buildings and landscaping arrangements. The size of the project led to the construction of the facilities included within it in three stages as follows. Stage 1 Structures: Head office Technical services (heat plant, management building, printing house, etc.) Creche and medicosocial facilities. Warehouses. Stage 2 Structures: Archives and library Research and production Overseas broadcasts Education building. Stage 3 Structures: Vehicles for live broadcasting; Radio Studios TV studios. The infrastructural works of the complex which contains all these facilities are considered in a different scope, including all the energy need of the facility and its distribution to all the buildings. Ankara Atatürk Bulvarýnda TBMM karþýsýnda 14.000m2 inþaat alanýnda 13 katlý olarak inþaa edilen binada Genel Müdürlüðün bütün birimleri ve Baþkent þubesi ile sergi salonu bulunmaktadýr. Bina elektrik tesisatýnýn çaðdaþ boyutlarda uygulandýðý örnek bir yapý olmuþtur. Elektrik iþlerini ana baþlýklar halinde toplarsak; Orta gerilim sistemleri Alçak gerilim daðýtým sistemi Dekorasyon alanlarý dahil bütün aydýnlatma Trafolar Jeneratör MCC ve HVAC otomasyon sistemi TV, telefon, müzik ve güvenlik sistemleri Çevre ve cephe aydýnlatmasý. The building with a construction area of 14,000 m2 and 13 floors, located on Atatürk Boulevard opposite the Parliament, contains all the units of the Head Office, the Capital Branch Office and an exhibition hall. The building is a modern structure in which electrical installations were implemented in a modern fashion. To group the electric works under main headings: Medium voltage systems Low voltage distribution system All lighting including decoratian areas Transformers Generator MCC and HVAC automation system TV, telephone, music and security systems Area and facade lighting. 69 Elektromekanik Taahhütlerimiz S a ð l ýk Te s i s le ri TSK Elele Vakfý Rehabilitasyon ve Bakým Merkezi SSK Adapazarý Hastanesi Taganka Hastanesi SKB Rusya Federasyonu Baþkanlýk Hastanesi Michurinsky Hastanesi A.Ü. Týp Fakültesi Ýbn-i Sina Hastanesi Electromechanical Projects H e a l th Fa c i l i t i es Rehabilitation and Care Center for TSK Elele Foundation SSK Adapazarý Hospital Taganka Hospital Russian Federation SKB Presidency Hospital Michurinsky Hospital A.U. Faculty of Medicine, Ibn-i Sina Hospital 70 71 S a ð l ý k Te sisleri/ Health Facilities TSK Elele Vakfý Rehabilitasyon ve Bakým Merkezi Rehabilitation and Care Center for TSK Elele Foundation ÖZTAÞ ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2007 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2008 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 30.074 m2 URBAN ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ADAPAZARI / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 2003 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2004 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 24.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION TSK Elele Vakfý rehabilitasyon ve bakým merkezi 30.074 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. Rehabilitasyon merkezi 250 yatak kapasitesine sahiptir. Mekanik iþler kapsamýnda; Tüm sýhhi tesisat iþleri Isýtma, soðutma ve havalandýrma tesisatý Fancoil tesisatý Yangýn söndürme sistemleri Bina otomasyon sistemleri. 72 SSK Adapazarý Hastanesi SSK Adapazarý Hospital Rehabilitation and care center for TSK Elele Foundation has 30,074 m2 closed area Rehabilitation center has a capacity of 250 beds. Mechanical works under main headings: All sanitary installation works Heating, cooling and air-conditioning systems Fancoil installation Fire fighting systems Building automation systems. SSK Adapazarý hastanesi 24.000 m2 kapalý alana sahiptir. Elektromekanik iþler kapsamý; AG-OG daðýtým sistemleri Aydýnlatma ve güç daðýtýmý Yangýn ihbar sistemi Telefon, data, CCTV, ses sistemleri Hemþire çaðýrma tesisatý Hasta sýralama tesisatý Dahili haberleþme sistemi Tüm sýhhi tesisat iþleri Isýtma, soðutma ve havalandýrma tesisatý Fancoil tesisatý Yangýn söndürme sistemleri Bina otomasyon sistemleri. SSK Adapazarý Hospital has 24.000 m2 closed area. The electromechanical works under main headings are: L.V-M.V. distribution systems Lighting and power distribution Fire alarm system Telephone, data, CCTV, SMATV, sound systems Nurse call system Queuing system Paging system All sanitary installation works Heating, cooling and air-conditioning systems Fancoil installation Fire fighting systems Building automation systems. 73 S a ð l ý k Te sisleri/ Health Facilities Taganka Hastanesi Taganka Hospital SKB Rusya Federasyonu Baþkanlýk Hastanesi Russian Federation SKB Presidency Hospital URBAN ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. MOSCOW / RUSSIA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1999 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2001 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 15.000 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Hastane sekiz katlý olup 15.000 m² kapalý alana sahiptir. Yapýnýn mekanik iþleri kapsamýnda; Sýhhi ve atýksu tesisatý Isýtma tesisati Havalandýrma ve iklimlendirme tesisatý Havuz ve hidroterapi tesisatý Duman tahliye sistemleri Yangýn koruma sistemleri Yaðmur suyu drenaj sistemleri Merkezi kýzgýnsu galerileri borulama iþleri ve mekanik odalar. Anahtar teslim esasýna göre yapýlarak teslim edilmiþtir. 74 URBAN ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. MOSCOW / RUSSIA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1997 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1998 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 17.000 m2 / 49.500 m2 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER Hospital is having 8 storeys and 15.000 m² area. Mechanical scope; Sanitary and waste water systems Heating and air conditioning systems Pool and hydrotherapy systems Smoke exhaust systems Fire protection systems Rainwater drenage systems Piping works of superheated hot water galleries and the mechanical rooms. Completion time as turn key project for a.m. A,B ve C Bloklarýndan oluþan Baþkanlýk hastanesi ana binasýnýn renavasyonu kapsamýnda C blok (17.000m2) elektrik iþleri, A,B,C, ve operasyon bloklarý ile mutfak binasýnýn mekanik iþleri tarafýmýzdan taahhüt edilmiþtir. Hastane toplamda 49.500 m2 den oluþmaktadýr. Elektrik iþleri kapsamýnda; Güç daðýtým ve paneller, Aydýnlatma, Döþeme altý kanal sistemleri Zayýf akým sistemleri ( Telefon Yangýn alarm Intercom sistemi Anons sistemi Hemþire çaðýrma sistemi Merkezi saat sistemi SMATV sistemi Güvenlik sistemi UPS sistemi) iþleri anahtar teslim esasýna göre yapýlarak teslim edilmiþtir. Mekanik iþleri kapsamýnda; Eski tesisatýn demontajý Kýþýn çalýþma yapabilmesi için geçici ýsýtma tesisatý By-pas hatlarý Tüm hasta odalarýnýn temiz ve atýk su borulamasý Vitrifiye ve krome malzeme montajý ýsýtma tesisatý ve radyatör montajý Havalandýrma ve Hijyenik sistemler iklimlendirme tesisatý Yangýn koruma Duman tahliye sistemleri sistemleri Yaðmur suyu drenaj sistemleri Merkezi kýzgýn su galerileri borulama iþleri gerçekleþtirilmiþtir. Under the renovation of the Presidency hospital main building, composed of Blocks A, B and C, we complited the electric works of Block C and the mechanical works of Blocks A, B and C, (17.000m2) the operation block and the kitchen building. The whole of the hospital comprises 49,500 m2. The electrical works included: Power distribution and panels Lighting Under floor trunking systems Weak current systems ( Telephone Fire alarm Intercom system Public address system Nurse call system Central clock system SMATV system Security system UPS system) which were carried out and handed ower on a turnkey delivery basis. The mechanical works included: Dismantling of the old equipment Temporary heating equipment to enable work during the winter Bypass lines; Clean and waste water piping of all patient rooms Installation of vitrified and chromated materials, installation of heating equipment and radiators; Air-conditioning and climatisation equipment Hygienic systems Smoke discharge systems Fire protection systems Rainwater drainage systems Piping works of the central hot water galleries. 75 S a ð l ý k Te sisleri/ Health Facilities Michurinsky Hastanesi Michurinsky Hospital A.Ü. Týp Fakültesi Ýbn-i Sina Hastanesi A.U. Faculty of Medicine, Ibn-i Sina Hospital URBAN ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. MOSCOW / RUSSIA SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1997 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1998 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 10.220 m2 A. Ü. TIP FAKÜLTESÝ ÝBN-Ý SÝNA HASTANESÝ ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ANKARA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1984 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1985 ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Ýlk etapda Hidroterapi bölümünün yapýmýna baþlanmýþtýr. Hastanenin kapalý alaný yaklaþýk 6.500 m2 dir. Binanýn; Aydýnlatma tesisatý Kuvvetli Akým tesisatý Zayýf Akým tesisatý Binanýn otomasyonu tarafýmýzdan yapýlmýþtýr. Michurinsky hastane projesine dahil olan diðer bölümler 3 kýsýmda yapýlmýþtýr. 1 kýsým; Hastanenin 9. kat ameliyathaneler ve yoðun bakým servisidir. Yaklaþýk kapalý alaný 1900m2 dir. Bu kýsýmda; Aydýnlatma tesisatý Kuvvetli Akým tesisatý Zayýf Akým tesisatý Otomasyon iþleri yapýlmýþtýr. 2 kýsým; 8. kat yoðun bakým servisidir. Yaklaþýk kapalý alaný 670 m2 dir. Servisin; Aydýnlatma tesisatý Kuvvetli Akým tesisatý Otomasyon iþleri yapýlmýþtýr. 3 kýsým; Strerilizasyon merkezidir. Yaklaþýk kapalý alaný 1150 m2 dir. Bu kýsýmda ise; Aydýnlatma tesisatý Kuvvetli Akým tesisatý Zayýf Akým tesisatý Otomasyon iþleri tamamlanarak idareyi teslim edilmiþtir. 76 In the first stage, the construction of the Hydrotherapy section was started. Its closed area is approximately 6,500 m2. The lighting system LV system Weak current system Automation of the building were executed by Sasel. The other parts included in the Michurinsky hospital project were executed in 3 stages. Stage 1: comprises the operating theatres and the intensive care service on floor 9. Its covered area is approximately 1,900 m2. The lighting system LV system Weak current system Automation works were carried out in this section. Stage 2: comprises the intensive care service on floor 8. Its covered area is approximately 670 m2. The lighting equipment Strong current equipment Automation works of the service were carried out. Stage 3: is the sterilisation service. Its covered area is approximately 1,150 m2. In this section, the works of Lighting equipment Strong current equipment Weak current equipment automation were completed and delivered to the administration. Türkiye'nin en büyük hastanesi olan Ýbn-i Sina hastanesinin toplam inþaat alaný 156.000 m2'dir. 18 katlý olup 1286 yatak kapasitelidir. Hastanenin elektrik iþleri kapsamýnda; O.G hücreleri tesisi 3 adet 1600 kVA 34.5/0.4 kV güç transformatörü, sekonder koruma sistemi, 2 adet 960 KVA diesel jeneratör grubunun projelendirme ve otomatik devreye girme tertibatý iþleri ve buralarýn montajý 210 delegeli simultane tercüme tesisi Topraklama ve paratoner tesisatý iþleri 16 adet klima santrali iþleri yer almýþtýr. 2000 yýlý içerisinde de Ýbn-i Sina hastanesinde birtakým revizyon iþlemlerine girilmiþtir. Bu iþler kapsamýnda; Merlin Gerin O.G. hücreleri tesisi MCC panel baðlantýlarý, A.G. ana daðýtýmý ve transfer panolarý Elektrik kat panolarý deðiþimi 2250 kVA CAT dizel elektrojen grubu tesisi Dizel elektrojen grubu ile A.G. panolarý arasý yedek besleme kablosu tesisi iþleri yer almaktadýr. As total construction area of the Ibn-i Sina hospital, the largest hospital in Turkey, is 156.000 m2. It has 18 floors and 1286 beds. The electrical works of the hospital include : Installation of M.V. cells Three 1600kVA, 34.5/0.4kV power transformers, with secondary protection system Design and automatic activation mechanism of two 960 KVA diesel generator groups and their installation Simultaneous interpretation facility with 210 delegates Earthing and lightning protection system installations and 16 air-conditioning stations work. In 2000, certain revision works were started at the Ibn-i Sina hospital. The scope of this work includes: Installation of Merlin Gerin M.V. cells MCC panel connections L.V. main distribution and transfer panels Replacement floor electrical panels Installation of 2250 kVA CAT diesel generators and Installation of stand-by feeding cables between the diesel generators and the L.V. panels. 77 Elektromekanik Taahhütlerimiz Sanayi Tesisleri Antalya Atýksu Pompa Ýstasyonlarý Seramik Fabrikasý Tashkent Coca Cola Þiþeleme Fabrikasý Noksel Hendek Boru Fabrikasý T.M.O. Mersin Silo Projesi Mersin Kanalizasyon Sistemi Merkez Pompa Ýstasyonu Pendik Tersanesi Kuru Havuz Ýnþaatý Mersin Ýçme Suyu Arýtma Tesisi ve Buster Pompa Ýstasyonu Sinop Amerikan Üssü Güç Santrali 154 kV XLPE Kablo Ýþi Yüksel Electromechanical Projects Industrial Facilities Antalya Waste Water Pump Stations Yüksel Ceramic Factory Tashkent Coca Cola Bottling Factory Noksel Hendek Pipe Factory T.M.O. Mersin Silo Project Mersin Sewer System Central Pump Station Pendik Shipyard Dry Dock Construction Mersin Drinking Water Treatment Plant & Booster Pump Station Sinop American Base Power Station 154 kV XLPE Cable Work 32 33 S a na y i Te s i s l eri/ Industrial Facilities Antalya Atýksu Pompa Ýstasyonlarý Antalya Waste Water Pump Stations YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION SÖKE / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1998 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1998 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ANTALYA / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1998 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2000 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER Proje, Antalya'da iki adet buster çalýþan atýk su pompa istasyonundan oluþmaktadýr. Pompaj debileri sýrasý ile 6x95 l/sn ve 6x135 l/sn'dir. Ýstasyonlar, ýzgara, koku kontrol üniteleri, ultrasonik seviye ölçüm sistemi, 6.3 kV kablolu enerji hattý ve OG hücreleri, trafo, AG panolarý, PLC kontrol ünitesi ve ilgili aksesuarlarla donatýlmýþtýr. 34 Yüksel Seramik Fabrikasý Yüksel Ceramic Factory Project covers two waste water pump stations as working buster in Antalya province of Turkey. Pumping flow rates are 6x95 l/sec. and 6x135 l/sec. respectively. Station electromechanical equipments include screening plant, odour control unit, ultrasonic level control system, 6.3 k V cabling and switchgear, transformer, LV swichgear, PLC control unit and related auxiliaries. Yüksel Seramik A.Þ.'nin Aydýn/Söke’de kurulan fabrikasý elektrik tesisatý, hammadde hazýrlama, iki adet üretim hattý ve yardýmcý tesislerden oluþmaktadýr. Fabrikanýn enerji ihtiyacý 2 adet 2500 kVA trafo ve 1 adet 1100 kVA jeneratör ile saðlanmaktadýr. Sasel'in Elektromekanik olarak hizmet verdiði fabrikada enerji temini ve makina pompalarýnýn beslenmesi ile makinalarýn LPG, basýnçlý hava, servis suyu beslemelerinin projesi ve montajý yapýlmýþtýr. Yüksel Seramik A.Þ. factory located in Söke, Aydýn consists of electric equipment, raw material preparation, two production lines and auxiliary facilities. The energy need of the factory is met by two 2500 kVA transformers and one 1100 kVA generator. The power supply and machinery pumps feeder and the LPG, pressurised air and service water feeders of the machinery were designed and installed in the factory where Sasel served electromechanically. 35 S a na y i Te s i s l eri/ Industrial Facilities Tashkent Coca Cola Þiþeleme Fabrikasý Tashkent Coca Cola Bottling Factory AYSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. TASHKENT / UZBEKISTAN SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1998 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1998 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA 40.000m2 Noksel ÇelÝk Boru A.þ. HENDEK / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1997 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 2007 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA - ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Ýdari bina, depo, üretim binasý ve yardýmcý tesis binalarýndan oluþan bir projedir. CocaCola firmasýnýn Özbekistan'daki ilk modern binasý olan tesis, tüm elektrik sistemleri ve proje revizyonlarý ile 1998 yýlý içinde tamamlanmýþtýr. Tesisin enerji ihtiyacý 5 adet 2000kVA trafo ve 1 adet 1021kVA elektrojen grubu ile saðlan-maktadýr. Elektrik iþlerini ana baþlýklar altýnda toplarsak; O.G. Sistemi Dizel jeneratör sistemi A.G. daðýtým sistemi Tali A.G. daðýtým sistemi MCC panelleri Üretim hatlarý beslemeleri Aydýnlatma ve priz sistemi Acil aydýnlatma sistemi Yol ve çit aydýnlatma sistemi Yangýn alarm sistemi Topraklama ve yýldýrýmdan koruma sistemi. 36 Noksel Hendek Boru Fabrikasý Noksel Hendek Pipe Factory This project consisting of an administrative building, a storehouse, a production building and auxiliary facility buildings. The facility, which is the first modern building of the Coca Cola company in Uzbekistan, was completed in 1998 with all electrical systems and project revisions. The energy need of the facility is met by five 2000 kVA transformers and one 1021 kVA generator. The electrical works can be grouped under main topics as: M.V. System Diesel generator system L.V. distribution system Secondary L.V. distribution system MCC panels Production lines feeders Lighting and socket system Road and fence lighting system Fire alarm system Earthing and lightning protection system. Noksel Çelik Boru Sanayi A.Þ.'nin Hendek'te kurulan Spiral Kaynaklý Boru Fabrikasý toplam 150.000 t/yýl kapasiteli iki hat, Boyuna Kaynaklý Boru Fabrikasý 300.000 t/yýl kapasiteli altý hat içermektedir. Ayrýca tesis sýnýrlarý içerisinde sosyal tesisler de bulunmaktadýr. Tesiste; indüksiyon soðutma sistemi, bor yaðý soðutma sistemi, kaynak gazý havalandýrma sistemi, basýnçlý hava tesisatý, 12.700kVA kurulu güçte 5 adet trafo merkezi ile birlikte hat beslemeleri dizayný, temini ve montajý yapýlmýþtýr. NOKSEL Pipe's two plants anual production 150.000 t. by two SAW lines and 300.000 t. by six ERW lines respectively. Additionally quarters and social facilities are located in the territory. Design, supply and erection of induction coil cooling, production line cooling, welding gas exhaust and compressed air systems, five separate substations as installed capacity 12.700kVA and feeding lines. 37 S a na y i Te s i s l eri/ Industrial Facilities T.M.O. Mersin Silo Projesi T.M.O. Mersin Silo Project Mersin Kanalizasyon Sistemi Merkez Pompa Ýstasyonu Mersin Sewer System Central Pump Station TMO - YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. MERSÝN / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1992 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1993 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Tahýl yükleme, boþaltma iþlemlerinin yapýlabilmesi için 15m geniþliðinde 273m uzunluðunda çelik kazýklý iskele inþaasý, deniz yoluyla gelen tahýlýn 2x600 ton/saat kapasiteli toplam 2x580m çift hat band konveyör ve 4x40 m elevatörlerle siloya nakil edilmesi ve mevcut 600 ton/saat kapasiteli ihraç hattý konveyörlerinin 1200 ton/saat'e yükseltilmesi iþleridir. Deniz yoluyla gelen tahýlýn siloya nakledilmesi iþlerine ait tüm elektrik, alçak gerilim, zayýf akým, otomasyon sistemleri ve proje iþleri yürütülmüþtür. 38 The construction of a 15 metre-wide and 273 metre-long wharf with steel piles for loading and unloading of cereals, the transport of cereals arriving by sea to the silo by 4x40 metres elevators and 2x580 m double-line band conveyors with a capacity of 2x600 tons/hour, and the upgrading of export line conveyors from 600 tons/hour to 1200 tons/hour. All electric, low voltage, weak current, automation systems and project works for the transport of cereals arriving by sea to the silo were executed. ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. MERSÝN BELEDÝYESÝ ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION MERSÝN / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1992 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1993 Mersin Kanalizasyon ve Atýksu Arýtma Projesi’nin 1. aþamasý olan ”Deniz Deþarjýnýn iyileþtirilmesi ve Merkez Pompa Ýstasyonu” iþi içindeki Merkez Pompa Ýstasyonu’nda 3 adeti deðiþken devirli olmak üzere 4 adet 400 kW, 660 V Asenkron motorla tahrik edilen atýksu pompalarý ile toplam 2750 kVA kurulu gücünde trafo merkezi tesis edilmiþtir. Pompa istasyonunda kurulu otomasyon sistemi ve deðiþken devirli yolvericiler sayesinde, tesisin debisi, þehirde üretilen atýksu miktarýna eþitlenerek enerji kullanýmý minimuma indirgenmiþ, enerji verimliliði saðlanmýþtýr. The Mersin Sewage and Wastewater Treatment of Project 1st stage. ”Sea Dischange improvement and Pump Station Center” is worked. Central Pump Station has wastewater pump 3 units Variable-speed, total 4 units 400 kW, 660 V Asynchronous motors are driven. In addition, capacity 2750 kVA Transformer center was established. Pump Station and a variable-speed automation systems installed in startes, plant on the amount of wastewater flow generated in the city were synchronized. In order to minimize energy usage was energy efficiency has been achieved. 39 S a na y i Te s i s l eri/ Industrial Facilities Pendik Tersanesi Kuru Havuz Ýnþaatý Pendik Shipyard Dry Dock Construction YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. T. GEMÝ SANAYÝ A.Þ. ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝSTANBUL / TÜRKÝYE ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER DSÝ-YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. MERSÝN / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1988 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1992 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1990 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1993 300 x 70 m ebadýnda 8.5m derinliðinde kuru havuz inþaatý ile birikte kreyn yollarý, rýhtýmlar yapýmýdýr. Bu kuru havuz 170.000 DXT kapasiteli gemilerin inþaasýna ve havuzlamasýna imkan vermektedir. 1990 yýlý baþlarýnda üstlendiðimiz Pendik Tersanesi Kuru Havuz Ýnþaatý iþi kapsamýnda; Trafo merkezi Enerji daðýtým tesisleri Havuz içi ve dýþý saha aydýnlatma Topraklama iþleri 1991 yýlýnda tamamlanmýþtýr. 40 Mersin Ýçme Suyu Arýtma Tesisi ve Buster Pompa Ýstasyonu Mersin Drinking Water Treatment Plant & Booster Pump Station Construction of a 300x70m dry dock with a depth of 8.5 m and of crane roads and quays. This dry dock enables the construction and docking of ships with a capacity of up to 170,000 DXT. The work of construction of the Pendik Shipyard Dry Dock which we undertook in early 1990 included: A transformer centre Power distribution facilities Field lighting for the inside and outside of the dock Earthing works, completed in 1991. Ýlk aþamasý 1984 yýlýnda tamamlanan Mersin Su Arýtma tesisinin II. Aþamasý devreye alýndýðýnda 260.000 m³/gün kapasiteye ulaþtýrýlmýþtýr. Tesiste havalandýrma, durultucular, fltreler, kimyasal dozlama binasý ile hamsu pompa istasyonunun tüm elektromekanik tesisat iþleri yapýlmýþtýr. Mersin Su Arýtma Tesisinin kapasitesinin arttýrýlma-sýndan sonra, Su Ýsale Hattýnýn kapasitesini de arttýrmak zorunlu hale gelmiþ, bu nedenle hat üzerine Karacailyas'da Buster Pompa Ýstasyonu yapýlmýþtýr. Tesiste 355kW 6.3kV Bilezikli asenkron motorla tahrik edilen 4x772 l/s debili pompalar ile toplam 3.200kVA kurulu gücünde 34.5/6.3kV trafo merkezi kurulmuþtur. Mersin Drinking Water Treatment Plant built first phase in 1984 has reached to 260.000 m³/day capacity. All electromechanical works of aeration, decanter, sand filter, chemical dosing systems and raw water pump station extension were erected. As a consequence of upgrading the plant capacity, a booster pump station has been built in Karacailyas. 4x772 l/s flow rate pumps are driven by 355kW 6.3kV asynchronous electrical motor fed by 3.200kVA transformers and 34.5/6.3kV M.V cubicals. 41 S a na y i Te s i s l eri/ Industrial Facilities Sinop Amerikan Üssü Güç Santrali Sinop American Base Power Station 154 kV XLPE Kablo Ýþi 154 kV XLPE Cable Work YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. SÝNOP / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1988 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1991 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA - ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION ÝÞÝN YERÝ / LOCATION Sinop Amerikan Üssü, denizden kullanma suyu temini için Arýtma Sistemi ve Güç Santrali projesinde; mevcut güç santralinin yenilenmesi ile arýtma sistemlerinin güç besleme iþlerinin, proje, malzeme temini ve montajlarý her türlü teknik sorumluluðu da üstlenilerek tamamlanmýþtýr. Ýþ kapsamýnda; 5 adet 1250 kVA, 4.16kV jeneratör temini ve montajý Jeneratörlerin otomatik devreye girme ve yük paylaþým iþleri Enerji üretim, daðýtým ve koruma sistemleri Kimyasal dozlama pompalarý, otomasyon sistemi Havalandýrma üniteleri, hava kompresörleri Derin kuyu deniz suyu pompalarý ile su arýtma ünitelerine ait kumanda merkezleri ve lokal kumanda panolarý tesisi Proses kontrol ve enstrümantasyon Tüm projeye ait topraklama, yýldýrýmdan koruma, dahili ve harici aydýnlatma iþleri ile yangýn ihbar sisteminin tesisi. 42 YÜKSEL ÝNÞAAT A.Þ. - TEK ÝSTANBUL / TÜRKÝYE SÖZLEÞME TARÝHÝ / CONTRACT DATE 1989 BÝTÝÞ TARÝHÝ / COMPLATION DATE 1990 KAPALI ALAN / CLOSED AREA - ÝÞ VEREN / EMPLOYER Under the project, water treatment system from sea water and necessary power station work were executed as Design Build base including renewal of existing power plant. The scope of the work included: The supply and installation of five 1250 kVA, 4.16 kV generators the automatic activation and load sharing works of the generators The power generation and distribution and protection system The chemical dosage pumps, the automation system Air-conditioning units, air compressors The installation of local control panels and control centres for the water treatment units and deep well sea water pumps Process control and instrumentation The installation of the earthing, lightning protection, internal and external lighting works and the fire warning system for the whole project. Zeytinburnu TM - Veliefendi TM arasýnda tesis edilen çift devre 3x(1x1000 mm²) 170 kV XLPE kablo temini ve montajý iþi, NKF ve Yüksel Ýnþaat A.Þ. Konsorsiyumu tarafýndan TEK'na taahhüt edilmiþtir. Projenin yurtiçi kapsamýndaki bölümünün yürütülmesi Sasel tarafýndan yapýlmýþ, 1989 yýlýnda proje hizmetleri, 1990 yýlýnda montaj iþleri bitirilerek TEK'na teslimi yapýlmýþtýr. The double line 3x(1x1000 mm²) 170 kV XLPE cable supply and Installation project between Zeytinburnu and Veliefendi power station has been signed by NKF and Yüksel A.Þ. joint venture and TEK (Turkish Electric Autoroty) and this project executed by Sasel. Design studies complited 1989 and installation and handover complited to TEK at1990. 43
Benzer belgeler
Grounding, cathodic protection and solar power system for valve stations, pipeline and telecommunication cable