İngilizce Ramazan DEMİR TEOGS Soru Bankası


İngilizce Ramazan DEMİR TEOGS Soru Bankası
Upturn in English – Genel Deneme 7.soru davetiye kartına göre yapılacaktır.
Choose the correct answers
Dear Zeynep,
I and Sinem are going to have a picnic at
İlk Kurşun Park on Sunday
afternoon.We’re going to meet at about
15.00 p.m at Sinem’s house.Why don’t
you join us. Please, bring some food
with you.
Hope you can come.
Love !
1- Glen : Look at the boy near the door.
I don’t know who is he ?
Melinda: I think he is a ………………..Because I
have never seen him before.
Glen: We shouldn’t talk to him.
Melinda: It’s a good idea.
A) my best friend
C) stranger
B) buddy
D) my parents
2- Merve: We’re organising a suprise birthday party
for Ayça Bilgin and you’re……...……. room
Don’t forget to buy some ballons.
Kübra: Ok. It’s an easy task for me.
A) responsible for
C) call the guest
A) at about 15.00 p.m
B) At İlk Kurşun Park
C) At Sinem’s House
D) On Sunday night
7- Davetiye kartında altı çizili cümle
aşağıdakilerden hangisini temsil etmektedir ?
D) celebrate
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B) Laid back
D) Stranger
4- Erkan: Let’s watch a movie,my buddy. I have a
large film archieves.
Erkan: ‘‘My name is Khan’’. Everybody says ıt’s
great romance film.
Selim : …………………………………………………
I don’t love romance.
Erkan: No matter, Let’s choose another one.
8- Ayça: What do you think about the film,Ceyda ?
Ceyda: ………………. I can’t stop laughing myself.
Ayça: I agree with you.
A) I don’t want to do it.
B) I’d like to try it.
C) I can’stand it.
D) I’m good at soccer.
5-Emre:Say Kaan,are you busy tomorrow evening?
Kaan: No,not at all.I’m not going to do anything.
Why do you ask ?
A) Would you like some cookie ?
B) I have to study then.
C) Would you like to come over for a drink ?
D) Why didn’t you do shopping ?
B) Request
D) Time
9- Zorbing is very unusual and trendy, so …………
A) Feel at home,enjoy yourself
B) That’s better.
C) What kind of books do you like reading ?
D) Do we have another choice ?
Emre: …………………………………………….
Kaan: That’d be great.
A) Event
C) Place
A) I think it’s a good thriller.
B) My favourite movie is ’’Jack Reacher’’.
C) It’s quite funny.
D) It’s horror movie.
Selim: Ok. What do you have in your mind ?
Mehmet Akif Ortaokulu
6- Where are they going to meet ?
B) invite
3- When we see a part of ourselves in our friend,
we can be …………..
A) Guest
C) Buddy
10- Nisa : Do you know Demi Lovato ?
Melis: Are you joking ? Of course, I know. She is
my favourite singer and she has ……………..
A) good at cooking.
B) old-fashioned.
C) unbearable outfits.
D) an impressive voice.
Upturn in English – Unit – 1-2-3
16- Emre: How often do you have a snack ?
The best thing about cycling is that ……...
M.Ali: …………………. Because my mum cooks
delicious meal everyday and I don’t prefer it.
Cümle aşağıdakilerden hangisi ile tamamlanırsa
yanlış olur ?
A) How do you cook your favorite dish ?
B) I usually eat lasagna when I’m alone at home.
C) I never eat it. It’s not my preferance.
D) I always eat pasta. It’s easy to make.
A) It’s a good exercise program.
B) It makes your leg stronger.
C) It’s very tiring and boring activity.
D) It’s very good for health.
1712- When I get home at 6.30 p.m,……………….
Aşağıda karmaşık şekilde verilmiş cümleleri bir
anlam bütünlüğünde sıralayınız.?
I- No matter. Let’s go to somewhere else .
A) I drive to work
B) I wake up and brush my teeth.
C) I sleep all the night.
D) I rest for a while.
II- It’s lunch time and I’m very hungry.
III- Oh,no. I can’t stand seafood.I’d like to eat grilled
IV- How about eating some fish at a restaurant ?
13-Berkay: You’re good at fixing your bike,right?
A) To be honest,I don’t know how to fix.
B) I guess so.
C) Actually,I’m bad at cycling.
D) I’m sorry but I can’t.
14-Zeynep: What do you do at the weekend ?
Özlem: I usually study my school subject and
revise all my notes again. I prepare myself for the
next day.
Zeynep: That’s incredible. How can you be so …….
A) nerd
C) ridiculous
B) fashionable
D) terrible
B) II - IV - III - I
C) II - III - I - IV
D) I - II - III- IV
18- Ayşegül: Is it vegetable soup,Seda ?
Seda: Yes it’s.
Ayşegül: It looks great and it should be tasty.
Seda: Why not? First of all, write down all the
A) Can I have your order ?
B) What does it consist of ?
C) Is it easy to make ?
D) Can I have the recipe of it ?
19- Buğra: I tried Kabuli Palaw yesterday and I
think you should try,too.
Sencer: Hmm! I heard the name of that dish before
but I don’t know anything about it. …………………?
Buğra: It’s traditional Afghan dish.
A) How do you make it ?
B) When do you eat it ?
C) What country does it belong to ?
D) What are the ingredients ?
15Hi! My name is Lana Del
Rey.I’m a famous singer.
I always wear causual outfits in
my concert.Because
I am not ………. fashion. It’s
not my lifestyle.
Boş bırakılan yere aşağıdakilerden hangisi
getirilirse yanlış olur ?
A) love
B) fond of
C) interested in
D) crazy about
Dörtyol - HATAY
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Doğukan: ……………... If you want, I can help you.
Berkay: Thank you,buddy. You’re a real friend.
A) IV - I - II - III
Görseli en iyi anlatan seçeneğini işaretleyiniz.
A) He is cracking the eggs.
B) He is frying all the vegetables into the pan.
C) He is pouring the mixture into the frying pan.
D) He is griling some beef steak.
Prepared by Ramazan Demir