Ülke Evrim Uysal Place of birth: Balıkesir, T


Ülke Evrim Uysal Place of birth: Balıkesir, T
Dr. Ülke Uysal
Curriculum Vitae
Full names: Ülke Evrim Uysal
Place of birth: Balıkesir, Turkey
Date of birth: 25.05.1981
February 2015 Ph.D. in Urban Studies, University of Helsinki (Finland), Faculty of Social
Sciences, Department of Social Policy. Thesis title: “Urban Tourism in Istanbul: Urban
Regeneration, Mega Events, City Marketing and Branding”.
July 2008 Master’s Degree in Urban Studies, University of Istanbul (Turkey). Thesis title:
“Küreselleşme ve Kentsel Dönüşüm Bağlamında Soylulaştırma Kuramlarının İstanbul’a
Uygulanabilirliği: Cihangir Örneği” [The Applicability of Gentrification Theories to Istanbul
in the Context of Globalisation and Urban Regeneration]
June 2004 Bachelor’s Degree: Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Former Appointments
Ph.D. Candidate, Junior Researcher, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences (20082015)
Lecturer University of Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences (2011-2013)
2012 Guest Lecturer, course title: “Design and The City”, Helsinki Summer School, Finland
2012 Lecturer, course title: “Concepts, Theories and Issues in Urban Tourism” University of
Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences.
2012 Guest Lecturer, Urbanisation and Environmental Issues, University of Istanbul, Faculty
of Political Sciences, Department of Public Administration.
2011 Lecturer, course title: “Urban Studies Reading Seminar” University of Helsinki, Faculty
of Social Sciences
2009 Guest Lecturer, course title: “Representation of the European City”, University of
Helsinki, Faculty of Social Sciences.
2014 Architourism Conference, 29-30th May, Mashhad, Iran “Approach to Branding of Urban
Tourism: Coherent Framework for Investment and Development”.
2013 University of Helsinki, Department of Social Research, “Urban Tourism” (Seminar)
2012 The Second ISA Forum of Sociology, Buenos Aires, Argentina “The Struggle of the
Most Vulnerable: The Case of Sulukule, Istanbul” (distributed paper)
2011 Sustainable Development and Planning II, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
“Cultural Tourism as a Tool for Urban Regeneration in Istanbul”
2011 II. Postgraduate Conference of University of Algarve, Portugal, “Locating Istanbul on
the Cultural Map of Europe: A Critical Evaluation of Istanbul 2010 European Capital of
2011 Annual RC21 Conference, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, “A Comparative
Study on Tourism Strategies: The Case of Helsinki and Istanbul” (distributed paper)
2010 International Congress on Tourism and Heritage, ISCET, Portugal “Creating a City
Image for Istanbul: Religion is the Main Theme”
Uysal, Ü. E. (2015) Urban Tourism in Istanbul: Urban Regeneration, Mega Events, City
Marketing and Branding, Unigrafia, University of Helsinki Press (Doctoral Dissertation)
Book Chapter
Uysal, Ü. E. & Özden, P. (2012) Cultural Tourism as a Tool for Urban Regeneration in
Istanbul. In Sustainability Today, Brebbia C.E (ed.)Wessex Institute of Technology Press:
Uysal, Ü. E. (2015, forthcoming) Büyük Etkinlikler: Kent ve Kent Mekanına Etkileri, İstanbul
Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Dergisi, 51*
Uysal, Ü. E. (2013) Urban Tourism Promotion: What Makes a Difference? Current Research
Journal of Social Sciences, 5(1), 17-27*
Uysal, Ü. E. (2013) Branding Istanbul: Representations of Religion in Tourism Promotion,
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, 9, 223-235*
Uysal, Ü. E. (2012) An Urban Social Movement Challenging Urban Regeneration: The Case
of Sulukule Istanbul, Cities 29(1), 12-22*
Uysal, Ü. E. (2012) Sulukule: Kentsel Dönüşüme Etno-Kültürel Bir Direniş, İdealkent 7, 136149*
Uysal, Ü. E. (2006) Soylulaştırma Kuramlarının İstanbul’a Uygulanabilirliği: Cihangir Örneği,
Şehir ve Bölge Plancıları Odası Degisi, 2, 77-92
* peer-reviewed
Sociopolis (2008- 2014) University of Helsinki, Department of Social Policy
Book translation
2015 Gallipoli The New Zealand Story [Çanakkale: Yeni Zelandalıların Öyküsü] İş Bankası
Kültür Yayınları, Istanbul
2015 Ancient Greece [Antik Yunan] İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları
2015 (in press) Ancient Rome, İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları
2016 (in press) Ancient Egypt İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları
2014 The History of First World War [Birinci Dünya Savaşı Tarihi] (L. Hart), İş Bankası
Kültür Yayınları
2014 Cambridge History of War [Cambride Savaş Tarihi] (L. Hart), İş Bankası Kültür
2015 (in press) The History of Second World War [İkinci Dünya Savaşı Tarihi] (L. Hart), İş
Bankası Kültür Yayınları
Cities, the International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning
Urban Studies
Environment and Planning A
Current Issues in Tourism
Journal of Architecture and Urbanism
2008-2014 The Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Scholarships For Doctoral Students
2013 University of Helsinki Dissertation Completion Grant
2011 University of Helsinki Chancellor’s Grant
2010 University of Helsinki Chancellor’s Grant
2009 University of Helsinki International Student Grant for Outstanding Doctoral Students
English, fluent
Russian, intermediate
German, beginner
Finnish, beginner
Avaible upon request

Benzer belgeler


File HARVEY, D. (1989), From Managerialism to Entrepre Nurialism: The Transformation of Urban Governence in Late Capitalism, Geographiska Annaler B 71 (1). İYİLİKÇİ, Kenan, (2012), “Süleymaniye’yi Anla(...


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