Germany - Warmly welcome!


Germany - Warmly welcome!
Warmly Welcome !
1st Meeting
German food culture
Sausages are in the most countries of the world a
synonyme for German cooking.
They are obviously a very popular kind of fastfood.
For example Curry-Wurst (sausage), Thüringer or
Nürnberger Würstchen in a bap or with potatosalad.
In summer often used for barbecue.
Hering, Sauerkraut, dumpling, blackpudding, scrambled
Dishes are normally served in seperate courses.
Many, also well known traditionel meals, like knuckle of
pork with Sauerkraut are served only rarely.
The fat dishes, wich former people needed in the wintertime,
modern people don`t like anymore.
Foreign guests are astount when they meet Germans, who
haven`t eaten this typical dishes.
Many german dishes were nowadays only eaten for special
International specialities are added to the traditional
German cooking.
Especially young German are looking for varied healthy
A lot even deny meat.
Today German dishes are influenced by the neighbour
countries, like: France, Italy, etc.
The actual trend is asian food.
To mention are the different regional influences in the
German cooking.
Green cabbage is typicaly regional North-German food.
Deutsche Esskultur
Heringe, Sauerkraut, Knödel, Blutwurst, Kaiserschmarrn, u.v.a..
Viele, auch im Ausland bekannte, traditionelle Spezialitäten wie Eisbein mit Sauerkraut oder Schweinshaxe
kommen mittlerweile nur noch selten auf den Tisch.
Die fettreichen Speisen, die früher die Menschen durch die kargen Wintermonate brachten, haben diesen
Zweck eingebüßt.
Ausländische Gäste sind verwundert, wenn sie auf Deutsche treffen, die diese typischen Gerichte noch nie
gegessen haben.
Viele deutsche Gerichte werden nur noch zu besonderen Gelegenheiten gegessen.
Internationale Spezialitäten ergänzen die traditionelle deutsche Küche.
Gerade junge Deutsche achten verstärkt auf abwechslungsreiches und gesundes Essen.
Viele lehnen Fleisch sogar gänzlich ab.
Der heutige Speisezettel ist vor allem durch die Nachbarstaaten stark beeinflusst,
z.B. Frankreich und Italien. Der aktuelle Trend liegt auf asiatischem Essen.
Zu bedenken sind aber auch regionale Unterschiede, die bis heute einen starken Einfluss auf die täglichen
Essgewohnheiten in Deutschland ausüben.
Ein typisch norddeutsches Gericht ist Grünkohl.
North-Germanys food culture
Schleswig-Holstein, the northern region of
Germany is surrounded by sea.
We`re glad about a few various of fish
species. You can buy them freshly caught in
every harbour.
On the salt marsh and dykes of the Northand Eastsea sheeps are grazing.
In the nutritious marsh landscape different
kind of vegetables are growing, especially
cabbage and potatoes.
Typicaly regional:
fruits especially apples
North-Germanys food culture
Schleswig-Holstein, die nördlichste Region
Deutschlands, ist umgeben von Wasser.
Wir freuen uns über verschiedene
Fischarten, die wir in allen Häfen fangfrisch
kaufen können.
Auf den Salzwiesen und Deichen der
Nordsee und Ostsee weiden Schafe.
Im nährstoffreichen Boden der
Marschlandschaft wachsen verschiedene
Gemüsesorten, insbesondere Kohl und
Typisch regional:
Obst (Äpfel)
Green Cabbage
1 kg greene cabbage
40 g lard
- wash, pick
- to cube
- put into a roasting tin, glaze onioncubes
- add green cabbage
- taste
2 TL mustard
- taste
Salt, pepper, sugar
- stew 7 min. off and on turn over
- add green cabbage again
1/8 l vegetable stock
- add, simmer 1 hour
4 slices pork belly
- after 30 min.
4 fitch sausage
- after 40 min.
4 slices smoked pork chop - after 45 min.
Fried and sweet potatoes:
400 g little potatoes
- add potatoes into lard, burnish,
20 g lard
- stew and caramelize them
Salz und Zucker
1 kg Grünkohl
40 g Schweineschmalz
- waschen, zupfen, waschen
- in Würfel schneiden
- in einem Bräter auslassen
- Zwiebeln glasig dünsten
- Grünkohl hinzufügen
- abschmecken
- abschmecken
- Grünkohl 7 Min. dünsten, umrühren
- angießen, 1 Std. köcheln
- nach 30 Min. zugeben
- nach 40 Min.
- nach 45 Min.
2 TL Senf
Salz, Pfeffer, Zucker
1/8 l Gemüsebrühe
4 Sch. Schweinebauch
4 Stck. Mettenden
4 Sch. Kasselernacken
400 g kleine Pellkartoffeln - Schmalz auslassen, Kartoffeln bräunen
20 g Schweineschmalz
- mit Zucker bestäuben und
Salz und Zucker
1 ½ black elderberry juice
2 orangeskin, not sprayed
- add in a pot
- wash, add skin to the juice
1 apple
2 spicy-teabag
1 cinnamon
4 cloves
- wash, peel, slices, add to the juice
100 g slices almonds
Spike the punch
1 l black elderberry juice
½ l blueberrywine/redwine
- ingredients add to the juice
- sweeten,
- boil all ingredients shortly
- serve with a long teaspoon
- roast in a pan, serve with the
- preparation see above
1 ½ Hollunderbeersaft
- in einen Topf geben
2 Stck. ungespritzte Orangen- waschen, schälen
1 Apfel
- waschen, schälen, in
Stücke schneiden
2 Bt. Gewürztee
- Zutaten zum Saft geben
1 Zimtstange
Zucker, Honig
- süßen
- Zutaten kurz aufkochen
- mit einem langen Teelöffel
100 g Mandelblätter
- in einer Pfanne rösten und
zum Punsch servieren
1 l Hollunderbeersaft
½ l Blaubeersaft/Rotwein - Zubereitung siehe oben
2nd Meeting
Turkey food culture
T u r k i s h c u i s i n e ( T u r k i s h : T ü r k m u t f a ğ ı ) i s l a r g e l y t h e h e r i t a g e o f
Ottoman cuisine, which can be described as a fusion and refinement of
Central Asian, Caucasian, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and Balkan
cuisines.[1][2] Turkish cuisine has in turn influenced those and other
neighbouring cuisines, including those of Western Europe. The
Ottomans fused various culinary traditions of their realm with
influences from Middle Eastern cuisines, along with traditional Turkic
elements from Central Asia (such as yogurt), creating a vast array of
specialities—many with strong regional associations.
T u r k i s h c u i s i n e v a r i e s a c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y . T h e c o o k i n g o f I s t a n b u l ,
Bursa, Izmir, and rest of the Aegean region inherits many elements of
Ottoman court cuisine, with a lighter use of spices, a preference for
rice over bulgur, koftes and a wider availability of vegetables staw
turlu, eggplant, stuffed dolmas and fish. The cuisine of the Black Sea
Region uses fish extensively, especially the Black Sea anchovy (hamsi),
has been influenced by Balkan and Slavic cuisine, and includes maize
dishes. The cuisine of the southeast—Urfa, Gaziantep and Adana—is
famous for its kebabs, mezes and dough-based desserts such as baklava,
kadayıf and künefe (kanafeh).
E s p e c i a l l y i n t h e w e s t e r n p a r t s o f T u r k e y , w h e r e o l i v e t r e e s g r o w
abundantly, olive oil is the major type of oil used for cooking.[3] The
cuisines of the Aegean, Marmara and Mediterranean regions are rich in
vegetables, herbs, and fish. Central Anatolia has many famous
specialties, such as keşkek (kashkak), mantı (especially from Kayseri)
and gözleme.
A s p e c i a l t y ' s n a m e s o m e t i m e s i n c l u d e s t h a t o f a c i t y o r r e g i o n , e i t h e r
Turkey food culture
Homemade food
Homemade food is still preferred by Turkish people. Although the newly introduced way of life pushes the new generation to eat out,
Turkish people generally prefer to eat at home. A typical meal starts with soup (in the winter), followed by a dish made of vegetables or
legumes boiled in a pot (typically with meat or minced meat), often with or before rice or bulgur pilaf in addition of a salad or cacık
(made from diluted yogurt and minced cucumbers).
Summer cuisine
In the hot Turkish summer, a meal often consists of fried vegetables such as eggplant (aubergine) and peppers or potatoes served with
yogurt and tomato sauce. Menemen and çılbır are typical summer dishes, based on eggs. Sheep's cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes,
watermelons and melons also make a light summer meal. Those who like helva for dessert prefer summer helva, which is lighter and
less sweet than the regular one.
Key ingredients
Frequently used ingredients in Turkish specialties include: lamb, beef, chicken, fish, eggplants, green peppers, onions, garlic, lentils,
beans, and tomatoes. Nuts, especially pistachios, chestnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts, together with spices, have a special
place in Turkish cuisine, and are used extensively in desserts or eaten separately. Preferred spices and herbs include parsley, cumin,
black pepper, paprika, mint, oregano, pul biber (red pepper), allspice, and thyme. Olive are also common on various breakfasts and
meze tables frequently. In Turkey sunni iftars opened with olive since the Ottomans.
Oils and fats
Butter or margarine, olive oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, and corn oil are widely used for cooking. Sesame, hazelnut, peanut and walnut
oils are used as well. Kuyruk yağı (tail fat of sheep) is sometimes used in kebabs and meat dishes.
Turkey food culture
The rich and diverse flora of Turkey means that fruit is varied, abundant and
cheap. In Ottoman cuisine, fruit frequently accompanied meat as a side dish.
Plums, apricots, pomegranates, pears, apples, grapes, and figs, along with many
kinds of citrus are the most frequently used fruit, either fresh or dried, in
Turkish cuisine.ple, komposto (compote) or hoşaf (from Persian khosh âb,
literally meaning "nice water") are among the main side dishes to meat or pilav.
Dolma and pilaf usually contain currants or raisins. Etli yaprak sarma (vine
leaves stuffed with meat and rice) used to be cooked with sour plums in
Ottoman cuisine. Turkish desserts do not normally contain fresh fruit, but may
contain dried varieties.
Turkey food culture
Imam Bayildi with Borek
Eggplant (Turkish: patlıcan) has a special place in the Turkish cuisine.
In some regions, meat, which was mostly eaten only at wedding ceremonies or
during the Kurban Bayramı (Eid ul-Adha) as etli pilav (pilaf with meat), has
become part of the daily diet since the introduction of industrial production. Veal,
formerly shunned, is now widely consumed.
The main use of meat in cooking remains the combination of ground meat and
vegetable, with names such as kıymalı fasulye (beans with ground meat) or
kıymalı ıspanak (spinach with ground meat, which is almost always served with
Alternatively, in coastal towns cheap fish such as sardines (sardalya) or hamsi
(anchovies) are widely available, as well as many others with seasonal
availability. Poultry consumption, almost exclusively of chicken and eggs, is
common. Milk-fed lambs, once the most popular source of meat in Turkey,
comprise a small part of contemporary consumption. Kuzu çevirme, cooking
milk-fed lamb on a spit, once an important ceremony, is rarely seen.
Because it is currently a predominantly Islamic land, pork plays no role in
contemporary Turkish cuisine.
Turkey food culture
Dairy products
A bowl of Cacık, seasoned, diluted yogurt with chopped cucumber, eaten throughout the
former Ottoman world. The thicker Greek version of the dish is called tzatziki.
Fresh Ayran with a head of foam
Yogurt is an important element in Turkish cuisine. In fact, the English word
yogurt or yogurt derives from the Turkish word yoğurt. Yogurt can accompany almost all meat
dishes (kebabs, köfte), vegetable dishes (especially fried eggplant, courgette, spinach with
minced meat etc.), meze and a specialty called mantı (folded triangles of dough containing
minced meat). In villages, yogurt is regularly eaten with rice or bread. A thicker, higher-fat
variety, süzme yoğurt or "strained yogurt", is made by straining the yogurt curds from the
whey. One of the most common Turkish drinks, ayran, is made from yogurt. Also, yogurt is
often used in the preparation of cakes, some soups and pastries.
Turkey produces many varieties of cheese, mostly from sheep's milk. In general, these
cheeses are not long matured, with a comparatively low fat content. The production of many
kinds of cheese is local to particular regions.
Turkey - Breakfeast
Tu r k s u s u a l l y p r e f e r a s i m p l e b r e a k f a s t .
A t y p i c a l Tu r k i s h b r e a k f a s t c o n s i s t s o f
cheese (beyaz peynir, kaşar etc.),
butte r, ol i ve s , e ggs , tom a toe s ,
c u c u m b e r s , j a m , h o n e y, a n d k a y m a k .
S u j u k ( s p i c y Tu r k i s h s a u s a g e , c a n b e
eaten with eggs), pastırma, börek, simit,
poğaça and soups are eaten as a
m o r n i n g m e a l i n Tu r k e y. A c o m m o n
Tu r k i s h s p e c i a l i t y f o r b r e a k f a s t i s c a l l e d
menemen, which is prepared with
tomatoes, green peppers, onion, olive
o i l a n d e g g s . I n v a r i a b l y, Tu r k i s h t e a i s
s e r v e d a t b r e a k f a s t . T h e Tu r k i s h w o r d
for breakfast, kahvaltı, means "before
coffee" (kahve, 'coffee'; altı, 'under'). In
t h e p a s t , Tu r k s s u r v i v e d f a m i n e s b y
minimizing the consumption of food.
Therefore, in the morning time they
consumed only water and bread that
would often be dry and stale from being
conserved; due to shortages in
Turkey food culture
Cızlama (Akıtma)
Malzemeler: ½ kg un, 1 tatlı kaşığı maya, 1 çay kaşığı tuz, 1,5 bardak su.
Yapılışı: Un, tuz, su, maya akıcı olacak şekilde hamur yapılarak kabarmaya bırakılır. Saç veya tava içine
yağ sürülerek 1 kaşık hamur atılır. Kısık ateşte pişirilir.
NAZLI (Otur Fatma Tatlısı) Bilinen keke benzer şekilde yapılan en çok çayın yanında tercih edilen
tatlılardan biridir. 2 tane yumurta,1 bardak yoğurt ve şeker, aldığı kadar mısır unu, az miktarda
karbonat büyük bir kabın içinde iyice karıştırılır. Yağlanmış olan tepsiye hazırlanan hamur boşaltılır ve
fırında hafif ateşte pişirilir. Tatlı çok kısa sürede piştiği için ‘Nazlı’ olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Bu nedenle
de pişirilirken dikkatli olmak ve ateşi iyi ayarlamak gerekir.
Malzemeler: ½ kg tuzsuz taze peynir.1/2 paket margarin, ½ kg şeker, 1 bardak un.
Yapılışı: Peynir ateş üzerinde karıştırılarak sarartılır. Un, yağ, şeker karıştırılarak 15-20 dakika kadar
pişirilir sararınca indirilir. Kaşık kaşık servis yapılır.
Pişmaniye’nin Yapılışı:
Pişmaniye’nin malzemesi az fakat yapımı zordur. Malzeme un, şeker ve tereyağından ibarettir. Kalaylı, büyük bir
bakır kazanda önce un yağ ile kavrulur. Ancak bu iş biraz sabır ister. Kavurma işlemi büyük bir ağaç kaşıkla yapılır.
5-6 saat süren bu kavurma işinden sonra un ile yağ iyice birleştirilir. Kavurma işleminden ayrı olarak başka bir
kazanda da şeker kaynatılır. Kaynaya kaynaya iyice ağdalaşan şeker kavrulmuş un ile karıştırılarak birbirine yedirilir.
Sonra bu karışım büyük tepsilerde saatlerce ovularak çevrilir. Bu işlem ağdalı hamurun tel tel oluncaya kadar
sürdürülür. İzmit’e gelen herkesin zevkle yediği pişmaniye bu şekilde hazırlandıktan sonra tartılarak kutulara
yerleştirilerek satışa sunulur
Turkey food culture
Yöredeki kültürel çeşitlilik ve kozmopolit yapı beslenme
biçimlerinde de çeşitlilik yaratmaktadır. Tarımda çağdaş
yöntemlerin kullanımı, ülke genelinin üstündedir.
Bu, sebze üretiminde yoğunlaşmaktadır. Anadolu'da beslenme temel olarak unlulara dayanırken,
Kocaeli'nde sebze-meyve tüketimi öne çıkmaktadır. Karadeniz'den göçlerle, karalahananın da
yaygınlaştığı görülmektedir. Ancak kurutma, turşu ve komposto gibi ev konserveciliği giderek
azalmaktadır. Yarımca kirazı, Değirmendere fındığı, Kandıra yoğurdu, hindi dolması ev peyniri, İzmit
pişmaniyesi bu yörelerin adıyla özdeşleşmiştir.
Yöremizin yerlileri olan Manavlar’ın köylerinde yöresel yemekler varlığını sürdürmektedir. Bu yemeklerden
bazıları; Çorbalar:Tarhana, Umaç, Bulamaç,- Et Yemekleri:Yahni, Kavurma, Tavuklu Keşkek, Çiğceli
Kavurma - Sebze Yemekleri: Mantar Yemeği, Ebe Gümeci, Mancar Yemeği( Çiçekli Mancar )
Hamur İşleri:Ev Makarnası, Gözleme, Cizleme (Akıtma), Lokum, Mantar Böreği, ÇiğceliYumurta, Cevizli
Tatlılar: Höşmerim ( Peynir Tatlısı), Kuru Helva, Nazlı (Otur Fatma Tatlısı), İrmik Helvası, Kübe Tatlısı
ve çeşitli Sarma ve Dolmalar.
Umaç Çorbası
Malzemeler: 1 bardak un, 1 adet un, 1 çay kaşığı toz biber, 1 çay kaşığı tuz, 1 kaşık margarin
Yapılışı: Un, su, tuz karıştırılarak pişirilir. Yağ, tuz, biber eritilir ve kaynayan çorbanın içine atılır.
Ciğceli Kavurma
Malzemeler: 1 kg kuşbaşı et, ½ kg bulgur, 2 su bardağı süt kaymağı ( Ciğce ), 1 çay bardağı
karabiber, 1 tatlı kaşığı tuz.
Yapılışı: Et haşlanır. Bulgur veya pirinç pilavı yapılır. Pilav servis tabağına alınır. Kavrulmuş kavurma
pilav üzerine konulur. Kavurma üzerine ise süt kaymağı eritilerek dökülür.
Mancar Yemeği (Çiçekli Mancar)
Malzemeler: 1 kg mancar, 1 çay kaşığı zeytinyağı, 1 adet domates, 1 adet soğan.
Yapılışı: Mancar ayıklanarak soğuk suda iki saat süre ile bekletilir ve sudan çıkartılır. Kısık ateşte
haşlanır. Soğan yağ içinde kavrulur. Haşlanmış mancar kavrulmuş soğan içine karıştırılarak 5-10
dakika pişirilir.
Turkey food culture
TÜRKTürk mutfağı
Türk mutfağı, Türkiye'nin ulusal mutfağıdır. MUTFAĞIGeleneksel bir sofra düzeni.
Osmanlı kültürünün mirasçısı olan Türk mutfağı hem Balkan ve Ortadoğu mutfaklarını
etkilemiş hem de bu mutfaklardan etkilenmiştir. Ayrıca Türk mutfağı yörelere göre de
farklılıklar gösterir. Karadeniz mutfağı, Güneydoğu mutfağı, Orta Anadolu mutfağı gibi
birçok yöreler kendilerine ait zengin bir yemek haznesine sahiptirler.
İşkembe Çorbası
Çorba özellikle kış aylarında Türk mutfağının vazgeçilmez bir parçasıdır. Mercimek Çorbası,
Ezogelin Çorbası, Yoğurt Çorbası ve Tarhana Çorbası en çok tercih edilen çorbalardır. Ancak
Türk mutfağı bunların yanı sıra sayısız miktarda çorbalar içerir. Etler, Sebzeler ve baklagiller
genellikle çorbaların ana malzemeleridir. Et suyu, un, yoğurt ve şehriye bu malzemeleri çorba
haline getirmek için kullanılır.
İşkembe Çorbasının alkollü içkilerin neden olduğu başağrısına iyi geldiği inancı yaygındır.
Özellikle şehirlerde yer alan işkembeci lokantaları geç saatlere kadar açık kalarak müşterilere
işkembe çorbası servisi yaparlar.
Turkey food culture
Türk mutfağı tatlılar açısından çok zengin bir dünya mutfağıdır. Türk tatlıları çok
geniş bir çeşitlilik gösterirler. Baklava, kadayıf, lokma gibi hamurlu tatlılar,
muhallebi, keşkül, kazandibi, sütlaç gibi sütlü tatlılar, hoşaf ve kompostolar, revani,
helva, aşure ve Kabak Tatlısı gibi tatlılar geniş bir yelpazeye sahiptirler.
Baklava Türk mutfağının en tanınmış tatlıları arasındadır. Çok ince açılmış yufkanın
arasına fındık, ceviz veya antep fıstığı konarak pişirilmesinden sonra bir şerbetle
tatlandırılması yoluyla hazırlanır. Tel kadayıf ise çok ince teller halinde satılan
hamurla hazırlanır ve baklavanın içine benzer içlerle doldurularak fırında
kızartıldıktan sonra şerbetle tatlandırılır.
Fıstıklı Tahin helvası
Sütlü tatlılar sütün şekerle kaynatıldıktan sonra nişasta, pirinç veya pirinç unu ile
katılaştırılması yoluyla hazırlanırlar. Kazandibi ise muhallebi gibi hazırlandıktan
sonra elde edilen tatlının bir tepside kızartılarak karamelleştirilmesi sonucu elde
edilen ilginç bir Türk tatlısıdır. Tavuk Göğsü de sütlü bir tatlıdır, söz edilen bu
malzemelerin yanı sıra ince bir şekilde didiklenen tavuk etinin göğüs kısmını da
içerir.Revani, İrmik helvası gibi bazı tatlıların yapımında irmik kullanılır.
Türkiye'deki dinsel inançlar arasında özel bir yeri olan aşure buğday, kuru üzüm,
fasulye ve nohut gibi birçok bitkisel malzemeler kullanılarak hazırlanan bir tatlıdır.
Kabak tatlısı balkabağının şekerle pişirilmesi yoluyla hazırlanır. Sonbahar ve kış
aylarında tercih edilen Türk mutfağına has bir tatlı.
200 g
150 g
cubed beef
medium onion
medium sized potato
cup vegetable oil
cup water
spinach (boiled mashed come)
salt uns pepper to taste
1,5 cups
2 tbsp
½ cup
tea oil
100 g
grated parmesan cheese
After adding oil pot roast beef and onion until it get pink.
Stir in carrots and sauté for 10 min. Add water, potatoes, salt, pepper and boil them
over low heat for about 30 min.. On the other side filtering through a blender of boiled
water spinach puree.
For béchamel sauce, put oil into a pot. After oil fried, add flour and cook it until turns
pink. Add milk, stir until it gets thick. Take the egg yolk and add lemon juice. Added it
into the mixture. After adding salt, cook it 10 min..
Mix spinach puree and béchamel sauce. Put it into tray firstly meal and over the meal
spinach béchamel sauce. Put it into the oven, sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese.
Cook until golden brown. Serve hot.
Nev-i Değer
200 gr kuşbaşı dana eti (yağsız ve sinirsiz tranç eti)
1 adet orta boy soğan
1 adet havuç
1 adet orta boy patates
1 çay bardağı sıvıyağ
2 su bardağı su
150 gram ıspanak (haşlanmış püre haline gelmiş)
arzu edilen miktarda tuz ve karabiber
beşamel sos için: 1.5 su bardağı süt
2 çorba kaşığı un
yarım çay bardağı sıvıyağ
1 adet yumurta
çeyrek limon
100 gram rendelenmiş kaşar peyniri
Hazırlanışı: Tencereye yağı ilave edip kızdırdıktan sonra eti
ve soğanı pembeleşinceye kadar kavurun. Sonra havucu ilave
edip 10 dakika daha soteleyin. Suyu, patatesi, tuzu ve karabiberi
ekleyip kısık ateşte yaklaşık 30 dakika kaynamaya bırakın.
Diğer tarafta ıspanağı haşlayıp suyunu süzdükten sonra
mikserden geçirin püre haline getirin. Beşamel sos için,
tencereye yağı koyun. Yağ kızdıktan sonra unu ilave edip
pembeleşinceye kadar kavurun. Sütü ekleyip boza kıvamına
gelinceye kadar karıştırın. Yumurtanın sarısını ayırıp, akına
limon suyu ilave edin. Bunu, tenceredeki karışıma ilave edip
karıştırın. Tuzunu da ekledikten sonra 10 dakika pişirin.
Ispanak püresini beşamel sosla harmanlayın. Ocaktaki yemekle,
ıspanaklı beşamel sosu harmanlayıp tepsiye yayın. Üzerine
rendelenmiş kaşar peyniri serpip fırına atın. Üzeri kızarana
kadar pişirin. Sıcak olarak servis yapın.
SariĞi Burma
Sariği Burma
Hamuru için:
3 adet yumurta
1’er çay bardağı süt ve sıvıyağ
3 çorba kaşığı yoğurt
1 çorba kaşığı sirke
Bir tutam tuz, yarım kg un
Hamuru açmak için:
250 gram dövülmüş ceviz
Üzeri için:
250 gram tereyağı veya margarin
Şerbeti için:
4 su bardağı tozşeker
Dört buçuk su bardağı su
4-5 damla limon suyu
Sarığı Burma Yapılışı
ÖNCELİKLE şerbeti için tozşeker ve suyu bir tencereye alıp,
kaynatın. Kaynayınca limon suyunu ilave edin ve bir taşım
daha kaynadıktan sonra ocaktan alıp, soğumaya bırakın.
Hamur için yumurtaları yoğurma kabında çırpın. Süt ve
sıvıyağ ekleyip, çırpmaya devam edin. Yoğurt ve sirkeyi ilave
edip, karıştırın. Tuz ve unu kattıktan sonra kulak memesi
yumuşaklığında bir hamur elde edene kadar yoğurun.
Hazırladığınız hamuru 5 adet bezeye ayırın ve kurumaması
için üzerini nemli bir bezle örtüp, yarım saat dinlendirin.
Nişasta serperek, oklava ile çok ince şekilde ve yufka
büyüklüğünde açın. Üzerine ceviz serpin ve oklavaya sarın.
Yufkayı iki tarafından büzün ve oklavadan çıkarıp,
yağlanmış tepsiye yerleştirin. Diğer yufkaları da aynı şekilde
hazırlayın ve tepsiye yerleştirin. Üzerine eritilmiş tereyağı
veya margarini gezdirin. Önceden ısıtılmış 180 derece
fırında üzeri pembeleşene kadar pişirin. Soğuyan şerbeti
sıcak tatlının üzerine gezdirin ve tatlının şerbetini çekmesi
için 15-20 dakika bekleyin. Daha sonra servis yapın.
3rd Meeting
Slovak food culture
Already more than millennium ago the ancient Slavs honoured
their guests by kindly word, bread, salt and a glass of mead.
Nowadays we welcome our guests with bread and salt just in
Traditional Slovak food culture reflects the time and environment
in which it was being made. Its basic ingredients are potatoes,
cereals, cabbage, legumes, roast and smoked meats, curd cheese,
milk, fruit and vegetables.
The traditional thick Slovak soups especially sauerkraut,
sheep cheese soup (demikat), bean, potatoes, mushroom, and
lentil soups, goulash are very popular. Smoked sheep cheese ”oštiepky, parenice“, are very popular.
Potatoes are taken for the second Slovak bread. There are
many kinds of preparation of potatoes. Delicious are special gnocchi
made of potatoes dough, served with sheep cheese – ”bryndza”
called “ bryndzove halušky“ flavoured with crispy fried bacon. They
are served with butter sheep milk (žinčica). Visitors can enjoy
traditional Slovak meals in typical restaurants shepherd´s hut (Salaš
or Koliba).
You can also enjoy the assortment: roast goose or duck with
potatoe pancakes, spicy goulash, smoked sausages and ham.
Slovakia is also known for its high quality wines ranging from Small
Carpathian Mountains to Tokai in the East and popular beer
Other popular Slovak aperifs include Slivovica (plum brandy)
and borovička (made from juniper berries, similar to gin.
Take a strong “Slivovica” as the aperitif and finish your diner by
Slovak wine or traditional Slovak beer.
Bon apetit...!
Kultúra slovenského jedla
Pred viac ako tisícročím starí Slovania si uctievali svojich hostí láskavým slovom, chlebom, soľou a pohárom
V súčasnej dobe vítame našich hostí symbolicky chlebom a soľou.
Tradičná slovenská kultúra jedla je odzrkadlením doby a prostredia, v ktorom je poskytované. Základnými
zložkami sú zemiaky, obilniny, kapusta, strukoviny, pečené a údené mäso, tvaroh, mlieko, ovocie a zelenina.
Tradičné silné slovenské polievky veľmi obľúbené sú najmä kapustová, polievka z bryndze (Demikát),
strukovinové, zemiakové, hubové, šošovicové polievky a guláš.
Obľúbený je údený ovčí syr - "oštiepky a parenice".
Zemiaky sú považované za druhý slovenský chlieb. Existuje mnoho druhov prípravy zemiakov.
Vynikajúce sú špeciálne halušky zo zemiakov cesta, podávané s ovčím syrom - "bryndzou" s názvom
"Bryndzové halušky" dochutené chrumkavou opraženou slaninou. Sú podávané so žinčicou.
Návštevníci si môžu vychutnať tradičné slovenské jedlá v typických reštauráciách Salaš alebo Koliba.
Obľúbené sú jedlá: pečená hus alebo kačica so zemiakovými plackami, pikantný guláš, údené klobásky a šunka.
Slovensko je tiež známe jeho vysoko kvalitnými vínami z Malých Karpát až po Tokai na východe a
populárnymi značkami piva.
Medzi ďalšie zaujímavé aperitívy patrí Slivovica a Borovička z plodov borievky, podobná Ginu .
Ponúknite sa silnou slivovicou ako aperitívom a dokončite svoje jedlo so slovenským vínom alebo tradičným
slovenským pivom.
Dobrú chuť ... !
Sheep cheese gnocchi
Potatoes – 3 pieces
Flour – cca 5 tablespoons (tbsp)
Egg – 1 piece
Bryndza (Slovak Sheep Cheese)
First peel potatoes and shred them.
Add egg and flour. You need to make dough that is not watery
but also not tough. If it happens to be too watery, add more
flour; if it is too tough, add some water. Add 1 tbsp of salt.
Boil water with 2 tbsp of salt (the water has to boil all the time
during the preparation).
Toss pieces about 2,5 cm (an inch) long into the boiled water,
using kitchen knife and cutting board.
Cook them for few minutes until they float on the water level.
Take them out with a strainer and halušky are ready.
Cut bacon into small pieces and fry them.
Put bryndza on top of halušky and heat them together. It is
very difficult or many times impossible to buy bryndza outside
Slovakia, but you can use other cheese instead, for example
feta cheese mixed with cream cheese and milk).
Put the fried bacon on the top of halušky (with a bit of grease)
before serving.
Bryndzové halušky
3 zemiaky
cca 500 g polohrubá múka
1 vajce
200 g slanina údená
200 - 250 g bryndza
200 ml kysla smotana
1 čjl soľ
Nastrúhame si zemiaky, pridáme čajovú lyžičku soli a
dosýpame polohrubou múkou až kým nám v ceste nezostane
stáť varecha. Nakrájame si údenú slaninku a na malinkom
ohni pražíme kým nie je pekne červená. Bryndzu si
rozmiešame s kyslou smotanou. Cesto pretláčame pomocou
sitka na halušky do vriacej posolenej vody , keď nám
vyplávajú sú hotové. Halušky po vybratí neoplachujeme ešte
na horúce dáme bryndzu a slaninku. Dobrú chuť.
Demikát - soup of bryndza cheese
● 4 potatoes
● onion
● 200 ml milk
● 150 g bryndze (sheep cheese)
● 2 soup-spoon oil
● 2 tea-spoon sweet paprika powder
● salt
● ground black pepper
Cleaned onions cut it into small cubes and fry gently in
oil. Sprinkle paprika powder and mix. Add the diced
potatoes and pour boiling water so that the potatoes
were all submerged. Boil until the potatoes are soft. Pour
in milk and sheep cheese that was fragmented mix, let it
be uniformly dissolved. Carefully sprinkle it with salt and
pepper. Serve hot with bread and garnished with
chopped chives or dill.
Tip: Be careful when salting. Sheep cheese contains a
considerable dose of salt. Choose sheep cheese with the
highest content of sheep lumps, because cows' milk in
the soup is well dissolved.
4 zemiaky
1 cibuľa
200 ml mlieka
150 g bryndze
2 polievkové lyžice oleja
2 čajové lyžičky sladkej mletej papriky
celé čierne korenie
Orestujeme si cibuľu na oleji alebo masti vytopenej zo slaniny,
pridáme rascu, bobkový list, nové celé korenie, čierne celé korenie.
Pridáme mletú červenú papriku, chvíľku opečieme, aby paprika
nezhorkla a podlejeme vodou . Pridáme očistené na kocky nakrájané
zemiaky, varíme do mäkka.
Do Vývaru pridáme bryndzu rozmiešanú v mlieku. Ovčí syr volíme s
najvyšším obsahom ovčej hrudky, pretože kravské mlieko v polievke
sa dobre rozpustí. Ochutíme soľou a korením. Solíme až nakoniec,
lebo bryndza je veľmi slaná. Chvíľu povaríme a napokon zjemníme
kyslou smotanou.
Chlieb nakrájame na kocky a opečieme na bravčovej masti.
Poppy Seed Strudel
250 g flour, sieved
1 package baking powder (2 ts)
1 pinch of salt
120 g butter, soft
60 g sugar
1 egg
1 pinch of cinnamon
¼ lemon, only peel, finely minced
a little cold milk
250 g poppy seeds, finely ground
40 g sugar
2 tbsp honey
40 g breadcrumbs
40 g raisins (to your taste)
1 pinch of cinnamon
2 tbsp rum
1/4 l milk
PREPARATION: For the dough, sieve the flour and mix with baking powder and
salt. Add soft butter, sugar, egg, cinnamon, and lemon peel. Quickly kneed into
dough adding a little bit of cold milk. Cover dough and let stand in a cool place for 1/2
For the filling, grind poppy seeds in the meantime (that's the only way to get all the
poppy seed taste!) and heat with sugar, honey, raisins, cinnamon and rum in a small
pan over low heat. The poppy seed filling has to be smooth and a little wet. If it turns
out too wet you can dry it with adding breadcrumbs after it cooled out. If it's too dry
soften it with a little bit of milk.
Roll the dough on a floured surface into a 45x40cm rectangle and cut into two equal
parts. Spread poppy seed filling equally on both dough halfs and roll up into a
strudel. Put the two strudels onto a baking sheet and bake for 40-45 minutes in
medium heat.
Makový závin
250 g preosiatej múky
1 balíček prášku do pečiva ( 2 čjl )
1 štipka soli
120 g masla
60 g cukru
1 vajce
1 štipka škorice
¼ citróna , len kôra , jemne postrúhaná
trochu studeného mlieka
250 g jemne mletého maku
40 g cukru
2 lyžice medu
40 g strúhanky
40 g hrozienok ( na vašej chuti )
1 štipka škorice
2 lyžice rumu
1 / 4 l mlieka
Príprava : Preosiatu múku zmiešame s práškom do pečiva a štipkou soli .
Pridáme mäkké maslo, cukor , vajcia , škoricu a citrónovú kôru . Rýchlo
miesime, do cesta pridáme trochu studeného mlieka. Cesto zakryjeme a
necháme na chladnom mieste po dobu 1/2 hodiny.
Náplň: pomletý mak zmiešame s cukrom , medom , hrozienkami , škoricou a
rumom a zohrejeme v malej panvici na miernom ohni . Maková náplň musí
byť mierne vlhká . Ak sa ukáže , príliš vlhká , môžeme po ochladení pridať
trochu strúhanky. Ak je príliš suchá pridáme trochou mlieka .
Cesto rozvalkáme na pomúčenej doske na obdĺžnik 45x40cm a nakrájame
na dve rovnaké časti. Rovnomerne rozotrieme makovú náplň na obe
polovičky cesta a zrolujeme do závinu. Obidva záviny dáme na plech a
pečieme 40-45 minút pri strednej teplote .
4th Partner Meeting
Finland food culture
Finland is the most northern country in European Union and we have a cruel history. 10’000 years ago we
had the Ice age and 3 kilometers thick ice bed on the ground. The ice bed pushed the ground down but
when the ice melt the ground started to rise up. This rising continues even today and on the Ylivieska region
where we are living the rising is about 8 – 10 mm per year.
In 100 years this means 1 meter.
What are the influences of the ground rising to the nature, to flora, to fauna, to the seas and other waters
and especially to agriculture? This is the first thing I’d like to present to the partners and the best way to do
this is to visit the Sea Nature Center in Kalajoki.
The next step is to see the nature live. We will go and see different kinds of forests, bogs, fields and other
landscapes. 10 kilometers wandering deep to the Finnish forest gives the participants a good impression of
the nature. On the seashore you can easily understand the results of the ground rising and you’ll find out
what it means to the nature.
The Ylivieska region is the most well-known agriculture area in Finland and during the visit in Finland we will
visit most interesting farms to see the production of the local food. We will explore the honeybee farm, milk
farm, potato farm and animal farm.
On the region we all like to eat local food and in next stage we will familiarize the partners to the local food
production like dairy, kitchen, bakery and the last step is to eat or at least taste the local specialties
Traditional Sautèed Reindeer
1 kg
3 ts
(frozen) reindeer meat
Hew chips icy meat. Melt butter in a pot.
Add meat in a pot in small quantities and
fry brown. After frying meat, add water and
salt in a pot. Reduce the heat and simmer
for an hour under the cover. You can get
best results, if you poach food in the oven
125 degrees for 2-3 hours.
Poronkäristy s
1 kilo poron käristyslihaa tai poronpaistia 3 rkl voita tai poron kuuta
2 dl vettä
Sulata voi padassa. Voimakkaamman maun saat, jos käytät poron
kuuta. Lisää käristysliha pataan pienissä erissä ja ruskista sulaksi.
Kun koko lihaerä on sulanut ja ruskistunut, lisää vesi ja suola.
Pienennä lämpöä ja anna hautua kannen alla ainakin tunnin verran.
Jos käristys uhkaa päästä kuivumaan, lisää hieman vettä.
Erityisen pehmeä poronkäristyksestä tulee, jos sitä hauduttaa
uunissa 125 asteessa 2-3 tuntia.
Perinteinen poronkäristys syntyy helposti käristyslihasta.
Jos saatavilla on poronpaistia, liha kannattaa vuolla
lastuiksi, kun se on jo vähän sulanut mutta vielä sopivasti
Tarjoile poronkäristys perunamuusin, puolukkahillon ja
maustekurkkujen kanssa.
1 kilo Lapin puikulaperunoita 2 rkl voita
1 sipuli
Kuori perunat ja pistä kiehumaan. Silppua sipuli. Kun perunat ovat
kypsiä, soseuta ne ja lisää maito, voi ja hienonnettu sipuli. Sipulin voi
maun mukaan lisätä muusiin joko raakana tai voissa kypsytettynä.
Tarkista maku ja lisää tarvittaessa suolaa.
Mama`s Berrypie
Shell 1-3
100 g margarine
½ dl sugar
1 egg
Cream margarine and sugar, beat in the egg.
1dl graham flour
1 dl wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
Combine the dry ingredients and mix the mixture in the foam.
Filling 4-6
3 dl blueberries
1 can sour cream
1 egg
½ dl sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
Mix the sour cream, egg, sugar and vanilla sugar.
Pour the mixture on top of the berries. Bake in 200 degrees in the
lowest surface of the oven for 30 min. If the pie is uncooked from the
bottom put it in the lowest surface of the oven for an extra five
Perinteinen poronkäristys ja pottuvoi
1 poron kylkirulla tai 700 g lapaa, etuselkää, paistia tai valmiiksi siivutettua
käristyslihaa 3 rkl poron paistorasvaa (tai voita)
2 dl vettä
1.5 tl suolaa
700 g kuorittuja puikulaperunoita 2 rkl voita
2-3 sipulia
2 dl maitoa
1-2 tl suolaa
1. Anna lihan sulaa kohmeiseksi (n. - 6 astetta), leikkaa siivuttamaton liha
pituussuunnassa halki ja vuole siitä ohuita käristyslastuja
poikittaissuunnassa. Valmiiksi siivutetun käristyslihan voit ottaa käyttöön
2. Sulata padassa rasva.
3. Lisää käristysliha pataan pienissä erissä ja ruskista.
4. Kun koko lihaerä on ruskistunut, lisää vesi ja suola.
5. Pienennä lämpöä ja anna hautua kannen alla 10-30 minuuttia.
Tarjoa pottuvoin kanssa. Haudutusajasta on olemassa monta näkemystä.
Kun käristys tehdään paistista, voi hyvinkin olla, että 10 minuuttia riittää.
Samoin, jos liha on todella ohuina lastuina. Kannattaa kuitenkin kokeilla
pidempiäkin haudutusaikoja aina runsaaseen tuntiin saakka.
1. Keitä potut.
2. Hauduta hienonnettu sipuli voissa kypsäksi, lisää maito ja kiehauta se. 3.
Soseuta kypsät perunat ja lisää sekoittaen sipulinen maito.
4. Mausta suolalla.
5 th Meeting
5th Partner Meeting- Romania
5th Partner Meeting- Romania
Cheese buns
 Mix the flour, milk, 4 eggs, 3
• 1 kg flour
• 10 eggs
• 300 gr sugar
• 100 ml oil
• 500 ml milk
• 1 cube yeast
• 1 kg cottage cheese
• 50 gr raisins
tablespoons sugar, oil and yeast to
make the dough not too harsh,
then let it rise.
 If necessary, add more warm
water. Meanwhile, mix the cheese
with 4 egg yolks, raisins and sugar
to taste.
 After the dough rises, split it into
equal chunks and stretch it as
squares, put a teaspoon of cheese
in the center and gather the edges
to form the buns.
 Let it rise in oven tray, brush it with
a scrambled egg and bake it at
medium heat.
Branzoaice (Poale-n brau)
Mod de preparare
Pentru aluat:
500 grame faina
2 oua
200 ml lapte
25 grame drojdie
un praf de sare
2-3 pliculete de zahar vanilinat
coaja de lamaie rasa
esenta de vanilie
Pentru umplutura:
500 grame branza de vaci
100 grame stafide
1 ou
3 pliculete zahar vanilinat
Intr-un bol se pune faina cernuta, un praf de
sare si cele 2 oua
Laptele se incalzeste un pic (nu fierbinte!), se amesteca
bine cu esenta de vanilie, zaharul vanilinat, coaja de
lamaie si cu drojdia, rezultand astfel maiaua
Adaugam maiaua de mai sus peste faina si incepem a
Amestecam pana incepe sa se ingroase si sa se formeze
un aluat. Adaugam si putin ulei si framantam pana aluatul
devine elastic. Formam o bila, acoperim bolul cu un
prosop curat si lasam la dospit 1 ora.
Cat timp aluatul dospeste pregatim umplutura.
Amestecam branza de vaci, cu zaharul vanilinat, stafidele
si 1 ou. Daca simtiti nevoia ca umplutura sa fie mai dulce
mai puteti adauga 2-3 linguri de zahar.
Luam o parte din aluat si intindem o foaie cat putem noi
de dreptunghiulara. Foaia o taiem in patrate mai mari
pentru a putea sa impaturim cat mai bine. In mijlocul
fiecarui patrat punem o lingura de umplutura si impaturim
ca pe un plic, presand usor colturile.
In tava, pe o hartie de copt, punem branzoaicele, le
ungem cu ou si le punem la cuptor pentru 30-35 de
Le pudram cu zahar si le savuram!!
Tuffed cabbage
 Fry the onion in oil.
1 kg beef and pork mince mixture
1 piece pickled cabbage
300 g chopped onion
50 ml oil
200 g uncooked white rice
100 ml tomato sauce
100 g smoked ham or bacon
Add rice, tomato sauce and
leave it for two minutes on fire.
Add minced meat, salt and
pepper to taste. Mix well. Fill in
the cabbage leafs with this
composition by rolling them.
 Put chopped cabbage on the
bottom of the dish, then the
stuffed cabbage in rows. On the
top, put chopped cabbage,
smoked ham, add hot water to
cover and cook them on low
heat. If needed, add water, and
cook until tender.
Homemade bread with potatoes
for one bread of 1 kg
Mix the yeast with warm water and a
tablespoon of sugar and put ​in the
middle of sifted flour, mixed with boiled,
crushed and cooled potatoes.
 Put the salt, add warm water and mix
until the dough smooths, then add the
oil and knead another 10 minutes in all.
 Criss cross the dough to the bottom
with an oiled knife, cover the bowl, and
let the dough rise in a warm place,
covered with a napkin. After 1 hour,
knead the dough again and break it into
pieces, place it in an oven tray and let it
 Criss cross the surface and bake it in
the well heated oven for 1 hour.
• 620 grams white potatoes, crumbly
• 650 grams flour, type 550 BL
• 120 ml water from the potatoes
• 4 teaspoons salt
• 2 tablespoons oil
• 25 grams fresh yeast
• 1 teaspoon sugar
Criss cross the dough to the bottom wCriss cross the dough to the bottom with an oiled knife, cover the bowl, and let the dough rise in a
warm place, covered with a napkin. After 1 hour, knead Criss cross the surface and bake it in the well heated oven for 1 hour.
6 th Meeting
Italy`s food culture
-- s e c o n d c o u r s e ( f i s h o r m e a t )
- side dish (vegetables or fresh salad
with a tasteful of vinegar or lemon
- a few pieces of cheese usually close
the main part of the lunch.
- dessert, fresh fruits and coffee, often
an espresso.
Italian food and culture go hand in hand,
we may say there is no difference.
For Italians, food is not merely a means
for survival, food defines us.
It belongs to our history and culture as
much as Raffaello and Leonardo da Vinci.
Italians use a lot of spices, aromatic
herb and olive oil and fresh ingredients.
A traditional Italian menu consists:
-- h o t a n d c o l d a p p e t i s e r
-- f i r s t c o u r s e ( p a s t a , r i s o t t o , g n o c c h i ,
- polenta or
Every dish, even the most simple, has
roots in the past and traditions of that
particular region.
While travelling from the north to south
of Italy you could experience as many
different dishes as you travelled around
the whole continent.
It's important to remember that it does not
exist “Italian cuisine“, because every region
and every city have his typical cuisine for
panettone is from Milan,
pastiera,babà from Napoli
cannoli are from Palermo
La cucina è una parte importantissima
della cultura italiana.
Essa è molto apprezzata nel mondo per la
sua varietà ed è ricca di splendidi piatti
unici di pasta accompagnata da verdure,
ortaggi, legumi, tutti ingredienti che
riportano alla radice delle tradizioni
locali, e d’innumerevoli varietà di
carni e di pesce e di formaggi.
Grazie all’importanza delle cucine
regionali,il numero delle ricette italiane si
può definire quasi illimitato.
La tradizione culinaria italiana non
riguarda solo i piatti che si possono
gustare seduti ad un tavolo, ma anche
numerose tipologie di cibi da strada, che
variano da regione a regione.
In Liguria, si può assaggiare la focaccia
genovese,un po’ più a sud, troviamo le
piadine romagnole.
Nel Lazio si possono assaggiare la
porchetta di Ariccia e i supplì, in Campania
le pizze.
In Sicilia, tra i cibi di strada più famosi ed
apprezzati ci sono: gli arancini,
pani ca meusa, sfinciuni e stigghiola.
Cannoli Siciliani
Ingredients for 4 servings:
150 g. of flour
500 g. of fresh ricotta
270 g. of sugar
20 g. of butter
20 g. of cocoa powder
1 egg
1 tablespoon of vinegar
orange peel
chocolate chips
icing sugar
extra virgin olive oil
Mix the flour, 20 g. of butter, 1 egg, cocoa powder, sugar, and add a
tablespoon of vinegar , Once prepared the dough it has to rest for
about an hour. Flatten the dough with a rolling pin, then create
square shapes with the help of a knife, wrap diagonally the forms
obtained around tubes of tin, then fry in abundant oil.
Dry the forms and allow them to cool, then remove from tin tubes.
Preparing the filling:
Pass the ricotta through a sieve ,add chocolate and sugar. fill
shapes, decorate with candied orange peel and powdered sugar.
The cannoli are the most typical sicilian pastry.
Cannoli Siciliani
I cannoli sono dolci tipici della tradizione sSiciliana
Ingredienti per 4 persone:
150 g. di farina, 500 g. ricotta di fresco, 270 g. di zucchero, 20
g. di burro, 20 g. di cacao in polvere, 1 uovo, 1 cucchiaio di
aceto, buccia d'arancia, pezzi di cioccolato, zucchero a velo,
olio extra vergine di oliva
Mescolare la farina, 20 g. di burro, 1 uovo, cacao in polvere,
zucchero, e aggiungere un cucchiaio di aceto, una volta
preparato l'impasto deve riposare per circa un'ora. Spianare la
pasta con un mattarello, quindi creare forme quadrate, con
l'aiuto di un coltello, avvolgere diagonalmente le forme ottenute
attorno tubi di stagno, poi friggere in abbondante olio.
Asciugare le forme e lasciarle raffreddare, quindi rimuovere dai
tubi di latta.
Preparazione del ripieno:
Passare la ricotta al setaccio, aggiungere il cioccolato e lo
zucchero. riempire le forme, decorare con scorza di arancia
Sarde a Beccafico
Ingredients for 4 people:
1 kg of sardines
150g of breadcrumbs
2 salted anchovies
1 sprig of parsley
30 g pine nuts
50 g raisins
2 lemons
extra virgin olive oil
bay leaves
salt and pepper
Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan and let brown the bread
crumbs ;then , put into a bowl ( keep aside 1 tablespoon ) .
Add the raisins soaked in warm water and squeezed , pine nuts ,
the anchovies , boned and dissolved in a little olive oil , parsley
chopped , a pinch of salt and a pinch of pepper and mix
with all care , incorporating more oil if necessary .
Clean the sardines and removed the head and bones ; wash and
roll out a plan and season with salt . Distributed on each part of the
compound prepared and roll , forming rolls . Arrange , and then , in
a greased baking dish , alternating with bay leaves and thin slices of
At the end , the preparation sprayed with an emulsion of lemon juice
and sprinkle with remaining bread crumbs and a pinch of
sugar.Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.
Ingredienti per 4 persone:
1 kg di sarde
150 g di pangrattato
2 acciughe sotto sale
1 ciuffo di prezzemolo
30 g di pinoli
50 g di uvetta
2 limoni
olio evo
foglie di alloro
Scaldate 2 cucchiai d'olio in padella e lasciatevi dorare il
pangrattato; poi, mettetelo in una terrina (tenendone da parte 1
Aggiungete l'uvetta ammollata in acqua tiepida e strizzata, i pinoli,
le acciughe dissalate, diliscate e sciolte in poco olio, il prezzemolo
tritato, il pecorino, una presa di sale e un pizzico di pepe e
amalgamate con cura tutto, incorporando se necessario altro olio.
Pulite le sarde ed eliminate testa e lische; lavatele, stendetele un
piano e salatele.
Distribuite su ciascuna una parte del composto preparato
e arrotolatele, formando degli involtini. Disponetele, quindi, in una
teglia unta, alternandole con foglie di alloro e fettine sottili di limone.
Alla fine, irrorate la preparazione con un'emulsione di succo di
limone e cospargete con il pangrattato rimasto e un pizzico di
Infornate a 200° per 15 minuti.
Sarde a Beccafico