

Background Papers
Acar, Hakan. 2006. “AB Sürecindeki Türkiye’de Gençlik Politikası Nasıl Yapılanmalı?” (“How Should
Turkey’s Youth Policy be Structured during the EU Process?”)
Arkadaş, Adem. 2004. “Follow-up Situational Report on Children’s Rights in Turkey with Special
Focus on Juvenile Justice”.
Aydınlıgil, Seyhan. 2007. “Türkiye’de Gençlik ve Kalkınma ‘Yapabilirliklerinin’ Genişletilmesi
Üzerine” (“Youth in Turkey and the Enhancement of Development Capabilities”).
Bilir, Nazmi. 2007a. “Çalışma Hayatında bir Risk Grubu: Genç Çalışanlar” (“Young Employees: A
Risk Group in Working Life”).
Bilir, Nazmi. 2007b. “Sağlıklı Yaşam, Sigara ve Gençlik” (”Healthy Living, Cigarette Smoking and
Çarkoğlu, Ali. 2007. “Youth and Participation in Turkey”.
Çeltikçi, Ebrize. 2006. “Gençlik, Demokrasi ve Kalkınma.” (“Youth, Democracy and Development”).
Education Reform Initiative, 2007. “Recommendations on Education”.
Özcebe, Hilal. 2007a. “Gençler ve Şiddet” (“Youth and Violence”).
Özcebe, Hilal. 2007b. “Gençler, Yaralanma, Korunma ve Kontrol” (“Youth, Injury, Protection and
Akpınar, Ayşe, and Hakan Ercan. 2003. “Vocational and Technical Education System Report:
Turkey 2001”. Turin: European Training Foundation.
Ankara Ticaret Odası (Ankara Chamber of Commerce). 2007. “Kayıtsız Gençler” (“Unregistered
Youth”). Ankara. []. August 2007.
Ansell, Nicola. 2005. Children, Youth and Development. London: Routledge.
Bamber, John, and Hamish Murphy. 1999. “Youth Work: The Possibilities for Critical Practice”.
Journal of Youth Studies 2 (2): 227-242.
Behar, Cem. 1999. “The General Panorama of Turkey’s Population: 1923-2023” (Behar, Cem (ed.).
Turkey’s Window of Opportunity: Demographic Transition and Its Implications. Istanbul: TUSIAD
Publications, 1999.
Bessant, Judith. 2004. “Mixed Messages: Youth Participation and Democratic Practice”. Australian
Journal of Political Science. 39 (2): 387-404.
Bessant, Judith. 2005. “Principles for Developing Youth Policy: Kant’s Categorical Imperative
and Developmental Ethics”. Policy Studies. 20 (1): 103-116.
Bessant, Judith. 2003. “Youth Participation: A New Mode of Government”. Policy Studies. 24
(2/3): 87-100.
Birikim Dergisi (Birikim Magazine). 2005. Halleriyle İmajlarıyla Gençlik (Youth with Their Attitudes
and Images). No. 196.
Buğra, Ayşe, and Çağlar Keyder. 2003. “New Poverty and the Changing Welfare Regime of
Turkey”. Report prepared for the UNDP, Ankara.
Burcu, Esra, 1998. “Gençlik Teorilerinin Sınıflandırılmasına İlişkin Bir Çalışma” (A Study on the
Categorization of Youth Theories). Sosyoloji Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Sociology Studies).
1(1-2): 105-136.
Çarkoğlu, Ali et al. 2000. “Siyasi Partilerde Reform” (“Reforming the Political Parties”). Istanbul:
TESEV Publications.
Çelik, Kezban. 2001. The Evolution of the Value of Child in Turkey: Questioning the Roles of the State
and the Family. Unpublished MSc. Thesis.
DİE (Turkish Statistical Institute/ former TURKSTAT). 2004. “Household Budget Survey 2002”.
Education Reform Initiative. 2007. “Call for the Politicians of the to-be-60th Government”. July
2007 (
Ercan, Hakan et al. 2004. “Achieving the Lisbon Goals: The Contribution of Vocational Education
and Training in Turkey”. Turin: European Training Foundation.
Ercan, Hakan. 2003. “Labour Markets and Expected Demand for Vocational Education in Turkey:
A Demographic Perspective”. Paper presented at the International Conference on Innovation in
Higher Education, Kiev, May 2003.
Ercan, Hakan. 2007. “ILO Youth Unemployment Report”. Originally prepared for the World
Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko, and A.K. Shiva Kumar. 2005. Readings in Human Development: Concepts,
Measures and Policies for a Development Paradigm. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko, and Richard Jolly. 2005. “Growth for Human Development?” Sakiko
Fukuda-Parr and A.K. Shiva Kumar (eds.), Readings in Human Development, Second Edition. New
Delhi: Oxford University Press.
Genç Net (ARI Movement). 2002. Türk Gençliği ve Katılım: Katıl ve Geleceğini Yarat I (Turkish Youth
and Participation: Participate and Create Your Future I). Istanbul.
_____ (ARI Movement and Konrad Adenauer Foundation). 2005. Gençlik, Toplum Liderliği ve
Sosyal Sermaye: Katıl ve Geleceğini Yarat IV (Youth, Social Leadership and Social Capital: Participate
and Create Your Future IV).Ankara.
_____(ARI Social Participation and Development Foundation). 2003. Türk Gençliği ve Katılım:
Katıl ve Geleceğini Yarat II (Turkish Youth and Participation: Participate and Create Your Future II ).
_____(ARI Social Participation and Development Foundation). 2004. Türk Gençliği ve Katılım:
Katıl ve Geleceğini Yarat III (Turkish Youth and Participation: Participate and Create Your Future III).
Gürlesel, Can Fuat. 2004. ”Türkiye’nin Kapısındaki Fırsat: 2025’e Doğru Nüfus, Eğitim ve Yeni
Açılımlar” (“The Opportunity at Turkey’s Gate: Population, Education and New Directions
towards 2025”). Education Reform Initiative, Istanbul.
Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies. 2003. “Turkey Demographic and Health
Survey 2003”. Ankara.
ILO (International Labour Organization). 2006. “Global Employment Trends for Youth.”
Kağıtçıbaşı, Çiğdem. 1990. İnsan Aile Kültür (The Humankind, Family and Culture). Istanbul: Remzi
Kardam, F. et al. 2005. “The Dynamics of Honour Killings in Turkey”. United Nations Population
Fund (UNFPA), Ankara.
Kazgan, Gülten. 2007. İstanbul Gençliği: Gençlik Değerleri Araştırması (Istanbul Youth: A Survey of
Youth Values). Istanbul: Bilgi University Publications.
Kırdar, Üner. 2007. Humanizing the Digital Age. United Nations Publications.
Konrad Adanauer Foundation. 1998. “Suskun Kitle Büyüteç Altında” (“The Silent Mass Under
the Magnifying Glass”).
Lewis, Anne (ed.). 2003. Shaping the Future of American Youth: Youth Policy in the 21st Century.
Washington DC: American Youth Policy Forum.
McKenzie, David J. 2007. “A Profile of the World’s Young Developing Country Migrants”. Institute
for the Study of Labour Discussion Paper Series No. 2948, July 2007.
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (Turkish Republic Ministry of National Education). 2007. “National
Education Statistics 2006-2007: Formal Education”. Ankara.
Moller, Herbert. 1968. “Youth as a Force in the Modern World”. Comparative Studies in Society
and History, 10 (3): 237-260.
Neidas, Basile J. 2006. Speech delivered at the OECD Forum on Balancing Globalisation in Paris
on 22-23 May 2006.
Neyzi, Leyla. 2001. “Object or Subject? The Paradox of Youth in Turkey”. International Middle East
Studies, 33 (3): 411- 432.
OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). 2006. “Economic Survey
of Turkey 2006”. Paris.
_____. 2004. “PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) 2003 Assessment:
Problem Solving for Tomorrow’s World”. Paris.
_____. 2007a. “Factbook 2007: Economic, Environmental and Social Statistics”. Paris.
_____. 2007b. “Education at a Glance 2007—OECD Indicators”. Paris.
Otaran, N. et al. 2003. “A Gender Review in Education: Turkey 2003”. United Nations Children’s
Fund (UNICEF), Ankara.
Özbay, Haluk, and Emine Öztürk. 1993. Gençlik (Youth). Yeni Yüzyıl Books.
ÖZ-GE-DER / Özgürlüğünden Yoksun Gençlerle Dayanışma Derneği (Association for
Solidarity with Imprisoned Youth). 2005. ”Islahevleri ve Cezaevlerinde Tutuklu ve Hükümlü
Durumda Bulunan Çocukların Sosyal ve Yasal Koşullarının İyileştirilmesi” (Improvement of the
Social and Legal Conditions of Detained and Convicted Children in Correctional Facilities).
Pyvis, David. 1992. ”Is Youth Policy Really New?” Youth Studies Australia 11 (1): 14.
Raffo, Carlo, and Michelle Reeves. 2000. “Youth Transitions and Social Capital: Developments
in Social Capital Theory”. Journal of Youth Studies 3 (2): 147-166.
Roth, Jodie L., and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2003. “What Exactly Is a Youth Development
Programme? Answers From Research and Practice”. Applied Developmental Science 7 (2): 94111.
Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarında Gönüllülük ve Gençlik (Volunteerism and Youth in Civil Society
Organizations). 2002. Symposium on Civil Society Organizations in Turkey. Istanbul: The History
Foundation Publications.
SPO (State Planning Organization) and UNDP (United Nations Development Programme).
2005. “Turkey Millennium Development Goals Report”. Ankara.
Taşçı, Mehmet, and Aysıt Tansel. “Youth Unemployment Duration in Turkey”. METU Studies in
Development 32 (2): 517-545.
TESEV (Turkey Economic and Social Studies Foundation). 2005. “Üniversite Gençliği Değerler
Araştırması” (“Values of University Youth Survey”). Istanbul.
Torun Reid, Fatma. 2002. Unutkan Erkekler Hadileyen Anneler: Yaşamın İçinden Psikoloji (Forgetful
Men and Their Controlling Mothers: Psychology from Everyday Life). Istanbul: Sistem Publications.
Tufan, İsmail, and Özgür Arun. 2006. “Turkey Handicapped People Research 2002: Advanced
Analysis Report”. The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) and State
Planning Organization (DPT), Ankara.
Tunalı, İnsan et al. 2004. “Employment Background Study.” Turin: European Training Foundation.
Tunalı, İnsan . 1996. “Labour Market Implications of the Demographic Window of Opportunity.”
Forum December 1996.
Tunalı et al. 2006. “Employment Background Study”, Turin, European Training Foundation, 2004;
World Bank, Turkey Labour Market Study, 2006.
Turkish Republic Ministry of Health. 2003. “Health Transformation Programme”. Ankara.
TURKSTAT (Turkish Statistical Institute). 2006. Household Labour Force Survey database.
[]. July 2007.
_____. 2007. Turkey’s Statistical Yearbook of 2006. Ankara.
TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey). 2003. “Vision 2023:
Education Intermission Report”. Ankara.
Türk Sosyal Bilimler Derneği (Turkish Social Sciences Association). 2005. “Gençlik, AB ve Zıt
Hisler: Bedenini İsterim ama Ruhunu Asla” (“Youth, EU and Conflicting Feelings: I Want Your
Body But Never Your Soul”).
UIS Bulletin on Science and Technology Statistics. 2004. Issue No. 1, April 2004.
UN (United Nations). 2001. Implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth to
the Year 2000 and Beyond (A/56/180). Report of the United Nations’ Secretary-General to the
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_____. 2001. The United Nations Youth Agenda: Empowering Youth for Development and Peace.
_____. 2004. “World Youth Development Report 2003: The Global Situation of Young People”.
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_____. 2005. “World Youth Report: Young People Today and in 2015”. United Nations
_____. 2001. The United Nations Youth Agenda: Empowering Youth for Development and
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). 2000a. “Cambodia Human Development
Report: Children and Employment”. Phnom Penh.
_____. 2000b. “Bosnia and Herzegovina 2000 Youth Human Development Report”. Sarajevo.
_____. 2000c. Global Human Development Report 2000: Human Rights and Human
Development. New York.
_____. 2001. “Lithuania Human Development Report 2001: Opportunities for Youth and Human
Development”. Vilnius.
_____. 2002. “Russian Federation Human Development Report 2001: Generational Aspects of
Human Development”. Moscow.
_____. 2004a. Croatia National Human Development Report: Youth. Zagreb.
_____. 2004b. “Jordan Human Development Report 2004: Building Sustainable Livelihoods”.
_____. 2004c. “Panama Human Development Report 2004: La Voz de la Juventud”.
UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization). 2002. “UNESCO
Mainstreaming—The Needs of Youth”. Paris.
_____. 2004. “UNESCO’s Contribution—Empowering Youth through National Policies”. Paris.
_____. 2005. “Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2005: The Quality Imperative.” Paris.
_____. 2007. “Education for All Global Monitoring Report 2007: Strong Foundations, Early
Childhood Care and Education”. Paris.
UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund). 2003. “State of World Population 2003: Making One
Billion Count—Investing in Adolescents’ Health and Rights”.
_____. 2007. “State of World Population 2007: Unleashing the Potential of Urban Growth”.
United States Department of Education. 2001. “Progress in International Reading Literacy
Study 2001”.
Van Oudenhoven, Nico, and Rekha Wazir. 1996. “Youth Policies and Programmes: Strategies for
Internationalization and Dissemination”. Leiden: International Child Development Initiatives.
Wallace, C. and M. Cross. 1990. Youth in Transition: The Sociology of Youth and Youth Policy.
London: Falmer Press.
World Bank. 2005a. “Turkey Education Sector Study: Sustainable Pathways to an Effective,
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Human Development Sector Unit, Europe and Central Asia Region in association with Education
Reform Initiative/ Istanbul Policy Center, December 31, 2005.
_____. 2005b. “Turkey Poverty Policy Recommendations,” Vol. II.
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Europe and Central Asia Region. April 14, 2006.
_____. 2007. “World Development Report: Development and the Next Generation.”
Yılmaz, H. 2006. “The Quality of Fiscal Adjustment in Turkey: The Case of Social Expenditures.”
Presentation at the World Bank. Ankara.
YÖK (Yükseköğretim Kurulu—Council of Higher Education). 2007. “Türkiye’nin Yüksek
Öğretim Stratejisi” (“Turkey’s Tertiery Education Strategy”). Ankara.

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