kongre ki̇tabi 2012


kongre ki̇tabi 2012
Tarladan Sofraya Gıda Kongresi – From the Field to the Table Food Congress
Dünya Kooperatifcilik Yılı – UN International Year of Co-operatives 2012
izleri Akdeniz’in bu güzel şehrinde, Antalya’da konuk ettiğimiz için çok gurur duyuyoruz. Tarım, birbirine bağlı, çok fonksiyonlu, çok taraflı ve çok bilimli bir faaliyettir. Bu faaliyetler sonucunda, çeşitli
ürünler (gıda,yem, lif, biyoyakıt, tıbbı, aromatik ve süs bitkileri) ve çeşitli hızmetler(parklar, bahçeler,
rekreasyon alanları, çevre düzenlemesi, kültür mirasları) ortaya çıkmaktadır. Yaşamı şekillendiren çok çeşitli,
insan ihtiyaçlarını ve ilgilerini sürdürülebilir şekilde karşılamak için, yerel ve çok uluslu paylaşıma ve işbirliğine ihtiyaç vardır. Bu kongrenin amacı; güncel bilgi ağının, bilim ve teknolojinin, dünyada ve bölgede daha
iyi yaşam koşulları için, değerlendirme yaparak,
- İşsizlik,yoksulluk,açlık ve obeziteyi azaltmak.
- Kırsal yaşam kalitesini, iyileştirmek
- Çevreye, insana saygılı, sürdürülebilir, eşit, ekonomik kalkınmayı sağlamak.
Hızla değişen dünyada, özellikle, şehirleşme, göç, eşitsizlik, küreselleşme,nufüsün, biyoyakıtlara
talebin arttığı, yeme alışkanlıklarının değiştiği, iklim değişikliği, çevrenin sürekli bozulduğu, biyoçeşitliliğin
azaldığı bir dünyadayız. Bu şartlar, yerel, ulusal ve global gıda güvenliğini, üretim kapasitesini, ekosistemi,
etkilemektedir. Küresel ticari rekabet sistemi içinde bu problemlerin çözümlenmesi, doğal kaynakların,
bilim ve teknolojinin optimum kullanımını zorunlu hale getirmektedir. Kongrenin 3 günlük yoğun çalışmalarında tüm bu konuları ve daha fazlasını konuşma imkanı bulacağız. Hepinize gerçeği, sadece, bilimsel
gerçekleri arama yolunda organizasyon komitesi adına şans diliyorum.
Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ
Kongre Düzenleme Kurulu Başkanı
15-19, Şubat, 2012, Belek, Antalya, Türkiye
Tarım Federasyonu Genel Başkanı
t is a great honour for us to host you in this beautiful Mediterranean city, Antalya. Agriculture is multifunctional, multistakeholder, and multidisciplinary process, but also interconnected activity. The concept
of multifunctionality recognizes agriculture as a multi-output activity producing not only commodities
(food, feed, fibers,fuels, medicinal products and ornamentals), but also noncommodity outputs such as environmental services, landscape amenities and cultural heritages. In order to address the diverse needs
and interests that shape human life, we need a shared approach to sustainability with local and cross-national collaboration. The objective of this Congress was to assess the current knowledge, networking, Science and Technology for a better human conditions in the world and locally by
• reduction of unemployment, hunger, poverty, and obesity
• improvement of rural livelihoods and human health, and
• equitable, socially, environmentally and economically sustainable development for all.
Meeting these goals has to be placed in the context of a rapidly changing world of urbanization, growing inequities, human migration, globalization, changing dietary preferences, climate change, environmental
degradation, a trend toward biofuels and an increasing population. These conditions are affecting local and
global food security and putting pressure on productive capacity and ecosystems. Hence there are unprecedented challenges ahead in providing food within a global trading system where there are other competing
uses for agricultural and other natural resources. During this 3 day congress we will discuss many of these
problems and more. On behalf of organizing committee, I wish you all the luck for your search in scientific
truth, nothing but the truth.
Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ
Chair of the Congress organizing committee
February, 15th-19th, 2012, Antalya, Belek, Turkey.
President of Agricultural Federation
Kongre hazırlık çalışmalarının çeşitli aşamalarında bize desteklerini esirgemeyen, aşağıda isimleri
yazılı kuruluşlara, yöneticilerine ve personeline teşekkür ederiz. Bu destekler sayesinde bu önemli uluslararası bilimsel ve sosyal faaliyet gerçekleşmiştir.
Kongre Düzenleme Kurulu
We would like to thank to the following organizations for their support and endorsement of the Congress.
Congress Organizing Committee
T.C. Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı
T.C. Avrupa Birliği Bakanlığı
T.C. Kalkınma Bakanlığı,
T.C. Ekonomi Bakanlığı,
T.C.ODTÜ Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü
TBB (Türkiye Belediyeler Birliği) Genel Sekreterliği
FAO Direktörü Ankara
Dünya Bankası Direktörü Ankara
TİKA(Türkiye İktisadi Kalkınma Ajansı)
TİM(Türkiye İhracatcılar Merkezi)
TAF (Türkiye Aşcılar Federasyonu)
TPF(Türkiye Perakendeciler Federasyonu)
Ayrıca, kongre kitabının hazırlanmasında emeği geçen, ODTÜ öğrencileri; Ali İncemehmetoğlu, Cihan
Tatar, Erkut Tiryakioğlu, İbrahim Yıldız ve Fahri Dağlıoğlu’na teşekkürü bir borç biliriz.
Kongre Düzenleme Kurulu
Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ
Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü
Kongre Başkanı
Prof. Dr. Sait GEZGİN
Selçuk Üniversitesi
Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki
Besleme Bölümü
Bölüm Başkanı
Arş. Asistanı Cihan TATAR
Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü
T.C. Başbakanlık
Türk İş Birliği Kalkınma Başkanlığı
Tarım Federasyonu
Genel Merkez
Genel Başkan
Burhan ER
Genel Merkez
Genel Başkan
Zir.Yük.Müh. Osman ÖZBAY
Tarım Federasyonu
Genel Merkez
Genel Müdür
Tarımsal Pazarlama
Genel Koordinatörlük
Genel Koordinatör
Zir. Yük.Müh. Sabri GÜLERSÖNMEZ
Tarım Federasyonu
Genel Merkez
Genel Başkan Yard.
TİM (Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi)
TİM Sektörler Konseyi Üyesi
Ege Tütün İhracatçıları Birliği
Yönetim Kurulu Bşk. Yrd.
Mustafa SATICI
TİM (Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi)
Dr. İbrahim GÜÇDEMİR
Antalya İhracatçılar Birliği
Enstitü Müdür Yrd.
Yönetim Kurulu Bşk.
Genel Başkan
Genel Başkan
Bülent Özcan
Proje Uygulama Dairesi
Daire Başkanı
Ramazan ÖZKAYA
Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı
Dr. Ayşegül AKIN
Ziraat Müh. Halil POLAT
Tarım Federasyonu
Stratejik Tarımsal Araştırmalar Merkezi
Yurdakul SAÇLI
Planlama Uzmanı
Dr. Faruk CÖMERT
Hazine Müsteşarlığı
Hazine Uzmanı
Bedrullah ERÇİN
Antalya Tarım İl Müdürlüğü
İl Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık
FAO Temsilci Yardımcısı
Mekez Başkanı
Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ
METU-Department of Food Engineering and Biotechnology
Prof. Dr. Sait GEZGİN
Selçuk University Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Agricultural Engineer – Agriculture Specialist
Republic of Turkish Prime Ministry-The Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency
Federation of Agriculture Chairman of The Board of The Directors
Burhan ER
TÜMESKOM Chairman of The Board of The Directors
Ag. Engin. Osman ÖZBAY
Federation of Agriculture General Manager
Agricultural Marketing General Coordinator
Ag. Engin. Sabri GÜLERSÖNMEZ
Federation of Agriculture Assistant General Manager
TEA (Turkish Exporters Assembly) TIM Sectoral Council Associate Aegean Tobacco Exporters Union
Mustafa SATICI
TEA (Turkish Exporters Assembly) Antalya Exporters’ Association
Dr. Ibrahim GÜÇDEMİR
Central Research Institute of Soil, Fertilizers and Water Resources Management General Manager
TUSKOOP Chairman of The Board of The Directors
KÖYKOOP Chairman of The Board of The Directors
Bülent ÖZCAN
(GSEU) General Secretariat of the European Union Project Execution Department
Ramazan ÖZKAYA
SÜRKOOP Chairman of The Board of The Directors
Dr. Aysegül AKIN
FAO Turkey Assisting FAO Representetive
Ag. Engin. Halil POLAT
Federation of Agriculture Strategic Agricultural Research Center Chief
Yurdakul SAÇLI
State Planning Organization-Planning Expert
Dr. Faruk CÖMERT
Ministry of Economic Affairs-Specialist
Bedrullah ERÇİN
Antalya Provincial Directorate of Agriculture Province Director
Prof. Dr. Tayfun AĞAR Çukurova Üniversitesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü Adana
Prof. Dr. Hami ALPAS ODTÜ Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Ankara
Prof. Dr. Alev BAYINDIRLI ODTU Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Ankara
Prof. Dr. Ali BİLGİLİ Ankara Üniversitesi Farmakoloji-Toksikoloji Bölümü Ankara
Prof. Dr. Jeffrey B.BLUMBERG Tuft Üniversitesi Antioksidanlar Araş. Merkez Bşk. Boston, ABD
Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı BOYACI Hacettepe Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Ankara
Prof. Dr. Faruk BOZOĞLU ODTU Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Ankara
Prof. Dr. Muharrem CERTEL Akdeniz Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Antalya
Prof. Dr. Erol ÇAKMAK ODTU İktisat Bölümü Ankara
Prof. Dr. Giovanni DİNELLİ Bologna Üniversitesi Tarım ve Çevre Bilimleri Böl. Bologna, İtalya
Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERKAN Akdeniz Üniversitesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü Antalya
Prof. Dr. Hasan FENERCİOĞLU Çukurova Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Adana
Prof. Dr. Sait GEZGİN Selçuk Üniversitesi Toprak Bölümü Konya
Prof. Dr. Fahrettin GÖĞÜŞ Gaziantep Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Gaziantep
Prof. Dr. Kadir HALKMAN Ankara Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Ankara
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Barçın KARAKAŞ Akdeniz Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Atalya
Prof. Dr. Athanasios E.LABROPOULOS Atina Teknoloji Eğitim Fakültesi Gıda Kimyası,Bölümü Atina, Yunanistan
Dr. Jim LOFTON, Çevre Koruma Otoritesi( EPA), ABD
Prof.Dr. Daryl LUND Wisconsin Üniversitesi Gıda Bilimleri ve Müh. Madison, ABD
Doç. Dr. Behiç MERT ODTU Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Ankara
Prof. Dr. Semih ÖTLEŞ Ege Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü İzmir
Prof. Dr. Murat ÖZDEMİR Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü İzmit
Prof. Dr. Barbaros ÖZER Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Bolu
Prof. Dr. Peter RASPOR Ljubljana Üniversitesi Biyoteknoloji ve Mikrobiyoloji Böl Slovenya
Prof. Dr. Chris J. SMITH, Direktor, Manchester Gıda Araştırma Merkezi, Editorler Kurulu Başkanı, International Journal of Food Science and Technology.
Doç. Dr. Özlem TOKUŞOĞLU Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Manisa
Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ (Bilim Kurulu Başkanı) ODTU Gıda Mühendisliği ve Biyoteknoloji Bölümü Ankara
Arş.Asistanı Cihan Tatar ODTU Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü Ankara
Ali İncemehmetoğlu ODTU Biyoteknoloji Ankara
Prof. Dr. Tayfun AĞAR Çukurova University Department of Horticulture Adana
Prof. Dr. Hami ALPAS METU Department of Food Engineering Ankara
Prof. Dr. Alev BAYINDIRLI METU Department of Food Engineering Ankara
Prof. Dr. Ali BİLGİLİ Ankara University Toxicology and Farmacology Department Ankara
Prof.Dr. Jeffrey B.BLUMBERG Tuft University Boston, ABD
Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı BOYACI Hacettepe University Department of Food Engineering Ankara
Prof. Dr. Faruk BOZOĞLU METU Department of Food Engineering Ankara
Prof. Dr. Muharrem CERTEL Akdeniz University Department of Food Engineering Antalya
Prof. Dr. Erol ÇAKMAK METU Department of Economics Ankara
Prof. Dr. Giovanni DİNELLİ Bologna University Department of Agroenvironmental Sciences Bologna, Italy
Prof. Dr. Mustafa ERKAN Akdeniz University Department of Horticulture Antalya
Prof. Dr. Hasan FENERCİOĞLU Çukurova University Department of Food Engineering Adana
Prof. Dr. Sait GEZGİN Selçuk University Department of Soil Sciences and Plant Nutrition Konya
Prof. Dr. Fahrettin GÖĞÜŞ Gaziantep University Department of Food Engineering Gaziantep
Dr. İbrahim GÜÇDEMİR TGAE Ministry of Food,Agriculture and Livestock, Ankara
Prof. Dr. Kadir HALKMAN Ankara University Department of Food Engineering Ankara
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Barçın KARAKAŞ Akdeniz University Department of Food Engineering Atalya
Prof. Dr. Athanasios E.LABROPOULOS Technology University of Athens Department of Food Chemistry Atina, Yunanistan
Prof. Dr. Daryl LUND Wisconsin University, Department of Food Science and Engineering. Madison, Wisconsin. ABD, President of the INTERNATIONAL
Doç. Dr. Behiç MERT METU Department of Food Engineering Ankara
Prof. Dr. Semih ÖTLEŞ Ege University Department of Food Engineering İzmir
Prof. Dr. Murat ÖZDEMİR Gebze Institue of Technology Department of Chemical Engineering İzmit
Prof. Dr. Barbaros ÖZER Abant İzzet Baysal University Department of Food Engineering Bolu
Prof. Dr. Peter RASPOR Ljubljana University Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology Slovenya
Prof. Dr. Chris J. SMITH, Director, Manchester Food Research Centre,Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Food Science and Technology
Doç. Dr. Özlem TOKUŞOĞLU Celal Bayar University Department of Food Engineering Manisa
Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ (Chairman of The Scientific and Organizing Committee) Middle East Technical University(METU) Department of Food Engineering
and Biotechnology, Ankara
Res. Asst. Cihan Tatar Middle East Technical University Department of Food Engineering Ankara
Ali İncemehmetoğlu Middle East Technical University, Department of Biotechnology, Ankara
1-Professor Dr.Peter Raspor, DDr.H.C. ,
SLOVENIA Chair of the Ambassadors
2-Dr.Fatih Yıldız,
TURKEY Co-Chair of the Ambassadors
3-Prof. Arnaldo DOSSENA ,
4-Dr. Torsten Bohn,
5-Prof.Dr. Athan E.
6-Ass. Prof. Theodoros Varzakas ,
7- Dr. Irina Stanciugelu,
8-Prof.Dr.Toomas Paalme,
9-Prof. Dr. Herbert J. Buckenhüskes ,
10-Dr.Nesli Sözer,
11- Dr.Irena Colic Baric,
12-Martina Piasek, M.D., Ph.D ,
13-Professor Chris. J. Smith ,
14-Prof. Philippe DANIEL,
15-Dr.Yvonne Granfeldt ,
16-Prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Trziszka, ,
17-Prof.Dr.Inga Ciprovica
18-Assoc. Prof. Daniela Smogrovicova,
19-Prof. Dr Peter SIMKO,
20- Dr. nat. techn. Marija Zunabovic ,
21- Dr. András Nagy,
22-Dr.Ekaterina Fedorenko
23-Galina Lyashenko,
24-Dr.Faruk Bozoğlu,
25-Prof.Dr.Rozana Troja,
26-Prof. Dr. Viktor Nedovic ,
27-Prof. Olga Koroleva,
1-Prof.Dr. Daryl Lund,
2-Dr. Nasr Noori Al Anbari,
3- Assis. Prof. Kathleen Kevany ,
4-Dr.BISSATI Samia,
5-Indra Purnama
6-Assist.Prof. Abdulaziz Abdulrahman Al-Askar,
7-Prof.Dr. A. Liaghat ,
8- Assis.Prof.M.Aasif Shahzad,
9-Dr.Abeygunawardane D
10- Luan Ahmetaj
11-Prof.Dr. Muhammad Alu'datt
12-Prof.Dr. Ahmed A.El-Refai
13-Prof. Leonid V. Kaprelyants,
14- Dr. Karnauh Viktoria
15-Dr.Amera Mohammed Saleh Alrubeii
16-Dr. Mohamed S. Alhammadi
17-Olumide Adedokun Odeyemi
18-Abubacker Siddick Syed
19-Prof.Dr.Hafiz Muminjanov
20-Hajjah Jumaatun Azmi,
21-Alassane BEYE,
22-Umar Faruk Mkabir
Maritim Pine Beach Resort Belek
Ileribasi Mevkii 5.Parsel Belek 07525 TÜRKIYE
Telefon: +90 242 710 02 00
Web Adres: http://www.maritim.com.tr
Kongre kayıt ve bilgilendirme masaları resepsiyon alanında ve fuar alanında olacaktır.
Kayıt/Bilgilendirme masaları aşağıda belirtilen saatlerde görev yapacaktır.
Ana Resepsiyon Salonu : 08:00 – 24:00
Fuar Salonu
: 09:00 – 18:00
Güvenlik ve yemek sebebiyle kongre yaka kartlarını taktığınızdan emin olunuz. Kartın kaybolmasiyla yenisinin
değiştirilmesi kayıt masasından mümkün olmaktadır.
Lütfen sözlü sunumların ne zaman ve nerede olduklarına kongre çantanızdan bakınız.
Stand gösteri ve içerikleri kongre boyunca fuar alanında kurulacak yerlerde gerçekleşecektir.
Poster sunumları kongre boyunca fuar alanında gösterilecektir.
Lütfen sunumlarınızı kendi sunumunuzdan en az 2 saat öncesine kadar sunum yapacağınız salonda ki
görevliye teslim ediniz.
Kongre özet ve bildirilerin olduğu kitap ve cd kongre katılımcılarına teslim edilecektir.
Katılımcı sertifikaları kayıt masasından temin edilebilir.
Simultane çeviriler İngilizce ve Türkçe olarak iki dilde profesyonel çevirmenler tarafından çevirilecektir.
İş kıyafetleri kongre sunumları için
Günlük kıyafet akşam yemekleri ve sosyal aktivitelerde kullanılacaktır.
Belek, Antalya Havaalanına kısa transfer mesafesi olan,Antalya ve Side arasında yer almaktadır. Belek Antalya’nın 40 kilometre uzağındadır. Yıllar önce Antalya ile birlikte anılan Belek, zamanla Antalya’dan farklı
bir tatil bölgesi olarak anılmaya başlamıştır. Modern otelleri, alış veriş olanakları, bir yanda güzel yemekler
yiyip bir yandan da bulunduğunuz mekanlardan keyif alabileceğiniz restoranları... ve özellikle dünya standartlarında olan golf tesisleriyle doğa ile sporu, tarih ile dinlenmeyi bir arada sunan bir tatil bölgemizdir.
Belek ile ilgili bilgileri www.betuyab.org/index.asp adresinden temin edebilirsiniz.
Telefon: +90 549 737 36 76
E-mail: [email protected]
M. Fatih ORUÇ
Telefon: +90 542 448 54 49
E-mail: [email protected]
WEB SİTESİ: www.tarimvegidakongresi.org
Maritim Pine Beach Resort Belek
Ileribasi Mevkii 5.Parsel Belek 07525 TURKEY
Phone: +90 242 710 02 00
The conference registration/information desks will be located in Main Reception Hall and Convention Hall.
The registration/information desks will remain throughout the conference and will be staffed at the following
Main Reception Hall: 08:00 – 24:00
Convention Hall: 09:00 – 18:00
For security reasons and catering purposes please make sure your wear your conference badge. Replacements for lost badges are available from the registration desk.
Please see the full oral program in your conference bag for all session timings and locations.
Table top displays will be located for the duration of the congress in main convention hall.
Posters will be displayed for the duration of the congress in the Convention Hall.
Please upload your presentation at least two hours prior to your presentation in the technical area in the
belong hall.
Electric Currency is 220 Volt, AC 50 cycles. Two-pin round plugs are used. The converters can be provided
from hotel receptions.
Pay phones are available at the congress venue as well as in the city. Phone cards are widely available in
shops. The international dialing code for Turkey is 90, and the code for ANTALYA city is 242
National calls: 0 + city code + telephone number
International calls: 00 + country code + city code + telephone number
All major credit cards (Visa, Master Card) are accepted in Turkey by restaurants, hotels, shops and at the
Congress Registration Desks.
Tipping is not mandatory in Turkey. However it is customary to add 10% in restaurants if you are satisfied
with the service.
The congress book/CD, which includes lecturers’ text and abstracts, will be delivered to the congress participants.
The currency unit is Turkish Lira (TL). Convertible foreign currency may be exchanged at the airport, hotels
and banks and also private foreign exchange offices throughout the city that operate between 08.00 to 18.00
hrs. Local banks are open from 08.30 to 17.00 hrs from Monday to Friday. They are closed at weekends and
at public holidays.
Time is two hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT +2) in Turkey.
Certificates of Attendance are available from registration desk.
Throughout the month of February daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 16°C that's
about 60°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 5°C, that's 42°F.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English and Turkish by professional conference interpreters.
• Business attire for the conference business sessions
• Smart casual for the evening social events
Enjoying the advantage of a short transfer time from Antalya Airport, belek, located between Antalya and
Side, is part of a new tourist region where everything has been done to attract the holidaymarker.
The area is rich with thick pine and eucalyptus, which stretch down to a marvelous and almost limitless
beach of golden sand. The area consists of various hotels, clubs and holiday villages, each vying with the
other in architectural creativity. Sporting types will love it here as there is a wealth of activity on hand. Transfer time from Antalya Airport approx. 25 mins.
You can find all the practical information for Belek,Antalya http://www.betuyab.org/en/index.asp (events,
things to do, directories…) by visiting.
Phone: +90 549 737 36 76
E-mail: [email protected]
M.Fatih ORUÇ
Phone: +90 542 448 54 49
E-mail: [email protected]
Cogress website: www.foodandagriculturecongress.org
Hasankhani, Razie
Hasankhani, Roya
Kıymaz, Taylan
Kendal, Enver
Alpas, Hami
Bozolu, T. Faruk
Aludatt, Muhammad H.
Lofton, J. Jim A.
Ekici, Mithat
Demir, Ömer Atay,
ensoy, Serhat
Demircan, Mesut
Ulupinar, Yusuf
Acar, Yılmaz
Tüvan, Arzu
Balta, zzet
Kervankiran, Seher
Yaan, Serpil
Stanciugelu, Irina
Masoudi, R.
Zehtabian, Gh.
Sigaroodi, S. Khalighi
Khosravi, H.
Optimization, Characterization And
Quantification Of Phenolic Compounds In
Olive Mill Wastewater (Omw)
Environmental Stewardship for food and
beverage producers in the USA
The Impact of Climate Change on Food Chain
The Effect Of Climate Change On Barley
Cultivation In Southeast Anatolia
Güneydou Anadolu bölgesinde iklim
deiikliinin arpa yetitiricilii üzerine etkisi
The Impact Of Climate Change On Food
Chain Security: Total Food Protection
klim Deiiklii Ve Gıda Ekonomisi Açısından
Kyoto Protocol And Agricultural Operations
Role In GHC Emissions With Turkey Situation
Emphasis (In This Protocol)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Department Of Nutrition And Food
Technology, Jordan University Of Science
And Technology P.O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110
Virginia Inc. USA, 1200 Park Road,
Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802
Dept. Of Food Eng. Middle East Technical
Metu Food Eng. Dept., Ankara
Tel: +903122105618
Gap Uluslararası Tarımsal Aratırma Ve
Eitim Merkezi Müdürlüü, Diyarbakır
Tel: +904123261340
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Senior University Lecturer Phd, Faculty Of
Communication And Public Relations,
National School Of Political Studies And
Public Administration
M.Sc, Private Law, University of Bu-Ali Sina,
Hamedan, Iran
M.Sc., Agriculture Mechanization, University
of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
Dr., Dpt
[email protected]
Klimatoloji ube Müdürlüü, Meteoroloji
Genel Müdürlüü, 06120 Keçiören/Ankara
Tel: +90 312 3022456
[email protected]
Regional climate change scenarios and effects
of climate change on agriculture
Bölgesel klim Deiiklii Senaryolari Ve
klim Deiikliinin Tarima Etkileri
Environmental Security And Food Supply
Chain – A Risk Governance Approach
Romania And Turkey Case Study
Phd In De-Desertification, University Of
Tehran, Iran
Prof., Faculty Of Natural Resources,
University Of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
Asist. Prof., Faculty Of Natural Resources,
University Of Tehran
[email protected]
Comparison Of Monitoring Of Drought Using
Pnpi And Nitzche And Zoning Them By Idw
Method (Case Study: Kashan, Iran)
Degree & Full Address
Title Of Paper
Viktoria, Karnauh
Alrijabo, A. Abdulsattar
Jasim, Abdul Razzak A.
Hassoon, Waleed H.
Lund, Daryl
Smith, Christopher
Raspor, Peter
ncemehmetolu, Ali
Yıldız, Fatih
Cheema, Z.A.
Jahangir, A.
Mustafa, K.
Naeem, M.
Hasankhani, R.
Navid, H.
Seyedarabi, H.
Purnama, Indra
Septiadi, Agri
Dan Prantino
Development Of Aptmer Technology For
Application In The Detection Of Microbial
Contaminants In Food Systems
European Food, Technology and Nutrition
Food Engineering: Moving The Research
Agenda Forward
Effect Of The New Farming System – Zero
Tillage In Growth, Yield & Its Component Of
Bread Wheat, Durum Wheat And Barley Crop
In Moderate Rainfall Area In Ninevah Province
The Effect Of Changing Rolls Speed Of
Machine Husking Rubber Rolls On Rice Husk
Quality And Breakage Percentage For Two
Rice Cultivars
Investigation Of The Effect Of Different
Support Medium On Product With Nutrient
Film Techique
Deiik Destek Maddelerinin Akan Su
Klültürü Yönteminde Aratirilması
Gıda Sanayi Iletmelerindeki Isıtma
Sistemlerinde Solar Sistemin Kullanımı
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Improvement Of Maize Yield With NaturalAllelopathic Plant Water Extracts
Potato Sorting In Machine Vision System
[email protected]
Compost Utilization Of Empty Fruit Bunches
Oil Palm As Effort Towards Sustainable
Organic Agriculture In Riau Province,
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty,
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Chair of Biotechnology,
Microbiology and Food Safety, Jamnikarjeva
101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Prof. Dr., Dept. Of Agricultural Machines
And Equipment, College Of Agriculture,
University Of Baghdad, Iraq
Asist. Lect., Department Of Soil And Water
Resource\ College Of Agriculture\ Babylon
Department Of Food Science, University Of
Doç., “Mikhail-Tugan-Baranovskogo” Adını
Taıyan Donetsk Ulusal Ekonomi Ve Ticaret
Üniversitesi, Soutma Ve Ticaret Teknik
Fakültesi, Ukrayna
Field Crop Department, Mosul University,
Ninevah, Iraq
M.Sc., Dept. of Agricultural Machinery,
University of Tabriz, Iran
Assist. Prof., Dept. of Agricultural
Machinery, University of Tabriz, Iran
Assist. Prof., Dept. of Telecommunication,
Faculty of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz,
Prof. Dr.,
Candidate Master Student Of
Environmental Chemistry, Gadjah Mada
Undergraduate Student Of Agriculture, Riau
Weed Science And Allelopathy Lab.,
Deparment Of Argonomy, Univesity Of
Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Güne, Gürbüz
Niyaz, Özge Can
Tan, Sibel
Demirba, Nevin
Mirakzadeh, Ali Asghar
Heidari, Hossein
Bahrami, Majid
Altıok, Duygu
Altıok, Evren
Sajadian, S. S.
Shoeibi, Sh.
Eshaghi, M. R.
Shahrestani, M.
Khaneghag, A. Mousavi
Amirahmadi, M.
Aygün, Ahmet
Uslu, Mustafa Kemal
Yıldız, Fatih
Necessity Of Familiary With The Patterns Of
Modern Sustainable Agriculture “Durable,
Organic (Bio), Precision And Protection”
Türkiyede Gıda Güvencesi Meselesinin Bazı
Gıda Ürünleri Çerçevesinde Deerlendirilmesi
Active Packaging: Chitosan Based Films
Enriched With Proanthocyanidin
Determination of Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether
(BADGE) and its derivatives in canned tuna
fish from the Irans market
Advances In Modified Atmosphere Packaging
Of Foods
Sustainable Biorefineries And Biomass In The
21st Century
21.Yüzyilda, Sürdürülebilir Biyorafineriler Ve
Gıdaların Ambalajlanmasında Yeni Eilimler:
Nanoparçacık çeren Ambalaj Malzemeleri
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Associate Prof., Agricultural Extension And
Education, College Of Agriculture And
Natural Resources, University Of Razi, Iran
Graduate Degree, Rural Development,
College Of Agriculture And National
Resources, University Of Razi & Islamic
Azad University, Science And Research
Branch, Young Researcher Club, Songhor &
Kuliaei, Iran
Graduate Degree, Master Of Rural
Development, College Of Agriculture And
National Resources, University Of Razi
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi,
Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü,
Tel: 05532368462
Ege Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım
Ekonomisi Bölümü, zmir
Departmenr Of Food Engineering, stanbul
Aydın University – Istanbul
Tel: +905525564241
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Varamin Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Varamin, Iran
Food and Drug Control Laboratories
(FDCLs), Deputy for Food & Drug, MOH,
Tehran, Iran
Department of Food Engineering, Middle
East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
Istanbul Technical University, Food
Engineering Department, Maslak, Istanbul
Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Gıda Mühendislii
Bölümü, Antalya, Türkiye
Prof. Dr.,Orta Dou Teknik Üniversitesi,
Gıda Mühendislii ve Biyoteknoloji Bölümü,
Ankara, Türkiye
Kandemir, Olcay
Cömert, Nezaket
Tamer, Uur
Gıda Analizlerine Yönelik Nanokompozir Ve
Nanomaterial Üretimi Ve Karakterizasyonu
Traceability Of Olive Oil In Greece: A Farm To
Fork Approach
Varzakas, T.
Practical implementation of traceability in ouzo
and tsipouro, traditional Greek drinks using the
GSI system
Varzakas, T.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Doç. Dr., Gazi Üniversitesi, Eczacılık
Fakültesi, Ankara
Tel: +903122023105
Prof Dr, Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Ankara
Onkoloji Eitim ve Aratırma Hastanesi,
Patoloji Klinii
Dr, Gıda,Tarım ve Hayvancılık
Bakanlıı,Tekilatlanma Dairesi
Eskiehir Yolu 9.Km Karısı LodumluÇankaya/ Ankara
PhD student, Biotechnology department,
Molecular Microbiology department, Rafık
Saydam National Hygiene
Center, Sihiye, Ankara
Prof. Dr.,Microbiology Lab, TOBB-ETU
Prof. Dr.,Biotechnology,Biochemistry,Food
Engineering Department, METU, Ankara
[email protected]
DNA finger printing of Pseudomonas
aeroginosa isolated from hospital sections
through Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis
(PFGE) Method
Alipour, N.
Karagöz, A.
Taner, A.
Durmaz, R.
Yıldız, F.
Prof. Dr. , Ankara Üniversitesi, Veteriner
Fakültesi, Farmakoloji Ve Toksikoloji
Anabilim Dalı, 06110, Ankara
[email protected]
The Adverse Effects Of Veterinary Drug
Residues In Foods On Our Health,
Applications For The Prevention Of Residues
In Turkey
Gıdalardaki Veteriner Hekimlii Ilaç
Kalıntılarının Salıımıza Olumsuz Etkileri,
Kalıntıların Önlenmesine Yönelik Uygulamalar
Bilgili, Ali
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat
Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendislii Bölümü, Aydın
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat
Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü
Tel: +902567727023/24
Ege Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi,
Gıda Mühendislii Bölümü, zmir.
[email protected]
ncir Iletmelerinde Gıda Güvenlii Yönetim
Sistemleri Uygulamaları
Çobanolu, Ferit
Karaman, Aye Demet
Tunalıolu, Renan
Ova, Gülden
Boyacı, smail Hakkı
Daniel, Philippe
Mutlu, Mehmet
Özsöz, Mehmet engün
Çulha, Mustafa
Buckenhüskes, Herbert
Everest, Bengül Yercan, Murat Gül, Umut
Yasan Ataseven, Zeliha
Çakıl, Adem Utku
Financing, Credits And Agricultural Subsidies
In Turkey
Gıda ve tarım sektörüne finans,
sübvansiyonlar ve krediler
Yeniden Yapılandırma Uygulamalarının Tarım
Satı Kooperatifleri Ve Birlikleri Üzerine Olan
Etkilerinin Deerlendirilmesi
Ethical Aspects Of Nanotechnoloy n The Area
Of Food And Food Manifacturing
Biological Applications of Surface-enchanced
Raman Scattering: From Proteins to
Gen Sensörleri Ve Genetii Deitirilmi
Organizma Analizinde Kullanılması
Nanobiyosensörler Ve Gıda Uygulamaları
New alternative biosensors for food quality:
application of Raman spectroscopy to
detection of pathogenic micro-organisms
Gıda Bileenlerinin Ve Bulaanlarının
Analizinde Nanopartiküllerin Kullanılması
Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlıı,
Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Gelitirme
e_posta: [email protected]
Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlıı,
Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Gelitirme
e_posta: [email protected]
Dr., Smmm (Cpa), Sarıcıolu Mh. Çevreyolu
Matim Merkezi A-Blok K:3 D:16, Malatya
[email protected]
[email protected]
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi,
Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü
Tel: 02862180018/1339
Prof. Dr., Ege Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi,
Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü, Tel: 02323112721
Prof. Dr., German Agricultural Society,
Frankfurt, Germany
Yeditepe University, Faculty of Engineering
and Architecture, Department of Genetics
and Bioengineering, 34755 Kayisdagi,
Prof. Dr., Hacettepe Üniversitesi Gıda
Mühendislii Bölümü, Beytepe, Ankara
Tel: +903122977103
Ege Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesi, 35100,
Bornova, zmir
Tel: +902323884000/3992
LUNAM Université, Université du Maine,
CNRS UMR 6283, Institut des molécules et
matériaux et du Mans-IMMM, Avenue Olivier
Messiaen, 72085 LE MANS CEDEX 9
Prof. Dr., Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Gıda
Mühendislii Bölümü, Beytepe, Ankara
Tel: +903122976146
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Özdurak, Caner
Çobanolu, Ferit
Karaman, Aye Demet
Tunalıolu, Renan
Ova, Gülden
Saçlı, Yurdakul
Tartıcı, Nuri Barı
Hatunolu, E. Emrah
Hekmat, Masoud
Ommani, Ahmad Reza
Hoseini, Seyed Jamal
Faraj Allah
Gölçubuk, Bülent
Yasan Ataseven, Zeliha
Niyaz, Özge Can 2
Keskin, Berkay
Savran, Kerem
Tosun, Duygu
Demirba, Nevin
Günlü, Hakan
Saçlı, Yurdakul
Sözlemeli Üretim Modelinin Tarım
Sektöründe Uygulanması Üzerine Bir
Aydın Ilinde Faaliyet Gösteren Incir
Iletmelerinin Ihracat Faaliyetleri Üzerine Bir
Biyoyakıt Politikaları Ve Zorunlu Harmanlama
Oranı Uygulamasının Türk Tarım Sektörüne
Cocoa, The Lone Ranger: Complacency
Behavior Of Cocoa Prices In The Financial
Role Of The Iranian Agriculture Graduates
Farm Management Skills In Order To The
Sustainable Development In This Sector:
Case Study Of Shoushtar Township
Türkiyede Lisanslı Depoculuk Sisteminin
Fındık Sektörü Açısından Deerlendirilmesi
Arazi Bankacılıı Sistemi Ve Arazi
Toplulaırma Çalımalarındaki Önemi Üzerine
Bir Inceleme
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım
Ekonomisi Bölümü, Ankara-Türkiye
Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlıı,
Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Gelitirme
Enstitüsü Müdürlüü, Ankara-Türkiye
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat
Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü
Tel: +902567727023/24
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat
Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendislii Bölümü, Aydın
Ege Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi,
Gıda Mühendislii Bölümü, zmir.
Tel: +905052772520
department Of Agricultural Management,
Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Shoushtar, Iran
assist. Prof., Agriculture Management Ms
Group, Azad Islamic University, Shoushtar
associate Prof., Agriculture Extension And
Education Group, Aad Islamic University,
Tehran Science And Research Branch
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi,
Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü,
Tel: 05532368462
Ege Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım
Ekonomisi Bölümü, zmir
Gıda, Tarım Ve Hayvancılık Bakanlıı,
Zeytincilik Aratırma stasyonu, zmir
Jooyandeh, Hossein
Izadi, Z.
Nasirpour, A.
Garousi, G.
Khaneghah A., Mousavi
Hassani, Bahram
Khaledabad, Mohamad
pin, Gamze Fulya
Güven, Mehmet
Saydam, brahim Baar
Izadi, Z.
Nasirpour, A.
Garousi, G.
Khaneghah A., Mousavi
Tarakçı, Zekai
Da Beir
Amiry, Saber Esmaiili,
Manaf, Farhod
Kia, Ehsan M.
Gençosmanolu, Ömer
Formulation of an essential oil flavored,
probiotic white brine cheese: Optimization
using Statistical experimental design
Evaluatıon Of Replacement Of Vınegar By
Fermented Cheese Whey In The Formulatıon
Of Mayonnaıse Sauce
Enrichement Of Yogurt With Plant Sterol And
Investigation Of Physicochemical Properties
During Storage By Using Mixture Design
Investigation Of Distribution State Of
Phytosterol In Enriched Yogurt With Plant
Sterol, Using Gas Chromatography
Cream Yogurt: Production and Some
Mineral And Heavy Metal Contents Of
Traditional Turkish Yogurts
Isolation And Identification Of Yeasts From
Iranian-White Cheese Brine
Appointment And Evaluation Textural,
Physical, Microbial And Chemical Properties
Of Coupe Cheese Produced In Iran
Food and Agriculture: The Case of Turkey
Gıda ve Tarım Sektörü: Türkiyenin Durumu
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
department Of Biotechnology, Qazvin, Iran
department Of Food Science And
Technology, College Of Agriculture, Isfahan
University, Isfahan
department Of Food Science And
Technology, Islamic Azad University,
Science And Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
department Of Biotechnology, Qazvin, Iran
department Of Food Science And
Technology, College Of Agriculture, Isfahan
University, Isfahan
department Of Food Science And
Technology, Islamic Azad University,
Science And Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Food Science And Technology, Islamic Azad
University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Food science and technology of Urmia
M. Sc, Food Science And Technology
Department, Faculty Of Agriculture,
University Of Urmia
Ph.D, , Food Science And Technology
Department, Faculty Of Agriculture,
University Of Urmia
Department Of Food Science & Technology,
Ramin Agricultural & Natural Resource
University, Ahvaz, Iran
Food Engineering, Agricultural Faculty,
Ordu University, Ordu, Turkey
Chemical Department, Sciences-Litarature
Faculty, Batman University, Batman, Turkey
Tel: +905052224968
Ekonomi Bakanlıı, Ürün Güvenlii ve
Denetimi Genel Müdürlüü
Erkan, Mustafa
Wang, Shiow Y.
Wang, Chien Y.
Al-Mahasneh, Majdi A.
Rababah, Taha M.
Bani-Amer, Mashhor
Al-Omush, Mohamad
Binici, Ali Erhan
Yanık, Tulin
Karimi, Alireza
Bansouleh, Bahman
Hesadi, Homayoun
Bafkar, Ali
Tokuolu, Özlem
Stefova, Marina
Pur, Bülent
Güler, Ali
Jooyandeh, Hossein
Hojjati, Mohammad
Dezyani, M.
Ezzati Bbelvirdi, R.
Shakerian, M.
Mirzaei, H.
Estimation Of Actual Crop Evapotranspiration
Using Landstad Tm Images Based On Sebal
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and
Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System
(ANFIS) for prediction of honey viscosity
Effects Of Uv-C Illumination On Antioxidant
Capacity And Enzyme Activity In Blueberry
Obesity: Leptin As “Obesity And Starvation
A Case Study For Functional Extruder Snack
Production Of Lavash Bread Using IranianWhite Cheese Whey
Effect Of Microfiltration On The Composition
And Ripening Of Iranian Fetta Cheese
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Department Of Food Science & Technology,
Ramin Agricultural & Natural Resource
University, Ahvaz, Iran
celal Bayar University, Engineering Faculty,
Dept Of Food Eng, Manisa,Turkey
Ss Cyril And Methodius University, Dept Of
Chemistry, Skopje, Republic Of Macedonia
kraft Foods Europe,Istanbul,Turkey
viticulture Research Institute,
Dr., Department Of Biological Sciences,
Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Tel: +903122106465
department Of Horticulture, Akdeniz
University 07059 Antalya, Turkey
Tel: +902423102428
Fax: +902422274564
fruit Laboratory, Usda-Ars, Beltsville, Md
20705, Usa
produce Quality And Safety Laboratory,
Usda-Ars, Beltsville, Md 20705, Usa
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Jordan University of Science and
Technology, Irbid, 22110, Jordan.
Department of Food Science and Human
Nutrition, Jordan University of Science and
Technology, Irbid, 22110, Jordan.
Department of Plant Science, Jordan
University of Science and, Technology, Irbid,
22110, Jordan.
Hacettepe Teknokent, 2.Ar-Ge No 13, 06800
Beytepe Ankara/Türkiye
Tel: +903122992164
Msc Student, assit. Prof., lecturer, Water
Engineering Department, Razi University,
Kermanshah, Iran
Tel: +9809173523640
assist. Prof., Kermanshah Agricultural And
Natural Resources Research Center,
Kermanshah, Iran
iau, Sofyan Branch, dairy Pegah, gorgan
Bakıcı, Sedat
Yıldız, Ferruh
Yakar, Murat
Mivehchian, M.
Arslan, Tayyib
Al-Mallah, Mozahim K.
Ali, Sumood H.
Hanaylı, Kamil
Yılmaz, Bahtiyar
Yıldız, Fatih
Edremit, N. Funda
Açıkgöz, Serap
Gürel, Aynur
Hayka, adiye
Tacı, Selcan
eker, Murat
Kahveci, Muzaffer
Production Of Virus-Free Fig Splantlets By
Shoot Tip Culture And Thermotherapy And
Virus Detection Of In Vitro Plantlets Through
Sürgün ucu kültürü ve termoterapi ile virüsten
arı incir fidan üretimi ve in vitro fidanların rt-pcr
ile testlenmesi
In Vitro Micropropagation of Fritillaria
imperialis via Thin Cell Layer Technique
Ters Lalenin (Fritillaria imperialis) nce Hücre
Yıını Tekniiyle n Vitro Çoaltımı
Formation Of Hawthorn, Crataegus Azarolus
L. Plants From Multiplication Of Buds In Vitro
The effects of trichoderma harzianum on
growth of different plant species, resistance
against fungal disease and rooting ability of
Trichoderma Harzianumun Deiik Bitki
Türlerinin Geliimi, Fungal Hastalıklara
Dayanımı Ve Çelik Köklendirmesi Üzerine
Efes'de Tarımsal Ar-Ge, Tohumculuk ve
Sözlemeli Üretim
The Effects of different Calcium salts on the
Longevity and Postharvest Quality of Cut
gerbera Flowers var. dream
Sustainable Utılızatıon Of Salıne Groundwater
For Plant Productıon Iaea Project
Application of Digital Photogrametry on
Sayısal Fotogrametrinin Tarımda Kullanılması
Hassas Tarım Yönetim Sisteminde Uydularla
Konum Belirleme Sistemleri (Gnss)Nin Önemi
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Food Agriculture And Animal Breeding
Provincial Directorate, Manisa
Adnan Menderes University, Faculty Of
Agriculture, Plant Protection, Aydın
Ege University, Faculty Of Engineering,
Department Of Bioengineering Bornova,
College Of Education, University Of Mosul,
College Of Agriculture And Forestry
Prof. Dr.
Bozok Üniversitesi Akdamadeni Myo
Bahçe Tarımı Programı, Akdamadeni,
Tel: +905545224882
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi,
Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü,
Islamic Azad University, Research and
Science Branch, Tehran, Iran, Islamic
Republic Of
Prof. Dr., Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik
Fakültesi Harita Mühendislii Bölümü
Doç.Dr., Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik
Fakültesi, Harita Mühendislii Bölümü
Çevre ve ehircilik Bakanlıı-Corafi Bilgi
Sistemleri Genel Müdürlüü, Ankara, Türkiye
Tel: +903122857173
Fax: +903122868419
Türksat A..
Ahmetaj, Luan
Kalashami, Mohammad
Rafiee, Hamed
Tahami, Morteza
Abeygunawardane, D.
Beeton, R.
Cameron, D.
Beye, Alassane
Kevany, Kathleen
Nazlı, Ali Recep
Daliolu, Esra
Bakan, Elif Ebru
Küden, Ayzin B.
Hasankhani, Razie
Hasankhani, Roya
Zunabovic, Marija
17 sinde sunum yapmak
Khoei, Peyman
Hassankhani, Roya
Hassankhani, Razieh
Akın, Alihan
Leader Yaklaimi Ve Türkiye
Agriculture, Food & Wellness – An Orientation
For Solutions & Sustainability
Agriculture in Senegal
The Rice Fertilizer Subsidy And The Farming
Culture In Sri Lanka: The Actual Vs. The
Perceived Reality
Estimating Demand for Nutrients in Iran:
Applying VECM
Organic Farming And ts Development n
Intellectual properties protection of innovations
in agriculture
Progress of European Food, Technology and
Nutrition Decleration Activities
Bioenergy Production And Studying Of Its
Environmental Effects In The Light Of
2012 Yılında Türkiyede Biyoteknolojinin
Ormancılıa Getirdikleri
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Assist. Prof., Nova Scotia Agricultural
College, Dalhouse University, Nova Scotia,
tarım Ve Kırsal Kalkınmayı Destekleme
Kurumu Ankara
prof. Dr., Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat
Fakültesi Adana
School Of Geography Planning And
Environmental Management, University Of
Queensland, Australia
School Of Agriculture And Food Sciences,
University Of Queensland, Australia
Africa Agro Services, Dakar
Aaoh Bioplant Albania, Lagja Sanatorium,
Rr.Shefqet Ndroqi Nr.185, Tirana, Albania
Tel: :+355682290019
Department of Agricultural Economics,
Tehran University, Iran.
Department Of Law, Science And
Research Branch Islamic Azad University,
Tabriz, Iran.
M.Sc. Of Agricultural Mechanization Of
M.Sc. Of Private Law-Bualisina UniversityHamedan-Iran
Department of Food Science and
(BOKU) University of Natural Resources and
Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Muthgasse 18, 1190 Vienna, Austria
ç Anadolu Ormancılık Aratırma Enstitüsü
Müdürlüü P.K.24yenimahalle, Ankara
Tel: +903122964000
Mehin,Shahab Fekri
Yaghubi, Jafar
Sepahpanah, Marja
Mirakzadeh, Ali Asghar
Heidari, Hossein
Bahrami, Majid
Giray, F. Handan
Örmeci Kart, M. Çala
Gay, Stephan Hubertus
Azizi, Sattar
Hasankhani, Razie
Hasankhani, Roya
Sustainable Management Of Rural Areas
Through Ict
Importance of certification for traditional and
local products protection: eu food quality
Geleneksel Ve Yerel Gıdaların Korunmasında
Sertifikasyonun Önemi: Ab Gıda Kalite
Analysis Of Student Learning Stages And
Styles Of Agricultural And
Natural Resource Based Theory Of
Experiential Learning Cycle
The right to food in the international bill of
human rights
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Associate Prof., Agricultural Extension And
Education, College Of Agriculture And
Natural Resources, University Of Razi, Iran
Graduate Degree, Rural Development,
College Of Agriculture And National
Resources, University Of Razi & Islamic
Azad University, Science And Research
Branch, Young Researcher Club, Songhor
&Kuliaei, Iran
Graduate Degree, Master Of Rural
Development, College Of Agriculture And
National Resources, University Of Razi
m.Sc.Student, Department Of Agricultural
Extension And Education College Of
Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah,
associate Professor, Department Of
Agricultural Extension And Education
College Of Agriculture, Razi University,
Kermanshah, Iran
assistant Professor Department Of
Agricultural Extension And Education
College Of Agriculture, Zanjan University,
Zanjan, Iran
graduate Assistant College Of Agriculture
Razi University Kermanshah, Iran
yrd. Doç. Dr., ar. Gör., dr.,Süleyman
Demirel Üniversitesi Dou Yerlekesi, Ziraat
Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü Isparta
Tel: +905556701377
Ph. D Of International Law-Bualisina
M.Sc. Of Private Law-Bualisina UniversityHamedan-Iran
M. Sc. Of Agriculture Mechanization Of
Karakoç, Ömer
Yıldız, Fatih
Cömert, Mehmet
Kamel, Fouad Houssein
Moradi Kor, N.
Sanei, M.
Ziaei, N.
Auadesian, G. A.
Al-Hdad, A. S.
Al-Anbari, N. N.
Al-Obaddy, D. S.
Sadiq, A. S.
Saçlı, Yurdakul
Muminjanov, Hafiz
Bohn, Nuray Unlu
Monfardini, Erica
Probst, Laurent
Study Some Factors Affecting On Daily Milk
Yield In Iraq Buffaloes (Bubalus Bubalis) In
The Effect Of Cidr, Fluorogestone Acetate
Sponges And Coprostenol With Ecg
Treatments On Reproductive Performance Of
Adult Raieni Goats During The Breeding
Sero-Test For Detection Of Cow Infertility
Analytical Methods Of Alcohol, And Gelatin
E Contents In Consumer Products For
Halal Certification
Halal Food Standardization
Helal Gıda Standardizasyonu
Uygunluk Deerlendirmede Yeni Yaklaımlar
“Helal Gıda Belgelendirmesi”
Kırmızı Et Ve Süt Üretimi Ilikisi Üzerine Bir
Status, Challenges And Perspectives Of
Conservation Agriculture In Central Asian
Bioclusters: Their Role n Smart Regional
Specialization; Critical Success Factors For
Excellence; Assessment Of Economic
Performance; Cluster Policies
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Dept. Of Animal Sources- College Of Agric.Univ. Of Baghdad
ministry Of Iraqi Agricultlre
M.Sc Student Of Animal Phsyiology,
College Of Agriculture And National
Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah
And Young Researchers Club Member,
Islamic Azad University Of Baft, Iran
m.Sc Former Of Animal Science, Collage Of
Agriculture, Isfahan University Of
assistant Prof., Animal Science, Faculty Of
Agriculture, University Of Jiroft
Dr., Erbil Medical Technical Institute, Iraq
Prof. Dr.,Orta Dou Teknik Üniversitesi,
Gıda Mühendislii ve Biyoteknoloji Bölümü,
Ankara, Türkiye
Ekonomi Bakanlıı, Ürün Güvenlii ve
Denetimi Genel Müdürü
htisas Grupları Müdürü, TSE Ankara
Tel: +903124164244
Plant Production and Protection Officer, FAO
Sub-regional Office for Central Asia (FAOSEC) Ivedik Cad No55 06170 Yenimahalle
Tel: +903123079526
Fax: +903123271705
Pricewaterhousecoopers, 400 Route D'esch,
B.P. 1443, L-1014 Luxembourg
Domig, Konrad J.
Zunabovic, Marija
Leutgeb, Katrin
Dusini, Katharina
Fillipp, Raphaela
Kneifel, Wolfgang
Raoof, Salim Omar
Ahmed, Joshan Majeed
Ghasemi, Rohollah
Zareii, Mahammad
Torki, Mehran
Shahzad, M. A.
Farooq, M. K.
Sarwar, M.
Nisa, M.
Mukhtar, N.
Saddiqi, H. A.
Chegeni, Ali
Moradi Kor, N.
Sadeghi, Somayeh
Torki, M.
Al-Rubeii, Amera M. S.
Mohammed Saleh,
Saleh, Hatem H.
Abbas, Hameed Razzaq
Hassan, Shaker A.
Salim, Hozan J.H.
Hassan, Khasraw M.
Effect Date Pits And Olive Meal With Different
Control Groups In Performance Egg Traits
And Parameters Blood Laying Hens
Evaluating The Efficiency Of A Prebiotic
(Aspergillus Meal) On Broiler Performance
Study Some Phenotypical And Productional
Characters In The
Crossbred Friesian Cows In Erbil Plane
Effect Of Type Of Vegetable Protein Sources
With Or Without Probiotics On Nutrient
Utilization, Nitrogen Balance, Blood
Metabolites And Growth Performance Of
Synchronization Of Oestrus By Short Time
Combined Fga, Pgf2, Gnrh And Ecg
Treatments In Kermani Sheep During The
Breeding Season
High Quality Meat-like products – from niche
markets to widely accepted meat alternatives
– The LikeMeat project
Effect Of Kiwi Fruit Juice On Changes Of
Chemical, Biochemical And Sensory
Properties Of Meats Awassi Rams
The Effect Of Adding Of Probiotic To The
Ration In Some Physical And Chemical
Characteristics For Meat Of Awassi Lambs
Effect Of Probiotic Supplementation With
Different Levels Of Feeding On Some Blood
Parameters Of Lambs
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Department Of Animal Science, Agriculture
Faculty, Razi University, Imam Avenue,
Kermanshah, Iran, Postal Code:
Animal Resources Department / Agriculture
College / Salahaddin
University- Erbil –Iraq
Institute Of Animal Nutrition And Feed
Technology, University Of Agriculture,
38040, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Government College University,
Department Of Zoology, 38040, Faisalabad,
Mr Razi University
Tel: +989194899154
M.Sc Student Of Animal Phsyiology,
College Of Agriculture And National
Resources, Razi University, Kermanshah
And Young Researchers Club Member,
Islamic Azad University Of Baft, Iran
department Of Clinical Sciences, Network
Of Veterinary Medicine, Baft, Iran
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and
Life Sciences Vienna, Department of Food
Science and technologyMuthgasse 18, 1190
Vienna, Austria
Department Of Animal Resource, College
Of Agriculture, University Baghdad, Iraq
Tel: +9647901780753
biological Application Department, Nuclear
Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority,
Cario, Egypt
Prof. Dr., Dept. Of Anim. Res. Collage Of
Agriculture University Of Baghdad, Iraq
Tel: +9647903374433
Dept. Of Animal Prod., College Of
Agriculture University Of Sulaimani, Iraq
College Of Agriculture-Animal Resource
Dept. University Of Baghdad, Iraq
Ibrahim, Dhia Khalil
Salmanan, Khavla Abd
Larhang, R. Arabi
Torki, M.
Navidshad, Bahman
Alipour, Meisam
Al-Daraji, Hazim J.
Al-Mashadani, H. A.
Mirza, H. A.
Al-Hayani, W. K.
Al-Hassani, A. S.
Lotfian, F.
Hashemiravan, M.
Jahed, E.
Khodaparast, M. H.
Khaneghag, A. Mousavi
ahin, Mehmet Yurdal
Tanic, Stjepan
Bertrand, Stéphane
Hamodi, Sunbul J.
Al-Khilani, Firas M.
Enabling environments for development of
competitive agro-industries in Eastern Europe
and Central Asia
2012 International Sumit of Cooperatives
Ülkemizde yatırımlara uygulanan devlet
Effect of electromagnetic waves (cold
pasteurization) on storage time of Yolk liquid
Effect Of Conjugated Linoleic Acid On
Performance And Small Intestine Morphology
Of Broiler Chickens
Effect Of Supplementing Diet With Different
Oils On Carcass Traits Of Japanese Quail
Effects Of Dietary Guar Meal By-Product With
And Without Enzyme On Broiler Performance
Test The Activity Of Supplementation Clove
(Eugenia Caryophyllus) Powder, Oil And
Aqueous Extract To Diet And Drinking Water
On Performance Of Broiler Chickens Exposed
To Heat Stress
The Effect Of The Supplemental Different
Levels Of Anise Seeds (Pimpinella Anisum) In
Diet On Broiler
FAO Europe
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Islamic Azad University,
Varamin-Pishva Branch, Iran
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad,
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Islamic Azad University,
Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Dr., Ekonomi Bakanlıı
Department Of Animal Production, College
Of Agriculture, University Of Baghdad,
Baghdad, Iraq
[email protected]
[email protected]
Animal Science Department, University Of
Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
Animal Science Department, Agriculture
Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
College Of Agriculture, University Of
Baghdad, Iraq
Tel: +9647901676903
Agric. Res., Ministry Of Agric., Baghdad,
Iraq Poultry Nutrition
Prof. Dr., Animal Resources Department
College Of Agriculture, University Of
Baghdad, Iraq
Asist. Lecturer, Animal Resources
Department College Of Agriculture,
University Of Baghdad, Iraq
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ereifej, K. I.
Haider, Muhammad
Ahmed, Nasir
Rashid, Naeem
eker, Murat
Gür, Engin
Neslihan, Gündodu
Mehmet Ali
El-Refai Ahmed
Valizadeh, Mahmood
Kazemitabar, Seyed Kamal
Jongsma Maarten A.
Khalesi, Hoda, Alizadeh,
Bari, Mahmud Rezazad
Smith, Christopher
Al-Khateeb, Wesam
Al-Odat, Mohammad
Akbarirad, H.
Kazemeini, S. M.
Khaneghag, A. Mousavi
Ardabili, A. G.
Comparison Of White Nectarines Grown In
Çanakkale Conditions In Standard Peach,
Nectarine, Apricot And Plum Varieties For
Aromatic Compounds
Çanakkale koullarında yetitirilen beyaz
nektarinler ile standart eftali, nektarin, kayısı
ve erik çeitlerinin aroma bileenlerinin
Low-Fat Cake, Maltodextrin, Simplesse, Lipid
The Effect of Temperature and Solvents on
Total Phenolics and the Concentration of
Phenolic Acids for Ten Spices Marketed at
Production Of Glucose Syrup By The Action
Of Recombinant -Amaylase Purified By An
Efficient Method
Physicochemical And Functional Properties Of
Zedo Gum (Amygdalus Scoparia Spach.)
Aqueous Dispersions
A Multidisciplinary Approach To The
Investigation Of Structuring In Reduced
Saturated Fat-Based Systems.
Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic
Transformation Of Chrysanthemum
(Chrysanthemum Morifolium Ramat.) With An
Aphidicidal Gene, Gcs (Gamma-Cadinene
Biological activity of selected wild grown
Plants from Jordan
Some Important Sources of Natural
Prof. Dr., Institute Of Agricultural Sciences,
University Of The Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +923124155908
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Ziraat
Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, Çanakkale
Tel: +902862180018
[email protected]
[email protected]
Prof. Dr., Food Industries Dept., Fac. Agric.,
Univ., Egypt
Tel: +201222390452
Department of Nutrition and Food
Technology, Jordan University of Science
and Technology, P.O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110
[email protected]
[email protected]
Faculty Of Agriculture, Mazandaran
University, Iran
Plant Research International,Wageningen
University And Research Center, Po Box
619, 6700 Ap Wageningen, The
Department of Biological Sciences,
Yarmouk University, Irbid-Jordan
Department of Food Science, Jordan
University of Science and Technology, IrbidJordan
Department Of Food Science And
Technology, Agriculture Faculty, Urmia
University, Urmia, West Azerbaycan, Iran
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Islamic Azad University,
Science and Research Branch, Mazandaran,
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Islamic Azad University,
Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Sharifi, Akram
Hassani, Bahram
Sözer, Nesli
Bruıns, Rieks
Dıetzel, Christie
Franke, William
Sıbakov, Juhani
Kokkonen, Harri
Alam, Ariful Syed
Kırjoranta, Satu
Jouppıla, Kirsi
Jurvelın, Jukka
Poutanen, Kaisa
Kokını, Jozef L.
Kaul, Jyoti
Kumar, R.Sai
Dass, Sain
Bansal, Payal
Tokuolu, Özlem
Akdou, Buse
Bayraktarolu, Neriman
Güner, Merve
Hassani, Bahram
Sharifi, Akram
Mohammad Bagher
Khaneghah, A. Mousavi
Hosseinpour, S.
Studies On Variability In Elite Quality Protein
Maize Inbreds
Investıgatıon Of Chemıcal Physıcal
Sentımental Propertıes Of Pomegranate
Marmalade From Waste Materıal Of
Pomegranate Proportıon Productıon
Physıcal Propertıes Of Spray Drıed
Anthocyanın Pıgments Of Barberry (Berberıs
Vulgarıs) As Affected By Temperature And
Dryıng Aıds
Characterızatıon Of Structural Archıtecture Of
Cellular Solıd Food Materıals
Dutch Processing Effects On Epicatechin And
Catechin Content Of Cacao And Chocolate
Study Of Ultrasound Treatment And
Temperature On Lipid Modifications
[email protected]
[email protected]
vtt Technical Research Centre Of Finland,
Tietotie 2, Espoo, Fı-02044 Finland
food Science And Human Nutrition,
University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign,
Il, Usa
food Science, Rutgers, The State University
Of New Jersey, New Brunswick, Nj, Usa
sterling Foods, San Antonio, Tx, Usa
university Of Helsinki, Department Of Food
And Environmental Sciences, Fı-00014
Helsinki, Finland
university Of Eastern Finland, Department
Of Applied Physics, Kuopio Campus, Fı70211 Kuopio
Maize Research, New Delhi 110012, India
[email protected]
department Food Science And Technology,
College Of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University
Of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
department Of Food Science And
Technology, Islamic Azad University,
Science And Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
department Of Food Science And
Technology, School Of Agriculture, Shiraz
University, Shiraz, Iran
Celal Bayar University, Engineering Faculty,
Dept. Of Food Eng., Manisa
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rababah, Taha M.
Mercan, Emin Sert,
Durmu Akin, Nihat
Gündüz,Burcu Çalık, Pınar 140.
Smogrovicoca, Daniela
Razmjou, Jabraeil
Najafiand, Fatemeh
Asadi, Anvar
Alizade, Hossein H. A.
Hasankhani, Roya
El-Refai, A. A.
Domah, M. B.
Askar, M.A.
Kaprelyants, L.V.
Raspor, Peter
a, Lidija
Axelosb, Monique A. V.
Fortification Of Potato Chips With Natural
Plant Extracts To Enhance Their Sensory
Properties And Storage Stability
Applications Of Ultrafiltration (Uf) And Reverse
Osmosis (Ro) In Dairy Industry
Metabolic Mühendislik Ile Modifiye Edilmi
Pichia Pastoris Kullanılarak Transglutaminaz
Non-Alcoholic Beer Prduction
Resistance and susceptibility of some wheat
lines to Schizaphis graminum (Homoptera:
Aphididae) under laboratory conditions.
Enzymes Modifications Of Cereal Biopolymers
In Functional Foods And Ingredients
Studying of Some physical and mechanical
properties of potato
Utilization Of Fat Replacers In Bakery
DREAM - Design and development of
REAlistic food Models with well-characterised
micro- and macro- structure and composition
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Mohaghegh
Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran. Email:
[email protected]; Agriculture and
Resources Research Center, Moghan, Iran
Faculty Of Chemical And Food Technology,
Slovak University Of Technology In
Bratislava, Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava
1, Slovak Republic
Orta Dou Teknik Üniversitesi, Fbe
Biyoteknoloji Anabilim Dalı, 06531, Ankara
Tel: 05447193971
Odtü Kimya Mühendislii Bölümü,
Endüstriyel Biyoteknoloji Lab, 06531 Ankara
Department Of Nutrition And Food
Technology, Jordan University Of Sciencee
And Technology, P.O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110
Bayburt University, Engineering Faculty,
Food Engineering Department, Bayburt,
selcuk University, Agriculture Faculty, Food
Engineering Department, Konya, Turkey
Odessa National Academy Of Food
Technologies, Odessa, Ukraine
Assist. Prof., Dept. of Farm Power and
Machinery, Faculty of Agricultural, Bu Ali
Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
M.Sc, Agiculthral mechanization of Tabriz
university, Tabriz,Iran
Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and
Food Safety, Biotechnical Faculty, University
of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000
Ljubljana, Slovenia
INRA, Département Caractérisation et
Elaboration des Produits issus de
l'Agriculture (CEPIA), Rue de la Géraudière,
BP 71627, 44316 Nantes Cedex 03, France
Food Industries Dept., Fac. Agric., Mans.,
Univ., Egypt
Moolky, A .
Kolpe, U.1
Satish, B.S .
Nagabhushan M.
Yurdugül, Seyhun
Kırmusaolu, Sahra
Blumberg, Jeffrey
Batu, Ali
Labropoulos, Athan
Uçar, Ömür
Yıldız, Fatih
Çelebi, Celaleddin R.
Bohn, Torsten
Biehler, Eric
Hoffmann, Lucien
Krause, Elmar
Bohn, Torsten
Bouayed, Jaoud
Deusser, Hannah
Hoffmann, Lucien
Blumberg, Jeffrey B.
Liu, Jen-Fang
Chen, Chiao-Ming
Chen, C-Y. Oliver
Health Benefits Of Hawthorn Fruit As
Functional Foods
The Role Of Certain Plant Based Inhibitors In
The Struggle Of A Foodborne Pathogene
Staphylococus Aureus
Almonds: Their phytochemical composition
and impact on risk factors for cardiovascular
disease and diabetes
The Possible Cancer Chemopreventive
Activity Of Spice Ginger
Advanced Developments Of Functional Foods
And Their Role In Health And Wellness
Koku Beenilerinin Nitel Ve Nicel Duyusal
Yöntemlerle Belirlenmesi
Negative Impact Of Divalent Minerals On
Micellarisation And Uptake Of Carotenoids
Into Caco-2 Intestinal Cells
Bioaccessible Polyphenols And Antitoxidant
Capacity In Selected Apple Varieties Following
In Vitro Digestion Vs. Their Native Values
Almonds: Their Phytochemical Composition
And Impact On Risk Factors For
Cardiovascular Disease And Diabetes.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
University Of Tunceli, Faculty Of
Engineering, Department Of Food
Engineering, Tr6200, Tunceli, Turkey
Abant zzet Baysal University, Department
Of Biology, 14280, Bolu
loyola University Chicago, Illinois, Usa
University Of Illinois At Chicago, Chicago,
illinois, Usa & Manipal University, Manipal,
dr., Tel: +16304682729
Environmental And Agrobiotechnologies
Department, Centre De Recherce Public –
Gabriel Lippmann, 41, Rue Du Brill, 4422
Belvaux, Luxembourg
Neurotoxicologie Alimentaire Et Bioactivié,
Ur Afpa, Université Paul Verlaine De MetzInpl-Inra, Bp 4102, 57040, Metz, France
Environmental And Agrobiotechnologies
Department, Centre De Recherce Public –
Gabriel Lippmann, 41, Rue Du Brill, 4422
Belvaux, Luxembourg
Physiology Department, Saarland
University,Kirrberger Strasse, Building 58,
66424 Homburg/Saar, Germany
Gazi Üniversitesi Giyim Endüstrisi Ve Moda
Tasarımı Eitimi Bölümü, Ankara
Odtü Gıda Mühendislii Bölümü
Akropol Hastanesi Dermatoloji Bölümü
Dr., Tech. Educ. Inst. Of Athens, Greece
jean Mayer Usda Human Nutrition
Research Center On Aging, Tufts University,
711 Washington St, Boston, Ma 02111 Usa
taipei Medical University, Taiwan
shih Chien University, Taiwan
Çetinkaya, Figen
Elalmu, Tülay
Nagy, A.
Szerdahelyi, E.
Szamos, J.
Gelencsér, É.
Montazam, Hossein
Asadi, Yahya
Heidarnezhad, Kamyar
Narimani, Mohammad
Sahebi Ala, M.
Kafilzadeh, F.
Heidary, M.
Tavabe, Kamran Reazei
Khidhir, Zaid Kh.
Jaff,Bahrouz M.A.
Saleh, Hatem H.
Tülümen, Tuçe
Ayata, Ali
Özen, Metehan
Sütçü, Recep
Canatan Duran
Duman, Handan
Canatan, Duran
Alanolu, Güchan
Sütçü, Recep
Nayır, Tufan
Antoon, Bassima G.
Ibrahim, Ismail
Al-Razak, Sameer Abd
In Vitro Rate Of Gas Production Of Canola
Seed Affected By Different Heat Treatments
Determination Of The Microbiological Quality
Of Kefir At Retail Level
Perakende satıa sunulan kefirlerin
mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin belirlenmesi
[email protected]
M.Sc Student, associate Prof.,
Deparment Of Animal Science, Faculty Of
Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah,
Uluda Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi,
Besin Hijyeni Ve Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı,
16059, Görükle, Bursa
[email protected]
Department of Animal Science, Shabestar
branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar,
Department of Animal Science, Tabriz
branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
Central Food Research Institute, Unit of
Biology, Hungary
animal Production Dept. Faculty Of Agric.
Sci. Univ. Of Sulaimani, Iraq
biology Dept. Faculty Of Science Univ.Of
Sulaimani, Iraq
animal Resource Dept. College Of
Agriculture Univ. Of Baghdad, Iraq
University Of Tehran
Tel: +980177070166
Plant Protection Research Center; State
Board For Agriculture Research, AbuGhraib, Baghdad/Iraq
State Board For Plant Protection, AbuGhraib, Baghdad, Iraq.
Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty Of
Medicine, Isparta
department Of Pediatric Hematology
department Of Adult Hematology
department Of Biochemistry
department Of Public Health
Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty Of
Medicine, Isparta
department Of Pediatrics
department Of Biochemistry
[email protected]
[email protected]
Release and absorption of carnosine during
Effect of folic acid supplementation on rumen
microbial protein synthesis; in vitro study
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Effects Of Ascorbic Acid On Reproductive
Indices Of Malaysian Prawn
Protective Effects Of Capparis Ovate On
Experimental 6-Mercaptopurine Hepatotoxicity
And Oxidative Stress In Rats
6-Merkaptopurin ile oluturulan deneysel
hepatotoksisite ve oksidatif stress üzerine
capparis ovatanın koruyucu etkilerinin
Chemical Quality Assessments Of Five Local
Fresh Fish
The Antitoxidant Effects Of Capparis Ovate
And Deferasirox In Patients With Thalassemia
Talasemi major hastalarında kapari ovatanın
aktioksidan etkisinin aratırılması
Control Of The Citrus Disease Complex In Iraq
Kavaklı, ebnem Zainel Ali El-Demery, Mervat
Owon.M ,A
Abd El Ghany, A.M
Zedan, Nahla
Al-Joubory, Hamid H. R.
Hasankhani, Razie
Hasankhani, Roya
Mohammad Reza
Najafi, Nosratollah
Abdalla, Mahmoud
Hosseinpour, S.
Eskandari, M. H.
Mesbshi, Gh.
Foroush, Sh. Shekar
Farahnaki, A.
Khaneghag, A. Mousavi
Kamel, Fouad Houssein
Changes In DTPA Extractable Copper, Iron,
Manganese And Zinc After Waterlogging And
Application Of Sewage Sludge And Animal
Manure In Two Different Soils
Irrigation With Magnetized Water, A Novel
Tool For Improving Crop Productivity And
Water Use Efficiency
Estimating Soil-Water Characteristic Curve
Using Air Permeability And Gas Diffusion
Effect Of Sewage Sludge Application On
Some Chemical Properties Of Soil, Growth
And Mineral Composition Of Corn
Soil Conservation In The Legal Context
Biological Evaluation Of Prepared Toast
Bread Using Some Medicinal Plants
Rna Interferans Etkisi: Daha Uzun Bir Raf
A Novel Immunological Technique For
Detection Of Gramicidin (S) Producing
Control of Lipid Oxidation and Spoilage of
Nitrite-Free and Low-Nitrite Frankfurter
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Associate Prof. Dr.
Assist. Prof. Dr., University of Tabriz
Tel: +989141039699
M.Sc, Private Law, University of Bu-Ali Sina,
Hamedan, Iran
M.Sc., Agriculture Mechanization, University
of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
University Of Tabriz, Iran
Tel: +989141010650
Department of Food Science and
Technology, School of Agriculture, Shiraz
University, Shiraz, Iran
Department of hygiene and food quality
control, school of veterinary, Shiraz
University, Shiraz, Iran
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Islamic Azad University,
Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Ege Üniversitesi,Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü,
Biyoteknoloji Abd, 35100 Bornova zmir
Tel: 0530 934 35 34
Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe
Bitkileri Bölümü 35100 Bornova zmir
Assoc. Prof. Dr., Home Economics Dept.
Fac. Of Specific Education, Kafr El-Sheikh
Univ. Egypt
Food Sci &Techno Dept. Fac. Of Agric
Khafr El Sheikh Univ. Egypt
Home Economic Dept Fac .Of Specific
Education, Mansoura Univ. Egypt
Home Economic Dept. Fac. Of Specific
Education, Khafr El Sheikh Univ. Egypt
College Of Agriculture, University Of
Dr., Erbil Medical Technical Institute, Iraq
Yavuz, Duran
Kara, Mehmet
Süheri, Sinan
Kutlar Yaylalı, lknur
Arslan, Derya
Çiftçi, Nizamettin
Rumman, Ghazi Abu
Gerçek, Sinan
Cankurt, Hasan
Can, Adem
Comparison Of Different Irrigation Methods In
Terms Of Water Use And Yield In Potato
Innovative Technology To Measure The Direct
Water Use In Trees
Determination of some physicochemical
properties of tomatoes irrigated with water
pillow method and comparison with drip
irrigation method
Su Yastıı Sulama Yöntemi Ile Sulanan
Domateslerin Bazı Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerin
Belirlenmesi Ve Damla Sulama Yöntemi Ile
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
erciyes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi,
Biyosistem Mühendislii Bölümü, Kayseri
erciyes Üniversitesi, Safiye Çıkrıkçıolu
Myo, Gıda letme Bölümü, Kayseri
erciyes Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi,
Gıda Mühendislii Bölümü, Kayseri
Asistant Prof.,Selcuk University,Faculty of
Agriculture, Farm Strucuture and Irrigation
Dept. 42031 Campus Konya-Turkey.
[email protected]
Asistant Prof., Selçuk University, Faculty of
Agriculture, Food Engineering, 42031
Campus, Konya, Turkey.
Professor, Selcuk University, Faculty of
Agriculture, Farm Strucuture and Irrigation
42031 Campus Konya-Turkey.
Prof. Dr., Dr., Çukurova University Faculty
of Agriculture, Food Engineering
Department, Adana, Turkey
Dr., Ict International
Tel: +962777054400
Açıolu, Çidem
evik, Ramazan Kara, Hasan Hüseyin Amina, Labdelli
Alrashidi, Salih M.
Alkın, Emine Mercan, Turgay Alkın, Emine
Alkhero, Anwer Noori
Al-Daowdy, Ayad chachan Al-Askar, A.A. Rashad, Y.M.
Alak, Gonca
Atamanalp, Muhammed
Alak, Gonca
Uçar, Arzu
Atamanalp, Muhammed
Alak, Gonca
Akbarirad, Hamid
New technologies in cultivation
of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) and
their relation to yield and quality
in Iraq
Durum Wheat, Drought
Tolerance, Morpho-Physiology,
Adventitious Soots, Cell Growth,
Bioactive Components of
Hazelnut Oil
Nitrate, Nitrite and Nitroamine in
Food Products
Chromotochraphic Identification
of some olive (Olea europaea)
compounds defence included by
alternaria conjucta Simmons
Phenolic Compounds in Foods
and Importance
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: A
Biocontrol agent Against
Common Bean Fusarium Root
Rot Disease
Su Ürünleri Yetitiriciliinde
Probiyotik Kullanımı
Su Ürünleri Kaynaklı
Zehirlenmeler ve Semptomları
leme Teknolojileri ve Su
Ürünleri Kalitesi
Sources of Natural Antioxidants
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Afyon Kocatepe University,
Engineering Faculty, Department
of Food Engineering, ANS
Canpus, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
University of Algeria
Tel: +213794671169
Atatürk Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri
Fakültesi. 25240, Erzurum
Tel: +904422311426
Fax: +904422310958
Atatürk Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri
Fakültesi. 25240, Erzurum
Tel: +904422311426
Fax: +904422310958
Atatürk Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri
Fakültesi. 25240, Erzurum
Tel: +904422311426
Fax: +904422310958
Biology Department, Teachers
Collage, King Saud University,
Riayhd, KSA.
Tel: +966014911063
Fax: +966014915684
Dr., Mosul University, Collage of
Agriculture and Forestry
Mosul University, Collage of
Agriculture and Forestry,
Essential Science Division
Dr., Gıda Ve Yem Kontrol Merkez
Aratırma Enstitüsü, Hürriyet,
Dr, Gıda Ve Yem Kontrol
Merkez Aratırma Enstitüsü,
Hürriyet, Bursa
Bursa Büyükehir Belediyesi
University of Mosul, Iraq
Tel: +989363059100
Islamic Azad University, Science
and Research Branch,
Mazandaran, Iran
Bekta, Ersan
Cüce, Mustafa
Sökmen, Atalay
Bekta, Ersan
Vaccinium arctostaphylos L.
Cüce, Mustafa
Sökmen, Atalay
Bekta, Ersan
Dietary Exposure Assessment
Of Pesticide Residues In Food
A Test Of Elaboration Of A High
Fructose Content Syrup From
Dates Of Variety Ghars
An Alternative And Effective
Method For In Vitro Propagation
Of Whortleberry, Vacinnum
Arctostapylos (Ericaceae)
Süt ve Süt Ürünlerinde
Hidrosimetilfurfural (HMF)
Su Ürünlerinde Yüksek Basınç
Cengiz, Mehmet Fatih, Certel,
Muharrem, Boyacı, Cennet Pelin
Mimouni, Yamina
Hafiane, Amina
Siboukeur, Amina
Siboukeur, Oumelkheir
Bissati, Samia
Sökmen, Atalay
Cüce, Mustafa
Yangınlar, Filiz
Aydın, Iın
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi,
Fen Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü,
61080 Trabzon, Türkiye.
Akdeniz Univesity, Faculty of
Engineering, Food Engineering,
Department, Antalya
laboratory Of Protection Of
Ecosystems In Arid And SemiArid Zones. University Of Kasdi
Merbah, Ouargla, Algeria
Laboratory Of Saharan
Bioresources. University Of Kasdi
Merbah, Ouargla, Algeria
Department Of Biology, Faculty
Of Science, Karadeniz Technical
University, 61080, Trabzon
Ardahan University, Engineering
Faculty, Food Engineering
Departmant, Ardahan, Turkey
Department of Biology, Faculty of
Science, Karadeniz Technical
Trakya Tarımsal Aratırma
Dardeniz, Alper
Killi, Dilek
Gündodu, Mehmet Ali
Akçal, Arda
Kahraman, Kemal A.
Özkaynak, Ceylan
Erdem, Eylem
Dardeniz, Alper
eker, Murat
Killi, Dilek
Gündodu, Mehmet Ali
Dinç, Sedef
Dalı, Mahmut
Erdoan, Selim
Yumuakba, Hatice
Önal, Yunus
Dali, Mahmut
Erdemli, A. Ümit
Kılıçel, Fevzi
Da, Beir
Çelebioglu, Hilal
Çekmecelioglu, Deniz *
Dervisoglu, Muhammed
Kahyaoglu, Talip
[email protected]
[email protected]
Growth and Productivity of
Primary and Secondary Summer
Shoots of Two Table Grape
Varieties; Yalova ncisi And
Yalova Çekirdeksizi
[email protected]
[email protected]
*[email protected]
Periodic Change in Total
Chlorophyll Content of Table
Grape Leaves
Mineral Content of Cobitis taenia
Linneaus, 1758
Cobitis taenia Linneaus, 1758in
Mineral Madde çerii
Chondrostoma Regium Ve
Acanthobrama Marmidin Kas
Ve Karacier Dokusu Total
Glikojen Miktarının Mevsimsel
Determination Of Zn
Contamination In Some Spring
And Mineral Waters Around Van
By Aas After Enrichment Of
Activated Carbon
Factors That Affect
Hemicellulose Yields;
Constituents Of Raw Materials,
Alkali & Acidic Extraction
Temperature And Dryer Types
ÇOMÜ, Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Horticulture.
17020, Çanakkale
ÇOMÜ, Department of Soil
Science. 17020, Çanakkale
Tel: +905425842454
ÇOMÜ, Faculty of Agriculture,
Department of Horticulture.
17020, Çanakkale
ÇOMÜ, Department of Soil
Science. 17020, Çanakkale
Atatürk Central Horticultural
Research Centre, Yalova, Turkey
Tel: +905425842454
Yrd.Doç.Dr., nönü Üniversitesi,
Sürgü Meslek Yüksekokulu, Su
Ürünleri Programı, Malatya,
Prof.Dr., nönü Üniversitesi, FenEdebiyat Fakültesi, Biyoloji
Bölümü, Malatya, TÜRKYE
Department Of Chemistry,
Karamanolu Mehmetbey
University, Karaman
Tel: +905052224968
Department of Food Engineering,
Middle East Technical University,
06800 Ankara
Tel: +903122105631
Fax: +903122102767
Department of Food Engineering,
Ondokuz Mayıs University,
55139, Samsun
Department Of Chemistry,
Batman University, Batman
Metabolic Mühendislik Ile
Modifiye Edilmi Pichia Pastoris
Kullanılarak Transglutaminaz
Gündüz,Burcu Çalık, Pınar Trakya Yöresinde Üzüm Suyu
Üretiminin Gelitirilmesi
Üzerinde Çalımalar-Tekirda
Value Chain Analysis Rose
Products Industry
Gelecein Besin Kaynaı:
Tekirda Ilinde Iletmecilerin
Ürettikleri Sütü Deerlendirme
Kararında Etkili Olan Faktörlerin
Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir
Determination the Level of Fluid
Milk Consumption and
Consumption Pattern of the
Students of Dumlupınar
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi
Örencilerinin çme Sütü
Tüketim Düzeyleri Ve Süt
Tüketim Alıkanlıklarının
Gülcü, Mehmet
Fakıolu, Özden
Topal, Ahmet
Parlak, Veysel
ensurat, Tuçe
Giray, Handan
Örmeci, M. Çala
Er, F.
Kara, M.
Dinç, S.
Dönmez, Muhammet
Gülbandılar, Aysel
Cankurtaran, Mehtap
Demir, Nuray
Öztürk, Fatma Göken
Topcu, Yavuz
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Assist. Prof. Dr.
Research. Assist., Süleyman
Demirel Üniversitesi, Dou
Yerlekesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım
Ekonomisi Bölümü, Isparta
Tel: +905556701377
Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık
Bakanlıı, Tekirda Bacılık
Aratırma stasyonu Müdürlüü,
Tel: +902822612042
Fax: +902822624061
Orta Dou Teknik Üniversitesi,
Fbe Biyoteknoloji Anabilim Dalı,
06531, Ankara Tel: 05447193971
Odtü Kimya Mühendislii
Bölümü, Endüstriyel Biyoteknoloji
Lab, 06531 Ankara
Atatürk Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri
Fakültesi Temel Bilimler, A.B.D
Tel: +904422312434
Selçuk Üniversitesi Çumra
Meslek Yüksek Okulu 42500
Çumra, KONYA
Doç.Dr., Yrd. Doç. Dr.,
Ör.Gör., Dumlupınar
Üniversitesi-Altınta Meslek
Yüksekokulu, Kütahya
Atatürk Üniversitesi, Ziraat
Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi
Bölümü, 25240, Erzurum
Hatami, R.
Kafilzadeh, F.
Arji, I.
Hassani, Bahram
Hassani, Bahram
Aivaz, Mona
Hassani, Mina
Hassani, Bahram
Hassani, Bahram
Güzeler, Nuray
Kurban, Yaar
Saler, Mücella
Say, Dilek
Gürpınar, Seçkin
Dademir, Elif
Babacan, Ayen
Güngör, Fatma
Kinetics Of Gas Production Of
Leaves From Native And
Imported Olive Trees
Application of fermented
cheese whey in the
formulation of mayonnaise
Rheological Characterization Of
Barberry Extract
The Proximate Composition,
Somatic Cell Count, Mineral
Contents, Total Aerobic
Mesophilic Bacteria Of
Damascus Cow Milk
The Effect of Growing Medya on
some Quality Factors and Yields
of Soma Pepper (Capsicum
Annuum L.) Cultivars Under
Greenhouse Conditions
Evaluation Of Whey In Beverage
[email protected]
Atatürk University, Agriculture
Faculty, Food Engineering
Department, Erzurum
Bayburt University, Engineering
Faculty, Food Engineering
Department of Food
Engineering, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of
Cukurova, Adana
Department of Animal Science,
Faculty of Agriculture, University
of Cukurova, Adana
Vocational School of Pozanti,
University of Çukurova, Adana,
Food Science and Technology,
Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar
Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
[email protected]
Food Science and Technology,
Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar
Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Food Science and Technology,
Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar
Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Food Science and Technology,
Islamic Azad University, Quchan
Branch, Quchan, Iran
Food Science and Technology,
Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar
Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
M.Sc Student, Associate Prof.,
Faculty member of Agricultural
and National Resource Research
Center of Kermanshah,
Department of Animal Science,
Faculty of Agriculture, Razi
University, Kermanshah, Iran
Dr., Gıda ve Yem Kontrol Merkez
Aratırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüü
Tel: +902242464720
[email protected]
Kendirli, Berna
Kaya, Burcu
Kazemzadeh, Mozhgan
Peighambardoust, Seyed Hadi
Najafi, Nosratollah
Kazemzadeh, Mozhgan
Katsoyannos, E.
Paisios, A.
Stamatopoulos, A.
Chatzilazarou, A.
Labropoulos, A.
nce, F. Feyza
Adams, L. A.
Wheaton, J. E.
Husein, M. Q.
Jooyandeh, Hossein
Samavati, Vahid
Hojjati, Mohammed
Physical Properties Of Wheat
Grain (Triticum Aestivum Cv.
Alvand) As Affected By Organic
And Nitrogen Fertilizers
Use of Geothermal Resources in
Central Anatolia Region for
Greenhouse Heating
Integrated Management of
Organic and Chemical Fertilizers
in Wheat Crop Production
Gıda Ambalaj Sektörüne Yeni
Stratejiler Ve Sosyal Pazarlama
Saponin Separation from
Vegetable Sources by Cloud
Point Extraction
The Effect Of Progesterone
Supplement On Fertility Of
Seasonally Anestrous Ewes
Effect Of Sweeteners On
Intrinsic Viscosity On Arabic
Gum In Dilute Solutions
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Doç. Dr., Tarımsal Yapılar ve
Sulama Bölümü, Ankara
Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye
Ara.Gör.,Tarımsal Yapılar ve
Sulama Bölümü, Ankara
Üniversitesi, Ankara, Türkiye
Yrd. Doç. Dr., Mesleki Eitim
Fakültesi Temel Bilimler Bölümü,
Gazi Üniversitesi, Ankara
State Technological Educational
Institute (T.E.I.) of Athens,
Department of Food Technology
and Department of Oenology and
Beverage Technology, Aghiou
Spyridonos Street 122-10 Egaleo,
Athens, Greece
M. Sci. Student Department of
Food Science, Faculty of
Agriculture, Tabriz University
Tel: +989141189496
M.Sci. Student, Associate
Professor, Assistant Professor,
Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
Professor, Animal Science,
Department Of Animal
Production, Jordan University
Of Science And Technology, P.
O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110,
Professor, Reproductive
Endocrinology, Department Of
Animal Science, University Of
Minnesota, St. Paul Mn 55108,
Department Of Animal Science,
University Of Minnesota, St.
Paul Mn 55108, Usa
Deparment Of Food Science And
Technology, Ramin Agriculture
And Natural Resources University
Majidi, Niloufar
Kohram, H.
Riasi, A.
Jahanian, R.
Makridis, C.
Mansourifar, Cyrus
Roka, L.
Leontopoulos, S. V.
Kızak, Volkan
Kayım, Murathan
Can, Erkan
Kia, Ehsan Moghaddas
Alizadeh, Mohammad
Amiry, Saber
Amiry, Samaneh
Aghda, Sajjad Khatibi
Majidi, Niloufar
Ameri, M.
Shoeibi, Sh.
Khaneghag, A. Mousavi
Changes of seed storage
proteins and protein profile in
chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
varieties under drought stress
and N fertilizer
Assessing Risk of Heavy Metals
Input in Food Chain
Dietary Fats Differing in Fatty
Acid Composition Influence
Reproductive Proccess
Dietary Omega-3 And -6
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
Influence Follicular Development
And Steroidogenesis In Sheep
Ovopel: An Alternative
Spawning Agent Instead of
Pituitary Extract in Aquaculture
Formulation of an Essential Oil
Flavored, Probiotic White Brine
Cheese: Optimization Using
Statistical Experimental Design
Effects of Storage Conditions
and PET Packaging on Quality
of Edible Oils
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Department of Crop Production
and Plant Breeding, School of
Agriculture, Razi University,
Kermanshah, Iran.
Department of Animal Science,
Collage of Agriculture, Isfahan
University of Technology. Isfahan84156 Iran
Department of Animal Science,
College of Agriculture, Isfahan
University of Technology, Isfahan,
Department of Animal Science,
College of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, University of Tehran,
Karaj, Iran
Tel: +983116688250
Department of Animal Production,
Technological Educational
Institute of Larissa (T.E.I.),
Larissa (41110),Greece
Tunceli Üniversitesi, Su Ürünleri
Fakültesi. 62000, Merkez, Tunceli
Food Science Department of
Urmia University, Urmia, Iran
Tel: +989144403254
Head of R&D Lab. Savola
Behshahr Ind. Co., Tehran, Iran
Food and Drug Control
Laboratories (FDCLs), Deputy for
Food & Drug, MOH, Tehran, Iran
Department of Food Science and
Technology, Islamic Azad
University, Science and Research
Branch, Tehran, Iran
Okkalı,Ömer Taner
Poyrazolu, Oya
Aykut, Osman
Subaı,Serdar Alp
Ajlony, Mohammed-Jafar A.
Obeidat, Bayan A.
Najafi, Nosratollah
Moradi Kor, N.
Ziaei, N.
Monjezi, M. S.
Liaghat, A.
Mkabir, Umar Faruuk
Determination Of National Food
Composition And Analytical
System Monitoring In
Developing Common
Continuous Sharing Syste
Changes In DTPA Extractable
Copper, Iron, Manganese And
Zinc After Waterlogging And
Application Of Sewage Sludge
And Animal Manure In Two
Different Soils
Prevalence And Predictors Of
Iron Deficiency Among Healthy
Infants And Toddlers Living In
North Jordan
Reproductive Parameters In
Holstein Diary Cows Treated
With Three Resynchronization
Methods (Heatsynch + Ecg,
Ovysynch + CIDR, Heatsynch)
Zoborodo (In Nigeria) – (H.
Sabdariffa and H. Cannabinus)
Introducing And Evaluation Of A
Low Energy Subsurface
Irrigation System
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Lab sorumlusu Ziraat Müh.,
RSHMB, Tüketici Güv. Ve Salık
Etkileri Ara. Müd. Enstrümantal
Analiz Lab. 1, 06100, Sıhhiye,
md, Princess Rahma Teaching
Hospital, Department Of
Paediatrics, Irbid, Jordan
phd, Department Of Nutrition And
Food Technology, Faculty Of
Agriculture Jordan University Of
Science And Technology, Irbid,
M.Sc student of Animal
phsyiology, College of Agriculture
and National Resources, Razi
University, Kermanshah and
Young Researchers Club
member, Islamic Azad University
of Baft, Iran
Assistant Prof., Animal Science,
Faculty of Agriculture, University
of Jiroft, Iran
Assist. Prof. Dr., University of
Tel: +989141039699
Ph. D. Student, Department of
Biotechnology, METU, Ankara
MSc student in Irrigation and
Drainage, Dept. of Irrigation and
Reclamation Eng., University of
Tehran, Karaj, Iran
Prof. in Irrigation and Drainage,
Dept. of Irrigation and
Reclamation Eng., University of
Tehran, Karaj, Iran
Kumlay, Ahmet Metin
Sancaktarolu, Sezgin
Sancaktarolu, Sezgin
Kumlay, Ahmet Metin
Sacaklı, Pınar
Cömert, N.
Pakbin, Babak
Rezaei, Karamatollah
Hadinejad, Mehri Razavi, Seyyed
Pakbin, Babak Razavi, Seyyed Hadi
Rezaei, Karamatollah
Hadinejad, Mehri
Onay, Melih Çoruh, Nursen Celep,
Doan, Musa
Okkalı,Ömer Taner
Elmacı, Emin Subaı, Serdar Alp
[email protected]
[email protected]
Applications of ultrasound in
food drying process – an
introductory review
Nanotechnology and its
Applications on Animal Feeds
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Production Of Probiotic Fig,
Peach And Strawberry Juices By
Lactic Acid Bacteria
Antioxidant Capacity Of Ethyl
Acetate Extract Of Salvia
Determination Of Sodium,
Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium
And Phosphorus Amounts In
Specific Medical-Aimed Diet
Products By ICP-OE
Idır Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi,
Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Idır,
Middle East Technical University,
Department of Biochemistry,
Ankara, Turkey
Middle East Technical University,
Department of Chemistry, Ankara,
Middle East Technical University,
Department of Biology, Ankara,
Department of Food Science,
Engineering and Technology
University of Tehran
Karaj, Iran
Tel: 3158777871
Department of Food Science,
Engineering and Technology
University of Tehran
Karaj, Iran
Tel: 3158777871
Ankara University, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Department
of Animal Nutrition and Nutritional
Disease, 06110, Ankara, Turkey
Tel: +905327129028
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and
Livestock Directorate General of
Agricultural Reform Head of
Organizational Department,
Ankara, Turkey
Idır Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi,
Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Idır,
Lab sorumlusu Ziraat Müh.,
RSHMB, Tüketici Güv. Ve Salık
Etkileri Ara. Müd. Enstrümantal
Analiz Lab. 1, 06100, Sıhhiye,
Applıcatıon Of Anthocyanın
Extracted From Barberry In
Food Processıng
Sharifi, Akram
Soltani, M.
Say, D.
Güzeler, N.
Sharifi, Akram
Hassani, Bahram
Pahlavan, Aidin
Sharifi, Akram
Hassani, Bahram
Sharifi, Akram
Hassani, Bahram
Hassani, Bahram
Doogh, An Iranian Fermented
Dairy Beverage
Changes of Seed Storage
proteins and protein profile in
chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
varieties under drought stress
and N fertiziler
Shaban, M.
Mansourifar, C.
Ghobadi, M.
Colostral Enrichment With
Hormones Affects Calf
Sanei, Marzieh
Khorvash, M.
Rahmani, H. R.
Moradi Kor, Nasrollah
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
M.Sc Former of Animal Science,
Assist. Prof., Associate Prof.
Department of Animal Science,
Isfahan University of Technology,
M.Sc student of Animal
phsyiology, College of Agriculture
and National Resources, Razi
University, Kermanshah and
Young Researchers Club
member, Islamic Azad University
of Baft, Ira
Department of Crop Production
and Pland Breeding, School of
Agriculture, Razi University,
Kermanshah, Iran
Young researchers club, Islamic
Arab University, Borujerd branch,
Borujerd, Iran
Food Science And Technology,
Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar
Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Department of Food
Engineering, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of
Cukurova, Adana
Vocational School of Pozanti,
University of Çukurova, Adana,
Food Science and Technology,
Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar
Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Food Science and Technology,
Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar
Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Food Science and Technology,
Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar
Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Zainel, Ali PP-76
lalan Kunter*, Toparlak,Ömer
Zooleh, Mehrdad
Zooleh, Mehrdad
Zehtabian, Gh.
Dehghani, A.
Khosravi, H.
Dastoorani, M.
Masoudi, R.
Kavaklı, ebnem Zandi-Sohani, Nooshin
Hojjati, Muhammad
Angel, A.
Barrachina, Carbonell
Yılmaz, Seçil
Yıldız, Fatih
Effects Of Ethanol Use On Yield
And Quality Properties Of Sugar
Beet In Savojbolagh Area, Ira
Energy Coefficient For Irrigated
Wheat Production In Karaj Area,
Detection of Volatile compounds
and Flavors Analysis with ion
mobility Spectrometer
Effect Of Irrigation With Well
And Qanat On Soil Properties
Improving (Case Study: Yazd
Province, Iran)
Meyve Türlerinin Doku Kültürü
le Çoaltımında Thidiazuronun
Effect of thidiazuron of in vitro
propagation of fruit species
Analysis Of The Essential Oil Of
Lantana Camera Leaves From
South West Of Iran
[email protected]
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[email protected]
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*METU,Dept.of Food Eng.
**METU,Dept.of Biology
Islamic Azad University Shoushtar
Branch, Iran
Ege Üniversitesi,Fen Bilimleri
Enstitüsü, Biyoteknoloji Abd,
35100 Bornova zmir
Prof., Faculty of Natural
Resources, University of Tehran.
Senior Expert in Management of
Desert Area, University of Tehran
PhD Candidate, Faculty of
Natural Resources, University of
Senior Expert in DeDesertification, University of
Islamic Azad University Shoushtar
Branch, Iran
Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi
Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü 35100
Bornova zmir Tel: 05546948265
Orta Dou Teknik Üniversitesi,
Biyoteknoloji Anabilim Dalı
Orta Dou Teknik Üniversitesi,
Gıda Mühendislii Bölümü
department Of Entomology,
Ramin Agriculture And Natural
Resources University, Mollasani,
Ahvaz, Iran.
department Of Food Science And
Technology, Ramin Agriculture
And Natural Resources
University, Mollasani, Ahvaz, Iran.
departamento Tecnología
Agroalimentaria, Universidad
Miguel Hernandez, Carretera De
Beniel, 03312-Orihuela, Alicante,
Food Engineering: Moving the Research Agenda Forward
Daryl Lund
Professor Emeritus, Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
President International Academy of Food Science and Technology
Editor in Chief Institute of Food Technologists Peer-Reviewed Journals
The 21st Century is rapidly turning into the century of biology. Advances in the “…ologies” (e.g.
biotechnology, nanotechnology, and culinology) and “…omics” (e.g. genomics, proteomics,
metabolomics, economics and molecular gastronomics) as well as improved understanding of
changes in food at the molecular level will have a significant impact on food engineering. Application of our further understanding of the biological sciences to food will lead to improved process
control, new processes applied for the preservation and manufacturing of food, and new products
contributing to health and wellness. So what are these advances and what research is needed in
food engineering? This paper will cover the current status and identify the major challenges of
food engineering.
Dr. Daryl B. Lund University of Wisconsin-Madison
Daryl Lund earned a B.S. degree in mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a
Ph.D in food science with a minor in chemical engineering also from the University of Wisconsin.
During 21 years at the University of Wisconsin, he was a Professor of food engineering in the
Food Science Department, served his last three years at UW as chair of the department and contributed over 150 scientific papers, edited 5 books, and co-authored one major text book in the
area of simultaneous heat and mass transfers in foods, kinetics of reactions in foods, and food
processing. In 1988, he continued his administrative responsibilities by chairing the Department
of Food Science at Rutgers University, and from December, 1989 through July, 1995, served as
the Executive Dean of Agriculture and Natural Resources with responsibilities for teaching, research and extension at Rutgers University. From 1995 through 2000, he served as dean of Cornell
Universityʼs College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. He is currently located at the University of
Wisconsin, Madison and serves as USDAʼs Executive Director of the North Central Agricultural
Experiment Station Directors
The necessity of drought preparedness can be verified by assembling drought mitigation scheme.
Development of Aptamer Technology for Application in the Detection
of Microbial Contaminants in Food Systems
Professor C. J. Smith
The development of immunoassays has over recent decades enable the food industry to rapidly
and efficiently analysis a variety of food products and to detect adulterants and contaminants at
low levels. There are problems associated with the use of antibody-based immunoassays which
have led to the search for an alternative ligand molecule group. Aptamers(short DNA strands) provide a viable alternative to antibodies. In this paper the preparation of aptamers for the detectionof
bacteria is described. The methodology provides a method for the detection of bacteria in food
samples. Aptamers potentially provide a reproducible, effective ethical replacement for antibodes
in immunoassays.
A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Investigation of
Structuring in Reduced Saturated Fat-based Systems
Prof. Dr. Chris J.Smith
Manchester Food Research Centre, UK
The food industry has an abiding interest in oil-continuous emulsions. This arises from the need to
meet the continuing challenge of reducing the degree of saturates in food systems. In order to
better understand such systems and the role of structurants it is necessary to observe the effects
of structurants and to examine their impacts on current food systems. This is especially important
in foods where novel structuring materials are used to wholly or partially replace traditional structurants.
In this paper a multidisciplinary approach encompassing traditional and novel methods has been
employed in an attempt to determine the structure within low saturated fat-based systems produced
using structurants which may in themselves also have emulsification properties. Proving the presence of interfacial structures as may be found in these types of emulsions requires an understanding of the interactions which are the building block of oil or fat structuring. In emulsions formed by
a co-surfactant structure combined with novel structurants, for example wax esters, phytosterols
it is necessary to understand how these may influence interfacial film thickness, strength and flexibility. Understanding how to measure mechanical visco-elastic properties of structurant interactions
both in model and real time dynamic measurements will be necessary to account for diffusion, orientation and self-assembly mechanisms. This paper discusses combining traditional techniques
with novel structurant technology; developing and validating dynamic measurement techniques;
and investigation of real systems as opposed to purely model systems.
Director, Manchester Food Research Centre,
Professor of Food Science
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Food Science and Technology
Editor-in-Chief, Food and Agricultural Immunology
Published Papers
Karkkainen, R.M., Bonwick, G.A., Drasbek, M.R., McDowall, I., Young, N.W.G. & Smith, C.J.
Aptamers for food safety and quality assurance: Selection of aptamers against live bacterial cells.
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis published
(eds. Pulkrabova, J. & Tomaniova, M.). November 1-4, Prague. ICT Press, 2011.
Paul Wassell, Airi Okamura, Satoru Ueno Niall W.G.Young, Graham Bonwick, Christopher Smith,
Kiyotaka Sato. Synchrotron Radiation Microbeam X-Ray Diffraction Study of Interfacial Crystallisation of Fats in Water-in-Oil Emulsions. Langmuir
Ashraf A. Khalil, Nihal F. Kabapy, Sahar F. Deraz & Christopher Smith. Heat shock proteins in oncology: Diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets? Biocimica et Biophysica Acta, 2011, 1816
(2), 89-104.
European Food, Technology and Nutrition Decleration
Prof. Dr Peter Raspor, Dr h.c.
Dept of Food Science and Technology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
Jamnikarjeva 101, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenia
TEL: +386-1-423 1161, FAX: +386-1-257 4092
[email protected]
Occupation or position held:
Since 1992 Head of the Chair of Biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology
Department, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA T+386 1 423 11 61 F:+386 1 257 40 92
Since 1997 Full Professor of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology, Food Science and Technology Department, Biotechnical Faculty, Chair of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Since 2003 Head of Undergraduate study of biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of
Food Science and Technology, Chair of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva
101,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Since 2000 FEMS Secretary General, FEMS Central Office. Keverling Buismanweg 4. 2628 CL
Delft. The Netherlands. T: +31-15-269 3920. F:. +31-15-269 3921
1996-2002 Chairman of post diploma Study of Biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of
Ljubljana, SLO
1992-1997 Associate Professor of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty,
Food Science and Technology Department,
Vice Chair of Study of Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology
1988 – 1992 Assistant Professor of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty,
Food Science and Technology Department, Biotechnology Group, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
1985 – 1987 Assistant of Industrial Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology Department, Chair of Microbiology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
1985 – 1986 Manager of Project Biotechnology, Mlinotest Ajdovscina, Slovenia
1983 – 1985 Research Assistant, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology Department,
Chair of Microbiology, University of Ljubljana,
1976 – 1978 Bakery Technologist, Mlinotest, Ajdovscina, Slovenia
1970 – 1975 Baker, Mlinotest, Ajdovscina, Slovenia
Almonds: Their Phytochemical Composition and Impact on
Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes
Authors: Jeffrey B. Blumberg1, Jen-Fang Liu2, Chiao-Ming Chen3, C-Y. Oliver Chen1
Affiliations and Address
Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University,
711 Washington St, Boston, MA 02111 USA;
Taipei Medical University, Taiwan;
Shih Chien University, Taiwan
Consumption of tree nuts has been associated with reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM) and better management of this disease. Almonds are rich in magnesium and vitamin E; a good source of dietary fiber, MUFA, PUFA, L-arginine; and contain an array of phytochemicals, including polyphenols and phytosterols. Some observational studies have found chronic
nut consumption is inversely associated with the risk of T2DM and weight gain. In randomized
clinical trials, whole almonds have been found to reduce the glycemic response of composite
meals in a dose-dependent manner and to promote reductions in body weight, BMI, and waist circumference compared to a complex carbohydrate-enriched low calorie diet. Almond consumption
has also been associated with amelioration of obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia. These and related clinical trials of almonds in patients with T2DM or metabolic syndrome
have also reported decreases in fasting blood glucose, insulin, and HbA1c and in biomarkers of
inflammation and oxidative stress.
We conducted a 12-wk randomized crossover intervention with almonds in 20 Chinese patients
with T2DM and mild hyperlipidemia (11 female; 58 y; BMI=26). After a 2-wk run-in period, patients
were assigned to either a control NCEP step II diet (control) or an almond diet (added to the control
to replace 20% of total daily calorie intake) for 4 wk, with a 2-wk washout period between the two
diets. The almond diet increased intake of fiber, magnesium, MUFA, PUFA, and vitamin E. Compared to control, the almond diet increased plasma α-tocopherol and reduced body fat, total cholesterol, LDL, LDL:HDL ratio, plasma apoB, apoB:apo A-1 ratio, nonesterified fatty acids, fasting
glucose and insulin, and HOMA index. These results suggest that incorporation of almonds into a
healthy diet have beneficial effects on adiposity, lipid profiles, and glycemic control in patients with
Jeffrey B. Blumberg PhD, FACN, FASN, CNS Professor, Friedman School of Nutrition Science
and Policy Senior Scientist and Director, Antioxidants Research Laboratory Jean Mayer USDA
Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging Tufts University
Jeffrey Blumberg received Bachelor of Science degrees in Pharmacy and Psychology from Washington State University and a PhD in Pharmacology from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.
He also received postdoctoral training in cyclic nucleotide metabolism at the Tennessee Neuropsychiatric Institute and the University of Calgary.
Dr. Blumberg is a Professor in the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and also serves
as the Director of the Antioxidants Research Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition
Research Center on Aging at Tufts University. His research has focused on the biochemical basis
for the role of antioxidant nutrients and their dietary requirements in promoting health and preventing disease during the aging process via changes in status of oxidative stress and inflammation. He has published more than 300 scientific articles and serves on the editorial boards of
several scientific journals. Dr. Blumberg also participates in activities relevant to the incorporation
of sound nutrition science into public health policy and has served as a member of the Surgeon
General's Workshop on Health Promotion and Aging, Sports Medicine Committee of the U.S.
Olympic Committee, WHO/FAO Consultation on Preparation and Use of Food-Based Dietary
Guidelines, Food Advisory Committee of the FDA, and other committees.
21.Yüzyılda, Sürdürülebilir Biyorafineriler ve Biyokütle
Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Gıda Mühendisliği ve Biyoteknoloji Bölümü, Ankara, Türkiye
Biyorafineri, sürdürülebilir olarak, biyokütlenin, başta, enerji, gıda, ilaç,gıda takviyesi,kozmetik,
biyopolimer, biyogübre, olmak üzere, çok sayıda, pazarlanabilen, ara ürüne ve nihai ürüne
dönüştürüldüğü fabrikalardır. Tüm Dünyaʼda, çevreyi ve doğal dengeleri, daha fazla bozmadan,
toplumların, sağlık, sosyal ve ekonomik durumlarınıda iyileştirecek, alternatif enerji ve ürünlere
ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır. Biyorafineriler, bu amaçların gerekleştirilmesi için uygundur.
Bol ve her yıl yenilenebilir(170 Milyar ton/yıl), biyokütle; biyorafinerilerin ana hammaddesini oluşturacak, yeni biyoteknoloji uygulamaları ile, gıda fiyatlarında artışa neden olmadan,kırsal kesimde,
katma değer sağlayacaktır. Hammaddenin(Biyokütle), faydalı ve katma değerli ürünlere dönüşümü
konusunda, araştırmalar yoğun bir şekilde devam etmekte ve her geçen gün yeni ürünler, yeni
prosesler ümit vermektedir. İlerliyen yıllarda, biyorafinerilerin sürdürülebilir rekabetci, olabilmesi
için; hammadde fiyatlarını artırmadan, daha düşük kaliteli hammaddeleri kullanmaları, gıda sanayi,
orman ve belediye atıklarını, solar ve alternative enerji kaynaklarını kullanarak katma değeri yüksek ürünlere dönüştürmesi gerekmektedir.
Sustainable Biorefineries and Biomass in the 21st Century
Bio-refinery is the sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products, in[59]
cluding; energy, food, nutraceuticals, drugs, cosmetics, biopolymers, bio-fertilizers, many other
products, and intermediates.
There is a need for an alternative sources of energy and commodities without degradation of environment, and ameliorating, the integrity of social and economic conditions, and health of communities. Bio-refineries may be an alternative source of energy and commodities.
The abundant and renewable biomass(170 billion ton/year) raw materials will be an important
feedstock for the bio-refineries, which will have minimal impact on the food availability. Dynamic
research, on conversion processes from raw material to useful end products opening new potentials to all stakeholders. In order to be sustainable, competitive, and to avoid increase in the raw
material prices, the future bio-refineries, would have to concentrate on lower quality renewable
biomass, harvest residues from crops ,by-products and wastes from food industry, forestry and
municipalities, by utilizing solar and alternative energy sources.
Doğum yeri Erzurum olan Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ, Yüksek Mühendis olarak Atatürk Üniversitesinden
mezun oldu. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı bursu ile 1970 yılında gittiği, ABDʼde, Wisconsin ve Maryland
Universitelerinde Biyokimya ve Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi dallarında Master ve doktora(M.S. ve
Ph.D.) derecelerini aldı. Aynı üniversitede (Maryland) 7 yıl araştırma görevlisi ve öğretim üyesi
olarak görev yaptıktan sonra, 1980 yılında ODTÜ Kimya Mühendisliğinde göreve başladı.
ODTÜʼde Gıda Mühendisliği, Biyokimya ve Biyoteknoloji bölümlerinin kurulmasında görev aldı.
Aynı üniversitede Doçent ve Profesör oldu. 5000 den fazla lisans ve 60 den fazla yüksek
lisans(M.S. ve doktora) öğrencisi yetiştirdi. Ulusal ve uluslararası kongreler düzenledi. Fransaʼda
Montpellier, İtalyaʼda Ferrara ve Bologna, Almanyaʼda Bremen, Suriyeʼde Homs, Yunanistanda
Hania Universitelerinde Konferans ve dersler verdi. 1990-1992 yılları arasında Minnesota Üniversitesinde öğretim üyesi olarak çalıştı. ODTÜʼde anabilimdalı ve bölüm başkanlıkları yaptı. Ulusal
Gıda Kodeks komisyon üyeliği, AB proje yürütücülüğü yaptı. Halen, Sağlık bakanlığı, ve Tarım
bakanlığında, çeşitli komisyonlarda görev yapmaktadır. UNIDO ulusal proje yürütücüsü olarak,
Gaziantepʼte ihracata yönelik uluslararası gıda analiz laboratuvarı kurdu. Türkiye, ABD, Fransa,
İngiltere, Almanya, ve İtalyaʼda mesleki ve bilimsel dergilerde 150 dan fazla makalesi ve ABDʼde
yayınlanmış 7 bilimsel kitabı bulunmaktadır. Editör olarak hazırladığı kitaplarda 25 ülkeden 100
kadar bilim adamı ile çalıştı. “Journal Food Science, IFT”ABD ve “Nutrafood” Springer verlagitalya dergilerinde editörler kurulu üyesi olarak görev yapmaktadır. Halen ODTÜ Gıda Mühendisliğinde çalışmalarını sürdürmekte olan Dr. Fatih YILDIZ evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.
A Short biography of Prof.Dr.Fatih YILDIZ
Dr. Fatih Yıldız, received his BS degree as an engineer from Atatürk University, where he was
born. He was awarded a scholarship to study abroad,after a nationally competitive exam. He
studied at the University of Wisconsin,Madison and University of Maryland ,College Park USA,
received his MS and PhD degrees in Food Biochemistry in 1978. He worked as a faculty member
at the University of Maryland for five years. In 1980, Dr.Yıldız joined to the Department of Chemical
Engineering of the Middle East Technical University(METU). He was actively involved in the establishment of the Department of Food Engineering, Biochemistry and Biotechnology programs
at that University, and served as chairman of the departments. Dr. Yıldız also worked as a profes[60]
sor at the University of Minnesota, Department of Food Science and Nutrition. He has done research at the French National Institue of Agricultural Research (INRA-Avignon) as a visiting professor in 1997. Additionally, he has done research projects with FAO,UNIDO,UNICEF and NATO
as a project director.He was strategic partner in EU-FoodTrace project(2002-2007). Professor
Yıldız, has published more than 150 peer-reviewed research and review papers, mostly in English,
and Turkish, in international and national journals as the major author. His publication have been
cited by science citation index(SCI) more than 100 times. He has co-authored a book entitled “Minimally Processed and Refrigerated Fruits and Vegetables”. Published in 1994 by Capman and
Hall, which was then a new concept in food industry. He taught more then 5000 senior undergraduate students, supervised 60 M.S and Ph.D students. He organized 3 national and 3 international
His current interests include health nutrition and safety attribues of the Mediterranean diet. He is
the editor of the first book on phytoestrogens, entitled “Phytoestrogens in Functional Foods” published by CRC press(2006).
He is currently editorial member of the “Journal of Food Science by IFT” and “Nutrafoods” published by Springer-Verlag-Italia. Dr.Yıldız is a member of 10 scientific and academic organizations
in the USA, Turkey,and EU.
Comparison of Monitoring of Drought Using PNPI and Nitzche and
Zoning Them by IDW method (Case Study: Kashan,Iran)
R. Masoudi1, Gh. Zehtabian2, S. Khalighi Sigaroodi3, H. Khosravi1
PhD in De-Desertification, University of Tehran, Iran*
Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran
Assistance Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran
*corresponding author:Email:[email protected]
The necessity of drought preparedness can be verified by assembling drought mitigation scheme.
In this study, the severity, duration and extent of drought during 1965 to 2005 have been studied
using annual precipitation data of all stations over Kashan area. For all stations, both meteorological
drought indices including Nitzche and Percent of Normal precipitation Index (PNPI) have been used
in order to assess and compare their capability for drought severity and duration in annual scale.
Finally, for the purpose of study on the drought extent, the zoning maps have been prepared by
IDW method. The consequences resulting from the zoning of drought severity, have illustrated that,
the most durable drought, Based on PNPI and Nitzche capability has occurred during 1980-1981at
Fin station. After calculating Nitzche and PNPI Index values, is drawn frequency curve and based
on the result obtained, the most percentage of frequency is belong to normal rain in both of method.
Keyword: Drought, Percent of Normal precipitation Index (PNPI), Nitzche, Kashan.
Bölgesel İklim Değişikliği Senaryoları ve
İklim Değişikliğinin Tarıma Etkileri
Mithat EKİCİ1 Ömer DEMİR1 Hakkı ATAY1 Serhat ŞENSOY1 Mesut DEMİRCAN1
Serpil YAĞAN1
Klimatoloji Şube Müdürlüğü, Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü, 06120 Keçiören/Ankara
+90 312 3022456, [email protected]
Yerkürede, geçen bin yılda kuzey yarımküreʼnin yıllık ortalama sıcaklık değişimleri yaklaşık 1°C
artarak, ortaçağ optimum döneminden 1400ʼlü yılların başına kadar sürmüştür. Sonrasında yaklaşık 1°Cʻlik bir azalma ile 1800ʼlü yılların sonuna kadar küçük buzul çağı yaşanmıştır. Küçük buz
çağı sonrası, küresel ısınmanın başlangıcı kabul edilen sanayi devrimi ile yeni ısınma döneminden
bahsedilmektedir. Küresel ısınmanın baş sorumluları kabul edilen sera gazı emisyonlarının tarihi
gelişimi de ısınma dönemi ile uyum göstermektedir. Araştırmalara göre, Kuzey Yarım Kürede
yağışların artacağı, Güney Yarım Kürede ise yağış azalmaları ve kuraklıkların yaşanacağı beklenmektedir. IPCCʼnin hazırladığı İyimser Projeksiyonlara göre önümüzdeki yüz yılda, sıcaklıklarda
1.8°C ve deniz seviyesinde 0.18-0.38m artış öngörülmektedir. Kötümser senaryoya göre ise, aynı
periyotta sıcaklıklarda 4.0°C, deniz seviyesinde ise 0.26 ile 0.59mʼlik bir artış öngörülmektedir.
Türkiyeʼde son yıllarda (1997 yılı hariç) ortalama sıcaklık anomalileri pozitiftir. 2010 yılı, 1.95°Cʼlik
anomali ile en sıcak yıl olmuştur. Kar kalınlığında yüzyılın sonunda Doğu Anadolu ve Doğu Karadenizʼde 10-30cm arasında azalış öngörülmektedir. Bu nedenlerle, iklim değişikliğinin tarıma
başlıca etkileri; nehir akımı ve su varlığını olumsuz etkilemesi, kurak alanların genişleyecek olması,
bitki ve hayvan türlerinin yaklaşık %20-30 yok olma tehdidi altında olması, verimliliğin azalması,
deniz seviyesinde yükselme, sel ve su baskınları, artan fırtına ve kasırgalar, orman yangınlarının
artması, erozyon, tarımsal üretkenlikte değişiklikler, hastalık ve zararlıların artması, ekolojik bozulmalar, faunanın ve floranın yaşam yerlerinin değişmesi, topraklarda tuzlulaşma sorunu, toprağın
pHʼnın düşecek olması, soğuklama ihtiyacının karşılanamaması, çiçeklenme, meyve tutumu ve
kalitesinin bozulması sayılabilir. Ayrıca vejetasyon süresinin uzayacak olması gibi olumlu etkileri
olması da beklenmektedir.
ANAHTAR KELİMELER : Küresel Isınma, Küresel İklim Değişikliği, Sera Gazı, En Sıcak Yıl, IPCC
Senaryoları, RegCM3-ECHAM Modelleri, Türk Tarım Sektörü Modeli (TASM),
Regional Climate Change Scenarios and Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture
In the Earth, Northern Hemisphereʼs annual mean temperature changes with increasing approximately 1°C were continuing in the last thousand years, from the medieval optimum period to the
beginning of 1400s. Afterwards, Little Ice Age had experienced with a reduction of approximately
1°C until the end of the 1800s. After Little ice age, new warming period referred with industrial revolution considered as the start of the global warming. Warming period is in compliance with historical development of greenhouse gas emissions which is accepted the head responsible for
global warming. Precipitation will increase in Northern Hemisphere and decrease in the Southern
Hemisphere, and droughts are expected to be experienced according to research. It is expected
to increase 1.8°C in temperatures and 0.18-0.38m in sea level according to optimistic scenarios,
and 4.0°C in temperatures and 0.26-0.59m in sea level according to the pessimistic scenarios
prepared by the IPCC for the next hundred years. The average temperature anomalies are positive
in recent years (except 1997) in Turkey. The year 2010 was the warmest year with 1.95°C anomaly.
Snow thickness is expected to decrease between 10-30cm in Eastern Anatolia and Eastern Black
Sea at the end of the century. For these reasons, the main impacts of climate change on agriculture
are included negative impact on river flow and the existence of water, to expand in the arid areas,
to be under extinction threat of approximately 20-30% of plants and animals species, decrease in
productivity, sea-level rise, floods, increased storms and hurricanes, increase in forest fires, erosion, changes in agricultural productivity, increase in diseases and pests, ecological degradation,
fauna and flora habitat change, problem of soil salinity, to be decreasing in soil pH, to be not met
chilling requirement, flowering and corruption of fruit quality. In addition to this, there is also expected to positive effect such as vegetation period will be increased.
KEY WORDS: Global Warming, Global Climate Change, Greenhouse Gas, The IPCC Scenarios,
Temperature Anomaly, RegCM3-ECHAM Models, the Turkish Agricultural Sector Model (TASM),
Environmental Security And Food Supply Chain – A Risk Governance
Approach Romania And Turkey Case Study
Senior University lecturer PhD Irina Stanciugelu,
Faculty of Communication and Public Relations, National School of Political Studies and
Public Administration [email protected]
Food is a fundamental requirement of every human being and so, unsurprisingly disruption of supply has been a major tactic in human conflict down the centuries. The second half of the twentieth
century saw the introduction of a variation of terror theme in the form of what is also called ecoterrorism. If security issues on food supply are to be consider to food supply chain, apart from
measures aiming at preventing food from accidental hazards (covered mainly form HACCP systems), food business operators would have to take additional measures to prevent intentional hazards triggered by eco-terrorism. These kinds of measures are usually not compulsory, and, most
probably, they will not be in the future. On the other side, if one handle food in more relaxed system,
it could become an attractive target if the aim would be to disturb one of most important infrastructure (food supply chain) or a countryʼs (regionʼs) image. The risk that stakeholders associate with
security threat (risk perception) and the anticipation of the pressure from public opinion that would
rise in cases of security threats (via social amplification of the risk), would make the difference
during the public policy debate in this area.
The study addresses this core dilemma from complex and multidisciplinary research perspectives
utilizing current risk governance approaches (IRGC, 2005, ISO, 2009) that help stakeholders in
the food supply chain from Romania and Turkey (regulators agencies, companiesʼ managers and
risks/crisis communicators) to better frame the security issue and to decide on appropriate measures to be taken. The concept of risk governance comprises a broad picture of risk: it includes
what has been termed ʻrisk-managementʼ or ʻrisk analysisʼ, and it also looks at how risk-related
decision making unfolds when a range of actors are involved, requiring coordination and possibly
reconciliation between a profusion of roles, perspectives goals and activities.
The research that feed this study is financed by Romania National Authority of Scientific Research (ANCS) and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK)
under the bilateral research project Risk/Crisis Communication during Bioterrorism Threat. The
Management of Messages and Social Behavior (2010 – 2011) (National School of Political and
Administrative Romania and Middle East Technical University Turkey) http://parccbioterrorism.comunicare.ro/ and supported by the Company TOTEM COMMUNICATION
KEY WORDS: eco-terrorism, food supply chain, risk perception, risk governance framework.
Kyoto Protocol and Agricultural Operations Role in GHG Emissions
With Turkey Situation Emphasis (in This Protocol)
Razie Hassankhani Roya Hassankhani
Roya Hasankhani 00989183179241 [email protected]
M.Sc. of Agricultural Mechanization of Tabriz-Iran Bayan Bildirili
CO2 is the most important greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases performed a role as greenhouse
glass and increase the world temperature. Thus Extent and the rate of climate change was very
anxiety According to IPCC reporting in 2007 between 1960 to 2005, the world temperature has increased by 0.79 (IPCC, Climate Change, 2007). The Kyoto protocol obligation the industrial countries to decrease common greenhouse emissions by at least %5 of 1990 emissions in the period
of 2008 to 2012(The Kyoto Protocol to the convention on Climate Change, 1997). In this study,
we review the Turkey situation in Kyoto Protocol. Many factors affect on CO2 emission increasing.
The main source of CO2 emission is from the industry sector but in this study we state the agricultural operations on CO2 emission increasing.
Keywords: Agriculture, Climate change, Kyoto, Turkey
İklim Değişikliği ve Gıda Ekonomisi Açısından Değerlendirilmesi
Dr., ODTÜ Ek Görevli Öğretim Görevlisi, Planlama Uzmanı, Necatibey Cd. 108 Oda no:1316 Ankara
[email protected]
İklim değişikliğinin doğada ve insan yaşamında yaratacağı tahmin edilen değişimler insanların en
temel gereksinimi olan su ve gıdalarda da önemli ulaşılabilirlik sorunları doğurabilecektir. Şimdiye
kadar çeşitli çalışmalarla öngörülmüş olan bu değişimlerin dünya ve ülkemiz gıda üretim, tüketi[67]
minde ve özellikle gıda güvencesi durumunda oluşturabileceği zararların şimdiden tahmin edilerek
gerekli önlemlerin önceden tartışılması ve strateji şekline dönüştürülmesi gerekli görülmektedir.
Bu çalışmada, ülkemizde gıda güvencesi ve su kullanım öncelikleri itibarıyla yapılmış çalışmalar
ve politika dokümanları da göz önüne alınarak bir ülkemiz gıda ekonomisine olumlu katkı yapmak
üzere politika önerisi yapılmaktadır.
Anahtar sözcükler: İklim değişikliği, gıda ekonomisi, gıda güvencesi, küresel ısınma, politika önerisi.
As the result of changes led by the climate change on nature and human life some problems are
foreseen to occur achieving basic needs of human beings; food and water. In various studies these
changes are considered with the probable hazards on world and local food production, consumption and specifically on food security. Therefore necessary measures have to be discussed and
strategies should be prepared to overcome difficulties. In this paper, taking into account the studies
on the food security situation and the water use priorities as well as policy documents, a policy
recommendation in the scope of food economics is made for Turkey.
Keywords: Climate change, food economics, food security, global warming, policy recommendation.
Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde İklim Değişikliğinin
Arpa Yetiştiriciliği Üzerine Etkisi
GAP Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi Müdürlüğü/Diyarbakır
Telefon: 0 412 3261340, e posta: enver21_1@ hotmail.com
Ülkemizin en bereketli topraklarının bulunduğu Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde, yağışlar son yıllarda (2008-2011) özellikle Dicle-Fırat havzasında % 20-40 oranında azalmış, bazı yerlerde (Suriye
sınırı) kuraklık yaşanmış ve sulama yapılmadan burada yetiştiricilik yapmak imkansız hale gelmiştir.
Bu nedenle yağışa dayalı şartlarda kuraklığa dayanımı iyi olan yazlık arpa yetiştiriciliği üzerinde
denemeler yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla çalışmada, erkenci ve kuraklığa tolerans 10 adet ICARDA
orijinli yazlık arpa hattı ile birlikte bölgede yaygın bir şekilde ekilen bir yazlık ve bir alternatif arpa
çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Denemeler, 2009-2010 yetiştirme sezonunda, tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre dört tekrarlamalı ve iki lokasyonda yürütülmüştür. Kontrol lokasyonu olarak Diyarbakır,
sorunlu lokasyon olarak da iklim değişikliğine bağlı olarak kuraklıktan en fazla etkilenen Şanlıurfa
ilimizin Suruç ilçesi uygun görülmüştür. Çalışmada; tane verimi, verimi etkileyen fizyolojik karakterler (başaklanma süresi ve bitki boyu) ve bazı kalite kriterleri (hektolitre ağırlığı, bin tane ağırlığı)
incelenmiştir. Yapılan birleşik analizde, incelenen özellikler bakımından genotip, lokasyon ve genotip
x lokasyon interaksiyonunda % 1 ve % 5 düzeyinde önemli farklılıklar belirlenmiştir. Bu analiz
sonuçlarına göre, Suruç lokasyonu, Diyarbakır lokasyonuna göre yaklaşık 5 gün daha erkenci
olduğu, Diyarbakır lokasyonunda ortalama tane verimi 456.4 kg/da iken, Suruç lokasyonunda 139.2
kg/da olarak belirlenmiştir. Kuraklıktan dolayı lokasyonlar arasında yaklaşık % 200ʼlük oranında
verim farkının oluştuğu tespit edilmiştir. Denemede kullanılan hatların tümü her iki standart çeşide
göre daha erkenci olduğu ve bu erkenciliğe bağlı olarak kuraklıktan daha az etkilendikleri tespit
edilmiş olup kuraklıkla mücadelede bölgede tamamen yazlık ve erkenci materyal kullanıldığı
takdirde daha az verim kaybının oluşacağı bu çalışma ile ortaya konulmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Arpa, iklim değişikliği, genotip x çevre, verim, GAP.
The Effect of Climate Change on Barley Cultivation in Southeast Anatolia
Where the nation's most fertile land in the Southeastern Anatolia, rainfall was reduced especially
basin on Tigris-Euphrates between 20-40% in recent years (2008-2011), it has become impossible
to do farming without irrigation, these places such as Syria border, faced with drought. Therefore,
conducted on the tests in the summer barley drought-resistant growing well based on rainfall conditions. Therefore, this study was carried out in rainfall conditions with spring barley Which are resistant to drought. For this purpose in this study, were used 10 barley lines Which brought from
ICARDA to resistant drought and spring with two standart barley varieties which is an alternative
and a spring Which cultivated commonly in the region. Trials, was conducted in two locations with
four replications as randomized complete block design in 2009-2010 breeding season. Diyarbakir
as control location was used, the district Suruc of Sanliurfa province has been considered appropriate for problematic location most affected by drought depending on the climate change. In
this study, were investigated in grain yield, the physiological characters that affect yield (heading
time and plant height) and some quality criteria (hectolitre weight, thousand grain weight). The
combined analysis, in terms of examined facilities, the genotypes, location and genotype x location interaction were determined significant differences in the level of 1% and 5%. According to
the results of this analysis, Suruc location has been early about 5 days according to the location
of Diyarbakir, the average grain yield was determined 4560.4 kg/ha in Diyarbakir location, but it
was determined as 1390.2 kg/ha in Suruc location. The difference in yield between locations as
depending on the drought, the rate of approximately 200% has been determined. Results showed
that all of the lines were early than the two standard varieties and all of lines showed more resistant
than two standart varieties agains drought depending on early and the loss of yield will occur
the lower, if spring and early barley varieties are used in all of region.
Key Words: Barley, climate change, genotype x environment, yield, GAP.
Zir. Yük. Müh. Enver KENDAL
GAP Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi Müdürlüğü
Merkez / Diyarbakır
Tel: (412) 326 13 40 -183
Fax: (412) 326 13 20
E-mail: [email protected]
Enver KENDAL, Manisa Beydere Ziraat Meslek Lisesiʼnden ve Dicle Üniversitesi Bahçe Bitkileri
Bölümü Alt Programʼ ından mezun oldu. Master derecesini Çukurova Üniversitesi, Tarla Bitkileri
Ana Bilim dalından aldı. Doktora derecesi ise halen Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tarla Bitkileri Ana
Bilim Dalında devam etmektedir. Halen GAP Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi
Müdürlüğü Buğday Arpa Islah Birim Sorumlusu olarak görev yapmaktadır. Aynı zamanda birimde
yürütülen tüm projelerde görev almaktadır.
Yürütücü olarak görev aldığı ve halen devam eden projeler:
1.Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Arpa Islah Araştırmaları(TAGEM)
2. Bazı Durum Buğday Çeşitlerinde genotip x çevre interaksiyonun kalite ve verim özellikleri üzerine etkisi (Doktora Projesi TAGEM).
Yardımcı araştırmacı olarak görev aldığı ve halen devam eden projeler:
1. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Makarnalık Islah Araştırmaları (TAGEM),
2. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesi Ekmeklik Islah Araştırmaları (TAGEM),
3. Makarnalık Buğday Islahında Sıcaklık Stresinde Toleransın Belirlenmesinde Kullanılabilecek
Fizyolojik ve Morfolojik Parametrelerin Belirlenmesi(TAGEM),
4.Türkiyeʼdeki Durum Buğday Çeşitleri ile Bazı Yerel Popülasyon ve İleri Kademede Hatların Bulgurluk Kalitesi Yönünden Taranması(TUBİTAK - 1001)
Biten Projeler:
1. Maltlık Arpa Geliştirme Projesi - 2009 (TUBİTAK - 1007).
2. Güneydoğu Anadolu Bölgesinde, Farklı Dozlarda Uygulanan Çinko (ZnSO4) Gübresinin Makarnalık Buğday Çeşitlerinde Verim, Verim Unsurları ve Kalite Özelliklerine Etkisi(TAGEM)
The Impact of Climate Change on Food Chain Security:
Total Food Protection
Prof. Dr. Hami Alpas
Food Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, 06800, Ankara,Turkey
The recent food and financial crises developed from different underlying causes but intertwined in
complex ways through their implications for financial and economic stability, food and political security. As the majority of the poor in the world are considered to be depended on agriculture, the
severeness of the climate change effects may lead to food system risks and more of the societal
and political risks can be incurred in the future. When all people at all times have physical and
economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food any matter that prevents access by the
consumer to foodstuffs will be a security issue. Although biotechnology revolution is very relevant
to the problems of food security, poverty reduction, and environmental conservation in the developing world, it raises many questions relating to ethics, intellectual property rights, and bio-safety.
Adapting to the additional threats to food security arising from major environmental and climate
changes requires an integrated food system approach, not just a focus on agricultural practices.
Practically food has no borders as a result of globalization and technical innovations and the global
food chain is highly vulnerable to the attacks. Adapting to the additional threats to food security
arising from major environmental changes requires an integrated food system approach by
strengthening the infrastructure against deliberate contamination; thereby making the food system
less vulnerable to attack(s) or destructive economic outcomes. A Total Food Protection perspective
will be summarized by giving recent examples of large scale outbreaks, breakdown of food safety
management systems and vulnerability assessment. Food security, safety, defense, protection
and quality will be linked within a food continuum.
Hami Alpas is Prof. Dr. in Food Engineering Department -METU. He also
holds an MBA degree from Dept. of Business Administration METU.
He has served as a “visiting scholar” in 1996 and 1998 at University of
Wyoming, USA; as a “visiting scientist” in 2001 and 2002 at Ohio State
University, USA and as a “visiting professor” in 2006, 2007 and 2008 at
University of Bordeaux I, France.
His main research areas are: Unit Operations in Food Engineering, Nonthermal Food Processing Technologies, Food Quality, Food Safety and
Food Security through Total Food Protection. He is serving as a Technical
Expert in TURKAK, Manager of Food Analyisis Lab. at Food Eng. Dept. (TURKAK Accredited).
He has supervised 2 Ph.D and 7 M.Sc. thesis in Food Engineering Department. He has 51 international journal articles (SCI) and over 450 citations (ISI-Web of Sci; h-factor 11) as well as close
to 50 academic presentations in 30 different international meetings. He has completed 15 national,
4 international projects including EU/JRC, CNRS-EGIDE and NATO projects. He has authored 7
chapters in internationally edited books and has edited 3 international books by Springer. He has
also organized and co-directed 3 NATO-workshops. He is currently co-director of EU-FP7 project
on “Plant Food Security”.
Optimization, Characterization and Quantification of Phenolic
Compounds in Olive Mill Wastewater (OMW)
Muhammad H. Aluʼdatt
Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, Jordan University of Science and Technology,
P.O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110
[email protected]
This study was investigated the isolation, optimization, quantification and characterization of phenolic extracts in oil mill wastewater. Phenolic extracts were subjected to optimize the extraction
conditions for phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity. Folin-Ciocalteu spectrophotometric method was used to measure the phenolic compounds contents. Reversed phase high
pressure liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) was used for identification of individual components
of phenolic compounds. Antioxidant Activity (AA%) was measured using linoleic acid/β-carotene
assay. Results revealed that the highest total phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity
for olive oil mill waste water was obtained using the following conditions of extraction; extraction time, 12 hr; extraction temperature, 70ºC; extraction solvent, methanol and extraction cycles; three stages. The RP-HPLC profile for
the oil mill waste water showed hydroxybenzoic acid protocatechuic acid as
major predominant phenolic acids. Olive mill waste water can be successfully
used as a natural, inexpensive source of phenolic compounds and antioxidant
activity and can be used in pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and functional food
Environmental Stewardship For Food and Beverage Producers,
in the USA
Dr. J. Jim A. Lofton
Virginia Inc. USA 1200 Park Road Harrisonburg, Virginia 22802
"Farmers have long understood how humans depend on nature. Recent changes in technology
and relationships between the parties involved in the modern food industry have left an imprint on
the environment. However, while there is greater awareness of environmental impacts from agricultural practices, it is often difficult to implement practices that are more environmentally protective. Mr.Lofton will speak on how food companies and growers can change agricultural
management practices and packaging to reduce environmental impacts from farms,vineyards,
and ranches. The purpose of this presentation will be to share information with the food industry
and encourage companies to improve their environmental stewardship activities."
"James A. Lofton has 20 years of experience as an environmental lawyer
with the U.S. government in Washington, D.C., U.S.A. He was an Atlantic
Fellow in Public Policy at Cambridge University in Cambridge, England in
2000, and taught environmental law at the Bilkent University Faculty of Law
in Ankara in 2007 while there as a Fulbright scholar. He has also taught
environmental law at the Washington & Lee University School of Law in
Lexington, Virginia, U.S.A."
Improvement of Maize Yield With Natural-Allelopathic
Plant Water Extracts
Zahid Ata Cheema, Arbab Jahangir, Kashif Mustafa and Muhammad Naeem
Weed Science & Allelopathy Lab, Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan
The concern regarding the adverse effects of synthetic agrochemicals and pesticides on the food
quality and environment has forced the scientist to search new natural and environmental friendly
techniques for improving crop yields. Allelopathic plant water extracts applied at lower rates promote crop growth and yield. The field experiments conducted at the Department of Agronomy,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Pakistan have shown that the water extracts of sorghum,
brassica and moringa applied as foliar sprays significantly enhanced the maize yield. In one study
2 sprays of 3% sorghum, moringa and brassica water extract improved maize yield by 42, 52 and
47% respectively as compared to control. In another study, 1 and 2 foliar sprays of 2% moringa
increased maize yield by 26 and 21% respectively while 1 and 2 foliar sprays of 2% moringa +
brassica increasd maize yield by 29 and 27% respectively as compared to control. It is concluded
that foliar application of allelopathic water extracts in lower concentrations significantly increase
maize yield.
Key words: allelopathy, water extracts, maize, brassica, moringa
Weed Science Allelopathy Lab. Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.38040
Telephone: (Res) 92 41-2600181
69 ext 2931,2936
92 41-9200605
(Off) 92 41-9201098 / 92 41-9200161-
E-Mail: [email protected]
Personal Information:
: Male,
Nationality : Pakistani
: English, Urdu, Punjabi
Experience: As teacher& researcher at UAF 35 yrs. Including four years as Principal Uni. College
of Agric.Multan.
Honours/ Awards: Outstanding Achievements Award-2009 by International Allelopathy Foundation. Res. Productivity Allowance 2005-6. PEF National Education Award-2004, Certificate of honour in recognition of outstanding contribution for promotion of weed science in Pakistan by PWSS
& PARC, 1996.,Fulbright Hays Scholar, 1980-81.
Research: Established allelopathic effects of Sorghum under field conditions and utilized its allelopathic properties for weed management in field crops. Supervised 8 Ph.D and 65 M.Sc. students.and worked as member supervisory committee for 5 PhD & 45 MSc students
Research Publications/Projects: One hundred and seven research papers in research journals.
Worked as P.I. of three research projects funded by Government of Pakistan on allelopathy.
Popular Articles: More than sixty articles on education,agriculture and national affairs.
Book/Monograph: Joint authorship of 2 books & 1 booklet related to weed control and agriculture.one book chapter is published and one book is in process to be published by Springers.
Conferences/Seminars: Attended and presented papers in 50 National/International Conferences
including 6th World Conference on Allelopathy, China-December, 2011.
Membership of Scientific International Bodies: Member International Allelopathy Society, Member International Weed Science Society. Member Pakistan Weed Science Society. Conveener,
Joint secretary Asian Allelopathy society and member executive IAS. Patron, Crop and Environment published by Pakistan Society of Agronomy.
Extra & Co curricular activities: Held various offices as treasurer, secretary, vice president&
president of various bodies/organizations. Presently working as treasurer Cooperative house building society UAF
Current Status: Presently working as Professor of Agronomy/Leader weed science allelopathy
research team and teaching graduate and post graduate courses on weed science and allelopathy
in crop production. Focus of the current research activities is to utilize allelopathy to reduce the
pesticides usage in crops and vegetables for controlling insects and weeds and to enhance crop
Potato Sorting in Machine Vision System
Hasankhani.R1* Navid.H2, Seyedarabi. H3
M.Sc., Dept. of Agricultural Machinery, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran,
Assistant Prof., Dept. of Agricultural Machinery, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran,
Assistant Prof., Dept. of Telecommunication, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
E-Mail: [email protected]
Usually potato is sorted by workers. Manual sorting is labor intensive. Furthermore in mechanical
sorting the crop damages is high, for this reason we must operate a system in which the crop
damages would be diminished. For sorting of potatoes fast, accurate and less labor intensive
modern techniques such as Machine vision is created. The basis of this method is imaging of
samples, analysis of the images, comparing them with a standard and finally decision making in
acceptance or rejection of samples. In this research 110 numbers of potatoes from Agria variety
were prepared. Samples were pre-graded based on quantitative, qualitative and total factors
manually before sorting. Quantitative, qualitative and total sorting in Machine vision system was
performed by improving images quality and extracting the best thresholds. The accuracy of total
sorting was %96.823.
Keywords: qualitative, quantitative, potato, sorting
Investigation of the Effect of Different Support Medium on
Product With Nutrient Film Techique
Ali İncemehmetoğlu, Prof. Dr. Fatih Yıldız
The nutrient film technique is described; its advantages include low running costs, adequate maintenance of oxygen level and high yields, while disadvantages include high installation costs, high
disease incidence and loss of nutrient balance. The effects on strawberry growth with different
media is being investigated namely Perlite, Rockwool, Coco Fibre, Expanded Clay. Parameters
like; weight of product, amount of product, rate of marketable product rigidity, color, dry matter
amount vitamin C, sugar content, fruit production period, comparison the yield of seedling form
tissue culture, comparison the yield of seedling form frozen seedling, algae formation, plant diseases is observed.
Değişik Destek Maddelerinin Akan Su Kültürü Yönteminde Araştırılması
Akan su kültürü tekniği düşük bütçeli operasyon, bitki için gerekli oksijenin verilmesi, yüksek verim
gibi avantajlara sahiptir, bununla birlikte yüksek ilk kurulum masrafı, yüksek hastalık miktarı ve
besin dengesizliği gibi dezavantajlara sahiptir. Çileğin değişik ara maddelerde büyümesi incelenmiş
bunun için ara madde olarak perlit, kayayünü, hindistan cevizi lifi, patlamış kalay denenmiştir. İlgili
incelenen parametreler ürünün ağırlığı, ürün miktarı, pazarlanabilir ürün bütünlüğü, renk, kuru
madde miktarı, vitamin C miktarı, şeker miktarı, meyvelenme süresi, doku kültüründen ve donmuş
fideden ürün miktarı, alg oluşumu ve bitki hastalıkları incelenmiştir.
Gıda Sanayi İşletmelerindeki Isıtma Sistemlerinde
Solar Sistemi Kullanımı
Karnauh Viktoria, Doçent
Ukrayna, “Mikhail – Tugan-Baranovskogo” adını taşıyan Donetsk Ulusal Ekonomi ve Ticaret
Üniversitesi, Soğutma ve Ticaret teknik fakültesi.
Bu makalede ürün suyunun ilk ısıtmasının yapılması için sıcak su sisteminde solar tekniğinin kullanım imkanı incelenmiştir. Örneğin ekmek fabrikasında, gıda sanayi işletmelerinin sıcak su sistemine dahil edilmesi teklif edilen Güneş Kolektörü (GK) hesaplaması ve seçimi yapılmıştır.
Anahtar kelime: Güneş kolektörü, helyotesis, ısı taşıyıcı, sıcak su deposu, tank – akümülatör.
Karnauch Victoria 29 Haziran 1980 yılında Ukraynaʼnın Donetsk şehrinde
doğdum. Ortaöğretim ve lise yıllarını 1986-1997 yılları arasında Donetsk ortaöğretim okulunda okudum. Okulu bitirdikten sonra 1997-2002 yılları
arasında Donetsk Milli Ekonomi ve Ticaret Üniversitesinden mezun oldum .
Burada makine ekipman mühendisliği mesleği aldıktan sonra, 2003-2006
yılları arasında Odesa Devlet Soğukluk Akademisinde doktora öğrencisi
olarak okumaktayken, aynı sene içerisinde doktora yazdım.
2002 yılından bu güne kadar Donetsk Ulusal Ekonomi ve Ticaret Üniversitesi
Soğutma ve Ticaret Teknik Fakültesinde ısı teknik öğretmeni olarak çalışıyorum. 2011 yılında Soğutma ve Ticaret Teknik Fakültesinde Doçent unvanı aldım. Bugüne kadar
yaklaşık 35ʼ e yakın ısı teknik ve bilim konusunda metodik tez ve makale yazdım. Isı Teknik
hakkında da iki kitap yazmış bulunmaktayım.
Uzmanlık alanlarım, Gıda sanayi için püskürtmeli soğutma kulesi, Körüklü soğutma kulesi, solar
kolektörü nü modernleştirmektir.
Effect of the New Farming System – Zero Tillage in Growth,
Yield & Its Component of Bread Wheat, Durum Wheat and Barley Crop
in Moderate Rainfall Area in Ninevah Province.
Alrijabo, A. Abdulsattar
Iraq-Ninevah-Mosul Univ.-Field crop Department-Conservation Agriculture project leader.
In a field study in three different environmental sites within the region of moderate rainfall area,
new agricultural technology of Zero Tillage were introduced for the first time to Iraq through the
import of new ZT seeder, the study implemented in 2006-2007 season compared with conventional
agriculture and sowing after chisel plow, the study applied with numerous varieties belonging to
the three field crops Bread Wheat , Durum Wheat & Barley.
The field grain yield results showed that the ZT planting method was equal with farmer planting
method (conventional tillage) in all locations and crops studied while chisel planting method was
the superior in this trait , this result is encouraging for the adoption of this new technology because
the input in a ZT is equal to or less than half input of other method of cultivation, while in other
studied traits results shown that the chisel method excelled in 15 traits, while the ZT method excelled in 9 traits and the farmer methods in 4 traits only, this results strengthens the recommendation to adopt the ZT planting methods for its limited implementation cost compared with the rest
of the planting methods , in the same time grain yield in ZT planting method is not less than conventional tillage (con.) in any way.
A) Personal Data:
Full Name: Abdulsattar Asmair Jassim Alrijabo
Gender : Male
Nationality: Iraqi
Religion: Muslim
Place & date of Birth: Mosul – 1960
Address: Mosul / Hay Alhadbaa
E-mail: [email protected]
Marital status: marred
Languages: Arabic -English
B) Education Data:
Scientific Certification
1-Bsc. In Agricultural Horticulture Dept. Agric College-Baghdad Univ.1982
2-Msc. Agriculture College- Horticulture Dept. Mosul Univ. (Plant physiology).1985
3-PhD. College of Science – Baghdad Univ.(field crop physiology).1991
4-Bsc. In AlQuraan Sciences – College of Education – Mosul Univ.2000
Graduate Year PhD: 1991
C) Job:
1-Researcher in MOA –for about 2 years
2-Director of Mesopotamia Comp. for seed production- Mosul for about 5 years.
3-Director Of Ninevah Agriculture Directorate DOA for about4 years.
4-Assist Prof. In Agric. College for 10 years including period in DOA.
1-Project Leader of : Better Crop germplasm management for improved production of cereals &
legumes – MOA/ICARDA for 3 years – first stage (2004-2007).
2-Project leader of: Conservation cropping MOA/Agric. college/ICARDA for 3 years – second stage
3-Project leader of: Development of Conservation Agriculture in North Iraq - MOA/Agric.
college/ICARDA for 3 years – (2011-2014).
4-Project Leader of “Improving the Food Security and Climate Change Adaptability of Livestock
Producers using the Rainfed Barley-based System in Iraq and Jordan” Project
Food Engineering: Moving the Research Agenda Forward
Daryl Lund
Professor Emeritus, Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
President International Academy of Food Science and Technology
Editor in Chief Institute of Food Technologists Peer-Reviewed Journals
The 21st Century is rapidly turning into the century of biology. Advances in the “…ologies” (e.g.
biotechnology, nanotechnology, and culinology) and “…omics” (e.g. genomics, proteomics,
metabolomics, economics and molecular gastronomics) as well as improved understanding of
changes in food at the molecular level will have a significant impact on food engineering. Application of our further understanding of the biological sciences to food will lead to improved process
control, new processes applied for the preservation and manufacturing of food, and new products
contributing to health and wellness. So what are these advances and what research is needed in
food engineering? This paper will cover the current status and identify the major challenges of
food engineering.
Dr. Daryl B. Lund University of Wisconsin-Madison
Daryl Lund earned a B.S. degree in mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Ph.D in food science with a minor in chemical engineering also from the University of Wisconsin. During 21 years at the
University of Wisconsin, he was a Professor of food engineering in the Food
Science Department, served his last three years at UW as chair of the department and contributed over 150 scientific papers, edited 5 books, and
co-authored one major text book in the area of simultaneous heat and mass
transfers in foods, kinetics of reactions in foods, and food processing. In
1988, he continued his administrative responsibilities by chairing the Department of Food Science
at Rutgers University, and from December, 1989 through July, 1995, served as the Executive Dean
of Agriculture and Natural Resources with responsibilities for teaching, research and extension at
Rutgers University. From 1995 through 2000, he served as dean of Cornell Universityʼs College
of Agriculture and Life Sciences. He is currently located at the University of Wisconsin, Madison
and serves as USDAʼs Executive Director of the North Central Agricultural Experiment Station Directors.
Development of Aptmer Technology for Application in the Detection of
Microbial Contaminants in Food Sstems
Professor C. J. Smith
Director, Manchester Food Research Centre,
Professor of Food Science
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Food Science and Technology
Editor-in-Chief, Food and Agricultural Immunology
Published Papers
Karkkainen, R.M., Bonwick, G.A., Drasbek, M.R., McDowall, I., Young, N.W.G. & Smith, C.J.
Aptamers for food safety and quality assurance: Selection of aptamers against live bacterial cells.
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis published
(eds. Pulkrabova, J. & Tomaniova, M.). November 1-4, Prague. ICT Press, 2011.
Paul Wassell, Airi Okamura, Satoru Ueno Niall W.G.Young, Graham Bonwick, Christopher Smith,
Kiyotaka Sato. Synchrotron Radiation Microbeam X-Ray Diffraction Study of Interfacial Crystallisation of Fats in Water-in-Oil Emulsions. Langmuir
Ashraf A. Khalil, Nihal F. Kabapy, Sahar F. Deraz & Christopher Smith. Heat shock proteins in oncology: Diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets? Biocimica et Biophysica Acta, 2011, 1816
(2), 89-104.
European Food, Technology and Nutrition Decleration
Prof. Dr Peter Raspor, Dr h.c.
Dept of Food Science and Technology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana Jamnikarjeva 101, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenia
TEL: +386-1-423 1161, FAX: +386-1-257 4092
[email protected]
Occupation or position held:
Since 1992 Head of the Chair of Biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, Food
Science and Technology Department, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
T+386 1 423 11 61 F:+386 1 257 40 92
Since 1997 Full Professor of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology, Food
Science and Technology Department, Biotechnical Faculty, Chair of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Since 2003 Head of Undergraduate study of biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of
Food Science and Technology, Chair of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva
101,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Since 2000 FEMS Secretary General, FEMS Central Office. Keverling Buismanweg 4. 2628 CL
Delft. The Netherlands. T: +31-15-269 3920. F:. +31-15-269 3921
1996-2002 Chairman of post diploma Study of Biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of
Ljubljana, SLO
1992-1997 Associate Professor of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty,
Food Science and Technology Department,
Vice Chair of Study of Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology
1988 – 1992 Assistant Professor of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty,
Food Science and Technology Department, Biotechnology Group, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
1985 – 1987 Assistant of Industrial Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology Department, Chair of Microbiology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
1985 – 1986 Manager of Project Biotechnology, Mlinotest Ajdovscina, Slovenia
1983 – 1985 Research Assistant, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology Department,
Chair of Microbiology, University of Ljubljana,
1976 – 1978 Bakery Technologist, Mlinotest, Ajdovscina, Slovenia
1970 – 1975 Baker, Mlinotest, Ajdovscina, Slovenia
Main activities and responsibilities
University of Ljubljana:
responsible for its pedagogical and research and financial activities.
manage 15 employees in the Chair and 35 in the research programme division.
chairing the Senate of the biotechnology programme at the University of Ljubljana
21. Yüzyılda, Sürdürülebilir Biyorafineriler ve Biyokütle
Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Gıda Mühendisliği ve Biyoteknoloji Bölümü, Ankara, Türkiye
Biyorafineri, sürdürülebilir olarak, biyokütlenin, başta, enerji, gıda, ilaç,gıda takviyesi,kozmetik,
biyopolimer, biyogübre, olmak üzere, çok sayıda,pazarlanabilen, ara ürüne ve nihai ürüne
dönüştürüldüğü fabrikalardır. Tüm Dünyaʼda, çevreyi ve doğal dengeleri,daha fazla
bozmadan,toplumların,sağlık,sosyal ve ekonomik durumlarınıda iyileştirecek, alternatif enerji ve
ürünlere ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır. Biyorafineriler, bu amaçların gerekleştirilmesi için uygundur.
Bol ve her yıl yenilenebilir(170 Milyar ton/yıl), biyokütle; biyorafinerilerin ana hammaddesini oluşturacak, yeni biyoteknoloji uygulamaları ile, gıda fiyatlarında artışa neden olmadan, kırsal kesimde,
katma değer sağlayacaktır. Hammaddenin (Biyokütle), faydalı ve katma değerli ürünlere dönüşümü
konusunda, araştırmalar yoğun bir şekilde devam etmekte ve her geçen gün yeni ürünler, yeni
prosesler ümit vermektedir. İlerliyen yıllarda, biyorafinerilerin sürdürülebilir rekabetci, olabilmesi
için; hammadde fiyatlarını artırmadan, daha düşük kaliteli hammaddeleri kullanmaları, gıda sanayi,
orman ve belediye atıklarını, solar ve alternative enerji kaynaklarını kullanarak katma değeri yüksek ürünlere dönüştürmesi gerekmektedir.
Sustainable Biorefineries and Biomass in the 21st Century
Bio-refinery is the sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products, including; energy, food, nutraceuticals, drugs, cosmetics, biopolymers, bio-fertilizers, many other
products, and intermediates.
There is a need for an alternative sources of energy and commodities without degradation of environment, and ameliorating, the integrity of social and economic conditions, and health of communities. Bio-refineries may be an alternative source of energy and commodities.
The abundant and renewable biomass(170 billion ton/year) raw materials will be an important
feedstock for the bio-refineries, which will have minimal impact on the food availability. Dynamic
research, on conversion processes from raw material to useful end products opening new potentials to all stakeholders. In order to be sustainable, competitive, and to avoid increase in the raw
material prices, the future bio-refineries, would have to concentrate on lower quality renewable
biomass, harvest residues from crops, by-products and wastes from food industry, forestry and
municipalities, by utilizing solar and alternative energy sources.
Doğum yeri Erzurum olan Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ, Yüksek Mühendis
olarak Atatürk Üniversitesinden mezun oldu. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı bursu
ile 1970 yılında gittiği, ABDʼde, Wisconsin ve Maryland Universitelerinde
Biyokimya ve Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi dallarında Master ve doktora
(M.S. ve Ph.D.) derecelerini aldı. Aynı üniversitede (Maryland) 7 yıl
araştırma görevlisi ve öğretim üyesi olarak görev yaptıktan sonra, 1980
yılında ODTÜ Kimya Mühendisliğinde göreve başladı. ODTÜʼde Gıda
Mühendisliği, Biyokimya ve Biyoteknoloji bölümlerinin kurulmasında
görev aldı. Aynı üniversitede Doçent ve profesör oldu. 5000 den fazla
lisans ve 60 den fazla yüksek lisans(M.S. ve doktora) öğrencisi yetiştirdi.
Ulusal ve uluslararası kongreler düzenledi. Fransaʼda Montpellier,
İtalyaʼda Ferrara ve Bologna, Almanyaʼda Bremen, Suriyeʼde Homs, Yunanistanda Hania Universitelerinde Konferans ve dersler verdi. 1990-1992 yılları arasında Minnesota Üniversitesinde öğretim üyesi olarak çalıştı. ODTÜʼde anabilimdalı ve bölüm başkanlıkları
yaptı. Ulusal Gıda Kodeks komisyon üyeliği, AB proje yürütücülüğü yaptı. Halen, Sağlık bakanlığı,
ve Tarım bakanlığında, çeşitli komisyonlarda görev yapmaktadır. UNIDO ulusal proje yürütücüsü
olarak, Gaziantepʼte ihracata yönelik uluslararası gıda analiz laboratuvarı kurdu. Türkiye, ABD,
Fransa, İngiltere, Almanya, ve İtalyaʼda mesleki ve bilimsel dergilerde 150 dan fazla makalesi ve
ABDʼde yayınlanmış 7 bilimsel kitabı bulunmaktadır. Editör olarak hazırladığı kitaplarda 25 ülkeden
100 kadar bilim adamı ile çalıştı. “Journal Food Science,IFT”ABD ve “Nutrafood” Springer verlag-italya dergilerinde editörler kurulu üyesi olarak görev yapmaktadır. Halen ODTÜ Gıda
Mühendisliğinde çalışmalarını sürdürmekte olan Dr.Fatih YILDIZ evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.
A Short biography of Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ
Dr. Fatih Yıldız, received his BS degree as an engineer from Atatürk University, where he was
born. He was awarded a scholarship to study abroad,after a nationally competitive exam. He
studied at the University of Wisconsin,Madison and University of Maryland ,College Park USA,
received his MS and PhD degrees in Food Biochemistry in 1978. He worked as a faculty member
at the University of Maryland for five years. In 1980, Dr.Yıldız joined to the Department of Chemical
Engineering of the Middle East Technical University(METU). He was actively involved in the establishment of the Department of Food Engineering, Biochemistry and Biotechnology programs
at that University, and served as chairman of the departments. Dr. Yıldız also worked as a professor at the University of Minnesota, Department of Food Science and Nutrition. He has done research at the French National Institue of Agricultural Research (INRA-Avignon) as a visiting
professor in 1997. Additionally, he has done research projects with FAO,UNIDO,UNICEF and
NATO as a project director.He was strategic partner in EU-FoodTrace project(2002-2007). Professor Yıldız, has published more than 150 peer-reviewed research and review papers, mostly in
English, and Turkish, in international and national journals as the major author. His publication
have been cited by science citation index(SCI) more than 100 times. He has co-authered a book
entitled “Minimally Processed and Refrigerated Fruits and Vegetables”. Published in 1994 by Capman and Hall, which was then a new concept in food industry. He taught more then 5000 senior
undergraduate students, supervised 60 M.S and Ph.D students. He organized 3 national and 3
international congresses.
His current interests include health nutrition and safety attribues of the Mediterranean diet. He is
the editor of the first book on phytoestrogens, entitled “Phytoestrogens in Functional Foods” published by CRC press.
He is currently editorial member of the “Journal of Food Science by IFT” and “Nutrafoods” published by Springer-Verlag-Italia. Dr.Yıldız is a member of 10 scientific and academic organizations
in the USA, Turkey,and EU.
Advances in Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Foods
Gürbüz Güneş
Istanbul Technical University, Food Engineering Department, Maslak, Istanbul
E-mail: [email protected]
Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) is enclosure of a food product in a package with a headspace gaseous composition different from air. The gases used in MAP can control growth of microorganisms and degradative biochemical reactions such as oxidation in foods. The most
common gases used in MAP are CO2, O2 and N2. Usually, reduced levels of O2 and elevated
levels of CO2 in the package headspaces. Elevated CO2 has a role in inhibiting microbial activities
as well as inhibiting physiological activities of respiring foods. Reduced O2 can decrease growth
of aerobic microorganisms, and oxidative quality degradations in foods in addition to decrease in
respiratory activities in fresh produce. However, recent studies have shown that superatmospheric
O2 levels can also have similar benefits in some products. There are also novel gases such as
argon (Ar), nitrous oxide (N2O), helium (He), xenon (Xe), and carbon monoxide (CO) that have
been subject of interests in MAP. Use of these novel gases in MAP of some food products have
resulted in significant benefits in quality maintenance and shelf life extension.
A successful MAP application for a food product depends on maintenance of headspace gas compositions at the desired levels during storage. This depends on specific gas permeabilities of the
packaging materials. Extremely high barrier packaging materials are required for non-respiring
product so that the initial target gas compositions in the headspace can be maintained for long
time during storage. On the other hand, packaging materials with specific permeabilities for each
gases are required for respiring produce to maintain an optimum gas composition in the headspace. Thus these specific requirements motivated interests in developments of new packaging
materials with desired barrier properties for various food product using novel approaches such as
nanotechnology and microperforation.
In this presentation, recent developments in MAP of various foods will be discussed considering
novel MAP gases, packaging materials, and use of MAP combined with other technologies in food
Determination of Bisphenol A Diglycidyl Ether (BADGE) and its
Derivatives in Canned Tuna Fish From the Iranʼs Market
S. S. Sajadian*1, Sh. Shoeibi2, M.R. Eshaghi1, M. Shahrestani2,
A. Mousavi Khaneghah3, M. Amirahmadi2
Department of Food Science and Technology, Varamin Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Varamin, Iran
Food and Drug Control Laboratories (FDCLs), Deputy for Food & Drug, MOH, Tehran, Iran
Department of Food Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
*[email protected]
Migration of compounds from packaging materials is one of the most important aspects of food
safety. The main purpose of this study is determination and quantification of migrated BADGE and
its derivatives in canned tuna fishes by a rapid HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
method with fluorescence detector. Samples have been collected from Iranʼs market by PMS
method (Post Marketing Service) from different regions of Iran. Migrated compounds were extracted with methanol then analyzed by a HPLC system. This method can detect the amount of
BADGE and its derivatives in low concentration. Whereas detection limit for BADGE.2H2O was
detected in 0.04 ppm. Also the present of recovery for BADE and its derivatives in comparison to
previous investigations is suitable. Results showed that the BADGE.HCL, BADGE.H2O.HCL and
BADGE.H2O were not detected in any samples. However, BADGE, BADGE.2H2O and
BADGE.2HCL were detected in samples but the amounts of specific migration of BADGE and its
derivatives from metal cans into the samples conform to EU legislation (EC 1895/2005 that determined specific migration limits (SML) for sum of the BADGE and its hydrolyzed derivatives is 9
mg/kg and Sum of chlorinated derivatives is, 1 mg/kg), which confirm the safety of these cans
container that were used for packaging of tuna fish in Iranʼs market.
Keywords: BADGE, Chlorinated derivatives, HPLC, Hydrolyzed derivatives, Specific Migration
Active Packaging:
Chitosan Based Films Enriched With Proanthocyanidin
Department of Food Engineering, İstanbul Aydın University, İstanbul
e-mail:[email protected]
phone: 0 552 5564241
Introduction: Active packaging is achieved by adding active ingredients to the film forming polymers. Antimicrobial and antioxidative packaging is a kind of active packaging. An antimicrobial
packaging system limits or prevents microbial growth by extending the lag period and reducing
the growth rate or decreases live counts of microorganisms[1]. Chitosan has been proved to be
nontoxic, biodegradable, biofunctional, biocompatible and have antimicrobial characteristics.
Proanthocyanidin is the natural antioxidant and mainly obtained from the grape seed[2].
Aim: The main objective was to prepare chitosan based films enriched with proanthocyanidin for
potential use as active packaging having both antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.
Method: Water vapor permeability and swelling tests were applied to the chitosan based films enriched with proanthocyanidin in order to determine the film quality. Antioxidant activity tests were
carried out to investigate the controlled proanthocyanidin release from the film to buffer solutions
of pH4 and pH7.
Results: Water vapor permeability decreased with the addition of proanthocyanidin that brought
the water vapor barrier property to the film. These films swelled in buffer solution of pH 4 more
than that of in buffer solution pH7. The antioxidant release test at buffer solutions of different pHʼs
indicated the controlled release of proanthocyanidin. Only 23% and 39% of proanthocyanidin in
films released to buffer solutions of pH7 and pH4 within 1 hour, respectively. pH of food directly
influenced the released amount of proanthocyanidin.
Conclusion: Chitosan films enriched with proanthocyanidin have great potential to be used in
food packaging industry. Since proanthocyanidin has high antioxidant capacity, the release of
proanthocyanidin from the film would gain an antioxidant property to the packaged product which
may prevent the oxidative damage.
Keywords: Chitosan, proanthocyanidin, Active packaging
[1] Han, J.H.; 2000. Food Technol 54(3):56-65.
[2] Altiok E, Ulku S, Bayraktar O. Food Science and Technology Research. 2007;13:321–6.
Türkiyeʼde Gıda Güvencesi Meselesinin
Bazı Gıda Ürünleri Çerçevesinde Değerlendirilmesi
Özge Can NİYAZ¹, Sibel TAN¹, Nevin DEMİRBA޲
¹Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi- ÇANAKKALE
²Ege Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi- İZMİR
Gıda güvencesi, bütün insanların her zaman aktif ve sağlıklı bir yaşam için gerekli olan besin
ihtiyaçlarını ve gıda önceliklerini karşılayabilmek amacıyla yeterli, sağlıklı, güvenilir ve besleyici
gıdaya fiziksel ve ekonomik bakımdan erişmeleri ve sürdürmeleri durumudur. Gıda güvencesi
meselesi gıda üretimi ve tüketimi gibi iki ana unsur açısından değerlendirilebilir.
FAO verilerine göre, Türkiyeʼde kişi başına günlük enerji alımına yetecek kadar gıda arzı bulunmakla birlikte, sağlıklı ve dengeli beslenme adına toplumun bazı kesimlerinde gıda güvencesizliği
ve özellikle hayvansal ürünlerin az miktarda tüketimine bağlı olarak marko ve mikro besin öğeleri
eksikliği görülmektedir.
DPTʼnin yaptığı bir araştırmaya göre, Türk halkının gıda tüketim paterninde temel besin maddeleri
ekmek ve diğer tahıl ürünleridir. Günlük enerjinin ortalama %50'si ekmek ve diğer tahıl ürünlerinden
sağlanmaktadır. 2004 yılı verilerine göre et ve et ürünleri, protein açısından çok önemli gıda maddeleri olmasına rağmen, toplam gıda tüketim oranı içindeki payı sadece %3ʼtür.
Dönem bazında ürün gruplarına göre tüketim eğilimi değişim göstermektedir. Nitekim zaman içinde
ekmek, süt-yoğurt, et, taze sebze ve meyve tüketiminin azalırken; kuru baklagil, yumurta ve şeker
tüketimi ise artmıştır. Gıda arzı boyutu, son 25 yıl içerisinde değerlendirildiğinde; hububat, yumru
bitkiler, meyve-sebze, bitkisel yağlar ile şeker ve şekerli mamul üretiminin arttığı ve bu artışların
kişi başına net arza da olumlu yansıdığı anlaşılmaktadır. Kişi başına süt ve süt ürünleri ile yumurta
üretimi ise azalmıştır. Kırmızı et arzında da azalma meydana gelmiş ancak beyaz et üretimi özellikle son on yılda büyük gelişme göstermiştir.
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türk halkının beslenmesinde öneme sahip olan gıda gruplarından tahıllar, kırmızı
et ve et ürünleri, beyaz et ve yumurta, süt ve süt ürünleri ile şeker için arz-talep, üretim-tüketim ve
sağlık açısından alınması gereken kalori miktarı gibi göstergelerle Türkiyeʼde gıda güvencesinin değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmada TUİK ve FAOʼdan elde edilen son on yıllık verilerden yararlanılacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkiye, Gıda Güvencesi, Süt, Et, Tahıl, Şeker.
Necessity of Familiarity with the Patterns of Modern Sustainable
Agriculture "Durable, Organic (Bio), Precision and Protection"
Ali Asghar Mirakzadeh1 Hossein Heidari2 Majid Bahrami3
Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension and Education, College of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, University of Razi
Rural Development graduate student, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University
of Razi & Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Yong Researcher club, Songhor & kuliaei, Iran
Graduate degree of Master of Rural Development, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Razi
Corresponding Author E-Mail: [email protected]
The purpose of this study with new patterns of sustainable agriculture is that agriculture, which includes four types are: 1. This means that the stable agricultural and environmental objectives simultaneously, making economic and social needs. True of the agricultural environment of the
factory is based, is dependent on nature. 2. Farming Systems of agricultural production and animal
health, ecosystems, agriculture is the production of healthy food and pure boosts and the use of
synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and growth regulators and additives animal feed and antibiotics
should be avoided. 3. Precision agriculture: the new science of using system RS, GPS , GTS Automatically without the driver's guide to agriculture and agricultural machinery operation, use of
variable amounts of pesticide use, fertilizer and seed planting depth and also vary according to
specific conditions of each field are. 4. Agricultural conservation practices that sustainable agriculture is one of the species The farmer with the aim of increasing the quality and quantity of agricultural products and also prevent soil erosion and damage to the environment into Especially
limited freshwater resources, groundwater, three stages of planting and harvesting, to form different
from the way previous runs. The concept of conservation agriculture practices” Decent work” This
concept is related to the environment, create wealth, protect workers' rights and ensure it is in the
interest of capital owners.
Keywords: Sustainable development, Precision farming, Organic Farming, Agriculture Gala, Conservation agriculture.
Anahtar Kelimeler: sürdürülebilir kalkınma, hassas tarım, Organik Tarım, Tarım Gala, Koruma tarım
İncir İşletmelerinde Gıda Güvenliği Yönetim Sistemleri Uygulamaları
Yrd. Doç. Dr., Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü,
Aydın. [email protected]
Yrd. Doç. Dr., Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü, Aydın.
Yrd. Doç. Dr., Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü, Aydın.
Prof. Dr., Ege Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, İzmir.
İncir işletmelerinde gıda güvenliği yönetim sistemleri (GGYS) uygulamaları ve uygulamada
karşılaşılan zorlukları tespit etmek amacıyla yapılan bu araştırma, Aydın ili ve ilçelerinde faaliyet
gösteren 91 incir işletmesinin tamamı ile yapılan anketlerden elde edilen verilerden oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmada, incir işletmelerine 2009-2010 yılı içerisinde yapılan ziyaretlerde, ürün işleme kapasiteleri ve çeşitlilikleri ile GGYSʼni belgelendirme ve belgelendirmeme durumları ve gerekçelerini
belirlemek hedeflenmiştir. Elde edilen verilere göre, işletmelerin tamamının ʻSarılopʼ incir çeşidini
kurutmalık incir üretiminde kullanmayı tercih ettiği, az oranda da olsa ʻSarı Zeybekʼ incir çeşidinin
kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerin her ne kadar çoğunluğu (%98,9) kurutmalık incir işlese de,
kesme, taze ve dondurulmuş incir üretiminin de Aydın bölgesinde gerçekleştirildiği; lerida, protoben
ve garlandın en çok tercih edilen kuru incir işleme şekilleri olduğu belirlenmiştir. İşletmelerin
%36,3ʼü bir gıda güvenliği yönetim sistemi belgesine sahip olduğunu ve bu belgeleri, özellikle uluslararası pazarda rekabet edebilirlik sağlaması nedeniyle tercih ettiklerini belirtmişlerdir. Bununla
beraber, işletmelerinin gelişimi ve iyileşmesine katkıda bulunması nedeniyle de bu sistemleri uygulamayı tercih ettikleri (%39,4) tespit edilmiştir. İncir işletmelerinin büyük bir çoğunluğu (%87,9) bu
sistemlerin kurulumu aşamasında danışmanlık hizmetinden yararlandıklarını ve GGYS belgesine
sahip olunmasının ürünlerinin satış oranını arttırdığını (%72,7) da belirtmişlerdir. GGYSʼne sahip
olmayan işletmelerin ise bu sistemleri uygulamayı tercih etmemelerinin temel sebebinin, bu konuda
müşteri taleplerinin bulunmaması olduğu saptanmıştır.
Anahtar sözcükler: incir işletmeleri, gıda güvenliği yönetim sistemleri, incir işleme şekilleri, Aydın
Implementations of Food Safety Management Systems in Fig Firms
This research aimed to determine implementations of food safety management systems (FSMS)
and the difficulties seen in practice. The research consisted of the data obtained via survey questionnaires from all 91 fig firms in Aydın city and districts. In this study, it was intended to specify fig
processing capacities, variations, and the reasons for being certified or not certified with FSMS
based on the visits to the fig firms from 2009-2010. According to the data obtained, all of the firms
would prefer to process ʻSarılopʼ dried fig cultivar, but a few of those could also use ʻSarı Zeybekʼ
fig cultivar. Although most of the firms (98.9%) would process the dried fig solely, sliced, fresh and
frozen figs could also be produced in Aydın region. It was also discovered that lerida, protoben
and garland were the most preferred dried fig processing variations. 36.3% of the firms indicated
that they have at least a FSMS certification and the main reason for obtaining these certifications
was to compete in international markets. In addition, the managers of the firms (39.4%) emphasized that they would prefer those systems to be enabled to improve the firms. A major part of the
firms (87.9%) declared that they would benefit from consultancy services during implementation
of those systems and also having FSMS certifications could increase the marketing rate (72.7%).
It was also determined that the major reason for not implementing FSMS in the firms was because
there would not be a consumer demand for FSMS in fig firms.
Key words: fig firms, food safety management systems, fig processing variations, Aydın
05.02.1975 yılında Aydın ilinin Yenipazar ilçesinde doğdu. İlk öğrenimini Yenipazar ilçesi Merkez İlkokulu, orta öğrenimini Ortaklar Anadolu Öğretmen Lisesiʼnde tamamladı. 1992 yılında Söke Ziraat Teknik Lisesiʼnde lise eğitimini
bitirdi. 1996 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi
Bölümünü, bölüm birincisi ve aynı zamanda fakülte ikincisi olarak tamamladı.
1994-1996 yılları arasında fakülte lisans eğitimi sürecinde, Phillip Morris Marllboro Sigara ve Tütüncülük A.Ş. (Torbalı/İzmir)ʼnden karşılıksız burs aldı. 1996
yılı Ekim ayında Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ağrı Tarım İl Müdürlüğüʼne Ziraat
Mühendisi olarak ataması yapıldı. Ocak 1998 döneminde yine aynı Bakanlığa bağlı Erbeyli İncir
Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğüʼne araştırmacı olarak ataması gerçekleşti. 01.09.2000 tarihinde
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tarım Ekonomisi Anabilim Dalıʼnda Yüksek
Lisans eğitimini bitirdi. 2000-2001 yılları arasında Malatyaʼda kısa dönem er olarak vatani görevini
tamamladı. 2007 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarım Ekonomisi
Ana Bilim Dalı, Tarımsal Politika ve Yayım Bilim Dalıʼnda doktora eğitimini tamamladı. 31.12.2009
tarihi itibariyle Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümüʼne Yrd.
Doç. Dr. olarak ataması yapıldı. Halen aynı kurumda çalışmakta olup, evli ve iki kız çocuk
Gıdalarda Veteriner Hekimliği İlaç Kalıntılarının Sağlığımıza Olumsuz
Etkileri, Kalıntıların Önlenmesine Yönelik Türkiyeʼdeki Uygulamalar
Prof. Dr. Ali BİLGİLİ, Ankara Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji
Anabilim Dalı, 06110, Dışkapı, Ankara/Türkiye.
E-posta: [email protected]
Gıda değeri olan hayvanlarda hastalıkların sağaltılması ve önlenmesi için veteriner hekimliği
ilaçlarının kullanımını takiben, gıda olarak tüketilebilen doku ve organları ile hayvansal ürünlerde
ilaç kalıntıları oluşabilir. Gıdalardaki ilaç kalıntıları insan sağlığı ve ekonomik yönden önem taşır.
Özellikle uzun etkili ilaç formülasyonları kalıntıya neden olurlar. Gıdalardaki ilaç kalıntılarının ön[85]
lenmesi yetkili kurumlar, veteriner hekimler, yetiştiriciler, bilim insanları ve ilgili diğer kuruluşların
sorumluluğundadır. İlaç kalıntılarının önlenmesine yönelik yetkili kurum kesim öncesi bekletme
süresi, en yüksek kalıntı miktarı, gıda değeri olan hayvanlarda kullanılmasına izin verilen, ilaç dozları, kalıntı kontrol ve izleme programları yaparlar. Ayrıca gıda değeri olan hayvanlarda kullanılmaması gereken ilaçları da belirler. İlaçların kullanıcılar tarafından bilinçli uygulanması ile
gıdalardaki kalıntılar kontrol altında tutulabilir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Veteriner hekim, ilaç kalıntıları, gıda.
The Adverse Effects of Veterinary Drug Residues in Foods On Our
Health, Applications for the Prevention of Residues in Turkey
Following the use of veterinary drugs for the treatment and prevention of diseases in food-producing animals, drug residues may occur in animal products, with their tissues and organs that
can be consumed as food. The drug residues in foods have an importance in human health and
economics. Especially, long-acting drug formulations cause the residue. The prevention of drug
residues in foods is under the responsibility of governmental agencies, veterinarians, producers,
scientists and other related institutions. For the prevention of drug residues, governmental agency
establishes withdrawal time before slaughter, maximum residue levels, drug dosages that are permitted to be used in food-producing animals, residue control and monitoring programmes. In addition, it also determines the drugs that should not be used in food-producing animals. The residues
in foods may be kept under control by administration of drugs, in a manner of awareness to the
Key words: Veterinary Surgeon, drug residues, food.
1961 doğumlu olan Prof. Dr. Ali Bilgili Artvin Yusufeliʼlidir.
1986ʼda Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesiʼnden mezun oldu.
Aynı yıl Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Farmakoloji ve Toksikoloji
Anabilim Dalıʼnda Araştırma Görevlisi olarak göreve başladı.
1991ʼde Doktor, 1994ʼde Doçent unvanını aldı. 2001ʼde Profesör kadrosuna atandı.
Evli ve 2 çocuk babası Prof. Dr. Ali Bilgili İngilizce bilmektedir.
Ulusal ve uluslararası alanda yayınlanan birçok bilimsel derginin editörler grubunda, danışmanlık
ve hakem heyetlerinde yer aldı.
İleri Dünya Ülkeleriʼnde bilimsel alanda otorite kabul edilen Sciences Citation Index kapsamındaki
uluslararası dergilerde 44,
Yurt içi ve yurt dışı hakemli dergilerde 48,
Bilimsel dergilerde 8, kitap bölümü olarak 42, derleme niteliğinde 32, bildiri ve yazılı sunu olarak
46 bilimsel makale yazdı.
Alanıyla ilgili Türkiye genelinde Üniversitelerde okutulmakta olan çok sayıda ders kitabının bir kısmında yazarlar ve bir kısmında da editörler ve yazarlar grubunda yer aldı. Prof. Dr. Ali Bilgili 200ʼün
üzerinde bilimsel eserin sahibidir.
Ulusal ve uluslararası katılımlı olan 100ʼe yakın Kongre, Sempozyum, Panel, Kurultay gibi bilimsel
toplantıların organizasyonunda görev yaptı.
Kariyeri boyunca 12 adet TÜBİTAK, Bakanlıklar ve Üniversiteler tarafından desteklenen değişik
kaynaklı büyük çaplı projenin yöneticisi veya aktif çalışanı olarak katkıda bulundu.
Uluslararası bilim camiasında çok büyük itibara sahip olan Science Citation Index kapsamına giren
dergilerde yayınlanan bilimsel makalelerine İleri Dünya Ülkelerindeki yabancı bilim adamlarınca
200ʼün üzerinde atıfta bulunuldu.
TÜBİTAK-Bilim İnsanı Destekleme Daire Başkanlığı tarafından 7-9 Nisan 2009 tarihleri arasında
Ankaraʼda düzenlenen 39. Lise Öğrencileri Arası Araştırma Projeleri Yarışmasıʼnda; 285 proje
içerisinde “Atık Pillerin Rokaʼda Bitki Gelişmesi, Toprak ve Bitkide Ağır Metal Biriktirme Durumlarının Araştırılması” adlı Danışmanlığını yürüttüğü Projeʼye 2ʼncilik ödülü verildi.
Amerika Birleşik Devletleriʼnin (ABD) Teksas Eyaletiʼnde Cosmos Eğitim Vakfıʼnın öncülüğü ve
Rice, Teksas, Houston ile Luisiana Devlet Üniversiteleriʼnin hakemliğinde 15-20 Nisan 2009ʼda
IIʼncisi gerçekleştirilen Dünyaʼnın 60 farklı Ülkesiʼnden 1.200 Yarışmacının katıldığı; Uluslararası
Enerji, Endüstri ve Ekoloji Proje Yarışmasıʼnda (I- SWEEP) “Searching Healthy Alternatives Instead
of Soil That is Used in Grape Molasses” adlı Danışmanlığını yürüttüğü Projeʼye Dünya 2ʼnciliği
(Gümüş Madalya) ödülü verildi.
Ayrıca TÜBİTAK Uluslararası Bilimsel Yayınları Teşvik Programı ve Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Yayınları Özendirme Desteği kapsamında 20ʼnin üzerindeki bilimsel yayınına Teşvik Ödülü
DNA Finger Printing of Pseudomonas Aeroginosa Isolated From
Hospital Sections Through Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE)
Alipour-N1*, Karagöz-A2, Taner-A3, Prof. Dr. Durmaz-R2, Prof. Dr. Yıldız-F4
*1PhD student, Biotechnology department, METU, Ankara-Turkey
Molecular Microbiology department, Rafık Saydam National Hygiene Center,
Microbiology Lab, TOBB-ETU Hospital,Ankara-Turkey.
Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Food Engineering Department, METU, Ankara-Turkey
Background. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common cause of nosocomial infections,particularly
in intensive care units (ICU),Broncoscopy, oncology, urology... The aim of this study was to characterize P. aeruginosa clinical isolates clonal relatedness by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
(PFGE) typing.
Methods.We analyzed genotypically a collection of 58 clinical isolates recovered during the period
2006–2011 from TOBB hospital microbiology department bacterial archive ,fulfilled PFGE at the
Rafık Saydam National Hygiene Center. A total of 52 genotypes were identified among the 58
isolates. 16 of 52 genotypes were in clusters (16 in 7 major groups) and the remaining 42 genotypes were unique. The clustering rate was 28% (16/58). The size of the cluster varied from 2 to
3 clinical isolates. When the isolates were grouped according to Dice similarity coefficient higher
than 85%, 9 (16%) of the 57 isolates were clonally related. There was 7 major groups including
28% of the isolates mainly observed. This is the first study on the molecular characterization of
P.aeroginosa isolates in such a wide level in Turkey.
Conclusions. PFGE demonstrated the existence of a common clone in a (ICU)critical care area.
There was no association between clustering rates and age, gender.Despite not existing horizntal
transfering from patient to patient due to high level of hygiene plans of this hospital,isolating similar
strain (PA)between year 2006-2010 prove non-correct sterilization of medical equipments e.g bron[87]
coscope,Oxygen mask,laryncoscope …..These may be source of infection in this hospital.Reinforcement of infection control measurment is needed to avoid iatrogenic and horizontal transmission and severe infections.
KEYWORDS: Pulse field gel Electrophoresis,DNA finger printing,pseudomonas aeroginosa,Bronchoscopy; Nosocomial infection BAL (Bronchial Aspirate lavage) ENT,ICU,MDR.
Practical Implementation of Traceability in Ouzo and Tsipouro,
Traditional Greek Drinks Using the GSI System
According to the recent EU legislation concerning product traceability it should be ensured that
a product batch and its history can be tracked through the whole production chain, from farm to
fork. This should be achieved by placing obligations on each food business operator to ensure
the product batch can be traced within the step or steps of the production chain with which it is
Traceability is a tool which can be used to achieve a withdrawal of food products from the market.
Food businesses must ensure that adequate procedures are in place to withdraw feed and food
from the market where a risk to the health of the consumer is posed.
Traceabilty has been implemented in a drink company in Greece manufacturing ouzo.
Traceability is concerned with a) the origin of raw materials and intermediate materials as well as
packaging materials, b) history of processing and c) distribution and place of product after delivery.
The implementation of traceability should have the following characteristics: a) identification of
units /lots of all ingredients and products, b) information regarding when and where they were
transported and c) a system linking all data.
Traceabilty is determined according to the direction of information flow in the food and drink chain
and is divided into three categories:
Α) Trace forward or downstream traceability, defined as the capability of detecting a product based
on specific criteria at each point of the distribution chain,
Β) Trace back or upstream traceability defined as the capability of verification of the origin and
product characteristics at each point of the distribution chain.
C) Trace till traceability with which traceability is assured from one point of the supply chain to another without specific report on the stages intervening between these points.
Drink industries are bound to implement a traceability system since 01/01/2005 (Regulation.
2080/2005/EU, Reg. 178/2002). This implementation in the supply chain of ouzo-tsipouro from
farm to fork meets many obstacles.
These obstacles are due to the fact that ouzo/tsipouro presents the following problems:
• Bad quality of different distillates
• The distillation tail contains a large quantity of methanol which might have bad consequences
to the consumersʼ health. For this reason it should either be rejected or redistilled in the case
it does not have a bad odour.
• Aromatics react with alcohol after some period of time producing secondary aromatic compounds, which is undesirable, since it deteriorates the taste and aroma.
• Maturity of tsipouro is in reality non-sealed production which either run out with time (due to
alcohol evaporation), or the aromatic compounds react with oxygen (atmospheric air) deteriorating taste.
• Adulteration with the addition of sugar, molasses, blue vitriol of copper in order to increase
the alcoholic degrees.
Tsipouro is derived from fermented grapes exposed to a double distillation without the addition of
aniseed. The product to be examined is packaged tsipouro 0.5 lt containing 40% v/v ethyl alcohol.
Based on the GSI system and having barcodes for all company products we have the following
example. For ouzo 200 ml 41% v/v, code has arisen with change of digits 10-12 of the 13 digit
code. 9digit code is constant for the company. Digits 231 state:
2 is the coding for the storage tank of 41 alcoholic degrees, 3 is the coding of packaging of 500
ml and 1 is the coding for the product.
Coding 1 refers to storage tank of 37.5 alcoholic degrees, 3 refers to tsipouro manufactured at 39
alcoholic degrees and 4 refers to tsipouro manufactured at 41 degrees.
Packaging coding started from 1 as the smaller volume of 50 ml, 2 with 200 ml volume, 3 with 500
ml volume, 4 with 700 ml volume, and 5 with 750 ml volume. 6,7 have been attributed to 1 lt and
5 lt volumes, respectively.
Theodoros Varzakas owns a Bachelor (Honours) in Microbiology and Biochemistry (1992), and a
Ph.D. in Food Biotechnology and an MBA in Food from Reading University, UK (1998). He has
also worked as a postdoctoral research staff at the same university. He has worked in large pharmaceutical and multinational food companies in Greece for 5 years and has also got at least 11
years experience in the public sector. Since 2005 he serves as Assistant Professor in the Department of Food Technology, Technological Educational Institute of Kalamata, Greece specializing in
issues of food technology, food processing, food quality and safety. Reviewer in many international
journals such as (International Journal of Food Science & Technology, Journal of Food Engineering, Waste Management, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Italian Journal of Food
Science, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Food Quality, Food Chemistry). Has
written more than 60 research papers and reviews and has presented more than 70 papers and
posters in national and international conferences. He has written two books in Greek, one on genetically modified food and another one on Quality control in food.
Participation in many European and national research programs as coordinator or scientific member.
Fellow of the Institute of Food Science & Technology (2007).
Traceability of Olive Oil in Greece: A Farm to Fork Approach
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has numerous potential applications in various
industries. One important use is for complete traceability of olive oil with the added advantage of
being able to verify that quality controls have been passed, with all the necessary steps complied
with and for the time required. The aim of this work is to present a food traceability system using
RFID tags.
Theodoros Varzakas owns a Bachelor (Honours) in Microbiology and Biochemistry (1992), and a
Ph.D. in Food Biotechnology and an MBA in Food from Reading University, UK (1998). He has
also worked as a postdoctoral research staff at the same university. He has worked in large pharmaceutical and multinational food companies in Greece for 5 years and has also got at least 11
years experience in the public sector. Since 2005 he serves as Assistant Professor in the Department of Food Technology, Technological Educational Institute of Kalamata, Greece specializing in
issues of food technology, food processing, food quality and safety. Reviewer in many international
journals such as (International Journal of Food Science & Technology, Journal of Food Engineering, Waste Management, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Italian Journal of Food
Science, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of Food Quality, Food Chemistry). Has
written more than 60 research papers and reviews and has presented more than 70 papers and
posters in national and international conferences. He has written two books in Greek, one on genetically modified food and another one on Quality control in food.
Participation in many European and national research programs as coordinator or scientific member.
Fellow of the Institute of Food Science & Technology (2007).
Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Ürünlerin İnsan ve Çevre Üzerindeki Etkileri
Olcay KANDEMİR¹, Nezaket CÖMERT²
¹Prof Dr, Dr. Abdurrahman Yurtaslan Ankara Onkoloji Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi,
Patoloji Kliniği, E-mail: [email protected]
2Dr, Gıda,Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı,Teşkilatlanma Dairesi
Eskişehir Yolu 9.Km Karşısı Lodumlu-Çankaya/ Ankara
E-mail: [email protected]
Genetiği değiştirilmiş organizma (GDO), biyoteknolojik yöntemlerle doğal genetik materyali
değiştirilerek yeni özellikler kazandırılmış canlıdır. Dünyada aç ve yetersiz beslenen insan sayısındaki artış sebep gösterilerek, 70ʼli yıllardan bu yana modern biyoteknolojik çalışmaların hız
kazandığını görüyoruz. Özellikle gelişmiş ülkelerde üretilen GD tohumlarla Afrika ve Asya
ülkelerinde GD tek ürün tarımı teşvik edilmiştir. Zamanla GDO ürünlerin insan sağlığı ve çevre
üzerine olumsuz etkilerini gösteren bilimsel çalışmalar da artmıştır. Rekombinant DNAʼnın horizontal olarak diğer canlılara transferi gösteren araştırmalar dikkat çekicidir. Üstelik GD ürünler
yaygınlaştığı halde, FAO verilerine göre dünyadaki açlık tehlikesi daha da artmıştır. GDOʼlarla ilgili
endişeler sonucu dünyada ve ülkemizde GD ürünlerle ilgili bazı yasal düzenlemeler yapılmıştır,
ancak daha da detaylandırılması gerekir.
Anahtar kelimeler: GDO, gen transferi, yasal düzenlemeler, GD ürünler, altın pirinç
The Effect of Genetically Modified Organisms On Human Race and Envıronment
Genetically modified organism (GMO), is a product, where natural organic life forms are changed
genetically by using biotechnologic methods. Since 1970, the usage of biotechnologic methods
are growing due to hunger and insufficient nutrition in human race. The genetically modified seeds,
which are produced in the most developed countries, are being encouraged to use in African and
Asian countries as a single genetically modified product. Scientific studies about GMO, which
proves the harmful effects to human health and nature, has increased within the last years. Studies
about horizontal transfers of recombinant DNA to other life forms is quite interesting. In spite of
the generalization of genetically modified products, the world hunger problem is increasing according to FAO data. Because of concern about genetically modified products, in many countries
and Turkey many legal modifications have been made but there is more detailed work needed.
Key words : GMO, gene transfer, legal modifications, GD crops, golden rice
Gıda Analizlerine Yönelik Nanokompozit ve
Nanomateryal Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu
Uğur Tamer1, İsmail Hakkı Boyacı2, Adem Zengin1, Erhan Temur1
Gazi University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Analytical Chemistry 06330,
Ankara, TURKEY
Department of Food Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe, 06512, Ankara, Turkey.
E-mail: [email protected]
Nanoteknolojide sağlanan ilerlemeler sayesinde Yüzeyde güçlendirilmis Raman spektroskopisi
(Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy SERS) sisteminde olduğu gibi hedef molekül/organizmanın parmak izi spektrumunun saptanması, biyolojik tanıma mekanizması olmaksızın gerçekleşebilmektedir. Fakat bu sistemde yaşanan en büyük problem analiz ortamının kompleks olması
durumunda ortamda bulunan diğer moleküllerin sistem üzerinde girişimde bulunması spektrumdan
hedef molekül/organizmanın parmak izi spektrumunun saptanamamasıdır. SERS sisteminin seçici
ve hassas bir şekilde kullanılması için manyetik ayırma SERS aktif nanopartiküllerle yapılması
gerekmektedir. Manyetik ayırım için genellikle manyetik mikropartiküller kullanılmakta olup kuantum noktaların floresans emisyonlarında kısmen veya tamamen sönümlenmesine neden olmakta
bu durum analiz hassasiyetini olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Bu aşamada floresans sönümlenmeye neden olmayacak manyetik nanopartiküllerin geliştirilmesi büyük avantaj sağlayacaktır. Bu
yapılardan bir tanesinin hem manyetik hemde SERS özelliğe sahip olması analiz için büyük avantaj
Bu çalışma kapsamında SERS aktif özelliğe sahip anizotropik yapıda altın nanopartiküllerin
üretilmesi ve sonrasında immunoassay sistemin geliştirilmesinde kullanılması gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Sentezlenen manyetik nanopartiküllerin kullanımı ve homojen sistemlerde veya immunoassay sistemlerinde SERS sinyalinin takibi ile bakteri ve toksin tayini gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kapsamında
geliştirdiğimiz manyetik nanoçubuk partiküller ile Staphylococcus enterotoxin type B (SEB) tayini
partikül-partikül etkileşimleri ile attomolar seviyesinde (yaklaşık 20000 SEB molekülü) herhangi
bir kemometrik hesaplamaya gerek duyulmadan SERS ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Gıda Bileşenlerinin ve Bulaşanlarının Analizinde
Nanopatiküllerin Kullanlması
İsmail Hakkı Boyacı1, Uğur Tamer2, Deniz Baş3, Fahriye Ceyda Dudak1
Hacettepe Üniveritesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, Beytepe, 06800, Ankara, Türkiye
Gazi Üniveristesi, Eczacılık Fakültesi, Analitik Kimya Bölümü, 06330, Ankara, Türkiye
Çankırı Karatekin Üniveritesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, 18100 Çankırı, Türkiye
E-mail: [email protected]
Gıda bileşenlerinin kompozisyonu ve kimyasal yapısı gıda kalitesini tüm yönleriyle etkilemektedir.
Ana gıda bileşenleri; insan vücudu için gerekli yapı malzemesi ve enerji kaynağı olmakla birlikte,
metabolizma için de vazgeçilmez element ve bileşiklerin kaynağıdır (1). Ana bileşenlerle (su, karbonhidratlar, proteinler, lipidler, vitaminler ve mineraller) birlikte gıdanın yapısında düşük miktarda
bulunan bileşenler (protein dışı azotlu bileşikler, renklendiriciler, lezzet bileşikleri v.b.) gıdanın
kalitesi üzerinde önemli etkiye sahiptir (2). Gıda bileşeni, ürünün besin değerini, duyusal özelliklerini, diğer bileşenleri ile etkileşimini ve işlenmesi nedeniyle istenen veya istenmeyen değişikliklerin gelişimini ve depolama sırasında duyarlılık ya da bozulmaya karşı direnç özelliklerini
belirlemektedir. Bu nedenle gıda bileşenlerinin hassas, yeni ve hızlı ölçüm yöntemleriyle belirlenmesine her zaman gereksinim duyulmaktadır.
Gıda kontaminasyonu günümüzde hem gıda endüstrisi için, hem de tüketiciler için büyük bir tehdit
oluşturmaktadır. Gıda bulaşanları arasında en tehlikeli olanlar, mikrobiyal patojenler (hastalığa
neden olan bakteriler, virüsler, küfler ve parazitler), toksinler (mikotoksinler, bakteriyel toksinler),
kimyasallar (pestisitler, fungusitler, ağır metaller), ilaçlar (antibiyotikler), bazı gıda katkı maddeleri
(boya maddeleri, sülfitler) ve gıda proses bulaşanları (akrilamid ve melamin) olarak sıralanabilir.
Gıda bileşenlerinin ve bulaşanlarının hızlı, doğru ve yüksek hassasiyette saptanması için yeni
yöntemlerin geliştirilmesi gıda kaynaklı hastalıkların önlenmesinde büyük önem taşımaktadır. Çok
amaçlı biyofonksiyonel nanomalzemeler eşsiz optik ve manyetik özellikleri sayesinde gıda bileşenleri ve bulaşanlarının saptanmasında umut verici potansiyellere sahiptirler.
Floresans nanopatiküller (kuantum noktaları, boya yüklü nanopartiküller) ve manyetik ve metalik
nanopartiküller (altın ve gümüş nanopartiküller) çeşitli mikroorganizmaların görüntülenmesinde ve
tayininde başarıyla kullanıldıkları gibi, biyoanalizlerde, protein ve enzimlerin immobilizasyonunda,
biyoseparasyonda, immunoanalizlerde ve biyosensörlerde de kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Benzer
şekilde çeşitli nanomateryaller de, peptidler, proteinler, antikorlar, nükleik asitler, ve karbohidratlarla
konjüge edilebilmektedir.
Nanomateryallerin yeni tayin metodlarıyla birleştirilmesi gıda bileşenlerinin ve kontaminantlarının
belirlenmesinde büyük ilgi toplamıştır. Gıda patojenlerinin ve kontaminantlarının erken tayini ve
gıda proseslerinin güvenilirliğinin takibi için yeni sensörler ve tayin metodlarının geliştirilmesiyle
birlikte nanomateryallerin bu potansiyellerinin de artacağı düşünülmektedir.
1. E. Whitney and S. R. Rolfes: Understanding Nutrition. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning., Belmont,
CA (2008)
2. J. M. deMan: Principles of Food Chemistry. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York (1998)
3. B. Güven, I.H. Boyaci, U. Tamer, P. Çalik: A rapid method for detection of genetically modified
organisms based on magnetic separation and surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Analyst, 137,
202-208 (2012)
Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Boyacı; Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölümüʼnde yüksek lisans (1998) ve doktora programlarını (2001) tamamlamış ve sonrasında Cincinnati Üniversitesi, Kimya Bölümüʼnde (OH, ABD)
Prof. Dr. William R. Heinemanʼın grubunda mikrobiyal immunosensörler
konusunda doktora sonrası araştırmacı olarak çalışmıştır. Mevcut
araştırma konuları optik ve elektrokimyasal algılama dayalı bakteriyel
biyosensörler olup son yıllarda, nanopartiküllerin biyoanalizlerde kullanılması ve yüzey güçlendirilmiş Raman saçılmasına dayalı yöntemler kullanarak su örneklerinin analizlenmesi üzerinde çalışmaktadır. Prof. Dr. İsmail
Hakkı Boyacı halen Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümüʼnde öğretim üyesi olarak
Biosensors in Food Processing, Safety and Quality Control
Mehmet Mutlu
Plasma Aided Bioengineering and Biotechnology (PABB) Research Group, Hacettepe
University, Institute for Pure and Applied Sciences, Bioengineering, NanomedicineNanotechnology and Food Engineering Divisions, Beytepe, 06800 Ankara, Türkiye
[email protected]
A healthy life, a suitable environment, sustainable high-quality food, and inexpensive energy are
inevitable components of a better life for human beings. With respect to food, the utmost level of
health standards in the process “from field to fork” is vital. Due to this fact, along with other fields,
food engineering and technology are also being transformed by continually increasing levels of
automation. While the objective in other sectors of industry is simply to increase efficiency in food
technology due to system theory and safety considerations, a high level of automation is required.
The processes are complex; generally multifunctional control with feedback is employed, safety
requirements allow only a small degree of tolerance in the measurements, and human error, as a
risk factor needs to be eliminated.
During the last two decades, a rapid technological evolution has occurred in the field of chemical
sensors in general, and biorecognition element–based sensors, or biosensors, in particular. It is
fueled by an ever-growing need for improved sensors for early detection, which would allow remedial steps in a shortened time period for biomedical, industrial, environmental, and military applications. The success in biosensors is owed as much to the fundamental research in finding
novel biorecognition mechanisms as to a number of rapidly evolving technologies, such as
micro/nanofabrication of sensors and the production and immobilization of enhanced biorecognition elements.
A biosensor consists of two main parts: biorecognition agent(s) and physical transducer(s). The
biological part of a biosensor is the unique part of the “instrument” that separates it from other
sensors. Enzyme–substrate, antibody–antigen, DNA–DNA, and aptamer–target interactions are
the most well known interactions used in biosensor design. The transducers, ranked in order of
importance, include: electrochemical, optical, mass (piezoelectric), electrochemical/optical combination, and calorimetric (enzyme thermistor).
This presentation gives a brief summary about the past, present, and future of biosensors with an
emphasis on food technology. Although we will see more advances in biosensors in the future, I
hope this comprehensive presentation will help to serve and give a brief idea for the young researchers and industrialists.
Mehmet Mutlu: He was born in Ankara, Türkiye. Dr. Mutlu received B.Sc. (1980) from Middle East
Technical University, M. Sc. (1983) and Ph. D. (1980) from Hacettepe University, in chemical en[93]
gineering. He served in Chemical Engineering Department of
Hacettepe University as Asst. Professor (1988-1990), and by IAEA
grant worked on Biosensors in Manchester University, Medical
School, for 18 months. On return, he continuously promoted in the
shortest possible time associated professor and full professor. In
2001, he was worked on University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, USA as a Fulbright Scholar.
Dr. Mutlu is now professor of food, nanomedicine-nanotechnology
and bioengineering divisions and director of the Plasma Aided Bioengineering and Biotechnology (PABB) research group at Hacettepe
University. He published more than 80 papers in SCI coverage with
600 citation, Edited 2 international books on Biosensors (CRC Press)
and Plasma Technology (ESF Publ.), He has given lectures on the advances in biosensors and/or
plasma modification technology at academic institutions internationally and delivered keynote
speeches at international conferences. He directed and participated in more than 20 projects including COST, FP7, UNDP, EUREKA, TÜBİTAK and SANTEZ programs.
His area of expertise include plasma surface modification for different purposes, such as biosensors including aptamer-based sensors, enzyme electrodes, immunosensors and DNA sensors
preparation; Protein/Bacteria Antifouling surfaces, preparation of smart materials via plasma processing, recently launched medical textiles and atmospheric plasma modified polymeric membranes and food decontamination via plasma processing.
Electrochemical DNA Biosensors and Using for Detection of
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Mehmet Özsöz
Ege University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Izmir
The analysis of nucleic acids is becoming very important research area in diagnostic testing for
health, food, forensic and environmental science. An electrochemical DNA biosensor, recently
called “nucleic acid based electrochemical biosensor”
could be made by the immobilization of a single-stranded (ss) oligonucleotide called probe onto a
transducer surface to recognize its complementary (target)DNA sequence via hybridization1.
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are referred to as living organisms of vegetable or animal
origin in which the artificial introduction of foreign genes is able
to confer novel characteristics not found in the wild variety.2 An indicator based electrochemical
disposable genosensor for the voltammetric detection of NOS-terminator, a genetic element present in GMOs has been developed in our labarotory. Electrochemical DNA biosensor could be
used not only for the presence of GMO but it could also be used for detecting food pathogens.3
DNA extraction from the organism is the first step then depending on the sequence the primers
are synthesized and the DNA is amplified by polymer chain reaction (PCR). From PCR sequences
electrochemical probe and the target are selected . After the optimization study to find the optimized conditions for probe and target hybridization , the real sample PCR amplicons have
been taken as target analyte
Different strategies to immobilize the DNA probe onto electrode surfaces have been develop.
1. Labuda, J.; Brett, A. M. O.; Evtugyn, G.; Fojta, M.; Mascini, M.; Ozsoz, M.; Palchetti, I.; Palecek,
E.; Wang, J., Electrochemical nucleic acid-based biosensors: Concepts, terms, and methodology
(IUPAC Technical Report). Pure Appl Chem 2010, 82 (5), 1161-1187.
2. Meric, B.; Kerman, K.; Marrazza, G.; Palchetti, E.; Mascini, M.; Ozsoz, M., Disposable genosensor, a new tool for the detection of NOS-terminator, a genetic element present in GMOs. Food
Control 2004, 15 (8), 621-626.
3. Urkut, Z.; Kara, P.; Goksungur, Y.; Ozsoz, M., Response Surface Methodology for Optimization
of Food Borne Pathogen Detection in Real Samples Based on Label Free Electrochemical Nucleic
Acid Biosensors. Electroanal 2011, 23 (11), 2668-2676.
Elektrokimyasal DNA Biyosensörleri ve Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizma (GDO)
Analizinde kullanılması
Nükleik asid analizi sağlıkta tanı amaçlı , gıda ve çevre bilimlerinde önemli bir önemli bir araştırma
alanı olarak yer olmaktadır.Elektrokimyasal DNA biyosensörü yeni bir tanımlama ile “nükleik aside
dayalı elektrokimyasal biyosensörü “ prob olarak adlandırılan tek sarmal oligonükleotidin çevirici
yüzeyine tutturulması ve tamamlayıcı (hedef) DNA dizisini algılıyarak hibritleşmesi ile yapılabilir1.
Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Organizmalar (GDOlar) bitki veya hayvan kökenli canlı organizmalar olup
sağlıklı türlerde bulunmayan ve yeni özellikleri olan,yapay olarak yabancı genlerin yer aldığı organizmalardır.2 GDOlarda genetic bir eleman olarak yer alan NOS-terminator ün voltametrik bir
yöntemle algılanması için labaratuvarımızda tek kullanımlık indikatöre dayalı bir genosensör
geliştirilmiştir. Elektrokimyasal DNA biyosensörleri sadece GDO tayini amaçlı kullanılmayıp aynı
zaman da gıda patojenlerin algılanmasında da kullanılır.3
İlk aşama organizmadan DNA izolasyonu olup ,daha sonra polimer zincir tepkimesinde (PZT) kullanılacak primerler tasarlanır ve sentez ettirilir ve çoğaltma işlemi PZT ile yapılır. PZT dizisinden
uygun elektrokimyasal prob ve hedef dizileri seçilir. Prob ve hedef dizileri arasındaki hibritleşme
koşulları optimize edildikten sonra , gerçek örnek PZT ürünleri hedef olarak alınarak hibritleşmenin
olup olmadığı saptanır. DNA probunu elektrot yüzeyine tutturmak için farklı stratejiler geliştirilmiştir.
1. Labuda, J.; Brett, A. M. O.; Evtugyn, G.; Fojta, M.; Mascini, M.; Ozsoz, M.; Palchetti, I.; Palecek,
E.; Wang, J., Electrochemical nucleic acid-based biosensors: Concepts, terms, and methodology
(IUPAC Technical Report). Pure Appl Chem 2010, 82 (5), 1161-1187.
2. Meric, B.; Kerman, K.; Marrazza, G.; Palchetti, E.; Mascini, M.; Ozsoz, M., Disposable genosensor, a new tool for the detection of NOS-terminator, a genetic element present in GMOs. Food
Control 2004, 15 (8), 621-626.
3. Urkut, Z.; Kara, P.; Goksungur, Y.; Ozsoz, M., Response Surface Methodology for Optimization
of Food Borne Pathogen Detection in Real Samples Based on Label Free Electrochemical Nucleic
Acid Biosensors. Electroanal 2011, 23 (11), 2668-2676.
Mehmet Özsöz, Ph.D., is professor and head of Analytical Chemistry Department of Faculty of Pharmacy, Ege University in İzmir, Turkey. His research interests is electrochemical DNA biosensors and he is. The
recipient of 2008 TUBITAK Science Award
Mehmet Özsöz, Ege Üniversitesi Eczacılık Fakültesinde Analitik Kimya
Anabilim Dalı başkanı olup, araştırma alanı Elektrokimyasal DNA
biyosensörleridir. 2008 TUBITAK bilim ödülünü almıştır.
Biological Applications of Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering:
From Proteins to Microorganisms
Mustafa Çulha
Yeditepe University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Genetics and
Bioengineering, 34755 Kayışdağı-Istanbul, Turkey
[email protected]
The Raman Scattering is inelastic scattering of photons colliding with molecules [1,2]. During the
scattering process, the photons may lose or gain energy. The change in photons energy is registered as the change in the frequency of photons relative to the exciting laserʼs frequency. On
Raman spectra, several bands arise from the several different vibrational modes of bonds in a
molecule, which is considered “fingerprint”. Raman scattering is very weak and a its typical cross
section is in between 10-30–10-25 cm2 per molecule while, compared to the cross-section of fluorescence, it is between 10-17 and 10-16 cm2. Therefore, a large number of molecules are required to achieve the same level of signal intensity that is obtained in fluorescence. Thus, it is
necessary to have a powerful light source and sensitive detectors for the Raman scattering measurement.
When a molecule or molecular structure is brought to close vicinity of a noble metal nanostructure,
Raman scattering is enhanced up to 1014 times. Since this phenomenon was discovered by Jeanmaire and Van Duyne and Fleischman in mid 1970s [3,4], the technique called Surface-enhanced
Raman scattering (SERS) has been emerged as a powerful tool not only for detection but also
characterization of several nobiological and biological molecules and molecular structures [5, 6,
7]. In a SERS experiment, several parameters must be carefully evaluated for a healthy interpretation of spectra. The nature of substrate, the laser wavelength, molecule size-substrate relationship, and chemical structure of molecule are a few examples. The necessity that the molecules or
molecular structures must be in close contact from all directions with nanotructured surfaces for
a more coherent oscillation of the electron system of both molecule and nanostructure for optimal
polarization. For small molecules, this is mostly easily achieved but the problem remains intact
for large molecules and molecular structures. For example, a large molecule such as a protein or
microorganism may not come into contact from all points with the nanostructured surfaces and
the obtained SERS spectra remains limited to the parts of the molecule interacting with the surface
of the plasmonic structure. In this lecture, after a brief introduction to the fundamentals of Raman
scattering and SERS, the strategies for designing a healthy SERS experiment for a biological molecule and molecular structures such as proteins and microorganisms will be discussed.
[1] C. V. Raman and K. S. Krishnan, Nature, 1928, 121, 501.
[2] G. Landsberg and L. Mandelstam, Naturwissenschaften, 1928, 16, 557.
[3] M Fleischman, P.J. Hendra,A.J. McQuillan Chem.Phys.Lett. 26, 123 1974.
[4] D. L. Jeanmaire, R. P. Van Duyne: J. Electroanal. Chem. 84, 1, 1977.
[5] M. Kahraman, M. Yazici, F. Sahin, M. Çulha Langmuir. 24(3), 894-901, 2008.
[6] M. Kahraman, M. M. Yazici, F. Sahin, Ö. F. Bayrak, M. Çulha, Applied Spectroscopy, 61(5),
479-485, 2007.
[7] M. Kahraman; I. Sur; M. Culha Analytical Chemistry, 82 (18), pp. 7596-7602, 2010.
Ethical Aspects of Nanotechnology in the Area of Food and Food
Prof. Dr. Herbert J. Buckenhüskes
German Agricultural Society, Frankfurt, Germany
Nanotechnology is one of the key technologies of our age. There are great expectations for nanotechnology in a number of fields, both in terms of general technical and technological development and in relation to food technology in particular.
Since risks are associated with every human action, we need to investigate the background and
interconnections with regard to possible advantages and disadvantages (i.e. risks). As far as nanotechnology is concerned, however, we face a fundamental problem: normally a risk is calculated
according to the formula 'risk = danger x exposure' and is thus based on experience of comparable
cases (extent of damage) and on probability considerations (likelihood of oc-currence). The problem with nanotechnology is that, firstly, there are no real comparable cases and, secondly, the
possible – i.e. supposed – risks appear to be simply endless.
However, the problems of ethically rational reflection in nanotechnology begin as soon as you start
to describe what the technology actually is. According to the German Federal Ministry of Education
and Research, "Nanotechnology is the investigation, application, and production of structures,
molecular materials, and systems with a dimension or production tolerance of less than 100
nanometres. The minute scale of the system components alone enables the realisation of new
functionalities and properties for improving existing products and applications or developing new
In view of the revolutionary potential assigned to nanotechnology, a debate has opened up about
its ethical, social and legal implications. The need for ethics in and for nanotechnology was recognised at a relatively early stage. In an initial analysis however, GRUNWALD, 2004, concluded that
there were hardly any genuinely new ethical aspects in nanotechnology. He believes that most
points of discussion relevant to nanotechnology are gradual shifts in accent and relevance of questions that already exist in other fields. Specific aspects resulting from nanotechnology have not
been identified so far. Truly new questions are raised above all by the fact that the nanosciences
and fields of nanotechnology break down the traditional barriers between physics, chemistry, biology and engineering.
The risk debate surrounding nanotechnology will be crucially important to its future. The rea-son
for this is that there are still many unanswered questions related to health considerations and environmental compatibility. The strengths and advantages of nanotechnology are also the cause of
its potential risks. Although nanoparticles are not dangerous per se, the switch to the nanodimension changes the properties of many materials even though their chemical composition stays the
When it comes to regulating the risk of new technologies, the precautionary principle is most-ly
applied as a matter of course. However, how it is to be applied – in other words, whether a strong
or a weaker approach should be taken – is often disputed (RIPPE, 2007).
The general debate about the ethics of nanotechnology frequently encompasses other aspects
that, however, are mostly irrelevant to the food industry, e.g. 'technical improvement of hu-man
beings', or 'control and privacy' issues.
As far as the food industry is concerned, an aspect that must be seen as increasingly important is
the relationship between technology and life, irrespective of any possible toxicological risk. Food
has a highly symbolic value in almost all cultures. In view of the trends towards increas-ingly
processed, artificial convenience products and new types of food, greater importance needs to
be attached to the question of eating culture and the debate about cultural values.
Although there is no question about whether nanotechnology should be used in the food in-dustry,
its further development doubtlessly needs to be accompanied by critical, constructive and ethical
analysis. And consumers' acceptance of nanotechnology in future will depend above all on the
fact, that he must gain direct and immediate personal benefits from the use of nanotechnology in
the area of food and nutrition and he must be able to see these benefits.
Prof. Dr. Herbert J. Buckenhüskes, born 1954, studied Food Technology
at Hohenheim Uni-versity, where he also received his doctorate and became an extraordinary professor and where he still is involved in teaching.
After 14 years in the food industry, he has his own business since 2004 as
a food scientific consultant. Since 2005 he is Head of the Department of
Food Technology in the DLG e.V. (German Agricultural Society) in Frankfurt. In the Association of German Food Technologists (GDL e.V.) he had
four terms the position as president, since 2007 he leads the business of
the society and is also chairman for the working group of Ethics in Food
Technology. Since 2007 Buckenhüskes is Secretary General of the European Federa-tion of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST). Since 2008
he is chairman for the German Federation of Food Science and Technology (GeFFoST), the German adhering body in the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST). Since
2004 he is member of the International Council for Cultural Research. Beside of this he is also
working in various editorial boards, scientific committees and expert committees.
Gıda ve Tarım Sektöründe Finans, Subvansiyonlar ve Krediler
Adem Utku ÇAKIL
Dr., SMMM (CPA), Bağımsız Denetçi, “Sarıcıoğlu Mah. Çevreyolu MATİM İş Merkezi A-Blok K:3
D:16 Malatya” [email protected]
Dünya ekonomisi içerisinde, önemli bir yeri olan tarım sektörü, kabul edilmis genel ekonomik kuramlar
içerisinde kendi özgü yapısı ile finansmanına çözüm aranan baslıca sektördür. Global piyasaların kurulması sonrası tarım finansmanı Dünya genelinde incelenmesi gereken bir konu olmustur.
Geleneksel finans yöntemlerinin dısına çıkılması ve tarımsal finansmanın çoklu, sistemli bir yapı
içerisinde ele alınması gelişmiş ülklelerin tarımda kullandıkları finansman yöntemleri ile genel
ekonomik yapılanmaları içerisinde önemli bir rahatlama ve düzenleme saglayarak Dünya
genelinde önder ülkeler olamalarına yardımcı olmustur. Türkiyeʼde tarım finansmanı konusunda
çözümü bulunmamış birçok sorun bulunmaktadır.
Financing, Credits and Agricultural Subsidies in Turkey
Agricultural sector, which has an important place in the world economy, is the main sector that solutions for its finance are searched from its own dynamics. Outstanding developments have been
seen by the developed countries about the finance of the sector. By the end of the national economy term and with the development of globalized economies the agricultural finance has become
a subject that has to be analysed within the world.
With the help of globalization, the major financial institutions in the developed countries dealing
with agricultural finance have the chance to maintain their services in developing and underdeveloped countries. As in other developing countries, there are several problems that are not solved
about agricultural finance in Turkey.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Türk Tarımı, Tarımsal Destekler, Tarım için Finans
Keywords; Turkish Agriculture, Agricultural Support, Agricultural for finance.
Arazi Bankacılığı Sistemi ve Arazi Toplulaşırma
Çalışmalarındaki Önemi Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Hakan GÜNLÜ1, Dr. Yurdakul SAÇLI2
[email protected]
[email protected]
Günümüzde Türk tarım sektörünün en temel yapısal sorunu işletmelerin küçük ölçekli ve bunlara
ait arazilerin parçalı yapıda olmasıdır. Tarımsal üretimde verimliliğin attırılmasının önünde engel
olarak görülen bu sorunun ortadan kaldırılması için kullanılan temel araç, anılan sorunları bütüncül
olarak ele alan arazi toplulaştırmasıdır.
Arazi toplulaştırması konusunda deneyim sahibi olan ülkelerde toplulaştırmanın etkinliğinin artırılabilmesi için “arazi bankacılığı” adı verilen bir sistem uygulanmaktadır. Anılan sistemin arazi toplulaştırma çalışmalarındaki söz konusu önemine karşılık, Türkiyeʼde konuya ilişkin herhangi bir
kurumsal ve yasal düzenleme bulunmamaktadır.
Bu çerçevede arazi bankacılığına ilişkin olarak Türkiyeʼde gerek kurumsal ve gerekse mevzuat
çalışmalarının yapılması gerekmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Arazi Bankacılığı, Arazi Toplulaştırması, Arazi Parçalılığı, Tarımsal İşletme
Ölçeği, Tarımsal Yapının İyileştirilmesi.
Small and fragmented structure of agricultural land is the primary structural problem of todayʼs
Turkish agriculture. The most widely used tool for the elimination of this problem mentioned and
seen as an obstacle to increase agricultural productivity, is the integrated land consolidation.
For the effective implementation of the consolidation, a system, called as ʻland bankingʼ is being
implemented in the counties which have experienced on land consolidation. As a response to the
importance of the referred system in the work of land consolidation, however, there are no institutional and legal arrangements on this issue in Turkey.
In this context, both institutional and legal arrangements concerning the land banking should be
made in Turkey.
Key Words: Land Banking, Land Consolidation, Land Fragmentation, Agricultural Holding Scale,
Improving Agricultural Structure.
Türkiyeʼde Lisanslı Depoculuk Sisteminin
Fındık Sektörü Açısından Değerlendirilmesi
Özge Can NİYAZ¹, Berkay KESKİN2, Kerem SAVRAN3,
¹Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü- ÇANAKKALE
2Ege Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü- İZMİR
3Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Zeytincilik Araştırma İstasyonu- İZMİR
Türkiye, dünya fındık üretimi ve ihracatında birinci sıradadır. 2009 yılı verilerine göre, dünya üretiminin % 65ʼini, ihracatının da yaklaşık % 54ʼünü tek başına gerçekleştirmektedir. İhracat yapılan
ülke sayısı doksan civarındadır. İhracatının önemli bir bölümü, AB ülkelerine yapılmaktadır. 2007,
2008 ve 2009 yıllarının ortalamaları alındığında Türkiye tarımsal ürün ihracat gelirinin yaklaşık %
8ʼini fındıktan sağlamaktadır. 2009 yılı verilerine göre 959 bin hektar alanda fındık üretimi yapılmaktadır. 2010 yılı verilerine göre fındık sektörü Türkiyeʼye reel olarak yaklaşık 2 milyar dolar döviz
sağlamaktadır. Cari açık sorunu göz önüne alındığında, fındık ihracat gelirlerinin ülke ekonomisi
için önemi ortadadır.
Ülke ekonomisinde önemli bir yere sahip ürünün üretim, depolama ve pazarlama politikalarındaki
isabetsizlikler nedeniyle bazı yıllar arz fazlaları, fiyat istikrarsızlıkları ve önemli miktarda stoklar
ortaya çıkabilmektedir. Türkiyeʼnin fındık üretim ve ihracatında liderliğini sürdürebilmesi açısından
lisanslı depoculuğun tam anlamıyla hayata geçirilmesi önemli görülmektedir.
Lisanslı depoculuk bir çok gelişmiş ülkede tarım ürünleri piyasalarının işleyişinde önemli fonksiyonlar başaran bir sistemdir. Türkiyeʼde de bu konudaki gelişmeler çeşitli tarım ürünleri itibariyle
sürdürülmektedir. Bu çerçevede, “Fındık Lisanslı Depo Yönetmeliğiʼʼ, 2006 yılında resmi olarak
yürürlüğe girmiştir. Buna bağlı olarak, fındık lisanslı deposu ve spot borsası için çalışmalar da bulunmaktadır. Sistemin devreye girmesi, üründe kalite ve fiyat istikrarının sağlanması, üreticinin
elindeki senetler sayesinde kredi çekebilme olanağı ve fiyat dalgalanmalarından korunması, ihracatçının dalgalı döviz kurlarından korunması, sanayicinin kaliteli hammaddeye istediği zaman ve
belirli bir fiyattan ulaşabilecek olması, iç pazara uygun fiyattan kaliteli ürün sunulması, ihracat gelirlerindeki artış dolayısıyla ülke ekonomisine katkı sağlanması bakımından önemlidir. Mevcut üretim
ve pazarlama sisteminin aksayan yönlerini telafi etme fırsatını gündeme getiren sistemin, mevcut
koşullarda bazı yasal ve önemli altyapı sorunları bulunmaktadır.
Bu çalışmanın ana amacı, geleneksel bir tarım ürünü olan fındığın ve yeni bir sistem olan lisanslı
depoculuğun çeşitli yönlerden değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmada, konu ile ilgili sorunlara ilişkin çözüm
önerileri üzerinde de durulacaktır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Fındık, Lisanslı depoculuk, Fındık pazarlaması.
Role of the Iranian Agriculture Graduatesʼ Farm Management Skill in
Order to the Sustainable Development in this Sector:
Case Study of Shoushtar Township
Masoud Hekmat*1 Ahmad Reza Ommani2 Seyed Jamal Faraj allah Hoseini3
Department of Agricultural Management, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Shoushtar, Iran.
Assistant professor of the agriculture management MS group, Azad Islamic University,
Shushtar branch
Associate Professor of agriculture extension and education group, Azad Islamic University,
Tehran science and research branch
*Email Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Undoubtedly, human forces are one of the most important capitals of any country in order to economical growth and progress. Most of the economists believed that human resources determine
the process and characteristic of the social and economical development. Unquestionably, the
issue of food and food security is one of the most important today and future problems .World`s
population growth and using the maximum arable lands area has changed the route of human
from attempting to increase the under cultivation area to increase the performance per unit area,
so the agriculture scientists have selected the farm management and agriculture management as
the main strategies for providing the mankind`s future food. This study was aimed at evaluating
the agriculture graduates` farm management skills in Shoeybeyeh region of Shoushtar city. Information was gained through documentary studies, interview, observation, compilation, and questionnaire. Reliability of the questionnaire was determined by Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha (0.825).
Because of the little number of agriculture -educated persons in the region, capitation method was
used (n=52). Results showed that there is positive and significant relationship at a 5 percent level
between the level of agriculture graduates` farm management skills and age ,level of education
,agriculture work experience ,attitude , participation in extension courses ,use of communicative
channels ,social participation ,mechanization level ,kind of activity ,and the kind of exploitation
system. In addition, there was a positive and significant relationship at a 1 percent level between
the technical knowledge and agriculture graduates` farm management skills.
Keywords: Agriculture graduates, Farm management, Farm management skills.
Biyoyakıt Politikaları ve Zorunlu Harmanlama Oranı
Uygulamasının Türk Tarım Sektörüne Etkileri
Enerji arz güvenliğinin sağlanması, çevresel hassasiyetler ile tarım ve kırsal kalkınmanın sağlanması gibi 3 temel faktör, ülkelerin biyoyakıtlara olan ilgisinin arkasında yatan hususlardır. Bu
amaçlar doğrultusunda, birçok ülke biyoyakıtlara ilişkin etkin bir politika mekanizması hayata geçirmiştir. Uygulanan politikaları üretim, tüketim ve destekleme politikaları kapsamında gruplamak ve
bu başlıklar çerçevesinde kullanılan politika araçlarını gözler önüne sermek konunun sağlam bir
zemine oturtulması açısından faydalı bulunmuştur.
Bu çalışmada, biyoetanol ve biyodizel üretiminde dünyada söz sahibi olan ülkelerin politika uygulamalarında elde edilen dersler paylaşılırken, Türkiyeʼde 2013 yılından itibaren uygulanacak olan
zorunlu harmanlama oranı düzenlemelerinin tarım ve gıda sektörümüzü nasıl etkileyeceği analiz
Anahtar Kelimeler: Biyoyakıt politikaları, biyoetanol, biyodizel, zorunlu harmanlama oranı
Biofuel Policies and the Effect of Implementation of
Mandotary Blending Rate on Turkish Agriculture Sector
Ensuring the security of energy supply, environmental concerns and ensuring the agriculture and
rural development are the main factors behind the countries interests for biofuel. To these goals,
many countries have executed an effective biofuel policy mechanism. Clustering the implemented
policies into production, consumption and support policies and revealing the applied policy tools
within these scopes are considered to be useful for building on a firm ground. In this study, while
the lessons drawing from policy implementation of countries which are pioneers in bioethanol and
biodiesel production are shared, how the regulations of mandatory blending rate, that will be put
into force in Turkey as of 2013, would affect to our agriculture and food sectors are analyzed.
Key Words: Biofuel policies, bioethanol, biodiesel, mandatory blending rate
ÖĞRENİM (Üniversite, Bölüm ve Mezuniyet Yılı)
Necatibey Cad. No:108 06100 Yücetepe-ANKARA / TÜRKİYE
[email protected]
Tel: 0312 294 63 20
Sözleşmeli Üretim Modelinin Tarım Sektöründe
Uygulanması Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Dr. Yurdakul SAÇLI1, Nuri Barış TARTICI2
Sözleşmeli üretim, firmalar tarafından uzun yıllardır kullanılan bir hammadde veya nihai ürün temin
modelidir. Bugün Türkiyeʼde, şeker pancarı, meyve, sebze, tütün, tohum, makarnalık buğday, şaraplık üzüm, maltlık arpa, şerbetçiotu, yumurta, beyaz et, hindicilik, besicilik ve süt üretiminde sözleşmeli üretim modelinin kullanıldığı bilinmektedir.
Literatür taraması ve analitik değerlendirmeler şeklinde yürütülen bu çalışmada sırasıyla; sözleşmeli üretime duyulan ihtiyaç, Türkiyeʼdeki sözleşmeli üretimin mevcut durumu ve bu uygulamanın tarım sektöründeki etkilerinin neler olduğu tartışılmıştır.
Türkiyeʼde sözleşmeli üretimin bilinenin aksine oldukça yaygın olarak kullanıldığı, sermaye sahibi
büyük şirketlerin bu yöntemi daha fazla tercih ettikleri, kuralları genel olarak lehlerine belirledikleri
ve piyasalarda fiyat oluşumunda bu şekilde oldukça etkin oldukları anlaşılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Sözleşmeli Üretim, Tarımsal Üretim Planlaması, Tarımda Sermaye Birikimi,
Tarımsal Üretimde Rekabet
Contract farming has been a raw or final agricultural produce supply model for firms. Today, this
model is utilized in sugar beet, fruits and vegetables, tobacco, seed, durum wheat, wine grape,
malting barley, hop, eggs, poultry, turkey and milk production, and stock farming.
This study, based on a literature survey and analytical evaluations, discusses the reasons for
agents in choosing this model, the current situation of contract farming in Turkey, and the effects
on agricultural sector of contract farming.
Findings imply that contract farming is more widespread than common expectations. Relatively
large firms with sufficient capital and scale prefer this model, by which they generally acquire the
privilege to define contract terms in their own interest and have influence over market prices.
Key Words: Contract Farming, Agricultural Production Planning, Accumulation of Capital in Agriculture, Competition in Agricultural Production,
Dr. Yurdakul SAÇLI
Kırmızı Et ve Süt Üretimi İlişkisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Planlama Uzmanı
ÖĞRENİM (Üniversite, Bölüm ve Mezuniyet Yılı)
Doktora- Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Zootekni Bölümü- 2005
Yüksek Lisans- Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Zootekni Bölümü- 1996
Lisans- Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü- 1994
Kalkınma Bakanlığı
İktisadi Sektörler ve Koordinasyon Genel Müdürlüğü
Tarım Dairesi Başkanlığı Planlama Uzmanı
Dr. Yurdakul SAÇLI
Kalkınma Bakanlığı
Necatibey Cad. No:108 06100 Yücetepe-Ankara / Türkiye
e-posta: [email protected], [email protected]
Tel: 0312 294 63 45
Nuri Barış Tartıcı
Sözleşmeli Üretim Modelinin Tarım Sektöründe Uygulanması Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Planlama Uzmanı
ÖĞRENİM (Üniversite, Bölüm ve Mezuniyet Yılı)
- Hacettepe Üniversitesi, İktisat, Doktora, Devam Ediyor.
- Michigan Üniversitesi, Kamu Politikaları, Yüksek Lisans, 2009.
- Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü, Lisans, 1996.
Kalkınma Bakanlığı Bölgesel Gelişme ve Yapısal Uyum Genel Müdürlüğü, Planlama Uzmanı
Kalkınma Bakanlığı Necatibey Cad. 108, Yücetepe, 06100, Ankara.
Tel: 0 312 294 67 33 Faks: 0 312 294 67 77
e-Posta: [email protected], [email protected]
Aydın İlinde Faaliyet Gösteren İncir İşletmelerinin
İhracat Faaliyetleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Yrd. Doç. Dr., Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü, Aydın.
[email protected]
Yrd. Doç. Dr., Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, Aydın.
Yrd. Doç. Dr., Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü, Aydın.
Bu araştırma, Aydın ilinde faaliyet gösteren incir işletmelerinin ihracat potansiyelleri ve gıda güven[104]
liği uygulamalarını belirlemek üzere tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın materyalini oluşturan veriler, Gıda,
Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı Aydın İl Müdürlüğüʼne kayıtlı 91 adet incir işletmesine yapılan anket
ziyaretleri sonucu elde edilmiştir. İşletmelerin %38,4ʼünün 101-500 ton/yıl, %27,5ʼinin 50 ton/yıl
ve altı, %14,3ʼünün ise 51-100 ton/yıl kapasite ile faaliyet gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. En çok ihracat
yapılan ülkelerin Almanya, Fransa, İtalya en az ihracat yapılan ülkelerin ise Hong Kong, Brezilya
ve Slovakya olduğu saptanmıştır. İşletmelerin %51,6ʼsı işledikleri incirin tamamını sadece yurt
içinde pazarlarken, %16,5ʼi ise ürünlerinin tamamını ihraç etmektedir. İşletmelerin büyük bir çoğunluğu Avrupa Birliği (AB)ʼne ihracatta aflatoksin için sıkı limitlerin bulunmasının ve incir zararlılarının
ihracat potansiyellerini olumsuz yönde etkileyen en önemli etmenler olduğunu belirtmişlerdir.
Bununla beraber, incirde okratoksin ve fumonisinin bulunup bulunmamasının, işletmelerin ihracatlarını olumsuz yönde etkilemediği, fumigasyon süresinin uzunluğunun ihracat potansiyellerini
kısmen etkilediği tespit edilmiştir. İşletmelerin büyük çoğunluğunun (%90,1) organik incir üretimi
yapmadığı ve iyi üretim uygulama faaliyetlerinde bulunmadıkları da bu araştırma sonucu tespit
edilen bulgular arasındadır. Bu veriler ışığı altında, tüm incir işletmelerinin iyi üretim uygulamaları
konusunda desteklenmesi ve uygulamalarının sağlanması gerekmektedir.
Anahtar sözcükler: incir işletmeleri, ihracat, aflatoksin, Aydın, gıda güvenliği
A Research on Export Practices of the Fig Firms Operated in Aydın Region
This research was designed to determine export potentials and food safety practices of the fig
firms operated in the Aydın region. The data that consisted of the studyʼs material was obtained
from the survey visits to 91 fig firms registered to Aydın City Directorate of the Food, Agriculture
and Livestock Ministry. It was defined that 38.4% of the firms operates with 101-500 ton/year,
27.5% of the firms produced less than 50 ton/year and also 14.3% of the firms operates 51-100
ton/year with fig processing capacity. It was discovered that while Germany, France and Italy are
the countries which exported the most, Hong Kong, Brazil and Slovakia are the countries that exported the least. 51.6% of the firms would market the figs processed in domestic markets completely, however 16.5% of the firms would export all the figs processed. Most of the firm managers
declared that a strict limit for aflatoxin and fig pests intended for export to the European Union
(EU) was the most important factors affected the export potential in a negative way. In addition,
while the figs contaminated with ocratoxin and fumonisin would not influence exports of the figs in
a negative direction in the current stage, the length of the fumigation operation could effect on export potential partially. Most of the firms (90.1%) would not perform organic fig production and also
good production-processing practices. These were among the research outlines discovered. In
light of the data, all the fig firms should be supported on good manufacturing issues and also the
related practices should be provided.
Key words: fig firms, export, aflatoxin, Aydın, food safety
05.02.1975 yılında Aydın ilinin Yenipazar ilçesinde doğdu. İlk öğrenimini Yenipazar ilçesi Merkez İlkokulu, orta öğrenimini Ortaklar Anadolu Öğretmen Lisesiʼnde tamamladı. 1992 yılında Söke Ziraat Teknik Lisesiʼnde lise eğitimini
bitirdi. 1996 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi
Bölümünü, bölüm birincisi ve aynı zamanda fakülte ikincisi olarak tamamladı.
1994-1996 yılları arasında fakülte lisans eğitimi sürecinde, Phillip Morris Marllboro Sigara ve Tütüncülük A.Ş. (Torbalı/İzmir)ʼnden karşılıksız burs aldı. 1996
yılı Ekim ayında Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Ağrı Tarım İl Müdürlüğüʼne Ziraat
Mühendisi olarak ataması yapıldı. Ocak 1998 döneminde yine aynı Bakanlığa bağlı Erbeyli İncir
Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğüʼne araştırmacı olarak ataması gerçekleşti. 01.09.2000 tarihinde
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tarım Ekonomisi Anabilim Dalıʼnda Yüksek
Lisans eğitimini bitirdi. 2000-2001 yılları arasında Malatyaʼda kısa dönem er olarak vatani görevini
tamamladı. 2007 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarım Ekonomisi
Ana Bilim Dalı, Tarımsal Politika ve Yayım Bilim Dalıʼnda doktora eğitimini tamamladı. 31.12.2009
tarihi itibariyle Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümüʼne Yrd.
Doç. Dr. olarak ataması yapıldı. Halen aynı kurumda çalışmakta olup, evli ve iki kız çocuk
Food and Agriculture: The Case of Turkey
Gıda ve Tarım Sektörü: Türkiyeʼnin Durumu
Ekonomi Bakanlığı, Ürün Güvenliği ve Denetimi Genel Müdürlüğü
Mr Gencosmanoglu is currently working as Head of Department at the Ministry of Economy. Before
his current position, he had worked for the Turkish Government in various capacities for the last
sixteen years in the areas of statistical research, international project management, trade policy
analysis, World Trade Organization issues and Turkey-European Union relations.
He served as Commercial Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Turkey to the World Trade Organization in Geneva, Switzerland between 2006-2009. He was in charge of WTO Committees
including Technical Barriers to Trade and Negotiating Groups.
He has B.Sc. degree in Economics from Middle East Technical University in 1993 Ankara, Turkey.
Additionally, he received his M.Sc. degree in international economics from the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, USA in 2002 and M.Sc. degree in economics from the University of Ankara,
Turkey in 2010.
Date of Birth and Place: 25 May 1971 – Aksaray, Turkey
Marital Status: Married with one daughter
Dokusal, Fiziksel, Mikrobiyal ve Kimyasal Özellikleri,
İran'da Üretilen Koupe Peynirin Değerlendirilmesi
Mohsen Esmaiili*, Saber Amiry, Farhoud Manaf, Ehsan M. Kia
*[email protected]
Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Bölümü, Ziraat Fakültesi, Urmiye Üniversitesi
Koupe peyniri, genellikle topraktan kap yeraltında, birkaç ay için olgunlaşmış peynirdi ve İran'ın
Kuzey Batı yaşayan insanların ilgilerinendir. Literatürde bu peynirin fizikokimyasal ve reolojik özellikleri hakkında çok az bilgi vardır. Bu çalışmada, yedi tür Koupe peynirinin hakkinda reolojik, fizikokimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik özelliğine değerlendirildi. Bu amaçla, 7 Urmiye geleneksel pazar Koupe
peynirinin, dokusal, fiziksel (bulk ve gerçek yoğunluk, renk, repose yığılma açısı ve porosity),
mikrobiyolojik (toplam aerobik bakteri, maya ve küf, toplam koliform ve E.coli sayımı) ve kimyasal
(titrable asitliği, tuz, kuru madde, yağ, protein ve su aktivitesi) incelendi. İran standart (ISIRI No:
2406) tarafından tanımlanan kuru madde miktarları Peynirler sınıflandırmak için, Koupe peyniri
40% daha fazla kuru madde içeren zor (hard) peynir gibi kategorize edilir. Test sonuçları, peynirler
yüksek su aktivitesi (aw) ve yüksek mikroorganizma yükü olduğunu gösterdi. Maya ve küf sayımı
2406 sayılı ISIRI tarafından belirlenen miktardan daha fazla oldu. Fizikokimyasal ve reolojik analiz
Detayları kağıt sunulmaktadır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Koupe peynir; dokusal özellikleri; fizikokimyasal özellikleri; mikrobiyal özellikleri
Evaluation of Textural, Physical, Microbial and Chemical Properties of
Koupe Cheese Produced in Iran
Koupe cheeses ripened for several months, usually in a fictile pot underground, are of the Northwest provinces of Iran interest. Limited information could be found in literature on physicochemical
and rheological characteristics of these cheeses. In this study, rheological, physicochemical and
microbiological property of seven types of Koupe cheese was evaluated. For this purpose, textural,
physical (bulk and true density, color, repose angle and porosity), microbiological (total aerobic
bacteria, total coliform, yeast and molds and E.coli counts) and chemical (titrable acidity, salt, dry
matter, fat, protein and water activity) properties of 7 samples of Koupe cheese from Urmiaʼs traditional market were evaluated. Based on dry matter amounts defined by Iranian standard for
cheeses (ISIRI No. 2406) to classify of the cheese, Koupe cheese is categorized as hard type
cheese which contains dry matter more than 40%. The test results showed that the cheeses have
a higher water activity (aw) and high microorganism load. Yeast and mold count was more than
the amount determined by the ISIRI No. 2406. Details of physicochemical and rheological analysis
are presented in the paper.
Key words: Koupe cheese; textural properties; physicochemical properties; microbial properties
Anahtar kelimeler: Koupe peynir; dokusal özellikleri; fizikokimyasal özellikleri; mikrobiyal özellikleri
Name: Mohsen Esmaiili
Date of Birth: April 30th 1967
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Naghadeh , Iran
Language: Turkish (Azerbaijan), Persian and English
Marital Status: Married
Academic Degrees
Ph.D. Food Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran, 2007 M.Sc. Food Science & Technology,
University of Tehran, Iran, 1998 B.Sc. Food Science & Technology, University of Urmia, Iran, 1994
Title of Thesis
Ph.D. Modeling and Simulation of Seedless Grape Drying Process M.Sc. Optimization of Precipitate Conditions in Pre-liming for Raw Beet-Juice During the Campaign
1 Esmaiili, M., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Cronin, K., Mousavi, M. A., Rezazadeh, Gh. Grape
drying: A review, Food Reviews International, 2007, 23, 257-280.
2 Esmaiili, M., Rezazadeh, Gh., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Tahmasebi, A. Modeling of the Seedless Grape Drying Process using the Generalized Differential Quadrature Method, Chemical
Engineering and Technology, 2006, 30 (2), 168-174.
3 Esmaiili, M., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Rezazadeh, Gh. Influence of Dipping on Thin Layer
Drying Characteristics of Seedless Grapes, Biosystems Engineering, 2007, 98, 411-421.
4 Alizadeh, B. G., Esmaiili, M., Alizadeh, Kh, M., Gharibzahedi, S. M. T. Effects of grape chemical pretreatment and its storage conditions on the texture properties of raisins, AmericanEurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 2010, 8(2),141-145. Mehryar, L., Esmaiili, M. Modelling
the effect of temperature and relative humidity on physicochemical properties of honey
(EPF23), 2011, ICEF11, Athens, Greece. Mehryar, L., Esmaiili, M. Honey & Honey Adulteration Detection: A Review (NFP1066), 2011, ICEF11, Athens, Greece. Nabizade, F., Esmaiili,
M. Mechanical properties of golden delicious apple affected by maturation and storage
(FMS43). 2011, ICEF11, Athens, Greece. Dehbooreh, R., Esmaiili, M. Review of Methods
for the Reduction of Dietary Content and Toxicity of Acrylamide, First Iranian congress on
Acrylamide and its Challenges on Food Industry, May 27, 2010, Mashhad, Iran.
Viscor, M., Cronin, K., Shishkin, G., Esmaiili, M., Byrne, E.P., Fenelon, M., Auty, M. and
Stynes, M. Drying of single, spherical, boundary-demarcated bodies, 8th World Congress
on Chemical Engineering, 23-27 August 2009, Montréal, Canada.
Alizadeh, B. G., Esmaiili, M., Alizadeh, Kh. M. The effects of processing and storage conditions on the texture of raisins, 18th National Congress on Food Technology, Mashhad, Iran,
2008, 15-16 Oct. Esmaiili, M., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R. The effects of various pretreatment
on color and texture of dried grapes, 17th National Congress of Food Industry, Urmia, Iran,
2007, 14-15 Nov. Mohtarami, F., Esmaiili, M. The effects of pretreatment on moisture sorption isotherms of grapes, 17th National Congress of Food Industry, Urmia, Iran, 2007, 1415 Nov. Mohtarami, F., Esmaiili, M. Most important quality characteristics on optimizing of
drying process and storing of dried fruits, Functional Foods Conference, TMU, Tehran, Iran,
2006, 12-13 Feb. Esmaiili, M., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Cronin, K., Rezazadeh, Gh. Modelling of Seedless Grape Drying Process with Variable Diffusivity Considering Shrinkage,
Proc. CSBE/SCGAB, Edmonton, Canada, Paper No. 06-199, 2006, 16-19 Jul. Rezazadeh,
Gh., Esmaiili, M., Sotodeh, R., Tahmasebi, A.. Application of generalized differential quadrature method to solution of grape drying with variable diffusion coefficient. Paper presented
at 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference, Science city, Kolkata, India, 2005, 13-15 Dec. Esmaiili, M., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Rezazadeh, Gh., Cronin, K., Mousavi, M. A. The effects
of chemical pretreatment methods on the drying kinetics and quality of grapes, Proc. 35th
Food, Nutrition & Consumer Sciences, UCC, Cork, Ireland, 2005, 1-2 Sep. Esmaiili, M., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R., Mousavi, M., Cronin, K. Modeling and experimental studies of the
heat transfer in the first stage of the grape drying process, Proc. 35th Food, Nutrition & Consumer Sciences, UCC, Cork, Ireland, 2005, 1-2 Sep. Esmaiili, M., Sotudeh-Gharebagh, R.
Grape waste minimization and Post-harvest technology development, FNSLAP, Tehran, Iran,
2003, 21st Oct. Esmaiili, M. Predicting of Weight Decreasing of a Liquid Droplet in the Spray
Dryer Chamber by Finite Difference Method. Congress on Food-Industry-University, Tabriz,
Iran, 2003, 17th Apr.
Esmaiili, M. Investigation of Optimal conditions in the beet-juice purification. 22nd annual
seminar Iranian sugar industries. Kermanshah, Iran, 2000, 31st Aug. – 1st Sep.
Isolation and Identification of Yeasts From Iranian-White Cheese Brine
Hossein Jooyandeh*
Department of Food Science and Technology, Ramin Agricultural and Natural Resources
University, Ahvaz (Mollasani), Iran
Tel.: +98-916-903-9716; fax: +98-612-322-2073.
E-mail address: [email protected].
High numbers of yeasts are present in Iranian white cheese brine samples showing that yeasts
may play a significant role in the preservation of cheese and attributes to chemical and organoleptic
qualities. In current study, different yeast flora from Iranian-white cheese brine were isolated and
identified using taxonomic analysis i.e. colonial and cell morphology and physiological characteristics. Furthermore, yeast growth curves, viable cell count and cell biomass and possibility of production of acceptable non-alcoholic naturally carbonated fruit beverages was investigated.
Yeasts play a significant role in the preservation of pickled brine cheeses and attributes to chemical
and organoleptic qualities. The physiological and biochemical researches of the yeasts strains
were performed, by using over 30 tests for assimilation of carbon and nitrogen sources. Of the
total yeast, the genera Saccharomyces and Candida were the predominant of yeasts isolated from
all cheese brine samples. A novel yeast owning peculiar property of producing high carbon dioxide
concentration without alcohol production was isolated from Iranian-white cheese brine. The isolated yeast was identified morphologically and its growth curves of optical density, viable cell count,
cell biomass and its desired property of natural carbonation was exploited to produce desired fruit
Key words: Iranian-white cheese, yeast isolation, physiological and biochemical property
Mineral and Heavy Metal Contents of Traditional Turkish Yogurts
Zekai Tarakçı1, Beşir Dağ1
Food Engineering, Agricultural Faculty, Ordu University, Ordu, Turkey
Chemical Department, Sciences-Literature Faculty, Batman University, Batman, Turkey
Milk with full fat was pasteurized at 95ºC for 10-15 min and cooled to 44-45°C. Afterwards, milk
was inoculated with 2% (w/w) reactivated yogurt cultures and incubated at 44±1ºC as recommended by the culture supplier and incubation was terminated at pH 4.6 in approximately 3 h.
After fermentation, the yoghurts were cooled to 4ºC and were stored at 7–8ºC for 30 days for mineral analysis.
In order to determine the mineral contents of the samples, 5 g of each treatment samples were
ashed in a porcelain crucible, solubilised with 10 mL of 6 N HCl, quantitatively transferred into 50
mL volumetric flasks, and diluted to volume with double-demonized water and filtered after 5–6 h
with blue-band filter paper and again regulated to 50 mL (AOAC 2000). Concentrations of calcium
(Ca), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), magnesium (Mg), aluminum (Al), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), copper
(Cu), manganese (Mn), boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr),
nickel (Ni) and lead (Pb) were measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP–OES; Varian Vista-Pro, Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia). Traditional Turkish yogurts
generally have a range of 1023.0-1179.1 mg/kg Ca, 927.2-1109.3 mg/kg P, 532.1-698.9 mg/kg
Na, 98.3-122.6 mg/kg Mg, 1.34-2.59 mg/kg Fe, 0.55-1.02mg/kg Cu, 4. 01-4.84 mg/kg Zn, 0.00150.0039 mg/kg Co, 0.013-0.021 mg/kg Cr, 15.61-20.83 mg/kg Al, 0.44-0.75 mg/kg B, 0.74-1.05
mg/kg Mn, 0.036-0.045 mg/kg Mo, 0.036-0.059mg/kg Ni, 0.045-0.061 mg/kg Pb and 0.0023-0.003
mg/kg Cd.
Determination of Zn contamination in some Spring and Mineral waters around Van by AAS after
Enrichment of activated carbon.
Some trace metal contamination in water is a major component in the determination of water quality. In order to supply qualify water for man is very important. Becane it is directly related with
human and animal life. Apparently, tap water and spring water qualities in many countries are effected by industrilization and over population.
The main aim of this study was to detec some trace metal concentration in some spring and mineral water around Van by means of Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Spring and Mineral water
samples were collected some different parts of city. These mineral and spring water samples were
determined by a simple preconcentration method which is called activated carbon enrichment.
The metal analysis was done to detec zinc element. The result that we obtained compared with
guidelines for drinking water quality such as World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and Europian Union drinking water standards.
As a result of this study, we obtained waters that we studied was generally suitable for the Both
criteria of World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and Europian Union drinking water standards.
Key Words: Water pollution, heavy metals, activated Carbon, AAS
Investigation of Distribution State of Phytosterol in Enriched
Yogurt with Plant Sterol, using Gas Chromatography
Z. Izadi1, A. Nasirpour2, G. Garousi2, A. Mousavi Khaneghah*3
Department of Biotechnology, Qazvin, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University, Isfahan
Department of Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research
Branch, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding author: Amin Mousavi Khaneghah, [email protected]
Phytosterols have been used to treat hypercholesterolemia since the 1950s. Major problems related to enrichment of products with plant sterols are high melting temperature and chalky taste.
Crystalin phytosterols did not promote a significant decrease in serume cholesterol when compare
to phytosterols dissolved in edible fat products, because the crystalline phytosterols were not dispersed adequately. In this study enrichment of yogurt and optimization of the process condition
were investigated. A four components (plant sterols, emulsifier, soy oil and water) mixture design
was used to define the percentage of each mixture component to simulate wide range of mixture
with different oil quantities. Emulsifier and soy oil were used for dissolving and dispersing plant
sterols. Moreover, because of high density of phytosterols, its content was measured at different
layers of yogurt and distribution state of phytosterol in enriched yogurt was investigated using Gas
Chromatography. The mean syneresis values of yogurts enriched with phytosterol were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than the control yogurt. Changes in pH during yogurt production and storage
remained unaffected by addition of 1-1.5% phytosterol (w/v). Results of cromatogram indicated
that emulsifier and vegetable oils can be dissolving and dispersion of phytosterols in water phase
because of phytsterols dospersied in different layer of yogurt.
Keywords: Plant sterol, Yogurt, Hypercholesterolemia.
Enrichement of Yogurt with Plant Sterol and Investigation of
Physicochemical Properties During Storage by
Using Mixture Design Approach
Z. Izadi1, A. Nasirpour2, G. Garousi2, A. Mousavi Khaneghah*3
Department of Biotechnology, Qazvin, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University, Isfahan
Department of Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research
Branch, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding author: Amin Mousavi Khaneghah, [email protected]
Hypercholesterolemia is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. Cholesterol reducing effect
of phytosterols (also called plant sterols) was reported more than 50 years ago. Major problems
related to enrichment of products with plant sterols are high melting temperature and chalky taste.
In this study enrichment of yogurt and optimization of the process condition were investigated. A
four components mixture design was used to define the percentage of each mixture component
to simulate wide range of mixture with different oil quantities. Mixture components were plant
sterols, emulsifier, soy oil and water. Emulsifier and soy oil were used for dissolving and dispersing
plant sterols. Gel strength of enriched samples was higher than the control. The mean syneresis
values of yogurts enriched with phytosterol were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than the control yogurt. Apparent viscosities of yogurts enriched with phytosterol were lower than control.
Keywords: Plant sterol, Yogurt, Hypercholesterolemia
Evaluation of Replacement of Vinegar By Fermented Cheese Whey
in the Formulation of Mayonnaise Sauce
Bahram Hassani1,*
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Mayonnaise is the most popular sauce all over the world. The qualityproperties of mayonnaise is
because of its taste, aroma, and consistency which depend directly on the proportion of the ingredients used in its formulation. The nutrition value of mayonnaise may be improved through using
fermented cheese whey (FCW) in its formulation. Moreover, FCW can improve viscosity and consistency of mayonnaise and its shelf life. Additionally, using FCW is a good strategy to make use
of an otherwise wasted liquid. It can prevent the pollution of the environment. In this study, cheese
whey having been fermented by some chemical tests before and after fermentation were used to
determine the pH, acidity, lactose and protein percentage in the whey. The obtained FWC then,
was mixed with acid acetic with five proportions of 0, 25, 50, 75, 100.These mixtures were then
used in the formulation of mayonnaise. The five formulations were analysed by some chemical
sampling to determine the pH, acidity, lactose, dry matter and protein percentages. Finally, Sensory
Evaluation was used to select the best formulation. The formulation with 25% FCW was the best
one in terms of taste, aroma, consistency and color.
Keywords:mayonnaise sauce; cheese whey; formulation
Bahram Hassani is M.Sc of food science and technology Islamic azad
university of Iran. Heʼs director and advisor of large industrial collection in
Iran, elder expert of agriculture engineering with tendency of science and
nutrition industries, National higher grade in changing and complementary
industry in agriculture from national festival of young Iranian, Second grade
of creator-work 1n 2010 from national festival of young Iranian, Member
of expert society of quality control, Agent director of Shav nutrition industries group, Member of national association council of Saffron in Iran, Specimen director of generator and exporter from trade ministry in 2010,
Specimen director of changing and complementary industries in south
Khorasan in 2011, The Chief of board of directors in Pardis top toos company, Member of young advisors team for president.
Formulation of an Essential Oil Flavored, Probiotic White Brine
Cheese: Optimization Using Statistical Experimental Design
Mohammad Alizadeh1, Ehsan Moghaddas Kia2, Saber Amiry2, Samaneh Amiry2 and
Sajjad Khatibi2
Correspondent: [email protected]
Probiotic In this study effect of three essence type, essence concentration, CaCl2 concentration,
brining condition and probiotic inoculation time on the viability of probiotics, salt content and sensorial characteristics of Iranian white brined cheese was investigated. This Study showed that addition of essential oils leads to salt reduction and high viability of probiotic cultures in Iranian white
brined cheese and provides a novel approach for production of multi-functional foods.
Nowadays dairy product consumers favors probiotic products because of their health attributes.
Probiotic common definition denotes that "Microorganisms when which ingested in sufficient numbers (106 cfu/gr) confer specified benefits for the host"(1). This benefit refers to the balance of our
intestine macrobiotic (Gut) in different manners such as immunomodulatory mechanisms and anti
carcinogenic and anti pathogenic effects characteristics (2).
Cheese because of its low acidity, high fat content, compact matrix and good buffering capacity
(Eh) provides a better delivery of probiotics among other dairy products (3) .However wrong selection of probiotic Strain may leads to the problems such as over -acidification and poor viability
during ripening period.
Lactobacillus acidophilus (La-5) is one of the conventional Strains used in fermented dairy products
through the history. Lactobacillus acidophilus is preferred because of high compatibility in acidic
conditions and high salt tolerance capacity.(4)
Survival of probiotic in dairy products is restricted by many processing factors depending of cheese
varieties such as texturing, draining, packaging and brining (5). In brine ripened cheeses salinity
is the main challenging factor of probiotic viability and at levels more than 4 % can be detrimental
to probiotics.(6)
There are many Studies that focused on the functional and health promoting effects of herbal essential oils in the manufacture of functional products. It is proved that essential oils can act as a
preservative because of their antimicrobial activities and also play an important role in food flavor
(7). There are not so many publication about interaction between essential oil application and probiotics viability in fermented dairy products.
Our Study object was to optimize processing parameters of white brine cheese manufacture (brining
condition, inoculation time, calcium chloride concentration) and levels of essential oils (savory, dill
and cumin) in the production of white brined cheese to reach the maximum viability of probiotics.
Key words: white brine cheese, essential oils, probiotic viability and optimization
Anahtar kelimeler: beyaz salamura peynir, uçucu yağlar, probiyotik ve optimizasyon
Production of Lavash Bread Using Iranian-White Cheese Whey
Hossein Jooyandeh* and Mohammad Hojjati
Department Food Sic. & Technol., Ramin Natural Resource University, Ahvaz, Iran
*E-mail: [email protected]
Flat bread is the main staple food for most Iranians and Lavash is commonly consumed flat bread.
In this investigation, the effects of addition of fermented whey protein concentrate (FWPC) and
fermentation time on the physical properties and sensory characteristics of Lavash breads were
studied. Increasing level of supplementation with FWPC generally caused an increase in all sensory scores of Lavash samples. This improvement was more obvious when fermentation time was
increased. Penetrometer values of Lavash samples showed that increasing fermentation time and
supplementation up to 75% created significantly softer breads compare to control. In general, increase in the level of supplementation and fermentation time significantly increased bread yellowness (b* value) and redness (a*) and decreased lightness (L* value).
Doughs were prepared with four substitution levels of FWPC (25, 50, 75 and 100%, instead of
water used for dough making) and fermented at three different fermentation times (30, 60 and 90
min). All samples which contained FWPC, particularly at higher amount of incorporation, exhibited
a white-yellowish color and had acceptable sensory quality.
Key words: Flat bread, Lavash, fermented whey protein concentrate, sensory
A Case Study For Functional Extruder Snack Food
Özlem Tokuşoğlu1, Marina Stefova2, Bülent Pur3, Ali Güler4
Celal Bayar University, Engineering Faculty, Dept of Food Eng, Manisa,Turkey
Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Dept of Chemistry, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
Kraft Foods Europe,Istanbul,Turkey
Viticulture Research Institute, Manisa,Turkey
Grape pomaces contain high level of phenolics that are reported to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancerogenic properties and can be prevent cardiovascular,cancer diseases. In
this research, grape pomace powder (GPP) obtained from winemaking by-product of Alicante
Bouschet was added to extrude snack mixture as 2%, 7% and 12% proportion at 130 and 150 °C
by Kraft Food cooperation. Total phenolic matter was found as 470.09 ± 2.-23 mg GAE/ g in GPP
whereas 22.44-39.04 mg GAE/g in manufactured chips (MCs). Total anthocyanin (TA) was
584.02±1.68 mg/kg in GPP and 48.68–287.42 mg TA/kg in MCs. DPPH antioxidant activity was
founds as 503.65±1.21 IC50 μg /g in GPP while 0.75 – 45.95 IC50 μg /g in MCs. Procyanidin
B1 (Pro B1) and Catechin (C) were 90.09±37.63 and 83.07±36.16, respectively in GPP while 0.005.21 mg/kg Pro B1 and 0.00-5.26 mg/kg C in novel extruder products. It was determined that
using the GPP additional proportion, L* (lightness) and a* (redness) , values increased, b* (yellowness) values decreased.
Grape pomaces and functional extruder snacks, 3-O-glucosides of cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin
and malvidin-3-O-rutinoside, malvidin-3-O-acetylglucoside; 3-O-glucosides of myricetin, quercetin,
laricitrin,siringetin; proanthocyanidin dimer, tetramer, trimer, trimer gallates were identified by
HPLC–DAD, LC–MS, LC–MS/MS ve LC–MS/MS/MS. Besides, epicatphloro, catphloro, epicatgallatephloro, catechin, epicatechin, epicatgallate contituents of samples were determined by HPLC–
In performed sensory evaluations of novel chips, 7% GPP proportion content at 150 °C extrusion
came into prominence. It was stated that TA can be expressed as 97.1% level positively by Hunter
a* values. It was confirmed that the correlations between TFM and AA values was statistically very
significance (r=0.976) in novel chips (p˂0.01). With the abovementioned correlations, it has been
revealed that AA can be explained as 97.6% of TFM levels. It was put forwarded the applicability
of GPP in novel chips manufacturing which developing as new extruder snack product. It was
also established that quality parameters of chips contents can be enriched with GPP additive
which includes healthy antioxidants.
Key Words: Grape Pomace, extrude chips, phenolic, antioxidant, analytical.
OBESİTY: Leptin As “Obesity and Starvation Hormone”
Dr. Tulin Yanık, Ph.D.
Department of Biological Sciences Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey
Tel: +90-312-210-6465, Fax:+90-312-210-7976, e-mail: [email protected]
Obesity is an abnormal increase in adipose tissue mass and considered as both metabolic and
neurobehavioral disease. Even minor chronic differences between energy intake and energy ex[114]
penditure cause increases in body fat. As a chronic disease, it is related to serious medical illnesses such as hearth disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes that are collectively called
metabolic syndrome. Obesity has become an important worldwide health issue, with a rapidly increasing prevalence. Leptin plays a key role in energy homeostasis by effecting on metabolism
and neuroendocrine functions of the brain. Leptin is secreted mainly by white adipose tissue, and
circulating blood levels of the hormone have been positively correlated with amounts of body fat.
Leptin levels also modulate the central nervous system to adjust food intake and enegy expenditure. Its discovery over 15 years ago brought exciment about possibility of the treatment for obesity.
Nevertheless, the weight loss of the leptin treatment works only among patients who have congenital leptin deficiency not for the common obesity patients who may have leptin-resistance. Recent studies are focusing on leptin´s role is for the management of weight-loss that may prevent
“yo-yo dieting”.
Tulin Yanık, PhD
Assistant Professor
Middle East Technical University, Department of Biological Sciences,
Ankara, Turkey 06800
Tulin Yanık, Ph.D is a graduate of Aegean University, Izmir, Turkey. She
completed her PhD training in Cellular Biochemistry at The George Washington University, Washington, DC USA in 2002. Subsequent to completion of her PhD training, in 2003 Dr. Yanik joined National Institutes of
Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA to pursue postdoctoral fellowship on the molecular and
cellular neuroendocrinology. Her research yielded information on the cellular mechanisms of neurohormone/neuropeptides intracellular mechanisms towards understanding genetic obesity.
In 2006, Dr. Yanık received “The Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE), NIH” award to
conduct research at NIH as a “post-doc fellow”. In 2004, she was awarded as Young Investigators in Neuropeptides and Women in Endocrinology Metabolism. During her Ph.D. studies, she
was awarded by Isabella Osborn King Research Fellowship from the George Washington University. She was also received research fellowship study toward a Ph.D. in the USA by Turkish Higher
Education Council.
Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor at Middle East Technical University, Ankara,
Effects of UV-C Illumination on Antioxidant Capacity and
Enzyme Activity in Blueberry Fruits
Mustafa Erkana, Shiow Y. Wangb, Chien Y. Wangc
Department of Horticulture, Akdeniz University 07059 Antalya, Turkey
Fruit Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA
Produce Quality and Safety Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erkan
Department of Horticulture Faculty of Agriculture Akdeniz University 07058 Antalya, Turkey
Phone: ++ 90 242 3102428
Fax : ++90 242 2274564
E-mail: [email protected]
Changes in antioxidant capacity and enzyme activity in blueberry fruit illuminated with different
UV-C dosages were studied. Three UV-C illumination durations, 1 min, 5 min and 10 min, (0,43,
2,15 and 4,30 kJ m-2) tested reduced the severity of decay during storage at 10 oC compared to
the control. UV-C illumination for 5 and 10 min showed the best result for decay inhibition among
all UV-C dosages.
All UV-C dosages increased the phenolic content of blueberries as well. Blueberries illuminated
with UV-C for 5 min showed higher total phenolic capacity. However, control fruit had the highest
anthocyanin content after 15 days storage at 10oC. UV-C treatment for 5 min had the highest antioxidant capacity expressed as oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC).
RFID ile İzlenebilirik: Sonuç Verimlilik ve Güvenlik
Ali Erhan Binici
Ankaref, Ankara
RFID (Radyo Frekansı ile Kimliklendirme), ilk olarak 1940ʼ larda dost ve düşman uçaklarının ayırt
edilmesinde kullanılmış ve günümüze kadar teknolojik gelişimler ile birçok farklı endüstrilerde kullanım alanları bulmuştur. RFID çipinin bilgi ile yüklenmesi ve bu bilgiye uzaktan erişilebilmesi
izlenebilirlik kavramını farklı bir seviyeye taşımaktadır. İşletme verimliliği ve ürün izlenebilirliği RFIDʼ
nin gıda ve tarım alanında uygulanmasının başlıca iki nedenidir. İzlenebilirliğin sağlanması durumunda, üretimdeki verimlilik ile birlikte tüketimdeki güvenlik de sağlanabilecektir. Herhangi bir
süreçte ihtiyaç duyulması durumunda, üretimden tüketime kadar elde edilen tüm bilgilere ulaşılabilecektir. Acil bir durumda, ne kadar hızlı ve çok bilgi sahibi olabilirseniz, ihtiyaca o kadar doğru
ve hızlı yanıt verebilirsiniz.
Traceability With RFID Results Efficiency and Safety
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), first developed in the 1940s to identify, airplane is friend
or foe and used in many industrials with technological developments to date. Traceability concept
is moving to a different level, with an information packed RFID tag and remotely access to this information. Management efficiency and product traceability are the two reasons for using RFID in
food and agriculture. In the case of ensuring traceability, safety in the consumption will be provided
with also the efficiency in production. All the information from production to consumption will be
accessible if required in any process. In an emergency case, the faster and more you get information, the better and fast you can response.
Ali Erhan Binici /Ankaref Genel Müdür
1997 yılında ODTÜ Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği bölümünden mezun
oldu. İş yaşamına NTTIʼ da (Nippon Telegrapg&Telephone International)
başladı. Daha sonra Dünya Bankası Tarım Reformu Projesinde 7 yıl
boyunca bilişim teknolojileri konusunda danışmanlık yaptı. Çiftçi Kayıt Sistemi, Doğrudan Gelir Desteği, Su Ürünleri Takibi gibi birçok projenin hayata
geçirilmesine katkı sağladı. 2007 yılında, Ankarefʼi kurarak ilk defa gerçekleştirilen RFID projelerine imza attı.
Ankaref, kan torbalarının RFID etiketler ile takibi, kütüphanelerde ilk defa UHF RFID etiketlerinin
kullanılması, otomatik araç kimliklendirme sistemlerinin uygulanması, uzaktan okunabilen kulak
küpelerinin üretilmesi, büyükbaş hayvanlarda kızgınlık takibi, süt ineklerinin otomatik vücut sıcaklıklarının ölçülmesi, sensörlü RFID etiketler ile sıcaklık değerlerinin gıda taşımacılığında takip
edilmesi gibi birçok yeni konuda çalışmalar gerçekleştirdi.
Ankaref, 3. Yılında Türkiyeʼ nin ilk 500 bilişim şirketi arasına girmeyi başardı. Ayrıca TOBB tarafından hazırlanan Türkiyeʼ nin en hızlı büyüyen ilk 25 şirketi sıralamasında genelde 6. ve bilişim şirketleri arasında 1. olarak yerini aldı.
Binici, 2010 yılında birçok farklı bileşenin uzaktan takip hizmetinin verilmesine yönelik olarak
Tagsens Mobil Sistemler şirketini kurdu.
Tagsens müşterilerine, sağlık, hayvancılık, gıda ve tarım sektörlerinde ortam sıcaklık ve nem, hayvan kızgınlık ve vücut sıcaklığı, canlı veya nesne lokasyon bilgilerinin portal üzerinden izlenebilmesine ve anlık olarak SMS, e-posta ve çağrı gibi alarmların oluşturulmasını sağlayan hizmet
Hacettepe Teknokent 2. Ar-Ge No 13 06800 Beytepe Ankara/Türkiye
Tel: +90 312 299 21 64
Fax:+90 312 299 21 74
[email protected]
Estimation of Actual Crop Evapotranspiration Using Landsat
TM Images Based on Sebal Algorithm
Ali Reza Karimia, Bahman Farhadi Bansouleh*b; Homayoun Hesadic; Ali Bafkard
MSc student, Water engineering department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran;
Email: [email protected]
Assistant professor, Water engineering department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran;
Email: [email protected]
Assistant professor, Kermanshah agricultural and natural resources research center,
Kermanshah, Iran; Email: [email protected]
Lecturer, Water engineering department, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran;
Email: [email protected]
Evapotranspiration (ET) is an important parameter for water resources management. Usually it
is estimated based on (daily) weather data at the weather stations because of difficulties in its
measurement. Considering the spatial variations of the weather parameters and subsequently
of ET, application of the methods which can consider these variations are interested. Developed
algorithms to estimate ET based on satellite images are among those methods. Applicability of
these methods should be tested in each region before suggestion it to the water resource managers. The aim of the current study was to test the accuracy of estimated ET based on SEBAL
algorithm using LANDSAT5 TM images in Mahidasht, Kermanshah province, Iran. For this purpose, the ET of maize was estimated based on four images of LANDSAT during the growing season of maize in year 2010. Meanwhile, the actual ET of maize was measured simultaneously in
a Lysimeter at the same region. Results indicates reasonable match between measured and estimated crop evapotranspiration by algorithm. The maximum difference between the estimated
actual ET by SEBAL algorithm and the measured ET was 9.79%. Finally the actual ET over the
study area was estimated using SEBAL approach and compared with reference crop evapotranspiration.
KEY WORDS: Remote sensing, evapotranspiration, Kermanshah, Maize, SEBAL, LANDSAT
Bahman Farhadi Bansouleh
Bahman Farhadi Bansouleh is an assistant professor of water engineering
department in Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran. He was born on 1974
in the Kermanshah, Iran. He has got his PhD on 2009 from the International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC)
and Wageningen University in the Netherlands. His fields of research are
estimation of crop evapotranspiration, crop growth modelling and pressurized irrigation systems. More information about him is available on
Hassas Tarım Yönetim Sistemiʼnde Uydularla Konum Belirleme
Sistemleri(GNSS)ʼnin Önemi
Muzaffer KAHVECİ
Türksat A.Ş. GNSS Danışmanı, [email protected]
Hassas Tarım Yönetim Sistemi(HTYS) çok genel olarak, gelişmiş bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerine
dayalı bir sistem olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu sistemde tarım arazisi birden fazla alt parçalara ayrılmakta ve her bir alt parça için toprak verimliliği, nem oranı, ürün verimliliği gibi farklı veriler
ölçülmekte, toplanmakta ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) veri tabanında arşivlenmektedir. Diğer
taraftan GPS/GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite Systems) yardımıyla tarım makinelerinin ve
arazinin doğru koordinatları da toplanarak CBS veri tabanında arşivlenmektedir. Örneğin standart
bir el GPS/GNSS alıcısı ile gerçek zamanlı olarak yaklaşık 1 ile 10 metre arasındaki doğruluklarda
konum belirlenebilmektedir. Eğer bölgede kurulu bir sabit referans istasyonları (CORS: Continuously Operating Reference Stations) ağı varsa elde edilecek gerçek zamanlı konum doğruluğu 2
– 5 cmʼye kadar yükselmektedir. GPS/GNSS alıcıları örneğin ürün/nem ölçer gibi bir veri toplayıcı
cihaza bağlanırsa kaydedilecek tüm bu veriler GNSSʼden elde edilecek coğrafi koordinatlarla koordinatlandırılmış olacaktır. Bunun sonucunda da elde edilen bu koordinatlandırılmış veriler birçok
taşınabilir sayısallaştırma cihazıyla mevcut durumun (örn. Hava fotoğrafı, uydu görüntüsü yada
çizgisel/sayısal harita üzerinde yabani ot istilasını göstermek gibi) harita olarak çizilmesini sağlar.
Arazinin CBS ile haritalanması ile çiftçi arazisi boyunca tüm koşulları görebilme olanağına kavuşur.
CBS kullanılarak aynı zamanda ürün çeşitliliği ile arazi koşulları arasındaki ilişkiler de analiz
edilebilmektedir. Bu ilişkilerin bir kez kurulması ile arazideki her farklı konum için “reçete” haritasının oluşturulması olanaklıdır.
Tarımda modern teknolojilerin (ICT:Information&Communication Technologies, Uzaktan Algılama,
CBS ve GPS/GNSS) kullanımı gelişmiş ülkelerde gün geçtikçe daha da artmaktadır. Türkiye gibi
çok sayıda ve dağınık durumda olan tarım arazilerinde de modern teknolojilerin kullanımı hem
maliyet düşürücü hem de zamandan önemli ölçüde tasarruf sağlayacak olmaları nedeniyle kaçınılmazdır. Bu nedenle, Türk tarımında CBS ve GNSS kullanımı ve buna ilişkin altyapı çalışmalarının
bir an önce gerçekleştirilmesi önem arzetmektedir. Sonuç olarak etkili bir HTYS kurulabilmesi ICT,
GNSS ve CBS entegrasyonu ile olanaklıdır. Bu entegrasyon ise profesyonel yaklaşım ve devlet
politikası uygulanmasını gerektirmektedir.
Bu makalede, HTYS kavramı ve gerekliliği ile GNSS/CBS hakkında hakkında genel bilgiler verilmekte, etkili ve verimli bir tarım uygulamasında GNSS kullanımının önemi anlatılmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: HTYS, GPS/GNSS, CORS, CBS, ICT
Doç.Dr.Muzaffer KAHVECİ, TÜRKSAT A.Ş. GNSS Danışmanı
1985 yılında K.H.O.dan harita subayı ve 1987 yılında MSB Harita Genel Komutanlığı Harita Yüksek Teknik Okuluʼndan harita mühendisi olarak mezun
oldu. Harita Genel Komutanlığı jeodezi dairesi başkanlığında klasik jeodezi,
GPS teori ve uygulamaları konularında uzun yıllar çalıştı. Sırasıyla, 1993 ve
1996 yıllarında İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesinde yüksek lisans ve doktora
eğitimlerini tamamladı. 1999 yılında doçent oldu. Geçen süre içerisinde
Harita Yüksek Teknik Okulu, ODTÜ, Ankara Üniversitesi ve Konya Selçuk
Üniversitesinde GPS, jeodezi ve astronomi ile ilgili lisans ve lisansüstü dersler verdi. 2008 yılında
Harita Genel Komutanlığından emekli oldu. Halen Türksat A.Ş.de GNSS ve Jeodezi konularında
Genel Müdür Danışmanı olarak görev yapmaktadır.
Sayısal Fotogrametrinin Tarımda Kullanılması
Ferruh YILDIZ¹ Murat YAKAR²
¹Prof. Dr., Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Harita Mühendisliği Bölümü,
[email protected] .
²Doç.Dr., Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Harita Mühendisliği Bölümü.
Son yıllarda hızla gelişen sayısal fotogrametri yöntemleri özellikle sayısal hava fotoğrafı ve yüksek
çözünürlüklü uydu görüntülerini kullanabilmesi, raster ve vektör verilerin beraberce görüntülenerek
çıktılarının alınabilmesi, düşük maliyetli, hızlı ve yüksek doğruluklu ortofotolar üretilebilmesi ve
bunun yanında yakın kızıl ötesi gibi ürün yelpazesinin geniş olması nedenleriyle yaygın bir şekilde
kullanılmaya başlanmıştır.
Ülkemizde gerek GAP (Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi), gerek KOP (Konya Ovası Projesi) gibi tarıma
dayalı birçok kalkınma projesi kapsamında çeşitli ölçeklerde sayısal, çizgisel, fotoğrafik ve tematik
birçok harita altlığına ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Tarım Reformu Genel Müdürlüğü 2010-2014 Strateji
Planı öngörüleri ülke genelinde 5.700.000. ha arazinin Arazi Toplulaştırma ve Tarla İçi Geliştirme
Hizmetleri (AT-TİGH) kapsamında 1/5000 ölçekli haritalarını üretmeyi hedeflemektedir. Bu haritaların tamamına yakını sayısal fotogrametrik yöntemlerle yapılması hedeflenmektedir. Bu çalışmada
özellikle 2009-2010 yıllarında ülkemizin değişik bölgelerinde bu amaçla üretilen sayısal fotogrametrik harita yapım esaslarında uygulanan yöntem, erişilen doğruluklar, maliyet, süre gibi
değişik açılardan bir değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır. Ayrıca yüksek çözünürlüklü uydu görüntülerinin
kullanılması durumu da irdelenmiştir.
Application of Digital Photogrametry on Agriculture
In the recent years, the digital photogrametry has been widely used especially in the rapid development on the subject of digital photogrametry and digital photogrammetric methods in which high
resolution satellite images to be used and in order to obtain the raster and vector data that can be
displayed together, low cost solution, the production of the fast and highly accurate orthophotos
as well as to have a wide range of products such as near infrared.
In our country, both in the GAP (Southeastern Anotalia Projects) and in the KOP (Konya Plain
Projects) such as agriculture-based development projects, many different scales analytical, vectoral, photographics and thematic maps are needed. In 2010-2014 Strategic Plan of the General
Directorate of Agricultural Reform, 1/5000 scaled maps are to plan to produce for 5.700.000
hectares area across the country in relating with Land Consolidation and Land Development Services (AT-TIGH). Almost all of the maps are produced as the use of digital photogrammetric methods. The purpose of this study is to provide an assessment for different perspectives about the
digital photogrammetric map production such as guidelines for digital photogrammetric mapping
method, accessed accuracies, cost, time. In addition, the use of high-resolution satellite images
is also discussed.
Anahtar kelimleler; sayısal fotogrametri, harita yapımı, sayısal hava kamerası, yakın kızıl ötesi.
Keywords: digital photogrammetry, map production, digital aerial camera, near infra red.
Prof. Dr. Ferruh YILDIZ
Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi,
Harita Mühendisliği Bölümü Fotogrametri ABD Başkanı
1962 yılında Bozkırʼda (Konya) doğdu. Lisans eğitimini 1982 yılında Selçuk
Üniversitesi (S.Ü.) Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Harita Mühendisliği
bölümünde tamamladı. Yüksek Lisans ve doktora eğitimlerini İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Geomatik (Harita) Mühendisliği bölümünde 1984 ve 1988 yıllarında tamamladı.
S.Ü. Harita Mühendisliği Bölümünde 1983-1988 yılları arasında araştırma görevlisi, 1988-1996
yılları arasında doçent olarak görev yaptı. 2002 yılında profesör oldu. Halen aynı bölümde görev
yapmaktadır. 1990-2004 yıları arasında S.Ü. Bilgisayar Bilimleri Uygulama ve Araştırma
Merkezinde Müdür, 1995-2004 yılları arasında da S.Ü. Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölüm Başkanlığı
görevlerinde bulundu.
2002-2012 yılları arasında Harita Mühendisleri Odası Konya Şube Başkanı olarak görev yaptı.
1990-2006 yılları arasında da Harita Genel Komutanlığı Harita Teknik Okulunda misafir öğretim
üyesi olarak ders verdi. 26 yüksek lisans, 11 doktora öğrencisi yetiştirdi. BOTAŞ, Gıda Tarım ve
Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığının birçok ulusal projelerinde ve Başbakanlık
TİKAʼnın uluslar arası projelerinde görev aldı.
ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing), DGPF (Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation), TUFUAB (Türkiye Ulusal
Fotogrametri ve Uzaktan Algılama Birliği) bilimsel organizasyonların üyesidir. Yayınlanmış 150
den fazla Türkçe/İngilizce makale ve bildirisi vardır. Alanında üç adet yayımlanmış kitabı mevcuttur.
Evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır. İngilizce bilir.
The Effects of Different Calcium Salts on the Longevity and
Postharvest Quality of Cut Gerbera Flowers Var. Dream
Islamic Azad University, Research and Science Branch, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic Of IRAN
Keywords: Gerbera, Vase Life, calcium salts
The horticultural product marketability is strongly affected by quality loss during the post-harvest
chain. In order to apply calcium to the vase solution of cut gerbera (var. dream) the vase life and
some postharvest characteristics were studied in this article. A gerbera cultivar Dream was chosen
for experiments and its cut flowers were held into solution which contained calcium chloride with
concentrations (10, 20, 30) mM or calcium lactate with concentrations (2, 5, 8) mM for 4 hours
and water, respectively. The effect of calcium were probed by measuring the ornamental quality
of cut gerbera and the physiological characteristics such as endogenous calcium in stem, Relative
Fresh Weight (RFW), water uptake ,bending the neck and vase life. The vase life and ornamental
value of flowers were better than that in control (treated with distilled water). Thus the solution of
30 mM calcium chloride has the best effect on suppression of bending the neck of flowers. Thus,
the solution of 30 mM calcium chloride the water uptake of flowers was higher compare with the
control. the solution of 30 mM calcium chloride increased the endogenous calcium content and
decreased the bending neck of flowers .The solution of 30 mM calcium chloride not only stabilizes
the membrane structure of cut gerbera but also effective on , Relative Fresh Weight .It thereby increase the vase life of flowers.
Sex: Female
Birth Date: 26 April 1979
Place of Birth: Mashhad, Iran
Marital Status: Married
To pursue further education at … University
2006-2009: M.Sc. degree of Agricultural-Engineering Horticulture at Science and Research
Branch Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
GPA 16.08 /20
1998-2002: B.S. in Agricultural-Engineering Horticulture at Esfahan University of Technology, Esfahan, Iran.
GPA13.12/ 20
1993-1997: High School diploma majoring Experimental Sciences at “Mahboubeh Danesh High
School”, Esfahan, Iran.
GPA: 17.69/ 20
Relevant Courses:
Design and creation landscape at Agricultural and Natural Resources Engineering Organization
Related Experience:
2008: Working on my Master Thesis entitled “Effect of calcium and potassium salts on the vase
life and postharvest quality of (Gerbera jamesonii) cut flower cv. Dream”
Work Experience:
2005 to Now Landscape Expert at Tehran Parks and Green Areas Organization (branch of mayor
of Tehran)
Computer Knowledge:
Expert in Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, Internet
Farsi: Native
English: My TOEFLE (IBT) exam report I took
Listening: 23
Writing: 21
Reading: 27
Speaking: 23
Overall Score: 94
French: Limited knowledge
Trichoderma Harzianumʼun Değişik Bitki Türlerinin Gelişimi, Fungal
Hastalıklara Dayanımı ve Çelik Köklendirmesi Üzerine Etkileri
Selcan TAŞCI1, Murat ŞEKER2
Bozok Üniversitesi, Akdağmadeni Meslek Yüksekokulu, Bahçe Tarımı Programı,
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, ÇANAKKALE
Trichoderma harzianum çok hızlı üreyebilen filamentli yapıya sahip, saprofit karakterli bir fungustur.
Trichodermaʼnın daha çok bitki hastalık etmenlerine karşı etkili olduğu bilinmektedir. Günümüzde
bitki türlerindeki fungal hastalıklara karşı kimyasal mücadele yöntemleri sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır.
Ancak, kimyasal mücadelede yoğun fungusit kullanılması, yanlış dozlarda ve gereksiz ilaç kullanımı sonucu doğal denge bozulmaktadır. Ayrıca önemsiz olan veya hiç görülmeyen yeni bir
hastalığın ortaya çıkmasına ve bitki türleri üzerinde ilaç kalıntısı bırakarak tüketiciler açısından
zararlı etkiler oluşmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu sorunlar karşısında T. harzianum, kimyasal mücadelenin tam bir alternatifi olmasa da, biyolojik mücadele ile ilaç tüketiminin azaltılması ve daha
sağlıklı çevre oluşturulmasında önemli bir potansiyeli bulunduğu saptanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmaların
ışığında kimyasal mücadeleye göre ekolojik dengeyi bozmayan bir mücadele yöntemi olduğu kabul
edilmiştir. Bitki fizyolojisi bakımından ise T. harzianumʼun bitki kök yüzeylerine kolonize olarak metabolizmada da değişikliklere neden olduğu yapılan çalışmalarda ortaya konmuştur. Bu bildiride,
T. harzianumʼun değişik bitki türlerinin gelişimi, fungal hastalıklara dayanımı ve çelik köklendirmesi
üzerine etkilerinin literatür bilgileri sunulmuştur. Uygulamaya da aktarılan çalışmalarda, T.
harzianumʼun bitki gelişiminde; kök ağırlığının ve kök uzunluğunun artışında, yaprak ve sürgün
sayısı ile gövde çapının artmasında etkili olduğu, fungal hastalıklara karşı mücadelede biyolojik
kontrol ajanı olarak olumlu sonuçlar doğurduğu görülmüştür.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Zeytin, Trichoderma harzianum, Olea europaea, fungal hastalık.
The Effects of Trichoderma Harzianum on Growth of Different Plant Species,
Resistance Against Fungal Disease and Rooting Ability of Cuttings
Trichoderma harzianum is a saprophyte character fungus that able to reproduce very fast with flamentally structure. It is known that Trichoderma has usually effective against to plant diseases.
Chemical control methods are frequently used against fungal diseases of plant species. However
natural balance is destroyed by the results of intensive use of fungicide and use of wrong doses
pesticide. In addition to it causes to appear a disease which is never seen before or been insignificant level and also pesticides leave residue that harmful for consumers on plants. Against these
problems, it was determined that T. harzianum has an important potential for creating sustainable
environment and reduces the use of pesticides by biological control, although it is not alternative
of chemical control methods exactly. As a result of the researches, it was accepted to T. harzianum
is a control method which does not disrupt the ecological balance, compared to the chemical methods. In terms of plant physiology, it was determined as the result of researches that cause changes
on metabolism by forming colonize on plant root surfaces. In this notification, literature information
is submitted on the effects of T. harzianum on growth, resistance to fungal disease and rooting of
cuttings in different plant species. In investigation that carried over application, it was determined
T. harzianum is effective on plant growth, increase root weight, root length and trunk diameter and
also add number of leaves and shoots. Moreover it was indicated positive results against fungal
disease as a biological control agent.
Keywords: Olive, Trichoderma harzianum, Olea europaea, fungal disease.
Formation of Hawthorn, Crataegus Azarolus L. Plants From
Multiplication of Buds In Vitro
Mozahim K. Al-Mallah
Sumood H. A
Biotechnology Dept.
Forestry Dept.
College of Education
College of Agriculture and Forestry
University of Mosul / Mosul / Iraq
The results proved that buds vegetative multiplication that excited from Hawthorn trees produced
numerous shoots from single bud by using agar solidified MS medium supplemented with 5.0 mg/L
BA, (Benzyl adenine). It was possible to enhance the multiplication rate by adding 0.5 mg/L of
Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) to the medium with decreasing concentration of BA to 3.0 mg / L . This
medium stimulate the formation of callus that differentiated to new shoots .
In Vitro Micropropagation of Fritillaria Imperialis
Via Thin Cell Layer Technique
Kamil Hanaylı, Bahtiyar Yılmaz, Prof. Dr. Fatih Yıldız
Fritillaria imperialis is a member of the genus Fritillaria, family Liliaceae. It is native to a wide stretch
from Anatolia across the plateau of Iran to Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Himalayan foothills. It is
one of the earliest plants to be cultivated. It grows to about 1 meter (3 feet) in height, and bears
lance shaped, glossy leaves, at intervals along the stem. It bears a prominent whorl of downward
facing flowers at the top of the stem, topped by a 'crown' of small leaves, hence the name. While
the wild form is usually orange-red, various colors are found in cultivation, ranging from nearly a
true scarlet through oranges to yellow. Fritillaria imperialis has a big potential of becoming a commercial cut flower but having disadvantage of production limits. Thin cell layer technique from leaf
tissue offers a reliable efficient bulb production. We have investigated using active carbon with
plant growth regulators indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) 6-Benzylaminopurine.
Ters Lalenin (Fritillaria imperialis) İnce Hücre Yığını Tekniğiyle İn Vitro Çoğaltımı
Ters Lale (Fritillaria imperialis) Liliaceae ailesinden Fritillaria cinsine bağlı. Anadolunun geniş bir
çoğrafyasından Iran, Afganistan, Pakistan platolarına uzanan Himalayaların eteklerine kadar
yetişme gösteren bir bitkidir. Yaklaşık 1 metreye kadar uzayabilir gövde boyunca parlak yapraklarla
mızrak biçinde çiçeklere sahiptir. Gövdenin üstünden aşağıya bakan çiçeklere ve üstlerinde bir
taç biçine sahiptir ve ismini buradan alır. Yabani türleri genelde turuncu-kırmızı renkte olmakta
olup yetiştirilen türler koyu kırmızıdan sarıya kadar bir alanda yer alır. Fritillaria imperialis ticari bir
kesme çiçek olarak byük bir potansiyeli olmasına karşın üretimi limitli bir biti türüdür. İnce Hücre
Yığını Tekniğiyle doku kültüründe yaprak kullanımı üretim için büyük bir avantaj sağlamaktadır.
Üretim sırasında Aktif karbon ve indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) 6Benzylaminopurine bitki gelişim düzenleyicilerin kullanımı araştırılmıştır.
Sürgün Ucu Kültürü ve Termoterapi ile Virüsten Ari İncir Fidan Üretimi
ve İn Vitro Fidanların RT-PCR ile Testlenmesi
N.Funda EDREMİT1*, Serap AÇIKGÖZ2, Aynur GÜREL3, Şadiye HAYKA3
Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık İl Müdürlüğü, MANİSA
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü, AYDIN
Ege Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Biyomühendislik Bölümü, Bornova, İZMİR
*[email protected]
Ülkemiz, dünya taze incir üretiminin %26ʼsını, kuru incir üretiminin ise %59ʼunu karşılamaktadır.
Aydın ise, dünyanın en kaliteli kuru incir çeşitlerinin üretilmekte olduğu yegâne bölgedir. Bu önemli
dışsatım ürününün yetiştiriciliğini olumsuz etkileyen ve özellikle fidanlıklarda kurumalara neden
olan faktörlerden biri İncir Mozaik Hastalığıdır (İMH)
(Özalp ve Heper,1972). Son yıllarda, İMHʼna neden olan yedi viral etmen belirlenmiş ve bu etmenlerin sekans analizleri yapılmıştır (Elbeaino ve ark.,2006,2007,2011, Gattoni ve ark.,2009, Walia
ve ark.,2009). Aydın yöresi incirlerinde ise İncir Mozaik Virüsü (Fig Mosaic Virus-FMV) ve İncir
Mozaik İlişkili Virüs (Fig Mosaic-associated Virus-FMaV) saptanmıştır (Edremit ve Açıkgöz 2011).
Birçok bitki türünün klonal üretiminde, meristem ve sürgün ucu kültürlerinin kullanılması ile virüsten
ari bitkilerin elde edilmesi, İMH etmeninden arî incir fidan üretiminde yönelik çalışmaların yapılmasına olanak sağlamış, ancak virüslerden arındırıldıklarını gösteren moleküler testler yapılmamıştır (Pontikis ve Melas,1986, Demiralay,1997, Gella ve ark.,1998, Dalkılıç ve Ertan,1998,
Çömlekçioğlu ve ark.,2007).
Bu çalışma İMH etmenlerinden arındırılmış ve Aydın yöresinde yaygın olduğu belirlenen FMV ve
FMaV yönünden RT-PCR ile testlenmiş üretim materyalini, sürgün ucu kültürü ve termoterapi yöntemiyle elde etmek amacı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu amaçla, incir mozaik hastalığı ile enfekteli,
Sarılop ve Bursa siyahı incir çeşitlerinden 0.5-0.7cmʼlik sürgün uçları, çeşitli sterilantlar içinde 20
dakika tutularak yüzeysel sterilizasyonları yapılmıştır. Sürgün uçları, indol butirik asit (IBA) ve
benzil adenin (BA) içeren Woody Plant Medium (WPM; Lloyd ve McCown,1980) besin ortamlarına
aktarılmışlardır. Sürgün uçlarından elde edilen çoklu sürgünlere, 6 hafta boyunca 34/37°C karanlık/aydınlık koşullarda (Gella ve ark.,1998) termoterapi uygulaması yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sürgünler kesilerek bitki büyüme düzenleyicisi içermeyen yarı katı WPM ve MS (Murashige ve
Skoog,1962) besin ortamlarına aktarılmış ve kök gelişimleri gözlenmeye başlamıştır. Elde edilen
incir fidanları, FMV ve FMaV etmenlerinin varlığı yönünden, RT-PCR ile spesifik primer çiftleri kullanılarak (Elbeaino ve ark.,2009, Walia ve ark.,2009) testlenmiş ve elde edilen bitkilerin sağlıklı
olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Belirlenen tanı yönteminin çalışıyor olduğunun doğrulanabilmesi için gerekli
olan temiz materyal (negatif kontrol) tohumdan yetiştirilen incir çöğürlerinden elde edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: İncir, sürgün ucu kültürü, termoterapi, FMV, FMaV, RT-PCR
Production of Virus-Free Fig Splantlets By Shoot Tip Culture and Thermoterapy and
Virus Detection of In Vitro Plantlets Through RT-PCR
Turkey realizes worldʼs 26% fresh and 59% dried fig production. Aydin is the primary region where
best quality dried fig produced. Fig Mosaic Disease (FMD) is one of the most important factors
which affects negatively the production of this important product of exportation and also which
causes drying in sapling. (Özalp and Heper,1972). Recently it was shown by sequencing method
the presence of 7 viruses as the causal agents of fig mosaic disease (FMD) (Elbeaino et al., 2006,
2007, 2011, Gattoni et al., 2009, Walia et al.,2009). Fig Mosaic Virus (FMV) and Fig Mosaic-associated Virus (FMaV) were detection in figs in Aydin region (Edremit and Açıkgöz 2011).
Using meristem and shoot tips culture for virus-free plants in clonal production of many plant types
allowed FMD-free fig plantlet production researches but no diagnostic test was developed to show
absence or presence of viruses (Pontikis ve Melas,1986, Demiralay,1997, Gella et al.,1998,
Dalkılıç and Ertan 1998, Comlekcioglu et al.,2007).
This study is free from FMD and Aydin region, are common factors in terms of the FMV and FMaV
production material was analyzed by RT-PCR, the method of shoot tip culture and thermotherapy
conducted with the aim to achieve. Therefore, 0.5-0.7cm long shoot tips from fig mosaic disease
infected Sarilop and Bursa Black fig type plants treated in various sterilants for 20 minutes for surface disinfection. Shoot tips then transferred into Woody Plant Medium (WPM; Lloyd and McCown,
1980) containing indolebutyric acid (IBA) and benzyl adenine (BA). Thermotherapy treatment applied on to Multiple Shoots obtained from shoot tips for six weeks under 34/37°C dark/light conditions (Gella et al., 1998). The shoots obtained transferred into semi-solid WPM and MS (Murashige
and Skoog, et al., 1962) which does not contain plant growth regulator and root development is
monitored. The fig plants produced are tested using RT-PCR and FMV specific primer pair (Elbeaino et al., 2009) to identify presence of fig mosaic virus and plant samples are confirmed
healthy. Fig seedling produced from clean material (negative control) is used for verification of
analysis method applied.
Key Words: Fig, shoot tip culture, thermoterapy, FMV, FMaV, RT-PCR
Nazlı Funda EDREMIT
N. Funda EDREMIT is an agricultural engineer and works for a Food Agriculture and Animal Breeding Provincial Directorate in Manisa/TURKEY. Also PhD
student in Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of
Plant Protection in Aydın. She is studying plant virus, molecular biotechnology
and in vitro virus free plant. She is married and has got one son.
Email address: [email protected]
“Biyoteknolojinin Ormancılığa 2012 Yılında Getirdikleri”
Moleküler Biyoloji Uzmanı/ MsC. Molecular Biologist
İç Anadolu Ormancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü/ Ankara/ Türkiye
Adres: İç Anadolu Ormancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü P.K. 24 Bahçelievler /Ankara/
Türkiye, e mail: [email protected] , telefon: + 90 -312 -2964000/ 2857
Biz bu çalışmada biyoteknoloji ve ormancılık biyoteknolojisi ne demektir onu tanımladık. Buna
ilave olarak biz ormancılık biyoteknolojisinin faydalı unusurları nelerdir ve eksikleri nelerdir ona
örnekler verdik. Biz sürdürülebilir ormancılığın ve biyogüvenliğin gelecekte insanlığın geleceği için
çok önemli konular olacağına inanıyoruz. Eğer ormancılık ve ormancılık biyoteknolojisi olmaz ise
çocuklar için medeni yaşam, tarım, gıda ve biyoteknoloji de olmaz. Ormancılık biyoteknolojisi
olimpik sporlarlada ilgilidir eğer Türkiye olimpityatları gelecekte almak istiyorsa orman biyoteknolojisine özel bir önem vermelidir. Bu bildiride biyoteknolojiyi anlamak için halk bilmi ve iletişim
sonuçlarını metod olarak kullandım ve materyal olarakda yazılı makalaleri ve kitapları topladım
ve daha sonra dışarıda ormancılık biyoteknolojisine baktım ve aradım ormancılık biyoteknolojisin
problemleri ne diye. Sonuç olarak orman köylüsünün ormancılık ve orman bitoteknoljisi için
yardıma ihtiyacı olduğuna karar verdik çünkü onlar için pek çok hırsız var.
“Biotechnologyʼs Brings to Forestry in 2012 Year”
We described that What do you mean What biotechnology and forestry biotechnology is. In additon
, We gave example What were benefical matters and defective matter in the forestry biotechnology.
We believe that sustainable forestry and bioconfidence are important subjets in future. On the
other hand, Susitanable Forestry Biotechnology is very important for human being. If there is no
forestry and forestry biotechnology, is not to be civil life for child, for agriculture and for food, for
biotechnolog.. Sustainable Forestery Biotechnology is interested in olimpic sports so If we want
to take the olimpic games in future in Turkiye, we have to give is very special important to forestry
biotechnology. In this declaration, I used to results in public sciense and in communication results
to understand biotechnology as a method and take writing articles and books and so that I look
at and look for What the problem is in the out side in the forest biotechnology as materials. Finally,
We decide that Forest villager needs for help for forestry and forestry biotechnology becouse there
are robbers for them.
Anahtar kelimeler: Ormancılık Biyoteknolojisi, Sürdürülebilir Ormancılık, Sürdürülebilir Ormancılık
Biyoteknolojisi, Orman köylüsü.
Key words: Forestry Biotechnology, Sustainable Forestry, Sustainable Forestry Biotechnology,
Forest Villager.
Bu bildiri 2011 yılında kaybettiğimiz Orman Mühendisi Prof. Dr Öğretim Üyesi ve Ormancı Dostu
Uçkun Geray Beye Adanmıştır.
Necatibey Caddesi Engürülü Apt. 106/12 Maltepe/Ankara
[email protected]
Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı , İç Anadolu Çevre ve Orman Araştırma
Müdürlüğü, Tohum Ağaçlandırma ve Genetik Islah Baş Mühendisliği Moleküler Biyoloji Uzmanı (Biyolog).Ankara.
Doğum Tarihi : 29/05/1963
Doğum Yeri: Ankara
Lisans: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Biyoloji Bölümü
Lisans Mezuniyet Tarihi : 6/6/1986
Lisans Mezuniyet Derecesi : 2.65/4.00 (İyi)
Yüksek Lisans : Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Moleküler Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı
Yüksek Lisans Mezuniyet Tarihi : 1990
Yüksek Lisans Mezuniyet Derecesi: 3.92/4.00 (Pekiyi)
Bildiği Yabancı Dil : İngilizce (KPDS :54)
Bilgisayar : World,Excel,Power Point kullanımı
İş Tecrübesi:
“Akademik olarak Üniversitede ayrıca özel sektörde Gıda,Kozmetik,Sağlık ,Kalite Kontrol konularında çalışmış halen Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı İç Anodolu Orman Araştırma Müd. Ormancılık
konusunda çalışan Moleküler Biyoloji Uzmanı.”
1.Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Moleküler Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı Araştırma
Görevlisi(7/Şubat 1987)(Akademisyen).
2. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Moleküler Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı Misafir Araştırma
Görevlisi (Akademisyen)
3.Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Moleküler Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı Araştırma
4. Kars Kafkas Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Moleküler Biyoloji Ana Bilim Dalı Araştırma
5.Elida Kozmetik Mikrobiyoloji Uzmanı/Kozmetik/Kalite Kontrol .
6.Lever Mikrobiyoloji Uzmanı/ Hijyen / Kalite Kontrol / Kozmetik.
7.Eczacıbaşı Özgün Kimyasallar/Biyolog/Sağlık.
8.Tıbset Şırınga Fabrikaları Labaratuvar Şefi/ Sağlık.
9.Pelit Çikolataları ISO 9002 Kalite Kontrol Yazılımı Sorumlusu(Kalite Kontrol)/Gıda.
10.T.C. Orman Bakanlığı Marmara Orman Araştırma Müdürlüğü Çevre ve Koruma Baş Mühendisliği/ İstanbul/Biyolog(1 yıl)/Ormancılık.
11.T.C Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı İç Anadolu Orman Araştırma Müdürlüğü Tohum ,Ağaçlandırma
ve Genetik Islah Baş Mühendisliği/Ankara/Biyolog (Halihazırda çalıştığı görevdir 1/4).( 10yıl)/Ormancılık.
7. KOLONKOYA, N., ŞENYAZ, A., AKIN, A., VE ARK., 2005, Araştırma-Geliştirme ve Eğitim (
Çevre Araştırma ve Geliştirme alt çalışma grubu) Çalışma Belgesi, 1. Çevre ve Ormancılık Şurası
Çalışma Belgesi, 22-24 Mart, Sayfa:247-272.
8. Biyoteknoloji.Yalnızca Genetik Yapısı Değiştirilmiş Mikroorganizmalarmıdır , Yeşil Türkiye Dergisi,2005/3, Sayı:587,Sayfa:8-9.
9.Bakakaldığımız Doğa,Yeşil Türkiye Dergisi , 2005/5 , Sayı:589,Sayfa:18-19.
10. Türkiyedeʼde Çevre ve Ormancılık Konularında Çalışan Biyologlar ve Çevre ve Ormancılıkta
Araştırma Ve Geliştirme Çalışmalarını Artırma Olanakları, 1.Çevre ve Ormancılık Şurası Tebliğleri,
Mart 2005,Cilt:4,Sayfa:1692-1699.
11. AKIN, A., İzoenzimleri Çevre ve Ormancılıkta Niçin Daha Etkili Kullanmalıyız , 1.Çevre ve Ormancılık Şurası Tebliğleri , Mart 2005, Cilt:4 , Sayfa:1362-1369.
12.AKIN,A., Biyoteknolojinin Çevre ve Ormancılığa Getirdikleri., Çevre ve İnsan dergisi, .,
Aldığı Eğitimler:
1.Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde Indiana Üniversitesinde 4.Kuru Bitirdi.(İngilizce)
2.Tubitak Gebzede Monoklonal Antibadiler konusunda kurs aldı.
3.Elida Kozmetik/Lever ISO 9002 ve ISO 9001 kursu aldı.
4.Eczcıbaşı Özgün Kimyasallarda “Performans Geliştirme” kursu aldı.
5.Ormancılıkta Proje Yapılırken İstatistiki Desenlemenin Yapılması İçin “İstatistik Kursu” aldı.
Orman Bakanlığı.
6.Uluslarası Proje Yazılımı Kursu aldı. Orman Bakanlığı.
7.Uluslarası Hijyenik Uygulamalar Kursu aldı.(Tıbset).
8.Biyoteknoloji Dr.Dersi (H.Ü 1992 aldığı sonuç 4.00/4.00 Prof.Dr.Nazif Kolonkoya)
9.Biyoteknoloji Dr. Dersi (Ankara Üniversitesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölüm Başkanı Prof.Dr Şebnem Ellialtıoğlu Dr. dersi izleyicisi 2002)
10.T.C.Başbakanlık İngilizce kursu (2002).
Uzman Alihan Akın Biyoçeşitliliği geliştirmek amacıyla Tübitak taksonomi sorumlusu olarak
Prof.Dr.Ali Demirsoy(Hacettepe Üniversitesi Biyoloji Bölümü/ Tübitak Biyoloji Yönetim Kurulu
Üyesi) ve Uzman Yavuz Darenderilioğlu tarafından Eylül 2004 yılında seçildi. Alihan Akın Pinopsida, Magnolipsida, Liliopsida ve Insecta Türkiye biyoçeitliliğinin bilgisayar ortamında formasyonunu oluşturmaktan sorumludur. Türkiye biyoçeşitlilik oluşturma sorumluğuna devam etmektedir.
Moleküler Biyoloji Uzmanı Alihan Akın Devlet Planlama teşkilatı Tarafından Mart 2005 ve 2006
yılında Leanorda da Vinci Programında “Avrupa Bağımsız Dış Uzmanı seçilmiştir”.
Alihan Akın “Avrupa Birliğinin desteklediği” Biyologların istihdam sorunlarının giderilmesi isimli projede” Koordinatör ve Eğitimci” olarak görev yapmış ve Moleküler biyoloji eğitimini vermiş ve bu
projenin başarılmasında baştan sona aktif olarak görev almıştır.
Alihan AKINʼın 2004 yılında önerisi ile oluşturulan ve araştırmacı Şaban Çetiner ile ayrı ayrı bir
makale önerdiği “Alo Çevre hattı önerisi” teknik kurullarda benimsenmiş ve kanunlaşma için çalışmalara başlanmıştır.
İş tel : 0312 2964000/2857
Cep : 0 5054032961
Fax : +90 312 2122944
İş Adresi: T.C. Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı İç Anadolu Orman Araştırma Müdürlüğü Tohum, Ağaçlandırma ve Genetik Islah Baş Müh. P.K 24. Ankara
Bioenergy Production and Studying of its Environmental Effects in
the Light of Regulations
Peyman Hakimzade Khoei1*, Roya Hassankhani2, Razieh Hassankhani3
Department of Law, Science and Research Branch Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
M.Sc. of Agricultural Mechanization of Tabriz-Tabriz-Iran
M.Sc. of private law-Bualisina university-Hamedan-Iran
*[email protected]
At present the increasing growth rate of world populations and consequently further energy consumptions make circumstances which need more energy production. Fossil fuels are the main
source of world energy. But the challenges in the consumption of theses fuels are air pollution and
climate change. Moreover theses fuels aren't renewable and the replaced renewable energies
must be produced. Bioenergy is one of the renewable energies. For replacing this energy technical,
social, legal and political factors must be identified. In this article relative legal regulations such
as: soil, biodiversity and air protection are studied.
Keywords: biodiversity, bioenergy, climate change, environment, regulation, soil
Name: Peyman HikimZadeKhoei
Birthday Date: 25/07/1974
Domicile: Islamic Republic of Iran
Bachelor: Law, Iran
Master of Science: International Law, Beheshti University, Iran
P.hD.: Student of International Law, Department of Law, Science and
Research Branch of Azad University of Tehran, Iran.
Working Place: Department of Law, Science and Research Branch of Azad University of Tabriz,
Some Related researches: Nationality
Email: [email protected]
Progress of European Food, Technology and Nutrition
Decleration Activities
Dr. nat. techn. Marija Zunabovic
Senior Scientist
Department of Food Science and Technology
(BOKU) University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Muthgasse 18, 1190 Vienna, Austria
Email: [email protected]
Born in Austria, Vienna
Education & work experience
-Nationality Austria
-Diploma study Food Science and Biotechnology
-Doctorate of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) with special emphasis in food microbiology
-Food Industry (Meat, Fish, Convenience): Quality Management, Hygiene coaching, Product development, Labelling
-Teaching in Food Technology, Food Hygiene, Quality Management
-Research Food Microbiology and Hygiene
-Hygiene coaching for SME (HACCP, IFS)
-Invited speaker in food industry workshops
-Training and Education
-Association of Austrian Food and Biotechnologists
-Austrian Nutrition Society
-Health Grain Forum
-Member of the Moniqa Assiociation
Organic Farming and its Development in Albania
Luan Ahmetaj
[email protected]
AAOH Bioplant Albania, Lagja Sanatorium, Rr. Shefqet Ndroqi nr.185, Tirana, Albania,
Tel: +355682290019
Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather
than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and
science to benefit the shared environment and promote fair relationships and a good quality of life
for all involved.
Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the
conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. The certification of organic production is mandatory.
Family name: Ahmetaj
First name: Luan
Nationality: Albanian
Birthday: 29April 1964
Civil status: Married, 3 children - 2 sons and 1 daughter
House address: Rruga Shefqet Ndroqi no 185, Lagja Sanatorium,
Mbi Shkollen e Sander Prosi, Tirana, Albania
Mobile: 00355-6822 80019
[email protected]
Education and Training –
- I am graduated as agronomist on January 1988, in Agricultural University of Tirana ( Diploma )
- Under academic year 1990-91 I am specialized in Agricultural University of Tirana on Scientific
Treatment of the Soil. ( Diploma )
- I am graduated on Mediterranean Organic Agriculture during the academic year 2000-01 in Italy.
( Diploma )
Agriculture, Food, & Wellness – An Orientation For
Solutions & Sustainability
Kathleen Kevany1
Assistant Professor and Director of Adult Learning,
Nova Scotia Agricultural College, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
The growing global interest in food appears to be partially driven by the impact food security and
food standards have on health and health care costs. Inaccessibility to food creates malnutrition
while consumption of overly processed foods contributes its own version of malnutrition. Industry
and science have achieved greater yields. Striving to feed a growing world population and increasing longevity and quality of life are such enhanced health outcomes. Yet the quality of life for many
is undermined by diseases like obesity, diabetes, and cancers. A review of relevant literature reveals critical and at times understated linkages between agriculture, food, and wellness. This paper
proposes improvements and highlights a Canadian agricultural educational institute curious about
and committed to fostering innovative and productive outcomes for agriculture, food, and wellness.
Key words in Turkish and English
Wellness, tarım, gıda, politika, davranışlar;
Wellness, agriculture, food, policy, behavior;
Dr. Kathleen Kevany
Assistant Professor
Director of Adult Learning
B.A., Carleton University, Ottawa
M.Ed., O.I.S.E., University of Toronto
Ed.D., O.I.S.E., University of Toronto
Kathleen Kevany
Assistant Professor in Business and Social Sciences & the Director of Adult
Email – [email protected]
Website - http://nsac.ca/bss/staff/kke/
Assistant Professor in Business and Social Sciences
Teaching in:
-Teaching Communications & Conflict Resolution
-Leadership & Social Change
-Rural Sociology
-Mindfulness & Reflection in Professional Practice
Researching on:
-social movement learning;
-shared actualizing;
-peer-to-peer teaching and learning;
-civility and water;
-sustainability and wellness;
-agriculture, food, & wellness policy and practice intersections
Director of Adult Learning
-Interested in engaging and dynamic modes of teaching and learning
-Engaging students as teachers and faculty as learners
-Utilizing diverse approaches to adult education: experiential learning, solution focused learning,
online, distance, and self-directed learning
Leader Yaklaşımı ve Türkiye
Ali Recep NAZLI, Esra Dağlıoğlu, Elif Ebru BAŞKAN, Ayzin B. KÜDEN
[email protected]
Tarım sektörü ülkemizin AB üyelik sürecinde yoğun müzakerelerin yaşandığı bir sektördür. Bu sektörde müktesebat uyumu Türkiye açısından zorlu geçecektir. AB tarımda ve kırsal alanların kalkınmasında sürekli yeni arayışlar içindedir. Şu anda komisyon tarafından alan temelli kalkınmayı ve
tabandan tavana bir yaklaşımı benimseyen LEADER yaklaşımı ön plandadır. Bu yaklaşım hem
üye ülkelere hem de aday ülkelere önerilmektedir. Bu çalışma ile AB'nin yeni kırsal kalkınma modeli
olan LEADER yaklaşımı ülkemiz açısından değerlendirilmiştir.
Anahtar sözcükler: Kırsal kalkınma, LEADER, Avrupa Birliği, Kırsal alan
Leader Approach and Turkey
The agricultural sector is a sector that has the intensive negotiations in the process of Turkey's
EU membership. Alignment with the acquis in this sector will be difficult for Turkey. EU are in constant search of new opportunities for development of agriculture and rural areas. Currently,
LEADER approach in the foreground by the commission which adopts the area-based develop[132]
ment, and a bottom-up approach. This approach is recommended to the member countries and
candidate countries. In this study the LEADER approach, the new EU rural development model,
evaluated in terms of our country.
Key Words: Rural development, LEADER, EU, Rural area
Ali Recep NAZLI:
1979 yılında Bingölʼde Doğdu. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesinde lisans eğitimini, Sütçü İmam
Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsünde Yüksek Lisansını tamamladı. Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat
Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümünde doktorasına devam etmektedir.
1999 yılından beri Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık bakanlığının çeşitli araştırma enstitülerinde ve Tarım
ve Kırsal Kalkınmayı Destekleme Kurumunda Araştırmacı ve yöneticilik görevleri yapmıştır. Şu
anda TKDK merkez Ödeme Koordinatörü olarak Ankaraʼda görev yapmaktadır. Değişik yerlerde
yayınlanmış makale ve araştırma sonuçları, tamamladığı birçok proje bulunmaktadır.
The Right to Food in the International Bill of Human Rights
Sattar Azizi1*, Razie Hasankhani2, Roya Hasankhani3
Ph.D of international law-Bualisina university-Hamedan-Iran
M.Sc. of private law-Bualisina university-Hamedan-Iran
M.Sc. of agricultural mechanization of Tabriz-Tabriz-Iran *: [email protected]
The right of having enough food and well-being is recognized one of the principals in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and Agriculture. This major issue is mentioned in article 25: "everyone
has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his
family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services". According to article 11 of International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights clause 2: "The
States Parties to the present Covenant, recognizing the fundamental right of everyone to be free
from hunger, shall take, individually and through international co-operation, the measures, including
specific programs, which are needed: (a) To improve methods of production, conservation and
distribution of food by making full use of technical and scientific knowledge, by disseminating
knowledge of the principles of nutrition and by developing or reforming agrarian systems in such
a way as to achieve the most efficient development and utilization of natural resources; (b) Taking
into account the problems of both food-importing and food-exporting countries, to ensure an equitable distribution of world food supplies in relation to need ". Therefore in this article the principal
elements in health food production and affecting factors are studied.
Keywords: agriculture, health food, human rights
Geleneksel ve Yerel Gıdaların Korunmasında Sertifikasyonun Önemi:
AB Gıda Kalite Politikaları
Yrd. Doç. Dr. F.Handan Giray, Arş. Gör. M. Çağla Örmeci Kart, Dr. Stephan Hubertus Gay
Geleneksel ve yerel gıdaların korunmasının ekonomik, sosyal ve politik boyutları bulunmaktadır.
Bir yandan kültürel miras olarak korunması gereken bu ürünler, öte yandan üreticilerinin gelirlerini
yükseltmesi, ait olduğu bölgenin kalkınmasına katkısı ve tüketicilere şeffaflık ve çeşitlilik sunması
açısından önem taşımaktadır. Bütün bunların başarılması ve sürdürülebilirliği için gereken sistematik ve standart uygulamaların gerçekleşmesinin yolu da sertifikasyondur. Üretimin yalnızca miktarının değil kalitesinin de artırılması zorunluluğu, küreselleşme hareketi karşısında
geleneksel/yerel ürünler ve bunların küçük üreticilerinin yaşadıkları sorunlar, gıdaya bağlı ve küreselleşme ile epidemi riski artan hastalıklardan korkan ve bilinçlenen tüketicinin baskısı ile hem
genel gıda sertifikasyonlarının hem de geleneksel/yerel ürünlerin önem kazanmasını sağlamıştır.
Günümüzde AB gıda kalite sistemlerine kayıtlı 1290 ürünün %96ʼsı belli bir coğrafyaya ait olduklarını ve geri kalanı da geleneksel tarif ya da yöntemlerle üretildiklerini AB düzeyinde sertifikalandırmışlardır. Sertifika alan ürünlerin yarıya yakını hayvansal kökenli ve çoğunluğu Fransa, İtalya,
Portekiz, İspanya ve Yunanistanʼa ait ürünlerdir. Bunun yanı sıra, dört yüze yakın gıda kalite sertifikasyonu da AB pazarlarında yer almaktadır.
Bu çalışma kapsamında geleneksel ve yerel gıdaların sertifikalanmasının üretici, tüketici ve kırsal
kalkınma perspektiflerinden Türkiye ve Türk ürünleri için önemi ve örnek oluşturması nedeniyle
AB gıda kalite sistemleri ele alınmıştır. AB kalite sistemleri, başvuru koşulları, değerlendirme süreci,
başvuran ve sertifika alan ürünler, ülkeler, üreticilere maliyetlerine ve gelirlerine etkileri ve kalkınmayla ilişkileri sosyo-ekonomik olarak analiz edilecektir. Çalışmanın ana materyalini 2005-2007
tarihlerinde Avrupa Komisyonu Ortak Araştırma Merkezi (EC JRC)ʼne bağlı enstitülerden IPTS (Institute for Prospective Technological Studies) tarafından gerçekleştirilen “ABʼnde Gıda Kalite Sertifikasyonlarının Ekonomik Analizi” başlıklı proje, Avrupa Komisyonu Gıda Kalitesi Veri Tabanı
(DOOR - Database of Origin and Registration) ve Türk Patent Enstitüsü “coğrafi işaret veri
Anahtar kelimeler: Gıda kalitesi, gıda sertifikasyonu, yerel ürünler, coğrafi işaretler.
Importance of Certification for Traditional and Local Productsʼ Protection:
EU Food Quality Policy
There are economic, social and politic dimensions of protection of traditional and local products.
To the effect that they should be protected as a part of cultural heritage; they are important to increase producersʼ income; they contribute to development of area they come from; and they present transparency and diversification for consumers. Systematic and standard implementations are
required for achieving all these dimensions and their sustainability, and the way to do so is certification. The importance of food certifications and traditional/local products have been increased
because production is not increased only in quantity but also in quality; traditional/local products
and their small producers experience problems against globalisation; pressure of consumers who
are scared of increased epidemic risks of food related diseases and became more conscious.
Recently there are 1290 products registered in the EU quality schemes, and 96 per cent of them
have geographic indications while the rest highlights traditional character. Almost half of the registered products are animal products and most of them from France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Greece.
Besides this, nearly four hundred food quality schemes run in the EU markets.
Within the concept of this study, certification of traditional/local products and EU FQS are discussed
as it is important for Turkey and Turkish products from of producers, consumers and rural development. EU FQS, application procedure, evaluation process, certified products by type of products
and countries, their pros and cons to producers in relation with development will be analysed in
the study. The main material of the study is obtained from results of the project entitled “Economic
Analysis of Food Quality Assurance Schemes in the EU”, European Commission Food Quality
Database (DOOR - Database of Origin and Registration) and geographic indication database of
Turkish Patent Institute.
Keywords: Food quality, food certification, local products, geographic indications.
Analysis of Student Learning Stages and Styles of Agricultural and
Natural Resource Based Theory of Experiential Learning Cycle
(Case Study: Razi University Kermanshah-Iran)
Shahab Fekri Mehin1, Abdulhamid Papzan2, Jafar Yaghubi3, Marjan Sepahpanah4
M.Sc. Student Department of Agricultural Extension and Education College of Agriculture,
Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Extension and Education College of Agriculture,
Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Assistant Professor Department of Agricultural Extension and Education College of Agriculture,
Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran
Graduate Assistant College of Agriculture Razi University Kermanshah, Iran
The goal of this study, Analysis of student learning styles and stages of agricultural and natural
resource based theory of an experiential learning cycle. This research is the paradigm in terms of
quantity, purpose in terms of application and of collecting data descriptive-correlation. The students
survey the Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah with relative multistage sampling,
were selected (N=324), formed. A tool of the study was questionnaire included demographic characteristics and Kolb Learning Styles Inventory (KLSI). First, subjectʼs learning style and stage specific then using software SPSS17.0. We were analyzed. In this study the frequency, and mean
square, Chi-square, F, Kruskal Wallis and Cramerʼ V tests were used. In terms of student learning
styles and stages of Kolb doesnʼt have significantly different, but superior stages were “Active Experimentation” and “Abstract Conceptualizations” and superior learning style "converge" was. Personal characteristics of this stage and styles also exist with no significant relationship. Final In
order to make recommendations at the end of effective teaching based on the findings was presented.
Keywords: Agricultural Education, Experimental Learning Cycle, Effective Education
Sustainable Management of Rural Areas Through ICT
Ali Asghar Mirakzadeh1, Hossein Heidari2, Majid Bahrami3
Associate Professor of Agricultural Extension and Education, College of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, University of Razi
Rural Development graduate student, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources,
University of Razi & Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Yong Researcher
club Songhor & kuliaei, Iran
Graduate degree of Master of Rural Development, College of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, University of Razi
Corresponding Author E-Mail: [email protected]
Today, ICT is one of the most important criteria for economic and industrial development is considered only urban environments is not limited and the range of even the most remote rural areas
also includes it as a factor accelerating Visitors on the way to achieve rural development must be
considered. Considering the importance of technology in the country, also considering the benefits,
problems and strategies in the villages of the country should look at the system and planning a
coherent and forward-looking way to achieve more quickly to the villages sustainable development
of our flat. Accordingly, this article tries to highlight the importance of putting ICT in rural areas,
ICT centers functioning factors in the development of villages and widespread positive and negative effects of ICT and paths publication and transmission of information and innovation in Village
study and identify obstacles and problems with startup centers ICT in rural areas, also offering
desirable and applicable solutions, helping effectively manage better in rural villages by managers
and those involved in our country.
Keywords: ICT, management, village, positive and negative effects, barriers, the way things
Anahtar Kelimeler: bit, yönetim, köy, olumlu ve olumsuz etkileri, engelleri, yol şeyler,
Bioclusters: Their Role in Smart Regional Specialization;
Critical Success Factors for Excellence; Assessment of
Economic Performance; Cluster Policies
Nuray Unlu Bohn1, Erica Monfardini2, Laurent Probst3
Project Manager, PhD., PricewaterhouseCoopers, 400 route d'Esch, B.P. 1443, L-1014 Luxembourg
Director, PhD., PricewaterhouseCoopers, 400 route d'Esch, B.P. 1443, L-1014 Luxembourg
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 400 route d'Esch, B.P. 1443, L-1014 Luxembourg
This paper describes the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and Economic Performance Indicators
(EPIs) identified for assessing the economic performance of the bioclusters in order to bridge the
existing gap of absence on an agreed assessment methodology for boosting the cluster and cluster
management excellence in Europe. Bioclusters have been considered vital in boosting regional
innovation, smart economic development as well as the development of newly emerging industries
leading to the growth of Knowledge-based Bio-economy (KBBE). Relevant policy recommendations formulated around the gap analysis of CSFs were also provided for boosting the development
of KBBE in Europe.
Key Words: Bioclusters; Critical Success Factors; Economic Performance Indicators; Cluster Policy; Regional Smart Specialization
Clusters and cluster policies in-place are considered vital on achieving smart regional development
by increasing the network, synergy, collaboration between regional stakeholders from industry,
academia, research institutions, investors, policy makers resulting in higher innovation and economic performance.
Biocluster study (PwC, 2011) conducted by PwC under the mandate of European Commission
analysed 16 model-bioclusters in and out of Europe (Upper Austrian Food Cluster and Food Val[136]
ley-Netherlands in EU and Saint-Hyacinthe Technopole in Canada as Agro-Food clusters) in order
to identify: Critical Success Factors (CRFs), Economic Performance Indicators (EPIs), and relevant
policy recommendations for stimulating the development of KBBE in Europe.
Identified CSFs that were found to be valid for all biotech industry sectors (e.g. Agro-Food, medical,
industrial, marine, and energy) were grouped under five main driving forces:
• Scientific: existence of renowned universities and research institutions with critical mass of scientists and renowned researchers, trainings;
• Industrial: presence of large companies, SMEs, start-ups/spin-offs, their survival and influence
on the cluster development together with skill base supported by specialised training and attractiveness factors;
• Financial: availability, access, sustainability of funding, presence of VC, barriers to access;
• Supporting: presence of effective cluster management organization, strong infrastructure with
bioincubators, technology transfer organizations, biorefineries, regulatory and policy framework;
• Cultural: presence of entrepreneurial and networking cultures.
The suggested EPIs were:
• Cluster Dynamics
Number of jobs created
Number of companies established
• Cluster Enablers
Public and Private Funds raised
Cluster Specific Framework Conditions
Cluster Management Organizations
• Cluster Outputs
Revenues from marketed products/technologies
Revenues from licensing activities on products/technologies
Newly developed and marketed products/technologies
The policy recommendations based on gap analysis were: KBBE aspects; funding; incubators;
technology transfer and IP management; cluster management organization excellence; entrepreneurial culture.
Holds BSc. degree in Food Engineering (Ege University-Turkey) followed
by MSc. and PhD. in Food Chemistry while working as a “Research Assistant” at the Food Engineering Department. In between, worked as a “Visiting
Scholar” for one year at the Michigan State University-US to conduct part
of the PhD. research on supercritical CO2 extraction. Following the completion of PhD, entitled as an “Assistant Professor” at the Izmir Institute of
Technology-Turkey for 2 years. Then, went to US to work as a “Post-doctoral
Researcher” at the Ohio State University for 6 years and conducted clinical-nutrition projects mainly focusing on the carotenoids, their bioavailability
and impact on health prevention. Since 2009, working as a “Project Manager” at PricewaterhouseCoopers-Luxembourg for conducting research particularly on behalf of
the European Commission focusing on clusters, innovation, and regional smart specialization.
Status, Challenges and Perspectives of Conservation
Agriculture in Central Asian Countries
Prof. Dr. Hafiz Muminjanov
Plant Production and Protection Officer,
FAO Sub-regional Office for Central Asia (FAO-SEC)
Ivedik Cad No55 06170 Yenimahalle Ankara-TURKEY
Tel: +90 312 3079526
Fax: +90 312 3271705
The Central Asian countries have a large and promising agricultural potential, and the majority of
the population in these countries derive their livelihoods from agriculture, either directly or indirectly.
In this picture, irrigated areas where most of the farming population resides are of major importance
for national food security.
At present, in view of the increasing demographic pressure and internal market demand, there is
an urgent need to increase agricultural production in all the concerned countries.
There are opportunities for implementing agricultural practices that improve production, contribute
to the optimization of water productivity and mitigation/prevention of further land degradation.
The experience gained by FAO through various national and international projects in the Central
and Southern Asian region, shows that the use of conservation agriculture (CA) practices can lead
to many ecological and economic benefits, as well as to an integrated rural development also in
irrigated crop environments. CA is now practised on about 125million ha worldwide, or about 9
percent of the total crop land. The highest adoption levels (above 50 percent of crop land) are
found in Australia, Canada and the southern cone of South America. Adoption is increasing in
Africa, Central Asia and China.
The principles of CA basically include minimal soil disturbance and controlled traffic, crop cover,
diversified cropping systems and active weed control management. Surface cover with crop
residues, one of the most important principles of CA, is known for its capacity to moderate soil
temperature in winter and summer, protect the soils against erosion, increase water infiltration
and over time, increase soil organic matter content, facilitate nutrient recycling, cut back unproductive losses of soil moisture through evaporation and provide niches for beneficial microbes,
soil fauna and flora to flourish. Mulches also reduce weed infestation in the long term.
Currently FAO in partnership with ICARDA is implementing a project on CA and resource conserving technologies for irrigated areas in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan that is funded
by FAO-Turkey Partnership Program. A study on the status of CA and formulation of guidelines
for policymakers on adoption of CA in the national policies are in progress. Detailed information
on the status, challenges and perspectives of promotion of CA in Central Asian countries as well
as achievements by implemented projects will be reported.
Prof. Dr. Hafiz Muminjanov graduated from the Tajik Agrarian University
in 1987 as an Agronomist Scientist (MSc) in Crop Management. He received his PhD in Plant Physiology (1991) and his DSc in Plant Breeding
and Seed Technology (2000). Until 2010 he worked at the Tajik Agrarian
University as a Professor and Head of Department. His main research area
was wheat breeding and seed science, however he also had actively cooperated with the agriculture development projects improving agriculture policy
and closely working with the CGIAR centers promoting modern agriculture
techniques and practices to the farmersʼ fields. Under his supervision 7 scientists defended their doctorate theses. He has published more than 200
scientific papers, textbooks, manuals and recommendations for farmers.
Currently, as an FAO Officer, he is providing support to the countries of the sub-region in sustainable crop production intensification and diversification, promotion of conservation agriculture,
strengthening capacities on phytosanitary and transboundary pest and diseases control, improving
pesticide management and reducing risk of hazardous chemicals, formulation and implementation
of strategies and policies on plant genetic resources and seed, awareness raising and implementation of international conventions and treaties, etc.
Kırmızı Et ve Süt Üretimi İlişkisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Dr. Yurdakul SAÇLI
Türkiyeʼde uzun yıllardır et ve süt üretimi ile bunların pazarlama kanallarındaki sorunlar sektörün
önemli darboğazları arasında yer almıştır. Hâkim düşünceye göre, bu sorunların çözümü için,
genel olarak süt üretiminin desteklenerek, süt üretimin artırılmasının aynı anda et üretimini
tetikleyeceği ileri sürülmektedir.
Sorunların kökenini tespit etmeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada, et ve süt üretimi arasında genetik olmayan ilişki çerçevesinde, hangi üretimin diğerini ne düzeyde etkilediği incelenmiş, süt üretiminin
desteklenmesi ile et üretiminin ne düzeyde artırılabildiği araştırılmıştır.
Çalışmada elde edilen bulgulara göre; 1 kg et üretiminin gerçekleştirilebilmesi için yaklaşık 25 kg
süt üretiminin yapıldığı görülmüştür. Bu çerçevede et üretiminin sürdürülebilirliği konusunda süt
üretiminin desteklenmesinden çok, hayvan başına 1 yılda en az bir yavru eldesi önemlidir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Et Üretimi, Süt Üretimi, Üretim Düzeyleri, Et ve Süt Üretimi İlişkisi
Problems in meat and milk production and marketing channels have long been among major bottle
necks in agricultural sector. In response to these problems, prevailing approach asserts that supporting increase in milk production will result in an increase in meat production.
This study, which aims to define root problems in this respect and considers non-genetic relationship between milk and meat production, examines to what extent these two domains influence
each other and supporting milk production could have increased meat production.
According to our findings, 25 kg of milk is produced per kg of meat. In order to sustain sufficient
levels of meat production, securing at least one calf per animal is important rather than supporting
dairy farming.
Key Words: Meat Production, Milk Production, Production Levels, Meat and Milk Production Relationship
SUNUM BAŞLIĞI: Kırmızı Et ve Süt Üretimi İlişkisi Üzerine Bir İnceleme
MESLEĞİ VE ÜNVANI : Planlama Uzmanı
ÖĞRENİM (Üniversite, Bölüm ve Mezuniyet Yılı)
Doktora- Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Zootekni Bölümü- 2005
Yüksek Lisans- Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Zootekni Bölümü- 1996
Lisans- Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Zootekni Bölümü- 1994
EN SON GÖREVİ: Kalkınma Bakanlığı
İktisadi Sektörler ve Koordinasyon Genel Müdürlüğü Tarım Dairesi Başkanlığı Planlama Uzmanı
Dr. Yurdakul SAÇLI
Kalkınma Bakanlığı Necatibey Cad. No:108 06100 Yücetepe-Ankara / Türkiye
e-posta: [email protected], [email protected]
Tel: 0312 294 63 45
Uygunluk Değerlendirmede Yeni Yaklaşımlar
“Helal Gıda Belgelendirmesi”
Gıda Müh.
İhtisas Grupları Müdürü, TSE Ankara
416 42 44
[email protected]
Artan dünya nüfusu içerisinde önemli bir paya sahip olan Müslümanlar için hassasiyet arz eden
Helal Gıda Belgelendirmesi, çeşitli uygunluk değerlendirme kuruluşlarınca yıllardan beri yapılmaktadır. Ancak, bu konuda kabul edilen uluslararası geçerliliğe sahip bir standardın ve yapılan belgelendirme işlemlerinin izlenebilirliği bulunmamaktadır. İslam Ülkeleri arasında ortak bir helal gıda
standardı oluşturma çalışmaları İslam Konferansı Teşkilatı (İKT) şemsiyesi altında yürütülmüş, bu
çalışmalar neticesinde İKT üyesi ülkelerin katkıları ve İslam Fıkıh Akademisinin incelemeleri
sonucu üç (3) adet Helal Standardı 17.05.2011 tarihinde İslam Konferansı Teşkılatıʼnın (İKT)
Kamerunʼda yapılan toplantısında İslam Ülkeleri Standardlar ve Metroloji Enstitüsü (SMIIC) teknik
komitesi tarafından kabul edilmiştir.
Türk Standardları Enstitüsü olarak Irakʼa 1 Temmuz 2011 tarihinden itibaren yapılacak olan kırmızı
et, beyaz et ve benzeri ürünlerin ihracatında da aranan Helal Gıda Belgesi konusunda ihracatçı
firmalarımızın sorunlarına çözüm bulmak, Helal Gıda Belgelendirmesi kapsamında piyasada
oluşan yanlış anlamaları önlemek ve ilmi kaideden uzak şekilde düzenlenebilecek belgelerin sorumluluğunun ülkemizi de bağlayacağı temel ilkesinden yola çıkarak Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığımız
ile yakın işbirliği içerisinde Helal Gıda Belgelendirmesi faaliyetlerine 4 Temmuz 2011 tarihinde başlandı. Helal gıda standardına göre ürünlerin belgelendirilmesi, bu konuda hassasiyeti olan tüketici
gruplarının bilgilendirilmesine ve taleplerin karşılanmasına yardımcı olacaktır.
New Approaches At Comformity Assessment “Halal Food Certification”
Muslims has an important ratio at increased world population and halal food certification is sensitive
for muslims. Halal Food certification has been performed by various conformity assessment bodies
for years. But there was not international accepted standard and performed certification facilitiesʼ
traceabilities were absent. To prepare new common halal Standard between muslim countries
performed under the Organization of the Islamic Conference. At the end of this actions with contiribution members of Organization of the Islamic Conference and Islamic Fıqh Acedemyʼs (IFA)
searchs three Halal Standards accepted by Standardization and Metrology Institute for Islamic
Countriesʼ (SMIIC) technical committee, at 17.05.2011 on Meeting of Organization of the Islamic
Conference at Kamerun.
Iraq has requested halal certificate at export of meat, poultry and similar products to Iraq by July
1, 2011. Turk Standards Instution has commenced halal certification facilities at July 4, 2011 with
cooperation of Department of Religious Affairs, to find solution our exporter firms about halal food
certification, avert misconception about halal food in the market and to avoid negative effects of
halal certificates which are not based on scientific rules. Certification of products in acoardance to
halal standard will help to inform sensitive consumer and fulfillment of demands.
Ömer Karakoç, TSE Ankara
Analytical Methods of Alcohol, and Gelatin E Contents in Consumer
Products For Halal Certification
Department of Food Engineering and Biotechnology Ankara Turkey
Alcohol and porcine gelatine are two of the most important ingredients in many foods which are
haram if they are tested to be present in any amount in any foods.
• 1-Yusuf Al-Qardawi(1960) Al-Halal Wal-Haram Fil Islam Hindustan Publications, Delhi,India.
• 2-Yusuf Al-Qardawi(1980) The Lawful and the prohibited in Islam.Indianapolis,IN, American
Trust Publications.USA.
There is a need to develop new methods and also adopt existing methodology to the purpose.
The use and presence of alcohol in the food and flavor industry is quite common and almost ubiquitous in drinks and sweet, and bakery goods. In many cases the use of alcohol is unavoidable,
such as, raw material for making vinegar, solvent for extracting vanilla flavor and as a flavor carrier.
However the presence of alcohol can be easily monitored and controlled to desired limits in the
products, especially the ones formulated for Muslim markets. According to the USFDA regulations,
if the alcohol content of a product is less than 0.5%, the beverage can be considered and labeled
as non-alcoholic. Indonesia that Majelis Ulama Indonesia could approve the maximum level of
ethanol as 0.1 %, if ethanol does not come from alcoholic beverages and its derivatives . JAKIM,
the Malaysian religious authority also accepts products containing less than 0.1% alcohol from
non-haram sources. IFANCA uses the principle of zero tolerance for the alcoholic beverages,
which includes but is not limited to beer, wine, whiskey, brandy and vodka. Products containing
any quantity, no matter how small, will not be certified as halal by IFANCA.
Halal and kosher may be different.
Islam prohibits all intoxicants, including alcohols, liquors and wines, whereas Judaism regards alcohol and wines as kosher. Hence kosher foods may contain alcohol. If they do, they are considered haram in Islam. Gelatin is considered kosher by many Jews regardless of its source of origin.
For Muslims, if gelatin is prepared from swine it is haram. Even if gelatin is prepared from cows
that are not zabiha, many scholars consider it haram. Kosher practice does not require Jews to
pronounce the name of God on the animals while slaughtering, but Muslims must pronounce the
name of ALLAH on all animals while in the act of slaughtering.
Doğum yeri Erzurum olan Prof.Dr.Fatih YILDIZ, Yüksek Mühendis
olarak Atatürk Üniversitesinden mezun oldu. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
bursu ile 1970 yılında gittiği, ABDʼde, Wisconsin ve Maryland Universitelerinde Biyokimya ve Gıda Bilimi ve Teknolojisi dallarında Master
ve doktora(M.S. ve Ph.D.) derecelerini aldı. Aynı üniversitede (Maryland) 7 yıl araştırma görevlisi ve öğretim üyesi olarak görev yaptıktan
sonra, 1980 yılında ODTÜ Kimya Mühendisliğinde göreve başladı.
ODTÜʼde Gıda Mühendisliği, Biyokimya ve Biyoteknoloji bölümlerinin
kurulmasında görev aldı. Aynı üniversitede Doçent ve profesör oldu.
5000 den fazla lisans ve 60 den fazla yüksek lisans(M.S. ve doktora)
öğrencisi yetiştirdi. Ulusal ve uluslararası kongreler düzenledi.
Fransaʼda Montpellier, İtalyaʼda Ferrara ve Bologna, Almanyaʼda Bremen, Suriyeʼde Homs, Yunanistanda Hania Universitelerinde Konferans ve dersler verdi. 19901992 yılları arasında Minnesota Üniversitesinde öğretim üyesi olarak çalıştı. ODTÜʼde anabilimdalı
ve bölüm başkanlıkları yaptı. Ulusal Gıda Kodeks komisyon üyeliği, AB proje yürütücülüğü yaptı.
Halen, Sağlık bakanlığı, ve Tarım bakanlığında, çeşitli komisyonlarda görev yapmaktadır. UNIDO
ulusal proje yürütücüsü olarak, Gaziantepʼte ihracata yönelik uluslararası gıda analiz laboratuvarı
kurdu. Türkiye, ABD, Fransa, İngiltere, Almanya, ve İtalyaʼda mesleki ve bilimsel dergilerde 150
dan fazla makalesi ve ABDʼde yayınlanmış 7 bilimsel kitabı bulunmaktadır. Editör olarak hazırladığı
kitaplarda 25 ülkeden 100 kadar bilim adamı ile çalıştı. “Journal Food Science,IFT”ABD ve “Nutrafood” Springer verlag-italya dergilerinde editörler kurulu üyesi olarak görev yapmaktadır. Halen
ODTÜ Gıda Mühendisliğinde çalışmalarını sürdürmekte olan Dr.Fatih YILDIZ evli ve iki çocuk
A Short biography of Prof. Dr. Fatih YILDIZ
Dr.Fatih Yıldız, received his BS degree as an engineer from Atatürk University, where he was born.
He was awarded a scholarship to study abroad,after a nationally competitive exam. He studied
at the University of Wisconsin,Madison and University of Maryland ,College Park USA, received
his MS and PhD degrees in Food Biochemistry in 1978. He worked as a faculty member at the
University of Maryland for five years. In 1980, Dr.Yıldız joined to the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Middle East Technical University(METU). He was actively involved in the establishment of the Department of Food Engineering, Biochemistry and Biotechnology programs at
that University, and served as chairman of the departments. Dr. Yıldız also worked as a professor
at the University of Minnesota, Department of Food Science and Nutrition. He has done research
at the French National Institue of Agricultural Research (INRA-Avignon) as a visiting professor in
1997. Additionally, he has done research projects with FAO,UNIDO,UNICEF and NATO as a project director.He was strategic partner in EU-FoodTrace project(2002-2007). Professor Yıldız, has
published more than 150 peer-reviewed research and review papers, mostly in English, and Turkish, in international and national journals as the major author. His publication have been cited by
science citation index(SCI) more than 100 times. He has co-authered a book entitled “Minimally
Processed and Refrigerated Fruits and Vegetables”. Published in 1994 by Capman and Hall,
which was then a new concept in food industry. He taught more then 5000 senior undergraduate
students, supervised 60 M.S and Ph.D students. He organized 3 national and 3 international congresses.
His current interests include health nutrition and safety attribues of the Mediterranean diet. He is
the editor of the first book on phytoestrogens, entitled “Phytoestrogens in Functional Foods” published by CRC press.
He is currently editorial member of the “Journal of Food Science by IFT” and “Nutrafoods” published by Springer-Verlag-Italia. Dr.Yıldız is a member of 10 scientific and academic organizations
in the USA, Turkey,and EU.
Helal Gıda Standardizasyonu (Halal Food Standardization)
Mehmet Cömert
Ekonomi Bakanlığı, Ürün Güvenliği ve Denetimi Genel Müdürü
Ekonomik küreselleşme, insan mobilizasyonu, dış ticaret yoluyla ulusal ve uluslararası piyasaların
artan entegrasyonuna bağlı olarak pazara sunulan ürünlerin sayısı ve çeşidinde büyük artışlar
meydana gelmiştir. Bu tespit hem sanayi ürünleri hem de gıda ve tarım ürünleri için geçerlidir.
Diğer taraftan bir ürünün fiyatı ve kalitesinin yanısıra, hazırlanışı, muhtevası, sunum şekli ve diğer
özellikleri bakımından da tüketicinin beğeni ve tercihleri belirleyici olmaktadır. “Helal gıda” arayışı
bu bağlamda ortaya çıkan ve giderek büyüyen bir ihtiyacı yansıtmaktadır. Özellikle din ve inanış
bakımından farklı kesimlerin bir arada yaşadığı ülkelerde, bir kesimin piyasaya arz ettiği gıda ürünlerinin diğer kesimlerin dini hassasiyetlerini karşılamama endişesi yüksektir. Örneğin nüfusun
%60ʼnın Müslüman, %40ʼının Hırıstiyan, Budist ve Hindulardan oluştuğu Malezya gibi bir ülkede
helal belgelendirme faaliyetlerinin başlamış olması bu bakımdan anlamlıdır.
Diğer taraftan, helal gıda ihtiyacını karşılamak amacıyla ortaya çıkan çok sayıdaki standardizasyon
ve belgelendirme girişimi bu alanda yeni bir karışıklığa yol açmaya başlamıştır. Bu karışıklığı gören
İslam İşbirliği Teşkilatı, kurduğu bir Enstitü (Standardization and Metrology Institute for Islamic
Countries-SMIIC) yoluyla soruna çözüm bulmaya çalışmıştır. Nitekim SMIIC Türkiyeʼnin
öncülüğünde yürütüüğü birkaç yıllık çalışmalar sonucunda 2011 yılında i) helal gıda standardı, ii)
helal gıda belgelendirme kuruluşları standardı, ve iii) helal gıda belgelendirme kuruluşlarının akreditasyonu standardı adı altında üç standart geliştirip yayımlamıştır. Şimdi yapılması gereken SMIICʼin 13 olan üye ülke sayısını arttırmak ve bu standartları tanıtıp teşvik ederek yerel ve bölgesel
helal standartlarının yerine geçmesini sağlamaktır.
1966 Adıyaman doğumlu olan Mehmet CÖMERT halen Ekonomi Bakanlığı Güvenliği ve Ürün Denetimi Genel Müdürüdür. 1987 yılında o zamanki adıyla Hazine ve Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığında Uzman Yardımcısı
olarak göreve başlayan CÖMERT, 2000-2003 yılları arasında Parisʼte
OECD Nezdinde Türkiye Daimi Temsilciliğinde Ticaret Müşavirliği, 20032010 yıllarında ise Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığında Daire Başkanı ve Genel
Müdür Yardımcılığı yapmış, 2010 yılında Dış Ticarette Standardizasyon
Genel Müdürü olmuştur.
Ankara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Kamu Yönetimi Bölümünü
1986 yılında bitiren Mehmet CÖMERT, 1990-91ʼde Fransaʼnın Nice Üniversitesi / Avrupa İleri
Araştırmalar Enstitüsünden Uluslararası İlişkiler Yüksek Lisans Diploması almış, 1995-96 yıllarında
ise ABDʼnin Carnegie Mellon Üniversitesinde İşletme Yönetimi Yüksek Lisans programını tamamlamıştır. İyi derecede İngilizce ve Fransızca bilen CÖMERT evli ve 2 çocuk babasıdır.
Sero-Test for Detection of Cow Infertility
Dr. Fouad Houssein Kamel
Erbil Medical Technical Institute,Iraq.
[email protected]
An immunological technique was prepared for investigation of infertility in cows by detection of
bull anti-semen fluid in blood of cows. This technique includes a preparation of anti-bull seminal
plasma antibodies, by immunizing rabbits with treated bull semen. The bull semen was treated
with an acid to prevent cross reactivity with other body fluids. The antibody produced was tested
against human , bull and different animals seminal fluid samples (dog, goat ,sheep) also body
fluids .We found that using this developed technique was only selectively responses with bull
semen, and the positive results were obtained during(2-3 )minutes. The prepared kit was evaluated
and tested in veterinary laboratory , which in a comparison with the recommended techniques it
gave positive results .This kit could be used in detection of bull semen and especially their antibody which causes of infertility in cows.
Key words: identification, immunoassay seminal vesicle specific antigen, semen, seminal vesicles
Assistant Prof. Dr. Fouad Houssen
(Ph.D.Medical micro biology)
Al-Mustansiryah Uni./Iraq
Date of Birth: 1-7-1959
Place of birth: Dyalia/ Iraq
Nationality: Iraqi
Scientist with experiences as university lecturer and laboratory work and diagnostic kits processing
(in the field of Microbiology, Immunology, Endo-crinology),Radioimmunoassay, tumors marker and
quality control.
Sulaimaniyha University, Sulaimniyah -Iraq, B.Sc. Biology
Salahaddin University, Erbil-Iraq, MSc Medical Microbiology
Mustansiryah University, Baghdad-Iraq, PhD Medical Microbiology
Obtain Assistant Prof. Degree.
Research member of Iraqi Atomic Energy, Baghdad-Iraq (Production of diagnostic
kits, Head of medical laboratory).
Research member of Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad-Iraq, (Production of diagnostic kits, Head of medical laboratory)
During 2003
Team leader (Quality control) by Technology and Research Center in Sulaimaniyha-
2006- 2011
Lecturer in Erbil Medical Technical Institute, Iraq.
The Effect od Cidr, FluorogestoneAcetate Sponges and Coprostenol
With ECG Treatmentson Reproductive Performance of Adult
Raieni Goats During the Breeding Season
Nasrollah Moradi Kor
Department of Animal Science, Razi University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
Iran, Kermanshah, Imam Avenue, Postal Code: 6715685418.
Date and place of birth: 23/09/1987, Kerman Porovince, IRAN
Effect of Probiotic Supplementation With Different Levels of
Feeding On Some Blood Parameters of Lambs
Shaker A. Hassan* Hozan J.H. Salim ** and Khasraw M . Hassan**
*Dept. of Anim. Res. College of Agric. Univ. of Baghdad, Iraq
** Dept. of Anim. Prod.. College of Agric. Univ. of Sulaimani, Iraq
Thirty two individual Karadi male lambs (live weight 22.9 +1.34 kg and 5 months old) were used
to study the effect of two levels of probiotic (Pr) and four levels of feeding on the diurnal patterns
of serum glucose (SG), serum urea nitrogen(SUN) , serum total protein (STP) ,serum albumin
(SA) and serum Globulin (SGL) concentration during 24 h post morning feeding . Lambs were divided into eight equal treatments (T) groups. Lambs in T1,T2 , T3 and T4 groups were fed a concentrate diet without Pr supplementation. Lambs in T5, T6 ,T7 and T8 groups were fed a
concentrate diet supplemented with 7.5g Pr /kg DM . The live weight gain differences were significantly affected by increasing level of feeding (P<0.01) and Pr supplementation (P<0.05). There
were no significant effect of level of feeding and Pr supplementation on STP, SA and SGL concentration.. Lambs fed on diet supplemented with Pr was significantly (P<0.05) lower SG as compared with those fed on diets without Pr . SUN concentration was significantly (p<0.01) affected
by the levels of feeding and Pr supplementation .Lambs fed on high level of feeding had significantly (p<0.01) higher SUN concentration as compared with lower level of feeding. In general,
SG, STP, SA and SGL concentration in all treatments were increased during 3-6 hrs post morning
feeding, except SUN concentration. In conclusion, Pr supplementation improved daily gain and
reduced SUN and SG.
Key word, Levels of feeding, probiotic , blood parameters ,lambs
Effect of Kiwi Fruit Juice On Changes of Chemical, Biochemical and
Sensory Properties of Meats Awassi Rams
Hatem. H. Saleh
Hameed Razzaq Abbas
College Of Agriculture-Animal Resource Dept,
University Of Baghdad, IRAQ
College Of Agriculture-Animal Resource Dept,
University Of Baghdad, IRAQ
The aim of the study is to show the influence of different concentrations of kiwi fruit juice and distilled water on quality attributes of the meats awassi rams. In this experiment twelve awassi rams
were used. The animals were divided into four treatment groups, After exsanguinations of rams
carcasses they were infused (10% body weight) with crude extract of actinidin enzyme to kiwi fruit
juice with 10 and 15% concentration of extract itself, and other group was infused with distilled
water and were compared with other groups a non infusion treatment which were acted as a control. Thereafter samples from two main muscles, namely longissimus dorsi (LD) and Semimembranosus (SM) of Treatments carcasses and storage with chilled and cold, were used for the
chemical, biochemical changes and sensory properties to meat awassi rams were monitored. The
results showed that there were higher significant differences in total soluble nitrogen (TSN) and
non protein nitrogen (NPN) and the lowest soluble protein nitrogen (SPN) contents were observed
in LD and SM muscle treated with kiwi fruit juice as index on degradation of meat proteins increased non protein nitrogen substances. The conclusion showed a greater degree (P<0.05) in
moisture in LD muscle comparison with SM muscle. The study showed treatment with kiwi fruit
juice reported lower percentage in forming Met- Myoglobin and inhibition fats oxidation with index
lower Thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values in LD and SM muscle and lower percentage to Met- Myoglobin pigment and TBA values in comparison with SM muscle for each treatment. The results
showed improve meat of Sensory properties in LD and SM muscle especially when treated with
kiwifruit juice (Tenderness, Juiciness and flavor) and in turn affected overall palatability.
The Effect of Adding of Probiotic to The Ration in Some Physical and
Chemical Characteristics for meat of Awassi Lambs
Amera M.S.Al-Rubeii1, Hisham M.Saleh2
Department of Animal Resource, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Biological Application Department,Nuclear Research Center,Atomic Energy
Twelve individual Awassi male lambs weighting 25.97 kg and 4-5 months of old were used to test
the effect of using two levels :0 and 0.4% of Iraqi probiotic in the fattening diets on some physical
and chemical characteristics for meat of Awassi lambs. Lambs in T1 group were fed diet with no
probiotic (0% probiotic), lambs in T2 group were fed on diets supplemented with 40 g/kg DM of
Iraqi probiotic(0.4% probiotic) . Lambs were subjected to similar diet throught out the entire period
of the experiement at 150 days . All lambs were slaughtered and carcasses were chilled at 2 C
for 24 hours .Two muscles namely the Longissimus Dorsi (LD) and Semimembranosus (SM)were
taken to be measured and analysed for various physical and chemical parameters.
The results indicated that The chemical analysis of LD and SM showed that lambs of those fed
probiotic(T2) contained higher (P<0.01) percentages of moisture and protein and the lower fat
percentage as compared with those fed no probiotic (T1). pH values and myoglobin concentration
were not affected significantly by addition of probiotic to ration. On the other hand , water holding
capacity(WHC), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances( TBARS) and cholesterol content significantly with addition of probiotic to ration .Sensory properties were significantly higher with addition
of probiotic.Diet with probiotic had significant (P<0.01) effect on some fatty acids content (Palmitic
C16:0 , Stearic C18:0 and Oleic C18:1 in the intramuscular fat of LD and SM muscles. Asignificant
(P<0.01)fed on probiotic effects were observed on total unsaturated and saturated fatty acid percentages in the decrease the percentage of total saturated fatty acids and increase the percentage
of total unsaturated fatty acids in lamb meat.
It was concluded that adding probiotic modified favourably fatty acid profile and improved carcass
quality characteristics .
Keywords: Probiotic, Physical and Chemical Characteristics, meat of Awassi Lambs.
High Quality Meat-like products – From Niche Markets to Widely
Accepted Meat Alternatives – The LikeMeat Project
Domig Konrad J., Zunabovic Marija, Leutgeb Katrin, Dusini Katharina, Fillipp Raphaela,
Kneifel Wolfgang
BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Department of Food Science and –technology
Muthgasse 18, 1190 Vienna, Austria
Several environmental and health-promoting issues substantiate the shift from an animal protein –
in particular meat – to a vegetable protein based diet. Although meat analogues have attracted increasing industry and consumer attention, the market for these products is still very small. This is
probably due to the fact that commercial available meat analogues – in particular their sensory
qualities – do not meet consumer preferences implicating a renunciative and critical position against
those products. To obtain a larger market share, the development of meat analogues with superior
textural and sensorial quality and concomitantly wide consumer acceptance is a prerequisite. The
LikeMeat project aims at the development of meat analogues with excellent, well-accepted texture,
juiciness, appearance and aroma based on plant proteins and combinations with appropriate hydrocolloids. Therefore, detailed knowledge about protein aggregation, protein interactions with other
components in the recipe and the impact of processing conditions on product quality is required.
Another focus will be on odour-active compounds and strategies to adapt the process and the formulation for simulating meat aroma. To improve the shelf-life and ensure the safety of the products,
the microbiota of the used raw materials and intermediate products and their degradation kinetics
during the production of meat analogues will be analyzed. The development of refined and microbiological safe products enables the SMEs to launch first products at short notice. An extensive assessment of consumer preferences and needs will reveal the sensorial drawbacks of currently
available meat substitutes and will facilitate the research activities for the development of innovative
products with high consumer acceptance but also prosperous marketing strategies.
Key words: Meat analogue, extrusion-cooking, microbial safety, spoilage characteristics
Synchronization of Oestrus by Short Time Combined FGA, PGF2α,
GNRH and ECG Treatments in Kermani Sheep During the
Breeding Season
Nasrollah Moradi Kor
Department of Animal Science, Razi University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
Iran, Kermanshah, Imam Avenue, Postal Code: 6715685418.
Date and place of birth: 23/09/1987, Kerman Porovince, IRAN
Crossbred Friesian Cows in Erbil Plane
Salim Omar Raoof
Joshan Majeed Ahmed
Animal Resources Department / Agriculture College / Salahaddin
University- Erbil –Kurdistan Region -Iraq
This study was conducted on (84) Crosse Friesian cows blend in one of the herds of cattle in Erbil,
during the period 5/8/ 2010 until 1 / 8 /2011 to find out the relationship qualities of virtual body
length, height of free reign and the depth of the chest with the milk production and weight of calves
at birth and weaning, Overall mean of daily milk production was 16.680 kg/ day, the findings results
was significant (p <0.01) for months milking on the production of daily milk and the milk production
increase from the third month of 18.350 kg up to the sixth month 20.550 kg. The results also
showed that there is a significant (p <0.05) relationship between body measurements with milk
production and birth , weaning weights, with highest value for the correlation between heart girth
and milk production of 0.978.Moreover the results indicated that the overall mean of birth and
weaning weights was31.573 and 79.330 kg, respectively. The season of birth, age of cow and sex
had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the weight of calves at birth and weaning, as recorded calves
born in winter have the highest weight at birth and weaning 33.285 and 80.684 kg, respectively.
Also there was an exceeded weight of male and female on the weights by 3.369 and 40.030 kg in
birth and weaning weights, respectively.
Keyword: Body measurements, Milk production, Correlation, Birth and weaning, weights .
Name : Dr. Salim Omar Raoof
Email : [email protected]
Animal Resources Department - College of Agriculture
University of Salahaddin – Erbil - Kurdistan Region – Iraq.
B. Sc. Mosul University. Agri. College Animal Resource 1989
M. Sc. Baghdad University Agri. College Animal Nutrition 1996
Ph.D Salahaddin University Agri. College Animal Breeding 2005
Assistant professor
Language \ Arabic , Kurdish, English, Turkish .
Egyptian International Agriculture Center Cairo – Egypt \ 2007.
Evaluating the Efficiency of a Prebiotic (Aspergillus Meal)
On Broiler Performance
Ali Chegeni
[email protected] Mr Razi University Bay1981-18-05Bildirili
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of Aspergillus meal (AM), on the performance
of broiler chickens and carried out with two experimental treatments consisting of a control diet
formulated without antibiotic growth promoters and coccidiostats, and a diet supplemented with
the AM prebiotic. Prebiotic was added at 1.8 and 1.0 g/kg (based on inclusion rate recommended
by manufacturer) to a barley, wheat, corn, soy-based diet in starter (1-21d) and grower (22-42d)
periods, respectively. Feed and water were provided ad-libitum. The experimental design was
completely randomised with 2 dietary treatments each replicated 18 times. Twenty-two broilers
(half male and half female housed together) formed the experimental unit. Replicates (pens) were
allocated to the treatments to achieve a homogeneous distribution of treatments within the house.
The birds and feed consumed were weighed on days 21 and 42 to allow the calculation of feed
intake, average daily gain and feed conversion ratio. Data were analysed using the GLM procedures of SAS. Differences between means were determined by Duncan's multiple range test at a
significance level of (P < 0.05). Broilers fed prebiotic-supplemented diets had greater body weight
gain (36.3 vs. 37.8 g/day; P= 0.001) and ate 2 g/day more feed (53.3 vs. 55.3 g/day; P= 0.013)
during the starter period (from 1 to 21 days). Although feed conversion ratio was improved slightly
by supplementing the diet with prebiotic at the end of starter period (1.46 vs. 1.47), the improvement was not statistically significant. For the experimental period as a whole (1-42 days of age),
feed intake was improved significantly (2.6 g/day) by prebiotic supplementation, but no significant
differences were observed for body weight gain and feed conversion ratio.
Key words: Aspergillus meal prebiotic, broiler performance
Effect Date Pits and Olive Meal With Different Control Groups in
Performance Egg Traits and Parameters Blood Laying Hens
Rohollah Ghasemi, Mahammad Zareii, Mehran Torki
Department of Animal Science, Agriculture Faculty, Razi University, Imam Avenue, Kermanshah,
Iran, Postal Code: 6715685418
E-mail: [email protected]
Palm kernel meal (PKM), a by-product from the African Palm oil industry that is extensively cultivated in tropical countries, is an interesting feed ingredient for poultry due to its availability and
low cost. Olive pulp is the remainder of olive cake (the raw material resulting from extraction of
olive oil) after the removal of the seed fractions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the
use of different levels of PKM and olive meal with different control groups in layer diets. Three
control diets based on corn and soybean and wheat and corn + wheat meal and three different
levels of PKM and olive meal added to it were fed lohman hens from 32 to 39 wk of age. The
hens were housed three per cage (30.5 cm wide 45.7 cm deep). The six treatments were assigned
randomly to three contiguous cages in each eight rows in a randomized complete block design.
Egg production was recorded daily, and feed consumption for an entire week was recorded every
week. Mortality was recorded daily. Results show that egg production was significantly increase
(P < 0.05) treatment olive meal and date pits and egg production decrease in treatment wheat
control. Feed conversion was affected by date pits 22%. Egg weight significantly (P<0.05) increased by addad date pits.
The Effect of the Supplemental Different Levels of Anise Seeds (Pimpinella
Anisum) in Diet on Broiler
Sunbul J.Hamodi1 Firas M.Al-Khilani2
College of Agriculture/university of Baghdad/Poultry Nutrition
Sunbul Hamodi 009647901676903 [email protected]
College of Agriculture, Uiversity of Baghdad, Iraq
Agric.Res.,Ministry of Agric., Baghdad, Iraq
This experiment was conducted at the poultry farm, poultry research station ,state board of Agriculture research , Ministry of Agriculture to study the effect of supplemental anise seed on broiler
diets .A total of 640 day old unsexed broiler chicks ( Cobb ) were used in this study. They were
randomly distributed to 4 treatments . Anise seeds were supplemented at the levels of 0.2 , 0.4
and 0.6% compared with the control group for 49 days. The result showed : 1. There was a significant ( P<0.05) increase in the rate of body weight for the two treatments 0.6 and 0.4 % of the
anise seeds compared with 0.2% and control treatments , body weight gain take the same direction,like in body weight , the highest treatment was 0.6% followed by treatment 0.4% as well as
the feed consumption has increased in these treatments than in 0.2% and control treatments, so
about feed conversion ratio the treatment 0.6% of the anise seeds recorded the best feed conversion ratio compared with other treatments, Significant decreased in Mortality and significant increased in Production Index by increase the level of anise seeds in feed . 2. Dressing percentage
increased significantly for all treatments using anise seeds and treatment 0.6% recorded highest
dressing percentage, from the other hand percentage of abdominal fat decreased significantly by
increasing anise seed levels and no significant difference in the percentages of liver ,gizzard and
heart were recorded in this study . About carcass cuts , the weights of primary cuts (thigh,drum
stick,breast) relative to body weight recorded significant increase in the treatments using anise
seeds at the expense of secondary cuts ( neck,wings,back). 3.There was a significant decline
(P<0.05) for total bacterial (E.coli and Staphylococci) in small intestine in all level of anise seeds
(0.2,0.4,0.6%) in ration while the decline of two types of bacteria in colon recorded in 0.4 and 0.6%
treatments compared with 0.2% and control trearments. Conclude from this study the possibility
of using anise seeds at all levels used in the experiment and the best level that can be used to get
the best performance of the positive results of broiler chickens is 0.6%.
Key words: anise seeds, broiler, production performance, microbial count
Test the Activity of Supplementation Clove (Eugenia Caryophyllus)
Powder, Oil and Aqueous Extract to Diet and Drinking Water on
Performance of Broiler Chickens Exposed to Heat Stress
Khawla Abd Al-Aziz Salman and Dhia Khalil Ibrahim
Animal Resources Dept. College of Agriculture University of Baghdad
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of supplementing powder, oil and aqueous extract of clove to diet and drinking water on some productive and physiological parameters of broiler
exposed to cyclic temperature 28-35-28°C.
One hundred and sixty one day old unsexed Ross broiler chicken were used, reared on litter to 3
week, birds fed a starter diet contain 22.7% crud protein and 2935.7 Kcal ME/ Kg diet and from48weeks in batteries, birds fed a finisher diet contain 20.2% crud protein and 3034.8 Kcal ME/ Kg
diet, management and health instruction for rearing Rose broiler was offered .
Five treatments (four replicate each treatment) were carried out. Treatment T0 without supplementing clove to diet and drinking water, treatments T1,T2 supplementing 0.8,0.4% of clove powder to diet respectively, treatment T3 supplementing 0.8% of clove oil to diet, treatment T4
supplementing 0.4% of clove aqueous extract to drinking water, this supplementation of clove to
diet and drinking water was given to broiler daily for 9 hours from 900-1800 hours which the highest environmental temperature from 1200-1800 hours during experiment period 4-8 weeks of age
and the relative humidity was 45-50%.
The results revealed that there were a significant(p<0.01) decrease in feed consumption in all
treatments compared with T0 also there was an improvement in feed efficiency ratio in T1,T2 compared with other treatments at 5 week of age ,meanwhile at 7 week of age feed consumption increase significantly in T2,T3,T4 compared with T0,T1 while feed consumption ratio improved
significantly in T0,T1 compared with T2,T4 , no significant effect on live body weight , weight gain
,growth rate at 5,7 weeks of age .At 5 week of age the pattern of feed consumption revealed a
significant decrease in T1 compared with T2 at 1200 hours , alsoT1 reduced significantly compared
with T3,T4 at 1500 hours while T2 reduced compared with other treatments at 1800 hours however
in 7 weeks of age there was a reduction in T4 compared with T0,T2 at 1500 hours. At 7 week of
age the pattern of water consumption reduced significantly in T1, T2 compared with other treatments at 1200 hours and T4 reduced compared with other treatments. Body temperature at 5
week of age increased in all treatments compared with T0 at 1800 hour while at 7 week of age
T2, T3, T4 reduced compared with T0 at 900 hour and T3 reduced compared with T4 at 1200 hour
and alsoT0, T3, T4 reduced compared with T1.
From this study we can concluded that there was a little improvement in clove supplementation to
diet and drinking water of broiler exposed to heat stress
Key words: heat stress, broiler, clove, clove oil, aqueous extract.
Effects of Dietary Guar Meal By-Product with and Without Enzyme on
Broiler Performance
R. Arabi Larhang and M. Torki
Animal Science Department, Agriculture Faculty, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
[email protected]
The present experiment was designed to determine the effect of different levels of guar meal (0,
5 and 10%) and enzymes (0 and 0.06% of Hemicell) on performance (BW, BWG, FI and FCR) of
broiler chickens during the seven weeks. This experiment was done in the factorial based on completely randomized design. The total number of 240 unsexed one-day old Ross 308 broiler chicks
were randomly distributed in 24 experimental units. Ad-libitum feed and water was offered to all
chicks. All the chicks were weighed on days 21, 42 and 49. The interactions between enzyme and
guar meal on performance parameters were not statitically significant. The use of different levels
of guar meal had negative significant effect on the body weight, body weight gain and feed intake
however feed conversion ratio didn't influence by dietary guar meal inclusion. Effects of enzyme
was not significant on performance parameters.
Keywords: broiler chickens, enzyme, guar meal, performance.
Effect of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Performance and
Small Intestine Morphology of Broiler Chickens
Bahman Navidshad and Meisam Alipour
Animal Science Department, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, IRAN
The effects of conjugated linileic acid on performance and small intestine morphology were studied
using 300 broiler chickens in a compeletly randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replicates
and 15 chickens in each replicate. The experimental diets were contained 7% soybean oil, 7%
CLA, 3.5% CLA + 3.5% soybean oil, 10% hydrogenated oil and control oil free diet. The lowest
weight gain and feed intake were observed in the group fed with 7% CLA, but this treatment improved feed conversion ratio. The villi hieght was reduced in duodenum section of birds fed with
diet containing soybean oil or control, but in ileum section just the soybean oil diet caused the
same effect. The chicks fed with 3.5% soybean oil + 3.5% CLA had the highest villi length. The
diets with 7% soybean oil and 3.5% soybean oil + 3.5% CLA decreased epithelium thickness.
Crypth depth in duodenum and jejunum increased with 3.5% soybean oil + 3.5% CLA diet so that
the differences with other treatmernt were significant ecxept with the 7% soybean oil diet in duodenum. The results of the present study showed that CLA at 7% level adversly affect performance
but the diet containing 3.5% CLA improved morphological parameters of small intestine especially
villi length.
Keywords: Conjugated linileic acid, Small intestime morphology, Broiler chickens
Effect of Supplementing Diet Wit Different Oils on Carcass Traits of
Japanese Quail
Hazim J. Al – Daraji, H. A. Al – Mashadani, H. A. Mirza
W. K. Al – Hayani, A. S. Al - Hassani
Department of Animal Production, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Baghaad, Iraq
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different dietary fat on carcass traits in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). A total of 168, 7 weeks old Japanese quail (48 males and
120 females) were used in this study. They were evenly distributed into 4 treatment groups with 3
replicates per group containing 4 males and 10 females each. The birds fed a basal diet with different fats (Sunflower, flax, corn, and fish oils) at 3% level for 13 weeks. On the last day of experiment, 12 birds were randomly selected from each treatment group (6 males and 6 females) and
slaughtered to determine carcass characters included in this study which were carcass weight,
dressing percentage with or without giblets and the relative weights of heart, liver, gizzard, thighs,
wings, breast, back, neck and abdominal fat. Our results indicated that supplementing diet of quail
with fish oil and flax oil resulted in significant improvement concerning body weight, carcass weight,
dressing percentage with or without giblets and relative weights of heart, liver, gizzard, thigh, and
breast and significant decrease (p < 0.05) as regards relative weights of wings, back and neck
compared to treatments of sunflower oil and corn oil. However, T4 (Fish oil) surpasses other treatment groups (T1, T2, and T3) with relation to all carcass parameters involved in this experiment.
Overall, the results reveal that adding fish and flax oils to the diet of Japanese quail have a significant effect on carcass efficiency. Therefore, fish and flax oils could be used as a good tool for improving carcass yield of quails.
Key words: Different oil sources, carcass traits, Japanese quail
Prof. Dr. Hazim Jabbar Al-Daraji
I am professor doctor at College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
I published more than 145 papers in different journals in the world.
I have 15 inventions.
I was adviser for 5 Ph. D. and 9 M.Sc. graduate students.
I write 4 books in the field of avian reproduction and physiology.
I get many international prizes during participation in the international fairs of inventions in different
Ekonomik anlamda teşvik kavramı, belirli ekonomik faaliyetlerin diğer faaliyetlere oranla daha fazla
ve hızlı gelişmesini sağlamak amacıyla devlet tarafından sağlanan maddi veya gayri maddi destekler, yardım veya özendirmeler olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Teşvik politikaları, ülke sanayinin kurulması, geliştirilmesi, iç ve dış piyasalarda rekabet edebilir konuma gelmesi, doğrudan yabancı
sermaye girişlerinin hızlandırılması gibi işlevlere sahip olup, uluslararası gelişmeler ve ülke
kalkınma stratejileri ile uyumlu esnek, çok amaçlı ve çok araçlı bir teşvik sisteminin oluşturulması
gelişmekte olan ülke sanayileri için son derece önemlidir. Uygulanmakta olan teşvik sisteminin
amacı, Kalkınma Planları ve Yıllık Programlarda öngörülen hedefler ile uluslararası anlaşmalara
uygun olarak, bölgesel gelişmişlik farklılıklarını gidermek, yatırım eğiliminin devamlılığını ve
sürdürülebilir kalkınmayı sağlamak, üretimi ve istihdamı artırmak için tasarrufları katma değeri
yüksek yatırımlara yönlendirmek, uluslararası rekabet gücünü artıracak teknoloji ve araştırmageliştirme içeriği yüksek büyük ölçekli yatırımları özendirmek, doğrudan yabancı yatırımları artırmak, çevre korumaya yönelik yatırımlar ile araştırma ve geliştirme faaliyetlerini desteklemektir.
Ülkemizde, devlet yardımlarının uygulanması konusunda oturmuş destek sistemleri ve önemli bir
bilgi ve tecrübe birikimi olmasına rağmen, devlet yardımı politikalarının oluşturulması ve uygulanması aşamalarında ciddi sorunlar bulunmaktadır. Günümüzde devlet yardımları kamu bütçesinde
transfer harcamaları kategorisinde bir gider kalemi olmaktan çıkmış, uluslararası piyasanın akışını
değiştirebilmesi ve ülke sanayinin rekabet gücünü etkileyebilmesi dolayısıyla, uluslararası anlaşmalarca da sıkı bir şekilde kontrol edilen önemli ve etkili bir kamusal müdahale aracı haline
dönüşmüştür. Bu çerçevede, dünya ölçeğinde ciddi ekonomik ve sosyal hedefleri olan ülkemizin
bu alanda kullanabileceği en önemli enstrümanlardan biri olan devlet yardımları konusunda yasal,
idari ve teknik dönüşümün gerçekleştirilmesi zorunlu bulunmaktadır.
Dr. Mehmet Yurdal ŞAHİN
Mehmet Yurdal Şahin, 1968 yılında Kırşehirʼde doğdu..1985 yılında Kırşehir Lisesinden, 1989 yılında Ankara Ünivesitesi Ziraat Fakültesinden mezun oldu.,
Aynı üniversitede yüksek lisans ve doktora eğitimini tamamladı. 1993 yılında
Hazine ve Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığının açmış olduğu sınavı kazanarak Uzman
Yardımcısı olarak göreve başladı. 1996 yılında Uzman yeterlilik sınavını vererek
Hazine Uzmanı kadrosuna atandı.. 1993 yılından 2001 yılına kadar Teşvik ve
Uygulama Genel Müdürlüğünde uzman yardımcısı, uzman, şube müdürü olarak
görev yaptı. 2001-2010 yılları arasında aynı birimde Daire Başkanı olarak görev yaptı. 2010
ylından beri aynı genel Müdürlükte Genel Müdür Yardımcısı v. olarak görev yapmaktadır. Konusu
ile ilgili yayımlanmış kitap, makale ve araştırmaları bulunmaktadır. Değişik kurum,kuruluş ve
üniversitelerin düzenlediği birçok sertifikalı eğitim proğramına katılmıştır. Ayrıca yurtdışında değişik
toplantılarda Türkiyeʼyi temsil etmiştir.
Enabling Environments for Development of Competitive
Agro-Industries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia1
Stjepan Tanic* FAO Europe
*Agribusiness and Enterprise Development Officer,
FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
Providing an enabling environment for enterprises to be started and thrive is an essential pre-requisite for economic development. Indeed, the growing amount of evidence on cross country, comparative assessments of the enabling environment for business enterprise development reveals
that through a set of proper policies, institutions and services, some countries have been very
successful in promoting investments, attracting capital and engendering economic growth. While
the essential elements that constitute an enabling environment are cross-cutting, non sector specific, there are particularities in certain economic sectors that make it desirable to differentiate their
nature and extent through an inter-country appraisal. Agribusiness and agro-industrial sectors, in
particular, have not had their peculiar characteristics sufficiently examined in traditional assessments of enabling environments.
During the last two years FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia initiated the work on
specific indicators of the state of enabling environment for agribusiness and agro-industry development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). The purpose of this work is to provide insight
into the priority areas of FAO support to agribusiness and agro-industry development, as well as
to help policy and decision makers to identify priorities for policy interventions needed to create
supportive framework for national rural enterprise and agribusiness development. Proposed assessment framework is based on Christyʼs2 hierarchy of enabling needs that can be considered
in addressing their role in advancing economic progress.
The new, sector and region specific, approach is devised around the evaluation of enabling needs
for agribusiness and agro-industry development in EECA, under three sections namely: Basic
conditions, secondary needs, and desired goals. Basic conditions that make possible basic function of markets and enterprises, are assessed through evaluation of economic, political, regulatory
environment towards competitive open markets, and access to finance, investments, infrastructure,
public private partnerships. Secondary needs, are the enablers that are necessary to further improve the shift towards a modern economy, and enables market players to reach higher performance, productivity, efficiency, specialization, than just a basic functioning. Elements assessed in
the applied approach are the state of existing risk management strategies, and food safety and
quality standards and related trade promotion services. Desired goals are necessary conditions
for the long term stabile, competitive and diversified agribusiness and agro-industry sector development. Their contribution to the state of enabling environments is evaluated through degree of
value chain coordination, including initiatives that are pro-small scale producers and the level of
development of research extension services, good governance, accountability and transparency.
The presentation will give a brief overview of agribusiness development in EECA and discuss relevance of existing competitiveness and investment climate assessment frameworks for evaluation
of the state of enabling environment for agribusiness development. Based on the analysis of factors affecting the state of enabling environments for agribusiness in EECA, new sector and region
specific approach and preliminary findings of the assessment of the state of enabling environments
for agribusiness development in EECA will be presented and discussed. The findings will be used
to illustrate the potential of new approach in prioritization of support and actions on creating more
conducive environment for agribusiness and agro-industry development in EECA.
Name: Stjepan Tanic
Year of birth: 1953 Nationality: Croat
Current position: Agribusiness and Enterprise Development Officer, FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, Budapest, Hungary
Previous positions: Associate professor and research advisor, Farm management, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Croatia; President, Agricultural Research Council, Zagreb, Croatia; Deputy Minister, Ministry of Agriculture
and Forestry, Zagreb, Croatia; Lecturer and senior researcher, Farm management, Institute of
Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
As national or international expert or official contributed to a number of research, development
and technical cooperation projects implemented within the framework of the national and European
research programmes, or supported by the FAO, World Bank, EBRD, and private sector. Besides
contribution to numerous development and investment studies, he is the author/co-author and editor of over twenty articles and books published by international institutions including the World
Bank and FAO. In various capacities during the career also participated in a number of bilateral
and multilateral governmental activities, as well as meetings organised by international organizations such as OECD, FAO, World Bank, WHO and EC. During his work with FAO he contributed
to the preparation of reports, studies, publications and technical assistance projects in the area of
farming systems development, farm management and agribusiness development, as well as the
implementation of numerous workshops, some of which are documented in published proceedings.
The views and findings contained within do not necessarily represent those of FAO.
Christy et al.: Enabling Environments for Competitive Agro-industries, Agro-industries for Development,
Stéphane Bertrand
Location: Quebec City (Canada)
Dates: October 8-11, 2012
Number of participants: 1500
Number of speakers: 130
Number of countries represented: 90
2012 International Summit of Cooperatives
To mark the United Nationsʼ International Year of Cooperatives, decision-makers and influential
figures from the international cooperative and mutualist community will be meeting in Quebec City,
Canada, to participate in the 2012 International Summit of Cooperatives. The Summitʼs theme is
“The Amazing Power of the Cooperatives”, and its mission is to offer solutions that will promote
the development and performance of cooperatives and mutuals worldwide. The International Summit of Cooperatives will be a must-attend event for current and future leaders committed to consolidating the influence of the cooperative and mutualist movement on the global economic and
political stage.
In light of an analysis of the main challenges that cooperatives and mutuals face, four main themes
have been developed to provide managers with strategies and solutions:
• Role of cooperatives and mutuals in the global economy
• Cooperatives and mutuals: a successful business model
• Cooperatives and mutuals: a changing business model
• The sociopolitical influence of cooperatives and mutuals
During the Summit, the results of six exclusive studies will be released by McKinsey & Company
(global trends and challenges, development strategies, best practices), Deloitte (productivity, financing and capitalization), Ipsos-UQAM (member expectations) and IRECUS (social and economic impact of cooperatives). www. http://www.2012intlsummit.coop
The co-hosts
Desjardins Group - www.desjardins.com,
With assets of over CA$188 billion, Desjardins Group is the leading cooperative financial group in
Canada and the sixth largest in the world. Desjardins offers a full range of financial products and
services to its 5.8 million members and clients. It employs 42,500 employees and relies on the
commitment of some 6,000 elected officers.
International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) - www.ica.coop
The ICA is an independent, non-governmental association that unites, represents and serves cooperatives worldwide. Founded in London in 1895, the ICA has 249 member organizations that
are located in 94 countries and are active in all sectors of the economy.
Saint Maryʼs University (Halifax) - www.smu.ca
Founded in 1802, Saint Maryʼs University is the oldest English-speaking Roman Catholic university
in Canada. It is home to the prestigious Sobey School of Business, the only school of commerce
to offer a Masters of Management - Co-operatives and Credit Unions. It is also home to the Centre
of Excellence in Accounting and Reporting for Co-operatives.
Stéphane Bertrand
Stéphane Bertrand is the Executive Director of the 2012 International
Summit of Cooperatives, which will be held in Quebec City, Canada,
from October 8 to 11, 2012. This Summit is designed to offer participants solutions to promote the development and performance of their
cooperatives and mutuals.
Prior to his current role, Mr. Bertrand was Executive Director of the
World Energy Congress – Montreal 2010.
From 2003 to 2007, he was Principal Secretary to the Premier of Quebec. He also worked at Gaz
métropolitain for a number of years, holding the positions of Manager and then Vice President of
Communications, Public and Government Affairs. Prior to that, he was a consultant with a communications consulting firm in Montreal. He was also Principal Private Secretary and Economist,
Responsible for Press Relations in the Office of the Deputy Minister for Finance and Privatization
and in the Office of the Minister of Cultural Affairs for Quebec.
Mr. Bertrand has a Master's Degree in Economics from Université de Montréal and is Chairman
of the Board of Directors of the Public Relations Chair at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
and the Théatre Usine C. He is also on the Board of Directors of Chiiwedjin Shu, Wind Energy
and the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Quebec Division.This Summit is a must-attend event for
current and future leaders committed to consolidating the influence of the cooperative and mutualist movement on the global economic and political stage.
From 2003 to 2007, he was Principal Secretary to the Premier of Quebec. He also worked at Gaz
Métropolitain for a number of years, holding the positions of Manager and then Vice President of
Communications, Public and Government Affairs. Prior to that, he was a consultant with a communications consulting firm in Montreal. He was also Principal Private Secretary and Economist,
Responsible for Press Relations in the Office of the Deputy Minister for Finance and Privatization
and in the Office of the Minister of Cultural Affairs for Quebec.
Mr. Bertrand has a Master's Degree in Economics from Université de Montréal and is Chairman
of the Board of Directors of the Public Relations Chair at Université de Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
and the Théatre Usine C. He is also on the Board of Directors of both the Foundation of Stars and
the Nature Conservancy of Canada, Quebec Division.
A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Investigation of Structuring in
Reduced Saturated Fat-Based Systems
Professor C. J. Smith
Director, Manchester Food Research Centre,
Professor of Food Science
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Food Science and Technology
Editor-in-Chief, Food and Agricultural Immunology
Published Papers
Karkkainen, R.M., Bonwick, G.A., Drasbek, M.R., McDowall, I., Young, N.W.G. & Smith, C.J.
Aptamers for food safety and quality assurance: Selection of aptamers against live bacterial cells.
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis
published (eds. Pulkrabova, J. & Tomaniova, M.). November 1-4, Prague. ICT Press, 2011.
Paul Wassell, Airi Okamura, Satoru Ueno Niall W.G.Young, Graham Bonwick, Christopher Smith,
Kiyotaka Sato. Synchrotron Radiation Microbeam X-Ray Diffraction Study of Interfacial Crystallisation of Fats in Water-in-Oil Emulsions. Langmuir
Ashraf A. Khalil, Nihal F. Kabapy, Sahar F. Deraz & Christopher Smith. Heat shock proteins in oncology: Diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets? Biocimica et Biophysica Acta, 2011, 1816
(2), 89-104.
The Effect of Temperature and Solvents on Total Phenolics and the
Concentration of Phenolic Acids for Ten Spices Marketed at Jordan
K. I. Ereifej
Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, Jordan University of Science and Technology,
P.O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110
[email protected]
Ten famous spices and herbs (cloves, coriander, cumin, ginger, green cardamom, turmeric, sumac,
cinnamon, sweet cumin and sweet laurel) marketed at Jordan have been stated to explore the
concentration of phenolic compounds by demonstrating the effect of temperature and the type of
solvent. The Folin-Ciocalteu procedure was used to determine the total content of phenolics. FolinCiocalteu reagent is not specific and detected all phenolic groups found in extracts. Results
showed that the total phenolics analysis had been experimented for three main temperatures (20,
40 and 60 ºC) using three different extractants (methanol, ethanol and acetone). Cloves had the
highest levels of total phenolics for most temperatures when applying the methanol extractants
Moreover, for ethanol and acetone extractants, cloves and sumac indicated the highest concentrations of total phenolics as experimented at (20, 40 and 60 ºC). Furthermore, this paper addressed the concentration of phenolic acids in the investigated spices. The separation and
quantification of total phenolic yielded ten phenolic acids, which were gallic acid, protcatechin acid,
catechin acid, gentisic acid, chlorogenic acid, vanillic acid, synergic acid, caffeic acid, epicatechin
acid and benzoic acid.
Keywords: Spices, phenolic compounds; temperature; solvent; phenolic acids, Jordan
Production of Glucose Syrup by the Action of Recombinant
α -Amaylase Purified by an Efficient Method
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan
School of Biological Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan
Production of Glucose and Fructose syrups is the largest area of starch utilization. This hydrolytic
process completes in two steps (liquefaction and saccharification) with the help of amylases. Commercially available α-amylase from Bacillus licheniformis is largely utilized in starch industry for
starch liquefaction. In the present study the α-amylase gene from B. licheniformis (AmyBl) was
expressed in E. coli but the recombinant protein was produced as insoluble aggregates. The activity assay demonstrated that these insoluble aggregates possessed high catalytic activity. We
tried to avoid the traditional denaturing conditions for solubilization and refolding of proteins and
successfully solubilized the recombinant α-amylase under non-denaturing conditions. The insoluble aggregates of AmyBl were solubilized with a 100-fold increase in enzyme activity from 10
U/mg (aggregated enzyme) to 1007 U/mg (solubilized enzyme). The solubilized enzyme was then
purified in a single-step by cation exchange column chromatography. The enzyme displayed apparent homogeneity on SDS-PAGE. Final yield was 349% with 138-fold purified enzyme. The specific activity of the purified enzyme was 1343 U/mg. The purified recombinant AmyBl was then
utilized in the production of glucose syrup in comparison with commercial α-amylase from B.
licheniformis (Termamyl 120 L). Final yield of glucose in syrups produced by both enzymes was
96%. This efficient method of enzyme purification in a single step and glucose syrup production
will be beneficial for food industry including brewing and confectionary.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saleem Haider
Ph.D., DIC (University of London, UK)
Post Doctorate (University of Toronto, Canada)
Professor & Director, Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Ph. 042-99231847 (Office); 0312-4155908 (Cell)
[email protected] , [email protected]
Graduated for my BSc (Hons.) & MSc (Hons) in Agriculture from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan in the year 1989 & 1991 respectively and for PhD and Post Doc. from Imperial
College of Science, Tech. & Medicine, University of London, UK and University of Toronto, Canada,
in the year 1996 and 2008 respectively. My research interest focuses on the control of plant diseases caused by whitefly-transmitted geminivirus pathogens (begomoviruses), based on an understanding of the mechanisms underlying the successful interactions between the components
of these virus-vector-host complexes.
Current studies involve:
(1) begomovirus diversity, with respect to (a) viral genotype and phenoptype, as these characteristics impact the molecular epidemiology of begomoviruses, and (b) the identification of important
candidate viruses in the development of virus-resistant crop varieties,
(2) the Bemisia tabaci species complex: variability within populations using molecular markers,
(3) the molecular basis for the specificity of whitefly-mediated transmission of begomoviruses
(4) development of diagnostic tests for unidentified or new viruses and virus like diseases.
(5) Use of fungus Aspergillus sp. and Bacteria for the cloning, expression and purification amylases
(6) Exploiting viral coat protein gene for vaccine production against animal and human viruses
and development of resistant plants against plant viruses.
I started my career as Research Officer (January, 1997) in the Centre of Excellence in Molecular
Biology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan and worked as Senior Scientific Officer (1998)
in CCRI, Multan, Agricultural Officer (Plant Protection) Lodhran, Pakistan before joining as Asstt.
Professor (2003) in School of Biological Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. I
joined my current position as Professor (March 2010) and Director, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
I have supervised two PhD students and five MPhil students, however, four PhD students and two
MSc (Hons) students are currently enrolled under my direct supervision.
I have almost 50 research publications in my credit, of which more than 30 are in impact factor
journals. I have participated and presented research papers in about 30 National and International
Conferences, Symposia and Workshops around the world.
My research group has submitted over 35 full length viral sequences and approx. 15 partial sequences. One patent has recently been submitted. Future aims are to enhance crop yield and
quality through Genetic Engineering approaches to meet the food demands of fast growing world
population and to elevate the sustain livings of poor people worldwide.
I have the honour to be the Editor-in-Chief of a biannual Journal Mycoptah, Managing Editor of
Quarterly Agricultural News and biannual Herbal Heritage Report, published from University of
the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan. Beside these I am also holding the office of the Vice President of
Pakistan Phytopathological Society along with having membership of several other professional
organizations, also serving as reviewer for many good repute National and International Scientific
Çanakkale Koşullarında Yetiştirilen Beyaz Nektarinler ile Standart
Şeftali, Nektarin, Kayısı ve Erik Çeşitlerinin Aroma Bileşenlerinin
Murat ŞEKER, Engin GÜR, Neslihan EKİNCİ, Mehmet Ali GÜNDOĞDU
Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü, Çanakkale
Çanakkaleʼde şeftali, nektarin, kayısı ve erik gibi sert çekirdekli meyve türleri yaygın bir şekilde
yetiştirilmekte ve yüksek kaliteli ürünler elde edilmektedir. Beyaz nektarinler ise ülkemizde sadece
Çanakkaleʼde yetiştirilen, meyve aromaları açısından son derecede zengin ve dikkat çekici bir
meyvedir. Sert çekirdekli meyveler bakımından aromatik bileşikler meyve kalitesini en fazla etkileyen özelliklerden biridir. Aromatik bileşen yapısının incelenmesi ve sentez sürecinin izlenmesi
önem taşıyan konulardır. Bu çalışmada, beyaz nektarinler arasından seçilen 15 farklı tip ile 10
adet şeftali (Blake, Cardinal, Crest Haven, Early Red, Elegant Lady, Glo Haven, J. H. Hale, Mon[160]
reo, Red Haven ve Rio Oso Gem), 3 adet nektarin (Armking, Fantasia ve Nectared-6), 12 adet
kayısı (Canino, Ethembey, Fracosso, Hariot, Hungarian Best, Monobella, Nebeb, Rakowsky, Roxana, Sakıt-2, Soğancı ve Tokaloğlu) ve 6 adet erik (Angeleno, Formosa, Papaz, President, Santa
Rosa ve Stanley) çeşidinin aromatik maddeleri dietil eter çözgeni kullanarak sıvı-sıvı ekstraksiyon
yöntemi ile elde edilmiştir. Aromatik bileşiklerin tanımlanması ise Gaz Kromatografisi / Kütle Spektrometresi (GC/MS) cihazı ile yapılmıştır. Belirtilen meyvelerin aromatik yapısını oluşturan C6
bileşikleri, esterler, aldehitler, laktonlar, terpenoidler, alkoller, ketonlar ve diğer bileşiklerin sayısı
ve oranları belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre beyaz nektarinler aromatik bileşen yapısı en
zengin meyveler olarak saptanmıştır. Kayısı ve eriklerin şeftali ve nektarinlere oranla daha az
sayıda aromatik bileşene sahip olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Prunus, aromatik bileşikler, Gaz Kromatografisi / Kütle Spektrometresi
Comparison of White Nectarines Grown in Çanakkale Conditions With Standard Peach,
Nectarine, Apricot and Plum Varieties for Aromatic Compounds
Stone fruits species like peach, nectarine, apricot and plum are grown widely in Canakkale ecological conditions and obtained high quality fresh fruits. The white nectarines are novel nectarines which grown solely in Canakkale and represent higher aromatic compounds than
standard varieties. One of the most important criteria of fruit quality of stone fruits is flavor. Determination of aromatic compounds and investigation of synthesis process are the main research
topics. In this research, aromatic compounds of 15 white nectarine types, 10 peach varieties
(Blake, Cardinal, Crest Haven, Early Red, Elegant Lady, Glo Haven, J. H. Hale, Monreo, Red
Haven and Rio Oso Gem), 3 nectarine varieties (Armking, Fantasia and Nectared-6), 12 apricot
varieties (Canino, Ethembey, Fracosso, Hariot, Hungarian Best, Monobella, Nebeb, Rakowsky,
Roxana, Sakıt-2, Soğancı and Tokaloğlu) and 6 plum varieties (Angeleno, Formosa, Papaz,
President, Santa Rosa and Stanley) were prepared by using diethyl ether solvent for liquid-liquid
extractions. The identification of aromatic constituents was performed by Gas Chromatography
/ Mass Spectrometer (GC/MS) instrument. The numbers and relative ratios of fruit aromatics including C6 compounds, esters, aldehydes, lactones, terpenoids, alcohols, ketones and other
compounds were determined. According to the obtained results, white nectarines had the most
aromatic fruits. Aromatic compounds of the apricots and plums had lower than the peaches and
Keywords: Prunus, aromatic compounds, Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometer
Low-Fat Cake, Maltodextrin, Simplesse, Lipid Profile
Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Refai
Tel: +201222390452
[email protected]
Food Industries Deprt. Fac.of Agric. Mansoura Univ.Egypt
Utilization Of Fat Replacers In Bakery Products. Low fat cakes prepared by partial replacement of
Shortening with maltodextrin or simplesse as fat replacers were organoleptically evaluated and
subjected to analysis.The produced cake was examined for volume index,symmetry index,uniformity index,apparent desity.true density porosity water distribution and instrumental analysis of texture properties. A nutrition experiment on rats was conducted to determine the effect of low fat
cake diet on groth parameters and serum lipid profile.
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abd El-Aziz El-Refai
Faculty of Agriculture -Mansoura University
Current jobProfessor of Food Sci & Technology Agric. Fac. Mansoura Univ.
Birh date & place 25/8/1946 - Dakahlia- Egypt
Food Industries Dept. Fac. Of Agric., Mansoura Univ. Egypt
Work tel
7495255 /05
Home tel
2522363 /050
[email protected]
Personal site
[email protected] , [email protected]
• Mansoura University Merit Award - 29/5/2006.
• Award for best research from the Unilever Foundation ( Egypt) to encourage the scientific
• Quality control and food safety of food stuffs..
Faculty of Agriculture - Mansoura University - Mansoura - Egypt
from 1/10/2008 to 14/1/2010.
• Member of the research team of Mansoura Univ. project "Utilization of food processing
wastes" 2000..
Faculty of Agriculture - Mansoura University - Mansoura - Egypt
from 1/10/2007 to 1/10/2009.
• Experience in Extraction and identification of natural antioxidants and volatile oils and their
utilization in human nutrition..
Faculty of Agriculture - Mansoura University - Mansoura - Egypt
from 16/4/2007 to 14/10/2009.
• Production of new untraditional food products..
Faculty of Agriculture - Mansoura University - Mansoura - Egypt
from 19/11/2006 to 10/11/2008.
• Establishing labs for food analysis..
Faculty of Agriculture - Mansoura University - Mansoura - Egypt
from 1/2/1994 to 14/1/2010.
• Teaching Experiences: Teaching the following courses for undergraduate and graduate levels: Food Chemistry - Food Microbiology - Food Pollution - Food Safety - Food Analysis Human Nutrition - Enzymes - Environmental Studies .
Faculty of Agriculture-Food Industries Department - Mansoura – Egypt from 1/10/1967 to
• Attendance of more than 50 National and International Conferences.
Professional Affiliations
• Member of Society of Food Science and Technology in Cairo, Egypt..
• Member of Society of Food Science and Technology in Alexanderia, Egypt.
• Member of Dakahlia Govermentas Counsil of Sugar Crops (Egypt)..
• Member of international Electrophoresis Society..
• Member of Deutsche Elektrophorese Gemeinshaft.
• Member of Community and EnviromentalDevelopment Counsil of Mansoura Univ., Egypt.
• Member of Education Technology Center Counsil of Mansoura Univ., Egypt..
• Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., Egypt..
• Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Specific Education Research, Mansoura Univ.,
• Prominent and credible refree of permanent Scientific Committee of evaluating the researches of lecturers and Associate Professors of Food Industries and Dairy Science, Counsil of Egyptian Universities Supreme.(2008-2011).
• Prominent Scientist and credible Refree in the Arab Science and Technology Foundation
• Member of Editorial Board of African Journal of Biochemistry Research ( AJBR ) .
• Prominent Refree in different Egyptian Scientific Journals.
• Participation in Ph.D Qualifying Examination Committee for more than 26 graduate students
in different Egyptian Universities..
• Participation in Approval Committee for more than 55 Msc. & Ph.D & in Food Sci. &Tech.
and Home Econmic in different Egyptian Universities..
• Supervision on Scientific Thesises:-twenty(20) Msc. And ten(12) Ph.D, Thesises in Food
Sci. & Technology and Home Econmic were supervised by Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Refai. .
• Reviwer in Journal of Food Safety..
• Editorial Advisory Board Member of Alexandria Journal of Food Science and Technology..
• Editorial Board Member of Journal of Food and Dairy Sciences,Mansoura Univ..
Professional Occupation
• Ass. Lecturer, Food Sci & Technol. Dept., Fac. Of Agric.,Alex. Univ., Egypt (1967- 1974)..
• Post Graduate Studies, Dr. Ing. TU- München Weihenstephan, Germany (1974- 1978).
• Milittary Service, Egypt (1978- 1980).
• Lecturer of Food Sci & Technol. Food Sci. & Technol. Dept., Fac. Of Agric., Kafr El-Sheikh,
Tanta Univ. Egypt. (1980- 1984) .
• Associate Prof. of Food Sci & Technol. Food Sci. & Technol. Dept., Fac. Of Agric., Kafr ElSheikh, Tanta Univ. Egypt. (1984- 1988).
• Prof. of Food Sci & Technol. Food Sci. & Technol. Dept., Fac. Of Agric., Kafr El-Sheikh, Tanta
Univ. Egypt. (1988- 1994).
• Prof. of Food Sci & Technol. Food Industries Dept., Fac. Of Agric., Mansoura Univ. Egypt.
(1994- till now).
• Dean of Fac. Of Specific Education, Meniat El-Nasr, Mansoura Univ. Egypt. (1999-2005).
• Head of Food Industries Dept., Fac. Of Agric., Mansoura Univ. Egypt. (2005- 2006).
• Ementus Professor of Food Sci. & Technology, Fac. Of Agric.,Mansoura Univ. Augst 2006
till now..
• 79 Scientific Researches in Food Science and Technology, Food Safety, Nutrition and
Biotechnology are published in national and international journals.
Study of Ultrasound Treatment and
Temperature on Lipid Modifications
S.M. B. Hashemi1, A. Mousavi Khaneghah*2, S. Hosseinpour3, M. Nasiri3
Department Food Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of
Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and
Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University,
Shiraz, Iran
Corresponding author: Amin Mousavi Khaneghah
[email protected]
The effects of ultrasound treatment (30 kHz, 100 W, 30 s) and temperature (25 and 45°C) on some
components of commercial blended oil (contains sunflower, soybean and cotton seed oils) were
studied in order to verify if and to what extent modifications in the lipidic fraction can occur. Current
parameters including peroxide value (PV), Anisidine value (AnV), free acidity (FFA), iodine value
(IV), and induction period (IP) were determined in oil samples before, immediately after the ultrasonic treatment and during 20 and 60 days of storage. The PV and AnV increased but IV decreased in all oil samples especially treated by ultrasound and stored at 45°C, while FFA did not
significantly change in samples treated by ultrasound. .Therefore, ultrasound could increase deterioration of food lipids.
Keywords: ultrasound, quality factors, oils
Dutch Processing Effects on Epicatechin and Catechin Content of
Cacao and Chocolate Products
Özlem Tokuşoğlu, Buse Akdoğu, Neriman Bayraktaroğlu & Merve Güner
Celal Bayar University, Engineering Faculty, Dept of Food Eng, Manisa,Turkey
Cocoa, cocoa products including cocoa liquor, cocoa powder, milk and dark chocolates may present varied polyphenol contents and possess different levels of antioxidant potentials. Phenolicrich cocoa and chocolate may also exert a protective effect on low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
oxidation, which has been associated with a reduced risk of developing atherosclerosis.Morever,
polyphenols can directly influence different points of the apoptotic process, and/or the expression
of regulatory proteins. The content of polyphenols including flavan-3 ols, epicatechin, proanthocyanidins and catechin in cocoa powder is between 12-18% of its total weight on dry basis. The
bioavailability of phenolics depends on other constituents of food, and their interaction with matrix
of the cacao and chocolate based foods.
In this review context, it is emphasized that comparing to natural cocoa powders, Dutch processing
effects on above-mentioned phenolics in cacao and chocolate products. It is reported that Dutch
process have been caused a loss in both epicatechin (up to 98%) and catechin (up to 80%). The
compiled data regarding Dutch processed cacao and chocolate products shows that the epicatechin/catechin ratio is of great importance for quality indication of these products because of the
sensitive indicator for the processing history of cacao beans.
Key words: Dutch processing, cacao, chocolate, epicatechin, proanthocyanidins and catechin
Investigation of Chemical Physical Sentimental Properties of
Pomegranate Marmalade From Waste Material of Pomegranate
Proportion Production
Bahram Hassani1,*, Akram Sharifi1
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Email:[email protected]
The most major waste of pomegranate dehydration processing is. Suet pomegranate is promising
source of protein, fat, oil seed, mineral salts, and vitamin and is one of the richest source of antioxidant and phenolic compounds. In this research, the effect of different level of sugar(40 to 60
percent)and pectin(0 to 0.4 percent) on the chemical properties(Brix, PH, acidity and total
solid),sensory characteristics (color,consistency,taste,firmness,adhesiveness,spreadability,overall
acceptability) and texture analysis (hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, chewiness, gumminess ,and springiness)of suet pomegranate marmalade was investigated, the results of chemical
and sensorial properties show that adding the sugar cause decreased in acidity and
firmness(p<0.05)The increase of pectin led to increase of Total solid. (p<0.05) Results of texture
analysis show that adding pectin cause adding cohesiveness and decreased gumminess.
Key words: chemical properties, marmalade , pomegranate , sensory properties , texture analysis
Bahram Hassani is M.Sc of food science and technology Islamic azad
university of Iran. Heʼs director and advisor of large industrial collection in
Iran, elder expert of agriculture engineering with tendency of science and
nutrition industries, National higher grade in changing and complementary
industry in agriculture from national festival of young Iranian, Second
grade of creator-work 1n 2010 from national festival of young Iranian ,
Member of expert society of quality control, Agent director of Shav nutrition
industries group, Member of national association council of Saffron in
Iran, Specimen director of generator and exporter from trade ministry in
2010, Specimen director of changing and complementary industries in
south Khorasan in 2011, The Chief of board of directors in Pardis top toos
company, Member of young advisors team for president.
Characterization of Structural Architecture of
Cellular Solid Food Materials
Nesli SÖZER1,2,3, Rieks BRUINS3, Christie DIETZEL4, William FRANKE3, Juhani SIBAKOV1,
Harri Kokkonen6, Ariful Syed ALAM5, Satu KIRJORANTA5, Kirsi JOUPPILA5,
Jukka JURVELIN6, Kaisa POUTANEN1 and Jozef L KOKINI2
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Tietotie 2, Espoo, FI-02044 Finland
Food Science and Human Nutrition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
Food Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Sterling Foods, San Antonio, TX, USA
University of Helsinki, Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, FI-00014 Helsinki,
University of Eastern Finland, Department of Applied Physics, Kuopio Campus, FI-70211 Kuopio
Structural architecture of cellular solid food materials such as bread, cakes, biscuits and extruded
snacks is associated with overall food quality control parameters. Two different types of cellular
solid food samples (extrudates and cakes) were analysed both structurally (x-ray microtomography) and mechanically (texture analyser). Image analysis was performed to determine structural
parameters from 3-d x-ray images. Cell wall thickness to radius ratio (t/R) was shown to highly
correlate with the hardness value of extrudates. Also toughness values of cake samples revealed
similar trend with the (t/R). A physically based model was developed to predict both brittle and
ductile behaviour of solid food foams resulting from a given morphology and cell wall material
Cellular solid foods, non-destructive imaging, X-ray microtomography, image analysis, texture
Gözenekli yapıya sahip katı gıdalar, tahribatsız görüntüleme, X-ışınlı mikrotomografi, görüntü
analizi, doku
Studies on Variability in Elite Quality Protein Maize Inbreds
Jyoti Kaul, R. Sai Kumar, Sain Dass & Payal Bansal
Directorate of Maize Research, New Delhi 110012, India
[email protected]
Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important crops of the world including India. Breeding for
improved protein quality in maize began in the mid 1960s after the discovery of mutants such as
opaque-2, which produced enhanced levels of lysine and tryptophan, eventually paving way for
the development of Quality Protein Maize (QPM) cultivars (Vasal, S.K. 2001). The nutritional and
biological value of QPM is high and equivalent to that of milk. The aim of the study was to assess
the phenotypic variability among elite QPM inbred lines so as to identify genetically diverse inbreds
for breeding superior Single Cross QPM hybrids.
Materials and Methods
A set of 60 maize inbred lines was evaluated for different morpho-phenological and post harvest
traits at Directorate of Maize Research, Pusa campus, New Delhi during Kharif 2009 and 2010.
Data were recorded on traits viz. days to anthesis(50%), days to silking(50%), plant height(cm),
ear placement(cm), leaf width(cm), tassel traits (density of spikelets, angle between main axis and
lateral branches, tassel length etc), ear traits (length, diameter, shape, number of rows of grains,),
kernel traits (shape, row arrangement,1000 kernel weight) and per se performance (tons/ha). Data
was analysed using Indostat.
Mean performance over the two years for all of the measured traits of the inbreds studied showed
significant variation between lines. On the basis of Days to Anthesis (50%), the lines were classified
into three maturity groups: early (16), medium (32) and late (12). Anthesis silking interval (ASI)
ranged from 1-9 days with a mean of 4.09. On the basis of low ASI (0-1), two lines namely DMR
QPM-112 and CML 166 with stay green trait were identified. Data related to traits such as tassel
length (16-35 cm), plant height (65-168 cm), ear placement (20-95cm), leaf width (4.4-11cm)
showed wider variability among all the lines. Most of the lines were uniform w.r.t. post harvest
traits as ear length (9-16cm), ear diameter (2.5-4.0 cm), number of rows of grains (10-14) with
straight row arrangement. The 1000 kernel weight varied from 112-300 gm. On the basis of tassel
and ear traits, 18 desirable lines (Table 1) were identified and categorised into male and female
parents to be utilized in augmenting the Single Cross Hybrid breeding program of Quality Protein
Maize. On the basis of per se performance, the productive lines with more than 2.00 tons/ha yield
viz., HKI 164-4-(1-3), HKI- 164-7-4, HKI- 164-7-4-2, HKI- 164-7-4-ER-3, HKI-191-1-2-5, HKI 1931, CML451Q and CML 158 were identified.The promising lines revealed tryptophan >0.6% and
protein >10 %, respectively.
The QPM inbreds exhibited wide variability (between lines) for different morpho-phenological traits.
The study resulted in the identification of 18 desirable inbreds viz. HKI 164-4-(1-3), HKI- 164-7-4,
HKI- 164-7-4-2, HKI 31-2, DMR QPM-102, CML 158 etc. (Table-1) to be utilized in augmentation
of QPM single cross hybrid breeding program.
1. Vasal, S.K. 2001. Keynote address, Quality protein maize development: an exciting experience
Seventh eastern and southern Africa regional maize conference 11-15th Feb. CIMMYT, Apdo,
Postal 6-41,00600 Mexico, D.F., Mexico
Table 1: Mean performance of desirable Quality Protein Maize inbred lines
Days to
Days to
HKI 163
HKI 164-4-(1-3)-2
HKI 164-4-(1-3)
HKI 164-7-4
HKI 164-7-4 ER-3
HKI 191-1-2-5
HKI 193-1
HKI 193-2-2
HKI 5072-2 - BT
HKI 31-2
HKI 1345
CML 451Q
CML 158
CML 165
per se
Name of the Scientist: Dr.Mrs Jyoti Kaul
2. Personal biodata:
a) Position/Designation: Principal Scientist (Plant Breeding)
b) Discipline and Specialization: Plant Breeding (Maize breeding)
c) Contribution to the scientific advancement :
(In about five bullets)
• development of hybrid-oriented Germplasm
• development of unique germplasm, inbreds,(17) registered at NBPGR
• generation / updation of maize data – base (hybrids,their parental lines and composites with their
major characteristics, DUS profile, etc)
• coordinating for registration of hybrids/varieties under PPV&FR,Act 2001
• DUS testing of hybrids/inbreds/varieties of maize under PPV&FR,Act 2001
3. Future Planning of research (in bullets):
• development of QPM inbreds and single cross hybrids
• updation of maize data-base
DREAM - Design and Development of REAlistic Food Models With
Well-Characterised Micro- and Macro- Structure and Composition
Peter Raspora, Lidija Bašaa, Monique A.V. Axelosb
Chair of Biotechnology, Microbiology and Food Safety, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia ([email protected])
INRA, Département Caractérisation et Elaboration des Produits issus de l'Agriculture (CEPIA),
Rue de la Géraudière, BP 71627, 44316 Nantes Cedex 03, France
([email protected])
The Design and development of REAlistic food Models with well-characterised micro and macrostructure and composition (DREAM) is an EU 7FP funded research project with grant agreement
number 222654-2 that started on 1st May 2009. Foreseen duration is 48 months. The project is
aimed toward food models development (mathematical modelling approach) with the purpose to
in-depth understanding of the process-structure-property relationship of food and to facilitate the
creation of food matrixes with functional and nutritional properties The overall research work done
in the frame of the project is aimed toward search for greater and more consistent food quality
and safety. The outcomes of the project will result in industrial, technological and scientific level
and cover both the development of modelling techniques and the models applicability in the food
For achieving the goals the project addresses trans-disciplinary approach that is integrated into
nine strongly interacting workpackages. Seven of them are scientific or technology based, one
addresses project management and one dissemination.
Keywords: DREAM food models, food modelling, European Framework Programme 7 (EU 7FP),
mathematical modelling
Prof. Dr Peter Raspor, Dr h.c.
Dept of Food Science and Technology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
Jamnikarjeva 101, Ljubljana, SI-1000, Slovenia
T: +386-1-423 1161
F: +386-1-257 4092E: [email protected]
Occupation or position held: Since 1992 Head of the Chair of Biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology Department, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA T+386 1 423
11 61 F:+386 1 257 40 92
Since 1997 Full Professor of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology, Food Science and Technology Department, Biotechnical Faculty, Chair of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, SLOVENIA
Since 2003 Head of Undergraduate study of biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of
Food Science and Technology, Chair of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva
101,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Since 2000 FEMS Secretary General, FEMS Central Office. Keverling Buismanweg 4. 2628 CL
Delft. The Netherlands. T: +31-15-269 3920. F:. +31-15-269 3921
1996-2002 Chairman of post diploma Study of Biotechnology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of
Ljubljana, SLO
1992-1997 Associate Professor of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty,
Food Science and Technology Department,
Vice Chair of Study of Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology Department,
1988 – 1992 Assistant Professor of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty,
Food Science and Technology Department, Biotechnology Group, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
1985 – 1987 Assistant of Industrial Microbiology, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology Department, Chair of Microbiology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
1985 – 1986 Manager of Project Biotechnology, Mlinotest Ajdovscina, Slovenia
1983 – 1985 Research Assistant, Biotechnical Faculty, Food Science and Technology Department,
Chair of Microbiology, University of Ljubljana,
1976 – 1978 Bakery Technologist, Mlinotest, Ajdovscina, Slovenia
1970 – 1975 Baker, Mlinotest, Ajdovscina, Slovenia
Main activities and responsibilities
University of Ljubljana:
responsible for its pedagogical and research and financial activities.
manage 15 employees in the Chair and 35 in the research programme division.
chairing the Senate of the biotechnology programme at the University of Ljubljana
Enzymes Modifications of Cereal Biopolymers in
Functional Foods and Ingredients
L. V. Kaprelyants
Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa, Ukraine
leonid@ onaft.edu.ua
New technological methods have been developed for reprocessing of grain raw materials and byproducts into food and biologically active ingredients, as well as enriching agents and functional
products. The developed technologies are based on adding of exogenous enzymes to endogenous
enzyme system of grain and cereal-based products of its reprocessing, as well as on activation of
the endogenous raw material enzymes.
The technologies of enzyme modification of raw materials starch have been worked out for obtaining the wide range of important substances, such as glucose and maltose grain extracts
(sweeteners), xylooligosaccharide (emulsifiers, stabilizers), isomaltooligosaccharides, arabinoxylooligosaccharides, galactooligosacсharides, fructooligosaccharides (biological active ingredients
- prebiotics), fermented sugared bran (biological active dietary fibers).
Cereal starch bioprocessing during production of sugary products was realized in two stages: 1)
dilution of starch - its transition into dissolved condition with partial hydrolysis to dextrines, 2) enzyme saccharification. In order to intensify the process of receipt of high-glucse and high- maltose
hydrolysates corresponding to enzyme preparations necessary to use in compositions with debranching enzyme preparation to split simultaneously alpha-1,4 and alpha-1,6-glucosidic links in
The technology of enzyme modification of meals and bran with the proteases has been created
for getting peptides and modified proteins that can be used as protein enriching additives and biologically active ingredients.
Enzyme modification of phospholipids of the phosphatide concentrate (a by-product of the sunflower reprocessing) has been worked out with obtaining the lecithin containing product that can
be used as an emulsifier and a biologically active additive.
The technology of complex processing of wheat has been developed with application of glu-cooxidase and amylolytic enzymes for obtaining dry gluten, carbohydrate-and-protein syrup (sweetener), and the resistant starch.
Non-Alcoholic Beer Production
Daniela Smogrovicova
Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava,
Radlinského 9, 812 37 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Production of non-alcoholic beer (defined as containing less than 0.5 percent volumetric of alcohol)
with the same flavour profile as that of alcoholic beer is a long-term problem, and a major challenge
in the brewing industry.
This contribution summarises the most important methods developed for the production of beer
with reduced content of alcohol. One of them utilises classical brewing processes followed by alcohol removal techniques such as dialysis, reverse osmosis, distillation or vacuum evaporation.
The other strategy, often referred to as limited fermentation, involves either suppressed fermentation of fermentable saccharides to ethanol, or its early interruption – cold contact process or
stopped fermentation.
A reduction in the ethanol production during the complete fermentation of wort carbohydrates can
be achieved by metabolic engineering of the carbon flux in yeast, resulting in elevated formation
of other fermentation products such as organic acids and glycerol. However, only those by-products that do not disturb the taste of beer are acceptable.
The use of yeast strains deficient in the tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes, namely with disruptions
in the FUM1, KGD1 and KGD2 genes, corresponding to fumarase and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, can be an alternative way to produce beer with a reduced ethanol concentration and a
suitable aroma profile.
Daniela Smogrovicova is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Biochemical Technology at the Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia. She has been
working in academia since graduating with a PhD degree in Biotechnology
from the same University in 1984.
Her scientific focus is on the physiology and biochemistry of free and immobilised yeast under stress conditions, and biotechnological applications of
ethanol fermentation. She has been principal investigator of numerous projects dealing with fermented beverages production, bio-ethanol productivity improvement, production of yeast sensory
and biologically active metabolites, immobilised technologies and their industrial applications.
She is a member of the Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak republic,
the Yeast Section of the Czech-Slovak Microbiological Society, Editorial Board of the Journal for
Brewing, Malting and Beverage Industry, and the Brewing Science Group of the European Brewing
Convention. She has published her work in 77 scientific papers, 4 patents and more than 200 conference contributions. Her papers have been cited 199 times per the SCI and 14 times in books.
Applications of Ultrafiltration (UF) and
Reverse Osmosis (RO) in Dairy Industry
Emin MERCAN1, Durmuş SERT2, Nihat AKIN2
Bayburt University, Engineering Faculty, Food Engineering Department, BAYBURT, TURKEY
Selcuk University, Agriculture Faculty, Food Engineering Department, KONYA, TURKEY
e-mail: [email protected]
Ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis of dairy products has become increasingly common. Microfiltration can be used effectively in support of these applications. Specific uses of RO include the
concentration of milk and the demineralization of lactose. UF is used to concentrate whey proteins.
UF can be used to remove water, lactose, and ash from the milk, while RO allows only water to
pass through the membrane. UF and RO are used to concentrate unpasteurized milk for shipment.
For a fraction of the cost of regular milk, concentrated milk can be safely transported from the
farm to the processing facility where it is reconstituted, stored, pasteurized, and packaged. This
process was approved by the FDA and is presently in use. The water used to reconstitute the concentrated milk will be RO water. The water will usually require prefiltration before the RO unit and
may require subsequent sterile filtration following the RO filter. RO concentrated milk can also be
used in ice cream processes. Microfiltration is used as a prefiltration stage prior to RO and UF filters. Pore size ratings will be fairly open, in the 3.0–5.0 μm or larger range.
Almonds: Their Phytochemical Composition and Impact on
Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes.
Jeffrey B. Blumberg1, Jen-Fang Liu2, Chiao-Ming Chen3, C-Y. Oliver Chen1
Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, 711 Washington St, Boston, MA 02111 USA;
Taipei Medical University, Taiwan;
Shih Chien University, Taiwan
Consumption of tree nuts has been associated with reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM) and better management of this disease. Almonds are rich in magnesium and vitamin E; a good source of dietary fiber, MUFA, PUFA, L-arginine; and contain an array of phytochemicals, including polyphenols and phytosterols. Some observational studies have found chronic
nut consumption is inversely associated with the risk of T2DM and weight gain. In randomized
clinical trials, whole almonds have been found to reduce the glycemic response of composite
meals in a dose-dependent manner and to promote reductions in body weight, BMI, and waist circumference compared to a complex carbohydrate-enriched low calorie diet. Almond consumption
has also been associated with amelioration of obesity, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and hyperglycemia. These and related clinical trials of almonds in patients with T2DM or metabolic syndrome
have also reported decreases in fasting blood glucose, insulin, and HbA1c and in biomarkers of
inflammation and oxidative stress.
We conducted a 12-wk randomized crossover intervention with almonds in 20 Chinese patients
with T2DM and mild hyperlipidemia (11 female; 58 y; BMI=26). After a 2-wk run-in period, patients
were assigned to either a control NCEP step II diet (control) or an almond diet (added to the control
to replace 20% of total daily calorie intake) for 4 wk, with a 2-wk washout period between the two
diets. The almond diet increased intake of fiber, magnesium, MUFA, PUFA, and vitamin E. Compared to control, the almond diet increased plasma α-tocopherol and reduced body fat, total cholesterol, LDL, LDL:HDL ratio, plasma apoB, apoB:apo A-1 ratio, nonesterified fatty acids, fasting
glucose and insulin, and HOMA index. These results suggest that incorporation of almonds into a
healthy diet have beneficial effects on adiposity, lipid profiles, and glycemic control in patients with
Jeffrey B. Blumberg PhD, FACN, FASN, CNS Professor, Friedman
School of Nutrition Science and Policy Senior Scientist and Director, Antioxidants Research Laboratory Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging Tufts University
Jeffrey Blumberg received Bachelor of Science degrees in Pharmacy and
Psychology from Washington State University and a PhD in Pharmacology
from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. He also received postdoctoral training in cyclic nucleotide metabolism at the Tennessee Neuropsychiatric Institute and the University of Calgary.
Dr. Blumberg is a Professor in the Friedman School of Nutrition Science
and Policy and also serves as the Director of the Antioxidants Research
Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University. His research has focused on the biochemical basis for the role of antioxidant nutrients and
their dietary requirements in promoting health and preventing disease during the aging process
via changes in status of oxidative stress and inflammation. He has published more than 300 scientific articles and serves on the editorial boards of several scientific journals. Dr. Blumberg also
participates in activities relevant to the incorporation of sound nutrition science into public health
policy and has served as a member of the Surgeon General's Workshop on Health Promotion and
Aging, Sports Medicine Committee of the U.S. Olympic Committee, WHO/FAO Consultation on
Preparation and Use of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines, Food Advisory Committee of the FDA,
and other committees.
Bioaccessible Polyphenols and Antioxidant Capacity in Selected
Apple Varieties Following in Vitro Digestion vs. Their Native Values
Torsten Bohn1, Jaoud Bouayed1,2, Hannah Deusser1, Lucien Hoffmann1
Environmental and Agrobiotechnologies Department, Centre de Recherche Public - Gabriel
Lippmann, 41, rue du Brill, 4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
Neurotoxicologie Alimentaire et Bioactivié, UR AFPA, Université Paul Verlaine de Metz-INPLINRA, BP 4102, 57040, Metz, France
Keywords: Polyphenols, apples, antioxidants, digestions, antioxidant activity
Introduction: The health beneficial active components of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables have
been controversially discussed, but include polyphenols, the most dietary abundant secondary
plant metabolites. However, polyphenols undergo many changes during gastro-intestinal (GI) digestion and further uptake, which remain only marginally understood.
Objectives: To study the polyphenolic profile of apple varieties from Luxembourg (n=24), and to
investigate selected compounds during various stages of gastro-intestinal digestion.
Method/Design: Native polyphenolic concentrations and antioxidant capacity values were compared to those obtained at different stages of GI digestion, i.e. the gastric phase, small intestine,
and the fraction dialyzable (semipermeable hemicellulose membrane), i.e. soluble fraction.
Polyphenols were determined both by Folin-Ciocalteu and UPLC, antioxidant capacity by FRAP,
ABTS and ferrous chelating assay.
Results: Considerable differences were found depending on apple variety, with ABTS and FRAP
values ranging from 270-1142mg/100g vitamin C equivalents and from 695-3143μmol Fe/100g,
respectively. Correlations showed that polyphenols were major primary antioxidants contributing
to antioxidative mechanisms (R>0.98, P<0.001), their involvement as secondary (chelating) antioxidants was negligible. Polyphenol release was mainly achieved during the gastric phase (ca.
65% of phenolics and flavonoids), with a slight further release (<10%) during intestinal digestion.
Dialysis experiments as a simplified model of the epithelial barrier, showed that free soluble
polyphenols and flavonoids were 55% and 44% of native concentrations, similar results were found
for the antioxidant capacity, being 57% and 46% lower compared to total antioxidants in fresh apples (FRAP, ABTS, respectively). Flavan-3-ols were completely unstable in the intestinal medium,
and 41–77% of bioaccessible chlorogenic acid, the major abundant hydroxycinnamic acid in apples, was degraded during intestinal digestion, with partial isomerisation to cryptochlorogenic acid
and neochlorogenic acid.
Conclusions: Hydro-methanolic extraction can largely overestimate polyphenols available for further uptake. In addition, several isomerisation and degradation processes alter the polyphenol
profile during GI digestion.
Dr. Torsten Bohn
Time and place of birth: 07.01.1972, Troisdorf, Germany
Nationality: German
Marital status: Married, one child
Ph.D. : Human Nutrition, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH), Zurich, Switzerland, Department of Food Science and Nutrition (note: no grades assigned for Ph.D. in Switzerland)
Dissertation :
“Magnesium Absorption in Humans” (in English).
Advisors: Richard F. Hurrell, Lena Davidsson, Peter Kastenmayer
Diploma as “State-Approved Food-Chemist”, Ministry of Labor,
Women, and Social Affairs, Wiesbaden, Germany (Magna Cum
M.S. equivalent Final Diploma in Food Chemistry, University Frankfurt/Main, Germany (Magna Cum Laude)
Academic Appointments:
02/2007- present
Research Unit Leader Nutrition & Toxicology (ca. 25 persons), CRP-
Gabriel Lippmann (CRP-GL), Department of Agro-Biotechnologies,
Luxembourg (Prof. Dr. Lucien Hoffmann).
Post-doctoral Researcher, The Ohio State University (OSU), Department of Food Science and Technology, Columbus, OH (Prof. Steven
J. Schwartz)
Ph.D. Student at ETH Zurich, Laboratory of Human Nutrition,
Switzerland (Prof. R.F. Hurrell)
Research Foci:
factors impacting carotenoid and polyphenol uptake by Caco-2 cell
micronutrients studies, interaction with minerals
studying impact of carotenoids and polyphenols on inflammatory
action of endocrine disruptors in foods (PCB, atrazine) on cellular
method development for analysis of phytochemicals in food-stuffs.
45 in international peer reviewed journals (incl. book chapters)
Membership in Professional Societies:
EU-Cost Action INFOGEST: Digestion Systems
American Chemical Society
German Association of Food Chemists
Awards and Honors:
2004 Nestlé Nutrition Price, Berne, Switzerland 2004
Projects/Competitive Grants:
PI and Co-PI of ca. 10 projects in the area of food science
and nutrition
Luxembourg University: Biochemistry, Nutrition and Metabolism
Editing/peer reviewer:
Guest editor of several books and journal issues. Editor of British
Journal of Nutrition (start 01/2012).
Koku Beğenilernin Nitel ve Nicel Duyusal Yöntemlerle Belirlenmesi
Ömür UÇAR, Fatih YILDIZ, Celalettin R. ÇELEBİ
Gazi Üniversitesi Giyim Endüstrisi ve Moda Tasarımı Eğitimi Bölümü, [email protected]
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, [email protected]
Akropol Hastanesi Dermatoloji Birimi, [email protected]
Bu araştırmada, hoş kokulara karşı geliştirilen algının, nesnel duyusal yöntemlerinden olan EEG
ölçümleri ve öznel duyusal yöntemlerinden anket ile toplanan veriler arasındaki korelasyonun
belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Duyusal analizler, ölçüm aracı olarak insan kullanımını içerir. Bu durum ölçümler için doğrudan
problem oluşturur. Çünkü bireyler; deneyimleri, beklentileri ve hassasiyetleri açısından oldukça
değişkendirler ve her insan aynı ürünü farklı algılayabilir. Bu nedenle değişkenleri en aza indirmek, nitel duyusal analizi; psiko-fizik bir yöntem olan nicel duyusal değerlendirme ile desteklemek ölçümün güvenirliliği açısından oldukça önemlidir.
Çalışmada farklı koku ailelerinden seçilmiş toplam 13 hoş koku formu - portakal çiçeği, yasemin,
şeftali, aldehit, musk, vanilya, sandal ağacı, çimen, amber, bergamut, çam, gül, paçuli lanılmıştır.
Deneye 18 - 25 yaş arası sağ elini kullanan sağlıklı 19 erkek ve 19 bayan öğrenci katılmıştır.
Deneye katılan kişilere 13 farklı koku tek tek koklatılmış, T3- T4- T5- T6 noktalarından alınan
EEG ölçümleri kaydedilmiştir. EEG ölçümü alınan her deneğin de kokulara ilişkin öznel duyusal
değerlendirmeleri alınmıştır.
Bu çalışmada, EEG ölçümünü de içine alan nicel duyusal değerlendirme ile nitel duyusal değerlendirmeden kaydedilen sonuçlar karşılaştırılarak ulaşılan iki farklı veri arasındaki ilişki ve bu yöntemlerin güçlü - zayıf yanları tartışılacaktır.
15.11.1974 tarihinde Sakaryaʼda doğdu. 1996 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Kuaförlük ve Güzellik Bilgisi
Eğitimi Anabilim Dalından mezun oldu. 1997 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Mesleki Eğitim Fakültesi
Kuaförlük ve Güzellik Bilgisi Eğitimi Anabilim Dalında Araştırma Görevlisi olarak göreve başladı.
2001 yılında Gazi Üniversitesi Yüksek Lisans Eğitimini tamamladı. 2007 yılında Doktora programına başladı. Halen tez aşamasındadır.
Şu anda Gazi Üniversitesi Mesleki Eğitim Fakültesi Kuaförlük ve Güzellik Bilgisi Eğitimi Anabilim
Dalında Öğretim Görevlisi ve Anabilim Dalı Başkanı olarak görevine devam etmektedir.
Ulusal yayınlarda yayınlanmış 3 makalesi, ulusal kurum fonlu 1 projesi, uluslar arası 1 bildirisi,
ulusal 13 bildirisi bulunmaktadır. Makyaj, cilt bakımı ve hoş kokular alanlarında çalışmalarını
Advanced Developments of Functional Foods and
Their Role in Health and Wellness
Dr. Athan Labropoulos
Technological Educational Institute of Athens
Functional foods are the reality on the global market is here to stay and to grow. Analysts predict
for the nutraceutical market to be worth $2 billion by 2012 in Europe alone. However, the path
from the initial concept through the development and marketing is fraught with many difficulties
which are not only regulatory and legislative issues but also marketing communication with customers for product benefit understands. An international survey found a “significantly” increased
awareness of the health benefits associated with heart health (CVD, Cholesterol), intestinal inflammations, and cancer as the top health concerns among American, European and other nations
of the world. Thus, today is more important than ever to compact the above diseases through
healthy nutritional solutions such as brand plant sterols, Omega – 3 fatty acids in their food products. But an excellent solution can be a biological strategy to prevent infections via pro- and prebiotics which can influence the populations and activities of colonizing bacteria in the
gastrointestinal tract, thereby exerting an impact to human health – improve intestinal health (e.g.
anti-colon cancer), immune system modulation, etc. However, innovative probiotic strains opening
new development initiatives in food (bakery) and beverage (dairy) product categories. This became
reality through to the advancement technology which became able to survive probiotic strains
through harsh manufacturing processes such as baking (breads) and freezing (frozen yogurts) as
well as the acidic environment of the digestive tract. These probiotic strains are relaying their
robust effectiveness to a seed-like (spores) patented technology which accounts for the strains
superior viability. This study will provide (i) vital platform of probiotic functionality, (ii) a discussion
to recent developments in the functional (bakery) industry, and (iii) aid to explore these developments and implications to other food and beverage products and business.
The Possible Cancer Chemopreventive Activity of Spice Ginger
Moolky A**., Kolpe U.,** Satish B.S*.,
Nagabhushan M., Loyola University Chicago, Illinois, USA**
University of Illinois at chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA & Manipal University, Manipal, India*
Ginger is one of the commonly used spices for its characteristic pungency and flavor. Ginger extract (GE) and its active principles, gingerol (GL) and shogaol (SL) were tested in different model
system for their antimutagenic/anticarcinogenic activity. Salmonella/microsome is a short-term
assay developed to detect human carcinogens as mutagens were used for these studies. GE, GL
and SL in two model system, inhibited the formation of mutagenic glucose + lysine in TA100 without
metabolic activation (S9mix) and glucose + lysine + creatinine pyrolysates in TA98 with S9mix.
Mailard reaction plays an important role in diabetes and age-related degenerative diseases. The
observed inhibition of mutagenicity by GL and SL is by direct interaction. High consumption of
dried fish is correlated with high incidence of stomach cancer. GE, GL and SL also inhibited the
formation of mutagenic nitroso-compounds from dried fish extract (amines/amides) and nitrite
(vegetables) at pH2.0. Nitroso-componds are carcinogenic to humans. Ginger extract, gingerol
and shogaol dose dependently inhibited benzo(a)pyrene (BP)-induced mutagenicity in TA98 with
S9mix. GE, GL and SL lowered the excretion of urinary mutagens in BP fed mice. In the same
animal there was decrease in DNA damage as determined by decrease in the bone marrow micronuclei. Finally, feeding 0.5g of ginger powder decreased urinary excretion of mutagens in active
and passive cigarette smokers. BP is an environmental pollutant and food contaminant and tobacco smoke known to increase the incidence of several types of cancers such as lung cancer,
childhood leukemia, asthma and respiratory diseases. These results suggest that ginger in human
diet may prevent many types of human chronic diseases through different mechanisms.
The Role of Certain Plant Based Inhibitors in the Struggle of a
Foodborne Pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus
Abant Izzet BAYSAL University, Department of Biology, 14280, Bolu, TURKEY.
Methycillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSS) and four methycillin resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRS), the important foodborne pathogen is inhibited by the plant based inhibitors, fermented sumach(Rhus coriaria), eau de rose, and oregano extract.
The plant based inhibitors have gained a great concern due to their practical use in both industry
and housewide food manufacturing. Among these products, Eau de rose, fermented sumach and
oregano extract have shown impact on the important foodborne pathogen Staphylococcus aureus.
89 Staphylococci isolates were investigated in this study from patients in a hospital and 41 of them
were found to be the slime producer isolates. Nine methycillin sensitive (MSS) and four methycillin
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRS) was isolated. These isolates were found to be strongly
inhibited mainly by the fermented sumach and subsequently by eau de rose.
Keywords: Eau de rose, fermented sumach, Staphylococcus aureus
Anahtar kelimeler: Gülsuyu, Sumak ekşisi, Staphylococcus aureus
Seyhun YURDUGÜL was born in Ankara on February,12th, 1972.He was graduated from Hacettepe University,Department of Biology in 1993 with a B.S. degree, and then he pursued towards M.S. degree in the Middle East Technical
University, Department of Biochemistry and he was graduated from this program with the thesis topic of ʻBiochemistry of Chlorolignin and Chloropesticide
Degradationʼ in 1996. His Ph.D. thesis was completed in 2002 with the topic
of ʻScreening of Bacteriocin Producers in Controlling the Malolactic Fermentation in Winesʼ in the Middle East Technical University, Department of Biochemistry. He started his
teaching position in 1998 in Abant Izzet BAYSAL University. Between 1999-2002 he was a research assistant in the Middle East Technical University, Department of Food Engineering, and
he was ranked as an Assistant Professor in Abant Izzet BAYSAL University in 2003. He is currently
a faculty member of the Department of Biology, Abant Izzet BAYSAL University as an Associate
Professor since 2010. His main interests are edible coatings, plant based antimicrobial substances, ultrasonication, hurdle technology and bacteriocins.
Control of the Citrus Disease Complex in Iraq
Bassima G. Antoon1; Ismail Ibrahim2 and Sameer Abd Al-Razzak2
Plant Protection Research Center; State Board for Agriculture Research, Abu-Ghraib,
Baghdad, Iraq.
State Board for Plant Protection, Abu-Ghraib, Baghdad,Iraq.
An Experiment was conducted in Doura Citrus orchard, Baghdad, Iraq during the spring season
of 2009. Roots were severely infected with citrus-root nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans and
the fungus Phytophthora citrophthora and die back symptoms were highly observed on the vegetative growth, beside that the yield of these trees was very poor. The experiment was consisted
of 16 treatments using the 3 nematicides (Rugby (Cadusafos); Mocap and Garland) and 3 fungicides (Previcure. Agrifos, Nando) and control (untreated) with 3 replicates/treatment. Each treatment was about 50m2 and consists 10 citrus trees using Complete Randomized Block Design
(CRBD). Soil and root samples were taken a week before treatment and 6 months after treatment
for nematode extraction (250g soil and 1g roots) and for fungus using PDA for germination.
Results indicated that all the fungicides applied had no effect on citrus root nematode, but when
they were applied with nematicides simultaneously there was a sharp decline in nematode population. All the nematicides applied in this experiment were highly effective against the nematode
and significantly reduced their number compared to the untreated (control) plot. But Rugby
(Cadusafos) was significantly effective than the other nematicides. Number of nematodes in 250g
soil and 1 g root reduced from 3833.3 and 1876 juvenile before treatment to 333.3 and 124 juveniles after treatment respectively. Similar effect was found when these nematicides were applied
with the fungicides for controlling the disease complex and it was found that Rugby again was significantly highly effective than the other applied nematicides.
Full Name:
Present Position &
Full Address :
Basima Gorge Anton
State Board for Agricultural Research, Abu-Ghraib, Baghdad,
Date & Place of Birth:
1950 , Mousl, Iraq
Research Experience:
36 years .
Teaching Experience:
19 years
Educational Qualifications: B.Sc. Since College, University of Mousl , 1971.
M.Sc. Since College, University of Baghdad , 2005.
Field Speciality:
Major Specialty : Plant Pathology
Minor Specialty : Plant Nematology.
Recent Advance made in
Field of research specialization: For the first time in the world and Iraq New Races of
Meloidogyne javanica and Angunia tritici were in identified.
Training Coures
Principles of statistics two month 1978. Baghdad . Iraq.
Technical training in plant pathology, plant physiology, Formulation of pesticides. Field evaluation methods of principles. 3 months. Japan, 1985- 1986.
Applying pesticides in the field . 2 weeks. Baghdad. 1989.
Experimental Designes. Iraqi Atomic Energy. 1995
General plant pathology course, Baghdad. 1997.
Applying new technology for Sorghum , Baghdad. 1998.
Traning course in computer since college, Baghdad, Iraq.
Professional Scientific
Conferences Attended:
1st , Scientific Conference of the State Board for Agricultural Research , Baghdad, Iraq.1984.
1st , Conference of Biology, Science College, of ibn- Al – Haitham Baghdad University,1998.
Third Scientific Conference of the Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Baghdad.
9th Arab Congress of Plant Protection.Domasques,Syria
10th Arab Congress of Plant Protection. Beirut, lebanan
7th Scientific Conference of the Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Baghdad. 2009.
The Antioxidant Effects of Capparis Ovata and Deferasırox in
Patients With Thalassemia Major
Handan Duman1, Duran Canatan1, Güchan Alanoğlu2, Recep Sütçü3, Tufan Nayır4
Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Pediatric Hematology,
Department of Adult Hematology,
Department of Biochemistry,
Department of Public Health. Isparta / TURKEY
Introduction: Iron overload is one of the contributing cause of oxidative stress in thalassemic patients. As iron excesses transferrin capacity; a low molecular weight iron called non-transferrin
bound iron (NTBI) and its portion called labil plasma iron (LPI) occurs and causes production of
oxygen-free radicals resulting in depletion of protective antioxidants. Also auto-oxidation of globin
chains and premature hemolysis of red cell enhances the oxidative damage in thalassemic patients. Capparis, a member of Capparidacaeae family, is used in phytomedicine as an anti-oxidative, hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory and anti-hepatotoxic agent . The buds contain lipids,
alcaloids, flavanoid and polyphenols. It is known that the antioxidant effect of capparis is formed
by the composition of flavanoids and polyphenols in its compound. It has been shown that iron
chelator agents have antioxidant effect on thalassemic patients. Under the highlights of these
findings we hypothese that an improvement in oxidative status of patients with thalassemia would
be possible with the combination of antioxidant plant and a new oral chelator deferasirox. In the
present study, we aimed to investigate the antioxidant effects of capparis ovatta and deferasirox
in thalassemic patients.
Material and methods: A total 40 patients with thalassemia major aged between 7-30 years, who
have been taken regular red cell transfusion 15 cc/kg/month to maintain Hb >10 gr/dl) and chelation (Deferasirox:30 mg/kg/day) for one year are involved. They were divided into two groups as
control and study group randomly. Both study and control groups were followed by regular transfusion and chelation therapy. In addition study group have been taken the marmalade of dried
capparis ovata the breakfast with a dose of a dessert-spoon (12.5 gr) younger than 10 years
and a soup-spoon (25 gr) older than 10 years for 6 months. Hematological, biochemical parameters, ferritin at every month and antioxidant enzymes (MDA, CAT, GPX, SOD) were measured at
the beginning and at the end of the study.
Results: Serum ferritin and MDA levels declined significiantly in both groups (control group p=
0.00; study group p=0.00) during the study. There was statistically decrease occured at MDA
levels in the capparis given group (p=0.02), but no statistically significant difference between
the groups at the initial and last SOD, CAT, GPX levels.
Conclusion: our findings suggest that combination of capparis ovata with deferasirox may have
additive effect on decreasing the oxidative damage and hepatoxicity. This is preliminary work, it
needs further works.
Key words: Thalassemia, antioxidants, capparis ovata
Protective Effects of Capparis Ovata on Experimental
6 –Mercaptopurine Hepatotoxcitiy and Oxidative Stress in Rats
Tuğçe Tülümen1, Ali Ayata1, Metehan Özen1, Recep Sütçü2, Duran Canatan1
Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Pediatrics,
Department of Biochemistry. Isparta / TURKEY
Introduction: 6-Mercaptopurin (6-MP) is an oral purin analogue which inhibits the purine synthesis
via being converted to ribonucleotide. 6-MP is being widely used in cancer chemotherapy and immunosuppressive therapy. The major side effects which limits the clinical practice of 6-MP are hepatotoxicity and bone marrow suppression. Capparis, a member of Capparidacaeae family, is used
in phytomedicine as an anti-oxidative, hypolipidemic, anti-inflammatory and anti-hepatotoxic agent
.In this study, the protective effect of Capparis ovata which is an antioxidant plant, against to the
hepatotoxicity of 6-MP was investigated.
Material and methods: The experiment animals (rats) were divided to 4 groups as “control” (n=8),
6-MP (n=10), C. ovata (n=10) and 6-MP/CAP respectively. Serum physiologic was given to the
control group, while 6-MP group received only 6-MP; C. ovata group received only C. ovata and
the 6-MP- C. ovata group received both C. ovata and 6-MP during the study period of 14 days.
On the fifteenth day, biochemical tests in blood besides the histopathological and biochemical
analyses in liver tisssue were performed after the study was terminated.
Results: SOD, GSH-Px, catalase levels were low and MDA was high in blood and tissue samples
of 6-MP group at the end of the study (p<0.05). There were neither any decrease in antioxidant
enzyme levels nor any increase in MDA levels in 6-MP/CAP group(p<0.05). Transaminase levels
were high, thrombocyte and leukocyte levels were low in 6-MP group, despite normal transaminase
levels and normal leukocyte levels which was observed in 6-MP/C. ovata group(p<0.05).
Conclusion:These findings reveal that C. ovata prevents the biochemical and histopathological
hepatotoxicity and bone marrow suppression which was induced by 6-MP via increasing the lipid
peroxidation, synthesis of free oxygen species and decreasing the antioxidant enzyme activity.
Key Words: Capparis ovata, drug induced hepatotoxicity, 6mercaptopurine
6-Merkaptopurin ile Oluşturulan Deneysel Hepatotoksisite ve Oksidatif Stres Üzerine
Capparis Ovataʼnın Koruyucu Etkilerinin Araştırılması
Giriş ve amaç: 6-Merkaptopürin(6-MP), ribonükleotide dönüştürülerek pürin sentezini inhibe eden
oral pürin analoğudur. Klinikte, kanser kemoterapisinde ve immünsüpresif tedavi amacıyla yaygın
olarak kullanılmaktadır. Kullanımını kısıtlayan en önemli yan etkisi hepatotoksisite ve kemik iliği
depresyonudur. Bu çalışmada 6-MPʼnin karaciğer dokusunda oluşturduğu toksisiteye karşı antioksidan bir bitki olan Capparis ovataʼnın (CAP) koruyucu etkileri araştırıldı.
Materyal ve yöntem: Çalışmaya alınan ratlar, 8 i kontrol, 10 u 6-MP, 10 u CAP ve 10 u 6-MP+CAP
grubu olmak üzere dört gruba ayrıldı. CAP 1 gramlık poşet çayları hergün 100 mL kaynatılmış distile su içinde 10 dakika kaynatılıp, 15 dakikada buzdolabında +4 derecede soğutulup %2ʼlik
solüsyon hazırlanıp 1 mL gavaj ile, 6-MP ise her gün 5mg/gün (1ml) gavajla ratlara verildi. On dört
gün boyunca kontrol grubuna serum fizyolojik 1mL/gün, 6-MP grubuna sadece 6-MP, CAP grubuna
sadece C. ovata, 6-MP/CAP grubuna ise 6-MP ve C. ovata birlikte gavajla uygulandı. Deney 15.
günde sonlandırılarak kanda tam kan sayımı ve karaciğer fonksiyon testleri, kan ve karaciğer
dokusunda anti-oksidan enzim parametreleri ve karaciğer dokusunda histolojik analizler yapıldı.
SOD, GSH-Px, Katalaz ve MDA aktivitesi literatüre uygun bir şekilde hemolizat ve doku homojenatından çalışıldı.
Sonuçlar: Deney sonunda, 6-MP grubundan elde edilen doku ve kan örneklerinde, diğer 3 gruba
göre süperoksid dismutaz, glutatyon peroksidaz ve katalaz düzeyleri düşük, malondialdehit düzeyi
(MDA) ise yüksek olarak saptandı (p<0.005). 6-MP/CAP grubunda ise antioksidan enzimlerde
düşme, MDA değerinde ise yükselme saptanmadı (p<0.005). Aynı şekilde 6-MP grubunda
transaminaz yüksekliği gelişirken, 6-MP/CAP grubunda yükselme saptanmadı (p<0,05). Histolojik
olarak 6-MP grubunda apopitozis yoğunluğu diğer 3 gruba göre anlamlı yüksek saptandı. Kan
sayımında ise 6-MP grubunda beyaz küre ve trombosit sayıları düşerken, 6-MP/CAP grubunda
beyaz küre sayısında düşüklük saptanmadı (p<0.005).
Sonuç olarak; bu bulgular 6-MPʼnin lipid peroksidasyonu ve serbest oksijen radikallerinin sentezini
artırıp, anti-oksidan enzim etkinliğini azaltarak hepatotoksisite ve kemik iliği depresyonuna yol
açtığını, Capparis ovataʼnın histopatolojik ve biyokimyasal düzeyde hepatotoksisiteyi önleyebileceğini göstermektedir. Capparis ovataʼnın 6-MPʼye bağlı gelişen karaciğer hasarını önlemede etkin
olabileceğini gösteren çalışmamız, bu konuda yapılan ilk deneysel araştırma olduğundan literatüre
yapacağı katkı da oldukça önemlidir.
Anahtar kelimeler: 6-Merkaptopürin, hepatotoksisite, oksidatif stres, Capparis Ovata
Uz. Dr. Tuğçe Tulumen
SDÜ Tıp F. den ihtisas aldıktan sonra Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Uzmanı
olarak, Akşehir Devlet Hastanesinde zorunlu hizmetini sürdürmektedir.
Chemical Quality Assessments of Five Local Fresh Fish
Zaid Kh. Khidhir
Bahrouz M. A. Jaff
Hatem H. Saleh
Animal production dept.
Faculty of Agric. Sci.
Univ. of Sulaimani/ Iraq
Biology dept.
Faculty of Scien
Univ. of Sulaimani/ Ir
Animal resource dept.
College of Agriculture.
Univ. of Baghdad/Iraq
The aim of this study to assess the quality of five types of local, most heavily traded and widespread in Sulaymani, fresh fish including Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), Silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), Common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Bizz (Barbus esocinus) and Shabbout
(Barbas grypus), different standard inspection tests were applied.
Chemical evaluation revealed acceptable results with significant differences in examined fish, total
volatile basic nitrogen (TVN) was12.23 for Bizz to 16.41mg N/100gm for Silver carp, and Dimethylamine (DMA) valued 0.142 for Bizz to 0.365mg N/100gm for Silver carp. Wild inhabitant graded
significantly better chemical properties than farmed amongst farmable types. The licensed markets
sold five types which graded chemical properties significantly better than those unlicensed markets
sold counterparts. Except Silver carp which contained too low of ammonia concentration (mean
value 0.135 mg N/100gm) the remaining four types were ammonia free.
It can concluded that The best fresh fish type among the five types tested was Bizz, followed by
Shabbout, Grass carp, Common carp while the lowest one was Silver carp
Effects of Ascorbic Acid on Reproductive Indices of Malaysian Prawn
Kamran Reazei Tavabe, Mr.
University of Tehran
[email protected]
Vitamin C or ascorbic acid in hatchery water of aquatic animal's broodstock plays an important
role in disease resistance, reduce stress, repair of damaged tissues in the body and absorb the
necessary material to form the body skeleton. Improving the living conditions of Malaysian prawn
broodstock in hatchery tanks can be a great impact on increasing their reproductive indices. In
this study to determine the optimal concentration of vitamin C in tanks water of Malaysian prawn
broodstock (n=20), four treatments with concentrations of zero (control), 5, 10 and 15 mg/l were
conducted. Then after a reproductive cycle, the clutch eggs transferred to abdominal section of
the animals were removed and reproductive parameters such as total fecundity index, GSI index,
fertilized eggs percentage, egg size and weight were compared. The results showed that total fecundity index has no significant differences among treatments (P> 0.05) but fertilized eggs percentage in treatment with concentration of 10 mg/l showed significant differences with other
treatments (P< 0.05). GSI index, egg size and weight in treatment with 5 mg/l showed better levels
than the others.
Keywords : Malaysian prawn, ascorbic acid, Hatchery, Reproductive indices
Release and Absorption of Carnosine During Digestion
A. Nagy*, E. Szerdahelyi, J. Szamos, É. Gelencsér
Central Food Research Institute, Unit of Biology, Hungary
*[email protected]
Carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) is a dipeptide, which is highly concentrated in muscle and brain
tissues. It has antioxidant activity, buffering capacity and different therapeutic effects. Carnosine
can be considered as a bioactive food component with several potential health benefits.
Our research aim is to assess the release and absorption of carnosine during digestion of different
meat models (raw and heat treated pork meat samples) using in vivo animal (rat) model.
To determine the release or absorption of the carnosine rat gut fluids and plasma was sampled
after 0, 15, 30, 60, 90 minutes of oral administration of meat models. Capillary zone electrophoretic
method was used to determine the carnosine content in meat and biological fluids. For screening
the fate of carnosine Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was also developed. The
carnosine dipeptide hapten antigen was conjugated to helper proteins (BSA, OVA) to develop
polyclonal antibodies and carnosine specific competitive indirect ELISA was set up. In this presentation our preliminary results are presented.
This work was supported by DREAM (FP7-KBBE-2007-2A) project
Name: András Nagy
Date of birth: 01. June 1977
Place of birth: Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary
Permanent Home Address: Kőér u. 44/10, H-1103, Budapest Hungary
Office: Central Food Research Institute-KÉKI Department of Biology
Herman Ottó u. 15 H-1022, Budapest Hungary
Tel: +36-1-355-8244/618
Fax: +36-1-225-3342
E-mail: [email protected]
food quality
Budapest, University of Technology and Economics, M.Sc. Bioengineer-faculty of
Budapest, Corvinus University of Budapest, Ph. D., Food Sciences
Work experience
KÉKI Department of Biology/ research expert
KÉKI Department of Biology/ scientific co-worker, PhD student
2001-2004 Centre of Excellence fellowship, 2*6 months in the Institute of Animal Reproduction of
the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn, subject: Studies on immunomodulative effect of selected food (probiotics) & Non-enzymatic glycation of soluble wheat proteins of herbicide resistant
transformed wheat lines as a source of immunogenic and allergenic and products
2009-……… KEKI Deparment of Biology/ scientific worker
Perakende Satışa Sunulan Kefirlerin
Mikrobiyolojik Kalitesinin Belirlenmesi
Uludağ Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi, Besin Hijyeni ve Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalı, 16059
Görükle, Bursa.
Söz konusu çalışma, Bursaʼda perakende satışa sunulan kefir örneklerinin mikrobiyolojik kalitesini
belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirildi. İncelenen 50 adet örnekte enterokok, Enterobacteriaceae,
Staphylococcus aureus ve maya sayıları sırasıyla ortalama 4.8x104 kob/ml, 7.3x103 kob/ml,
2.4x102 kob/ml ve 7.7x104 kob/ml olarak belirlenirken; 26 örnekte <0.30 MPN/ml, 5 örnekte >110
MPN/ml ve 19 örnekte ortalama 5.3 MPN/mlʼlik koliform kontaminasyonu gözlendi. Örneklerin
11ʼinden (% 22) Escherichia coli izole edildi. Kimyasal analizlerle ortalama pH, asitlik, yağ ve kurumadde değerlerinin sırasıyla 4.3, %0.8 L.A., %2.3 ve %11.3 olduğu tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak,
mikrobiyolojik bulgular kefir örneklerinin E. coli ve S. aureus gibi patojen mikroorganizmalarla kontamine olduğunu ve halk sağlığına yönelik olası riskleri ortaya koydu.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Kefir, mikrobiyolojik kalite, patojen bakteri
Determination of the Microbiological Quality of Kefir at Retail Level
The present study was conducted to determine of microbiological quality of kefir samples at the
retail level in Bursa province. In fifty samples investigated, the coliform contamination of <0.30
MPN/ml in 26, >110 MPN/ml in 5 and the average 5.3 MPN/ml in 19 of the samples was observed,
while the mean numbers of enterococci, enterobacteriacea, Staphylococcus aureus and yeast
were determined as 4.8x104 cfu/ml, 7.3x103 cfu/ml, 2.4x102 cfu/ml and 7.7x104 cfu/ml, respectively.
Escherichia coli was isolated from 11 (22%) of the samples. By chemical analysis, the mean pH,
acidity, fat and dry matter values of kefir were found as 4.3, 0.8 L.A.%, 2.3 % and 11.3 %, respectively. As a result, the microbiological findings showed the contamination of kefir samples with
pathogen microorganisms such as E. coli and S. aureus and thus possible risks for public health.
Key Words: Kefir, microbiological quality, pathogen bacteria
In Vitro Rate of Gas Production of Canola Seed Affected by
Different Heat Treatments
M.Sahebi ala1, F. Kafilzadeh3, M. Heidary2
M.Sc. Students of Animal Science.
Associate Professor.
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
*Corresponding E. mail: [email protected]
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different heat treatments of canola seed on in
vitro gas production parameters and estimated metabolizable energy (ME) of canola seed. Treatments were; untreated canola seed, toasted (at 300°C for 1min), wave oven treated (at 125˚C for
20 min) and moist heat treated (autoclaving at 127°C with a steam pressure of 117 KPa for 30
min) canola seed. Amount of gas produced (ml /200mg DM) during fermentation was determined
after 0, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h of incubation in buffered rumen fluid. The gas production
kinetics were described using the equation: G= A (1-e-c (t-L)-d ( - )) where; G (ml) denotes cumulative gas production at time t, A (ml) is asymptotic gas production, c (h−1) and d (h−1/2) are rate
constants and L (h) is lag time. Crude protein, ether extract, natural detergent fiber, acid detergent
fiber, and ash were 217, 348, 237, 164 and 397 (g/kg DM), respectively. Total gas production (A)
ranged from 24.11 to 16.09 (ml/200g DM) in untreated and heat treated canola seed, respectively.
Autoclaving significantly reduced half life (h) and increased the lag time of in vitro gas production.
Heat treatments reduced significantly, Potential gas production (A), the rate constants (c) and metabolizable energy (ME). However, toasting and wave oven treatment had similar effect on these
parameters. It was concluded that heat treatment especially, autoclaving was an effective method
of reducing rumen gas producing but the rate at which gas was produced behaved differently with
different method of heat treatment.
Key words: Canola seed, In vitro gas production, Heat treatments
A Novel Immunological Technique for Detection of Gramicidin (S)
Producing Bacteria
Assistant Prof. Dr. Fouad Houssen
Ph.D.Medical micro biology, Al-Mustansiryah Uni./Iraq
Date of Birth: 1-7-1959
Place of birth: Dyalia/ Iraq
eMail: [email protected]
Nationality: Iraqi
Scientist with experiences as university lecturer and laboratory work and diagnostic kits processing
(in the field of Microbiology, Immunology, Endo-crinology),Radioimmunoassay, tumors marker and
quality control.
Sulaimaniyha University, Sulaimniyah -Iraq, B.Sc. Biology
Salahaddin University, Erbil-Iraq, MSc Medical Microbiology
Mustansiryah University, Baghdad-Iraq, PhD Medical Microbiology
Obtain Assistant Prof. Degree.
Research member of Iraqi Atomic Energy, Baghdad-Iraq (Production of diagnostic kits, Head of medical laboratory).
Research member of Ministry of Science and Technology, BaghdadIraq, (Production of diagnostic kits, Head of medical laboratory)
During 2003
Team leader (Quality control) by Technology and Research Center in
Sulaimaniyha- Iraq.
2006- 2011
lecturer in Erbil Medical Technical Institute , Iraq.
RNA Interferans Etkisi: Daha Uzun Bir Raf Ömrü
¹Ege Üniversitesi,Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoteknoloji ABD, 35100 Bornova İZMİR
²Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü 35100 Bornova İZMİR
[email protected] ( 0530 934 35 34 ), [email protected]
RNA interferans; uygun çift zincirli RNAʼnın hücreye girdiği zaman endojenik komplementer
mesajcı RNA dizisinin parçalanmasına yol açan, transkripsiyon sonrası gen susturma mekanizmasıdır. Bu yöntem; tarımdan tıbba kadar pek çok alanda farklı hedefler doğrultusunda gerçekleştirilen uygulamalar sonucunda, daha önceden yapılması mümkün görülmeyen pek çok
uygulama yapılabilir hale getirmiştir.
RNA interferans, günümüzde abiyotik ve biyotik stres koşullarına dayanıklılık, besin değerinin arttırımı, toksik bileşenlerin ve alerjenlerin eliminasyonu, çiçeklerde renk ve kokuda yapılabilecek
modifikasyonlar, sekonder metabolitlerin yeniden yapılandırılması, tohumsuz meyve geliştirilmesi
gibi tarımda ürün geliştirme çalışmalarında çok geniş uygulama alanında rol almaktadır.
RNA interferans, ürünlerin raf ömrünü uzatmak amacıyla da kullanılan bir teknik olup, farklı
biyokimyasal yol izleri üzerinde raf ömrüne etki eden farklı enzimlerin inaktive edilmesine çalışılmaktadır. Bu enzimlerle, 1-aminosiklopropen-1- karboksilazın (ACC) etilene oksidasyonunu
sağlayan ACC oksidaz enziminin inaktivasyonu, hücre duvarının parçalanmasını sağlayan N-glycan enziminin baskılanması, pektat liyaz enziminin RNAi ekspresyon vektörüne ilave edilmesi gibi
çeşitli uygulamalar yapılmaktadır. RNA interferans metoduyla raf ömrünün uzatılmasına ilişkin
çalışmalarda bir diğer eğilim; tohumsuz meyve üretiminin raf ömrü ve kalitesine olan olumlu etkisi
göz önüne alınarak yapılan gen baskılama çalışmalarıdır. Bu çalışmalar; oksin, giberellin sinyal
yol izi, oksin taşınmasıyla ilgili flavanoid yol izi ve etilen sinyalinde çeşitli genlerin baskılanmasıyla
gerçekleştirilmektedir. Raf ömrüne ilişkin RNA interferans uygulamaları en çok domateste yapılmakla birlikte mango, muz, çilek, kivi, papaya gibi farklı meyvelerde de çalışılmakta ve farklı ürünlerin 30 ile 120 gün arasında raf ömrü arttırılabilmektedir.
Bu derlemede RNA interferans metodu ile bu metot kullanarak raf ömrünün uzatılmasına yönelik
yapılan çalışmalar açıklanacaktır.
Anahtar kelimeler: RNA Interferans, meyve, raf ömrü
Effect of RNA Interference: A Longer Shelf Life
RNA interference is a post-transcriptional gene silencing mechanism which the appropriate double-stranded RNA into a cell that led to the disintegration of the endogenous complementary messenger RNA sequence. This method, from agriculture to medicine in line with the objectives of
different applications in many areas as a result, many applications previously not possible to be
done can be made.
Today, RNA interference takes a very large role in the field of application such as resistance to
abiotic and biotic stress, nutritional value of the increase, the elimination of toxic compounds and
allergens, flower color and scent modifications can be made, the restructuring of secondary
metabolites, the development of seedless fruits, product development work in agriculture.
RNA interference, is a technique used in order to extend the shelf life of products, traces of lead
in different biochemical effects on the shelf-life of the different enzymes studied to be inactivated.It
can be possible various implementations with these enzymes such as 1-aminocyclopropene-1carboxylase (ACC), ACC oxidase enzyme inactivation that the oxidation of ethylene, which can
dissolve the cell wall enzyme, inhibition of N-glycan, pektate lyase enzyme, RNAi expression vector. A method other tendency for the extension of shelf life by RNA interference studies is shelf life
and quality of seedless fruit production, taking into account the positive impact of the work of gene
suppression.These studies is carried out suppression of a variety of flavonoid genes about auxin,
giberellin signal path trace, trace of auxin and ethylene signal path on the transportation. Most of
the shelf life applications of RNA interference undertakes at tomatoes, mango, banana, strawberries, kiwi fruit, different fruits such as papaya, and also studied the shelf life of different products
can be increased from 30 to 120 days.
In this review, RNA interference method and extension of shelf-life studies by using this method
is will be explain.
Key words: RNA interference, fruit, shelf life
Biological Evaluation of Prepared Toast Bread
Using Some Medicinal Plants
El-Demery, Mervat1, Owon.M,A2 Abd El Ghany, A.M3 and Zedan, Nahla1
1 Home Economic Dept, Fac .of Specific Education, Khafr El sheikh Univ .Egypt.
2-Food Sci &Techno Dept ,Fac. of Agric Khafr El Sheikh Univ .Egypt.
3-Home Economic Dept Fac .of Specific Education, Mansoura Univ .Egypt.
Toast bread was prepared using different substitution levels (10,15,20) of some medicinal plants
( Ginkgo biloba leaves, Fenugreek seeds, Marjoram leaves and mixture of them). The sensory
evaluation of obtained products indicate that the successful replacement of different herbs either
individual herbs or mixture of them( 1:1:1) was 15%. The chemical composition of toast bread with
medicinal plants (15% substitution) was determined. The fenugreek toast bread had the highest
protein content (12.28%). The toast bread treated with these medicinal plants was biologically
evaluated using injured liver rats. TG, total cholesterol and LDLc values of rats fed on Ginkgo
biloba and Fenugreek toast bread were significantly decreased while the values of HDLc were increased compared with those control group. vLDLc and LDLc values were significantly changed.
SOD, GPX and CAT values were increased significantly in all treated groups compared with control
.AST, ALT, ALP and LDH values were decreased significantly in all treated groups compared with
positive control groups. So it can be suggested that there medicinal plants ( Ginkgo biloba leaves,
Fenugreek seeds, Marjoram leaves) may be used in preparation of toast bread for lipid lowering
and liver functions improvement purpose.
Key words: Ginkgo biloba, inured liver, Fenugreek seeds, Marjoram, toast bread, chemical composition, Lipid profile and liver function.
: El-Demery
First Name : Mervat
Full Name : Mervat Ibrahim Metwally El-Demery
Academic Degree : PhD
Present Professional : Assoc. professor of Nutrition and Food science
Position: Home economics Dept. Fac. of Specific Education Kafr El-Sheikh Univ. Egypt.
: Egyptian
Date of Birth
: 29.06.1959
Place of Birth
: Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt.
Present Address : Assoc. Prof. Dr.Mervat el demery, Home Economics Dept. Fac. of Specific Education, Kafr El-Sheikh Univ. Egypt.
General Specialization: Home Economics.
Specific Specialization: Nutrition and Food Science.
Languages: 1. Arabic: Mother.
2.English : Good
B.Sc. Agriculture Science (Food science and Technology), Fac. of Agric. Kafr-El Sheikh, Tanta
Univ. Egypt (1981).
M.Sc. Agriculture Science (Food science and Technology), Fac. of Agric. Kafr-El sheikh, Tanta
Univ. Egypt (1990). [Technological and Microbiological Studies on Some Foods ]
Ph.D. Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture Kafr El-Sheikh, Tanta Univ., Egypt (2005).
[Technological and Chemical Studies on Some Foods :
Preparation of high nutritive value bakery products fortified with soy meal and wheat bran].
Nutrition Specialist, Food Technology Dept., Fac. of Agric., Kafr El-Sheikh, Tanta Univ., Egypt
(1983 – 1991).
Lecturer of nutrition and food science , Home Economic Dept., Fac. of Girls, Kass, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia (1991 – 2000).
Nutrition Specialist , Home Economic Dept., Fac. of Specific Education, Kafr El-Sheikh, Tanta
Univ. , Egypt (2000 – 2006).
Lecturer of nutrition and food science , Home Economic Dept., Fac. of Specific Education, Kafr El
Sheikh Univ., Egypt (2006 – 2011).
Assoc. Professor of Nutrition and Food science , Home Economic Dept., Fac. of Specific Education, Kafr El-Sheikh Univ., Egypt ( 2011 – till now)
Head of Educational Media Dept., Fac. of Specific Education, Kafr El-Sheikh Univ., Egypt (2011 –
until now).
Director of the Center of Public Service, Fac. of Specific Education , Kafr El-Sheikh Univ., Egypt (
2011 – until now)
Vice Dean of Community Service and Environmental Development, Fac. of Specific Education ,
Kafr El-Sheikh Univ., Egypt ( 2011 – till now)
5 Scientific Researches in Nutrition and Food Science are published in national al journals.
Attendance of more than 15 National and International Conferences.
Biological Evaluation of Prepared Toast Bread
Using Some Medicinal Plants
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Mervat Ibrahim Metwally El-Demery
Surname : El-Demery
First Name : Mervat
Full Name : Mervat Ibrahim Metwally El-Demery
Academic Degree : PhD
Present Professional : Assoc. professor of Nutrition and Food science
Position: Home economics Dept. Fac. of Specific Education Kafr El-Sheikh Univ. Egypt.
: Egyptian
Date of Birth
: 29.06.1959
Place of Birth
: Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt.
Present Address : Assoc. Prof. Dr.Mervat el demery, Home Economics Dept. Fac. of SpecificEducation, Kafr El-Sheikh Univ. Egypt.
General Specialization: Home Economics.
Specific Specialization: Nutrition and Food Science.
Languages: 1.Arabic: Mother.
2.English : Good
Effect of Sewage Sludge Application on Some Chemical Properties of
Soil, Growth and Mineral Composition of Corn
College of agriculture / university of Baghdad
e-mail: [email protected]
Pots used in the experiment with mixture of clay alluvial soil from the Abu Ghraib / Faculty of
Agriculture - Baghdad. The effect of the use of different rates (zero, 15 and 30, 60, (120 tons / ha
of sludge resulting from the heavy-water treatment plant in Rustumiya / Baghdad in the growth of
plant maize (zea mays L.) and the absorption of some nutrients and heavy. Put the soil in Plastic
pots of (6) kg capacity and a rate of (4) kg soil and placed in the wire canopy after adding sludge
under natural conditions and the design of factorial experiments are designed full of random with
three replicates and the results showed the following: an increase in the accumulation of dry matter
per plant increased the rate of used sludge The impact of treatments (60 and 120) tons of sludge
/ ha are the best treatments as compared to other treatments. The results also suggest an increase
in the moral content of the leaves of nitrogen and magnesium added to increase the rate of sludge
material and the effect of added rate (60 and (120 tons of sludge / ha are the best, as has been
noted little effect of these transactions in the content of the plant from each of phosphorus and
potassium, sodium, iron, manganese, cadmium, and results showed also that there is a slight increase from each of the zinc, copper and lead content in the plant under study.
Key words: sewage sludge, organic fertilizers, corn.
Prof. Dr. Hamid Hussain rijab al joubory
Date of birth :Baghdad 1954
Nationality : Iraqi
Status: married
Occupation: university of baghdad
Soil Conservation in the Legal Context
Razie Hassankhani, Roya Hassankhani
[email protected]
M.Sc. of Agricultural Mechanization of Tabriz-Iran Bayan1982 Bildirili
People need to use good quality soil. Today the pressures of population, economic, health and
local shifts, has led to massive destruction of soil. In recent years, soil degradation, has become
one of the international arena of environmental issues. This paper attempts to explain the value
and importance of soil in the survival of human life and the need to protect soil in the international
Keyords: conservation, convention, instrument, regulation, soil
Estimating Soil-Water Characteristic Curve Using Air Permeability and
Gas Diffusion
Mohhamad Reza Neyshabouri*a, Panah Mohamadia, Amir Hosein Nazemib, Abbas Ahmadia
a) Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
b) Department of Irrigation, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
Soil water characteristic curve (SMC) is a fundamental soil physical property that shows the functional relationship between moisture content and matric potential, and directly reflects the soil pore
size distribution. Moisture characteristic curve essentially depends on pore size distribution. With
knowing SMC one can easily predict hydraulic conductivity function. It is shown that SMC can be
described by air permeability (Ka) and gas diffusion (). In this study 30 undistributed soil samples
with various soil textures were subjected to different pressures (0-15000 cm) using hanging
columns or pressure plates. After achieving to equilibrium, their moisture content (Ө), Ka and were
measured by appropriate methods. Using the measured Ka and the equivalent pore radius of the
empty pores () at each moisture was computed and transformed to the equivalent water filled
pores at the corresponding moisture content. The latter were converted to matric potential (𝜓)
using the capillary equation. The resulted SMC for all 30 examined soils were well matched with
the experimental curves. The prediction accuracy of the method was examined by evaluating of ,
and statistics. The method used in this study showed very high accuracy to estimate the soil water
characteristic curve in most soil texture classes. Moreover the proposed method is quick and inexpensive because there is no need for pressure plate or suction plate apparatus. The accuracy
of the method was also compared with that of van Genuchten model. The results showed that the
applied method was especially capable in predicting soil matric potential from the soil moisture
contents much more accurate than the van Genuchten model particularly at lower range of moisture contents.
Keyword: Air permeability, Gas diffusion, Pore size, Soil moisture curve
Changes in DTPA Extractable Copper, Iron, Manganese and Zinc After Waterlogging and
Application of Sewage Sludge and Animal Manure in Two Different Soils
Nosratollah Najafi1*, Sanyye Mardomi1, Shahin Oustan1
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
*Correspondent Author e-mail: [email protected]
The effects of waterlogging, sewage sludge and animal manure on the concentrations of DTPA
extractable copper, iron, manganese and zinc were investigated in two different soils. A factorial
experiment based on completely randomized design with two replications including duration of
waterlogging at six levels (0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 days), source of organic fertilizer at three levels (control,
animal manure, sewage sludge) and soil type at two levels (one alkaline loamy sand soil and one
acidic clay soil) was carried out under laboratory conditions. Equal amounts of animal manure and
sewage sludge at the rate of 30 grams per kilogram of soil were added. During waterlogging period,
the water level was maintained 3 cm above the soil surface. The results showed that by increasing
the duration of soil waterlogging, the DTPA extractable Fe and Mn in both soils and all treatments
increased significantly and amount of increase in acidic clay soil was more than alkaline loamy
sand soil. After waterlogging, in all treatments except the control treatment in acid clay soil, manganese reduction rate was more than iron. By increasing the duration of soil waterlogging, the
DTPA extractable Cu and Zn in both soils and all treatments decreased significantly and amount
of decrease in acidic clay soil was more than alkaline loamy sand soil. By application of sewage
sludge and animal manure, the DTPA extractable Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in both soils increased significantly and amount of increase was dependent on the duration of soil waterlogging. There were
significant regression equations between the duration of soil waterlogging and concentrations of
DTPA extractable Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in both soils and all treatments. After waterlogging, the pH
of an alkaline soil increased in all treatments. The pH of an alkaline soil increased after application
of animal manure and decreased after application of sewage sludge.
Keywords: Waterlogging, Manure, Sewage sludge, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc.
Irrigation With Magnetized Water, A Novel Tool for Improving Crop
Productivity and Water Use Efficiency
Mahmoud Abdalla, Associate Prof.
[email protected]
National Research Centre, Tel: +201 26662524
Recently the critical problems being faced by the world are depleted water resources and increase
in food demands to cover the human needs and therefore water scarcity is being increasingly accepted as a major limitation for increased agricultural production and food security in the 21st century. Whenever good quality water is scarce, water of marginal quality will have to be considered
for use in agriculture. Soil desalination at such conditions is also a crucial problem being faced by
the agriculture sector. Therefore it is necessary to use good quality of irrigation water to fulfill the
requirement of agriculture. In this regard, new physical techniques based on the application of
magnetic fields including irrigation with magnetically treated water and/or magnetically treated
seed of crops, are being used in agriculture. Therefore, the present work was carried out to study
the response of growth, yield and yield components and some chemical constituents of some winter crops (wheat, faba bean, chick-pea, lentil, flax, canola and sugar beet) for irrigation with magnetized and normal water under field condition at National Research Centre, Egypt. All crops
exhibited marked increases in vegetative growth, chemical constitute i.e. photosynthetic pigments
(chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids) yield and yield component traits as a result of magnetized water application. The percent of increase in economic yield (ton/fed) reached to 13.71%
at wheat, 8.25% at faba bean, 21.8% at chick pea, 29.53% at lentil, 36.02% at canola, 22.37% at
flax and 19.05% at sugar beet crop. Crop water use efficiency also was improved for all tested
crops. The use of magnetized water for irrigation is recommended to save irrigation water under
newly reclaimed sand soil.
Key words: magnetized water- food crops- irrigation – Yield
Su Yastığı Sulama Yöntemi ile Sulanan Domateslerin Bazı
Fizikokimyasal Özelliklerin Belirlenmesi ve Damla Sulama Yöntemi ile
Sinan Gerçek1, Hasan Cankurt2, Adem Can3
Erciyes Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü, Kayseri-Türkiye
Sorumlu yazar: [email protected]
Erciyes Üniversitesi, Safiye Çıkrıkçıoğlu MYO, Gıda İşleme Bölümü, Kayseri-Türkiye
Erciyes Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü, Kayseri-Türkiye
Bu çalışmada su yastığı ve damla sulama yöntemleri ile sulanan domates meyvelerinin salça ve
ketçap üretimine uygunlukları bazı fizikokimyasal ölçütler açısından kıyaslanmıştır. Bu amaçla domatesler üzerinde pH, titrasyon asitliği (%), briks (%), kuru madde (%), serum ayrılması (%),
viskozite ve renk (L,a,b) analizleri yapılmıştır. Su yastığı ve damla sulama yöntemleri ile elde edilen
domatesler için sırası ile pH değeri 4.29-,4.22, titrasyon asitliği 0.41-0.39, briks (%) 5.3-4.8, serum
ayrılması (%, ml serum/g) 64.4-69.7, kuru madde (%) 6.48-5.72, viskozite 52.4-38.6 cP, renk
değerlerinden L değeri 26.34-25.92, a değeri 18.92-17.55 ve b değeri ise 16.52-16.48 olarak bulunmuştur. Elde edilen değerler istatistiksel olarak farklıdır (p‹0.05). Ancak b değerinde bir farklılık
tespit edilmemiştir. Salça ve ketçap yapımında göz önüne alınan değerler, yukarıda anılan özellikler olduğu kabul edildiğinde su yastığı sulama yöntemi ile yetiştirilen domateslerin damla sulama
yöntemi ile yetiştirilen domateslere göre hem son ürün özellikleri hem de maliyet açısından salça
ve ketçap yapımına daha uygun olacağı sonucuna varılmıştır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Su yastıkları sulama yöntemi, damla sulama, domates salçası, ketçap
Determination of Some Physicochemical Properties of Tomatoes Irrigated with Water Pillow Method and Comparison with Drip Irrigation Method
In this study, tomato irrigated with the water pillow and drip irrigation methods were compared in
terms of some physicochemical criteria for their convenience for tomato paste and ketchup production. For this purpose, pH, titratable acidity (%), brix (%), dry matter (%), serum separation
(%), viscosity and color (L, a, b) values of tomatoes were analyzed. pH, titratable acidity, brix,
serum separation (g serum/100g), dry matter and viscosity values of tomatoes irrigated with the
water pillow-drip irrigation methods were found to be 4.29-4.22, 0.41-0.39, 5.3%-4.8%, 64.4%69.7%, 6.48%-5.72% and 52.4-38.6 cP while color values of L, a and b were measured as 26.3425.92, 18.92-17.55 and 16.52-16.48, respectively. All values excluding b color value obtained by
the analyses were statistically different (p<0.05). As those physicochemical properties determined
are taken into account in producing tomato paste and ketchup, it was concluded that tomatoes irrigated with water pillow method are more appropriate than those irrigated with drip irrigation for
tomato paste and ketchup production in terms of both the quality and the cost of the final product.
Key words: Water pillow irrigation methods, drip irrigation, tomato paste, ketchup
Sinan Gerçek 1966 yılında Elazığʼda dünyaya geldi. Lisansını
Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Kültürteknik bölümünde
(1987), Yüksek Lisansını Çukurova Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri
Enstitüsü Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Anabilim dalında (1991),
Doktora eğitimini ise Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Anabilim dalında (1999)
tamamladı. Halen, Erciyes Üniversitesi Seyrani Ziraat Fakültesi Biyosistem Mühendisliği Anabilim dalında Öğretim Üyesi
olarak çalışmalarına devam etmektedir. Sinan Gerçek, çalışmalarını patentini aldığı ve Su Yastıkları adını verdiği yeni bir
sulama yöntemi üzerinde yoğunlaştırmış bulunmaktadır.
Innovative Technology to Measure the Direct Water Use in Trees
Research Scientist, ICT International, 23 Mc Carthy Cr Armidale 2350 NSW, Australia.
[email protected]
Scheduling the irrigation system (frequency and volume) is important to conserve water resources
in particular under drought conditions. Several factors affecting the required volume of irrigation
such as irrigation method, soil water intake characteristics, actual soil water content and soil type.
Measuring the actual water use of trees has been the concern for scientists, researcher and growers to reduce the impact of drought on farm production, given the reported best horticultural management practices of irrigation scheduling, planting density and pruning, yet there is a gap in the
knowing how much a tree uses water. Subsequently water schedules are not meeting the plant
water requirements.
Measuring the meteorological data and using this data to estimate the plant water use has a potential to lead to either under or over irrigation. To avoid this problem and to measure directly plant
water use through measuring the sap flow in the stem knowing that the flow can be zero or even
reverse flow. In this study, I used newly developed instruments that uses the Heat Ratio Method
(HRM) and allows to continuously measuring the sap flow and the daily water use of citrus trees
and olive trees during two months of the growing season.
Between November and December 2010 average tree water use was 3.96 litres tree-1 day-1. On
a plantation scale, the average tree water use was 0.3 ML hectare-1 during the study period
whereas the recommended irrigation volume in the same area for the same period 0.59 ML ha-1.
Monitoring sap flow and total tree water use has clearly demonstrated that scheduling the irrigation
system based on the actual plant water use can save up to 38% when using the direct innovative
Dr Ghazi Abu Rumman
Plant Eco-physiologist, graduated from The University of Western Australia
Currently working as Research Scientist at ICT International (2006 – present)
Also worked another 5 years as researcher at The International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture (ICBA) in Dubai – United Arab Emirates (2001 – 2006).
Worked 5 years as researcher at United Arab Emirates University – Experimental Station (1996 –
Research interests:
1. Studying the different mechanisms of salinity tolerance
2. Growing halophytic grass species for forage and turfgrasses.
3. Studying salt and water dynamics in the root zone
4. Measuring plant water use
5. Research instrumentation
Comparison of Different Irrigation Methods in Terms of Water Use and
Yield in Potato Cultivation
Yavuz, Duran
Duran Yavuz 15.12.1980 Yılında Konya-Cihanbeyliʼnde doğdu. İlk orta ve
lise öğrenimini Cihanbeyliʼnde tamamladı. 1999 yılında Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümünde lisans
eğitimine başladı. 2006 yılında aynı bölümde yüksek lisans eğitimini
tamamladı. Yine 2006 yılında Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarımsal
Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümünde Araştırma Görevlisi olarak akademik hayatına başladı. 2011 yılında doktorasını bitirdi. Halen Arş. Gör. Dr. olarak
görevine devam etmektedir.
Sulama Suyu Miktarı ve Tuzluluğunun Domateste Bazı Kalite Parametrelerine Etkisi
İlknur KUTLAR YAYLALI1, Derya ARSLAN2, Nizamettin ÇİFTÇİ3
Asistant Prof.,Selcuk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Farm Strucuture and Irrigation Dept.
42031 Campus Konya-Turkey. [email protected]
Asistant Prof., Selçuk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Food Engineering, 42031 Campus,
Konya, Turkey.
Professor, Selcuk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Farm Strucuture and Irrigation Dept. 42031
Campus Konya-Turkey.
Bu çalışmada, sulama suyu miktarı ve tuzluluğunun domates bitkisinde pH(asitlik), protein, toplam
kül, şeker, titrasyon asitliği ve mineral maddelerden Na gibi kalite parametrelerine etkileri
araştırılmıştır. Konya da sera şartlarında 8354 F1 çeşit domates yetiştiriciliğinde 6 farklı tuz konsantrasyonuna sahip sulama suyunun EC= 0.5 (T0), 0.75 (T1), 1.0 (T2), 1.5 (T3), 2.0 (T4), 2.5
(T5) ds/m, bitki su ihtiyacının %100 (S1) ve %75 (S2) karşılandığı durumlarda, 2 alt konuda 3
tekerrürlü olarak toplam 36 deneme saksısında, her bir saksıda bir bitki olacak şekilde tesadüf
parselleri deneme deseninde faktöriyel düzende 2006 yılında yürütülmüştür. Araştırma sonucunda
sulama suyu miktarı konuları ve tuzluluk artışına göre 2005 ve 2006 yıllarında sırasıyla; meyvede
pH değerleri; T1S1,T2S2,T3S1,T3S2,T4S2 konularında %2, T5S1 ve T5S2 konularında %4
oranında, meyvede asitlik; T4S1 konusunda %6, T5S2 konusunda %2, protein; T5S2 konusunda
%12, T5S1 konusunda %7, T5S2 konusunda %4, toplam kül; T5S1 konusunda %23, T5S2
konusunda %30, T5S1 konusunda %35, T5S2 konusunda % 48, şeker; T5S1 ve T5S2 konusunda
%10, T5S1 konusunda %59, T5S2 konusunda %88, titrasyon asitliği; T4S1 konusunda %6, T5S2
konusunda %2, Na miktarı ise; T5S1 konusunda %201, T5S2 konusunda %197, T5S1 konusunda
%201, T5S2 konusunda %197 artmıştır. Kalite parametreleri arasında en düzenli artış eğilimi
meyvede şeker ve Na değerlerinde görülmüştür.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Domates, sulama suyu tuzluluğu, meyve bileşeni
İlknur Kutlar Yaylalıʼnın doktora çalışmasının bir kısmının özetidir. Bu makale S.Ü. BAP koordinatörlüğü tarafından 05101024 nolu, TUBİTAK tarafından 1060260 nolu projelerle desteklenmiştir.
Effects of Irrigation Water Level and Salinity on Some Quality Compositional
Characteristics of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.) Fruit
In this study the effects of irrigation water salinity on some quality parameters of tomato fruit such
as pH, titratable acidity, protein, total ash, total sugar and Sodium content. 8354F1 type tomato
plant was cultivated applying irrigation water with six different salt concentrations EC=0.5 (S0),
0.75 (S1), 1.0 (S2), 1.5 (S3), 2.0 (S4) and 2.5 (S5) ds/m, and meeting 75% (W1) and 100% (W2)
plant water requirement under two sub-treatments with three replications in 36 pots with one plant
per pot according to randomized block design in green house conditions in Konya, Turkey, in the
two consecutive years, 2005 and 2006. It was concluded that according to irrigation water levels
and salinity increase, pH increased 4% in S5W1 and S5W2 treatments in 2006, while the increase
in pH was 2% for the S1W1, S2W2, S3W1, S3W2 and S4W2 treatments in the year 2005. In the
year 2005, protein, total ash, total sugar and Na contents of the fruits obtained from S5W2 treatment increased 12%, 30%, 10%, 197%, respectively. The rises in the levels of total ash, total sugar
and Na contents of the fruits from S5W1 treatment were very close to the levels of those determined for the fruits of S5W2 treatment. There were increases in protein, total ash, total sugar and
Na contents with levels up to 7%, 35%, 59% and 201% for S5W1 treatment and 4%, 48%, 88%
and 197% for S5W2 treatment, respectively in 2006.
Key words: Tomato, İrrigation Water Salinity, Fruit Compositional Characteristics
05.08.1975 Yılında Nevşehirʼde doğdu. İlk orta ve lise öğrenimini Ankara da
tamamladı. 1993 yılında Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarımsal Yapılar
ve Sulama Bölümünde lisans eğitimine başladı. 2000 yılında aynı bölümde yüksek lisans eğitimini tamamladı. 2001 yılında Selçuk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi
Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümünde Araştırma Görevlisi olarak akademik
hayatına başladı. Doktora eğitimini aynı bölümde yürüttü. Halen Yrd. Doç. Dr.
olarak görevine devam etmektedir.
A Test of Elaboration of a High Fructose Content Syrup From Dates of
the Variety GHARS
BISSATI Samia1, SIBOUKEUR Oumelkheir2, SIBOUKEUR Amina2,
HAFIANE Amina2 and MIMOUNI Yamina2
Laboratory of Saharan bioresources. University of Kasdi Merbah, Ouargla (Algeria).
[email protected]
Laboratory of protection of ecosystems in arid and semi-arid zones. University of Kasdi Merbah, Ouargla (Algeria).
In spite of the existence of many possibilities to value dates and differences of sorting out, in various products, Algeria has lagged far behind in dates technology.
In this context, we are interested in the elaboration of syrups with fructose content the highest
possible from dates of the variety “Ghars”.
These syrups are obtained by the diffusion method at 80°C followed by a condensation at 60°C,
or by compression of dates.
The product obtained by diffusion has a Brix degree equals to 70 and that by compression a Brix
degree equals to 67. After cooling at 4°C for 70 days (at least), crystals have appeared at the bottom of the tubes. Syrups obtained by compression give a better crystallization, unlike syrups obtained by diffusion that give a few crystals.
The thin layer chromatography (TLC-dimensional) showed that the crystallized part of the syrup
corresponded to the glucose and the non-crystallized to the fructose. Meanwhile, the purity of both
fractions was demonstrated by two-dimensional TLC.
The dates syrup cleared from its glucoside fraction seems very interesting on both plans, nutritional
and dietetics as economically, unlike HFCS of the third generation from starch, which in fact are
exclusively carbohydrate.
Keywords: dates, syrup, fructose, cooling, crystallization, HFC
Date of birth : 03/08/1961 (Algeria)
Phone number: 0771676477
Email: [email protected]
Doctor of the University of Rennes 1 (France), Option "Biology" (1996)
Current Grade: Professor
Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life and Earth and Universe Sciences.
Scientific activities:
- Head of Research Unit "Fauna of the palm groves of southern Algeria" at the University of Ouargla (2001-2003).
- Member of CRSTRA Research Unit (2001-2004).
- Member of Research Unit MESRS "telluric Enemies" (2004-2006)
- Team Leader (wildlife) in the Research Laboratory "Bioressources Saharan Africa". (since late
- Head of Research Unit "Biodiversity Wildlife Saharan Africa" (since 2008).
- Head of research project "Identification and preservation of wildlife heritage of the northern Sahara." CNEPRU project (2008-2010).
- Head of research project "Ecology, biology and systematic vertebrate fauna of the arid and Saharan in Algeria." CNEPRU project (2011).
- Project Manager PNR "Conservation and preservation of fauna in the northern Sahara
Areas of Research
1-Nutrition physiology: mechanisms of plant tolerance to salinity.
2-Zoology agricultural plant protection.
3-Saharan Ecology and Environment
4-Pollution: Biological treatment of wastewater.
5-Agronomy Saharan Africa.
Kyoto Protocol and Agricultural Operations Role in GHG Emissions
With Turkey Situation Emphasis (In This Protocol)
Razieh Hassankhani1*, Roya Hassankhani2
M.Sc. of private law-Bu Ali Sina University-Hamedan-Iran
M.Sc. of agricultural mechanization of Tabriz-Tabriz-Iran
The Kyoto protocol obligation the industrial countries to decrease common greenhouse emissions
by at least %5 of 1990 emissions in the period of 2008 to 2012(The Kyoto Protocol to the convention on Climate Change, 1997).
CO2 is the most important greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases performed a role as greenhouse
glass and increase the world temperature. Thus Extent and the rate of climate change was very
anxiety According to IPCC reporting in 2007 between 1960 to 2005, the world temperature has increased by 0.79 (IPCC, Climate Change, 2007).
In this study, we review the Turkey situation in Kyoto Protocol. Many factors affect on CO2 emission
increasing. The main source of CO2 emission is from the industry sector but in this study we state
the agricultural operations on CO2 emission increasing.
KeyWords: Agriculture, Climate change, Kyoto ,Protocol, Turkey
Name: Razieh Hassankhani
Birthday Date: 16/04/1986
Domicile: Islamic Republic of Iran
Bachelor: Law, Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedan, Iran
Master of Science: Private Law, Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedan, Iran
Some Related researches: Women Laws, Nationality, Medical Laws,
Laws and Energy, Laws and Agriculture, Environment and Law.
Book essays: Agricultural Mechanization Strategy and Comparative Studying of Legal Infrastructures in Iran (In Persian), Soil Conservation in International aspect (In Persian).
Skills: International Arbitration United Nations Persian Studying.
Email: [email protected]
The Impact of Climate Change on Food Safety
Prof. Dr. T. Faruk Bozoğlu
Dept. of Food Eng. Middle East Technical University, Ankara-TURKEY
As climatologists become more certain of the probability of human-induced global climate change,
so questions about its possible consequences command increasing attention. Furthermore, it is
now recognized that climate change, by altering local weather patterns and by disturbing life-supporting natural systems and processes, would affect the health of human populations. The potential
impacts of climate change upon agricultural productivity is unavoidable, while temperature increases and soil moisture changes causes shifts in patterns of plant pest and diseases that eventually could lead to decreases in agricultural productivity that results problems to human food
safety and security. Recent studies indicate that increased frequency of heat stress, droughts and
floods negatively affect crop yields and livestock beyond the impacts of mean climate change creating the possibility for surprises, with impacts that are larger, and occurring earlier than predicted
using changes in mean variables alone. Data collected by the FAO also indicate that spikes in
temperature and humidity increase the prevalence of common foodborne diseases like Salmonella
and Campylobacter and pathogens like E. coli and Salmonella are likely to become more virulent.
Prof. Dr. T. Faruk Bozoğlu
Born in Ankara-TURKEY(1950). Graduations: BS: 1973 Chemistry ,Middle
East Technical University (METU) Ankara, MS:1977 Organic Chem. (METU),
Ph.D.: Food Science, NCSU, North Carolina, USA. Currently working in the
Dept. of Food Eng. in METU. Has 57 SCI publications and 630 citations (BOZOGLU TF* OR BOZOGLU F*). Auther of 5 books and editor of 2 NATO ASI
books. NATO CCMS Pilot Study (Food Chain Security) Group Advisor (2004- 2009). Group member of 7th Frame Work Programme: PLANT AND FOOD BIOSECURITY (2011-2016). Organizer
member of NATO CRW on Advances in Food Security and Safety against Terrorist Threats and
Natural Disasters (Cairo, 2010), NATO SPS on Environmental Security and Ecoterrorism (Moscow,
2010), NATO ATC on Strategies on Achieving Food Security in Central Asia (Antalya, 2011).
Compost Utilization Of Empty Fruit Bunches Oil Palm as Effort
Towards Sustainable Organic Agriculture
in Riau Province, Indonesia
Indra Purnama1*, Agri Septiadi2, Wahyuni2, dan Prantino2
Candidate Master Student of Environmental Chemistry, Gadjah Mada University
Undergraduate Student of Agriculture, Riau University
*Corresponding author: [email protected] or [email protected]
Oil palm plantations to be excellent for the commodity today. Riau become the most widespread
major central to the development of oil palm plantations in Indonesia. In line with the increase
in oil palm plantation area, then the solid waste palm oil processing industry is increasing, one
of which is oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB). Based on information obtained from one of the
Chief Plant Oil Palm (MCC) in Prov. Riau, TKS produced is 21% of the total fresh fruit bunches
(FFB). Assuming a MCC with a capacity of 30 tons of FFB per hour and operates for 20 hours
per day, it will produce as much as 126 tons of EFB per day. But unfortunately, because all this
waste is often burned or let it alone. Based on this, conducted a study to utilize EFB into a useful
compost for crops, one crop of rice. This study begins with the manufacture of compost, with
the parameters using a bio-activator and without the use of bio- activators. EFB compost using
bio-activators have better quality, the content ratio of C / N = 20, CEC = 11.56 cmol (+) / kg, and
pH = 9.3. Then proceed by applying compost on rice farms. The treatments were: D0 =fertilizerNPK(urea200kg/ha;SP-36150kg/ha;KCl150kg/ha);D1 =5tonsofcompost/ha; D2 =10tonsofcompost/ha;D3 =15tonsofcompost/ha;D4 =fertilizerNPK+5tcompost/ha;D5 = fertilizer NPK + 10 tons
of compost / ha. Treatment was obtained from 18 beds. The results showed that D3 treatment
increases production by 50%.
Keywords: compost, oil palm empty fruit bunches, organic agriculture, sustainable
New Alternative Biosensors for Food Quality: Application of Raman
Spectroscopy to Detection of Pathogenic Micro-Organisms
LUNAM Université, Université du Maine, CNRS UMR 6283, Institut des molécules et matériaux
et du Mans-IMMM, Equipe Nanostructuration et Nanofonctionalisation, Avenue Olivier
Messiaen, 72085 LE MANS CEDEX 9,
LUNAM Université, Université du Maine, CNRS UMR 6283, Institut des molécules et matériaux
et du Mans-IMMM, Equipe Méthodologies et Synthèses de Polymères, Avenue Olivier
Messiaen, 72085 LE MANS CEDEX 9
Génie des Procédés Environnement et Agroalimentaire (GEPEA UMR CNRS 6144), IUT de la
Roche/Yon, Département Génie Biologique, 18 Bd G. Defferre, 85035 La Roche sur Yon, France
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Rama 6 Rd, Phayathai,
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Mahidol University-Osaka University Collaborative Research Center for Bioscience and
Biotechnology (MU-OU: CRC), Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Rama 6 Rd, Phayathai,
Bangkok 10400, Thailand
This presentation is mainly devoted to the new applications of Raman spectroscopy in biology for
the detection of pathogenic micro-organisms and especially contributions to biosensors. Actually
in food processing industry, detecting bacteria or viruses is crucial. Nowadays, it can be achieved
with microbiological tests but it requires several days. In this work we have synthesized new specific surfaces which are suitable for biomolecules immobilization in order to develop a biosensor
for the detection of targeted pathogenics micro-organisms. A double detection signature is then
developed thanks to the use of Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Raman Scattering.
Actually Raman spectroscopy appears as a very convenient method to chemically and structurally
investigate all materials, of which bacteria or viruses now constitute a possible and interesting
field of applications. An important advantage is that biochemical information of all cell components
is present in the bacterial Raman spectra and that this technics is non-invasive, non-destructive,
specific and with very fast measurements.
Our new procedure of surface functionalization and detection of bacteria using Raman technics
has been investigated considering 3 methods: i) direct functionalization of gold surfaces ii). polymeric polyethylene surfaces treated by plasma and iii) synthesis of photocrosslinkable monomer
on every type of surface. All these surfaces are finally used to immobilize biomolecules and bacteria and we will show that the functionalization of gold surface by monolayer deposition constituted
at the end an efficient and low cost technique which could be applied in food industry.
The use of Raman spectroscopy as a new powerful bio-sensing method will be then fully illustrated
in this presentation.
Keywords: surface functionalization, Raman spectroscopy, quartz crystal microbalance, biosensors, detection of bacteria.
LUNAM Université, Université du Maine, CNRS UMR 6283, Institut des molécules et matériaux
et du Mans - IMMM, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, 72085 LE MANS CEDEX 9
Email : [email protected]
Phone : +33(0)2 43 83 31 98/37 34
Hayvancılığa Yönelik Yürütülen Yayım ve Eğitim Faaliyetlerinde
Damızlık Sığır Yetiştiricileri Birliğinin Rolü
Umut GÜL¹
Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü
e_posta: [email protected]
Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Tarımsal Ekonomi ve Politika Geliştirme Enstitüsü
e_posta: [email protected]
Tarımsal üretimi arttırmanın, kaliteli ürün elde etmenin ve tarım ile uğraşanların yaşam düzeylerini
yükseltmenin en önemli yollarından biri, üreticilerin etkili bir biçimde örgütlenmesidir. Türkiyeʼde
hayvancılık konusunda en aktif birlik olan Damızlık Sığır Yetiştirici Birlikleri 1995 yılında kurulmuştur. Birlik üyelerine, Avrupa standartlarına göre hayvan küpeleme, soy kütüğü veri tabanı, ulusal
ıslah programʼının planlanması, yetiştirme ve besleme konularında danışmanlık, girdi temini, döl
kontrolü çalışmaları, yayım eğitim faaliyetleri gibi konularda hizmet vermektedir.
Damızlık Sığır Yetiştirici Birlikleri üyelerine yönelik onların gelirini artırmak, kaliteli ve hijyen şartlarına uygun ürün elde etmek, uygun yem üretimi yapmak, modern ahır sistemleri kurmak, modern
süt sağım tekniklerini öğretmek, kayıt sistemi geliştirmek, hayvanların uygun şartlarda beslenmesini sağlamak, üretilen sütün kaliteli ve güvenli bir şekilde muhafazası sağlamak gibi konularda
eğitimler vermektedirler. Bu eğitim faaliyetleri, bire bir işletme ziyaretleri, panel, toplantı, seminer
şeklinde olabildiği gibi, konu ile ilgili yapılan projeler çerçevesinde de yürütülmektedir. Ayrıca bazı
birlikler üyelerini bilgilendirme amacıyla belli arlıklarda gazete, dergi broşür vs dağıtmaktadır.
Bu çalışmada DSYBʼnin yetiştiricilerine yönelik olarak uygulamış olduğu yayım ve eğitim faaliyetlerinin genel bir değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla DSYMB tarafından yayım ve eğitim
faaliyeti konusunda aktif olan il birlikleri tespit edilmiş olup daha sonra bu birliklerle tek tek
görüşmeler yapılmak suretiyle bu konudaki çalışmaları istenmiştir. Çalışmada 10 adet il birliği ile
görüşmeler yapılarak gerekli bilgiler elde edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca önceden yapılmış olan
ulusal ve uluslararası araştırmalar ile çeşitli kurumların yayınladığı kitap, dergi, istatistik ve raporlardan ve ilgili kurumların internet adresleri de incelenerek gerekli bilgiler kullanılmıştır.
Sonuç olarak; DSYBʼne üye olmak yetiştiricilere bazı faydalar sağladığı görülmektedir. Üye olan
yetiştiricilerin kayıtlı hayvanlara devletçe verilen desteklerden yararlandığı, Koruyucu hekimlik
hizmetlerinden yararlandığı, daha ucuz ve kaliteli sağlık hizmeti aldığı, damızlık hayvan, alet ve
ekipman, kaba ve kesif yem, yem bitkileri tohumlukları gibi girdi gereksinimlerini karşıladığı
düşünüldüğünde birliklerin önemi daha da anlaşılmaktadır.
Ayrıca birliklerin yaptıkları yayım ve eğitim faaliyetlerinin de yetiştiricilere birçok fayda sağladığı,
onların bilgi ve birikimlerini artırdığı görülmektedir Bu amaçla birlikler üyelerine yönelik her türlü
proje, seminer, panel, toplantı vs faaliyetlerine daha da fazla önem vererek faaliyetlerini sürdürmelidirler.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hayvancılık, Yayım ve Eğitim, Örgütlenme
Appointment and Evaluation Textural, Physical, Microbial and
Chemical Properties of Koupe Cheese Produced in Iran
Saber Amiry1, Mohsen Esmaiili2*, Farhod Manaf1, Ehsan M. Kia1
[email protected]
1. M.Sc, Food Science & Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Urmia 2. Ph.D, Food Science & Technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Urmia
koupe cheese is a salted traditional and vernacular cheese manufactured from cowʼs, sheepʼs
and goatʼs raw milk in west Azerbaijan and Kurdistan province of Iran. This cheese has granule
texture, pungent flavor and sometimes added special herbs for delicious taste. Koupe cheese is
ripening in closed and turned earthenware jar under solid for 3-9 month.
In this study 7 samples of koupe cheese with same age collected at random from urmiaʼs traditional
market. The samples were characterized in terms of textural (body and texture), physical (bulk
and true density, color), microbial (total aerobic bacteria (TAB), total coliform, yeast and molds
content and E.coli detection), chemical (titrable acidity, salt, dry matter, fat, protein and water activity (aw)) properties. The aim of this case were to appointment the textural and physical characteristics and evaluation the microbial and chemical properties. Analysis of variance showed that
the average of water activity (aw) of this cheese is about 0.91 and all of the samples have the
yeast and molds content higher than Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran (Microbiology of milk and milk products-Specifications). Textural and chemical analysis results show
that koupe cheese is a kind of hard and salty cheese. Contamination of 2 samples to E.coli was
resulted with microbial analysis. This paper debate about of the textural, physical, microbial and
chemical properties of koupe cheese with details.
Key words: koupe cheese, textural, physical, microbial and chemical properties
Cream Yogurt: Production and Some Properties
Gamze Fulya İPİN, Mehmet GÜVEN, İbrahim Başar SAYDAM
Çukurova University Faculty of Agriculture, Food Engineering Department, Adana, Turkey
([email protected])
In this research, yogurt was produced from pasteurized cream (28% fat content). Skim milk powder
was added into cream at 3 different ratios (2%, 4%, 6%) for standardization of the solids-non-fat
content. Set type yogurts were produced by using thermophilic yogurt culture (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus : Streptococcus thermophilus , 50:50). Some physical, chemical and
sensory properties of cream yogurts were determined at 1st, 10th, 20th and 30th days of storage period. Increasing ratio of skim milk powder additon had influenced titratable acidity, viscosity and
tyrosine content. Whey separation, water holding capacity, acetaldehyde content and sensory
peoperties were not influenced by skim milk powder addition. According to sensory analysis, cream
yogurt produced by skim milk powder addition at the rate of 4% was most preferred by the panelists. No significant changes occured in titratable acidity, whey separation, water holding capacity,
viscosity, acetaldehyde content, tyrosine content and sensory properties during 30th day of storage
Keywords: Cream, yogurt, milk powder
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Adaptive Neural Fuzzy
Inference System (ANFIS) for Prediction of Honey Viscosity
Majdi. A. Al-Mahasneh1*, Taha. M. Rababah3, Mashhor Bani-Amer, Mohamad Al-Omoush4
Department of Chemical Engineering Jordan University of Science and Technology Irbid,
22110, Jordan.
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Jordan University of Science and
Technology Irbid, 22110, Jordan.
Department of Plant Science Jordan University of Science and Technology Irbid, 22110,
Corresponding author: TEL: 962-02-7201000-ext 22357 Fax: 962-02-7095018,
[email protected]
Artificial Neural networks (ANNs) and Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference Systems (ANFIS) were
used to model viscosity of eight different wild-flowers honey samples using temperature, water
content and shear rate as independent variables. The results showed that both ANNs and ANFIS
performed very well. Both Radial Basis Function (RBF) and Feed Forward (FF) artificial neural
networks were able to model viscosity with R2 and MSE values in the range from 0.961 to 0.986
and from 1.43 to 4.71, respectively. Sensitivity analysis of input variables showed that shear rate
was the most influential factor with 60% weight, followed by temperature (25% weight) and finally
water content (15% weight). ANFIS predictions of viscosity using 3, 4 and 5 triangular and bellshaped membership functions showed that R2 and MSE varied between 0.953 and 0.984 and between 1.41 and 4.24, respectively. Using ANNs and ANFIS provided an excellent alternate to
analytical rheological models especially when modeling rheological behavior of complex fluids affected involves several input parameters such as shear rate, temperature and water content.
Intellectual Properties Protection of Innovations in Agriculture
Razieh Hassankhani1*, Roya Hassankhani2
M.Sc. of private law-Bu Ali Sina University-Hamedan-Iran
M.Sc. of agricultural mechanization of Tabriz-Tabriz-Iran
With the recent developments in human life, the needs are increased too. To overcome these
needs the modern technologies and innovations in the agricultural sector are created. This domain
comprises the innovative crop species, machines, brands, packaging and so on. The legal protection of innovators and scholars and all persons who have created innovative ideas, mechanisms, and machines and so on is a significant element. In the light of these regulations present
and future interests are protected. Importance and applying of intellectual properties regulations
in the international area can not be denied. In this area many international agreements, instruments
and conventions are developed. In this article some of these regulations such as: Agreement on
trade related aspects of intellectual property rights (1994), UPOV convention, PCT treaty and
WIPO treaty and so on are reviewed.
Keywords: agriculture, innovation, intellectual property
Name: Razieh Hassankhani
Birthday Date: 16/04/1986
Domicile: Islamic Republic of Iran
Bachelor: Law, Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedan, Iran
Master of Science: Private Law, Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedan, Iran
Some Related researches: Women Laws, Nationality, Medical Laws,
Laws and Energy, Laws and Agriculture, Environment and Law.
Book essays: Agricultural Mechanization Strategy and Comparative Studying of Legal Infrastructures in Iran (In Persian), Soil Conservation in International aspect (In Persian).
Skills: International Arbitration United Nations Persian Studying.
Email: [email protected]
Cluster NUTRIBIOMED the Example of Regional Cooperation
Prof. Tadeusz TRZISZKA
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
To create strong position of Cluster on the European market for diet supplements, nutraceuticals,
and biomedical preparations based on natural resources, and Polish know-how.
1. Technology of lisozyme and cystatin separation
2. Technology of super lecithin production
3. Technology of calcium preparations on the basis of egg shell
4. Production of bioactive preparations using enzymatic hydrolysis of eggs material.
5. Technology of beta – glucan
Estimating Demand for Nutrients in Iran: Applying VECM
Mohammad Kavoosi Kalashami, Hamed Rafiee and Morteza Tahami
Department of Agricultural Economics, Tehran University, Iran.
Nutrition is the fundamental prerequisite for human welfare and contributes to human and social
capita. Price and income mentioned as the main food demand determinants but nutritional content
is also informed food demand. Present study has examined the long-run relationship between annually per capita carbohydrate, protein and fat intake and real per capita GDP for Iran using aggregate data 1989-2006. Johansen cointegration test results showed existence of the long-run
relationship between each nutrient demand and per capita GDP. Applying VECM yields the income-carbohydrate elasticity of 0.15, income-protein elasticity of 0.28 and income-fat elasticity of
0.22. Hence, economic growth can improve and alleviate further inadequate nutrients intake. According to the mentioned results, policies aimed at poverty alleviation and economic growth may
assuage hunger and malnutrition in Iran. Large elasticities of nutrients in Iran suggest that increasing the income of poor and promote economic growth is an effective long-term strategy for combating malnutrition.
Keywords: Nutrient Demand, Income Elasticity, Cointegration, VECM, Iran.
The Rice Fertilizer Subsidy and the Farming Culture in Sri Lanka:
The Actual vs. the Perceived Reality
Abeygunawardane D1, Beeton R1, Cameron D2
School of Geography Planning and Environmental Management, University of Queensland, Australia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia
The Sri Lankan government provides fertilizer to the rice farmers at a price subsidized over 95%.
Under the scheme, the rice farmers receive the full repertoire of recommended fertilizers per unit
area, namely Triple Super Phosphate, Muriate of Potash and Urea. Given its size and scale, the
subsidy engenders the risk of promoting an unsustainable, and environmentally insensitive farming
culture amongst the rice farmers. Building up on this premise, the study investigates the attitudes
and perceptions of rice farmers about the fertilizer subsidy and the implications they will have for a
sustainable farming culture. We surveyed 189 rice farmers from two selected districts in Sri Lanka
using random-stratified-cluster sampling. The results reveal a discrepancy between the amount of
fertilizers given to the farmers under the subsidy and the amounts of fertilizers farmers report. Less
than 8% of the farmers reported the amounts of fertilizers received accurately. 68% of the farmers
reported the amounts of fertilizer received with a discrepancy greater than ±10kg of the actual
amounts given under the subsidy. Only 30% of the rice farmers are likely to report the fertilizer
amounts they receive within a range less than ±10kg of the actual amounts of fertilizer given under
the subsidy (x2 (1, n =185) = .16, p < .69). The situation raises concerns about the knowledge of the
farmers, the performance of the subsidy scheme, the environmental implications of the rice farming
practices, and the social implications for the rice farming culture. The paper presents an in-depth
discussion of these problem aspects and the confounding nature of the perceived and the actual realities that further complicates the problem. It is argued that the perceived reality is as important as
the actual in resolving the problems engendered by the rice fertilizer subsidy in Sri Lanka.
Key words: rice, fertilizer, subsidy, perceptions, survey
Agriculture in Senegal
Alassane BEYE Africa Agro Services, Dakar
Senegalese agriculture is characterized by a continuous process of fragmentation of productive
structures formed by the core family farms. The agricultural production structures consist of small
areas with an average of 1 ¼ acres per worker, degraded lands, poor access to mechanization
and fertilizers. The low productivity and farm incomes and rural limit the capacity of accumulation
and investment of farmers highly vulnerable to climatic shocks and food insecurity.
The major challenge for Senegalese agriculture is the reduction of differences in agricultural productivity to meet the strong demand for food in quantity and quality in a context of high volatility in
global markets.
Significant changes in production structures and pose the need for new approaches to improving
the performance of Senegalese agriculture.
The research questions beyond the knowledge of internal and external factors influencing the performance of production units, specifically address the options for reducing differences in productivity but also the appropriate strategies and incentives for the development of domestic markets.
Analysis of Student Learning Stages and Styles of Agricultural and
Natural Resource Based Theory of Experiential Learning Cycle
(Case Study: Razi University Kermanshah-Iran)
Shahab Fekri Mehin1, Abdulhamid Papzan2, Jafar Yaghubi3, Marjan Sepahpanah4
M.Sc. Student Department of Agricultural Extension and Education College of Agriculture, Razi
University, Kermanshah, Iran
Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Extension and Education College of Agriculture,
Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Assistant Professor Department of Agricultural Extension and Education College of Agriculture,
Zanjan University, Zanjan, Iran
Graduate Assistant College of Agriculture Razi University Kermanshah, Iran
The goal of this study, Analysis of student learning styles and stages of agricultural and natural
resource based theory of an experiential learning cycle. This research is the paradigm in terms of
quantity, purpose in terms of application and of collecting data descriptive-correlation. The students
survey the Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah with relative multistage sampling,
were selected (N=324), formed. A tool of the study was questionnaire included demographic characteristics and Kolb Learning Styles Inventory (KLSI). First, subjectʼs learning style and stage specific then using software SPSS17.0. We were analyzed. In this study the frequency, and mean
square, Chi-square, F, Kruskal Wallis and Cramerʼ V tests were used. In terms of student learning
styles and stages of Kolb doesnʼt have significantly different, but superior stages were “Active Experimentation” and “Abstract Conceptualizations” and superior learning style "converge" was. Personal characteristics of this stage and styles also exist with no significant relationship. Final In
order to make recommendations at the end of effective teaching based on the findings was presented.
Keywords: Agricultural Education, Experimental Learning Cycle, Effective Education
Study Some Factors Affecting on Daily Milk Yield in Iraq Buffaloes
(Bubalus Bubalis) in Nineuah Governorate
G.A. Auadesian* A.S. AL-Hdad** N.N. AL-Anbari*
D.S. AL-Obaddy** and A.S. Sadiq**
*Dept. of Animal Sources – College of Agric. – Univ. of Baghdad
**Ministry of Iraqi Agriculture
Statistical analysis were performed about daily milk yield from 154 Iraqi buffaloes in Nineuah governorate, from the period of 1/7/2010 to 18/7/2010 in 5 days consecutive (1st day, 5th day , 9th
day , 13th day and 17th day) and by using General Linear Model (GLM) by SAS program in two
different herds (position) as well as to study the effect of parity (birth sequence) and stage of lactation.
Overall man for daily milk yield for five days were 9.73, 9.74 , 9.78 , 9.49 and 9.67 kg/day respectively. They found a herd and stage of lactation have a highly significant effect on daily milk yield
for all recording production days, while parity has only significant effect (P<0.05) in 1C and 5st and
final day in production. It is clear that Badosh herd has produced higher milk than Bab Shams
(10.38 and 8.29 gk/ day respectively), and are also seeing a decrease in daily milk yield from
10.51 kg in 1st. stage of lactation to 6.93 kg in 3rd. and 4th. stage of lactation together. The heritability estimates ranged between 0.13 to 0.22 for daily milk yield that mentioned above. So the
daily milk production of buffaloes affected by a number of fixed factors, and also heritability estimates for this trait, according to testing days were rather low.
Key words: Iraqi buffalo -Nineuah governorate- Daily milk yield.
Effect of Type of Vegetable Protein Sources With Or Without
Probiotics On Nutrient Utilization, Nitrogen Balance,
Blood Metabolites and Growth Performance of Lambs
M.Aasif Shahzad*, M.K.Farooq, M.Sarwar, M.Nisa, N.Mukhtar, H.A.Saddiqi1
Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology, University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan,
Government College University, Department of Zoology, Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Thirty two male Kajli lambs of nine months of age were randomly divided into eight groups of four
animals each in a 4×2 factorial arrangement to study the effect of different protein sources with or
without probiotics on the nutrient intake and their digestibility, blood metabolites, N-balance, and
growth performance over a period of ninty days. Four iso-caloric and iso-nitrogenous diets were
formulated using different protein sources: corn gluten meal 30% (CGM), canola meal (CM), cotton
seed meal (CSM) and sunflower meal (SFM) with or without probiotics (Protexin®, 50g/ton). Dry
matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) intake were highest in lambs fed CM diet, and the lowest in
animals fed SFM diet. The DM, CP, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF)
digestibilities were also higher in lambs fed CM diets than those fed CGM, CSM and SFM diets.
Diets containing probiotics didnʼt influence DM, CP, NDF and ADF intakes. Digestibility of DM and
CP remained the same, however, NDF and ADF digestibilities were higher in lambs fed diets containing probiotics. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine and hematological aspects remained unaltered in lambs fed diets containing different protein sources with or without probiotics. However,
blood glucose was higher in lambs fed CM diets than those fed CGM, CSM and SFM diets. Higher
nitrogen (N) intake and N-retention were observed in lambs fed CM diets and lowest in lambs fed
SFM diet, however, it was unchanged by probiotic supplementation. Higher total weight gain was
observed in lambs fed CM diet and lowest in the lambs fed SFM diet. Outcome of the study imply
that use of dietary CM as vegetable protein sources not only increased nutrients intake, nitrogen
balance but also increased weight in growing lambs.
Key words: Protein sources, nutrient utilization, probiotics, lamb growth
Dr. Muhammad Aasif Shahzad was born on June 15, 1979 in Faisalabad. After completing S.S.C and intermediate with distinctions, he received bachelor and master
degrees with merit scholarships in 2001 and 2003 from the University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad (UAF), respectively. Dr. Shahzad was awarded “Silver Medal” in MS due
to highest CGPA in the Faculty. He earned doctorate (2005) in animal nutrition from
the same Institution and joined The University of Queensland, Australia for Post
Doctorate studies (2008). His main area of research is ruminant nutrition. Dr. Shahzad has published more than 30 research articles, as author or co-author, in impact factor foreign journals belonging to the discipline of animal production in addition to having more than 26 proceedings /
abstracts in foreign conferences. He has presented/published his work in international Conferences/Seminars organized in different countries like USA, Australia, Austria, Argentina, Japan,
France, Uzbekistan, Korea, Italy, Vietnam, Egypt, Taiwan, Uruguy, Greece, Thailand and Singapore. Dr. Shahzad also has the honor to be an approved supervisor for Ph.D students by Higher
Education Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan. Dr. Shahzad has also been declared “Star Laureate
2008” on national level in the discipline of Agriculture by the South Asian Publications, Karachi. At
present, Dr Shahzad is serving as Assistant Professor at Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed
Technology, UAF, Pakistan.
Effect of Electromagnetic Waves (Cold Pasteurization) on
Storage Time of Yolk Liquid
F. Lotfian*1, M. Hashemiravan1, E. Jahed2, M. H. Haddad Khodaparast2,
A. Mousavi Khaneghah3
Department of Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Varamin-Pishva Branch,
Department of Food Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research
Branch, Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding author: Fahimeh Lotfian
[email protected]
Among the different methods for pasteurization of foodstuff, non thermal methods include electromagnetic method has received more attention, Because of significant reducing in total count of
Bacteria, preventing from spoilage and increasing shelf life of foodstuffs. In this study yolk liquid
was pasteurized by using electromagnetic method in 3 different frequencies (2950-3950-4500
MHz) for constant time of 12 sec (6 sec of second pulse) and then results were compared with
samples which were pasteurized at 65 C for 120 sec and control samples, after different times of
storage(1,3,5,8,10 and 15 days). Results showed that used electromagnetic waves had significant
effect on reduction of logarithmic count of aerobic mesophilic bacteria. According to results, however thermal pasteurization had a greater bactericide effect at zero time than cold pasteurization,
but, a great increase was occurred in the number of aerobic mesophilic bacteria after passing
time, in comparison with non thermal pasteurized product. According to Iranian National Standard,
in electromagnetic method liquid yolk shelf life has been defined 14 days which it is very ideal in
comparison with thermal pasteurization (7d max) and control sample (2d max)
Key words: electromagnetic waves (microwave), Yolk liquid, mesophilic bacteria, Non thermal
Some Important Sources of Natural Antioxidants
H. Akbarirad1, S. M. Kazemeini2, A. Mousavi Khaneghah2, A. G. Ardabili1
Department of Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research
Branch, Mazandaran, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research
Branch, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding author: Amin Mousavi Khaneghah
[email protected]
Antioxidants in food may be defined as any substance which is capable of delaying, retarding or
preventing the development in food of rancidity or other flavour deterioration due to oxidation. Antioxidants may be synthetic or natural. Natural antioxidants (NAO) are generally preferred by consumers. NAO can be find in many of sources such as legumes, nuts, oilseeds, cereals, fruits,
vegetables, animal products and etc. In this article, sources of antioxidants and specifically natural
antioxidants are described.
Sur Name: Mousavi Khaneghah
First name: Amin
Date of Birth: 8th May.1982.
Place of Birth: Tehran, Iran
Nationality: Persian
Languages: Persian, English & Turkey
Discontinuous Associate Degree Meat & Meat Products in Food Industry, College of Applied Science and Technology-Applied Food Science, Tehran, Iran, 2002-2004(highest honors)
B Sc Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and
Research Branch, Tehran, Iran, 2004-2006(highest honors)
M Sc Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and
Research Branch, Tehran, Iran, 2007-2009(highest honors)
He worked for University of Applied Science and Technology- Tehran Applied Food Science Branch
as Lecture, Education Office Manager. He thought in the area of food packaging and meat science.
He is Member of packaging commission of Institute of Iran Standard and Industrial Researches
also; He is Head of Consultants for several famous factories. He is active member in various Scientific Societies; more recently he acts as referee for several scientific journals (ISI).He has many
scientific papers in credible journals.
He conducts research on food packaging and food legislation as well as the effect of food packaging on food safety.
He is involved in biodegradable packaging and new source of packaging, also improving the use
of instrumentals in determination of migration from different types of packaging into foodstuffs.
Biological Activity of Selected Wild Grown Plants from Jordan
Wesam Al Khateeb1 and Mohammad Al Odat2
Department of Biological Sciences, Yarmouk University, Irbid-Jordan
Department of Food Science, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid-Jordan
Recently, herbal drugs are prescribed widely because of their effectiveness, fewer side effects
and are relatively low in cost. Medicinal plants are those that provide people with medicines to
treat illness, maintain and/or promote health. In this study, the ethanolic extracts of Chrysanthemum coronerium, Centaurea iberica, Urtica pilulifera, Apium nodiflorum, Nasturtium officinale,
Mentha longifolia, Ferula communis were examined for possible sources of phytochemical constituents. Results showed that the highest phenoal content was found in C. iberica and F. communis followed by M. longifolia. However, the maximum antioxidant activity (92%) was observed in
C. iberica and U. pilulifera followed by F. communis. On the other hand, the most active extracts
for α-amylase inhibitory activities were found in C. coronerium (63%) followed by F. communis
and M. longifolia. Furthermore F. communis, C. coronerium and U. pilulifera showed the highest
Angiotensin-converting enzyme activity compared with the remaining species. The results indicate
that most of the studied species could be important dietary sources for phenolic compounds with
high antioxidant, Alpha amylase and ACE activity.
Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation of Chrysanthemum
(Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) With an Aphidicidal Gene, gcs
(gamma-cadinene synthase)
Mahmood Valizadeh1*, Seyed Kamal Kazemitabar1, Maarten A. Jongsma2
Faculty of Agriculture, Mazandaran University, Iran.
Plant Research International, Wageningen University and Research Center, PO Box 619, 6700
AP Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Florist's chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat.) belongs to the Asteraceae family
and represents the second most important floricultural crop in the world. Unfortunately most genotypes are sensitive to aphids. Internode explants of 1581 and 4043 genotypes were incubated
with A. tumefaciens strain AGL-0 containing pBIN plasmid with the npt gene as a selectable marker
for kanamycin resistance and gcs gene as an aphicidal gene with RbcS promoter. Kanamycin resistant shoots were induced from internodes after 3 weeks. Finally, the shoots were rooted on
MS medium containing 30 mg L-1 kanamycin. Incorporation and expression of the transgenes
were confirmed by PCR and RT-PCR analysis. Genotype 4043 has been transformed in this study
for the first time. Transformation frequency for gcs was 6.25% and 5% for genotypes 1581 and
4043 respectively.
Keywords: florists' chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium), genetic transformation, aphid
resistance, RbcS promoter, internode explant, gamma-cadinene synthase.
Studying of Some Physical and Mechanical Properties of Potato
Hossein H.A. Alizadeh1, Roya Hassankhani2
Assistance Professor, Dept. of Farm Power and Machinery, Faculty of Agricultural, Bu Ali Sina
University/ Hamedan-Iran
M.Sc of Agiculthral mechanization of Tabriz university, Tabriz,Iran
Physical and mechanical properties of potato products including potato size and shape, vulnerable
skin friction coefficient and is the important factor in the rating process, harvest, transport, packaging and processing of this strategic product. Because the physical and mechanical properties
of different varieties of potatoes are produced together are different Identification and determination
of these properties is important in designing and manufacturing machines grading, seeding, harvesting, packing and transportation because by recognizing these benefits, we can minimize the
damage to potatoes in all the stages mentioned. In this study, two potato varieties Agria and Marfona (most widely used) is selected. Physical properties of size, sphericity, weight, coefficient of
static friction, dynamic, volume and equivalent diameter were studied and effective regression
models we obtained between the parameters.
Keywords: potato, physical properties, mechanical properties
I Hossein.H.A.Alizadeh recieved my B.S degree in 1985 and Msc degree in 1988
from cukurova university Adana,Turkey. I got my PhD in 2001 from Ankara university faculty of agriculture .Iam the membership of BU –Ali sina university department of farm machinery in Iran since 1988 teaching farm tractors, combustion
engine, ergonomics and physical and mechanical properties of agricultural materials .
Resistance and Susceptibility of Some Wheat Lines to Schizaphis
Graminum (Homoptera: Aphididae) Under Laboratory Conditions
Jabraeil Razmjou1, Fatemeh Najafi1 and Anvar Asadi2
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili,
Ardabil, Iran. Email: [email protected];
Agriculture and Resources Research Center, Moghan, Iran
We studied the effect of 37 wheat lines on biological parameters of the green aphid, Schizaphis
graminum. Firstly, the screening test carried out to assess the resistance or susceptibility of these
wheat lines in the laboratory conditions. The aphids were established on the Hirmand wheat variety
in a growth chamber at 25 °C, 60%RH and a 14 photophase. Based on the results of screening
test, nine wheat lines were selected for further resistance evaluations. The results of life history
parameters of S. graminum showed that the developmental time of immature stage ranged from
6 to 7 days. Total fecundity differed from 33.9 to 60.4 nymphs on lines N88-19and N88-8, respectively. The values of rm were 0.251 aphids/aphid/day for N88-19 and 0.338 aphids/aphid/day for
N88-8. Also, other life table parameters such as DT, T, R0 and λ were estimated. The results of
our study indicated that N88-19 line are relatively resistant line to S. graminum and may be useful
in integrated pest management programs of wheat production.
Health Benefits of Hawthorn Fruit as Functional Foods
Ali Batu
University of Tunceli, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering, TR6200,
Tunceli, Turkey
Phenolic substances which are the most important group of natural antioxidants and very important
by any ways such as, aroma formation effects, participation to color formation and change, showing antimicrobial and antioxidative effects, causing enzyme inhibition and purity criteria for some
foods. It is indicate that phenolic substances show very useful health effects because of lowering
cholesterol, inhibiting oxidation of low density lipoprotein, prevent hypertension and cardiovascular
disease, and effects as anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic. For this purpose in recent years some
value added foods are used in the prevention of various diseases so the usage has increased
substantially worldwide, and consequently, the higher the antioxidant content of food items for the
food market is growing rapidly.
Hawthorn fruits are some of the fruits which are rich in terms of phenolic compounds. Although
these fruits are grown so much in Turkey, they are not very common for being processing as a food
stuffs those have functional properties. These products which have very high content of antioxidants
will be sold at very special markets with high prices. From this fruits some kinds of products can be
produced such as marmalade, sauce, concentrated fruit juice, soft drinks, nectars or howthorn powders, dried fruits and their capsules. They can also be used in cakes, biscuits, candies and ice
creams. The food products produced from hawthorn will be much more promising ones.
Keywords: antioxidant, phenolic compounds, fruit, sauce, marmalade, health
Control of the Citrus Disease Complex in Iraq
Bassima G. Antoon1; Ismail Ibrahim2 and Sameer Abd Al-Razzak2
Plant Protection Research Center; State Board for Agriculture Research,
Abu-Ghraib, Baghdad, Iraq.
State Board for Plant Protection, Abu-Ghraib, Baghdad, Iraq.
An Experiment was conducted in Doura Citrus orchard, Baghdad, Iraq during the spring season
of 2009. Roots were severely infected with citrus-root nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans and
the fungus Phytophthora citrophthora and die back symptoms were highly observed on the vegetative growth, beside that the yield of these trees was very poor. The experiment was consisted
of 16 treatments using the 3 nematicides (Rugby (Cadusafos); Mocap and Garland) and 3 fungicides (Previcure. Agrifos, Nando) and control (untreated) with 3 replicates/treatment. Each treatment was about 50m2 and consists 10 citrus trees using Complete Randomized Block Design
(CRBD). Soil and root samples were taken a week before treatment and 6 months after treatment
for nematode extraction (250g soil and 1g roots) and for fungus using PDA for germination.
Results indicated that all the fungicides applied had no effect on citrus root nematode, but when
they were applied with nematicides simultaneously there was a sharp decline in nematode population. All the nematicides applied in this experiment were highly effective against the nematode
and significantly reduced their number compared to the untreated (control) plot. But Rugby
(Cadusafos) was significantly effective than the other nematicides. Number of nematodes in 250g
soil and 1 g root reduced from 3833.3 and 1876 juvenile before treatment to 333.3 and 124 juveniles after treatment respectively. Similar effect was found when these nematicides were applied
with the fungicides for controlling the disease complex and it was found that Rugby again was significantly highly effective than the other applied nematicides.
Effect of Folic Acid Supplementation on Rumen Microbial Protein
Synthesis; in vitro Study
Hossein Montazam1*, Yahya Asadi1, Kamyar Heidarnezhad2, Mohammad Narimani-Rad1
Department of Animal Science, Shabestar branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
Department of Animal Science, Tabriz branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran
*Corresponding author: Hossein Montazam, Department of Animal Science, Shabestar branch,
Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
Email: [email protected]
This study was conducted to determine the effect of different level of Folic acid on in vitro ruminal
microbial protein synthesis. Rumen fluid was taken from a fistulated Holstein steer (BW=340
Kg).The rumen fluid was collected to prepare a culture medium contained consistent levels of 100
ml ruminal fluid, 500 mg starch, 500 mg cellulose and 100 mg urea. Each medium, contained different level of Folic Acid (0, 0.001, 0.01 and 0.1 mg/dl). For each treatment of that vitamin, four
125 ml bottles per incubation time were considered. The bottles contained culture, were incubated
for six time period (0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h) at 39°c. At the end of each incubation period, the bottles
contents initially were analyzed to determining the amount of pH and were centrifuged at 500 ×g
for 10 min in order to separating feed particles and protozoa, then supernatant was centrifuged at
25000 ×g for 15 min to sediment the bacteria. The sediment bacteria was dried for 72 h at 50°c
and then, weighted to determine the bacterial dry matter and also was analyzed to determine the
amount of total nitrogen (bacterial crude protein). Another bottle of each treatment was used to
determining the amount of pH. This study was performed as Factorial – Split plot experiment basis
on Completely Randomized Design. The Folic Acid affect amounts of bacterial crude protein and
the amount of pH, significantly (p< 0.01). The incubation time also influenced the amount of those
analyzed parameters (p< 0.01). Therefore, adding different level of Folic acid to culture medium
had increased the growth and proliferation of bacteria. Maximum bacterial crude protein synthesis
was observed in treatment of 0.1 mg/dl of that vitamin in 12h time period.
Keywords: Folic acid, Rumen Microbial Protein, Rumen pH, Holstein Steer.
Control of Lipid Oxidation and Spoilage of Nitrite-Free and
Low-Nitrite Frankfurter
S. Hosseinpour1, M. H. Eskandari1, Gh. Mesbshi1, Sh. Shekar foroush2, A. Farahnaki1,
A. Mousavi Khaneghah3*
Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Department of hygiene and food quality control, school of veterinary, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Department of Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research
Branch, Tehran, Iran
Corresponding author: Amin Mousavi Khaneghah
[email protected]
Nitrite-free and low nitrite meat curing systems were developed to eliminate or reduce nitrite in
frankfurter type sausages. Different composite meat-curing mixtures were formulated using, nisin
and sodium hypophosphite (SHP) as antimicrobial agents and Butylated hyroxyanisole (BHA) as
antioxidant. BHA was found to be strong antioxidant at the 30 ppm level in cooked sausages during
refrigerated storage for 5 weeks. Our findings support the use of nisin and SHP as possible antibotulinal agents in nitrite-free meat curing systems.
Keywords:nitrite-free frankfurter, sodium hypophosphite, Butylated hyroxyanisole, nisin, clostridium
Effect of Sewage Sludge Application on Some Chemical Properties of
Soil, Growth and Mineral Composition of Corn
College of agriculture / university of Baghdad
e-mail: [email protected]
Pots used in the experiment with mixture of clay alluvial soil from the Abu Ghraib / Faculty of
Agriculture - Baghdad. The effect of the use of different rates (zero, 15 and 30, 60, (120 tons / ha
of sludge resulting from the heavy-water treatment plant in Rustumiya / Baghdad in the growth of
plant maize (zea mays L.) and the absorption of some nutrients and heavy. Put the soil in Plastic
pots of (6) kg capacity and a rate of (4) kg soil and placed in the wire canopy after adding sludge
under natural conditions and the design of factorial experiments are designed full of random with
three replicates and the results showed the following: an increase in the accumulation of dry matter
per plant increased the rate of used sludge The impact of treatments (60 and 120) tons of sludge
/ ha are the best treatments as compared to other treatments. The results also suggest an increase
in the moral content of the leaves of nitrogen and magnesium added to increase the rate of sludge
material and the effect of added rate (60 and (120 tons of sludge / ha are the best, as has been
noted little effect of these transactions in the content of the plant from each of phosphorus and
potassium, sodium, iron, manganese, cadmium, and results showed also that there is a slight increase from each of the zinc, copper and lead content in the plant under study.
Key words: sewage sludge, organic fertilizers, corn.
Prof. Dr. Hamid Hussain Rijab Al-Joubory
Date of birth: Baghdad 1954
Nationality : Iraqi
Status: married
Occupation: university of baghdad
Soil Conservation in the Legal Context
Razieh Hassankhani1*, Roya Hassankhani2
M.Sc. of private law-Bu Ali Sina University-Hamedan-Iran
M.Sc. of agricultural mechanization of Tabriz-Tabriz-Iran
*[email protected]
People need to use good quality soil. Today the pressures of population, economic, health and
local shifts, has led to massive destruction of soil. In recent years, soil degradation, has become
one of the international arena of environmental issues. This paper attempts to explain the value
and importance of soil in the survival of human life and the need to protect soil in the international
Name: Razieh Hassankhani
Birthday Date: 16/04/1986
Domicile: Islamic Republic of Iran
Bachelor: Law, Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedan, Iran
Master of Science: Private Law, Bu-Ali Sina University of Hamedan, Iran
Some Related researches: Women Laws, Nationality, Medical Laws, Laws and Energy, Laws
and Agriculture, Environment and Law.
Book essays: Agricultural Mechanization Strategy and Comparative Studying of Legal Infrastructures in Iran (In Persian), Soil Conservation in International aspect (In Persian).
Skills: International Arbitration United Nations Persian Studying.
Email: [email protected]
Potato Sorting in Machine Vision System
Hassankhani.R1* Navid. H2, Seyedarabi. H3
M.Sc., Dept. of Agricultural Machinery, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran,
Assistant Prof., Dept. of Agricultural Machinery, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran,
Assistant Prof., Dept. of Telecommunication, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
*E-Mail: [email protected]
Usually potato is sorted by workers. Manual sorting is labor intensive. Furthermore in mechanical
sorting the crop damages is high, for this reason we must operate a system in which the crop
damages would be diminished. For sorting of potatoes fast, accurate and less labor intensive modern techniques such as Machine vision is created. The basis of this method is imaging of samples,
analysis of the images, comparing them with a standard and finally decision making in acceptance
or rejection of samples. In this research 110 numbers of potatoes from Agria variety were prepared.
Samples were pre-graded based on quantitative, qualitative and total factors manually before sorting. Quantitative, qualitative and total sorting in Machine vision system was performed by improving
images quality and extracting the best thresholds. The accuracy of total sorting was %96.823.
Keywords: qualitative, quantitative, potato, sorting
Name: Roya Hassankhani
Birthday Date: 13/03/1983
Domicile: Islamic Republic of Iran
Bachelor: Agricultural Machinery Engineering, Bu-Ali Sina University of
Hamedan, Iran
Master of Science: Mechanization, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
Some Related researches: Potato properties, Potato sorting, Machine vision, Environmental
studies, Waste Management, Agricultural residues, Bioenergy, Natural Fibers, Agricultural law
Book essays: Agricultural Mechanization Strategy and Comparative Studying of Legal Infrastructures in Iran (In Persian), Soil Conservation in International aspect (In Persian).
Skills: Matlab Software
Email: [email protected]
Sources of Natural Antioxidats
Hamid Akbarirad
[email protected]
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Mazandaran, Iran, Tel:+989363059100
Antioxidants in food may be defined as any substance which is capable of delaying, retarding or
preventing the development in food of rancidity or other flavour deterioration due to oxidation. Antioxidants may be synthetic or natural. Natural antioxidants (NAO) are generally preferred by consumers. NAO can be find in many of sources such as legumes, nuts, oilseeds, cereals, fruits,
vegetables, animal products and etc. In this article, sources of antioxidants and specifically natural
antioxidants are described.
İşleme Teknolojileri ve Su Ürünleri Kalitesi
Gonca ALAK
Atatürk Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi
*e-posta:[email protected]; Tel: +90 (442) 2311426; Fax: +90 (442) 2361128
Hayvansal kaynaklı besinlerin vazgeçilmezlerinden olan su ürünleri biyolojik kompozisyonlarından
dolayı çok çabuk bozulmaktadırlar. Bu durum balıklarda kısa raf ömrüne sebep olmaktadır. Uygulanan işleme ve muhafaza yöntemleri su ürünlerinin raf ömrünü uzatmada başarılı olsa da kalite
bakımından taze olarak tüketilmeleri ile kıyaslandığında bir takım kayıplara engel olamamaktadır.
Bu derlemede bazı işleme yöntemlerinin özellikle balık eti kalitesi üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir.
Anahtar kelimeler: İşleme yöntemleri, balık, su ürünleri, raf ömrü, kalite
Processing Technologies and Seafood Quality
Fishery product indispensable in animal nutrition are highly perishable due to their biological composition and spoilage of fish muscle causes a short shelf life in fish. Although processing and storage methods have been succeed shelf life expanded of fishery products it hasnʼt been avoided
a decrease on account of quality compared to their fresh consumption. In this study, it has been
investigated effect of some processing techonolgy on fish quality.
Key words: Processing methods, fish , seafood, shelf life, quality
Dr. Gonca ALAK
19.10.1981ʼde Erzurumʼda doğdu. 2004ʼte Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesini
bitirdi. 2007ʼ de yüksek lisans, 2011 yılında doktora eğitimini tamamladı. Dr.
Gonca ALAK, su ürünleri işleme teknolojisi ve moleküler biyoloji alanlarında çalışmalar yapmaktadır.
Su Ürünleri Kaynaklı Zehirlenmeler ve Semptomları
Gonca ALAK1*, Arzu UÇAR1, Muhammed ATAMANALP1
Atatürk Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi
*e-posta:[email protected]; Tel: +90 (442) 2311426; Fax: +90 (442) 2361128
Sucul ekosistemlerde ortaya çıkan olumsuzluklar bu ortamdaki su ürünleri ve bunların tüketicileri
için risk oluşturabilmektedir. Bu risklerden birisi olan su ürünleri kaynaklı zehirlenmeler, toksik
madde içeren kabuklu su ürünleri ya da balık ürünlerinin tüketimi sonucunda gerçekleşir. Bu derlemede uygun olmayan su ürünleri tüketiminin insan sağlığına olumsuz etkileri ve zehirlenme
semptomları incelenmiştir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Sucul ekosistem, su ürünleri, zehirlenme
Seafood Origin Poisoning And Their Symptoms
The negative situations occuring in aquatic environments may cause risc for aquatic livings and
the consumers of these. Seafood poisoning arises as a result of consuming fish products or shellfish, containing toxin substance. In this paper, the negative effects of unsuitable seafood consumption on people health and poisoning symptoms are investigated.
Key words: Aquatic ecosystem, seafood, poisoning
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Arzu UÇAR
01.01.1978ʼ de Erzurumʼ da doğdu. 1999ʼ da Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Su ürünleri Bölümüʼnü bitirdi. 2003ʼ de yüksek lisans, 2010 yılında doktora
eğitimini tamamladı. Rize Tarım il Müdürlüğüʼnde yüksek mühendis olarak
2010-2011 döneminde çalıştıktan sonra Atatürk Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesiʼnde Yrd. Doç. Dr. olarak atanan Arzu UÇAR akuatik toksikoloji alanında
çalışmalarına devam etmektedir.
Su Ürünleri Yetiştirciliğinde Probiyotik Kullanımı
Alak Gonca1*, Atamanalp Muhammed1
Atatürk Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi
*e-posta: [email protected]; Tel: +90 (442) 2311426; Fax: +90 (442) 2310958
Artan dünya nüfusunun besin ihtiyacını karşılamak için karasal ve sucul tüm kaynakların daha verimli kullanılması gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda, yetiştiriciliği yapılan su canlılarının daha sağlıklı
ve daha hızlı gelişmesi için bitkisel yada hayvansal bazı bileşiklerden yararlanılmaktadır. Su ürünleri yetiştiriciliğinde probiyotik kullanımı ile ilgili yapılan araştırmalar henüz çok yeni olup, sayı ve
içerik olarak daha fazla çalışmaya ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu derlemede probiyotiklerin tanımlamaları, etki mekanizmaları ve özellikle balıklardaki uygulama alanları araştırılmıştır.
Anahtar kelimeler: Probiyotik, su ürünleri yetiştirciliği
It is necessary to use more efficient the aquatic and terrestrial sources for obtaining the food demand. Some vegetative and zoic compounds are used for fast and more health breeding aquatic
animals, in this context. The researches about the probiotics in aquaculture are not sufficient about
the number and content. In this review; the explanations, the effect mechanisms of probiotics and
the researches about these compounds are gathered.
Key words: Probiotic, aquaculture
Prof. Dr. Muhammed ATAMANALP
01.11.1971ʼ de Erzurumʼ da doğdu. 1993ʼ te Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesini bitirdi. 1996ʼ da yüksek lisans, 2000 yılında doktora eğitimini tamamladı. 2001 yılında Yrd. Doç., 2004 yılında doçent, 2009 yılında ise
profesör unvanlarını Atatürk Üniversitesiʼ nde aldı. Bir dönem ABDʼ de Cornell Üniversitesiʼ nde misafir öğretim üyesi olarak bulunan Prof. Dr. Atamanalp, konusunda çalışmalar yapmak üzere farklı yıllarda İtalya, Almanya,
İngiltere, Hollanda, Azerbaycan, Gürcistan ve Fransaʼ ya gitti. Su ürünleri yetiştiriciliği, akuatik toksikoloji ve genotoksisite alanlarında araştırmaları bulunan Prof. Dr. Atamanalp, 2010 yılında kurulan Atatürk Üniversitesi Su
Ürünleri Fakültesiʼ nde atandığı dekanlık görevine halen devam etmektedir.
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi: A Biocontrol Agent Against Common
Bean Fusarium Root Rot Disease
Al-Askar, A.A1. and Rashad, Y.M2
Biology Department, Teachers College, King Saud University, Riaydh, KSA.
Dr.King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +966 014911063 Fax: +966 014915684
Effectiveness of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the protection of common bean plant (Phaseolus
vulgaris L.) against Fusarium root rot disease was investigated in the present study under natural
conditions in pot experiment. A mixture of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi consists of propagated
units of Glomus mosseae, Glomus intraradices, Glomus clarum, Gigaspora gigantea and Gigaspora margarita in suspension form (106 unit.L-1 in concentration) was used at dilution of 5 ml.L1 water. The obtained results demonstrated that, arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization significantly
reduced the percentage of disease severity and incidence in infected bean plants. On the other
hand, mycorrhizal colonization significantly increased the tested growth parameters and mineral
nutrient concentrations. While, infection with Fusarium root rot disease negatively affected on the
mycorrhizal colonization level in bean roots. Finally, mycorrhizal colonization led to a significant
increase in the phenolic content and the activities of the investigated defense related enzymes
(Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, Polyphenol oxidase and Peroxidase enzyme). From the obtained
results, it can be concluded that the application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as a biocontrol
agent played an important role in plant resistance and exhibit greater potential to protect bean
plants against the infection with F. solani.
Biological control, Fusarium solani, Peroxidase, Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase and Polyphenol
Chromatochraphic Identification of Some Olive (Olea Europaea)
Compounds Defence Induced by Alternaria Conjucta Simmons Toxins
Dr. Anwer Noori Alkhero
Dr. Ayad chachan Al- Daowdy
Mosul University , Essential Science Division
College of Agri. and Forestry
Anwer Alkhero" <[email protected]
The aimed of this study was to quantify defence compounds which induced by Alternaria conjucta
toxins and its identification in olive( 0lea ouropeana ) leaves , the compound were Gallic acid , Ellagic acid, (+) Epicatechin and Gallocatechin , these compounds were appeared as a results of
injection by Tentoxin and Tenuazonic acid toxins only. Gallic and Ellagic acid were replicated in
appearance in control and fungi toxin treatment wherease ( - ) Epicatechin and ( - ) Gallocatechin
appeared in control only .
The results showed identification of Gallic acid which was the same of Rf value with standered
value when it was measured at Thin Layer Chromotochraphy (TLC) by the solvent system Butanol:
Acetic acid : Distillated water at the ratio ( 4 : 1 : 5 , v /v/v) and using iodine indicator.
Gıdalarda Bulunan Fenolik Bileşikler ve Önemi
Emine ALKIN1
Dr, Gıda ve Yem Kontrol Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü; Hürriyet/BURSA
Fenolik bileşikler bütün bitkilerde bulunan sekonder metabolitlerdir. Bitkilerde yaygın binlerce farklı
fenolik bileşik bulunmaktadır. Bunların birçok biyolojik etkilere sahip oldukları bildirilmektedir. Fenolik bileşikler bitki kökenli pek çok gıdanın tat, aroma ve lezzetine katkıda bulunurlar. Özellikle
gıdalarda acılık ve burukluğun kaynağıdırlar. Flavonoidlerin geniş bir grubu gıdaların renginden
de sorumludur. Flavonoidler arasında bulunan antosiyaninler doğal renk maddeleri olup sebzeler,
meyveler, meyve suları ve şarapların pembe, kırmızı, mavi ve mor renklerinden sorumludurlar.
Fenolik bileşikler antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal aktivitelere de sahiptirler. Serbest radikallerin neden
olduğu reaksiyonları durdurarak veya engelleyerek kanser, kalp hastalığı ve akciğer hastalıkları
gibi pek çok hastalıkların oluşumuna engel olurlar.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Fenolik Asitler, Flavonoidler
Phenolic Compounds in Foods and Importance
Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites present in all plants. Plants are found thousands
of different phenolic compounds. They have been reported to have multiple biological effects. Phenolic compounds with plant origin, many foods contribute to the development the taste, aroma
and palatability. These are especially the source of bitterness and sourness in foods. A large group
of flavonoids is responsible from the color of food. They have been reported to have multiple biological effects. Anthocyanin to be natural colorant and a group of flavonoids are responsible to
from colors pink, red, blue and purple for vegetables, fruits, fruit juices and wines. Furthermore,
phenolic compounds have antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Phenolic compounds, stopping
or preventing the free radical reactions preventing the to arise of many diseases such as cancer,
heart disease and lung diseases.
Keywords: Phenolic acids, Flavonoids
Nitrate, Nitrite And Nitrosamine in Meat Products
Emine ALKIN1, Turgay MERCAN2
Central Research Institute for Food and Feed Control, [email protected]
Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, [email protected]
In the meat industry;use of nitrite provides microbiological safety, good color and flavour. The use
of nitrite, sorbic acid or its salts are preferred for antimicrobial, BHA, BHT and ascorbic acid for
their antioxydant effects. But there is no additive substitutes for the coloring effects of nitrite. The
aim of this article is to give information about research related with the use of nitrite in meat products..
Key Words: Nitrate, nitrite, nitrosamine, meat, meat products
Et Ürünlerinde Nitrat, Nitrit ve Nitrozaminler
Et endüstrisinde nitrit kullanımı ile mikrobiyolojik güven, güzel renk ve lezzet sağlanmaktadır. Nitrit
kullanımının azaltılması amacı ile antimikrobiyel etkisi yerine sorbik asit ya da tuzları, antioksidan
etkisi yerine bütillenmiş hidroksi anizol (BHA), butillenmiş hidroksi toluen (BHT) ve askorbik asit
kullanılmaktadır. Ancak nitritin renk etkisinin yerine geçebilecek bir katkı maddesi bulunmamaktadır.
Nitritsiz üretilecek et ürünleri depolama koşullarına daha az dayanıklı olup, muhafaza süresi kısabileceği gibi, mikrobiyel bozulma, kokuşma ve acılaşmaya daha uygun hale gelecektir. Bu makale
ile et ürünlerinde nitrit kullanımı hakkında yapılabilecek çalışmalara ışık tutmak amaçlanmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Nitrat, nitrit, nitrozamin, et, et ürünleri
Durum Wheat, Drought Tolerance, Morpho-physiology, Adventitious
Roots, Cell Growth, Cauline
+213794671169 University of Algeria
[email protected]
The contribution of the root system in both types, adventitious and seminal in the development of
performance and its components in wheat subjected to drought, has been the subject of various
studies. However many questions remain unanswered to elucidate the effects of remodeling on
the root morphogenesis of the party cauline. The proposed work attempts to explain the adaptive
functioning of the roots of ten durum genotypes under different water regimes In the first part in a
greenhouse, we studied the different parameters morpho-physiological, biochemical and anatomical in five levels of water treatment. The data obtained show that the water deficit resulted in a
decrease in relative water content with a decrease of osmotic potential. The synthesis and accumulation of sugars are determined by the physiological state of the plant and the degree of water
stress. Similarly, a strong reduction of the length, different volume fractions, the number of issued
and root vegetative mass of the two parts of the plant, shoot and root were recorded. The reduction
in stem length is explained by a marked reduction in cell growth. The results also show that the
strength of the aerial part is positively related to the number and mass of adventitious roots. The
second part conducted in hydroponics showed that root elongation induced by growth in length of
cells higher in conditions of water deficit can not be explained solely by the phenomenon of hydrotropism but this can be explained by the mechanism of plant drought perception.
Bioactive Components of Hazelnut Oil
Aşçıoğlu, Çiğdem
Şevik, Ramazan
Kara, Hasan Hüseyin
Afyon Kocatepe University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Food Engineering,
ANS Canpus, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Turkey is the leader of World Hazelnut production with % 70 of the total World production. Every
year , excessive hazelnuts and low quality hazelnuts are evaluated in edible oil production. Hazelnut oil is a health promoted food with its high level of oleic acid and essantial fatty acids, like linoleic and linolenic acids. It is also valuable for its high tocopherol, sterol and mineral content.
Oleic acid is known with its anticarcinojenic effect, linoleic acid and convenient to be a safe frying
oil with many times of frying process.
In Vitro Germinatıon, Protocorm Formation And Plantlet Development
of Orchis Coriophora (Orchidaceae), A Naturally Growing Sahleb
Ersan BEKTAŞ, Mustafa CÜCE & Atalay SÖKMEN*
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 TRABZON
* e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
In vitro micropropagation of some Orchis species (Orchidaceae) is of great economical and ecological importance, as their corms are currently being used as food additive and special sahleb
drink and their uncontrolled collection of these naturally grown species gives rise to ecological
erosion and they have been listed as endangered plants. As an alternative approach, their in vitro
production were proposed and thereby effects of culture medium and plant growth regulators on
the in vitro seed germination and development of protocorms and plantlets from seeds of Orchis
coriophora were investigated. Mature seeds (stored at +4 °C after collection) were cultured in four
different culture media including OM, POMM, KM and LM and each medium supported with auxins
(IAA, IBA, NAA, 2,4-D), cytokinins (ZEA,KIN,TDZ, 2 iP, 6- BA)and giberellin (GA3, seperately.
Seed viability was tested and the highest percentages of callogenesis (33,8%) and protocorm formation (10,4%) were observed in Orchimax medium including activated charcoal. TDZ was found
to be more effective on callogenesis and IAA found to be effective on protocorm formation. Protocorms developed to plantlets almost all of the tested media. Orchimax medium, including activated charcoal and 2 mg/L 2 iP and 0,25 mg/L 6-BA as plant growth regulators seemed to be most
suitable for the formation of plantlets from protocorms.
Keywords: Orchis coriophora, Protocorm, In vitro germination, Orchimax, Mature seed
Abbreviations: OM: Orchimax Medium, POMM: Phytamax Orchid Multiplication Medium, KCM:
Knudson C Orchid Medium, LM: Lindeman Orchid Medium, TDZ: Thidiazuron, IAA: Indol-3-acetic
acid, IBA: Indol-3-butyric acid, NAA: Napthaleneacetic acid, 2,4-D: 2,4- Diclorophenoxy acetic
acid, ZEA: Zeatin, KIN: Kinetin 2 iP: 6-(γ, γ-dimethylallylamino) purine, 6-BA: Benzyladenine.
An Alternative And Effective Method For in Vitro Propagation of
Whortleberry, Vaccinium Arctostapyylos (Ericaceae)
Mustafa CÜCE, Ersan BEKTAŞ & Atalay SÖKMEN *
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 TRABZON
*e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Vaccinium species are economically and biologically important plants and there is a growing interest in Vaccinium species and many researchers study on cultivation of these species commercially. This study was designed to carry out the micropropagation of Vaccinium arctostaphylos L.,
whortleberry, a member of the genus Vaccinium (Ericaceae). Shoots and roots were developed
from apical and axillary buds of plants collected. Shoot length (SH), number of shoot multiplication
(SM), number of leave (LN) and their percentages were determined. Woody plant medium (WPM)
supplemented with zeatin was found to be the most suitable for the shoot regeneration. The highest
percentage of shoot length (51,59%), leave number (58,90%) and shoot multiplication (143,33%)
obtained from the abovementioned medium supported with 1,0 mg/L Zeatin, 2,0 mg/L Zeatin and
2,0 mg/L Zeatin, respectively.
Micropopagated plantlets were then transferred into the rooting medium. WPM supplemented
with IBA (0,5 mg/L) was found to be effective on the root formation of V. arctostaphylos under 16/8
hour photoperiod conditions.
Key words: Vaccinium arctostaphylos, zeatin, thidiazuron, indol-3-butyric acid, tissue culture,
whortleberry, axillary bud, apical bud.
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü
Ev Telefonu: 0 462 871 39 96
Cep Telefonu: 0 533 337 66 78
[email protected]
1984 yılında Trabzonʼun Beşikdüzü ilçesinde doğdu. 2007 yılında Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fatih Eğitim Fakültesi, Biyoloji Öğretmenliği
Bölümünden mezun oldu. 2010 yılında Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi,
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Bölümünde Yüksek Lisans eğitimini tamamladı. Halen daha Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Bölümünde Doktora Öğrencisi olarak devam etmektedir.
T.C. Sanayi Bakanlığı Teknogirişim Sermayesi Desteği ile 2009 yılında
başlayan ve 2010 yılında sona eren ve halen KOSGEB destekli yürütülen
“Türkiye florasında doğal olarak yetişen üç salep bitkisi (Orchis sancta,
Serapias vomeracea ve Dactylorhizza osmanica) türünden hücre kültürleriyle ve mikroçoğaltım yoluyla salep üretimi” adlı projede yürütücü olarak görev yapmaktadır.
A Test of Elaboration of a High Fructose Content Syrup From Dates of
the Variety GHARS
BISSATI Samia (1)., SIBOUKEUR Oumelkheir (2)., SIBOUKEUR Amina (2)., HAFIANE
Amina (2) and MIMOUNI Yamina (2).
(1) Laboratory of Saharan bioresources. University of Kasdi Merbah, Ouargla (Algeria).
[email protected]
(2) Laboratory of protection of ecosystems in arid and semi-arid zones. University of Kasdi Merbah, Ouargla (Algeria).
In spite of the existence of many possibilities to value dates and differences of sorting out, in various products, Algeria has lagged far behind in dates technology.
In this context, we are interested in the elaboration of syrups with fructose content the highest
possible from dates of the variety “Ghars”.
These syrups are obtained by the diffusion method at 80°C followed by a condensation at 60°C,
or by compression of dates.
The product obtained by diffusion has a Brix degree equals to 70 and that by compression a Brix
degree equals to 67. After cooling at 4°C for 70 days (at least), crystals have appeared at the bottom of the tubes. Syrups obtained by compression give a better crystallization, unlike syrups obtained by diffusion that give a few crystals.
The thin layer chromatography (TLC-dimensional) showed that the crystallized part of the syrup
corresponded to the glucose and the non-crystallized to the fructose. Meanwhile, the purity of both
fractions was demonstrated by two-dimensional TLC.
The dates syrup cleared from its glucoside fraction seems very interesting on both plans, nutritional
and dietetics as economically, unlike HFCS of the third generation from starch, which in fact are
exclusively carbohydrate.
Keywords: dates, syrup, fructose, cooling, crystallization, HFC
Date of birth : 03/08/1961 (Algeria)
Phone number: 0771676477
Email: [email protected]
Doctor of the University of Rennes 1 (France), Option "Biology" (1996)
Current Grade: Professor
Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life and Earth and Universe
Scientific activities:
- Head of Research Unit "Fauna of the palm groves of southern Algeria" at the University of
Ouargla (2001-2003).
- Member of CRSTRA Research Unit (2001-2004).
- Member of Research Unit MESRS "telluric Enemies" (2004-2006)
- Team Leader (wildlife) in the Research Laboratory "Bioressources Saharan Africa". (since late
- Head of Research Unit "Biodiversity Wildlife Saharan Africa" (since 2008).
- Head of research project "Identification and preservation of wildlife heritage of the northern Sahara." CNEPRU project (2008-2010).
- Head of research project "Ecology, biology and systematic vertebrate fauna of the arid and Saharan in Algeria." CNEPRU project (2011).
- Project Manager PNR "Conservation and preservation of fauna in the northern Sahara
Dietary Exposure Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Food
Mehmet Fatih CENGIZ*, Muharrem CERTEL, Cennet Pelin BOYACI
Akdeniz University, Faculty of Engineering, Food Engineering Department, Antalya/TURKEY
Corresponding author: [email protected]
Pesticide residues in food are chemical hazards that should be considered by public health authorities. Risk assessment is to compare the dietary intake of the pesticide residue by the consumer
with a measure of levels that are acceptable. Exposure assessment is the part of the risk assessment is qualitative and quantitative determination of the magnitude, frequency, and duration of exposure and internal dose. Dietary exposure depends both on food consumption patterns and on
residue levels in food.
The aim of this presentation is the assessment of the equations and evaluation of the dietary exposure assessments of pesticide residues in food.
Keywords: Pesticide residue, Risk assessment, Food, Exposure
Vaccinium arctostaphylos L.ʼnin (Ericaceae) Sürgün Kültürü ile
Mustafa CÜCE, Ersan BEKTAŞ ve Atalay SÖKMEN
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, 61080 Trabzon, Türkiye.
[email protected] Tel: +90 537 346 86 81
Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. bitkisinin sürgün kültürleriyle vasıtasıyla hızlı ve etkin mikroçoğaltımı
için en ideal besi ortamının belirlemek üzere bu tez çalışması tasarlandı.
Ön çalışmalar eksplant temini için en uygun dönemin Nisan-Mayıs ayları olduğunu gösterdi. Bu
aylarda doğal florada yetişen bitkilerin çeliklerinde yer alan yanal tomurcuklar eksplant kaynağı
olarak kullanıldı. Çoklu sürgün oluşturmada en etkili besi ortamını belirlemek amacıyla zeatin (1.0
mg/L), IBA (0.1 mg/L) ile desteklenmiş Anderson'un Rhododendron, McCown'ın odunsu bitkiler
besi ortamı (WPM) ve Murashige & Skoog besi ortamları denendi. Sonuçta WPM'nin en etkili
temel besi ortamı olduğu gözlendi.
Sonraki sürgün çoğaltma ve geliştirme çalışmalarında sabit oksin olarak 0.1 mg IBA ve sitokinin
olarak zeatin veya thidiazuronun (TDZ) üç farklı derişimi (0.5, 1.0 ve 2.0 mg/L) ile desteklenmiş
WPM ortamları kullanıldı. 16/8 fotoperiyot uygulaması yapılan çalışmaların 6. haftası sonunda en
uygun sürgün geliştirme ortamının zeatin/IBA kombinasyonunu olduğu tespit edildi. En iyi sürgün
boyu (%106,53) 1.0/0.1 mg/L zeatin/IBA, en yüksek yapraklanma sayısı (%141,89) ve en fazla
çoklu sürgün oluşumu (10.5 kat) ise 2.0/0.1 mg/L zeatin/IBA ile desteklenmiş WPM ortamından
elde edildi.
Köklendirme ortamında bitki büyüme düzenleyicisi olarak IBA (0.5-8.0 mg/L) ile desteklenen
McCOWN odunsu bitki besi ortamında karanlık ve 16/8 fotoperiyot uygulamalarının köklenme üzerindeki etkisi araştırıldı. Bu aşamada en iyi sonuç köklenmenin % 100 gerçekleştiği, 16/8 saat aydınlık/karanlıkta ortamda ve 0.5 mg/L IBA desteğinde alındı.
Anahtar kelimeler: Vaccinium arctostaphylos, yaban mersini, mikroçoğaltım, zeatin, thidiazuron,
indol-3-bütirik asit, yanal tomurcuk
Kısaltmalar: WPM: Woody Plant Medium, AN: Anderson Rhododendron Medium, MS: Murashige&Skoog Medium, TDZ: Thidiazuron, IAA: Indol-3-acetic acid, IBA: Indol-3-butyric acid, NAA:
Napthaleneacetic acid, TDZ: Thidiazuron, IAA: Indol-3-acetic acid, IBA: Indol-3-butyric acid, NAA:
Napthaleneacetic acid, 2-iP: 6-(γ, γ-dimethylallylamino) purine,
Micropropagation of Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. (Ericaceae) With Shoot Culture
This study was designed to find out the most ideal growth medium for a rapid and efficient micropropagation of Vaccinium arctostaphylos L. via shoot-bud cultures. Preliminary studies showed
that April and May were the best periods for the explants collection. Accordingly, cuttings were
taken from naturally growing populations of this plant and lateral shoot-buds of which were used
as explant sources. In order to determine the best basal medium for multiple shoot formation, Anderson's Rhododendron, McCown's Woody Plant Medium (WPM) and Murashige & Skoog's, each
supplemented with 1.0/0.1 mg/L zeatin/IBA were tested as basal media, respectively. As a result,
WPM was observed to be the most effective basal medium for shoot multiplication.
Subsequent shoot multiplication and development studies were therefore carried out with WPM
supplemented with an auxin, indolebutyric acid (IBA (0.1 mg/L) and two different cytokinins, namely
zeatin and thidiazuron (TDZ) with various doses (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/L, respectively). After six
weeks photoperiod (16/8, dark/light) application, zeatin/IBA combinations were found to be the
most suitable for the shoot multiplication and growth. The highest of shoot length with a 106.5 percentage was obtained from the medium supplemented with 1,0/0,1 mg/L zeatin/IBA whilst the highest increase in the leaf number (141.89 %) as well as multiple shoot proliferation (10.55 fold)
were obtained from those supplemented with 2,0/0,1 mg/L zeatin/IBA.
McCown's WPM was also employed as rooting medium supplemented with different doses of IBA
(0.5 to 8.0 mg/L) together with illumination (16/8 photoperiod) or dark regimes. At this stage, the
medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L IBA was proven to be the best rooting growth regulator with
100 % rooting success in the presence of 16/8 photoperiod applications.
Key words: Vaccinium arctostaphylos, zeatin, thidiazuron, indol-3-butyric acid, tissue culture,
whortleberry, axillary bud, apical bud.
Mustafa CÜCE
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü
Ev Telefonu: 0 462 321 51 72
Cep Telefonu: 0 537 346 86 81
[email protected]
1985 yılında Giresunʼun Şebinkarahisar ilçesinde doğdu. 2009 yılında Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümünden mezun oldu. Aynı yıl Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji Bölümünde Yüksek Lisans eğitimine başladı ve yüksek
lisans eğitimini tamamlamak üzeredir. T.C. Sanayi Bakanlığı Teknogirişim Sermayesi Desteği ile
2009 yılında başlayan ve 2010 yılında sona eren ve halen KOSGEB destekli yürütülen “Türkiye
florasında doğal olarak yetişen üç salep bitkisi (Orchis sancta, Serapias vomeracea ve Dactylorhizza osmanica) türünden hücre kültürleriyle ve mikroçoğaltım yoluyla salep üretimi” adlı projede
yardımcı araştırmacı olarak görev yapmaktadır. Ayrıca 2011 yılında Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı tarafından desteklenen “Türkiye florasında yabani olarak yetişen dört farklı mavi yemiş (likaba, ligarba) türünün hücre kültürü ve mikroçoğaltım yoluyla ekonomiye kazandırılması” adlı
projede yürütücü olarak görev yapmaktadır.
Factors That Affect Hemicellulose Yields; Constituents of
Raw Materials, Alkali & Acidic Extraction,
Extraction Temperature and Dryer Types
Hilal Çelebioğlu1, Deniz Çekmecelioğlu1, Muhammed Dervişoğlu2, Talip Kahyaoğlu2
Department of Food Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
Department of Food Engineering, Ondokuz Mayis University, 55139 Samsun, Turkey
*Corresponding author: Tel: +90-312- 210 5631; Fax: +90-312-210 2767;
email: [email protected] (D. Cekmecelioglu)
Hemicellulose is a valuable component of agro-food industrial wastes. It is used in various areas
such as drug manufacture, encapsulation, and emulsification in food processing plants. Hemicellulose yield is important for reliable usage. In this study, effects of raw material and its constituents, alkali and acidic extraction, extraction temperature and dryer types on yields of
hemicellulose were investigated. Dried and ground corn peel, which has 44% hemicellulose in
dry solid, was used as a raw material. Hemicelluloses, which were extracted with alkali and acid,
were analyzed by HPLC. Alkali extraction resulted in 40.18% yield while acidic hydrolysis gave
only 27.36% yield. When hemicellulose extraction took place at 30°C, 40°C, and 50°C, HPLC
read 64.28%, 46.44% and 2% yield of hemicellulose, respectively. Furthermore, it was observed
that removal of constituents such as fat, protein, starch, and soluble sugar increased the yield of
hemicellulose. That is, for the same extraction conditions if these constituents were separated,
the yield increased to 58.2% from 40.18%. The other important factor that affects yield of hemicellulose is dryer type because extracted hemicelluloses should be dried for commercial uses.
Hence, three commonly used dryers such as vacuum dryer (40°C), freeze dryer, and drying oven
(70°C) were operated. Results were 44.18%, 46.44%, and 37.61%, yield respectively for hemicellulose extracted at 40°C with 10% NaOH in 24 hours and dried in vacuum, freeze, and oven
type dryers. As a result, higher yield of hemicellulose can be obtained when constituents of raw
material are separated and alkali extraction is carried out at a low temperature of 30°C before
dried in either vacuum or freeze dryer.
Keywords: Hemicellulose, extraction, yield, drying, purity
Anahtar kelimeler: Hemiselüloz, özütleme, verim, kurutma, saflık
Determination Of Zn Contamination in Some Spring and Mineral
Waters Around Van By Aas After Enrichment Of Activated Carbon
: 25/10/2012
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: Yrd.Doç. Dr. Beir DA
: Batman Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Kimya Bölümü
: 20/10/1967 ,Keban
TEL : 04882173509
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FAKS : 0488 217 3509
2. ETM
Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi
Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi
(*) Diploma Türü (Lisans, Y.Lisans, vb.)
Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi
Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Kimya Bölümü
Van l Özel daresi
Analiz ve Laboratuar
Yrd. Doç. Dr.
Batman Üniversitesi
Fen- Edebiyat Fakültesi
Kimya Bölümü
Chondrostoma Regium ve Acanthobrama Marmidʼin Kas ve Karaciğer
Dokusu Total Glikojen Miktarının Mevsimsel İncelenmesi*
Mahmut DAĞLI1 A. Ümit ERDEMLİ2
Yrd.Doç.Dr., İnönü Üniversitesi, Sürgü Meslek Yüksekokulu, Su Ürünleri Programı, Malatya,
[email protected]
Prof.Dr., İnönü Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, Malatya, TÜRKİYE
*Bu çalışma, İnönü Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından
desteklenmiştir (Proje No: 2006/45)
Bu çalışmada, Karakaya Baraj Gölüʼnde yaşayan Acanthobrama marmid Heckel, 1843 ve Chondrostoma regium (Heckel, 1843)ʼun kas ve karaciğer dokusu total glikojen miktarının mevsimsel
değişimi incelenmiştir. Her iki türün kış ve ilkbahar mevsimindeki hepatosomatik indeks, kas ve
karaciğer glikojen miktarı yaz ve sonbahar mevsimine göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Hepatosomatik indeks değerleri C. regiumʼda ortalama 1.01-1.96, A. marmidʼde ise 1.38-1.60 arasında
değişmektedir. A. marmidʼin kas dokusu glikojen miktarı ortalama 0.05-0.09 mg / 100 mg, C. regiumʼun ise 0.07-0.12 mg / 100 mg arasında bulunmuştur A. marmidʼin karaciğer glikojen miktarı
ortalama 0.58-0.94 mg / 100 mg, C. regiumʼun ise 0.81-1.65 mg / 100 mg arasında bulunmuştur.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Chondrostoma regium, Acanthobrama marmid, Karakaya Baraj Gölü, Glikojen
Seasonal Examination of Muscle and Liver Total Glycogen Content of Chondrostoma
Regium and Acanthobrama Marmid
In this study, the seasonal changes in muscle and liver glycogen contents of of Acanthobrama
marmid and Chondrostoma regium living in Karakaya Dam Lake were examined. Hepatosomatik
index, muscle and liver glycogen content in the winter and spring of both species were higher than
summer and autumn. Mean hepatosomatic index values varied between 1.01 and 1.96 for C. regium and 1.38 and 1.60 for A. marmid. Mean muscle glycogen contents varied between 0.07
and 0.12 mg / 100 mg for C. regium and 0.05 and 0.09 mg / 100 mg for A. marmid. Mean liver
glycogen contents varied between 0.81 and 1.65 mg / 100 mg for C. regium and 0.58 and 0.94
mg / 100 mg for A. marmid.
Keywords: Chondrostoma regium, Acanthobrama marmid, Karakaya Dam Lake, Glycogen content.
1975 Kilis doğumlu olup ilköğrenimini Kilisʼte, ortaöğrenimini Diyarbakır
Cumhuriyet Fen Lisesiʼnde, lisans eğitimini 1998 yılında Dicle Üniversitesi,
Eğitim Fakültesi, Biyoloji Eğitimi Anabilim Dalında, İnönü Üniversitesi Fen
Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı Zooloji Bilim Dalında yüksek lisans
eğitimini 2003 yılında, doktora eğitimini 2009 yılında tamamladı. 1999 yılında
Kafkas Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Biyoloji Bölümü Hidrobiyoloji
Anabilim Dalında Araştırma görevlisi olarak göreve başladı. 2000-2010 yılları
arasında İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Ortaöğretim Fen ve Matematik
Alanları Eğitimi Bölümü, Biyoloji Eğitimi Anabilim Dalında araştırma görevlisi
olarak çalıştı. 2010 yılından itibaren İnönü Üniversitesi, Sürgü Meslek Yüksekokulu, Teknik Programlar Bölümü, Su Ürünleri Programında yardımcı doçent olarak çalışmaktadır. Balık sistematiği ve balıkların kimyasal bileşimi uzmanlık alanlarını
oluşturmaktadır. Evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.
Mineral Content of Cobitis Taenia Linneaus, 1758
Mahmut DAĞLI1, Selim ERDOĞAN2, Hatice YUMUŞAKBAŞ3, Yunus ÖNAL4
Fisheries Program, Surgu Vocational School, Inonu University, Malatya, TURKEY
[email protected]
Departman of Chesmitry, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Inonu University, Malatya, TURKEY
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Inonu University, Malatya, TURKEY
In this study, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Pb, Ni, Fe, Ba, Zn, Cr, Mn and Cu contents were investigated in
muscle of sexuall mature female Cobitis taenia in living Karakaya Dam Lake (Malatya, TURKEY).
A microwave digestion system was used to prepare the samples for analysis. Element concentrations was determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES).
The microelement content in the muscle tissues of the fish was identified to have the following
decreasing sequence: Pb > Ni > Fe > Ba > Zn > Cr > Mn > Cu, and the concentrations of macroelements in fish were noted in the following order: Ca > Mg > Na >K
Key Words: Cobitis taenia, Mineral, Karakaya Dam Lake, ICP-OES.
Cobitis taenia Linneaus, 1758ʼin Mineral Madde İçeriği
Bu çalışmada, Karakaya Baraj Gölüʼnde yaşayan cinsel olgunluğa erişmiş dişi Cobitis taeniaʼnın
Ca, Mg, Na, K, Pb, Ni, Fe, Ba, Zn, Cr, Mn ve Cu mineral içerikleri araştırılmıştır. Örneklerin hazırlanmasında mikro dalga çözünürleştirme yöntemi kullanıldı. Element analizleri İndüktif Eşleşmiş
Plazma-Optik Emisyon Spektroskopi (ICP-OES) ile tespit edilmiştir. Kas dokusundaki mikro mineral içeriği Pb > Ni > Fe > Ba > Zn > Cr > Mn> Cu ve makro mineral içeriği ise Ca > Mg > Na >K
olarak bulunmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Cobitis taenia, Mineral, Karakaya Baraj Gölü, ICP-OES
1975 Kilis doğumlu olup ilköğrenimini Kilisʼte, ortaöğrenimini Diyarbakır
Cumhuriyet Fen Lisesiʼnde, lisans eğitimini 1998 yılında Dicle Üniversitesi,
Eğitim Fakültesi, Biyoloji Eğitimi Anabilim Dalında, İnönü Üniversitesi Fen
Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Anabilim Dalı Zooloji Bilim Dalında yüksek lisans
eğitimini 2003 yılında, doktora eğitimini 2009 yılında tamamladı. 1999 yılında
Kafkas Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Biyoloji Bölümü Hidrobiyoloji
Anabilim Dalında Araştırma görevlisi olarak göreve başladı. 2000-2010 yılları
arasında İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Ortaöğretim Fen ve Matematik
Alanları Eğitimi Bölümü, Biyoloji Eğitimi Anabilim Dalında araştırma görevlisi
olarak çalıştı. 2010 yılından itibaren İnönü Üniversitesi, Sürgü Meslek Yüksekokulu, Teknik Programlar Bölümü, Su Ürünleri Programında yardımcı doçent olarak çalışmaktadır. Balık sistematiği ve balıkların kimyasal bileşimi uzmanlık alanlarını
oluşturmaktadır. Evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.
Sofralık Üzüm Çeşitlerinin Yapraklarındaki Klorofil Miktarının
Boğumlar Bazındaki Dönemsel Değişiminin Belirlenmesi
Murat ŞEKER1
Dilek KİLLİ2
Mehmet Ali GÜNDOĞDU1
Sedef DİNÇ1
ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü. 17020, Çanakkale.
ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi, Toprak Bölümü. 17020, Çanakkale.
*Alper DARDENİZ, e-mail: [email protected], tel: 0 542 584 24 54
Bu araştırma, ÇOMÜ Terzioğlu Yerleşkesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Sofralık Üzüm Çeşitleri Araştırma
Bağıʼnda 2011 yılı içerisinde yürütülmüştür. Eşit kültürel bakım koşulları altındaki 8 farklı sofralık
üzüm çeşidinin materyal olarak kullanıldığı araştırmada, yapraklardaki klorofil miktarının değişimi
3 farklı boğum (5. Boğum, 10. Boğum ve 15. Boğum) ve 4 farklı dönemde (15 Haziran, 1 Ağustos,
15 Eylül ve 1 Kasım) Konica Minolta SPAD–502 marka el tipi dijital klorofil ölçüm cihazı yardımıyla
belirlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, Beyaz Kozak ve Müşküle üzüm çeşitlerinde sürgün ucundaki son
3 yaprak (3. yaprak, 2. yaprak ve uç yaprak) ile 3–5 yapraklı koltuklar (Dip yaprak, 2. yaprak ve
uç yaprak) da incelemeye alınmıştır. Bütün ölçümler, yaprakların uç dilimi üzerinden gerçekleştirilmiştir. Üzüm çeşitleri arasında farklılıklar bulunsa da, 10. ve 15. boğumların yapraklarında 1.
dönemde düşük olan klorofil miktarı, 2. dönemde 5. ve 10., 3. dönemde ise 10. ve 15. boğumların
yapraklarında eşitlenmiş, son dönemde özellikle 5. ve 10. boğumların yapraklarında önemli oranda
azalma kaydetmiştir. Beyaz Kozak ve Müşküle üzüm çeşitlerinin sürgün ucundaki son 3 yaprağı
ile 3–5 yapraklı koltukların 1. dönemde düşük olan klorofil miktarları, sonraki dönemlerde giderek
artış göstermiştir. Koltuklardaki klorofil miktarı, bütün dönemlerde sürgün uçlarına kıyasla daha
yüksek bulunmuştur.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Vitis vinifera L., Klorofil, Yaprak, Boğum, Koltuk sürgünü.
Periodic Change in Chlorophyll Content of Table Grape Leaves
This study was carried out in ÇOMÜ Agricultural Faculty, Table Grape Vineyard Research Area in
2011. Under equal conditions of horticultural maintenance, 8 different varieties of table grapes
were analyzed, with seasonal changes in chlorophyll content on grape leaves recorded. These
measurements were taken from 3 different (5th node, 10th node and 15th node) branch nodes, at
4 periods through the year (15th June, 1st August, 15th September and 1st November) using Konica Minolta SPAD–502 digital chlorophyll meter. In addition to these measurements, the terminal
3 leaves (tip leaf, 2nd and 3rd leaf) at the tip of the shoot in Beyaz Kozak and Müşküle grape varieties were also examined as these varieties have 3–5 leaves per lateral shoots. All chlorophyll
content measurements were taken from tip of the leaves. Although there are differences between
grape varieties, some general patterns emerge across the varieties studied. Chlorophyll content
was low on the leaves of 10th and 15th nodes. Chlorophyll content was observed to be equal during the 2nd measurement period in leaves at the 5th and 10th nodes, and also during the 3rd
measurement period in leaves at the 10th and 15th nodes. Additionally during the last study period,
a reduction of chlorophyll content was observed in leaves at the 5th and 10th nodes. In those varieties of grape with 3–5 leaves per lateral shoot, the terminal 3 leaves at the tip of the shoot contained low chlorophyll content during the 1st study period, however a gradual increment in
chlorophyll content was observed in subsequent periods. High total chlorophyll content was observed in lateral shoot leaves throughout all periods of study when compared to leaves at the tip
of the shoot.
Keywords: Vitis vinifera L., Chlorophyll, Leaf, Node, Lateral shoot.
Yalova İncisi ve Yalova Çekirdeksizi Üzüm Çeşitlerinde Primer ve
Sekonder Yazlık Sürgünlerin Gelişim ve Verimlilik Durumlarının
Eylem ERDEM1
ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi, Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü. 17020, Çanakkale.
ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi, Toprak Bölümü. 17020, Çanakkale.
T.C. Atatürk Bahçe Kültürleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü, Yalova.
*Doç. Dr. Alper DARDENİZ, e-mail: [email protected], tel: 0 542 584 24 54
Bu araştırma ÇOMÜ Dardanos Yerleşkesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Sofralık Üzüm Çeşitleri Araştırma Bağıʼnda 2010 ve 2011 yıllarında 2 yıl süreyle yürütülmüştür. Yalova İncisi (Hönüsü x Siyah Gemre) ve
Yalova Çekirdeksizi (Beyrut Hurması x Perlette) üzüm çeşitlerinde, primer ve sekonder yazlık sürgünlerin gelişim ve verimlilik durumlarının karşılaştırılması amacıyla, her uygulamada 10ʼar adet
omca kullanılmıştır. Üzüm çeşitlerinin primer yazlık sürgünleri, sürgünlerin 10–15 cm olduğu dönemde dipten kesilerek, kış gözleri içerisindeki sekonder tomurcuklar sürmeye zorlanmıştır. Sekonder tomurcukların yeni yazlık sürgünleri meydana getirmesiyle birlikte, primer (kontrol) ve sekonder
yazlık sürgünlerin vejetatif gelişimleri 7–10 günlük periyotlarda izlenmiş, Ağustos ayı içerisinde yapılan hasatların ardından, üzüm verim ve kalite analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Her iki yılda da, sekonder
sürgünleri taşıyan omcaların yaş üzüm verimi önemli seviyede düşüş göstermiş, daha küçük ve sıkı
salkımlar elde edilmiştir. Sekonder sürgünler üzerindeki doğuşun düşüklüğü nedeniyle, üzüm olgunluğu açısından uygulamalar arasında önemli farklılıklar meydana gelmemiştir. Yalova Çekirdeksizi
üzüm çeşidinin sekonder tomurcuğundan süren yazlık sürgünleri üzerindeki doğuş ve verimin Yalova
İncisi üzüm çeşidine kıyasla daha düşük gerçekleşmesi, bu çeşidin Perlette (Scolokertek x Sultanina)
üzüm çeşidinin melezi olmasına bağlanmıştır. Bu sonuçlar ile geç dönemde yaşanabilecek bir ilkbahar geç donu neticesinde primer tomurcuktan süren yazlık sürgünlerin zararlanması durumunda,
sekonder tomurcuk sürgünlerinden de bir miktar ürün alınabileceği ortaya konulmuştur.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Vitis vinifera L., Yazlık sürgün, Primer tomurcuk, Sekonder tomurcuk, Üzüm
verimi, Üzüm kalitesi.
Growth and Productivity of Primary And Secondary Summer Shoot of Two Table Grape
Varieties; Yalova İncisi and Yalova Çekirdeksizi
This study was conducted in ÇOMU Agricultural Facultyʼs, Table Grape Vineyard Research Area
between 2010 and 2011. To compare the growth and productivity of primary and secondary summer shoot of two different table grape varieties, Yalova İncisi (Hönüsü x Siyah Gemre) and Yalova
Çekirdeksizi (Beyrut Hurması x Perlette), 10 vinestock were used for each variety. Vegetative development of primary (control) and secondary summer shoots were observed over a 7–10 day
period. Primary summer shoots were cut at the base following 10–15 cm of growth, and secondary
buds were forced to sprout giving rise to new summer shoots. After the harvest in August, grape
yield and quality analysis was conducted. In both years (2010 and 2011), vinestock that has secondary shoots showed significant decreases in the levels of fresh grape yield, with especially
small grape bunches obtained. In terms of maturity of the grapes, significant differences were not
observed among the applications due to low sprout growth on secondary shoots. It was found that
the Yalova Çekirdeksizi grape variety has lower yield and shooting on summer shoots from secondary buds, in comparison the Yalova İncisi grape variety. This observation may be due to Yalova Çekirdeksizi being a hybrid of the Perlette (Scolokertek x Sultanina) grape variety. The results
of this study show that some grape products still may be harvested even if primary buds from summer sprout are damaged in cases of late spring frost.
Key words: Vitis vinifera L., Summer shoot, Primary buds, Secondary buds, Grape yield, Grape
Tekirdağ İlinde İşletmecilerin Ürettikleri Sütü Değerlendirme Kararında
Etkili Olan Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi Üzerine Bir Araştırma
Nuray DEMİR1
Fatma Gökşen ÖZTÜRK
Dr. Atatürk Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü, 25240, Erzurum
E-mail: [email protected]; Tel : 0442 231 2591
Çalışmada, Tekirdağ ilinde süt üretimi yapan işletmelerin sütü bünyelerinde yada mandıraya vermek suretiyle piyasa içinde üretim yapma kararında etkili olan faktörlerin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya ait veriler Tekirdağ ilinde yapılan 89 adet anket çalışması sonucunda elde
edilmiştir. Bu kapsamda ürettiği sütü mandıraya vererek piyasa için üretimde bulunan işletmeciler
1 ve ev ihtiyacı için üretim yapanlar ise 0 olarak kodlanmış olup, SPSS paket programı ile bağımlı
değişkenin üzerine etki eden faktörler logit regresyon modeli ile belirlenmiştir.
Çalışma sonucunda süt üreticilerinin sütü değerlendirme kararlarında, yaş, devlet güvencesinin
olma durumu, melez ve kültür ırkı hayvan toplam sayısı, üretim tipi ve suni tohumlama desteğinden
faydalanma durumu arasında pozitif bir ilişki mevcutken, üreticinin hayvancılık dışında üretimde
bulunması, işletmenin ilçeye uzaklığı ve işletmede çalışan aile bireylerinin sayısına ait değişkenler
arasında negatif bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir.
Bütün bu sonuçlar dikkate alındığında, piyasa için üretim yapan bir hayvancılık sektörü isteniyorsa,
sektörün cazip hale getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bunun oluşabilmesi içinde hayvancılıktan elde edilen gelirin artırılması elzemdir. Bu kapsamda verimliliği düşük ırklar yerine yüksek verimli ırklarla
çalışılarak süt veriminin artırılması ve üreticinin ürettiği sütün piyasaya tek elden götürülmesinde
bölgede az sayıda mevcut olan süt toplama merkezlerinin sayısının artırılarak, karlı ve ihtisaslaşmış hayvancılık sektörünün oluşturulmasının köyden kente göçü önlemede ve ayrıca kırsal alanda
yaşayan kişilerin yaşam kalitesinin artması açısından da önemli olacağı düşünülmektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Süt, Tekirdağ, Logit Analiz
A Study On Determining the Factors Affecting on the Farmersʼ Decision to Process the
Milk Produced By Farmers in Tekirdağ Province
The purpose of the study was to determine the factors affecting on the decisions of milk production
of the farms producing for the market by processing the milk within their farms or delivering the
milk to dairies in Tekirdağ. The data of the study was obtained from a survey conducted in Tekirdag.
In this context, while the farmers producing for the market by delivering their milk to the dairies
were coded as 1, the others producing for themselves consumption needs were signed as 0. The
factors affecting on the dependent variable were analyzed by logit regression model in SPSS package program.
According to the results of the study, while there was a positive relation among the age and the
pension insurance of the farmers, total number of cross and culture breeding animals, the production type, and the benefit levels from the artificial insemination support on the milk production
decision related to procession of the milk; there was a negative relationship among working other
production activities rather than dairy cattle breeding of them, the distance from their farm to the
district and the number of household working at the farm on that.
When taken into consideration the results of the study, the sector should be made attractive if a
dairy cattle sector producing for the market is required. In order to be so, it is necessary to increase
the income gained from the dairy cattle breeding. By working with higher yield dairy cattle instead
of the lower those could be increased the milk productivity. On the other hand, it could be provide
to be established a profitable and specialized dairy cattle farms by delivering the milk produced
by the farmers into the target market, and by increasing the number of milk gathering centers in
the region, and then it could be prevent the rural migration and be increase the life quality of people
living in rural areas.
Key words: Logit Analysis, dairy cattle breeding, farm, Tekirdag,
1974 yılında Erzurumʼda doğdu. İlk, Orta ve Lise öğrenimini Erzurumʼda
tamamladı. 1993 yılında girdiği Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi
Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümüʼnden 1997 yılında mezun oldu. 1999 yılında
Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Tarım Ekonomisi Anabilim
Dalıʼnda Yüksek Lisans öğrenimine başladı. Aynı yıl Tarım Ekonomisi
Bölümüʼ nde Okutman olarak göreve başladı. 2003 yılında yüksek lisans
eğitimini tamamladı. 2003 yılında doktora öğrenimine başladı. 2009 yılında doktora öğrenimini tamamladı ve doktor ünvanı aldı. Halen aynı
bölümde Okutman Dr. olarak görev yapmakta olup, evli ve iki çocuk annesidir.
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Öğrencilerinin İçme Sütü Tüketim Düzeyleri
ve Süt Tüketim Alışkanlıklarının Belirlenmesi
Muhammet DÖNMEZ1
Doç.Dr. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi-Altıntaş Meslek Yüksekokulu-KÜTAHYA
[email protected]
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Dumlupınar Üniversitesi-Altıntaş Meslek Yüksekokulu-KÜTAHYA
[email protected]
Öğr.Gör.Dumlupınar Üniversitesi-AltıntaşMeslekYüksekokulu-KÜTAHYA
[email protected]
Bu araştırma, Dumlupınar Üniversitesiʼnin farklı birimlerindeki öğrencilerin içme sütü tüketim düzeyleri ve süt tüketim alışkanlıklarının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Anket sonuçlarına göre;
öğrencilerin %93.7ʼsi sütün yararına inanırken, %6.3ʼü sütün yararına inanmadıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Öğrencilerin %65.5ʼinin sütü sevdiği, %34.5ʼinin ise sütü sevmediği belirlenmiştir. Veri sonuçlarına göre sütü sevme nedenlerinin başında %60.5 ile besleyici özelliği etkili olurken, bunu
sırasıyla tadını sevme, alışkanlık ve fiyat uygunluğu takip etmektedir. Sütü sevmeme nedenleri
arasında ise %46.9ʼu kokusu, %32.9ʼu tadı ve %16.4ʼü ise alerjik, gaz, rahatsızlık vermesi gelmektedir. Süt içmeyi seven öğrencilerin %75.8ʼinin günlük 1 bardak süt tükettiği ve süt tüketiminde
günün herhangi bir vaktinde genellikle soğuk, sade ve inek sütü tüketmeyi tercih ettikleri saptanmıştır. Öğrencilerin, % 88.8ʼi ambalajlı sütü daha güvenilir olması nedeniyle; % 11.2ʼsi ise açık
sütü doğal olması nedeniyle tercih ettiklerini belirtmişlerdir. Ambalajlı süt temininde ise daha çok
marketlerin tercih edildiği belirlenmiştir. Süt satın alırken öğrencilerin %70.5 son kullanma tarihine
dikkat ederken, %11.3ʼü marka, %9.8 fiyat, % 5.5 yağ oranı, %1.5 ambalaja önem verdiği saptanmıştır. Ayrıca araştırma bulgularına göre; öğrenciler süt yerine en fazla yoğurt ve peyniri tercih
etmektedirler. Süt içme alışkanlıklarının belirlenmesine ilişkin sorulara verdikleri cevaplarda ise;
bu alışkanlığının çocukluk döneminde kazandırılabileceğini ve sütün her yaşta tüketilmesi gerektiğini ifade etmişlerdir. Araştırma verilerine göre; ankete katılan öğrencilerin %93ʼü sütün yararına
inandıklarını ve süt ve süt ürünlerinin besin değeri hakkında bilgi sahibi olduklarını ifade etmişlerdir.
Ancak bu konuda bilinçli olmalarına rağmen düzenli olarak süt tüketen öğrencilerin yüzdesi düşük
bulunmuştur. Ayrıca anket sonuçlarına göre öğrencilerin büyük kısmı, süt tüketimini teşvik etmede
basın ve yayın organlarının faaliyetlerini yetersiz bulmuş ve süt ve süt ürünleri tüketiminin öneminin
kavratılmasında sütün faydalarının tanıtımının ve reklamın önemli bir paya sahip olduğunu ifade
Anahtar Kelimeler: içme sütü, süt tüketimi, etkili faktörler, tüketim alışkanlıkları
Determination of Drinking Milk Consumption and Habits of
Dumlupınar University Students
In this research, different units of the students of Dumlupınar University drinking milk consumption
and habits was determined. According to the results,; while 93.7% of the students believe that the
benefit of milk and, 6.3% reported that did not. It was determined that 65.5% of the students like
milk, but 34.5% of that not like. The analysis of the obtained data shows that 60.5% to began
milk nutritional value, which followed by likes taste, habit and price respectively. Among the reasons for dislikes milk is 46.9% smell, 32.9% taste, and 16.4% allergic, gas, is causing discomfort.
75.8% of the students who likes to drink milk a cup of milk consumed per day and milk consumption at any time of day is usually cold, plain, and generally cow's milk has been identified. The
students, 88.8% of the milk is packaged to be more reliable because of 11.2% reported that they
preferred the open due to natural milk. The provision of packaged milk is preferred to the more
defined markets.Milk expiration date while paying attention to when buying 70.5% of the students,
11.3% of the brand, price 9.8%, 5.5% fat, 1.5% were in retail box which is crucial.In addition, according to findings, the students instead of milk, yogurt and cheese most prefer.In their responses
to questions regarding the determination of milk drinking habits during childhood and milk expressed should be consumed at any age. According to survey data, 93% of students surveyed believe that the benefit of the milk and the nutritional value of milk and milk products have expressed
that they are aware of. However, in this regard, they are conscious of this issue on a regular basis
had lower percentage of students who consume milk. In addition, the majority of students according to the results of the survey, the consumption of milk in promoting the activities of the media
organs found ınsufficient and the importance of the consumption of milk and milk products understanding promotion and edvertising has a significant share of the benefits of the milk is expressed.
Keywords: drinking milk, milk consumption,ınfluential factors,the consumption habits.
Doç. Dr. Muhammet DÖNMEZ
1967 Konya-Hüyük ilçesinde doğdu. 1992 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümüʼnden mezun oldu. Ege Üniversitesi Fen bilimleri Enstitüsüʼnde 1995 yılında Yüksek Lisans ve 1998 yılında Doktorasını tamamladı.
2003 yılında Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Altıntaş MYOʼda Yrd. Doç. kadrosuna
atandı. 2010 yılında Gıda Mühendisliğiʼnden Doçentlik ünvanı aldı. Halen Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Altıntaş MYO Gıda Teknolojisi Bölümüʼnde Doçent olarak
görev yapmakta olan Muhammet DÖNMEZ evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Aysel GÜLBANDILAR
1970 Trabzon-Of ilçesinde doğdu. 1992 yılında Anadolu Üniversitesi Biyoloji Bölümüʼnden mezun oldu. 1996 yılında Osmangazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Anatomi Ana Bilim Dalıʼnda Yüksek Lisans
ve 2004 yılında Anadolu Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji Ana
Bilim Dalıʼnda doktorasını tamamladı. 1994-2011 yılları arasında Sağlık
Bakanlığı bünyesinde çalıştı. 2011 Ağustos ayı itibariyle Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Altıntaş MYO Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi Bölümüʼnde Yrd. Doçent olarak atanmış ve halen bu bölümde görevine devam etmekte olan Aysel GÜLBANDILAR
evli ve 2 çocuk annesidir.
1982 yılında Kayseri ilinde doğdu. 2004 yılında Çukurova Üniversitesi Gıda
Mühendisliği Bölümüʼnden mezun oldu. 2008 yılında Erciyes Üniversitesi
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalıʼndan mezun oldu.
2008 yılında Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği
Ana Bilim Dalıʼnda Doktora eğitimine başladı ve şu an doktoranın tez aşamasına devam etmektedir. 2008 yılında Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Altıntaş
MYO Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi Bölümüʼne Öğr. Gör. olarak atanmış
olup ve halen bu bölümde görevine devam etmektedir.
Restoran ve Okul Kantinlerinde Gıda Güvenliği Farkındalığı
F. ER1, M. KARA1, S. DİNÇ1
Selçuk Üniversitesi Çumra Meslek Yüksek Okulu 42500 Çumra / KONYA
Selçuk Üniversitesi Çumra Meslek Yüksekokulu tarafından yürütülen kısa adı Safe-Rest olan "Restoran ve okul kantinlerinde gıda güvenliği farkındalığı“ isimli proje 2010 yılında T.C. Başbakanlık
Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Avrupa Birliği Eğitim ve Gençlik Programları Merkezi Başkanlığı Hayat
boyu Öğrenme Programı (LLP) Leonardo da Vinci Mesleki Eğitim Programı Yenilik Transferi projeleri
kapsamında hibe almaya hak kazanarak 01/12/2010 tarihi itibariyle uygulanmaya başlamıştır.
Türkiye, İspanya ve Romanyaʼda eş zamanlı olarak uygulanan proje kapsamında restoran ve okul
kantini çalışanlarına yerinde ve uzaktan eğitim şeklinde Türkçe, İspanyolca ve Romence dillerinde
eğitimler verilecektir.
Amacımız, halkımızın büyük bir kesimine hizmet veren restoranlar ile geleceğimiz, gözbebeğimiz
çocuklarımıza hizmet veren okul kantinlerindeki çalışanları, Avrupa Birliği ve ulusal yasaların gerektirdiği gıda güvenliği ve hijyeni konularında bilgilendirerek çalışanlarda gıda güvenliği farkındalığı yaratmaktır.
Proje kapsamında eğitim ihtiyaçlarının ve yanlış uygulamaların tespiti amacıyla Ankara, Bolu, Denizli, Konya ve Uşak illerinde toplam 268 işletmede 617 kişiye Gıda Güvenliği Anketi uygulanmıştır.
Anket sonuçlarına göre;
• Restoran ve okul kantinlerinde çok çeşitli meslek gruplarının (tornacı, tezgahtar, tesisatçı,
muhasebeci, işletmeci, serbest meslek, emekli, ev hanımı, halkla ilişkiler, gıda teknikeri, garson, ocakçı, gibi) yer aldığı genellikle de vasıfsız grupların oluşturduğu kişilerin oranı yaklaşık
% 60ʼdır.
• Kantin, kıraathane ve çay ocaklarında çalışanların % 50ʼsi, restoranlarda çalışanların yaklaşık % 35ʼi 5 yıldan az bir süre bulundukları işletmelerde çalışmaktadırlar.
• Restoran ve okul kantinlerinde çalışanların büyük çoğunluğunu ilköğretim mezunu kişiler
oluşturmaktadır. Üniversite mezunlarının ise bu sektördeki oranı % 12-15 arasındadır.
• Okul kantini çalışanlarının yaklaşık % 73ʼü, restoran çalışanlarının ise yaklaşık % 64ʼü gıda
güvenliği ve hijyeni konusunda herhangi bir eğitim almamışlardır.
• Okul kantini çalışanlarının çoğunluğu 3-6 yıl önce, restoran çalışanlarının çoğunluğu 6 yıl
ve daha önce eğitim aldıklarını ifade etmişlerdir
• Çalışanların yaklaşık % 72ʼsinin gıda güvenliği ve hijyeni konusunda kendilerini yeterince
bilgi sahibi olduklarını ifade etmişlerdir.
• Hastalık yapma olasılığı yüksek olan potansiyel riskli gıdaların çalışanlar tarafından yeterince
• Sıcak tutulması gereken yemeklerin 65ºC üzerinde olması gerektiği ankete katılan çalışanların çoğu tarafından bilinmemektedir.
• Dondurulmuş gıdaları mutfak ortamında çözündürenlerin oranı yaklaşık %55ʼin üzerindedir.
• Çözünmüş gıdayı tekrar donduranların oranı yaklaşık %10ʼdur.
• Dezenfektan tanımı genel olarak bilinmekle birlikte, ʻFikrim yokʼ seçeneğini işaretleyen kişilerin sayısı yaklaşık %10ʼdur.
• Buzdolabı ve gıda ile temas eden yüzeylerde dezenfektan kullanımı %40ʼın altındadır.
• Çapraz bulaşıya neden olan çiğ gıdalar ile pişmiş gıdaların aynı yerde depolanması sorununun oranı az da olsa devam etmektedir.
• Kırmızı et, tavuk ve balık için farklı doğrama yüzeyleri kullanıldığı ankete katılanların çoğunluğu tarafından ifade edilmiştir. Bununla birlikte aynı yüzeyi kullananların sayısı yaklaşık
• Ahşap doğrama yüzeyi kullananların sayısı yaklaşık %30ʼdur.
• Doğrama yüzeylerinin temizliğinde dezenfektan kullananların sayısı da yaklaşık %40ʼdır.
Sonuç olarak; ankete katılanların büyük bir çoğunluğu gıda güvenliği konularında herhangi bir eğitim almamışlardır. Gıda güvenliği konularında ankete katılanların bilgileri yetersizdir. Ancak kendilerini bu konularda bilgili görmekte ve eğitim almak istememektedir. Bu nedenlerden restoran ve
okul kantinlerinde çalışanları veya çalışmayı düşünenleri www.saferest.org adresine üye olmaya
davet ediyoruz.
Adı Soyadı: Meryem KARA
Doğum Tarihi/Yeri: 01.04.1972 / KONYA
Unvanı: Yrd. Doç. Dr
Öğrenim Durumu:
Gıda Mühendisliği
Yüksek lisans
Fen Bilimleri Ens. Gıda Mühendisliği
Ana Bilim Dalı/Hububat teknolojisi
Fen Bilimleri Ens Kimya Ana Bilim Dalı/Biyokimya
Geleceğin Besin Kaynağı: Fitoplanktonlar
Atatürk Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, 25240 ERZURUM
Dünya nüfusu 7 milyar civarında olup, bu değer her yıl gelişmiş ülkelerde %0,5-1 civarında, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde ise %2-3 oranında artmaktadır. Nüfustaki hızlı artış gelişmekte olan ülkelerde
besin maddesi ihtiyacını da artırmaktadır. Hayvansal ve bitkisel kaynaklı ürünler, gerek çevre kirliliği
gerekse ekim yapılacak arazilerin yanlış kullanımı sonucu verimliliklerini kaybetmesi ve/veya şehirleşmenin artması sebebiyle giderek azalmakta ve açlık günümüzün en büyük sorunu haline gelmektedir. Bu gün dünyamızda bir milyon insan açlıkla mücadele etmektedir. Gelişmiş ülkeler bu
durumun dünyanın sosyo-ekonomik dengesini bozacağı endişesini taşımakta ve bu nedenle yeni
besin kaynaklarının üretilmesine yönelmektedir.
Son zamanlarda yürüten çalışmalarda, hızlı gelişimi, yoğun üretime uygun, işlenmesinin kolay,
protein değerinin yüksek olması ve birçok besin maddesi ihtiva etmesinden dolayı fitoplankton
topluluklarının insan besini olarak kullanılması konusuna yoğunlaşmışlardır. Fitoplankton, iz elementler, aminoasit, vitamin, mineral madde, klorofil, enzim ve hücresel materyali içermektedir.
Chlorella, Spirulina gibi fitoplankton türleri günümüzde gerek kapsül olarak gerekse işlenmeden
tüketilmektedir. Bunun yanı sıra fitoplankton dengeli beslenmede, şeker, kalp damar ve kanser
gibi hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılan önemli bir kaynaktır. Gelecekte fitoplankton türleri insan
sağlığı ve beslenmesinde önemli bir rol alacaktır.
Anahtar Kelime: Fitoplankton, gıda, beslenme
Adres: Atatürk Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Temel Bilimler A.B.D
e-posta: [email protected]
tel: 0442 2312434
Name and Surname : Assistant Professor Dr. Ozden FAKIOGLU
Adress: Atatürk University, Faculty of Fisheries, ERZURUM, TURKEY.
Fone: +900442 231 24 34 GSM: 0543 773 35 19 E-mail: [email protected]
Agriculture Faculty Department of Fisheries and
Ankara University 1994-1998
Agriculture Faculty Department of Fisheries and
Ankara University 1999-2004
Agriculture Faculty Department of Fisheries and
Ankara University 2004-2010
Thesis Title
Determination of External Phosğhorus
Loading in Mogan Lake Following Some
Restoration Measures
Prof. Dr. Serap PULATSÜ
PhD Thesis
Phytoplankton Biomass and Species
Composition of Beyşehir Lake
Prof. Dr. A. Nilsun DEMİR
Gül Sektörü Değer Zinciri Analizi
Yrd.Doç. Dr. F. Handan GİRAY
Arş. Gör.M.Çağla ÖRMECİ KART
Süleyman Demirel Ünivesitesi, Tarım Ekonomisi Bölümü, Isparta/ TÜRKİYE
Değer zinciri (value chain), bir hizmet veya ürünün, kavramsal gelişim noktasından başlayarak
uğradığı fiziksel değişim ve üretici hizmetlerinin katkısını içeren üretim süreçlerinden geçerek (nihaî
tüketiciye erişimine ve kullanım sonrasına dek bir parçası olduğu tüm aşamaları açıklayan, aynı
zamanda, bir işletmede katma değerin nasıl ortaya çıkarıldığına yönelik bir modeldir. Isparta
ilinde gül ürünleri sektörü değer zincirinin analiz edildiği bu çalışmada süreçte yeralan değişkenler
ve yaratılan katma değer belirlenmiştir.
Araştırmanın ana materyalini konu ile ilgili yurtiçi ve yurtdışından daha önce yapılan bilimsel çalışmaların ve değer zincirinin farklı aşamalarında yer alan üreticiler ile Gülbirlik ve Tarım Gıda ve
Hayvancılık İl Müdürlüğü uzmanları ile yapılan görüşmelerden elde edilen veriler oluşturmuştur.
Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, gül çiçeği fiyatı ve gül ürünleri fiyatları arasında büyük farklılıklar
vardır. Üreticiler gül yağı sektörüne dahil olamadıkları için katma değerden yararlanamamaktadır.
Yaratılan katma değerden yararlananlar gül ürünleri işleyicileri ve yurtdışındaki gül yağı satıcılarıdır.
Üreticilerin yağ gülü üretimine dahil olmaları hem kârlılıklarını arttıracak ve hem de yaratılan katma
değerin yerel ekonomiye ve gül üreticilerine katkısı yükselecektir.. Ayrıca sektörün yapısal sorunlarının çözümü ile de pazarda önemli bir güce sahip olan GÜLBİRLİKʼin daha verimli ve etkin çalışır hale getirilmesi de üreticiye sunulan hizmetler ve yaratılan toplam katma değer açısından
önem taşımaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Değer zinciri, Rosa damascena, Isparta gülü
Value Chain Analysis Rose Products Industry
Assist. Prof. Dr. F. Handan GİRAY
Research. Assist. M. Çağla ÖRMECİ KART
Süleyman Demirel University, Department of Agricultural Economics, Isparta/ TURKEY
Value chain is a model which explains all process of a service or a product starting from conceptual
development point until after usage of final consumer including physical changes and producers
contribution, how added value has been changed. On this study rose products industry value chain
has been analyzed and variables on value chain and added value have been determined.
Main sources are previous scientific researches regarding the subject, and interviews carried out
with rose producers, GÜLBİRLİK (ROSEUNION) officers and experts from Isparta Province Directorate of Agriculture, Food and Animal Husbandry.
There is a big difference between rose flower price and its productsʼ prices. Producers are not involved in rose oil business and this is why they cannot benefit from the value added. They do not
see it as their primary source of income and more like a traditional practice. Who benefits from
added value is rose oil industry and its buyers (perfume and cosmetic industry in abroad). Producersʼ involvement in rose oil factories would be a good opportunity to increase their benefit from
the sector and take a higher share from the total value added. GÜLBİRLİK as a producerʼs union
cannot be ignored in the market although recently it does not work efficiently and properly. It is
thought that if administrative problems in GÜLBİRLİK are solved and producersʼ participation in
decision making process increases, it's contribution to providing services to producers and total
value added will significantly rise.
Keywords: Value chain, Rosa damascena, Isparta rose.
Trakya Yöresinde Üzüm Suyu Üretiminin Geliştirilmesi
Üzerine Çalışmalar: Tekirdağ Örneği
Mehmet GÜLCÜ1 Levent TAŞERİ2
Gıda Yük. Müh.- Araştırmacı, Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı,
Tekirdağ Bağcılık Araştırma İstasyonu Müdürlüğü-Tekirdağ/Türkiye
[email protected] (Sorumlu yazar/ Corresponding author)
Dr., Ziraat Yük. Müh.- Araştırmacı, Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı,
Tekirdağ Bağcılık Araştırma İstasyonu Müdürlüğü-Tekirdağ/Türkiye
Trakya bölgesi bağcılığı her zaman Türkiye bağcılığı içinde önemli bir yere sahip olmuştur. Mevcut
ekolojik şartlar ve pazarlama olanakları konusunda bir sıkıntı olmamasına rağmen bölge de mevcut
bağcılığa dayalı gıda sanayi ve endüstriyel iş hacmi şarap üretimi dışında bugüne kadar istenilen
düzeye ulaşamamıştır.
Üzümün değerlendirilmesine olanak sağlayan alternatif bir yol da, üzüm suyuna işlenmesidir.
Üzüm suyu; gıda besin maddelerinin pek çoğunu bünyesinde bulunduran, besleyici, kuvvet verici
ve hastalıklara karşı şifa özellikleri olan bir üründür. Türkiye meyve suyu sanayinin en öncelikli
sorunu olarak gösterilen meyve yetersizliği, üzüm suyu sektöründe bugün için söz konusu değildir.
Hatta mevcut bağların hemen tümü şıra verimi yüksek şıralık-şaraplık çeşitlerden kurulu olan
Trakya Bölgesi, hammadde potansiyeli bakımından üzüm suyu üretimine en uygun bölgelerden
Üzüm suyu konusunda, Tekirdağ Bağcılık Araştırma İstasyonu Müdürlüğünce, 2006-2010 yılları
arasında bir araştırma projesi yürütülmüş ve bu kapsamda; çok sayıda üzüm çeşidi taranarak,
üzüm suyu üretimine uygun üzüm çeşitleri ve üzüm sularının bazı kalite özellikleri belirlenmiştir.
Aynı proje çalışması sürecinde, kazanılan deneyimler ışığında ortaya somut çıktılar koymak amacıyla, Tekirdağ Valiliğinin maddi desteği ve kurum imkanları ile 2007 yılında kurum bünyesinde
pilot ölçekte, üzüm suyu üretim tesisi kurulmuştur. Söz konusu bu tesisin ürün işleme kapasitesi
düşük olmasına rağmen, bu konuda yatırım yapmayı düşünen girişimcilere iyi bir örnek teşkil etmektedir.
Bu çalışmada, araştırma projesi ile başlayan süreçte ve devamında oluşturulan pilot tesis ile üzüm
suyu üretimi konusunda Tekirdağ'da yapılan çalışmalar ve kat edilen aşamalar değerlendirilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Bağcılık, Üzüm suyu, Trakya yöresi
Studies on The Improvement of Grape Juice Production in Thrace Region:
Example of Tekirdağ
Viticulture of Thrace region always had an important role in viticulture of Turkey. Despite good
ecological conditions and marketing facilities in the region., the volume of food industry and in[244]
dustrial business based on viniculture had never reached the desired level except for trading of
wine production.
The alternative way that let to evaluation of grape is the process of grape juice. Having so many
nutrients grape juice is healthy, supporting nutritive product. The deficient amount of fruit ,the most
important problem of fruit juice industry, is not a problem for viticulture today. On the other hand
having vineyards established from wine grapes Thrace region is the most suitable raw material
production area for grape juice.
Tekirdağ Viticulture Research Institute carried on a research project between 2006-2010, to evaluate of the grape varieties suitable for juice production and the quality criteries of these juices.
Also the pilot scale grape juice factory was established in 2007 with the financial support of Tekirdağ Governor's Office. Although having the small capacity, this facility is good model for the investors.
In this study, evaluated the work and stages on the production of grape juice in Tekirdağ.
Key words: Viticulture, Grape juice, Thrace region
Mehmet Gülcü (Gıda Yük. Müh.)
1980 yılında Balıkesir'de doğdum. 2003 yılında lisans (Trakya Üniv.),
2008 yılında yüksek lisans eğitimimi (Namık Kemal Üniv.) tamamladım.
Halen doktora eğitimime (Namık Kemal Üniv.) devam etmekteyim. 2006
yılından beri Tekirdağ Bağcılık Araştırma İstasyonu Müdürlüğünde Mühendis/Araştırmacı olarak görev yapmaktayım. İlgilendiğim başlıca araştırma alanları: gıda mühendisliği, meyve sebze işleme teknolojisi, üzüm
ürünleri (şarap, üzüm suyu, pekmez, sirke, salamura yaprak) işleme teknolojileri
Metabolik Mühendislik ile Modifiye Edilmiş Pichia Pastoris
Kullanılarak Transglutaminaz Üretimi
Burcu GÜNDÜZ1, Pınar ÇALIK2
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, FBE Biyoteknoloji Anabilim Dalı, 06531 Ankara
0544 719 3971, [email protected]
ODTÜ Kimya Mühendisliği Bölümü, Endüstriyel Biyoteknoloji Lab, 06531 Ankara
Transglutaminaz(Tgaz) (R-glutaminil-peptid:amin γ-glutamil transferaz; EC, proteinlerin
glutaminil residueʼlarının, γ-karboksil grupları ile lisini de kapsayan çeşitli asıl aminler arasında bir
açil transfer reaksiyonu katalizlemektedir. [1]
Transglutaminaz farklı fonksiyonel özelliklerde ve daha yüksek besin değerinde yeni proteinlerin
üretiminde, yenilebilen filmlerin hazırlanmasında, ısıya dayanıklı jel yapının oluşturulmasında,
elzem aminoasitlerin ilavesi ile gıda proteinlerinin besin değerinin geliştirilmesinde, gıdaların reolojik özelliklerinin değiştirilmesinde, mekanik dayanımı artırmada, tekstürel deformasyonu ve gıda
katkı maddeleri kullanımını azaltma veya tamamen ortadan kaldırma amaçlarına ulaşmada gıda
endüstrisine fayda sağlayacak potansiyele sahip bir enzimdir. [2,3]
Hücredışı ve hücreiçi rekombinant transglutaminaz (TGaz) üretimi için genetik mühendislik tekniklerini kullanarak rekombinant Pichia pastoris suşunun hazırlanması, en iyi üretimi yapan re[245]
kombinant Pichia pastoris türlerinin seçimi ve bu enziminin aktivitelerinin hesaplanarak uygun üretim yönteminin seçilmesi projenin kapsamını oluşturmaktadır. Bu kapsamda TGazʼın hücre dışına
atılması için α-faktör sinyal sekans dizinin TGaz gen dizininin önüne entegre edilmesine karar verilmiştir. Yüksek protein ekspresyonu sağlamak için iyi regüle edilebilen ve metanolle indüklenebilen güçlü alkol oksidaz 1 promotorunun kullanılmasına karar verilmiştir. Bu çerçevede hücreiçi
ve hücredışı Tgaz sentzeleyecek gen dizinleri PCR ile çoğaltılmıştır. E.coli ve Pichia pastoris de
kendisini çoğaltabilen pPICZα-A vektörüne uygun kesme ve birleştirme enzimleri yardımıyla gen
klonlanmıştır. Elde edilen pPICZα-A-intraTgaz ve pPICZα-A-extraTgaz plazmidleri E.coliʼye transfer edilerek çoğaltılmış ve sonrasında izole edilmişlerdir. İzole edilen plazmidler PmeI restiriksiyon
enziminin yardımıyla kesilerek doğrusal hale getirilerek Pichia pastorisʼe transfeksiyon yöntemiyle
Pichia pastorisʼin genomuna entegre edilmiştir. Bundan sonra yapılacak olan çalışmalarda hücreiçi
ve hücredışı transglutaminaz enzimini ekspres etme özelliği kazanmış olan P. pastoris suşlarının,
hücre dışına salgılanan ve hücre içindeki transglutaminaz enziminin aktivitesi ölçülerek en iyi aktiviteyi gösteren rekombinant P.pastoris ile enzim üretimi üzerine biyoreaktör işletim parametrelerinin etkisi araştırılacaktır.
1. Yokoyama, K., Kikuchi, Y. (2004) Properties and application of microbial transglutaminase, Appl
Microbial Biotechnol. 64:447-454
2. Serdaroğlu, M., Turp, G.Y. (2003) Gıda işlemede transglutaminaz kullanımı, GIDA.28:209-215
3. Yüksel, Z., Erdem, Y.K. (2008) Gıda endüstrisinde transglutaminaz uygulamaları: 2. Enzimin
gıda süreçlerinde kullanım olanakları, GIDA. 33:143-149
The Effect of Growing Media on Some Quality Factors and
Yield of Some Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
Cultivars Under Greenhouse Conditions
Dr., Bursa Gıda ve Yem Kontrol Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü (Bursa Central Research of Food and Feed Control) e-mail: [email protected]
The objective of this study was to determine the effects of peat and peat mixture (peat+perlit+sand
(1:1:1)) growing media on length, thickness, weight of fruit, the number of fruit per plant, yield
and, ascorbic acid content, soluble total dry matter of fruit of some pepper cultivars under greenhouse conditions. Plants (Charleston 52, E9383A, E1988 and Topepo Rosso pepper cultivars)
were grown in peat or peat+perlit+sand (1:1:1) media in polyethylene bags. Peat+perlit+sand
(1:1:1) significantly increased length, thickness and weight of fruit in all cultivars grown. On the
other hand, ascorbic acid content and soluble total dry matter of fruit at different growing stage,
the number of fruit per plant and yield were higher at peat grown plants than the other medium.
Keywords: Pepper cultivars (Capsicum annuum L.),, growing medium, quality factor, yield.
Evaluation of Whey in Beverage Production
Bayburt University, Engineering Faculty, Food Engineering Department
Atatürk University, Agriculture Faculty, Food Engineering Department
e mail:[email protected]
Whey is a dairy by-product the which separates from the curd during cheese manufacture. The
composition and characteristics of whey related to the production technology, cheese type and
the quality of milk used. The last decade have demonstrated that whey is a valuable source for
nutraceutical ingredients such as lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, immunoglobulins, growth factors,
essential and branched chain amino acids etc. Generally about 50% of commercial whey is further
processed into various products, but 50% is used as animal feed, fertilizer or discarded. Whey
beverages have gained popularity due to their high nutritional value and recently many whey beverages have been developed using both raw unprocessed liquid whey and whey protein concentrate and isolate powders. Sweet, acid, and demineralized whey have been used extensively in
industrial applications for the manufacture of beverages. These beverages can be groupped into
four categories based on the way the protein fraction is processed and the addition of microorganisms to ferment the whey: (1) beverages made from whole whey (basically a mixture of whey
and fruit juice or pulp), (2) de-proteinised nonalcoholic whey beverages (fermented or not), (3) alcoholic whey beverages such as beer and wine, and (4) whey protein beverages. Also electrolyte
or sports beverages are designed widely as using whey and its components, but they are not considered functional beverages. Functional beverages offer some type of health benefit, and this category is a rapidly growing sector of the beverage market. So whey is an important source for
beverage industry due to its high nutritional and functional properties. As a result, researches
about evaluation of whey in this industry must be increased in near future.
The Proximate Composition, Somatic Cell Count, Mineral Contents,
Total Aerobic Mesophilic Bacteria of Damascus Cow Milk
Nuray Güzeler1, Kurban Yaşar1, Mücella Saler2, Dilek Say3
Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Cukurova,
Adana, Turkey
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Cukurova,
Adana, Turkey
Vocational School of Pozantı, University of Cukurova, Adana, Turkey
Damascus cattle is the highest milk producing breed among the local Anatolian cattle populations.
The milk and beef production capacity of South Anatolian Red (SAR) cattle is lower than that of
dairy and dual-purpose cattle breeds in Europe. However, it is well adapted to the hot, arid conditions and other subtropical hardships, such as tick-borne diseases, in the southern regions of Turkey. The proximate composition, the Somatic Cell Count (SCC), casein, lactose, total aerobic
mesophilic bacteria, pH and mineral contents of Damascus cow milk were investigated. The results
of the analysis were 180±12 (x10³) cell/ml for SCC, 3.54 ± 0.10 (cfug-1) for aerobic mezofilik bacteria counts, 6.83±0.04 for pH, 7.81±0.26 for titratable acidity, 9.74 ± 0.23% for dry matter, 2.62 ±
0.17% for fat, 3.54 ± 0.10% for protein, 2.74 ± 0.21% for casein and 3.34 ± 0.52 % for lactose.
The macro mineral contents of milk (Na, K, Ca, Mg and P) were 566±19, 1400±21, 1264±15,
139±11 and 842±33 mg/Lg, respectively whereas the micro mineral contents of milk (Cu, Fe, Mn,
and Zn) were 0.18±0.01, 0.41±0.03, 0.03±0.00 and 2.25±0.17 mg/Lg, respectively.
Key words: Damascus cow, milk composition, mineral content
Dilek SAY - Short Biography
Dilek Say is a doctor in the University of Cukurova, Adana, Turkey. She
graduated from the Department of Food Engineering of Cukurova University in 1996. She completed her MSc in 2001 and PhD in 2008 both
at the Department of Food Engineering of Cukurova University, Adana.
Dilek Say received a scholarship from Mediterranean Agronomic Institute
of CHANIA, Greece and attended a post-graduate specialization programme in the Department of Food Quality Management in 2000. She worked as a quality specialist in various companies between 2001 and 2009.
She joined the Vocational School of Pozantı at the University of Cukurova, Adana, 2009 and give lectures in this university. Say has been also
the deputy director of the Vocational School of Pozantı of Cukurova University since 2009. She
has had numerous publications since the 1998s. Her works are mainly based on the milk, yoghurt
technology, cheese technology, traditional dairy products and food safety.
Evaluation of Replacement of Vinegar By Fermented Cheese Whey in
the Formulation of Mayonnaise Sauce
Bahram Hassani1,*
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Mayonnaise is the most popular sauce all over the world. The qualityproperties of mayonnaise is
because of its taste, aroma, and consistency which depend directly on the proportion of the ingredients used in its formulation. The nutrition value of mayonnaise may be improved through using
fermented cheese whey (FCW) in its formulation. Moreover, FCW can improve viscosity and consistency of mayonnaise and its shelf life. Additionally, using FCW is a good strategy to make use
of an otherwise wasted liquid. It can prevent the pollution of the environment. In this study, cheese
whey having been fermented by some chemical tests before and after fermentation were used to
determine the pH, acidity, lactose and protein percentage in the whey. The obtained FWC then,
was mixed with acid acetic with five proportions of 0, 25, 50, 75, 100.These mixtures were then
used in the formulation of mayonnaise. The five formulations were analysed by some chemical
sampling to determine the pH, acidity, lactose, dry matter and protein percentages. Finally, Sensory
Evaluation was used to select the best formulation. The formulation with 25% FCW was the best
one in terms of taste, aroma, consistency and color.
Keywords:mayonnaise sauce; cheese whey; formulation
Rheological Characterization of Barberry Extract
Bahram Hassani1,*
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Email:[email protected]
Rheology is the science of deformation and flow behaviour of matter. The consistency of a Newtonian fluid like water, milk or clear fruit juice can be characterized by the term viscosity. Viscosity
of non-Newtonian fluid however changes with changing rate of shear and hence should be characterized by more than one parameter. Flow characteristics and the rheological behavior of barberry (Berberis vulgaris) extract was carried out using a rotational viscometer at temperatures
between 20 and 50 ˚C and at concentrations of 14%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% total soluble solids.
The power law model was fitted to the experimental results. The value of flow behavior index (n)
was more than unity, at all temperature and concentrations indicating the shear thickening nature
of the barberry extract . The effect of temperature on viscosity was evaluated using Arrhenius
equation and then activation energies were found.
Keywords: Barberry; power low model; viscosity; shear rate
Bahram Hassani is M.Sc of food science and technology Islamic azad university of Iran. Heʼs director and advisor of large industrial collection in Iran, elder
expert of agriculture engineering with tendency of science and nutrition industries, National higher grade in changing and complementary industry in agriculture from national festival of young Iranian, Second grade of creator-work
1n 2010 from national festival of young Iranian , Member of expert society of
quality control, Agent director of Shav nutrition industries group, Member of
national association council of Saffron in Iran, Specimen director of generator
and exporter from trade ministry in 2010, Specimen director of changing and
complementary industries in south Khorasan in 2011, The Chief of board of
directors in Pardis top toos company, Member of young advisors team for president.
Optimization of Anthocyanins Extraction in Barrbery By Ultrasound
Bahram Hassani1,*, Mona Aivaz1, Mina Hassani2
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University Quchan Branch, Quchan, Iran
Email:[email protected]
In this study , anthocyanins extraction from Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) by ultrasound process
at the selected temperatures (30, 40 and 50˚C) and extraction times (10, 20 and 30 minuets) with
two solvents (1.5 M HCl–95% ethanol ) was done . Then, the concentration of the main anthocyanin in Barberry_ Cyanidin-3-glycoside_ was measured through pH differential method. Results
showed that the most amount of extracted anthocyanins by Ultrasound extraction are at 50˚C
with extraction time 20 minutes. Under these conditions 188.58 mg of antocyanins from 100 ml
of extract could be obtained. Natural colour was obtained from Barberry extraction with the
brix of 60 and can be used in products, such as sweats ,confectionary cream, ice cream and
those product which must not further be exposed to high temperatures in their production.The
outlook for the use of these colours in food sciences and technology seems promising due to
the advances in non-heating processes ,the importance of using natural colours in food product,
and the positive effects of anthocyanins on health.
Keywords:Barberry; Anthocyanins; Ultrasound method; Extraction
Bahram Hassani is M.Sc of food science and technology Islamic azad university of Iran. Heʼs director and advisor of large industrial collection in Iran, elder
expert of agriculture engineering with tendency of science and nutrition industries, National higher grade in changing and complementary industry in agriculture from national festival of young Iranian, Second grade of creator-work
1n 2010 from national festival of young Iranian , Member of expert society of
quality control, Agent director of Shav nutrition industries group, Member of
national association council of Saffron in Iran, Specimen director of generator
and exporter from trade ministry in 2010, Specimen director of changing and
complementary industries in south Khorasan in 2011, The Chief of board of
directors in Pardis top toos company, Member of young advisors team for president.
Production A Natural Colour of Barberry Pigments
Bahram Hassani1,*
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Email:[email protected]
In this study, Berberis vulgaris species of seedless barberry has been used for extracting anthocyanin and producing natural color. the extraction of Barberriesʼ anthocyanins are carried out by
Reflux System ,Mixer/ Settler System ;then, concentration of anthocyanins are measured by pH
Differential Method on a basis of Barberriesʼdominant anthocyanin( Cyanidin-3-glycoside).Results
shows that the most amount of anthocyanins ,extracted, are in Reflux System at 50 ° C with mixed
solvent of ethanole and methanole , in Mixer/ Settler System at 60 °C with boil water pretreatment.
Also, because of copigmentation, copolymerisation and acylation, the amount of anthocyanins are
increased after concentrating, that followed by the increase of colour intensity and stability.The
colour, which are produced, are poured in chromatic bottles and stored for studying the anthocyaninsʼ stability for three months.Consequently,the least and the most destruction of anthocyanins
in stored colour are observed alternatively at -18° C and 40 °C. The most stable color during storing
period was one stored at -18 ºC It can be used in products like confectionary cream, ice cream
and those which are not exposed to heat so much.
Keywords: Natural colours; Barberry; Anthocyanin; Extraction; Stability
Bahram Hassani is M.Sc of food science and technology Islamic azad university of Iran. Heʼs director and advisor of large industrial collection in Iran, elder
expert of agriculture engineering with tendency of science and nutrition industries, National higher grade in changing and complementary industry in agriculture from national festival of young Iranian, Second grade of creator-work
1n 2010 from national festival of young Iranian , Member of expert society of
quality control, Agent director of Shav nutrition industries group, Member of
national association council of Saffron in Iran, Specimen director of generator
and exporter from trade ministry in 2010, Specimen director of changing and
complementary industries in south Khorasan in 2011, The Chief of board of
directors in Pardis top toos company, Member of young advisors team for president.
Kinetics of Gas Production of Leaves From Native and
Imported Olive Trees
R. Hatami1, F. Kafilzadeh2, I. Arji3
M.Sc. Student of Animal Science, 2Associate Professor, 3Faculty member of Agricultural and
Natural Resource Research Center of Kermanshah
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
*Corresponding author E- mail: [email protected]
Under semi arid conditions of the tropics and subtropics, poor quality and inadequate supply of
feed is the major constraint on livestock production. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the in vitro ruminal fermentation using gas production technique, of different varieties of
olive leaf that had been cultivated in the semi-arid region of Iran. The results showed that there
were significant differences among the leaves from different trees in terms of rates of fermentation, lag time and metabolisable energy concentration of leaves from native and imported olive
trees. Non-native varieties had faster rate of fermentation and higher metabolisable energy content
(5.42-5.59 MJ/kg DM).
Keywords: Olive leaves, Kinetics fermentation, Non-native varieties, Metabolisable energy
Effect of Sweeteners on Intrinsic Viscosity on
Arabic Gum in Dilute Solutions
Mohammad Hojjati *, Vahid Samavati and Hossein Jooyandeh
Department of Food Science and Technology, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University, Mollasani, Ahwaz, Iran.
*corresponding author: [email protected]
Arabic gum is an important hydrocolloid with various applications in beverages and drinking. The
effects of synthetic sweeteners on intrinsic viscosity of Arabic gum in dilute solutions were studied.
The concentration of the sweeteners were 0.1, 0.2% w/v for Aspartame, Acesulfame-k and Cyclamate, and 0.001, 0.002% w/v for Neotame. Gum was evaluated for intrinsic viscosity by various
models i.e. Huggins, Kraemer, Tanglertpaibul and Rao equations. The results showed that the plot
of relative viscosity versus concentration, obtained from Tanglertpaibul and Rao model described
the best phenomenon. Synthetic sweeteners in these rages of concentration had no significant
effect on intrinsic viscosity of Arabic gum in solutions.
Key words: Arabic gum, intrinsic viscosity, sweetener
The Effect of Progesterone Supplement on Fertility of
Seasonally Anestrous Ewes
M.Q. Husein1, J.E. Wheaton2 and L.A. Adams3
Corresponding author: [email protected], Professor of Animal Science, Department of
Animal Production, Jordan University of Science and Technology, P. O. Box 3030, Irbid 22110,
Professor of Reproductive Endocrinology, Department of Animal Science, University of
Minnesota, St. Paul MN 55108, USA
Department of Animal Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul MN 55108, USA
Acknowledgments: Appreciation is expressed to Jordan University of Science and Technology
(JUST) and the Arab Fund for funding me during my sabbatical to the University of Minnesota in
USA. Appreciation is extended also to the Department of Animal Production and the Deanship
of Scientific Research at JUST for facilitating my mission.
Two trials were designed to evaluate the effect of progesterone (P4) supplementation given one
day before CIDR-G withdrawal on reproductive performance of seasonal anestrous ewes. Trial 1
was carried out in early April as a fertility trial utilizing 36 mature mixed-breed ewes (Montadale,
Southdown, Tunis and Colombia). In trial 2, 18 yearling Hampshire ewes were subjected to intensive blood collection in late April to verify comparisons in hormonal concentrations of P4, LH and
FSH. Ewes in each trial were allocated to one of four groups in a 2 x 2 factorial and all received
CIDR-G inserts for 8 days. Factors tested were 1) two dosages of P4 supplementation (0 and 25
mg) given i.m 24 hours before inserts removal; and 2) two dosages of PG600 (0 and 600 IU) given
i.m at the time of inserts removal. The treatment groups of both trials were: 1) CIDR-G alone
(CON); 2) CIDR-G plus P4 supplementation (CP); 3) CIDR-G plus PG600 (CPG); and 4) CIDR-G
plus P4 supplementation and PG600 (CPPG). At inserts removal (day 0, 0 h) ewes in trial 1, were
allowed with 9 fertile rams for breeding and those in trial 2 were exposed to two aproned rams to
detect estrus which was monitored twice daily for 5 days. Pregnancy was determined by ultrasonography on day 30. In trial 1, overall estrus expression and pregnancy rates were similar among
groups and averaged 72.2 63.9%, respectively. Intervals to estrus occurred earlier (P < 0.05) in
CPG than CP, CPPG and numerically earlier than CON groups. In trial 2, occurrence of estrus,
LH and FSH were similar among groups. In trial 2, P4-supplementation elevated P4 levels (P <
0.001) between days -1 and 0 in CP and CPPG groups. Following day 0 P4 remained basal in all
ewes and rose after day 3 only in CPG and CPPG groups but remained low in CP and CON groups. In conclusion, overall reproductive parameters were similar among ewes treated with P4
supplementation or PG600. The use of an 8-day CIDR-G-P4 supplementation protocol in mature
or yearling prolific sheep was not effective in producing comparable results to those recently reported using a 12-day CIDR-G-P4 supplementation protocol in non-prolific ewes.
Keywords: Progesterone supplement, anestrous ewes, sheep
Mustafa Q. Husein/Beni-Domi
Professor of Animal Science/Reproductive Physiology
Department of Animal Production Faculty of Agriculture
Jordan University of Science & Technology Irbid 22110, Jordan
Telephone: +962-2-7201000 Ext. 22221
Fax: +962-2-7201078
Email: [email protected]
I am Professor of Animal Science working at the Department of Animal Production at Jordan University of Science and Technology in Irbid-Jordan. I earned my MS and PhD degrees in Animal
Science from the University of Minnesota in USA. After finishing my graduate program in 1997, I
have been engaged in teaching of both graduate and undergraduate level courses and conducting
research in the area of Animal Science. I have also been involved in many extension program
visits at the public community level through a series of well-planned demonstrations and workshops in different areas of the country. I have obtained many awards the last of which was “The
Arab Organization for Agricultural Development (AOAD) Prize for Scientific innovation in Agricultural Field Award” in 2009.
My research interest focuses on research conducted in the area of reproductive physiology with
the aim of improving fertility and reproductive efficiency. Emphasis is placed on sheep and cattle.
Other physiological studies include regulation of pituitary gonadotropin secretion and on the regulation of ovarian function. Other research emphasis is also placed on artificial insemination and
semen cryopreservation in sheep and cattle and monitoring hormonal profiles among farm animal
species using radioimmunoassay procedures.
“Gıda Ambalaj Sektöründe Yeni Stratejiler ve
Sosyal Pazarlama Anlayışı”
Yrd. Doç. Dr. F. Feyza İNCE
Gazi Üniversitesi
Mesleki Eğitim Fakültesi Temel Bilimler Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi
[email protected]
Süratle küreselleşen dünyada işletmeler, hızlı teknolojik gelişmelere, yoğun rekabete ve hızla gelişen ve değişen talep yapısına uyum sağlayabilmek için kendilerini her alanda geliştirmektedirler.
Ürün ambalajı, ürün maliyetini ve satışları önemli ölçüde etkileyen önemli bir özelliktir. Günümüzde
ürün ambalajlaması artık işletmeler tarafından ayrı bir pazarlama karması elemanı olarak ele alınmaktadır. Özellikle tüketicilerin sağlığı ve güvenliği ile ilgili önceliğe sahip olan gıda ürünlerinin
ambalajlanması üzerine yapılan çalışmalar ve getirilen yenilikler önem taşımaktadır.
Bu doğrultuda kuruluşlar ürün ve hizmetlerinde markalarının globalleşmesi ve tüketici güvenliğinin
sağlanması için uluslararası standartları takip etmektedirler. Ayrıca, dünyada gıda bilincinin giderek artması ve yaygınlaşmasıyla, gıda ambalajlaması konusunda dünyada uygulanan yönetmelikler ve kurallar işletmelerin dünya standartlarına uygun çalışmasını zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Bu
konuda çalışan BRC (The British Retail Consortium- İngiliz perakendeciler Birliği), PERSECO ve
TESCO gibi markalar altında üretilen tüketim ürünlerinde tüketicilerin beklediği hijyen ve kalite gibi
gereklilikleri sağlamak için çalışan birlikler bulunmaktadır. Güvenli gıda için gıda ambalajlarının
taşıması gereken koşulları belirleyen bu kuruluşlar, küresel standartlara uygun ürün ambalajlama
standartlarını yayınlamışlardır. Bu sayede, üreticilerin, tedarikçilerin ve ambalaj üreticilerinin belirlenmiş standartlara uygun olmalarının sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır.
Son zamanlarda hazır gıdaların tüketiminde artışın fazla olmasından dolayı, gıdaların taze ve
uzun süre dayanıklı olması önem kazanmış ve bu konu üzerine çalışmalar artmıştır. Özellikle gıdaların sağlığa uygunluğu, kalitesi ve raf ömrünün uzun olması açısından işlenmiş gıdaların ambalajlanmasında çalışmalar hız kazanmıştır. Bu alanda Nanoteknoloji tekniği kullanılmakta ve son
dönemde geliştirilen yenilebilir filmler, antimikrobiyal paketlemeler, biyobozunur malzemeler,
aktif/akıllı paketleme sistemi, nanokopozit ambalajlar ve nanosensörler gibi yeni ambalajlama teknikleri ile gıda ürünlerinin raf ömrü kontrol altına alınabilmekte ve güvenliği artırılabilmektedir.
Bu konuyla ilgili olarak Sosyal Pazarlama Yaklaşımı ise, geleneksel pazarlama anlayışlarından
farklı olarak, işletmenin elde edeceği fayda için değil, hedef tüketici kitlesinin ve toplumun faydası
için sosyal davranışları etkilemeye yönelik, insan ve doğa sağlığına duyarlı pazarlama anlayışıdır. Dolayısıyla insan sağlığı açısından birincil öneme sahip olan gıda sektöründe ve gıdaların
ambalajlanması uygulamalarında da bu kapsamda çalışmaktadır. Çağımız koşullarında İşletmeler artık kendi karlılıklarından ve satış gelirlerinin maksimizasyonundan daha öncelikli olarak
insanın faydası ve insan sağlığı üzerinde düşünmek ve buna uygun pazarlamacılık anlayışını
uygulamak zorundadırlar. Toplumu bu doğrultuda bilinçlendirme görevini de üstlenmiş olan sosyal pazarlama anlayışı, doğal kaynakların korunması ve doğru tüketim bilincinin yerleşmesi, toplumda sağlıklı ve yararlı davranış değişikliklerinin oluşturulması gibi çok önemli konular üzerinde
çalışmaktadır. Bu pazarlama yaklaşımıyla hem işletmelerde hem de tüketicilerde gelişmiş bir
sosyal bilinç hedeflenmektedir. Sosyal Pazarlama Yaklaşımı ile faaliyet gösteren işletmelerin
sayısının artması sadece tüketiciler için değil, dünyanın geleceği açısından da önem taşımaktadır.
Saponin Separation From Vegetable Sources by
Cloud Point Extraction
Katsoyannos E., Paisios A., Stamatopoulos K.,Chatzilazarou A.,
Labropoulos A, and Timbis D.
This paper outlines an attempt to apply micelle mediated cloud point extraction (CPE) for the separation of saponins from specific natural sources (onion, ginger).
Saponins, a class of soap-like foaming glycosides, interesting in pharmacy for their numerous
health benefits (cholesterol levels, cancer, bone health and stimulation of the immune system)
find commercial applications as drugs and medicines, adjuvants, taste modifiers, emulsifiers, precursors of hormone synthesis and sweeteners. Isolation of saponins from vegetable sources includes copious clean up steps. Commercially, saponins are produced from tubers of dioscorea
Cloud Point Extraction- one of the most versatile and simple methods for the pre-concentration
and extraction of hydrophobic species - was tested for separation of Diosgenin (a simple saponin)
from standard solution of market Diogenin in ethyl acetate either of total saponins from natural juices of onion and ginger.
As micelle forming agents (surfactant) for the CPE a low hazard (PEG 8000) and a food grade
surfactant (Tween 80) in concentration 5% (w/v) were used. Double step CPE was necessary to
recover 71,8 % diosgenin with 5%Tween 80 from ethyl acetate standard market Diosgenin solution
and quantitatively from ginger juice using 5% PEG 8000 by each CPE step. In the case of onion
juice, total saponin recovery was not quantitative (54% with 5% Tween 80 and 78,2% using 5%
PEG by each extraction step). These results show that is possible to economically separate edible
saponins- free of any toxic residues- from vegetable sources for nutritional or pharmaceutical use.
Health promoting Saponins from vegetable sources, separated by simple, low cost extraction,
thermally protected by inclusion within micelles of food grade surfactant could be incorporated in
functional foods.
Key-words; saponin, diosgenin, cloud point extraction, onion, ginger, functional foods
Integrated Management of Organic and Chemical Fertilizers in
Wheat Crop Production.
Mozhgan Kazemzadeh,
M.Sci. StudentDeparment of Food Science,Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University
[email protected]
M.Sci. StudentDeparment of Food Science,Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University
Bayan 1978, Posterli Bildiri
Integrated management of organic and chemical fertilizers is recommended to protect the environment and increase the yield of wheat. In this research, the effect of combined application of
nitrogen fertilizer, animal manure, sewage sludge, and municipal waste compost on physical characteristics of wheat grain were studied in a randomized complete blocks design with 15 treatments
and three replicates at field conditions in Agricultural Research Station of Tabriz University. The
treatments consisted of T1 (control, without organic and nitrogen fertilizer), T2 (150 kg urea fertilizer
ha-1), T3 (300 kg urea fertilizer ha-1), T4 (30 ton municipal waste compost ha-1), T5 (60 ton municipal waste compost ha-1), T6 (30 ton sewage sludge ha-1), T7 (60 ton sewage sludge ha-1),
T8 (30 ton animal manure ha-1), T9 (60 ton animal manure ha-1), T10 (T4 + T2), T11 (T5 + T2),
T12 (T6 + T2), T13 (T7 + T2), T14 (T8 + T2), and T15 (T9 + T2). At the end of growth period,
physical characteristics of wheat grain including thousand seed weight, test weight, apparent density, solid density, and porosity were measured. The results showed that the highest thousand
seed weight was obtained when the plants were fertilized with 60 ton animal manure ha-1 and
150 kg urea fertilizer ha-1 (T15). All treatments increased thousand seed weight compared to the
control, but this increase was not statistically significant in T2, T3, T4 and T6 treatments. Treatments of T7, T11, T13 and T15 significantly increased test weight and apparent density compared
to the control, while other treatments had no significant effects. Treatments of T7, T13, and T15
significantly reduced porosity compared to the control, while other treatments had no significant
effects. Test weight, apparent density and porosity had no significant differences between two levels of organic fertilizers (30 and 60 ton ha-1).
Key words: Compost, Manure, Nitrogen, Sewage sludge, Wheat
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data:
Date of Birth Nationality
Marital Status
E-mail: [email protected]
Educational Background: (Last One First)
Certificate Degree
Field of Specialization
Name of Institution
Date Received
Food Science and
University of Tabriz
Food Science and
University of Tabriz
Title of Post-Graduate Thesis: Physicochemical characteristics of grain and flour, dough rheological properties and bread-making quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Alvand) as affected
by organic and nitrogen fertilizers
Physical Properties of Wheat Grain (Triticum Aestivum Cv. Alvand) as
Affected by Organic and Nitrogen Fertilizers
Mozhgan Kazemzadeh, Seyed Hadi Peighambardoust, Nosratollah Najafi
M.Sci. Student, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran
E mail: [email protected]
Wheat is the most important food crop in the world. Integrated management of organic and chemical fertilizers is recommended to preserve the environment and increase the yield of wheat. In
this research, the effect of combined application of nitrogen fertilizer, animal manure, sewage
sludge, and municipal waste compost on physical characteristics of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv.
Alvand) grain were studied in a randomized complete blocks design with 15 treatments and three
replicates at field conditions in Agricultural Research Station of Tabriz University. The treatments
consisted of T1 (control, without organic and nitrogen fertilizer), T2 (150 kg urea fertilizer ha-1),
T3 (300 kg urea fertilizer ha-1), T4 (30 ton municipal waste compost ha-1), T5 (60 ton municipal
waste compost ha-1), T6 (30 ton sewage sludge ha-1), T7 (60 ton sewage sludge ha-1), T8 (30
ton animal manure ha-1), T9 (60 ton animal manure ha-1), T10 (T4 + T2), T11 (T5 + T2), T12 (T6
+ T2), T13 (T7 + T2), T14 (T8 + T2), and T15 (T9 + T2). At the end of growth period, physical characteristics of wheat grain including thousand seed weight, test weight, bulk density, solid density,
and porosity were measured. The results showed that the highest thousand seed weight was obtained when the plants were fertilized with 60 ton animal manure ha-1 and 150 kg urea fertilizer
ha-1 (T15). All treatments increased thousand seed weight compared to the control, but this increase was not statistically significant in T2, T3, T4 and T6 treatments. Treatments of T7, T11,
T13 and T15 significantly increased test weight and bulk density compared to the control, while
other treatments had no significant effects. Treatments of T7, T13, and T15 significantly reduced
porosity compared to the control, while other treatments had no significant effects. Test weight,
bulk density and porosity had no significant differences between two levels of organic fertilizers
(30 and 60 ton ha-1). Effect of treatments on wheat grain solid density was not significant.
Key words: Compost, Manure, Nitrogen, Sewage sludge, Wheat.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data:
Date of Birth Nationality
Marital Status
E-mail: [email protected]
Educational Background: (Last One First)
Certificate Degree
Field of Specialization
Name of Institution
Date Received
Food Science and
University of Tabriz
Food Science and
University of Tabriz
Title of Post-Graduate Thesis: Physicochemical characteristics of grain and flour, dough rheological properties and bread-making quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Alvand) as affected
by organic and nitrogen fertilizers
İç Anadolu Bölgesi Jeotermal Kaynaklarının
Sera Isıtmasında Kullanım Olanakları
Berna KENDİRLİ1, Burcu KAYA2
Doç.Dr.,Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü, Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara,Türkiye,
e-posta: [email protected]
Araş.Gör., Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü, Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara,Türkiye,
Seralar, bitki gelişimi için en uygun ortam koşulları sağlanarak üretim yapılan tesislerdir. Sera
içinde en uygun koşulların oluşturulabilmesi için özellikle soğuk mevsimlerde ısıtma yapılması zorunludur. Günümüzde enerjinin oldukça pahalı olması nedeniyle seralarımızda sadece dondan
koruma amacıyla ısıtma yapılmaktadır. Serada yapılan üretimde ısıtma masraflarını en aza indirmek için yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarının kullanımına önem verilmelidir. Seracılığımızın geliştirilmesinde etkin olarak yararlanılabilecek yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları içerisinde jeotermal enerji
ilk sırayı almaktadır. Ülkemizde sera alanlarının yaklaşık %85ʼi Akdeniz Bölgesinde toplanmakla
birlikte, jeotermal kaynak kullanımının yaygınlaşmasıyla iç ve orta bölgelerimizde de sera alanları
giderek artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, İç Anadolu Bölgesi iklim koşulları dikkate alınarak seralarda
yıl boyunca üretim yapılabilmesi için gerekli olan ısı miktarının jeotermal enerji ile karşılanabilme
olanakları incelenmiştir. Araştırmada, İç Anadolu Bölgesinde yer alan on üç ilin iklim koşulları ve
uzun yıllık meteorolojik verileri alınarak yaklaşık 2500m2 taban alanına sahip yay çatılı blok sera
için ısıtma gereksinimleri ısı dengesi yaklaşımına göre hesaplanmıştır. Daha sonra jeotermal kaynakların sıcaklık, debi ve uzaklıklarına bağlı olarak ısıtma kapasiteleri hesaplanmış; bölgedeki iller
için elde edilen sera ısıtma yüklerini karşılama durumları incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda Ankara, Çankırı, Eskişehir, Kırşehir, Konya, Nevşehir, Niğde, Sivas ve Yozgat illerindeki jeotermal
kaynakların ısıtma kapasitelerinin sera ısıtma gereksinimlerini karşılayabileceği ve bu illerde jeotermal ısıtmalı seracılığın gelişebileceği söylenebilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: İç Anadolu Bölgesi, sera, jeotermal enerji, ısıtma
Use of Geothermal Resources in Central Anatolia Region for Greenhouse Heating
Greenhouses are production facilities for the development of a plant by providing the optimal
environmental conditions. It is a must to increase the temperature inside of a greenhouse especially in cold seasons. Due to energy costs in todayʼs economical conditions, heating of a greenhouse is made only to protect the plant from frost. In order to minimize heating costs, attention
should be given to minimize the use of renewable energy. Geothermal energy-among the renewable energy sources- takes the first place to effectively improve greenhouse industry. Although
approximately 85% of the greenhouse areas in our country are in the Mediterranean region, however with widespreading use of geothermal resources in the inner and middle regions, greenhouse areas are increasing. In this study, taking into account the climatic conditions of Central
Anatolia region, the availability of meeting the required heat out of geothermal sources to provide
a year-long sustainable production in greenhouses is examined. In the study, the based on climate conditions and meteorological data of thirteen provinces in Central Anatolia region, approximately 2500m2 floor area with a arch-roofed greenhouse heating requirements are calculated
according to heat balance approach. Then by taking into account their temperature, flow rate
and distance to the target area, the heating capacities of the geothermal sources is calculated
and the meet of greenhouse heat loads of these provinces in the region is examined. As of the
research results it could be said that the heating capacities of geothermal sources in Ankara,
Çankırı, Eskişehir, Kırşehir, Konya, Nevşehir, Niğde, Sivas and Yozgat can meet the heat requirements for greenhouses in the area and greenhouses heated by geothermal energy in these
provinces could develop.
Keywords: Central Anatolia Region, greenhouse, geothermal energy, heating
Doç. Dr. Berna KENDİRLİʼnin Biyografisi
1967 yılında Ankaraʼda doğdu. İlk, orta, lise öğreniminden sonra 19841988 yıllarında Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarımsal Yapılar
ve Sulama Bölümüʼnde lisans öğrenimini tamamladı. Eylül 1989 tarihinde Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama
Bölümüʼnde araştırma görevlisi olarak göreve başladı. 1991 yılında
“Ankaraʼda Seraların Yapısal ve Fonksiyonel Özellikleri” konulu yüksek lisans tezini vererek yüksek lisans öğrenimini tamamladı. 1995 yılında “Yalova ve Çevresindeki Kesme Çiçek Seralarında Sera İçi
Koşulların Yeterlilikleri ve Geliştirme Olanakları” konulu tezini vererek
doktor unvanını aldı. Nisan 2006 tarihinde Doçent unvanı aldı. Seralarda planlama, projelendirme ve iklimlendirme teknikleri konularında ulusal ve uluslararası kongrelerde sunulmuş bildiri ve dergilerde yayınlanmış çok sayıda bilimsel makale ve araştırması
bulunmaktadır. Halen aynı bölümde öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmakta olup, evli ve bir çocuk annesidir.
Effects of Storage Conditions and
PET Packaging on Quality of Edible Oils
Mousavi Khaneghah*1, Sh. Shoeibi2, and M. Ameri3
Department of Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research
Branch, Tehran, Iran
Food and Drug Control Laboratories (FDCLs), Deputy for Food & Drug, MOH, Tehran, Iran
Head of R&D Lab. Savola Behshahr Ind. Co., Tehran, Iran
Corresponding author: Amin Mousavi Khaneghah
[email protected]
The Effects of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) pieces and different storage conditions on fatty
acids profile and some quality factors in three types of commercial oils, namely sunflower oil, canola oil, and blended oil containing sunflower oil, soy bean oil, and cottonseed oil were studied.
Fatty acid profile and quality factors such as peroxide value, free fatty acids, and iodine value and
induction period before and after storage of samples at 25 and 45°C for 20 and 60 days in the
presence or absence of PET pieces were investigated. Results showed that the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids like linoleic acid was decreased slightly and the amount of monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids like oleic acid and palmitic acid, respectively, was marginally
increased. Thus, it was concluded that the stability of vegetable oils is dependent on the type of
oil and its initial physical and chemical properties, time and temperature of storage and the type
of employed packaging material (PET and glass). This study showed that storing oils at low temperatures (T<25 °C) may be recommended in order to extend the shelf life and maintenance quality
of commercial oils which are packaged in PET containers.
Key words: canola oil, fatty acid profile, blended oil, PET pieces, sunflower oil, quality factors
Surname: Mousavi Khaneghah
First name: Amin
Date of Birth: 8th May.1982.
Place of Birth: Tehran, Iran
Nationality: Persian
Languages: Persian, English & Turkey
Discontinuous Associate Degree Meat & Meat Products in Food Industry, College of Applied
Science and Technology-Applied Food Science, Tehran, Iran, 2002-2004(highest honors)
B Sc
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and
Research Branch, Tehran, Iran, 2004-2006(highest honors)
M Sc
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Science and
Research Branch, Tehran, Iran, 2007-2009(highest honors)
He worked for University of Applied Science and Technology- Tehran Applied Food Science Branch
as Lecture, Education Office Manager. He thought in the area of food packaging and meat science.
He is Member of packaging commission of Institute of Iran Standard and Industrial Researches
also; He is Head of Consultants for several famous factories. He is active member in various Scientific Societies; more recently he acts as referee for several scientific journals (ISI).He has many
scientific papers in credible journals.
He conducts research on food packaging and food legislation as well as the effect of food packaging on food safety.
He is involved in biodegradable packaging and new source of packaging, also improving the use
of instrumentals in determination of migration from different types of packaging into foodstuffs.
Ovopel: An Alternative Spawning Agent Instead of Pituitary
Extract in Aquaculture
*Volkan KIZAK, Murathan KAYIM, Erkan CAN
Tunceli University, Fisheries Faculty, Tunceli - TURKEY
*[email protected]
Control of reproductivity of fish in aquaculture is essential for the sustainability of commercial production. Sometimes, stimulating the final gamete maturation and ovulation in brood fish by environmental conditions may not be enough. Females of fish are treated with various inducing agents
for artificial propagation. Hormonal applications in fish aquaculture allow improving artificial reproduction techniques both during and outside the spawning season. One of the most commonly
applied spawning agents is carp pituitary extract (CPE) and it has been used as a technique for
spawning induction of fish in aquaculture since 1930ʼs. During the last several years, many studies
has been conducted about alternative ovulation stimulators on fish species. The simple and new
method of treating fish with complex substances such as Ovopel is available in pellet form and
each pellet contains Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone - analogue (GnRH-a) and dopamine receptor antagonist. The application and usefulness of Ovopel in controlled fish reproduction has
been confirmed in numerous scientific studies. Studies showed that Ovopel stimulation much
better effective on spawning than CPE, considering the percentage of spawning success and number of eggs released. Ovopel has been successfully tested for ovulation in several fish species.
Many studies suggests that ovopel might be considered best substitute for pituitary extracts.
In this review, Ovopel was evaluated and compared with pituitary extract in point of spawning induction of fish according to the some researches.
Key words: Ovopel, Pituitary Extract, Spawning Induction, Aquaculture.
First Name / Surname
Date of birth
[email protected]
• Dates
• Name and address of employer
• Occupation or position held
• Professions
• Dates
• Name and address of employer
• Occupation or position held
• Professions
December 2009 onwards
Tunceli University, Tunceli-Turkey
Assistant Professor
Aquaculture, Biotechnology in Finfish Culture
January 2000 – December 2009
Ege University, Izmir -Turkey
Research Assistant
Aquaculture, Biotechnology in Finfish Culture
• Dates
• Title of qualification awarded
• Name and type of organization
providing education and training
• Principal subjects
• Dates
• Title of qualification awarded
• Name and type of organization
providing education and training
• Principal subjects
2002 - 2009
Ege University, Izmir - Turkey
Mariculture of rainbow trout
1998 - 2002
Ege University, Izmir - Turkey
Adaptation of nile tilapia to seawater
Formulation of An Essential Oil Flavored, Probiotic White Brine
Cheese: Optimization Using Statistical Experimental Design
Mohammad Alizadeh1,Ehsan Moghaddas Kia2, Saber Amiry2,Samaneh Amiry2 and
Sajjad Khatibi2
Correspondent: [email protected]
Probiotic In this study effect of three essence type, essence concentration, CaCl2 concentration,
brining condition and probiotic inoculation time on the viability of probiotics, salt content and sensorial characteristics of Iranian white brined cheese was investigated. This Study showed that addition of essential oils leads to salt reduction and high viability of probiotic cultures in Iranian white
brined cheese and provides a novel approach for production of multi-functional foods.
Dietary Fats Differing in Fatty Acid Composition Influence
Reproductive Processes Differentially
Niloufar Majidi
983116688250 [email protected]
M.sc. Former Isfahan University of Technology 20/2/1985
This study examined the effects of supplementation of rumen bypass fats, n-3 and n-6 poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), on ovarian follicle development and steroidogenic parameters. Thirty
2-4 years old ewes were divided into three groups and were fed randomly a control diet (n=10) or
supplemented with fatty acids, n-3 (n=10) or n-6 PUFAs (n=10) over a 7-week period. Oestrus
cycles were synchronized using progesterone releasing implant (controlled internal drug releasing
(CIDR) device). Ewes were checked for estrus with a vasectomized ram. Beginning at estrus, ovarian follicular population was monitored daily via transrectal ultrasonography for 13 days, during
this period the number of ?2 mm follicles quantified and blood samples were collected every 3
day for examination of changes in plasma progesterone, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and cholesterol. On day 14 of the estrous cycle, when the largest follicle had reached 5-6 mm in size, fluid
from that follicle was aspirated. Feeding n-6 PUFA increased (P<0.04) the number of mediumsize (2-3 mm) and large (? 4 mm) follicles through days of synchronized cycle. There was a tendency (P<0.14) for a higher number of follicular waves in n-6 PUFA group compared with the other
groups. Feeding n-3 PUFA had no effect on follicular waves or number of medium-size and large
follicles in this group. Diameter of preovulatory follicle did not differ among diets. Plasma cholesterol, HDL and progesterone were all higher in ewes fed a diet supplemented with n-6 PUFA than
in ewes not received this supplement. Diet had no effect on follicular fluid progesterone. In conclusion, n-6 PUFAs increased the number of follicles and elevated progesterone which may be
beneficial to consequent ovarian function.
Key words: Poly unsaturated fatty acids, follicle, steroidogenesis
Dietary Omega-3 and -6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Influence
Follicular Development and Steroidogenesis in Sheep
*1Niloufar Majidi, 2H. Kohram, 1A. Riasi, and 1R. Jahanian
Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology,
Isfahan, Iran.
Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of
Tehran, Karaj, Iran.
*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel: +98-311-6688250.
Dietary fats differing in fatty acid composition influence reproductive processes differentially. This
study examined the effects of supplementation of rumen bypass fats, n-3 and n-6 poly unsaturated
fatty acids (PUFAs), on ovarian follicle development and steroidogenic parameters. Thirty 2-4
years old ewes were divided into three groups and were fed randomly a control diet (n=10) or
supplemented with fatty acids, n-3 (n=10) or n-6 PUFAs (n=10) over a 7-week period. Oestrus
cycles were synchronized using progesterone releasing implant (controlled internal drug releasing
(CIDR) device). Ewes were checked for estrus with a vasectomized ram. Beginning at estrus, ovarian follicular population was monitored daily via transrectal ultrasonography for 13 days, during
this period the number of ≥2 mm follicles quantified and blood samples were collected every 3
day for examination of changes in plasma progesterone, High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and cholesterol. On day 14 of the estrous cycle, when the largest follicle had reached 5-6 mm in size, fluid
from that follicle was aspirated. Feeding n-6 PUFA increased (P<0.04) the number of mediumsize (2-3 mm) and large (≥ 4 mm) follicles through days of synchronized cycle. There was a tendency (P<0.14) for a higher number of follicular waves in n-6 PUFA group compared with the other
groups. Feeding n-3 PUFA had no effect on follicular waves or number of medium-size and large
follicles in this group. Diameter of preovulatory follicle did not differ among diets. Plasma cholesterol, HDL and progesterone were all higher in ewes fed a diet supplemented with n-6 PUFA than
in ewes not received this supplement. Diet had no effect on follicular fluid progesterone. In conclusion, n-6 PUFAs increased the number of follicles and elevated progesterone which may be
beneficial to consequent ovarian function.
Key words: poly unsaturated fatty acids, follicle, steroidogenesis
Assessing Risk of Heavy Metals Input in Food Chain
C. Makridis, S.V. Leontopoulos and L. Roka
Department of Animal Production, Technological Educational Institute of Larissa (T.E.I.),
Larissa (41110), Greece
1. Introduction
Among the many elements that occur in the natural environment about 60% of them are referred
to as heavy metals which some of them are essentials to organisms while others have toxic effects
even at relatively low concentrations. Hence, heavy metal pollution of agro-ecosystems and their
potential transfer in human food chain is causing a major concern and for this reason, has already
been approached from many scientists and research groups. However, the real problem at this
admission remains the complexity of heavy metals estimation input. Heavy metals are main soil
contaminants that can reach through mobilization surface water (lakes, rivers) and sometimes
also the groundwater level. Thus, future investigation on transference of heavy metals to food
chain must take into more careful consideration. In the frame of activities to give a new prospect
on this issue, it was decided to focus at the concentrations of heavy metals in feedstuffs of livestock
2. Materials and Methods
Sample collection
The study was conducted in commercial farms with various feeding systems situated in the region
of Thessaly, Greece distinguished by their forage system. Samples from feedstuffs, supplements
and feeding regiments at all farms was carried out at different periods of the year and different
production phases of animal breeding to better evaluate the influence of different feeding patterns
on the levels of heavy metals. A total of 440 samples were collected and analyzed. More specific,
140 samples derived from livestock breeding -systems with sheep, 180 from dairy cows and 120
from pigs.
Sample analysis
For practical reasons all samples under examination were dried, milled and then collected in special glass vases which were cleaned before use with double distilled water. These glass vases
with the samples were stored at room temperature (20° C) before combustion.
The dried material (1g) was analysed for zinc and copper with a Varian 10PLUS Atomic Absorption
Spectrometer equipped with a SpectrAA 220FS according to experimental protocol AGCD 1992.
Each experiment was carried out at least twice, and all analyses were performed in duplicate.
The entire analytical procedure was tested for both measurement accuracy and precision in order
to estimate the degree of reliability of the data. Statistical analysis was made with the “SPSS 15
software for Microsoft Windows”. Statistical analysis has been performed for sample size, mean
values as well as minimum and maximum standard deviation using the SPSS program
3. Results
Zn and Cu concentrations (mean values from 20 samples) for 7 different feedstuff and feedstuff
mixtures for sheep, cows and pigs are presented in Figures 1 and 2. Data observed by this study
showed that there were statistically significant differences between the groups according to the
farms with the same breeding animals and also between the grains at feed mixtures which are
destine for the same animals at the production phase.
4. Conclusions
In this study the variation of Cu and Zn concentration at feeds and feedstuffs mixtures was observed. The significant high variation of Cu and Zn it was linked in some way not only concentration
levels in the solid and liquid wastes (manure, urine etc) of the agricultural industrial activities that
are free disposed in the environment as fertilizers, but also with the environmental pollution especially in rivers, lakes and soils
Changes of Seed Storage Proteins and Protein Profile in
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties Under Drought Stress
and N Fertilizer
Shaban2, M., Mansourifar1, C. and Ghobadi1, M
Department of Crop Production and Plant Breeding, School of Agriculture,
Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Young researchers club, Islamic Azad University, Borujerd branch, Borujerd, Iran.
Chickpea is an important crop in the cropping pattern supplying cheap protein diet especially
for poor people. Over the years, however, low yields are more prominent declining acceptability
of this crop. this study was planned to examine effect of drought stress and N fertilizer on protein content and protein banding pattern of chickpea cultivars. The experiment was laid out in
a split-factorial design with drought stress in main plots and cultivar with nitrogen fertilizer in
subplots with three replications. The experimental treatments consisted of three levels of drought stress [sever drought stress (S2) , moderate drought stress (S1) and no drought
stress(S0)] and four cultivars of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) , Azad, Bivanij, Hashem and
ILC482 and 2 N levels. Plants were either not given any N fertilizer (0N), or supplied with N
fertilizer at the rate of 25 kg ha-1 (25N). The results showed that the effects of drought stress
on seed storage proteins and protein yield, effect of cultivars on protein yield were significant
(P<0.01). With increase drought stress seed storage proteins was increased and protein yield
decreased. Also, results showed that No effects treatments (Drought stress and nitrogen fertilizer) on protein banding patterns. Also, results indicated that not obvious any new band and
not deleted any bands
Key words: Chickpea, drought, electrophoresis, nitrogen and protein
Zoborodo (in Nigeria)–(H. Sabdariffa and H.Cannabinus)
Umar Faruuk Mkabir. METU; Department of Biotechnolgy ph.D. Sudent
The application of 60kg/ha of nitrogen fertilizer and 5t/ha of poultry manure significantly increased
the yield and profitability of Roselle. However, though the yield and profitability were highest with
the application of 60 kg/ha of nitrogen, there was no significant difference in the yield and profitability of Roselle for the two treatments
Introducing and Evaluation af A Low Energy
Subsurface Irrigation System
M. S. Monjezi1 and A. Liaghat2
MSc student in Irrigation and Drainage, Dept. of Irrigation and Reclamation Eng., University of
Tehran, Karaj, Iran. Email: [email protected]
Professor in Irrigation and Drainage, Dept. of Irrigation and Reclamation Eng., University of
Tehran, Karaj, Iran. Email: [email protected]
The limited water in the world, especially in arid and semi arid area is an important challenge. Agricultural sector consumes more than 90% of the water resources in Iran. Therefore, optimal use of
irrigation water is a key solution for such problem. Pressurized irrigation systems increase water
use efficiency; however these methods are relatively costly in terms of initial cost and energy. Furthermore, some amount of water is lost through evaporation. In this study a low energy sub-surface
irrigation system (0.15 bar) was introduced and evaluated. In the current study, the patterns of wetting front were investigated in three land slope (0, 5, and 10%) as surface systems and in situations
in which, spaghetti drippers were mounted in sand column with two diameters (5 and 9 cm), semipipe with a diameter of 5 cm, semi-pipe and sand columns with a diameter of 5 cm, and semi-pipe
with an installation angle of 45 degrees. The results indicated that the smallest and largest wetting
areas were formed in surface irrigation with zero land slope (416.7334 cm2) and sub-surface irrigation using sand column with a diameter of 9 cm (757.181 cm2), respectively. In surface irrigation,
the maximum (48.35 cm) and minimum (34.45cm) wetted diameter were correspond to 10 and 0%
land slopes, respectively. In sub-surface gravity irrigation, the maximum and minimum wetted diameter was performed where the drippers were installed in sand column with a diameter of 9 cm
(29.56 cm) and in semi-pipes without sand column (22.3 cm), respectively.
Reproductive Parameters in Holstein Dairy Cows Treated With Three
Resynchronization Methods (Heatsynch + eCG , Ovsynch + CIDR,
Nasroallah Moradi Kor1 and Nemat Ziaei2
Young Researchers Club, Baft Branch, Islamic Azad University, Baft, Iran.
Department of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jiroft, Iran.
* Corresponding author email : [email protected]
The objective of the present study was to determine the reproductive parameters in Holstein cows
treated by different hormonal protocols during insemination and postpartum periods. The 114 dairy
cows (second lactation) with BCS between 2.75 and 3 were divided into 3 groups in a completely
randomized design. 38 cows were treated by Heatsynch method + eCG (T1), 38 cows received
Ovsynch + CIDR (T2) and 38 cows were subjected to the Heatsynch method (T3). Blood samples
were taken to determine progesterone plasma contents in 14, 21 and 24 days after first insemination. Results showed that treatment with PGF2α on Day 15 post partum significantly decreased
days to first service and conception only in primiparous than in multiparous cows were treated
with T2 protocol (P < 0.05). First service conception rate in cows treated with M1 protocol was higher (P < 0.05) compared to M2 and M3 protocol. Pregnancy rate in T1 was significantly higher
than that of the other groups (P ≤ 0.05). This difference could be due to equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) which could have an effective function on ovulation, fertilization and embryo's vitality.
Plasma progesterone levels of pregnant cows were higher than that of nonpregnants cows regardless the type of resynchronization protocols (P≤0.05). However, activation of ovaries, reinitiate
estrous cycle and accordance between estrous and ovulation were increased when dairy cows
(T1) subjected to the Heatsynch + eCG method. Thus, M2 protocol is recommended for primiparous but not for multiparous cows, and T3 protocol is not recommended for synchronization.
Key words: Progesterone, Reproductive indices, CIDR, Dairy cattle, eCG
Biography of participant
First name: Nasroallah
Surname: Moradi Kor
Date and place of birth: 23/09/1987, Kerman Porovince, IRAN
Affiliation: Department of Animal Science, Razi University of Agricultural
Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran, Kermanshah, Imam Avenue, Postal Code: 6715685418.
Changes in DTPA Extractable Copper, Iron, Manganese and
Zinc After Waterlogging and Application of Sewage Sludge and
Animal Manure in Two Different Soils
Nosratollah Najafi1*, Sanyye Mardomi1, Shahin Oustan1
Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.
*Correspodent Author e-mail: [email protected]
The effects of waterlogging, sewage sludge and animal manure on the concentrations of DTPA
extractable copper, iron, manganese and zinc were investigated in two different soils. A factorial
experiment based on completely randomized design with two replications including duration of
waterlogging at six levels (0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 days), source of organic fertilizer at three levels (control,
animal manure, sewage sludge) and soil type at two levels (one alkaline loamy sand soil and one
acidic clay soil) was carried out under laboratory conditions. Equal amounts of animal manure and
sewage sludge at the rate of 30 grams per kilogram of soil were added. During waterlogging period,
the water level was maintained 3 cm above the soil surface. The results showed that by increasing
the duration of soil waterlogging, the DTPA extractable Fe and Mn in both soils and all treatments
increased significantly and amount of increase in acidic clay soil was more than alkaline loamy
sand soil. After waterlogging, in all treatments except the control treatment in acid clay soil, manganese reduction rate was more than iron. By increasing the duration of soil waterlogging, the
DTPA extractable Cu and Zn in both soils and all treatments decreased significantly and amount
of decrease in acidic clay soil was more than alkaline loamy sand soil. By application of sewage
sludge and animal manure, the DTPA extractable Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in both soils increased significantly and amount of increase was dependent on the duration of soil waterlogging. There were
significant regression equations between the duration of soil waterlogging and concentrations of
DTPA extractable Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in both soils and all treatments. After waterlogging, the pH
of an alkaline soil increased in all treatments. The pH of an alkaline soil increased after application
of animal manure and decreased after application of sewage sludge.
Keywords: Waterlogging, Manure, Sewage sludge, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc.
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data:
Date of Birth
Marital Status
[email protected] or [email protected]
Educational Background: (Last One First)
Certificate Degree
Field of Specialization
Name of Institution Attended
Soil Chemistry and
Fertility-Plant Nutrition
Soil Chemistry and
Soil Science
Date Received
University of Tehran
University of Tehran
University of Tabriz
Title of Doctorate Thesis: Effects of rhizosphere of rice on the inorganic phosphorus fractions in
paddy soils of north of Iran
Title of Post-Graduate Thesis: A study of some electrochemical and chemical changes in paddy
soils of north of Iran and their effects on different forms of soil zinc
Teaching Experiences: (Last One First)
Title of Course
Saline and Sodic Soils
General Soil Science
Plant Nutrition
Soil fertility
Agricultural Practices
Computer in Soil Science
Advanced Plant Nutrition
Advanced Soil Fertility
Soil Testing
Name of Institution
Dep. of Soil Sci., Univ. of Maragheh
Dep. of Soil Sci., Univ. of Tabriz
Dep. of Soil Sci., Univ. of Tabriz
Dep. of Soil Sci., Univ. of Tabriz
Dep. of Soil Sci., Univ. of Tabriz
Dep. of Soil Sci., Univ. of Tabriz
Dep. of Soil Sci., Univ. of Tabriz
Dep. of Soil Sci., Univ. of Tabriz
Dep. of Soil Sci., Univ. of Tabriz
Soil Polution
Green Space Plants Nutrition
School of Health and Nutrition, Tabriz
Univ. of Medical Sciences
Research and Education Center, East
Azarbaijan Province Governor
Academic Positions: (Last One First)
Title of Position
Field of Specializatio
Name of Institution
Soil Fertility and plant
Soil Fertility and plant
Dep. of Soil Sci., Univ. of Tabriz
Zanjan Province Agricultural
Research Center
Prevalence and Predictors of Iron Deficiency among Healthy Infants
and Toddlers Living in North Jordan
Bayan A. obeidat PhD, Department of Nutrition and Food Technology, Faculty of Agriculture
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, Email: [email protected]
Mohammed-Jafar A. Ajlony MD, Princess Rahma Teaching Hospital, Department of
Paediatrics, Irbid, Jordan, Email: [email protected]
Background: Iron deficiency (ID) is a global health problem in developing countries including Jordan and it has received notable consideration from pediatricians and nutritionists in the latest
years. Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of iron deficiency (ID) and iron deficiency anemia
(IDA) among 6-24 months aged children living in Northern Jordan, as well as to identify infantsʼ
dietary practices, socio-economic and maternal factors which predispose the infants to poor iron
status. Methods: A total of 522 child (323 boys and 199 girls) were participated in this cross-sectional study. The study involved administration of a questionnaire to childrenʼs mothers. Hemoglobin (Hb) level, mean corpuscular volume, red cell distribution width, and serum ferritin (SF) level
were measured for all participated children. Results and Conclusions: Sixty percent of children
had ID (26.3% with IDA (Hb < 11g/dL and SF< 12 μg/L), and 33.7% had iron deficiency without
anemia (SF< 12 μg/L)). Logistic regression analysis results showed that the odds ratio of ID was
increased in children with older ages (OR:1.65; 95% CI: 1.157-2.354; p <0.01), who had poor appetite (OR:1.834;95% CI: 1.070-3.142; p <0.05) and other nutritional problems (OR:1.569;95%
CI: 1.033-2.384; p <0.01), who were exclusively breast-fed > 6 months (OR:1.738;95% CI: 1.1782.563; p <0.01) and did not ever bottle-fed (OR:1.745;95% CI: 1.202-2.535; p <0.01), who were
not the first child for their families (OR:1.569;95% CI: 1.033-2.384; p <0.05), who were living in
the city (OR:1.482;95% CI: 1.016-2.163; p <0.05), and who had mothers ages ≥ 30 years
(OR:1.539;95% CI: 1.070-2.214; p <0.05), with a history of miscarriages (OR:1.606;95% CI: 1.0982.349; p <0.05) and low nutritional knowledge score (OR:1.125;95% CI: 1.019-1.242; p <0.05).
Therefore, this high prevalence highlights the urgent need to develop comprehensive national
strategies for prevention and treatment of ID in this urban society.
Ulusal Gıda Kompozisyonunun Belirlenmesi ve Yaygın Sürekli
Paylaşım Sisteminin Oluşturulmasında Analitik Sistem İzlemesi
Ömer Taner OKKALI1
Refik Saydam Hıfzıssıhha Merkezi Başkanlığı
Tüketici Güvenliği ve Sağlık Etkileri Araştırma Müdürlüğü Sıhhiye-Ankara
Lab. Sorumlusu Zir. Müh. Ö. Taner OKKALI
RSHMB, Tüketici Güv. ve Sağlık Etkileri Araş. Müd.
Enstrümantal Analiz Lab. 1, 06100, Sıhhiye-Ankara
Tel: 0312 458 21 40; Faks: 0312 458 23 83
E-posta:[email protected]
Toplumun yaşam kalitesini artırmak amacıyla sağlık ve beslenme durumunun belirlenmesi buna
bağlı olarak ulusal beslenme programlarının oluşturulması sağlıklı ve üretken toplumlar için
vazgeçilmez bir gereksinimdir. Bu bağlamda Ülkemizde, Taral 1007 – 107G208 Noʼlu “Ulusal Gıda
Kompozisyonunun Belirlenmesi ve Yaygın Sürekli Paylaşım Sisteminin Oluşturulması” isimli proje
yürütülmektedir. Bu proje kapsamında tüm proje ortağı kurum/kuruluş laboratuvarlarının yaptığı
analizlerin ve dokümanlarının analitik incelenmesi ile izlenebilirliklerin kontrolü için analitik sistem
izleme grubu (ASG) kurulmuştur. Laboratuvarların kullandıkları cihaz, kimyasal ve sarf
malzemeleri, analiz sonuçları, dokümantasyonları ve şahit örnek saklama koşulları ASG tarafından
yılda en az bir kez kontrol edilmektedir.
Determınation of National Food Composition and Analytical System Monitoring in Developing
Common Continuous Sharing System
Determining the health and nutritional situation and accordingly developing national nutrition programmes to raise the quality of living of society is an indispensable requirement. In this regard, in
our country, a Project numbered Taral 1007 – 107G208 and namely “Determination of National
Food Composition and Developing Common Continuous Sharing System” is being managed.
Within the scope of this Project, Analytical System Monitoring Group was consisted in order to investigate analytically the analysis carried out by Project partner organisations and the laboratories
and to control their traceability. The equipments, chemicals, consumables that are used by laboratories; the results of analyses, documentation and the storage conditions of witness sample are
controlled at least once a year by Analytical System Monitoring Group.
Özel Tıbbi Amaçlı Diyet Gıdalardaki Sodyum, Potasyum, Kalsiyum,
Magnezyum ve Fosfor Miktarlarının ICP-OES ile Belirlenmesi
Ömer Taner OKKALI1, Emin ELMACI, Serdar Alp SUBAŞI
Refik Saydam Hıfzıssıhha Merkezi Başkanlığı
Tüketici Güvenliği ve Sağlık Etkileri Araştırma Müdürlüğü Sıhhiye-Ankara
Lab. Sorumlusu Zir. Müh. Ö. Taner OKKALI
RSHMB, Tüketici Güv. ve Sağlık Etkileri Araş. Müd.
Enstrümantal Analiz Lab. 1, 06100, Sıhhiye-Ankara
Tel: 0312 458 21 40; Faks: 0312 458 23 83
E-posta:[email protected]
Tıbbi gözetim altında hastaların diyetlerini düzenlemek amacıyla kullanılan özel olarak üretilmiş
veya formüle edilmiş gıdalar şeklinde ifade edilen özel tıbbi amaçlı diyet gıdalar makro ve mikro
elementleri içermektedirler. Bu çalışmada; söz konusu gıdalardaki makro elementlerden sodyum
(Na), potasyum (K), kalsiyum (Ca), magnezyum (Mg) ve fosfor (P) miktarlarının ICP-OES ile belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Toplam 22 adet özel tıbbi amaçlı diyet gıda numunesi mikrodalga yakma
sisteminde yakma tekniği ile hazırlanmış ve indüktif eşleşmiş plazma optik emisyon spektrometresi
(ICP-OES) kullanılarak Na, K, Ca, Mg ve P miktarları belirlenmiştir. İstatistiksel değerlendirme ise
tek yönlü varyans (ANOVA) analizine göre yapılmıştır. Özel tıbbi amaçlı diyet gıdalardaki Na, K,
Ca, Mg ve P miktarları sırasıyla 32.7–198 mg/100 ml; 82.8-329 mg/100 ml; 62.7-240 mg/100 ml;
10.6-31 mg/100 ml ve 54.2-179 mg/100 ml arasında saptanmıştır. İstatistiksel değerlendirme ile
saptanan değerlerin ürün etiketlerinde beyan edilen değerlere uygunluk gösterdikleri belirlenmiştir
(p>0.005). Bu elementlerin miktarlarının ICP-OES ile belirlenmesinde tayin limitleri de tespit
edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak özel tıbbi amaçlı diyet gıdalarda Na, K, Ca, Mg ve P miktarlarının belirlenmesinde ICP-OES yönteminin kullanılabileceği görülmüştür.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Özel Tıbbi Amaçlı Diyet Gıda, Makro Element, ICP-OES.
Determınatıon of Sodium, Potasium, Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus Amounts in
Specific Medical-Aimed Diet Products by ICP-OES
Foods which are declarated as medical-aimed diet products are specifically produced or formulated
to be used for diets of patients who are under medical supervision. These products contain macro
and micro elements. In this study, it is aimed to determine the amounts of macro elements sodium
(Na), potasium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (P) by inductively coupled
plasma optical emission spectrophotometer (ICP-OES) in the products in question. Totally 22 specific medical-aimed diet food samples were prepared by calcination in microwave calcination system and by using ICP-OES, the amounts of Na, K, Ca, Mg ve P are determined. Statistical
evaluation was carried out by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Na, K, Ca, Mg ve P amounts were
detected in the ranges of 32.7–198 mg/100 ml; 82.8-329 mg/100 ml; 62.7-240 mg/100 ml; 10.631 mg/100 ml ve 54.2-179 mg/100 ml respectively. Statistically detected values were found to be
in consistance with the declared values on the labelling (p>0.005).
Detection limits were detected for the analysis of these elements by ICP-OES. As a result; the
amounts of Na, K, Ca, Mg and P in specific medical-aimed products can be detected by ICP-OES.
Key Words: Specific Medical-Aimed Diet Products, Macro Element, ICP-OES.
Salvia aucheriʼnin Etilasetat Özütünün Antioksidan Kapasitesi
Melih Onay*1, Nursen Çoruh2, Ferhat Celep3, Musa Doğan3
*Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Biyokimya Bölümü, Ankara, Türkiye;
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Kimya Bölümü, Ankara, Türkiye;
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Biyoloji Bölümü, Ankara, Türkiye [email protected]
Genellikle antioksidan aktivite içeren Salvia yaklaşık olarak 200 cinsi kapsayan Lamiaceae ailesine
ait olup 1000 türü kapsamaktadır. Bu türlerin 86 tanesi Türkiyeʼde bulunmaktadır ve çoğunlukla
Salvia türleri soğuk algınlığı, başağrısı ve tüberkülozun tedavisinde kullanılır. Bizim çalışmamızda,
Salvia aucheri (S. aucheri) bitki örnekleri oda sıcaklığında kurutuldu ve mekanik öğütücü ile toz
haline getirildi. Daha sonra, S. aucheriʼnin etil asetat özütleri elde edildi ve bu özütlerin ürün ağırlıkları hesaplandı. Buna ek olarak, S. aucheriʼnin ariyel kısımları antioksidan kapasite için incelendi. Bu amaç için, antioksidan aktivitenin hesaplanması için 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhidrazyl (DPPH)
metod uygulandı ve sonuçlar yorumlandı. Bu çalışma içerisinde quercetin standard olarak kullanıldı. S. aucheriʼnin DPPH serbest radikal yakalama kapasitesi 0,01 ile 0,2 mg/mL arasında incelendi ve S. aucheriʼnin etil asetat özütünün etki konsatrasyonu (EC) 893 ± 91 μg/mL olarak
Anahtar Kelimeler: Salvia aucheri, Serbest radikal yakalama kapasitesi, Antioksidan aktivite
Antioxidant Capacity of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Salvia Aucheri
Salvia generally including antioxidant activity belongs to the Lamiaceae family including near 200
genera and this genus has 1000 species. It is composed of 86 species in Turkey and mostly benefited in the treatment of colds, headache and tuberculosis. In our study, Salvia aucheri (S.
aucheri) plant material was dried and finely ground by mechanic grinder at room temprature. Then,
S. aucheri ethyl acetate extracts were achieved and yields of plant ethyl acetate extracts were
calculated. Morever, aerial parts of S. aucheri were carried out for antioxidant capacity. For this
purpose, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhidrazyl (DPPH) method was applied for calculation of antioxidant
activity and the results were interpreted. In this study, quercetin was used as standard. DPPH free
radical scavanging capacity of ethyl acetate extract of S. aucheri were analyzed between 0.01
and 0.2 mg/mL and effective concentration (EC) of S. aucheri ethyl acetate extract was found as
893 ± 91 μg/mL.
Key Words: Salvia aucheri, Free radical scavanging capacity, Antioxidant activity
Production of Probiotic Fig, Peach and Strawberry Juices by
Lactic Acid Bacteria
Babak Pakbin*, Seyyed Hadi Razavi, Karamatollah Rezaei and Mehri Hadinejad
Department of Food Science, Engineering and Technology University of Tehran
Karaj, Iran, 31587-77871
*Corresponding author: Babak Pakbin, E-mail: [email protected]
Research was undertaken to determine the suitability of fig, peach and strawberry as raw materials
for production of probiotic fig, peach and strawberry juices by lactic acid bacteria. Fig, peach and
strawberry juices separately were inoculated with a 24-h-old lactic culture and incubated at 30 °C.
Changes in pH, acidity, sugar content, and viable cell counts during fermentation under controlled
conditions were monitored. L. casei, L. delbrueckii, and L. casei grew well on fig and peach juices
and reached nearly 10 × 108 and 10 × 109 CFU/mL respectively after 48 h of fermentation at 30
°C and L. delbruckii and L. plantarum grew well on strawberry juice and reached 10 × 108 after
48 h of fermentation at 30°C. After 4 weeks of cold storage at 4 °C, the viable cell counts of L. delbrueckii were still 1.98 × 106 , 8.96 × 106 and 8.66 × 106 mL-1 respectively in fermented fig, peach
and strawberry juices. Fermented fig, peach and strawberry juices could serve as healthy beverages for vegetarians and lactose-allergic consumers.
Keywords: Fig juice; Probiotic; Lactic acid bacteria; Peach juice; Strawberry juice
Applications of Ultrasound in Food Drying
Process - An Introductory Review
Babak Pakbin*, Karamatollah Rezaei, Mehri Hadinejad and Seyyed hadi Razavi
Department of Food Science, Engineering and Technology University of Tehran
Karaj, Iran, 31587-77871
*Corresponding author: Babak Pakbin, E-mail: [email protected]
In this study applications of ultrasound in food drying process have investigated. High frequency
ultrasonic treatment is used in food drying process as pretreatment, intensifier treatment of process
and drier. Ultrasonic waves in low frequency also can be used as a diagnostic method for measuring properties of final dried products and controlling of drying process. Ultrasonic pretreatment
have direct and indirect implementations. Ultrasonic direct pretreatment assess drying process
by intensifying heat and mass transfer and indirect implementations of this technology are be a
part of drying system such as nozzle of spray-drier or improve freezing operation in freeze-drying
Keywords: Ultrasound; Drying; Ultrasonic pretreatment
Nanotechnology and its Applications on Animal Feeds
Pınar SACAKLI1 Nezaket CÖMERT2
Doç.Dr. Ankara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Animal Nutrition and
Nutritional Disease, 06110, Ankara TURKEY, [email protected], 05327129028
Dr. Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Directorate General of Agricultural Reform,
Head of Organizational Department, Ankara, TURKEY
Nanoteknoloji genel olarak malzemelerin atom ve molekül bazında işlenmesidir. Nanoteknolojinin
tarım, hayvancılık gıda ve yem gibi pek çok alanda uygulanabilirliği söz konusudur.
Hayvan sağlığı, aşılar, immunoloji, yetiştirme konularındaki nanoteknolojik çalışmaların yanı sıra
hayvan besleme alanında yemin kalitesi, besleyici değeri, üretilmesi, işlenmesi, paketlenmesi, depolanması patojenlerin saptanmasında da kullanım alanı bulmaktadır. Bu makalede hayvan
beslemede nanoteknolojik uygulamalar ele alınmış ve yem kalitesi ve yemin değerliliği, yem katkı
maddeleri üretimi, yemlerin işlenmesi amabalajlanması ve depolanması, yemlerdeki bulaşıklığın
tespiti yemlerin sindirimi ve emilimi konuları ele alınmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Nanoteknoloji, Yem, Yem işleme, Yem katkı maddesi
Nanotechnology is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and moleculer scale. There are
several areas in which nanotechnology could be applied to agriculture, animal and food/feed.
Nanotechnology can be applied to animal nutrition area such as feed quality and nutritional values,
feed additives, processing, packaging and storage and safety in addition to animal health, vaccinology, immunology and animal breeding. This paper focused on the subjects which are nanotechnological applications in animal feeds such as feed quality, feed availability, production of feed
additives, feed processing, packaging and storage, detection of feed contaminants, digestibility
and absorbtion of feeds.
Key words: Nanotechnology, Feed, Feed processing, Feed additives
Sekonder Metabolitlerin Bitkilerdeki Rolü ve Bazı Kullanım Alanları
Sezgin Sancaktaroğlu1, Ahmet Metin Kumlay1
Iğdır Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi, Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Iğdır
Tel. +90 476 261314/1224, [email protected].
Sekonder metabolitler çoğunlukla bitkilerde bulunuşlarına göre sınırlı bir dağılım göstermektedirler.
Ayrıca, bu metabolitlerin cinslere ve türlere özgü karakteristiklerinin olduğu ve primer metabolitlerden özel yollarla oluştuğu bilinmektedir. Sekonder metobolitler yaşam için gerekli olmamasına rağmen, onları üreten organizmalar için önemli fonksiyonları bulunmaktadır. Diğer yandan bitkiler
herbivorlar, bakteriler, funguslar ile ışık, yaşam alanı ve besinler için rekabete giren diğer bitkiler
tarafından saldırıya uğramaktadırlar. Ayrıca, radyasyon gibi abiotik stres faktörü de bitkilere zararlı
olabilmektedir. Bu olumsuz etkilerine karşın bitkilerin lezzete, kokuya, böcek cezbettirici ve hayvanların kendilerini yemesini caydırıcı maddelere sahip olmaları gibi biyolojik rolleri bulunmaktadır.
Aynı zamanda, bu sekonder maddeler, respirasyonda ve fotosentezde elektron taşınımına aracılık
etmektedirler. Yine bu sekonder metabolitlerden çiçeklerdeki renk maddeleri ile birlikte terpen ve
fenolik kokular pollinatörleri cezbetmektedirler. Yüksek bitkiler fungus bulaşmasına tepki olarak
ve aynı zamanda da stres koşullarında fitotoaleksin üretmektedirler. Bir bitkinin enfeksiyona direnci,
fitoaleksinin birikim derecesine ve fitoaleksine karşı mikroorganizmaların değişen hassasiyetine
bağlı bulunmaktadır. Yine diğer sekonder metabolitlere baktığımızda; sakızın bitkilerde yedek bir
besin kaynağı olduğu veya yoğun transpirasyonu kontrol ettiği söylenmektedir. Taninʼin donmaya,
funguslara ve hayvanlara karşı; reçinenin yaralanmalara, donmaya, hayvanlara ve yoğun tranpirasyona karşı bitkileri koruduğu belirlenmiştir. Hormonların ise (gibberellin, auxin vb. gibi) bitkinin
büyümesine temel oluşturduğu gösterilmiştir. Diğer yandan, sekonder metabolitler yoluyla böceklerin konukçu bitki seçimi entomolojide anahtar bir rol oynamaktadır. Sekonder metabolitlerin bitkilerdeki rolü, bu maddelerin diğer alanlarda kullanımı için ilham kaynağı olmakta ve yön
göstermektedir. Bu sebeple, bu maddelerin tarımının yapılması ve doku kültürü metotlarıyla üretimlerinin sağlanması için çalışmalar yapılması önem arz etmektedir.
Anahtar: Sekonder metabolitler, bitki, metabolizma, etken maddeler.
The Role of Secondary Metabolites in Plants and Their Utilization in Some Fields
Secondary metabolites have a restricted distribution being found mostly in plants and they are
characteristic of individual genera and species. Secondary metabolites formed along specialized
pathways from primary metabolites in plants. They are non essential to life but they are important
to the organisms. On the other hand, plants are attacked by herbivores, bacteria, fungi and by
other plants competing for light, living space and nutrients. Moreover abiotic stresses such as radiation gives harm to plants. Contrary of these negative effects, biological role of plants that they
are flavour fragrance, insect attractants and antifeedants, they also mediate the electron transport
in respiration and photosynthesis. From seconder metabolites, color pigments in flowers together
with phenolic odors and terpene attract pollinators. Phytoalexins have been produced in higher
plants in response to infection by fungi. Also, under stress conditions they may be formed and induced them. The resistance of a plant to infection depends on degree of phytoalexin accumulation
and its rate and also on the varying sensitivity of micro-organisms to the phytoalexins. When we
look at other secondary metabolites, gum has been served as a reserve food and it has been
checked excessive transpiration, tannin has been protected against frost, animals and fungi and
resin has been protected against animals, frost and excessive transpiration. Hormones (gibberellins, auxins etc) are essential in the growth of plants. As well as host selection through secondary plant substances by insects is the key to agricultural entomology. The role of secondary
metabolites in plants guide and direct researchers to the other application fields. So, it is important
to examine and study their functions and produce them by tissue culture methods and agriculture.
Key words: Secondary metabolites, plant, metabolism, substance.
She was born in Kütahya, Turkey. Graduated from Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, in Izmir, in 1994. Her MSc
from Ege University, in Agronomy, in 1999. She completed her PhD in
Ege University, in Agronomy, in 2010. After PhD, she has been working
for Iğdır University, Faculty of Agriculture Department of Field Crops as
an Assistant Professor Dr. from 2010 up to present. Her study areas are
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, and Agronomy.
Bitkilerin Geniş Oranda Mikroçoğaltımı İçin
Bioreaktör Teknolojisinin Kullanımı
Ahmet Metin Kumlay1, Sezgin Sancaktaroğlu1
Iğdır Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü, Iğdır
Tel. +90 476 2261314/1202, [email protected].
Ticari olarak önemli olan bir çok bitki türü vegetatif olarak doku kültürü yöntemiyle çoğaltılmaktadır.
Geleneksel doku kültürü çoğaltımında, agar en temel kullanılan ortam olup, bunun kullanımıyla
çok sayıda kültür odaları ve fazlaca işgücü gerekmekte ve laboratuarda çok sayıda laminar hava
akımlı kabinlere, otoklavlara ve rafları ışıklandırılmış bitki büyütme kabinlerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu durum, hem bitkilerin çoğaltım etkinliğini sınırlandırmakta, hem de üretim maliyetini artırmaktadır. Bu problemin üstesinden gelebilmek için, en az ekipmanla ve üretim maliyetiyle ve basit
bitki üretim protokollarıyla, büyük miktarlarda bitki üretim tekniklerinin istihdam edilmesi gerekli
hale gelmiştir. Son zamanlarda, düşük maliyetli ve hızlı kütlesel bitki çoğaltımı için bioreaktör
teknolojisi kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu teknik çilek, muz, patates, tatlı patates, leylak, barış çiçeği,
nergiz, yüksük otu, sütleğen ve stevia (şeker otu) gibi bitkilerin parçalarının üretiminde yaygın
olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bioreaktör teknolojileri, sürgün ve somatik embriyoları da içeren farklı bitki
türlerinin çoğaltımında ve özelliklerinin belirlenmesinde de çalışılmaktadır. Bioreaktörlerin bitki
çoğaltımında kullanımının avantajları şunlardır: Çok sayıda bitki fidesi kolayca üretilebilir, bitki üretim maliyeti düşürülebilir, besin elementi alımı uyarılabilir ve aynı zamanda bitki büyüme oranı hızlandırılabilir. Buna karşın, aynı kabinde farklı büyüklükte bitkilerin elde edilmesi ve mikrobiyal
bulaşma riski gibi dezavantajları da bulunmaktadır. Bu derlemede, bioreaktör sistemlerinin temel
özellikleri ve ticari olarak önemli bitki türlerinin bioreaktörlerde üretilmesi konuları açıklanmaya
Anahtar Kelimeler: Mikroçoğaltım, doku kültürü, bioreaktör teknolojisi
Bioreactor Technology for Large-Scale Plant Micropropagation
A large number of commercially important plant species are vegetatively propagated by tissue
culture. In traditional tissue culture propagation, the agar culture is the main subject and this requires large number of small culture vessels and labour, and results in the requirement of many
laminar air flow clean benches, large autoclave(s), plant growth chambers equipped with illuminated shelves. This is the major cause for both limited propagation efficiency and high production
costs. In order to overcome these problems, large-scale propagation technique with simple plant
culture protocol with least equipments and reduced production cost should be adopted. Nowadays, bioreactor technology has been used for fast mass propagation of plants and low cost.
This technique have been commonly applied for large-scale production of plant propagules such
as strawberry, banana, potato, sweetpotato, lilies, Spathiphyllum, narcissus, foxglove, euphorbia
and Stevia. The bioreactor technologies are also studied on their characteristics and on propagation of several plant species including shoots and somatic embryos. The advantages of the
use of bioreactor for plant propagation are as follows: Large number of plantlets can easily be
produced, costs of plant propagation can be reduced, uptake of nutrients are stimulated and
growth rate is also increased. However, there are some disadvantages including plant size variation and microbial contamination. In this review, the fundamental characteristics in the operation
of bioreactor systems and the production of commercially important plant species in bioreactors
will be explained.
Key Words: Micropropagation, tissue culture, bioreactor technology.
He was born in Iğdır, Turkey. Graduated from Ataturk University, Erzurum. He earned his MSc from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, in
1995 and PhD from Ankara University in Plant Biotechnology and Tissue
Culture in 2005. After PhD, worked for Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Engineering Department of Food Engineering as an Assistant
Professor Dr. between 2005-2008. From 2008 up to present, he has
been working for Iğdır University, Faculty of Agriculture Department of
Field Crops as an Assistant Professor. His study areas are: Potato
Breeding, Tissue Culture Applications and Plant Biotechnology, Potato
Agronomy and Organic Agriculture. During his career, he has carried
out many scientific projects.
Colostral Enrichment With Hormones Affects Calf Performance
Marzieh Sanei (Corresponding author: [email protected]), 2M. Khorvash,
H.R. Rahmani, 4Nasroallah Moradi kor and 5Niloofar Majidi
M.sc. Former of Animal Science, 2Assistant professor, 3Associate professor Department of
Animal Science, Isfahan University of Technology 8415683111, 4 M.sc. Student of Animal
Physiology, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Razi University of Kermanshah and
Young Researchers Club Member, Islamic Azad University of Baft, Iran and 5M.sc. Former of
Animal Science, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology
This study investigated Holstein dairy calves response to enriched colostrum and milk with hormone supplement. Colostral growth factors and hormones, can modulate gastrointestinal tract development Twenty Holstein dairy calves (weight 40.4 ± 1.7 kg; mean ± SE) that were single-born
between September and December of 2009 at the Lavark Research Station (Isfahan University
of Technology, Isfahan, Iran) were used for this investigation. The calves were randomly allocated
to 2 groups based on sex; control (C; 6 females and 4 males); group hormone-supplemented (H;
6 females and 4 males). Both groups were fed colostrum 3 times daily for 3 days and then mature
milk until weaning. In the first 5 days after calving group H received the normal colostrum and milk
plus a hormones composition (insulin-like growth factor, prolactin, glucagon and insulin, all 2.5-3
times of their normal colostrum concentration) and group C did not received any addition. The
starter consumption was measured every day for every individual calf. Weaning took place when
a calf had consumed more than 1 kg starter in 3 consecutive days. Blood samples were taken
from the jugular vein after birth and before feeding the first colostrum (time 0), and 30 min after
feeding colostrum or milk on each day 2, 3 and 20. Serums were analyses with electrophoresis.
Data from starter intake, growth performance were analyzed using the mixed model procedure of
SAS (SAS/STAT Software, 1996). All reported values are LSM unless otherwise stated. There
were no significant differences between groups in weaning weight, wither height at weaning, average daily gain and the albumin to globulin ratio. The weaning age (P≤0.01) and starter intake
(P<0.001) was influenced by treatments. This study confirms that colostrum enriched with hormone
supplement may improve calf performance by decreasing weaning age and increasing starter
daily intake.
Key words: hormone composition, performance, albumin, globulin
Application of Anthocyanin Extracted From Barberry in
Food Processing
Akram Sharifi1,*, Bahram Hassani1
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Email: [email protected]
One of the quality properties of foods is their color that has an important role in acceptance of
food products. If food product doesn't have a proper color, it would be severely faced with decrease
in the value of offer. To produce a natural color in this research, we used seedless barberry. After
extracting barberry's anthocyanin by its solvent _water_ in the reflux system, the produced color
was condensed in vacuum up to 60 brix using rotary evaporator. Then, 1, 2 and 3 percent of this
color was used in heated and cold productions (jelly dessert, milk dessert, soft ice-cream, hard
ice-cream and yogurt), and sensory tests were run to choose the best percentage of color in these
products according to the consumers' acceptance. Hunter Lab colorimetery evaluated the stability
of this color in the said products during the storage by keeping them in 0-4 °C (for desserts and
yogurt) and -21°C (for ice-creams). Results showed that in all the studied products, the one with
3 percent color had the most acceptance of evaluators; and results of evaluating color stability
showed that effect of time of storage on lightness and darkness (L), redness and greenness (a),
yellowness and blueness (b) of product was significant.
Key words: barberry, anthocyanin, extraction, colorimetery.
Determination Effective Parameters During Rhubarb Hot Air Drying
Process and Possibility of Powder Preparation From That
Akram Sharifi1,*, Bahram Hassani1
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Email: [email protected]
Drying process for seasonal products such as rhubarb which are available only a few months in a
year for consumers is very important, because this process not only prevents the spoilage of these
products but also makes this consumption possible throughout the year. In this study, after drying
rhubarb's stems and preparing rhubarb powder, the quality indices including: acidity, moisture content, pH, color intensity, bulk density( loosed and packed) and vitamin C, were measured for samples
which had been dried in a cabinet tray drier at 50, 60 and 70°C, and also those dried in the traditional
method. Finally sensory evaluations were performed to select the best formulation for preparing
condiment from rhubarb powder. The results of the study showed that the drying process at 70°C
was the optimal condition because it had the least time and maximum rate of drying. For preparing
condiment from rhubarb powder the formulation that consist of 5 g white pepper ,2.5 g mustard
powder and 2.5 g Indian nutmeg powder was selected as the best formulation by the evaluators .
Keywords: Rhubarb; Convective drying; Condiment; Quality indices
Akram Sharifi is ph.D student of food science and technology in Iran.
She's very interested in doing researches. She has been teaching food engineering for three years in Islamic Azad university.
Study of Extracted Barberry Anthocyanins Stability During Storage
Akram Sharifi1,*, Bahram Hassani1
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Email: [email protected]
Nowadays, owing to the harmful physiological effects of most chemical colors used in food industries, there is a general tendency towards using natural colors as a substitute in foods. Accordingly,
studies are being made to develop natural colors from the available rich natural sources, such as
Barberry, the pigments of which contain various anthocyanins. In the present study, the anthocyanins in Barberry were first extracted by means of a Reflux system. Then, the concentration of
the main anthocyanin in Barberry, that is, Cyanidin-3-glycoside was measured through pH differential method. The Results showed that the maximum amount of anthocyanin was extractable at
50°C using a mixture of ethanol and methanol as the solvent. In order to test the stability of the
color so developed, the researchers it stored in chromatic bottles for three months. The maximum
and minimum amount of destruction of the anthocyanins were observed at 40°C and -18 °C respectively.
Key words: Natural colors; Barberry; Anthocyanin; Extraction;Stability
Akram Sharifi is ph.D student of food science and technology in Iran.
She's very interested in doing researches. She has been teaching food engineering for three years in Islamic Azad university.
Drying Process Evaluation of Barberry
During Hot Air and Vacuum Drying Methods
Akram Sharifi1,*, Bahram Hassani1
Food Science and Technology, Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch, Sabzevar, Iran
Email: [email protected]
The objective of food drying is removal of water and thus prevents its Microbial and chemical Corruption and increase shelf life foods. The drying process should maintain the product texture,
color, flavor and nutrition value. Drying process for seasonal products such as barberry which are
available only a few months in a year for consumers is very important, because this process not
only prevents the spoiling of these products but also makes this consumption possible throughout
the year. In this study the drying process of barberry with hot air and under vacuum at three temperature (55, 65, 75°C) and (35, 45, 55 °C) with citric acid and vapor pretreatment were performed
respectively. Then kinetic parameters of drying of barberry with two methods were determined.
The results of the study showed that the drying process at 75°C with hot air and citric acid pretreatment and drying under vacuum with55°C without pretreatment were the optimal condition of
Keywords: barberry, hot air drying, under vacuum drying, kinetic parameters
Akram Sharifi is ph.D student of food science and technology in Iran.
She's very interested in doing researches. She has been teaching food engineering for three years in Islamic Azad university.
Doogh, An Iranian Fermented Dairy Beverage
Soltani M1, Say D2, Güzeler N1
Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Çukurova, Adana, Turkey
([email protected], [email protected])
Vocational School of Pozantı, University of Çukurova, Adana, Turkey ([email protected])
Doogh, a Iranian drinking yoghurt type, is a fermented dairy beverage and constituted an important
part of daily beverage consumption in Iran. It is produced from mixing of yoghurt, drinking water,
salt and essence of aromatic vegetables such as cucumber, thyme, mint and oregano. Although
some undesired properties such as aggregation of casein due to the low pH and phase separation
is seen frequently in doogh, but the high tendency for its consumption has been caused to increase
the scientific and industrial efforts in order to improve the quality of the product. On the other hand
the specific standards are determined for doogh by Iran Standard and Industrial Researches Institute (ISIRI). The aim of this paper is an overview of the production and quality properties of
Dilek SAY - Short Biography
Dilek Say is a doctor in the University of Cukurova, Adana, Turkey. She
graduated from the Department of Food Engineering of Cukurova University in 1996. She completed her MSc in 2001 and PhD in 2008 both at the
Department of Food Engineering of Cukurova University, Adana. Dilek
Say received a scholarship from Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of
CHANIA, Greece and attended a post-graduate specialization programme
in the Department of Food Quality Management in 2000. She worked as
a quality specialist in various companies between 2001 and 2009. She
joined the Vocational School of Pozantı at the University of Cukurova,
Adana, 2009 and give lectures in this university. Say has been also the deputy director of the Vocational School of Pozantı of Cukurova University since 2009. She has had numerous publications
since the 1998s. Her works are mainly based on the milk, yoghurt technology, cheese technology,
traditional dairy products and food safety.
Patates Nişastası-Jelatin Biyofilmlerinin Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu
Seçil YILMAZ1, Fatih YILDIZ2
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Biyoteknoloji Anabilim Dalı
Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Gıda Mühendisliği Bölümü
Doğada bozulma özelliğine sahip, çevre dostu plastik üretme eğilimi, nişastanın termoplastik özellikleri ve proteinlerle etkileşimleri hakkındaki araştırmaları arttırmıştır. Nişastanın kristal yapısının
basınç, sıcaklık ve su, gliserol veya diğer polioller gibi plastikleştirici maddelerle kırılarak termoplastik hâline getirilmesi, bu yenilenebilir ham maddenin biyoplastik üretiminde kullanılmasını
sağlamıştır. Proteinlerin ise çözündürme veya termal işlemler ile plastik özelliği kazanması, bu
maddelerin gıda dışı amaçlarla kullanılmasına olanak tanımıştır. Bu çalışmada patates nişastası
ve jelatin kaynak olarak kullanılarak biyobozunur plastik üretimi gerçekleştirilecektir. Patates nişastası ve sığır jelatini farklı oranlarda karıştırılacak ve bu karışıma plastikleştirici madde olarak %3
ila %10 oranında gliserol ve su eklenerek optimum karışım oranı belirlenecektir. Termoplastik ve
termomekanik işlemlerle elde edilecek ürünler, 5 günlük depolama süresinin ardından kimyasal
direnç, su buharı ve gaz geçirgenliği, termal stabilite, erime ve camsı geçiş sıcaklığı analizlerine
tabi tutulacaktır.
The tendency to produce environment-friendly plastics which have degradation feature in nature
has increased the research on thermoplastic property of starch and its interactions with proteins.
It has been possible the utilization of starch in bioplastic production by destruction of its crystalline
structure by pressure, heat and plasticizers such as water, glycerol or other polyols and become
the structure of thermoplastic. Proteins, on the other hand, can have plastic properties by dissolution or thermal processes and this enables the usage of proteins for non-food purposes. In this
study, biodegradable plastics will be produced using potato starch and gelatin as resources. Potato
starch and gelatin from bovine will be blended in various ratios and glycerol and water will be
added into this mixture as plasticizers in ratios from 3% to 10%, and the optimum mixture ratio
will be determined. The products which will be obtained by thermoplastic and thermomechanical
processing will be exposure to analyses of chemical resistance, water vapor and gas permeability,
thermal stability, melting and glass transition temperatures.
Analysis of the Essential Oil of Lantana Camera Leaves from
South West of Iran
Nooshin Zandi-Sohani1, Mohammad Hojjati2∗, Angel, A, Carbonell Barrachina3
Department of Entomology, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources University, Mollasani,
Ahvaz, Iran.
Department of Food Science and Technology, Ramin Agriculture and Natural Resources
University, Mollasani, Ahvaz, Iran.
Departamento Tecnología Agroalimentaria, Universidad Miguel Hernandez, Carretera de
Beniel, 03312-Orihuela, Alicante, Spain.
[email protected]
L. camara leaves are aromatic with various chemical constituents and bioactive molecules. The
chemical compositions of essential oil from the fresh leaves of Lantana camara L. cultivated in
south west of Iran was examined by GC-FID and GC-MS. Hydro distillation method was used to
extract the essential oil and the yield was 0.45% w/w. Fifty one compounds were identified in the
oil. The major constituents identified include α-humelene (23.46%), β-caryophyllene (16.24%),
germacrene D (13.16%), bicyclogermacrene (12.54%), aromadenrene (7.0%), and β-curcumene
(4.02%). A comparison with the chemical composition of L. camara oils of different origin showed
that our oil was significantly different from others with respect to their major constituents.
Keywords: Lantana camara; essential oils; α-humelene; β-caryophyllene; germacrene D; bicyclogermacrene
Meyve Türlerinin Doku Kültürü ile Çoğaltımında Thidiazuronun Etkisi
¹ Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü 35100 Bornova İZMİR
² Ege Üniversitesi,Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoteknoloji ABD, 35100 Bornova İZMİR
[email protected] (05546948265), [email protected]
Bu çalışmada farklı meyve gruplarının (sert çekirdekli, yumuşak çekirdekli, sert kabuklu, üzümsü
ve tropik) ve özellikle inatçı meyve türlerinin in vitro kültüründe kullanılan bir sitokinin türü olan
Thidiazuron (TDZ) maddesinin sürgün oluşum ve gelişimine etkisi incelenmiştir.
Meyve türlerinin mikroçoğaltımında kullanılan TDZ değişik dozlarda(0.4 – 32 μM) besin ortamına
eklendiğinde bitkinin oluşturduğu sürgün sayısı ve sürgünlerin uzunluğunu ciddi şekilde etkilemektedir. Ayrıca NAA ve BA gibi diğerçeşitli sitokiniler de TDZ uygulamalarına eklendiğindeTDZʼnin etkinliğinin arttığı gözlenmiştir.
Yapılan çalışmalarda TDZʼnin meyve gruplarının çoğunda etkili olduğu anlaşılmıştır.En yüksek
sürgün oluşum oranı %100 oranında üzümsü meyve grubundan olan Syzygium aqueum (water
cherry)de bulunurken öte yandan en düşük oran %10 olarak fındıkta elde edilmiştir. TDZ maddesi
kullanılarak yapılan çalışmalar incelendiğinde bu maddenin çeşitli meyve gruplarında değişen
oranlarda etkili olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ancak bu madde ile yapılan in vitro çalışmaların özellikle sert
kabuklu meyve türlerinde yapılan çalışmaların yetersizliği nedeniyle bu maddenin etkisini tam
olarak belirlenebilmesi için daha yoğun çalışmaların yapılması gerektiği görülmüştür.Ayrıca ülkemizde yapılan doku kültürü çalışmaları açısından TDZ ile yapılan araştırmalar meyve grupları açısından henüz başlangıç düzeyindedir.
Anahtar kelimeler: inatçı türler, in vitro, Thidiazuron (TDZ), sitokininler.
Effect of Thidiazuron of in Vitro Propagation of Fruit Species
In this study, different groups of fruits (hard-core, soft-core, hard-shelled, berry and tropical) and
especially in vitro culture of recalcitrant fruits species which is a type of cytokine used Thidiazuron
(TDZ), the formation and development of shoots investigated.
In types of fruits micro propagation, when different doses of TDZ (0.4- 32 μM) added to plant nutrient medium, number of shoots and the length of shoots formed by the plant, was seriously affected. In addition, the NAA and BA as well as other various cytokines when added to TDZʼs
applications, TDZʼs activity increased have been observed.
Studies have proved TDZ to be effective in the majority of fruit groups. The highest shoot formation
rate is also found 100 % in (water cherry) syzygium agueum which is from berry groups, on the
other hand the lowest rate 10 % was obtained from hazelnut.
When examined studies using TDZ, this substance in various fruit groups has been effective in
different rates is understood. However, in vitro studies with this substance especially because failure studies in hard-shelled fruit species, to determine the exact effect of this substance should
done more intensive studies. In addition, the studies done in our country in terms of tissue culture,
studies with TDZ the fruit groups in terms yet in initial level.
Key words: recalcitrant species, in vitro, Thidiazuron, syconines.
22.07.1979 tarihinde Irakʼın Kerkükʼe bağlı Dakuk ilçesinde doğdu. İlk, orta
ve lise eğitimini Dakukʼta tamamladı. 1998 yılında girdiği Musul Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümünden 2002 senesinde mezun
oldu. 2004 yılında Gazi Üniversitesinde (Ankara, Türkiye) Türkçe eğitimi
gördükten sonra, 2005 yılında başladığı Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi
Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümünde 2008 yılında yüksek lisans eğitimini tamamladı.
2010 yılında aynı bölümde doktora eğitimine başladı ve halen devam etmektedir.
Effect of Irrigation with Well and Qanat on Soil Properties Improving
(Case Study: Yazd Province, Iran)
Gh. Zehtabian1, A.Dehghani2, H. Khosravi3*, M. Dastoorani4, R. Masoudi4
Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran. Iran. E-mail : [email protected]
Senior Expert in Management of Desert Area, University of Tehran, Iran
PhD Candidate, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, E-mail:
[email protected]
Senior Expert in De-Desertification, University of Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding author
In recent years, with population increasing and civilization progress, the use of groundwater has
played a key role in enhancing agriculture productivity and drought mitigation. In recent years,
digging deep and semi-deep wells has taken a quantum leap in Iran. Unfortunately, the emergence
of new technologies has led to the destruction of qanats. In addition to causing a negative water
balance in most areas, the excessive exploitation of water through deep and semi-deep wells has
accelerated the trend towards desertification. However, many water and soil-related projects have
been implemented in recent decades to recharge aquifers, including a typical plan for a ditch and
flooding recharge system. In this study effect of irrigation with well and qanat on soil properties
improving were studied. 32 soil profiles were prepared and soil samples were obtained from surface depths of (0-30cm) and some factors such as soil texture EC, SAR, PH, CaCo3, CL and
Potassium were measured. Three different series of soil have been recognized and they were
considered as blocks and, 3treats with 3 replication including lands irrigated by qanat water, Lands
irrigated with well, and rangelands (not irrigated) as control treatments. The results showed that
there were significant differences. In land irrigated by qanat soil-improvement factors including,
Nitrogen, Phosphor, Potassium, Humus, Lime have increased, but in lands irrigated with well, soildegradation factors including PH, EC, SAR and ESP have increased.
Keywords: Soil; Irrigation; Water; Well; -improvement factors; degradation factors; Ghanat; Yazd).
Effects of Ethanol Use on Yield and Quality Properties of
Sugar Beet in Savojbolagh Area, Iran
Mehrdad Zooleh
M.Sc. Student of Agricultural Mechanization, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar Branch, Iran
Email: [email protected]
In order to evaluate the effects of ethanol use on sugar beet quality and yield, a study was conducted at research farm in savojbolagh area, Iran. Aqueous solutions with 0 (control), 7, 14, 21,
28 and 35% (v/v) ethanol concentrations which all were contained 0.2% glycine were sprayed 3
times during growth season with two week intervals on foliage parts of sugar beet. The firs foliar
application was done at 80 days after planting. Some parameters such as root and leaf yield,
sugar content, molasses, white sugar content and yield, white sugar and Na, K, N concentration
were measured. Results indicated that there was a significant difference between control plants
with those were sprayed with ethanol in respect to root and leaf yield, sugar and white sugar yields.
Foliar application of 21% ethanol solution increased root, leaf and sugar yields up to 92.3, 53.03
and 13.72 tha-1, respectively whereas the maximum white sugar yield (9.28 tha-1)was achieved
with foliar application of 14% (v/v) ethanol. The other parameters were not affectedby ethanol application. It seems applying 14-21% (v/v) ethanol on sugar beet plants can increas sugar yield.
Keywords: Ethanol, Sugar beet, Sugar beet quality, Savojbolagh Area, Iran.
Energy Coefficient for Irrigated Wheat Production in Karaj Area in Iran
Mehrdad Zooleh
M.Sc. Student of Agricultural Mechanization, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar Branch, Iran
Email: [email protected]
This study examines the energy coefficient of irrrigated wheat production in Iran (Karaj area). The
data for diesel fuel energy consumption on tillage, planting, cultivation, irrigation, harvesting and
grain hauling as well as electricity for pumping water from wells obtained by questionnaires for
four arable area of Karaj area in Iran. The data was analyzed by SPSS software and then compared with the calculation results for the similar activities. Calculations were run for the worst case
situation that is the hardest soil type for tillage, lowest forward speed and field efficiency for all.
The results showed that the least energy consumption for every one of the practices was higher
than the calculated figures; in some cases more than triple. The energy used for irrigation with an
average of 29.14 GJha-1 was the dominating. Statistics showed that the farmers in these area
used 32.74 – 44.12 GJha-1 to produce one hectare of irrigated wheat compared to 29.39 GJha-1
calculated for the worst case. Energy coefficient with an average of 37.75 GJha-1 showed no significant differences between the arable area at 5% probability level. The energy coefficient per ton
of produced wheat was also obtained.
Keywords: Energy consumption, Irrigated wheat, Energy Coefficient, Karaj area, Iran
Detection of Volatile Compounds and Flavor Analysis with Ion
Mobility Spectrometer
ilalan, Kunter* & Toparlak, Ömer Duhan**
*Middle East Technical University, Department of Food Engineering, Ankara, 06800
**Middle East Technical University, Department of Biology, Ankara, 06800
Real time quality control of products and raw materials is crucial to every manufacturer, but often
it is not possible. Especially in food industry, where deterioration takes place, quality control is typically limited to batch inspections. Most analytical methods are time consuming and they require
skilled personnel as in the quality control of product aroma.
An aroma is given by a multiplicity of volatile chemical compounds in very low concentrations. It
demands costly analytical instrumentation and sensory panels for sample classification and offnote detection. Due to low-sampling frequencies, the risk of missing crucial variations in products
is always high.
The coupling of a “fast gas-chromatographic pre-separation” with a “high sensitive ion mobility
spectrometer “(IMS) offers unique analytical abilities. The resulting double-separation and double-detection enables mapping and analysis of the complex volatile compositions without such
Working Principle of GC-IMS
In classical gas chromatography columns or fast multi-capillary columns, the pre-separation of the
mixed volatile compounds is achieved. Analyte molecules are fed into the ion mobility spectrometer
as single fractions and they are chemically ionized in there at atmospheric pressure. With the application of the flow of the inert drift gas (N2), the resulting ions are moved in the electric field,
against this drift gas. The velocities of the ions, shown as drift time, depend on ionsʼ masses, geometric shapes and other properties (can be considered as mobility coefficients). In the figure 1
and 2, one can see the second separation step in the IMS drift time (IMS separation) coordinate
and the quantification of the ions by the electrometer, in the coordinate of IMS signal. Since the
ionization occurs in the ambient pressure, this system is highly sensitive, compared to vacuum
applied methods, providing low parts-per-billion (ppb) detection. The sequential arrangement of
IMS separation and IMS signals on GC runtime results the 3D chromatogram dataset (heat map)
as shown in figure 2. Single IMS spectra are arranged on this GC spectrum which is coming from
IMS section at speed of 21ms/spectra.
Analytes are entering to the IMS section respectively after GC separation, excluding the competition of the drift tube ions (reactant ions) and enhancing the sensitivity of system. By these features, this system provides the high-sensitivity analysis of individual compounds. The usage of
Tritium radiation (β-radiation, within defined limits of EURATOM) source for the initiation of ionization of the atmospheric gases by cascade of collision in the drift tube to make them reactive, called
reactant ions. Reactant ions bear high affinity to the protons coming from radiation, making the
analytes chemically ionized. In the case of this affinity is higher than waterʼs, which is 691 kJ/mol,
at ambient pressure, they are ionized by proton transfer, e.g. all hetero-atom organic compounds.
Resulting ion current is measured by an electrometer as a function of time.
Süt ve Süt Ürünlerinde Hidrosimetilfurfural (HMF)
Yrd. Doç. Dr. Ardahan University, Engineering Faculty, Food Engineering Department,
Ardahan, Turkey
[email protected]
Süt ürünlerinden; süt, dondurma, yoğurt, yağ ve peynir gibi ürünler fiyatları ve besinsel değerleri
açısından tüketiciler tarafından daha fazla talep edilmektedir. Sütün, süt ürünlerine işlenmesinde
uygulanan ısıl işlemler (sprey kurutma, sterilizasyon, buharlaştırma), süt ve süt ürünlerinin kalitesini
etkileyen özellikle sütün güvenliğini ve raf ömrünün uzatılmasını sağlamada etkili olan faktörledir.
Ne yazık ki, sterilizasyon, yüksek sıcaklık uygulaması ve yüksek basınç uygulamalarında
hidroksimetilfurfural, serbest sülfidril grupları, furan, laktoz ve peynir altı suyu proteinlerinin denatürasyonu üzerine ısının zararlı etkileri vardır. Isıl işlem uygulamalarında ortaya çıkan amino
asitlerin yan zincirleri arasındaki etkileşimler, proteinlerin yan zincirlerinin parçalanma reaksiyonları,
-SH ve S-S- gruplarının yeniden yapılanması, κ-kazeinʼnin β- laktoglobulin ile etkileşimleri ve heksozların dehidrasyonu sırasında karbonhidrat ile protein arasında meydana gelen enzimatik olmayan etkileşimlerdir (Maillard Reaksiyonu). Maillard Reaksiyonu sütün fonksiyonel ve duyusal
özellikleri üzerinde etkilidir. Diğer önemli bir konu gıdaların depolanması sırasında HMFʼ nin miktarında bir artış göstermesidir. HMFʼ nin yüksek konsantrasyonlarda alınması ile göz, üst solunum
sistemi, deri ve mukoza mebranlarında da tahrişe neden olduğu belirtilmektedir. Ayrıca, tümör
oluşumunu ve gelişimini destekleyerek ve hücre büyümesini engelleyerek sitotoksik bir etki gösterdiği de bilinmektedir. Bunun için sütteki HMF seviyelerine yasal sınırlamalar getirilmiştir. Sterilize
sütlerde 15-20 mmol/l, direkt UHT yöntemiyle üretilen sütlerde 5-7 mmol/l ve indirekt UHT yöntemiyle üretilen sütlerde 10-20 mmol/l olarak HMF miktarı belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, süt ve süt
ürünlerinde HMF oluşumu, süt ürünlerinin raf ömrü üzerine etkisi, sağlık üzerine etkileri ve HMF
miktarının azaltılmasında etkili faktörler araştırılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hidroksimetilfurfural, süt ürünleri, besin kayıpları ve sağlık
Hydroxymethyfurfural (HMF) in Dairy Products
Dairy products such as milk, ice-cream, yogurt, butter, cheese, etc. are in considerable demand,
the primary reason for that their prices and the high nutritional value are suitable. The heat treatments (spray drying, sterilization, evaporation) applied during the processing of milk to milk products, extend the shelf-life of milk products and ensur milk safety and these are the factors that
affect the quality of milk and milk products. Unfortunately, treatment of heat damage in sterilization,
ultra high temperature (UHT), ultra-high pressure homogenized (UHPH) causes damage on the
following compounds; hydroxymethylfurfural, free sulphydryl, content, furosine, lactulose and whey
protein denaturation. Using heat treatment leads to interactions between the amino acid lateral
groups, degradation reactions of lateral chains of the proteins, restructuring of -SH ve S-S- groups,
κ-casein and β-laktoglobulin interactions, and emergence of non enzymatic reaction (Maillard Reactions) between carbonhydrates and proteins during hexose dehidration. Maillard reaction affects
changes in organoleptic and functional properties of milk. Another significant point is that the
amount of HMF increases during the shelf-life of the foods. If HMF is taken in high concentration,
it cause damage in eyes, upper respiratory tract, on skin and mucous membranes. In addition, it
showed that it inhibits cell growth, shows a cytotoxic effect, contributes to emergence and development of tumors. For this reason the level of HMF in milk is limited through legal arrangements.
The amount of HMF in sterilized milk is 15-20 mmol/l; 5-7 mmol/l in milk produced by direct UHT
method;10-20 mmol/l in milk produced by indirect UHT method. In this rewiev article, the formation
in milk, its effect shelf-life on dairy products, its effect on human health and factors that may be effective in reducing the amount of HMF are investigated.
Keywords: Hydroxymethylfurfural, dairy products, nutritional losses, health

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