

1962 yalında Manisa’nın Turgutlu ilçesinde kurulan Tukaş, 1967 yılında OYAK (Ordu Yardımlaşma Kurumu) tarafından satın alınmıştır. 1967 yılından bu yana bir OYAK iştiraki olarak
faaliyet gösteren Tukaş, 1994 yılında şirket ödenmiş sermayesinin % 28’ini halka arz etmiş ve
ıMKB’de işlem görmeye başlamıştır. % 81.5’i halen OYAK’a ait olan Tukaş, ekonomiye saðladıðı
katkı ve ülkemizin sosyal yaşamında oynadıðı aktif rol ile güçlü bir kurum olan OYAK’ın bünyesinde faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir. Genel Müdürlüðü ızmir’de bulunan Tukaş, üretim faaliyetlerini ızmir’in Torbalı ve Balıkesir’in Manyas ilçelerindeki fabrikalarında gerçekleştirmektedir.
Bugün sektöründe önemli bir paya sahip olan Tukaş; salça ve domates ürünleri, konserve (sebze,
şarküteri, bakliyat, hazır yemek), turşu, reçel, sos (ketçap, mayonez, acı biber sosu ve kahvaltılık
sos) ve dondurulmuş gıda ürün gruplarından oluşan geniş ürün yelpazesine sahiptir. Tukaş,
ürünlerini TSE-EN-ISO 22000 kalite güvence sistemiyle üretmektedir. Tukaş, ayrıca uluslararası
gıda platformunda geçerli olan BRC (British Retail Consortium) ve IFS (International Food
Standard) belgelerine sahiptir. “Güvenli gıda, tarladan başlar” bilinciyle çıkılan lezzet yolculuðunda tarımsal hammaddeler, “kontrollü tarım sistemi” ile tedarik edilmekte, hasat mevsiminde
tarlalardan özenle toplanan taze sebze ve meyveler anında işlenmektedir. Böylece mevsiminde
tarlalardan özenle toplanan sebze ve meyveler, “Tukaş” markasıyla tarladan sofraya güvenli gıda
olarak tüketicilere sunulmaktadır. Tukaş, iç pazarda ıstanbul, Ankara, ızmir, Bursa ve Adana’da
konumlandırılmış bölge yöneticilikleri ve bayilikleri ile geniş bir daðıtım aðına sahipken, dış
pazarda AB ülkeleri, ABD, Avustralya, Japonya, Afrika ülkeleri ve Orta Doðu ülkeleri aðırlıklı
olmak üzere dünyanın birçok ülkesine ihracat yapmaktadır. Yıllara göre deðişmekle birlikte,
Tukaş’ın toplam satışının % 30’unu dış pazar satışları oluşturmaktadır. Yarım asırlık lezzet
yolculuðunda ürünleriyle sabah kahvaltısından akşam yemeðine günün her öðününde sofralarda
“lezzet sihirbazı” olarak yer alan Tukaş, kalitesine gösterdiði özen ve tüketiciye sunduðu güven ile
tarıma dayalı gıda sektörünün öncü kuruluşlarından biridir.
History Tukas was founded in 1962 in Turgutlu, part of the Manisa province and was bought out
in 1967 by OYAK (Armed Forces Pension Fund). As a partnership of OYAK, Tukas has shown a
rising trend since 1967; 28% of its capital was floated on the Istanbul stock exchange in 1994.
OYAK still retains 81.5% its shares. Tukas continues to contribute both to the Turkish economy
and to the Turkish social life under the ownership of OYAK. Tukas manufactures out of
Torbalı-Izmir and Manyas-Balıkesir. Today with an important share in the sector. Tukas produces a wide spectrum of products manufactured with modern systems, such as tomato paste, canned
products (vegetables, delicatessen, pulses, ready meals), pickled vegetables, jams, sauces (ketchup,
mayonnaise, hot pepper sauce, breakfeast souce) and frozen products. Tukas products are manufactured with a consumer satisfaction principle under the quality assurance systems such as
TSE-EN- ISO 22000. Tukas, has also acquired BRC (British Retail Consortium) and IFS (International Food Standard) certificates. Setting out with the motto “food safety starts on the field”,
Tukas has been a strong food brand providing delicious, healthy and quality goods to consumers
since our establishment. Tukas obtains raw groceries by “controlled agriculture system”. Thus
vegetables and fruits are gathered from the fields at the appropriate time and delivered from field
to the table of the consumer with safety of “Tukas” brand. Tukas has a wide distribution net
through its’ regional offices and branches in ıstanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa and Adana. Tukas also
does export sales primarily to EU countries, the USA, Australia, Japan, African and Middle East
countries as well as to countries in the rest of the world. Varying according to the years, 30% of
Tukas’s total sales are comprised of foreign markets. Tukas is on the way to become a food giant
with our consumer oriented expansion strategies as well as having given birth to many of the
firsts of the sector.
Domates Urunleri
For Italians, eating is a social event …We love to spend time with friends and family
at the dinner table while discussing the day, the food and enjoying each other’s company.
pesto made out of fragrant basil, crushed pine kernels, cheese condiments is huge and taste
becomes a real map of Italian regional cuisine.
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 700 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508101419
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508101150
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 410 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 24
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508101327
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508101051
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 830 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 24
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508101426
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508101068
Rendelenmis Domates
Grated Tomato
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 705 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508001856
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508001863
Tomato Paste
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 350 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508101310
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508101228
Domates Salçaları
Domates Salçalari
Tomato Paste
Biber Ürünleri
For Italians, eating is a social event …We love to spend time with friends and family
at the dinner table while discussing the day, the food and enjoying each other’s company.
pesto made out of fragrant basil, crushed pine kernels, cheese condiments is huge and taste
becomes a real map of Italian regional cuisine.
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 350 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508600189
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508900272
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 700 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508006745
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508007278
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 700 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508007254
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508007261
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 1650 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 6
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508006110
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508006127
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 1650 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 6
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508006134
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508006141
Pepper Paste
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 370
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508600172
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508900265
Biber Salçaları
Biber Salçalari
Pep�r Paste
Ketcoup& Mayonnaise
We love to spend time with friends and family
at the dinner table while discussing the day,
the food and enjoying each other’s company.
pesto made out of fragrant basil, crushed pine
For Italians, eating is a social event …
kernels, cheese condiments is huge and taste
And in Italy you get the right ingredients: with
skills, experience and a simple touch of love
makes every Italian meal so surprising, and
with Saclà you can prepare a fantastic meal
in just a few minutes, every day!
becomes a real map of Italian regional cuisine.
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 700 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508103567
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508103598
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 250 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508103352
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508004291
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 250 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508103369
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508103954
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 400 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508103468
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508103420
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 400 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508103451
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508103413
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 700 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508103550
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508103604
We love to spend time with friends and family
at the dinner table while discussing the day,
the food and enjoying each other’s company.
pesto made out of fragrant basil, crushed pine
For Italians, eating is a social event …
kernels, cheese condiments is huge and taste
And in Italy you get the right ingredients: with
skills, experience and a simple touch of love
makes every Italian meal so surprising, and
with Saclà you can prepare a fantastic meal
in just a few minutes, every day!
becomes a real map of Italian regional cuisine.
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 400 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508901415
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508901781
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 250 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508901347
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508901941
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 700 gr +600 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 6
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508003720
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508006691
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 400 gr +335 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 6
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508001368
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508004215
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 700 gr + 400 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 6
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508007346
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508007353
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 700 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508901606
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508901606
For Italians, eating is a social event …We love to spend time with friends and family
at the dinner table while discussing the day, the food and enjoying each other’s company.
pesto made out of fragrant basil, crushed pine kernels, cheese condiments is huge and taste
becomes a real map of Italian regional cuisine.
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 300 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508004246
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508004253
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 400 gr +335 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 6
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508001368
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508004215
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 400 gr +335 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 6
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508001368
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508004215
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 550 g
Koli içi adetiQuantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508153456
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508153159
Net Ağırlık/Net Weight: 350 g
Koli içi adeti/Quantity per: 12
Ürün Barkod/Product Barcode: 8690508153357
Koli Barkod/Carton Barcode: 08690508153227

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E-Katalog 1962 yılında Manisa’nın Turgutlu ilçesinde kurulan ve yarım asırlık lezzet yolculuğunda, sabah kahvaltısından akşam yemeğine günün her öğününde çeşitli ürünleriyle sofralarda “lezzet sihirbazı” ola...


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