Adı Soyadı: MUSTAFA BALOĞLU Doğum Tarihi: 1970 Yabancı Dil


Adı Soyadı: MUSTAFA BALOĞLU Doğum Tarihi: 1970 Yabancı Dil
Doğum Tarihi: 1970
Yabancı Dil: İngilizce (KPDS: 93; ÜDS: 92.5)
Öğrenim Durumu:
Derece Bölüm/Program Üniversite
Doktora Psikolojik Danışma Texas A&M Universitesi-Commerce-2002
Doktora Eğitim Psikolojisi Texas A&M Universitesi-Commerce-2001
Y. Lisans Psikolojik Danışma Wisconsin Üniversitesi-Madison -1996
Lisans Eğitim Bilimleri/PDR Marmara Üniversitesi -1992
Görev Unvanı Görev Yeri
Prof. Dr. Eğitim Fakültesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi 2010Doç. Dr. Eğitim Fakültesi, Winston-Salem Devlet Üniversitesi 2008-2009
Doç. Dr. Misafir Öğretim Üyesi Eğitim Fakültesi, Washington Devlet Üniversitesi 2007-2008
Doç. Dr. Eğitim Fakültesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi 2004-2009
Yrd.Doç. Dr. Eğitim Fakültesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi 2003-2004
Yrd.Doç. Dr. Eğitim Fakültesi, Texas A&M Universitesi-Commerce 2001-2002
Arş.Gör. Dr. Eğitim Fakültesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi 2001-2003
Arş.Gör. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi 1993-2001
Rehber Öğretmen Kartal Uluğbey Lisesi 1992-1993
Projelerde Yaptığı Görevler:
Proje Yürütücüsü, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, 2006-2007
Proje Başlığı: The Adaptation and validity/reliability study of the Mathematics Anxiety
Rating Scale-E (MARS-E) into Turkish (2009/41)- 2006-2007
Proje Katılımcısı, Head Start Transition Project, TAMU, Elementary Education Department,
Commerce, Tx, İstatistik Analiz Uzmanı, 1998-2001, 2002.
Proje Yönetmeni: David Brown, Ph.D., Program Director
Proje Katılımcısı, Federal Emergency Management Office, TAMU, Department of
Counseling, Commerce, TX, İstatistik Analiz Uzmanı, 1997.
Proje Yönetmeni: Morag Harris, Ph.D., Program Director
Proje Katılımcısı, Community Counseling Center, TAMU, Department of Counseling,
Commerce, TX, İstatistik Analiz Uzmanı, 1997.
Proje Yönetmeni: Phyllis Erdman, Ph.D., Program Director
Proje Katılımcısı, Education Consulting and Research Center, Istanbul, Araştırma ve İstatistik
Danışmanı, 1991-1993
Yönetmen: Demirali Y. Ergin, Ph.D.
İdari Görevler:
Dekan, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, 2010-Devam
Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, 2010-Devam
Senato Üyesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, 2010-Devam
Akademik Değerlendirme ve Kalite Geliştirme Kurulu Üyesi, Gaziosmanpaşa
Üniversitesi, 2010-Devam
Akademik Yükseltme ve Atama Komisyonu Üyesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, 20042005; 2010- Devam 3
Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, 2004-2007; 2010Devam
Fakülte Kurulu Üyesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, 2004-2007; 2010Devam
Enstitü Kurulu Üyesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2010-Devam
Müdür, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2010
Bölüm Başkanı, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü,
2006-2007; 2010- Devam
Eğitim Fakültesi Temsilcisi, Avrupa Birliği Eğitim Programları Komisyonu Gaziosmanpaşa
Üniversitesi, 2004-2007
Enstitü Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü,
Müdür Yardımcısı, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2004-2007
Anabilim Dalı Başkanı, Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi, PDR Anabilim Dalı
Websitesi Komite Başkanı ve Webmastır, The American Psychological Association
Division 52, International Psychology, USA, 2001-2004.
Kampüs Temsilcisi (Campus Representative), American Psychological Association
Graduate Students- APAGS, USA, 1997-2001.
Başkan (President), The Association of International Students. Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, TX, USA, 1997-1998.
Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikler :
American Psychological Association (APA), 1994-2004
American Counseling Association (ACA), 1994-2003
American Educational Research Association (AERA), 1998-2004
Türk Psikologlar Derneği, (TPD) 2001-Devam
Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), 1999-2002
Mid-South Educational Research Association (MSERA), 2000-2002
Eğitim Bilimcileri Derneği, İstanbul, 1993-1999 4
Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Derneği, Ankara 1993-1999
APA International Psychology (Division 52), 2001-2004
American Psychological Association (APA) International Award Recipient, USA 2006
The 115 Outstanding Alumni 115th year in the history of Texas A&M University-Commerce,
USA 2005
TÜBA Üstün Başarılı Genç Biliminsanları Ödülü Adayı, Türkiye 2004
Texas A&M University Graduate School En İyi Doktora Tezi Ödülü, USA 2002
New York Akademi Bilimleri Psikoloji Dalında 31. James McKeen Cattell En Ġyi Doktora
Tezi Ödülünü Adayı, USA 2001
Akademik All-American Scholar Ödülü, USA 2001
Presidential Jerry & Marilyn Morris Yılın En İyi Doktora Öğrencisi Ödülü, USA 2001
United States National Collegiate Award Winner Ödülü, USA 2001
Amerikan Psikoloji Derneği Öğrenci Seyahat Ödülü Adayı, USA 2001
Texas A&M Universitesi Psikoloji Bölümü’nün En İyi Doktora Öğrencisi Ödülü, USA 2001
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Doktora Ödülü, Texas A&M Universitesi Psikoloji Bölümü, USA 1999
1.13. Editorlük, Yayın Kurulu Üyeliği ve Hakemlik: Uluslararası Editör ve Yayın Kurulu Üyesi, Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim
Bilimleri, Ġstanbul- Türkiye (SSCI Dergisi), 1999-Devam Yardımcı Editör, International Journal of School Psychology and Clinical Child
Psychology, Commerce, TX USA (Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi), 2000-Devam Yayın Kurulu Üyesi, Journal of Sex and Family Research, Turkey
(Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi), 2010-Devam 8 Yayın Kurulu Üyesi, Uluslararası Online Egitim Bilimleri Dergisi, Turkey, 2009Devam Yayın Kurulu Üyesi, İlköğretim Online, Turkey, 2006-Devam
1.13.2. Hakemlik Sex Roles, USA (SSCI Dergisi), 2008-Devam Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, Çanakkale- Türkiye (Uluslararası Hakemli
Dergi), 2007-Devam Abant Izzet Baysal Universitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi Bolu- Türkiye (Ulusal
Hakemli Dergi), 2007-Devam Statistics Education Research Journal, New Zeeland (Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi),
2006-Devam Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi Ankara-Türkiye (Ulusal Hakemli
Dergi), 2006-Devam Computers in Human Behavior, the United Kingdom (SSCI Dergisi), 2005-Devam Learning and Individual Differences, the United Kingdom (SSCI Dergisi), 2005Devam Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (Ulusal Hakemli Dergi),
2005-Devam Gaziosmanpaşa Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (Ulusal Hakemli
Dergi), 2004-Devam Social Behavior and Personality, : An International Journal, New Zealand (SSCI
Dergisi), 2004-Devam Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, Ankara- Türkiye (SSCI Dergisi), 2003-Devam Psychological Reports, USA (SSCI Dergisi), 2002-Devam The Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, USA (Uluslararası Hakemli
Dergi), 2002-Devam 9
2.1. Yüksek Lisans Tez Başlığı ve Tez Danışman(lar)ı :
The Test-retest Reliability and Face Validity of the Information Processing Styles
Danışman: Prof. Dr. James L. Lee
2.2. Doktora Tez Başlıkları ve Danışmanları :
2.2.1. An Application of Structural Equation Modeling Techniques in the Prediction of
Statistics Anxiety Among College Students
Danışman: Prof. Dr. Paul F. Zelhart
2.2.2. Concurrent and construct validity and internal-consistency, and parallel-model
reliability of the Revised Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale
Danışman: Prof. Dr. Morag C. B. Harris
2.3. Yayımlanan Makaleler:
A. SSCI Tabanlı Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler:
2.3.1. Erdoğan, A., Baloğlu, M., & Kesici, ġ. (Baskıda). Gender differences in geometry and
mathematics course achievement levels and self-efficacy beliefs in geometry. Euro-Asian
Journal of Educational Research. (SSCI; C Sınıfı Dergi).
2.3.2. Türkoğlu, E., & Baloğlu, M. (Baskıda). Türk ve Alman eğitim yöneticilerinin denetim
odağı açısından karşılaştırılması. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri. (SSCI; C Sınıfı
2.3.3. Baloğlu, M. (2010).Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Mathematics Anxiety
Rating Scale-Short Version (MARS-SV). European Journal of Psychology of Education, , 25,
507-518. (SSCI; C Sınıfı Dergi)
2.3.4. Birgin, O., Baloğlu, M., Çatlıoğlu, H., & Gürbüz, R. (2010). An investigation of
mathematics anxiety among sixth through eighth grade students in Turkey. Learning and
Individual Differences, 20, 654-658. (SSCI; B Sınıfı Dergi). 10
2.3.5. Balgalmis, E., & Baloğlu, M. (2010). An investigation of thinking styles among
educational administrators across different variables. [Eğitim yöneticilerinin düşünme
stillerinin çeşitli değişkenlere göre incelenmesi]. Hacettepe University Journal of Education,
38, 1-10. (SSCI; C Sınıfı Dergi).
2.3.6. iahin, R., Baloğlu, M., & Ünalmış, M. (2010). Turkish adolescents’ attitudes toward
violence. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2, 2092-2098. (SSCI).
2.3.7. Baloğlu, M., & Balgalmış, E. (2010, in Turkish).The adaptation of the Mathematics
Anxiety Rating Scale Elementary School form Turkish, language validity and preliminary
psychometric properties [Matematik Kaygısını Derecelendirme Ölçeği İlkokul Formu’nun dil
geçerliği ve ön psikometrik incelemesi]. Journal of Educational Sciences: Theory and
Practice, 10, 77-110. (SSCI; C Sınıfı Dergi).
2.3.8. Baloğlu, M., & Cevik, V. (2009). A Multivariate comparison of computer anxiety
levels between candidate and tenured school principals in Turkey. Computers in Human
Behavior, 25, 1102-1107. (SSCI; A Sınıfı Dergi)
2.3.9. Baloğlu, M., & Abbasi, A., & Cevik, V. (2009). The predictors of success in computer
courses among high school students. Psychological Reports, 108, 1-12. (C Sınıfı Dergi)
2.3.10. Baloğlu, M., & Cevik, V. (2008). Multivariate effects of gender, ownership, and the
frequency of use on computer anxiety among high school students. Computers in Human
Behavior, 24(6), 2639-2648. (A Sınıfı Dergi)
2.3.11. Baloğlu, M., & Zelhart, P. F. (2007). Psychometric properties of the Revised
Mathematics Anxiety Scale. Psychological Record, 57 (4), 593-611. (C Sınıfı Dergi)
2.3.12. Karslı, M. D., & Baloğlu, M. (2006). A description and comparison of the levels of
anxiety among college administrators. Social Behavior and Personality, 34(6), 739-746. (C
Sınıfı Dergi)
2.3.13. Baloğlu, M., & R. Kocak (2006). A multivariate investigation of the differences in
mathematics anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 1325-1335. (B Sınıfı Dergi)
SSCI Atıfları: 2 adet
SSCI Dışındaki Atıflar: 3 adet
2.3.14. Baloğlu, M. (2005). The adaptation of the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale into
Turkish, Turkish language validity, and preliminary psychometric 11 properties. Journal of
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 5, 7-30. (C Sınıfı Dergi)
2.3.15. Karagozoglu, C., Masten, W., & Baloğlu, M. (2005). Evidence for Differentiating
Anxiety and Depression in Turkish College Students. Social Behavior and Personality,
33(6)579-586. (C Sınıfı Dergi)
SSCI Atıfları: 4 adet
SSCI Dışındaki Atıflar: 1 adet
2.3.16. Baloğlu, M., & Zelhart, P. F. (2004).Discriminants of low and high statistics anxiety
among college students. Journal of Education and Science. 29 (133), 47-51. (C Sınıfı Dergi)
B. SSCI Dışındaki Uluslararası İndekslerde Taranan Dergilerde Yayımlanan
2.3.17. Baloğlu, M. (Baskıda). The relationship between subjective and objective assessment
of college students’ mathematics anxiety levels. Bogazici University Journal of Education.
2.3.18. Gadzella, B. M., & Baloğlu, M., Masten, W. G., & Wang, Q. (Baskıda). Evaluation of
the Student-life Stress-Revised (SSI-R). Journal of Instructional Psychology, 36.
2.3.19. Baloğlu, M. & Bardakçı, S. (2010).The adaptation of the Student-life Stress Inventory
to Turkish, language validity and preliminary psychometric properties [Güncellenmiş Öğrenci
Yaşam Stres Envanteri’nin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması, dil geçerliği, ve ön psikometrik
incelemesi]. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 33, 57-70.
2.3.20. Baloğlu, M., Kocak, R., & Zelhart, P. F. (2007). The relationships between statistics
anxiety and attitudes toward statistics. Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences
Journal, 40(2), 23-39.
2.3.21. Çevik, V., & Baloğlu, M. (2007). Okul yöneticilerinin bilgisayar kaygısı düzeylerinin
çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 52, 547568.
2.3.22.Baloğlu, M., Abbasi, A., & Masten, W. G. (2007). A cross-cultural comparison of
anxiety among college students. The College Student Journal, 41(4), 977-984.
SSCI Dışındaki Atıflar: 3 adet
2.3.23. Baloğlu, M., & Harris, M. C. (2004). Çeşitli başaçıkma yolları ile matematik kaygısı
arasındaki ilişki. Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 16, 95-101. 12
C. Ulusal Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler:
2.3.24. Baloğlu, M. (2006). Çok değişkenli regresyon analizlerinde sürekli bağımsız
değişkenler arasındaki etkileşimin incelenmesi. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim
Fakültesi Dergisi, 5, (1), 1-6.
2.3.25. Baloğlu, M. & Balgalmış, E. (2005). Ġlköğretim ve ortaöğretim yöneticilerinin öz
değerlerinin betimlenmesi: Tokat ili örneği. Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 3 (10), 19-31.
2.3.26 Baloğlu, M., Harris, M. B., & Karagozoglu, C. (2005). Psychological effects of an
earthquake in Turkey. Istanbul University Hasan Ali Yucel Faculty of Education Journal, 2,
2.3.27. Baloğlu, M. (2004). The effects of previous mathematics courses on current
mathematics anxiety levels. Buca Faculty of Education Journal, 15, 74-80.
2.3.28. Baloğlu, M. (2004). Yüksek ve düşük başarılı öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünce becerisi
puanları açısından farklılıkları. Sakarya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7, 107-111.
A. SSCI Tabanlı Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler:
2.3.29. Gadzella, B. M., & Baloğlu, M. (2003). Psychometric properties of the Watson-Glaser
Critical Thinking Appraisal for a sample of education majors. Psychological Reports, 92,
1249-1254. (SSCI; C Sınıfı Dergi)
SSCI Atıfları: 1 adet
SSCI Dışındaki Atıflar: 8 adet
2.3.30. Baloğlu, M. (2003). Individual differences in statistics anxiety among college
students. Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, 34, 855-865. (SSCI; B Sınıfı
SSCI Atıfları: 4 adet
SSCI Dışındaki Atıflar: 6 adet
2.3.31. Harris, M. B., Baloğlu, M., & Stack, J. (2002). Mental health of trauma-exposed
firefighters and critical incident stress debriefing. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 7, 223-238.
(SSCI; B Sınıfı Dergi)
SSCI Atıfları: 3 adet 13
SSCI Dışındaki Atıflar: 15 adet
2.3.32. Baloğlu, M. (2002). Psychometric properties of the Statistics Anxiety Rating Scale.
Psychological Reports, 90, 315-325. (SSCI; C Sınıfı Dergi)
SSCI Atıfları: 3 adet
SSCI Dışındaki Atıflar: 1 adet
2.3.33. Baloğlu, M. (2001). (Turkish). Overcoming the fear of mathematics. Journal of
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, 1(1), 59-76. (SSCI; C Sınıfı Dergi).
2.3.34. Baloğlu, M., & Zelhart, P. F. (2000). Validity and reliability of the Information
Processing Styles. Psychological Reports, 87, 973-979. (SSCI; C Sınıfı Dergi)
B. SSCI Dışındaki Uluslararası İndekslerde Taranan Dergilerde Yayımlanan
2.3.35. Baloğlu, M. (2004). Statistics anxiety and mathematics anxiety: Some interesting
differences I. Educational Research Quarterly, 27 (3), 38-48.
2.3.36. Baloğlu, M., & Zelhart, P. F. (2003). Statistics Anxiety: A detailed review of the
literature. Psychology and Education, 40, 27-37.
2.3.37. Gadzella, B. M., & Baloğlu, M. (2003). High and low achieving students on
processing, retaining, and retrieval of information. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 30,
SSCI Dışındaki Atıflar: 3 adet
2.3.38. Gadzella, B. M., & Baloğlu, M., & Stephens, R. (2002). Prediction of GPA with
educational psychology course grades and critical thinking skills. Education, 122(3), 618-623.
2.3.39. Gadzella, B. M. Stephens, R., & Baloğlu, M. (2002). Prediction of psychology course
grades by age and learning style scores. College Student Journal, 36, 62-68.
2.3.40. Gadzella, B. M., & Baloğlu, M. (2001). Confirmatory factor analysis and internal
consistency of the Student Life-stress Inventory. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 28, 8494.
2.3.41. Gadzella, B. M., Baloğlu, M., Masten, W. G., Helton, J., Huang, J., & Madsen, T.
(2001). Differences among women attending university on thinking, learning, and academic
performance. College Student Journal, 35, 77-83. 14
2.3.42. Baloğlu, M. (2000). Expectations of international students from counseling services.
Higher Education Abstracts, 36, 70-71.
C. Ulusal Dergilerde Yayımlanan Makaleler:
2.3.43. Baloğlu, M., & Harris, M. C. (2003). Relationship between counseling students’
gender and program type and personality characteristics among Turkish college students.
Turkish Counseling and Guidance Journal, 20, 7-16.
2.4. Yayımlanan Makalelere Yapılan Atıflar:
2.4.1. SSCI Atıfları: Tuch, A.N., Bargas-Avila, J.A., & Opwis, K. (2010). Symmetry and aesthetics in
website design: It´s a man´s business. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 1831 – 1837. Kyttala, M., & Bjorn, P. M. (2010). Prior mathematics achievement, cognitive
appraisals and anxiety as predictors of Finnish students´ later mathematics performance and
career orientation. Educational Psychology, 30 (4), 431-448. Hoffman, B. (2010). I think I can but I’m afraid to try: The role of self-efficacy
beliefs and mathematics anxiety in mathematics problem-solving efficiency. Learning and
Individual Differences, 20, 276-283. Prati, G. , & Pietrantoni, L. (2010). The Relation of Perceived and Received Social
Support to Mental Health among First Responders: A Meta-Analytic Review. Journal of
Community Psychology, 38 (3), 403-417. Parayitam, S., Desai, K. J., Desai, M. S., Eason, M. K. (2010). Computer attitude as a
moderator in the relationship between computer anxiety, satisfaction, and stress. Computers in
Human Behavior, 26, 345-352. Uysal, F. (2007). A comparison of the success of vocational school students in basic
mathematics based upon their method of placement in university. Kuram ve Uygulamada
Egitim Bilimleri, 7 (2), 975-998. Hill, B.D., Smitherman, T.A., Pella, R.D., et al. (2008). The relation of depression
and anxiety to measures of attention in young adults seeking psychoeducational evaluation.
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 23, 823-830. Agudelo, D., Buela-Casal, G., & Spielberger, C.D. (2007). Anxiety and depression:
the problem of the differentiation through the symptoms. Salud Mental, 30, 33-41. 15 Bilgin. A., & Eldeleklioglu, J. (2007). An investigation into the critical thinking skills
of university students. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 33, 55-67. Hanna, D., Shevlin, M., & Dempster, M. (2008). The structure of the statistics
anxiety rating scale: A confirmatory factor analysis using UK psychology students.
Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 68-74. Rodarte-Luna, B., & Sherry, A. (2008). Sex differences in the relation between
statistics anxiety and cognitive/learning strategies. Contemporary Educational Psychology,
33, 327-344. Vigil-Colet, A., Lorenzo-Seva, U., & Condon, L. (2008). Development and
validation of the Statistical Anxiety Scale. Psicothema, 20, 174-179. Tuckey, M. R. (2007). Issues in the debriefing debate for the emergency services:
Moving research outcomes forward. Clinical Psychology-Science and Practice, 14, 106-116. Mitte, K., Steil, R., & Nachtigall, C. (2005). The effects of a brief intervention after
acute traumatization in preventingposttraumatic symptomatology - A meta-analysis using the
random effects model. Zeitschrift Fur Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 34, 1-9. Roberts, R. S. B., Flannelly, K. J., Weaver, A. J., et al. (2003). Compassion fatigue
among chaplains, clergy, and other respondents after September 11th. Journal of Nervous and
Mental Disease, 191, 756-758. Hanna, D., Shevlin, M., & Dempster, M. (2008). The structure of the statistics
anxiety rating scale: A confirmatory factor analysis using UK psychology students.
Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 68-74. Rodarte-Luna, B., & Sherry, A. (2008). Sex differences in the relation between
statistics anxiety and cognitive/learning strategies. Contemporary Educational Psychology,
33, 327-344. Mji, A., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). Evidence of score reliability and validity of
the statistical anxiety rating scale among technikon students in South Africa. Measurement
and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 36, 238-251. Carr, J. L., Koyama, M., & Thiagarajan, M. (2003). A women’s support group for
Asian international students. Journal of American College Health, 52, 131-134. Agudelo-Velez, D. M., Casadiegos-Garzon, C.P., & Sanchez-Ortiz, D. L. (2009).
Relation Between Early Maladaptive Schemes and Anxiety and Depression Features in
University Students. Universitas Psychologica,8, 87-103. Zhang, L.F.(2009). Anxiety and thinking styles. Personality and Individual
difference, 47, 347-351. 16 Mji, A. (2009). Differences in university students’ attitudes and anxiety about
statistics. Psychological Reports, 107, 737-744. Jain, S., & Dowson, M. (2009). Mathematics anxiety as a function of
multidimensional self-regulation and self-efficacy. Contemporary Educational Psychology,
34, 240-249.
2.4.2. SSCI Dışındaki Atıflar: Morrissette, P. J. (2004). The pain of helping: Psychological injury of helping
professionals. Brunner-Routledge Psychosocial Series. Howard, J. M., & Goelitz, A. (2004). Brief treatment and crisis intervention. Oxford
University Press. Young, A. T. (2003). An examination of the efffectivenes of periodic stress debriefing
with law enforcement personnel. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,Texas Tech University. Bilal, M. S., Rana, M. H., Rahim, S., & Ali, S. (2007). Psychological trauma in a
relief worker-a case report from earthquake-struck areas of north Pakistan. Prehospital and
Disaster Medicine, 22. Winter, L. B. (2006). Möglichkeiten der behandlung von patienten mit
folgeerkrankungen nach psychischer traumatisierung : eine Literaturübersicht. Unpublished
dissertation, Universität Freiburg, Medizinische Fakultät. (2006). Psychosoziale hilfe bei katastrophen und komplexen schadenslagen. Springer
Vienna. Woods, G. L. (2007). Post traumatic stress symptoms and Critical Incident Stress
Debriefing (CISD) in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation. East Tenessee State University. Honos-Webb, L., Hart, S., & Scalise, J. T. (2006). How to help after national
catastrophes: Findings following 9/11. The Humanistic Psychologist, 34, 75-97. Boyd, W. J. (2004). Critical incident stress management for Whatcom county,
Washington: Is it time for a change? An Applied research project paper. Young, A. T., Fuller, J., & Riley, B. (2008). On-scene mental health counseling
provided through police departments. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 30, 345-361. Wagner, S. L., McFee, J. A., & Martin, C.A. (2009). Effects of traumatic stress on
firefighters´ world assumptions. Tramatology, 15, 75-84. 17 Barboza, K. (2005). Critical incident stress debriefing (CISD): efficacy in question.
The New School Psychology Bulletin, 3, 49-70. Yılmaz, B. (2006). Arama-kurtarma çalışanlarında travma sonrası stres belirtileri ve
travma sonrası büyüme ile ilişkili değişkenler. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi. Ankara
Üniversitesi. Stefan, P. (2008). Verhaltensvariabilität in erfolgskritischen Aufgabenbereichen:
eine strategische Steuerungsgrösse? Organisationspsychologie. Murta, S. G., & Tróccoli, B. T. (2007). Stress ocupacional em bombeiros: efeitos de
intervenção baseada em avaliação de necessidades. Estud. psicol. (Campinas), 24. Pan, W., & Tang, M. (2004). Examining the Effectiveness of Innovative
Instructional Methods on Reducing Statistics Anxiety for Graduate Students in the Social
Sciences. Journal of Instructional Psychology, Vol. 31. Allen, K. (2006). The Statistics Concept Inventory: Development and Analysis of a
Cognitive Assessment Instrument in…Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The University of
Oklahoma. Marquez, J. C. (2004). Una revisión de las evidencias de fiabilidad y validez de los
cuestionarios de actitudes y ansiedad. Statistics Education Research Journal, 3, 5-28. Cherney, I. D., & Cooney, R. R. (2005). Predicting student performance in a
statistics course using the mathematics and statistics. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy
of Sciences, 30, 1-8. Buckley, S. (2008). Peer relationships in the mathematics classroom: a social
network approach to understanding anxiety. AARE, 1-31. Baloğlu, M., & R. Kocak (2006). A multivariate investigation of the differences in
mathematics anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 40, 1325-1335. Keeley, J., Zayac, R., & Correia, C.(2008). Curvilinear relationships between
statistics anxiety and performance among undergraduate students: Evidence for optimal
anxiety. Statistics Education Research Journal, 7, 4-15. Rendina-Gobioff, G. (2004). A Meta-Analysis Reliability Generalization Study:
Reliability of the Statistical Anxiety Rating Scale (STARS) Subscale Worth of Statistics.
Unpublished project. Öztürk, A. E., & Deniz, M. E. (2008). Analysis of emotional ıntelligence job
satisfaction and burnout levels of preschool teachers. Elementary Education Online. 18 Hatunoğlu, A., & Hatunoğlu, Y. (2006). Okullarda verilen rehberlik hizmetlerinin
problem alanları. Kastamonu Egitim Dergisi, 14, 333-338. Credé, M., & Kuncel, N.R. (2005). Study Habits, Skills, and Attitudes: The Third
Pillar Supporting Collegiate Academic Performance. Perspectives on Psychological Science,
3, 425-453. Abdulkadir, R., Din, R. (2006). Computer mediated communication: a motivational
strategy toward diverse learning style. ComJmuurnnaicl aPtieonndidikan 31, 41 – 51. Brady, P., & Bowd, A.(2005). Mathematics anxiety, prior experience and confidence
to teach mathematics among pre-service education students. Teachers and Teaching,11, 3746. Jones, V. O. (2006). Cognitive processes during problem solving of middle school
students with different levels of mathematics anxiety and self-esteem. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation. Florida State University. Campus, A. N. S., & Afyon, T. (2009). Teaching anxiety and the mathematical
representations developed through webquest and spreadsheet. Journal of Applied Sciences 9,
1301-1308. Brady, P., & Allingham, P. (2008). Help or hindrance? The role of secondary
schools in a successful transition to university. Journal of the First-Year Experience &
Students in Transition, 47-67. Sutter, C. M. (2006). The anxiety levels and perceptions of mathematics learners
From a midwestern technical college on selected classroom climate factors in mitigating the
effects of math anxiety. Unpublished research report. University of Wisconsin-Stout. Dede, Y. (2008). Mathematics Anxiety Questionnaire: Development and Validation.
Essays in Education, 23. Ward, C.,Jensen, S., & Lizon, R. (2007, March). Effects of a new mastery math
program on Northern Cheyenne College student attitudes and performance: A case study of
northern Cheyenne women. Paper presented at the Women of the Mountains Conference,
Utah Valley State College. Taylor, J., & Mander, A. (2007). Studying at university: early perceptions and
experiences of first year service mathematics students. Studies in Learning, Evaluation
innovation and development, 4, 29-43. Vélez, D. M. A., Garzón, C. P. C., & Ortiz, D. L. S. (2009). Relación entre
esquemas maladaptativos tempranos y características de ansiedad y depresión en estudiantes
universitarios. Universitas Psychologica, 8. 19 Castillo, M. C. A., & Herrera, M. T. (2008). La ausencia del logro académico en los
nuevos modelos de estructura de la familia. Universitas Psychologica, 7, 2. Torres-Nolasco, M., Hernández-Pozo, M. D., Castillo-Nava, P., Coronado-Álvarez,
O., & Cerezo-Reséndiz, S. (2009). Relationship between school grades and three anxiety
indexes for medical students. Univ. Psychol. Bogotá, Colombia , 8, 61-86. Thornton, H., Haskell, H., & Libby, L. (2006). A comparison of learning styles
between gifted and non-gifted high school students. Individual Differences Research, 4, 106110. Hannah, D., & Dempster, M. (2009). The effects of statistics anxiety on students’
predicted and actual test scores. The Irish Journal of Psychology, 30, 2. Thronton, B., Haskell, H., Libby, L. (2006). A comparison of learing styles between
gifted and non-gifted high school students. Individual Differences Research, 4, 106-110.
2.5. Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan Bildiriler
D. Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan Bildiriler:
2.5.1. Baloğlu, M., Kesici, i., Özteke,İ., Deniz, E. (2010, September). The prediction of
anxiety levels from self-respect among college students [Üniversite öğrencilerinin benlik
saygısının bilgisayar kaygısını yordama düzeyi]. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Meeting
of Educational Sciences, September, 16-18, Cyprus.
2.5.2. iahin, R., Baloğlu, M., & ÜnalmıĢ, M. (2010, January). Adaptation and validation of
the Attitudes Towards Violence Scale. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of World
Educational Sciences Congress, January, 7-9th, Istanbul, Turkey.
2.5.3. Masten, W. G., Baloğlu, M., & Caldwell-Colbert, T. A. (2008, August). Psychometric
Properties of the Spanish Beck Depression Inventory-II with Mexican Students. Paper
presented at the 115th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, August
14-17, Boston.
2.5.4. Gadzella, B. M., Baloğlu, M., & Masten, W. G. (2007, April). Life Stress Inventoryrevised. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Psychological
Association. 20
2.5.5. Baloğlu, M., & Masten, W. G. (2007, August). A cross-cultural comparison of the
levels of depression among late-adolescents. Paper presented at the 114th Annual Meeting of
the American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
2.5.6. Baloğlu, M., & Çevik, V. (2007). Factors that affect the computer anxiety levels among
candidate educational administrators Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of First
International Computer and Instructional Technologies Symposium, Çanakkale-Turkey.
2.5.7. Baloğlu, M., Abbasi, A., & Masten, W. G. (2006, August). A cross-cultural
comparison of anxiety among college students. Paper presented at the 113 rd Annual Meeting
of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans.
2.5.8. Baloğlu, M., Masten, W. G., & Karagozoglu, C. (2005, August). Psychometric
Properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II with Turkish College Students. Presented at
the 112nd Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
2.5.9. Karsli, M.D., Baloğlu, M., Erginer, E. & Baloğlu, I. (2004, October). Description of the
anxiety levels among college administrators. Paper presented at the 2nd International Balkan
Educational Sciences Congress, October 8-10th, 2004, Edirne, Turkey.
2.5.10. Baloğlu, M. (2003, March). Reliability adjusted analysis of covariance. Paper
accepted for presentation at the annual Meeting of the American Counseling Association,
Anaheim,CA , March 2003.
E. Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan Bildiriler:
2.5.11. Deniz, M. E., Kesici, ġ., Baloğlu, M., Deniz, M. (2009, September). An investigation
of computer anxiety in relation with personality characteristics among college students. Paper
presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of National Counseling Congress, September, 21-23,
Adana, Turkey.
2.5.12. Türkoğlu, E., Baloğlu, M., & Akın, U. (2009, October). Development of the Effective
Classroom Time Management Scale. Paper presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of
Educational Sciences, October, 1-3, Izmir, Turkey.
2.5.13. Baloğlu, M. (2009, October). Adaptation of the Statistical Anxiety Rating Scale into
Turkish, language validity and preliminary psychometric investigation. Paper presented at the
18th Annual Meeting of Educational Sciences, October, 1-3, Izmir, Turkey.
2.5.14. Baloğlu, M., & Bardakcı, S. (2007, April). Stressors and reactions to stressors among
elementary school teacher candidates. Paper presented at the 4. National Elementary
Education Symposium, April, 27-29th, EskiĢehir, TURKEY. 21
2.5.15. Cevik, V., & Baloğlu, M. (2006). The relationships between decision-making styles
and anxiety levels among educational administrators. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the Educational Sciences, Mugla-Turkey.
2.5.16.Turkoglu, E., & Baloğlu, M. (2006). The relationship between mathematics anxiety
and locus of control among Turkish college students. Paper presented at the 7th National
Science and Mathematics Education Conference, September 07-09th, Ankara-Turkey.
2.5.17. Baloğlu, M., & Bardakcı, S. (2006).The adaptation of the Student-life Stress
Inventory and the Turkish form’s psychometric investigation. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Educational Sciences, Mugla-Turkey.
2.5.18. Baloğlu, M., & Bardakcı, S. (2006).An investigation of the levels of mathematics
anxiety among Turkish elementary school students. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Turkish Counseling Association, Mersin-Turkey.
2.5.19. Baloğlu, M., & Bardakcı, S. (2006). The sources of stress and reactions to stress
among Turkish college students. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Turkish
Counseling Association, Mersin-Turkey.
2.5.20. Baloğlu, M. (2006, September). The adaptation of the Mathematics Anxiety Rating
Scale-E into Turkish and the Turkish form’s psychometric investigation. Paper presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Turkish Psychological Association, September, 5-7th, AnkaraTurkey.
2.5.21. Balgalmış, E., & Baloğlu, M. (2005, September). The relationship between
mathematics anxiety levels and thinking styles among Turkish college students. Paper
presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Educational Sciences, September 28-30th,
2.5.22. Bardakcı, S., & Baloğlu, M. (2005, September). A description of the primary and
secondary school administrators’ self values. Paper presented at the 16th National Educational
Sciences Meeting, September 28-30th, Denizli-Turkey.
2.5.23. Turkoglu, E. & Baloğlu, M. (2005, September). A study of time management
practices among primary and secondary school administrators in the city of Tokat. Paper
presented at the 14th National Educational Sciences Meeting, September 28-30th, DenizliTurkey.
2.5.24. BalgamıĢ, E., & Baloğlu, M. (2004, July). A description of the primary and
secondary school administrators’ self values: A case of Tokat. Paper presented at the 13th
National Educational Sciences Meeting, July, 6-9th, Malatya-Turkey.
2.5.25. Baloğlu, M. (2004, July). A comparison of college students in terms of mathematics
anxiety levels. Paper presented at the 13th National Educational Sciences Meeting, July, 69th, Malatya-Turkey. 22
2.5.26. Baloğlu, M. (2004, July). An investigation of the interaction effect in multiple
regression analyses. Paper presented at the 13th National Educational Sciences Meeting, July,
6-9th, Malatya-Turkey.
2.5.27. Baloğlu, M. (2004, October). The relationship between subjective and objective
assessment of college students’ mathematics anxiety levels. Paper presented at the 2nd
International Balkan Educational Sciences Congress, October 8-10th, 2004, Edirne, Turkey.
D. Uluslararası Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan Bildiriler:
2.5.28. Masten, W. G., Karagozoglu, C., Baloğlu, M., Cadwell-Colbert, T. A. (2002, August).
Cross-cultural evidence for discriminating anxiety from depression in college students. Paper
presented at the 109th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago,
IL, August, 22-25.
2.5.29. Baloğlu, M., & Harris, C. M. (2002, April). The effects of gender and program type
on counseling students’ personality scores. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Southwestern Psychological Association, Corpus Christi, TX, April 18-21.
2.5.30. Baloğlu, M., Stephens, R., & Gadzella, B. M. (2002, April). Learning processes
between high and low achieving students majoring in education. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Corpus Christi, TX, April
2.5.31. Stephens, R., Gadzella, B. M., & Baloğlu, M. (2002, April). Differences between high
and low achievers in education on critical thinking inventory scores. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association, Corpus Christi, TX, April
2.5.32. Moldenhauer, K., Karagozoglu, C., Baloğlu, M. (2002, April). Psychological impacts
of an earthquake on Turkish college students. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Southwestern Psychological Association, Corpus Christi, TX, April 18-21, 2002.
2.5.33. Gadzella, B. M., & Baloğlu, M., & Stephens, R. (2002, April). Gender and two
classmen on stressors and reactions to stressors. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Southwestern Psychological Association, Corpus Christi, TX, April 18-21.
2.5.34. Baloğlu, M. (2002, April). The effects of gender and age on statistics anxiety. Paper
presented at the annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New
Orleans, LA, April 1-5.
2.5.35. Masten, W. G., Karagozoglu, C., Baloğlu, M., Caldwell-Colbert, T. A., & Kaya, S.
(2001, August). Cross Cultural psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II.
Symposium presented at 109th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association,
San Francisco, CA, August, 22-27. 23
2.5.36. Baloğlu, M. (2001, August). Discriminating between the low-anxiety and highanxiety groups in statistics courses. Paper presented at the 109th Annual Meeting of the
American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August, 22-27.
2.5.37. Baloğlu, M. (2001, April). How do previous mathematics courses affect mathematics
anxiety. Paper presented at the 8th annual research forum of the Sigma Xi, Commerce, TX,
April 19.
2.5.38. Baloğlu, M. (2001, April). Investigating interaction effects between continuous
predictors in multiple regression. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern
Psychological Association, Houston, TX, April 12-14.
2.5.39. Baloğlu, M., Gadzella, B. M., & Stephens, R. (2001, April). Critical thinking scores
predict Psychology for Teachers course grades. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Southwestern Psychological Association. Houston, TX, April 12-14.
2.5.40. Gadzella, B. M., Baloğlu, M., & Stephens, R. (2001, April). Validity and reliability of
the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal for teachers. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association. Houston, TX, April 12-14.
2.5.41. Stephens, R., Baloğlu, M., & Gadzella, B. M. (2001, April). Learning-style scores
predict grades in a Teacher Psychology course. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Southwestern Psychological Association. Houston, TX, April 12-14.
2.5.42. Baloğlu, M. & Harris, M. C. (2001, March). Personal characteristics determining
ability to form helping alliances with clients. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
American Counseling Association, San Antonio, TX, March 17-20.
2.5.43. Stephens, R., Baloğlu, M., & Gadzella, B. M. (2001, November). Learning scores
predict course grades in a teacher psychology course. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting
of the Southwest Regional Meeting of Teachers of Psychology, Forth Worth, TX.
2.5.44. Stephens, R., Baloğlu, M., & Gadzella, B. M. (2001, November). Predicting student
course grades by their learning styles. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Southwest Regional Meeting of Teachers of Psychology, Forth Worth, TX.
2.5.45. Baloğlu, M., Stephens, R., & Gadzella, B. M. (2000, November). Predicting
psychology for teachers course grades from students critical thinking skills. Paper presented
for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Southwest Regional Meeting of Teachers of
Psychology, , Forth Worth, TX, November 3-7.
2.5.46. Baloğlu, M. (2000, February). Ethical considerations involved in using computers in
counseling. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Texas Association of Counselor
Educators and Supervisors, Salado, TX, February, 11. 24
2.5.47. Gadzella, B. M., Baloğlu, M., & Masten, W. G. (2000, April). Differences among
university students on learning. Paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the
Southwestern Psychological Association, Dallas, TX, April 20-23.
2.5.48. Gadzella, B. M, Baloğlu, M., & Masten, W. G. (2000). Students’ Circadian Rhythms.
Paper presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Psychological Association,
Dallas, TX.
2.5.49. Baloğlu, M. (2000, August). Validity and reliability of the Information Processing
Styles. Paper presented at the 108th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Washington DC, August 4-8.
2.5.50. Baloğlu, M. (2000, August). The expectations of international students from
counseling services. Paper presented at the 108th Annual Meeting of the American
Psychological Association, Washington DC, August 4-8.
2.5.51. Baloğlu, M. (2000, November). Validity and Reliability of the Statistics Anxiety
Rating Scale. Paper presented at the 28th annual meeting of the Mid-South Educational
Research Association, Bowling Green, KY, November 15-17.
2.5.52. Baloğlu, M. (2000). Applications of instructional design theories to a web-based
statistics course. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Distance Education Conference, Jan 2528, 2000, pp. 11-13, Austin, TX.
2.5.53. Baloğlu, M. (1999, November). A web-based teaching module. Paper presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Southwest Regional Meeting of Teachers of Psychology, Forth Worth,
TX, November 5-6.
E. Ulusal Bilimsel Toplantılarda Sunulan Bildiriler:
2.5.54. Baloğlu, M. (2003, October). Is statistics anxiety a function of attitudes towards
statistics? Paper presented at the Educational Sciences Institute Conference, October 1-4th,
F. Yurtdışında Yayınlanan Kitap ya da Kitap Bölümü:
F. 1. Baloğlu, M., & Zelhart, P. F. (2010). Statistics ancxiety: Antecedents, measuremement,
effects, and treatment. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-8383-2352-7.
F. 2. Baloğlu, M. (2009). The measurement of mathematics anxiety: Psychometric study of
the Revised Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale.Germany: VDM Verlag Publishing. ISBN:
G. Yurtiçide Yayınlanan Kitap ya da Kitap Bölümü:
G. 1. Tan, H., & Baloğlu, M. (2006).Psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik. Ankara: Nobel Yayın
Dağıtım. ISBN: 975-591-963-5. 25
G. 2. Baloğlu, M. (2004).Psikolojik danıĢmada bilgisayar kullanımında dikkat edilmesi
gereken etik noktalar C. Karagozoglu ve I. Kemertas (Editörler). Psikolojk danışma ve
rehberlik. Istanbul. ISBN: 975-511-361-4.
H. Diğer yayınlar :
H01. Baloğlu, M. (2000). Expectations of international students from counseling services.
(ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED447372).
H02. Baloğlu, M. (2000). A comparison of mathematics anxiety and statistics anxiety in
relation to general anxiety. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 436703).
H03. Baloğlu, M. (2000). A brief introduction to structural equation modeling techniques:
theory and application. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 438300).

Benzer belgeler

MUSTAFA BALOĞLU 1.2. Doğum Tarihi

MUSTAFA BALOĞLU 1.2. Doğum Tarihi Evaluation of the Student-life Stress-Revised (SSI-R). Journal of Instructional Psychology, 36. 2.3.19. Baloğlu, M. & Bardakçı, S. (2010).The adaptation of the Student-life Stress Inventory to Turk...


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