n - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department
CS473-Algorithms I Lecture 6-b Randomized QuickSort CS473 – Lecture 6-b Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 1 Randomized Quicksort • Average-case assumption: – all permutations are equally likely – cannot always expect to hold • Alternative to assuming a distribution: Impose a distribution –Partition around a random pivot CS473 – Lecture 6-b Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 2 Randomized Quicksort Typically useful when – there are many ways that an algorithm can proceed – but, it is difficult to determine a way that is guaranteed to be good. – Many good alternatives; simply choose one randomly • Running time is independent of input ordering • No specific input causes worst-case behavior • Worst case determined only by output of random number generator CS473 – Lecture 6-b Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 3 Randomized Quicksort R-QUICKSORT(A, p, r) if p < r then q ← R-PARTITION(A, p, r) R-QUICKSORT(A, p, q) R-QUICKSORT(A, q+1, r) R-PARTITION(A, p, r) s ← RANDOM(p, r) exchange A[p] ↔ A[s] return H-PARTITION(A, p, r) exchange A[r] ↔ A[s] return L-PARTITION(A, p, r) for Lomuto’s partitioning • Permuting whole array also works well on the average – more difficult to analyze CS473 – Lecture 6-b Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 4 Formal Average - Case Analysis • Assume all elements in A[p…r] are distinct • n=r−p+1 • rank(x) =|{A[i]: p ≤ i ≤ r and A[i] ≤ x}| • “exchange A[p]↔x = A[s]” (x A[p…r] random pivot) P(rank(x)=i)=1/n, CS473 – Lecture 6-b for i=1,2,…, n Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 5 Likelihood of Various Outcomes of Hoare’s Partitioning Algorithm • rank(x) =1 : k =1 with i1=j1=p L1={A[p]=x} |L| =1 x = pivot • rank(x) >1 : k >1 – iteration 1: i1=p, p < j1 ≤ r A[p]↔x =A[j1] pivot x stays in the right region – termination: Lk={A[i]: p ≤ i ≤ r and A[i]<x} |L|= rank(x) −1 CS473 – Lecture 6-b Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 6 Various Outcomes • rank(x) =1 : |L|=1 • rank(x) >1 : |L|= rank(x) - 1 x = pivot • P(|L|=1) = P(rank(x) =1) + P(rank(x) =2) =1/n + 1/n = 2/n • P(|L|=i)=P(rank(x) =i+1) =1/n CS473 – Lecture 6-b for i=2,…,n −1 Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 7 Average - Case Analysis: Recurrence T(n) = + + x = pivot 2 3 + 1 (T(i)+T(n−i)) n i+1 + 1 (T(n-1)+T(1)) n n + CS473 – Lecture 6-b 1 (T(1)+T(n−1)) n 1 (T(1)+T(n−1)) n 1 (T(2)+T(n−2)) n rank(x) 1 (n) Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 8 Recurrence 1 T(n) = n n 1 (T(q)+T(n-q)) + 1 (T(1)+T(n−1)) + (n) n q 1 - but, 1 (T(1)+T(n-1)) = n T(n) = 1 n 1 ((1)+ O(n2)) = O(n) n n 1 (T(q)+T(n-q)) + (n) q 1 • for k = 1,2,…,n−1 each term T(k) appears twice –once for q = k and once for q = n−k n 1 • T(n) = 2 n CS473 – Lecture 6-b T(k) + (n) k 1 Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 9 Solving Recurrence: Substitution Guess: T(n)=O(nlgn) I.H. : T(k) ≤ aklgk + b k<n, for some constants a > 0 and b ≥ 0 2 T(n) = n 2 n n 1 T(k) + (n) k 1 n 1 (aklgk + b) + (n) k 1 n 1 = 2a n 2a n (klgk + b) + 2b (n-1) +(n) n k 1 n 1 klgk + (2b) +(n) k 1 Need a tight bound for klgk CS473 – Lecture 6-b Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 10 Tight bound for klgk • Bounding the terms n 1 n 1 k 1 k 1 klgk nlgn = n (n-1) lgn n2 lgn This bound is not strong enough because • T(n) = 2a 2 n lgn + 2b +(n) n 2anlgn + 2b + Θ(n) CS473 – Lecture 6-b Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 11 Tight bound for klgk • Splitting summations: ignore ceilings for simplicity n 1 klgk k 1 n / 2 1 n 1 k 1 k n / 2 klgk + klgk First summation: lgk < lg(n/2) = lgn−1 Second summation: lgk < lgn CS473 – Lecture 6-b Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 12 n 1 n / 2 1 n 1 k 1 k 1 k n / 2 Splitting: k lg k k lg k k lg k n 1 n / 2 1 n 1 k 1 k 1 k n / 2 k lg k (lg n 1) k lg n k n 1 n / 2 1 1 1n n lg n k k n(n 1) lg n ( 1) 2 22 2 k 1 k 1 1 2 1 2 1 n lg n n n(lg n 1 / 2) 2 8 2 n 1 1 2 1 2 k lg k n lg n n for lg n 1 / 2 n 2 2 8 k 1 CS473 – Lecture 6-b Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department 13 Substituting: n 1 1 2 1 2 k lg k n lg n n 2 8 k 1 2a n 1 T ( n) k lg k 2b (n) n k 1 2a 1 2 1 2 ( n lg n n ) 2b (n) n 2 8 a an lg n b n ((n) b) 4 a We can choose a large enough so that n (n) b 4 T (n) an lg n b T (n) O(n lg n) CS473 – Lecture 6-b Cevdet Aykanat - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department Q.E.D. 14
Benzer belgeler
j - Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department
• Divide-and-conquer algorithm. • Sorts “in place” (like insertion sort, but not like merge sort). • Very practical (with tuning).
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En soldaki eleman pivot olarak alınsın (23). Şimdi, hem sağdan hem soldan elemanlar karşılaştırılarak ortadak elemana kadar gerekli yer değiştirme yapılsın. En son kalan eleman da pivot ile karşıla...