Araştırma Altyapıları, Mina Yeşilyurt Sunumu
Araştırma Altyapıları, Mina Yeşilyurt Sunumu
TÜBİTAK Ufuk 2020 Programı Araştırma Altyapıları 2016 – 2017 Çağrıları Mina YEŞİLYURT Ufuk 2020 Programı Araştırma Altyapıları Ulusal İrtibat Noktası 8 Aralık 2015, Koç Üniversitesi Araştırma Altyapıları Nedir? TÜBİTAK Servis* Platform Kaynak Tesis 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 2 Türkiye’nin Araştırma Altyapıları Performansı TÜBİTAK Programların Toplam Bütçeleri Araştırma Altyapıları Alanı Bütçeleri 3 80 60 Milyar Avro Milyar Avro 2,5 40 20 0 Toplam Bütçe Milyon Avro Toplam Bütçe 1,5 1 0,5 FP6 (20022006) 17,5 FP7 (20072013) 53,2 H2020 (2014-2020) 79 Türkiye'nin Araştırma Altyapıları Başarılı Proje Bütçeleri Toplamı 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2 0 Alan Bütçesi FP6 (20022006) 0,74 FP7 (20072013) 1,8 H2020 (20142020) 2,8 FP6 Türkiye Altyapılar alanının %0.2’sini FP7 Türkiye Altyapıları alanının %0.57’sini H2020 2014 – 2015 çağrılarında 400 Milyon Avro’nun %0.2’sini geri döndürmüştür FP6 (20022006) 1,46 FP7 (20072013) 8,9 H2020 (20142015) 0,9 3 FP7 Türkiye Analizi, Proje Sayısı TÜBİTAK Başarılı proje sayısı sıralaması TÜBİTAK (17), İTÜ (8), ODTÜ (7) Toplam proje sayısı sıralaması TÜBİTAK (25), ODTÜ (9), İTÜ (8), Boğaziçi (5), Sabancı Üniversitesi (4) 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 4 FP7 Türkiye Analizi, Bütçe TÜBİTAK 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 5 Türkiye Analizi, Katılımcı TÜBİTAK Şansını deneyen Türkiye’den katılımcı sayısı grafikleri: Başarılı + Reddedilen + Geçersiz Proje sayıları toplamı 7% 29% FP6 5% 17% Araştırma Merkezi 64% Kamu Kuruluşu Üniversite 78% FP6 8 farklı kuruluş 14 başarılı projede yer almıştır H2020 FP7 6% Araştırma Merkezi Kamu Kuruluşu 34% 53% Araştırma Merkezi Kamu Kuruluşu Üniversite KOBİ 6% Uluslararası Organizasyon Üniversite 1% FP7 30 farklı kuruluş 48 başarılı projede yer almıştır 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi H2020 2014 – 2015 çağrılarında toplam 13 projeye 10 farklı kuruluş başvurmuş olup bunlardan 4 farklı kuruluş 4 başarılı projede yer almıştır 6 2014 – 2015 Araştırma Altyapıları Çağrıları Türkiye Performansı TÜBİTAK 4,5 800,000 4 700,000 3,5 600,000 2,5 500,000 2 Avro Proje Sayısı 3 400,000 1,5 300,000 1 200,000 0,5 0 100,000 Reddedilen Başarılı 12/08/2015 0,000 Koç Üniversitesi 7 2016 – 2017 Çalışma Programındaki Araştırma Altyapıları Çağrı Başlıkları TÜBİTAK 1. INFRADEV – Development and long-term sustainability of new pan-European Research Infrastructures (RIs) 2. INFRAIA – Integrating and opening research infrastructures of European interest 3. E-INFRA – Electronic Infrastructures 4. INFRAINNOV – Fostering the innovation potential of RIs 5. INFRASUPP – Support to policy and international cooperation 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 8 European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap TÜBİTAK Avrupa’nın gelecek 10 – 15 sene için hangi altyapılara yatırım yapacağı ESFRI tarafından belirlenir ESFRI Yolharitası’na giren projeler Avrupa’nın amiral gemileridir ve «Güçleri Birleştirmek» ilkesi ile hareket edilmektedir Türkiye’den ortaklar 2007 senesinden beri çeşitli alanlardaki ESFRI projelerinde yer almaktadır 2010 2008 2006 2016 Mart 2016 tarihinde yeni ESFRI Yolharitası açıklanacaktır 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 9 INFRADEV Alt Başlıkları (I) TÜBİTAK INFRADEV – 01 – 2017 : Design Studies Opening : 8 December 2016 Closing : 29 March 2017 Research & Innovation Action 20 Mll€ (1 – 3 Mll€ per project) #Conceptual and technical design of new RIs #Bottom-up approach, all fields of science #Major upgrades of existing RIs if the result will be equivalent of a new RI #Proposal considering just a component for RI not targeted #Design study should lead to a «Conceptual Design Report» : #Scientific and technical work: #Maturity of the concept #Resource efficiency #Architecture & engineering plans for construction #Environmental impacts #Creation of prototypes #Conceptual work: #Plans to integrate the new RI into European landscape #Estimated budgets for construction and operation #Plans for international governance structure #Planning of research services provided at international level #Procedure and criteria to choose the site of the infrastructure 10 INFRADEV Alt Başlıkları (II) TÜBİTAK INFRADEV – 02 – 2016 : Preparatory Phase of ESFRI Projects Opening : 15 March 2016 Closing : 22 June 2016 Coordination & Support Action 40 Mll€ (4 Mll€ per project) #Preparatory Phase aims bringing the new or upgraded RI to the level of legal, financial, technical maturity needed for implementing #All stakeholders to move project forward should also be in the consortium: #National/regional ministries/governments, research councils, funding agencies #Operators of research facilities, research centres, universities, industry #Technical work to complete final technical design and financial planning #Preparation of legal and financial agreements: #MoU #Site governance #Internal rules #Financial rules #Proposals should adress those RIs entered to ESFRI 2016 Roadmap Daha detaylı bilgi için 70. sayfa 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 11 INFRADEV Alt Başlıkları (III) TÜBİTAK INFRADEV – 03 – 2016 – 2017 : Individual Support to ESFRI and Other World Class RIs (OWCRI) Opening : 8 December 2015 Closing : 30 March 2016 Coordination & Support Action 70 Mll€ (2 – 5 Mll€ per project) #Long-term sustainability of new RIs, ESFRI or OWCRIs with established governance and legal structure #European Research Infrastructure Consortium – ERIC #Pilots os access to provision of testing and improving user services #Definition of service level agreements #Outreach & tehnology transfer activities #Enlargement of membership #International cooperation #Business & funding plan #Interaction with industry and SMEs Daha detaylı bilgi için 70 & 71. sayfa 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 12 INFRADEV Alt Başlıkları (IV) TÜBİTAK INFRADEV – 04 – 2016 : European Open Science Cloud for Research Opening : 15 March 2016 Closing : 22 June 2016 Research & Innovation Action 10 Mll€ (5 – 10 Mll€ per project) #Effective data preservation, open access for immediate and future sharing and re-use of is a fundamental component of today’s RIs #Pilot to make available scientific data and data-analysis services to researcher through cloud infrastructure by building on already existing infrastructures #Federation, networking, coordination of existing RIs and scientific clouds should be adressed to increase: #Findability #Accessibility #Interoperability #Trust #Use by wider research community 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 13 INFRAIA Amaçları TÜBİTAK • Kilit ulusal ve bölgesel Araştırma Altyapılarını Avrupa Birliği ve Asosiye ülkelerdeki akademi ve sanayiden gelen araştırmacıların kullanımına açmak, bu altyapılardan optimal fayda sağlamak ve birlikte geliştirmek • Avrupa’daki aynı alandaki tüm kilit AA’nın koordinasyonunu ve entegrasyonunu sağlayarak harcanan emeğin başka bir yerde tekrarlanmasını önlemek 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 14 INFRAIA Alt Başlıkları (I) TÜBİTAK INFRAIA – 01 – 2016 – 2017 : Integrating Activities for Advanced Communities Opening : 10 November 2015 Closing : 30 March 2016 Research & Innovation Action 160 Mll€ (10 Mll€ per project) #Advanced communities’ RIs show an advanced degree of coordination and networking and attained FP7 or H2020 Integrating Activity grants #IA will mobilise comprehensive consortium of several key RIs in a given field and public authorities, technological partners, research institutions #IA must combine: 1. Networking activities 2. Joint Research Activities 3. Transnational Access or Virtual Access Activities #Access should be provided onl to key RIs able to attract users from other countries #Other national and regional RIs can be involved especially in networking activities #Advanced communities must focus on innovation and widen TNA & VA provisions Daha detaylı bilgi için 70 - 74. sayfa 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 15 INFRAIA-01-2016-2017 Alt Başlıkları (I.i) TÜBİTAK #Advanced Community Topics #Biological & Medical Sciences 1. Facilities for high throughput DNA sequencing 2. Vaccine infrastructures 3. Experimental facilities for animal disease and infectiology (including zoonoses) 4. Centres for replacement, reduction and refinement of nonhuman primate testing 5. Facilities and resources for plant phenotyping 6. Marine biological stations 7. RIs for the control of vector-borne diseases #Environmental & Earth Sciences 1. RIs for terrestrial research in the Arctic 2. RIs for earthquake hazard 3. Mesocosms facilities for research on marine and freshwater ecosystem 4. Atmospheric simulation chambers 5. RIs for forest ecosystem and resources research 6. Sites, experimental platforms & data collections of anthropogenic impact for ecosystem functioning and biodiversity research 7. Multidisciplinary marine data centres for ocean and marine data management 16 Daha detaylı bilgi için 16 - 19. sayfa INFRAIA-01-2016-2017 Alt Başlıkları (I.ii) TÜBİTAK #Energy 1. RIs for research on biomass conversion and biorefinery 2. RIs for offshore renewable energy #Mathematics & ICT 1. Integrating activity for facilitating access to High Performance Computing #Material Sciences & Analytical Facilities 1. RIs for advanced spectroscopy, scattering/diffraction and imaging of materials 2. Synchrotron radiation sources and Free Electron Lasers 3. Facilities for research on materials under extreme conditions 4. Infrastructures for Neutron Scattering and Muan Spectroscopy #Physical Sciences 1. RIs for advanced radio astronomy 2. RIs for optical/IR astronomy 3. RIs for hadron physics 4. Particle accelerators #Social Sciences & Humanities 1. Access to European Social Science Data Archives and Official Statistics 2. RIs for the study of poverty working life and living conditions 17 Daha detaylı bilgi için 19 - 21. sayfa INFRAIA Alt Başlıkları (II) TÜBİTAK INFRAIA – 02 – 2017 : Integrating Activities for Starting Communities Opening : 8 December 2015 Closing : 30 March 2016 (1st stage), 29 March 2017 (2nd stage) Research & Innovation Action 40 Mll€ (5 Mll€ per project) #A starting community has never been supported for the integration of its infrastructures under FP7 or Horizon 2020 calls, in particcular within an integrating activity #2 stage call #20 pages proposal to 1st stage #100 pages full proposal to 2nd stage #IA must combine: 1. Networking activities 2. Joint Research Activities 3. Transnational Access or Virtual Access Activities #Access should be provided onl to key RIs able to attract users from other countries #Other national and regional RIs can be involved especially in networking activities #Advanced communities must focus on innovation and widen TNA & VA provisions #IA for SC range across all areas of science and technology. Proposals should not restrict their services to too narrow research fields and should address the wider scientific communities, even multidisciplinary ones, which can be served by the involved set of RIs. 18 Daha detaylı bilgi için 71 - 72. sayfa INFRAIA Özellikleri (I) TÜBİTAK #Networking Activities #Joint management of access provision& pooling of distributed resources #Dissemination/exploitation of project results & knowledge #Partnership with industry: outreach activities, transfer of knowledge, foster the use of RI by industrial researchers #Dissemination/exploitation of project results & knowledge #Definition of common standards, protocols and interoperability, benchmarking #Activities to improve the efficiency of RIs’ management and of service provision #Spreading of good practices, exchange of personnel and training staff, consultancy #Activities to attract young people & women to science careers #Promotion of clustering and coordinated actions amongst related projects #Coordination with national or international related initiatives and support the deployment of global and sustainable approaches in the field #Definition of data management plans to organise the efficient curation, preservation and provision of access to data collected or produced under the project Daha detaylı bilgi için 71 - 72. sayfa 19 INFRAIA Özellikleri (II) TÜBİTAK #Transnational Access Activities #Providing free of charge access to researchers/research teams to one or more RI operated by consortium partners #Access can be in person (hands on) = Transnational Access #Access providers should widely publicise the access offered to scientific communities all over Europe #The selection of researchers or research teams should be carried out through an independent peer-review evaluation of their research project #The research team or its majority must work in countries other than the country(ies) where the access provider RI is located #Exception exist if the access provider is an international organization, JRC or an ERIC #Only research teams that are entitled to disseminate the knowledge they generate under the project are eligible to benefit from the access. Exception exist for SMEs #Duration of stay at the RI is normally 3 months #Subsistence and travel costs of researchers will be supported by the RI Daha detaylı bilgi için 72 - 73. sayfa 20 INFRAIA Özellikleri (III) TÜBİTAK #Virtual Access Activities #Access can be through the provision of remote scientific services, provision of reference materials or samples, performance of sample analysis or sample deposition = Virtual Access #No selection or identification of researchers to whom the access to resource is provided #VA activities re databases available via internet, or data deposition services #Only virtual services widely used by the community of European researchers will be supported, therefore services offered under a project shall be periodically assessed externally #Joint Research Activities #Innovative activities to explore new fundamental technologies or techniques for the efficient and joint use of participating RIs #Activities should include industry and SMEs to promote innovation and knowledge sharing through co-creation of needed technical solutions: #Higher performance methodologies and protocols, instrumentation, testing of components, subsystems, materials, techniques and dedicated software #Integration of installations and infrastructure into virtual facilities #Innovative solutions for data sample collection, management, curation annotation and deposition #New software solutions for making new user communities benefit from computing services 21 Daha detaylı bilgi için 73 - 74. sayfa Kısaca Integrating Activity TÜBİTAK Partner 3 Virtual Access Partner 2 / Access provider Koordinatör / Access provider Transnational Access Partner 4 Partner 5 Partner 1 / Access Provider Transnational Access Virtual Access Networking, Training, Joint Research Activities 22 E-INFRA Amaçları TÜBİTAK • • • • • Açık Bilimsel Veri Veri ve Hesaplama Yoğun Bilim Araştırma ve Eğitim Ağı Kurma Yüksek Başarımlı Hesaplama Big Data Yeniliği politikalarını destekleyecek çağrılar 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 23 EINFRA Başlıkları TÜBİTAK #Theme 1 – Integration and consolidation of e-infrastructure platforms supporting European policies and research and education communities a.Coordinate fundings b.Synergies operational e-infrastructures c.Upgrade w/out service distruption EINFRA – 11 – 2016 & EINFRA – 12 – 2017 & GEANT (1st point) #Only platforms and services based on systems and technologies of at least TRL 8 before the start of the project will be supported #Theme 2 – Prototyping innovative e-infrastructure platforms and services for research and education communities, industry and the citizens at large a.Platform-driven e-infrastructure innovation (technology push, driven by the supply side) b.User-driven e-infrastructure innovation (user pull, driven by the demand side) EINFRA – 21 – 2017 & EINFRA – 22 – 2016 & GEANT (2nd point) #Only platforms and services based on systems and technologies of least TRL 6 before the start of the project will be supported, at least TRL 8 by the end of the project will be achieved 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 24 E-INFRA Alt Başlıkları (I) TÜBİTAK EINFRA – 11 – 2016 : Support to the next implementation phase of Pan-European High Performance Computing infrastructures and services (PRACE) Opening : 8 December 2015 Closing : 30 March 2016 Research & Innovation Action 15 Mll€ #HPC resources need to be pooled, integrated and rationalized #Proposals will address all points below: #Provide a seamless and efficient Tier-0 service to users by peer-review procedures for the allocation of computing time; transparent billing; specific services adapted to the needs of users including ESFRI and other H2020 projects, industry... #Carry out training, service prototyping, software development activities that build on national HPC capabilities (Tier-1) and are necessary to support Tier-o services #Ensure opennes to new user communities and new applications; promote industrial take-up of HPC services in particular by SMEs #Develop and maintain the strategy for the deployment of a rich HPC ecosystem with different machine architectures evolving towards exascale #Design and execute training and skil development programmes Daha detaylı bilgi için 32. sayfa 25 E-INFRA Alt Başlıkları (II) TÜBİTAK EINFRA – 12 – 2017 : Data and Distributed Computing e-infrastructures for Open Science Opening : 8 December 2016 Closing : 29 March 2017 Research & Innovation Action 40 Mll€ (8 – 10 Mll€ per project) a.Secure and agile data and distributed computing e-infrastructures #Foster the integration of a secure, permanent, on-demand service-driven, privacy compliant and sustainable e-infrastructure incorporating distributed databases, computing resources and software #INFRADEV – 4 – 2016 European Open Science Cloud çağrısı ile benzerlik taşımaktadır Detaylı bilgi için 34,35. sayfa b.Access and preservation platforms for scientific information #Integrate and consolidate e-infrastructures for reliable and permanent open access to digital scientific records, based on existing initiatives across Europe (institutional and thematic repositories, Aggregators etc.) Detaylı bilgi için 35 . sayfa #Proposals will address part (a) or (b) but not both! 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 26 E-INFRA Alt Başlıkları (III) TÜBİTAK EINFRA – 21 – 2017 : Platform – driven e- infrastructure innovation Opening : 14 April 2016 (PPI) Opening : 8 December 2016 (RIA) Closing : 20 September 2016 Closing : 29 March 2017 Public Procurement for Innovative Solutions Research & Innovation Action 26 Mll€ 20 Mll€ a.Support to Public Procurement of Innovative High Performance Computing Systems, PPI #Procurement of innovative HPC solutions supporting the deployment in Europe of world-class HPC capabilities #Ensuring and reinforcing European access to European leading-edge supercomuting Tier-0 infrastructures and Services by making available a substantial % of the new systems to PRACE infrastructure & services #Diversify the availabe leading-class HPC capabilities through a rich set of HPC architectures with the most advanced technology available by research and innovation to satisfy the needs of users of various application areas b. Research and Innovation Actions for e-Infrasructure prototypes #Proposals will adress only one of the points below, one proposal for each point will be selected: 1. Universal discoverability of data objects and provenance (4 – 5 Mll€ / proposal) 2. Computing e-infrastructure with extreme large datasets (2,5 – 3 Mll€ / proposal) Çok daha detaylı bilgi için 36 – 39 sayfalar: 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 27 E-INFRA Alt Başlıkları (IV) TÜBİTAK EINFRA – 22 – 2016 : User – driven e- infrastructure innovation Opening : 8 December 2015 Closing : 30 March 2016 Research & Innovation Action 21 Mll€ # Proposals are expected against below topics 1. Open e-infrastructure resources enabling fast prototyping and development of innovative networking, data and computing intensive applications & services based on basic services (2 – 3 Mll€ /proposal) 2. Stimulate innovative actors, SMEs, either as suppliers of technologies and services for e-infrastructures or as users of e-infrastructures to improve their own product and service offering (5 – 6 Mll€ /proposal) 3. Developing identity federation services for researchers, educators and students in compliance with existing identity inter- federation efforts (Eduroam & Edugain). Stimulate Authentication and Authorization infrastructure services (2,5 – 3 Mll€ / proposal) 4. Improve open access repository and publishing platform infrastructures for prototyping new forms of publishing: machine assisted knowledge extraction services, machine readability, other discovery services. Enhance the links between literature, data, software, models and other digital objects (1 – 2 Mll€ / proposal) Çok daha detaylı bilgi için 39 – 41. sayfalar: 28 INFRAINNOV Alt Başlıkları (I) TÜBİTAK INFRAINNOV – 01 – 2017 : Fostering co-innovation for future detection and imaging technologies Opening : 8 December 2016 Closing : 29 March 2017 Research & Innovation Action 20 Mll€ (20 Mll€ per project) #An open initiative to engage research communities in Europe using RIs and the industry – including SMEs. #The initiative should adress: #Identification of a wide spectrum of technology opportunities with breakthrough #The selection of clustering of those opportunities with a clear potential for industrial implementation #Support of those ooportunities towards industrial applications having societal value #Support of technology and innovation transfer and joint development measures of high-tech components #Enable best conditiond for full exploitation by industrial partners of the innovation potential of RIs #As a pilot initiative proposals mainly adress the development of future detection and imaging technologies that have applications in medicine, manufacturing, industry, aerospace, ICT, environmental sciences and beyond and should constitute a driver enabling the transfer of fundamental research towards industrial application Çok daha detaylı bilgi için 45 – 46. sayfalar: 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 29 INFRAINNOV Alt Başlıkları (II) TÜBİTAK INFRAINNOV – 02 – 2016 : Support to technological infrastructures Opening : 8 December 2015 Closing : 30 March 2016 Coordination & Support Action 10 Mll€ (2 Mll€ per project) #Technological Infrastructures are the bridges between RIs and industry/SMEs #Coordination and networking between Technological Infrastructures and RIs, industry and innovative SMEs #RIs target TRL4 to TRL6, these networks of Technological Infrastructures will bridge the gap between academic world and industry #High level engineers and technological scientists will be trained in Techological Infrastructures #Roadmaps /strategic agendas together with industrial sector actors for key technologies for R&D and for the construction and upgrade of RIs and key technologies to be explored by industries will be created #Domains of societal applications and potential markets beyon RIs will be discovered Çok daha detaylı bilgi için 46 – 48. sayfalar: 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 30 INFRASUPP Alt Başlıkları (I) TÜBİTAK INFRASUPP – 01 – 2016 : Policy and international cooperation measures for RIs (DG RTD) Opening : 8 December 2015 Closing : 30 March 2016 Coordination & Support Action 8 Mll€ (1,5 – 2 Mll€ per project) #Proposals will address one of the following ares: 1. Exchange of best practices for national Roadmap drafting and evaluation procedures for RIs to promote comparability and synchronisation of national procedures 2. An international landscaping exercise for RIs to support the EU strategy of international cooperation in this field. The exercise should build on the ESFRI landscaping exercise 3. Support to trans-disciplinary bilateral cooperation on RIs with Africa. 4. Support to training needs of the Synchrotron light for experimental science and applications (SESAME) facility located in Jordan and the staff exchange with other European light source infrastructures 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 31 INFRASUPP Alt Başlıkları (II) TÜBİTAK INFRASUPP – 02 – 2017 : Policy and international cooperation measures for RIs (DG CNECT) Opening : 8 December 2016 Closing : 29 March 2017 Coordination & Support Action 6,5 Mll€ #Proposals will address one of the following ares: 1. Develop a model describing the socio economic leverage of RIs in terms of impact of the financial investment for the different types of infrastructures (1,5 Mll€ / proposal) 2. Support the cooperation between the EU and international strategic partners for the development of global RIs and/or enhancement of the current interaction among RIs in the global arena (1,5 Mll€ / proposal) 3. Support to Research Data Alliance (3 – 3,5 Mll€ / proposal) 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 32 INFRASUPP Alt Başlıkları (III) TÜBİTAK INFRASUPP – 03 – 2017 : Support to policies and and international cooperation for einfrastructures Opening : 8 December 2015 Closing : 30 March 2016 Research & Innovation Action Coordination & Support Action 3 Mll€ 4,5 Mll€ #Proposals will address part (a) or (b), but not both a. Research and Innovation Actions for International cooperation on high-end e-infrastructures requirements #Below activities for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope will be funded: #High-speed networking e-infrastructure architecture #Data dissemination channel components and services #Computational requirements and architectures in terms of HPC or distributed computing #Storage e-infrastructures and services exploit SKA data b. Coordination and Support Actions for international cooperation and policy development #Proposals will address only one of the points below: 1. International cooperation on e-infrastructure supporting major societal challenges (0,5 – 1 Mll€ / proposal) 2. Policy support to e-infrastructure programme (0,5 – 1 Mll€ / proposal) #Support to e-IRG secretariat 3. Support to dissemination of e-infrastructure programme (1 – 1,5 Mll€ / proposal) 4. Support to small – size foresight roadmaps for e-infrastructure programme (0,3 – 0,4 Mll€ / proposal) 33 Çağrı Takvimi TÜBİTAK 350 Milyon Avro’luk ve en Yararlı Çağrılar Mart 2016’da kapanmış olacak TIMELINE CALLS 2015 Nov Dec 2016 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul 2017 Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar INFRADEV-1-2017 INFRADEV-2-2016 INFRADEV-3-2016/2017 INFRADEV-4-2016 INFRAIA-1-2016/2017 INFRAIA-2-2017 (1st) INFRAIA-2-2017 (2nd) EINFRA-11-2016 EINFRA-22-2016 EINFRA-21-2017 EINFRA-12-2017 EINFRA-21-2017 INFRAINNOV-1-2017 INFRAINNOV-2-2016 INFRASUPP-1-2016 INFRASUPP-2-2017 INFRASUPP-3-2016 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 34 Hakemlik Kaydı (Expert Evaluator Registration) TÜBİTAK • Hakemlik kaydı linki • Sessiz okuma – Elektronik ortamda gönderilen projeleri değerlendirme (450 Avro/ bir tam gün) • Brüksel’de panel değerlendirmesi – Sessiz okuma sonrası 3-4 gün boyunca diğer hakemler ile nihai kararı verme (450 Avro/gün) • Çağrı takvimlerine göre yukarıdaki link ile oluşturduğunuz profilinizi Çalışma Programı’nda yer alan çağrılara ve anahtar kelimelere göre güncelleyerek Komisyon tarafından 35 hakem olarak seçilme şansınızı artırabilirsiniz Gelecek Etkinlik TÜBİTAK 6 Ocak 2016, Ankara, TÜBİTAK Araştırma Altyapıları Bilgi Günü Katılımcılar: • Kalkınma Bakanlığı • ESFRI Türkiye Delegesi • ERIC Türkiye Delegesi • ESFRI Projelerinde yer almış Türkiye koordinatörleri 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 36 TÜBİTAK Çerçeve Programlar Destek ve Ödüller TÜBİTAK U2020 Programına Katılımı Desteklemek ve Teşvik Etmek! U2020 Seyahat Desteği • Çok ortaklı projelerde ortak olmak (Uçak bileti, konaklama ve şehir içi ulaşım, toplantı ücreti, vize, harç, gündelik) • Seyahat başına 1.500€ üst limitli destek Ağ Oluşturma ERC Baş Araştırmacı Geliştirme Programı • ERC’ye Katılım ve Başarı Oranını Artırmak • Proje başına 15.000€’ya kadar destek U2020 Koordinatörlüğü Destekleme Programı • Çok ortaklı projelerde koordinatörlüğü desteklemek • Her bir koordinatör adayına toplam 30.000€’ya kadar destek Bireysel Katılım MSCA Ön-Değerlendirme Destek Programı • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Bireysel projelerde başarı oranını artırmak:, MSCA IF&COFUND • Proje başına 1.000€-8.000€ arası destek Liderlik Başarı ve Eşik üstü Ödülü • Eşik üstü: 7.000€’a kadar ödül • Başarı: • %80’i proje yürütücüsü ve ekibine, %20’si kuruluşa, • 220.000€ ---- 18.900€ • 1.200.000€ ---- 64.500€ Başarıyı Teşvik ERC Ödülleri • Eşik üstü: 12.000€’a kadar • Başarı Ödülü: Sabit Tutar + %9 • Transfer Ödülü : Sabit Tutar 37 U2020 Seyahat Desteği TÜBİTAK Yeni Destek ve Teşvik Mekanizması ile Ufuk 2020 Web Sayfası hayata geçirilmiştir! Seyahat Öncesi ve Sonrası Yılda en çok 4 seyahat Aynı alanda en çok 4 kez seyahat desteği sonunda proje şartı İstatistikler Desteklenen Harcamalar • Konaklama • Uçak Bileti • Şehiriçi/Ülke içi Ulaşım • Toplantı katılım Ücreti • Vize ve yurtdışı çıkış harcı• Gündelik • • • Başvuru Destek Red : : : 403 310 93 38 U2020 Koordinatörlüğü Destekleme Programı TÜBİTAK Herbir Koordinatör adayına 30.000 Avro’ya kadar destek! Kapsam Konsorsiyum Kurma Amaçlı Seyahat Desteği Konsorsiyum kurma amaçlı organizasyon Desteği Proje Yazdırma Hizmeti Desteği Proje Ön Değerlendirme Hizmeti Desteği Proje YazmaSunma Eğitimi Desteği Seyahat Desteği • Koordinatör Adayı ve/veya araştırma ekibi üyeleri • Seyahat ve konaklama giderleri • Toplantılara katılım /Avrupa Komisyonu ile toplantı • Her proje için en çok 4 seyahat 1.500 Avro’ya kadar destek U2020 Tüm Bileşenler Organizasyon Desteği • Yurtiçi, yurtdışı organizasyonlar • En çok iki gün • Salon kirası, ikram, teknik ekipmanlar, koordinatör adayı ve ekipten 1 kişinin seyahati 30.000 TL’ye kadar destek 39 U2020 Koordinatörlüğü Destekleme Programı TÜBİTAK Proje yazma-sunma eğitimi desteğiProje yazdırma desteği • Koordinatör Adayı ve araştırma ekibinden en çok 2 kişi • Eğitime katılım ile seyahat ve konaklama giderleri • Eğitimlere katılım (Finansal konular, Fikri Mülkiyet, Proje fikrini projeye dönüştürme vb. ) 6.000 Avro’ya kadar destek • Her proje için en çok 1 defa • Proje fikrinin uzman kişi veya kuruluş tarafından projeye dönüştürülmesi 15.000 Avro’ya kadar destek Proje ön-değerlendirme desteği • Projenin uzman kişi veya kuruluş tarafından incelenerek sunuma hazır hale getirilmesi • Her proje için en çok 1 defa 8.000 Avro’ya kadar destek 40 U2020 Eşik Üstü Ödülü TÜBİTAK Başvuru , Uygunluk Ölçütleri ve Belgeler Ödül Tutarı Belgeler Çok ortaklı Proje: Ortak : 3.500 € Koordinatör : 7.000 € • Başvuru formu • Bağımsız değerlendirme sonuç raporu SME Projesi : 5.250 € • MSCA Projeleri 80 Puan 90 Puan Proje yürütücüsü ve varsa ekibinin listesini gösteren proje başvurusu sahibi kurum/kuruluşlardan alınan yazı : 2.000 € : 3.000 € Ödemeler ERC Ödül Tutarları A Puan Yedek Liste : 12.000 € A Puan Yedek Dışı : 9.000 € B Puan : 6.000 € • Ödemeler proje yürütücüsü ve ekibine • Çağrı Özelinde Belirlenen Eşik Üstü Puanlar • Proje tekrar sunulup başarılı olursa Başarı Ödülü için başvuru hakkı 41 U2020 Başarı Ödülü TÜBİTAK Başarı Ödülü Projedeki Türk ortağın Bütçe Dilimi (Avro) Formül 0-250.000 Ortak: 3.500€ + (bütçe x 7%)=A Koordinatör: A x 2 Ortak: 8.500€ + (bütçe x 5%) =B Koordinatör: B x 2 Ortak: 28.500€ + (bütçe x 3% ) =C Koordinatör: C x 2 250.000-1.000.000 >1.000.000 Hesaplama Proje Tutarı Formül Ortak Koordinatör 220.000 3.500€ + (bütçe x 7%) 18.900 37.800 500.000 8.500€ + (bütçe x 5%) 33.500 67.000 1.200.000 28.500€ + (bütçe x 3% ) 64.500 129.000 42 UKO İletişim Bilgileri TÜBİTAK • Websitesi • Araştırma Altyapıları Ulusal İrtibat Noktası – Mina YEŞİLYURT – [email protected] – 0312 298 9422 • Diğer alanların UİNlerinin iletişim bilgileri 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 43 TÜBİTAK SABRINIZ VE İLGİNİZ İÇİN TEŞEKKÜR EDERİM... 12/08/2015 Koç Üniversitesi 44