1 turkmenistan national forum on “youth employment and


1 turkmenistan national forum on “youth employment and
 1st TURKMENISTAN NATIONAL FORUM ON “YOUTH EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP” February 26th 2016, Ashgabat Date:26/02/2016 Location: TSITC , 3-­‐rd floor, hall Objectives: • Report on objectives and outcomes of the UNIWORK project; • Impact of the UNIWORK project; • “The analysis of social policy being implemented by the President of Turkmenistan on the youth employmentand support for development of youth entrepreneurship” ; • “Population’s demographic development and solution of the issues concerning young women and girls employment”; • “Priority directions in the economy development: transport and communication as a factor of increase of youthemployment”; • “Modernization of the education sector in Turkmenistan – a pledge of stable development of national economy”; • ”Development of small and medium enterprises and the main issues on youth employment in country regions"; • “Entreprenuership, profiles and competences needed” • “Student internship” • “Operation of Career centre” • “Career Centre networking” • Discussions Invited participating institutions: TSITC, TSIEM, “Turkmenbaha” company, “Hukuk we Biznes mekdebi”, Ministry of education, Institute of International relations , International University of oil and gas, Personnel Agency "Ösüş”, Head of Women`s Union, Union of Entrepreneurs, Labor Stock, Consulting agency “Orlan” UNIWORK – Strengthening Career Centres in Central Asia Higher Education 2
Institutions to empower graduates in obtaining and creating quality employment Project Reference # 544126-­‐TEMPUS -­‐1-­‐2013-­‐1-­‐ES-­‐ TEMPUS-­‐JPHES AGENDA Friday 26/02/2016
Venue: Turkmen state institute of transport and communication
3-rd floor Hall
From to duration 8.30 Registration in TSITC hall 9.00 9.05 5’ Welcome speech by rector of TSITC N . Kuliyev 9.05 9.10 5’ Welcome speech by Head of National Erasmus+ Office of Turkmenistan Ayna Chorekliyeva 9.10 9.25 15’ “Modernization of the education sector in Turkmenistan – a pledge of stable development of national economy”-­‐ Hemra Hayyrov, Representative of the Ministry of Education 9.25 9.40 15 Project UNIWORK – video presentation by representative of grantholderCristina Beans, University of Alicante, Spain 9.40 9.55 15’ “Report on objectives and outcomes of the UNIWORK project in Turkmenistan” Sapargul Valiyeva coordinator of TM team, TSITC 9.55 10.10 15’ “The analysis of social policy being implemented by the President of Turkmenistan on the youth employmentand support for development of youth entrepreneurship” – Maya Babayeva, PhD professor, TSIEM 10.10 10.25 15’ “Population’s demographic development and solution of the issues concerning young women and girls employment” Bayramova Maral, 5-­‐th year student, TSITC 10.25 10.40 15’ ”Development of small and medium enterprises and the main issues on youth employment in country regions"-­‐AhmetDivanov and Natalya Sayfulayeva “Turkmenbaha” company 10.40 to 11.00 COFFEE BREAK 11.00 11.15 15’ “Student internship” Aygozel Arlanova, TSIEM 11.15 11.30 15’
“Entrepreneurship, profiles and competences needed” Nurmyrat Orazgeldiev, TSIEM 11.30 11.45 15’
“Career Centre networking” Berdimyrat Orazov, TSIEM, Hezretov Batyr TSITC 11.45 12.00 15’
“Priority directions in the economy development: transport and communication as a factor of increase of youth employment”-­‐ Oraz Charyyev,ТSITC 12.00 12.15 15’
“Operation of Career centre” Gulshirin Annadurdyeva, TSIEM 12.15 12.35 20’
“Students – volunteer work for Asia Olimpic games” –Bayramova Keyik, student 4 KYD, faculty of Transport construction and economy, Rejepova Gyzylgul head of volunteers group in TSIEM UNIWORK – Strengthening Career Centres in Central Asia Higher Education 3
Institutions to empower graduates in obtaining and creating quality employment Project Reference # 544126-­‐TEMPUS -­‐1-­‐2013-­‐1-­‐ES-­‐ TEMPUS-­‐JPHES 12.35 12.50 15’
Students business competiton – Suleyman Nokerow student of 5 OTPA, Telecommunication faculty TSITC 12.50 to 14.00 LUNCH 14.00 14.15 15’ Inauguration Ceremony of TSITC Career Centre 14.15 14.45 30’ Discussions of Conclusions reached at the end of the Forum–
Gulnabat Gurdova (TSIEM), Sapargul Valiyeva (TSITC) 14.45 15.00 15’ Closing questions and comments, discussions all participants 15.00 15.15 15’ Preparation of White papers Policy, recommendations –Gulnabat Gurdova (TSIEM), Sapargul Valiyeva (TSITC) 15.15 15.25 10’ Closing remarks vice rector of TSITC Wellekow Dortguly 15.30 16.30 60’ Guided visit to Turkmen State Institute of Transport and Communication 16.30 17.00 •
Faculty of Railway transport (Specialized auditoriums)
Career Centre of TSITC
Young scientists laboratory
Faculty of _Telecommunication (Specialized auditoriums)
Library (e-library of TM universities)
Sport complex
Venue: Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management
18.00 60’ Guided visit to Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management Inauguration Ceremony of TSIEM Career Centre
Faculty of Economics (Specialized auditoriums)
Faculty of Finance (Specialized auditoriums)
Faculty of Management (Specialized auditoriums)
Faculty of Marketing (Specialized auditoriums)
Library (e-library)
Sport complex
UNIWORK – Strengthening Career Centres in Central Asia Higher Education 4
Institutions to empower graduates in obtaining and creating quality employment Project Reference # 544126-­‐TEMPUS -­‐1-­‐2013-­‐1-­‐ES-­‐ TEMPUS-­‐JPHES Meýilnama: 26/02/20168.30 9.00 9.05 9.05 9.10 5 5 9.10 9.25 15 9.25 9.40 15 9.40 9.55 15 9.55 10.10 15 10.10 10.25 15 10.25 10.40 15 TDU we AI , 3-nji gaty, kiçi mejlisler zaly
Myhmanlary garşylamak TDU we AI rektorynyň N.Kuliýewyň çykyşy Türkmenistanyň Milli Erasmus+ offisynyň ýolbaşçysy Aýna Çörekliýewanyň çykyşy “ Türkmenistanyň bilim ulgamynyň kämilleşmegi – milli ykdysadyýetiň durnukly ösüşiniň esasy” Türkmenistanyň Bilim Ministrliginiň wekili Hemra Haýyrow Proýektyň presentasiýasy, Kristina Beans grant saklaýjy, Alikante uniwersiteti, Ispaniýa “Uniwork proýektyň maksatlary we garaşylýan netijeleri” Sapargül Waliýewa, koordinator TDU weAI “Hormatly Prezidentimiziň alyp barýan durmuş syýasaty ýaşlaryň iş bilen üpjünçiliginiň we ýaş telekeçileriň döwlet tarapyndan goldanylmagynyň esasy” Maýa Babaýewa, y.y.k., TDYweDI ”Döwletimizde ýaş gelin gyzlaryň iş bilen üpjünçiliginiň meseleleri” Baýramoýa Maral, 5-­‐nji ýyl talyp KYD hünäri “Döwletimiziň sebitlerinde kiçi we orta telekeçiligiň ösüşi we ýaşlaryň iş bilen üpjünçiliginiň esasy ugurlary” Ahmet Diwanow we Natalya Saýfulaýeva “Türkmenbaha” HJ arakesme “Talyplaryň önümçilik tejribeliginiň guralşy” Aýgözel Arlanowa , TDY we DI “ Önümçilik tejribeligi, hünär ugurlary we iş üçin wajyp başarnyklary” Nurmyrat Orazgeldyýew, TDY we DI “Karýera merkezleriň internet ulgamy” BerdimyratOrazow, TDY we DI Hezretow Batyr, TDU we AI “Ykdysady ösüşiň ileri tutulýan ugurlary: ulag we aragatnaşyk ulgamlaryň ösüşi -­‐ýaşlaryň iş üpjünçiliginiň artmagynyň faktory hökmünde” Oraz Charýyew, TDU we AI “Ýewropanyň uniwersitetlerinde Karýera merkeziniň hyzmatlary”” Gulşirin Annadurdýyewa, TDY we DI “Asiýa Olimpiadasyna wolontýer talyplaryň taýynlanmagy” Baýramowa Keýik, talyp Ulag gurluşygy we ykdysadyýet fakulteti, TDU we AI Rejepowa Gyzylgül, TDY we DI wolontýerlar toparynyň ýolbaşçysy “Talyplaryň ylmy işleri we olaryň önümçilige ornaşdyrylmagy” 10.40 to 11.00 11.00 11.15 15 11.15 11.30 15
11.30 11.45 15
11.45 12.00 15
12.00 12.15 15
12.15 12.35 20
12.35 12.50 15
UNIWORK – Strengthening Career Centres in Central Asia Higher Education 5
Institutions to empower graduates in obtaining and creating quality employment Project Reference # 544126-­‐TEMPUS -­‐1-­‐2013-­‐1-­‐ES-­‐ TEMPUS-­‐JPHES 12.50 14.00 14.00 70 14.15 15 14.15 15.00 45 15.00 16.00 60 16.30 16.30 18.00 Suleýman Nökerow, talyp Argatnaşyk fakulteti, TDU we AI arakesme TDU we AI-­‐da“Uçurymlaryň iş bilen üpjünçiligine gözegçilik edýan tejribehananyň” dabaraly açylyşy Duşyşygyň netijeleri boýunça özara pikir alyşmak, teklipleri jemlemek. Gulnabat Gurdowa (TDY we DI), Sapargül Waliýewa (TDU we AI), hemme gatnaşyjylar. TDU we AI-­‐nyň tejribehanalaryny myhmanlara görkezmek: • Aragatnaşyk fakulteti • Demir ýol ulagy fakulteti • Ýaş alymlaryň taslama çylaryň tejribehanasy • Kitaphana • Sport kompleksy Türkmen döwlet ykdysadyýet we dolandyryş institut
Myhmanlara TDY we DI-­‐nyň tejribehanalaryny we okuw otaglaryny görkezmek: • TDY we DI“Uçurymlaryň iş bilen üpjünçiligine gözegçilik edýan tejribehananyň” dabaraly açylyşy • Ykdysadyýet fakulteti • Maliýe fakulteti • Menejment fakulteti • Marketing fakulteti • Sport kompleksy Ýewropa Bileleşigi bilen Türkmenistanyň arasyndaky hyzmatdaşlygyň çäginde
amala aşyrylýan 544126- TEMPUS-1-2013-ES-TEMPUS JPHES belgili “Merkezi
Aziýanyň ýokary okuw mekdeplerinde uçurymlara talabalaýyk iş ýerlerini
döretmek üçin iş üpjünçilik merkezlerini döretmek we kämilleşdirmek” UNIWORK
taslamasy b/ça aralyk duşuşygynyň iş tertibiniň meýilnamasy.
UNIWORK – Strengthening Career Centres in Central Asia Higher Education 6
Institutions to empower graduates in obtaining and creating quality employment Project Reference # 544126-­‐TEMPUS -­‐1-­‐2013-­‐1-­‐ES-­‐ TEMPUS-­‐JPHES 

Benzer belgeler

1 - Unesco

1 - Unesco • “The  analysis  of  social  policy  being  implemented  by  the  President  of  Turkmenistan  on  the   youth  employmentand  support  for  development  of ...
