Katalog - argos in Cappadocia


Katalog - argos in Cappadocia
Sunufl / Foreward
Bir ruyaya uyanmak...
Kimi yaln›zca gezmeye gelir bir diyar›, kimi doyas›ya yaflamaya her an›... Kimi beklentilerini
tafl›r yan›nda, kimi meraklar›n›... Kimi an›lar biriktirmekle yetinir, kimi anlamlarla donat›r
Icindekiler / Content
Uçhisar 50240 Nevflehir, Turkey
Tel:+90 384 219 31 30 Fax:+90 384 219 20 55
Kapadokya'n›n kalbindeki Eski Uçhisar Köyü'nde; binlerce y›ll›k bir manast›r yerleflkesi,
Kapadokya / Cappadocia
restorasyonuyla hayata geçirilen Argos in Cappadocia; eflsiz bir konaklama deneyiminin
Mimari / Architecture
yan› s›ra, konuklar›na anlam dolu bir bak›fl aç›s› sunuyor.
Yaflama Alanlar› / Living Spaces
Yatak Odalar› / Bedrooms
Splendid Süitler / Splendid Suites
Banyolar / Bathrooms
Teras ve Bahçeler / Terraces and Gardens
Tüneller / Tunnels
günbat›m›n›n, Erciyes'in, güvercinlerin, üzüm ba¤lar›n›n, manast›rlar›n, mevsimlerin,
Balonlar / Ballooning
renklerin dilinden konuflan bir yaflam alan›n›n benzersiz atmosferini hep birlikte solumak,
Üzüm ve fiarap / Grapes and Wine
tenimizde hissetmek için...
Köy / Village
Mimari Detaylar / Architectural Details
Güvercinler / Rock Doves
Tinsellik / Spirituality
Vadiler / Valleys
buna ba¤l› ma¤aralar, yer alt› tünelleri ve tarihi evlerden oluflan kal›nt›lar›n titiz
Kal›plaflm›fl kartpostallar, foto¤raflar, basmakal›p hediyelik eflyalar ve h›zland›r›lm›fl
turlarla adeta iki boyuta indirgenmeye çal›fl›lan Kapadokya'n›n gerçekli¤ini kavrayabilmek
için turistik kliflelerin ötesine geçebilmek, farkl› bir zaman ve mekân alg›s› gelifltirmek
gerektiriyor. Bu anlay›flla hizmet veren Argos in Cappadocia'y›, y›llar önce izini sürmeye
bafllad›¤›m›z büyülü gerçekli¤i paylaflmak, paylaflt›kça de¤er katmak için kurduk. fiafa¤›n,
Bir rüyaya uyanmak için, her sabah...
Wake up to a dream...
Some come to this land simply to tour and some come to savor every moment... Some arrive armed with preconceptions and some bring with them
a sense of wonder... Some are happy to take away a few memories and some go home enriched for life...
Located in the heart of Cappadocia on the site of an ancient monastery in Old Uçhisar Village, Argos in Cappadocia has carefully restored the remains
of historical dwellings, underground tunnels and caves to offer our guests not only an unsurpassed place to stay but a unique perspective from which
to view this magical land.
Beyond the postcards, the photo opportunities, the souvenirs and the accelerated tours awaits the real Cappadocia, and the best way to discover it is
to step into another world and another time. And that's exactly what we at Argos in Cappadocia set out to do some years ago: to discover and to
reveal for our guests the real enchantment of Cappadocia. To create a space that lives and breathes the spectacular sunrises and sunsets, that speaks
the language of Mount Erciyes, of rock doves and pigeons, of vineyards and monasteries, and of the vibrant colors of the changing seasons...
Wake up to a dream with each new dawn...
Kapadokya / Cappadocia
Poetry born from the ashes...
A stunning terrain formed over
millions of years by the lava and
ashes spewed from Mount Erciyes
and Mount Hasanda¤›; carved by
water and wind over millennia; and
sculpted ivory-like by monks, priests
and master stone cutters... A dizzying
miracle of nature, adorned in bridal
white in winter, decked out in red
roses and gurgling fountains in
spring, full of wild oleaster and
nightingale song come summer...
Kullerden dogan bir siir...
Milyonlarca y›l önce Erciyes ve Hasanda¤›'n›n püskürttü¤ü
lavlar ve küllerden do¤an; biny›llar boyu erozyonun,
keflifllerin, rahiplerin ve tafl ustalar›n›n nak›fl gibi iflledi¤i
benzersiz bir co¤rafya... K›fl›n beyaz gelinli¤ini giyen,
baharda p›narlar›n fl›r›lt›s›yla coflan, k›rm›z› güllerle ala
bulanan, yaz›n bülbül namelerinin yabani i¤de kokular›na
kar›flt›¤› bafl döndüren bir do¤a harikas›...
Kapadokya platosuna hâkim,
Baflhisar ve Ortahisar'a yukar›dan bakan, bulutlarla dost
Uçhisar... Eteklerindeki Güvercinlik Vadisi'ne yay›lan
birbirinden güzel evler, konaklar, bunlar› ba¤layan yer
alt› tünelleri, kiliseler, manast›rlar, p›narlarla bir masal
diyar›... Her sabah Erciyes'i selamlayarak uyanan, her
akflam ay›n ilk ›fl›klar›yla gümüfle boyanan, yüzy›llar
boyu Kapadokya halklar›na ev sahipli¤i yapm›fl tarihi bir
Towering above it all...
Companion to the clouds, Uçhisar boasts panoramic views of the Cappadocia plateau and looks out over the natural
fortresses of Baflhisar and Ortahisar... Spread out along Pigeon Valley (Güvercinlik Vadisi), its foothills are a
fairyland of charming houses and sprawling mansions connected by underground tunnels, of churches, monasteries
and freshwater springs... A unique heritage, and for centuries one of the foremost dwelling places of the people of
Cappadocia, Uçhisar salutes majestic Mount Erciyes every morning and is bathed in silver moonlight every night...
Mimari / Architecture
Respecting a legacy...
Ever mindful of the aesthetic charms of this traditional village, with its unique location, hillside
layered with homes and sprawling estates of interconnected dwellings and living spaces, painstaking
renovation and restoration was conducted primarily as a way to preserve and enhance this legacy
for future generations and only after lengthy consultation with master architect Turgut Cansever...
Mirasa deger katmak...
Özel konumu, yamaca kademeler halinde yay›lan konaklar›,
yaflam alanlar›n› birbirine ba¤layan tünel ve sokaklar›, otantik yerleflime olan
estetik sadakati ile, ustalar›n ustas› Turgut Cansever'in sanat dan›flmanl›¤›nda
gerçeklefltirilen ve bir mimari miras›, gelecek kuflaklara daha da zenginlefltirerek
b›rakabilmek için giriflilmifl uzun soluklu bir yenileme/yeniden biçimlendirme
Mimari / Architecture
1997 y›l›ndan bu yana sürdürülen sab›rl› ve titiz çal›flmalar sonucu ortaya ç›kan ve belli
oranda dönüflen, ama içlerindeki ruhu aynen koruyan görkemli konaklar, zarif süslemeler,
huzurlu yaflam alanlar›; bülbüllerin daha bir zevkle kondu¤u, ibibik kufllar›n›n merakla
bakt›¤›, güvercinlerin içinde y›kand›¤› peyzaj alanlar›, binalar, güvercinlikler...
The soul of a place; a place for the soul...
Patient and painstaking renovations launched in 1997 remain faithful to the spirit of
the existing decorative touches and tranquil living spaces, with certain interpretative
landscaping, building and rookery modifications designed to create an even more
welcoming habitat for nesting nightingales, inquisitive hoopoes and bathing pigeons...
Yaflama Alanlar› / Living Spaces
The height of simple good taste...
‹çinden geçilip gidilsin diye de¤il, her an›nda, her noktas›nda yaflanabilsin,
tad›na doyas›ya var›labilsin diye kurgulanm›fl, binlerce y›l›n görkemine küçük dokunufllar
ve basit birkaç nesne eklenerek ortaya ç›kar›lm›fl yaflama alanlar›...
Living spaces designed to heighten the simple pleasures
of life: Inviting nooks and crannies,
age-old stone enlivened by simple touches,
the discerning placement of a few
unpretentious objects...
Yaflama Alanlar› / Living Spaces
The mists of time...
Interior spaces balancing the ancient and
that remains faithful to an architectural
aesthetic developed over the ages... Ancient
caves have been subtly illuminated,
transformed into bedrooms and sitting
rooms, or into restful spots to curl up in
front of the fireplace - just as their original
inhabitants did in centuries past...
Yeni ile eskinin d›flar›ya yans›yan dengeli birlikteli¤ini
içeride de koruyan, biny›llar öncesine ait estetik mimari
çözümlerin bugünün diliyle harmanland›¤› iç mekânlar...
Huzurla soluk al›nan, flömine bafl›nda keyif çat›lan, ›fl›¤›n
en nazl› haliyle sal›narak girdi¤i, kimi zaman iki bin y›ll›k
ma¤aralar›n içindeki sonsuz karanl›¤›n hafifçe
ayd›nlat›ld›¤›, yüzy›llar önce yaflayanlar›n miras›n› gün
›fl›¤›na ç›karan odalar, salonlar...
Yatak Odalar› / Bedrooms
Uykunun otesinde bir haz...
Yaln›zca uyumak için de¤il; tarihle birlikte soluk al›p veren, el eme¤iyle ifllenmifl tafllar›n, ma¤ara
duvarlar›n›n öyküsünü dinlemek ve geride b›rak›lan günün damakta kalan tad›n› bir kez daha yaflamak
için yarat›lm›fl, sonsuzlu¤a aç›lan kap›lar› olan, s›cac›k yatma mekânlar›...
The art of sleep...
Steeped in history and hand-carved out of stone,
these chambers are not for mere slumber. Reflect
upon another eventful day as the cave walls whisper
tales, lulling you into deepest sleep...
Splendid Süitler / Splendid Suites
Muhtesemi yasamak...
Yüzy›llar önce keflifllerin inzivaya çekildi¤i
ma¤aralar›n duvarlar›nda, insan›n ruhunu
ar›nd›ran masmavi bir rüyan›n yans›malar›
var flimdi...
Yaflam alanlar›n›n bir bölümü özel havuzlara
dönüfltürülerek tasarlanan büyüleyici süitler,
iç ve d›fl mekân aras›ndaki al›fl›ld›k çizgiyi
ortadan kald›rarak, konaklama deneyimini
lüksün ötesine, bir masal dünyas›na tafl›yor...
Luxuriate in perfection...
The walls of caves that centuries ago sheltered
hermits and holy men now shimmer with a soulpurifying blue light ... The living spaces of these
enchanting suites have been outfitted with specially
designed pools, eliminating the conventional
boundaries between inner and exterior design and
definitions of luxurious accommodation...
Banyolar / Bathrooms
The stuff of dreams...
At the end of the day,
a revitalizing shower and soft warm towel
await you in the seclusion of one of the
numerous caves Cappadocians have been
hollowing out of the local soft volcanic rock
since antiquity...
Dreams really do come true...
Hayali cihan deger...
‹lk Ça¤'dan bu yana Kapadokya'ya özgü tüflü kayalar›n oyulmas›yla bölge insanlar› taraf›ndan oluflturulan
ma¤aralar›n kuytular›nda, unutulmaz bir günün yorgunlu¤unu atmak için harika bir dufl ve s›cac›k
havlular... Hayali bile bir baflka güzel...
Teras ve Bahçeler / Terraces and Gardens
Ac gonlunu seyreyle...
Uçhisar Kalesi'nin eteklerinden bafllay›p güneye k›vr›lan
Güvercinlik Vadisi'ne, oradan da yöreye özgü uçsuz bucaks›z
platolara ve heybetli Erciyes Da¤›'na uzanan; flafa¤›n bülbüllerle,
günbat›m›n›n ay ›fl›¤›yla bulufltu¤u eflsiz bir manzara... Yaflam
alanlar›n› birbirine ba¤layan cennet bahçeleri, teraslar... Her
odada, her konakta bir baflka aç›, bir baflka büyü...
A fresh perspective...
Living spaces are interconnected with luxuriant gardens and sun-soaked terraces that afford
panoramic views extending from the foothills of Uçhisar Fortress to Güvercinlik Valley, all
the way beyond the endless steppe to majestic Mount Erciyes... Each room and each mansion
offers a different window onto a hauntingly beautiful backdrop, admired to morning birdsong
or under a silver moon...
Tüneller / Tunnels
Binlerce y›ll›k manast›r yerleflkesinin
alt›nda keflfetti¤imiz 5,5 km.lik tarihi bir
tünel ve konaklar› birbirine ba¤layan yer
alt› flehri... Bir zamanlar bölge sakinlerinin
güvenlik amac›yla kayalara oydu¤u geçitler
ve yaflam alanlar›, flimdi özel mahzenlere,
Notes from the underground...
s›ra d›fl› buluflma noktalar›na ev sahipli¤i
yap›yor Argos in Cappadocia'da...
Discovered under the grounds of an ancient monastery, an historical five-and-a-half kilometer tunnel and an
underground city connecting various mansions... At one time a subterranean warren of passages and living
spaces hollowed out as sanctuaries and hidden shelters, it now houses the private wine cellars and extraordinary
meeting rooms of Argos in Cappadocia...
Balonlar / Ballooning
Bir masala yukselmek...
Her köflesinde ayr› bir sürpriz sakl› uçsuz bucaks›z Kapadokya
vadilerini ad›m ad›m gezmek baflka bir haz verir, gökyüzünden
izlemek baflka... Gündo¤umuyla birlikte yükselen rengârenk
balonlar›n kendileri baflka bir manzara, ufkundakiler bir
Spirits soar up and away...
The Cappadocian valleys are full of twists
and turns, with breathtaking surprises
around every corner, whether explored
on foot or viewed from the air... The
vibrantly colored balloons sailing up into
rose-tinted dawn are a spectacle unto
Üzüm ve fiarap / Grapes and Wine
Baglardan bardaklara...
Bir bölümü Argos in Cappadocia peyzaj› içinde yer alan
kendi ba¤lar›m›zda, eleme¤i, göz nuru ile yetifltirilip ifllenen
"Kalecik Karas›", "fiiraz" ve "Misket" üzümleri, özel flaraplar
olarak sunuluyor konuklar›m›za;
befl duyu ve ötesine hitap eden yerel flölen onlarla
tamamlan›yor. Üzüm ve flarab›n anavatan›na dönüflüne
kalk›yor kadehler...
From vine to wineglass...
The "Kalecik Karas›", "fiiraz" and "Misket" grapes lovingly
tended in our vineyards, some of which are integrated into the
garden landscaping of Argos in Cappadocia, are presented to
our guests as fine local wines that delight the five senses and
more. Vineyards and wineries are once again flourishing in
their original homeland, and our glasses are raised in joyous
Köy / Village
Open your arms, O Uchisar!..
‹niflli ç›k›fll› sokaklar›nda kaybolmadan, her kap›s›nda, her detay›nda bir öykünün hayalini kurmadan,
bitkin düflene dek ucunu buca¤›n› dolaflmadan tad› ç›kar›lm›fl say›lmaz Uçhisar'›n... Kay›s› kurutan
teyzeye selam edin bizden, çoban kardefle selam...
You haven't fully enjoyed Uçhisar
until you've explored its nooks and
crannies, imagined the stories hidden
in the details of each gate and door,
and wandered its maze of alleys until
your legs will take you no further...
Send our greetings to the aunt busily
drying apricots and to our brother,
the shepherd...
Mimari Detaylar / Architectural Details
Yüzy›llar›n imbi¤inden süzülmüfl mimari gelenekler,
gizlenen ak›l almaz incelikler...
Tüm bunlar Argos in Cappadocia'da özenle oluflturulan
mekân kurgusunun ayr›lmaz unsurlar›:
Her bir nesneye, dokuya, renge, her ›fl›k hüzmesine
damgas›n› vuran yal›n ve rafine tercihler...
The silent song of details...
Architectural traditions perfected over centuries, stonecutting techniques passed
from father to son, an amazingly subtle style hidden in the details: This is the design
philosophy meticulously brought to life at
Argos in Cappadocia. Austere refinement, from objet d'art and textures,
to colors and lighting...
Güvercinler / Rock Doves
Love takes wing...
Üzüm ba¤lar›n›n verim tanr›s›; seviflmenin, koklaflman›n perileri, bölge co¤rafya ve mimarisini
belirleyecek kadar önemli, nadide varl›klar... Günün her saatinde üzerimizden selam çakarak geçer
güvercinler, kimi zaman teras ve bahçelerimizde y›kan›rlar, kimi zaman güvercinliklerden göz
k›rparlar... Onlar hepimizden fazla bural›, hep öyle kalacaklar...
Precious winged
creatures so treasured
they have shaped a
its architecture... The
stuff of folklore and
legend, rock doves and
pigeons bring fertility to
the vineyards and
They call out to us from
above, bathe in our
terraces and gardens,
wink and nod from their
rookeries... Now and
forever the native sons
of Cappadocia...
Tinsellik / Spirituality
Holy of holies...
Situated in the heart of Cappadocia is the largest monastery complex in the world... Churches and chapels, large and small,
waiting round each corner to be discovered... Local guides are on hand to recount legends and provide historical background
- or just poke your head into a hollowed formation and let the frescoes whisper their timeless tales...
Kutsal hazinelerin izinde...
Dünyan›n en büyük manast›r yerleflkesi Kapadokya'n›n kalbinde, her
biri gizli sakl› köflelerde keflfedilmeyi bekleyen, irili ufakl› say›s›z kilise
ve flapel... Kimi rehberler eflli¤inde, efsanelere kar›flan birer tarih dersi
gibi karfl›n›za ç›kar, kimi boynunuzu uzatt›¤›n›z dar bir kovukta gizemli
öyküsünü yaln›zca size f›s›ldar...
Vadiler / Valleys
Periler ulkesinde gezinti...
P›narlar›n y›kad›¤›, güvercinlerin kanat sesleri ve bülbüllerin flark›lar› eflli¤inde gezilen, üzüm ba¤lar›, elma
bahçeleri, mis kokulu kay›s› a¤açlar›n›n bezedi¤i, içinde kaybolman›n insana büyük huzur verdi¤i k›vr›m k›vr›m
vadiler ve ezelden beri bafllar›nda nöbet bekleyen flapkal› devler...
A fairyland journey...
Winding valley washed by springs, here a patchwork of vineyards, there an apple
grove; apricot blossom scented stillness broken by beat of dove-wing and song
of nightingale... The entrances to ravines and canyons flanked since time immemorial
by giant sentinels with hats of stone...
Open Sesame...
Now the heart of Argos in
Cappadocia, this space has
been the spiritual home of
monks, a lodging house for
camel-driven Silk Road
caravans and, until a century
a facility producing linseed
oil ... With its remarkable
acoustics and pair of giant
domes, the latest incarnation
of this amazing structure is
as a venue for arts events,
meetings and social
1500 y›l önce keflifllerin ve rahiplerin bar›nd›¤›, ‹pek Yolu’nda seyreden deve kervanlar›n›n konaklad›¤›, yüz
y›l öncesine dek bezirya¤› üretilen bu mekân, Argos in Cappadocia'n›n kalbi niteli¤inde...
Ola¤anüstü akusti¤i ve iki dev kubbesiyle, izlenmeye doyum olmayacak sanat etkinliklerine ve unutulmaz
buluflmalara ev sahipli¤i yapmak için yeniden yarat›lm›fl büyüleyici bir yap›...
Argos in Cappadocia Sanat Dan›flman› /Artistic Consultant: Turgut Cansever
Grafik Tasar›m & ‹llüstrasyonlar / Graphic Design & Illustrations: Biçem fiinik
Editör / Editor: Dost Kip
Uçhisar 50240 Nevflehir, Turkey Tel:+90 384 219 31 30 Fax:+90 384 219 20 55 www.argosincappadocia.com
Çeviri / Translation: Kenneth Dakan

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