Nunivak Cup`ig Plant and Animal Names


Nunivak Cup`ig Plant and Animal Names
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları
Nunivak Cup’ig Plant and Animal Names
Ümüt Çınar
Mayıs 2012
birinci baskı
Sayfa 1
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
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Central Alaskan Yup’ik & Cup’ik & Cup’ig (esu)-speaking Area
Sayfa 2
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Animalia (animals «» hayvanlar)
animal «» hayvan
fur; feather «» tüy, kıl
melqur (Cup'igDict)
quarter of an animal «»
mimernar (Cup'igDict)
claw of animal «»
cetumqur (Cup'igDict)
animal dens «»
igigta (Cup'igDict)
pet animal or bird «»
tagutuar(ar) (Cup'igDict)
Mammalia (mammals «» memeliler)
marine mammals, sea mammals «» deniz memelileri
imarpillar (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Phocoena phocoena
harbor porpoise «» musur
mangaqcuar (sg) mangaqcuat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as harbor porpoise], Curtis 1930 [as muṇ-ṹk-ćho-at
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Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
§ Ellikarrmiut 1997: The dense fisheries support a variety of pinnipeds (Burt and Grossenheider 1976; Nowak 1988b), including Northern
sea lions (Eumetopias jubatas), Alaskan fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus), harbor seals (Phoca vitulina), ribbon seals (Histriophoca fasciata)
and bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus). The shallow waters around Nunivak generally host low cetacean populations, although beluga
(Delphinapterus leucas), Dall porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli), and orcas (Orcinas orca) occasionally visit the area.
Delphinapterus leucas
beluga, beluga whale, belukha, white whale «» beyaz balina
cetuar (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as ćh‘t-tó-ɪt])
Orcinus orca
killer whale «» katil balina
arrlug (sg) arrluut (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as áḣ-slut kitten whale])
jumping whale «»
{?} tŭṇ-ó-yu-lɪk (sg) (Curtis 1930 [as jumping whale])
Balaena mysticetus
bowhead whale, bowhead (locally: black whale) «» Grönland balinası
arver (sg) (Cup'igDict [as whale])
scientific name
black whale «»
ćhí-kaḣ-tóḣ-tɪk (Curtis 1930 [as black whale]). The "black whale" is a vernacular name for certain
whales: 1. sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), 2. North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica),
3. bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus)
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Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Physeter macrocephalus
sperm whale «» ispermeçet balinası
{?} a-gṹn-vu-rɪt (sg) (Curtis 1930 [as sperm whale]). cf. arveret (bowhead whales)
seals «» foklar, yüzgeçayaklılar
taqukar (sg) taqukat (pl) (Cup'igDict)
foot; walrus or seal flipper «»
tukulleg (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Odobenus rosmarus divergens
walrus (subspecies: Pacific walrus) «» mors
kaugpag (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as kṹḣ-pŭḣ])
enormous male walrus «»
nukarrlugar (sg) (Cup'igDict)
walrus on ice «»
nunawag (sg) (Cup'igDict)
metacarpel in walrus flipper «»
pasvig (sg) (Cup'igDict)
ivory; tusk «» fildişi
tugkarer (sg) (Cup'igDict)
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Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Erignathus barbatus
bearded seal «» sakallı fok
maklag (sg) maklit (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as mṹk-lŭk sea-lion])
bull bearded seal which is "singing" under water, large male bearded seal giving its mating call,
bearded seal in rut «» çiftleşme döneminde böğüren iri erkek sakallı fok
qalzrir (Cup'igDict)
bearded seal pup, baby bearded seal , bearded seal in its first year «» [yenidoğan] sakallı fok yavrusu
amirkar [lit. “raw material for a pelt”] (Cup'igDict)
pregnant bearded seal «» gebe sakallı fok
imlauleg (Cup'igDict)
bearded seal on ice floe «» yüzer buz parçası üzerindeki sakallı fok
uginar (Cup'igDict)
mother bearded seal swimming near an ice floe on which her pup is «»
uginagumar (Cup'igDict)
bearded seal with very long beard «»
ungagcirer (Cup'igDict)
red faced bearded seal, bearded seal with red head «»
ayugeswig (Cup'igDict)
bearded seal with dark fur «»
ullacug (Cup'igDict)
white bearded seal «»
qusngir [lit. “reindeer”] (Cup'igDict)
Phoca vitulina
harbor seal, common seal «» liman foku
Sayfa 6
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Phoca largha
spotted seal «» benekli fok
suuri (Cup'igDict)
issuri (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as i-só-wɪḣ spotted seal])
qayigyar (Cup'igDict)
adolescent (two-year-old) spotted seal «» genç (ergin, iki yaşında) benekli fok
one-year-old spotted seal «» bir yaşında benekli fok
spotted seal pup, baby spotted seal «» [yenidoğan] benekli fok yavrusu
Histriophoca fasciata, Phoca fasciata
ribbon seal, saddle-backed seal (Curtis 1930) «»
qasruleg (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as kặ-zu-gú-lŭḣ saddle-backed seal]).
§ Curtis'te "saddle-backed seal" adı apaçık fasciata türü için kullanılıyor. Aslında saddle-backed seal
(ya da saddleback seal) adı harp seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) için kullanılır ve groenlandicus türü
Alaska dahil Pasifik Arktikasında bulunmaz, Atlantik Arktikasında görülür.
Pusa hispida, Phoca hispida
ringed seal, ring seal, hair seal, winter seal, regular seal «»
nayir (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as naí-yɪḣ hair-seal])
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Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
male ringed seal (locally: gasoline seal); ringed seals with rotten faces «»
Eumetopias jubatus
Steller's sea lion (locally: sea lion) «» deniz aslanı
apakcug (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as a-pṹk-ćhŭk sea-horse])
Callorhinus ursinus
northern fur seal «» Kuzey deniz ayısı
{?} á-taḣ (Curtis 1930 [as fur-seal])
terrestrial mammals, land mammals «» kara memelileri
Sayfa 8
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
game animals (black bear, moose) «»
pitarkar (sg) pitarkat (pl) (Cup'igDict)
furbearers, fur-bearing animal (beaver, otter, muskrat, mink, red fox…) «» kürklük av
melquleg (sg) (Cup'igDict)
A mammoth tusk with carvings of scenes on the Yukon River, 19th century, Eskimo, Yukon, Alaska. On
display at the De Young Museum in San Francisco. 34430 (< Wikipedia)
Mammuthus primigenius
woolly mammoth, tundra mammoth «» tüylü mamut
kәliɣvak (Krougly-Enke 2008). cf. mәluɣjaχ ‛elephant’ (Krougly-Enke 2008)
Rangifer tarandus granti
caribou, wild caribou «» yabani rengeyiği
tuntupig (sg) [lit. “genuine/true caribou”] (Cup'igDict)
tuntut (pl) (Curtis 1930 [as tún-tŭt])
bull caribou «» erkek rengeyiği
an-úk-fŭk (Curtis 1930 )
cow caribou «» dişi rengeyiği
á-gu-na-ká-tŭk (Curtis 1930 )
fawn caribou «»
tún-tu-yá-gŭt (pl) (Curtis 1930 )
yearling caribou «»
nu-gṹh-pia-kluk (Curtis 1930 )
Sayfa 9
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Rangifer tarandus tarandus
reindeer, semidomestic caribou «» evcil rengeyiği
qusngir (sg) qusngig (dual) qusngit (pl) (< Çukçice / Chukchee ӄораӈы / qorange) (Cup'igDict)
§ Evcil ren geyiği Nunivak Adasına 1920 yılında ABD hükümeti tarafından getirildi ve halka tanıtıldı.
Adanın insan yerleşimine kapalı güney kısmında 4.000 baş ren geyiği bulunur. Bunlar, Nuniwarmiut
Ren geyiği ve Su Ürünleri İşleme (NRSP, Nuniwarmiut Reindeer and Seafood Processing) adlı ticari
kuruluşça işlenip Alaska'nın diğer kesimlerindeki ve ABD'deki dükkânlarda satışa sunulur. (< [Mt. McKinley Meat & Sausage Company, Review & Recommendations, final report,
December 1, 2003, Prepared by Marian Romano & Melanie Trost, State of Alaska, Department of
Natural Resources, Division of Agriculture] &
reindeer fawn «» rengeyiği yavrusu
qusngiyagar (sg) (Cup'igDict)
reindeer that can no longer bear young; aged reindeer «»
nuraniner (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Alces alces gigas
moose (subspecies: ALaska moose) «» sığın
tuntuwag (sg) [lit. “big caribou”] (Cup'igDict)
Ovibos moschatus
muskox «» misk sığırı
umingmar (Cup'igDict)
maskar (Cup'igDict)
§ Grönland'da yakalanan 31 misk sığırı avcılık amacıyla 1935 ve 1936 yıllarında Alaska Av
Komisyonu (Alaska Game Commission) tarafından Nunivak doğasına salındı. İlk av sezonu 1975
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Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
yılında yapılmıştır. (< [Nunivak Musk Ox with Bow and Arrow by Chuck
Ovis aries
sheep; lamb «» koyun; kuzu
tuntuyagar (Cup'igDict)
Equus ferus caballus
horse «» at
luussitar [< Rusça / Russian лошадь] (Cup'igDict)
Ursus arctos horribilis
brown bear , grizzly bear «» boz ayı
paugnar (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Ursus americanus
black bear«» Amerika kara ayısı
tungulzria (Cup'igDict)
Ursus maritimus
Polar bear«» Kutup ayısı
arlunar (Cup'igDict)
a-g‘hí-mɪt (Curtis 1930)
Canis lupus
gray wolf (locally: wolf) «» kurt, boz kurt
kegg'luner (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as ḱ-lún-nŭḣ])
Canis lupus familiaris
dog «» köpek, it
qimugta (sg) qimugteg (dual) qimugtet (pl) [lit. “puller” < qimug- = to pull sled (of dogs)]
(Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as ke-múḣ-ta])
puppy «» it eniği, köpek yavrusu
qimukcuar(ar) (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 11
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Vulpes vulpes
red fox (locally: fox) «» kızıl tilki
kavviar (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as kṹ-fe-a])
Vulpes lagopus, Alopex lagopus
arctic fox, white fox, polar fox, snow fox «» kutup tilkisi
white fox«» beyaz tilki
qaterlir (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as ka-túḣ-le-a-gụ])
blue fox«» mavi tilki
eqyerer (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as ké-yih-hlŭh])
cross fox«»
illaassug (Cup'igDict)
Enhydra lutris
sea otter «» deniz samuru
aatagar (Cup'igDict)
áḣ-nŭḣ (Curtis 1930)
Lontra canadensis, Lutra canadensis
North American river otter, river otter, land otter (locally) «» Kuzey Amerika su samuru
cenkar (Cup'igDict)
pirturcir(ar) (Cup'igDict)
Mustela vison
American mink (locally: mink) «» Amerika vizonu
imarmiutar (sg) imarmiutat (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as i-má-go-mi-u-tŭt])
Mustela erminea
stoat, short-tailed weasel (locally: weasel), ermine «» kakım
terriar(ar) (in winter coloration) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as tuḣ-hé-yaḣ weasel])
narullgir (in summer coloration) (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 12
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Gulo gulo luscus
wolverine, wolverene «» Kutup porsuğu
qavcig (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as kṹf-jɪh wolverene])
terikaniar (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Mephitidae spp.
skunk «» kokarca
teprayag (neologism) (Cup'igDict)
Ondatra zibethicus
muskrat «» misk sıçanı
kanaqlag (sg) kanaqliit (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as kạ-nṹ-klit])
Lemmus trimucronatus harroldi
Nunivak Island brown lemming «» Nunibak kahverengi lemingi
pugultu (Cup'igDict)
Castor canadensis
North American Beaver (locally or simply: beaver) «» Kuzey Amerika kunduzu
paluqtar (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as pa-lóḣ-tŭh])
Spermophilus parryii, Urocitellus parryii
arctic ground squirrel (locally: parky squirrel, parka squirrel, squirrel) «» Kutup gelengisi
qanganar (sg) qanganat (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as kuṇ-á-nŭt ground-squirrel])
Lepus othus
tundra hare, arctic hare (but true arctic hare is L. arcticus and it's not live in Alaska) (locally: hare,
jackrabbit or jack rabbit) «» tundra tavşanı
qayuqegglir (Cup'igDict [as jackrabbit], Curtis 1930 [as kai-yóḱ-slit arctic hare])
Lepus americanus
snowshoe hare, snowshoe rabbit (locally: rabbit) «»
maqaruar (Cup'igDict [as arctic hare])
Sayfa 13
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Sorex cinereus & Sorex monticolus
cinereus shrew or masked shrew, common shrew & dusky shrew «»
casrarer (Cup'igDict)
young shrew «»
casrauksugar (Cup'igDict)
Aves (birds «» kuşlar)
bird «» kuş
tengmiar (sg) tengmiag (dual) tengmiat (pl) [< tenge- ‘to take off in flight+ -miar] (also “fowl”)
giant bird «» dev kuş
tengempag (sg) (Cup'igDict)
egg, bird's egg «» yumurta
kayangu (sg) kayangut (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as kai-yáṇ-ŭt])
wing, bird's wing «» kanat
caqur (sg) (Cup'igDict)
feather, bird feather «» tüy
melquqsug (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 14
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
wing feather «» kanat tüyü
niss'ur (sg) (Cup'igDict)
tail feather of bird «» kuyruk tüyü
teqsuqer (sg) (Cup'igDict)
alunar (sg) (Cup'igDict)
bird breast «»
qateg (sg) (Cup'igDict)
beak, bill «» gaga
cugg’er (sg) cugg’eg (dual) cugg’et (pl) (Cup'igDict)
nest «» yuva
unglu (sg) (Cup'igDict)
to molt «» tüy dökmek
ingte- (Cup'igDict)
to pluck bird feathers «»
erici- (Cup'igDict)
Anas platyrhynchos
mallard, malard duck, wild duck «» yaban ördeği
yú-kŭḣ-pŭḣ (Curtis 1930 [as mallard duck])
Sayfa 15
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Anas acuta
pintail, pintail duck, northern pintail, pointed duck «» kılkuyruk
napaqer (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as na-pá-kŭḣ sprig duck; cf. pintail duck for áḣ-hŭṇ-ɪḣ =
aarrangiir Clangula hyemalis])
Aythya marila
greater scaup, broad-billed duck, bluebill «» karabaş pakta
ḣ-schlú-tut (pl) (Curtis 1930 [as broad-billed duck])
Somateria mollissima
common eider, white-backed eider «» pufla ördeği
metr(ar) (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as mṹt-hŭt eider duck])
nanwista (Cup'igDict)
aṇ-gník-fŭk (Curtis 1930 [as whitebacked eider duck])
female common eider «» dişi pufla ördeği
metrapig (♀) (Cup'igDict)
male common eider «» erkek pufla ördeği
tunupista (♂) (Cup'igDict)
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Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Somateria spectabilis
king eider «»
qengalleg (sg) qengallget (pl) (Cup'igDict)
Somateria fischeri
spectacled eider «»
quagger (Cup'igDict)
Polysticta stelleri
Steller's eider «»
qaciar(ar) (Cup'igDict)
Histrionicus histrionicus
harlequin duck «»
ungunqukar(ar) (Cup'igDict)
qaciar(ar) (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 17
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Melanitta americana, Melanitta nigra americana
black scoter, American scoter «» Amerika kara ördeği
kukumyar(ar) (Cup'igDict)
Melanitta deglandi, Melanitta fusca deglandi
white-winged scoter «»
cetuskar (Cup'igDict)
estuskarer (Cup'igDict)
Clangula hyemalis
long-tailed duck, oldsquaw duck, oldsquaw «» telkuyruk
aarrangiir (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as áḣ-hŭṇ-ɪḣ pintail duck])
long tail feather of male oldsquaw used to decorate the flippers of a seal float (an ivory bead is inserted
on each feather) «»
allgilinrat (Cup'igDict)
Anser albifrons
white-fronted goose, greater white-fronted goose, specklebelly, freckle breast (locally Elim, Paige
1996), yellow-foot (locally Elim, Paige 1966), yellow-legged goose (Curtis 1930) «» sakarca
leqlepig [lit. “real goose”] (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as lŭk-schlṹ-pɪk yellow-legged goose])
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Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Chen caerulescens, Anser caerulescens
snow goose (subspecies: lesser snow goose) «» kar kazı
kangu (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Chen canagica, Philacte canagica, Anser canagicus
emperor goose «»
nacaulleg (sg) [< nacar ‘hat; cap; bonnet’] (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as nŭ-ćhó-slŭk])
Branta bernicla nigricans
black brant, Pacific black brant, Pacific brant, brant goose «» yosun kazı
leqlernar (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as lṹk-schlŭh-a-nŭḣ])
Branta hutchinsii
cackling goose (American Ornithologists' Union), cackling Canada goose, cackler (locally), little
Canada goose (in America), small Canada goose (in America), lesser Canada goose (in Britain) «»
tuutangayag (sg) tuutangayiigeg (dual) tuutangayit (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as tú-tŭṇ-aí-yŭk])
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Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
new feather growth on a molting goose «»
emqur (pl) (Cup'igDict)
Cygnus columbianus, Olor columbianus [subspecies: C. c. columbianus]
tundra swan, whistling swan (locally: swan) «» tundra kuğusu, kuğu
qugyug(sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as ko-gói-ya])
Grus canadensis
sandhill crane (locally: crane) «» Kanada turnası
qucilkuryug (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as kŭt-ćhÍh-ḱo-yŭk blue heron])
Sayfa 20
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Lagopus lagopus [subspecies: L. l. alascensis]
willow ptarmigan, Alaskan willow ptarmigan «» bayağı kar kekliği
aqesgir (sg) aqesgit (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as a-kṹz-i-gɪt])
ptarmigan chick «» kar kekliği yavrusu
aqesgiyagar (Cup'igDict)
Lagopus muta
rock ptarmigan, mountain ptarmigan (locally White Mountain, Paige 1996) «» dağ kar kekliği, kar
elciayuli [lit. “the one who is really good at belching or burping / one who is really good at making a
burping (drumming) sound” (Cup'igDict)
Podiceps auritus
horned grebe «» kulaklı batağan
payig (Cup'igDict [as grebe], Curtis 1930 [as pái-yɪt sawbill duck])
Podiceps grisegena
red-necked grebe «» kızılboyunlu batağan
atateg (Cup'igDict
Sayfa 21
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Gavia immer
common loon or great northern loon (America), great northern diver (Britain) «» buz dalgıcı
tuulleg (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as dú-schlɪk helldiver]))
tunupirtar (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Gavia pacifica (formerly: Gavia arctica pacifica)
Pacific loon (America), Pacific diver (Britain) «» Pasifik dalgıcı
tunutelleg (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as tu-nú-klɪk broadnecked loon]). § Yalnızca Curtis’te geçen
“broad-necked loon” adı büyük ihtimalle pacifica (ya da arctica) türü içindir, zira diğer türünkine
(immer) nazaran bunun boynu daha geniştir.
qaq'er (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as kók-ḱ loon])
Uria aalge
common murre, common guillemot, thin-billed murre «»
alpa (sg) alpag (dual) alpat (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as úśh-pŭk auk])
murre chick «»
alpayagar (Cup'igDict)
taatuir(ar) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as ta-túi-rɪt auklet])
Sayfa 22
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Cepphus columba
pigeon guillemot «»
cigurer (sg) cigurat (pl) (Cup'igDict)
Aethia cristatella
crested auklet «»
cip'lagar (Cup'igDict)
cukilpag (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as ćhu-gÍh-pŭk auklet])
Fratercula corniculata
horned puffin «»
qilangar (Cup'igDict [as puffin; puffin parka], Curtis 1930 [as gel-láṇ-ŭh puffin])
tunngar (Cup'igDict [as tufted puffin])
Larus hyperboreus
glaucous gull «» Kutup martısı
aaluugir (sg) aalugit (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as a-lú-gɪḣ seagull])
young seagull at first season flight «»
ciwissaar(ar) (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 23
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Xema sabini
Sabine's gull «»
nacallngaar(ar) (Cup'igDict [as sabine's gull; common black-headed gull])
na-śhú-ya-ćho-a (Curtis 1930 [as small gull])
Rissa tridactyla
black-legged kittiwake «»
tengaurta (sg) tengaurtet (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as tɪṇ-óḣ-ta bluff gull])
tengauqsarar(ar) (Cup'igDict)
qarliar(ar) (Cup'igDict)
Sterna paradisaea
arctic tern «» Kuzey sumrusu
teqiyaar(ar) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as ḱ‘-e-ya tern])
Onychoprion aleuticus, Sterna aleutica
Aleutian tern «» Aleut sumrusu
civtulzgar (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 24
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Stercorarius longicaudus
long-tailed jaeger, long-tailed skua «» uzunkuyruklu korsanmartı
cungaqvag (Cup'igDict)
Stercorarius parasiticus
parasitic jaeger, parasitic skua, arctic skua «» Kutup korsanmartısı
Pluvialis fulva, Pluvialis dominica fulva
Pacific golden plover, lesser golden plover «» küçük altın yağmurcun
tuyig (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as tú-yɪh Wilson's snipe])
Charadrius semipalmatus
semipalmated plover «»
tapruar (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 25
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Arenaria interpres (subsp. interpres)
ruddy turnstone, common turnstone «» taşçeviren
qiqiulleg (Cup'igDict)
Arenaria melanocephala
black turnstone «» kara taşçeviren
Calidris acuminata, Pisobia acuminata
sharp-tailed sandpiper «»
Calidris ptilocnemis, Erolia ptilocnemis, Arquatella ptilocnemis
rock sandpiper «»
Sayfa 26
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
{?} Calidris maritima, Erolia maritima, Arquatella maritima
purple sandpiper «»
{?} cenaar(ar) (Cup'igDict [as purple sandpiper], Curtis 1930 [as ćhÍn-nah sand-snipe])
Calidris alpina, Pelidna alpina
dunlin, red-backed sandpiper «» karakarınlı kumkuşu
Calidris mauri, Erolia mauri, Ereunetes maurii
western sandpiper «»
{?} cevyira(ar) (Cup'igDict [as sandpiper], Curtis 1930 [as ćhạ-vi-hrá-gŭ yellow-legged snipe]). The
yellow-legged snipe or yellow-legged sandpiper is yellow-legs or lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes,
Gambetta flavipes)
{?} Calidris alba, Erolia alba, Crocethia alba
sanderling «»
Tringa incana, Heteroscelus incanus
wandering tattler«»
Sayfa 27
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Limosa lapponica
bar-tailed godwit (locally: godwit) «» kıyı çamur çulluğu
Gallinago gallinago
common snipe «» suçulluğu
cugtuwig (Cup'igDict)
Numenius phaeopus hudsonicus
whimbrel, Hudsonian curlew «» sürmeli kervançulluğu
kukukuar (Cup'igDict)
Phalaropus lobatus, Lobipes lobatus
red-necked phalarope, northern phalarope, hyperborean phalarope «» deniz düdükçünü
ayungnaar(ar) (sg) (Cup'igDict [as red-necked phalarope], Curtis 1930 [as a-yúṇ-na-hŭt lake snipe])
Phalaropus fulicarius
red phalarope (in America), red-chested phalarope (Cup'igDict), grey phalarope (in Britain) «» kızıl
deniz düdükçünü
Sayfa 28
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
augtuar(ar) (sg) (Cup'igDict [as red-chested phalarope], Curtis 1930 [as óḣ-tu-a-hŭt red snipe])
Puffinus tenuirostris
short-tailed shearwater, slender-billed shearwater «» kısakuyruklu yelkovan
teng'guar(ar) (sg) (Cup'igDict [as small black, blue and white colored bird that is seen in the ocean
(could be a shearwater)])
Fulmarus glacialis rodgersii
northern fulmar, arctic fulmar, fulmar (simply) «»
uquir (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Phoebastria nigripes, Diomedea nigripes
black-footed albatross «» kara bacaklı albatros
tŭṇ-mÍḣ-śhŭt (pl) Curtis 1930 [as albatross]
Sayfa 29
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Phalacrocorax pelagicus
pelagic cormorant «»
uyaleg (sg) uyallget (pl) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as u-yá-luh])
little cormorants «»
agayuurrit (pl) (Cup'igDict)
Pandion haliaetus
osprey, osprey hawk, fish hawk «» balık kartalı
eskavviar (Cup'igDict)
ṹṇ-schlo-wái-yu-lÍ (Curtis 1930 [as salmon-hawk]). cf. Yup'ik angllurayuli
Aquila chrysaetos canadensis
golden eagle «» kaya kartalı
qillri (Cup'igDict [as golden eagle], Curtis 1930 [as ki-lṹh-hrɪt fish hawk])
qilzri (Cup'igDict [as hawk; bird similar to an eskavviar (osprey hawk)])
Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis, H. l. alascanus
bald eagle «» akbaşlı denizkartalı, Amerikan kartalı
tengmirrlug (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 30
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
scientific name
giant bird similar to bald eagle «»
yaakucugglugar (Cup'igDict)
Buteo lagopus sanctijohannis
rough-legged hawk (in America), rough-legged buzzrard (in Britain) «» paçalı sar
Accipiter gentilis atricapillus
northern goshawk, goshawk «» çakır
Accipiter striatus velox
sharp-shinned hawk «»
Sayfa 31
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Falco columbarius suckleyi
merlin, pigeon hawk «» bozdoğan
Falco rusticolus
gyrfalcon «» sungur
{?} ćhuṇ-ák-fŭk (Curtis 1930 [as bird-hawk]). cf. Yup'ik cekaviaq
Bubo scandiacus, Nyctea scandiaca
snowy owl, arctic owl, great white owl, harfang «» kar baykuşu
anipar (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as an-í-pŭh arctic owl])
Asio flammeus
short-eared owl «» kır baykuşu
Sayfa 32
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
ungpaar(ar) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as uṇ-pá-hrŭt barn-owl]). Curtis’te barn owl olarak yer alıyor,
fakat barn owl (Tyto alba) Alaska’da bulunmaz.
Corvus corax principalis
common raven, raven «» kuzgun
tulukarug (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Pica hudsonia
black-billed magpie (locally: magpie) «» saksağan
Cinclus mexicanus
American dipper «» Amerika su karatavuğu
Dendroica petechia, Setophaga petechia, Dendroica aestiva
yellow warbler «»
Sayfa 33
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Oreothlypis celata, Leiothlypis celata, Vermivora celata
orange-crowned warbler «»
Parkesia noveboracensis notabilis, Seiurus noveboracensis notabilis
northern waterthrush, Grinnell's water-thrush «»
Wilsonia pusilla pileolata, Cardellina pusilla pileolata
pileolated warbler, Wilson's warbler «»
Motacilla flava tschutschensis
Beringian yellow wagtail, Alaska yellow wagtail, eastern yellow wagtail «»
Sayfa 34
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Anthus rubescens (subsp. rubescens & japonicus)
buff-bellied pipit, American pipit (for subsp. rubescens), Japanese pipit (for subsp. japonicus) «»
Phylloscopus borealis kennicotti, Acanthopneuste borealis kennicotti
arctic warbler, Kennicott's willow warbler «»
Tachycineta bicolor, Iridoprocne bicolor
tree swallow «» ağaç kırlangıcı
kautuaryar(ar) (Cup'igDict [as swallow (bird)])
tulukarnara'ar (Cup'igDict [as swallow])
Troglodytes hiemalis, Nannus hiemalis
winter wren «»
Sayfa 35
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Poecile atricapillus, Penthestes atricapillus
black-capped chickadee «»
Turdus migratorius
American robin «»
Catharus minimus, Hylocichla minima
gray-cheeked thrush «»
Passerella iliaca
fox sparrow «»
Sayfa 36
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Passerculus sandwichensis
savannah sparrow «»
cilumcuksugar {?} Cup'igDict [as small birds of any kind of either sex, such as Lapland longspur,
snow bunting or sparrow; name used in a song sung by a certain old lady many years ago])
Zonotrichia atricapilla, Zonotrichia coronata
golden-crowned sparrow «»
Calcarius lapponicus alascensis
Lapland longspur, Lapland bunting, Alaska longspur «»
cilumcuksugar (Cup'igDict [as small birds of any kind of either sex, such as Lapland longspur, snow
bunting or sparrow; name used in a song sung by a certain old lady many years ago])
female Lapland longspur «»
mecaqtar (Cup'igDict)
male Lapland longspur «»
nacaqupagar (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as nu-ćhá-ko-pá-hrŭt sparrow])
Sayfa 37
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Plectrophenax nivalis
snow bunting, snowbird (locally) «»
am'arulkara'ar (Cup'igDict)
cilumcuksugar (Cup'igDict [as small birds of any kind of either sex, such as Lapland longspur, snow
bunting or sparrow; name used in a song sung by a certain old lady many years ago], AnknBirds [as
There is yet another name that they use on Nunivak Island, "cilumcuksugaq." which I'm not familiar
with, but may figuratively mean, "the one who has an icy shirt on.''])
Plectrophenax hyperboreus
McKay's bunting, McKay's snow bunting «»
Carduelis flammea, Acanthis linaria
common redpoll «» Kuzey keten kuşu
Pyrrhula pyrrhula cassini
bullfinch «» şakrak kuşu
Pinicola enucleator flammula
pine grosbeak «»
Sayfa 38
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Leucosticte tephrocotis griseonucha, Leucosticte griseonucha
Aleutian rosy finch «»
Pisces (fish «» balıklar)
(from Jerry 1966)
1. Mekoryuk •
2. Shoal Bay
3. Cape Etolin
4. Daprakmiut °
5. Kikmiktalikamiut °
6. Kangeekiksatharuk Cove
7. Ikathleewik Bay
8. Cape Manning
9. Ingrimiut
10. Atahgo Point
11. Paimiut °
12. Kewigimiut •
13. Oongalambingoi Dunes
14. Kwecluechukmiut •
15. Ikongmiut
16. Irwakyaruk Point
17. Cape Mendenhall
18. Duchikimiut •
19. Queeguilmiut •
20. Kathalgmiut •
21. Duchikthluk Bay
22. Pachuikmiut °
23. Bangookthleet Dunes
24. Machagmiut •
25. Binjoaksmiut
26. Jayalik River
27. Chakwakamitut °
28. Kiyakyaliksamiut
29. Dahloongamiut °
30. Dooksook Lagoon °
31. Cape Mohican
32. Ikooksmiut
33. Ahlik River
34. Nash Harbor
35. Dadinowiki Creek
36. Kahnruk River
° Fish Camps 1965
• Traditional Fish Camps
Sayfa 39
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
fish «» balık
iqallug (sg) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
neqa (sg) [lit. “food”] (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
fish egg, roe (fresh or aged) «» balık yumurtası
cin'ar (sg) cin'at (pl) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
aged fish eggs «»
cinegyat (pl) (Drozda 2006)
spawn, milt; fish milt sac «» balık sütü (erkek balığın spermi)
erir (sg) err'it (pl) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
(1) - operculum (gill cover)
(2) - lateral line
(3) - dorsal fin
(4) - adipose fin
(5) - caudal peduncle
(6) - caudal fin
(7) - anal fin
(8) – photophores
(9) - pelvic fins (paired)
(10) - pectoral fins (paired)
pectoral fin «» göğüs yüzgeci
pakiurun (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
pelvic fin «» karın yüzgeci
pakiurun kinguqlir (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
anal fin «» anal yüzgeç
ucumqatag (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
caudal fin «» kuyruk yüzgeci
pamyur [lit. “tail”] (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
dorsal fin «» sırt yüzgeci
culug (Cup'igDict [as spine; backbone; dorsal fin of fish], Drozda 2006)
Sayfa 40
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
adipose fin «» pöçük yüzgeci
nuluraun (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
fish back or hump «» balık kamburu
amaqati (Cup'igDict [as adipose fin of fish])
amaqata (Drozda 2006 [as adipose fin])
lateral line «» balıklarda yan çizgi
fish skin «» balık derisi
amirag (sg) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
fish scale, scale of fish «» balık pulu
kapcir (sg) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
slime on a fish «»
cuvger (sg) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
gills «» solungaç
paci (sg) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
backbone «»
culug (Cup'igDict [as spine; backbone; dorsal fin of fish])
fish bone under gills toward the belly «»
keggater (sg) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
shoulder bone of fish; collarbone «»
qutug (sg) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
otolith «» denge taşı, kulak taşı
teki (Cup'igDict [as hard white bone inside the cranium of fish], Drozda 2006 [as otolith (?)])
Sayfa 41
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
air sack, air bladder, swim bladder, gas bladder, fish maw «» hava kesesi
cooked fish, fresh cooked fish «» pişirilmiş taze balık
cooked fish to be eaten in the morning for breakfast «»
makiuciurrlut (Cup'igDict [as cooked fish to be eaten in the morning for breakfast])
makiuiciurrlut (Drozda 2006 [as tomcod, cooked for breakfast])
boiled fish, fresh boiled fish «» haşlanmış taze balık
ungllik'ar (Cup'igDict [as fresh fish])
ungllekar (Drozda 2006 [as fresh boiled fish])
baked fish, fresh baked fish, oven fry «» fırında pişirilmiş taze balık
fried fish, fresh fried fish «» yağda kızartılmış taze balık
roasted (barbecued) fish, cooked over fire «» fırında kızartılmış taze balık
maniar (Cup'igDict [as fried food; pancake])
frozen fish «» dondurulmuş balık
kumlacir (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
Sayfa 42
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
aged and frozen fish «» dinlendirilmiş ve dondurulmuş balık
stored in freezer «»
dried fish «» kurutulmuş balık
teggmallug (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
dried fish vertebra «» kurutulmuş balık kılçıkları
nenerrlug (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
split dried and smoked fish (for salmon) dried fish (for herring) «» yarılarak kurutulup
tütsülenmiş balık
neqaalug (Cup'igDict [as dried fish], Drozda 2006 [as dried fish])
salted, dried, and smoked fish «» tuzlanarak kurutulup tütsülenmiş balık
split and half dried fish, partially dried and boiled fish, half dried fish not smoked «» yarılarak
kısmen kurutulmuş balık
half dried whole fish «» kısmen kurutulmuş tüm balık
smoked strips of salmon «» tütsülenmiş som balığı dilimleri
smoked fish soaked in seal oil «»
uqumelzngur (Cup'igDict [as smoked fish soaked in seal oil])
uqumel(z)ngur (Drozda 2006 [as fish, smoked and soaked in seal oil])
smoked fish «» tütsülenmiş balık
puyuqer (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
salted fish, salted salmon, salted fish head (and sometimes bellies), salted heads of king salmon
«» tuzlama balık (daha çok kafası bazen de gövdesi)
culunar (< Rusça / Russian солонина ?) (Cup'igDict [as salted fish], Drozda 2006 [as salted fish])
Sayfa 43
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
fermented fish head, stinky heads, stink heads of king and silver salmon «» fermente edilerek
kokutulan balık kafası (ki gözde Yupik yiyeceğidir)
teplicir(ar) (Cup'igDict [as aged salmon head], Drozda 2006 [as aged salmon head])
fermented a little frozen «»
dried king and red salmon «» kurutulmuş şah ve kızıl sombalığı
dried dog (chum) salmon «» kurutulmuş köpek sombalığı
mac'utalug (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
half-dried Dolly Varden stored in seal oil in a poke «»
pingcir (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
cut and dried not smoked «»
split heads of king salmon «» şah sombalığının yarılmış kafası
dried spawned-out sockeye salmon (usually eaten with seal oil) «»
smoked herring «» tütsülenmiş ringa
half dried fermented herring «» fermente edilerek yarı kurutulmuş ribga
nin'amayag (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
fermented capelin that have been buried underground for a period of two weeks «»
ciss'ur (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
raw, aged frozen raw «»
Sayfa 44
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
cut and dried but not smoked «»
freeze them a little after boiling them «»
salmon fish «» som balıkları
post spawning salmon «»
nalayar (Drozda 2006 [as (from nala- to die) post spawning salmon])
aged salmon «»
qulug (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
dried salmon eggs «»
kineryat (pl) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
aged salmon roe crushed to use for akutar «»
qamaumar (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
Chinook salmon, king salmon (in Alaska) «» şah som balığı
taryaqvag (sg) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006, Curtis 1930 [as ta-i-yák-wit] )
Sayfa 45
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
the first group of king salmon running under the smelt «»
old salmon near spawning «»
Oncorhynchus nerka
sockeye salmon, red salmon (in Alaska) «» kızıl som balığı
cayag (sg) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006, Curtis 1930 [as ćhṹs-sit] )
spawned-out sockeye salmon, spawning sockeye salmon, red fish (in Alaska) «» yumurta döken kızıl
som balığı
Oncorhynchus keta
chum salmon, dog salmon (in Alaska) «» köpek som balığı
mac'utar (sg) mac'ut'ag (dual) mac'ut'at (pl) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006, Curtis 1930 [as mŭt-ćhútŭt] )
summer chum «» yaz köpek som balığı
fall chum, red chum (locally Pete 1991) «» güz köpek som balığı
Sayfa 46
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Oncorhynchus kisutch
coho salmon, silver salmon (in Alaska) «» gümüş som balığı
ciayuryar (sg) ciayuryat (pl) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006, Curtis 1930 [as ji-ai-yó-hoi-ŭt] )
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha
pink salmon, humpback salmon, humpy or humpie (in Alaska) «» kambur som balığı
nonsalmon (non-salmon) fish «» som hariç diğer balıklar
Oncorhynchus mykiss, Salmo gairdneri
rainbow trout, steelhead «» gökkuşağı alabalığı
kangitner (Cup'igDict [as red-bellied trout], Drozda 2006 [as red-bellied trout])
§ The "red-bellied trout" is a vernacular name for certain fish: 1. (in America) brook trout (Salvelinus
fontinalis), 2. (in Britain) red-bellied char or arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus), 3. (in America) Rio
Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis)
§ Jerry 1966: Rainbow Trout (Salmo gairdneri): This trout was reported to occur in several streams
around the island. Descriptions of this fish indicate that both resident rainbows and stellheads may be
Sayfa 47
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
present. Streams reported to have rainbows and the dates when they have been observed are listed
Stream or nearest reference point
Month observed
Cape Manning (1st stream south od cape) September
Oogalambingoi Dunes
Nash Harbor
Kahriruk river
Salvelinus malma
Dolly Varden, Dolly Varden trout (locally: trout or char), “Arctic char” «»
§ The modern use of Dolly Varden for S. malma, but historical use for Arctic char (S. alpinus) and
bull trout or original Dolly Varden (S. confluentus). The Salvelinus alpinus and S. confluentus are
not found in Alaska.
iqalluyagar (sg) iqalluyagag (dual) iqalluyagat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as Dolly Varden], Drozda 2006 [as
Dolly Varden], Curtis 1930 [as i-ká-slu-yá-gŭt salmon trout])
goes out in spring «»
comes in fall «»
iqalluyagar § iqalluyagat kuignun it'ut uksuarmi = Dolly Varden enter rivers in the fall
sea-run Dolly Varden or sea run dollies (locally) (are Dolly Varden taken in salt water) «»
Scientific name
irunar (pl) (Cup'igDict [as arctic char (trout)], Drozda 2006 [as arctic char (trout)], Curtis 1930 [as ihlú-nŭt brook-trout])
trout fry «»
tugkapagar (pl) (Cup'igDict [as trout fry], Drozda 2006 [as fry (of trout)])
Sayfa 48
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Coregonus sardinella, Coregonus said
least cisco «»
naptar (Cup'igDict [as whitefish of a certain type; least cisco], Drozda 2006 [as Coregonus said],
Curtis 1930 [as ná-pu-tŭt whitefish])
Scientific name
freshwater sardine «»
ŭśh-múḣ-hŭt (Curtis 1930 [as freshwater sardine])
§ The "freshwater sardine " is a vernacular name for certain fish: 1. (in the Philippines) freshwater
sardinella or tawilis (Sardinella tawilis), 2. (in Zimbabwe) kapenta (Limnothrissa miodon).
Thymallus arcticus
arctic grayling (locally: grayling) «» gölgebalığı
culugpaugar (sg) culugpaugat (pl) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
Dallia pectoralis
Alaska blackfish (locally: blackfish, black fish) «» Alaska karabalığı
can’gir (sg) can’git (pl) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006, Curtis 1930 [as ćhŭn-uié-hlɪt])
taqikar (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
ɪ-ká-slu-nŭt (Curtis 1930 [as blackfish ćhŭn-uié-hlɪt or ɪ-ká-slu-nŭt]). cf. iqallugnar “shark”
Sayfa 49
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Eleginus gracilis
(saffron cod)
Gadus macrocephalus
(Pacific cod)
Microgadus proximus
(Pacific tomcod)
The distribution map of cod species (from Allen 1988)
Gadus macrocephalus
Pacific cod, gray cod, grey cod «» Pasifik mezgidi
atgiiyar (sg) atgiyat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as arctic or gray cod], Drozda 2006 [as arctic cod & Pacific
cod], Curtis 1930 [as at-hí-yat cod])
barbel «» sakal
kaacicar (Cup'igDict [as barbel, specifically from an Arctic or gray cod], Drozda 2006 [as arctic or
gray cod])
diaphragm «»
qatmag (Cup'igDict [as diaphragm of cod (colored black)], Drozda 2006 [as diaphragm (cod)])
abnormal growth (tumor?) in throat or mouth of codfish «»
iqngullug (Cup'igDict [as abnormal growth in throat or mouth of codfish], Drozda 2006 [as abnormal
growth (in throat of codfish)])
Eleginus gracilis
saffron cod «» safran mezgit
iqalluar (sg) iqalluat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as saffron (tom) cod], Drozda 2006 [as tomcod (aka tom cod;
saffron cod); fish (general term)], Curtis 1930 [as i-ka-slú-it tom-cod])
Sayfa 50
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
{?}Microgadus proximus
Pacific tomcod «»
See above (?)
§ Ellikarrmiut 1997: The island sits on a long, shallow shelf that receives seasonal Pacific and deep
Bering Sea upwellings, as well as silty currents from the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta (Hartman and
Johnson 1978). Salmon (Oncorhynchus sp.), Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), Pacific halibut
(Hippoglossus stenolepis), flounders and soles (Pleuronectidae), needlefish (Ammodytes hexapterus),
Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma), tomcod (Microgadus proximus), and Pacific herring (Clupea
harengus) thrive on the rich plankton of the near shore currents (Lantis 1986:209).
Scientific name
rock cod «»
nga-hó-fit (Curtis 1930 [as rock cod]). cf. (?) kalagar
Theragra chalcogramma
Alaska pollock, walleye pollock, pollock (simply or locally) «»
kalagar (sg) (Cup'igDict [as pollock], Drozda 2006 [as pollock Theragra Chalcogramma (?)])
Theregra chalcogramma
(walleye pollock)
The distribution map of pollock (from Allen 1988)
Sayfa 51
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Clupea pallasii, Clupea harengus pallasii
Pacific herring (locally or simply: herring) «» Pasifik ringası
iqalluarpag (sg) iqalluarpit (pl) [lit. “big tomcod”] (Cup'igDict , Drozda 2006, Curtis 1930 [as kaslóḣ-pŭh])
early run herring, early herring «»
processed fatty herring «»
processed non-fatty herring «»
herring roe-on-kelp, herring spawn-on-kelp, herring eggs on kelp «» yosundaki ringa yumurtası
qaryat (Cup'igDict , Drozda 2006)
herring sac roe «»
imlaucuar (Cup'igDict , Drozda 2006)
Clupea pallasii
(Pacific herring)
The distribution map of herring (from Allen 1988)
Osmerus mordax dentex, Osmerus dentex
rainbow smelt, boreal smelt, toothed smelt, arctic smelt, smelt (locally or simply) «»
quss'ur (Cup'igDict [as smelt; hooligan], Drozda 2006 [as smelt (eulachon; hooligan)], Curtis 1930
[as kŭ-sḣó a small herring])
Sayfa 52
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Osmerus mordax
(rainbow smelt)
Thaleichthys pacificus
The distribution map of smelt and eulachon (from Allen 1988)
Mallotus villosus
capelin «»
cik'ar (sg) cik'at (pl) (Cup'igDict [as capelin (fish)], Drozda 2006 [as capelin Mallotus villosus],
Curtis 1930 [as ćhí-guh smelt])
Occella dodecaedron & Occella verrucosa & Podothecus
Bering poacher & warty poacher & sturgeon poacher «»
Occella dodecaedron
(Bering poacher)
Occella verrucosa
(warty poacher)
Podothecus acipenserinus
(sturgeon poacher)
The distribution map of poacher species (from Allen 1988)
Sayfa 53
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Hexagrammos stelleri
white-spotted greenling «»
Hexagrammos stelleri
(whitespotted greenling)
The distribution map of greenling (from Allen 1988)
Sayfa 54
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Enophrys diceraus
(antlered sculpin)
Gymnocanthus galeatus
(armorhead sculpin)
Gymnocanthus pistilliger
(threaded sculpin)
Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus
(red Irish lord)
Hemilepidotus jordani
(yellow Irish lord)
Hemilepidotus papilio
(butterfly sculpin)
Myoxocephalus jaok
(plain sculpin)
M. polyacanthocephalus
(great sculpin)
Myoxocephalus verrucosus
(warty sculpin)
Triglops forficata
(scissortail sculpin)
Triglops macellus
(roughspine sculpin)
Triglops pingeli
(ribbed sculpin)
The distribution map of sculpin species (from Allen 1988)
Sayfa 55
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Cottidae spp.
armorhead sculpin (Gymnocanthus galeatus) & threaded sculpin (Gymnocanthus pistilliger) & Irish
lord (Hemilepidotus jordani) & butterfly sculpin (Hemilepidotus papilio) & plain sculpin
(Myoxocephalus jaok) & great sculpin (Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus) & roughspine sculpin
(Triglops macellus) & ribbed sculpin (Triglops pingeli) «»
a) kayur (Cup'igDict [as sculpin; bullhead], Drozda 2006 [as sculpin (bullhead)])
b) kayurpag [lit. “big kayur”] (Cup'igDict [as giant ocean sculpin], Drozda 2006 [as sculpin (giant,
in ocean)], Curtis 1930 [as kai-yóḣ-bit bullhead]; as
Kayupag - "giant ocean sculpin" Hemilepidotus sp? (Irish Lord Sculpin?)[ref. tape 05NPT006 Hilma
c) kayurrlugar (Cup'igDict [as giant sculpin found in rivers], Drozda 2006 [as sculpin (giant, in
d) kelevyagciar (Cup'igDict [as sculpin with barbel, which looks similar to a qengaruwagar (sculpin
with pointed nose and orange spots)], Drozda 2006 [as sculpin (with barbel)])
e) kilirnar (Cup'igDict [as type of small thin sculpin], Drozda 2006 [as sculpin (small, thin)], Curtis
1930 [as ki-lÍg-gi-nŭh eel])
f) nepcar (Cup'igDict [as small sharp-nosed sculpin found in reefs], Drozda 2006 [as sculpin (small
sharp-nosed found in reefs)])
g) qengaruwagar (Cup'igDict [as sculpin with pointed nose and orange spots], Drozda 2006 [as
sculpin (with pointed nose and orange spots)])
h) tuqutkassuar (Cup'igDict [as small sculpin with striped markings around jaw], Drozda 2006 [as
sculpin (small, with striped markings around jaw)])
Gasterosteus aculeatus & Pungitius pungitius
threespine stickleback, three-spined stickleback, needlefish & ninespine stickleback, needle-fish
(locally) «»
cukileg (Cup'igDict [as needlefish; stickleback], Drozda 2006 [as stickleback (needlefish)& needlefish
Sayfa 56
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Lycodes palearis & Lycodes raridens
wattled eelpout & marbled eel pout «»
{?} quggautnarpag (Cup'igDict [as wolf eel], Curtis 1930 [as kuḣ-hat-núḣ-bit dogfish]
Lycodes palearis
(wattled eelpout)
Lycodes raridens
(marbled eel pout)
The distribution map of eelpout species(from Allen 1988)
Lumpenus sagitta
snake prickleback «»
Lumpenus sagitta
(snake prickleback)
The distribution map of prickleback (from Allen 1988)
Trichodon trichodon
Pacific sandfish «»
Trichodon trichodon
(Pacific sandfish)
The distribution map of sandfish (from Allen 1988)
Sayfa 57
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Ammodytes hexapterus
Pacific sand lance «»
Ammodytes hexapterus
(Pacific sand lance)
The distribution map of sand lance (from Allen 1988)
Platichthys stellatus
(starry flounder)
Hippoglossoides elassodon
(flathead sole)
Pleuronectes asper
(yellowfin sole)
Pleuronectes bilineatus
(rock sole)
Pleuronectes proboscideus
(longhead dab)
Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus
(Alaska plaice)
Hippoglossus stenolepis
(Pacific halibut)
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides
(Greenland halibut)
The distribution map of flatfish species (from Allen 1988)
Platichthys stellatus
starry flounder «»
uraru (sg) urarulzgag (dual) Cup'igDict [as flounder with prickly body fins and alternating black and
white markings; right-eyed flounder; starry-flounder], Drozda 2006 [as id])
naternar (sg) Cup'igDict [as flounder], Drozda 2006 [as id])
Sayfa 58
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Scientific name
ocean flounder «»
naternarnar (Cup'igDict [as ocean flounder], Drozda 2006 [as ocean flounder], Curtis 1930 [as nṹta-h‘mÍk-anŭt flounder])
Limanda aspera
yellow fin sole «»
quaryarnar (Cup'igDict [as yellow-fin sole], Drozda 2006 [as yellow-fin sole Limanda asoera? Or
Pleuronectes asper?])
Hippoglossus stenolepis
Pacific halibut (locally or simply: halibut) «»
cagiq (sg) (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006, Curtis 1930 [as ćhuḣ-ít halibut])
cag’iq (sg) cag’it (pl)
Selachimorpha spp.
shark «» köpekbalığı
iqallugnar (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
scientific name
type of fish that birds catch, thin and blue or aqua in color «»
cingayag (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
Sayfa 59
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
other animals «» diğer hayvanlar
frog «» kurbağa
peleqpel'er (Cup'igDict)
Actiniaria (sea anemones «» denizlaleleri)
sea anemone «» denizlalesi
eter (sg) (Cup'igDict [as sea anemone; anus], Curtis 1930 [as Í-tṹḣ sea-anemone])
giant sea anemone «»
aruyeg (sg) (Cup'igDict [as giant sea anemone], Curtis 1930 [as á-roz-i-gut anemone])
small sea anemone that rests between cracks of rocks and under sand «»
lagturyaqleg (sg) (Cup'igDict)
small anemone that sticks to rocks «»
qacautar (sg) (Cup'igDict)
tiny usually black sea anemone «»
tiiyar (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Asteroidea (starfish «» denizyıldızları)
starfish «» denizyıldızı
aggsag (Cup'igDict, Drozda 2006)
Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers «» denizhıyarları)
sea cucumber «» denizhıyarı
urwagnar (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as u-súṇ-u-lut sea cucumber])
Bivalvia (clams «» midyeler)
Siliqua patula
Pacific razor clam, razor clam (locally or simply) «» denizçakısı
aliruar (Cup'igDict [as clam], Drozda 2006 [as clam])
Sayfa 60
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Saxidomus gigantea
butter clam «»
aatevtar (sg) aatevtat (pl) Cup'igDict [as cockle], Curtis 1930 [as á-tuf-tat large clam])
Mactromeris polynyma, Spisula polynyma, Mactra polynyma, Spisula alaskana
Arctic surfclam (Pacific northwestern United States: pink- or red-necked clam) «»
wiilu (sg) (Cup'igDict [as red-necked clam], Drozda 2006 [as red-necked clam], Curtis 1930 [as uí-lut
razor clam] )
§ The pink- or red-necked clam in the Pacific northwestern United States (Turgeon et al. 1988) is Mactromeris polynyma;
but, the red-necked clam (Bragdon et al. 1996) in the Atlantic coasts (Maine) is Hiatella arctica.
scientific name: ?
small white shellfish «»
wi-luí-yŭt (Curtis 1930 [as small white shellfish] )
scientific name: ?
slender-shaped clam «»
pilagtuarun (Cup'igDict [as slender-shaped clam], Drozda 2006 [as slender-shaped clam], Curtis
1930 [as bi-lṹḣ-to-a-hó-tɪt small clam])
scientific name: ?
clam «»
amyag (Drozda 2006 [as clam])
{?} Modiolus modiolus
horse mussel, northern horsemussel «»
amyagyag (Cup'igDict [as horse mussel; large mussel]). cf. Umyan personal name, meaning large
mussel (Cup'igDict)
Mytilus trossulus (formerly: Mytilus edulis = blue mussel)
bay mussel, foolish mussel, “blue mussel”, “farmed blue mussel”«»
qapilar (sg) qapilat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as blue mussel], Curtis 1930 [as ka-bí-lat mussels])
Sayfa 61
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
§ Ellikarrmiut 1997: In a few areas on the Nunivak shore live intertidal shellfish, including blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and sandy-bottom
clams (Macoma sp.) (McConnaughey and McConnaughey 1985).
Gastropoda (snails «» salyangozlar)
rock snail «»
aalemyar (sg) aalemyat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as rock snail], Drozda 2006 [as rock snail], Curtis 1930 [as
a-lṹ-mi-yŭt saltwater snail])
small snail «»
imartulir (Cup'igDict [as snail (next to the smallest kind)], Drozda 2006 [as small snail])
gray snail «»
ipugpag (Cup'igDict [as gray snail], Drozda 2006 [as gray snail])
large snail «»
nakunar (sg) nakunat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as large snail], Drozda 2006 [as large snail], Curtis 1930 [as
na-gú-nŭt brown large shellfish])
Cirripedia (barnacles «»)
barnacle «»
culzgussug (Cup'igDict [as barnacle])
Brachyura (crabs «» yengeçler)
crab «»
iwalzriiyar (sg) iwalzriiyat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as crab], Drozda 2006 [as crab], Curtis 1930 [as í-wol-ạhli-yŭt crab])
hermit crab «»
qiuggir (Drozda 2006 [as hermit crab])
§ Alaskan commercial crabs (from Paralithodes camtschaticus (red king crab), Paralithodes platypus (blue king crab),
Lithodes aequispinus (golden king crab), Chionoecetes bairdi (tanner crab), Chionoecetes opilio (snow crab), Metacarcinus magister
(dungeness crab), Erimacrus isenbeckii (hair crab)
Caridea (shrimps«» karidesler)
{?} shrimp «»
mŭ-s‘skó-li-gŭt (pl) (Curtis 1930 [as shrimp])
§ Alaskan commercial shrimps (from Pandalopsis dispar (sidestripe shrimp), Pandalus borealis (pink shrimp), Pandalus
danae (coonstripe shrimp), Pandalus hypsinotus (humpbacked shrimp), Pandalus platyceros (spot prawn, Alaskan prawn)
Sayfa 62
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Haymatlos (undefined)
scientific name: ?
inarayuli (Cup'igDict [as shrimp-like creature that is found around rocks and muddy shores])
scientific name: ?
nastarnar (Cup'igDict [as beach bug that is similar to a tiny lobster; arthropod])
scientific name: ?
ukiutnar (Cup'igDict [as hard-shelled sea creature that resembles a stick; snap or clasp (the creature
about two inches in length and half an inch in width, to eat it one breaks the sea shell in half and sucks
out the contents)])
scientific name: ?
keliissir (Cup'igDict [as inedible red worm found on beaches similar to a centipede, male of species])
scientific name: ?
wiinguyug (Cup'igDict [as inedible red worm found on beaches (similar to a centipede)])
scientific name: ?
qumag (Cup'igDict [as tapeworm])
Araneae (spiders «» örümcekler)
scientific name: ?
neguryar (Cup'igDict [as spider])
scientific name: ?
negg'ar (Cup'igDict [as tundra spider])
Sayfa 63
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Insecta (insects «» böcekler)
insect, crawling thing «» böcek
kingug (sg) (Cup'igDict [as insect; bug])
scientific name: ?
tengleryagar(ar) (Cup'igDict [as little bug near the beach that tries to get into the eyes])
scientific name: ?
elqir (Cup'igDict [as beetle])
scientific name: ?
melzngur (Cup'igDict [as beetle])
Musca domestica
house fly «» sinek
anaririyar (Cup'igDict [as housefly])
house fly maggot «» sinek kurdu
paru (Cup'igDict [as bug found on dried fish]). cf. Yup’ik paraluq
quvlur (Cup'igDict [as maggot])
Scathophaga stercoraria
yellow dung fly «»
anaar(ar) (Cup'igDict [as dungfly, reddish colored fly smaller than a housefly])
scientific name: ?
mosquito «» sivrisinek
kegturyar (sg) (Cup'igDict [as mosquito])
scientific name: ?
gnat «»
ill'artayuli (Cup'igDict [as gnat])
bumblebee «»
megtar (sg) megtat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as bumblebee])
Sayfa 64
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Lepidoptera spp.
butterfly «» kelebek
caq'lengtar (Cup'igDict [as butterfly])
caterpillar «» tırtıl
ugluussir (Cup'igDict [as caterpillar])
Pediculus humanus humanus
body louse, human louse «» bit
neresta [lit. “eater”] (Cup'igDict [as louse])
nit, louse egg «» sirke, bit yumurtası
ingqi (Cup'igDict [as louse nit])
Plantae (plants «» bitkiler)
plant «» bitki
naucir (Cup'igDict)
naucirar (Cup'igDict)
flower «»
nauciar (Cup'igDict)
nauciarar (Cup'igDict)
leaf «» yaprak
cuya (Cup'igDict [as leaf of yellow flowering plant)
pellukutar (Cup'igDict [as leaf])
seed «» tohum
iiqupag (Cup'igDict)
plant root «» bitki kökü
acilqur (Cup'igDict)
stem «» sap, bitki sapı
epu (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 65
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
berries, fruits «» meyveler
berry; fruit «» meyve
orange «» portakal
atsarpag [lit. “big salmonberry”] (Cup'igDict)
apple «» elma
kavlagpag [lit. “big bearberry”] (Cup'igDict)
dried peach; dried apricot «» kuru şeftali; kuru kayısı
ciutequmlag (Cup'igDict)
prune «» kuru erik, erik kurusu
anaqupag (Cup'igDict)
canned food (especially fruit) «» meyve konservesi
pankar (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 66
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Rubus chamaemorus
cloudberry, lowbush salmonberry, salmonberry (locally) «»
atsar (sg) atsag (dual) atsat (pl) [berry] (Cup'igDict, Griffin 2001, Lantis 1959 [as a'tsax], Curtis
1930 [as á-ćhŭb salmonberry])
atsakutag [leaf and stem] (Cup'igDict, Griffin 2001)
qelengqur [green (underripe) salmonberry] (Cup'igDict)
Rubus arcticus
arctic raspberry, wild raspberry, Alaskan raspberry, raspberry (locally), nagoonberry (locally) «»
puyuraar (Cup'igDict)
puuyaragur (Griffin 2001)
puuyuraqur ([bloom](Griffin 2001)
pu-yo-wá-lŭt (Curtis 1930 [as strawberry])
Empetrum nigrum (subsp. hermaphroditum)
crowberry, black crowberry, curlewberry, blackberry (locally), mossberry (locally) «»
Sayfa 67
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
paunrar (sg) paunrag (dual) paunrat (pl) [berry] (Griffin 2001, Curtis 1930 [as bón-hlŭt
pauner [berry] (Griffin 2001)
paunr(ar) [berry] (Cup'igDict)
paun’erqutar [leaf] (Cup'igDict, Lantis 1959 [as pa'unaxo'tax])
Arctostaphylos alpina
bearberry, black bearberry, alpine bearberry, kinnikinnik «»
kavlag (sg) kavlat (pl) (Cup'igDict, Griffin 2001, Lantis 1959 [as ga'valix], Curtis 1930 [as kṹv-lit
Vaccinium uliginosum
blueberry (locally), lowbush blueberry, alpine blueberry, bog blueberry, bog bilberry«»
curer (sg) (Cup'igDict)
currat (pl) (Griffin 2001, Curtis 1930 [as ćhó-hlŭt blueberry])
Vaccinium vitis-idaea (var. minus)
lowbush cranberry, mountain cranberry, rock cranberry, lingonberry, red crowberry, redberry (locally
Pete 1991) «»
Sayfa 68
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
tumaglir [berry] (Cup'igDict, Griffin 2001, Curtis 1930 [as du-mṹ-g‘lit cranberry])
tumaglirkar (sg) [leaf] (Cup'igDict)
tumaglikatat (pl) [leaf] (Griffin 2001)
Cornus sericea, Cornus stolonifera
red osier dogwood «»
§ red-osier dogwood, Cornus stolonifera: Central interior Alaska north to Porcupine and Yukon Rivers, west to koyukuk and Anvik, and
south to Stony River, Anchorage area, and Copper River Vally. Also through southeast Alaska from Skagway at head of Lynn Canal to
Portland Canal, but not recorded from Chichagof and Baranof Islands (Viereck 1975).
mengqullegtar (Cup'igDict [as bunchberry])
ćhṹk-la-gú-tŭt (pl) (Curtis 1930 [as mossberry]). cf. Yup'ik cenqqullektat, cengqulkegcitat,
cengqulliktaaq, cingqulliktaaq, cingqullegtaq
Streptopus amplexifolius (var. amplexifolius & chalazatus & papillatus)
watermelon-berry, twisted stalk, claspleaf twistedstalk (var. amplexifolius & papillatus), tubercle
twistedstalk (var. chalazatus) «»
atsarrlug (Cup'igDict [as tall plant with many smooth, rather thin, alternate leaves and berries on a
long stem, which grows on grassy areas, possibly watermelon-berry])
atsarllug (Griffin 2001)
Sayfa 69
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
trees and shrubs «» ağaç ve çalılar
tree «» ağaç
napa (Cup'igDict)
wood «» odun; tahta
equg (sg) (Cup'igDict)
small driftwood «» dalgaların karaya attığı ufak odun
awussag (Cup'igDict)
hard wood; hickory «»
teggsag (Cup'igDict)
hard wood (used for making bows and the like) «»
etgerer (Cup'igDict)
red wood; reddish colored wood «»
alcir (Cup'igDict)
tree trunk «»
awayar (Cup'igDict)
long roots of a tree trunk «» uzun ağaç kökü
cagpaalug (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 70
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
roots flaring out from trunk of uprooted tree; hind «»
mimer (Cup'igDict)
lower part of a tree trunk including the flare and lateral root «»
mimernar (Cup'igDict)
part of a tree trunk that goes up «»
epulqur (Cup'igDict)
taproot of a tree «»
tallirnar (Cup'igDict)
tree burl (especially spruce) «»
alevlar (Cup'igDict)
Picea glauca & Picea mariana
white spruce & black spruce «» ak ladin & kara ladin
white spruce, Picea glauca: Through interior Alaska corresponding to the range of the spruce-hardwood forest, north and west to tree
limit. From Firth River and its tributary Joe Creek on Arctis slope, west along south slopes of Brooks Range from Arctic and Wiseman to
Noatak River. South in eastern part of Seward Peninsula to Unalakleet, St. Marys on Yukon River, Bethel on Kuskokwim River, and
Dillingham, and Naknek Lake near base of Alaska Peninsula (Viereck 1975).
black spruce, Picea mariana: Interior Alaska within range of the spruce-hardwood forest and north to southern slopes of Brooks Range.
West from Old Rampart to Wiseman, upper Kobuk River near Shungnak, also Squirrel River, to Kaltag on Yukon River and to Elim at base
of Seward Peninsula, South to Stony River on Kuskokwim River, Lake Clark, and Iliamna, and reported from Naknek at base of Alaska
Peninsula (Viereck 1975).
equgpigar (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 71
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Populus balsamifera
balsam poplar, cottonwood (locally) «» kavak
§ balsam poplar, Populus balsamifera: Through interior Alaska corresponding to the range of the spruce-hardwood forest, north and west
to tree limits and in scattered stands beyond. North on south slopes of Brooks Range in drainages of Porcupine, Koyukuk, Kobuk, and
Noatak Rivers; north of Brooks Range in small isolated stans along many rivers draining into Arctic Ocean from Firth River westward but
best developed and most extensive along Canning River, West to Igloo (northeast of Teller) near western tip of Seward Peninsula; south to
Unalakleet, mouth of Yukon River at Alakanuk, reaching coast of Bristol Bay near Dillingham, on Alaska Peninsula at Katmai National
Monument and southwest to Chignik, and on Kodiak Island (Viereck 1975).
qimukcuar(ar) [cottonwood buds] (Cup'igDict)
ciqur [cottonwood log] (Cup'igDict)
Salix spp.
willow «» söğüt
uqvigar (Cup'igDict)
qugyuguat (pl) (Griffin 2001)
willow-leaves «»
ćhú-yŭt (pl) (Curtis 1930)
willow bud «»
qimukcuar(ar) (sg) (Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as kik-nṹh-wat willow, pussy, bud of])
catskins «»
qimugkararat (pl) (Griffin 2001)
willow shoot «»
qikmirruar (Cup'igDict)
willow root (used for lashing) «»
taluyiurun (Cup'igDict)
fuzzy-coated willow (Curtis 1930) «»
nŭn-hrė-ṇ‘-wȯf (Curtis 1930)
Sayfa 72
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Salix alaxensis
feltleaf willow, Alaska willow «» Alaska söğüdü
feltleaf willow, Salix alaxensis: Widely distributed and common almost throughout Alaska from southeast Alaska to Arctic Ocean.
Southeast Alaska from Hyder to head of Lynn Canal but not on outer islands; north through interior to Arctic Coast and northwest to Cape
Lisburne; west to Bering Sea except in a few isolated areas, St. Lawrence, St. Mathew, and Pribilof Islands; southwest on Alaska Peninsula
and Aleutian Islands to Unalaska Island; and east to Kodiak Island, Cook Inlet, and Prince William Sound (Viereck 1975). Tall shrub or tree
up to 10 m tall (Collet 2004).
qugyuguat (pl) (Griffin 2001)
ki'xmi°ax (pl) (Lantis 1959)
Salix pulchra, Salix planifolia subsp. pulchra var. pulchra
diamondleaf willow (diamond-leaf willow) «» elmasyapraklı söğüt
diamondleaf willow, Salix planifolia ssp. pulchra: Almost all Alaska except the western Aleutians and the coastal forests of southeastern
part. In southeast Alaska only at Juneau and Haines. From Prince William Sound northward to the Arctic Ocean; westward to the Chukci and
Bering Seas, including many island locations; southward to the eastern Aleutians, and east to Kodiak Island and Kenai Peninsula (Viereck
1975). Low to tall shrub, 1-4 m (Collet 2004).
qugyuguat (pl) (Griffin 2001)
ki'xmi°ax (pl) (Lantis 1959)
qimukcuar(ar) (Cup'igDict)
Salix fuscescens
Alaska bog willow«»
qimugkararat (Griffin 2001)
pa'li (Lantis 1959)
scientific name
low bush willows, tundra willows «»
inaqacit (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 73
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Betula nana (subsp. exilis)
dwarf birch, dwarf arctic birch «» bodur huş
§ dwarf arctic birch, Betula nana: Very widespread nearly throughout interior Alaska, north almost to Arctic Ocean, west to Bering Sea
and western end of Alaska Peninsula. South of Alaska Range to Kodiak Island, Kenai Peninsula, and Copper River drainage. Also local in
northern end of southeast Alaska at Yakutat and head of Lynn Canal at Haines and Skagway (Viereck 1975).
cupu'yaxotet (Lantis 1959)
Betula papyrifera (var. kenaica)
paper birch, American white birch, canoe birch; subspecies: Kenai birch «» kağıt huşu
§ Kenai birch, Betula papyrifera var. kenaica: Southern part of interior Alaska from Cook Inlet, Kenai Peninsula area, and west to Kodiak
Island and base of Alaska Peninsula (Viereck 1975).
birchbark (found on beach) «» huş kabuğu
qasru (Cup'igDict)
Alnus spp.
alder «» kızılağaç
cukvagguar (Cup'igDict)
Alnus viridis subsp. crispa, Alnus crispa
mountain alder, American green alder «»
Sayfa 74
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
§ American green alder, Alnus crispa: Widely distributed in interior Alaska north to Colville River, north slopes of Brooks Range, Firth,
Porcupine, Yukon, Koyukuk, Kobuk, and Noatak Rivers, and west to Bering Sea; south to Bethel and Alaska Range and southward in
Susitna and Copper River Valleys, locally beyond (Viereck 1975).
Alnus incana subsp. tenuifolia, Alnus tenuifolia
thinleaf alder «»
§ thinleaf alder, Alnus tenuifolia: Interior Alaska from Yukon River Valley west to mouth of Yukon River, south to Bethel on Kuskokwim
River, and base of Alaska Peninsula at Katmai, and east to Kenai Peninsula and Copper River Valley. Also north end of southeast Alaska
from Juneau to Haines (Viereck 1975).
Rhododendron palustre subsp. decumbens, Ledum palustre subsp.
decumbens, Ledum decumbens, Rhododendron subarcticum, Rhododendron tomentosum
subsp. subarcticum
tundra tea (locally), Eskimo tea (locally), narrow-leaf Labrador tea, Labrodor tea «» Eskimo çayı
ayu (Cup'igDict, Lantis 1959 [as ai'yu])
ay'ut (pl) (Griffin 2001)
Sayfa 75
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
herbs «» otlar
pepper «» biber
piilicar (Cup'igDict)
onion «» soğan
anyanssar (< İngilizce / English onions) (Cup'igDict)
bean «» fasulye
nelernar (Cup'igDict)
pea «» bezelye
cin'amerlag (neologism) (Cup'igDict)
rice «» pirinç
quvlurruar [lit. “imitation maggot”] (Cup'igDict)
tea «» çay
caayu (< Rusça / Russian чай) (Cup'igDict)
coffee «» kahve
kuuvviar (< Rusça / Russian кофе) (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 76
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Angelica lucida
wild celery (locally), seacoast angelica, sea-watch «»
ikiitug (sg) ikiitut (pl) (Cup'igDict [as wild celery; cowslip], Curtis 1930 [as i-kí-tuk wild parsnip])
ik'itut (pl) (Griffin 2001)
Ligusticum scoticum subsp. hultenii, Ligusticum hultenii
Hulten's licorice-root, wild parsnip, wild parsley, sea parsley, sea lovage, beach lovage, Scotch lovage,
Scots lovage «»
tukayug (sg) (Cup'igDict [as wild parsley (roots are eaten)], Lantis 1959 [as tuxkai'yuk])
tuk'ayut (pl) (Griffin 2001)
ciukarer (sg) (Cup'igDict [as lovage], Lantis 1959 [as ciuga'Xax])
ciukarrat (pl) (Griffin 2001)
scientific name
edible plant that grows on sand dunes and resembles a lovage «»
arriqar (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 77
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Heracleum maximum, Heracleum lanatum
cow parsnip (cowparsnip), common cowparsnip, Indian celery «»
tulukarnaram alungellra [< tulukarnara'ar “swallow” + alunge- “to lap (specifically refers to
animals)”] (Cup'igDict [as wild celery; cow parsnip (the stalk looks reddish on the outside; it is said
that a swallow licked the cowslip making it red)])
Cicuta virosa, Cicuta mackenziana
Mackenzie water-hemlock, poisonous water hemlock, poison water hemlock «»
anguturlur (Cup'igDict)
Achillea sibirica
Siberian yarrow «»
teptukuyug (Cup'igDict [as pleasant smelling plant, likely varerian, collected in summer]
Sayfa 78
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Artemisia tilesii
Tilesius' wormwood, wormwood, stinkweed, caribou leaves «» Tilesius yavşanı
neqnialzngur (sg) (Cup'igDict)
neqnialngut (pl) (Griffin 2001)
Petasites frigidus var. frigidus, Petasites hyperboreus, Petasites alaskanus
arctic sweet coltsfoot «»
kalzngagguar (Cup'igDict)
qallngaguar (Griffin 2001)
Senecio pseudoarnica
seaside ragwort, beach fleabane «»
qugyugguar (sg) (Cup'igDict, Lantis 1959 [as ko'xoyu'xoax], Curtis 1930 [as ku-gi-yú-qat ice-plant])
Sayfa 79
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Honckenya peploides (subsp. diffusa & major)
sea chickweed (locally), beach greens (locally), seabeach sandwort, seaside sandplant, sea sandwort
(UK), seaside sandplant (Canada) «»
tukulleggar (sg) (Cup'igDict, Lantis 1959 [as tuku'lixax])
tukullegat (pl) (Griffin 2001, Curtis 1930 [as du-gó-śhlu-gŭt wandering Jew]). The "wandering Jew"
is spiderwort (Tradescantia)
Oxyria digyna
mountain sorrel, alpine mountainsorrel, alpine sorrel, wood sorrel, sourgrass «»
quulistar (Cup'igDict, Griffin 2001)
Polygonum bistorta (var. plumosum)
pink plumes (locally), meadow bistort, common bistort, bistort «» kurtpençesi
ciwassat (pl) (Griffin 2001)
Sayfa 80
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Polygonum viviparum
alpine bistort, wild rhubarb (locally) «»
ciwassat (pl) (Griffin 2001)
an.agocu'noax (Lantis 1959)
Rumex arcticus (var. arcticus & perlatus)
arctic dock, arctic sourdock, sourdock (locally), wild rhubarb (locally), wild spinach (locally) «»
© images → & &
ciwassar (sg) ciwassat (pl) (Cup'igDict, Lantis 1959 [as ciwa'sax], Griffin 2001, Curtis 1930 [as ćhiwá-sat dock-leaves])
scientific name
sourdock that grows in freshwater springs «»
niucinar (Cup'igDict)
Claytonia tuberosa (var. czukczorum & tuberosa)
tuberous springbeauty (spring-beauty), wild potato (locally), Eskimo potato (locally) «»
© images →
ulqir (sg) (Cup'igDict [as wild cliff potato], Curtis 1930 [as úśh-sket wild potato])
ulpit (pl) (Griffin 2001)
atkallar (sg) (Cup'igDict [as wild potato that grow near cliffs])
Claytonia sibirica (var. sibirica)
Siberian springbeauty «»
Sayfa 81
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Chamerion angustifolium, Epilobium angustifolium
tall fireweed, fireweed «»
cilqaar(ar) (sg) (Cup'igDict, Lantis 1959 [as ci'lkax])
cilqaarat ~ ilqaarat (pl) (Griffin 2001 [as Dryopteris dilatata (?) shield farn]; but, Epilobium
angustifolium fireweed is nameless, unnamed)
Chamerion latifolium, Epilobium latifolium
dwarf fireweed «»
Caltha palustris (var. palustris [= asarifolia] & radicans)
yellow marsh marigold, marshmarigold (locally)«»
wivlug (sg) wivlut (pl) (Cup'igDict, Griffin 2001, Lantis 1959 [as wi'vilux], [as
wivlat Pallas buttercup], Curtis 1930 [as wí-v‘lut cowslip])
leaf/leaves of marshmarigold «»
arnat (pl) (Cup'igDict, Griffin 2001)
bulb of marshmarigold «»
anguteryug (sg) (Cup'igDict)
anngutet (pl) (Griffin 2001)
Sayfa 82
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Coptidium pallasii, Ranunculus pallasii
Pallas' buttercup, Pallas buttercup «» Eskimo düğünçiçeği
© images →
aaggulunguar (Cup'igDict)
agolu'noux (young) (Lantis 1959)
pi'nasga'sax (mature) (Lantis 1959)
Aconitum delphiniifolium (subsp. chamissonianum & delphiniifolium &
larkspurleaf monkshood «»
esetegneg (Griffin 2001) (?cetegner Cup'igDict [as monkshood])
Comarum palustre, Potentilla palustris
purple marshlocks, swamp cinquefoil, marsh cinquefoil, marsh five-fingers «»
mecungyuilzngur (sg) mecungyuilzngut (pl) Cup'igDict, Curtis 1930 [as mu-ćhúṇ-yui-luṇ-ŭt
Hudson's Bay tea])
Dryas drummondii (var. drummondii & eglandulosa & tomentosa)
Drummond's mountain-avens, yellow dryas «»
paliarer (sg) (Cup'igDict [as yellow dryas seed head; Alaska cotton; cottongrass (note voiced but
geminated l, not lz)])
Draba borealis or Draba hyperborea
cliff lettuce (locally), wild lettuce (locally), boreal draba or North Pacific draba «»
inguqir(sg) inguqit (pl) (Cup'igDict [as cliff lettuce], Griffin 2001)
Parrya nudicaulis
nakedstem wallflower, wild cabbage (locally), wild celery (locally) «»
inguqit (pl) (Griffin 2001, Lantis 1959 [as inu'kit], Curtis 1930 [as iṇ-ú-ket wild cabbage])
Sayfa 83
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Rhodiola integrifolia (subsp. integrifolia), Sedum rosea subsp.
integrifolium, Sedum integrifolium, Sedum rosea var. alaskanum, Sedum alaskanum
ledge stonecrop, western roseroot, roseroot (locally), rosewort (locally), king's crown «»
megtat neqait (pl) [lit. “bumblebees’ foods”] (Cup'igDict)
megtat neqiat (pl) (Griffin 2001)
ca'klax (Lantis 1959)
Mertensia maritima (var. maritima & asiatica)
oysterleaf, oysterplant, sea bluebell «»
civnerturpag (sg) (Cup'igDict)
ciunerturpat (pl) (Griffin 2001)
Pedicularis verticillata & Pedicularis lanata
whorled lousewort, verticillate lousewort & woolly lousewort «»
megtat neqait (pl) [lit. “bumblebees’ foods”] (Cup'igDict [as lousewort; roseroot; any flowering plant
that bumble bees feed on])
Hedysarum alpinum
alpine sweetvetch, Eskimo patato, Indian potato, wild potato (locally), wild carrot (locally) , Yupik
potatoes (Hooper Bay Upward Bound) «»
Sayfa 84
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Eriophorum angustifolium (subsp. angustifolium & triste)
tall cottongrass, narrow-leaved cottongrass, common cottongrass, cottongrass «»
lower stems of tall cottongrass «»
pekner (Cup'igDict [as tall grass with pink stem (edible)], Griffin 2001)
root (tuber) of tall cottongrass, mouse nuts, grass root, raindrops «»
Eriophorum scheuchzeri
white cottongrass, arctic cotton grass, Alaska cottongrass «»
Eriophorum russeolum (var. albidum & majus)
red cottongrass, Alaska cottongrass «»
Eriophorum viridicarinatum
thinleaf cottonsedge «»
Sayfa 85
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
lower stem of cottongrass «»
melqiun (sg) (Cup'igDict [as mature Alaska cotton-grass])
melqiutet (pl) (Griffin 2001 [as Eriophorum spp.])
musqu' (Griffin 2001 [as Eriophorum spp.])
tengtarkat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as Alaska cottongrass])
paliarer (sg) (Cup'igDict [as yellow dryas seed head; Alaska cotton; cottongrass (note voiced but
geminated l, not lz)])
root (tuber) of cottongrass «»
Carex spp.
sedge «»
pekneret (pl) (Griffin 2001, Lantis 1959 [as pa'knex], Curtis 1930 [as puḱ-nṹk-hŭt sedge])
Elymus &Leymus &Puccinella ... spp.
grass «»
caneg (sg) (Cup'igDict)
Leymus mollis subsp. mollis, Elymus mollis, Leymus arenarius subsp.
mollis, Elymus arenarius subsp. mollis
American dunegrass, dune wildrye, dune grass, wild rye grass, beach rye grass, beach grass, saltwater
rye grass, coarse seashore grass «»
taperrnar (sg) taperrnat (pl) (Cup'igDict)
Sayfa 86
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
scientific name
dried grass roots from sand dunes used as a scrubbing implement for washing dishes «»
negavyat (Cup'igDict)
scientific name
woven grass «»
tupingqullut (Cup'igDict)
scientific name
tall coarse grass «»
patugpag (Cup'igDict [as tall coarse grass])
englullinrat (pl) (Cup'igDict [as tall course grass])
englullin(rar) (sg) (Cup'igDict [as long grass used for lining a storage pit])
scientific name
plant used for the wick of a stone lamp (found on top of some very dry knolls; black inside and yellow
on the outside; splits in half from the top toward the root, braid before use) «»
nanikiitar (Cup'igDict)
Hippuris vulgaris
common mare's-tail, mare's-tail, marestail, goose grass (locally) «»
tayaru (sg) (Cup'igDict [as goose grass (greens that grow in ponds and are picked soon after the
ponds thaw)], Lantis 1959 [as taxa'xo])
tayaarut (pl) (Griffin 2001)
root of marestail «» atkuyruğu kökü
Sayfa 87
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Equisetum arvense
field horsetail, common horsetail «»
kener (sg) (Cup'igDict)
kenret (pl) (Griffin 2001)
Dryopteris expansa, Dryopteris dilatata, Dryopteris dilatata subsp. americana
spreading woodfern, spreading wood fern, alpine buckler fern, fiddleneck fern, fiddlehead fern «»
ceturqaar(ar) (Cup'igDict, Lantis 1959 [as sto'xkax], Curtis 1930 [as stóḣ-ka-gŭt fern-roots])
centurkar (Griffin 2001)
§ The centurkar were listed were as “Dryopteris austriaca shield fern” by Griffin 2001 (and Lantis
1959), but this plant (Dryopteris austriaca = Dryopteris campyloptera) does not grow in Alaska. See
mosses and lichenes «» yosun ve likenler
Sayfa 88
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Pohlia nutans, Webera nutans
pohlia moss «»
kumarutet (pl) (Cup'igDict [as tundra mosses (used for fire starters)], Griffin 2001)
ke'agenax (Lantis 1959)
§ the name "tundra moss" is Calliergon giganteum, Polytrichum alpinum ...
algae «» suyosunları
Ulva spp.
sea lettuce «»
cinarassit (pl) (Griffin 2001)
cinarayet (pl) (Griffin 2001)
Alaria spp.
ribbon kelp «»
cinarassit (pl) (Griffin 2001)
Sayfa 89
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Fucus spp.
bladderwrack «»
elquat (pl) (Griffin 2001, Curtis 1930 [as s‘l-qát shredded seaweed])
elquar (sg) (Cup'igDict [as seaweed])
Palmaria mollis, Palmaria palmata f. mollis
red ribbon, dulse, seaweed «»
© images → Seaweeds of Alaska
cinarassit (pl) (Griffin 2001)
elqurlut (pl) (Griffin 2001)
elqurrlug (sg) (Cup'igDict [as kelp])
elquat (pl) (Griffin 2001)
scientific name
sea plant that is yellow and looks like a bloated tree branch «»
tukurnar (Cup'igDict)
lichens «» likenler
Cladonia spp.
plant which is like reindeer moss and is sewn inside seams of kayak cover «»
cigwinguar (Cup'igDict)
scientific name
red-tipped lichen «»
s‘kún-nŭt (pl) (Curtis 1930)
Sayfa 90
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
Cladonia cristatella (red-tipped lichen, British soldiers lichen) does not grow in Alaska:
§ See USDA
scientific name
clustered lichen «»
ák-sŭk-ḱé-nŭt (pl) (Curtis 1930)
fungi «» mantarlar
Phellinus igniarius, Fomes igniarius
chew ash fungus, punk fungus «»
pelur = ash from bark (or birch fungus) mixed with tobacco to prepare it for chewing snuff
Lycoperdon spp. & Calvatia spp.
puffballs «»
agyam an'a(i) (Griffin 2001)
Sayfa 91
Nunivak Çupikçesi Bitki ve Hayvan Adları ÜMÜT ÇINAR Nunivak Cup'ig Plant and Animal Names
1. Allen 1988 M. James Allen & Gary B. Smith, Atlas and Zoogeography of Common Fishes in
the Bering Sea and Northeastern Pacific, NOAA Technical Report NMFS 66, April 1988 →
2. AnknBirds A few birds from the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta →
3. Collet 2004 Dominique M. Collet, Willows of Interior Alaska, US Fish and Wildlife Service,
2004 →
4. Cup'igDict Nunivak Island Cup'ig Language Preliminary Dictionary →
5. Curtis 1930 The North American Indian, being a series of volumes picturing and describing,
in twenty volumes: The Indians of the United States, the Dominion of Canada, and Alaska,
written, illustrated, and published by Edward S. Curtis, edited by Frederich Webb Hodge,
foreword by Theodore Roosevelt, field research conducted under the patronage of J. Pierpont
Morgan, The Plimpton Press, Norwood, Massachusetts, nineteen hundred and thirty (= 1930)
[the first volume published in the year nineteen hundred and seven = 1907] →
6. Drozda 2006 Robert M. Drozda and Howard T. Amos, Nunivak Island Subsistence Cod, Red
Salmon and Grayling Fisheries – Past and Present, Annual Report for Study 05-353 (this
report was submitted as the annual report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of
Subsistence Management, Subsistence Fisheries Monitoring Program for project number 005353), Appendix E. Fish Terminology – English common/ Latin/ Eskimo Cross reference.
Preliminary version. [Yupik (Jacobson 1984; *other)], May 2006 →
7. Ellikarrmiut 1997 Ellikarrmiut Economy: Animal Resource Use at Nash Harbor (49-NI003), Nunivak Island, Alaska, Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Master of Science Degree Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon, original text
June 9, 1997, Internet text August 15, 1997, revised September 7, 1998 →
8. Griffin 2001 Dennis Griffin, Contributions to the Ethnobotany of the Cup'it Eskimo, Nunivak
Island, Alaska, Journal of Ethnobiology 21(2): 91-127 Winter 2001 →
9. Jerry 1966 Prepared by Jerry L. Hout, submitted by Calvin J. Lensink, Fish and Wildlife
Resourches of Nunivak Island, Part 1: Fisheries, National Wildlife Refuge, March 21, 1966 →
10. Krougly-Enke 2008 Nikita Krougly-Enke (Н. Круглый-Энке), Preservation of the Nostratic
Heritage and Renewal of Animal Names in Eskaleutian Languages, 2008, Москва →
11. Lantis 1959 Margaret Lantis, Folk medicine and hygiene: Lower Kuskokwim and NunivakNelson areas, Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska 8(1):1-75, 1959 (from
Griffin 2001)
12. Swarth 1934 Harry Schelwald Swarth, Birds of Nunivak Island, Cooper Ornithological Club,
Pacific Coast Avifauna, no. 22, Los Angeles, California, March 31, 1934 →
13. Viereck 1975 Leslie A. Viereck and Elbert L. Little, Jr., Atlas of United States Trees, Volume
2. Alaska Trees and Common Shrubs, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Miscellaneous Publication no. 1293, Washington, D.C., March 1975 →
Sayfa 92

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