

пк ю- 622 _02
Grass Carpet
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Nurteks uzun zamandir
Turkiye'de birinci futbol
ligindeki takimlarla cah§iyor,
p i y a s a d a k i b a § a n m i z i ve
deneyimlerimizi, ozel olarak futbol i<
geli§tirdigimiz yuksek kaliteli Magic urass
isimli urunumuzle birlestirdik. Futbol, karakteristigi geregi
dogal cim ihtiyacmm en fazla hissedildigi oyundur. Nurteks
olarak, Magic Grass'i lanse ederken amacimiz oyunculara
dogal cim ile ayni ko§ullan yansitacak sun'T gm sahalar
yaratmaktir. Magic Grass isimli uruniin lifleri Thiolon LSII
teknigi ile (manevra kabiliyetini kolayla§tinci) uretilen ilk,
tek ve benzersiz bir polietilen kan§imidir.LSR teknigi futbol
icin ozel olarak geli§tirilmi§tir. Ipligin yumu§akhk kalitesi
sakatlanmayi engelledigi gibi sentetik cime dogal gorunum
ve hissiyat vermektedir. Yeni jenerasyon Magic Crass
11,000 d-tex iplikten uretilmistir. Oncelikle Magic Grass'in
yiizeyini 12 mm yuksekliginde quartz olarak isimlendirilen
yumu§ak ve kuru ozel dere kumu ile dolduruyoruz. Quartz
kumun uzerine ise 33 mm SBR granul lastik do§uyoruz. Bu
doldurma sistemi sayesinde halmm yuzeyi top sigrama
normlanna uygunluk kazaniyor ve eski sisteme nazaran
daha esnek biryapiya kavu§uyor. Hahnm yuzeyinde kalan
yakla§ik 10 mm uzunlugundaki ip dogal gm goruntusune
kavu^mamizi saghyor.
Nurteks have been
working together with
Turkish premiership
soccer teams for some
time now. Our experience
and success in our domestic
market has given us the
expertise to deliver Magic Grass
of high quality specially developed
for soccer. Since soccer is a game where
the characteristics of natural grass are needed
the most, Nurteks Magic Grass has been developed
with the vision to create an artificial grass surface that
replicates the conditions required for play on natural grass.
sliding resistance). LSR yarns have been specially developed
by Thiolon Grass to enhance the game of Soccer and
give a softer less abraisive surface for the players. The soft
qualities in the yarns can reduce injury and give the
synthetic grass a natural look and feel. But more importantly
they allow the players more ability for mo%
for sliding tackles. Our new generation magic brass is
made up with 11.00© yarn dtex. Firstly the surface of the
Magic Grass is spread with a 12 mm depth of special
quartz sand. The sand is then left to settle before finishing
the infill system with a 33 mm depth of SBR rubber. This
system results in 10 mm of grass fibres that are left free
for play.
offers you the difinitive synthetic surface
for soccer.
Fenerbahfe antrenman sahasi / Fenerbahge Training Field
Grass Carpet
Magic Crass'in Avantajian
• Azaltilmis. kayma
• Hareket olanagmi artiran tasanm
• A§mmaya karsj yiiksek dayanikhlik
»Azaltilmis, kum yogunlugu
• Top ziplama normlarma uygunluk
• Dii§me aninda sakathgi onleyen tasanm
• Yuksek ultraviyole direnci
• Estetik gorunum
Hav Boyu / Nap Height
Hav Jpligi / Nap Yarn
Advantages of Magic Grass
Less slipping
More sliding
Ease of movement
High durability
Less sand density
Conformity by ball bouncing norms
Lower risk of injury
• High aesthetical appearance
: 55 mm
%100 Polietilen (LSR) UV katkili
100% Polyethylene (LSR) UV resistant
Iplik Kalmligi / Yarn Thicknes:: 11000 D-tex Renk
11000 D-tex Green Color
Top Boyu / Length of Roll
Top Eni / Width of Roll
Caranti / Guarantee
7-10 Yil arasi iklim §artlan dogrultusund
7 to 10 Years depends on climate
Grass Carpet
ek performansli
top sif ramasi
Tenis, kurallan geregi yuksek performansli zeminlere ihtiyac duymaktadir. Dikkat,
zamanlama ve hizm mag esnasmda en cok onem tasjdigi oyun tenistir. Teniste topun
sicramasi oyun icin onemlidir. Oyuncu topa vururken, diger oyuncu topun nereye
gidecegi ve nasil sicrayacagini bilirve ona gore pozisyon ahr. Duzgun, puruzsuz yuzey ve
oyunculann guvenligi icin bu §artlar gereklidir. Nurteks turn bu ozellikleri DIN 18032
top sicrama normlanna paralel olarak uretip, uygulamasmi gercekle§tirdigi 26 mm Tenis
£imde toplami§tir. Bu sistem mini tenis ve squash kansjini olan Padel icin de kullanilabilir.
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ball bouncing
The rules of Tennis also require high
performance surfaces. Tennis is a game
where speed and accuracy is of utmost
importance to the play. In Tennis the
bouncing of the ball is critical to the play. As
soon as the player hits the ball, the opposition
knows exactly where the ball is going to land
and how it will bounce and takes position
accordingly. These elements require a
perfectly smooth, levelled surface and the
assurance of safety for the players. Nurteks
can deliver all of these elements with our
superior 26 mm Tennis court Crass that is
in line with the DIN 18032 ball-bouncing
norm.This system can also be used for the
game of Padel. A type of mini tennis crossed
with squash. These days Padel is becoming
more and more popular throughout Spain.
Yer Montaji
Ground installation
Hav Boyu / Nap Height
: 26 mm, 20 mm, 15 mm
Hav ipligi / Nap Yarn
: %100 Polipropilen UV katkih
100% Polypropylen UV resistant
Iplik Kalmligi / Yarn Thicknes: 8800 Dtex Renk yesjl + kiremit
8800 Dtex Green + red Color
Top Boyu / Length of Roll : 25 m
Top Eni / Width of Roll
Garanti / Guarantee
: 5 Yil / Years
Magic Grass gibi Nurteksln uretimi olan 26 mm cim halmin her turlii
iklim §artlarma uygunluk ve di§ etkenlere dayaniklihk avantaji vardir.
Nurteks'in urettigi Magic Grass ve Futbol Cim asjn yagisji iklimlerde
maksimum duzeyde suyu drenaj sistemine aktaracak, kurak iklimlerde
ise canlihgim koruyacak §ekilde tasarlanmistir. Bu ozellikleri sayesinde
daha ekonomiktir, 24 saat kullamma hazirdir ve bakim maliyeti ^ok
du§uktur. Turn dunyada, limitsiz spor yapma imkani tanidigi ign,
farkli iklim ozelliklerine sahip ulkeleree sun'T ^im yuzeylere olan talep
\ ^ig gibi buyumektedir.
For SOCCCl fields in all climates
As with Magic Grass Carpet Nurteks 26 mm Grass Carpet has
the advantage of outstanding durability and extended usage in extreme
weather conditions. Nurteks Magic Grass and Soccer Grass are
designed to give optimal drainage under heavy rain and flourish even
in hot dry climates. These special features result in a more economical,
practical, 24hr a day play ability low maintenance choice of synthetic
Grass for soccer fields throughout the world in different climates.
'-. "-.у. .'•-'
Dogal c\m goruntiisii
26 mm derinlik 33 kg/m2 620) kuvars kum
26 mm depth 33 kg/m2 special quartz sand
Grass Carpe
Ara teksti! malzerne (ke^e) / Felt
3 kg/m fastik graniil / 3 kg/m rubber granule
10 cm derinlik 1 nolu micir biokaj
/ D cm depth no ? grit blockage
12-15 tin dennlik 4 nolu micir blol
12-TS cm depth no 4 grit blockage
Hav Boyu / Nap Height
19-26 mm / 19 to 26 mm
Hav ipligi / Nap Yarn
%100 PoIipropilen/100% Polypropylen
Iplik Kalmligi / Yam Thickiies 8800 D-tex Renk ycsil
8800 D-tex Green Color
Top Boyu / Length of Roll : 25 m
Top Eni / Width of Roll
Caranti / Guarantee
5 Yil / Years
^esitleri / Varieties
Duz, Kivircik / Straight, Curly
Hav Boyu / Nap Height
Hav ipligi / Nap Yarn
100% Polyethylene UV resistant
,;oratif Q'm Hall
iplik Kalmligi / Yam Thicknes: 2200 Dtex Renk yesjl
2200 Dtex Green Color
Top Boyu / Length of Roll : 25 m
Grass Carpet
Top Eni / Width of Roll
Garanti / Guarantee
,-urteks iirettigi ve mu§terilerinin begenisine sundugu
dekorasyon cim ile cocuk parklan, otel lobileri,
restoranlar, saunalar, jimnastik ve yuruyus. alanlan icin
estetik mekanlar hazirlar. Hij'yen ve U.V. i§mlarma kar§i
diren^ halmm dayaniklihgi ve bakimi ign gok
onemlidir.Bizim iirettigimiz dekorasyon gmde bu
ozellikler sizlerin urunumuzden maksimum duzeyde
faydalanabilmeniz igin biraraya getirilmi§tir.
The most aesthetical
: 4m
5 Yil / Years
Nurteks Decoration Grass Carpet has
been very successful in the domestic and
international market with it's top quality
aesthetic appearance. It has been installed
for use in playgrounds, hotel lobbies,
restaurants, saunas, gyms and sidewalks.
We know at Nurteks that with
Decoration carpets hygenienic qualities
and UV resistance are of importance to
the durability and maintenance of the
recreational area. That is why our
Decoration Grass Carpet encorporates
all of these qualities for your benefit.
If Referanslanmiz
Business References
BS EN ISO 9001: 2000
urteks Hall San. ve Tic. A.f.
1972yilmdan beri ticari hayatin
icerisindedir. Bukle
halida bir uzman olarak
30 yih a§km suredir
pazarda yer almaktadir. Nurteks
1983 yilmda uretim hattini yenileyerek
cim hah uretimini ba§latti. Tiirkiye'de oncu
olan ve kalitesi ISO 9001:2000 belgesi ile Moody
International Certification tarafmdan onaylanan firmamiz
kendisini ar-ge faaliyetlerinin siirekliligine adami§tir. Nurteks
uretimindeki surekli gelijim ve sati§ sonraasi destek hizmetleri ile her
zaman bir adirn onde gitmektedir. Oretimimiz olan cim hahlar yillardir tenisten
futbola, basketboldan voleybola, cim hokeyinden golfe kadar farkh alanlarda
kullanilmaktadir. Nurteks teknolojideki ilerlemeleri gozonunde bulundurarak kendi
ihtiyaclari ve mu§teri talepleri dogrultusunda uretimini geli§tirmeye devam edecektir.
Latex Ram Boliimu
Latex & Finishing system
Karistinci Sistem
Mixing system for latex
6 Hali San. ve Tic. A.S. have been trading
since 1972. An experts in Buckle carpets we have been
iness for over three decade:
revolutionized it's p._
and started to produce Grass
carpets in 198i. A pioneer in
Turkey and ISO 9001 approved for quality,
we are committed to the research and development
of our products. Nurteks have continued to stay one step
ahead by relying on the continuous development of our production
and support systems. Over the years we have extended the use of our
grass carpets from tennis to soccer, basketball, volleyball, grass hockey ar
golf. At Nurteks we keep an eye on technology and develope our productic
according to it's demands and the demands of our customers.
Some of our
Popescu Kulubii
Fenerbahfe Spor Kulubu
Dinamo Tiflis
Hava Radar Mevzi Komutanltgi
7. Ana jet Us Komutanligi
Ytldiz Teknik Universitesi
Mustafa Balki Spor Tesisleri
Milli Savunma Bakanligi
Osmangazi Universitesi
Kibns Uluslararasi Universitesi
Zeytinburnu Beiediye Bas,kanligi
George Hagi
Club Turtless Marco Polo
Kaya Otel
Tek-Art Holding Beldibi Tatil Koyii
Club Aldiana
Sympolitia Beiediye
e-mail: [email protected]
Yulafli Koyu Akbayir Mevkii
£orlu - Tekirdag / TURKEY
Tel: +90 (282) 676 45 87
Fax: +90 (282) 676 41 46
Head Off ice
Vefa Cemal Yener Tosyali Cad. No.42
Unkapani 34470 Istanbul - TURKEY
Tel:+90 (212) 511 1986
Fax:+90 (212) 519 20 17