Past Continuous Nedir?


Past Continuous Nedir?
Past Continuous Nedir?
Onaylayan admin
Perþembe, 07 Eylül 2006
Son Güncelleme Perþembe, 07 Eylül 2006
1.1 Form Of The Past Continuous tense
a) Affirmative (Positive) Sentences
was / were + -ingI
was eating hamburger
was having breakfast
was playing football
THEY were eating hamburger
were having breakfast
were playing football
• John went to bed at 10:30. At 11:00 he was sleeping.
• The children were playing in the garden at 9 o’clock in the morning.
• We were watching TV at 7 yesterday evening.
• My father was drinking coffee while I was sleeping.
• Mom was cooking lunch in the kitchen when I went home.
b) Negative Sentences
ITwas not eating hamburger
was not having breakfast
was not playing football
THEY were not eating hamburger
were not having breakfast
were not playing football
Past Continuous Tense olumsuz cümlelerinde, be ( was / were) yardýmcý fiiline not eklenir.
• Robert was not studying (Robert wasn’t studying)
• The baby was not sleeping. (The baby wasn’t sleeping)
• They were not listening to music. (They weren’t listening to music)
• I was not dancing. (I wasn’t dancing)
• She was not writing a letter. (She wasn’t writing a letter.)
• My mother was not making a cake (My mother wasn’t making a cake)
• We were not working. (We weren’t working.)
Joomla! ve MJ Turkiye ile Güçlendirilmiþtir
Oluþturan: 13 October, 2016, 12:03
c) Question Sentences
iteating hamburger?
having breakfast?
playing football?
eating hamburger?
having breakfast?
playing football?
Soru cümlelerinde WAS,WERE yardýmcý fiilleri öznenin önünde (cümle baþýnda) kullanýlýr. Fillere –ing takýsý eklenir.
• Was Jane sleeping in her room?
• Were the students studying in the library?
• Was the boss speaking on the phone at that moment?
• Were you going to the supermarket?
• Was the secretary typing the letters?
1.2 Use Of The Past Continuous Tense
a) The past continuous tense geçmiþte belirli bir zamanda devam etmekte olan bir eylemi ifade eder.
• At this time last week we were lying on the beach.
• My father was working in the garage so he didn't hear the telephone when I called him yesterday.
• I took my car to the mechanic yesterday because it wasn’t working properly.
• Sorry, I wasn't listening. Can you say it again please?
• What were you doing at 8 o'clock yesterday?
• Why were you talking to John when I saw you in the cafeteria yesterday?
• I went home early yesterday. Mon was still cooking the dinner.
b) Past continuous tense,simple past tense ile kullanýldýðýnda, bir eylem devam ederken, diðer bir eylemin de olduðunu ifade
eder.. Aþaðýdaki örneklerin her birinde, the basit eylem (past simple) daha uzun bir eylemin (past continuous) tam ortasýnda
• You phoned while I was having a bath.
• When I got home yesterday, a cat was sitting on the roof.
• It started to rain just as we were getting ready to have our picnic.
• The boy was standing on the table when the principal came into the room.
• Many people were shopping in the market when the bomb exploded.
• When I went to bed last night the sun was already beginning to rise.
• It was lucky we weren't sitting under that tree when the lightning hit.
• What were you doing when the lights went off last night?
• Were you watching me when I showed you how to do it?
• How fast was she driving when she had the accident?
1.2 Using Time Clauses in Past Continuous Tense
When - While - As
a) while,when,as ,time clause( zaman cümleciði) daki eylem continuous yapýda iken kullanýlýr..
I was walking down the street, I saw an old friend of mine.
b) while and as time clause( zaman cümleciði) daki eylem simple past ise asla kullanýlmaz.
Joomla! ve MJ Turkiye ile Güçlendirilmiþtir
Oluþturan: 13 October, 2016, 12:03
INCORRECT: While I came home, my sister was talking on the phone.
INCORRECT: As I came home, my sister was talking on the phone.
Joomla! ve MJ Turkiye ile Güçlendirilmiþtir
Oluþturan: 13 October, 2016, 12:03

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