ffi Fra`*u**
ffi Fra`*u**
ffi Fra'*u** Higher Education Learning Agreement form Student's name LEARNING AGREEMENT FOR STUDIES The Student Last name (s) EYLUL First name (s) KACANOGLU Date of birth 02/09/1992 Nationalityl TR Sex [M/F] F Academic year 2015/20L6 Study cycle2 SECOND Subject area, 231. Code3 +90533 500 22 08 Phone E-mail nise. no. haru @hotmail.com The Sending Institution ADNAN MENDERES UTiVTNSjTTSI Name Facu lty FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCiENCE Erasmus code TR AYDIN 01 Department FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITTERATURE (if applicable) Address DrS iLigKiLER oFisi K :1 REKTORLUK MERKEZ KAMPUS AYDIN / TURKIYE Country, Country codea TURKEY, TR Contact persons Claire KILINQ Contact person e-mail / phone [email protected] +90 256 278 20 37 name The Receiving Institution CENTRE UNIVERSITAIRE JEAN Name Facu lty ARTS, LETTRES ET LANGUE: FRANCOIS CHAMPOLLION F CASTRES 03 Department LETTRES MODERNES Address Service Relations Internationales Place de Verdun 81012 Albi Cedex Country, Country code FRANCE, FR Contact person PATRICIA DUMANT Contact person e-mail / phone patricia. Erasmus code (if applicable) name du ma nt@ un iv-jfc.fr [Additional contact persons that the sending or the receiving institution wants to introduce can be added in this box.l For Guidelines, please look at Annex 1, for end notes please look at Annex 2. E Higher Education Learning Agreement form Student's name Erasmus+ Section to be completed BEFORE THE MOBILITY I. PROPOSED MOBILITY PROGRAMME Sep€ Planned period of the mobility: from [month/year] 2015 till [month/year] Sab. 2016 Table A: Study orooramme abroad.6 Component Component code title (as indicated in the Semester course catalogue) at the receiving [autumn (if any) institution springl lor term] Number of / credits to ECTS be awarded by the receiving institution upon successful completion Panorama Civilisation Autumn 3 FLE Autumn 3 11LlLMO13FOM Linguistique Autumn 3 11L1ALL*1LVLP Allemand ALL Autumn 3 11L1LMO12FOM Litt6rature g6n6rale et compar6e Autumn 3 1 1 LlALLLLVIP Italien All Autumn 3 11LlLMO11FOM Littdrature frangaise Autumn 3 Anglais theme et grammaire Autumn 3 Anglais All Autumn 3 Autumn 3 11LlANG14FOM 1 1L1ANG1 lFOM 11 L1ALLl LVAP 11LlLMO14FOP 1 1 1 LittJrature frangaise mdthode 1 Total: ...30......... [Web link(s) to be provided.] Table B: Set of comoonents to be reolaced at sending institution Number of Compone nt code (if any) Component title (as indicated in the cource catalogue) at the sending institution Semester ior ingilizce Yazh Anla1m III Autumn 3 Autumn 3 Autumn 3 Autumn 5 sos FDE 3OB FDE 317 FDE 112 Genel Dilbilim Almanca II I Metin Aqklamag II [autumn springl [or term] I credits ECTS E Higher Education Learning Agreement form Student's name Erasmus+ III FDE 321 Yazar ve Metinler iot soq ingilizce Yazh Anla1m IV ior sos ingilizce Metin Aqktamag I Autumn 3 Autumn 3 Autumn Total:...21. Provisions that will apply if some educational components would not be successfully IPlease, specify or provide a weblink to the relevant information.] Language competence of the student The fevel of language competenceT in Tlanguage of instructionl that the student already has or agrees to acquire by the staft of the s(udy period is: A1 81 C1 C2tr tr A2n tr B2E tr [Other specific requirements that the sending or the receiving institution need to introduce can be added in this box.l ? E Higher Education Learning Agreement form Student's name Erasmus+ Section to be completed BEFORE THE MOBILIW I. PROPOSED MOBILIW PROGRAMME Planned period of the mobility: from Imonth/year]Gihh.{p. titt Imonth/year1J.;19;]o'6 Table A: Study prooramme abroad Component5 code (if any) Component title (as indicated the counse catalogue) at receiving institution 11 11 LlLMOZlFOM LlALL2LVLP in the Semester Number of ECTS credits springl [or term] receiving upon [autumn I to be awarded by the Spring 3 FLE Spring 3 Spring 3 Spring 3 3 II II 1 lLlALL2LVIP Italien All 1 1LlALLI lOOM Civilisation et Cindma Italien L 11 Spring 1 lLlANG21FOM Ihdme / grammaire Spring LMO22FOM Littdrature gdndrale et comparde 11118O12100V Bureautique et outil informatique 1 1 L1 1 1LlLMO27FOS Li n g u istiq ue - II phonetiq ue successful completion Linguistique syntaxe Allemand All institution Spring 3 Spring 3 Spring 3 fotal: 27 [Web link(s) to be provided.] Table B: Group of educational components in the student's degree that would normallv be completed at the sendinq institution and which will be reolaced by the study abroad NB no one to one match with Table A is required. Where all credits in Table A are recognised as forming part of the programme at the sending institution without any further conditions being applied, Table B may be completed with a reference to the mobility window (see guidelines). Component code (if any) Component title (as indicated the course catalogue) at sending institution in the Semester [autumn springl [or term] / Number of FDE 302 Sentaks II Spring 3 FDE 318 Almanca II Spring 3 FDE 322 Yazar ve Metinler IV Spring 3 ECTS credits E Higher Education Learning Agreement form Student' name Erasmus+ iDE 306 Ingilizce Metin Agtklamast FDE 308 Genel Dilbilim II Spring 3 Spring 3 Total: 15 If the student does not complete successfully some educational componentg, the tollowing [Please, specify or provide a web link to the relevant information.] Language competence of the student The level of language competenceT in fthe main tanguage of instruction] that the student already has or agrees to acquire by the start of the study period is: 41 tr 42tr 81 tr B2E C1 tr C2tr 3 ffi II. Higher Education Learning Agreement form Student's name Er-asnru*+' RESPONSIBLEPERSONS Responsible person8 in the sending institution: C) ),J //t/JYT Departmental Coordinator Name: Song0l Aslan Karallfl Phone number: l$95, Function: DePartment Coordinator E-mail : [email protected] Institutional Coordinator Functiont Vice Rector Name: Prof. Dr. Recai TUNCA Phone number: +90 256 2t8 2037 E-mail : erasmus@adu'edu'tr Responsible persone in the receiving institution: I Department Coordinator Name: Function Phone number; E-mail : [email protected] III. COMMITMENT OF THE THREE PARTIES By signing this document, the student, the sending institution and the receiving institution confir-m th3t they approve the proposed Learning Agreement and that they will comply with all the arrangements agreed by all parties. Sending and receiving institutions undertake to apply all the principles of ihe Erasmus Charter for Higher Education relating to mobility for studies (or the principles agreed in the inter-institutional agreement for institutions located in partner countries). The receiving institution confirms that the educational components listed in Table A are in line with its course catalogue. The sending institution commits to recognise all the credits gained at the receiving institution for the suciessfully completed educational components and to count them towards the student's degree as described in Table B. Any exceptions to this rule are documented in an annex of this Learning Agreement and agreed by all parties' The student and receiving institution will communicate to the sending institution any problems or changes regarding the proposed mobility programme, responsible persons andlor study period. The student Date: 1505.2015 Student's signature The sending institutfon Responsible ,1t,,;'i larl| ftrson6 ! .1.i, c The receivins i, L ": 15- institution,.2gtlLts-i:-:;:lr:,3h Responsible person's signaturqi t,'!, 1"'S':- Date: 25 05.;Olt