pieghevole giornate di studio istanbul .cdr


pieghevole giornate di studio istanbul .cdr
Mediterranean Study
Days upon quality and
food safety
Gýda Kalitesi ve
Güvenirliliði üzerine
Akdeniz Çalýþma
in collaborazione con
in cooperation with
Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs
Consulate General of Italy
in Istanbul
Consorzio per la Ricerca e la Formazione sulla Sicurezza Alimentare
The participation in the Study Day is free but previous registration is
required by e-mail or fax:
Çalýþma Günü'ne katýlým ücretsiz olup, önceden faks yada e-posta ile
kayýt olmak gerekmektedir:
Scientific Secretariat
Maria Pia Ragionieri
[email protected]
Remo Ciucciomei
Università di Siena
Organization Secretariat
Veronica Pecorella
[email protected]
Italian Institute of Culture
in Istanbul
Italian Permanent
Mission to UN and WTO
Tel 0090 312 232 5432
Mob 0090 533 354 3877
Fax 0090 312 232 5000
Official languages of the Study Day will be Turkish, Italian and English
Çalýþma Günü resmi dili Türkçe, Ýtalyanca ve Ýngilizce olacaktýr
April 16, 2010
Casa d’Italia Theatre,
Italian Institute of Culture
Meþrutiyet Caddesi no.75 Tepebaþý - Beyoðlu
Embassy of Italy
to Turkey
acing the global market of food products and looking at the free
trade area in the Mediterranean basin within 2010 as provided by
the Euro-Mediterranean Charter of Barcelona , the correlated needs
and opportunities became necessarily subject matter of discussion.
Because of the innovative development of preparation methods and
distribution systems food safety requires controls among the whole chain
according to standards of integrated approach. In a market framework
where words exchange between seller and consumer is even more reduced
or lacking, the communication related to the food origin is committed to
the signs on products labels as for the geographical marks , the
denominations of origin and the geographical indications. These signs
remind a certain linkage to the territory, to its culture and traditional
production and preparation methods of typical and peculiar food and
recipes of the Mediterranean diet. This link represents a “ value added”
due to natural and human factors and it is an indicator of the identity of
the territory in relation with the local communities.
Transferring contents and image concerning quality, safety and identity on
the market it is a task assigned to means regulated by national,
communitarian and international law, but they also find their “justification”
and implementation in a context where juridical and also economical,
technical and cultural profiles are contemplated.
The “Mediterranean Study Days upon Quality and Food Safety” (MSD) are
an itinerant initiative which moves through the Euro-Mediterranean
countries, facing the most current issues related to quality, identity and
food safety of Mediterranean food productions through a multi- disciplinary
and multi-level approach, involving institutions, enterprises of agricultural
and agro industry sector and citizens as consumers.
arselona Avrupa-Akdeniz sözleþmesi tarafýndan öngörüldüðü gibi
2010 yýlý içerisinde gýda ürünlerine global pazar önünde ve Akdeniz
havzasýnda serbest ticaret alanýnýn aranmasý için gereksinim
duyulan ihtiyaçlar ve imkanlar tartýþmanýn önemli konusunu teþkil
Gýda hazýrlama yöntemleri ve daðýtým sistemlerinde ortaya çýkan yenilikçi
giriþimler, gýda güvenirliliðinin önceden belirlenmiþ yaklaþým standartlarý ile
tüm zinciri kapsayacak þekilde kontrolünü gerektirmektedir. Pazarda satýcý
ve tüketici arasýnda kelimelerin farklýlýk göstermesinden dolayý iletiþimlerin
daha da yetersiz veya eksik kaldýðý bu dönemde, ürün etiketi üzerinde yer
alan ürün menþei adý ve coðrafi iþaretler gibi gýda menþei ile ilgili iþaretler,
bu iletiþim görevini üstlenmektedir
Bu iþaretler, yöre kültürü ve geleneksel üretim ve tipik hazýrlama yöntemi ve
Akdeniz diyetine özgü gýda ve içeriði için kesin baðlantýlarý belirtir. Bu
baðlantý, insan ve doða etmenleri sonucunda ‘katma deðer’’ ‘i gösterir ve
yöresel birimler ile iliþkiler sonucunda yörenin tanýmlanmasýna dair iþarettir.
Pazarda kalite, güvenirlilik ve tanýnabilirlikle ilgili olarak imaj ve içeriðin
nakledilmesi, ulusal, toplumsal ve uluslararasý kanunlar ile düzenlenmiþ ve
üstlenilmiþ bir görevdir ancak ayný zamanda ‘’gerekçe’’ ve uygulamanýn
içeriði yasal ve ekonomik, teknik ve kültürel unsurlar üzerine oturtulmalýdýr.
Akdeniz Çalýþma Günleri” (MSD Mediterranean Study Days) Avrupa-Akdeniz
ülkelerinin yer aldýðý bir yaklaþým olmakla birlikte Akdeniz tarým ürünlerinin
ve gýdalarýnýn güvenirliliði, kalitesi, tanýnýrlýlýðý üzerine çoklu-disiplin ve
çoklu-seviyede yaklaþým ile gýda zinciri içerisinde yer alan üreticiler, resmi
kuruluþlar, tarým ve gýda firmalarý ve üniversitelerin katýlýmlarý ile
Identity, quality and food safety of Turkish agro
food productions
Türk tarým ve gýda ürünlerinin kalitesi, güvenirliliði
ve tanýmlanmasý
Second Session
Greetings and Introduction
Alberto Schepisi
Chairman of the session
Ferdinando Albisinni
RIFOSAL Consortium
Maria Pia Ragionieri
University of Tuscia
Patrizia Pugliese
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari - IAMB
Rifosal Consortium
Organic Agriculture and Local Identities in the Mediterranean:
IAMB experience
Vincenzo Fersino
Remo Ciucciomei
Giorgio Starace
Italian Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies
Habip Asan
Mediterranean Institute of Certification - IMC
Guarantee and trust as marketing tools for Mediterranean quality
Ayþegül Akýn
Food and Agriculture Organization of UN – FAO
Turkish Patent Institute, Ministry of Industry and Trade
Organic Agriculture, good agricultural practices and G.I. in the food
supply chain
First session
Mahir Müderriszade
Chairman of the session
Stefano Grego
Which Policies to valorize organic products and Geographical
Indications in the distribution chain
RIFOSAL Consortium
Levent Þahin
Vildan Karaarslan
Touristic Hotels & Investors Association - TUROB
Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural affairs
Organic agriculture productions and valorization policies in Turkey
Gonca Ilýcalý
Turkish Patent Institute
Geographical Indications, typical productions and valorization
policies in Turkey
Fikri Kolenoðlu
Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Which synergies between Turkish tourism and Turkish agriculture
quality productions
Marina Montedoro
Italian Ministry of Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies
The protection of the Italian agro-food property: research and policy
Uygun Aksoy
University of Ege -Turkey
Yavuz Tekelioðlu
University of Akdeniz - Turkey
Francesco Adornato
University of Macerata - Italy
Which equivalence between Turkish and European legal
framework for Organic Agriculture and Geographical Indications
Coffee Break
Which policies to valorize organic products and Geographical
Indications through restaurants and tourism
Open Discussion
Closing session: conclusions
Chairman of the Session
Paolo Borghi
RIFOSAL Consortium
Italian Embassy in Turkey
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Turkey
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Turkey
13. 30
Convivium and tasting of Turkish regional recipes prepared
with organic and typical products

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